"2020 Complete Neo4j GraphDB & Cypher Bootcamp: Zero To Hero" |
"Who this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to work with Neo4j - the number one most popular NoSQL Graph Database. This course if for you if you want to master the in-and-out of Neo4j and use it in your next project.This course is for you if you are tired of Neo4j courses that are too brief or complicated.This course is for you if you want to learn Neo4j by doing and like exciting challenges.This course is for you if after studying you would like to be a Certified Neo4j Professional and also Pass a Neo4j InterviewThis course is for you if you want to distinguish yourself from the crowd.This course is for you if you've just discovered without Neo4j you can't do much with big data, data science, machine learning, AI, or becoming a better developer."
Price: 199.99

"Lettering desde 0 (Principiantes)" |
"A travs de las secciones de vdeo grabadas aprenders las tcnicas bsicas para crear hermosas letras en el lettering. Desde las reglas de las letras, la formacin de trazos, la formacin de palabras, crear florituras y hasta crear fondos y dibujos con acuarela para decorar tu lettering. Te mostrar ejemplos y tendrs tareas para que pueda ser retroalimentada y as puedas mejorar tus tcnicas."
Price: 19.99

"7 Days of Happiness: Cultivate Joy in Just 7 Days" |
"Have you ever just felt stuck in the mundane or a bout of the blues? Or perhaps you feel ok in life but know you could some how be happier? 7 Days of Happiness is a course that can help you cultivate more joy in your life within only 7 days! This course will take you through seven lessons that help you make subtle changes to each day to feel happier. It designed to add a new change in each day helping you to create happy, healthy, and lasting change. This course also has options for you to continue each prinicple taught for a month in order to create happy habits that are simply integrated into your every day life! Lastly we have inculded supplemental tools to help you along the way, especially in more stressful times of your life. So, ACT NOW! This is the course that you have been waiting for!"
Price: 19.99

"Design Course From Inception" |
"Download Your Knowledge, Expertise, Skills and Passion into an Online Course!Learn how to Turn your Knowledge and Experience into Income Let me Help you Share your Uniqueness and Build your Educational Empire!Having learnt a lot about creating and selling online courses, let me help you expedite your progress in making money from the online business.Having successfully developed online courses and with more than a decade in a training and coaching environment, I am looking forward to helping you turn your knowledge into income and build a lasting legacy.You Will LearnHow to choose a topic that sells and design an online course from scratchHow to design lessons and modules that are 'Clickable'How to effectively and confidently present online using the right toolsHow to gather and structure the content for your target audienceHow to create a magnetic and compelling learning outcomeA variety of content delivery methods which will keep your target audience engagedLearn the best way to structure and film your course in a way that delights your target audienceLearn online training etiquette and how to present confidently on cameraYou will Get1. Interactive online video presentations2. Exercises to practice what you are learning3. Downloadable templatesOther Options:Course Development Coaching Who Is It Suitable For?* Individuals who are interested in teaching Online* Individuals who want to design a course from scratch* Teachers and Lectures who want to re-purpose their existing courses to be online compatible* Individuals who would like to share their skills, passion, hobby and knowledge onlineGet Started Now!It's all about Transformation!Learn Techniques of Creating Impactful, Informative and Life Changing Courses. You are the Master of your Subject!Your Voice Makes You Unique!Why Design an ONLINE Course?Make Money from Your Skills and KnowledgeShare your Expertise and PassionInspire someone with Your Life's ExperiencesShare Your Skill, Hobby, Passion and DiscoveriesShare What You Know and Love to DoCreate A Permanent Passive IncomeLeave a lasting legacyHave Fun and Enjoy Yourself!Become An Edupreneur!Turn your Knowledge, Skills, Expertise, Passion into Income!Diversify and go global.Enter the international market and increase your income.Consumers are hungrier than ever to know why and how things are done and are only buying from those who provide them with the answers. My goal is help you provide information to the markets. Let me help you shift into the new way of doing business, its time to be an Edupreneur.What other Learners are Saying;1. ""Talk about having your entire world opened up to new horizons; for the longest time"".""I have been terrified not knowing that I had the tools to unlock my potential at my disposal. This course has eliminated my fear of developing an online course. I feel more confidence and skills to leave a legacy"" - Mitchel Roberts2. ""A practical, easy to follow, step by step and straight to the point Masterclass""."" Finally a practical, easy to follow, step by step and straight to the point Masterclass on what I need to do to design and launch my online course. The presenter knew what she was talking about"".Thank you Rachel. - Naledi Kane3. ""A very informative course and the instructor is knowledgeable in all areas""."" I liked the course. It is very informative and the instructor is knowledgeable in all areas. This course has activities and exercises which helps one to put into practice what one is learning. "" - Henry Alberto4. ""It was very effective and therefore I would definitely be interested in attending other courses by Rachel Nekati"".""This is the first time I have enrolled in an online course and wondered how effective it would be. It was very effective and therefore I would definitely be interested in attending other courses by Rachel Nekati. The instructor was very knowledgeable and provided a wealth of information about the online course creation and many more aspects including training etiquette. "" - Samantha Abrams5. ""I cannot express how great the instructor was and the overall content"".""I've never enrolled in a course like this before and I cannot express how great the instructor was and the overall content of the material. I would definitely recommend this to my contacts as well as friends. I will be looking into taking more courses in the near future. Thank you!"" - Kago Kgabo6. ""This course is awesome!""This course is awesome! The instructor spoke very clear and was very knowledgeable and sounded like she indeed has experience. Good course and the right length!"" - Miriam Moake7. ""Rachel has a passion for what she does. I like her energy and enthusiasm.""""The instructor was excellent. She was extremely knowledgeable. Rachel has a passion for what she does. I like her energy and enthusiasm."" - Leon Markhem"
Price: 19.99

