"Learn how to practise detox wellness techniques" |
"This course is intended to provide the techniques and approaches to detoxification commonly used by both natural health practitioners and lay people. Students will learn detoxification techniques used to maintain good health as well as how these approaches may be used to address specific health problems.after successfully completing this course the student should be able todiscuss the relationship between health and the presence or absence of toxicitydiscuss supplemental foods and herbs that are appropriate for detoxificationexplain various methods of detoxification.Students will learn detoxification techniques used to maintain good health as well as how these approaches may be used to address specific health problems."
Price: 24.99

"Test your Agile knowledge" |
"Wondering how to prepare for your next Agile certification? With a host of information around, looking for a quick validation of how prepared are you to take on your next challenges? You are at the right spot! Here is a collection of questions with two test question banks to help you prepare better and be more comfortable with your knowledge!Happy learning!"
Price: 1280.00

"A to Z Design of hybrid Rooftop Solar System" |
"In this course students will understand how to design a hybrid rooftop solar system. Students will going to learn estmation of power demand in kWh. Drawing of 3D model and Shadow analysis in google sketch up software. student will learn estimation of power demand manually and in PVWatt Software. Students will get idea of selection of components for hybrid solar system and prepare list of buying of materials. From this course students will able to do the financial modelling for hybrid solar system. Student will learn much more regarding hybrid solar system.Best of Luck!!"
Price: 49.99

"Java Programming for both Beginners and Advanced" |
"This is the First Course that is being introduced in Udemy Platform. It will help the Students to clear their fundamental concept of programming.As per our experience the students face many difficulties while learning programming and many errors are occurred while writing programs. Therefore we have collected those types of problems that are generally faced by the students and our Lesson Plan has been prepared accordingly.In this course we aim at teaching the students very fundamental concept that everyone should know before opting for any professional courses. After completing this course you can understand any type of programming language with a little effort because we have discussed most of the general concept those are used in every programming languages.Some of the tricks, rules, and new syntax related to Java Programming have been grouped together that will enable you to appear any kind of Java Interview.Study materials in the form of .pdf files that contains important concept will be provided for your reference.Seven numbers of Assignments are given and each Assignment consists of about 10 to 15 number of Practical questions so as to practice. The solution of all the assignments in the form of .txt files will also be provided in which you would be able to match with your solutions.You will have a collection of about 80 to 90 important Java Program files with algorithm within comment line.Your Feedback towards this course is highly required which will help us to upgrade our forthcoming Course."
Price: 64.99

"Create Strong And Healthy Boundaries" |
"This course is designed for you if you want to become more aware of your personal and inner boundaries. Learn how to recognise and identify your needs, behaviour, wishes, beliefs and challenges around your boundaries. Create a strong intention for the boundaries you wish to set. Built a powerful and irresistible border around the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual things that really matter to you. Learn how to deal with challenges and how to communicate in the most effective way. Protect your happiness and wellbeing with compassion towards yourself without ever feeling guilty for putting your own needs first. Become the person that you want to be, free to live your life under your terms."
Price: 79.99

"The Little Things Do Matter" |
"Are you feeling:Tired of setting goals and never achieving them? Do you feel like you have too much on your plate? Are you feeling like you are just spinning your wheels? Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the things you need to do? Do you feel like you need a little direction and help creating your ultimate dream achieving blueprint?Are you ready to step into your greatness, reset and start building mini habits that will transform you and your life?Join me on discovering that the Little Things Do Matter!Course Outline:Module #1: Welcome to the CourseIntroductionCourse Overview (Article)How to Make The Most of the CourseModule #2: Power of a Mini HabitWhat is a Mini Habit?Why You Need Mini Habits In Your LifeProgress NOT PerfectionModule #3: Setting Yourself Up For SuccessThe BrainstormIsnt It Crazy Awesome That I Am(resource)The Habit Awareness Exercise (resource)The Mini Habit Road map and Blueprint to SuccessThe Master HabitCreating Good Habits Cheat SheetModule #4: Achieving Your GoalsWords MatterThe PlannerOptimizing Your To Do ListModule #5: What You Do MattersPut Your Blinders OnThe 1% RuleTime FramesModule #6: Staying MotivatedGratitude, Gratitude, GratitudeAction, Action, ActionKeeping Your Eye On The PrizeModule #8: Wrap Up and BonusConclusionWhat Youve LearnedSpecial Bonus"
Price: 34.99

