"Complex & Tough (PMP) Mock Tests - PMBOK 6th Edition" |
"You will find questions and test scenarios that really push your time management and thinking skills. You will find question papers with very specific objectives. Either a question paper will help you build your ITTO knowledge. Or, a question set will help you with formulas. In any case, you will NOT be bored and always on your toes!! PMP Exam is one of the toughest exams in the Project Management domain. These mock questions should help the aspirant in preparation. It is vital to choose the right mock.1) Read PMBOK thoroughly.2) Be well versed with pages 5-10-49 (5 process groups, 10 Knowledge Areas, 49 processes) from PMBOK-6.3) Download the PMBOK outline document from the PMI website and reading thoroughly.4) Know the functionality of all 33 project documents and its reference in the project life cycle.5) Smartly learn Tools and Techniques. There are 9 Data gathering tools, 27 Data analysis tools, and so on. Check its reference and usage in the project life cycle.6) Practice my set of mock questions.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites? All aspirants should read PMBOK6 at least twice before attempting this mock question set.Who this test is for: All PMP Aspirants who have read PMBOK6 at least onceNote: I am not a PMI Registered R.E.P. Their logo is their trademark and I am not claiming any affiliation."
Price: 19.99

Fotossntese |
"Neste curso vais aprender mais sobre os seres fotossintticos e as clulas constituintes destes seres.Alm disso, ser tambm abordada a sua importncia no ecossistema e, consequentemente a importncia da fotossntese.Durante o curso, vais ver as etapas da fotossntese, o local onde ocorrem e quais os produtos formados. Espero que no fim deste curso, a fotossntese faa sentido para ti e sejas um s nesta matria!"
Price: 19.99

"2020: Eine Webseite mit WordPress & Elementor Pro erstellen" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du mit WordPress und Elementor Pro Deine eigene Webseite zu erstellen und verstehst dabei alle wichtigen Funktionen von Elementor Pro. Ursprnglich wurde dieser Kurs fr die Einarbeitung neuer Mitarbeiter in unserer Agentur genutzt und bietet sich fr zwei Szenarien an:Du mchtest Deine erste eigene WordPress-Webseite mit Elementor Pro erstellen und bist AnfngerDu bist bereits fortgeschritten in der Erstellung von Webseiten, mchtest zuknftig aber auf WordPress bzw. Elementor Pro umsteigen.Der Kurs im berblick:Du lernst die Installation von WordPress auf Deinem Server, sowohl via FTP als auch ber den Software Manager des Hosting-AnbietersWir stellen die optimale WordPress-Grundkonfiguration fr Deine Entwicklungsumgebung vorWir installieren das Theme Hello Elementor, mit dem wir ausschlielich arbeiten und richten ein Child-Theme einWir stellen die wichtigsten Plugins fr Deine Entwicklungsumgebung vor und installieren dieseDu lernst ausfhrlich die Arbeitsweise mit Elementor und seinen Funktionen kennen: Seiten erstellen, Templates und Vorlagen nutzen, eigene Templates erstellen, das Arbeiten mit Variablen, Header und Footer anlegen, usw.Wir zeigen Dir die Formatierung und Positionierung von einzelnen Elementen sowie die Funktionsweise von Responsive Design-EinstellungenWir stellen Dir die wichtigsten Elementor-Widgets und deren Funktionsweise vorDu lernst die Benutzung von Bewegungseffekten kennenWir zeigen Dir die wichtigsten Schritte zur Finalisierung Deiner Webseite inkl. der Einrichtung von SEO-Einstellungen und eines SSL-Zertifikates"
Price: 199.99

