"Time to be an entrepreneur!" |
"You have knowledge and skills gained over many years. It could be from working in a major corporation (or) small business, moon-lighting, social work, doing part-time work. You feel it is the right time to be on your own. That means having your own company as self-employed and probably hire some one to work in your company part-time or full-time. This course is about making money by marketing and selling your skill sets. This is not about making products and selling inventory. Some examples in the consulting world are software consultant (in writing code, functional or technical consulting in enterprise applications, business tools, apps), project manager, consulting in tax, accounting, real-estate, specialized skills in medical field, counseling, independent marketing agent, etc.The course will guide the steps needed to start your own company and managing it. The course covers doing consulting business in California but there are many common subjects to do your business anywhere in United States.Disclaimer: This course does not replace legal, tax and accounting advice as needed from time to time."
Price: 44.99

"Exame Androlgico em Bovinos" |
"A avaliao da fertilidade de machos bovinos de extrema importncia em qualquer regio de nosso pas. Contamos com um rebanho bovino que ultrapassa 180 milhes de animais. Do total de fmeas desta espcie, menos de 10% so servidas por inseminao artificial, o restante coberta por touros. Destes touros, uma parcela inferior a 10% rotineiramente avaliada quanto a sua fertilidade. Um macho infrtil algumas dezenas de vezes mais deletrio performance reprodutiva do plantel que uma fmea, devido ao nmero de fmeas geralmente cobertas por cada touro. Quando tal raciocnio compreendido, nota-se a importncia da avaliao androlgica dos animais. Existe grande necessidade e demanda por profissionais que possam avaliar de forma correta a real fertilidade de um touro e emitir o certificado adequado deste procedimento."
Price: 84.99

"Excel in de praktijk voor beginners" |
"Deze cursus is geschikt voor iedereen die regelmatig te maken krijgt met Excel bestanden maar zelf de basiskennis mist om er efficint mee aan de slag te gaan. Leer veelgebruikte handelingen in professionele settings en tips om alles uit Excel te halen! De onderwerpen die we in deze basiscursus aanhalen zijn: - Wat is een cel, kolom, rij- Wat is een lijst- Wat is een bereik- Wat is een tabel- Waarom een tabel verkiezen boven een lijst - Starten met data- Filtermogelijkheden bij tabel + sorteren + custom sort- Slicers als alternatieve filtermanier- Layout mogelijkheden- Kolommen bijmaken, verwijderen, verbergen- Voorwaardelijke opmaak- Van een data export (meestal csv) een tabel maken- Duplicaten verwijderen- Gegevensvalidatie: verbieden, of keuzelijst inzetten- 1e rij vastzetten, 1e kolom vastzetten- Basisfuncties (optellen, som, *, /, $)- Eenvoudige grafiek maken- Grafiek updaten- Veelvoorkomende functies in professionele settings: gemiddelde, aantal, min, max, vert.zoeken, tekst.samenvoegen- Plakken speciaal bij functies- Afdrukvoorbeeld"
Price: 19.99

"Vue hands-on - composition api and state management" |
"Frontend frameworks are now gaining extremely popular these days.Nowaday, you can't consider to be a front-end developer if you only know HTML, CSS and Javascript.Front-end applications are getting more and more complicated, require us to have to think about code orgnization, component architecture, reactivity, state management and much more.VueJS makes developers' life easier by abstract all the way of how the reactivity system work, and it provides us an elegant, simple syntax to create a maintainable, well-structured applicationVue is keeping evolve. Vue 3 has introduced the new whole way to write the application. It'll change the way our thinking, and coding in Vue.In this course, we will learn the basic of Vue, as well as the latest composition API by doing an example.By the end of this course, you will be able to- Understand the basics of Vue- Unserstand the composition API- How to leverage composition function to build our own single source of truth, state management solution- Best practice in seperate API layer from the application and the reusuable code."
Price: 19.99

"IGNOU'S MCA-information in brief" |
"Working in IT industry is exciting and dynamic where each day is not similarProfessionals who wish to shift to IT or wish to obtain a degree in computer science to gain more knowledge and technical judgments, have one very good option This course will provide information about Master of computer applications , a degree of computer science , from Indira Gandhi national open university. After going through it you will have brief information about MCA degree, Indira Gandhi national open university, it's recognition and then about all required aspects of MCA from IGNOU university along with answers to common doubts about the degreeThis video series will help you to get a better idea about the degree and you will be able to make the best decision whether to enroll in MCA from IGNOU, that may take you to bright path of career"
Price: 19.99

