"Corso Microsoft Excel Hero Master Wod - Interfaccia Inglese" |
"Microsoft Excel Hero Master WodCorso completo in lingua Italiana, registrato con Excel in versione Inglese, se cerchi il corso in versione Italiana cerca tra i miei corsi: tutte le lezioni sono disponibili con entrambe le interfacce.Corso sempre aggiornato (almeno una nuova lezione al mese), composto da 5 parti (livelli) che ti renderanno un eroe di Excel: Zero, Base, Intermedio, Avanzato e Master.Il percorso prevede un progetto con il quale sarai in grado di creare e gestire in totale autonomia un'ipotetica impresa, sia in relazione alla parte commerciale che amministrativa e burocratica, oltre ad un progetto VBA con il quale potrai creare un sistema di data entry all'interno di un file excel.Corso adatto a qualsiasi tipo di persona, non richiede alcun tipo di conoscenza informatica, baster avere un pc per iniziare il viaggio in questo fantastico applicativo.Ogni video girato stato inserito in una sezione specifica, in grado di semplificare l'apprendimento, per darti la possibilit di seguirlo agevolmente secondo il tempo che hai deciso di dedicargli, distribuendo la durata di ogni step nel modo migliore possibile.Troverai pi di 10 esercizi che ti aiuteranno a testare quanto appreso nelle varie fasi del corso: la struttura di ogni gruppo di lezioni studiata per simulare l'esperienza in aula, con la differenza che potrai scegliere tu quando fermarti, riuscendo a capire facilmente se ogni punto seguito stato appreso pienamente.Gli argomenti delle lezioni sono quelli che considero essenziali per fondere la migliore conoscenza del programma con una perfetta esperienza didattica, al fine di permetterti di lavorare con Excel sfruttandone a pieno le potenzialit ad ogni livello.Ogni aggiornamento pubblicato verr contrassegnato in modo evidente: ti dar la possibilit di scegliere gli argomenti da approfondire.Consulta l'elenco delle sezioni per avere un'idea dell'accuratezza di questo corso: nulla lasciato al caso, tutto viene proposto nel modo pi semplice e comprensibile, e non dimenticare di seguire la mia pagina personale, dove inserir gradualmente tutti i corsi Hero Master Wod, per diventare un esperto assoluto in ambito informatico!Se hai qualche domanda, puoi consultare l'elenco fornito in questo corso per verificare che non sia gi stata posta, utilizzare il forum o semplicemente chiedere, ogni dubbio dovr essere dissipato per consentirti di imparare tutto senza alcuna difficolt."
Price: 149.99

"LinkedIn na Prtica" |
"Neste curso voc ver como fcil usar o LinkedIn. As aulas foram pensadas para que voc comece do zero e termine sendo f dessa rede!Voc ter um passo a passo mastigado e de forma simples para que voc tenha um perfil campeo, que marque presena na rede e que atraia a ateno de outros profissionais e empresas.Seguindo todo o contedo voc ter resultados incrveis para qualquer objetivo: recolocao, nova oportunidade, novos negcios, novos parceiros, abertura de leque de atuao profissional, networking e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99

"Basics of Structural Analysis, Part 3 of 3" |
"This completes the course of the Basics of Structural analysis. It is a more advanced part of the Structural analysis of structures. It covers different methods to solve statically indeterminate structures. After passing this course, you will be able to analyze most structures for a variety of loads. I would advise students to take the 3 parts in order to obtain a comprehensive understanding to Structural analysis"
Price: 49.99

