"AZ-104 - Perguntas Atualizadas-Agosto/2020 + Simulados PT-BR" |
"Exame AZ-104: Microsoft Azure AdministratorPerguntas e respostas atualizadas em Agosto/2020.Perguntas frequentes:1- Fazendo os testes repetidas vezes, entendendo e decorando todas as perguntas, tenho chance de passar no exame AZ-104?R: Muita chance! S depende de voc! Aproveite e se torne mais um Microsoft Azure Administrator!2- As perguntas esto atualizadas?R: Sim! Muito atuais! Vrios profissionais esto utilizando estas perguntas para serem aprovados no exame AZ-104. As perguntas sofreram a ltima atualizao em 13/08/2020.3- Como funcionam as perguntas e respostas?Traduzi as perguntas e as explicaes para portugus BR. As opes esto em ingls, pois na prova iro aparecer em ingls e fica mais fcil para voc entender e decor-las.Habilidades medidas no exame AZ-104Identidades e governana do Manage Azure (15-20%)Implementar e gerenciar armazenamento (10-15%)Implantar e gerenciar recursos de computao do Azure (25-30%)Configurar e gerenciar redes virtuais (30-35%)Monitorar e fazer backup de recursos do Azure (10-15%)"
Price: 39.99

"Sketchup Pro: Curso prctico. ""Realiza tu primer chalet""" |
"Mediante la realizacin de un ejercicio prctico y continuado durante todo el curso (Chalet), aprenders de un modo divertido todas la herramientas necesarias de este programa. Vers resultados inmediatos y te dars cuenta de la enorme sencillez del programa. Adems, te ser de gran utilidad para la elaboracin de tus proyectos. Tanto para el desarrollo de las volumetrias iniciales, como para las presentaciones finales. Hay que decir a su favor, que este programa requiere pocos recursos de tu ordenador, con lo cual ademas de ser gil y divertido, tambien te acompaar en cualquier ordenador que requieras instalarlo, sin peligro de colapsarlo. Animo es un gran compaero de trabajo!!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Phenomenology" |
"Learn all about the basics of one of the most influential philosophical disciplines and methods of the 20th century. The course is based around lectures with slides and simultaneous video of the instructor. After an introductory session, it takes an author-centered approach of the six most notable phenomenologists (Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty), finishing with a concluding lecture about phenomenology today. It will be of interest to anyone wishing for a well-rounded introduction in the discipline, including its main historical authors and themes, as well as its ongoing significance."
Price: 19.99

"Discover Songwriting on Guitar" |
"I didn't pick up a musical instrument until I was 24 years old. Never did I think I was very musical or had a good singing voice growing up. Now, here I am the lead-singer and songwriter for the Folk Rock group Atlas Hugged. I found my voice over time and used simple chords to write amazing songs. You can do the same, and I'll show you how.In this course you will learn how to write your first song on guitar, even if you have zero singing experience or guitar knowledge. I will walk you through easy chords, strumming, lyrics and structure with easy to follow videos, charts and an ebook. It's my deep pleasure to show you how easy and therapeutic songwriting can be, and I hope this course empowers you and inspires you to use songwriting to bring more richness to your life.If you've had any inkling to pick up a guitar and sing then this course is for you. Just try it! You might be the next incredible songwriter if you just give yourself a chance! Discover your song with me :)"
Price: 24.99

"How to make Deserts (Eastern & Western) Package" |
"In this course. I am going to teach you. How to do different types of Oriental and Wesertnal Desert and Sweet Dishes. The course includes:Om AliDonutsLokmat Al-Qady (Judge's Morsels)Bechamel Pumpkin The course will be update-able And I will add more dishes. So I hope to see you on the course. And encourage me in this journey."
Price: 59.99

"Teaching My Child How To Learn Best While At Home" |
"Help! I need support with rolling out my child's ""school day"" while they're at home.Help! My child is having a tough time focusing on their school work at home.Help! My child is not responding to, or gaining as much as, they should be while learning at home. What do I do?!Throughout this course, you will learn the necessary components to teach your child how to learn from home. Whether your childs school is closed, youve opted to not send your child into school, your school has initiated a hybrid model and they'll be spending some time at home, or you always planned to, or recently decided to homeschool your child. By following these detailed practices, your child can succeed in their work because you will have created a productive environment for them. In addition, this framework can carry over into your daily lives to create a strong foundation in your household.We will discuss:Structure - build an environment to enable your child's successRoutines - reinforce separation between learning and fun through regular repetitionExpectations - clearly setting the bar and define successAccountability - honest measurement of your child's (and your own) progressMethod, Resources & Tips - applying practical situations and experiences into a workable methodCourse image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash"
Price: 39.99

"Chemical Safety in the Workplace - Guidance on PPE Selection" |
"Dangerous chemicals are often used and handled in workplaces. The risk of injury or ill-health upon exposure to the hazards of the chemicals at work depends on whether there are adequate safety measures in place.As per international OHS standards, the employer of a workplace is required to make necessary arrangements in ensuring the safety and health in connection with the use, handling, storage, or transport of chemicals. These include the arrangements for assessing the risks of chemicals in the workplace and establishing appropriate safety measures."
Price: 1280.00

"Finanzas Personales y Como Empezar a Invertir" |
"Bienvenido!Me da mucho gusto que hayas venido a ver este curso. Con esto, ya diste tu el primer paso para conseguir unas sanas finanzas personales y esa libertad financiera que muchos buscamos.A lo largo de este curso, aprenders como empezar a invertir desde hoy y todo lo que deberas saber si eres nuevo o quieres saber ms del mundo de las inversiones. Tambin te ensear a mejorar tus finanzas personales para que tu dinero trabaje para ti y poder llegar a ser libre financieramente.Espero que este curso te sea de mucha ayuda y me hara muy feliz que en futuro recordaras que esto te ayud a dar ese primer paso para conseguir todas esas metas financieras con las que alguna vez soaste.Atentamente, No Islas"
Price: 570.00