"5G Fundamentals for Beginners from Zero to Hero" |
"This course is building the basics for 5G technology and laying the foundation of 5G knowledge, so that you have everything you need to start your journey with 5G world, which is the future of telecom, Internet of things and the base for what is called 4th industrial revolutionyou will learn about 5G enablers, key drivers, NR features and technologiesyou will learn about the 5G deployment options and 5G architectureyou will learn about the use cases of 5G in different industries"
Price: 69.99

"Movavi Video Editor Complete Course. Become a montage master" |
"Movavi is a fantastic tool for creating and editing videos. It will not take much time and nerves to create a wonderful intro for your video blog, a remarkable advertisement of your product, memorable video from your birthday party or vacation and even a full-fledged movie without any professional equipment. In this video course you will learn everything you need for these purposes. Every effect is shown in different examples so that you could understand how it works, how to use it and where to use it. Besides detailed description, you will learn some very helpful tips and techniques."
Price: 19.99

"SystemVerilog Interface - get, set, go!" |
"SystemVerilog is the most adopted language to design and verify complex integrated circuits. IEEE 1800 LRM defines the standard in great detail. One of the key features of SystemVerilog is interfaces - a key element that is common to both RTL designers and verification engineers. In this course, you will learn the motivation to use interfaces, get deep into the syntax and semantics of the construct. The course also includes a set of industry examples to show how this is used in real life."
Price: 24.99

rbbynjjl |
Price: 24000.00

"If you wish to undertake a new business or are looking for expanding the existing business this course is meant for you. Every business requires financial planning and checking its profitability. In other words financial feasibility should be checked before undertaking the project. This course will help you do the same."
Price: 1280.00

"Java programming language - JAVA for BEGINNERS course" |
"LEARN JAVA Hi, Baked brackets team here.Thank you for reading this description. It's always good to see what you are buying.If you want to learn one of the most powerful languages out there, that you can use for pretty much everything and you want it to be a good experience, WELCOME.Our goal is to make this course :EASY - so easy that your grandmother can understand it while baking cookiesFUN - If you hate fun, sorry but you will hate us. FAST AND PRACTICAL - You want to take on projects, not live in the tutorials. After this course, you will be on your path, taking projects and starting to do what you wanted. IMPORTANT : If you buy and feel that we didn't do something right, you have a whole month to return your course back and receive your money back. If you buy and feel that we helped you, you can just leave us a review. Or maybe even a message of support. In fact, tell us what would you like and what you would like directly, send us a message, you can help to make it even better. After all, It's yours and nobody can take it from your account.Thank you"
Price: 84.99

"Financial Analysis & Financial Ratios I Amazon vs Walmart" |
"What Makes this Course Different?1) Learn through examples We will utilize Amazon & Walmarts Financial Information to Learn through examples2) Scorecard We will maintain a Scorecard of Amazon and Walmarts performance throughout our Analysis3) Gain Insights We will Gain Insights into the Financial Performance of Amazon versus WalmartIn this course, we will cover the following topics:A) Financial & Trending Analysis: 5-year P&L Comparison Year-over-Year P&L AnalysisB) How to calculate Financial Ratios: Profitability Ratios Capital Structure Ratios Liquidity Ratios Valuation Ratios Efficiency RatiosC) Go through key highlights & tables from Amazon and Walmarts Form-10K filing"
Price: 184.99

"Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistmicas - Vacunas y viajes" |
"El Doctor Lucio Pallars es especialista en Enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistmicas, con las que ha trabajado durante ms de 30 aos en Mallorca. Actualmente desarrolla su especialidad en el Hospital Universitario de referencia en Palma de Mallorca, Son Espases y en el Centro Mdico del Doctor Rossinyol, tambin en la capital balear. Adems es profesor de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares asociado a la asignatura de patologa general.En este curso el Doctor Pallars nos dar a conocer:Qu son las enfermedades Autoinmunes Sistmicas (como el Lupus)Cmo identificarlasQu precauciones deben tener las personas que las padecen (por ejemplo, a la hora de viajar) y a qu dificultades sociales se enfrentanHay ms mujeres que las padecen o por lo contrario son ms propensos los hombres?Cmo ayudar a las personas y familiaresEntre otros muchos temas."
Price: 39.99

