"Branding Superfans Le secret des grandes marques rvl" |
"Pourquoi Starbucks est si populaire alors que les cafs sont 3x plus chers qu'ailleurs ? Pourquoi des gens campent devant l'Apple Store pour dpenser la moiti de leur salaire dans le nouvel iPhone ?Quel est le secret des grandes marques pour crer des hordes de fans prtes acheter tout ce qu'elles proposent ? Que savent-elles que tu ignores ? Dans ce cours, tu dcouvriras comment les grandes marques russissent crer un lien motionnel ultra-puissant avec leurs clients grce la thorie des 12 archtypes.Surtout, on verra ensemble comment tu peux, toi aussi, crer une audience de superfans qui te soutiennent dans tout ce que tu fais. Et sans dpenser des millions en publicit. Juste en ajoutant quelques mots bien placs dans ta communication.Imagine que tu aies 1'000 vrais fans qui achtent tout ce que tu proposes. Pour gagner 100'000 par anne, il te suffit de crer une formation par anne et de la vendre 100. Dis comme a, a semble plutt facile. Et a l'est, quand on sait comment crer un lien motionnel fort !Dans un premier temps, on dfinira ce qu'est un archtype et ce qu'est le branding.Intro: pourquoi est-ce que le branding est si important ?C'est la seule faon d'augmenter tes prix et vendre tout autant, voire plus.C'est la seule faon pour crer n'importe quel produit dans n'importe quel march et le vendre quand mme (le fondateur de Tesla veut envoyer des touristes dans l'espace avec son projet SpaceX et des gens sont prts payer des dizaines de millions pour a. Ils ne le feraient pas si c'tait le dirigeant de Renault qui le proposait)C'est la seule faon de tenir durant une crise majeure et mme de grandir malgr la crise.Les 12 archtypesEnsuite, chaque chapitre est consacr un des 12 archtypes: l'innocent, le rebelle, l'explorateur, la personne ordinaire, le hros, le crateur, l'amant, le leader, l'ange gardien, le saltimbanque et le sage.Pour chaque archtype, on dtaillera...des exemples de personnalits connues et de grandes marquesle dsir profond (et comment l'adresser)l'ombre de cet archtypeles valeursle style de leader recherch (et comment te prsenter)quelle motion utilis dans ta communicationla fourchette de prix conseilleBONUS: personal branding quizEn bonus, j'ai cr pour toi un test de personnalit de 10 questions pour dterminer quel est ton archtype dominant. En effet, il est plus facile d'attirer soi des gens qui nous ressemblent et avec qui on partage une mme vision de la vie.ConclusionA la fin de ce cours, tu sauras exactement quel archtype te qualifie et quels mots utiliser pour attirer et construire une audience de superfans qui voudront acheter tout ce que tu proposes.Mon but ultime pour toi: te prsenter une formation condense, 100% pratiques (tu peux l'appliquer d'ici 1h) pour dvelopper un business panouissant financirement ET personnellement.Si tu as des questions avant, pendant ou aprs le cours, je reste ton entire disposition hello@copywriting-francais.com.On se voit de l'autre ct ?Loris C.,Copywriting Franais"
Price: 29.99

"Master in Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Online" |
"This Microsoft Power BI course will help you to become a Power BI expert. It will enhance your skills by offering you comprehensive knowledge on Power BI Desktop, Power BI Online, and the required hands-on experience for solving real-time industry-based Power BI projects.As we progress through this course, youll learn to unleash the capabilities of Power BI to perform a comprehensive analysis of data from multiple sources and present the data using the perfect visualization.In this course, you will gain an understanding of the concept and working of Power BI Desktop and Power BI online services.You will learn how to connect Power BI to different data sources.You will be able to transform your data using Power Query and create data models.You will also level-up your data analysis skills using DAX and create calculated columns and measures.With the help of Reports and Visualization in Power BI, you will be able to present your data in an efficient and interactive way.And lastly, you will learn how to publish your reports and dashboards to the Power BI online service.Why Learn Power BI?Power BI is a business intelligence tool by Microsoft that provides analytics services. It provides interactive dashboards and visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities, where end users can create reports and dashboards by themselves, without having to depend on anyone else as Power BI's artificial intelligence is there to help you out. Power BI provides cloud-based BI services - known as Power BI Services, along with a desktop-based interface called Power BI Desktop. It offers Data modeling capabilities along with data preparation, data discovery, and interactive dashboards.Why should you take up this Power BI course?Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Market to grow to $22.8 billion in the next 2 years Gartner.70% of leading companies say that analytics is integral to how they make decisions IBM SurveyA Senior Business Intelligence Analyst can earn $89,000 in the United States Payscale"
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: SAA-C02 exam" |
"An AWS Certification is one of the hottest IT certifications in the job market today! Get your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification and change your life. The world has been experiencing major changes in the last few years. Rather than running infrastructure on prep (on premise), companies are moving to the cloud. This course was created from the ground up for the new 2020 AWS certification exam. Make sure you're ready to pass the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam by taking this course.Don't miss out on the opportunities this trend is presenting. Make sure that you get involved.This course, designed and delivered by Anthony Sequeira, a renowned online trainer since 1996, was built specifically for Udemy and includes:Concise, focused lectures on specific AWS concepts and technologies An organization that directly mirrors the official exam objectives Hands-On Challenges that ensure you have mastered key concepts Milestone quizzes to assess learning throughout the courseTwo full practice exams, the second more difficult than the first Additional study assignments including key white-papers and tools Amazon Web Services or aws is one of the most important skills you need to gain in 2020. Don't miss our on this opportunity to improve your career with cloud services."
Price: 19.99