"Baby Massasje" |
"P dette kurset vil du lre hvordan man gjr en hel kroppmassasje p barnet samt tye-velser og ikke minst effektive metoder samt forklaringer for barn med kolikk eller andre utfordringer.Gjennom babymassasje gir du barnet ditt en god start p livet. Det mtes med respekt, trygghet, nrhet og varm berring.Babymassasje er frst og fremst en fin mte vre sammen med barnet ditt p. Dere blir bedre kjent og du lrer lese barnets tegn og signaler.Ved sprre barnet om lov til massasje viser vi barnet respekt. Denne respekten vil sammen med den gode kommunikasjonen og samspillet som oppstr, gi barnet en god start p livet og et godt grunnlag for bygge opp selvflelsen.Forskningstudier har bevist at massasje har en lindrende effekt og at det indikeres en bedre kognitiv utvikling som flge av massasje.Babymassasje kan Styrke den naturlige bindingen mellom foreldre og barn Bidra til styrke og stabilisere ndedrettet, blodomlpet og fordyelsen Hjelpe barnet til slappe av og frigjre spenninger Lindre og forebygge mavesmerter og kolikk Stimulere nervesystemet"
Price: 1450.00

"Adobe Lightroom How to edit photos like a pro!" |
"Learn everything you need to edit photos like a pro in Lightroom! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have edited 5 your own photos and have the skills and know-how to edit many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you Learn How to edit photos like a pro and to get you started with creating stunning edits in Lightroom. I also want to give you all the skills you need to create any kind of edit that you can think of!This class is designed for those who want to edit their photography just like the professionals. It's in depth enough for those familiar with Lightroom, but also beginner friendly as I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped improve my workflow and that have helped me create edits that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you want to edit photos for yourself or for other clients, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the images, and even a bonus free preset that I personally use.This course is made using the classic version of Lightroom, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Lightroom from the adobe websiteIn this course you will learn:How to use the Lightroom interface and toolsHow to create unique stylized editsHow to create clean editHow to create a Matte Finish editHow to create a vintage film lookHow to create Mid-Contrast Black and White editsHow to create a grunge lookHow to create your own preset to edit images in bulk and easilyProper way to save and export your final photos* Images have been supplied by SignatureEdits Free Raw Photos, check them out if you need free raw photos to practice with! "
Price: 89.99

"A Powerful Single Sheet Business Plan!" |
"Business planning and strategy doesn't have to be hard or tedious - but it should be powerful and effective! In this course, we provide you eight key areas to monitor and manage so that you can achieve your goals and dreams! We simplify the process and the content, giving you the opportunities to see the key areas that predict future success - and to manage them well. "
Price: 54.99

"The Complete Guide to an Outstanding Beauty Consultation" |
"Ask yourself the following:1. How am I different from other beautician, esthetician or beauty business owner?2. Do I have enough happy and satisfied clients?3. Can I afford to lose my reputation in the industry?Doubtful? Youre not alone. Our team of experts in Beauty Science and Entrepreneurship here at European Wellness Aesthetic Academy have crafted this workshop to help you.This workshop is part of a 4-part series workshop titled ""Becoming a World Class Esthetician"", designed for every Esthetician in the world.Look out for the other parts which are also available here on Udemy.BREAKDOWN OF WORKSHOP:THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO AN OUTSTANDING CONSULTATION SESSION1ST SEGMENT : IT'S ALL IN THE MINDIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will guide you to reflect on your current methods used in your consultation session, to be able to identify your strengths and weaknesses; what you are doing right and what are your common mistakes. At this point, you are creating a comfortable environment for your clients.ACTIVITY: Mind map draw key concepts & show2ND SEGMENT: IT'S ALL IN THE TALKIntended Learning Outcome:This segment will dwell in deeper into the conversations through the consultation session. Learn how to ask the right questions, that not just help you understand the client better, but to also build trust in your client and make them feel that you genuinely care about them. At this point, if you do it right, your client will start to really like you!3RD SEGMENT: IT'S ALL IN THE TRANSACTION $$$Intended Learning Outcome:This segment will make sure you are doing your job right. It is not just about building rapport and making your clients trust you, but ultimately, to be able to provide the right consultation, which is why they are there to see you in the first place. At this point, you will learn to provide the right solutions, which will turn to profitable transactions and happy clients."
Price: 19.99

"Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Reference" |
"LEARN CONTAINERS AND MULTICLOUD KUBERNETES IN A DAY!New contentThis course gives you 100% fundamental knowledge about Containers and MultiCloud Kubernetes.Learn about Docker, Podman, Kubernetes, Cloud Provider Kubernetes Services such as Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS), Amazon Elastic Container Service (EKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and COTS Kubernetes products like Kuberiter, Red Hat OpenShift and Rancher.It provides a great foundation for those who want to pursue certifications in Docker, and Kubernetes.The Container Technologies market is expected to grow to USD $4.5 billion by 2023.The growth of remote jobs and automation will further improve the market for Containers, and generate millions of jobs.This course is a first step to work towards Containers and Kubernetes.Sign up now to learn Containers and MultiCloud Kubernetes."
Price: 54.99

"HR Analytics for Beginners" |
"The Human Resource function has gained the reputation of making decisions relying on guts feeling which has made the HR department the least popular in most of organization. The HR has always been regarded as soft and known to do things in a specific way because they have always done it that way. HR doesnt have the reputation of playing the game of numbers like sales. HR also struggles to quantify and measure its success, as compared to finance or marketing.HR Analytics enables the HR to quantify its effort and impact in order to encourage better people decisions. When you start measuring the impact of HR, it will enable the organization to become truly effective .HR can deploy analytics so as to speak the business language as all the other departments in the organization. HR Analytics offers the HR the weapon that aids in establishing its position as a serious strategic business partner and resolve most of the challenges facing the HR.In this course you will learn: Gain the fundamental knowledge and skills for HR Analytics The basic principles of HR Analytics How to set up a HR Analytics function in your organization How to create HR Metrics How to transition from HR Metrics to HR Analytics Factors hindering HR Analytics projects success The HR Analytics Process"
Price: 24.99

"Thriving Through Challenging Times" |
"Learn techniques for connecting with your hearts intuitive directions for the best choices in whatever your life situation calls for. You will learn how love, kindness and compassion help improve our immune system, health and self-security. We sincerely feel these practical tools can be valuable in helping you navigate through these unpredictable and challenging times with more ease and clarity.Experience a magnificent intelligence you have that is intuitive, gives rise to regenerative emotional qualities, and provides the self-security needed to live a more rewarding life with less stress. An inspiring experiential course that offers new insights and practical techniques to help you respond to day-to-day challenges with more ease and composure."
Price: 19.99

"A complete Tekla Structures Essential Training for beginners" |
"Get up and running with Tekla Structures 2020 essential training, in this course you will learn about Tekla Structures fundamentals. The basic training course introduces new users to Tekla BIM (Building Information Modeling) environment and teaches basic modeling and drawing functionalities. This course provides basic knowledge needed to become productive within Tekla Structures. The package contains well explained 12 video clips broken down in series, simplifying the learning stages."
Price: 34.99

"Neste curso irei me dedicar a entregar tudo o que aprendi nesses 3 anos e 6 meses de bolsa!Irei expor o meu modo de ver o mercado, quantas vezes operar por dia, quantos pontos buscar, quanto de payoff se deve operar para que a conta feche no final. Por incrvel que parea a gesto financeira no trade to importante quanto o setup dos sonhos, caso o trader negligencie o controle de risco, o final dele na bolsa de valores inevitvel e quebrar a conta di meus amigos, o investidor pessoa fsica fica em mdia apenas seis meses e meio na Bolsa, a minha misso aqui fazer voc continuar na bolsa, de forma responsvel."
Price: 39.99

"Kimya 9. Snf (Gncel Mfredat 2020-2021)" |
"Bu kursu 9. Snf Kimya dersinde baarl olmak isteyen her renci alabilir.Kursumuzda konular kk paralara ayrlarak rencilerin daha rahat takip etmesi salanmtr.Kursumuzda renciler her zaman sorularn rahat bir ekilde sorabilmesi iin Telegram kanalmz mevcuttur. Bu kanala soru gnderildiinde sorularnz ksa srede cevaplanacaktr.Kursu daha rahat takip edebilmek iin derslerde kullandm sunumlarmn topluca bir arada olduu PDF dosyasnn ktsn alarak kursu takip etmeniz yararnza olacaktr.Kursumuz mfredata uygun bir sra ile oluturulmutur. Konular birbirinin devam niteliindedir.Kurs ieriimizde bol soru zlmesine nem verilmitir. Her kazanm sonunda sorular olduu gibi nite sonlarnda da bol bol soru zm yaplmtr.Kursumuz her zaman gncelliini koruyacaktr. Mfredat deiiklii olduu taktirde renciler mail ile bilgilendirilecek olup konular ona gre tekrar gncellenecektir."
Price: 49.99