"Preventing Self Sabotage & Lose Weight" |
"In the end, the people who get ahead in life are the ones who take the time to consistently think through their daily choices, decisions, & actions.At its core, self-sabotage is typically lack of confidence in self, no planning, and living a life in reactive mode. Learn how to slow down, plan, reflect, and learn from your daily choices."
Price: 39.99

"DP-200:Implementing an Azure Data Solution-Test UPDATED 2020" |
"To become a Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Engineer Associate, you have to take the one of the exam Implementing an Azure Data Solution. This exam will test your Azure knowledge on data-related implementation tasks that include provisioning data storage services, ingesting streaming and batch data, transforming data, implementing security requirements, implementing data retention policies, identifying performance bottlenecks, and accessing external data sources.It's highly recommended to take practice test before taking official exam.This course offers the following features:165 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 3 sets of Azure Data Engineer Practice Tests with 120 UNIQUE questions and a 180-minute time limit for each set.SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest Azure Data Solution certification exam to help you pass and even ace the Azure exam!DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS, AND CHEAT SHEETS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Plus bonus cheat sheets to help you better understand the concepts.VERY ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from thousands of our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the Azure services and concepts covered in the test.VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of Azure experts is able to address all your issues and COMPREHENSIVELY answer all your questions within 5 business days.CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Azure knowledge areas you need improvement.CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post in the QA section so we can discuss any issues.IMPORTANT NOTEThis course - Implementing an Azure Data Solution - Practice Test are not exam dumps and since Microsoft shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with hundreds to thousands of questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the exam is a good understanding of Azure data services.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before exam: Practice this test until you score 100%, so that you will be confident in the official exam.After exam: Once you are cleared the exam, digital badge and certification will be available in the Microsoft Certification Dashboard.All the Best!"
Price: 29.99

"Building Application Ecosystem with Docker Compose" |
"This course is designed to teach you how to build an entire application ecosystem using Docker Compose. We will start out by learning to build a simple single container using a Docker Compose file. You will be creating a MySQL database in a single container. From there, you will learn to build a multi container Docker Compose. You will create a MySQL and a Kafka/Zookeeper container. Finally, you will learn to build an entire application ecosystem with Docker Compose, very much close to real life implementation. This will consist of MySQL, Kafka/Zookeeper and a Spring Boot Microservice."
Price: 29.99

"Create a gmail clone with flutter and firebase" |
"Hello guys. So you wanna learn how to make the exact clone of gmail with flutter and firebase. Then you are at the right place. I will teach you everything you need to build that app. We will develop this app using Flutter (Dart Programming Language) with Firebase Firestore as backend. At the end of this course you will be able to make your own fully functional backend flutter applications with Firebase Firestore.Things we will learnUser authenticationStoring images in a storage bucketComplex data-structure for firebaseNeat and Clean UIQuerying in firestoreFlutter widgetsReal-time data with stream-builder"
Price: 39.99

