"photoshop 2020" |
"12 "
Price: 19.99

"Simulado 100 Questes Scrum Master (Guia do Scrum 2017)" |
"Se voc decidiu se tornar um Scrum Master, este simulado o ajudar bastante. Contm mais de 100 perguntas com respostas comentadas. As questes so muito semelhantes as questes reais e ir lhe ajudar independente do local em que voc ir prestar o exame de certificao.+100 questes para praticar para o exame de certificao Scrum Master.+Questes alinhadas com o Scrum Guide 2017.+Todas as questes possuem comentrios.No h pr-requisito para realizao do simulado, mas recomendada a leitura do Guia do Scrum (2017)."
Price: 69.99

"Learn The Internet Marketing lifestyle of Online Marketers" |
"Being an internet marketer is an amazing job in many different ways. This is a type of work that allows you to work from home, to be your own boss and to enjoy the incredible sense of accomplishment that comes from making money through a business that you own and created.You can work from anywhere, explore the world and potentially make a lot of money without having to work all that many hours. But while all this is true, there are also a number of pitfalls and challenges associated with working for yourself.One of these is the simple fact that you might end up with a little too much freedom. You may find yourself struggling with the discipline required to make sure you go to bed on time every day, or wake up on time to get the maximum work done each morning!Likewise, you might find yourself struggling with the urge to procrastinate or the soul destroying feeling you can get from doing the same work day in and day out.And then theres the health side of it the mental and physical health implications of working from home and facing the kind of stress that comes from running your own business and having clients demanding your time and effort at all times of day.In this guide, were going to take a brief look at some of the health challenges associated with internet marketing, as well as some of the psychological stresses that youll face.Ultimately, well see how you can manage your work life balance and protect your health, so that you can enjoy feeling fitter, healthier and happier than ever before all while getting more work done!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Grow Your Brand With Instagram Stories In Just 1 Hour" |
"How to Create a Killer Fitness Lifestyle or Travel Brand With Instagram and Instagram Stories!Did you know that Instagram is actually the second largest social network in terms of users? Did you know that it has some of the very best engagement out of any platform too?That may surprise you seeing as many people arent aware of just how big Instagram really is. That quickly becomes apparent though, when you look at some of the massive celebrities that owe their entire careers to Instagram.These are people who have become highly successful and found very lucrative sponsorship deals, simply by posting photos of themselves working out, wearing nice clothes or travelling the world. Theyre doing what they love, taking photos of it and then getting paid huge amounts for their troubles!That should tell you something about how powerful Instagram is and hopefully get you excited for the possibilities. Not only could you become one of those wealthy people but you could also leverage the platform to promote an existing business too. Many big companies are using Instagram to make a massive splash and are seeing massive increases in their profits as a result.In this guide, youll learn how to use Instagram to create a highly successful fitness brand and well see how you can apply the same principles to create a highly successful brand in just about any other niche, or to product an existing business interest that you may have.This report will also see how you can leverage the very newest features on Instagram Instagram stories and Instagram live video in order to make an even bigger impact that ever before. Get ready, because this about to change your entire perspective on the nature of internet marketing..."
Price: 199.99

"High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Beginners" |
"HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training and is currently one of the most popular health trends to hit the industry.The basic idea behind HIIT is simple: you alternate between periods of high intensity, such as sprinting, and periods of lower intensity such as jogging. This is a form of training that allows us to burn more calories and enjoy better health benefits in a shorter space of time compared with many other types of training.But while HIIT is a great tool for getting into shape, its important to recognize that its only as useful as the way in which you approach it.There are right and wrong ways to perform HIIT and a lot of people make the mistake of getting so excited with this new type of training that they forget to approach it in a structured and well thought-through manner.In this guide then, we will be looking in detail at how you can go about making an amazing HIIT home workout that will help you to both build muscle and burn fat.You will see how to transform your body using this incredible form of training and you will learn some incredibly powerful strategies for getting even more from it."
Price: 199.99