"How to Build Successful API Products?" |
"Building APIs or Application Programming Interfaces is not only an art but a science. It requires planning, preparation, execution, and improvement like any other digital product.In this course, we will start from the basics of APIs and go deeper into the design, architecture, and testing of APIs and help you plan a rock-solid API product strategy for your business.We will see how APIs are used in the real world and why more and more companies are going the API route to create new avenues of growth through a platform and partnership approach.We will cover both the basic and advanced topics within API Product Management through lots of examples, case studies, and assignments."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende Python con ejercicios prcticos" |
"Con este curso aprenders a programar en Python desde los aspectos bsicos del lenguaje hasta los contenidos ms avanzados, mediante la realizacin de ejercicios prcticos que reforzarn las explicaciones realizadas. Para terminar, podrs comprobar todo lo aprendido con un proyecto final donde se trabajarn todos los contenidos del curso. Los enunciados y soluciones de los ejercicios y la prctica final estn accesibles en GitHub para todos los alumnos del curso."
Price: 19.99

"General English Practice Test 2020" |
"English Test Description English test is a 160-question, that measures your understanding of the conventions of standard English (punctuation, usage, and sentence structure), production of writing (topic development, organization, unity, and cohesion), and knowledge of language (word choice, style, and tone).The test consists of five essays, or passages, each accompanied by a sequence of multiple-choice test questions.Some questions refer to underlined portions of the passage and offer several alternatives to the underlined portion. You decide which choice is most appropriate in the context of the passage.Some questions ask about an underlined portion, a section of the passage, or the passage as a whole. You decide which choice best answers the question posed.Many questions offer NO CHANGE to the passage as one of the choices.The questions are numbered consecutively. Each question number refers to a correspondingly numbered portion underlined in the passage or to a corresponding numeral in a box located at the appropriate point in the passage.Different passage types are used to provide a variety of rhetorical situations. Passages are chosen not only for their appropriateness in assessing writing skills but also to reflect students interests and experiences. Spelling, vocabulary, and rote recall of grammar rules are not tested. Four scores are reported for the English test: a total test score based on all 160 questions, and three reporting category scores based on specific knowledge and skills.Content Covered by the English TestThree reporting categories are addressed in the English test covering six elements of effective writing: topic development; organization, unity, and cohesion; knowledge of language; punctuation; usage; and sentence structure and formation. A brief description of the elements of effective writing and the approximate percentage of the test devoted to each reporting category are given below.Production of Writing (2932%)The questions in this category require students to apply their understanding of the purpose and focus of a piece of writing.Topic Development: Demonstrate an understanding of, and control over, the rhetorical aspects of texts. Identify the purposes of parts of texts, determine whether a text or part of a text has met its intended goal, and evaluate the relevance of material in terms of a texts focus.Organization, Unity, and Cohesion: Use various strategies to ensure that a text is logically organized, flows smoothly, and has an effective introduction and conclusion.Knowledge of Language (1319%)Demonstrate effective language use through ensuring precision and concision in word choice and maintaining consistency in style and toneConventions of Standard English (5156%)The questions in this category require students to apply an understanding of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics to revise and edit text.Sentence Structure and Formation: Apply understanding of sentence structure and formation in a text and to make revisions to improve the writing.Punctuation: Recognize common problems with standard English punctuation and to make revisions to improve the writing.Usage: Recognize common problems with standard English usage in a text and to make revisions to improve the writing."
Price: 19.99

"English Language Practice Test 2020" |
"English Test Description English test is a 160-question, that measures your understanding of the conventions of standard English (punctuation, usage, and sentence structure), production of writing (topic development, organization, unity, and cohesion), and knowledge of language (word choice, style, and tone).The test consists of five essays, or passages, each accompanied by a sequence of multiple-choice test questions.Some questions refer to underlined portions of the passage and offer several alternatives to the underlined portion. You decide which choice is most appropriate in the context of the passage.Some questions ask about an underlined portion, a section of the passage, or the passage as a whole. You decide which choice best answers the question posed.Many questions offer NO CHANGE to the passage as one of the choices.The questions are numbered consecutively. Each question number refers to a correspondingly numbered portion underlined in the passage or to a corresponding numeral in a box located at the appropriate point in the passage.Different passage types are used to provide a variety of rhetorical situations. Passages are chosen not only for their appropriateness in assessing writing skills but also to reflect students interests and experiences. Spelling, vocabulary, and rote recall of grammar rules are not tested. Four scores are reported for the English test: a total test score based on all 160 questions, and three reporting category scores based on specific knowledge and skills.Content Covered by the English TestThree reporting categories are addressed in the English test covering six elements of effective writing: topic development; organization, unity, and cohesion; knowledge of language; punctuation; usage; and sentence structure and formation. A brief description of the elements of effective writing and the approximate percentage of the test devoted to each reporting category are given below.Production of Writing (2932%)The questions in this category require students to apply their understanding of the purpose and focus of a piece of writing.Topic Development: Demonstrate an understanding of, and control over, the rhetorical aspects of texts. Identify the purposes of parts of texts, determine whether a text or part of a text has met its intended goal, and evaluate the relevance of material in terms of a texts focus.Organization, Unity, and Cohesion: Use various strategies to ensure that a text is logically organized, flows smoothly, and has an effective introduction and conclusion.Knowledge of Language (1319%)Demonstrate effective language use through ensuring precision and concision in word choice and maintaining consistency in style and toneConventions of Standard English (5156%)The questions in this category require students to apply an understanding of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, and mechanics to revise and edit text.Sentence Structure and Formation: Apply understanding of sentence structure and formation in a text and to make revisions to improve the writing.Punctuation: Recognize common problems with standard English punctuation and to make revisions to improve the writing.Usage: Recognize common problems with standard English usage in a text and to make revisions to improve the writing."
Price: 19.99

