"Practical Steps to Forgiveness" |
"If you have been struggling with an issue of Offense, a series of Offenses OR you just find that you are generally an Unforgiving Person...this course is for you!By examining information and doing exercises, you will gain a thorough understanding of 'Forgiveness'; and by walking through the thought-provoking questions, you will deal with your individual issue(s) and overcome them. Gain the freedom that comes from releasing offenses and becoming a forgiving person. Coach D"
Price: 34.99

"CLO-002 : CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ Certification Exams Test" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ (CLO-002) certification exam ?CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ certification is designed for business professionals and non-IT experts who aspire to perceive the basics and practical segments of cloud computing technology and how the cloud affects a business.CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ validates the candidate has the knowledge and skills required to make clear and conscious decisions about cloud technologies and their business impact by evaluating business use cases, financial impacts, cloud technologies and deployment models with knowledge of cloud computing.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : Cloud ConceptsBusiness Principles of Cloud EnvironmentsManagement and Technical OperationsGovernance, Risk, Compliance and Security for the Cloud"
Price: 19.99

"Build A Course Like A Pro" |
"This course planner will provide you with an easy tool to build out interactive courses in less time. Interactive learning makes it easier for learners to connect with course content at various touchpoints, reflect on what is being taught and understand it well, and eventually, retain and apply the knowledge better."
Price: 29.99

"Linux Foundation System Administrator Practice Exams" |
"Included in this LFCS Linux Foundation System Administrator Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real LFCS Linux Foundation System Administrator Test- Detailed explanation of answersISTQB Automotive Software Tester Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 150+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 150 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"98-365 MTA Server Administration Fundamentals Practice exams" |
"Included in this 98-365 MTA Server Administration Fundamentals Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real 98-365 MTA Server Administration Fundamentals Test- Detailed explanation of answersISTQB Automotive Software Tester Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 100+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 50 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a phpMyAdmin" |
"En este curso, aprenders a crear bases de datos as como administrarlas.... desde la generacin de tablas hasta la obtencin de resultados uniendo las mismas. Revisaremos como agregar datos, editarlos, borrarlos. Importaremos columnas desde un archivo de EXCEL y exportaremos en formatos que pueda leer cualquier hoja de clculo. No solo haremos consultas desde phpMyAdmin sino tambin haremos algunos ejercicios escribiendo un poco de cdigo PHP. Instalaremos bootstrap para tener un diseo limpio en la consulta de resultados."
Price: 19.99

30-takaikoe |
Price: 19800.00

"Practice for Prelims" |
"Unlock Prelims is a unique initiative, which integrates both prelims and mains preparation. It is one stop solution for your IAS dream. Unlock Prelims adds tremendous value to your preparation whether it is Daily Mapping, Daily Constitution, Daily Facts, Daily Mains Mantra, or important topics of the day from each segment i.e. GS 1, GS 2, GS 3 or GS 4. Surrendering to a daily practice yields benefits beyond the mastery of your craft."
Price: 1280.00

"Trello for Beginners" |
"Are you looking for a great project management tool that can take your organization skills to new levels? Would you like to learn Trello essentials in a creative way to get up & running on Trello quickly? If you answered ""Yes"" to any of these questions, this course is for YOU!This course is for beginners that are looking for a fun & engaging way to learn Trello foundational skills to help you get started quickly using Trello for your own projects. In addition to learning a new skill, you will also learn how to leverage Trello's technology to create a digital vision board.Not only is this course packed with great tips, but it also includes a supporting demo for each new skill that you will learn. You can take this course at your own pace. Play & pause the demos so that you can follow along while also taking the action steps in your own browser as well.This course includes:Creating a Trello BoardPublic vs. Private Trello BoardsTrello Board: TeamsTrello Lists & CardsImages & Labels in TrelloTrello Board: Watch FeatureDue Dates & ChecklistsSearch/FilterPower-Ups The project planning & organizational uses of Trello are endless!Dont wait any longer. Go ahead & click the button to enroll in this course - You will enjoy it.Im excited to guide you as you learn Trello!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Tar Teraputico" |
"O curso bsico de Tar Teraputico tem o objetivo de apresentar o mundo das cartas, apontando caminhos para o autoconhecimento, por meio de tcnicas e saberes importantes para a formao de um tarlogo.As aulas so oferecidas por plataforma online, com tutoria e apoio didtico.O curso tem como facilitadora a professora Michelle Aranda Facchin, Doutora em Letras e estudiosa de Esoterismo."
Price: 69.99