"Internet Marketing For Newbies Deluxe! The Beginners Guide!" |
"There are two main approaches to internet marketing. One of them works. The problem is that the vast majority of people who start out are going to get the wrong advice and theyre going to start off with the other type of internet marketing.Just take a look at one of the big marketing forums like Black Hat World or Warrior Forum and you will quickly learn the predominant attitude toward internet marketing. A lot of people view this as a system that can be hacked, as something that you can win at through sheer volume and spam.And thats what results in some very low quality websites making their way onto the web. You will have encountered the sort. These are the sites that are covered in adverts and that are shameless about promoting affiliate products. These are the sites that are filled with near-illegible writing, written in pidgin English and filled with repetitive keywords. These are the sites that dont have any brand to speak of but rather just a title that also happens to be the keyword."
Price: 199.99

"Effective Email Marketing Tips and Guides For Beginners" |
"Email marketing has been already proven and tested by many internet marketing gurus for how many years now. But still there are many people who have built their email list and not making some amount of money they desire.Inside this product are some ideas and guides that you can apply to your current email list of subscribers and make them buy the products you recommend to them.List building is essentially your contact base to your subscribers or website visitors. Because the problem with website visitors is that they easily forget about your website and the good content you offer.So one way to solve this challenge is to capture your reader's name and email which is also called list building. Learn more the other essential information that you need about building your list inside this course.Countless marketers are out there building their email lists, sending out broadcasts, and everything in between. The thing is: a lot of these list owners aren't entirely conscious of the rules and guidelines of email marketing. This can be deadly.The video series will show you exactly what you can and cannot do in the world of email marketing. Want to look over all of the information and rules in text form? This exclusive report contains over 3,740 words which the video series was compiled from.If you want to make so much money online, building an email list subscribers is necessary. You see, you may already have heard these words before, 'the money is in the list'.Well, email marketing is one of the best way to connect, engage and build your authority as an expert online and if you've become an authority, chances are people in your list will most likely follow what you've inside.That's why if you share valuable information or recommend new product that would be beneficial to them, majority of on your list will buy the product and of course make money out of it to your pocket.If you are very serious in making money online, then building an email list of subscribers is necessary.You see, if you will try to ask some successful online entreneurs on how to were able to build a huge online business empire, most of them would say, the money is in the list.If you just got started in building your list, then inside this report will give you more ideas and maximize the knowledge you have to grow your list fast."
Price: 199.99

"How To Get Everything You Want In life In Simple & Easy Ways" |
"For most of us the answer is going to be somewhat different, though there will almost always be similarities. We all have different goals in our careers for instance and different priorities in general in our lives but there are still generally some basics we can mostly agree on.Thats a fairly extensive list of items that incorporate a broad range of other things. Some of those things are abstract and not even easy to define. Success for one person is always going to be different from success for someone else.Likewise, happiness could be accused of being a fairly ambiguous term that may well just rely on a specific balance of hormones and other biological chemistry.Other things might seem like theyre outside of your grasp. How can you have health if you have a chronic illness? Getting everything you want from life is a rather vague aim and something thats rather destined for failure. But is there a strategy that you can take to put you on the right course?Are there things you can do to ensure youre always moving in the right direction? Is there a formula for success that can help you to progress in every area of your life?In this guide you will be going over some of the advice shared by the top self-help gurus in the business, well be looking at some psychological principles and well be taking a grounded approach to getting what you want."
Price: 199.99

"How To Develop A Winning Mindset And Become A Champion" |
"Now You Can Get Instant Access To 10 HOT Video Tutorials Showing You How To Develop A Winning Mindset!How To Develop A Winning Mindset And Become A Champion will take you through the process of organizing all the information thats constantly bombarding you so that you can optimize your approach and start getting back on top of things and beating burn out."
Price: 199.99

