"Curso de Direito Penal I" |
"Curso de Direito Penal I para todos os nveis de conhecimento! Voc que aluno de graduao, ps-graduao, bacharel em Direito, advogado, concurseiro... Este curso para voc!Venha comear e aprofundar seus conhecimentos de Direito Penal com mais de 8 horas de vdeo, material exclusivo, mais de 20 questes recentes de concurso e tudo isso com acesso vitalcio!O aluno ter um canal direto com o professor para tirar suas dvidas sobre toda a matria de Direito Penal com participao dos demais alunos com o objetivo de aprender ainda mais sobre essa rea importantssima do Direito."
Price: 54.99

"Fiverr Autopilot Strategy- Ultimate Passive Income+ Tools" |
"Welcome to my course!I am Raynaldo from Digital markett (in Fiverr). And in this course, I will reveal to you guys my autopilot system and method in Fiverr that generates $900 in my first month and generates me $3700 in my second month without doing any work.In this course, I am going to reveal everything to you. And not only that, I will actually give you everything needed for you to get started immediately and earn massive passive income from fiverr. I will give 7 unique gigs that you can run on autopilot in Fiverr and this is based on my weeks of research and based on my experience. All Tools required for you to do so will be provided as well.The best thing about this ,is that you dont need any skill, because all the knowledge required will be explained in the course step by step. This course will not only cover the basic of Fiverr that perhaps everyone already know, but we will cover the advance strategy to sell in Fiverr and we will go deep to each autopilot gig I am going to reveal. This course will cover how to set each of the gigs and how to make it run on autopilot without you having to do much work. And all these gigs have less competition and high demand.So, if you want to earn immediately just like me, enroll now and lets start earning!!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a Node-RED" |
"Bienvenido al curso ""Introduccin a Node-RED""! Si ests buscando ese curso que te ensee las herramientas bsicas necesarias para conocer, utilizar, y aplicar Node-RED en infinidad de proyectos, has venido al lugar correcto. Este es un curso de nivel principiante, y por ello no es necesario tener conocimiento previo de programacin.Aunque solo se trata de una introduccin, en este curso aprenders el POR QU, el CMO y el QU de Node-RED de la forma ms rpida que existe. Sobre todo, siempre sabrs POR QU ests haciendo algo, ya que es lo ms fundamental para entender su uso y poder aplicarlo en el futuro.En slo 47 minutos, tendrs la confianza suficiente para usar Node-RED y poder configurar aplicaciones del mundo real. Tambin desarrollars la comprensin y la familiarizacin necesaria para desenvolverte en la interfaz de Node-RED, y aprenders a usar los principales nodos Node-RED presentes en la biblioteca.Si eres un aficionado, un estudiante o un ingeniero, o simplemente un curioso con conocimientos bsicos o nulos de programacin y control, este es el curso idneo para ti.A qu esperas?! Ven, y nete a este curso. Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor y guiarte en los conocimientos de Node-RED."
Price: 129.99