"How to Teach with Technology Online" |
"IntroductionIn ancient times, a power shift resulted with the discovery of how to make iron. Those nations that possessed the secret of how to make iron subjugated those which still relied on bronze age technology. To survive, technologically backward nations fought to obtain the Iron of the Culture.The iron of our culture is Online Learning Technology. Large bureaucratic institutions control access to this technology, while groups of education entrepreneurs are arising, seeking to Master the Iron of the Culture. If we want to succeed in The Changing World of Online Instruction, we must master the use of technologies that make such instruction possible.Lets put this in context. In 2005, less than 1.5 billion people used the internet. That was less than 20% of the worlds population. By 2019, about 4.3 billion, or 53.6% of the worlds population, was online. According to ITU World Telecommunication, in the year 2019, more than 100 million people had taken an online course planet wide.As online education literally explodes, the issue facing the education system is that teaching online is not the same as teaching face to face. If youre a teacher, be it home school, public school, Bible study teacher, or someone who teaches a special skill or subject, you know this.If you are an online marketer, you know that video communication is key. For both the teacher and the entrepreneurial marketer, the question is simply this: How do I do an effective job of connecting and communicating with others using technology online?Thats the question this course is designed to answer. In How to Teach with Technology Online, University of Phoenix Advanced Certified Online Instructor and online marketer David Lantz walks you through the teaching strategies being used with multiple technology tools online.Lesson MaterialsA total of 38 video lessons divided between 7 course modules constitute the core of the learning materials. Additionally, a Course Syllabus and additional text handouts are provided in PDF format. Each module is introduced with a module overview video by the course creator, David Lantz.An eighth module, Next Steps, concludes the course, and offers several other resources the student may wish to take advantage of.Depending on the pace of the online learner, one should plan to spend about five hours going through the materials.How to Teach with Technology Online is designed to introduce you to using five key technologies when teaching online Microsoft Power Point, an online video creation platform called InVideo, a classroom video-intensive teaching LMS geared for all ages called Flipgrid, an online video meeting and teaching platform called Zoom, and a more traditional online online learning management platform called Canvas. Well also briefly explore how to create your own Youtube Channel and how to use a tool called Loom to make screen capture videos for the purpose of demonstrating how to do something online.As a result of this course, you will learn how to use the above mentioned technology tools to teach in an online class, be it organized for synchronous, asynchronous, or blended online/face to face instruction. Additionally, you will learn how to develop strategies for using technology to manage the flow of your content presentations and discussions. Finally, well explore ways to apply the concepts and tools provided in this course to the enhancement of any business marketing goals you may have.In order to accomplish these objectives, the course is divided into eight modules.The first module, The Changing World of Online Instruction, is designed to help you understand the evolution in Online Learning Technology, and what this means for you. This module is subdivided into three lessons:Mastering the Iron of the Culture.The Four Keys to Teaching Through Story TellingThe Interconnected Global ClassroomIn the second module, Using Power Point to Create a Story and Communicate Your Message, well show you how to think through the process of crafting a story you wish to tell in order to teach a lesson or communicate an idea. Were not only using words: Were also using pictures, colors, motion, sounds and video clips. Power Point allows us to bring all these communication techniques together. This module is subdivided into four lessons:What Do We Want to Communicate?Developing a ScriptAnatomy of a SlideRecording and Creating Your VideoIn the third module, InVideo: Refining Content in the Era of Digital Videos, well walk through the process of using a video creation tool called InVideo to create professional style videos for use in many diverse applications. Communicating information via video is rapidly replacing the use of written text by itself as a way of transmitting ideas. After taking this module, you will have learned how to use InVideo to create videos for use in: Marketing, infomercials, lesson illustrations, inspirational messages and more. This module is subdivided into five lessons:Introduction to InVideoWorking with InVideos Premade TemplatesUsing InVideo to Tell a StoryUsing Advanced InVideo Features in Blank TemplatesUsing Loom with InVideoIn the fourth module, Creating and Managing Your Youtube Channel, we understand that regardless of how you create a video, youll likely want to share your creation on the Internet. In this course, I have been showing you how to create videos using Power Point, InVideo, Loom and in this module, Ill add Zoom. When it comes to uploading your video to Youtube, how you create your video really doesnt matter. In this module, well provide you an overview of how to create and edit your Youtube channel, upload videos, and add enhancements to increase viewership. When you have finished with this module, you can apply these techniques to not only create your own Youtube channel, but also quickly learn how to do the same thing with dozens of other video sharing platforms. This module is subdivided into four lessons:Create a PlaylistManaging Your Youtube ChannelBasic Youtube Channel and Video Edits.Making Editing Enhancements to Your VideosThe fifth module, Mastering Synchronous Video Instruction Using Zoom, showcases a versatile video conferencing platform that is ideally suited for group discussions, including marketing webinars, employee trainings, and synchronous online course instruction. Youll learn how to share power point presentations, demonstrate use of software tools like Microsoft Excel, Youtube videos and free hand drawings. In addition, you can also use Zoom to record yourself creating a lecture or presentation that can then be downloaded as either a MPR video, a MP3 audio, or a rich text file transcript. When you have completed this module, you will have learned practical methods of engaging others to learn through the use of Zoom. This module is subdivided into five lessons:Setting Up Your Zoom AccountAccessing Key Features in ZoomTeaching & Meeting Facilitation TipsManaging, Presenting, and Recording Zoom Classroom LecturesCreating A Podcast with ZoomThe sixth module, Canvas: Organizing your Course Content, Grades and Lessons, shows you how to use this popular learning management system, or LMS. An LMS is a software system that allows you to organize and store resources in an accessible way when teaching a class. Teachers, administrators, students and even parents can access the platform to download lessons in video, audio or written format, enter and observe grades, create calendaring systems for when assignments are due, and provide a means for group interaction through video conferencing tools like Zoom. When you have finished this module, you will have a general overview of the capabilities of Canvas and what an LMS can do. This module is subdivided into three lessons:An Overview of CanvasCreating a Student Group AssignmentLinking Flipgrid to Your Canvas CourseThe seventh module, Module 7: Building Online Video Discussion Communities with Flipgrid, will show you how you to teach engaging, rigorous lessons that allows students to access content and then respond to prompts by creating short videos. Once a student creates a video, the rest of the class is able to view and respond to that video. In the previous module using Canvas, we demonstrated how you can add the Flipgrid app to your Canvas course. When you have completed this module, you will have a better understanding of how you can use and apply this powerful tool to create social interaction in your online classroom. This module is subdivided into three lessons:Creating and Editing A FlipGrid AssignmentAdding a Flipgrid Assignment to Your Canvas CourseCreating and Using Your Flipgrid AccountThe eighth and final module is Next Steps. In this module, well wrap up the course with a few concluding comments by the instructor, David Lantz, and advise you of other courses he has created that you might find of interest."
Price: 24.99

