"Home of Delicious; Homemade Professional Desserts" |
"We all love delicious desserts and are always looking for new recipes to add to our file. We keep recipes because we know the finished dish is tasty and the process isn't too long or too difficult. Recipes that meet these requirements are 'keepers.'The eight recipes in this class meet this requirement. These recipes can be made in the home kitchen without buying expensive equipment or searching all over town for special ingredients.The step-by-step videos and detailed downloadable recipes will show you how to break down each step so that the baking process is not overwhelming. These recipes will add pizzazz to the basic cakes and cookies which you have relied on and expand your baking comfort zone.8 Delicious Recipes:Chocolate Swirl Pound CakeSavory Pound CakeBanana Tart with Almond Cream FillingTangy Lemon TartChocolate on Chocolate TartRustic Orange Tart with Japanese Sweet Bean PasteOpen Face Apple TartCherry Gelatin Mousse Baking doesn't have to be a painful, all-day process so let me show you how. Whether you are a beginner baker or seasoned professional, there is something for you in this class."
Price: 29.99

"Lettering + Illustrating Songs: Watercolor Techniques" |
"Lettering + Illustrating Songs: Watercolor Techniques.If you love music, lettering, and watercolors, this course is for you!I will show you how to concept, how to create a mood board from the moment you listen to a song, based on what you are feeling and color theory. Then we will start using several techniques such as: Lettering inside figures, watercolor and salt technique, negative space and the use of masking fluid. All of this techniques making 3 different songs by David Bowie, Keane, and Harry Styles. Awesome, right? I will also show you the basics of Photoshop and how to have your master piece ready for printing.BONUS: Guide Book of the course, where every lettering and watercolor technique fully explained, with banners, flourishes, and type references."
Price: 19.99

"Excel para as Empresas - Curso Completo, Prtico e Rpido" |
"O Excel um dos softwares mais conhecido e utilizado no mundo. Trata-se de um editor de planilhas, que, em nvel bsico, auxilia na organizao de qualquer tarefa e no avanado, vira uma poderosa ferramenta de clculos e construo de grficos. Com o domnio da ferramenta, voc estar preparado para atuar em qualquer segmento do mercado de trabalho.Atualmente, o Excel utilizado em todos os setores no mundo corporativo, seja para situaes mais simples, como elaborao de planilhas mais detalhadas at para atividades mais complexas, como o gerenciamento de projetos.Este curso voltado para quem deseja aprender de forma rpida e objetiva utlizar as funes e frmulas mais utilizadas nas empresas."
Price: 69.99

"Data Analysis Nanodegree" |
"This course aims to excel the primary skills in the field of Data Analysis through different tools and techniques such as Statistics, Excel, SQL, Python, R and Tableau. Whether you are a newbie to Data Analysis or looking for promoting your career, this course will take you in a journey step by step to the level of professional Data Analysts."
Price: 99.99

"Webinar: come preparare e realizzare webinar di successo" |
"ULTIMA REVISIONE: AGOSTO 2020UNISCITI A OLTRE 3500 STUDENTI DEI NOSTRI CORSI ON-LINE!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Impara a realizzare e tenere webinar di successo.I webinar sono da anni una nuova forma di comunicazione molto efficace poich consentono di raggiungere platee ampie con dei costi contenuti abbattendo distanze ed ottimizzando la produttivit delle persone. Se il loro successo era in crescita grazie alla triste esperienza dell'emergenza sanitaria legata al coronavirus sono oggi la forma principale di comunicazione e promozione per molte realt.Se quasi tutti sono saltati sul carro in corsa, solo pochi per conosco i segreti del mestiere per realizzare webinar che portino risultati concreti. Se hai assistito a webinar di altri sai che solo pochi sono davvero coinvolgenti e mantengono le aspettative del pubblico.Le peculiarit di questa forma di comunicazione richiedono alcuni accorgimenti specifici sia nella fase di preparazione che durante la conduzione vera e propria.Quali sono gli errori pi comuni che molti commettono? Come evitarli?Se non hai mai tenuto webinar prima d'ora all'interno del corso troverai un metodo e tutte le istruzioni per chi inizia ora. Se gi hai esperienza il corso contiene i trucchi ed una serie di semplici consigli applicabili immediatamente gi dalla prossima occasione.All'interno del corso troverai:Le linee guida chiave per webinar efficaciCome preparare correttamente un webinarCome condurre correttamente un webinarCosa fare prima e dopo il webinarQuali aspetti tecnici sono importanti per la riuscita di un webinarRisorse e riferimenti per il tuo successoDopo questo corso saprai tutto quello che ti serve per promuovere le tue idee, le tue soluzioni o fare formazione con i webinar.0Cosa ti serve?Una mentalit aperta e la voglia di imparare qualcosa di nuovoOtterraiAccesso completo per tutta la vita30 capitoli e pi di 1,5 ore di videoTraccia audio per ogni sezione (per ascoltarla comodamente anche in viaggio)Disponibilit su tutti i dispositiviTutti gli aggiornamenti futuri inclusiGaranzia soddisfatti o pienamente rimborsato per 30 giorni - la mia promessa personale per il tuo successo!Questo corso quello giusto per te se...Vuoi ottenere risultati migliori quando fai webinar o vuoi iniziare a condurre webinarVuoi superare le difficolt e le insidie di una forma di comunicazione diversa da quelle tradizionaliQuesto corso non quello giusto per te se...Stai cercando un metodo ripetitivo e meccanico per condurre i webinarVuoi imparare marketing automation o funnel di vendita legati ai webinarI webinar sono una delle forme migliori oggi per raggiungere il tuo pubblico.Non sprecare le opportunit, iscriviti ora! I benefici li avrai gi nella tua prossima occasione."
Price: 129.99

