"Funcionamiento y Cuidado de un Motor a Combustible" |
"Curso introductorio de mantencin de vehculos, enfocado en ensear acerca del funcionamiento de los principales componentes mecnicos de un automvil as como el cuidado preventivo que se les debe dar para maximizar su vida til, eficiencia y desempeo.Dentro de los temas ms importantes que revisaremos estn la importancia de la correcta lubricacin en un automvil, cmo elegir el aceite adecuado para cada motor, la relevancia de la mantencin de inyectores, entre otras cosas."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Indian Dance and English Course for deaf&blind" |
"About the teacherSarita WariyerA teacher for differently abled children.A Bharatanatyam Indian dance performer.Takes free private one to one classes, directly online for the deaf and group also.Takes English and Bharatanatyam Indian dance lessons as a paid private class for other students, from all over the worldIs a volunteer for the Blind -Group lessons free, onlineAt different time zones. Audio enabled lessonsIndian Dance lessons for the deaf - BharatanatyamWithEnglish lessons course for the deaf and blindTo see and learn or hearTo watch captions and learnTo hear audioVideo lessons here, in a course formatDue to an enormous amount of restricted activity, as a result of several unmentionable factors; the contents of the course video lectures are brought to you, in a setting that is perhaps not what I wished to bring out, when viewing it from a professional angle.It is more like a sister's display of her teaching skills for her own colony of students in the homes of her sisters and brothers and has a homely feel.This is however, nice and in a way, you can relate to everything said or done here, as it comes to you, not only from what a mentor can teach, but what a mother, sister, daughter and friend can teach, in her own simple and natural way, using all of the resources, she has in her hands, making the most of it; giving the maximum by using the minimum.The result has thus, possibly been a more serene and ironically more energetic one, fuelled by purpose and perseverance in completing each course, I begin.Both for the free courses and the paid ones, for which students will receive an Udemy certificate, in addition to the learning material, that is available for no charge in the free courses, that I had brought out previously from another instructor account, by the same name, last year, an effort has been taken to put in as much as is possible, into an online course for such a vast subject, that is Indian dance.Whatever is done here, is of course never sufficient and for an earnest learner wanting more, will only wet their thirst for additional information and lessons.This is of course natural and understandable. Hence, the more number of courses brought in each month. All of this can still only scratch the surface of a very deep well of knowledge. I, therefore ask you to comprehend this undisputable fact, that if a student feels only this much has been possible, for a paid course to bear with me and request all of you all here, to be with me, in supportive encouragement to do more.As you will or may not know, I also do voluntary free classes for the deaf and blind, as well as bringing you these courses, the duality of effort for which is to say the least, far from easy. For personal reasons, I can say no more on this but I hope you will all understand, what is unsaidFor the free courses, done previously, comments that were not in good taste were seen and this is deplorable.As a student, what is your foremost duty is to come here and learn with your instructors, rather than try to judge them.They, who have themselves been students too and by the dint of their hard work, become the teachers of today's world require what is called in India, the Guru shisya, or teacher-student tradition revived where the Guru is placed on the same standing in a student's mind, as their own parents.Their past has thus made this present possible.If a pleasant future is to be welcome with open hearts, acknowledgement of this is necessary.This is not to say that questioning is prohibited, in fact I encourage it. Criticism, on the other hand that is not constructive and just for the sake of saying something negative is a fictitiously portrait of the speaker's own failings.On that note, I wish you well along your path to learning with me. It is possible and my earnest wish to see those of you, who take the course now become the teachers of tomorrow."
Price: 1600.00