"Como Posicionar Blogger de Nicho no Google Organicamente" |
"Para conquistar posicionamento orgnico no Google preciso entender como esse mecanismo avalia o seu contedo. Seu contedo avaliado pela relevncia que ele tem, de acordo com o comportamento adotado pelo seu pblico alvo. Porm, no voc quem determina o quanto seu contedo relevante, mas sim a inteligncia artificial por trs desse mecanismo de busca e pesquisa.O que vou compartilhar aqui o resultado de 10 anos de trabalho, construindo e posicionando blogs e sites de nicho no Google. Vou mostrar a estratgia que desenvolvi estudando esse mecanismo.Depois de criar centenas de projetos eu pude perceber que alguns fatores de ranqueamento no mudam e so estes os mais relevantes para os mecanismos de busca.E so esses fatores chaves de ranqueamento que vou mostrar neste curso, de forma breve e objetiva."
Price: 84.99

"Adobe InDesign CC: Beginners Workshop Essentials" |
"Adobe InDesign CC: The World's Leading Layout Design SoftwareIf you want to learn how to create your own amazing Marketing materials like flyers, brochures, Newsletters, posters, business cards, reports.. Then Adobe InDesign is the software for you! This InDesign CC : Beginners Workshop Essentials Course is a hands-on approach to learning the software. We will cover all the necessary essentials followed by fine-tuning our newly acquired InDesign skills through exercises.We will create 4 Practice Documents:1. A Flyer2. A Magazine Article3. A Magazine Advertisement4. A BrochureThe InDesign Interface can look overwhelming and scary at first, but not to worry this will change within the first 5 minutes of this course!I have pre-prepared all the Free Templates, Files & Fonts for you to keep editing! You will also receive a free downloadable Cheat Sheet that is yours to keep. I am going to give you lots of design tricks and shortcuts to smoothen your InDesign experience.This course is aimed at complete novices, so don't worry you don't need to have any prior InDesign knowledge!Are you ready to commence your journey into the world of being a designer?"
Price: 34.99

"Python 3: Beginners Guide to Python Programming" |
"Learn how to program in Python 3 and become an expert. This course will help you improve your programming skills by providing assessments at the end of each lecture and also practice python programs for self assessment and become a confident programmer. This course is also good for college and school students who are interested in learning programming in any language. Python programming is the best bet for them.After completing this course: You should be able to confidently write your own python programs with great confidence Confidently jump is specialized areas of python like Neural Networks, Machine Learning, data Visualization, Web Development etc"
Price: 19.99

"Bookkeeping & Accounting step by step Complete Course." |
"This course is for those who want to become Accountant after completion of this course you will be able to work as accountant in any organization and this course is also very useful for those who want to make some passive income as freelancer jobs from sites such as Fiver, Up work, so on...In this course you will learn Basic terms of Accounting.Like: Asset Liabilities.Expense's.income and revenue.Debit and Credit (Golden Rules)Accounting Cycle.Account ReceivableAccount Payable.And learn practical Accountant work that how to keep and maintain every day Business Transactions.as Manually and as in Computerized Accounting software's. Like:Purchase invoices.Purchase return.Sale invoices.Sale return.Payments.Receipts.Payroll/Salaries.Investments.Rents.Utility bills..... etc.How enter these transactions into General Journal.how to Post these entries into Ledgers.How to create Trail Balance.How to prepare Income-Statement and Balance Sheet of the Business.In the last you will learn that how to keep records of business transactions into Computerized Accounting Software.Like:How to create New Company.How to create New Vendors and New Customers Accounts.How to create and manage Inventory/Stock.... Etc."
Price: 19.99