"Kick Start Your Own Coaching Business And Become A Tutor" |
"When you launching your coaching business for the first time and you put out your figurative shingle, it can be terrifying. Even though you know that you have some good information to share, and know what you are doing, there is still the period of doubt that everyone faces.Am I good enough to coach others? Do I have something they havent seen before? How can I convince them to hire me? All of these questions are perfectly natural and everyone has them when they start out.What you need to remember is that you got into this business for a reason, and after you have a couple of sessions under your belt, those doubts will pass or at least go hide in the corner, out of sight for a while. If you have done your homework and you know that you have something truly valuable to teach others, there is no reason to be nervous.Remember, your clients dont know if it is your first session or your hundredth (unless you tell them of course), and as long as you are confident and sure of what you are saying, the thought will never cross their mind.This guide will give you some specific things that you can do to improve your chances of getting hired and describe some of the mistakes that people sometimes make when they are new to the world of coaching. But the most important thing that you can do to get hired is simply to believe in yourself. Do that and your clients will believe in you too."
Price: 199.99

"Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Basic & Advanced Network Operations" |
"DescriptionFabric Advanced Operations are complex to implement, need to have the expertise to add new components in the existing network without disturbing running setup.What we cover in this courseHands-on experience of advance operation like Configuration Block Update Flow Adding New Organisation in Application Channel at runtimeAdding New Organisation in ConsortiumAdding New Orderer in existing orderer clusterWe will cover each and every step require to do these complex operations.We will carry out network configuration update as per policies defined for adding new components in the fabric network.Note: Poster Image - Illustration by Freepik Stories (stories.freepik/technology)This course does not include Hyperledger fabric core concepts and focused primarily on Hyperledger fabric advanced network operationsAt the end of this course, you will be in a position to scale your network by adding a new organization or orderer in the existing fabric network without disturbing running setup."
Price: 89.99

"Drawing and Colouring: Birds and Flowers (Art as Meditation)" |
"Nature influences art in many we can't imagine art without nature. As it is the source of inspiration for every artist, its the best way to start learning art through nature. Its a kind of meditation in which we relate ourselves with the beauty of nature. When you indulge yourself in activities related to nature you feel calm and relaxed.In this course you will learn to make beautiful leaves, flowers and exotic and beautiful birds which will not only enhance your painting."
Price: 54.99

"This course teaches how to use the hands to treat upper back pain in an effective, therapeutic way. Firstly, it explains the workings of the middle part of the back (the thoracic spine) in combination with the ribs and then explains the various syndromes that develop (some painful, some not) when this part of the spine isn't working properly. It goes through the various manual mobilization techniques and then six most effective self-treatment exercises. Finally, it shows a fascinating Case Study of a young man who broke several thoracic vertebrae in a farm-bike accident."
Price: 29.99

"S cmo se siente todo artista joven que necesita grabar su propio video musical, pero o no dispone de dinero o bien tiene miedo a que el resultado parezca poco profesional. Yo tuve este mismo problema. Pero encontr la solucin mediante un sistema.Con este curso pretendo ayudar a los amantes de la msica y del audiovisual a crear videoclips con clase y que transmitan emociones. Sabemos que hoy en da todo tiene un marcado carcter audiovisual y el mundo del videoclip es una de las mejores formas de llegar a grandes audiencias. Empezar mostrndote las influencias que tengo para que conozcas mi estilo a la hora de grabar, ms tarde hablaremos un poco sobre el lenguaje audiovisual para que sepas como plasmar en imgenes tus ideas, tambin veremos el equipo tcnico bsico que necesitaremos. Veremos cmo elaborar un guin que nos sirva de gua para afrontar el rodaje con garantas y por ltimo editaremos juntos nuestro material filmado.Pronto podris ver la versin definitiva del videoclip ""We are the light"" en mi canal de Youtube, STAY TUNED!Vamos que empezamos!"
Price: 49.99