Price: 5400.00

"CLickbank Success: Start Earning Without a website" |
"No theory, only practical cut to cut training,no confusion, no complicated things, only what is required to get you first sale on clickbank. I am so confident that if you be consistent and implement the same strategy and run a campaign as shown in the tutorials for a week,no one can stop you in making money online through clickbank. So take action and see the difference"
Price: 19.99

"Amazon Solutions Architect SAA-C02 Practice Exam Tests 2020" |
"FULLY UPDATED 2020 to the new SAA-C02 - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam version!We cover the following domains:Domain 1: Design Resilient Architectures 1.1 Design a multi-tier architecture solution1.2 Design highly available and/or fault-tolerant architectures1.3 Design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services1.4 Choose appropriate resilient storageDomain 2: Design High-Performing Architectures2.1 Identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workload2.2 Select high-performing and scalable storage solutions for a workload2.3 Select high-performing networking solutions for a workload2.4 Choose high-performing database solutions for a workloadDomain 3: Design Secure Applications and Architectures3.1 Design secure access to AWS resources3.2 Design secure application tiers3.3 Select appropriate data security optionsDomain 4: Design Cost-Optimized Architectures4.1 Identify cost-effective storage solutions4.2 Identify cost-effective compute and database services4.3 Design cost-optimized network architecturesKEY FEATURES OF OUR PRACTICE EXAMS100+ PRACTICE QUESTIONS: 4 sets of Practice Exams (with 25 Questions each) available on Udemy and access to the online Exam Simulator from Examsdigest with a pool of 100+ questions to assess your exam readinessEXAM SIMULATION: All Practice Tests are timed and scored (passing score is 70%) mimicking the real exam environmentDETAILED EXPLANATIONS: Every question includes a detailed explanation that explains why each answer is correct or incorrectPREMIUM-QUALITY: These practice questions are free from typos and technical errors which makes your learning experience much more pleasantALWAYS UP TO DATE: Our question bank is constantly updated based on student feedback from the real exam. New questions are added on a regular basis growing our pool of questionsACCESS ON MOBILE: Study on the go and access all resources from your mobileMONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions askedACCESS ON OUR PLATFORM: After purchasing the practice exam from Udemy you can request access on our platform examsdigest[dot]com"
Price: 19.99

"Essentials of Copywriting - Learn Copywriting from scratch!" |
"The course on copywriting is designed in an interactive learning way to engage students and stimulate the critical thinking process. In this course on essentials of copywriting, I have tried to explain the entire concept of copywriting in a concise manner without using the bookish knowledge which is already available to most of the students online. This copywriting course is designed for aspiring writers. The young and inexperienced freelance copywriters will benefit a great deal from this course.The course has some interesting real-life stories about copywriting to make it more engaging and interesting for students."
Price: 59.99

"Supporting Body and Mind with Essential Oils in COVID-19" |
"This unique experiential mind-body-soul course is enriched with: Meditation that is designed to bring your emotions into harmony and balanceAromatherapy lectures and tips for boosting your immune system and promoting restful sleepEmpowering talk on improving your health and tapping into collective consciousness shifts that are happening across the world during these unprecedented times"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Moroccan Arabic (Darija)" |
"Moroccan Arabic course with Activities to Practice where you can find the most important expressions ,dialogue, grammar and vocabulary that you can use in a basic conversation in Moroccan Arabic language(Darija).There are seven section , each section contain many lessons and activities to practice your DarijaI hope you will enjoy this course and welcome to Morocco"
Price: 24.99

"Complex Numbers" |
"I have covered all aspects of complex number carefully.I started from basic level with easy examples with concept building lectures,then gradually reached upto advanced level.Lots of questions are included and all types of questions are included.Live videos of solving sums are included.Practise sums are also included.This course will obviously help students who are learning complex Number as part of their mathematics curriculum.I have tried to use easy clear cut explanation to help slow learners also.I hope this course will surely help students."
Price: 19.99

