"Typographic Logos: Typography and Lettering for Logo Design" |
"Learning and improving upon your type-based logo designs is one of the most important investments you can make in your design career. In this course we'll go over the entire process of creating a type-based logo, from idea to implementation. Let's get started! In this course we'll cover: How to find and apply inspiration Learn the Digital and Analog Tools you'll need to create your logos Use both Traditional and Untraditional tools to create your logo Special techniques to refine your design How to structure letterforms and overall composition Sketch design thumbnails Create a clean vector design Implement color theory, shading, and add a 3D effect How to add texture in Photoshop and Illustrator Then it's up to you to take these methods and create something incredible! As a bonus, you will also receive: 26 Bitmap Textures to use in Illustrator 26 Photoshop Brushes to add texture to your own designs A collection of vector halftone gradients The finished ""Typographic Logos"" design in vector format"
Price: 24.99

"Aruba Central para Consultores, Pre-venta y Arquitectos" |
"Este plan fue diseado y enfocado a todo el personal que necesita tener un conocimiento amplio de funcionalidades y herramientas para una correcta planeacin de solucin WiFi y LAN, a la vez que puede ayudar en el proceso de certificacin oficial Aruba NetworksDe esta manera se fortalecen los conceptos tcnicos que deben tener un mayor cuidado al momento de cuestionar a los usuarios finales de los alcances de solucin Wifi y LAN"
Price: 24.99

"Habits to Overcome Anxiety & Stress" |
"This unique and scientifically validated program for personal development will help you. . .Develop a reliable routine for daily mindfulnessLearn powerful secrets to living in freedom and authenticityAcquire the key skills to overcome anxiety, block negative effects of stress, increase self-awareness, and gain self-confidence in your relationshipsYou will learn how to achieve these outcomes by unlocking the power of what we psychologists call Dispositional Authenticity. Dispositional Authenticity is a trait that can be acquired by developing certain skillful habits. The three core healthy-habits that help you overcome anxiety and stress, and build confidence, will be covered in this course, along with step by step training for developing those healthy habit-skills.Did you know?This course has been scientifically proven through rigorous empirical study which resulted in the participants who completed this course during a three week period experiencing significant life improvement.What to ExpectThe course contains practical daily exercises designed to be practiced over the course of three weeks. In each section of the course, you will get a short video lesson on the concept and theory behind the practices, a short lesson on the skill to practice that week, daily mindfulness exercises (printable text, video, and audio), and a short daily journaling exercise (all designed to be accomplished in just 5 minutes a day).Each stage of the course will focus on a particular skill or set of skills that you can practice throughout the course of a week in order to grow in self-awareness (stage 1), self-acceptance (stage 2), and authentic living (stage 3).Your InstructorThis course is taught and facilitated by Doctor of Psychology Cameron M. Thompson, a pioneering researcher of personal development and authenticity. For over 10 years, Dr. Thompson has been engaged in cutting edge research in personal development, and has worked as a teacher, coach, and consultant, and has providing life-changing training to hundreds of people around the globe.In addition to his work in psychology, Dr. Thompson has taught in university and college settings, gives training workshops and seminars around the USA and Europe, and serves on the board of the Virtuous Leadership Institute of North America. He is also the author of a few books, including the Daily Structured Journal: A 30 day journey to a better you."
Price: 34.99

"Beginning Deno Development (Future Node js)" |
"In this course, we take you on a fun, hands-on and pragmatic journey to learning Deno development. You'll start building your first Deno app within minutes. Every chapter is written in a bite-sized manner and straight to the point as I dont want to waste your time (and most certainly mine) on the content you don't need. In the end, you will have the skills to create a Deno web app and a Deno REST API.In this course, we will cover:Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Introduction to OakChapter 3: Introducing Templating EnginesChapter 4: Styling a User InterfaceChapter 5: Re-structuring Our AppChapter 6: Implementing C.R.U.D. OperationsChapter 7: Using MongoDB as Our DatabaseChapter 8: Building Rest APIs with DenoChapter 9: Comparing Deno and NodeThe goal of this course is to teach you Deno development in a manageable way without overwhelming you. We focus only on the essentials and cover the material in a hands-on practice manner for you to code along.Working Through This CourseThis course is purposely broken down into nine short chapters where the development process of each chapter will center on different essential topics. The course takes a practical hands-on approach to learning through practice. You learn best when you code along with the examples in the course. RequirementsNo previous knowledge of Deno or Node development required, but you should have basic programming knowledge."
Price: 199.99