"Exercitando Fsica (Cincias da Natureza -ENEM)" |
"Praticar exerccios de cincias da Natureza(Fsica) atravs de simulados,com o objetivo de aumentar s possibilidades de aprovao. Cronograma:Simulado I (15 de Fsica)Cinemtica: MRU, MRUVDinmica: Leis de NewtonEnergia Mecnica: Trabalho, Potncia e Energia McanicaTermologia: Temperatura, Dilatao, Escalas TermomtricasTermodinmica: 1 e 2 LeiSimulado II (15 de Fsica)ptica (Reflexo,Refrao, Espelhos,Lentes, viso)OndulatriaEletrosttica: Fora , Potencial EltricoEletrodinmica: Leis de OHM, Circuitos EltricosEletromagnetismo"
Price: 39.99

"Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching Course" |
"So you want to be a holistic health coach? You want to set yourself apart from others and become a holistic wellness expert? You have a passion to help others? To make this world a healthier place without drugs, fad diets, or crazy workout routines? You want a rewarding career with a six-figure income potential? Theres just one problem: you dont have the right training or credentials, right? Dont let that stop you. Because if youre serious about making a difference in this world, if you want to take your career to a whole new level, then you can get there by taking this course. Health coaches are in high demand, and Im not just talking about companies looking for employee; Im talking about people, Im talking about individuals looking for coaches. The name of the game is change. Its all about inner transformation, and people are looking for experts that can help them get there. People need help. They need a health coach that can teach them, coach them, motivate them and inspire them, and they are more than willing to pay for it. Yes, people are willing to pay you to coach them and help them transform their lives. Are you up for that challenge? Whats even more rewarding, is that In most cases, when you become someones coach, you become their coach for months, years, or even a lifetime. If youre good, theyll keep referring you to their friends, fans, and other potential clients. Youll keep getting referrals without even having to lift a finger. More than ever before, people are looking for ways to be healthier and stronger, without using drugs, and you can be there for them. You can be their holistic wellness coach and help them transform their lives.Heres a question: with all the doctors and specialists, with all the trillions of dollars that are spent on healthcare today, why would anyone need you? Right? The answer is: because medicine is impersonal and one-sided. Doctors are trained to treat your illness, not to coach you.Ever wonder why, even though healthcare is growing so enormously, we are still not any healthier? In fact, we are facing an ever-growing epidemic of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. Why? Because medicine studies disease, not health and wellbeing. After working in healthcare for 20 years, after thousands and thousands of surgeries, after teaching so many medical students and postdoctoral residents in world class hospitals and teaching institutions, I learned that lesson firsthand the hard way. Thats right, when it comes to health and healing, doctors focus on treating the disease with surgery and medicine, but the health and wellness coach focuses on setting goals, changing the mindset, and creating a plan to transform the health and wellbeing of the client. A health coach inspires, motivates, and holds the client accountable. What will distinguish you though, from the rest of the pack, is that you will accomplish all these steps, but with a holistic approach. Youre not just there to set goals and hold your clients accountable for their progress. Youre there to help vitalize and nourish the whole person. That includes the mind, body, and soul. A health coach can get a corporate job and make 50 to 70 thousand dollars a year, but with this course, you can be your own boss, work from home, set your own hours, and potentially earn a six-figure income or more, helping your private clients. After years of research, after studying the lives and writings of some of the greatest minds on this topic, after writing a book and producing a health documentary, Ive learned what it takes to be healthy. I guess some people are just naturally healthy. May be they are lucky. But for the rest of us, being healthy has very little to do with luck. Being healthy is a process anyone can learn. You just need to have access to the right information. It took me years of hard work to condense decades of experience and insight into this short course, so you can apply and teach the hard-earned lessons the easy way, with confidence. As an Ivy League-trained doctor, a teacher and healer, I want to share all these secrets with you in this course. Its all about learning the scientific concept of health and healing from a spiritual point of view. Its all about learning to understand and navigate the mysteries that govern the human body. Chances are, the journey Im about to take you on is going to blow you away, because youve probably never seen or heard anything like it! But dont worry, once you get started, itll all make sense.So lets get started.Lets start with an outline of what you are about to learn. Lets go"
Price: 159.99