"BU ETMN SONUNDA KAZANACAKLARINIZ ;- E-Ticaretin temellerinden balayarak ileri seviyelere kadar gelebileceksiniz.- E-Ticarete balarken planlarnz ve yol haritanz doru bir ekilde belirleyebileceksiniz.- E-Ticarette en ok yaplan hatalar grecek ve dorusunu reneceksiniz.- Btenizi etkili ynetebileceksiniz.- Detayl rakip analizleri yapabileceksiniz.- lkemizde ve Dnyada E-Ticaretin hacmi hakknda verilere sahip olabileceksiniz.- Domain Hosting ve Sanal Pos srelerini reneceksiniz.- E-Ticaret Kampanya ynetiminizi kurgulayabileceksiniz.- Web siteniz iin gerekli tm yasal szlemeleri kendi i alannza gre dzenleyebileceksiniz.- Pazaryerlerinde maaza aabilecek ve ynetim panellerini kullanabileceksiniz.- (Trendyol- Hepsi Burada- N11- Gitti Gidiyor- iek Sepeti- Ak Ake- N11 Pro-)- Pazarylerleri komisyon ve kargo fiyatlarn grebileceksiniz.- Doru rn girii ve aklamas nasl olur grebileceksiniz.- Sat arttrabilecek yntemleri kazanacaksnz.- Operasyon ynetimi alannda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz.- Hereyden nemlisi ne yapmamanz gerektiini reneceksiniz.- Eitime snrsz eriim hakk kazanacaksnz.- Online destek ile bizzat benimle iletiime geerek tm sorularnza cevap bulabileceksiniz.Hedefim E-Ticaret giriiminizde profesyonel dzeyde ve doru bir balang yapabilmenizi salamak.Salam temellerle balanmayan bir giriimde baar yalnzca ansa kalm demektir."
Price: 99.99

"Hashicorp Terraform Cloud Essentials2020(Practice Papers ++)" |
"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate is one of the newest and popular certifications that is recently launched.If you are planning to start your career as a Devops and Cloud engineer , terraform is the first technology that you shouldLearn Below topics in depth :IAC Tools and which tool to choose according to your requirement Terraform I/P , O/P Variables + terraform consoleTerraform plan/apply/destroy/importProviders-->AWS with Terraform Writing HCL in VSCOde and using plugins for syntax highlighting Challenge exercises Much MoreWho this course is for:DevOps EngineersDevelopersSystem AdministratorsSoftware Engineers"
Price: 1280.00

"introduction to principles of calligraphy-painting art" |
"Ten Sessions,Familiarity and preparation (theoretical and practical)General knowledge of calligraphy (theory)Formology and form in calligraphy (theory)Practice making appropriate forms (practical)Work on implemented forms and their analysis (practical)Classical structures (theory)Work on implemented compounds and their analysis (practical)Modern structures (theory)Common methods of creating calligraphy works (theory)Chromatography and material cognition (practical)Gold leaf technique (practical)Highlighting technique (practical)Material Composition (Practical)Semiotics and secrecy of letters (theory)"
Price: 34.99

"Exam AZ-301 / AZ-304 : Azure Architect Design Practice Sets" |
"Welcome to practice sets for Microsoft AZ-301 and AZ-304 Microsoft Azure Architect Design (updated 2020)Microsoft Azure is a cloud platform that provides infrastructure, managed services, and anything else you might need for your business applications. It is suited for businesses that want to leverage cloud servers, and who want to employ a vast array of intelligent services to work at scale and at cheaper costs than on-premises at your location.Candidates for this exam are Azure Solution Architects who advise stakeholders and translate business requirements into secure, scalable, and reliable solutions.This practice test will prepare you for Microsoft Azure architect design exam real time test environment.Microsoft AZ301 & AZ304 Exams focus on following skills questions:Determine workload requirementsDesign for identity and securityDesign a data platform solutionDesign a business continuity strategyDesign for deployment, migration, and integrationDesign an infrastructure strategyThis is not affiliated, licensed with Microsoft in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Corso teorico di base sulla crittografia" |
"Il tema della sicurezza della corrispondenza antico quanto il mondo, e da sempre l'uomo ha cercato il modo di proteggere i suoi segreti e la sua vita privata.Per crittografia si intende quell' insieme di tecniche che permettono di ""cifrare"" un messaggio rendendolo incomprensibile a tutti tranne mittente e destinatario. Che cos' la crittografia?Come funziona?Quali concetti matematici sfrutta?Quali tipi di crittografia esistono?Quali algoritmi di crittografia hanno fatto la storia?In che modo la crittografia rende confidenziale un messaggio?Cosa garantisce la crittografia?Questo corso introduttivo risponde a queste e altre domande, in modo da darti una visione generale del mondo della crittografia dei dati.La crittografia uno dei punti cardine della sicurezza informatica."
Price: 19.99

"fabricao de rasteirinhas" |
"Profissional no Ramo de Calados e Vendas com mais de 30 anos de experincia com redes sociais, Gesto de Negcios, Criador de Sites.Maior inteno passar um pouco da minha experincia para o prximo com custo baixo para que todos possam aprender um pouco da minha profisso.Voc vai fazer desta profisso sua segunda fonte de renda ou at mesmo sua fonte principal."
Price: 69.99