"The Best Epic Free VPS For Your Trading Robots to Run 24/7" |
"Hello My Dear Fellow Traders, Well To Honest I preffer manual trading as compared to the AlgoTrading. Many of traders do Robots trading upon their own choice and for running a robot its very important to run 24 hours a day.All across the world traders have different kind of Internet Connections but for running a robot its very important to have Fastest Internet Connection .So on the demand of many my students i have decided to make a complete guide course on this VPS and here in my this course i have explained everything in full details. All The Best VPS Services Provided Here In My This Course are free of cost and these are much better than as compared to the paid services.Lets take a look what we are going to get from This Course.Complete Guide On VPS,RDPAbout Virtual MachineAWS VPS ServiceMicrosoft AzureGoogle Cloud ComputingInstallation Process Of MT4 on VPSVPS from Forex BrokersBest VPS ServiceAdvantages Of VPS"
Price: 189.99

"Learn how do you make jewellery trays out of air-dry clay" |
"Air-dry clay is similar to traditional clay but doesn't require a kiln to harden. This type of clay is useful for people who want to try their hand at rolling, coiling, stamping, and sculpting clay but don't necessarily want to spend the time and money learning traditional ceramics.There are some downsides to the product, however. It's not waterproof, for one, and it sometimes crumbles easily. So if you are doing some projects just for fun and don't want them to last forever, air dry clay may be for you!When form and function combine, you've got a winning DIY! This lovely little DIY jewellery holder isn't just pretty, it helps keep you organized too. Air-dry clay is the perfect material to get creative with as you make your own jewellery dish. Use your imagination when it comes to shape and colour to really make this piece your own. Add all of your trinkets once it's done, and your accessories will stay neat and tidy.As you're gathering your materials, consider the shape and size of the jewellery holder that you'd like to make. You can create everything from a small ring bowl to a larger plate or dish with more space.Purchase your clay accordingly; you may also want to experiment with different colors of clay or your paint colors for the finishing work.Air-dry clay in your desired colourGilding paintWashi tape or masking tapePaintbrushCarving toolsRolling pinA flat surface or clay mat / Was paperBowl for shaping"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft - Excel Power Pivot DAX-TABLE FUNCTION" |
Price: 9000.00

"12 Primary English tenses" |
"Are you taking an exam? Do you have problems understanding some tenses such present perfect , past perfect , future perfect continuous ? do you just need help to understand and master the tenses in the English language?This course can help you understand and memorize:past, present and future tensessimple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous verb formswhen and how to use the tenses, verb formswhat the structures of them arewhat the differences and connections are between themIt helps you to prepare for an English Exam, like TOEFL, Cambridge, IELTSetc.Certainly, its useful even if you only want to refresh your grammar in an amusing quick and fast way and method.You can also use this course as a first aid kit and check back from time to time if you dont remember the usage or structure of a tense.The other lessons show each tense one by one to help you understand the usage and structure of them separately.There are Quizzes at the end of the lessons to check your understanding.This course is built onvideosE-book and Pdf Quizzes Real conversations"
Price: 29.99

"English idioms you must know 2" |
"This is English idioms you must know 2 We have researched to choose and pick the most common english idioms used by native speakers , and here they are .These idioms are often heard in everyday speech in conversations and in movies and on TV. Learning them will help you understand English more and improve your ability to communicate.you will see how these idioms are pronounced by English native speakers in different short clips You will also learn and understand these idioms in different real english conversations You will learn the target English idioms at a deep level, so that you can sound more native-like when you speak English.Start to speak with more creativity and variety by upgrading your knowledge of English idioms!If you want to speak English more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like, or if you simply want to take your English to a higher level, this course can help you achieve your goal of taking your English to the next level.This course is also perfect for anyone taking an IELTS test, TOEFL test or TOEIC test.I have also included some small and useful quizzes throughout the course. These quizzes will help you remember, understand and strengthen your knowledge of the idioms in the course. The quizzes are easy to understand and take, and afterwards you will have full command of these everyday idioms"
Price: 29.99