"Curso de programacin CNC" |
"Hoy en da, saber programar CNC supone muchas cosas para cualquier ingeniero, profesional del sector o mecnico, y todas ellas muy buenas. Las grandes empresas ms exitosas del siglo XXI lo estn utilizando para construir, automatizar y controlar modelados, y cada da buscan ms y ms gente que pueda desempear este tipo de trabajos. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que es muy complicado. Pues creme, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!En este curso aprenders a programar CNC mediante un software llamado Winunisoft, que por supuesto te ensear a instalar y descargar. Pero... para qu sirve la programacin CNC? Pues muy fcil. Gracias a la programacin CNC y al control numrico, podrs controlar y automatizar en las mquinas sus movimientos, direcciones y velocidades de corte o de avance, sus cambios de herramientas o piezas, o sus condiciones auxiliares de funcionamiento, entre otras cosas.Mi nombre es Francisco Boira, soy ingeniero y llevo aos programando CNC e impartiendo docencia acerca de su uso. En este tiempo me he dado cuenta de que cada da es ms necesario el uso de una herramienta como CNC, y no es de extraar que hoy en da es de las aptitudes ms buscadas por las empresas en un tcnico, profesional, o ingeniero.Por este mismo motivo senta la necesidad de crear contenido de calidad y en Espaol acerca del tema, y as facilitaros y sobre todo agilizar y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje, comprimiendo todo el contenido en apenas 1 hora. Aunque ""solo"" se trata de una gua bsica e introductoria, el curso te servir para poner en prctica las herramientas y las funciones esenciales para sacarle partido a la programacin CNC y al control numrico. Lgicamente siempre se puede aprender ms, pero el curso te va a servir para cimentar las bases y colocar las primeras piedras del camino perdiendo el menor tiempo posible.Lo importante del curso es que no slo mirars y escuchars, sino tambin lo hars tu mismo. Gracias a los ejercicios del curso y sus soluciones a tiempo real, podrs poner en prctica todo lo aprendido y sers capaz de realizar t mismo diferentes tipos de problemas. Y por supuesto, al final del curso habrs adquirido conocimientos, entre otras cosas, en temas como los siguientes:Para qu, cmo, y porqu CNC?Clasificacin de las mquinas de CNCFundamentos de programacin CNCCaracteres principalesFunciones GFunciones MDefinicin de los parmetros de la mquinaEjercicios prcticos para consolidar los conocimientos y mucho msEste curso es perfecto para la gente que ha escuchado hablar de CNC, pero no sabe cmo utilizarlo y necesita mejorar en la comprensin de su programacin y de su lgica. Lo que quiero decir es que es completamente apto para principiantes y gente que no tiene ni idea del tema, ya que se explicar todo desde cero. As que no tengas miedo, porque como ya te he dicho, ests tiempo de aprender una habilidad que las compaas buscan cada da ms, y si no te lo crees, lo puedes comprobar t mismo buscando en Internet!Por si fuera poco y an no ests convencido, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible. Aprender programacin CNC nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 179.99

"FSC Chain of Custody (CoC) Management System" |
"The course is aimed at providing learners with an understanding of the aims, structure and requirements of FSC Chain of Custody Management System as per FSC-STD-40-004 and includes implementation tips and tools. It will give you the information that you need to make informed judgements on the implementation of an effective Chain of Custody Management System.This covers the general understanding of FSC CoC certification process and detailed explanation of all requirements of the standard. All elements of FSC-STD-40-004 standard are discussed in detail, using examples so you will understand how a Chain of Custody management system can be implemented to achieve conformity with the standard and obtain FSC CoC certification."
Price: 44.99

"Sfrdan Kore Alfbesi'ni renin! (Hangl reniyorum)" |
"[KISA SRE SONRA ""KELME VE METN OKUMA ALITIRMALARI"" DERSLER EKLENECEKTR.] Kore Alfbesi'ndeki harfler ve okuma kurallar olduka sistematik bir zellie shiptir. Fonetik olarak benzer olan harflerin yazmlar da benzerdir. zel ders mantyla hazrlanm bu kursta; Kore Alfbesi'ni yakndan tanyacak ve her gn krk be dakkalk bir almayla 3 haftada Korece okumay reneceksiniz. Derslerimizde tm okuma kurallar srekli tekrar edildii iin kursun sonuna geldiinizde artk Korece yazlar htasza yakn bir ekilde okuyabileceksiniz. Ayrca kursumuzda; her harfin yazm, telffuzu ve okuma kurallar tm ayrntlaryla ilenmektedir. Bylece, hibir ayrnty atlamadan ve geitirmeden, zel ders formatnda hazrlanan ve tahta zerinde ilenen bu kurs ile tam ve eksiksiz bir eitim alacaksnz!"
Price: 409.99

"Lear Java Project Using JDBC,Swing,AWT,MySql" |
"Payroll Management System aims at serving the department of Government by computerizing the Payroll system. A payroll system involves everything that has to do with the payment of employees and the filing of employment taxes. This includes keeping track of hours, calculating wages, and other deductions, printing and delivering checks and paying employment taxes to the government.Payroll Management System Java Project Proper Coding Without Drag and Drop NetBeans & MySQL Language Used - Java Core Concept Used - Swings, awt (Software used) IDE Used - NetBeans Database Used - MySQL"
Price: 1280.00