"Salesforce 2020 - Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) Beginner" |
"Welcome, Chosen One!Okay, maybe you didnt come to this fortune via a cookie, but somewhere along the line it was decided that you would become the person responsible for the upkeep, configuration, and reliable operation of Salesforce for your nonprofit. You might be a full-time dedicated administrator (amazing!), you might be what we call an also admin as in I will serve as the admin while I ALSO fill my other roles (also amazing!), you might even be a part-time volunteer (this, too, is amazing!). No matter what your exact role, this trail provides a basic overview of how to set up Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)a tool for Salesforce designed specifically for nonprofits.As we go, well recommend places where you can dig deeper into Salesforce when you want to, but be warned: Salesforce is a powerful and complex suite of products and there will always be new things to learn. So dont expect to master Salesforce in a couple hours or even a couple days.Badabing Badabooooooom!Let's goooooo!"
Price: 29.99

sudthckm |
"!, :1. (5)2."
Price: 199.99

"Dip Trace le Adm Adm Bask Devre Tasarm" |
"Elektronik devrelerinizi breadboard zerinde ya da niversal plaketlerde altrmaktan bktysanz artk bu kursla devrelerinizi bask devre haline getirebilirsiniz. DipTrace program bu ilemi ok kolay ve ok hzl bir ekilde yapabilmenizi salayan hem gelimi hem de basit bask devreler oluturabileceiniz profesyonel bir yazlmdr. Programn kullanmn basit ve anlalr bir ekilde anlatmaya altm bu kursa hemen kaydolun ve hzlca renerek bask devre kartlarnz oluturmaya balayn."
Price: 49.99

"#1 Proverbs - Every Day Proverbs" |
"Are you in need to have wisdom in your life?We live in a world where it is difficult to find people are really wise.If you want to become wise and know how to wisely handle your family problems, the interpersonal relationship problems at work, then this course is for you.This series of course is on Proverbs filled with wise sayings of people sharing their experiences of life with us.I will slow help you to improve yourself in your life so that you can make some changes within yourself to step onto the road of being a wise person that can influence everyone around you to have harmonious relationships.This is series #1 - Every day ProverbsThere are 5 Parts in this exciting course!Part 1: Life Wisdom Understand these key words: path, feet, foot, way4 Proverbs to Know:Pro 4:26 Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure.Pro 4:27 Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away fromevil.Pro 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight yourpaths.Pro 15:19 The way of a sluggard is like a hedge of thorns, but the path ofthe upright is a level highway.Part 2: Every Day Proverbs1. What does Everyday mean?2. One Year Challenge!Part 3: Every Day Key Verse1. How to make the Proverbs personal to you2. Listen to your heart3. Learn how to choose Key verse everydayPart 4: Direction of Proverbs Workshop - Interactive1. In this series of Proverbs Courses, This course is the #1 of the Series.2. My Part: Show you Birds eye view of Proverbs in this series3. Your Part: Enjoy every tree inside the forest!Part 5: Application1. Difference between: Hearer, Critic, and Doer2. Fools vs Wise3. Lazy vs Diligent4. Integrity of Heart5. Be Doers"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro Course for Beginners: Video Editing 2020" |
"Are you struggling to get professional results in your video editing with your existing software program and wished you could learn the worlds top-end editing program, Adobe Premiere Pro?If you want to create attention grabbing videos using Premiere Pro and thought it was too complicated to learn, think again! If youve ever dreamt of being a Premiere Pro expert, heres your opportunity with our new Udemy course taking you from total beginner to confident expert! Youll be able to create captivating professional videos whether youre a broadcast producer, a YouTuber or an independent film-maker. This course isnt just one of those software training courses with merely lists of things to click; youll understand why things are done that way in an easy to understand order and we even include filming tips so youll get the best material to edit from!The multi module course is aimed at people who want to impress viewers with professional editing techniques to attract customers, impress viewers, increase sales conversion rates and win film festival awards!The course includes every aspect of learning the program including importing assets and setting up the timeline quickly, adding appropriate cutaway shots, correcting colour and audio, stabilizing shots and music mixing, and we also feature green screen editing and include downloadable files for you to complete the exact same projects on your computer as our trainer, step by step.By the End of This Course, You Will:Be fully confident to take raw filming files, graphics, voiceover and music tracks and transform them, into a polished professional video, fully colour graded and audio mixed, in record time.Spend less time struggling with inferior video editing programs, and enjoy working with the industry standard package, Adobe Premiere Pro, knowing youre saving money and hassle hiring freelance video editors who never quite edit things the way youd like!Have a robust, step-by-step system for video creation under your belt for all types of projects from sales promos, short films, music videos, corporate films and much, much more!Bonuses Include:Downloadable files of video clips, voiceover and graphics for you to create the exact same training projects as in the course.Downloadable pdf resource with transcripts of the videos and illustrated reminders of the main points of the course.Downloadable mp3 audio files for you to listen to on the go, especially re-versioned for audio.A mid-course Knowledge Quiz to test out your progress.If you ever have QuestionsI'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round, even during public holidays and I will get back to you quickly as soon as I can to help you with what you need.Unconditional 100% Money Back Guarantee on this course!So, are you ready to get started using Adobe Premiere Pro quicker and easier than you ever thought possible?Then start this course now and I'll see you on the inside..."
Price: 39.99