"En este curso aprederemos primero como utilizar nuestros pasos basicos que aprendimos previamente, a como usarlos en pareja, luego aprenderemos los tipos de Cross Body Lead basicos, los tipos de Vueltas, los tipos de Copas y por ultimos los tipos de U basicas, hay videos explicativos y videos con musica, todo este aprendisaje en salsa ON1 (bailaremos en el tiempo 1 musical)."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to paint a realistic bird using oil colors" |
"In this 7 day work shop, you will learn to paint a macaw bird. This wild life painting will give you all the basic knowledge of how to paint realistic image using oil colors. You will also learn to paint whatever you see as a photograph without getting intimidated my the detailing. Breaking down an image into several layers and engaging yourself in maximum 2 hours of painting a day is my intension. Know how this painting process will make you very rejuvenated. Learn how to blend colors. You will realize how easy it is to use oil colors compared to other medium. Fine detailing for the feather texture is the key element in this wildlife painting and you will learn that. How to create a suitable background so that the object is enhanced. Enjoy this journey with me and lets spread creativity."
Price: 19.99

"Pattern Printing Programs in Java for Beginners" |
"The course is for beginners in java or any other object oriented language. In this course various kind of patterns are discussed from beginner to intermediate level. The students will gain control over the looping statements and understand the value of loops to print various pattern in quick and easy way. The course will guide the learners to seek more in-depth knowledge about various patterns."
Price: 1280.00

"Fundamentals of Business and Management" |
"This is the course for people who wants to learn the Art of Management in Business as well as in personal lives. Students who are In 12th Standard/ Graduation/ Masters can Take this course as this course covers the required Information to know all about Business Basics.This course clears your doubts regarding the roots of Business. If you have a Business or you Intend to Start a Business, this is the Right Course for you."
Price: 19.99