"Estrategia/Planeacin Estratgica/DE ESTANCADO A ESTRATEGA" |
"Hola!. Mi nombre es Juan Felipe Torres. Sabes? creo firmemente que si estas viendo este vdeo, es porque tienes un objetivo muy importante para t y mi deber, es ayudarte a que lo consigas de forma estratgica y coherente.He trabajado para multinacionales y tambin soy emprendedor, uno de mis principales proyectos es USG Colombia, un emprendimiento de consultorias.La planeacin estratgica es aplicable para cualquier tipo objetivo, de cualquier empresa, o proyecto e incluso, para una persona del comn.Soy muy bueno enseando esto de una forma como nadie mas lo hace, en este curso aprenders de forma didctica y dinmica a hacer una planeacin estratgica, pero NO es la misma que se hace desde los aos 90, ac vamos a tener en cuenta todas las lecciones aprendidas por las crisis y los nuevos modelos de negocio, adems tendrs todos mis recursos descargables en formatos de excel para que puedas aplicar tu mismo lo que hiciste en clase. He creado una empresa ficticia de productos y servicios la cual ser el ejemplo a lo largo de todo el curso.Espectacular, verdad.No creo en los limites, creo en el talento y la disciplina. El xito es superarse es fallar y aprender, una y otra vez.Ya conocindonos no perdamos mas tiempo, y vamos al curso."
Price: 24.99

"Os mtodos de leitura e a importncia no mbito profissional" |
"Este curso visa estabelecer uma melhor aprendizagem de como se ler, qual a importncia? muitas dvidas surgem na mente das pessoas, aqui estabeleci vrios aspectos e apresentei os nveis de leitura. A leitura muito importante, mas nem sempre entendida de forma correta ou compreendida, o curso vem com inteno de ajudar a todos que buscam conhecimentos ou no tiveram contato com a escola."
Price: 39.99

"Organizaes Internacionais - Comrcio Exterior" |
"O CURSO E OBJETIVO: O curso proporcionar ao aluno conhecimento tcnico sobre Organizaes Internacionais vinculadas ao comrcio internacional: Banco Mundial, Fundo Monetrio Internacional (FMI), Organizao Mundial do Comrcio (OMC), Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Comrcio e Desenvolvimento (UNCTAD) e Organizao para Cooperao e Desenvolvimento Econmico (OCDE).PBLICO ALVO: O curso se destina a profissionais que trabalham com comrcio exterior, relaes internacionais e direito internacional, profissionais que querem ingressar nesses mercados e profissionais ou estudantes que buscam novos desafios e maiores conhecimentos sobre o tema.BANCO MUNDIAL E FUNDO MONETRIO INTERNACIONAL (FMI)AULA 1 - INTRODUOAULA 2 - PADRO LIBRA-OUROAULA 3 - PRIMEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL (Contextualizao)AULA 4 - SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL (Contextualizao)AULA 5 - BRETTON WOODSAULA 6 - O BANCO MUNDIAL HOJE: SUAS DIVISES, ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL, CARGOS EXECUTIVOS E FUNES EXECUTADASAULA 7 - BANCO MUNDIAL: COTAS, PODER DE VOTO E CONTRIBUIES; RANKING DOING BUSINESS, RELATRIOS, FERRAMENTAS E BANCO DE DADOSAULA 8 - O FMI HOJE: ATUAO, ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL, CARGOS EXECUTIVOS E FUNES EXECUTADASAULA 9 - FMI: COTAS, PODER DE VOTO E CONTRIBUIES; IMF DATAMAPPER, RELATRIOS, FERRAMENTAS E BANCO DE DADOSORGANIZAO MUNDIAL DO COMRCIO (OMC)AULA 10 - INTRODUOAULA 11 - SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL, GATT E RODADAS DE NEGOCIAOAULA 12 - PRINCPIOS DA OMCAULA 13 - PROPSITO E FUNES DA OMCAULA 14 - ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL DA OMC, CARGOS EXECUTIVOS E FUNES EXECUTADAS, MEMBROS E PROCESSO DE ADESOAULA 15 - O TRATAMENTO ESPECIAL E DIFERENCIADO PARA PASES EM DESENVOLVIMENTOAULA 16 - RELATRIOS, FERRAMENTAS E BANCO DE DADOS DA OMCCONFERNCIA DAS NAES UNIDAS SOBRE COMRCIO E DESENVOLVIMENTO (UNCTAD)AULA 17 - INTRODUOAULA 18 - GATT E ONU (Contextualizao)AULA 19 - SOBRE A UNCTAD: CONTEXTO, PRINCPIOS, FUNES E MEMBROSAULA 20 - O SISTEMA GERAL DE PREFERNCIAS (SGP)AULA 21 - ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL DA UNCTAD, CARGOS EXECUTIVOS E FUNES EXECUTADAS; RELATRIOS, FERRAMENTAS E BANCO DE DADOS DA UNCTADORGANIZAO PARA COOPERAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO ECONMICO (OCDE)AULA 22 - INTRODUOAULA 23 - GUERRA FRIA (Contextualizao)AULA 24 - ORGANIZAO PARA COOPERAO ECONMICA EUROPEIA (OEEC)AULA 25 - SOBRE A OCDE: CONTEXTO E FUNESAULA 26 - MEMBROS E PROCESSO DE ADESO; ESTRUTURA ORGANIZACIONAL DA OCDE, CARGOS EXECUTIVOS E FUNES EXECUTADAS, ORAMENTO; RELATRIOS, FERRAMENTAS E BANCO DE DADOS DA OCDESOBRE O PROFESSOR:Eduardo Melo VidalEspecialista em Comrcio Exterior e Negcios Internacionais (MBA) pela Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas); Bacharel em Relaes Internacionais pela Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais (PUC Minas); Experincia Slida com Comrcio Exterior e Negcios Internacionais. Atuao prtica em variados segmentos da Indstria; Consultor empresarial afiliado Associao Brasileira de Consultores (ABCO); Scio Proprietrio da Vrtice Internacional Consultoria em Importao e Exportao LTDA.; Professor, Seminarista e Palestrante; Instrutor de treinamentos empresariais sobre temticas de Comrcio Exterior e Negcios Internacionais; Autor da obra Fundamentos do Comrcio Exterior, 2019."
Price: 39.99

