"Data Science Bootcamp with Computer Programming Language" |
"Data Science as I always define is not about writing a very complicated script or code.Data Science is making use of data to generate insights which provides an impact and value for a company. Value could be in the form of a products that can offer by the company to their stakeholders in exchange of a revenue, it could be in the form of a products that will help improve Business processes. It could be in the form of a product recommendations for the company.Data is an essential driver for growth and transformation initiative of every organizations; thus, it is a must to build and develop framework and infrastructure to organize and manage data. To effectively handle and manage Big Data, they will be needing tools such as MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, and many others. One must need someone who understand the engineering and architecture of Big Data, thus the rise of Data Architect and Data Engineer.Once the Architecture and Engineering of Big Data was established, Data Scientist can now make use of data to generate insights for the company and their stakeholders. Building a scalable dashboard for the company, building a data-driven model, attrition model for Human Resources, Improve Business Processes, fraud detection algorithm, Automation, Build and Develop Artificial Intelligence Applications, Build a Machine Learning Algorithms, Virtual Reality, Internet of things, and many other products and services are only few among the abilities and competencies of a Data Scientist.To serve their purpose, they will be needing programming and analytics tools such as R, Python, SAS, and many others. They will also need some Visualization Tools such as Tableau, D3, Sisense, QlikView, etc.The journal of Data Science described this domain of skills and expertise as almost everything which encapsulate skills, knowledge and competencies in Statistics/ Data Mining and Data Wrangling. Data Scientist must also exhibit skills in Computer Science and have a high level of Business Managements.With this, I am very excited to invite everyone to take and enroll in this comprehensive course on Data Science. This course will cover the three main domain of knowledge and competencies needed to become a good data scientist as it encapsulate skills in Statistics, Data Mining, Data Wrangling, Exploratory Data Analysis, Different Distribution of Data, Multivariate Statistics and many other. Also included in this course is the basics of Computer Programming Language such as Python. It also includes some of the most used Algorithms in the areas of Data Science. There are also practical exercises to work on using Python programming.(NOTE: This course is completely patterned with Certificate Courses, but you don't need to pay for a higher rate. Usually, certificate courses requires a students to pay for a higher rate in exchange of a Certificate. The coverage of this course is similar and patterned with certificate courses. My priority is the learning that you can earned and get from this course. The only difference is the certificate. If you want to have a certificate, I am happy to connect you to the university where I am also offering this course. This is an online schooling)"
Price: 49.99

"Coding for Parents: The Complete Masterclass!" |
"This course will teach why you should build apps for your kids or kids you know or for some need. Learn about passive income and how you can maximize your spare time by learning a new in demand skill, helping your child, helping other kids, and making some money on the side.Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this material in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:1. Why you should learn to codeLearn core topics like Why Make Education Apps, Age Range, The Difference between a Game and an App, and How to be a good developer.2. Construct 3Learn topics like Installing Construct 3, Introduction to Construct 3, Spirites,Events, On Start of Layout Every Tick, and Variables.3. Rapid PrototypingLearn topics like An Essential Skill To Have, Make a Game with Cool Features, For Loops, Touch Controls, Building an education game in Construct 3, Creating a game in Unity, and etc.4. Flutter io : Part 2 - Dart Language Basics - ShortLearn topics like Intro to Flutter, Intro to Dart Language, Intro to Flutter Widget, Flutter Projects Slides, Project Intro, Intro to Image Guessers, Basic Mountain Outline, and etc.5. Art Assets in Adobe Illustrator: MountainsLearn topics like Base Grass, Grass Layering, Grassland Trees, Underbrush, Rocks in Environment, Populating the Grasslands, and etc.Head and Face Modeling for Beginners in Blender HDIf you get one 3D modeling course this year, get this one. Don't miss out while prices have dropped.Join the community. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"The Six Secrets of a Secure Marriage" |
"Tired of fighting over sex, money, and schedules? Have you thought about separation or divorce? Are you tired of feeling blamed and accused all the time? With the Secure Marriage Workshop, there's still hope for you relationship.For less than the cost of one couples counseling session, you can learn how to communicate better so you finally enjoy...Being less defensive with each otherNot feeling blamed all the timeFeeling listened to and understoodNo more name calling or character attacksActually agreeing on all the big issues (like sex, money, and sex, etc..)Knowing your marriage always comes firstThe Secure Marriage Framework comes from the real-world experience of Paul Elmore, a licensed professional counselor. For the last 17 years, he's worked with hundreds of men, women, and couples as well as earning two Master's degrees in counseling. He and his wife, Shannon, have been married since 1993 and together they raised 4 kids in Portland, Oregon. For more free marriage resources, you can listen to the Secure Marriage Podcast on your favorite podcast app."
Price: 69.99