"Hipnosis teraputica avanzada" |
"En este gran curso podrs aprender desde cero tcnicas tanto para los temas educativos, clnico y laborales, desarrollados de una manera tal, que puedas asociar los temas ms bsicos con los ms avanzados. Adems de tener ejercicios prcticos en video, audio y refuerzos en word.resuelve problemas de lecturaresuelve problemas de escrituraresuelve problemas de memoriaresuleve problemas de atencinresuelve problemas de concentracinfobiaspnico escnicoInsomnioestrsparejasroll de padresbullyingsobrepesodolores fsicosregresionesetc."
Price: 54.99

"Drawing cartoon elements" |
"Learn to draw small and cute cartoon drawings in a simple way. This course is specially designed for beginners. In this course, you will be learning to draw many elements under different themes. At the end of the course, you will be able to put it together to form different scenes of your own."
Price: 1280.00

"Comandos Pneumticos e Eletropneumticos" |
"Propriedades fsicas do ar Preparao do ar comprimido.Presso, fora em cilindros pneumticos.Vantagens e desvantagens do uso do ar comprimido.Tipos e aplicaes de compressores de ar.Vlvulas pneumticas ( acionamento por bobina, boto, alavanca, escape rpido, tipo OU , simultaneidade etc..)Manmetros.Reservatrios de ar comprimido.Sistema de distribuio de ar.Atuadores pneumticos (Simples ao, dupla ao, Haste passante, Tandem , garras, ventosas etc...)Unidade de conservao.Anlise e simulao de circuitos pneumticos Anlise e simulao de circuitos eletropneumticos.reguladoras de presso.Elementos de comandoComponentes eltricos."
Price: 114.99

"The Heartsongs Curriculum" |
"Are you overwhelmed with stress and anxiety on a daily basis as a parent of a uniquely-abled child? Is it hard for you to communicate and play with your child? Do you feel inadequate when using recommended therapeutic strategies with confidence? Do you lack the time for adequate self-care and relaxation? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this course is made for YOU!Create positive learning opportunities that are fun, socially interactive and developmentally appropriate for beginning to advanced developmental levels. Create and experience joy with your uniquely-abled child- All in just 20-30 minutes a day for 7 days!BENEFITS OF THIS COURSE:Feel inspired and supported while listening to a multiple award-winning music album specifically made for you and your uniquely-abled child (album to be purchased separately).Enjoy positive engagement with your child using fun and easy educational and therapeutic strategies.Experience more moments of fun and joy with your child!Relax more with your child.Move through daily life with your child with more ease and less stress!Become an empowered parent.See you there!"
Price: 99.99

"Fabricacion de calzado artesanal" |
"En este curso online aprenders a realizar un par de Mules o zuecos de cuero natural y suela de yute cosidos totalmente a mano.Lo primero que veremos son los materiales que vas a necesitar y sus principales caracteristicas. Te ensear a reconocer y trabajar el cuero teniendo en cuenta su calidad y aprovechamiento.Luego, nos pondremos manos a la obra y te guiar por todo el proceso de elaboracin de tu calzado, desde la unin de las piezas mediante tcnicas de costura manual, hasta cmo darle tu toque personal utilizando diferentes apliques.Por ltimo, te mostrar algunas variantes de diseo que puedes hacer sobre el molde base y te dar algunos consejos sobre los cuidados de tus zapatos de cuero para que te duren aos.Ademas del material audiovisual en el que te mostrar el paso a paso de la fabricacin de tus Mules, te brindar todos los moldes del #34 al #42 EU.Para hacer este curso no necesitas tener conocimientos previos. Si tienes un alma curiosa y disfrutas de crear con tus manos, este curso es para ti!*Talles disponibles: Del 34 al 42. Para saber que talle eres, apoya tu pi sobre una hoja de papel, dibuja el contorno y luego mide el largo de extremo a extremo. Por ultimo, busca la medida que mas se aproxime en nuestra tabla de talles. Si ests entre dos nmeros, elige el mas grande. Ej: Si tu pi mide 24,6 cm, elige el N38."
Price: 44.99