"Value investing made easy - from zero to pro in 2020" |
"Learn how Warren Buffets invests using the value investing methodHow to build GENERATIONAL wealth for you familyLearn Value investing - the easy wayFind out why value investing is the only game in town when it comes to long term investments Use the SCREAM indicator to find investing gems Find out how you can shortlist great companies in the times of the Corona CrisisIf you think that picking winning stocks is for big Wall Street firms, think again. It is not hard to pick stocks. The hard part is the required discipline to analyse companies, set price targets, and wait and watch your returns grow. New investing trends come and go, but value investing is one of the very few proven strategies that work over a long time horizon. But the problem is that many people think it is complicated. I will make it easy for you in this course.In this course, you will learn: What it takes to be a value investor - the mindset and discipline, and the exact steps to cultivate the mindsetHow to value a company - we will look at an exampleHow to never run out of investment ideas - where to look for ideas, free resources, and how to separate the signal from the noise The SCREAM indicator: use this silly and simple technique to generate investment ideas. Some of the stocks that I found using this method have returned 10x my investment.Find out how the SCREAM indicator is relevant in the current CORONA crisisExactly how much money to allocate to a position in your portfolioWhen to buy and when to exit a value investmentThe exact steps to follow - from generating ideas, screening companies, to making an investment decision Learn how large hedge funds use options to protect their portfolios from losses - and even gain from market declinesPlus free resources and calculators to easily calculate the value of a companyYou don't need to be a Wall Street analyst to pick stocks. All you need is to understand the value investing framework, and apply it consistently over the years."
Price: 104.99

"Corona Investing: Protect and Grow your investments in 2020" |
"Most investors have lost money in 2020I doubled my money during the same time **Find out why traditional models of investment wont work in crisis situations**Discover why it will take several years for the Corona crisis to be over, and why you need to learn a new playbook to navigate these markets. I will show you why crisis situations present the best opportunities for investment""Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy"" - Warren BuffetHowever, this is easier said and done. I will show you how I have used the recent market chaos to my advantage, and show you the process, and the EXACT investments I made to double my money in 2020. Method 1: The most basic and simplest method to stay safe in any market. Anyone can do this. Method 2: Another reliable way of protecting your portfolio which has withstood the test of time. Anyone can do this. Method 3: How to get a sense of fear and uncertainty in the market and how to use that to your advantage, and profit. Method 4: For those who are braver and want to test their investing skills, this method presents a great opportunity to directly profit from crisis situations. Method 5: This is a much more advanced method that will help you gain big time. You can also use this method to ""insure"" your portfolio against losses in normal times. These methods are not rocket science. All you need is a bit of practice and patience. All you need is a basic knowledge of how investing works, and with these methods, you will be well on your way to a profitable trading career, even in these turbulent times."
Price: 104.99

"DROPMASTER The Ultimate Shopify Course" |
"I will show you my COMPLETE SYSTEM, through which I have earned OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSANDS DOLLARS! You will get to know completely new and extraordinary ways to become financially free with the Internet!6 exclusive HD- video instructions as insider knowledge! Step by step to imitate!All the latest strategies uncensored and explained in detail!Exclusive content and topics you won't find in any other courses!Permanent access & personal supportThe DROPMASTER COURSE will also help YOU!Earn money with the DROPMASTER COURSE and build up your business sustainably!Get the DROPMASTER COURSE worth 297,- USD NOW for JUST $20! (ATTENTION: SPECIAL OFFER ENDS!)You will receive your personal access data directly in less than 2 minutes, even if it is just 3am!ATTENTION: The regular price with a one-time payment of $20"
Price: 19.99