"Tokenisation and Encryption in Digital Payments, FinTech" |
"With the increasing number of Digital Payment tools and use cases, we are also becoming prone to newer frauds and risks. New age fraudsters and hackers are smarter and we need to protect ourselves by being one step ahead of them. Tokenisation and Encryption are the tools which can secure mobile-based digital payment systems and Payment Processing.This business-oriented and not a fully technical course will help you to understand what is Tokenization and Encryption in digital payments.Please go through the curriculum thoroughly before purchasing the course""Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay, payment service providers, almost all companies are using tokenisation and encryption to secure their own as well as the entire payment ecosystem. We are excited to simplify these two most talked security tools in digital payments in this course.See you there.. Happy Learning."
Price: 9280.00

"Modern Java Script From Scratch With Examples and Projects" |
"Learn Java Script From Scratch With Examples and ProjectsModern JavaScript from Beginning - Must Have JavaScript Course in 2020. This JS Course will teach more in less time. Join the other 70000+ happy students i taught online and offline. BRAND NEW COURSE!I value your time, so This course is designed in such a manner that it will teach you more in less time. It will not waste your time. If you are tired of watching tutorials that take hours to explain simple concepts? Then You came to right place. The complete JavaScript basics will be explaining to you with hands on code.REASONS TO LEARN JAVASCRIPTJavaScript is a must tool for front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers.The average annual salary for a JavaScript developer is $72,000.Companies like Walmart, Netflix, and PayPal run big internal applications around JavaScript.Having strong JavaScript knowledge will help you land your dream job.WHAT IS JAVASCRIPT?JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and growing faster than any other programming language. As a developer, you can use JavaScript to build web and mobile apps, real-time networking apps, command-line tools, and games. JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer - and with this course, You make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know about JavaScript Basics!Who this course is for:Beginner web development students who have no or only little JavaScript experienceAnyone who wants to understand JavaScript betterAnyone who wants to become a web developerDevelopers who want to learn basics about JavaScriptEveryone interested in learning JavaScript and all about how it works"
Price: 199.99

"Python for Absolute beginner (Python 3 - python programming)" |
"Python programming for beginners! Python for Absolute beginner (Python 3 - python programming)Learn the fundamentals of Python through video lectures, quizzes, and practice problems.Python is an easy to learn programming language with a wide variety of well-paying jobs in many fields, including data science, web development, and network programming. There couldnt be a better time for you to join the world of Python!learn Python programming for beginners with hands-on exercises in this beginner friendly Python tutorial! with Examples"
Price: 19.99

"Build a profitable Home-based Business for free of cost" |
"A simple questionAre you unemployed and looking for starting to have your own independent income stream?Do you wish to start a hassle free easy home based business where you can make regular profits?Keeping these considerations, this course has been designed for beginners where they can know about how start a home based easy business from scratch.This will be very useful who want to have an extra income enjoy their work without any investment.Also, the course is designed in such a way that you can immediately start your business without any money in less time period.Will you not like to see yourself being a successful entrepreneur and earning money when going through phase of unemployment?This short course has covered all the aspect from being generation of ideas to successful start of home based business.If you are interested in the making yourself financially well, check the course out and see which business you can start from home.All the best!!"
Price: 19.99

"Suicide Risk Assessment & Intervention in Clinical Practice" |
"This course is geared to behavioral health practitioners, paraprofessionals and graduate students in Psychology, Social Work and Counseling whom at some point in their internships/fellowships and careers will be faced with an individual seeking services and either presenting with, or while in treatment disclosing suicidal ideation.1. Who might be at high risk? There will be a review of the prevalence of suicide in the USA in general and as it relates to different segments of the population, diagnostics and presentation.2. When and how might we screen? A minimum of two screening tools (youth & adult) will be presented along with the pros and cons of their usage, and where in the intake and evaluation process they can be placed.3. What is the clinical presentation? We will review signs that serve as prompts for further exploration.4. What types of interventions are useful? Various modalities will be discussed.5. Resources for clients/patients and family members."
Price: 49.99

"Beautiful Designs on SignUp , Contact , Login Forms" |
"So why is this course so unique ?Reason #1: The course is completely project-basedTogether we hand-code a beautiful and responsive Form page for a fictional company that I made up just for the course. Step-by-step, you will learn more and more HTML5 and CSS3 features, from beginner to advanced. These are the latest web technologies, used by every website in the world. This huge project will teach you all the real-world skills to build real-world HTML5 and CSS3 websites. This will allow you to build any website you can imagine... From complete scratch.Reason #2: You will not just learn how to codeCoding is great, but it's not everything! That's why we will go through the entire process of building and launching our website project. This includes designing, coding, planning, writing clean and organized code, website optimization, best practices, and so much more.Designing is really, really important. Have you seen all these beautiful and modern websites lately? Great! Because I will show you how it's done. And not just in theory, but also in practice. This is the only course on the market that focuses on both coding and designing, together.Reason #3: You walk away with a ready-to-launch FormsBy the end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch Forms that looks great on any computer, tablet, and smartphone. Of course you get the entire code and all the images and graphical assets that I designed especially for the course as a free download.Please check out the promo video to see the final website!Reason #4: I make HTML5 and CSS3 easy and funWith the right guidance, HTML5, CSS3, and responsive web design are really easy to learn and use in the real world. With a bunch of random tutorials and YouTube videos? Not so much. That's why I structured this training around a cool and complete project that's fun to code."
Price: 1280.00

"Autism : From Understanding to Solution Action" |
"It is difficult for us to fully understand the challenges of family with autistic child or children.Parents with autistic child face another dilemma. Western medical scientists say that autism cannot be cured, yet parents have to invest a great deal of time and money on all sorts of long term intervention programs for the child.Special Need Children Specialists can't completely explain in which way the intervention program can improve the child. At the same time, back in the mind, ""Autism cannot be cured"".Different intervention experts disagree with each other, and each expert believes that their intervention plan is the most effective.This video course ""Autism: From Understanding to Solution Action"" studies and analyses how Western medical scientists have dealt with autism since 109 years ago till today.We especially discuss the different theories they use. What is missing?Then, we introduce the ancient wisdom, Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic.We discuss how the overall integrated theory of Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic can logically explain the various disorders and behavior problems of various autistic children.At the same time, the same theory will be used to do balancing work to the autistic children, to improve their problems.This is also a marked difference from Western medicine theory. Western medicine has many elaborate theories, but there is no solution for parents to do anything!"
Price: 99.99

