"Learn Spanish from Zero! (Beginners level 2)" |
"Following on from our initial foundation course, we are delighted to bring you the second stage of your journey to mastering the Spanish language. This course will take you one step further from the outright basics, covering topics such as body parts, the weather, sports & hobbies and others.In addition to the video tutorials you will receive a number of worksheets and quizzes. This will give you the ability to put your Spanish skills to test throughout the course, in real-time, to see how you are doing and to highlight any areas you need to work on. Your instructor Patricia will then be on hand to answer any questions you may have."
Price: 199.99

"Elaborao de Projetos de Educao Ambiental" |
"Sero abordados aspectos tericos e prticos que habilitem e motivem os profissionais a formularem e implantarem projetos de educao ambiental em consonncia com as principais correntes tericas requisitos legais existentes.Programa:- Educao Ambiental: conceitos e contextos- Importncia da educao ambiental nos diversos setores: poder pblico, empresas, terceiro setor;- Educao Ambiental formal e no formal- Metodologias e recursos pedaggicos em educao ambiental: Dinmicas, estudos do meio e caderno de campo, trilhas interpretativas, arte e comunicao (mdia, pinturas, e outros recursos)- Projetos educacionais- Tcnicas e Etapas na Elaborao de projetos de educao ambiental- O sistema de financiamento da educao ambiental (Ministrio do Meio Ambiente)"
Price: 39.99

"How to Practice Mindfulness & Mindful Meditation" |
"Is it normal for you to get lost in thought? Do you often think about the past? Or worry about the future?According to Thch Nht Hnh, the present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.In todays world, many of our minds are rooted in the past or the future. Focusing on the past can cause feelings of depression, pain, and self-loathing. On the other hand, focusing on the future can elicit feelings of anxiety and fear. Constantly living in these states results in suffering, hence why stress, sleepless nights, poor concentration, physical ailments, and aimlessly trudging through life has become the norm for many of us.Fortunately, you have the power to change your experience of life. By learning to live in the here and now, you will develop a sense of contentment and appreciation for the ebbs and flows in life. Also, with increased mindfulness comes increased self-awareness. You will better understand and value yourself.In this course, well focus on easing suffering by bringing our minds to the present moment. This course is for beginners. You do not need previous knowledge of mindfulness or meditation, as I will make sure you have the foundational knowledge. Each lesson is followed by mindfulness exercises. Additionally, students will receive a Mindfulness eBook, and guided meditation tracks.This course is for you if:Youre curious about mindfulnessDont know where to startYou're having a difficult time incorporating the practiceFollow me and together we will learn how to leverage mindfulness to create a happier life experience."
Price: 59.99

"Unsupervised Machine Learning: Cluster Analysis Algorithms" |
"Clustering is the activity of splitting the data into partitions that give an insight about the unlabelled data. It gives a structure to the data by grouping similar data pointsWe see these clustering algorithms almost everywhere in our everyday life. Cluster Analysis has and always will be a staple for all Machine Learning. Clustering has its applications in many Machine Learning tasks: label generation, label validation, dimensionality reduction, semi supervised learning, Reinforcement learning, computer vision, natural language processing.For a data scientist, cluster analysis is one of the first tools in their arsenal during exploratory analysis, that they use to identify natural partitions in the data.In this course, you will learn some of the most important algorithms used for Cluster AnalysisEach dataset and feature space is unique. You cannot use a one-size-fits-all method for recognizing patterns in the data. Each algorithm has its own purpose.By studying the core concepts and working in detail and writing the code for each algorithm from scratch, will empower you, to identify the correct algorithm to use for each scenario.Some algorithms are fast and are a good starting point to quickly identify the pattern of the dataAnd some algorithms are slow but more precise, and allow you to capture the pattern very accurately.You will get to understand each algorithm in detail, which will give you the intuition for tuning their parameters and maximizing their utilityIn this course, for cluster analysis you will learn five clustering algorithms:You will learn about KMeans and Meanshift. These are two centroid based algorithms, which means their definition of a cluster is based around the center of the cluster.Next you will study DBSCAN and OPTICS. These are density based algorithms, in which they find high density zones in the data and for such continuous density zones, they identify them as clusters.Another type of algorithm that you will learn is Agglomerative Clustering, a hierarchical style of clustering algorithm, which gives us a hierarchy of clusters.For each algorithm, you will understand the core working of the algorithm. What parameters they use. How to choose and tune these parameters. How to evaluate the results for each algorithm. To consolidate your understanding, you will also apply all these learnings on multiple datasets for each algorithm. You can later compare all the algorithms and their performance.This course can be your only reference that you need, for learning about various clustering algorithms.The correct approach to this course is going in the given order the first time.Follow along the introductory lecture. It is highly recommended that during the coding lessons, you must code along. I have provided detailed jupyter notebooks along the course. You can keep them for reference. But it is highly recommended that you code along.You can pause the lesson. Write the code needed and at the same time think about the working flow.I assure you, there onwards, this course can be your go-to reference to answer all questions about these algorithms. You will have a lifetime of access to this course, and thus you can keep coming back to quickly brush up on these algorithms"
Price: 12800.00