"deutsch EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques =kNf= knock N feel" |
"EFT = Emotional Freedom TechniquesIch habe diese tolle Technik fr mich weiter gedacht und Musik dazu gemacht in den spezifischen Frequenzen der Meridiane beziehungsweise dem Punkt an dem man klopft die passenden Frequenzen verwendet. Du kannst gerne in der Frequenz mit Summen das verstrkt die Wirkung denn die Tne sind den jeweiligen Punkten zugeordnet und abgestimmt. Du musst aber nicht zwingend jeden Punkt genauso mit klopfen wie in der Anleitung dies ist nur eine Empfehlung wenn du selbst das Gefhl hast du willst den einen oder den anderen Punkt nicht dann berspringe ihn und gehe zu deinem Lieblingspunkt. Damit die Wirkung verstrkt wird ist es wichtig dass man in einem tiefen Entspannungszustand ist. Theta Zustand eignet sich dafr hervorragend dies ist ein meditativer entspannter Zustand den ich mit ua. Z.b. fnf Herz binaurale Tne in der Musik verwende. Bei den Mitmachvideos verwende ich die Farben der jeweiligen Meridiane. Also nicht wundern wenn der ganze Bildschirm auf einmal Farbig wird, Du kannst diese Farbe zustzlich in das Wirkspektrum bewusst mitaufnehmen. Ganz wichtig spre in dich hinein fhle .. nimm deine Emotionen ngste Kopergefhle wahr. Bitte bearbeite stark emotionale Themen nur in Begleitung eines erfahrenen Therapeuten! kNf kannst Du fr alles anwenden, was bei Dir eine belastende Emotionen verursacht. Hier einige Emotionsbeispiele: Wut, Angst, Trauer, Verachtung, Hass, Leid, Ekel, Schmerz, Scham, Schuldgefhl, Mitleid, Neid oder Enttuschung. Mache dir vor und nach der Anwendung bewusst wie stark dich das Problem belastet. Benutze die bekannte Skala von 0-10 0 wrde bedeuten, dass Du berhaupt keine Belastung sprst, und 10 wre die grtmgliche Belastung. Wie stark sprst Du die ausgewhlte Emotion? Bitte merke dir fr diese Emotion eine Zahl zwischen 0 und 10! oder Alternativ wenn Du das kannst: visualisiere wie dunkel und drckend dich diese Emotion belastet vor der Anwendung. Vergleiche nach dem ersten Durchgang , ob sich schon der Druck lst und mehr Befreiung /Licht und Farben entwickeln. So kannst Du dein Wohlgefhl immer mehr steigern. Starte das Mitmachvideo knock N feel: Denke an dein Thema und klopfe/reibe den wunden Punkt oder Alternative auch den Handkantenpunkt klopfen. Sprich die 6 Stze deutlich und mit berzeugter intuition nach ersetze das Wort Problem durch dein eigenes. Dann klopfe die 16 verschieden Punkte mit mir gemeinsam durch und denke an dein belastendes Thema oder spreche es aus. Perfekt viel Liebe Spa und Erfolg"
Price: 29.99

"Healing After Miscarriage" |
"Chances are if youre her because youve experienced a miscarriage or know someone who has. Its difficult to explain the pain of this loss unless youve gone through this too.Part of the process is having a way to both grieve and honour the life which we carried inside of us. Its not only normal, but necessary to acknowledge this pain and know this special soul will always be part of your lifes story.I too have experienced this and have made it a personal mission to assist others in your position to not just grieve, but also heal from the inside out.My name is Vicki Renz. I am a mother to 5 angel babies and 2 earthside babies. After going through the traumatic experience of miscarriage, I embarked on a journey of self-healing.I have spent thousands of hours mastering healing techniques to help others with their journeys. Sometimes it just takes an outside perspective to open up the pathway to moving forward.Some hold silence and dont speak about it, others blame themselves and feel guilty. The people close to us dont know how to react or what to say, making it all the more difficult to deal with. So we hold our pain inside.I would like to support you and assist in healing starting now. Imagine if you were able to release the negative feelings and be more at peace.Ive created a short course that will help you move foward through the different stages of the healing journey.Its not a question of if you want to release this pain, rather are you willing to lean into the opportunity to heal. Ill teach you things like:- Recognising and understanding your feelings around your loss- Understanding how to accept and release any feelings of negativity- Connecting with your angel baby and say a proper farewell- Honouring your angel baby in the physical world- How to include your angel baby in your life story- Learning how to move forward with positivity today.Plus you get access to my private Facebook group for daily support.If youre ready to begin living the life you deserve, please join the course and know the healing begins today."
Price: 39.99

"Mulesoft Certified Platform Architect Practice Tests" |
"After going through these practise tests, u can definitely clear the MCPA exam. Many of my students who took this practise tests say that mote than 75 % of questions repeat in the original exam and they were able to clear exam because of this practise test.As you are spending huge amount for certification exam, spending this little amount to purchase this tests will give u lot of confidence"
Price: 19.99

"GSuite for Education Basics" |
"GSuite for education contains a lot of apps and tools that you can use. In this course, you will take a dive into ten different GSuite apps to learn the basics of how they are used in education. The course will help you become more familiar with the tools that are available to you as a Google for Education school district."
Price: 49.99

"Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine Python API" |
"Do you want to access satellite sensors using Earth Engine Python API and Jupyter Notebook?Do you want to learn the spatial data science on the cloud? Do you want to become a spatial data scientist? Enroll in my new course to Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine Engine Python API.I will provide you with hands-on training with example data, sample scripts, and real-world applications. By taking this course, you be able to install Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook. Then, you will have access to satellite data using the Earth Engine Python API.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, PhD. I am a geospatial data scientist, instructor and author. I have over 15 plus years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products. I am also the recipient of one the prestigious NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship. I teach over 10,000 students on Udemy.In this Spatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine Python API course, I will help you get up and running on the Earth Engine Python API and Jupyter Notebook. By the end of this course, you will have access to all example script and data such that you will be able to accessing, downloading, visualizing big data, and extracting information.In this course we will cover the following topics:Introduction to Earth Engine Python APIInstall the Anaconda and Jupyter NotebookSet Up a Python EnvironmentRaster Data VisualizationVector Data VisualizationLoad Landsat Satellite DataCloud Masking AlgorithmCalculate NDVIExport images and videosProcess image collectionsMachine Learning AlgorithmsAdvanced digital image processingOne of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use open source software including the Google Earth Engine Python API and Jupyter Notebook. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now and enroll.Best,Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, PhD"
Price: 109.99

"Aplicativos com React Native Avanado" |
"O Curso completo de React Native Avanado possui 50 vdeo aulas, neste curso voc ir aprender como integrar um aplicativo com um sistema web, neste caso pegaremos o que foi desenvolvido nos cursos de app Tarefas e app Financeiro e vamos integrar com um sistema web voltado para imobiliria (Criando no curso de Sistema Imobilirio com JSP), totalmente aconselhvel antes de acompanhar este curso acompanhar dois outros, o de APP Tarefas e APP Financeiro, ambos com react native."
Price: 234.99

"Crea Sistemas Marketplace con PHP7 y bases de datos MySQL" |
"Cuando se habla de un proyecto Marketplace se est hablando de un proyecto de alta gama, imagnate haber creado un Mercado Libre, un Amazon, un Ebay, un Udemy, estas plataformas no las hicieron con temas de Wordpress, o reciclando cdigo en internet, son proyectos que debes construir desde cero para tener control de todo el ecosistema.Tienes una idea de cmo empezar? Este curso te guiar paso a paso en el proceso de construccin de un Marketplace: Analizaremos la estructura de un Marketplace y su arquitectura de la informacin. Cmo llevar al usuario a travs de la interfaz grfica por una experiencia fcil y directa a la compra de productos con estratgicos call to action (llamadas a la accin). Aprenders a construir bases de datos complejas con todas las caractersticas que implica un Marketplace. Utilizaremos MySQL para alojar nuestra base de datos. Aprenders a construir una API RESTful desde cero con PHP nativo totalmente dinmica para que la puedas reutilizar en cualquier proyecto que emprendas en adelante. Aprenders a realizar peticiones HTTP: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, hacer relaciones entre mltiples tablas, adems de cmo generar filtros de bsqueda y reglas de seguridad usando Json Web Token. Aprenders a interpretar cualquier plantilla HTML comercial para ser integrada bajo el patrn Modelo-Vista-Controlador en PHP. Aprenders a integrar pasarelas de pago de Paypal, Payu y Mercado Pago en PHP. Aprenders a gestionar registro de usuarios a travs de redes sociales y mtodos convencionales. Finalmente crears un ecosistema de Marketplace con seccin de Multivendedores para que cualquier persona pueda vender en tu tienda.Cmo es el curso?El curso se divide en varias secciones. En una primera seccin haremos la introduccin de lo que es un sistema Marketplace y sus caractersticas.Luego trabajaremos en la construccin de la Base de Datos de nuestro sistema llevndola a la tecnologa de MySQL.Construiremos una API RESTful personalizada en PHP nativo totalmente dinmica para que la puedas reutilizar en cualquier proyecto que emprendas en adelante. En las siguientes secciones comenzaremos a construir paso a paso desde cero el sistema Marketplace integrando en la plantilla comercial HTML MARTFURY toda la informacin de la base de datos trada desde MySQL a travs de la API RESTful, dedicando el tiempo necesario para la construccin de cada detalle y correcto funcionamiento del sistema.Recuerda que cuentas con la poltica de reembolso de Udemy, que en caso de que este curso no cumpla tus expectativas, puedes solicitarla y te darn el 100% de tu dinero de regreso, pero si lo haces, por favor dime en qu fall, y as seguir mejorando este curso.Antes de comprarlo, puedes revisar el contenido gratuito que est accesible para ti y as tengas una mejor idea de lo que aqu se har."
Price: 199.99