"Basics of Ayurveda and Naturopathy" |
"Vapika Nerves helps people from all walks of life to understand the nuances of healthy living in a simpler way which our ancestors always used to follow. Generations that existed hundreds of years ago in India knew the logic very well and in a way they were more advanced than what we are today. Over the centuries all this knowledge corpus has dwindled and there has been constant invasion of new age medicine on our lifestyle. This has led to increase in health related issues even in younger generations now.This course is an attempt to share natural living habits on how to avoid health related issues by following the guidelines and best practices which Indians were always proud of. The importance of managing the five elements (Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Ether) that make up a human body and the balance you maintain of Vatta, Pitta and Kapha determines the health of an individual and this is exactly what we focus on."
Price: 24.99

Python |
"Python . , , , , , . 62 , 14 , 8 35 -. Python. .(C) Course Icon by Flat Icons"
Price: 4799.00

Excel |
". , . : , , , . . . Microsoft Excel 2010.(C) Course image made by Freepik from flaticon"
Price: 7299.00

"Music Production 101: Build Your Home Studio" |
"Thank you for joining this class! Music Production 101 will teach you everything you need to know in order to start your very own home studio. It's easier than you think!What you'll learn:Why building a home studio?What basic equipment will you need?The 3 stages of music productionImproving your home studioReaching a professional level"
Price: 19.99

"Java: a COMPLETE tutorial from ZERO to JDBC" |
"Java is one of the most prominent programming languages today due its power and versatility.Our concept at LearningWhilePracticing is to guide you to be operational right away. We help you uncover new skills through practice, instead of going over a boring class where you would not be grasping the concepts. Practices makes perfect!In this course, you will be guided by Oracle certified Java expert Mr Lawrence Decamora, from start to finish.NO JAVA KNOWLEDGE IS PREVIOUSLY REQUIRED!This Java tutorial is made up of 14 sections:Section 0: Setting up your Java Development KitDownloading, Installing and Configuring your JDKWindows OSMac OSSetting up your IDEEclipseNetBeansSection 1: Your First Java CupHow to write your first Java Program --> HelloWorld.javaHow to save, compile and run your first Java ProgramHow to debug a compilation errorThe Parts of your Java Programclassthe main methodthe System.out.println() methodthe (+) operatorthe 'n' and 't' charactersCommonly encountered errors:Misspelled public class name vs misspelled filenameMisspelled keywords and method namesIncorrect location of your file or your present working directory.Section 2: Difference between a Class and an ObjectHow to create an objectConstructorsinstance variablesinstance methodsHow to use / test an object.Encapsulation (Data Hiding)Java API DocumentationThe import StatementSection 3: Introducing the use of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)EclipseNetbeansIntelliJCreating our first Netbeans ProjectComments in Javasingle line commentsmulti line commentsjava doc commentsThe Semi-colon;The { } blocksWhitespacesThe import StatementThe package StatementJava Data TypesReference Data Types (To be discussed in Section 5)Primitive Data TypesbyteshortintlongfloatdoublecharbooleanThe Scanner object.The nextXxx() methodsSection 4: Operators and Control StructuresOperatorsCastingIncrement / Decrement (++ / --)Mathematical (*, /, %, +, -)Relational (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)Logical Operators (&, , ^)Short-Circuit Operators (&&, )Ternary Operators (? :)Assignment and Short-Hand OperatorsControl Structuresif-elseswitch-casewhiledo whilefor loopnested loopsbreak and continue statementslabeled break and labeled continue statementsSection 5: The Reference Data TypesPrimitive Data Types vs Reference Data TypeUser Defined Classes --> Reference Data TypesAssigning References to VariablesPass by Value and Local Variable ScopesThe this ReferenceSection 6: Arrays and StringsArray Creation and InitializationArray Limits (.length)The Enhanced for loopCopying ArraysCommand-Line ArgumentsThe parse MethodsArray of Arrays (Two-dimensional Arrays)Non-Rectangular ArraysString, StringBuffer and StringBuilderSection 7: Inheritance and PolymorphismInheritance: Classes, Superclasses, and SubclassesSingle InheritanceThe is-a relationshipJava Access ModifiersMethod OverridingRules in Overriding a MethodThe super keywordPolymorphismVirtual Method Invocation and Heterogeneous ArrayPolymorphic ArgumentsThe instanceof operatorCasting of ObjectsOverloading MethodsRules for Method OverloadingInheritance and ConstructorsOverloading ConstructorsThe Object class (equals(), hashCode() and toString() methods)The static keywordHow do we access / call a static variable or a static method?The Math and System ClassesThe static importsSection 8: Other Class FeaturesThe Wrapper ClassesThe final keywordThe enum keywordThe abstract keywordJava InterfacesThe Interface default methodsThe Interface static methodsThe Functional Interface and the Lambda (->) OperatorSection 9: Exceptions and AssertionsThe Exception and The Error classWhy do we need to have Exception Handling?Sample ExceptionsJavas Approach, the Call Stack MechanismThe five keywords used for Exception handling or Exception declarationGeneral Syntax of an exception - handling blockThe try catch blockThe finally blockThe Exception Hierarchy in JavaMultiple Exceptions in a catch BlockThe parameterized try blockThe Handle-or-Declare ruleThe throws keywordRules on Overriding Methods and ExceptionsCreating your own Exception objectsAssertion ChecksSection 10: IO and FileIOHow to accept inputs using:The Scanner ClassThe BufferedReader and InputStreamReader ClassesHow to format an output.The File class.How to read and write inputs from and to a File.Section 11: The Collection and Generics FrameworkThe Collection InterfaceThe Set InterfaceThe List InterfaceThe Map InterfaceThe Iterator InterfaceThe Generics FrameworkCreating your own Set of Collection objectsSorting your CollectionSection 12: Building a GUI Based Desktop ApplicationThe AWT packageComponents, Containers, and Layout Managers.Using selected layout managers to achieve desired GUI layout.Add components to a containersDemonstrate how complex layout manager and nested layout managers works.Define what events, event sources, and event handlers are.Event handling techniquesWrite code to handle events that occur in a GUIDescribe the five (5) ways on how to implement event handling technique.Converting the AWT code to a Swing applicationPackaging a JAR file for application deploymentSection 13: Introduction to JDBC Introduction to Database Concepts How to Create your first DB Schema- Basic SQL Statements- SELECT- UPDATE- DELETE- INSERT- What is JDBC?- The Statement Interface- The PreparedStatement InterfaceEach section contains its ressources files (codes and notes used by the instructor)Whether you're a complete beginner or already got knowledge in Java, this course is for you! Happy Coding!"
Price: 199.99