"Entrepreneurship 101 : Stop Overthinking & Start Executing" |
"This course is designed for First-Time & Struggling Entrepreneurs. If your business is making less than 5 lacs per month, this course can be a radical game-changer in your life.After completing Module 1, You will be able to master the art of Introspection & define your life & business Vision.After completing Module 2, You will be able to master the art of Manifestation & give direction to your life.After completing Module 3, You will be able to master the art of Execution & start changing habitsAfter completing Module 4, You will understand why Entrepreneurs are able to Go from Rags To RichesAfter completing Module 5, You will be able to become a better problem solver & think criticallyAfter completing Module 6, You will have a framework on How to Discover Your Passion & fall in love with the struggles of life."
Price: 12800.00

"Beam Pump Automation and Control" |
"Beam pump is also known as SRP or Sucker Rod pump.Basically beam pumping system is a one of artificial lift method used when the pressure from natural reservoir drive decreases to the point where the well stops producing. The most common ways of providing artificial lift use pumps and gas injection.Artificial lift is a method employed on oil wells for increasing pressure within the reservoir and encouraging oil to reach the surface. In this course you will learn basics of artificial lifting system & their types and application.this course covers basic to detail about beam pumping system, its basic operation, Basic components of beam pump and their uses.Beam pump instrumentation & control, it includes all sensors and instruments used for monitoring and control of beam pumping system.Beam pump startup procedure & operation mode.Course also covers from sensor to control room how data is communicated and how it is possible to monitor and control the beam pumps from central control room."
Price: 2560.00

"100 Preguntas para la Administracin SAP [BASIS]" |
"En este curso los estudiantes aprendern mas acerca de SAP Netweaver y su administracin. Ideal para ayudar al usuario final en el trabajo diario de oficina Conozca las partes esenciales del sistema, familiarcese con el sistema SAP viendo videos cuidadosamente diseados sobre SAP.Su viaje al mundo de la administracin SAP comenzar de inmediato y poco a poco usted se familiarizar con el sistema de una manera muy simple. Este curso ofrece muchas explicaciones y demostraciones pensadas para que usted pueda adecuarlas en el da a da.Al final del curso, comprender SAP de tal manera que podr mejorar sus habilidades y utilizarlas inmediatamente en su trabajo."
Price: 99.99