"Vietnamese Tones and Alphabets" |
"The course aims to help learners understand the underlying principles of Vietnamese tones and alphabet. You will able to produce and distinguish the six tones of Vietnamese language, including: khng du, du huyn, du sc, du hi, du ng, du nng. The lesson also enable you: (i) mastering the basic materials of Vietnamese language; (ii) comparing Vietnamese and English alphabet; (iii) efficiently producing the 11 vowels of Vietnamese; (iv) and practicing the Vietnamese alphabet in a very interactive way."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga For Muscle Recovery" |
"Stretching is one of the most important parts of a workout, but unfortunately also one of the most overlooked. Stretching after your workout or training helps to keep your muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and maintain a full range of motion in the joints. Stretching also helps your muscles cool down slowly which reduces the chance of injury.Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. This affects your fitness training as the muscles you need to use are weak and unable to extend all the way. Stretching will lengthen your muscles, compensating for the shortening of the muscles that happens during many types of sports and fitness activities. In this post-workout yoga stretching course I will teach you the most beneficial yoga stretched for your workout. The course is broken down into 4 sections and 4 videos. Each section is aimed at a different part of the body and the video will teach you specific stretches targeted to this area."
Price: 19.99

"Matlab desde cero(bsico-avanzado)" |
"CURSO TOTALMENTE ACTUALIZADOEste es el curso en espaol ms completo y exhaustivo que encontrars sobre Matlab. Perfectamente estructurado y balanceado, introduce todos los temas de forma sencilla, gradual y 100% prctica. Pongo a tu disposicin scripts interactivos y explicaciones grficas para que comprendas de una forma sencilla cada lnea de programacin revisada a lo largo del curso.El curso consta de 10 secciones.Introduccin a MATLABVectores y matricesImportacin y exportacin de datos.Funciones internas de MATLAB.Grficos en 2D y 3DFunciones definidas por el usuario.Entradas y salidas definidas por el usuario.Funciones lgicas y estructuras de control.Matemtica simblica.Proyecto final.En algunas secciones se aplica la lgica de programacin aprendida para la resolucin de problemas reales de ingeniera en lugar de simples ejemplos tericos. Es un curso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas para apoyar el aprendizaje a diferencia de la forma tradicional. Al finalizar este curso habrs desarrollado habilidades para resolver problemas de ingeniera aplicando la herramienta MATLAB.No esperes ms!!! y descubre por qu MATLAB es el lenguaje preferido por cientficos e investigadores de todo el mundo, mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelante en tu carrera profesional."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Landing Page" |
"Neste curso vou te ensinar a como criar uma landing page de de auta converso para voc divulgar seus produtos, servios, dropshipping entre outras diversas reas, vou de mostrar a como registrar seu domnio, instalao do plugin elementor, como colocar o link do mercado pago, e voc poder vender landing pages para vrios nichos e estabelecimentos."
Price: 309.99

"A como criar uma loja online sem saber programar" |
"Este curso destinado a pessoas que querem um renda extra ou evoluir seu negocio como uma pagina de vendas, ns ensinaremos do zero a como criar, desde sua hospedagem, domnio at botar no ar para que possa fazer suas vendas e voc pode at trabalhar vendendo lojas online e aumentar sua renda."
Price: 354.99

"Latest Practice Test for OCI OCA 2020 1Z0-1072-20" |
"Weekend discount $12.99 - use this Voucher code for the discount: 8D2FE1BF8BDF27AFA2B8This is the Latest Practice Test for the exam 1Z0-1072-20 as of August 2020This Practice Test contains 197 questions and answers which help you for passing the exam with confidence.When you are attempting Oracle Cloud exam, then you should always look for reliable exam preparation material. In this Practice test, you will be able to receive high quality and reliable Oracle Cloud Solutions Infrastructure 1Z0-1072-20 questions and answers that will help you prepare for the real exam.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exam Title: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2020 Architect AssociateExam Number:1Z0-1072-20Number of Questions:197 questions and answers"
Price: 19.99