"Data Science and Machine Learning For Beginners with Python" |
"Data science is the study of data. It involves developing methods of recording, storing, and analyzing data to effectively extract useful information . Data is a fundamental part of our everyday work, whether it be in the form of valuable insights about our customers, or information to guide product,policy or systems development. Big business, social media, finance and the public sector all rely on data scientists to analyse their data and draw out business-boosting insights.Python is a dynamic modern object -oriented programming language that is easy to learn and can be used to do a lot of things both big and small. Python is what is referred to as a high level language. That means it is a language that is closer to humans than computer.It is also known as a general purpose programming language due to it's flexibility. Python is used a lot in data science. Machine learning relates to many different ideas, programming languages, frameworks. Machine learning is difficult to define in just a sentence or two. But essentially, machine learning is giving a computer the ability to write its own rules or algorithms and learn about new things, on its own. In this course, we'll explore some basic machine learning concepts and load data to make predictions.We will also be using SQL to interact with data inside a PostgreSQL Database.What you'll learnUnderstand Data Science Life CycleUse Kaggle Data SetsPerform Probability SamplingExplore and use Tabular DataExplore Pandas DataFrameManipulate Pandas DataFramePerform Data CleaningPerform Data VisualizationVisualize Qualitative DataExplore Machine Learning FrameworksUnderstand Supervised Machine LearningUse machine learning to predict value of a houseUse Scikit-LearnLoad datasetsMake Predictions using machine learningUnderstand Python Expressions and StatementsUnderstand Python Data Types and how to cast data typesUnderstand Python Variables and Data StructuresUnderstand Python Conditional Flow and FunctionsLearn SQL with PostgreSQLPerform SQL CRUD Operations on PostgreSQL DatabaseFilter and Sort Data using SQLUnderstand Big Data TerminologiesA Data Scientist can work as the following:data analyst.machine learning engineer.business analyst.data engineer.IT system analyst.data analytics consultant.digital marketing manager."
Price: 109.99

"Comprehensive SQL Bootcamp : Beginner to Advanced" |
"SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.SQL is one of the most in-demand tech skill used across many industries.What is SQL?SQL stands for Structured Query LanguageWhat Can SQL do?SQL lets you access and manipulate databasesSQL can execute queries against a databaseSQL can retrieve data from a databaseSQL can insert records in a databaseSQL can update records in a databaseSQL can delete records from a databaseSQL can create new databasesSQL can create new tables in a databaseSQL can create stored procedures in a databaseSQL can create views in a databaseSQL can filter data returned from a databaseSQL can sort data returned by a database.SQL can be used to truncate and drop tables.PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.PostgreSQL is an advanced, enterprise-class, and open-source relational database system. PostgreSQL supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying.PostgreSQL is a highly stable database backed by more than 20 years of development by the open-source community.PostgreSQL is used as a primary database for many web applications as well as mobile and analytics applications.What You Will LearnPerform CRUD OperationsPostgreSQL Database ObjectsDatabase ConceptsCreating a database using PostgreSQL GUICreating tables with PostgreSQL GUI and SQL CommandsInserting Data into tablesQuery and read data stored inside a tableFilter and Sort data from a tableUsing Sub query to retrieve dataUpdating existing data stored inside a databaseQuery and eliminate duplicate recordsDeleting records stored inside databaseTruncating a database tableDropping a database tableImplementing Stored ProcedureJoining and querying data from multiple tablesUsing various aggregate functions and grouping dataUsing various Operators to query dataCreating viewsUsing various Analytic Functions"
Price: 89.99

"Impara online l'olandese in olandese 1: la lingua olandese" |
"Impara l'olandese online - con questo corso di lingua!Vuoi imparare l'olandese? Le lezioni sono una sfida? Preferisci imparare le lingue online? Sei nel posto giusto! Stai per imparare l'olandese ... in olandese!Per chi questo corso?Il corso per principianti. Quindi nessuna conoscenza precedente necessaria. Imparerai l'olandese di base. Vedremo tutto da 0: pronuncia per imparare a parlare olandese e grammatica di base per lo studente di lingua iniziale. Ogni lezione ha file audio per ripetere le parole dove vuoi e quando vuoi.Cosa stai per imparare?Tutti gli aspetti della lingua olandese di base. Le lezioni copriranno i verbi olandesi, come formare frasi, domande, parole per il trasporto, vocabolario olandese come le bevande e molti altri argomenti. Ti unirai alla ""cultura olandese"".Come imparerai la lingua olandese?La lingua non la lingua pi facile da imparare. Quindi una buona domanda : come impararlo? La risposta: completamente in olandese. Imparerai tutte le tue nuove parole in lingua olandese - s. Sentiti libero di provare le anteprime gratuite.Il livello va da A1 ad A2. Viene utilizzato l'accento belga, chiamato fiammingo, che compreso nei Paesi Bassi. Quindi imparerai anche il fiammingo.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vitaTutte le future lezioni extra e gli aggiornamenti sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataSei pronto a imparare l'olandese online?Attendo con ansia la tua progressione!Buon apprendimento,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Impara l'olandese ... in olandese 2: la lingua olandese" |
"Pronto per imparare l'olandese online? Un corso di lingua per appassionati!Ti piace l'olandese?Conosci gi 100-150 parole?Ti piace una sfida?Preferisci imparare le lingue online al di fuori di una classe?Grande! Stai per imparare la lingua olandese ... completamente in olandese!Un corso per principianti, ma non per principianti assolutiIl corso non inizia da 0, sentiti libero di controllare il mio primo corso ""Olandese in olandese 1"" su Udemy. Devi capire circa 100-150 parole, anche se molti argomenti e parole verranno ripetuti.Cosa sei a pochi minuti dall'apprendimento?Oltre 300 parole, comprese le 100 parole pi usate in olandese, e come usarle nelle conversazioni. Il corso ha oltre 5 ore di video per aiutarti ad andare oltre il livello di principiante assoluto, quindi sarai all'inizio del livello A2 dopo aver seguito questo corso. Il passato sar introdotto verso la fine.Come imparerai?Il corso completamente in olandese per garantire un'immersione totale e utilizza materiale narrativo e audiovisivo per migliorare le tue capacit di comprensione. Quindi niente lezioni di grammatica estese. Ci sono oltre 50 file audio scaricabili per supportarti nel tuo viaggio, dove e quando vuoi. Ogni lezione ha un quiz per testare le tue abilit.Viene utilizzato l'accento belga, chiamato fiammingo. Questo accento compreso nei Paesi Bassi.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vitaTutte le future lezioni extra e gli aggiornamenti sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataInsegnante di madrelingua olandesePronto per imparare l'olandese online?Buon apprendimento,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"SAP C_S4CPR_2008 S/4HANA Procurement implementation Exam" |
"Get certified in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Procurement Implementation and fulfill the first and most important step for your resume: an SAP internationally valid certification.The key element to approve an SAP certification exam is practice and we are so confident in our practice exams that we guarantee you will approve the exam or we refund the full amount of your purchase. No questions asked!With our practice tests you will be able to simulate the exact same conditions of your exam: 180 minutes to complete 80 questions exactly as in the SAP certification exam which means no images and no true/false questions, a minimum approval rate of 65 and of course certification exam level daring questions so that you have the experience to approve and get certified.And after you finish you'll get immediate feedback with the correct answer for each and all the questions.But worry not! If the time runs out you can try again, in fact you can repeat the practice test as many times as needed. Also, if you start but you run into a problem you can pause or even cancel that attempt and try again anytime you feel like practicing. You have finished practicing and in fact you have already approved the exam but you are nervous about the job interview and you need to refresh a topic, come again and also reference the content for your work with a lifetime access to the content.Don't think twice and invest in yourself, the best investment you can pursue!We will be at your service to answer any queries! Contact us at any time! We will answer all of your queries!Trust our thousands of satisfied certified students!"
Price: 199.99