"Corso Microsoft Excel Hero Master Wod con Excel in Italiano" |
"Microsoft Excel Hero Master WodCorso completo in lingua Italiana, registrato con Excel in versione Italiana, se cerchi il corso in versione Inglese cerca tra i miei corsi: tutte le lezioni sono disponibili con entrambe le interfacce.Corso sempre aggiornato (almeno una nuova lezione al mese), composto da 5 parti (livelli) che ti renderanno un eroe di Excel: Zero, Base, Intermedio, Avanzato e Master.Il percorso prevede un progetto con il quale sarai in grado di creare e gestire in totale autonomia un'ipotetica impresa, sia in relazione alla parte commerciale che amministrativa e burocratica, oltre ad un progetto VBA con il quale potrai creare un sistema di data entry all'interno di un file excel.Corso adatto a qualsiasi tipo di persona, non richiede alcun tipo di conoscenza informatica, baster avere un pc per iniziare il viaggio in questo fantastico applicativo.Ogni video girato stato inserito in una sezione specifica, in grado di semplificare l'apprendimento, per darti la possibilit di seguirlo agevolmente secondo il tempo che hai deciso di dedicargli, distribuendo la durata di ogni step nel modo migliore possibile.Troverai pi di 10 esercizi che ti aiuteranno a testare quanto appreso nelle varie fasi del corso: la struttura di ogni gruppo di lezioni studiata per simulare l'esperienza in aula, con la differenza che potrai scegliere tu quando fermarti, riuscendo a capire facilmente se ogni punto seguito stato appreso pienamente.Gli argomenti delle lezioni sono quelli che considero essenziali per fondere la migliore conoscenza del programma con una perfetta esperienza didattica, al fine di permetterti di lavorare con Excel sfruttandone a pieno le potenzialit ad ogni livello.Ogni aggiornamento pubblicato verr contrassegnato in modo evidente: ti dar la possibilit di scegliere gli argomenti da approfondire.Consulta l'elenco delle sezioni per avere un'idea dell'accuratezza di questo corso: nulla lasciato al caso, tutto viene proposto nel modo pi semplice e comprensibile, e non dimenticare di seguire la mia pagina personale, dove inserir gradualmente tutti i corsi Hero Master Wod, per diventare un esperto assoluto in ambito informatico!Se hai qualche domanda, puoi consultare l'elenco fornito in questo corso per verificare che non sia gi stata posta, utilizzare il forum o semplicemente chiedere, ogni dubbio dovr essere dissipato per consentirti di imparare tutto senza alcuna difficolt."
Price: 149.99

"Motivation Mastery: Find Motivation When Ever You want to !" |
"When it comes to executing a goal , plan or anything in life we tend to run into a wall which is ""Lack of Motivation"".We don't ""Feel"" like doing something even though we know that we have to or we have a goal that we aspire to achieve but for some reason when can't find the motivation to follow through our goals and dreams.Why is that the Case? Is it Normal? Can We do something about it ?In this course we will learn how to properly address the subject of Motivation , the various differences in feelings that we base our motivation on, along with figuring out the way to take the step towards our goals and dreams using a proper approach to Understand Motivation and Generating ours !"
Price: 199.99

"WordPress for Beginners" |
"A course on WordPress for Beginners. Starting with the basics, how to buy a domain name and hosting, to install WordPress, SSL, understanding the entire WordPress dashboard, to creating pages, blog posts, installing themes and plugins, creating menus, to understanding the default page editor, and moving on to the page builder Elementor, this WordPress course is ideal for beginners who are starting out with WordPress.By the end of this course, I am confident that you will be an expert in building WordPress websites, not only for blogging but also create complex eCommerce websites too. The course also includes a basic tutorial on the page builder Elementor.And for any queries or clarifications, you can always ask the instructor Tariq for help!"
Price: 19.99

"Etsy 2020: Learn Etsy from a Top 1% Seller" |
"Etsy 2020 Masterclass, filmed and created in 2020. Exclusive course created by a Top 1% Etsy Seller!Learn to master Etsy in 2020, the importance of branding, SEO, excellent customer service and more. With over 19,000 sales and 5,000 5-star reviews, I own a successful Etsy store for 6 years now and in a time when most sellers were stuck, I made even more money in 2020. It's time to share now with YOU everything that I have learned in this time, with all the tools that I use, all the secrets, tips and tricks. You probably read so much about Etsy already and you are still stuck, right? I know, I've been there! You kept hearing about marketing, SEO and other fancy things, but most people overlook other key elements in building your store. It's not all about SEO and you know it! It's time to learn Etsy from someone who is actually successful on the platform and who has actually tried all the hacks and tips. In this course, you will learn all the steps that you need to take to build and grow your Etsy store, from: Fully setting up and optimizing your Etsy store and listings Discovering your product and your nicheThe importance of brandingUnderstanding SEO and how Etsy worksMarketing and the tools that actually work nowBringing customers back into your store After you will finish this course, you will know how Etsy works and what you need to do to reach the top! No more time wasted on hundreds of SEO courses and growth systems, THIS is what you need to do to become successful on Etsy! Meet you at the top!"
Price: 64.99