"IT Networking Fundamentals basic level(Computer Networking)" |
"Hello Viewers/Readers,The course is about the basics of Computer Networks. If you are looking for a course for a beginner level on Networking then your search ends here. This course is subdivided into 6 lessons and each lesson is further divided into 3 sessions each. In total 18 quality lectures. The best part of this course is that you will be provided by QnAs for each session. Every QnA is having 10-15 questions from that session. This will further simplify the concepts and will resolve your doubts also. I am providing a document listing all the topics of the course, which will give you a clear picture of the course. Some of the topics related to this course are Data Communication basics, MUX and DEMUX, Transmission Medias, Topologies, Protocol Stacks, OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, DNS, Information Security. Computer Networking is easy, trust me. See you on the other side of the course."
Price: 4800.00

"15 Dayx15 Minute Restorative Yoga Challenge to fight Stress" |
"This 15 day yoga challenge features 15 short, relaxing yoga practices. Each practice is about 15 minutes (max. 20 minutes) long and is suitable for beginners, advanced yogis or everyone who has taken a longer break from yoga.The challenge is designed to be completed within 15 days with one practice per day. The sessions will slowly evolve in their difficulty and sequencing. All sessions feature a set of blocks, a yoga strap, a chair (without armrests would be best) and 4 cushions or thick towels.This challenge will help you deepen your understanding of this formative style of yoga and what it means to live a yoga ritual. These calming, relaxing sessions are a great opportunity to relief stress and anxiety and to improve your overall flexibility and joint health. It's only 15 minutes a day. No excuses. Get ready and join me now for this exciting challenge and I'll see you on the mat.Namaste,Corinna(Music in the video by bensound; photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels)"
Price: 24.99

"SigmaWay's RapidMiner and Data Analytics Course" |
"Welcome to Sigmaways Rapid Miner Course series where we aim to help budding industry professionals and data scientists understand various data analytics processes and show them how these processes are performed in a statistical software like RapidMiner.The course takes you through a guided journey across various process and situations a Data Analyst might face, and teaches you the theoretical concepts behind such process and shows you how to perform them in RapidMiner, a "" No Code "" analytics software.Understanding data and how to use it should not be limited requirements like knowledge of coding. We at Sigmaway firmly believe that you have the power to understand and use the plethora of data available to you, and we want to help enable you in doing so.Our course takes you through concepts likeWeb miningText MiningLinear Regression Fraud AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisSentiment Analysisand more.So join us, so that we may help you open up your horizons to the beautiful world of Data AnalysisMusic: bensoundNote: Please use Head-Phones for optimum viewing experience."
Price: 19.99

"MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect - Level 1 Exam" |
"Course in Pre-Launch Mode,Total number of question will be around 25+.MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect - Level 1 Test seriesA MuleSoft Certified Integration Architect should be able to drive and be responsible for an organizations Anypoint Platform implementation and the technical quality, governance (ensuring compliance), and operationalization of the integration solutions. The MCIA - Level 1 exam validates that an architect has the required knowledge and skills to work with technical and non-technical stakeholders to translate functional and non-functional requirements into integration interfaces and implementations.More Questions will be added very soon."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Exam" |
"Salesforce Certified Platform App Builder Test seriesThe Salesforce Platform App Builder credential is designed for individuals who would like to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in designing, building, and deploying custom applications using the declarative customization capabilities of the Lightning Platform. The candidate can create, manage, and update data models, application security, business logic, and process automation.Here are some examples of the concepts you should understand to pass the exam:How to design the data model, user interface, business logic, and security for custom applicationsHow to customize applications for mobile useHow to design reports and dashboardsHow to deploy custom applications"
Price: 19.99

"TCP-BW6: TIBCO BusinessWorks 6 Certification Exam" |
"TCP-BW6: TIBCO BusinessWorks 6 Certification Exam Test seriesCandidates who can design, develop, deploy, monitor, and manage TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks (BW) applications of average complexity with minimal supervision. Use multiple protocols and architectural designs to build processes that map data between endpoints and one or more BW modules. These processes could include scopes and iterations involving activities from supported BW palettes, event handlers and/or fault handlers. Configure BW applications, environments, modules, and shared resource components."
Price: 19.99