"Calculus 3 (Multivariable calculus) Part 1 of 2." |
"Calculus 3 / Multivariable Calculus. Part 1 of 2.Towards and through the vector fields.(Chapter numbers in Robert A. Adams, Christopher Essex: Calculus, a complete course. 8th or 9th edition.)C0 Introduction to the course; preliminaries (Chapter 10: very briefly; most of the chapter belongs to prerequisites) About the courseAnalytical geometry in R^n (n = 2 and n = 3): points, position vectors, lines and planes, distance between points (Ch.10.1)Conic sections (circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola) and quadric surfaces (spheres, cylinders, cones, ellipsoids, paraboloids etc) (Ch.10.5)Topology in R^n: distance, open ball, neighbourhood, open and closed set, inner and outer point, boundary point. (Ch.10.1)Coordinates: Cartesian, polar, cylindrical, spherical coordinates (Ch.10.6)You will learn: to understand which geometrical objects are represented by simpler equations and inequalities in R^2 and R^3, determine whether a set is open or closed, if a point is an inner, outer or boundary point, determine the boundary points, describe points and other geometrical objects in the different coordinate systems.C1 Vector-valued functions, parametric curves (Chapter 11: 11.1, 11.3)Introduction to vector-valued functionsSome examples of parametrisationVector-valued calculus; curve: continuous, differentiable and smoothArc lengthArc length parametrisationYou will learn: Parametrise some curves (straight lines, circles, ellipses, graphs of functions of one variable); if r(t) = (x(t), y(t), z(t)) is a function describing a particles position in R^3 with respect to time t, describe position, velocity, speed and acceleration; compute arc length of parametric curves, arc length parametrisation.C2 Functions of several variables; differentiability (Chapter 12) Real-valued functions in multiple variables, domain, range, graph surface, level curves, level surfacesYou will learn: describe the domain and range of a function, Illustrate a function f(x,y) with a surface graph or with level curves.Limit, continuityYou will learn: calculate limit values, determine if a function has limit value or is continuous at one point, use common sum-, product-, ... rules for limits.Partial derivative, tangent plane, normal lineYou will learn: calculate first-order partial derivatives, compute scalar products (two formulas) and cross pro- duct, give formulas for normals and tangent planes; understand functions from R^n to R^m, gradients and Jacobians.Higher partial derivatesYou will learn: compute higher order partial derivatives, use Schwarz theorem. Solve and verify some simple PDE's.Chain rule: different versionsYou will learn: calculate the chain rule using dependency diagrams and matrix multiplication.Linear approximation, linearisation, differentiability, differentialYou will learn: determine if a function is differentiable in a point, linearisation of a real-valued function, use linearisation to derive an approximate value of a function, use the test for differentiability (continuous partial derivatives), and properties of differentiable functions.Gradient, directional derivativesYou will learn: calculate the gradient, find the direction derivative in a certain direction, properties of gradients, understand the geometric interpretation of the directional derivative, give a formula for the tangent and normal lines to a level curve.Implicit functionsYou will learn: calculate the Jacobian determinant, derive partial derivatives with dependent and free variables of implicit functions.Taylor's formula, Taylor's polynomialYou will learn: derive Taylor's polynomials and Taylor's formula. Understand quadratic forms and learn how to determine if they are positive definite, negative definite, or indefinite.C3 Optimisation of functions of several variables (Chapter 13: 13.13)Optimisation on open domains (critical points)Optimisation on compact domainsLagrange multipliers (optimisation with constraints)You will learn: classify critical points: local max and min, saddle points; find max and min values for a given function and region; use Lagrange multipliers with one or more conditions.Also make sure that you check with your professor what parts of the course you will need for your midterms. Such things vary from country to country, from university to university, and they can even vary from year to year at the same university.A detailed description of the content of the course, with all the 255 videos and their titles, and with the texts of all the 216 problems solved during this course, is presented in the resource file ""Outline_Calculus3.pdf"" under video 1 (""Introduction to the course""). This content is also presented in video 1."
Price: 139.99

"Become A Master In Leadership Skills" |
"Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people. Leadership implies values. A leader must have values that are life-giving to society. Effective leadership can be thought of as a set of qualities and skills. Different leaders may have different makeups, different strengths and challenges. But there are certain traits that lie at the core of leadership--the qualities that all great leaders share. By the end of the course you will be able to understand Leadership concepts. You will learn different styles of leadership, Great Man theory of leadership, Trait theory of leadership, Various Behavioral, Situational and Contingency theories of leadership along with Transactional, Transformational, Charismatic and Team Leadership with examples."
Price: 7040.00

"Fundamental Communication to Achieve Success" |
"Komunikasi Efektif adalah suatu kemampuan untuk mengkomunikasikan apa yang diinginkan, dirasakan, dan dipikirkan kepada orang lain namun dengan tetap menjaga dan menghargai hak-hak serta perasaan pihak lain. ketika kita dengan tegas dan positif mengekspresikan diri kita. tanpa maksud mengalah dan juga menyerang orang .80 persen kegiatan leadership adalah komunikasi, baik komunikasi internal maupun eksternal. NLP atau Neuro linguistic programming merupakan teknik terbaik komunikasi saat ini dan telah digunakan oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia, guna meningkatkan kinerjanya di berbagai peran kehidupan"
Price: 280000.00