"How to Create a Great Digital B2B Content Strategy Framework" |
"The difference between a great and unsuccessful content marketing program is 'strategy'. Great content or social media programs are backed by a strong strategy. This program touches upon the need for content marketing and goes deeper into the content strategy and framework aspects. We know that without a powerful strategy and framework our social media and content marketing efforts will always be less optimized and will eventually fail. Understand the core of content strategy, learn from use cases and best practices of global companies and real-life examples, and download & use powerful ready-made templates. Risk-Free 30 Days Money Back. Free Downloadable Templates Included."
Price: 1280.00

"Be Expert at Stock Trading,Stock Market, Complete course" |
"This course has been developed looking at the world over requirement by students about stock market.If you are Facing losses again and again & if you want to learn about stock market completely then this course will definitely help you in learning stock market.FIRST LEARN AND THEN EARN...THE MORE YOU LEARN , THE MORE YOU EARN...After this course you will be able to Select stock on Your own & analyse them, & You will find correct entry with SMALL loss and BIG targets.... "
Price: 11840.00

"Self-publishing - THE EASY GUIDE - plus paper samples!" |
"New to Udemy! Updated self-publishing knowledge. None of that outdated stuff!I can show you how to self-publish from the very start to the very end, with passion and first-hand experience.My guide is easy to understand. There are no corners to be cut but Ive most definitely done the hard work for you!Once you experience my course, you will self-publish, & thats from inspiration alone!I specialise in childrens books, but my course will allow anyone to self-publish any genre.Self-publishing is made so easy on my course; youll wish you watched my videos sooner.I have offer paper samples, which can be delivered straight to your door if you choose. Links in the video will reveal all. Many videos dont offer this important section in self-publishing: feeling the paper quality before you order.You can publish a book for next to nothing, or you can spend as much as you like. Self-publishing can fit all budgets. And in no time at all, youll be holding that physical copy, proud, and determined to start your next book, whilst creating an impressive fan base.See you soon!By Dawesy"
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting Basics fr erfolgreiche Sales: aktuelle Taktiken" |
"Denken Sie einen Moment darber nach, Sie verbringen den ganzen Tag, jeden Tag damit, Ihr Produkt zu bauen und Ihre Kunden zu bedienen, angetrieben von der Leidenschaft, eine Delle in die Welt zu schlagen. Doch wenn Sie sich hinsetzen, um eine Werbetext zu schreiben,eine Landingpage oder irgendeine Art von Marketingmaterial zu erstellen, erstarren Sie, oder schlimmer noch,Sie klatschen am Ende etwas zusammen und schieben es aus der Tr, nur um es von Ihrer To-Do-Liste zu entfernen. Ich gebe Ihnen keine Schuld, ich war genau so. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, wie man mit dem Gedanken an einen Kunden schreibt. Ich schrieb nur ber mich und mein Produkt. Ich habe das Schreiben nicht ernst genommen, weil ich glaubte, mein Produkt wrde sich von selbst verkaufen. Nun, lag ich falsch. Alles nderte sich, als ich meinen allerersten Gary-Halbert-Newsletter las. ""Wer zum Teufel ist Gary Halbert?"", werden Sie sich vielleicht fragen. Dieser Typ war fr das Schreiben des erfolgreichsten Verkaufsbriefes aller Zeiten verantwortlich. Dieser Brief wurde ber 600 Millionen Mal verschickt und brachte mit einem einzigen Brief Hunderte von Millionen Dollar an Einnahmen. Ich schwor, das Schreiben nie wieder zu unterschtzen. Ich habe zu diesem Thema alles verschlungen, was ich kann, habe alle Meister des Werbetextes studiert und bin bis ins Jahr 1930 zurckgegangen, um die Autoren zu finden, die Produkte und Dienstleistungen fr Millionen