"Travel! The Ultimate Crash Course to Living on the Road" |
"How to Lead a Life of Travel and Adventure while Living in a Car, Van or RV. Learn How You Can Get Out of Debt, Travel and Find True Freedom!There are 3 main reasons you might be interested in living on the road: 1) You're being forced into it by a bad economy, divorce, or unemployment, or 2) The ""American Dream"" has become a nightmare for you and you are tired of the rat race.3) It is something you have always thought about doing and you are now ready to see if it is the right lifestyle for you! Additionally, you might just love to travel and camp and be out on the open roadWhatever your reason, this class will tell you everything you need to make it the best possible experience it can be. We'll cover details like: which vehicle to live in and how to find it, where to park, staying clean, going to the bathroom, how to cook in a van, get out of debt, get a job, survive any bad economy, travel on a budget, how to get your mail, how to stay comfortable in the heat and cold, how to get electrical power, choose a solar option and so much more.You may be asking yourself, does this guy know what he is talking about? That fact that I've been living in a vehicle for over 18 years should ease your mind. But you can find out for yourself by going to my website and YouTube Channel to see if I have information you may want: cheaprvliving website and the CheapRVLiving YouTube Channel.My concern isn't that I've given you too little information, but too MUCH! I hope I don't overwhelm you with it all. I tried to remember back to my first few months living in van, and answer every question you may have. I think I have, but let me assure you that if anything isn't clear I will do everything in my power to make it clear to you by answering your comments for each of the videos.Let me apologize for the long length of the class. I know it is very detailed and longer then most Skill Share classes. I wanted to give all of my expertise in one place. So that you can easily make a wonderful life for yourself on the road and be assured you have all of the tools you need.What I am, is a guy with a huge passion for van life and a strong sense of empathy for anyone trapped in our society who wants to break out. I'm also a guy who, in the last 18 years, has made just about every possible mistake pertaining to living in a vehicle and would like to help you avoid them. By dogged persistence, and lots of study on the Internet, I have learned how to make my life as a vandweller into a wonderful life I want to share that with you.""Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.""Billy CoxIn this class, you will learn:Class 1 IntroductionClass 2 Class Project DetailsClass 3 How Do I Make Money on the Road?Class 4 Dealing with FearsClass 5 How to Get Rid of Your StuffClass 6 The Three Types of CampingClass 7 Which Type of Vehicle to ChooseClass 8 How to Find Boon Docking and RV ParksClass 9 Stealth ParkingClass 10 Should I Do an Interior Van Build?Class 11 How Do I Cook in a Vehicle?Class 12 All About Bathroom and HygieneClass 13 Creating the Living Room and BedroomClass 14 How to Find a Job on the RoadClass 15 Where Do I Get My Mail?Class 16 How Do I Get Solar and Electricity?Class 17 Dealing with Heat and ColdClass 18 How Do I Get Internet?Class 19 Closing"
Price: 19.99

pcwfrpoa |
". , . . . . , !"
Price: 49.99

"Learn how to draw anything : Art for Kids" |
"This course may be just what you are looking for to explore different drawing techniques and subjects, and help grow your child as an artist! Designed with beginners in mind, this drawing course is perfect for children ages 7+. With a total of 12 fun and unique art projects, from Portraits, Birds, Animals, Architecture, trees and Vehicles, your child will learn the skills and techniques to draw and create masterpieces of their own long after the course is complete."
Price: 19.99