"Trucos y Atajos de Excel" |
"Quieres convertirte en un Ninja de Excel?Te dar las dos armas ms importantes para lograrloTRUCOSConoce todos los secretos y estrategias para hacer que crear planillas sea algo super rpido y creativo.Aprende los trucos ms geniales, que no todos conocen, para que te destaques entre el montn y puedas mostrar habilidades que casi nadie posee para lograr que tu Excel haga magia. Los empleadores te buscarn, tus compaeros te admirarn y tus clientes te agradecern.ATAJOSEste curso contiene TODOS los Atajos del teclado que existen en Excel. S, todos. Y te los enseamos de una manera super divertida. Voy a compartir contigo mi mtodo personal para que no trates de memorizarlos, sino de incorporarlos verdaderamente para que formen parte de tu dinmica diaria de trabajo. Vas a volar con estos atajos que harn que tu vida sea ms fcil y veloz.En qu se diferencia este curso de los dems?Bsicamente en todo. Tan solo mira las lecciones gratuitas y te dars cuenta de que este curso es nico.Videos entretenidosLecciones brevesRecursos descargablesFichas tcnicasEjercicios prcticosy lo mejor... este curso incluye GRATIS: MANUAL PDF descargable de TRUCOS y ATAJOS.MIRA LAS LECCIONES GRATUITAS... ESTOY SEGURO DE QUE ESTE ES EL CURSO QUE NECESITASPor qu estoy calificado para ensearte?Soy instructor de algunos de los cursos ms vendidos en Excel en espaol desde hace aos. He enseado a 40.000 personas a manejar las mejores herramientas del mercado. Esto es lo que han dicho algunos estudiantes sobre mis cursos:Excelente curso, super explicado, muy entendible, las clases bastantes dinmicas y entretenidas, una atencin increible y bastante rpida, me voy bastante satisfecho y con muchisimas herramientas muy utiles. Un saludo! Gracias!! (Irving Balczar)Es un curso extremadamente completo, en especial porque siguen agregando clases aunque ya hayan completado. Me gusta mucho que se puedan realizar preguntas y que sean respondidas en poco tiempo y personalizadamente, adems de la interaccin con las tareas para poder reforzar los conocimientos adquiridos. (Emilio Figueroa Aguilera)Lo ms importanteAmo ensear. Me divierte crear contenido de calidad. Me obsesiona dar lo mejor. Si ya has realizado otros de mis cursos. Si no lo has hecho aun, lo aprenders con este curso.Garanta de Satisfaccin totalRecuerda que si el curso no te gusta, pides el reintegro de tu dinero dentro de los 30 das sin que te pregunten nada. Con semejante garanta, no hay razn para no inscribirte ya mismo!Estoy ansioso por ayudarte a que te conviertas en un Ninja de ExcelNos vemos en la leccin #1Tu instructor y amigoFEDE"
Price: 94.99

"Mensa IQ Test" |
"Mensa IQ Test Mensa . . Mensa Test Figure Reasoning, test . ."
Price: 49.99

"Modern Design In SketchUp" |
"Finally, a resource to help navigate the 3D Modeling of a Modern Home. This course goes from scratch with a few design ideas and a basic layout to a set of drawings for a full Modern Architectural Design. You will build your SketchUp and 3d modeling skillsets in the modeling and designing of a 3d Modern home. What you learn in this course:- Techniques for building massing- Techniques for sun diagrams and studies- How to make a simple modern structure- How to build 3d sites, and make roads- How to generate plans, sections and elevations of 3d models- How to get quality views/renderings of modern 3d projectsIf you want to get further in your modeling and design skills, then this course is the tool you need to get to the Next Level."
Price: 49.99