von Dollar verkauft haben, indem sie nur das geschriebene Wort benutzten. In diesem Kurs werden wir tief in die Welt des Copywriting eintauchen. Sie werden lernen,Copywriting: Was es ist, die klassischen Texte, und wie sie Ihr Unternehmen beeinflussen knnen;Der Markt: In die Kpfe der Kunden eindringen und ihre Wnsche verstehen;Rahmenbedingungen: Verwendung klassischer Muster zur Erleichterung des Schreibens;berschriften: Erstellen von aufmerksamkeitsstarken berschriften;Text: Kennen des Unterschieds zwischen einem Merkmal und einem Nutzen und warum das wichtig ist;Praxis: Die geheime tgliche Gewohnheit aufbauen, um ein besserer Texter zu werden.Mein Name ist Albrecht Kassner, und ich baue seit ber 3 Jahren Produkte im Internet auf. Am Ende dieses Kurses werden Sie alle Werkzeuge haben, die Sie brauchen, um wahnsinnig effektive Texte zu schreiben."
Price: 189.99

"General Interesting Information for School Students -" |
"Hello and welcome!2 Practice Tests including General Information for School Students that need to know.* Science* Geography* Entertainment* ArtStudents have 50 minutes to finish and answer each test. Test Results will be available right after the test is completed.Enjoy taking your test and enjoy learning about interesting information that will be useful for you in the future."
Price: 24.99

"The Sovereign Journey The Boundless Spirit Seeks Within" |
"If you are seeking to uncover deeper layers of yourself and let go of chains and conditions from your past. If you wish to rid yourself of negative self beliefs. If you want to connect to your own divine personal power. If you have a craving that you want more from life. If you wish to gain purpose, perspective and live a life with meaning. If you have an interest in being the best version of yourself. If you are spiritually curious and wish to evolve and move in the right direction. If you have a feeling there's more to life and you seek to experience it. If you wish to feel inspired, motivated and be connected to your sovereignty which is your birthright. Then this is the course for you. There will be six lessons with contemplative questions you will ask yourself with numerous accompanying videos. Taking you through life's developmental psychological stages. There will be a quiz to figure out how empowered you feel. There will also be six unique healing hypnotherapy meditations which are mixed with binaural beats composed by a music producer. These hypnotherapy meditations will enable you to discover yourself,let go of the past, take responsibility for yourself and your life, gain perspective and awareness on you and your life, enable you to begin to live a life with purpose and meaning, connect to your spirit guides and move forward as the powerful individual you were created to be. Using your own power to create the life you truly want for yourself and partake in future pacing your mind for success and fulfilment. As you move through each lesson you will have exercises and tasks to complete. There will also be bonus videos and material. The purpose of this course is to enable you to become a more complete holistic spiritual individual."
Price: 199.99

"Viptela SD-WAN Practical Use Case Policies" |
"Within the SD-WAN policy course; we will examine the policy architecture with use cases, such as centralized control, vpn-memership, traffic engineering (OMP & TLOCs), service-chaining, regional setups along with localized policies.The Viptela policies will leverage color-lists, service FW, OMP tagging, origin attribute as well as preferences to name a few.The immediate goal would be to create a foundation to build off of when a scenario presents itself. The information provided will be digestible to expand upon all learned templates chosen to solve problems into solutions.The first three sessions will go over a brief refresher with thereafter delving into various use-cases.With the CLI depicted, I will also provide simple diagrams to bring home the logic that will reinforce the flows."
Price: 19.99