"Clculo integral en una variable" |
"En este curso de clculo integral se ensear a resolver integrales desde cero hasta un nivel universitario. Habr explicaciones tericas en las que se expondrn todos los conceptos relevantes acompaadas de varios ejercicios resueltos. Despus se propondrn ejercicios para el estudiante y se facilitarn medios de autoevaluacin. Se presentar tanto el temario de bachillerato como de la asignatura de clculo I de universidad de una forma simple dando prioridad a entender bien todos los conceptos para que despus aplicar-los no resulte un problema. Adems, se tratarn variados ejemplos de uso de integrales. El temario impartido es:1. Introduccin2. Repaso de derivacin y trigonometra3. Integrales indefinidas-Inmediatas y casi inmediatas-Por partes-Cambio de variable-Hiperblicas-Trigonomtricas4. Integrales definidas y concepto de integral-Integral de Riemann-Teorema fundamental del clculo-Clculo de integrales definidas-Segundo teorema fundamental del clculo-Regla de Leibnitz5. Aplicaciones de la integral-Clculo de reas-Introduccin a EDOs-Integrales en mecnica-Promedio de una funcin6. Integrales impropias-Primera y segunda especie-Divergencia y convergencia-Clculo por lmite-CriteriosEl primer y el segundo puntos son introductorios. Los puntos tres y cuatro son la base del curso, es donde aprenderemos a calcular integrales, as como entender que son y para qu sirven. El quinto punto es un conjunto de casos, aplicaciones y curiosidades sobre las integrales. En mi opinin es sin duda el punto clave del curso donde se aprende ms all de las matemticas y permite entender porque utilizamos las integrales. El ltimo punto, que estar disponible al completo a partir de setiembre tratar las integrales impropias. Finalmente se realizar un examen final para ver si se han integrado los conocimientos del curso."
Price: 19.99

"Planning Your Finances Right Out of College" |
"Coming from a recent college graduate himself, this is a comprehensive guide on how to plan your budget for your future as well as tips and tricks to financial freedom. From this course students will receive access to a Spreadsheet with various tools for budgeting, planning for a house, planning for a car, as well as things such as predicted sell prices for homes based on amortization and inflation. Discusses fundamentals of budgeting, as well as perks of investing and planning for retirement. Ideal for the recent college grad looking for guidance on where to go with their newfound paycheck."
Price: 19.99

"Fingerstyle Guitar For Beginners STEP BY STEP Course" |
"Welcome to the Fingerstyle Guitar for Beginners - Step by Step course, where you will learn how to play awesome fingerstyle songs and well known melodies.Hello! I'm Paul. And I'm from YouTube Channel Fingerstyle Club. I'm here today to share with you everything I know about fingerstyle guitar playing and percussive fingerstyle.By the end of this course, you will be able play 20 awesome fingerstyle songs and well-known melodies.I'm gonna teach you how to play fingerstyle guitar with an easy and simple way.Like in real private lessons, you will learn to play guitar and you will enjoy playing fingerstyle guitar.After completing the course, You will sound like two guitarists are playing at the same time. You will be playing bass, melody, chords and percussive - all at the same time. And it's sounds good ?First, we will begin to learn simple melodies, so that you immediately feel the result, and this will motivate you to continue learning and don't give it up.Then we will gradually increase the difficulty of playing the guitar. And step by step We will improve our fingerpicking skills.Then we're gonna learn percussive fingerstyle techniques like Kick and Slap - that take you to the next level of guitar playing.All you need is a desire to learn, a guitar, and about 20 minutes a day practice.You will sound like two guitarists are playing at the same time. Your friends and family - will be amazed when they hear and see your new guitar skills!If you're confused - about taking the course or not, we have a 30 day 100 percent money back guarantee.If you are ready to take your fingerstyle playing to the next level, and you want to improve your guitar skills and Percussive skills - You can Enroll in this course now! I will help you achieve your dream!Let's start!"
Price: 49.99