"World Building: How to Create a Species/Race" |
"This is the most comprehensive, step-by-step process on how to create an amazing, original species/race in 2 months or less, without being overwhelmed or unsure how to get it done. It is based on a chapter from Creating Life (The Art of World Building, #1), the the bestselling series endorsed by NY Times bestselling author Piers Anthony, and Ed Greenwood, inventor of The Forgotten Realms.Are You Ready To...Become an expert in creating species and races?Create ones that makes your audience LOVE your stories/games?Eliminate indecision & get the work done with confidence, excitement, & purpose?Be better at this than all of your competitors so your work stands out?Become a Master Species/Race CreatorGet inspired, get motivated, get it doneIn 2 months or lessImprove StorytellingYour fantasy and science fiction stories can be improved with great, original species and races, Surprise audiences, take them out of their comfort zones, and keep them eager to learn more about your story world. Grip them from the start, and never let go, all with the power of invention.Learning how to invent species we humans can relate to can elevate our work to literary stories that make people think, feel, and remember us and our vision long after they finish the last page.Improve GamingEvery gamer in the world has used elves, dwarves, dragons, and other staples. Why not create something they've never seen before, ones with capabilities nothing else has? Your world will be known for it - and your invention can't be used anywhere else, causing love and loyalty. Carve out a place in an increasingly crowded market with something brilliant, fun, and addictive to play."
Price: 199.99

"Accelerated World Building" |
"Covering every aspect of world building from life and places to cultures and beyond, this course will help you decide what you need to invent for your setting, based on story needs. When done, you'll have a completed checklist and a better understanding of what it takes to invent everything - even things you've decided to skip.Are You Ready To...Stop wondering what you should create and why?Eliminate indecision & get the work done with confidence, excitement, & purpose?"
Price: 49.99

"Investieren in P2P- Kredite A-Z: Passives Einkommen aufbauen" |
"Passives Einkommen durch Zinsen?Trotz der aktuellen Niedrigzinsphase gibt es lukrative Mglichkeiten sich ein passives Einkommen durch Zinseinnahmen aufzubauen. Aus diesem Grund sind alternative Investmentmglichkeiten wie P2P-Investments mit entsprechend hohen Renditen fr Investoren und Anleger besonders attraktiv.Lerne in diesem Videokurs, alles ber die Anlageklasse der P2P-Kredite. In diesem Kurs wirst Du lernen, auf welche Punkte Du achten solltest und wie Du dein Geld im P2P-Markt erfolgreich investierst und fr Dich arbeiten lsst. Du wirst grundlegend alles ber die Anlageklasse verstehen und tiefe Insights bekommen. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema P2P- Kredite und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld verdienen kannst. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Plattformen, Tools und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Verstndnis von P2P- Krediten, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Und keine Sorge, die RCKGABEGARANTIE garantiert dafr, dass du den Kurs zurckgeben kannst, falls wir dir tatschlich nicht helfen knnen.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 139.99

"220-802 CompTIA A + Mobile Equipment Trouble Shooting Exam" |
"228 UNIQUE practice questions for 220-802 CompTIA A + Mobile Equipment Trouble Shooting ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 220-802 CompTIA A + Mobile Equipment Trouble Shooting ExamTotal Questions : 228Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (171 of 228)"
Price: 164.99

"1Y0-311 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced Practice Exam" |
"134 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-311 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-311 Citrix Xen Desktop 7.15 LTSR Advanced Practice ExamTotal Questions : 134Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (100 of 134)"
Price: 144.99

"VMware VCPC-610 Cloud Certified Professional Practice Exam" |
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware VCPC-610 Cloud Certified Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware VCPC-610 Cloud Certified Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 164.99

"Write Amazing, Converting Web Site Copy - Every Time!" |
"Whether you're just starting as a freelance writer, have decades of experience or otherwise, this free course is a great way to sharpen your skills on what's easily the quickest service profit from as a freelance writer.Writing website copy doesn't have to be tough - here's a step by step way to write the most amazing, converting and exciting website copy that you'll ever need. Join industry expert, Felicity Kay, as she takes you through her top-secret process for creating amazing copy - every time."
Price: 69.99