"Crafting Dynamic Characters (Writing Mastery)" |
"If theres one secret to crafting dynamic characters that readers will remember its this:Connection.The job of a fiction writer is not just to create interesting, compelling, and unique characters, but to weave those characters into the prose in a way that engages readers and connects them to the story.Because you can have the most interesting, compelling, unique characters in the world but if you cant effectively reveal those characters to your readers in a way that inspires them to keep reading, whats the point?Welcome to Writing Mastery: Crafting Dynamic CharactersIn this course, taught by character guru, literary agent and freelance editor, Mary Kole, (and developed with bestselling author and #1 bestselling Udemy instructor, Jessica Brody) youll learn how to not only create fully fleshed-out, dynamic characters, but also how to reveal them--and all of their wonderful nuances--in a way that grabs the readers attention, inspires their imagination, and captures their heart.Mary Kole has been working with writers as a publishing assistant, literary agent, editor and writing teacher for more than a decade. Shes helped thousands of authors take flat, underdeveloped characters and turn them into dynamic ones that leap off the page.This course was produced and co-instructed by bestselling author Jessica Brody as part of the Writing Mastery series whose courses have over 35,000 enrolled students and over 5,000 5-star reviews on Udemy! In this course, Mary Kole teaches her ""secret sauce"" for character success, centering around the concept of Interiority (the characters inner life). Mary will break down, step by step the process of building and nurturing that invaluable reader/character relationship and provide you with 7 vital tools for weaving characters into your prose in an engaging way. Additionally, shell break down the 4 Foundations of a Dynamic Character and walk you through the process of brainstorming and developing your own.And throughout the course, shell give you tons of examples, actionable tips, and exercises to help you apply what youve learned and put your new skills to work. By the end of this course, youll have:A solid understanding of why readers fall in love with characters and what makes for an interactive reading experience (an essential component of any successful story)7 tools for effectively revealing characters to your readers in a way that engages them and makes them an active part of your storyA firm grasp of the 4 foundations that make up a dynamic characterAt least one fully fleshed-out character that you can use to elevate a current work in progress or start a new story Plus, along the way, in order to help solidify the skills taught in this course, instructors Jessica Brody and Mary Kole will take on each of the exercises in the course and share their results in fun, critique-group style Instructor Jam sessions. Seeing how professional writers approach the exercises will provide even more insight and context into how dynamic characters are crafted and revealed on the page.""So in depth, so broken down into easily digestible, yummy little tid-bits of crafty goodness. I love it!"" - Kat L. ""[This course] is amazing and it has been quite helpful!"" - Siya S. ""Unbelievable information"" - Richard R. This is just in time knowledge for my first novel! - Johnny P. This Course Includes:Tons of fun, inspiring writing prompts designed to break you out of old patterns, get you thinking about character in a new way, and help you apply all the skills taught in the courseExamples from popular works of fiction to provide context and enhance your understanding of the materialTips and advice from a true publishing-industry insider on how to make fresh choices, brainstorm with confidence, and elevate your fiction writing and character development skillsWhether youre a seasoned writer or just starting out, whether you have an idea for a story, are revising an existing project, or just looking for inspiration, this course is sure to take your character development skills to the next level.PRAISE FOR COURSES IN THE WRITING MASTERY SERIES:8 writing coursesOver 5,000 5-star reviews!Over 35,000 students enrolledAverage 4.6 stars!""Just, WOW! FULL of tips, tricks, resources, references, and actionable steps"" - Tracy""Superb. Clear and engaging - Dan""Thorough, accurate, and well-presented --I would recommend Jessica Brodys courses to any writer eager to rise."" - Mark""Jessica Brody's courses are all thorough, entertaining, and extremely helpful."" - Tricia""As always, Jessica Brody delivers an insider's knowledge and the tools to move forward in the process, now!"" - Sue""Very informative and well worth the time and cost."" - Noel ""Clear, concise, & well-narrated with an abundance of enthusiasm."" - Christopher""This course is worth far more than the price of admission!"" - Talmage""Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites."" - Katherine""If you write (or plan to write), get this course"" - Scott""I have learned so much information that has helped me in the writing process."" - Christy""Good pacing, great tools, wonderful ideas... loving this course!"" - Regina""Love the videos. Very easy to understand and lots of great tips!"" - Lisa"
Price: 99.99

"Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 from Installation to Test Networks" |
"This video series takes the student from installation the binaries all the way to running a test network. This includes docker containers, node chaincode, scripts, installation of CA server, running CA clients, generating certificates, the lifecycle for chaincode, MSPs, access via policies, protocols including gossip, SDKs, APIs, and more. At the end of this course you should be able to run a test network, code chaincode, and test the network."
Price: 199.99

"Diseo de un Pulsioxmetro Bluetooth con KiCAD" |
"Durante el presente curso los estudiantes aprendern de forma guiada a realizar un diseo electrnico. Concretamente los estudiantes disearn e implementarn un pulsioxmetro Bluetooth. Que se comunicar mediante esta tecnologa con un terminal mvil Android. El dispositivo diseado emplear un sensor Maxim MAX30101 como principal transductor para obtener los datos a medir, un microcontrolador Nordic nRF52 y un puerto USB-C para alimentacin."
Price: 19.99