"TOEFL iBT English Language Practice Test 2020" |
"The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Exam is intended to measure a students ability to understand and use English at a college level. Over 6,000 colleges, government organizations, and businesses accept TOEFL test scores worldwide. The TOEFL Test serves a similar function to other standardized tests (such as SAT and ACT Tests) in that they used by colleges and universities as a factor in admissions. Different institutions place varying degrees of importance on standardized tests, such as the TOEFL, and use them along with other factors such as GPA, class rank, community service, recommendations and extracurricular activities.While it may not be relevant for native English speakers, the TOEFL, or Test of English as a Foreign Language, is an extremely important exam for non-native speakers. In order to gain entrance to many universities in an English-speaking country, students must take and pass the TOEFL. This standardized test is not mandatory for every school in English-speaking countries, but it is accepted and even required by most major universities.Since 1964, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) has designed and administered the TOEFL. ETS is a private non-profit organization that sends official scores and reports directly to universities on behalf of each student. The TOEFL is one of two major English proficiency tests (along with the IELTS) that are widely accepted around the world.HOW TO STUDY FOR THE TOEFLWhen it comes to studying, everyone has different needs, timelines, and study habits. That said, there are plenty of great TOEFL resources to get you started out on the right foot. If youre searching for ways to prepare for the TOEFL.EXAM OUTLINE - WHATS ON THE TOEFL IBT?Needless to say, there are plenty of ways to prepare for the TOEFL, but it is extremely important that you know what to expect on the day of the test. In addition to knowing the types of questions on the test, you will also want to know how the TOEFL is administered, your allotted time, and all of the DOs and DONTs for the test day.There are technically two different forms of the TOEFL: the TOEFL iBT and TOEFL PBT. The latter is a paper-based exam that has mostly been phased out, though it is still offered at many ETS testing centers. However, the vast majority of students end up taking the TOEFL iBT, which is administered online via testing centers.Though each version of the TOEFL is administered in a different format, both tests are largely the same. The TOEFL is comprised of 4 distinct sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Lets take a closer look at each section to better understand the structure of the examm.READINGLike any exam that tests your linguistic abilities, the TOEFL includes a reading section to analyze your reading comprehension abilities. This section includes passages of reading material from a wide variety of sources and topics, ranging from literature to science. Following each passage, you will need to answer questions to ensure that you understood the reading material.Allotted Time: 60-80 minutesNumber of Questions: 36-56Type of Questions: Multiple-choiceLISTENINGThe listening section is often considered one of the most challenging parts of the TOEFL. Listening comprehension is particularly difficult in a second language, and this section consists of 4-6 lectures and 2-3 conversations, each followed by comprehension questions. The material generally covers academic topics, ranging from the arts to life sciences.Allotted Time: 60-90 minutesNumber of Questions: 34-51Type of Questions: Multiple-choiceSPEAKINGIn the speaking section, students must respond to questions, speak on a predetermined topic, and read passages aloud. This section tests your ability to communicate effectively on a variety of academic topics. Though it is certainly a challenging section, it is also the shortest in terms of time allotment.Allotted Time: 20 minutesNumber of Tasks: 6Type of Questions: SpokenWRITINGThe writing section tests your ability to use correct grammar, vocabulary, and writing structure. Additionally, you must construct a coherent argument in two distinct essays. One essay is based on a reading passage, while the other is based on a writing prompt. The speaking and writing sections are the only ones that do not include multiple-choice questions.Allotted Time: 50 minutesNumber of Tasks: 2Type of Questions: EssayTOEFL ADMINISTRATION - WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO REGISTERThe TOEFL is administered on specific dates throughout the year. Most years, there are more than 50 dates on which you can take the exam, so it is pretty easy to find a test day that works for your schedule. Additionally, the ETS gives you three ways to register: online, by phone, or by mail. You can learn more about the registration process and fees on the ETS website.WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE TOEFL?TOEFL tests must be taken at an authorized ETS testing center. Generally, you should expect to spend between 4-5 hours at the testing center on the day of the test. You should try to show up at least 30 minutes prior to your test time, as you will need to sign in and show your I.D. to the test administrator.You will spend between 120-170 minutes on the first two sections (Reading and Listening) before taking a 10 minute break. The allotted time and number of questions varies for the first two sections, as some of the questions are experimental and do not count toward your final score. The number of experimental questions varies for each test.After the 10 minute break, you will move on to the final two sections (Speaking and Writing). You are allowed to take notes during the test, however you cannot speak to anyone else. Like most standardized tests, you will need to notify a test administrator if you have any questions or problems.WHO IS ELIGIBLE TO TAKE THE TOEFL?The ETS requires all students to show a valid form of ID in order to register and take the TOEFL. You can learn about the exact requirements for identification right here. Generally, you are eligible for the TOEFL as long as you can present an unexpired, government-issued ID with a recent picture. For students who are under 18, it is recommended that you bring your parent or guardian with you on the day of the test. If you are 15 or under, both you and your parent/guardian must present valid ID at the test center.TOEFL SCORES - HOW ARE THEY CALCULATED?Each section is scored individually out of 30. Then, the scores are combined for a final score out of 120. For the speaking and writing sections, each task is scored on a scale from 0-4 (speaking) or 0-5 (writing).Internationally, the average TOEFL score is 82. Most universities set a minimum acceptable score, which varies for each school. The minimum acceptable scores are significantly higher for graduate level applicants. Though your target score will largely depend on the type of university you want to attend, a score of 94 or higher will put you in the top 25% of all test takers."
Price: 19.99