"Brightened Mind Blueprint" |
"Welcome to Brightened Mind Blueprint.What is a Brightened Mind?Well, I was first introduced to a concept of Light vs. Darkness in the world.Light = Inner Joy, Peace and LoveDarkness = Anger, Fear, WorryA Brightened Mind is someone who has removed the darkness and living a life beautifully from within with inner joy, peace and love.My intention to help you build a Brightened Mind, to have Brightened Life and Brighten The World.I will be teaching the 5 basics foundations to training your mind for joy, happiness and success.It will be taught using the 'Master the Basics' techniques I was taught about a decade ago.The principles are from mentors I've learned from for just about 10 years who are very successful yet mindful.What are you waiting for?Register today and master the basics in Brightening Your Mind.To Your Inner Peace,Vicki ParchamentoBrightened Mind"
Price: 49.99

"Learn to recite Sanskrit Shloks from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita" |
"Sanskrit is known as Dev-bhasha or the Language of Gods.A research carried out by Neuroscientist Dr. James Hartzell (alumni of Harvard and Columbia University) shows that people who memorize long Sanskrit texts have brains that literally expand and become better with sharper memory and cognitive skills.""NASA believes that Sanskrit is the most scientific language for programming""The correct pronunciation of the Sanskrit Shlokas mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita help create positive vibrations in the body that improve focus, patience, vocal skills and memory.The course consists of the Pronunciation rules of Sanskrit alphabets and 47 Shlokas from Chapter 1 of the Bhagavad Gita. "
Price: 1280.00

"The Ultimate Sleep System" |
"This course will help you enjoy a Deep Night Sleep.You will discover the tremendous Benefits sleep has on your Health, Diet and Longevity.You will enjoy a deep sleep Meditation that will help you feel more Rested, Vibrant and even Happier! If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep through the night This course is for YouIf youre sick and tired of not being able to turn off your brain and fall asleep? This course is for You my FriendA recent study shows that 80% of Americans woke up very tired one to three days per week 38% wake up tired more than 4 days per week 51% of American teenagers say they feel tired and sleepy in schoolAnd if you are reading this, its because you probably dont sleep as well as you once did, and would Love to Solve your problemMy name is Veronica Parks, a Global Wellness Consultant, and Im here to help you find your solution to a Deep Restful Night Sleep.Research shows that Lack of Sleep is directly correlated to obesityWhen you cant sleep well, you feel very tired, run down, you cant even think right.Things you used to Enjoy doing, dont make you as Happy as they once did.Just getting through the day can be tough and you spend much of it thinking about how tired you feel.Do you ever think it might just be life?You know what I mean, kids, job, spouse, commitments, money, stressOften just isnt enough time in the day to get it all done.So, many of us wake up early, fill our body with caffeine and sugary carbs just to stay afloat.Then at night, we stay up too late, have a couple of cocktails or a sleeping aid to wind down just to repeat the cycle the next dayWe imagine that we will have some time to catch up on our sleep on the weekend or on a vacation and everything will be fine.Except sleep doesnt work that wayEvery day You lose sleep, it can impact your health in a very negative wayFrom obesity, to depression and a list goes onNow is the time to change that.You Deserve a Healthy bodyand a beautiful Night sleep, is just the way to goIn this Course Ill share with you in great details how sleep affects your life and the concrete solution steps to Take your Life Back!So join me on this journey and lets get you Sleeping Like a Bear in no time :)"
Price: 44.99

"Programacin con Go (Golang)" |
"En este curso, aprender el lenguaje de programacin Go, paso a paso, desde el principio hasta crear una aplicacin web CRUD. Aplicacin CRUD (Crear, leer, actualizar y eliminar). Comience con una instalacin IDE (entorno de desarrollo integrado): VSC (cdigo de Visual Studio), instale GO (lenguaje de programacin), habilite Go en VSC, instale XAMPP para trabajar con bases de datos. Go !"
Price: 19.99