"Biblical Wizards' Power Principles You Can Activate: 101" |
"There are prophets in the Old Testament who practice what we could call in other contexts, wizardry. These principles and practices were taught in the various schools of the prophets. We will be revealing metaphysical practices that you can learn, apply and activate in your life. This form of wizardry was taught, and not given, as special gifts. You will learn how to activate these powers in your life."
Price: 19.99

"Domina las Herramientas de Google para Trabajar en Equipo" |
"Ests en la bsqueda de herramientas que te permitan trabajar a distancia con ms personas? Quieres comunicarte con tus colaboradores, clientes, proveedores o estudiantes que no estn cerca de ti? Deseas trabajar en conjunto con otras personas de forma remota? Bienvenido a ""Domina las Herramientas de Google para Trabajar en Equipo"", el curso que te ensear a usar todas las herramientas de Google para que eleves tu productividad al mximo trabajando en equipo desde donde quieran y cuando puedan.Aprende de forma sencilla, paso a paso, de principiante a experto, con explicaciones claras, a utilizar de forma profesional las herramientas gratuitas que nos ofrece Google.Conoce cmo guardar y compartir tus archivos en la nube con tu equipo de trabajo, alumnos y clientes. Adems accesa a tus archivos desde cualquier dispositivo que tengas configurado.El objetivo de este entrenamiento es conocer y usar las herramientas que ofrece Google para trabajar en equipo con tus colaboradores, clientes, proveedores, alumnos, y ms!Este curso es muy prctico, aprenders a usar estas herramientas:Google DriveGoogle Documentos / Google DocsGoogle Hojas de Clculo / Google SheetsGoogle Presentaciones / Google SlidesGoogle Formularios / Google FormsGoogle Meet (videoconferencias)Google Jamboard (Pizarra digital colaborativa)Google Calendario / Google CalendarBsicamente, vas a aprender a manejar las herramientas de productividad de Google de una forma profesional. Significa que al terminar este curso vas a:Gestionar archivos entre personas y equipos con Google Drive.Elaborar documentos en equipo con Google Docs.Realizar hojas de clculo en conjunto con otros colaboradores.Hacer presentaciones con Google Docs para compartirlas.Realizar videoconferencias en grupo.Usar una pizarra digital para expresar tus ideas durante una videoconferencia.Crear formularios para recolectar y analizar datos de usuarios.Hacer exmenes que se califiquen en automtico.Llevar una agenda de tu da a da de manera individual y grupal.Buenas prcticas para trabajar en lnea."
Price: 74.99

"Illogical Approach to Chakras" |
"Inside this Course, You will find1. Basic Information on Chakras2. FREE Audio Book of the Chakra Manager by my Guru Murali Sundaram3. Chakra Test - Check which Chakras are blocked and which are open4. Practical Actions you need to take to Unblock your Chakras5. Meditation Resource6. A Unique Invitation to Join Us in the Himalayas"
Price: 49.99

"Marketplaces e Plataformas. Como funcionam?" |
"Voc vai aprender a dissecar modelos de negcios como nunca pensou que poderia. Plataformas e Marketplaces so o modelo das maiores e mais valiosas empresas de capital aberto da atualidade. Exemplos so Google, Amazon, Microsoft Apple e Facebook. Startups emergente focam cada vez mais na construo de aplicativos e que conectam diferentes segmentos de usurios para que haja uma troca de valor. Esse curso essencial para quem pensa em empreender nesse modelo."
Price: 39.99