"IELTS English Language Practice Test 2020" |
"Overview of IELTSAs part of GMC registration, the GMC require all Doctors to demonstrate their knowledge of the English language to receive a licence to practise.All methods of communication need to be demonstrated to the GMC so you will need to prove your ability to listen, read, write and speak. There are various routes for Doctors to evidence their knowledge of the English language, however, the easiest and most popular way to this is to take the academic English knowledge test known as IELTS or the medical English knowledge test named OET. In this blog article we are going to explore the IELTS exam, provide helpful tips for taking the exam and provide the services of an IELTS expert who can also aid you.There are various IELTS test options, including Academic, General Training and Academic UK Visa and Immigration (VI). For an IMG who wants to become GMC registered we advise that you take the Academic UK VI exam, as this will satisfy both GMC and Visa requirements.The listening, reading and writing components of all IELTS tests are completed within the same day, with no breaks in between them. The speaking element of the exam can be completed up to a week before or after the other three tests. Your IELTS test centre will advise you on this.In addition, each part of the IELTS exam content can be formatted in any way this includes graphs, multiple choice questions, matching lists and phrases to identification of information.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ListeningThere are four elements to the IELTS listening exam. Each section will have ten questions and a total of forty questions. There is no specialist subject knowledge needed for the listening exam as all the answers will be given in the played recordings. You will have forty minutes to complete the listening exam; you will listen for thirty minutes and then for the last ten minutes you will have to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.Task 1 Social Needs: In the first task you will listen to a conversation between two people. The subject is social needs and so the topic of conversation can range from travel arrangements to decisions on which restaurant to attend.Task 2 Social Needs: The second task will be a monologue (a speech from an individual). The subject is social needs so the topic of conversation can range from providing a speech on thoughts on a university to an individuals experience at a work conference.Task 3 Educational or Training: The third task will provide you with a recording between up to four people. One example of the type of conversation could include a conversation between a teacher and a group of students.Task 4 Academic Subject: The last part of listening exam is another monologue. The topic is academic subject. One example of this task could include a lecture from a university teacher.As mentioned above, once you have listened to the recordings you must ensure that you transfer your answers over to your answer sheet.When transferring your answers over we advise you to follow the subsequent tips. First, be aware of your handwriting. Although you may be rushed for time towards the end of the exam you need to ensure your handwriting is eligible because if the marker cannot read your writing then they cannot award you with marks. The same rule applies to spelling, if you have incorrect spelling then again, the examiner will have to mark it as incorrect.Second, you will be given some time to read the question before the recording is played so prepare yourself for the topic and what key information to look out for.Third, when you are taking your listening exam if you do not hear everything on the recording do not panic, just try and listen for the keywords and then focus on what you need to be listening for.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ReadingThe reading part of the IELTS exam will provide you with three (sometimes four) reading passages which will increase in difficulty. The text provided will be genuine and are often taken from magazines, books and newspapers, the audience will be the public and the topic will be on general interest.The test will be sixty minutes long, there will be a total of forty questions and each question will be worth one mark.Part 1: The first part of the reading exam will provide you with a short factual passage and the topic will be relevant to your everyday life when you move to the UK and work in British environment. To exemplify, the question could ask you about a magazine advertisement.Part 2: Similar to the first part, the exam will provide you with a short factual passage however the focus will relate to employment. To exemplify, paying income tax.Part 3: The last part of the exam will be a longer passage and the most difficult. The topic in this section will be of general interest.When taking the reading part of your IELTS exam, our first and foremost piece of advice is to make sure you understand what the question is asking and follow the question instructions carefully. Second, do not try and read every word within the passage, the exam is testing your ability to skim and scan the passages to try and retrieve the most important pieces of information. Last, we advise you to keep an eye on the time do not spend too long on one passage!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WritingThe writing element of the IELTS exam will test your ability to write English clearly and with coherence. The exam will last for sixty minutes and has two parts to it.Task 1: The test will present you with a graph, chart, table or diagram and you will be asked to summarise the informational data in your own words.Task 2: The test will then ask you to write an essay as a response to an argument or problem stated in the paper.The second task is worth more than the first task so we advise you to spend more time on the second. Typically, forty minutes on the essay and twenty minutes on the graph description should be an adequate way to divide your time.Our second piece of advice when taking the IELTS writing exam is to practice. The best way for an individual to improve their written language skills is to frequently practice and to correct any grammar or spelling mistakes.Third, it would be useful for IELTS candidates to practice essay structures as the structure of your exam will contribute to your overall writing mark. If you would like advice on how to structure a short essay then visit this website.Fourth, before you begin writing your answer we suggest that you analyse each task closely, make notes and then write an essay plan.Other tips include to write in paragraphs (this makes it clear when you are moving onto a new point), do not repeat points (you will not receive extra marks and), keep each of your points relevant to the question and check your work for any mistakes.Following the above tips will help your answer appear well formulated and will fill the marker with confidence from the outset.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SpeakingThe format of the speaking test is a structured discussion with a certified examiner. Although the discussion will cover certain topics, IELTS try to ensure that the conversation between you and the examiner is organic, interactive and as close to a real-life situation as a test can get. The speaking test will be between eleven to fourteen minutes and will be split into three parts.Part 1: The examiner will ask you questions with regards to yourself, your family, your work and your hobbies and interests.Part 2: The examiner will present you with a task card and ask you to speak about that specific subject. The card will include subject points that you can include. The examiner will give you one minute to formulate your talk and you will then be expected to speak for one-two minutes.Part 3: In the last part you will then be expected to have a conversation with your examiner about the random topic you discussed in Part 2. The examiner will ask you questions on your subject talk and you will have to converse in conversation.To study for your IELTS speaking exam we provide three pieces of advice. First, practice speaking English with a friend or family member. Speak about the topics that the examiner will test you on, this includes personal information, details about your family work and hobbies. Second, record yourself talking about a particular topic and then listen back to it. By hearing your own voice, you will be able to assess whether your English is spoken effortlessly and accurately. Third, we advise that you should have a practice of the entire speaking test without interruption. The advantage of this is that it will make your practice as close to the real thing as possible! And so, when you come to take the exam you will feel more at ease as you have already experienced the process.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do I prepare for IELTS?Fail to prepare, prepare to fail The amount of IELTS preparation differs for everyone, as everyone has a different level of English skills. Therefore, we advise to prepare for the exam as far in advance as you need. But remember, that just because you know someone who passed IELTS with flying colours, it is not the same for everyone.Assess your abilities Before you book your IELTS exam for a date we advise you to find out what level your English is. Often people are stronger in one communication area, whether it is speaking, writing, reading or listening. Therefore, once you find out your level of ability you can set realistic goals and a revision timeline.Do practice papers One of the best ways to prepare for an exam is to do practice questions. This is the best way to prepare because when you enter the exam you will already be aware of the papers format, you have practiced paper timings and you are learning at the same time."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam Prep 2020" |
"Microsoft Azure is fast becoming the number one choice for public cloud services. Increase in the growth of the cloud and investments poured into the development of Azure means that there will be a huge demand for Azure professionals who can use its tools and services to build, deploy, manage and store applications in the cloud.Knowledge Hut brings you an interactive and comprehensive course that will help you take your first steps in the world of Azure and develop a fair competence in the critical services of Azure that are business oriented. You will start off with understanding the need and uses of Azure and then master the Azure Cloud services, Web applications, Virtual Machines, Azure Networking, and storage. The course is split into well-defined modules with intensive practical exercises at the end of each module. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to deploy Azure cloud services and highly scalable web applications.With the trend of Azure and cloud computing catching up among Fortune 500 and similar companies, this is the right time to master Azure.Complete preparation for the new AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam.This always-up-to-date course completely covers the AZ-900 exam from start to finish. Always updated with the latest requirements. This course goes over each requirement of the exam in detail. If you have no experience in Azure, this is the course that will get you up to speed.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest-growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding well-qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Sign up today!"
Price: 19.99