"Google Planilhas - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Se voc est buscando um curso que ensine de forma didtica, simples e objetiva a montar uma planilha automatizada a partir do absoluto zero e sem precisar gastar dinheiro com programas caros, este o melhor lugar em que voc poderia estar neste momento.A HV Cursos criou um curso para ensinar, passo a passo, para qualquer pessoa, como utilizar a principal ferramenta gratuita disponvel no Google Drive oferecendo um treinamento exclusivamente sobre Google Planilhas.Durante o curso, ns vamos te ensinar a utilizar desde os recursos mais bsicos at os mais avanados. Isso significa que em apenas 5,5 horas/aula, voc vai aprender tudo que precisa para nunca mais perder uma oportunidade de emprego ou deixar de concluir um projeto importante por no saber criar e editar uma planilha.E o melhor: Voc no s aprender a usar essa ferramenta, voc poder se considerar um especialista nela.Para isso, ns dividimos o curso em trs mdulos. Cada mdulo composto por aulas gravadas + materiais complementares para download que vo potencializar o seu aprendizado. Alm disso, para fortalecer o nosso compromisso com voc, ns vamos atualizar o material conforme o surgimento de alguma novidade na ferramenta. Alm disso, teremos uma Reviso Final! Vamos revisar os principais conceitos aprendidos e vamos criar, juntos, uma planilha avanada de rotina, a partir do zero, para voc usar imediatamente.Voc poder, sempre que quiser, utilizar a plataforma de perguntas e respostas para receber o nosso suporte. E o melhor: Voc ter acesso vitalcio ao material, o que significa que voc poder voltar aqui sempre que precisar de uma reviso ou da soluo de uma nova dvida que surgiu.Ns acreditamos, verdadeiramente, que este curso tem o potencial de ajudar muitas pessoas. por isso que, alm de te ensinar a utilizar uma ferramenta gratuita, ns decidimos cobrar um valor acessvel a qualquer pessoa que est buscando conhecimento especializado sem ter que pagar caro por isso.Nos vemos na rea do Aluno.Equipe HV Cursos"
Price: 144.99

"Indian classical dance - Bharatanatyam Part 1" |
"An introduction to Bharatanatyam - its origin and relation to Indian epics and mythology. Health benefits : The physical and cognitive benefits on your body and mind through balance, concentration, co-ordination and endurance.Basic steps of Bharatanatyam. Theory and practical sessions on each level. The mudras or hand gestures, eye movements (drushti bhedas), neck movements (greeva bhedas), and shiro bhedas (head movements)Dhyana slokam.Basic item choreography."
Price: 39.99

"Master the GK Reading Exam" |
"Master the GK Reading Exam has detailed instruction and answer explanations on the 3 competencies and 17 skills needed to pass this test. In each lecture, there are practice reading selections, highlighting the skill, along with discussion, and followed by a test question and answer. Test taking tips and how to speed read or scan to maximize your time are also given so you can get through all the reading selections and questions within the short time allowed to take the test."
Price: 29.99

"UX/UI y Prototipado digital" |
"Un buen diseo de prototipos es fundamental para el desarrollo de una aplicacin mvil que genere un alto impacto y deseabilidad en tu pblico objetivo. Los prototipos son parte fundamental en el mundo de desarrollo de las Apps, ya que te permite aprender rpido y ahorrar dinero en la implementacin al construir algo que realmente funcione para tu usuario final.Este curso est orientado a introducirte en el diseo de aplicaciones mviles a travs de un paso previo al desarrollo tcnico en s, la fase del prototipado. Aqu aprenders los fundamentos de la experiencia de usuario (UX), patrones de diseo de UI y a disear una estrategia para la construccin de prototipos que involucren dos puntos principales en toda creacin de productos digitales: Las necesidades y la experiencia del usuario.En este curso tendrs el conocimiento para evolucionar tu idea de App desde cero y lo haremos utilizando herramientas para cada una de las 3 etapas evolutivas de un prototipo: Marvel: para aprender a aterrizar las primeras ideas con tu equipo de trabajo.Proto IO: Para las pruebas con usuarios y comunicacin de la visin del aplicativo con el equipo de desarrollo.Figma: Una aplicacin que est revolucionando el mercado debido a sus caractersticas colaborativas, que adems te permite crear prototipos de muy alta fidelidad, capaces de entregar una visin exacta de cmo se ver el producto final a tus principales stakeholders o inversores."
Price: 139.99