"Como Tomar Decises de Vida de forma Rpida e Inteligente" |
"Se eu tivesse que selecionar a principal necessidade dos meus clientes quando eles me procuram para sesses de Coaching, eu selecionaria:A Capacidade de Tomar Decises Importantes de Vida.Existem muitas Decises REAIS que as pessoas gostariam de tomar. Mas, eu destaco 2 principais:1 - A Deciso de Mudana de Carreira2 - A Deciso de Trmino ou Incio de RelacionamentoA profisso que decidimos seguir em nossas vidas uma das decises mais importantes que tomaremos na vida. Investiremos grande parte das nossas vidas em nossas profisses, e se este tempo for um tempo de frustrao, em vez de dedicao, com certeza ser uma grande parte da vida da pessoa que ser desperdiada.Os relacionamentos amorosos a segunda principal necessidade das pessoas. Simplesmente porque a pessoa com quem escolhermos estar ao lado ir ser a que mais ter influncia em nossas vidas. Costumo dizer que a Deciso mais importante que um ser humano ir tomar na vida a de quem ele escolher para estar ao seu lado para o resto dos seus dias aqui na terra. No entanto, no basta escolher de forma assertiva o seu grande amor, se voc no tiver uma vida com propsito. E voc s consegue isso, atravs de uma profisso que te realize em essncia, que exija mais de voc, que preencha os seus valores, que te faa crescer e doar um valor nico no mundo.Alm destas duas principais Decises de vida, existem outras decises super importantes a se tomar na vida, como:Sair da casa dos pais para buscar a sua independncia, Mudar os seus hbitos alimentcios, Se desfazer de Relacionamentos Prejudiciais, Ter uma conversa importante com algum, e por a vai.Toda a nossa vida um reflexo das nossas Decises. Oque lhe aconteceu no passado, e a situao que voc est vivendo hoje, so coisas secundrias, pois a sua vida hoje um reflexo das pequenas e grandes decises que voc tomou ""ontem"".Aprenda a como dominar de uma vez por todas essa ferramenta to poderosa chamada DECISO!"
Price: 39.99

"O Guia Definitivo para Gesto do Tempo" |
"O Mtodo Gesto do Tempo eficaz um passo passo, prtico, simples e objetivo. Que te ensinar a estar um passo frente de todo o restante do mundo com um planejamento realmente eficaz do seu tempo. Aprenda tcnicas especficas que lhe faro sempre estar na frente nas demais pessoas!MDULO 1 - GESTO DO CREBROEm vez de focar em aprender a gerenciar o seu tempo, ns iremos primeiro trabalhar no seu crebro. Voc ir aprender a se autogerenciar. Antes de dominar o seu tempo, voc primeiro precisa compreender profundamente a si mesmo, para saber com clareza onde precisa concentrar a sua energia nas 24 horas dirias que possui.MDULO 2 e 3 - GESTO DO TEMPONo segundo mdulo voc aprender mais do que planejar simplesmente a sua semana, voc compreender como realmente estar 1, 2, 3 passos na frente de todo o restante do mundo com o mtodo de planejamento eficaz que lhe ensinarei. EU TE DESAFIO A APLIC-LO!MDULO FINAL - HACK's de GESTO DO TEMPOEsse mdulo complementar ir te ensinar 3 tcnicas poderosas que te faro elevar o nvel em todas reas da sua vida."
Price: 39.99

"Controle Financeiro Pessoal (para endividados)" |
"Aprenda neste curto simples, rpido e transformador como assumir o controle das suas dvidas e parar de ficar desesperado financeiramente, vivendo somente para pagar as dvidas. A frustrao se inicia quando as pessoas sentem que s esto vivendo para pagar contas, e se converte em desespero quando percebem que o dinheiro que ganham no ser o suficiente para pagar as contas no final do ms.O trabalho que odeia, misturado com a angstia de no saber como ir pagar as dvidas, torna a vida do brasileiro extremamente estressante se resumindo basicamente em:Acordar cedo - Trabalhar - Pagar s contas - Descansar > Repetir por 35 anos.A nica alternativa que as pessoas normais encontram TRABALHAR MAIS. Mas, voc e eu sabemos que isso no resolve.Pois, a frustrao de passar grande parte da vida dedicando-se a um trabalho que odeia se vira contra a prpria pessoa. Ela passa a gastar mais, compra mais no carto de crdito, pedi mais emprstimos, compra carro, casa, tudo sem ainda no ter o dinheiro...Eacaba que o trabalho que ela mais odeia, se torna a priso de uma vida toda. Essa a dura, mas pura verdade da realidade do brasileiro no quesito finanas.Se voc se identifica com algum dos pontos dessa histria: ESTE CURSO PARA VOC!"
Price: 39.99