"Secretele gestionrii eficiente a bugetelor de promovare" |
"Vrei s tii cum se utilizeaz bugetul tu de promovarea online pe Google, Facebook, Instagram i YouTube? Te-ai sturat s fii surprins c bugetul zilnic stabilit a fost depit sau nu a fost atins niciodat?Astazi mi-am propus sa explorm mpreun care sunt lucrurile de care specialitii n digital marketing se lovesc adesea cnd gestioneaz bugete de media. Am pus cap la cap informaii care fie v vor clarifica, fie v vor mbogi cunotinele pe acest topic."
Price: 59.99

"Archicad 3Ds Max & Vray Exterior Modelling & Rendering" |
"Throughout this tutorial, we will go through the complete modeling and rendering workflow for this project.We will study the different essential modeling techniques, modeling of each part of the building, including terrain modeling.A way that makes creating fast, easy to edit, and quick to render.You will also learn to brighten and render daylight scenes, as well as create your own fast rendering materials.And i will guide you through the post-production process. You will learn how to use rendering elements in Photoshop to make the picture more beautiful.At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to work and think like a professional, to model and render, and easily.Be able to finish your job in a very short time."
Price: 49.99

"Differential Gene Expression Analysis - Your Complete A to Z" |
"Do you want to be a bioinformatician but don't know what it entails? Or perhaps you're struggling with biological data analysis problems? Are you confused amongst the biological, medicals, statistical and analytical terms? Do you want to be an expert in this field and be able to design biological experiments, appropriately apply the concepts and do a complete end-to-end analysis?This is a comprehensive and all-in-one-place course that will teach you differential gene expression analysis with focus on next-generation sequencing, RNAseq and quantitative PCR (qPCR)In this course we'll learn together one of the most popular sub-specialities in bioinformatics: differential gene expression analysis. By the end of this course you'll be able to undertake both RNAseq and qPCR based differential gene expression analysis, independently and by yourself, in R programming language. The RNAseq section of the course is the most comprehensive and includes everything you need to have the skills required to take FASTQ library of next-generation sequencing reads and end up with complete differential expression analysis. Although the course focuses on R as a biological analysis environment of choice, you'll also have the opportunity not only to learn about UNIX terminal based TUXEDO pipeline, but also online tools. Moreover you'll become well grounded in the statistical and modelling methods so you can explain and use them effectively to address bioinformatic differential gene expression analysis problems. The course has been made such that you can get a blend of hands-on analysis and experimental design experience - the practical side will allow you to do your analysis, while theoretical side will help you face unexpected problems. Here is the summary of what will be taught and what you'll be able to do by taking this course:You'll learn and be able to do a complete end-to-end RNAseq analysis in R and TUXEDO pipelines: starting with FASTQ library through doing alignment, transcriptome assembly, genome annotation, read counting and differential assessmentYou'll learn and be able to do a qPCR analysis in R: delta-Ct method, delta-delta-Ct method, experimental design and data interpretationYou'll learn how to apply the knowledge of molecular biology to solve problems in differential gene expression analysis specifically, and bioinformatics generallyYou'll learn the technical foundations of qPCR, microarray, sequencing and RNAseq so that you can confidently deal with differential gene expression data by understanding what the numbers meanYou'll learn and be able to use two main modelling methods in R used for differential gene expression: the general linear model as well as non-parametric rank product frameworksYou'll learn about pathway analysis methods and how they can be used for hypothesis generationYou'll learn and be able to visualise gene expression data from your experiments"
Price: 39.99