"JK0-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice Exam" |
"316 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-802 CompTIA A + Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 316Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :210 minsPassing Score : 75 (237 of 316)"
Price: 179.99

"NR0-013 Teradata SQL Certified Practice Test" |
"115 UNIQUE practice questions for NR0-013 Teradata SQL Certified Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : NR0-013 Teradata SQL Certified Practice TestTotal Questions : 115Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :65 minsPassing Score : 75 (86 of 115)"
Price: 144.99

YouTubeJava#2 |
"Java #2 Java100~200YouTubeJavaJava8Java11JDKOracleJDKAdoptOpenJDKWindowsMacQ&AJavaJava YouTube96.4%JavaJava#1"
Price: 3000.00

"Splunk Core Certified User Practice Tests - (100 QUESTIONS!)" |
"This course is compromised of two practice exams covering the below listed items. Understanding and passing these exams proves you have Splunk Fundamentals knowledge needed to pass the Splunk Core Certified User Certification Exam.Course Items:Introduction to Splunk's interfaceBasic searchingUsing fields in searchesSearch fundamentalsTransforming commandsCreating reports and dashboardsDatasetsThe Common Information Model (CIM)Creating and using lookupsScheduled ReportsAlertUsing Pivot"
Price: 19.99

"Statistical and Demographic Measures of Migration" |
"The course provides post-graduate students, international agency staff, NGO workers, government officials and others working in the field of migration data systems or interested in working in this field with an introduction to the demography of migration, including data sources, data collection, and analysis of migration data. The course also can be considered as a response to the first objective of the Global Compact for migration Collect and utilize accurate and disaggregated data as a basis for evidence-based policies."
Price: 19.99

"5 Easy Origami Animals" |
"Hi, welcome to our first origami course. We'll be taking you through the steps you need to take in order to create your own origami animals consisting of a rabbit, cat, dragon, dinosaur and a penguin.We're Origami Creation House, and in this quick class, I will show you how to turn a sheet of paper into 5 different origami animals in a few simple steps without using any other materials! This is a really simple, but versatile technique for making origami animals!!"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced PugJs PugJs" |
"Advanced PugJs PugJs PugJs HTML !This course is professional, covering all concepts in the PugJsWhere we will treat HTML as a programming languageAfter completing the course, you will gain new skills in the field of web design and development, and you will have a deep vision in this fieldyou are welcome"
Price: 24.99

"Como administrar una empresa en tiempo de crisis (Fase 2)" |
"Este curso est diseado para mejorar da a da nuestra rentabilidad en nuestro negocio.Los temas a tratar son:Rentabilidad:-Costos de mantenimiento de mi negocio.-Ganancia de mis productos y ganancia de los mismos.-Productos que necesito que se vendan de forma inmediata.-Promociones para vender productos que me generan renta y hoy son una inversin inmvil.Asesoramiento adecuado:-Asesoramiento adecuado del producto que necesita o quiero vender a mi cliente.-Generar un vnculo de confianza hacia nuestro cliente.-Indagar correctamente al momento de la venta si el cliente tiene lo necesario o requieremas productos que pueda vender.Excelente atencin al cliente:-Amabilidad.-Dedicar el tiempo adecuado en cada instancia.-Hacerlo sentir que estamos en su compra y en lo que va a realizar.-Cerciorarnos si el artculo cumpli con sus expectativas luego de realizada la compra.Herramientas para una comunicacin directa con el cliente:-Datos de comunicacin con el cliente.-Intentar una fidelizacin si mi comercio tiene la posibilidad de ofrecerlo.-Comunicar de forma directa nuestras ofertas."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende sobre decoracin con poliestireno" |
"En este curso aprenders a realizar diseos creativos utilizando el poliestireno. Lo hars de una forma agradable y prctica, tambin te daremos consejos muy tiles para usar este material siendo responsables con el medio ambiente.Con los conocimientos adquiridos, estars en capacidad de realizar diseos profesionales para decorar tu hogar, o con fines comerciales.No necesitas conocimientos bsicos, solo necesitas muchas ganas de aprender."
Price: 24.99