"Docker For Developers" |
"Leverage the power of dockerDocker has become a main tool for devOps as but its not limited to devOps in this course we will learn how developers can use docker into their day to day development activities. Initial setup and overview of docker basics. How you can run node application in docker and also we will learn how you can setup PostgreSQL and MongoDB server in docker container. Manage Multiple Services with Docker Compose.We will explore several use cases for docker as a developer so you could focus more on coding instead of spending time to setup your dev environment.Hi I am Awais Mirza a full stack software engineer and I use docker for all my programming activities.So whats in the course ?Outline * initial setup and overview of docker basics * * How you can run node application in docker * PostgreSQL and Mongo Db Server Setup * Continuous integration approach to docker and development. * Manage Multiple Services with Docker Compose"
Price: 19.99

"Build a Movie Search Engine Using ReactJS" |
"React is one of the best Javascript libraries. It can be used to create small, medium and large web app projects. A lot of startups and companies have started using it to create different types of web apps. Thus, The demand for React developers is increasing every day and adding React to your portfolio will get you jobs much easier.In this course you will learn how to build a Movie Search Engine using React JS. This course is oriented towards beginners and intermediate web developers. It will take you step-by-step from the beginning by creating a React app and then adding each block in order to build a complete awesome project. Note: This course assumes that you have the basics of Javascript (How to create functions and call them. How to create objects, variables, classes, if statements, etc).What you'll learn in this course will make you able to start creating your own React projects and improve your abilities as a web developer and will put you on the right path to specialize in one of the most popular React libraries. Finally, after the end of this course, you can start applying for React jobs confidently.Some of the topics covered in this course:How to create a React JS projectThe structure of React JS web appHow to run your projectCreating componentsNavigating to different pagesMaking HTTP requestsUsing APIs in React web appInstalling BootstrapAnd much moreNote: In this course you'll also get downloadable source code. You will also be provided with an exercise or quiz at the end of each lecture to test your understanding."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Completo para Maestria em Produtividade Pessoal" |
"Vena todos os ladres da sua produtividade pessoal, domine com maestria a gesto do seu tempo, crie rituais poderosos como atletas de elite do tipo ""Michael Phelps"", Realize todas as metas que prometer a si mesmo, e ainda produza com um foco to elevado que te permita produzir no mximo da sua capacidade mental!O Treinamento sustentado por 4 pilares:1 - BSICO - Eliminar todos os Ladres da ProdutividadeProcrastinaoFalta de FocoFalta de Motivao Falta de DisciplinaAnsiedadeNo conseguir ir at o final e desistir no meio do caminhoNo saber dizer noExcesso de informao2 - INTERMEDIRIO - Gesto do TempoPlanejamento SemanalPlanejamento DirioPadro de Alta Produtividade3 - AVANADO - Produtividade em Alta PerformanceRitual MatinalHbito do FocoConstruo de Padres que te permitem atingir qualquer Resultado 10 que desejar em sua vida4 - ULTRA AVANADO - Meta Global (metodologia criada por Rogrio Souza)Meta Global que Desbloqueia Nveis Mximos de Realizao PessoalRotina MorDo mais bsico at o mais avanado, voc aprender tudo que precisa saber sobre o tema produtividade em um nico treinamento completo.Todo o treinamento acompanhamento por materiais adicionais (ideias chave e exerccios prticos), facilitando a absoro e memorizao do contedo que o aluno entrar em contato."
Price: 579.99

"Excel Ultimate Course - From 0% to 100%" |
"This ultimate Excel bundle is for anyone from zero knowledge to expert level. We have split the training into 3 sections. Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced. The Foundation course is taught by Rezall, Intermediate taught by Jarina, and last but not least, Advanced is taught by Azrul. All 3 of them are certified trainer for Microsoft (MCT). They have more than 40 years of experience combined."
Price: 149.99

"Laravel React CRUD Application" |
"You'll learn how to code your own Laravel React website using the most powerful and user-friendly framework available to web developers, Laravel/React.By the end of the course, you'll also be able to build and add powerful features to your website including Captcha If you have basic knowledge of Laravel/React and you want to go to the next level - this course is definitely for you."
Price: 104.99

"Tcnicas de edio para escritores" |
"Voc acabou de escrever sua histria.E agora?Como e por onde comear a edio?Neste curso, voc ter as ferramentas necessrias para editar sua histria, com pacincia, equilbrio e simplicidade. So tcnicas bsicas testadas e aprovadas em todas as minhas edies de contos e narrativas curtas. Ao longo das aulas, voc j capaz de editar sua histria ou, se quiser, desenvolver suas habilidades com os exerccios disponveis para download ao longo da grade curricular. Ento, o que est esperando? Venha refinar suas histrias e compartilh-las com o mundo!"
Price: 189.99