"COBIT 2019 (portugus). Simulador exame de certificao." |
"Simulador de exame em portugus, para obter a certificao de conceitos bsicos do COBIT 2019 que o ajudar a praticar as questes baseadas no exame oficial, marcando sua resposta e vendo no final a nota obtida classificada por rea de conhecimento. Em cada tentativa as questes so ordenadas aleatoriamente, voc pode exercit-lo quantas vezes considerar necessrio. O simulador junto com o plus adicional (10 questes) cobre todas as reas do COBIT 2019:1. Introduo.2. Pblico-alvo.3. Princpios do COBIT.4. Conceitos bsicos: SISTEMA DE GOVERNO E COMPONENTES. (QUESTO IMPORTANTE pois representa 30% do total).5. Objetivos de governana e gerenciamento do COBIT. (QUESTO IMPORTANTE por representar 23% do total).6. Gesto de desempenho no COBIT.7. Desenho de um sistema de governana personalizado.8. Implementar a governana de TI da empresa.9. Comece com COBIT: Construindo o Caso.10. COBIT e outros padres.EXPERINCIA PESSOAL - PREPARAO DO EXAME COBIT 2019:Conto sobre minha experincia pessoal para obter esta certificao COBIT 2019 caso isso ajude voc:Decidi no fazer nenhum curso e prepar-lo sozinho de forma autodidata. Em primeiro lugar, baixe o material de ajuda gratuito do site oficial da ISACA (algo que achei importante que tambm era em espanhol): 1. Guia de introduo e fundamentos e 2. Guia para objetivos de governana e gesto de TI.Eu preparei o guia de introduo (64 pginas) por 2 semanas. Alm disso, fiz uma leitura rpida (diagonal ;-) do guia de Objetivos, que interessante para colocar o COBIT em prtica, mas no necessrio para o exame de Fundamentos - encontrei alguns diagramas e anexos que achei interessantes.Considero muito importante adquirir a compreenso de todo o material e como alguns pontos se inter-relacionam com outros, mas tambm preciso internalizar os tpicos 4 e 5, que so os mais importantes do exame (tm peso de 53% entre eles), para coloque cada item na caixa correta.A terceira semana foi gasta fazendo testes prticos (eu os adquiri na Udemy) e revisando o conhecimento adquirido. Praticar os exames foi uma grande ajuda para mim e me deu a confiana necessria quando j estava obtendo uma mdia correta de mais de 85-90%. Abaixo de 70%, eu nem consideraria fazer o exame. (Pratiquei com os exames em ingls. As questes do exame que apresento so em espanhol. Se for fazer o exame na sua lngua materna, aconselho-o. Ao configurar a simulao baseio-me nas questes que me colocam o exame).No final, fiz o exame 3 semanas aps o incio e passei com 82% de acertos.Eu te desejo sorte!"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Android Programming for Arduino Makers" |
"Welcome to The Basic Android Programming For Arduino Makers course.This course is the one and only course in Udemy that focuses in teaching you on how to create an Android app that can control and talk to your Arduino projects.This course is the shortest path to build an Android Bluetooth companion app from scratch without prior Android programming knowledge.It will help you save many hours figuring out how to create an Android app that can connect to your Arduino appI wish this kind of course existed when I decided to create an Android app to control my Arduino projects, but unfortunately I have to spent many many hours and countless trial and error to figure out how I can create this kind of app.Now after I have obtained the knowledge, I want to share it to all Arduino makers who want to take their Arduino projects to the next level.Arduino and Android are originally two separate ecosystem, but this course will teach you how to use bluetooth connection to make these two ecosystems talk with each other.Most people either know how to make things with Arduino, or develop app with Android. By taking this course, you can combine both knowledge and create awesome projects.This course is also for Android developersMost Android developers stay in Android ecosystem. Add new knowledge to your skillset and be one of the Android developers that can build app that talks to other ecosystem and expand your possibilities."
Price: 39.99