"MB-200 Pass Exam On Your First Try-Practice Tests 2020" |
"If yes, then this practice test course is for you.You will find 6 practice tests (as per the MB-200 exam curriculum) so you can evaluate which areas you need to study more and the areas you have already mastered!You will get a score for each practice test.Each question has a detailed explanation, so you know why your selected answer is right or wrong.############################HERE'S WHAT YOU ARE GETTING TODAY!3 practical tests as per the MB-200 exam curriculum.The practice tests cover all the topics of the MB-200 exam curriculum provided by Microsoft.60+ pages book of MB-200 exam preparation.############################HERE'S WHAT INCLUDED IN THIS MB-200 PRACTICE TEST COURSE! Perform Discovery, Planning, and Analysis (5-10%) Manage User Experience Design (20-25%) Manage Entities and Data (15-20%) Implement Security (5-10%) Implement Integration (15-20%) Perform Solutions Deployment and Testing (25-30%)Enroll in this practice test course today and be fully prepared for the MB-200 exam.Have you got any questions? Message me on Udemy.I wish you all the best."
Price: 19.99

"Palo Alto PCNSE Certified Network Security Engineer 2020" |
"PaloAlto firewalls are true Next Generation firewalls built from the ground up to address legacy firewalls issues. It is the first firewall platform to make decisions based on applications not just ports and protocols. The PCNSE exam requires deep understanding of the topics. Exam dumps is not the way to go. You need to practice the concepts and be clear on how to configure this feature rich firewall platform. You need to study the concepts. This class guide you through the configuration of different features and how to practice on AWS and Unetlab. This class covers many topics required for PCNSE7 or PCNSE8 and new topics are added frequently.This course dives deeper into Palo Alto firewalls policies and network configuration to give the students a clear understanding on several topics. Topics covered include Security Policies configuration, SSL Decryption, Routing configuration, IPsec configuration, IPv6 configuration, High Availability configuration, QoS and other real worldconfiguration examples.This online class will help in preparing the student for the PCNSE certification by covering topics in the depth that Palo Alto expects the candidates to know.This course will help students to gain in-depth knowledge about how to configure and manage their Palo Alto Networks Panorama management server. Upon completion of this course, administrators should be familiar with the Panorama management servers role in managing and securing their overall network. Network professionals will be shown how to use Panorama aggregated reporting to provide them with a holistic view of a network of Palo Alto Networks next-generation firewalls.This test is based on the last blueprint version and will test you on the requirements to pass the PCNSE exam. From planning your deployment to understanding the core concepts of PAN-OS, this practice test will make sure you have a solid foundation to become PCNSE in 2020."
Price: 19.99

"PMI-ACP Agile Certified Practitioner Exam 2020" |
"WHY YOU SHOULD PURSUE THE PMI-ACP CERTIFICATIONThe Project Management Institute-Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), a widely accepted credential in the Agile community, is a reflection of the holders competence in carrying out project management using Agile practices. The certification mandatorily requires a combination of agile training, experience working on agile projects and a thorough comprehension of agile principles, practices, tools and techniques.Considering that the number of organisations adopting Agile practices has increased exponentially over the past few years, the need for Project Management practitioners for implementing these agile techniques has also increased. Professionals who have worked on the Agile front as project managers or as team members have a lot to gain by aiming for the PMI- ACP certification as this can give them the edge they need to be recognised for a project managers role in an agile environment.The PMI-ACP certification trains you to excel in an Agile environment with Agile practices and principles. Offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI) , the PMI-ACP is a globally recognized credential that gives its holders lucrative career opportunities and higher salary packages.With a PMI-ACP certification, one can lead an Agile project team by reducing errors and risks and optimize the results that are being produced.World over, organizations have realized the value of Agile practices and are in need of capable agile practitioners who can implement agile practices and help realize business objectives. The PMI-ACP certificate hence has great value not only among agilists but also recruiters hoping to fulfil industry hiring demands.Agile methodology is redefining career aspects for many. Here are the benefits of getting PMI-ACP certified.The shortage of Project Managers has increased job opportunities in the Agile environmentOne can qualify for Agile jobs with expertise in Agile methods like Scrum, FDD, Kanban, etc. which are in demand in the industryA PMI-ACP certified professional stands to earn $108,000 on an averageEquips an individual with knowledge of various Agile methodsIt makes you marketable as it opens doors to many project development methodologiesHere are some of the reasons why a PMI-ACP certified professional can help your organization meet its business objectives by applying diverse methods in project management:Agile practices are proven to deliver better results than the traditional waterfall model practices.They help run projects in a structured manner, reducing overheads and increasing ROI.Agile is known to deliver better performances and enhance organizational value and reputation.Agile projects increase efficiency and decrease downtime. They are 28% more successful than non-agile onesThe PMI-ACP is one of the fastest growing certifications from the Project Management Institute and due to its agile competence, it is considered very important for organisations using agile practices. Over 71% of all companies regularly or consistently use agile methodologies. So, if you are waiting to usher in the agile movement into your organization and reap its benefits, then hiring a PMI-ACP certified professional is your best bet."
Price: 19.99