"Os 5 Passos para Descobrir o Seu Propsito de Vida" |
"Esse treinamento te ensinar: Como encontrar o seu verdadeiro propsito de vida. E encontrar aquela que a base central do sucesso: Fazer algo com propsito e desejo ardente!O mtodo ""Viver de Propsito"" um dos mtodos construdo por Rogrio Souza que proporciona ao aluno 3 pilares chave:1 - Compreenso de qual o seu propsito de vida;2 - Entendimento de qual a sua habilidade nica;3 - Compreenso de qual o seu servio nico que voc deve focar para comear a ganhar dinheiro com a sua paixo.Para finalizar o treinamento, ensinado a mentalidade por trs dos melhores em qualquer rea: A Maestria.Se voc uma pessoa que gosta da mo na massa, e de cursos que vo direto ao assunto, este treinamento para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Beginners: Learn A Hula to Dance at Your Wedding" |
"You do not need previous experience to take this course and be able to perform the beautiful Hawaiian Wedding Song at your wedding! I will teach you the steps in the song, the hand motions in the song, and the choreography. All of the instructional videos are downloadable, so you can easily play it as many times as you need. There are seven videos of dancing. Of the seven videos with dancing, this is the breakdown:Whole songHand movementsStepsFirst and second verseThird verseFourth verseFifth verseEven though I have been dancing for close to 30 years, I do the same thing when I learn new hulas! I record them and play them back over and over. I dance the song all the way through from beginning to end in one video."
Price: 19.99

"Business Analysis - Mind Maps" |
"Mind Maps are diagrams that help you to organise your thoughts visually.They have a host of uses in business, projects and life generally.They are highly creative and also fun to do!This is a highly practical and interactive course where I will teach you to draw these diagrams and how to use them in practice. It includes a real life case study that you can work through step by step to learn and practice your new skills. Also an interesting and fun project that you can try for yourself to practice your new skills.The main emphasis is on Mind Maps in Business Analysis.However - it will also be useful for anybody involved in business management, operations or projects.I will be there to help and support you at every stage - during or after the course.If you need any help you only need to ask!So - dive in, learn something new, enhance your skill set and develop your career.Or - just enjoy and learn a new skill that you can use to express your creativity.I look forward to working with you and helping you to achieve your aims.Best Wishes - Steve McIntosh - Business Analyst - St Ives, Cornwall, UK."
Price: 19.99

"Corporate Finance" |
"We will learn how to read financial statements and how to use them for decision making.A primary tool we will use is ratio analysis. Ratio analysis is a very useful skill in a wide area of topics, and financial analysis is a great place to learn the skill.Ratios are necessary when measuring performance, including most any job performance. For example, we must apply ratio analysis when measuring the job performance of sports athletes. Similar ratio analysis will apply to most any job performance, and also apply to the performance of corporations.Once we analyze the past performance of a corporation, we can use this knowledge to predict future performance, helping us make decisions about the company, whether those decisions be investment-related, creditor related, or managerial.This course will include many example problems using both a presentation format and a spreadsheet format.Corporate finance is a wonderful tool to learn, improve, and practice Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet skills. Every spreadsheet practice problem will include a downloadable Excel file, that can be opened with Google Sheets, containing at least two tabs, one with the answer, the other with a preformatted worksheet to be filled in along with a step by step instructional video."
Price: 199.99

"React js. From the beginning. w/ Redux and React Router" |
"TL;DR - React is awesome. I've been teaching it professionally for 5 years and love it. Learn it here!This course:Starting with Angular 1 in 2010, JavaScript frameworks exploded onto the scene and are required by virtually every large website on the Internet. React, which appeared a few years later in 2013 has become the dominant tool in that group. What does that mean for you? You can learn to use the same front-end framework used by Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, BBC, Airbnb, and Ebay, to name a few. And you won't just learn how to use it, but you'll learn the fundamentals around it.What I need from you:I need you to know JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. It's not required to use React, but React makes very heavy use of ES6 (the 2015 update to JavaScript), so the course will use ES6 after the first main section. I will briefly mention how it works as needed, and add a supplemental section that covers those parts.I need you know how to navigate your computer, not be afraid of the terminal, and ask questions as you have them! Why me:I first used React in 2014 for a small company website. I've also used Angular, Vue, and Ember along with most other major UI frameworks and I'm a believer in React. I've taught it professionally for 4 years, and have built sites for some of the largest companies in the United States using React Router and redux alongside. I will teach you one step at a time, whiteboard, and start from ground zero before getting to webpack and eventually Redux. Prepare to start learning the best JavaScript framework!The sections in bold will be finished no later than August 15. I will send out a message when they are complete.Sections:Environment Setup (skip if you have node installed already)React 101State and EventsThe Component Lifecycle and HTTPProject 1 - Flash Card app (AWS services)React RouterReduxRedux Middleware (redux-promise and redux-thunk)AirBnB Clone with ReduxOverview of Auth From a Front-end PerspectiveBuilding/Preparing React for DeploymentHooks - the ""2020 way"" to do ReactContextSupplemental - ES6 for React"
Price: 59.99