"Super edies ""Lightroom e Photoshop""" |
"Quer aprender a fazer super edies nas suas fotosl? Ento inscreva-se j nesse curso e aprenda sobre essa arte! O curso focado em fotografia de viagens e paisagens, mas as tcnicas e dicas ensinadas no curso podem ser usadas para diversos ramos da fotografia! Trabalharemos com o ""Adobe Lightroom Classic"" focando na aba revelao do software (Aba de edio) onde vamos explorar diversos recursos e tambm faremos alguns trabalhos com finalizaes no Photoshop! Recomendado para aqueles que so apaixonados por fotografia e principalmente para iniciantes que querem aprender a editar suas fotos ou se especializar na rea.O curso est dividido em sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo'' - Vamos comentar sobre o contedo do curso, sequncia de aulas, tipos de arquivo que permitem uma melhor edio, importao de fotos.Seo 2 ""Conceitos"" - Aqui vamos falar sobre diversos recursos do Adobe Lightroom Classic que de grande importncia conhecer antes de comear o processo de edio fotogrfica, reconhecimento da interface (aba revelao onde fazemos a edio), dicas pra deixar o software mais rpido, atalhos, filtro de fotos, recursos bsicos, detalhes, desvio cromtico, correo de lente, instantneos, cpias virtuais, predefinies (presets), sincronizao, histograma, sobreposio de corte, dicas de composio fotogrfica entre outros.Seo 3 ""Praticando"" - Aqui a hora de por a mo na massa e praticar, vamos pegar algumas fotos e fazer diversas edies, desde edies bsicas que ajudam num timo resultado at edies mais complexas, vamos editar fotos com as cores cruas dando vida a elas e deixando mais bonitas, recuperao de fotos que ficaram claras (superexpostas) e fotos escuras (subexpostas), vamos trabalhar com ajustes mais avanados como ajustes locais usando pincel, filtro radial, filtro graduado, alterao de cores HSL/cor, textura, edio de fotos em longa exposio, remoo de manchas e defeitos nas fotos. Posteriormente faremos alguns trabalhos usando uma finalizao no Photoshop como combinao de exposio, overlay, recorte de objetos, tirar fundo da imagem, folhas voando, folhas caindo, remoo de objetos, uso de mscaras, efeitos, efeito outono, entre outros.Seo 4 ""Sunset"" - Aqui vamos dar uma navegada numa verso clssica das antigas no Lightroom para editar um belo Pr do Sol (se inspirando num fotografo renomado, que faz um trabalho fotogrfico diferenciado tanto por seu estilo quanto sua edio, mostrando as tcnicas de edio usadas nesse tipo de foto, explorando desde recursos bsicos, at mais avanados como curva de tons, tonalizao dividida, calibrao de cmera, conseguindo inmeras combinaes de cores de uma mesma foto. Seo 5 ""Finalizando"" - Aqui voltaremos para a Verso Clssica atual do Lightroom comentando um pouco mais sobre as ferramentas: curva de tons, tonalizao dividida, calibrao de cmera, recapitulando alguns detalhes mencionando mais dicas e macetes, vamos explorar alguns recursos como transformar e corrigir uma foto, colocar efeitos, vinheta, etc.Seo 6 ""Concluso"" - Aqui vamos fazer a exportao de fotos, aplicao de uma assinatura ou logotipo na fotografia, tipos de arquivos e impresso fotogrfica e encerramento do curso.OBS. O curso focado na aba ""revelao"" do Adobe Lightroom (aba de edio) com finalizao de alguns trabalhos no Adobe Photoshop, e no na explicao de todos os recursos e ferramentas que envolvem ambos os programas.Temas relacionados:(curso de fotografia, curso fotografia, curso de foto, curso fotografia online, cursos de fotografia online, tirar fundo de imagem, remover fundo de imagem, curso de lightroom, curso lightroom, curso de edio, edio de fotos, editor foto online, curso edio de fotos, curso de edio de imagem, curso de edio de fotos, tratamento de fotos, tratamento de imagens, tratamento de imagem, tratamento de foto, tratar fotos, tratar fotos online, tratamento de fotos online, adobe lightroom, lightroom, adobe, cursos de fotografia online, curso online de fotografia, curso de fotografia online, curso fotografia online, curso fotografia online, edio lightroom, edio de fotos lightroom, fotos digitais, photoshop, adobe, adobe photoshop)"
Price: 579.99