"Pratiques de management des entreprises" |
"Un cours dynamique traitant tous les aspects relatifs aux pratiques de management des entreprises.A l'issu de ce cours l'apprenant sera en mesure de :analyser l'environnement de l'entrepriselaborer des plansmettre en place une organisation adquateconcevoir un systme de contrle efficacediriger des individus et des groupes le cours est appuy par des schmas et des illustrations permettant la comprhension et la mmorisation rapide de toutes les informations pertinentes."
Price: 49.99

"Suchmaschinenoptimierung YouTube" |
"YouTube ist eine Suchmaschine und hinter Google sogar die zweitgrsste. Umso wichtiger ist es fr jedes Unternehmen, auf YouTube mit eigenen Videos vertreten zu sein.Aber wie ranke ich meine Videos?In meinen Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du auch mit einen kleinen YouTube-Kanal mit wenigen Abonnenten, deine Videos in die Top 3 auf YouTube ranken kannst.Schritt fr Schritt demonstriere ich dir meine Vorgehensweise.Du erhltst von mir alle Hacks und Tipps und einige Insider-Tricks die ich mir ber 11 Jahre Online-Marketer Erfahrung angeeignet habe."
Price: 69.99

"Human-computer interaction" |
"You will learn a practical ux skillset to create a mobile app and think about ways to extend this using social media and big data. You will learn that we are all social psychologists and designers because of the world we live in. And, at the end of the course you will be able to design and speak with confidence about the interaction between people and the increasingly complex computer systems our modern culture demands, thus becoming an agent for change, yourself."
Price: 69.99

"Secrets of Efficient Reading and Speed Reading" |
"This course gives you in almost 5 hours all you need to know to improve your reading speed and comprehension level. Those key elements allowed the author to win the bronze medal at the World Speed Reading Championships in Singapore (2016).All the essential information is there. 20% of useful information for 80% of the result."
Price: 99.99

"Descripcin e interpretacin de los requisitos bsicos para el cumplimiento de la norma NB/NM 324 de industrias de alimentos, se consideran cinco pilares fundamentales: 1. Materias primas 2. Requisitos del establecimiento e instalaciones 3. Higiene en el establecimiento 4. Requisitos sanitarios e higiene del personal 5. Higiene en la elaboracin 6. Almacenamiento y transporte de producto terminado"
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Disparar en Modo Manual" |
"El secreto para sacar fotos perfectas....Curso online de Fotografa para aprender rpida y fcilmente a disparar en modo manual. Diseado con breves lecciones en vdeo y ejercicios de prctica para que aprendas todo en tan slo 2 das. Slamente te cuento lo que necesitas para sacar el mayor partido a tu cmara reflex.No malgastes tu valioso tiempo, esfuerzo y dinero. Con el curso de MyFotoAcademy para Aprender a Disparar en Modo Manual dominars la cmara y la exposicin sin esfuerzo rpidamente.Tanto si eres principiante y no sabes nada como si ya te dedicas a la Fotografa, domina el Modo Manual y podrs fotografiar retratos, paisajes, bodegones, eventos y ms, como un profesional.Por qu molestarme en aprender a disparar en Modo Manual?Disparando en Manual no slo evitas graves fallos irreparables que arruinan tus fotos, sino que aprenders a dominar la exposicin para tener el control completo sobre tu cmara y contar la historia a tu manera.Adems, te ahorrars cientos de horas perdidas retocando en post-produccin.Si has invertido en una cmara y un objetivo, ahora es el momento de sacarle todo el partido... por qu no invertir en aprender a usarla correctamente?Qu necesito para hacer el curso?Slo necesitas una cmara rflex, da igual el modelo y marca (con posibilidad de usar en modo manual M) y un objetivo. Opcionalmente es til un flash. Da igual el nivel de conocimientos, damos un repaso a todo desde el principio."
Price: 74.99