"CAIIB Exam Concepts made Easy" |
"1. In Advance Bank Management subject total syllabus has been covered in 288 PPT slides followed by sample questions for practice and checking the understanding of the subjects. 2. In Bank Financial Management subject total syllabus has been covered in 237 PPT slides followed by sample questions for practice and checking the understanding of the subjects. 3. In optional paper Retail Banking subject total syllabus has been summarized in two parts . 1st PPT of 105 slides and 2nd PPT of 17 slides followed by sample questions for practice and checking the understanding of the subjects."
Price: 1920.00

"Fabricar cerveza" |
"El curso de produccin de cerveza bsico se realiz con el fin de educar por medio de varias secciones prcticas como fabricar una cerveza. Se selecciono para producir en el curso el estilo de cerveza IPA ya que es un estilo de mucha tendencia en las ultimas dcadas. Empezaremos por la seleccin de materia prima e implementos que podamos disponer para fabricarla hasta los clculos de receta dependiendo de tu equipo. Veras paso a paso el proceso en video y podrs ser capaz de fabricar tu propia cerveza"
Price: 19.99

"Intuitive Mixed Media" |
"In this class, Intuitive Mixed Media, you will learn how to use a variety of materials to create your artwork. Mixed media described any artwork that was created using more than one medium. Note that ""media"" is the plural of medium. For our class we will be focusing on 2D mixed media approaches. We will start with wet media, which includes anything that needs to ""dry."" Materials such as water color, India ink and even acrylic paint will be discussed.Next we will discuss dry media--anything that is dry, so materials like charcoal, colored pencil, pastel, graphite and much more. You will learn how to combine dry and wet media in collaborative ways and be able to see the pros and cons of each material. We will finish up the class by going over digital and analog collage techniques. I will be using Procreate for the digital portion but you can use what you have available."
Price: 24.99

"Learn and Understand Deno (Future NodeJs) - Beginner Guide" |
"Welcome to ""Deno course"". Deno is a new project created by Ryan Dahl (the inventor of Node.js) that aims to fix Node.js design mistakes.Denos top features:SecurityModule systemTypeScript support out of the boxI think Deno is on the right path in order to be a better Javascript runtime than Node.js.In this course we will be building an backend application using Deno.js, Oak and MongoDB along with Typescript.We will start with a blank text editor and end with a great application.This course includes:Learn main features of DenoUnderstand dependenciesWrite web servers using Deno frameworksBuilding backend API with Deno.js & OakIt is a practical hands on course for building a server app using awesome Deno framework. I will try and explain everything as I go so it is possible to follow without Deno experience but it is recommended that you know at least the basics of Javascript or heard about Node.js.I hope you will enjoy our journey with Deno framework!I tried to make the course with Clear and Easy English Talking so all students can understand it well."
Price: 19.99