"Online Course Creation for Life Coaches & Practitioners" |
"Online Course Creation for Life Coaches, Practitioners and Therapists Online Course Creation has fast become a key way in which Life Coaches, Therapists, Complementary Therapists, Practitioners and, in fact, anyone who is in the Helping Industry can increase their revenue, gain more clients and build a more sustainable business. Running a Coaching / Helping Business just replying on getting new clients is becoming harder and harder as competition grows so you need other streams of income to help sustain your business and creating an online course is a key way of doing that.This Online Course Creation for Life Coaches and Practitioners course will take you through a simple yet effective process of designing, creating and launching your very first course. Using the experience that I have built up I will show you the easiest ways to produce a high quality course and you can avoid the pitfalls that I had to make..... because I've already made them and can guide you around them.Follow this simple Course Creation process, engage with the exercises and you will be on your way to having your very own online course out there..... how awesome does that sound?What are the benefits to creating your own course..... or even multiple courses..... as a Life Coach, Therapist or Helping Practitioner?You can be helping more people worldwideYou can add more revenue streams into your businessWith those revenue streams you create a more sustainable businessYou can earn money while you are helping clients, doing your admin or even sleepingYou can set yourself apart as an authority on the subjects you teachYou can attract more clients into your businessYou can offer your courses to your clients as added bonusesYou can imagine, for a moment, that all of the above are happening for you and your business........ how does it feel? What does it look like, sound like and feel like to have a sustainable business where you help people around the world even while you sleep? Ready to sign up and get started with this Online Course Creation process? Yes! Awesome..... hit the Buy Now or Enroll Now button and let's get going!""Online education is like a rising tide, it's going to lift all boats along with it"" - Anant AgarwalThe online education industry was worth around $188 Billion (yes, BILLION) in 2019 and is predicted to be worth around $319 Billion by 2025 and instructors / teachers who create online courses in Life Coaching, Therapies, Complementary Therapies and all areas around that are going to be a MASSIVE part of that growth. We increasingly live in a world where people seek answers online and YOU can be the person to provide some of those answers.Whatever you want to help people with.......=> Mental / Emotional Health=> Goal Setting=> Life Coaching Skills=> Limiting Beliefs=> Career Development=> Happiness=> Self Love=> Law of Attraction & Manifestation=> Meditation=> Mindfulness=> Relationships=> Finances=> Health=> Parenting............... The list is ENDLESSWhatever you want to help people with, you can do it with an online course!Imagine for a moment that you wake up one morning and check out how your online course has done overnight. You see that you have made sales overnight..... while you slept..... and there is now money in the pot waiting to be paid out to you. BUT ....... more importantly than that..... you have had a message from someone in another country, on the other side of the world, thanking you for offering this course on line and telling you how much it has helped them, even changed their life! The would like to know if you offer 1-on-1 services as they would like to book some sessions with you ....... and so another clients relationship begins!!!!How would that feel?What you will learn........=> Follow a simple, yet effective, process for developing and designing the purpose of your course=> Discover how to ensure your students will get what they need from your course=> Develop the course so that you have the curriculum laid out in front of you ready to go=> Uncover what equipment software you'll need to record your course and that you'll probably already have most of that equipment=> Discover some of the platforms you can add your courses to and how to use the ones I have used to attract 65,000 students to my coursesAll of that is covered in this Online Course Creation for Life Coaches & Practitioners course........ are you ready? Of course you are!Get started now by clicking on the Buy Now or Enroll Now button and begin the journey into creating your very own online courses and all the benefits that can come with it.Go on......... click now........ I'm waiting to teach you everything I've got!See you inside.My Best RegardsGrahamCourse Creation Courses Online Courses Life Coaches Therapists Complementary Therapists"
Price: 99.99

"Part B - Networking Projects - Implement TCP/IP Stack in C" |
"Welcome to the Part-B of the TCP/IP Stack Development Course Series. This is a sequel course to Part-A in which we implemented a pseudo TCP/IP Stack working in Virtualized topology.In this Course, We shall be implementing more advanced and additional features to our Pseudo TCP/IP Stack and would try to impart more realistic flavor to it.We will resume from where we left in Part-A. If you have signed up for this course, I presume you have completed Part-A of the course and we are ready for another roller coaster ride into our project. This course is Advanced as compared to Part-B. In this course we will learn some more aspects of TCP/IP stack and in general, how Networking software is developed. You will not only doing Networking Based Programming but also, you will continue doing a typical Linux based System Programming development as Networking is strongly tied to System Programming.Student Level: Intermediate to Advanced to Working Professionals, Beginners in Coding pls excuse this course.Table of Contents1. What is this Course all about?2. Project 1 : Interface Management and Statistics Enable/Disable an Interface Gathering Interface Rx/Tx Statistics3. Project 2 : Implementing the Packet GeneratorCreate and Feed Pkt stream into Topology4. Project 3 : Implementing Routing Table Construction AlgorithmDesigning Data Structure Shortest Path First Algorithm in Detail Implementation Strategy Testing SPF Algorithm ImplementationRoute Calculation5. Project 4 : Logging InfraTrack Ingress and Egress pkts per device per interfaceTrack L3 Path taken by a pkt from src to dst** Below Content Development is under Progress - Last Updated 03 Sept 2020 **6. Project 5 : Notification Chains7. Project 6 : Working with TimersImplementing AgeismImplement Timer State Machine8. Project 7 : Implement a new Application ProtocolImplement NMP protocol as an exampleNMP - Neighbor ship Management Protocol"
Price: 19.99