"ABC of Cisco SDWAN Viptela Troubleshooting" |
"What is SD-WAN ? Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) is an overlay architecture that overcomes the biggest drawbacks of traditional WAN. SD-WAN builds a secure, unified connectivity over any transport (MPLS, Broadband, LTE, VSAT etc.) and provides simplified operations with centralized management, policy control and application visibility across the enterprise.STEPSTOTROUBLESHOOTStep 1 When analyzing a network problem, make a clear problem statement. You should define the problem in terms of a set of symptoms and potential causes.To properly analyze the problem, identify the general symptoms and then ascertain what kinds of problems (causes) could result in these symptoms. For example, hosts might not be responding to service requests from clients (a symptom). Possible causes might include a misconfigured host, bad interface cards, or missing router configuration commands.Step 2 Gather the facts that you need to help isolate possible causes.Ask questions of affected users, network administrators, managers, and other key people. Collect information from sources such as network management systems, protocol analyzer traces, output from router diagnostic commands, or software release notes.Step 3 Consider possible problems based on the facts that you gathered. Using the facts, you can eliminate some of the potential problems from your list.Depending on the data, for example, you might be able to eliminate hardware as a problem so that you can focus on software problems. At every opportunity, try to narrow the number of potential problems so that you can create an efficient plan of action.Step 4 Create an action plan based on the remaining potential problems. Begin with the most likely problem, and devise a plan in which only one variable is manipulated.Changing only one variable at a time enables you to reproduce a given solution to a specific problem. If you alter more than one variable simultaneously, you might solve the problem, but identifying the specific change that eliminated the symptom becomes far more difficult and will not help you solve the same problem if it occurs in the future.Step 5 Implement the action plan, performing each step carefully while testing to see whether the symptom disappears.Step 6 Whenever you change a variable, be sure to gather results. Generally, you should use the same method of gathering facts that you used in Step 2 (that is, working with the key people affected, in conjunction with utilizing your diagnostic tools).Step 7 Analyze the results to determine whether the problem has been resolved. If it has, then the process is complete.Step 8 If the problem has not been resolved, you must create an action plan based on the next most likely problem in your list. Return to Step 4, change one variable at a time, and repeat the process until the problem is solved."
Price: 49.99

"Kickoff Your Cuban Slang Learning" |
"Enroll now to learn Cuban slang in a fun way as you've always dreamed of!This is your great opportunity to to learn and put in practice right away very cool Cuban slang for daily use. You will learn 26 Cuban slang in context, so you will be able to understand them and use them in real conversations."
Price: 19.99

"MLM (Marketing de rseau) - Recrutez en masse sans vendre !" |
"Les conseils de vos mentors dans votre MLM sont dpasss. En avez-vous marre de stagner dans vos ventes et d'applique leurs conseils ? Je vais vous dire un truc : ceux qui sont en haut de la pyramide d'un systme en marketing de rseau vous font croire a :Vous devez vendre un maximum de produits avant de chercher prospecter.Vous devez faire des story et consommer vous mme les produits.Ils centrent tout leur discours sur le marketing "" dans la vraie vie "" et rien sur internet.Ils ont tout intrt vous faire croire cela car... Vous leur rapportez des commissions et stagnerez toujours au mme niveau. D'ailleurs, votre mentor n'a probablement pas de piscine, de voiture et gagne bien moins que ce qu'il annonce. Ce jeu du paratre qui est faux donne la sensation aux futurs clients d'tre des pigeons, alors que ce sont vos hros.Soyez vrai et devenez un(e) leader. Russir dans le MLM ne consiste pas vendre des produits en masse, mais recruter des machines de guerre.Aujourd'hui, vous allez arrter de faire ces erreurs. Ceux qui sont en haut de la pyramide ont intrt garder un maxium d'cart avec vous et que vous vous puisiez vendre des produits. Ici, on change la donne et on mise tout sur le recrutement car c'est lui qui permet de :Gagner de l'argent en revenus passifs et toucher des commissions.De faire des chiffres d'affaires 5 ou 6 chiffres.De crer un cercle vertueux positif sur votre vie personnelle et professionnelle.De partir en vacances et continuer encaisser en automatique.Avec internet, il y a une norme opportunit car la majorit des VDI (vendeurs indpendants en MLM) ne savent pas utiliser les outils. Ce ne sont pas des formules magiques, mais de vritables mthodes qui ncessitent du travail (sans travailler, vous ne russirez jamais). Ce sont les vritables cls pour devenir riche.Vous allez apprendre alors :Automatiser votre instagram pour qu'il aille parler de nouvelles personnes pour vous, de jour comme de nuit.Crer rapidement un site en quelques heures, sans coder et qui vous permettra d'avoir des centaines de visiteurs automatiquement.Utiliser des techniques oublies qui permettent d'avoir une visibilit norme et des clients pour quelques euros. consacrer votre temps uniquement sur les tches les plus importante (ne consacrez surtout pas votre temps la vente). optimiser votre travail et crer des fondations solides. Nombreux sont les vendeurs en marketing de rseau qui abandonnent leurs clients au bout de quelques commandes.Tout ce qu'il faut pour transformer votre activit en une vritable machine de guerre, qui va convertir de nouvelles personnes en automatique dans votre business ! Ces personnes travailleront pour vous !Toutes cls sont issues de mon exprience en MLM ainsi que d'autres personnes. Vous aurez toutes les cls pour optimiser votre business de manire hyper efficace, des exemples concrets. Vous saurez aussi flairer les bonnes opportunits pour gagner un maximum d'argent en MLM et viter les systmes pyramidaux pourris que proposent certaines marques comme modre.Ces techniques s'appliquent donc parfaitement tous les MLM comme Medifast ,Stream Energy ,Fuel Freedom International ,Primerica ,Market America ,Scentsy ,Young Living ,Sunrider ,Amsoil ,Pure Romance ,Mannatech ,Neal's Yard Remedies Organic ,Beachbody ,Nu Skin Enterprise ,Telecom Plus ,World Financial Group ,Success University ,LimeLife ,Monat ,Forever Living Products ,Discovery Toys ,Qnet, previously known as QuestNet, GoldQuest, and QI Limited ,Shaklee ,USANA Health Sciences ,Nature's Sunshine Products ,XanGo ,Oriflame ,Rodan + Fields ,Herbalife ,National Safety Associates ,Barefoot Books ,Usborne Publishing ,Tastefully Simple ,doTerra ,Amway Global, previously known as Quixtar ,Cutco ,BioPerformance ,Mary Kay ,Pampered Chef ,Younique ,LegalShield, previously known as Pre-Paid Legal Services ,Juice Plus ,Vector Marketing ,SeneGence ,Morinda, Inc. ,The Body Shop ,NXIVM ,Watkins Incorporated ,AdvoCare ,FreeLife ,Vemma ,LifeVantage (Protandim) ,Southwestern Advantage ,Ann Summers ,ViSalus ,Neways ,Ambit Energy ,Avon Products ,YTB International ,Melaleuca ,ACN Inc ,Lyoness ,Beautycounter ,LuLaRoe ,5Linx ,Isagenix International ,Amway,Omnilife ,Wakaya Perfection ,Seacret ,Arbonne International.Je vous montre aussi sur quel MLM je travaille et pourquoi c'est le plus intressant.Je cre actuellement mon propre MLM hyper avantageux !"
Price: 99.99