"Tableau 2020 Training for Data Science & Business Analytics" |
"Learn data visualization using Tableau 2020 using hands on approach. Whether you have no or little skills in tableau, in this course you will learn tableau and develop skills that will help you present information and tell compelling stories using data.What is Tableau?Tableau is the powerful, market leading data visualization and business intelligence software using intuitive drag-and-drop approach that help you to visually analyze data and create stunning visualizations.Tableaus simple interface makes anybody interact with the visualizations, discover patterns using underlying data and help make quick decisions.Why should you learn tableau?Whether you are an analyst or a business intelligence developer or anyone who has to deal with or present data in your day to day work, Tableau will make your life a lot better with its intuitive visual analytics.If you are not into dealing with data but want to build a career in data science, data visualization and business analytics then Tableau is one of the most important tools you must learn to move forward in your career.You will be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the data visualizations you will create within just a couple of weeks into using Tableau.Your stakeholders and customers would see remarkable value in the data visualization you would create using Tableau.Plus, if you have been spending hours and hours building charts using other clunky programs, then switching to tableau can save you literally hundreds of hours.What students say about this course?""I was familiar with Tableau even before starting this course, despite that I found the lessons bringing out an extra level of useful detail and Tableau features. Also I found the lessons appropriately paced which allowed me to try it out in parallel within Tableau. So I'd highly recommend this course to total newbies and familiar beginners alike"" - Sendil A B""I am a beginner and I find this course extremely useful. The author explains the concepts clearly. The pace of the narration is perfect. Excited to deep dive into this course."" - Ram ShankarWhat can you expect from this course?Whether you have little or no knowledge about Tableau 2020, by the end of this course, you will be able to:1. Connect any data and walk through Tableau 2020 with ease2. Build most commonly used charts such as line chart, bar chart, stacked bar chart, area chart, scatter plot, tree maps, pie charts, maps etc in Tableau from scratch as well as using the in-built templates3. Create dashboards by combining multiple charts to present a broad picture to your audience4. Build interactive elements such as filters, action filters, tool tips, highlights etc to allow your audience to interact with the charts and dashboards5. Animate simple charts to create stunning visual effects6. Create stories using dashboards and charts to convey a compelling narrative through data visualization7. Create calculations using calculated fields, table calculations and level of detail expressions in Tableau8. Apply data clean up techniques such as removing unnecessary variables, filtering rows, splitting data fields, combine and rename classes etc.9. Combine data from multiple sources using unions, joins, data blending and data modeling techniques.10. Save, export and distribute your work to your audiences, key stakeholders and customersWho should take this course?You should take the course,If you have little or no existing knowledge in tableauIf you have some Tableau skills but you want to get betterIf you want to learn Tableau from scratch and be able to create great data visualizationIf are looking to move forward in your career by building skills in data science, data visualization and business analyticsIf you are someone who works with data day in and day out and look forward to interesting ways to visualize dataIf you are frustrated with the limitations of the clunky programs and the time you spend in building visualizationsAbout meMy name is Farzan Sajahan. I am a business management and data science consultant.I have over 15 years of experience in helping organizations make data driven decisions and in rolling out tableau powered business intelligence frameworks.I currently run an analytics consulting firm focusing on analytics in operations, and marketing management.I have a degree in electronics and communication engineering from Anna University, India and an MBA from Erasmus University, The Netherlands.And I am based out of Chennai, India."
Price: 199.99

"Youtubers ( Gua definitiva para emprender en Youtube)" |
"SEO Y GROWTH HACKING EN TU CANAL DE YOUTUBE ES DINAMITA! Al finalizar este curso vas a ser capaz de MONETIZAR varios canales de youtube en muy poco tiempo. GARANTIZADO! Nos valemos de las herramientas modernas mas importantes, el SEO y el Growth Hacking, si trabajas estas dos disciplinas en armona vas a tener resultados sorprendentes y no importa si eres nuevo en youtube o ya tienes mucho tiempo, aqu vas a aprender a CRECER A LO BESTIA!"
Price: 29.99

"Apache Superset Training (Customized)" |
"In this Course Participants will learn following TopicsWhat is Data Visualization and What is Apache SupersetApache Superset Sample Dashboards-Sales/Purchase/Finance/Project & Portfolio Management/Content Analytics/Global Health MonitoringHow to Create Dashboard in Apache Superset with Drag and Drop MethodHow to Install Apache Superset in Ubuntu with Command LineHow to Install Apache Superset with Miniconda in Ubuntu How to Install Apache Superset with Miniconda in Fedora Workstation via pip package for SupersetHow to Install Apache Superset with Miniconda in OpenSuse via pip package for SupersetHow to Install Apache Superset from Source in Ubuntu How to Install Apache Superset with Docker in Ubuntu (For Reference Only)How to Install Apache Superset with Helm Chart in Ubuntu (For Reference Only)How to Install Apache2 in UbuntuHow to Install MariaDB in UbuntuHow to Install phpmyadmin in UbuntuHow to load SQL file in MariaDB with phpmyadminHow to Install Database Dependencies for MariaDB/MySQL in Apache SupersetHow to Connect MariaDB with Apache SupersetHow to Upload CSV file in MariaDB from Apache SupersetHow to Install MySQL in UbuntuHow to Install MySQL Workbench in UbuntuHow to Upload CSV file in MySQL from MySQL WorkbenchHow to Upload CSV file in MySQL from Apache Superset (same as MariaDB)How to Connect MySQL with Apache SupersetHow to Install PostgreSQL in UbuntuHow to Install Database Dependencies for PostgreSQL in Apache SupersetHow to Connect PostgreSQL with Apache SupersetHow to Upload CSV file in PostgreSQL from Apache SupersetHow to Install ClickhouseDB in UbuntuHow to Install Database Dependencies for ClickhouseDB in Apache SupersetHow to Connect ClickhouseDB with Apache SupersetHow to Install CrateDB in UbuntuHow to Install Database Dependencies for CrateDB in Apache SupersetHow to Connect CrateDB with Apache SupersetHow to Install Database Dependencies for Apache Hive in Apache SupersetHow to Connect Apache Hive with Apache SupersetHow to Connect Apache Superset with Apache Druid (Previous Version of Superset with Druid cluster)How to Install Apache Drill in UbuntuHow to Install Database Dependencies for Apache Drill in Apache SupersetHow to Connect Apache Drill with Apache SupersetHow to Create Sales Filter in Apache SupersetHow to Create Bar Distribution Chart in Apache SupersetHow to Create Pie Chart in Apache SupersetHow to Create line chart in Apache SupersetHow to Create Time series stacked chart in Apache SupersetHow to Create Partition Diagram in Apache SupersetHow to Create Tree Map in Apache SupersetHow to Create Big Numbers in Apache SupersetHow to Create Big Numbers with Trend Line in Apache SupersetHow to Create Word Cloud in Apache SupersetHow to Create World Map in Apache SupersetHow to Create Multi Line Chart in Apache SupersetHow to Create Table View in Apache SupersetHow to Create Pivot Table in Apache SupersetHow to Create Calendar Map in Apache Superset"
Price: 19.99