"Complete Cold Email Marketing Course: Step-By-Step Process" |
"This is a Complete Step-By-Step Cold Email Marketing Course. Cold Email Marketing is an act of reaching out to an individual or an audience who doesn't know you and who didn't willingly subscribe to your list.It's not just your regular way of sending mails. Cold Email Marketing requires special systems, structures and strategies.Those Email Lists you bought or extracted from somewhere, which you couldn't reach using your Mailchimp or Aweber Account (because you get banned trying to do so), this is how to reach them. This course shows you the special systems, structures and strategies of reaching out to those list, and then converting them to paying customers.So, no long story, just get on the course now and let's get started.See You Inside The Course...Glory Omoye,Course Instructor."
Price: 99.99

"How To Create Amazon and Gmail SMTP: Step-By-Step Process" |
"SMTP simply means, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.There are different SMTP Services on the Web, both free and paid. But the best of it all are Amazon SMTP and Gmail SMTP. And another beautiful thing about them is that they are FREE.This Course is therefore made to help anyone to create those two most powerful SMTPs in simple Step-By-Step Process.A lot people often find in difficult in getting an SMTP for their Bulk Mailing Applications, as well creating Amazon and Gmail SMTP and getting the Login Details. This Course is therefore geared to showing you how to do all these in Step-By-Step Videos.So, get on the course now and let's do this.See You Right Inside The Course....Glory Omoye,Course Instructor."
Price: 114.99

"QuickStarter -The Fastest and Easiest Way to Learn Guitar" |
"Studio33Guitar is well known for the KickStarter program, which combines learning guitar and music theory at the same time. But over the years, many people have asked about learning how to play guitar, but are looking for a course without all the theory. For this reason I developed the QuickStarter course. With this course you will learn proper guitar technique, but without the heavy theory to slow you down.The lessons are laid out in a very organized, and structured, yet simple way that will teach you in a true step by step approach.If you are looking for a fast way to strum along to your favorite songs or to play guitar around the campfire, this course is for you!I believe this course is the fastest and easiest way to learn how to play guitar"
Price: 49.99

"Crez une Messagerie Temps rel Multiroom Laravel Livewire" |
"Cette formation couvre la cration d'une application de chat textuel multi-room avec Laravel Livewire et Laravel Websockets pour des mises jour en temps rel.Au bout de cette formation vous serez apte crer des d'applications Laravel capable de diffuser des vnements avec mise a jour en temps rel des interface utilisateurs en utilisant Laravel Livewire et les Websockets Protocoles."
Price: 29.99

"Ultimate Crash Course on Cloud Computing 2020 (Amazon AWS)" |
"Become a Cloud Computing expert and learn one of employer's most requested IT skills of 2020!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Amazon AWS Cloud Computing on Udemy! Whether you have never heard before, already know basics, or want to learn about the advanced features of Cloud Computing, this course is for you!This course has been designed to give you a basic knowledge of Cloud Computing with a hand-on experience required to use Cloud Services. Course will cover the knowledge of Amazon RDS, Amazon ECS, Fargate, Costing, Services, Access management role, (IAM), Storage, Computing and other Cloud related services. The objective of this course is to provide students with the comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of Cloud Computing concepts, technologies, architecture and applications by introducing and researching state-of-the-art in Cloud Computing fundamental issues, technologies, applications and implementations. Another objective is to expose the students to frontier areas of Cloud Computing and information systems, while providing sufficient foundations to enable further study and research.- Cloud Computing definition - Cloud Computing companies - Cloud Computing services- Cloud Computing architecture - Cloud Computing advantages - Cloud Computing AWS- Cloud Computing applications - Cloud Computing and virtualization - Cloud Computing basics- Cloud Computing benefits - Cloud Computing concepts- Introduction to cloud computing on amazon aws for beginners - introduction to cloud computing aws- Introduction to cloud computing udemy - Introduction to cloud computing course- Introduction to cloud computing architecture - Introduction to cloud computing and aws overview - intro to cloud computing aws - an introduction to cloud computing- Introduction to cloud computing for beginners - best introduction to cloud computing"
Price: 154.99

"Come realizzare videocorsi di successo" |
"Siete esperti di una certa materia o disciplina, e vorreste poterla insegnare attraverso una piattaforma di e-learning creando dei videocorsi, ma non sapete da che parte cominciare? Allora questo rapido corso fa per voi. Forte della mia esperienza di successo in questo campo, vi fornir tutte le informazioni necessarie affinch anche voi, con poco sforzo, possiate realizzare e pubblicare con successo dei corsi online."
Price: 19.99