"Method Statement for construction project ( English )" |
"At this course we learn how to prepare method statement for construction projects , contents of method statement like ( Manpower , Equipment, Materials , sequence , Safety requirements & Quality requirements , ...........) Effect of each content on project .Project life cycle & Project phases( Initiation - planing - execution- monitoring and controlling- closing )Important documents attached to support Method ( codes - specifications- drawings ...........)"
Price: 19.99

"Physics:Magnetism,EMI,AC,OPTICS-IB,Cambridge,US Grade12,CBSE" |
"First time --- guaranteed expertise (or money back) @ students seeking PHYSICS MAGNETISM ALTERNATING CURRENT-IB Diploma SL/HL Cambridge (AS, A LEVEL - Further),CBSE Bonus -RAY opticsUS/INTERNATIONAL-11TH AND 12THThis Course will make students confident in working with information and ideas their own and those of others responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others reflective as learners, developing their ability to learn innovative and equipped for new and future challenges engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a differenceCoverage :Magnetic fieldsMagnetic forceElectromagnetic induction(HL ONLY)Electromotive force (emf)Magnetic flux and magnetic flux linkageFaraday's law of inductionLenz's lawHow to:Describe the forces between magnets, and between magnets and magnetic materials Give an account of induced magnetism Distinguish between magnetic and non-magnetic materials Describe methods of magnetisation, to include stroking with a magnet, use of direct current (d.c.) in a coil and hammering in a magnetic field Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines around a bar magnet Describe an experiment to identify the pattern of magnetic field lines, including the direction Distinguish between the magnetic properties of soft iron and steel Distinguish between the design and use of permanent magnets and electromagnetsExplain that magnetic forces are due to interactions between magnetic fields Describe methods of demagnetisation, to include hammering, heating and use of alternating current (a.c.) in a coilElectromagnetic induction Core Show understanding that a conductor moving across a magnetic field or a changing magnetic field linking with a conductor can induce an e.m.f. in the conductor Describe an experiment to demonstrate electromagnetic induction State the factors affecting the magnitude of an induced e.m.f.Show understanding that the direction of an induced e.m.f. opposes the change causing it State and use the relative directions of force, field and induced currenta.c. generator Core Distinguish between d.c. and a.cDescribe and explain a rotating-coil generator and the use of slip rings Sketch a graph of voltage output against time for a simple a.c. generator Relate the position of the generator coil to the peaks and zeros of the voltage output4.6.3 Transformer Core Describe the construction of a basic transformer with a soft-iron core, as used for voltage transformations Recall and use the equation (Vp /Vs ) = (Np /Ns ) Understand the terms step-up and step-down Describe the use of the transformer in highvoltage transmission of electricity Give the advantages of high-voltage transmission Describe the principle of operation of a transformer Recall and use the equation IpVp = IsVs (for 100% efficiency) Explain why power losses in cables are lower when the voltage is high4.6.4 The magnetic effect of a current Core Describe the pattern of the magnetic field (including direction) due to currents in straight wires and in solenoids Describe applications of the magnetic effect of current, including the action of a relayState the qualitative variation of the strength of the magnetic field over salient parts of the pattern State that the direction of a magnetic field line at a point is the direction of the force on the N pole of a magnet at that point Describe the effect on the magnetic field of changing the magnitude and direction of the current4.6.5 Force on a current-carrying conductor Core Describe an experiment to show that a force acts on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, including the effect of reversing: the current the direction of the fieldSupplement State and use the relative directions of force, field and current Describe an experiment to show the corresponding force on beams of charged particles4.6.6 d.c. motor Core State that a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field experiences a turning effect and that the effect is increased by: increasing the number of turns on the coil increasing the current increasing the strength of the magnetic fieldSupplement Relate this turning effect to the action of an electric motor including the action of a split-ring commutatorMagnetic DipoleMagnetic dipole is an arrangement of two unlike magnetic poles of equal pole strength separated by a very small distance, e.g., a small bar magnet, a magnetic needle, a current carrying loop etc.Magnetic Dipole MomentThe product of the distance (2 l) between the two poles and the pole strength of either pole is called magnetic dipole moment.Magnetic dipole momentM = m (2 l)Its SI unit is joule/tesla or ampere-metre2.Its direction is from south pole towards north pole.Magnetic Field Due to a Magnetic Dipole(1) On Axial LineIf r > > l, thenB = o / 4 2M / r3(ii) On Equatorial LineB = o / 4 M / (r2 + l2)3 / 2If r > > l, thenB = o / 4 2M / r3Torque Acting on a Magnetic DipoleWhen a Magnetic Dipole (M) is placed in a uniform magnetic field (B), then a Torque acts on it, Which is given by = M * Bor = MB sin Where is angle between the dipole axis and magnetic field.Potential Energy of a Magnetic Dipole in a Uniform Magnetic FieldThe work done in rotating the dipole against the action of the torque is stored as potential energy of the dipole.Potential Energy, U = W = MB cos = M . BCurrent Carrying LoopA current carrying loop behaves as a magnetic dipole. If we look the upper face of the loop and current is flowing anti-clockwise,then it has a north polarity and if current is flowing clockwise.then it has a south polarity.Magnetic dipole moment of a current carrying loop is given byM = IAFor N such turns M = NIAWhere I = current and A = area of cross-section of the coil.Gausss Law in MagnetismSurface integral of magnetic field over any closed or open surface is always m.This law tells that the net magnetic flux through any surface is always zero.[When in an atom any electron revolve in an orbit it is equivalent to a current loop. Therefore, atom behaves as a magnetic dipole].Magnetic Moment of an AtomMagnetic moment of an atom M = 1 / 2 er2where e = charge on an electron, = angular velocity of electron and r = radius of orbit.or M = n eh / 4mwhere h = Plancks constant and m ~ mass of an electron and eh / 4m = B, called Bohr magneton and its value is 9.27 * 10-24 A-m2.Earths MagnetismEarth is a huge magnet. There are three components of earths magnetism(i) Magnetic Declination () The smaller angle subtended between the magnetic meridian and geographic meridian is called magnetic declination.(ii) Magnetic Inclination or Magnetic Dip () The smaller angle sub tended between the magnetic axis and horizontal is called magnetic inclination on magnetic dip.Entire Alternating Current included as bonus lecture."
Price: 24.99

"Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) Part 1 of 2" |
"This is the updated version of the course (Updated Aug 2020)The Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) is a vendor-neutral certification offered by Mile2 for the students willing to learn the importance of vulnerability assessments by gaining industry knowledge and skills in vulnerability assessments. In doing so, the CPEH students are able to understand how malware and destructive viruses function. In addition to this, the CPEH course helps students learn how to implement counter response and take preventive measures in case of an attack on the network.This preparatory course for the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) certification covers the complete curriculum required to clear the certification exam. The topics covered in this course are security fundamentals, access controls, protocols, cryptography, vulnerability assessments, vulnerability tools of the trade, output analysis and reports, reconnaissance, enumeration and scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, covering tracks, malware, buffer overflows, and password cracking. Exam Information The CPEH course provides in-depth labs that focus on both open source and commercial based tools with industry best practices. These hands-on labs emulate real-world hacking scenarios and equip the candidate to assess your companys security posture, help implement controls to better secure your companys network infrastructure and how to combat against hackers and/or viruses, etc. Upon completion, the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker candidate will be able to competently take the CPEH exam."
Price: 199.99

"Parenting Kids (Part IV) - Years 6 Through 10" |
"The elementary school years are often romanticized as golden days filled with innocent fun and endless adventure. Children grow taller, stronger, and increasingly agile. Their brains grow too, enabling them to learn and communicate in more sophisticated ways, retain, and use complex information, and employ reason to resolve real-life problems. As concrete thinkers, they are receptive to learning the rules and guidelines of etiquette and polite social interaction, and your teaching of social skills will accelerate.As your child progresses through elementary school, your oversight will become more subtle. The nature of discipline will change as you begin to reason with your child and appeal to her developing awareness of others. During these years, her circle of role models will enlarge to include teachers and coaches, and peers will become her companions of choice. She will learn to adapt her behavior and manners in order to be liked by others and form friendships. Through her daily interactions with others, she will develop a more realistic image of who she is. Her identity as a social being.As idyllic as the early school years may seem, the process of socialization is full of potholes. Your child will discover, among other things, that you are not perfect. You make mistakes and dont know everything. But you remain her primary model, and when she needs comfort, yours is the shoulder she will lean on.When she feels confused and helpless, you will be there to provide clarity and guidance. Your child will need all your love and support as she begins to grapple with the complicated expectations, rules, and rewards of society at large."
Price: 29.99