"Apache Zeppelin Training (Customized)" |
"In this Course participants will get overview of Apache Zeppelin, and will be able to perform following tasks.How to Install Apache Zeppelin by downloading binary in UbuntuHow to Install Docker Engine in UbuntuHow to Install Apache Zeppelin with Docker in UbuntuHow to Install Git, Openjdk, Apache Maven, R-Base-Dev etc for Building Apache Zeppelin from Source in UbuntuHow to Build Apache Zeppelin from Source in Ubuntu with Interpreters for SparkSQL/Kafka SQL/Apache Geode/Hazelcast jet/Apache BeamHow to Build Apache Zeppelin from Source in Ubuntu with Interpreters for Java/Scalding/Neo4j/Scio/Alluxio/Big Query How to Build Apache Zeppelin from Source in Ubuntu with Interpreters for Elasticsearch/Apache Cassandra/Apache Lens/Apache Kylin/Apache Ignite/How to Build Apache Zeppelin from Source in Ubuntu with Interpreter for Apache Flink/File System/JDBC/Apache Pig/HBase/LivyHow to Build Apache Zeppelin from Source in Ubuntu with Interpreter for Markdown/Angular/Submarine/shell etcHow to Install Apache Web Server (Command Line) in Ubuntu How to Install MariaDB (Command Line) in Ubuntu How to Install phpmyadmin (Command Line) in UbuntuHow to create database and load SQL file in MariaDB table with phpmyadmin How to configure interpreter for MariaDB to connect with Apache ZeppelinHow to create interactive note and use MariaDB database in Apache ZeppelinHow to Install MySQL (Command Line) in UbuntuHow to Install MySQL Workbench (Command Line) in Ubuntu How to load CSV data in MySQL with MySQL Workbench How to configure interpreter for MySQL to connect with Apache ZeppelinHow to create interactive note and use MySQL database in Apache ZeppelinHow to Install PostgreSQL with PGAdmin4 (Command Line)How to configure interpreter for PostgreSQL to connect with Apache ZeppelinHow to create interactive note and use PostgreSQL database in Apache ZeppelinHow to create table Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL CommandHow to create Bar Chart Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL CommandHow to create Pie Chart Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL CommandHow to create Area Chart Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL CommandHow to create Line Chart Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL Command How to create Scatter Chart Visualization in Interactive note with simple SQL Command"
Price: 19.99

"OpenShift : les bases pour dbutant" |
"OpenShift est une solution de PaaS (Plateforme-as-a-Service) prive permettant de construire, dployer et excuter des applications dans des containers. Elle est disponible en open source sous licence Apache 2.0 et distribue dans deux produits : Origin (communautaire) ou Enterprise.L'objectif de la formation est de vous permettre de dployer vos propres applications sur OpenShift et de crer votre propre catalogue d'application au sein de votre entrepriseLa formation est destine:aux dveloppeursaux administrateurs systmes et rseauxaux DevOpsaux managers et chefs de projet ITPrrequis:DockerKubernetesFormateur: Dirane TAFEN (Consultant et Instructeur en Cloud et DevOps)PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE ! PRATIQUE !Nos formations sont trs pratiques, vous verrez que nous mettons en place systmatiquement des exemples concrets afin de vous permettre de mieux apprhender les notions voques. En plus, sur certains de nos cours (docker, kubernetes, ansible, openshift ...) nous vous permettons de raliser les Labs directement sur notre plateforme, en effet nous souhaitons vous faciliter la tche en mettant en place une plateforme d'exprimentation hberge par EAZYTraining et laquelle vous avez accs tout moment. Qu'attendez-vous ? Allez lancez vous et apprenez en pratiquant."
Price: 99.99

"Livestream Musical avec OBS STUDIO" |
"La seule formation francophone aussi complte !Pour qui est cette formation ?Les musiciens, les producteurs musicaux (MAO), et DJs.OBS Studio est une plateforme gratuite qui va te permettre de diffuser des lives musicaux de qualit sur : Facebook, Youtube, Twitch etc.Encore faudra-t-il savoir l'utiliser et le paramtrer convenablement !Fini les lives avec des images pixellises, ou un son mdiocre ! Tu veux donner une belle image ta musique ? Alors je te montre dans cette formation comment le faire de A Z !Nous allons voir tape par tape comment :Intgrer des sources vidosDes sources audiosDes titres, des images, des logosDes effets : filtres couleurs, titres dfilants, compression, reverb etc.De l'installation au lancement du live, OBS n'aura plus de secret pour toi ! Je te montre tout en dtail !Et je pense tous les besoins en montrant des astuces pour les musiciens, mais galement pour les producteurs musicaux qui souhaitent partager leur cran lors de sessions de mixage ou de cration sonore.Tu veux avoir une ide des contenus ? Tu peux aller faire un tour sur ma chaine Youtube, et regarder les commentaires d'autres musiciens. Je propose des contenus pratiques et concrets, trs peu de blabla, je vais l'essentiel !Je te donne de nombreuses astuces, des bonus pour devenir un pro d'OBS et surpasser les autres lives !Tu veux sortir du lot sur le net et donner une image PROS de ta musique ? Tu es au bon endroit !"
Price: 99.99