"Flamenco Guitar Beginner Rhythms: ""START HERE"" Series #1" |
"Flamenco Guitar Beginner Rhythms: ""Start Here"" Series #1Flamenco Guitar Course for Beginners focusing on the popular flamenco rhythms of Tangos, Farruca and Sole. (Step-by-Step Technique Development)~I created this course series for Beginner Guitarists that are interested in learning REAL FLAMENCO...the RIGHT WAY. We take a tour through the most-played flamenco repertoire...starting with Tangos, Farruca and Solea.This is a fantastic course built just for a guitarist (beginner/intermediate AND even advanced) wanting to get a solid foundation of the palos (song forms) and know how the song is constructed while learning techniques the RIGHT way!You will learn how to execute techniques...my courses aren't SHOWING...they're TEACHING. These are crucial distinctions. A teacher can show you the principles behind the techniques and give you insights as to why something is the way it is so you build a skill-set of which you can take ownership. My ultimate goal is for you to be able to discover your own path to success using my curriculum as a guide to take you step-by-step through each skill and concept. ~Are you interested in learning traditional flamenco guitar??**This course is a MUST HAVE for anyone serious about starting to play flamenco guitar. **~""Your lessons are so good. The way you break it down, into half a measure at a time and explaining the beats, really I dont think its possible to break it down any further, and it makes it accessible to me. "" - Elaine H.~Upon course completion (and with diligent practice), YOU will know how to play 3 distinct flamenco rhythms and have developed quite a bit of rhythmic understanding as well as strong foundational technique mechanics. You will be able to listen to flamenco with more knowledgeable ears and hear rhythmic accents like never before.~*This is a thoroughly tried and tested method I've created over more than 20 years of performing and teaching flamenco guitar. I take you step-by-step, layering technique upon technique with in-depth and precise technique and rhythmic guidance.*With this 100% Linear Curriculum, YOU CAN play flamenco guitar! I PROMISE! I KNOW you can do this!!!**Aren't you tired of learning random guitar skills and techniques from various online sources and feeling like you're really getting nowhere?I've been teaching guitar for DECADES!. I have multiple fixes for every possible question but one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES I see guitar students make is skipping the absolute fundamentals. That's why I start from the very beginning so I KNOW that you have everything you need to play the guitar well from the very beginning.**""I would recommend Chris Jcome to anyone who wishes to learn Flamenco guitar, or to just experience this beautiful style."" - Wes W.**So, what are you waiting for?If you're at all interested in playing Spanish Flamenco Guitar, this course is FOR YOU!!!Oh...and you will also receive PRINTABLE PDF Lesson Plans of ALL THE MUSIC in the COURSE!!!!! Yep! => 15+ Pages of written music w/ explanations!!!GET STARTED NOW!I'm looking forward to hearing YOUR success story!!!**""As one of the premiere flamenco guitarists residing in the U.S., Chris' talent and love of the art are unmistakable. Chris comes highly recommended for anyone interested in studying flamenco guitar."" - Michelle A.**This course is a MUST for anyone serious about learning traditional flamenco guitar! Get started today!!!"
Price: 34.99