"Masterclass of AWS-Deep Learning AMI" |
"Learning about deep learning: The DLAMI is a great choice for learning or teaching machine learning and deep learning frameworks. It takes the headache away from troubleshooting the installations of each framework and getting them to play along on the same computer. The DLAMI comes with a Jupyter notebook and makes it easy to run the tutorials provided by the frameworks for people new to machine learning and deep learning. App development: If you're an app developer and are interested in using deep learning to make your apps utilize the latest advances in AI, the DLAMI is the perfect test bed for you. Each framework comes with tutorials on how to get started with deep learning, and many of them have model zoos that make it easy to try out deep learning without having to create the neural networks yourself or to do any of the model training. Some examples show you how to build an image detection application in just a few minutes, or how to build a speech recognition app for your own chatbot. Machine learning and data analytics: If you're a data scientist or interested in processing your data with deep learning, you'll find that many of the frameworks have support for R and Spark. You will find tutorials on how to do simple regressions, all the way up to building scalable data processing systems for personalization and predictions systems. Research: If you're a researcher and want to try out a new framework, test out a new model, or train new models, the DLAMI and AWS capabilities for scale can alleviate the pain of tedious installations and management of multiple training nodes. You can use EMR and AWS CloudFormation templates to easily launch a full cluster of instances that are ready to go for scalable training.Preinstalled Frameworks There are currently two primary flavors of the DLAMI with other variations related to the operating system (OS) and software versions: Deep Learning AMI with Conda (p. 4) - frameworks installed separately using conda packages and separate Python environments Deep Learning Base AMI (p. 6) - no frameworks installed; only NVIDIA CUDA and other dependencies The Deep Learning AMI with Conda uses Anaconda environments to isolate each framework, so you can switch between them at will and not worry about their dependencies conflicting. For more information on selecting the best DLAMI for you, take a look at Getting Started (p. 4). This is the full list of supported frameworks by Deep Learning AMI with Conda: Apache MXNet Chainer Keras PyTorch TensorFlow TensorFlow 2"
Price: 24.99

"Become a C++ Expert" |
"If you don't have a computer programming knowledge previously then don't worry about i covering C++ programming from Basics. Just take this course and you can start learning.Topics cover in this course *Introduction to C++Compiler InstallationComments in C++VariablesUser inputData TypesReserved WordsArithmetic & Logical OperatorsConditional StatementsSwitch StatementsLoopsArraysFunctionsObject Oriented ProgrammingI will update this tutorial time to time and you have cam complete access to all updates because there is no additional cost for updates. Thank you"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads Design Workshop: Create Winning 6-Figure Ads" |
"Hey! Welcome to my Facebook Ads Workshop.Youre going to learn how to design winning Facebook Ads. Specifically, Im going to show you three things:Facebook Ads Visuals: How to create engaging images and videos that grab your audiences attentionFacebook Ads Captions: How to write compelling copy that persuades your audience to take actionFacebook Ads Formula: How to combine these visuals and captions into a process that generates the best results possible, in the fastest amount of timeIf you dont know me already, my names Nik Swami. Im an entrepreneur, and Ive used Facebook Ads to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars for my businesses each year, and over a million dollars on Facebook Ads in total.Ive also released two highly rated Facebook advertising courses. So in this workshop, youll be learning how to design winning Facebook Ads from someone who actually does it.Now, in addition to the videos, Im also going to give you three special bonuses:The first bonus is my collection of Facebook Ads Visual Templates these are winning ads that Ive personally created, which you can fully customize with your own images, text, graphics, logos, music and so much more.The second bonus is my Facebook Ads Captions Recipe Book, which explains the 10 types of captions I use in all of my ads, how to write your own versions of them, and Ive also provided examples for each of them so that you can fully understand everythingThe third bonus is my Facebook Ads Blueprint, which is something I use to rapidly plan, launch and manage successful advertising campaignsYoure getting all three of these special bonuses for free as part of this Facebook Ads workshop.So, if youre an entrepreneur, an influencer, a professional, an organisation or anyone who wants to learn how to design winning Facebook Ads, then this Facebook advertising workshop is for you.Anyone who enrols in this course also gets direct access to me and my team through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram.See you on the other side!"
Price: 99.99

"WordPress & WooCommerce Course: Complete Guide to E-Commerce" |
"In this WordPress & WooCommerce: Complete Guide you will learn how to setup, install & Manage WordPress E-Commerce Websites from a Beginner to Advanced level from scratch. This course covers everything that you need to get started with E-Commerce to build online Shop.This is a Beginners to Advanced level course. Which basically means if you are a Beginner or an Expert this course is Completely for you. We will cover everything from core concepts of WordPress and WooCommerce.Starting from creating your WordPress site to converting the WordPress site to an E-Commerce platform."
Price: 8000.00