"PMP - Project Management Professional Exam 2020" |
"Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is the most distinguished professional qualification for project managers. Offered by Project Management Institute (PMI), the PMP certification is acquired after successfully completing the exam which is based on the Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guide)Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017. If, as a project manager, you seek to enhance your career opportunities, then this is the right certification for you.The PMP certification is a validation of your skills and expertise in handling demanding projects that are resource and time intensive and span geographies and cultures. The certification will turn you into an exemplary project manager who can ensure completion of the project on time and within budget, meet requirements, and keep customers and team members happy. Knowledge Huts course on PMP prepares you for the certification through an intensive session of theory and practicals.Enrol now and enhance your competence and knowledge in Project management best practices. This prep course is aligned to the exam."
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Certified Marketing & Sales Cloud Consultant 2020" |
"The Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have hands-on experience implementing Marketing Cloud Email Studio, Journey Builder, Automation Studio, Content Builder, Contact Builder, and Marketing Cloud Connect.This practice test is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification exam.Candidates should be able to set up and implement the tools in Salesforce Marketing Cloud effectively, providing solutions to execute both tactical and strategic email campaigns.Enhance your certification score. If you're not sure whether you're ready to take any certification exam, practice tests will help you test your knowledge. If you're finding something you don't know, you can study on that area a bit more. Use the tests in practice to refine your understanding of the subject.The best part is that you can study until the test, and your score on the actual certification exam will not be negatively affected. That means you can take as many practical tests as you like, so you can practice the actual test for several days before.In this way, even when you can not figure out the questions yourself, you will test your knowledge.Scenario based exam questions for Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant Certification,Even if you're working at a top company, you're going to want to keep your score on certification. Especially if you want to go for a higher level position it is important for your job search. When you're looking for new jobs, people will screen your CV with certifications a little bit.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each subject area, ask yourself practical questions and answers, and make sure you're ready to take the certification.The practice test have been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification exam.The objective of the practice exam is to allow the candidate to identify risks related to the subjects of the exam and to be able to recognize them when analyzing a real practice scenario.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your test results are immediately available while you remain focused on the results of your exam. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Life Time Access to practice tests to try as many times as possible until you have mastered the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make correctionsApplicants will need to ensure that they are able to complete the full examination of the practice and pass all multiple-choice tests of a general nature.Lessons and TopicsThe Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant exam measures a candidates knowledge and skills related to the following objectives. A candidate should have hands-on experience with the Marketing Cloud Email application and demonstrate the knowledge and expertise in each of the areas below.Discovery: 15%Conceptual Design: 12%Marketing Cloud Connect: 6%Account Configuration: 10%Reporting: 5%Data Design: 12%Automation: 8%Email Build: 7%Contact Builder: 15%Journey Builder: 10%The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification will help you rise above the competition and become very marketable, especially to Salesforce Partner companies. Salesforce's most popular cloud solution is the Sales Cloud, and that is why I have selected this particular Consultant certification as the first one that I have created a course for.NOTE: The Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Certification has a pre-requisite that you be certified as a Salesforce Administrator. If you do not already have the Administrator certification, I encourage you to enroll in my Administrator Certification course and Administrator Practice Tests Course to attain that certification first, before attempting this one.This course covers every core concept and fundamental that is on the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant certification exam.This course is designed to follow the structure and sequence of Salesforce's official Exam Guide for this certification. I have devoted a section of the course to correspond with the 10 sections of the exam guide, which include:Salesforce Industry KnowledgeSalesforce Implementation StrategiesSalesforce Sales Cloud Solution DesignSalesforce Marketing and LeadsSalesforce Account and Contact ManagementSalesforce Opportunity ManagementSalesforce Sales ProductivitySalesforce Communities and Site ManagementSalesforce Sales Cloud AnalyticsSalesforce Integration and Data ManagementI have 6 Salesforce Certifications, including this one. This particular certification extends the base knowledge you acquired in the Admin certification and you will become very familiar with the Sales Cloud. This course covers such things as Quotes, CPQ, Orders, Assets, Work, Data, Sites, Quip, Einstein Lead Scoring, Path (formerly Sales Path), and much, much more."
Price: 19.99

"Professional Scrum Master (PSM II) Test 2020" |
"Scrum is a process of continuous improvement and evolution. Scrum Masters need to keep upgrading their skills to stay relevant and on top of their game. The Professional Scrum Master II TM (PSM II) is a new credential offered by Scrum that is a reflection of the holders extensive knowledge of Scrum framework. The difference between PSM II and Scrum s Professional Scrum Master TM (PSM) is that the PSM course focuses on how to use Scrum, the Scrum framework and the role of the Scrum Master, while PSM II is an advanced course to help students improve their Scrum Master skills to support their Scrum Teams and to understand the stances that characterize an effective Scrum Master and servant-leader while diving deep into how they serve the Development Team, Product Owner and organization.Knowledge Huts new 2-day advanced PSM II course helps Scrum Masters gain the PSM II credential and also develop new skills and enhance their existing ones. The course is specifically designed for experienced Scrum Masters who have a thorough understanding of the Scrum framework. The course teaches students about related practices and skills to enable them to have the right types of conversations and how to apply them to become better Scrum Masters.It is particularly beneficial for those people with at least one year of Scrum Master experience. Conducted by experienced and certified instructors, this course will help you aim for a first time pass of the intensive exam and gain the skills to get ahead of the crowd."
Price: 19.99

"Six Sigma Green Belt Certification (IASSC & LSSGB) 2020" |
"SIX SIGMA GREEN BELTIn order to survive in todays competitive markets, organizations strive to eliminate wastage and improve efficiency of processes. Lean Six Sigma Green Belts are paraprofessionals who have been trained on the Lean Six Sigma improvement methodology. They have the expertise to lead or support improvement initiatives within the organization and work on a data-driven approach to eliminate defects and improve processes in the organisation. The Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate Program focuses on creating a mindset and culture shift that eliminates wastage of time and resources, and replaces the methods used in traditional contexts with a set of tools that produce near-perfect results.These certified professionals work to support, or under the supervision of a Six Sigma Black Belt. The Six Sigma Green Belt certification will give you the credibility to bring about organizational changes and realize your potential as a dynamic change leader. As a Six Sigma professional, you will work on continual quality improvement by analyzing and solving quality problems, and strive to create a high performance organization.Six Sigma (or 6 sigma) is a well-known methodology that has helped organizations throughout the world cut costs and improve service to their consumers by making production efficient and integrating the customers demand in the provided products and services.Six Sigma knowledge is often cited as a prerequisite for applying to many job vacancies in IT, health care, supply chain consultancy, manufacturing, engineering, banking etc. Furthermore, recent surveys have shown that those who have Six Sigma skills, depending on their industry, earn 20-30% more than their peers who do not possess those skills.Six Sigma proficiency is categorized in belt colors. Green belt holders are assumed to master the core Six Sigma techniques and are a valuable asset to organizations that strive to increase profits, reduce costs and offer consistent, customer-centered service."
Price: 19.99

"Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification (ICYB & LSSYB) 2020" |
"Lean Six Sigma is an improvement methodology that effectively combines the principles and practices of Lean and Six Sigma. Six Sigma methodology identifies and removes the basic causes of error in any business process. It aims at minimizing variability and eliminating marginal methods that are used in traditional contexts. Lean is a collection of tools and techniques that reduce wastage and minimise the time required to complete a production or service cycle. By combining the two ideas, organisations can improve quality, cut costs and increase speed dramatically.Certified Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belts can work as a team member in a Six Sigma Project Team. They are responsible for monitoring and evaluating work progress and process enhancements. They work to support, or under the supervision of a Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt. Six Sigma certified professionals work on continual quality improvement by analyzing and solving quality problems, and creating a high performance organization."
Price: 19.99

"SPLK-1003 Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin 2020" |
"The Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin exam is the final step towards the completion of the Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin certification. This upper-level certification exam is a 57-minute, 63-question assessment that evaluates a candidates knowledge and skills to manage various components of Splunk on a daily basis, including the health of the Splunk installation. Candidates can expect an additional 3 minutes to review the exam agreement, for a total seat time of 60 minutes.It is recommended that candidates for this certification complete the lecture, hands-on labs, and quizzes that are part of the Splunk Enterprise System Administration and Splunk Enterprise Data Administration courses in order to be prepared for the certification exam. Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin is a required prerequisite to the Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect and Splunk Certified Developer certification tracks. The Splunk Enterprise System Administration course focuses on administrators who manage a Splunk Enterprise environment.Topics include1.0 Splunk Admin Basics 5%2.0 License Management 5%3.0 Splunk Configuration Files 5%4.0 Splunk Indexes 10%5.0 Splunk User Management 5%6.0 Splunk Authentication Management 5%7.0 Getting Data In 5%8.0 Distributed Search 10%9.0 Getting Data In Staging 5%10.0 Configuring Forwarders 5%11.0 Forwarder Management 10%12.0 Monitor Inputs 5%13.0 Network and Scripted Inputs 5%14.0 Agentless Inputs 5%15.0 Fine-Tuning Inputs 5%16.0 Parsing Phase and Data 5%17.0 Manipulating Raw Data 5%"
Price: 19.99

"Overcoming the ""I Should Be"" Syndrome" |
"Live life in a more uplifting and empowering wayReconnect to your heart and experience:Access to the part of you who can see life full of wonder and curiosityGreater understanding of how your subconscious mind keeps you safe but stuckMore awareness of how procrastination, guilt, and self-sabotage impact us and how to overcome themEach weekly loving lesson during the course of the 9 weeks is 20-30 minutes and includes a 5 minute guided heart-centering meditation.This one-of-a-kind course also has experiential learning exercises and heart healing songs so you can connect to your spirit in fun and uplifting ways!It's time to be unapologetically you!"
Price: 24.99

"Amatr Denizci Belgesi (ADB) Snavna Hazrlk Testleri" |
"Bu kurs, Amatr Denizcilik ile ilgili bilgisini snamak isteyenler veya Amatr Denizci Belgesi (ADB) Snav'na girmeden nce pratik yapmak isteyenler iin oluturulmutur. 5 konu bazl test ve bir deneme snav iermektedir. Konu Testleri:Denizcilik Terimleri: Teknenin kesitleri, temel blmleri, motorlu ve yelkenli tekne donanmlar, ynler, ynle ilgili terimler, halatlar ve balar gibi temel denizcilik kavramlar ilgili 100 soruAcil Durumlar & lk Yardm: Deniz kazalarn nleme unsurlar, deniz kazalar (denizde atma, denize adam dmesi, teknenin karaya oturmas, yangn vb), kaza sonras yaplmas gerekenler, can kurtarma aralar ve ilk yardm gibi konularla ilgili 60 soruMeteoroloji & Navigasyon: Meteoroloji ile ilgili 35 soru, navigasyon (seyir) ile ilgili 45 soru, toplamda 80 soruDenizde atmay nleme & Deniz Hukuku: Uluslararas deniz hukuku, denizde trafik dzeni ve kurallar, denizde atmay nleme unsurlar gibi konularla ilgili 60 soru Motor & Elektrik: Teknelerdeki motor ve elektrik sistemleri ve dikkat edilmesi gereken temel unsurlarla ilgili 30 soru iermektedir. Deneme Snav: Konu testlerinde yer alan tm konular kapsayacak ekilde 100 soru iermektedir.Tarihe: 2009 ylnda amatr denizcilie merak saldm. O dnemlerde bu alanda pek bir kaynak olmadn grnce bu testlerin ilk versiyonunu hazrlayp kiisel web sitemden paylamaya baladm. Daha sonra Austos 2012'de amatr denizciler iin bir paylam ve renme platformu olmas amacyla ""e-denizci"" platformunu kurdum. 12.700n stnde yeye ulaan platformu zamanszlk sebebiyle Ocak 2020 itibariyle tasfiye ettim. imdiye kadar binlerce amatr denizciye ADB almak iin katk salayan hazrlk testlerini ise 15 Austos 2020 tarihi itibariyle Udemy'ye tadm.nemli Not: Bu kurs iin deyeceiniz cret (daha nce ""e-denizci""de de olduu gibi) Trk Eitim Vakf ODT Burs Fonuna aktarlacaktr. "
Price: 24.99