"Anti Agigng for Dummies" |
"If you do want to learn about the world of age and antiaging, then it will be really important and interesting that you do go further in all the possible ways. It is sure that it takes some time but before going further you do require to study a lot of this topic from different angles. That is what we will try to do for you in the course,"
Price: 19.99

"Tally ERP 9 Basics: Learning From Zero" |
"Is this your first time learning about Tally ERP9? You do want to be better at finances and software that is related to it? Then this is the course for you! It does not matter if you have zero or no experience whatsoever, you will definitely learn a lot and you will not go back with your hands empty. What are you waiting for? This is the time to learn!"
Price: 19.99

"Mockito for Dummies: Learning from Scratch" |
"Do you want to learn about Mockito and do not have an idea to get your first steps? Mockito is cool for you but you do not know what to do first? Then THIS IS THE VIDEOCOURSE FOR YOU! Indeed there are plenty of things that you can do when it comes to the world of programming but learning about mockito will surely mock your expectatives indeed of what you can do in the future if you know how to. Learn a lot, be better, improve as much as you can and see that you can indeed become the next mockito master. Time to learn!"
Price: 24.99

"How to make shooting game with unity create 2d shooting game" |
"Welcome To Unity & C# - How to make shooting game with unity create 2d shooting gameList Of Things You Will Learn:Build A Complete 2D Android GameLearn Unity BasicsLearn C# Scriptingplayer health batblood splash using particle systemAnimating an enemy charactercoin pick upscore countercharacter fire a bulletmaking different LevelsLearn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional 2D Games with the Unity game engine and C#.Build a strong foundation in Unity and 2D Game Development with this course.Unity Installation & SetupLearning Unity EditorUnity PhysicsUnity AnimationsUnity UIUnity C# ScriptingA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of Unity Android Game Development puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Unity is free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the game engine used for building 2D games.Jobs in unity android game development are plentiful, and being able to learn unity android game development will give you a strong background to more easily build awesome android games.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning programmers, through this course of 1 hour of content, youll learn all of the unity 2D game development fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind android game development. Starting with the installation of the Unity . This course will take you through various unity features and how to use them. By creating Puzzle game, youll a establish a strong understanding of unity game development.With these basics , the course will take you through building different example games with unity to learn more about the process of creating mobile android games with unity.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create fully functional and ready to publish 2D games with unity. youll be able to work alongside the author as you work through each concept.Build A Complete 2D Android Game.What youll learnBuild Complete Android Game After Complete This CourseAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?What knowledge & tools are required?Unity version 5.6 and aboveYou should be familiar with using a computer with internetSome programming experience with C#RequirementsUnity version 2019 and above You should be familiar with using a computer with internetSome programming experience with C# "
Price: 124.99

"Learn About India's National Education Policy 2020" |
"The module covers salient features about the New Education Policy (NEP-2020). It covers how this National Education Policy aims at building a global best education system rooted in Indian ethos, and aligned with the principles enunciated above, thereby transforming India into a global knowledge superpower. New Education Policy was launched on Wednesday, July 29. Earlier, in the afternoon the Union cabinet approved the policy that aims to overhaul the countrys education system. Union Ministers for Information and Broadcasting (I&B)Prakash Javadekar and Human Resource Development (HRD) and Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, made the announcement on the NEP- 2020. Earlier on May 1, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had reviewed the NEP- 2020, for which draft was prepared by a panel of experts led by former Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief K Kasturirangan."
Price: 19.99

"Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrinology" |
"Endocrinology is a branch of biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system, its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones. It is also concerned with the integration of developmental events proliferation, growth, and differentiation, and the psychological or behavioral activities of metabolism, growth, and development, tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction, and sensory perception caused by hormones. Specializations include behavioral endocrinology and comparative endocrinology."
Price: 189.99

Gastroenterology |
"Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders.Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which include the organs from mouth into anus, along the alimentary canal, are the focus of this specialty.Physicians practicing in this field are called gastroenterologists.Gastroenterologists perform a number of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including colonoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and liver biopsy."
Price: 189.99