"Master Laravel with GraphQL, Vue.js and Tailwind" |
"Learn modern and most up to date development tools in your web developer toolchain.I'll let you see how modern PHP is these days. First off, the power of the Laravel framework takes PHP to a whole new level. You don't need to use Node.js to be a modern developer. Laravel will make you super productive.Next, Laravel has a history of preferring Vue.js for frontend development and building SPA apps (Single Page Applications). It's a framework of choice for many Laravel developers. That's why I have a Vue crash course for you included. Yes, you will learn Vue in this course.When building a SPA, you have 2 main components - the API (Application Programming Interface) server and the API consumer. The API itself needs to follow some rules and guidelines. This is where GraphQL steps in. It's a spec on how to build robust APIs, made by Facebook and used by them widely.The course will focus on how to build a GraphQL API server using Laravel PHP Framework, aided by the Lighthouse library. I think you will be surprised how easy it is to build a fully-fledged, robust API in hours.The API consumer would be a Vue.js SPA application and we will cover everything - including Vue basics, Vue Components, Vue Router, VueX (global state management). Everything a seasoned Vue developer should know.On top of that, you will learn how to use Apollo - an industry-standard library to consume GraphQL APIs on the web. The knowledge you'll gain will stay with you whatever you use, as Apollo works with both React, Vue, and any other frontend framework out there!Finally, we will deep dive into Tailwind CSS - the modern CSS framework that lets you build beautiful and complicated UIs by relaying on utility classes.If you're looking to learn how to build SPA with PHP, Laravel, Lighthouse, Vue.js, Apollo Client, Tailwind CSS and GraphQL you found the best place.In this course you will build a Trello clone (Laravello Project) and a Netlify inspired blog application (BlogQL Project).Along the way you will learn:Creating a GraphQL API with Laravel and LighthouseCreating a SPA application in Vue.jsStyling your page with utility based CSS framework Tailwind CSS (new hot kid on the block!)This course is like nothing else you can find. We have all these topics covered in depth and the interesting projects you'll build will keep you entertained for weeks."
Price: 104.99

"YOUTUBE SEO : Rfrence Tes Vidos En TOP 1 avec TubeBuddy" |
"Tu publies des vidos sur YouTube mais elles ne sont pas visibles ? Aimerais-tu connatre les rouages du rfrencement youtube ?Peut-tre que tu n'y connais rien en SEO et encore moins sur YouTube... Mais ne t'inquite pas car je vais te montrer comment positionner tes vidos dans le TOP 1 de YouTube mme si tu es un parfait dbutant.Il te faut seulement deux choses...Une chane YouTube et un compte Tubebuddy (N'aie crainte, je vais te montrer comment en acqurir un).YouTube, c'est LA plateforme n1 de vido. Et c'est un excellent moyen pour se faire connatre et dmarrer une activit en ligne.Seulement, Youtube c'est 30.000 heures de vidos publies chaque heure.Pour russir te crer une place, tu dois utiliser le SEO YouTube ou le rfrencement naturel en d'autres mots.Filmer une vido et la mettre en ligne sans rien faire n'est plus suffisant. C'est comme si tu faisais un magnifique dessin que tu dcides de ne pas encadrer et de mettre sur ton mur.Mon objectif avec cette formation, c'est de te montrer comment mettre en valeur tes vidos avec le seo youtube mme si tu es dbutant dans le rfrencement YouTube en te montrant les rgles respecter pour que tes vidos apparaissent dans les premires pages de YouTube.Cette formation est base sur le rfrencement YouTube et l'utilisation de l'outil Tubebuddy. On verra en dtails comment utiliser cet outil qui te permettra de gagner beaucoup de temps.Alors es-tu prt pour devenir un YouTuber matre dans l'art du rfrencement ?A tout de suite,Jonathan"
Price: 59.99

"Learn Video Editing with Premiere Pro in 2 Hours" |
"Want to edit your own videos? Create short films? Videos for Youtube? Holiday videos for your family?This course will give you the video editing skills you need to put together your own videos using Adobe Premiere Pro, one of the industry leading video editing tools!Concise, clear and structured training lessonsNo prior knowledge of Premiere Pro required!Engaging and fun - video editing does not have to be hard nor boring :DFollow along with your own videos or use the included course materialsGet your questions answered! Stuck? Ask your questions and I will help you out!Suitable for any version of Adobe Premiere Pro (recommended version: CC 2013 and up)What do you need?Any version of Adobe Premiere Pro (recommended CC 2013 or later), Mac or WindowsBasic understanding of how your computer works and how to play video filesGeneral curiosity and wanting to learn something new :)Still reading? Let's get into it!"
Price: 99.99

"Make Money Online: Mindset Training + Real-Life Examples" |
"Would you like to have an UNSHAKEABLE CONFIDENCE that you WILL make a life-changing income online?I've shown the steps to make money online to 100,000's of people.But even though many people know how to make money, very few of them actually take action.It's not because they wouldn't know what to do but because they are AFRAID!Most people don't have the right mindset and that's why they don't start even though they know step-by-step how to make money.They have all the knowledge and information they need, but something is holding them back.What's holding people back is FEAR.""What if this doesn't work for me?""""What if I don't have any prior experience?""""What if I fail?""And that's why don't get started OR they simply quit too early before having their breakthrough.I created this course to make YOU UNSTOPPABLE with your online business journey.You'll learn what ordinary people are doing and thinking in order to go from 0 to making a life-changing income online.It's Your Time!See you inside the course!- Roope ""Revealing you the secrets to making a life-changing income online"" KiuttuPS. If you need any help, you can contact me personally on my YouTube channel called ""Learn to Make Honest Money Online"".I read all your comments personally and I do everything that I humanly can to help you to succeed.PPS. Even 1 advice from this course can be worth $1,000's or even $10,000's during your ""online business career""...Every second that you are procrastinating is holding you back from achieving the next level in your life..."
Price: 199.99