"F5 101 Practice Exams based on Version 13.1" |
"This course includes two practice tests. Each F5 101 practice exam has 70 questions. Questions are based on latest blueprint.These F5 101 practice exams will help you to test your knowledge before appearing for actual exam.Test results will provide you marks for each section(mentioned below) so that you can understand on which area you need to focus more.Section 1 - ConfigurationSection 2 - TroubleshootingSection 3 MaintenanceSection 4 KnowledgeYou can find the latest exam blue print in F5 website.These F5 101 exams are designed to be complex. This would make the actual exam simpler one."
Price: 19.99

"96 Skutecznych Sposobw Na Podwojenie Sprzeday w Biznesie" |
"Kurs Skuteczne sposoby sprzeday to wiedza zawarta w 10 instruktaowych wykadach krok po kroku przedstawiajca 96 dostpnych sposobw na sprzeda. Kurs zawiera wszystkie najwaniejsze informacje, ktrych bdziesz potrzebowa, aby pozna najlepsze kanay sprzeday online oraz offline. Kada lekcja zawiera checklist rzeczy do zrobienia, a take otrzymasz dostp do ponad 250 niezbdnych narzdzi w biznesie internetowym.Uczestniczc w kursie nauczysz si jak stworzy prawdziw warto dla klienta, aby klient doceni produkt, ktry naby u Ciebie. Dowiesz si jak efektywnie wykorzysta wyszukiwarki, aby chciay same promowa Twj biznes wysoko w wynikach wyszukiwania. Poznasz elementy sklepu internetowego, na ktre klienci zwracaj uwag i dopracujesz je, aby chtniej dokonywali zakupw u Ciebie. Nauczysz si skutecznych umiejtnoci potrzebnych do sprzeday oraz poznasz ponad dziewidziesit sprawdzonych sposobw na sprzeda.Prowadzc wasny biznes internetowy staniesz si niezaleny i osigniesz finansow wolno. Bdziesz posiada moliwo pracy praktycznie z kadego miejsca na ziemi co przeoy si na popraw komfortu Twojego ycia. Wasny biznes to te bardzo czsto znacznie wiksze zarobki w porwnaniu z prac na etacie. Dziki wiedzy zawartej w kursie rwnie unikniesz kosztownych pomyek co pomoe Ci zaoszczdzi wiele stresu i niepotrzebnych wydatkw."
Price: 84.99

"Biznes Internetowy Od Podstaw - KROK po KROKU" |
"Kurs Biznes online od podstaw to wiedza zawarta w 16 instruktaowych wykadach krok po kroku jak zaoy wasn firm i na co koniecznie trzeba uwaa. W kursie znajduj si najwaniejsze informacje, ktrych bdziesz potrzebowa do rozpoczcia wasnego biznesu w sieci. Uczestniczc w kursie nauczysz si w jaki sposb wybra rodzaj dziaalnoci oraz jak rozpocz dziaalno gospodarcz robic to szybko i sprawnie. Poznasz wady i zalety poszczeglnych form finansowania biznesu co pomoe Ci skuteczniej pozyska rodki na rozwj Twojego biznesu. Dowiesz si rwnie w jaki sposb skutecznie zastrzec logo i nazw Twojej firmy i uchroni si przed kradzie marki. Poznasz sposoby zabezpieczania biznesu internetowego, aby ustrzec si przed kradzie danych oraz znacznie zmniejszy ryzyko wamania si do systemu osb z zewntrz.Prowadzc wasny biznes internetowy staniesz si niezaleny i osigniesz finansow wolno. Bdziesz posiada moliwo pracy praktycznie z kadego miejsca na ziemi co przeoy si na popraw komfortu Twojego ycia. Wasny biznes to te bardzo czsto znacznie wiksze zarobki w porwnaniu z prac na etacie. Dziki wiedzy zawartej w kursie rwnie unikniesz kosztownych pomyek co pomoe Ci zaoszczdzi wiele stresu i niepotrzebnych wydatkw."
Price: 84.99

"iOS 14 WidgetKit in SwiftUI: Xcode 12 Beta" |
"WWDC 20 introduced new and cool extension to your apps in form of WidgetKit. With app widget you can provide useful information about your app directly to your user's home screen. With this course you will learn all about widgets and what they have to offer. We will build various widgets in this course so we can learn by doingJoin us in this journey and learn all about widget kit"
Price: 19.99

"Practical Angular2 and above Integration With Web API" |
"Angular2 and above is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.Objective of Course:Learn to communicate Angular 6 (formally Angular2) applicationwith server side APIs like Web Api.Who this course is for:Full Stack developers who wants to develop end to end app usingAngular, server side Apis and database.Prerequisite:Basic level of understanding of Angular 2 or above.Basic level of understanding of Web API .Basic understanding of any RDBMS database."
Price: 19.99