"In this course we will learn the most SIMPLE WAY TO USE CANVA to design what we wanna design in an effective and the most simple way to do it step by step from creating an account and using the platform to design from zero to hero and also to share uor design on any social platform."
Price: 24.99

"Master Virtual Staging with 3DS Max and Corona" |
"Welcome to this Virtual Staging Course that will teach you how to do virtual staging in 3ds Max Design software.Where This Course Will Take YouThis course will help you to learn virtual staging using 3ds MAX and Corona Rendering software. You will learn basic tools in 3ds Max for modelling and texturing. You will learn simple texturing and lighting methods in Corona Renderer.You will learn how to do post processing in Adobe Photoshop.You will master a professional workflow and tools that are used in virtual staging projects to achieve stunning, photorealistic results. By following simple steps you will know how to produce realistic virtual staging images of real estate photos for real estate agents and developers, real estate photographers, home staging expert in the real estate industry.Enjoy yourself and ensure you practise every thing you learn in this course so you can become a master Virtual Staging Expert."
Price: 29.99

"Careers in Consulting Firm" |
"This course is produced by ChampAmerica in collaboration with ACED Consulting Club from University of Michigan.One of the hardest parts of job search is gathering information to decide whether a career is the right choice for you and our Career Exploration class series is designed to solve that problem. With real questions from your peers in college, Career in Consulting aims to help you gain a high level understanding of the field of consulting such as what is the consulting industry like? How to get into the industry? How has the industry evolved and what are the skills required to adapt to the changing industry? What are some of the most common interview questions? What is the career path for me in this industry?"
Price: 19.99

"How To Get Your Customers To Buy From You Regularly" |
"This course is about how to get your customers to buy from you regularly. Don't just sell to the customer once and take a chance losing the customer in the long run. you want to sell to the customer time and time again. I talk about how to craft a great customer experience and stay selling to the customer on social media. How to make a sales presentation that's customer friendly that customers enjoy and that gets the customer coming back and bringing their friends and family to also buy from you. Check it out. There's lots of valuable information, over 51 hours of content, and a money back offer if not fully satisfied. So take the course, enjoy the content and apply it to your business to see results right away. Click the button and I'll see you in the course."
Price: 199.99

"Lgica de programacin - Aprende a programar" |
"En este curso aprenders los conceptos bsicos de la programacin, ademas de poder adentrarte en este mundo, para as poder seleccionar un lenguaje y comenzar a programar en cualquier lenguaje que selecciones.Durante este curso, comenzaremos viendo lo bsico, desde algoritmos, pseudocdigo y por ultimo un lenguaje de programacin, ademas veremos muchos ejercicios de lgica, en la cual te ayudaran a desarrollar y resolver problemas."
Price: 2970.00

"Learn Coding by Example with C#" |
"Coding is the skill by which you can have a way to talk to computers and make them do anything you want. You can write code for many devices. Range from computers like desktop and laptops, to smart phones to every day appliances such as fridges. C# is a very popular languages for Windows operating system. More than 80% of computers and devices out there uses Windows, this makes learning C# a very appealing choice. Plus most companies uses Windows and writing C# Windows apps natively will give you an edge. If you have a computer running Windows you can write a C#desktop application. In this course we will be writing a twitter application, we will start with building the small building blocks and introduce new tools along the way. By the end of the course you will have a fully functional twitter application that you can write and view tweets from. It is going to be fun. Tools you will learn in this course:1. Variables, Arrays and Loops2. Classes and Objects3. Object oriented best practices4. Code Inheritance5. Building Dynamic Link Library Projects6. Reuse objects and classes from DLL7. Building Forms and Console UX8. Best practices to separate code from user experience."
Price: 64.99

"Database Engines Crash Course" |
"Database engines or storage engines or sometimes even called embedded databases is software library that a database management software uses to store data on disk and do CRUD (create update delete) Embedded means move everything in one software no network client-server. In this video course I want to go through the few popular database engines, explain the differences between them and finally I want to spin up a database and change its engine and show the different features on each engine"
Price: 99.99

"Javascript Essentials for Absolute Beginners" |
"Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages out there. It started as a scripting language for the web but now you can write and run Javascript code virtually anywhere. You can run javascript on your browser, on your backend server or on your desktop. Examples of some applications that are written in Javascript are Slack, Skype and Visual Studio Code. Netflix and Paypal also use Javascript for some of their backend infrastructures. You only need a browser to get through the first section."
Price: 119.99