"PLC Siemens S7 Tia Portal (Beginner - Advanced)" |
". Addressing, Function Block, Data Block, Timers, Counters, Organization Blocks, Moving & Converting Data, and connect PLC to HMI. PLC-Advanced: PID Controller, Organisation Blocks, Drivers and Industrial Communication. This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a PLC program from scratch, and also Advanced-Level to originate complex, logical solutions.By the end of this course, you will be able to create a PLC program from scratch, and practiced at originating complex ladder logic applications.The primary and overall objective of this course is to give a novice an understanding of PLC programming, ladder logic.Addressing, Function Block, Data Block, Timers, Counters, Organization Blocks, Moving & Converting Data, and connect PLC to HMI.Students will learn the difference between digital and analog signals and how to bring them into a PLC, process them, and send them back out.PLC-Advanced: PID Controller, Organisation Blocks, Drivers and Industrial Communication."
Price: 199.99

"Anlises Estatsticas para Marketing - Mdulo 2" |
"- Conceitos de Regresso e Correlao- Aplicabilidade na Tecnologia - Como fazer e usar Regresses em anlises complexas. - Coeficiente de Person e como aplicar em anlises. - Tipos de Correlaes - Estudo de Caso - Anlise de Eficincia de uma empresa usando estatstica - Estudo de Caso - Mensurao de Mdia Offline usando estatstica - Exemplos de grficos Scatterplot e Cartas de Controle - Explicao Bsica de Modelos de Atribuio de Mdia- Glossrio com Termos de Mdia e Marketing Digital"
Price: 504.99

"Know Your Horse Personally" |
"Learn why your horse does what he or she does. They have secrets they are dying to tell us. Here we will learn the ways to listen and understand what our horses are communicating to us. They're acting out is them communicating to us. It's almost like a mystery that we have to solve! Let's work on some skills to help learn what they are trying to communicate!"
Price: 19.99

"Beginner to Advance Photography Course by Lood Goosen" |
"Up your game! The Lood Goosen Photography Materclass will help you through the beginner and advances stages of your Photography. Everything you need to know from beginner stages of your Photography to a mastering your flashes and light! We are your Journey companions on your road to develop your skill into a sustainable Photography Business!"
Price: 2100.00

"Learn Hindi through English very easily" |
"This course is designed for anyone who is willing to learn the Hindi language.It is meant for people who have little or no knowledge of Hindi. This course has been designed by experienced trainers who have taught Hindi for years, the trainer speaker who are natives. This lesson includes an introductory video, plus 14 instructional videos to teach you basic vocabulary, grammar, and inform you about culture.It's a full course, in this course, we are adding a lot of values, by which you can understand easily."
Price: 19.99

"Estrategia de ventas con facebook y whatsapp" |
"Ests en la bsqueda de una estrategia que te permita aumentar tus ventas? Te gustara vender ms con una estrategia probada y con buenos resultados? Te gustara que te contactaran personas que realmente estn interesadas en tu negocio?Bienvenido a este curso totalmente prctico y al grano para aprender a seleccionar tu pblico objetivo para promover tus productos y servicios, y mantener comunicacin directa con ellos.El curso est estructurado de una manera muy sencilla en tres principales bloques:1. El bloque nmero uno explica cules son los elementos que componen la estrategia de ventas y cmo interactan entre ellos para darnos un resultado.2. El bloque nmero dos se refiere a Facebook y en el hablaremos de como los usuarios sern atrados hacia nuestro producto o servicio para que hagan clic.3. El bloque nmero tres est enfocado en whatsapp business y consiste en, adems de tener una comunicacin directa con el usuario, crear una lista permanente de clientes que te permita promover tus productos o servicios de manera gratuita.Adems tendrs acceso al grupo privado de Facebook donde estaremos interactuando sobre preguntas, dudas, estrategias, etc.Si quieres dominar de una vez por todas estas herramientas no lo dudes, COMPRA ESTE CURSO y nos vemos dentro.Rubn Bojrquez, Emprendedor Online."
Price: 795.00

"AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests with Learning Guide" |
"Objectives of the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam:Practice test 1: Describe core Azure servicesPractice test 2: Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trustPractice test 3: Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and LifecyclesPractice test 4: Describe cloud conceptsPractice test 5 (coming soon): Complete examIt's an opportunity to verify knowledge about Microsoft Azure."
Price: 19.99