"Classroom Management - Fundamentals of Teaching & Education" |
"You've created a dynamic lesson plan filled with creative activities, movement, and discussion. You've utilized Bloom's Taxonomy to ensure the content your teaching is high-up on the pyramid. You're convinced the education your students are about to receive will be nothing short of miraculous. Yet, at the end of the day, you've discovered that things didn't go quite as you had envisioned. Students were off task, behavior issues were higher than anticipated, and you exhausted too much time on student corrections and too little time on teaching content. If you've been teaching long enough, you've probably survived this scenario once or twice. What went wrong? Why didn't the students respond to your teaching in the manner you anticipated?The greatest lesson planning coupled with incredible teaching doesn't always equate to effective education or student learning. From early childhood education through high school students need structure and stability that teachers provide through the consistent application of their classroom management plan. In this course, I'm going to teach the components of your classroom management plan and show you how to incorporate it with fidelity.It all begins with strategic planning. Teachers are leaders and successful leaders plan strategically. During this course, we're going to create your classroom management plan. We'll start by creating your core values, vision, mission statement, and goals. Next we'll describe and create your classroom rules, procedures, consequences, and a rewards and motivation system. But we won't stop there, we'll discuss effective tier-1 strategies, attention signals, and as a bonus we'll review and I'll provide you with a copy of my Classroom Management Dashboard. Effective classroom management is the cornerstone to effective teaching. Even with the best of intentions, a child's education can be halted when structure and stability are missing in the classroom. Classroom Management - Fundamentals of Teaching & Education, from start to finish will not only teach you how to create an effective classroom management plan, but we will build your plan together to improve teaching in your classroom and accelerate the education of all of your students. "
Price: 19.99

"Day Trading for a Living in Hindi" |
"Do you know why does your stop-loss hit and then reach the target or the stock starts moving in the opposite direction as soon as you make trade? Because, you do not have a robust intraday trading strategy. Due to which sometimes, you exit prematurely also. Keeping all these in mind this course has been designed. Here, you are going to learn 10 numbers of back-tested intraday trading strategies with real market charts. And the good thing about this course is that you will get all the charts with entry, stop-loss and exit points market on it for free. The topics to be discussed in this course are:Benefits of intraday tradingTrading psychologyHow to control trading emotions?Ten numbers of back-tested intraday trading strategiesMomentum tradingGap tradingOpening range breakout (ORB)Moving average crossoverMACD indicatorVolume Weighted Average Price or VWAP indicatorSupertrend IndicatorPullback trading strategyReversal StrategyCandlestick patterns strategiesLive tradeStock screener Tips for successful intraday tradingAfter attending the course you will be able to do intraday trading like a pro. You won't require any intraday trading tips from the experts any more. You will become a self reliant intraday trader and earn money for a living. This will be like Day trading for a living (trade for a living).Please do't forget to watch the course preview.Happy learning !!!"
Price: 4800.00

"Cypress by Examples" |
"Cypress is an open-source test framework that allows its users to write automated end to end tests in an easy, quick and reliable way (all in JavaScript). Cypress is developers and QA engineers friendly and its not based on Selenium! It comes with out of box capabilities to bring Stable Automation results for all Modern Web Apps.This course begins with much basic and slowly progress towards the advanced concepts of Cypress. In this course Cypress by Examples, we will help you understand complex tasks like, Locating Web Elements Using Xpath, Handling iframes, API Testing, and so on. With the help of practical examples, this course will help you get up and learning with Cypress in no time.Whether you are starting from scratch or are already familiar with test automation, this course is for you. Its packed with quick explanatory videos, with no extra fluff but practical stuff. Every lesson gets straight to the point. Its all code examples, problem solutions and best practices.Most of the lessons are Cypress challenges, where you can test out knowledge and learn practically. Challenges are staged into different levels and mostly help you experience those amazing ""WOW"" moments."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing para Emprendedores" |
"Taller para Aprender Tcnicas de Marketing para Emprendedores.En este taller aprenders a: +Aumentar tus ventas, a travs de la definicin de estrategias de creacin de valor y solucin de problemas para tus clientes.+Conseguir nuevos clientes, creando un sistema de atraccin que haga que tus clientes vengan a ti.+Aprender estrategias de comunicacin persuasiva a travs del copywriting.+Aprender los disparadores mentales que impulsarn tus ventas.+Eliminar las objeciones de compra de tus clientes. +Convertir tus clientes en Fans Incondicionales. +Aprender a potenciar tu Embudo de Ventas.+Posicionarte como la Autoridad de tu nicho. +Definir una estrategia de garanta que de confianza a tus clientes.+Acceso sin costo al taller ""Mi primera pgina web con blog""."
Price: 29.99