"Monitoramento de CFTV (Operao na prtica)" |
"Curso - Operador de Sistemas de CFTV (Porteiros, Vigilantes, Operadores de CFTV)Se j atua ou pretende ingressar na rea de segurana eletrnica como operador de Sistemas de CFTV saiba que este curso trar todas as informaes necessrias para que voc consiga ingressar e atuar nesta rea da segurana.Tudo o que voc precisa saber para trabalhar com sistemas de de monitoramento em Empresas da rea Shoppings, Hospitais, etc. Curso completo com as seguintes vdeo aulas:Tecnologia de CFTVTipos de cmerasFuncionamento das cmerasRecursos que podem ser utilizadosGravadores de vdeo(tipos de gravadores)Cabos e modos de transmitir imagens.Aplicativo Isic 6 - Para acessar dvr via celularComo configurar um Speed DomeAcessar DVR pelo Internet ExplorerConfigurando Reconhecimento facial no DVRDiferenas entre DVR e NVRInstalao de cmeras na prticaAulas extras:Primeiro SocorrosSocorro vitimaBsico de combate a incndioHistria do EAD no BrasilConquiste seu espao neste mercado de trabalho que a cada dia se torna mais e mais competitivo com uma certificao vlida em todo Territrio Nacional.timos estudo."
Price: 69.99

"AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Exam 2020" |
"The AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.This AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Exams can help you gain experience with the test question format and understand how the questions in the real AWS Certified Developer - Associate exams are structured. With our practice tests, you will be adequately prepared for the real AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam."
Price: 34.99

"Blue Prism - Learn RPA Using Blue Prism From Scratch" |
"This is a complete Blue Prism Developer Course. It covers all the concepts related to RAP bot development using Blue Prism. After Completing this course you should be able to develop your own BOT at your workplace. This course covers everything right from the basics,so anyone who is interested to become a Blue Prism developer can master the concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Videomaking: Da Passione a Professione." |
"Oggi essere un Videomaker richiede un ventaglio di competenze sempre pi ampio. Viene richiesto di racchiudere in una singola figura professionale quasi un' intera Troupe di una Produzione Video. Volendo fare della passione per il videomaking una professione non si pu pensare di poter ricoprire solo pi il ruolo di Operatore Camera ma necessario avere delle competenze di Direzione della Fotografia, Post-Produzione (sia Audio che di Correzione del Colore), ma anche accortezze tecniche che in una Produzione Video sarebbero delegate ad un Elettricista: oggi fin da subito possibile affittare a prezzi modici attrezzatura di altissimo livello che ha efficienze energetiche, tensioni e Potenza che devono essere sapute gestire.Noi di HPV Film siamo dei professionisti nel settore da 6 anni, tanto da essere riusciti a fondare una Produzione Video a tutti gli effetti. Durante i nostri percorsi individuali per ci siamo trovati moltissime volte a perdere della clientela, fare e rifare lavori pi volte a causa di errori banali (come il semplice non scotchare i cavi !!) dettati dall'inesperienza. In questo corso ci siamo posti l'obbiettivo di dare tutte quelle che sono le competenze necessarie per iniziare una carriera in questo settore, ipotizzando che lo spettatore fosse qualcuno che volesse iniziare questa attivit nel piccolo, molto probabilmente inizialmente da solo e dovendosi trovare a dover gestire tutto con le proprie mani. All'interno del corso non ci sono solo la Teoria e pratica ma anche consigli su che cosa comprare all'inizio quali accessori possono semplificarti davvero il lavoro e con quale strumentazione incominciare a lavorare per essere competitivo sul mercato.Il perch di questa scelta molto semplice: vogliamo dare la possibilit ai nostri studenti di raggiungere quella base di competenze per poter sia lavorare in proprio ma anche valutare quale campo del settore sia pi adatto a loro e nell'eventualit approfondirlo e cercare una posizione lavorativa all'interno del settore."
Price: 19.99

"The Art of Storytelling (Early Childhood Educators)" |
"Stories have been around since the beginning of time, passed down to us in oral and written form and are the easiest way to connect. It is proven and universally acknowledged that stories are very effective way to communicate and learning through stories is fun.This course explains about the importance of Storytelling and how it becomes a great learning activity for children. It also explains about effective Storytelling Techniques and methods helping children to improve their listening, literacy and thinking skills.This is a course designed for aspiring teachers to enhance their skills in the art of storytelling. It will help them create interesting stories and keep children engaged in the classroom. Parents/Carers will learn creative ways of narrating a story that helps in strengthening their relationship with the child."
Price: 19.99