"Draw informationFace drawing: Here we draw the main shapes of a girl face with divisions. Discover the proportions with the guidelines and complete the drawing with details of the face, step by step. With these proportions you can draw any face.PerspectiveDo you want to learn realistic drawing with perspective? You need to know these perspective rules to draw. We have three types of perspectives in drawing: One point perspective. Where are the escape points? What is the horizon line? This type is suitable for landscaping and interior design. But with a simple cube we understand perspective.Two-point perspective Realistic drawing of different volumes such as a cube with two vanishing points and a horizon line. How do levels change in perspective? In this course you can imagine looking at the volumes from above.And a three-point perspective: Where should the triple vanishing points and the horizon line is drawn? To draw the city from top, we see three vanishing points from above. What examples can be practiced for perspectives?Contour drawingUse different techniques to draw simple objects, even an apple. Recognize the lines and find main shapes. Once you have practiced the value of the line, you can draw any shape. Flying bird or human figure or objects.In this course find the proportions with different measurement techniques. Width, height, or sloping angles.Light and shadow. By finding the light source and knowing the laws of lighting and shadows, you can shade your drawings. Cast shadows, light radiation, dynamic shadows and highlights.You can find the value of shadows with the template. Shade the apple with these degrees of gradient values.Do you know about the textures? There is a simple way to draw the body skin of animals.How to use colors? What is color saturation and purity? What is the effect of color on light and shadow?What are the main shapes and volumes and how to use them in drawing?What is a hyper realistic drawing? It is detail drawing and contrast.Get to know the composition of your drawing with Steel Life. Here and in this course you will learn all the drawing information."
Price: 34.99

"Crie uma Fbrica Animada com Cinema 4D & After Effects" |
"Este curso no patrocinado por ou afiliado Udemy, Inc.Aprenda a criar uma Fbrica Animada em Cinema 4D e After Effects para Campanhas Publicitrias!Este curso so para amantes de 3D e animao, designers que queiram aprimorar o seu conhecimento para criaes de campanhas publicitrias para grandes empresas.Neste curso voc no precisa ter conhecimentos na ferramenta, pois voltado para iniciantes do mundo 3D, e a todos que queiram dominar o Cinema 4D em modelagem e animao, e o After Effects em ps produo.O que voc vai aprender com este curso:- Modelar, Animar, Criar Texturas, Renderizar e Iluminar no Cinema 4D, alm de aprender como fazer uma Ps Produo profissional para entregar o seu cliente um timo projeto finalizado.So 7h30 de curso com 29 aulas com acesso ilimitado."
Price: 54.99