"The New You - Charismatic Personality Development" |
"Your attitude decides your altitude and all the power is within you. Arise, Awake and Stop Not till your goal is reached, the above statement is absolutely true for the one who wants to achieve success even when the whole world is against him.The New You is for the success addicts and the course will help the addicts to achieve success using powerful tools and techniques that are time tested, thought tested and result tested.After attending this course :You can Face any challengesHandle any situationManage all kinds of peopleAchieve your goalsMentor others and make them successfulAchieve happiness, peace, joy and wealth abundanceBe stress freeLead a holistic lifeSuccess is Yours. You Can. You Will. You Must.time is RIPE for Your Success"
Price: 19.99

"Aprender a programar en Excel realizando un Bingo" |
"En este curso desarrollaremos dos archivos de Excel: Tmbola: para la creacin de un sistema de sorteos de nmeros aleatorios e irrepetibles configurados para diferentes juegos, como lotera, bingo, etc. Cartones de Bingo: para la creacin de cartones para jugar o imprimir, sorteando las dificultades de trabajar con aleatorios sin romper la estructura del juego."
Price: 19.99

"Redbubble: The Beginner Quickstart Guide" |
"DescriptionDo you want to start an online business that you can build with no investment?Welcome to my course Redbubble: The Beginner Quickstart Guide this course covering everything from signup to real profits on redbubbleForget expensive business models that require thousands of dollars to get started to start your business on POD platforms you just focus all your attention on creating t-shirt designs, and let the marketplace handle the t-shirt printing, shipping, marketing, and even the customer service.Simply upload your t-shirt designs to print-on-demand marketplaces, and get your payments as customers make their purchases.Start Your T-Shirt BusinessLearn the easiest method to build your own t-shirt business.- Sell shirts on redbubble with no need for paid advertising- Easily get the best ideas that sell- Easily make your designs for free- Apply to redbubble and start uploading your designs in the same day - Download the free software & tools needed to run your t-shirt business- Make your store sell over competitors!- Redbubble deliver products anywhere in the world With this course, you will have everything you need to get your t-shirt business up & running as quickly as possible!No Experience NecessaryNot a designer? No problem!You dont have to be a designer to start using the strategies we will go over in the course. Learn how to easily create your own t-shirt designs step-by-step, as you learn how to create designs for your t-shirt business, upload designs to multiple print-on-demand marketplaces, and implement various strategies to promote & sell your t-shirt designs.Whats Inside:introduction to print on demand platformswhy redbubble and how to make an account on itResearch Your Niche & Target MarketPerform Keyword Research & Create Your Keyword Listhow to get the best ideas that selldifferent methods to turn these ideas into designsProduct Listing Optimization & SEOCreate Brand Pages for Your Business on Facebook, Instagram & PinterestCreate T-Shirt Mockup Images & Videos for MarketingFree Marketing & Promotion StrategiesPaid Marketing & Promotion Strategies...And Much More!Get Started TodayThe print on demand t-shirt business is growing fast, but so is the competition. It will take some time for you business to grow, so take action and get started now!This course is seriously life changing, I hope you take this opportunity to learn it! You'll be walked through how the new rich people get that way and how today's smart money is made. Redbubble allows you to work from home or anywhere with internet and earn passive income long into the future.This course is the best way to start making money with Redbubble all the Trade Secrets and Redbubble Tricks/Tips are included in this course..Enroll today and lets get started...See you inside the course!"
Price: 59.99