"PHP MySQL & CodeIgniter Course: Complete Guide" |
"In this PHP MySQL & CodeIgniter: Complete Guide course you will learn how to build Dynamic web applications from scratch. We will cover everything from PHP core concepts to CodeIgniter web app development.In the entire course first you will learn complete PHP & MySQL in-depth and we will build a EMS (Employee Management System) CRUD based web application.Once we are done with the PHP & MySQL project we will then build the same project with OOP (Object Oriented Programming). To be more specific we will learn about MVC (Model View Controller) and how it works in CodeIgniter Framework.This will help you build EMS Web App in a much more easier way in CodeIgniter framework."
Price: 8000.00

"Blender Pixar Animation Character course masterclass" |
"Blender Pixar Animation Character course masterclass! The course teaches you how to create Pixar style animation :) Learn how to create spine using armatureLearn how to texture the characterLearn how to create animation with eyes, mouth (dialogues), body movementLearn how to create a first class animation and state of the art 3D techniques that will give you a goodgrounding in character modelling, texture and animation."
Price: 59.99

"Get The Anxiety Monkey Off Your Back: Natural Anxiety Relief" |
"This course is for those looking to get the proverbial anxiety monkey off your back once and for all naturally. I created this course because I have something to say dealing with anxiety 30+ years. Does that make me an expert? I want to help alleviate suffering from those dealing with anxiety all around the world. This course will continue to update as new insights into anxiety are discovered. I hope you enjoy my course and most of all I hope it helps."
Price: 34.99

"Learn HTML5 From Scratch With Examples and HTML5 Projects" |
"Learn HTML for From Scratch With Examples and HTML5 ProjectsHTML5 is one among the recent web technologies and is widely gaining acceptance across mobile and web. In our course you get an entire resource which may get you started on application development for HTML5. In our course you're employed on actual examples and undergo important concepts required for through knowledge.In our course you'll start with basic HTML tags. you'll find out how to make HTML websites and use CSS in your work before we start discussing HTML5. We don't assume any prior knowledge so we undergo the concepts from the beginner's point of view. In our HTML5 lectures we start with new tags and forms. We then gradually move to advance topics like Drag and Drop and Multimedia. We follow it with difficult topics like Geolocation, WebStorage and Application cache. This course creates easy to understand examples for every of the concepts and by the top of it you'll be ready to understand the entire picture instead of just bits and pieces of the technology.This is the entire HTML5 course you'll got to get you started with HTML5 application development.Join me on this fun ride today! Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Word para Iniciantes" |
"As vdeo-aulas foram gravadas usando o Microsoft Word 2016/2019 em um computador com Windows. Mas o mesmo se aplica para verses anteriores como o Word 2010, 2013 e 2016. Usurios de MAC, como os vdeos so gravados com a verso Windows do Microsoft Word, a interface ser um pouco diferente. Este curso inclui 3 nveis:1) Nvel Introdutrio (totalmente para iniciantes)2) Nvel Intermedirio3) Nvel AvanadoInscreva-se agora para ir de iniciante do Word a um usurio com habilidades avanadas. Este curso o levar a um entendimento abrangente em um das ferramentas de processamento de texto mais populares do mercado. O Instrutor convidado Willian Bergonsi usar toda a sua experincia no Microsoft Office Word para gui-lo passo a passo medida que voc desenvolver suas habilidades no Microsoft Word para ajud-lo a se tornar mais produtivo e eficiente no Word. Ao concluir este curso, voc ter dominado as ferramentas mais populares e procuradas do Microsoft Word e ter confiana para concluir muitas tarefas do Word com eficincia e agilidade."
Price: 129.99

"Songwriting From Scratch: How The Music Works In EDM" |
"How do the top EDM artists compose their music? How do they come up with cool chords? How do they create a hook line for a chorus that you just can't get out of your head?! Come and join me on this journey through the five most listened to EDM tracks (as of March 2020) Where I will discuss what makes the music great in these tracks! This video aims to introduce you to the idea that the music itself is as important as the 'production' in these tracks! All learners at all levels are welcome, this is designed to engage D.J's and producers or those just starting out in the world of composing. Easy to follow, easy to engage with - No difficult theory concepts to deal with!"
Price: 19.99