"Enhanced Stylized Line Art for Pattern Design in Illustrator" |
"Do you love line art but struggle to come up with ideas to develop these into interesting pattern designs? Development of advanced techniques with line art in Illustrator is the focus of this course, Enhanced Stylized Line Art for Pattern Design in Illustrator. The goal is in helping you increase your proficiency with Illustrator techniques you may never have considered. You will craft a gorgeous floral line-art pattern tile which can be finished in a variety of ways! In this course, you will learn every step, from dealing with negative space issues, adding details, creating a great flow with flower stems, to a cool new technique which mimics the look of an off-register screen-print. And the techniques you will learn can be used for so much more than florals. Think of your favourite things to draw and imagine them as bedding or apparel or anything you see covered in pattern! What you learn here covers many fundamental principles in the general workflow of many surface pattern designers and graphic illustrators. Imagine the possibilities!To get started, all you need is an initial drawing to work on. If you havent got one on hand, just watch the class for ideas. I have another course, Chic Florals, that can guide you to the creation of your initial drawing. If you have a scanner and some traditional line art, you could auto-trace and use that!In this course, Im sharing everything Ive learned about my entire process through trial and error. Ill show you my step-by-step procedures. Then I will explain my tricks for working with the offset filter to create a full and complex pattern, having the filter do most of the work for us. This course is recommended for artists with a working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator. As long as you know basics, you should be able to follow along, as techniques are explained in detail. You will even learn many creative problem-solving approaches. You may have taken courses on pattern design before, but it is guaranteed that there are new practices and procedures to be learned every day. If you've taken other Deloresart classes, this is just a natural progression in your artistic development. Start now and you can be done watching in around an hour, and you could be starting to plan your own future project today!Once you have your repeat pattern done, you can use companies like Spoonflower or Print on Demand sites to design your own wallpaper, fabric or gift wrap, or to create custom products. Wouldnt it be fun to make fabric and upholster a chair or make curtains with your art?As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Illustrator with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of creating a pattern. I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Illustrator to a certain degree. I suggest Illustrator is recommended for this class, as that is what is being featured here, but any other vector software is suitable, so long as it has the same functionality.The key concepts I will include are:tips to perfecting your pattern before creating the offset pathuse of the offset filter and all its settingsmany other considerations to do with designing repeating patterns efficientlyThis course has many tidbits of information for you no matter at what stage you are in your design career. Join me and learn an abundance of things you may never have considered before! You can be applying this practical knowledge in your design practice tomorrow. Creating a pattern can be done relatively quickly with this small investment of your time. Lets get at it! Hit your play button now!"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Word 2016 - Complete in Urdu and Hindi Language" |
"In this course you will learn from scratch how to become a master of Microsoft Word. We start with basic stuff like Microsoft Word files, the interface, shortcuts and through the course we will discuss the all amazing features of Microsoft Word. Further into the course we will start to combine all the amazing features. That is where the power of Microsoft Word will be unleashed!We also have a section with a lot of different projects i have done in the past so you can see how amazing Microsoft Word is! This course continue to grow. When you bought it, you will have free updates when the course expands."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner To Master Level Wordpress Tutorial - Web design" |
"I have designed almost 100 websites and in this course, you will learn all you need to know, from the fundamentals of setting up wordpress to the deep aspects like web security and analytics. Its all-in-one offer you don't want to miss.- Why Wordpress- Hosting and Domain- Installing Plugins- Installing Themes-Setting Up Menu- Creating Content- Custom Emails- SSL and Security- General site maintenance... And many more"
Price: 194.99

"Loja Virtual com Woocommerce (WordPress) com plugins grtis" |
"O desafio nesse curso montarmos uma loja virtual com aparncia e recursos profissionais, com clculo de fretes automtico pelos Correios (Brasil) e cobrana pelo Paypal ou Pagseguro. E tudo isso e muito mais (veja a EMENTA), somente com PLUGINS GRATUITOS!O resultado ser uma loja virtual 100% funcional, passo a passo, com acompanhamento do instrutor e encontros online para tirar dvidas. Ah, e no requer programao!"
Price: 399.99