"SAP Crystal Reports - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Ol, bem-vindo ao Crystal Reports 2008-2020 -Do Bsico ao Avanado.Neste curso, veremos o SAP Crystal Reports desde com baixa-lo, instalo e como us-lo nas mais diversas funcionalidade que ele nos oferece.Este curso para todos os nveis, portanto, bom para iniciantes, mas tambm til se voc j o tiver usado anteriormente, talvez visualizando relatrios ou fazendo relatrios bsicos, e gostaria de melhorar suas habilidades.Voc no precisa ter o Crystal Reports no seu computador, pois antes de tudo instalaremos uma verso de teste do Crystal Reports gratuitamente, para que voc possa us-lo no seu computador gratuitamente por 30 dias. Desta forma, voc pode praticar com suas novas habilidades, experimentar seus prprios dados e criar seus prprios relatrios.Este curso esta dividido em 7 modulos e a cada modulo o conhecimento adquirido no curso vai ficando mais intenso e possibilitando a aprender novas possibilidade no uso do Crystal Reports. So eles: 1. Baixar e configurar o Crystal Reports e o ODBC. 2. Aprofundar, vamos criar o nosso primeiro relatrio, entender os padres do relatrio, inserir tabelas, adicionar campos ao relatrio,ordenar resultados,criar grupos e filtros bsicos. 3. Inserir e Formatar,vamos inserir linhas e caixa alm de imagens e formatar todos o relatrio entre campos e mdulos. 4. Parmetros, vamos criar parmetros, configurar e trabalhar com os parmetros criados. 5. Grfico, vamos criar grficos e configura-los e formata-los. 6. Sub Relatrio, vamos criar sub relatrio, configura-lo e criar vinculos com o relatrio principal. 7. Formulas, vamos criar formulas, trabalhar com funes de texto, matemticas, condicionais, calculos entre campos do relatrio, trabalhar com datas e somatrios.Tudo isso ser feito de forma clara e objetiva, para proporcionar ao aluno uma bom aprendizado.No final, voc ser capaz de desenvolver seus prprios relatrios e poder aplicar o seu conhecimento no seu trabalho ou no seus estudos. E h um Certificado de Concluso do curso disponvel se voc concluir o curso.Como criar relatrios de forma rpida e fcil. Para SAP Crystal Reports 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016 e 2020. "
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Hipnose Clnica" |
"O objetivo do nosso curso qualificar pessoas para atender utilizando a hipnoterapia como ferramenta principal em seus tratamentos teraputicos, esse curso voc aprender o Como fao para poder reconhecer e conhecer melhor o seu cliente j na primeira sesso, fazendo com que ele desperte toda a potencialidade que mora dentro dele. O objetivo fundamental do mtodo que voc aprenda a fazer uma avanada leitura dos mapas mentais do cliente para que possa utilizar a tcnica mais adequada, alcanando assim um resultado eficaz e slido."
Price: 204.99

"Excel VBA Programmierung - Einsteigerkurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie man Excel-Dateien in der Programmiersprache VBA weiterentwickeln und fr individuelle Bedrfnisse anpassen kann.Der Kurs ist rein praktisch orientiert und zeigt Schritt fr Schritt, wie man die grundlegenden Prinzipien der Programmiertechnik nutzen kann. Die Inhalte in den Abschnitten bauen aufeinander auf.In 7 Programmierbungen wirst du ben, das Gelernte selbst einsetzen zu knnen, um eigene Makros zu programmieren. Die Lsungen zu den Programmieraufgaben werden anschlieend natrlich auch besprochen.Die Codes der einzelnen Abschnitte gibt es auch zum Download als pdf-Dateien. Wenn du Anfnger bist, bringt es jedoch mehr, die Codes aus den Videos selbst mitzuschreiben, um ein eigenes Gefhl fr das Programmieren zu entwickeln und diese vielleicht auch an eigenen Ideen anwenden zu knnen. Denn Programmieren lernt man meiner Erfahrung nach nur durchs Programmieren.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa und viel Erfolg beim Coden!"
Price: 64.99

"A travs de Este curso podrs tener un Concepto Bsico y Amplio, en cuanto a Bioseguridad dentro de un Ambiente Laboral y de Trabajo Comun(Individuales, Comunes y Publicos).(para una mejor referencia te invito a revisar inicialmente el indice de contenido) ;)Con ejemplos audiovisuales, sin Lecturas Aburridas de Diapositivas. :)Organizacin Interna que se debe tener en nuestros Ambientes de Trabajo.Vdeos de Utilizacin correcta de EPP (Equipo de Proteccion Personal)Colocacin, Retiro, Reutilizacion de Barbijos, Guantes, en Funcin a su Material.Manejo y Recomendaciones de Productos Desinfectantes Mas Usados Aprobados por la EPA.Tips Audiovisuales y aplicables para Proteccin de Nuestros Materiales de Trabajo.Aplicacin de Limpieza y Desinfeccin de Cabinas internas de Vehculos y sus recomendaciones.Preguntas Frecuentes a la Hora de realizar un Correcto Limpiado.Aumento de Precauciones para casos especiales (Adultos Mayores, Embarazadas, Capacidades Diferentes)Que hacer ante un Caso Positivo Confirmado o Presuntivo.VERIFIQUE Y COMPARE SI SUS PROTOCOLOS DE BIOSEGURIDAD ACTUALES SON LOS MAS ADECUADOS.Podrs Reforzar tus conceptos que tenias de la enfermedad COVID-19 o Sars Cov 2, en cuanto a como protegertePodrs tener un aspecto nuevo de visin para aplicar normas de Bioseguridad en tu ambiente laboral.Basado en Articulos de Acceso libre de:Center for Desease Control and Prevention - CDCOccupational Safety and Health Administration - OSHAEnvironmental Protection Agency - EPANational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - NIOSH Organizacion Mundial de la Salud - OMSOrganizacion Panamericana de Salud - OPS y otros Artculos de Investigacin Adjuntados para una comparacin mas tcnica.Espero mi Trabajo de Sintesis Audiovisual sea de tu agrado, sin otro particular, ten un Excelente da! :)"
Price: 24.99