"Sat Yapmann Srr: Pazarlama Eitimi" |
"Satn kolaylkla yaplabilmesi iin pazarlama faaliyetleri zemin oluturur. Pazarlama faaliyetleri zayf ise sat zayftr veya duraandr. Kendinizi veya markanz tarif edecek bir ifade bulun ve bu ifade sizi en iyi tanmlayan ey olsun.. Peki, Bu ifade rakipsiz mi? Bu kurs ierisinde sizlere Pazarlama ile ilgili detayl bilgiler verilecei gibi, 12 adet PDF dosyas ile renilenler pekitirilecek ve gndelik pazarlama faaliyetlerinde bu PDF leri kullanarak, kolaylatrabileceksini.Pazarlama stratejileriniz nelerdir? Nasl oluturursunuz, kampanya oluturma admlar ve sreleri nelerdir? Pazarlama yaparken hedefler ve hedef kitleyi belirleme almalar. Potansiyel ve Mevcut Mterilerinizin Aklnda Nasl Kalyorsunuz? Mterilerinizin pazarlama ynetimini nasl yapyorsunuz?"
Price: 49.99

"Mkemmel Sat Profesyonellii" |
"Organizasyonunuzun tm ile nasl stratejik uyum salayabileceinizi anlamak ile Mkemmel Sat profesyoneli nasl olunacan kavrama farkndal.. Bunun yannda sat profesyonelliinin yetkinliklerini anlama ve kavrama.. Sat profesyonelliinin yanl inanlar ve gizli taraflarn fark etme. Sat iin ihtiya yaratma ve ihtiyalarn ynetimi ile sat gerekletirme almalar.. Mkemmel sat profesyoneli olmak iin kiisel baar admlar ve davranlar btn..."
Price: 49.99

"Nucleophilic Substitution & Elimination Reactions of RX" |
"This course give you the Complete discussion of on nucleophilic Substitution reaction of Alkyl halide where you will get everything related to understanding of this chapter including terms such as nucleophile, base, leaving group, its nature, strength, concepts, mechanism and stereochemistry of reactions, comparison of SN1, SN2, E1, E2 with details of it."
Price: 19.99

"Python & Django Framework Course: The Complete Guide" |
"In this ""Complete Guide: Python & Django Framework"" course, you will learn Python v3 the latest Python version. Including to that you will also learn Django 3 Framework, Latest full stack web development framework.In the Python section you will learn everything from Basics to most important and fundamentals of Python Programming with practical examples.In the Django 3 Framework section you will learn both the fundamentals and also essentials on Django Framework. In the complete course you will learn to build and develop your own live Employee Management App with Python Django Framework"
Price: 8000.00