"Bridal Makeup" |
"Bridal Makeup - An introduction to the bridal makeup industryGet started in your new career as a Bridal Makeup Artist!If you are considering a new career, something that is both lucrative and highly rewarding then this is the course for you.This course will give you a sneaky peak into the industry to see if it's the right fit for you, without having to commit to a full blown makeup course.Over the past decade I've had the pleasure of being by the side of over 350 brides, sharing with them the joy of their big day. This has allowed me the freedom and flexibility to live life very much, on my own terms. I split my time between the beautiful Balearics and London where I am Lead Tutor and Course Director at The Bridal Makeup Academy.I'm so excited to share with you my knowledge and insights into this fabulous industry, and give you the confidence to take things a step closer to your new career.After taking this course you will:Have an understanding about the bridal makeup industry and know if it is for you.Understand the difference between the key signature bridal looksKnow the tools of the trade and how to use themunderstand how to maintain your toolsKnow how to achieve my signature ""Natural Bride"" you can then recreate at homeKnow how to build your bridal makeup kitUnderstand how to apply for Makeup Artist discounts with big brands.Know how to carry out a bridal makeup consultationUnderstand how to present yourself at work as a Bridal Makeup ArtistHave an understanding about the wedding day and what to expect"
Price: 49.99

lhpdgiih |
", , . . Bonus: , , - . . Instagram - _Pink_Bakery_"
Price: 19.99

"El Producto eres t: vndelo. Como optimizar tu imagen" |
"Est realizado en forma de clase magistral. Esto es, la exposicin del instructor acerca del tema y sus ramificaciones. Se emplean ejemplos de la vida real en la exposicin y se visualizan grficas en el desarrollo del tema. Fcilmente digerible, orgnico, con tono ameno y dinmico que har de la experiencia un trnsito agradable por nuestras posibilidades de lograr la identificacin del potencial para el trabajo.A menudo pensamos que estamos haciendo todo correctamente. Sin embargo, nuestra percepcin de las cosas, no siempre coincide con las expectativas que los empleadores tienen de nosotros.A travs de este curso, podremos precisar, reconocer y evaluar las posibilidades de entender que existen numerosos requerimientos y que est en nuestras manos optimizarlos.Prepararnos para la vida laboral a la hora de buscar empleo o afianzar modos de conducta una vez que estemos activos en el mercado de trabajo, puede ser una experiencia enriquecedora.Aqu brindamos soluciones y ejemplos de lo que, comnmente, necesitamos para crecer en nuestra bsqueda de la consolidacin laboral."
Price: 19.99

"PALO ALTO Network Administrator practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this PALO ALTO NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Practice Test course: - 2 practice tests- Practice like the real PALO ALTO NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersPALO ALTO NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 60+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 30 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Acrylic painting for beginners" |
"Discover how to paint by learning the notions of background, light and shadow.In this 45 minute video class you will learn different things:-Getting started in acrylic painting-Painting a background-Painting a canvas from A to ZThese are videos with audio commentary to help you in your progress!Feel free to go at your own pace and review the videos, the goal is that at the end of the 45 minutes, you'll be able to paint your own canvas:)"
Price: 19.99

"Mailchimp Masterclass - Email Marketing & Reports" |
"This on-topic and to the point all-in-one course teaches you everything you need to know to use Mailchimp to create, send and analyse high converting email campaigns. Classes are kept short and will suit beginners to experienced Mailchimp users. Gary has successfully delivered this same course to leading brands worldwide for over five years and has now made it available on Udemy.Gary is the only certified Mailchimp partner delivering training on Udemy.Learn how to:Build your own template.Identify the best design to use for your email marketing.Create and send your email campaign.Use reports to identify engaged contacts and how to improve open and click rates.And much more.In this course we also look at the designs that major brands use and discuss why they use those designs as well as how you can use similar layouts.Whether you're a beginner or experienced Mailchimp user you will benefit from this class. Topics range from beginner to advanced.The class is led by Gary, a Mailchimp certified partner that has been delivering Mailchimp training for over ten years.This is designed to get you up and running and getting results quickly."
Price: 179.99