"How to design a Job Description !" |
"This course will help student / HR / Business owner to understand the importance of Job description and how this one document can help in finding a perfect resource in alignment to reporting manager expectation and managing the manpower of the company . This document plays a very important role for following people 1) Department Head / reporting manager : clarity of thoughts on what is expected, with what competencies and at what cost2) Recruiter : Shortlisting the right candidate and no wasting time 3) HR as department : efficiency in managing manpower cost and hiring correct resource in shortest of time possible"
Price: 1280.00

"Learning Process" |
"Learning Process is a course under How to study and not forget what you learned. It is a bridge between knowledge and ignorance. The day a man stop to learn, he will start to lose value. It's importance cannot be over-emphasized. The the challenges in learning and were thoroughly explained especially the power of human memory/brain."
Price: 19.99

"Wire Wrapping : Jewelry Making for Beginners" |
"If you are an art enthusiast, a modern-day Jewelry lover, or one of the rare individuals who appreciates finding beauty in the most humble things, then you are the one who will love Wire wrapped Jewelry Making. You will be able to infuse life with beautiful, unique one of a kind jewelry through this delightful technique of Wire wrapped jewelry making. This Wire Wrapping for beginners Course is a perfect first step towards your Wire Wrapping journey. Wire wrapping is one of the oldest methods of jewelry making, it does not require and heat of soldering. Nor does it require many tools or a specific work place. Wire wrapping just requires some motivation and the desire to explore your creativity (and a few tools and materials!!). We will explore wire wrapping to create most intricate and beautiful designs. This course focuses on creating a strong foundation for the students and teaches some of the most basic skills of wire wrapping. ------------- Enroll for this Course right now to start learning the beautiful art of Wire Wrapped Jewelry Making ---------------Wire wrapping is fun and addictive!! You will fall in love with wire wrapping by the end of this course. You will want to test your limits and explore the art to the fullest. It is one of the best Hobby you can have. After taking this course you will be able to create beautiful jewelry which you can wear yourself, gift to your loved ones and even create a small business to sell unique jewelry. In this course you will learn, - All you need to know about Wires, Tools, Stones and beads used for Wire wrapped Jewelry Making.- You will learn to handle the wire and create shapes using hands and tools. - You will learn different weaving techniques- You will create three unique pendants with each style of weaving. - In our main project of Creating Aurora pendant, you will create the frame to set a cabochon stone and using all the techniques learned throughout in the course you will be able to create this fairly complex Aurora pendant. - As part of the bonus lecture you will learn all about finishing and polishing your jewelry. By the end of this course you will be creating different and unique jewelry. This course is perfect for you if you are ,- Absolute beginner with no experience in jewelry making.- Beginner wire wrapping artists who are looking to experiment with various new styles.- Those who want to learn to weave on Multiple wires to create entire jewelry pieces.- All of you who want to take their jewelry making skills to the next level.---------------- Sign up for this course right now to start learning to create Wire wrapped Jewelry --------------------"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de desenho: Kawaii para iniciantes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender as noes bsicas de como desenhar seus prprios desenhos kawaii. O curso separado em 2 mdulos, no primeiro eu farei com vocs diversos desenhos passo a passo. Vou te ensinar tambm uma tcnica bsica de pintura. No segundo mdulo irei ensinar a vocs a desenhar sozinhos! Sem precisar que vocs imitem algum. Faremos isso pegando fotos de alimentos ou objetos reais, e a partir de ento, olhando para a referncia, vocs podero criar seus prprios desenhos fofos. Para ajudar vocs eu criei um material cheio de referncias de olhos e bocas kawaii, onde vocs podero recorrer para criarem os seus desenhos.Nesse curso vocs tero vrios materiais de download, exerccios para fazer e ainda por cima, no final de tudo, preparei um bnus para vocs! Esse curso foi pensado para criar em voc a habilidade de criar seus prprios kawaiis objetos e alimentos, mesmo que voc tenha quase nenhuma noo de desenho. Espero que aprendam muito!"
Price: 39.99