"Sign Language For Beginners" |
"This course will teach you the basics necessary to begin your sign language journey. By the end of this course, you will be able to function in a conversation using sign language. You will also have the ability to ask and answer questions. I hope to grow every student's knowledge and understanding of the language."
Price: 19.99

"VCP - Desktop & Mobility 2020 ( 2V0-51.19 / 2V0-51.20 )" |
"This Practice test helps those who are preparing to take the VMware Certified Professional - Desktop and Mobility 2020 (2V0-51.19 / 2V0-51.20 ). This better prepares the student and trains him in studies and preparation. With these questions, students live a idea about the exam.Note:This practice test aims to help students and may have questions and incorrect answers"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Python for Beginners" |
"**Includes exercises and a Python Project!**If you need to get a better tool for handling data, its time you got to know Python, and this Python for Beginners course is the perfect place to start.Python is one of the most popular languages for data analysis and business intelligence. In this introductory course, we assume no prior knowledge and guide you through getting set up and started.With practice exercises and a full end of course project to complete, youll quickly get to grips with this powerful programming language.In this course, you will learn:The basic data types in Python - Strings, Integers, Floats, and BooleanAll about Pythons built-in functionsHow Variables and Functions work in PythonHow to debug errors in PythonAll about Python KeywordsHow to use IF-Else Statements in PythonAll about storing complex data, including Lists and DictionariesAll about Python Modules and how to install themHow to install Python locallyHow to write your first script in PythonTo complete your first Python projectThis course includes:6 hours of video tutorials67 individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedA Python project at the end of the course to implement what you have learnedCertificate of completionDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 99.99

"Domain Flipping 2020: Buy, Flip and Sell & Profit" |
"Domain Flipping 2020: Buy, Flip and Sell & ProfitBrand new fresh for 2020 did you know you can start making serious money flipping websites and a cost sometimes as little as $0.99 a year! Not only this is great business to get into if you want to learn about entrepreneurship if it also great to secure a great domain name for your future business. My classes skip most of the theory, slides and boring voice overs and focus what really matters the most hands on learning and how to get business done fast without all that extra flop and bullshit you find all over the internet. Take your business to the next level with picking the right domain name that will be valued so much more learn how find best domain name for your business. Do not enroll if you hoping to get rich fast although you can make thousands of dollars doing exactly what I teach not everyone can learn at same speed and ideally you want to use that domain name for your business so you can eventually sell it for a very good profit. Course HighlightsLearn to flip a domain fast and easyTools to find trending websites ideasFind cheap quality name domains to flipDetermine value of domain before buyingBuy & Sell & Profit with Domain TradingHow to pick best names to flip for profitProfit online with flipping websitePark your domain and get paidShould you list or auction?This class is all you need in order to get started. It is explained easy, I show you how it is done and best of all if I can do it anyone can. This class is simplified and I only include all you need to do this. See for yourself why thousands of students enrolled in my classes. If you want to learn starting this simple yet very effective method to get extra money online make sure to enroll in this course today.************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 250,000+ students in total. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith enrollment you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of."
Price: 199.99

"How To Create Your Own Vision Quest And 'See' With Clarity" |
"The year is 2020. Are you ready for 2020 Vision?...It is time to 'see' with crystal clarity what you need to see, beyond the veil of illusion...It is a said that every man and woman should go on a quest once in their lives.However, the only one true quest, is the journey within into self discovery, of who you really are.Our true identity has become hidden behind layers upon layers of conditioning from external sources.We are told who we are, what we should say, what we should do, even what we should think.How can we ever be free, until we unpack these layers of conditioning from our authority figures, particularly from those inherited during our formative year in childhood, and from our many cultural influences, for example, our national identity.Through life often we add more layers to this complex of self identity that we might call the ego, rather than find our way back home to our true self.Many of these conditioned thoughts, perceptions and ways of being are nothing to do with who we really are, and actually hinder our progress.We need to unpick all of our negative beliefs, thought patterns and behaviours which are rooted in fear, if we truly want to be free, and choose a life of personal sovereignty and empowerment. We need to reclaim our mind from the past, so that we can discover who we are, and choose how to think, how to feel, how to see the world again in a fresh way, full of wonder and delight. In other words a complete personal transformation!Not the tired, worn our cynicism, bitterness, resentment and regret etc. that can accumulate over time, if we do not take the time to investigate these negative patterns.Now is the time for you to take this opportunity to sit with yourself, and take responsibility for your life, and free yourself from the pain that can be no longer ignored. This pain is made up of all the things that you have been repressed deep into your unconscious shadow, and has accumulated stuck and stagnant energy in your body. This leads to feelings of depression, anxiety, inertia and apathy etc.In days you have the potential to do what would take years of psychotherapy.In this course you will learn the keys to vanquishing all of your fears, doubts and worries.These keys, such as vigilance, will grant you access to inner freedom, by seeing what you need to see, what fears are standing in the way, and how to move beyond them.You will learn the exact same tools and techniques, such as the form of meditations, that I myself have learned to to dispel my core misidentifications, attachments and all mental illusions. These familiar and habitual thought patterns are getting in the way of the contentment of being established in your true identity. For me, my core unconscious belief was around feeling that there was something wrong, that I had done something wrong, and that there was something wrong with me. Once I exposed this, and healed this, I was able to root myself into being my true self, my spiritual nature, and you can do the same.You will learn everything you need to know to access your inner shaman (I believe we are all a shamanic people with collective amnesia) and give you the courage, and power to go out there deep into the wild, and face your demons once and for all.Once you reclaim your sovereignty, and discover who you are, then you clear the path ahead to know where you need to focus your attention going forward i.e. you discover your destiny.Intention is everything, as everything exists and happens for a reason, you have a hidden purpose waiting to be clarified. It is time to open your eyes, and 'see' again. It is time to wake up! It is time for you to Create Your Own Vision Quest!...No time for postponement, now is the moment to act...You are the hero that you have been waiting for!Enrol Now!...See you in the course...MarkMark T.J KeaneBSc (Hons) Degree in Psychology and PhilosophyAccredited Kundalini Yoga teacher with 3HO, since 2005Accredited Kundalini Dance teacher, since 2005"
Price: 149.99