"Cisco Wireless Fundamentals With WLC For CCNA 200-301" |
"Welcome to The Course ""Cisco Wireless Fundamentals With WLC For New CCNA 200-301 The Complete Course in 21 Days Theory Labs Questions""With the help of this course, you will be able to get all necessary information to learn your Cisco Wireless Fundamentals With WLC For For New CCNA 200-301 in only 21 Days.You will learn theory behind each topic and then see how they are configured on real devices. In the end, you will be able to test yourself before The BIG DAY.Welcome to Cisco Wireless Fundamentals With WLC For For New CCNA 200-301.In this course you will learn ccna wireless exam topics and important and useful subjects for your profession.Lets go over each chapter and go on more detail about what to come in this course,First off, you will learn a great deal about rf fundamentals.This is the starting point for your wireless journey and it will lay a good foundation for the following chaptersIn the first chapter we will be describing the propagation of radio waves, we will learn about rf signals and the spectrum.We will answer some questions like: What is frequency, what is wavelength, what is amplitude and what is phase difference.We will also learn about different phenomenas related with rf signals such as absorption, reflection, diffraction, scattering, refraction, multipath and fading.We will also learn free space path loss and also fresnel zone. On the second part of this chapter, we will go deep into rf fundamentals, what is signal strength, what does RSSI mean, how to calculate transmit power.We will go over some different interference types and the noise, what are different device requirements and capabilities.We will also learn principles of rf mathematics, how to calculate dB, dBi, dBd, dBm and how we can measure different power levels.We will also learn to calculate EIRP. We will see wifi antenna characteristics, how does the radiation pattern of an antenna occur, what is polarization,how gain is measured, what is the beamwidth of an antenna and we will go over different types of antennas: Omnidirectional, yagi,patch and dish We will explain different antenna connectors and why we need them and lastly, we will study amplifiers and attenuatorsOn our second chapter, we will learn about 802.11 Technology FundamentalsIn this chapter we will describe basic Wi-fi governance, what are the governing regulatory bodies, what is IEEE, why do we need to learn about ieee 802.11 and what is wifi-alliance.On the second part of this chapter, we will also learn about usable channel and power combinations. We already learned about EIRP, we will also learn its limitations. We will be learning about ISM and UNII frequency bands. We will go over rrm fundamentals on the last part of this chapterWe will also learn about 802.11 fundamentals, what is modulation, what is channel width, how do we use them. We will learn about MIMO multiple input multiple output, we will go over wireless topologies and we will learn different wireless frame types such as management, control and data. So simply we will learn a lot about 802.11 fundamentals in this chapterIn Chapter 3 we will learn about various Cisco wireless architectures.We will learn why we need autonomous, cloud architecures, why do we need split mac architecture and we will learn differences regarding centralized flex connect and converged deployment types, then we will go over physical connections for wired and wireless infrastructure. We will understand how to connect wlcs to switches how to connect different ap types to switches and why do we need etherchannel and also learn what do wcms on switches add us in terms of benefits.Then we will examine wlc and ap management access connections, what are different management methods, what are wlc ports, what the different wlc interfaces do and we will also learn why we should disable management via wireless.Capter four is about operating a wireless network.In this chapter we will talk about how to execute initial setup procedures for various cisco wireless infrastructures, how to do initial setup for autonomous access points, how to setup cloud aps and manage them. We will learn how to setup centralized wlcs and wireless control modules. Next up, we will learn ap boot process and different capwap discovery methods, then we will understand what are different capwap join processesand we will learn how access points choose to join a specific wlc. What is the master controller, why do we need primary secondary and tertiary controllersW wil also compare different access point modes, such as monitoring mode flex connect mode and wipsO the second part of this chapter we will configure a simple wlan, what do we need to configure, what are the parameters that need to be configured what do we need to configure for security, whether we should broadcast the ssid or not, different security levels for layer 2 and layer 3 security and how to choose a aaa server and some parameters for advanced topics.We will also go over different platforms for wireless management and configurations, how we can configure a wireless lan controller via gui and cli, how we can configure wireless lan controllers and autonomous access points via cisco prime infrastructure, how we can use ise identity services engine as a aaa server for wireless configurations.Inthe last part we will talk about how to maintain a wireless network, how to get wireless lan controller backups, how to do code updates for wireless components such as autonomous access points, aireos based controllers and ios xe based controllers.Chapter five is all about client connectivity configuration, In this chapter we will learn how to configure your clients and how to configure your wlans to prepare for client connectivity. In this chapter we will talk about authentication and encryption, what is authentication, what are different types of encryption some examples of it, tkip aes.Then we will go over 802.1x and eap, we will understand the eap process and then we will compare most common methods, peap, eap-fast eap-tls and we will go over aaa server options and then we will talk about different client authentication methods, why do we use open authentication, what are benefits and what are disadvantages of open authentication. We will also talk about psk authentication and local eap, then we will learn how to configure them in your wlc. We will go over wireless authentication using ISE a radius server, we will also learn how to configure web authentication on your wlc and we will also talk about different wpa modes: wpa personal wpa enterprise wpa2 personal and wpa2 enterprise, all those different modes will be discussed in detail.And on the second part of chapter fivewe will learn how to provide client connectivity in different operating systems, we will go over how to configure windows ios macos and android devicesand then we will talk about roaming.We will learn different components of mobility architecture such as mobility controller and mobility agent, we will go over different types of roaming, intracontroller roaming and intercontroller roaming. We will also talk about main deployment types centralized mobility and converged mobilityfor both layer 2 and layer 3 roaming and then we will go over how to configure wireless guest networking with anchor controller and foreign controllerThen we will begin chapter six, in this chapter, we will learn how to troubleshoot wireless networks. We will go over different wlan configuration settings that we need to check. What can go wrong for access point settings, and also we will talk about which settings we need to check on client side. Then we will learn some Cisco tools to troubleshoot our controllers and also we will learn some of third party troubleshooting tools such as spectrum analyzers, wifi scanners and packet analyzers and we will go over a couple of examples for these tools.As the last chapter we will learn about site survey.In this chapter we will be talking about different site survey methods, one of them is offsite site survey which is also known as predictive site surveyThe other method is onsite and on onsite site survey we have couple of options. One is predeployment site survey, we can use ap on a stick as an active predeployment onsite site survey. We will also learn the postdeployment site survey and in the post deployment we can have passive and active site survey options. We will also go over the reasons why we need site survey and how we can apply outcomes of those site surveys to get our wireless design betterand we will also talk about what we need for our client application requirements, what are real time applications what are non real time applications and how we can implement those requirements properly.Thank you for joining me on this journeyI hope you will love to learn with us"
Price: 19.99

"Make 20 Advanced Level Applications in Python" |
"In this course, we will assume that you know basics of python and is now ready to make real time applications in python. You are now ready to use python to make something real out it. We will also use not only basic concepts but also teach you advance level concepts and use them to make all the 20 Applications in Python. Not only that we have covered and taught many Machine Learning Models and then also using these Machine Learning Models, we have build Advance Level Applications as well. We are pretty sure that after taking this course in Python, you will then feel that you can now make any type of application using the Python Programming language and that you are now a professional programmer who now knows how to use a language to make something real out of it.We hope that you will enjoy this course!"
Price: 119.99

"IIBA AAC - Agile Analysis - Scenario based Practice test" |
"Do you know? Most of the students have taken 2+ attempts to clear the new AAC exam. The main reasoning for that is the lack of exposure to the actual model exam and the questions are in major scenario-based.This course covers model questions for the Agile Analysis Ceftification (AAC) - IIBA certification exam with 2 sets of questions (Scenario-based and Core concepts). These 100 questions will bring more close to the exam and provide you with a decent experience before attending the exam. Most of the Questions in these sets are likely to appear in the exam since these were taken out of the topics in accordance with the weightage specified by IIBA.It is always advisable to take a model exam before such a competitive exam like AAC, especially for people with limited Business Analyst experience.Scenario-based questions cover almost 50% Agile Analysis exam and it is important to practice these in addition to reading the concepts in Agile Analysis material provided by IIBA. These scenario-based questions are often confusing and very granular that requires an eye for detail. This test focusses on training the students on getting par to the exam's difficulty level and a rundown of concepts in different words.Did you watch the Introduction video? Watch it to know how to perform during the exam pressure. This will give you a good prelim of what you are going to experience."
Price: 19.99