"Machine Learning Prerequisites for 2021" |
"In this course, you are going to learn the prerequisites for machine learning. Machine Learning is a vast subject that involved various other fields like Mathematics and Statistics which makes it complex. So when someone starts this journey there are very high chances to get confused due to too many concepts bombarded at you. It's an experienced opinion that a strong foundation can help us to make this journey much easier, this will provide a jump start for modern machine learning by teaching the important concepts required to get started with machine learning.We will start this course by getting ourself introduced withe machine learning then we will set up the development environment on various systems and move towards mathematics where we will explore various important concepts from Calculus and Linear Algebra followed by Statistics where we will learn about the Probability distribution, bias, and variance, mean, median and mode along with various other important concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Steps to Successful Marriage for Singles" |
"A lot of people want the best in life, but fail to work for it. Everyone is destined to succeed, but it takes working hard to have it. This course helps every single discover themselves and lay a proper foundation for life. You will discover a lot of problems and challenges that come in marriages, and how they can be averted. Taking into account everything in this course, your mind will be exposed, and you will walk in life especially marriage, in a better way."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo para Impartir Clases en Moodle." |
"Este curso est diseado para que usted pueda disear sus clases virtuales con la plataforma de Moodle desde cero.Empezaremos con un recorrido en la plataforma para que usted se familiarice con su nuevo entorno educativo, luego conoceremos los 4 tipos de cursos para que usted conozca y decida cul es el que mejor se adapta a sus necesidades.Si usted ya est decidido con el tipo de curso, lo dejaremos atractivo visualmente para los estudiantes aadiendo imgenes y modificando el tema del mismo, su curso estar listo para la inscripcin de sus estudiantes, podr decidir si realizarlo de forma manual o automtica.Gestionar su enseanza con muchos recursos y actividades los cuales veremos de una manera eficaz uno por uno, luego de estas clases sus estudiantes tendrn tantas opciones para aprender que los mantendr cautivos durante todo su curso.La clave para garantizar el aprendizaje de un grupo es su evaluacin continua, veremos los diferentes tipos de evaluaciones y aprenderemos a crear un robusto banco de preguntas de todo tipo.La parte social es la ms divertida de un curso, aprenderemos a propiciar la interaccin entre los estudiantes mediante foros, chat, wikis etc.Luego de poner en prctica todo lo aprendido hasta el momento, sera una pena perder su curso por algn descuido, aprenderemos a respaldarlo de una manera sencilla, de igual modo aprenderemos a restaurarlo para un curso nuevo.Las calificaciones es lo ms importante para nuestros estudiantes, en este curso aprenderemos a gestionar nuestro libro de calificaciones para que est lo ms estructurado posible.Aprenderemos a gestionar los grupos de clase, esto le facilitar la administracin de su curso con grupo grandes de estudiantes, recuerda el dicho divide y vencers.La seccin de los bloques es la ms divertida, sentiremos un alivio al saber que los bloques son nuestras herramientas de apoyo en la plataforma, hay muchsimos veremos cada uno de ellos de una manera muy sencilla.Tenemos contenido extra, aprenderemos a crear contenido H5P y a crear juegos para que nuestros estudiantes aprendan de una manera ldica.Todo esto y ms en este curso de Moodle."
Price: 270.00

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasingThe content of this exam was updated on July 1, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.Perform discovery, planning, and analysis (5-10%)Manage user experience design (20-25%)Manage entities and data (15-20%)Implement security (5-10%)Implement integration (15-20%)Perform solutions deployment and testing (25-30%)"
Price: 29.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on May 28, 2020. Please download the exam skills outline below to see what changed.Plan and Configure a Microsoft Teams Environment (45-50%)Manage Chat, Calling, and Meetings (30-35%)Manage Teams and App Policies (20-25%)"
Price: 29.99

"Aprende a programar en C++ de forma ACELERADA y desde cero!" |
"En este curso te ayudar a iniciarte en el apasionante mundo de la programacin, empezando desde la base para que en pocos das puedas crear ya tus primeros programas. Durante el curso podrs seguir las sesiones en vdeo, paso a paso y probarlo tu mismo en tu propio ordenador para que no te quedes en ningn momento del proceso atascado.Desde la primera clase prctica (clase 3) ya sers capaz de crear y ejecutar un programa, y progresivamente, en las siguientes clases se irn introduciendo conceptos y elementos para poder realizar programas ms complejos.En la documentacin que acompaa a las sesiones se incluyen las soluciones (en formato imagen) con todas las indicaciones de los ejercicios propuestos en el vdeo de cada clase, para que puedas consultarlas y resolver tus dudas."
Price: 129.99