"Learn KineMaster Video Editing from Scratch" |
"This course is a Video Editing made easy, all with your Smartphone. It has a step by step guide to creating amazing videos either for business or personal use.Visual content is very important in our world today and this course will help you to be able to create visual engaging contents that stand out."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Zelador Predial (Administrador predial)" |
"Trabalha ou gostaria de trabalhar em prdio residencial ou comercial como administrador de servios?Pois bem, aqui voc encontrar o curso completo de Zeladoria predial com Certificao enviada pelo Site de Cursos Udemy.Qual a funo do zelador?Seja na portaria, nos corredores ou nas reas comuns do edifcio, a funo do zelador fiscalizar e manter o bom funcionamento do condomnio. ele quem tem contato direto com o sndico, auxilia nas atividades administrativas e resolve os problemas rotineiros no condomnio, garantindo que tudo flua bem na comunidade.O que precisa para ser um zelador?Quais as caractersticas de um bom zelador? Ele deve ser dedicado, prestativo e, principalmente, tico. Um zelador deve ser discreto, cumprir as normas, ter voluntariedade, ser gentil e atender todos os membros do condomnio de maneira corts.Qual a funo de um zelador no prdio?Pargrafo Primeiro - Zelador o empregado a quem compete, salvo disposio em contrrio no contrato individual de trabalho, as seguintes tarefas: a) Ter contato direto com a administrao do edifcio e agir como preposto do sndico ou da administradora credenciada; b) Transmitir as ordens emanadas dos seus superiores ...Nossa programao:Vdeo aulas explicativas.Introduo a funo de ZeladorAtribuies do ZeladosComportamento desejadoHabilidades e ResponsabilidadesRotinas atribudas a funo de zeladorOutros vdeos que compem este curso:Primeiro socorros / 1Primeiros socorros / 2Combate a incndioHistria do EAD.Faa nossos cursos, conquiste sua certificao."
Price: 84.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate Dump1z0-1072" |
"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect AssociateThis course will guide you to understand Cloud Architect, Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, IAAS Architect, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Target audience: Designed for professionals responsible for designing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure servicesExam ObjectivesIdentity and Access Management (IAM)NetworkingComputeStorageDatabaseYou should able to clear the exam from this practice set. It has been prepared based on my knowledge."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduction To Machine Learning with Python" |
"This Complete Beginners Machine Learning Course - is a carefully designed course for absolute beginners to intermediate level audiences. The course is designed visually with interesting and clear code examples that anybody can take this course even without any prior programming experience. First few modules are designed to enable audiences to understand the foundational topics of Machine Learning (i.e., ML tools, techniques, Maths behind ML). Once students get the grip on ML, then they are taken to the Python and ML world. You can learn the course at your pace and practice the exercises provided at the end of the topicsEach section of the course is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned and each topic is supplied with lots of examples which will help students in their process of learning.Throughout the course, the code examples are demonstrated using the popular tool Jupyter Notebook.We recommend you to download the latest version (3.6) of Python from the Anaconda Distribution website covered in this course.If you have any suggestions on topics that have not been covered, you can send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible."
Price: 19.99

"Anlise tcnica: Noes Bsicas de DAY TRADER" |
"Voc quer ficar apto para iniciar no mercado de Futuros e Aes?Esse curso para voc que esta iniciando no mercado e no sabe a noes bsicas do que precisa para ganhar dinheiro.No curso Noes Bsicas vamos lhe ensinar a fazer anlise grfica utilizando uma ferramenta gratuita de anlise tcnicaNo se preocupe, no so necessrios conhecimento bsicos inicias.Aqui voc ira aprender com uma didtica inovadora, facilitando o aprendizado de assuntos complexos com uma linguagem mais acessvel, direta e objetiva"
Price: 39.99

"Six Sigma Exam Practice Test" |
"Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It is a method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation helps lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services.Preparing for your Six Sigma Certification exam can be challenging. To help you pass, heres a sample test which will help you retain your knowledge.Good luck!"
Price: 1280.00

"Exam 70-462: Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases" |
"The practice test questions are based on Microsoft 70-462 exam curriculum and covers the following topics:Install and configure (20-25%)Maintain instances and databases (15-20%)Optimize and troubleshoot (15-20%)Manage data (20-25%)Implement security (15-20%)Implement high availability (5-10%)What you get from this courseAll 60 questions are UNIQUE and frequently asked questions in the Microsoft 70-462 exam.Practice tests are created by Microsoft Certified Professional(SME's) and the questions always stay current with the actual Microsoft 70-462 exam.All answers are 100% verified Why take this course?The questions in the practice tests always stay current. We ensure this by taking the Official Microsoft 70-462 exams ourselves and prepare/update questions for practice accordingly.100% Microsoft 70-462 TEST pass guaranteeMoney back guarantee, if questions are not asked"
Price: 19.99

"The Great Gods of Indian Mythology" |
"This course brings forth the stories of Great Gods of India which form the backbone of Indian mythology. These stories will inculcate interest in Indian culture and impart values to the learner. The interesting aspect of these stories is that they are usually meant to convey subtle facts, rules and values to guide our daily lives by conveying powerful messages. The series will be enlightening, educational and fun.,The course provides videos, PDFs of the stories, a list of vocabulary along with a multiple choice quiz and activities."
Price: 1280.00