"Learn 23 Ways to Make Money Online with Your Smartphone!" |
"Would you like to make money online with your smartphone? Do you wanna see real money-making apps that pay in 2020?Then this course is PERFECT FOR YOU!I created this course because every single day people ask me for the best way to get paid just by using their smartphones.Learn just 1 strategy and you'll earn your course price back. The rest will be pure profits for you!Over the course of years, I've helped 1,000's of ordinary people to start their 'Make Money Online' journeys and you'll be the next one.Get started with the course and pick your strategy to start making money online.I'll see you inside!- Roope ""Sharing the blessing of making money online"" KiuttuPS. If you need any help, you can contact me personally on my YouTube channel called ""Learn to Make Honest Money Online"".I read all your comments personally and I do everything that I humanly can to help you to succeed."
Price: 199.99

"PRINCE2 Project Management - Foundation - Exam Preparation" |
"PRINCE2 Project Management - Foundation Level - latest 6th Edition - Exam PreparationExtracts from an Accredited Course, Helps you get qualified and become immediately productive as a member of a project environment.This exam preparation course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in PRINCE2 Project Management, a best practice for Project Management. PRINCE2 is the worlds most widely-adopted project management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.It is a flexible method that guides you through the essentials for managing successful projects, regardless of type or scale. Built upon seven principles, themes and processes, PRINCE2 can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.This Foundation level aims to confirm that you know and understand the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2.This package is designed to help you with your Foundation level study and qualification.Benets of Method: Improve your delivery confidence as everyone understands their role in delivering what the business expects. Terminology that is common in all projects around the world with a methodology that works effectively with knowledge-based practices. Close your projects well to ensure lessons are captured and project assets are protected Structured approach with controls to provide a delivery methodology that works repeatedly and will enable you to successfully deliver projects. Clearly understand your role, governance and responsibilities including the triggers, inputs and expected outputs. Start your projects well to ensure successful and consistent delivery to achieve the expected benefits. Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This course helps to provide you with a straightforward route to a PRINCE2 Foundation Qualification in your own time and at your own pace.FAQs1) What are the prerequisites, if any to take the course?Familiarity with projects, Project management and PRINCE2 Project Management is useful.2) Who should take this course?This course is aimed at project managers, aspiring project managers, anyone who manages projects and is looking to sit the Foundation level Exam to aceive a PRINCE2 Foundation Qualification. It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including: Project Board members (e.g. Senior Responsible Owners), Team Managers (e.g. Product Delivery Managers), Project Assurance (e.g. Business Change Analysts), Project Support (e.g. Project and Programme Office personnel) and operational line managers/staff.This is an extract from an accredited course eligible for CPDs/PDUs and prepares you for a qualification in PRINCE2 Project Management3) What will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?a) 360 Questions, equivalent of 6 Test papers of 60 questions each.b) Covers the latest PRINCE2 6th Edition syllabusc) Prepares you for a Foundation level qualification in PRINCE2 Project Management.d) Hints and Tips to pass the official PRINCE2 Foundation level qualification Exame) Eligible for 6 Category - C PDUs or CPDsPRINCE2 and PRINCE2 Agile are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 89.99

"How to Manage Remote Teams" |
"Working remotely from home in virtual teams is the future of our workplaces. Employees want it and it's more cost effective for employers. 86% of employees prefer to work from home and 30% of employees report higher productivity when working remotely. But how do you manage a remote team?The Number 1 problem with remote work:Less viability of team member activities.Companies around the world are transitioning to remote work and the results are clear. It works!But how can you make sure you get the same results from your work from home team?That's what this course was created to cover. Without an understanding of how to manage a remote team in 2020 and beyond you are putting yourself at a significant disadvantage. Companies are moving remove, employees want to be remote, and that is causes everyone to relearn how they work.If you are leading a remote team. This is your chance to improve. You will learn:How to have effective meetingsHow to be a manager who CARESHow to communicate with a remote teamHow to handle the differences between working at home and in the office."
Price: 29.99

"Easy way to learn Arabic language (basics)" |
"If you have any questions / additions please, do not hesitate to contact me. Good Luck!Most people making Arabic language difficult to learn using complicated methods of teaching it, thats why i decided to make this course as a native speaker to simplify the language using simple way of teaching, I believe that it is going to be very useful.Start to speak with more confidence and variety by upgrading your Arabic!This course includes:pronunciation upgrade lecturesgrammar upgrade lecturesmost common greetingssimple basics for begginersuseful diverse topicsvocabulary upgrade lecturesspeaking and listening upgrade lecturessome of the practice videosfuture updates - this course will continue to grow and growPDF downloadsMP4 videos so that you can learn anywhere, any time.and a lot more.Each section focuses on a carefully selected area of the course so that you can master each area and speak Arabic more accurately.If you want to speak Arabic more clearly, if you want to sound more native-like, or if you simply want to take your Arabic to a higher level, this course can help you achieve some steps of your goal of taking your Arabic to the next level and next courses will take your level to higher & higher.What are the requirements?A desire to improve your Arabic through practice.What am I going to get from this course?Speak Arabic with more confidence and clarityAsk questions, greet people and have a basic conversationUnderstand the areas of Arabic that must be mastered to become more fluentHave a deeper knowledge of Arabic and how it worksWrite letters seperate and connected, write words and santancesdeveloppe your learning skills (pronunciation, vocabulary, writing listening and speaking)What is the target audience?Take this course if you want to upgrade all areas of Arabic: pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking and listeningTake this course if you want a more native-speaker.Take this course if you want to take your Arabic to a higher level"
Price: 19.99