"Aprende a utilizar JIRA para Scrum de forma ACELERADA!" |
"Este curso est diseado para que las personas ambiciosas, los lderes o los trabajadores de un equipo sean capaces de aprender los principios bsicos de JIRA para realizar proyectos Agile y Scrum rpidamente. No importa si no tienes experiencia en JIRA ni Agile, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con el manejo del software interiorizado.Despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero y lder de diferentes proyectos empresariales, me he dado cuenta que el mundo est evolucionando hacia un uso de la tecnologa e internet en las oficinas, y por eso cuando trabajas en equipo, cada vez es ms necesario un trabajo coordinado y a distancia con todos los miembros del equipo, y JIRA lo hace posible. Y lo mejor es que la demanda va en aumento. Saber realizar proyectos con este software te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales y muchos beneficios econmicos.El gran problema siempre ha sido que no es fcil saber manejar desde cero una herramienta as y, en el momento que lo consigues, te das cuenta que has invertido muchsimo tiempo, demasiado. En este curso, aunque ""tan slo"" se trata de una introduccin a la herramienta, yo intento facilitarte y acelerarte todo este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz de aplicarlo a tus propios proyectos de la forma ms rpida que existe.Y si te ests preguntando, si este curso realmente es para ti, o porqu deberas tomarlo, aqu tienes un poco de informacin acerca de la estructura que se va a seguir en el curso:Definicin de JIRA, Scrum y Agile, donde logrars entender porqu JIRA es la solucin de futuro en la gestin de proyectos.Tratamiento de picas, historias, errores...Familiarizacin con la interfaz y la barra de herramientas para crear proyectos y dems aplicacionesUso de Backlog e historiasRealizacin de SprintRealizacin de RoadmapEl temario a tratar se ha seleccionado de forma concisa, para que puedas avanzar todo lo posible en el menor tiempo. Adems se ha ordenado de forma progresiva, donde empezars desde cero y terminars con clases de conceptos ms avanzados y completos, como el Sprint o el Roadmap. Si te ests preguntando si al finalizar el curso sabrs aplicar JIRA, no tengas dudas y hazme caso, lo vas a dominar!Al fin y al cabo lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont, para que puedas aprender rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender JIRA nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 139.99

"Curso bsico de DaVinci Resolve 16 (LTIMA VERSIN)" |
"Hoy en da saber producir y editar bien un vdeo significa xito. Las grandes empresas ms exitosas del siglo XXI tienen en comn que solo utilizan contenido multimedia de alta calidad para comunicarse, y cada da buscan ms y ms gente que pueda desempear este tipo de trabajos. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que no s te da bien. Pues creme, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!En este curso aprenders a utilizar la herramienta DaVinci Resolve 16, la ltima versin de este potente software. Pero... para qu sirve DaVinci Resolve? Pues muy fcil. Con esta herramienta podrs editar tus vdeos fcilmente para que queden trabajos profesionales, y adems tambin puedes realizar tareas muy destacadas de coloracin o postproduccin, entre otras cosas.Mi nombre es Miguel Sanz, soy ingeniero y llevo aos utilizando este software e impartiendo docencia acerca de produccin de vdeo. Aunque este mbito no es mi ocupacin principal, en este tiempo me he dado cuenta de que cada da es ms necesario el uso de una herramienta como DaVinci Resolve, ya que sin ser un profesional del tema, puedes llegar a conseguir trabajos y captar la atencin de gente a la que le gustan tus contenidos audiovisuales, como ha sido mi caso. No es de extraar que DaVinci Resolve es uno de los softwares lderes en el sector.Por este mismo motivo senta la necesidad de crear material de calidad y en Espaol acerca del tema, y as facilitaros y sobre todo agilizar y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje, comprimiendo todo el contenido en apenas 1 hora. Aunque ""solo"" se trata de una gua bsica e introductoria, el curso te servir para poner en prctica las herramientas y las funciones esenciales para sacarle partido a DaVinci Resolve. Lgicamente siempre se puede aprender ms, pero el curso te va a servir para cimentar las bases y colocar las primeras piedras del camino perdiendo el menor tiempo posible.Lo importante del curso es que no slo mirars y escuchars, sino tambin lo hars tu mismo. Si sigues las indicaciones y los consejos, rpidamente sers capaz de realizar tus propios proyectos en DaVinci Resolve. Y por supuesto, al final del curso sabrs, entre otras cosas, dominar plenamente la interfaz, crear, importar y exportar proyectos, utilizar todas las opciones de corte, edicin, timeline, colorizacin, fusin o renderizacin, con el dominio de todos los Workspace (corte, edicin, Fairlight, Deliver), realizar animaciones, ajustar y entender el Zoom ideal, la estabilizacin...Este curso es perfecto para la gente que ha escuchado hablar de DaVinci Resolve, pero no sabe cmo utilizarlo y necesita mejorar en la edicin de vdeos y todo lo que rodea este mbito. Lo que quiero decir es que es completamente apto para principiantes y gente que no tiene ni idea del tema, ya que se explicar todo desde cero. As que no tengas miedo, porque como ya te he dicho, ests tiempo de aprender una habilidad que las empresas buscan cada da ms, y si no te lo crees, lo puedes comprobar t mismo buscando en Internet!Por si fuera poco y an no ests convencido, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible. Aprender DaVinci Resolve nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 119.99