"Guion para Largometraje" |
"Podrs desarrollar historias cinematogrficas, de todos los gneros.Sabrs como desarrollar a los personajes, que jueguen en tu ficcin.Tendrs las herramientas y estructura para escribir cada secuencia.Distinguirs la metodologa para fluir entre secuencias y personajes.Inicio, desarrollo y final.Sabrs cada cuanto tiempo entran los Plot TwistAumentara tu creatividad.Desarrollaras tolerancia y modificars cada paso del guion, en pro de escribir mucho mejor cada da. El creador de tu propia historia."
Price: 29.99

"Character design with affinity designer program 2020" |
"Electrical engineer, but very interested in design i hope to be a proffesional designer in the world at last thank u udemy and all of u i will creat video for from beginer to profesional thanks all Support me so that I can achieve my dreams and be very professional in this field"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam. This practice test has 200 High Quality Questions to prepare for your Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam. What Special About This (Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam)1.High Quality Question to crack your Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Microsoft 70-480 Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Mini projet langage C# et POO avec code source" |
"Ce mini-projet est une bonne occasion pour appliquer les notions de base de la POO (programmation oriente objet) que vous avez appris pendant les travaux pratique et la partie thorique de la formation langage C#.Ce projet est une exprience relle que vous devez vivre aprs votre phase dapprentissage du langage C#, car il va vous permet de dcouvrir comment utiliser vos connaissances acquis pour dvelopper une application professionnelle avec lutilisation des contraintes de la POO qui sont mal respecter pendent les travaux pratiques vue des contraintes de la pdagogie et du temps.Les fonctionnalits dveloppes dans ce mini-projet sont :Menu d'application qui permet lutilisateur de choisir entre les ordres excuter.Affichage de tous les clients enregistrsRechercher un client par son nomSupprimer un client par son nomAjouter un nouveau client avec les contraintes de saisiesContrainte de saisie :Le nom du client doit tre un nom valide ;Lge du client doit tre suprieur 18 ans ;Lemail du client doit tre un email valide.Trier la liste des clients par leurs nomsEnregistrement des clients dans un fichier texteOuverture de fichier louverture de lapplication."
Price: 19.99

ikasan-meiso |
Price: 24.99

"Time Management for Business" |
"In this course you're going to learn the most basic principles as well as many advanced techniques, and practical, day-to-day skills to finally master your schedule and seize success throughout your day.Do you feel like your calendar is your master? Do you feel like you never have enough time to complete all your tasks? Do you feel like you're always behind?Advanced Material IncludedPowerful Informative Course SlidesFree infographics as daily reminders Custom WorksheetsAfter this course you will become a MASTER of:Eliminating distractionsMaximizing your timeCreating a healthy relationship with every single 24 hour dayIt's time to stop using excuses and start taking control. I'm going to give you a fair warning, after you finish this course you'll never be able to say, ""If I just had more time..."" or ""I'm too busy...""You will learn how to think more honestly about your time. but most importantly, you'll never let your calendar make life choices for you."
Price: 19.99

"Data analysis with pivot table & pivot charts [ Arabic]" |
": .. : : : : : : : Data Analysis with pivot table & pivot charts :Data analysis skill is considered one of the high demand skills recently and in up growing, as well Ms. Excel is considered one of the professional program that deal with large amount of dataYou have to master this skill , since it is easy to understand & apply with case studyAll you need is practiceStructure :Section 1: Introduction to data analysis & pivot tableSection 2: Pivot table BasicsSection 3: Formatting DataSection 4: Sorting, Filtering & GroupingSection 5: Calculated values & fields Section 6: Data visualization with pivot chartsWho is this course for : "
Price: 69.99