"Informatica Big Data Developer, Specialist Certification" |
"Informatica Data Engineering, Professional Certification Practice TestsInformatica Data Engineering Integration (DEI), earlier known as Informatica Big Data Management (BDM). Informatica Big Data Developer v10, Specialist Certification is now changed to Informatica Data Engineering, Developer, Professional CertificationThe practice tests are created to measures your knowledge and competency as an Informatica Big Data Developer. These practice tests cover a lot of ground on in-depth aspects of Informatica Big Data Edition such asBig Data Integration Course IntroductionBig Data BasicsInformatica on Hadoop ArchitectureData Warehouse OffloadingCode Migration and IngestionInformatica Polyglot Computing in HadoopMonitoring, Logs, and TroubleshootingHadoop Data Integration Challenges and Performance TuningComplex File ParsingNoSQL DatabasesFundamentalsDeveloping Physical Data ObjectsViewing DataDeveloping Mappings and TransformationsWorking with Dynamic Schema and Dynamic MappingsDeploying ApplicationsParametersWorkflowsEdge Data Streaming (EDS) OverviewBig Data Streaming OverviewKafka OverviewStreaming MappingsMonitoring Logs and TroubleshootingPerformance Tuning and Best PracticesEnd-to-End Use CaseIs this an online video-based course?No. This is a practice test with questions and multiple-choice answers.Will it be an interactive session?Yes, you will be able to send a note to the trainer/instructor and communicate as well. If you are taking this course, there are options to see the questions asked by you and also by other participants. This will not only help you to get the questions clarified but also you will know the different perspectives of the subject based on the questions asked by other participants.Will I get any material apart from the questions and answers?We will support you with your questions, doubts and help you with any related Informatica corporation documentation and other curated Informatica specific products content to learn and understand the content/topics with more clarity.Do these tests cover any real-time scenarios / live project scenarios?Yes, all the content and questions in this course are from real-time project implementations. Everything will be practical and on real-time project implementation.Will this help me to clear the Informatica Data Engineering or Informatica Big Data Developer, Professional Certification?We encourage you to learn all the topics and prepare for success. All the questions and answers provided here have helped multiple other participants to clear the interviews and Informatic Big Data Certification without any help. We do help you with any clarifications required.Please note, these questions are not copy and paste from the actual certification test, these questions are prepared based on the test topics covered in the certification test.Please note, launch the practice test using chrome browser. In other browsers the question and answers may not fit to the window and you may have to scroll the page up and down to see the questions and answers."
Price: 99.99

"Project Management Professional (PMP)" |
".PMI . . ."
Price: 99.99

"Precalculus Explained" |
"Become a Master of Pre Calculus and Ace your next Exam! In this course, you will master the concepts of PreCalculus from beginner to advanced, with our step-by-step video tutorials and test your knowledge with over 1100 Practice Test Questions. The concepts you will learn are fundamental to success in higher math classes such as Calculus and Linear Algebra. The topics of the course include:Functions and Their GraphsThe Rectangular Coordinate PlaneMidpoint of a Line SegmentThe Pythagorean FormulaComplex Plane - Distance and Midpoint FormulasAbsolute Value of a Complex NumberVertices of a Right Triangle FormulaCollinear Points FormulaEquations of CirclesFunction DefinitionDomain and Range of Relations and FunctionsVertical Line TestFunction NotationGraphing Linear FunctionsFinding the Slope of a LineFinding the Equation of a LineParallel and Perpendicular LinesGraphs of Basic FunctionsPiecewise-Defined FunctionsIncreasing, Decreasing, and Constant IntervalsGraphing Transformations - stretching, shrinking, reflectingGraphing Transformations - horizontal and vertical shiftsEven and Odd FunctionsFinding the Difference QuotientFunction CompositionPolynomial and Rational FunctionsFinding the Vertex Form of a ParabolaGraphing ParabolasThe Remainder TheoremThe Factor TheoremThe Rational Zeros TheoremThe Fundamental Theorem of AlgebraConjugate Zeros TheoremDescartes' Rule of SignsIntermediate Value and Boundedness TheoremsFinding the Zeros of a Polynomial FunctionExponential and Logarithmic FunctionsThe Horizontal Line TestFinding One-to-One Functions AlgebraicallyFinding the Inverse of a FunctionProving that two functions are inversesDomain Restrictions, Finding the InverseExponential Functions and Their GraphsSolving Exponential Equations without LogsSolving Compound Interest Formula Word ProblemsSolving Continuous Compound Interest Formula Word ProblemsLogarithmic FunctionsProperties of LogarithmsInverse of an Exponential / Logarithmic FunctionEvaluating Logarithms Using the Change of Base FormulaSolving Exponential Equations with LogarithmsSolving Logarithmic EquationsSystems of Equations and InequalitiesSolving Linear Systems in Two VariablesSolving Linear Systems in Three VariablesFInding the Equation of a Parabola Given Three PointsLinear Systems Word ProblemsPartial Fraction DecompositionSolving Nonlinear Systems of EquationsSolving Nonlinear Systems of InequalitiesMatrices and DeterminantsGauss-Jordan EliminationMatrix Addition and SubtractionScalar MultiplicationMatrix MultiplicationInverse of a MatrixMatrix EquationsDeterminants Using Laplace ExpansionDeterminants Using Triangular FormTranspose of a MatrixAdjugate of a MatrixInverse Using the Adjugate and DeterminantCramer's RuleArea of a Triangle - DeterminantsCollinear Points - DeterminantsWriting the Equation of a Line - DeterminantsAnalytic GeometryConic SectionsThe ParabolaThe EllipseThe HyperbolaSequencesSeries and Summation NotationFinding the nth term for an arithmetic sequenceFinding the nth term for a geometric sequenceEvaluating arithmetic seriesEvaluating infinite and finite geometric seriesCounting TheoryCombinationsPermutations"
Price: 29.99