"Introduccin a la Historia de la Moda" |
"Antes de adentrarte en la moda de cada una de las etapas de la historia y su evolucin, es importante que conozcas algunos contenidos bsicos sobre el tema. No es imprescindible su realizacin para aprovechar al mximo el resto de cursos de Historia de la Moda, pero s muy recomendable. Los contenidos que incluye este curso son: - Definiciones de moda, traje e indumentaria- En qu momento y de qu manera surgi la moda?: Introduccin a la historia del traje: origen. Por qu comenz a vestirse el ser humano? Qu factores determinan el traje? Arquetipos bsicos del traje- Sociologa de la moda: Cambio social de valores estticos y la influencia de la moda. El concepto de moda. La transicin de la moda- Tendencias y moda: Difusin de tendencias de moda: desfiles, revistas, Internet, street style, tiendas y espacios de moda, it girls y personas famosas. Origen de la tendencias de moda: ferias de tejidos, diseadores y agencias de tendencias. La moda en la actualidad: Internet, coolhunters, Haute Couture, Lifestyle, celebrities, globalizacin, lujo, multinacionales y luxe holding."
Price: 19.99

"Controle sua Ansiedade" |
"Crises de ansiedade podem vir vinculadas a um turbilho de pensamentos, em geral pessimistas, o que acaba por dificultar a capacidade de se autocontrolar. quase impossvel controlar a mente. O futuro, por sua vez, torna-se um monstro cruel, envolto por preocupaes sistemticas, muitas vezes sem nenhuma explicao ou justificativa.Muitas vezes o corpo e a fala no acompanham o pensamento. como uma tempestade.ANSIEDADE pode ocorrer pela existncia do medo. O medo uma reao natural ao desconhecido. nossa defesa instintiva frente s ameaas reais ou potenciais vivenciados em nosso cotidiano. Esta situao que agora vivenciamos, traz insegurana e sensao de perigo iminente.ESSA TCNICA IR AUXILIAR VOC A MANTER O FOCO DE SEUS PENSAMENTOS."
Price: 54.99

"Melhore sua Sade Mental" |
"Voc quer aprender a mgica de viver bem, ento este CURSO ONLINE ir te ensinar esse segredo.Oportuno se torna dizer que com este CURSO ONLINE, voc com certeza ir adquirir novas elaboraes psquicas, principalmente de autoimagem. Com certeza ir eliciar um processo psquico e contnuo em seu inconsciente na sua individuao, para alcanar sua autorrealizao e assim, possibilitar que voc consiga em todos dias da sua vida a sua autorregulao emocional."
Price: 144.99

"VCP - Digital Workspace (2V0-61.19) / (2V0-61.20)" |
"This Practice test helps those who are preparing to take the VMware Certified Professional - Digital Workspace 2020 (VCP-DW 2020) exam .This better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions students live a idea about the exam.Note:This practice test aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers"
Price: 29.99