"How to Ace the Product Manager Interview" |
"Have you been trying to land a product manager interview? Or have you gone through the interview process and not gotten a job offer? Or have you felt stressed out and not known how to answer difficult product manager interview questions?Hi, I'm Matt, a Product Manager at Google, and I have felt these exact same frustrations as you have. And for that reason I have created this course specifically to help you land your dream job as a product manager.In order to help you succeed in your PM interview I have broken down interview questions into four different types:Product designEstimationAnalyticalBehavioralFor each question type I'll give you a framework and a structured approach for how to answer these questions. I also give you 3 practice questions for each section (12 total!) where I will personally walk through how I would approach and answer each of these questions.After you complete this course you will feel totally confident in any interview question that you get asked during the PM interview process.In addition to teaching you how to crush the PM interview I've also added a bonus section that will teach you how to land PM interviews.This course comes with a 30 day money guarantee so there's no risk to sign up.If you're ready to land your dream job as a product manager now is the time to act. I'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Learn how to make income by creating unboxing videos" |
"It is a well-known fact that online shopping is more popular now than it has ever been. This being the case, companies are constantly searching for ways to make their products stand out from the rest and get customers to purchase their product instead of a competitors. One way companies achieve this is by having individuals like you and myself create unboxing videos and provide our opinion on the product. Through these videos companies are able to obtain social proof while providing potential customers with an accurate look at what they will get if they order that specific product. There are no hard-fast rules to creating an effective unboxing video, but there are best practices associated with the process. In this course I will share with you the principles of unboxing videos so you understand why companies are willing to pay you for shooting a video that only takes 5-10 minutes to complete. I will provide you with strategies you can use to turn income that you generate with unboxing videos into three streams of income, one of which requires no additional work once it is completed. I will also go over different platforms you can use to market your services and get repeat customers by keeping them happy with quality work. I have been creating unboxing videos for over two years and have completed in excess of 500 unboxing videos on various platforms in that timeframe. I have created a working blueprint that is understandable, repeatable, and that you can begin making money from today. By creating unboxing videos you can earn extra income without leaving the comfort of your home. Anybody with a decent smartphone camera can get started, let's make it happen! "
Price: 34.99