"CCNP Security 300-710 and 300-715 Exam : Practice Tests 2020" |
"Welcome to the practice test for exam CCNP Security 300-710 and 300-715 Exam : Practice Tests 2020Securing Networks with Cisco Firepower (300-710 SNCF) :-This exam tests your knowledge of Cisco Firepower Threat Defense and Firepower 7000 and 8000 Series virtual appliances, including:Policy configurationsIntegrationsDeploymentsManagement and troubleshootingImplementing and Configuring Cisco Identity Services Engine (300-715 SISE)This exam tests your knowledge of Cisco Identify Services Engine, including:Architecture and deploymentPolicy enforcementWeb Auth and guest servicesProfilerBYODEndpoint complianceNetwork access device administrationThis practice test will help you prepare for the real exam test environment with New Updated questions .This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Cisco in any way.Best of luck for your exam !!"
Price: 29.99

"Rocking Kubernetes with Amazon EKS, Fargate, And DevOps" |
"What will you achieve from this course?Welcome to Rocking Kubernetes with Amazon EKS, Fargate, And DevOps course: Learn Kubernetes concepts to understand EKS, all in one course Master EKS in it's entirety - basics, advanced, security, Fargate Tips, tricks, learning from real world Cloud Architect In real-world, learning EKS theory is not enough, you need to know how to run it using DevOps. This course will teach you how to deploy dockerized apps using DevOps Tools About the instructorRajdeep Saha is an AWS-Professional Certified Solutions Architect working at a leading cloud provider, he has worked in Fortune top 20 companies as Distinguished Cloud Architect. Unlike pen and paper architects, Rajdeep has migrated real enterprise projects into cloud using extensive Infrastructure As Code and DevOps. He has published blogs, presented well received talks in Conferences. He is also the author of highly-rated ""Rocking AWS Serverless - A Real World Guide"", and ""Rocking AWS CloudFormation, CDK with DevOps, Interview Guide"" courses on Udemy.Rajdeep often uses real-world analogy to explain AWS concepts in this course, which makes it easier for the students to understand and retain the knowledge. Rajdeep also presents and attends in all major cloud conferences and keeps up to date in his domain. You are in capable hands! All opinions are Rajdeep's own.Course StructureThis course has eight main areas - Kubernetes Basics, EKS Basics, Logging And Monitoring, EKS Advanced Concepts, Securing EKS, Fargate, Deploying EKS with DevOps, and Real World EKS Projects.Please check out the list of lectures for detailed breakdown of each area.This is the course that could take your career to next level. Let's have some fun and build some awesome stuff in cloud together!"
Price: 99.99

"Build the most successful portfolio. Portfolio essentials" |
"In this course Ill will cover different components that are the basics elements seen in portfolios and then well cover the most important piece - how to succinctly tell the story of your project.You will learn:What items to include in your portfolioWays to describe each portfolio itemOnline platforms that combine flexibility and usabilityWays to optimize your portfolio for viewersTactics for promoting workThe assignment youll have in this course is to develop and share a fully finished portfolio and post it into the QA section. For this you will be using the structure youll learn in this course.By the time were done, youll know how to create an online design portfolio that has future employers racing to connect with you. You will walk away with an understanding of how to lay down a portfolio and put together one strong project.Lets dig in."
Price: 19.99