"A Beginner's Guide to Business Writing" |
"Welcome to the ""A Beginner's Guide to Business Writing"" course. Writing is a key method of communication for most people, and its one that many people struggle with. This workshop will give participants a refresher on basic writing concepts such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It will also provide an overview of the most common business documents such as proposals, reports, and agendas. All of this will provide that extra edge in the workplace."
Price: 29.99

"Electric Vehicle Batteries and Energy Storage Systems" |
"Electric vehicles are the future of automobile world.All the conventional vehicles are going to upgrade to Electric vehicles.In Electric vehicle the most challenging part for the engineers is their batteries and energy storage systems.In this course I'm discussing about different electric vehicle batteries.In this Electric Vehicle Batteries and energy storage course you will learnFundamentals of electric vehicle batteriesDifferent terminologies in Electric vehicle batteriesElectrochemical reactionDifferent battery technologies in Electric vehiclesUltra capacitorsFuel cellUltra high speed flywheelHybridization of energy sources in Electric vehiclesWhatever your level of understanding, or engineering background (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, automobile engineering, automotive engineering, oil and gas, HVAC, power engineering, chemical engineering, etc.) you can enroll this course and start learning.In this course, I explained deeply about the concepts with the help of high-quality images and animations."
Price: 3200.00

"PMP Exam Situational Question Practice Test (200-Q) - PMBOK6" |
"Situational and scenario based questions form the core of the PMP certification exam. About 60-70% of the total number of questions in the PMP exam are situational questions. Hence, it is very important that you develop your skill of solving these type of questions. This question bank (200-Q) is very carefully designed by me to help you achieve that expertise in solving situational and scenario based questions in the PMP exam. 80% of the questions in this simulator are situational type...exactly the same as you would experience in your actual PMP exam. The rest 20% covers the other important areas of the PMP exam such as ITTOs, AGILE etc. Following are the top features of this question bank:200-Q's of top notch quality and varied difficulty levels to give you the flavor of actual PMP exam80% of the questions are SITUATIONAL/SCENARIO based!Detailed explanations of every question with special reference to PMBOK Ed. 6 pages to help your analysisSpecial focus on questions from ITTO's which is a very important topic in the PMP examCritical Path Method calculation problem includedMathematical questions from EVM (SPI, CPI, CV, SV, TCPI) includedMathematical questions from Communication channels calculation & Procurement Management (PTA) includedMathematical questions from Decision Tree Analysis includedQuestions from AGILE includedTimed simulation to provide you the actual feel of the PMP examHow to make the best use of this simulator - ANALYSIS is the KEY: The pass score for this simulator is 80%. But you need to know that you should not get demotivated if you score less. DO NOT take the score of this simulator as a representation of your actual PMP exam. Instead, take it as an opportunity to understand your knowledge gap and work on your weak areas. I would suggest that after this 4 hour simulation, you should spend at least 12 hours analyzing each & every question. If you have got a question wrong, check the following things:In which knowledge area I am making the most mistakes?Did I answer a question incorrectly because I did not know the concept or the application of the concept?Are there any repeat mistakes I am making?If a question took >5 mins to solve, was there a way to solve it faster?Am I making any careless mistakes?Is there a common trend of incorrect answers? Eg. Am I getting more situational type questions wrong?Make notes for your reference as you keep on analyzing the questions. If you prepare like this, you will be ahead of your peer group for PMP exam prep in no-time!All the best for your PMP exam and I hope you find this simulation useful :)Regards,Nilotpal Ray, PMP, MBA, B.TechDISCLAIMER:Source of questions in this simulator: Questions in this simulator are created entirely by myself taking into account my experience of preparing & writing the PMP exam and assessing the difficulty level of the same. Also, the scenarios are developed by me from my project management experience. Neither the questions nor the scenarios are abridged/recreated from any text book or online forum. These questions are NOT created from memory and hence DO NOT represent the actual PMP exam questions in any way. Use these questions only as a guide to help you in your preparation and not as a collection of previous PMP exam questions. Only PMI reserves the right to publish any PMP exam questions from past exams. PMI, PMP Certificate, PMI-PMP Badge, PMBOK, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CAPM, PMI-SP, PMI-RMP, PMI-ACP, and PMI-PBA all are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 24.99