"React Routing v5 Tutorial: Create Single Page React App" |
"With over 1300 contributors and millions of downloads every week, React is undoubtedly one of the most popular front-end JavaScript libraries in the world. It is known for its simplicity, scalability, cost-efficient nature, reusability of codes, and having a strong community worldwide. It has completely changed the entire picture of web development.All these benefits have helped React to gain all its popularity. Thanks to all its features, it is heavily used by developers for building user interfaces & single-page applications (SPAs). Recently, SPAs have become a trend in web development. These apps include multiple page views, however, when you go from 1 page-view to another, you have to reload the entire page-view. This makes it a tedious & time-consuming task. To solve this issue, developers have come up with the idea to render part views instead of reloading the page.For this purpose, people are using React Routing! With the concept of React routing, you can navigate from 1-page view to another without refreshing it. This concept helps users to avoid a blank page or a white screen leading to a seamless user experience. To help you learn this concept, we have curated this React Routing online course that covers all the important concepts.What Makes This Course So Unique?We have designed this course keeping in mind all enthusiasts who want to learn how to build single-page applications using ReactJS. It unfolds with the basic introduction of single-page applications & React routing. Afterward, you will see the installation of the React router & its features.After covering the basics, you will learn the primary components of routing including route matchers & navigation. Concepts of Hook & types of React routing are also covered. Later, certain advanced concepts of React routing such as Auth Based Routing & Config File Based Route are included to give you a complete understanding of React routing. After learning all the essential concepts, you will get to work on exclusive projects in real-time.What This Course Includes:1. Single-page applications, how to create SPAs & using Route in SPAs2. Introduction of React routing, features & its installation3. React routing primary components, route matchers & navigation4. Concepts of Hooks & its types5. Basic React routing & its types6. Routing advanced concepts- Auth Based Routing, Config File Based Route7. Projects- Job application & NEWS applicationsStill, thinking? Begin with this React routing online tutorial today & start creating SPAs from scratch!"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Penetration Testing Tools" |
"With each security breach being reported, the need for effective security practices is becoming more evident. As the recent technological advancement has led to the adoption of virtualization, cloud computing, IT outsourcing & so on, it has also increased the risks of imminent digital threats.The risk has so high, that every organization is actively seeking for certified & expert ethical hackers. Considering the demand & high pay scale, many programmers are now looking to have a successful career in cybersecurity. But as technology progressed, the concepts & the tools of ethical hacking has also become more advanced.Because of this rising demand, we have curated this one-stop online solution to help anyone learn all the tools behind ethical hacking. This online course covers all the top & widely used ethical hacking tools used by modern security experts.How This Course Can Be Useful?This course is a one-stop solution that will address all your queries regarding hacking tools from scratch. It will unfold with the basic introduction to ethical hacking & Kali Linux. Before starting with hacking tools, it will help you learn the importance & the purpose of using any particular tool. Once the basics & the aim of using any ethical hacking tool is clear, you will get insights into the working & the usage of each tool one after another. It covers some of the most important hacking tools like NS LOOKUP, Metasploit, BurpSuite, Wireshark, WPscan, Nikto, Nessus, OpenVAS & others.This Course Includes:l Introduction to ethical hacking, Kali Linuxl Passive info gatheringl Active info gatheringl DNS enumerationl Vulnerability scanningl Email harvestingl Tools- NsLookup, Recon-ng, Social Mapper, Nmap, Maltego, WPscan, Nikto, Nessus, OpenVAS, Metasploit, Burp Suite, WiresharkEmpower yourself with the best ethical hacking tools for providing the shield to the organizations against cybercrimes!!"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel DATA ANALYSIS Using my Proven 4-Step System" |
"ImportClean EnhanceAnalyzeThese are the 4 simple steps you should be using every time that you analyze data. In this course you'll learn how to do each of the steps so that your data, your tables, and your pivot tables with work smoothly and efficiently every time. Data analysis is one of the biggest needs for businesses today. And so much data is going to waste because many businesses don't have someone to analyze it. You could be that person. Imagine how valuable you would be to your boss if you knew how to discover trends, needs or deficiencies in your companies workflow. This course is designed to teach you a simple 4-step process for importing data into Excel, cleaning up that data to make it easy to work with, enhancing that data with formulas and tools to make it more powerful, and finally, analyzing that data quickly and easily with pivot tables. This process makes it easier and gives you more powerful results from you data, results that you can actually use to make better decisions for your company.Your instructor, Lucas, created this system to help him analyze market data at his job. He used this process over and over again to find the answers that his company was missing and to transform the way they did business. In this course, he's going to teach you that same process that he uses.This course includes video lectures that walk you through all of the steps, and access to instructors if you ever get stuck along the way. You also have a 30-day money back guarantee. We know that you'll love the course and be amazed at what you can do when you are finished. But if for any reason you're not, you can watch the whole course, keep everything that you've learned, and get 100% of your money back within 30 days. That's how sure we are that you'll love it.We're glad that you're checking out this course. We've designed it to help you change the game for yourself and your business. If you're ready to learn how to crunch data at lightning speeds, this is the course for you. Jump in and start learning with the first video, and we'll see you in there."
Price: 114.99

"Remote Work Boundaries: Boost Productivity & Avoid Burnouts" |
"Looking to develop healthy boundaries for remote work? This course allows existing and aspiring remote workers to help develop healthy workflows.Learn from someone with actual remote work experience.Im Allan Caeg, a UX and Digital Marketer who has hands-on experience in handling my remote business for the past 5 years.By the end of this course, you should be able to:Learn to inspire trust in your stakeholders and teammates.Establish healthier boundaries and let your team know that you're on top of your responsibilities.Your manager and other teammates could be adjusting to remote work. Learn to help your collaborators understand how you are performing at your best with optimized workflows.Create harmony at home.If you work remotely, it's highly likely that you do some or all of your work at home.More often than not, you'd be around family or other housemates.You'll learn to develop patterns that will enable you to minimize distractions while fulfilling responsibilities at home.Develop your ability to focus and manage stress.With space constraints and today's distracting technologies, we need better habits.Learn to master your use of communication tools and techniques so you can tame the chaos of modern work and life.Use creative ways to develop your optimal remote office.Through creative methods and tools, learn to develop the new office.This new office considers that work is a thing that you do... rather than a place where you go.Use creative ways to meet today's new demands."
Price: 19.99