ooqnbroc |
Price: 19.99

"Alfabetizao de forma fcil, prtica, terica e ldica." |
"O curso Alfabetizao na Prtica tem por base oferecer aos professores, educadores e pais de alunos, metodologias e orientaes para alfabetizao de crianas. Contendo contedos de fcil assimilao e atualizados, de acordo com as diretrizes dos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais - os PCNs, onde os profissionais aprendero as tcnicas de alfabetizao mais utilizadas e conhecidas, atividades escritas organizadas para alfabetizar as crianas, dicas ldicas de alfabetizao, brincadeiras com letras mveis, brincadeiras que auxiliam no processo de alfabetizao como o bingo silbico entre outras, sondagem da evoluo da criana quanto a escrita e as fases de evoluo da criana quanto a escrita de acordo com ""Emlia Ferreiro"". Este curso de alfabetizao foi elaborado com o intuito de oferecer aos professores, educadores e pais de alunos, um material didtico, organizado, objetivo, fcil, ldico, amplo e acessvel, que possa servir de apoio para nortear e organizar seu trabalho em sala de aula e torn-lo mais prtico.Dessa forma, esperamos que este curso seja, de fato, uma ferramenta til no planejamento do seu trabalho, nas situaes vivenciadas em sala de aula e nos momentos de avaliao, tornando o aprendizado mais estimulante e divertido a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento das crianas.Com o seguinte contedo programtico:. Introduo;. O alfabeto;. As vogais;. Os encontros voclicos;. As consoantes e suas junes (formao das famlias silbicas);. Formao das palavras;. Bingo Silbico;. A Sondagem da escrita da criana;. As fases da evoluo da criana quanto escrita de acordo com a ""Emlia Ferreiro""."
Price: 39.99

"Basics of Price Action Trading" |
"Are you interested in learning forex or price action trading? Or are you looking to explore new methods of trading?Look no further because in this course I will be going through a few methods that I am using in my years of trading since 2016. Japanese Candlestick will be the primary form of chart that I will be using in this course."
Price: 19.99

"ETABS: Structural Design of Building from Zero to Hero" |
"This course titled "" ETABS: Structural Design of Building from Zero to Hero"" teaches you all the things required for the structural analysis and design of a residential building. This course doesn't require you to have any prior experience in this software or any other structural design software. It will teach all the aspects of the software from very basic and will take you to the higher levels of the software as the course progresses. The course has been very systematically arranged so that you can best understand the software. Once you complete this course, you will have all the necessary knowledge to do the structural design of a building. You can do the structural design of buildings on your own projects.We spent years at college but yet there are some topics that are overlooked in the engineering syllabus but are important in working fields. This course titled "" ETABS: Structural Design of Building from Zero to Hero"" has been created in order to fill that void and help students start out with structural design software. It also helps the Civil engineers who are willing to develop their career in the field of Structural Engineering. ETABS is a structural analysis and design software developed by csiamerica. Mainly we can design any type of Building Structure using ETABS software. Unlike other courses that are available online which only teach you tools of ETABS and not the actual process of analysis and design, this course takes a real-world architectural drawing of a building so as to explain the entire process from modeling up to the design. Also in this course we model, analyze and design a real practical project so that we can understand from the very basic to advanced level."
Price: 19.99

"ISTQB Automotive Software Tester Practice Exams" |
"Included in this ISTQB Automotive Software Tester Practice Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real ISTQB Automotive Software Tester Practice Test- Detailed explanation of answersISTQB Automotive Software Tester Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 80+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 40 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering the Game of Money" |
"Good decisions are made when you're aware of the options and consequences. In order to be aware of options and consequences you must be educated enough to know what options exist. Then you must understand what will result from choosing one option over another. This course will cover topics like Budgeting, Credit, Borrowing vs Leverage, Investment Types, Investment Accounts, Financial Goals, Financial Pitfalls, Compound Interest, Assets, Liabilities, New Worth, Wealth, and much more. Bonus Content Includes:Budgeting SpreadsheetSuccess Mindset Video Series"
Price: 74.99

"Complete Guide to Travel Hacking for FREE Flights & Hotels" |
"Learn the essentials and basic methodology surrounding travel hacking and how I have been able to visit 85+ countries for practically FREE!Mike has helped thousands of people from all around the world start travel hacking!Featured in ""Forbes"", ""Entrepreneur"" and ""Lonely Planet"" and has been called a ""Travel Hacking Expert""Learn the same process I've used to earn $153,789 in Free Travel & Visit 80+ CountriesReviews say: ""I love this course! I just got my first credit card and am learning so much about how I can use it to travel!""Forbes said ""Keen traveler Michael Swigunski has seen more of the world than most...""Explored 86 countries while building online businesses #1 Bestselling Author of Global Career: How to Work Anywhere and Travel ForeverIn this course I will share with you what I've learned while traveling to over 86 different countries and I'll teach you everything I know about Travel Hacking and the essentials to get started!-Unique 80/20 Travel Hacking Technique Overview (Learn travel hacking without wasting too much time)-Credit Card Myths Busted-Credit Scores Explained-BONUS Interview"
Price: 19.99