"Lder Z - Gerindo equipes do futuro" |
"O curso foi desenvolvido buscando agregar valor a lderes que querem trabalhar desenvolvendo seus liderados, mais especificamente, da Gerao Z (nascidos a partir de 1995). Os contedos so aplicados de forma objetiva, sempre com a proposio de exemplos baseados na experincia do instrutor. Constitui de:Mdulo I - Construo da equipe, 5 aulasTransio e treinamento: o que , e como conduzir a transio da sua equipe, de forma que vocs construam juntos os maiores desafios a serem atingidos.Desenvolvimento da equipe: como fazer sua equipe crescer a partir dos objetivos de desenvolvimento que sero definidos por voc e seu time.Propsito da equipe: o que , qual a importncia e como facilitar a construo desse propsito de forma intuitiva e engajadora. Definindo as metas: como definir e distribuir as metas no seu time de forma que motive as pessoas.Regras da equipe: qual a diferena entre no-negociveis e regras. Como definir e facilitar a construo com a sua equipe.Mdulo II - Acompanhamento de performance, 4 aulasAcompanhamento individual: quais so os tipos de acompanhamento individual, como e com que frequncia realizar cada um.Reunio de time: como conduzir uma reunio, como fazer isso de uma forma engajadora, quais os assuntos a tratar e como definir a frequncia das reunies de time.Feedback em equipe: O que , qual a importncia e como facilitar o feedback da sua equipe.Momentos de time: a forma de conectar seu time de uma forma estratgica e muito natural. Como organizar e realizar.Mdulo III - Fechamento da experincia, 3 aulasReporte de time: como reter o conhecimento na empresa. Aprenda a construir e facilitar o reporte.Reviso de desenvolvimento: como encerrar um perodo da equipe de forma que os membros tenham conscincia do seu desenvolvimento.Feedback final: como facilitar uma reunio de feedback final, para que o membro saia com uma boa perspectiva da empresa.Mdulo IV - Mdulo de explicao bnus, 4 aulasAulas de como utilizar: Planilhas de planejamento de transio, desenvolvimento de equipe, pautas de reunies e pesquisa de mensurao de comportamentos."
Price: 99.99

"Deep Dive Into The Breath: Seven Day Breath Challenge" |
"When we think about our health, we put most of our attention and focus on our physical well-being. We are normally up for a challenge whether it's cutting back foods that are no longer serving us or getting into shape. However, we never seem to consider the mental aspect of our health to work within ourselves to better understand our mind, thoughts, feelings and most of all, our breath as we tell ourselves 'we can't do it', that 'we don't have the time' or 'it won't make any difference'. So, take the challenge now and be more in control of your life so you can live with more flow and ease. Learn the tools to better manage stress and anxiety while learning to create more energy and calmness. Realise your true potential and use the power each one of us has which is our breath. You will gain the knowledge and fundamentals for better health, well-being and optimal living that works best for you by better utilising and activating the simplest one of the most important parts of your life."
Price: 19.99