"Study electrical drawing for building" |
"the student will be familiar of electrical drawing for new building installationunderstand the meaning of shop drawing of electric drawingknow the type of some building lighting fixture used in building installationunderstand the installation of low current systems like ( fire system ,data and telephone system , cctv systems )understand the wiring of panel board panel for main distribution board and sub-main boards ."
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft 70-779 Certification Exam" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft 70-779 Certification Exam Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam. This practice test has 50 High-Quality Questions to prepare for your Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam. What Special About This (Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam)1.High Quality Question to crack your Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money-back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Microsoft 70- 779 Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Business Analytics with Excel" |
"If you are a manager or aspiring manager and you want to differentiate yourself or create a competitive advantage for you, Business Analytics with Excel is right course for you.You will learn some important tools and techniques to proceed with Business Analytics of your own. This is a quick course. The techniques have been presented from practical perspective. You dont need to get into complex mathematical and statistical modelling. Instead the focus is on understanding implications of various tools, learn interpreting and formulating problem and finally solve them using Excel.In the book Competing on analytics: The new science of winning, Thomas Davenport claims that a significant proportion of high-performance companies have high analytical skills among their personnel. In a research by MIT Sloan Management Institute it has been found that 51 % companies used Analytics to gain competitive advantage while others have been struggling.The answer is empowering each manager on analytics. This course is an attempt to empower every participant with analytics tools. This is about demystifying analytics. You will be able to do 80% of analytics related work yourself after this course. You may need specialist intervention in some complex cases. This course will help you getting competitive advantage and help you move faster in your career.So, what are you waiting for?Register now and empower your career!"
Price: 199.99

"Configuracin bsica MS Project Online - admin en sistemas" |
"nete al grupo de estudiantes que estn tomando esta clase destacada en configuracin bsica de Microsoft Project Online en Udemy!Con ms de 8 horas de lecciones, pruebas, y pasos prcticos que puedes seguir fcilmente, esta es una de los cursos ms completo de Project Online y Project Web App (PWA) disponibles. Vamos a cubrir lo bsico de una cuenta de Microsoft 365 y SharePoint Online para configurar y conectar a MS Project Online.Nota: Si trabajas con el sistema de Microsoft Project Server 2013/2016/2019, entonces puedes beneficiar de este curso para aprender como configurar Project Web App (PWA). Nada ms tienes que brincar las primeras tres secciones.Aprende con hechosEste curso es completamente interactivo con lecciones que puedes seguir con tu cuenta de Microsoft 365 y tu sitio de Project Online a mano.Aprende paso a paso a como configurar e implementar un sistema de Project Online desde cero. Sigue los pasos de este curso para tener un sistema de Project Online muy bien personalizado para tu organizacin o tus clientes.15 secciones para que domines la administracin de Project OnlineCon ms de 15 temas y secciones en lecciones dadas en ms de 8 horas de practica - este curso aporta mucho valor para ti y tu organizacin!Resumen del sistema Project Online y como empezar la configuracinConfigura Microsoft 365 para implementar Project OnlineConfigura el sistema SharePoint para Project Web App (PWA)Un vistazo al sistema de Project OnlineConcede acceso a PWA - administrando gruposConcede acceso a PWA - administrando a los usuariosConcede acceso a PWA - administrando a las categorasNavega a Project Online en lneaConfigura al equipo de Microsoft ProjectPersonaliza Project Online para tu negocioPersonaliza Project Online desde el equipo de Microsoft ProjectConfigura el centro de recursosAdministra PWA desde el equipo de Microsoft ProjectConfigura el aspecto de Project OnlineConfigura y administra de parte de horasTermina la configuracin de Project OnlineProbar la configuracin de Project Online Para cuando termines el curso vas a poder configurar, implementar, y administrar el sistema de Project Online con confianza!As que inscrbete ya!Saludos! Minerva"
Price: 99.99

Price: 10800.00

"Mastering Burp Suite Pro - Dynamic course" |
"This Course in Dynamic course I will keep on adding new content every month and on every update of burp suite. So you don't need to buy any other course related to burp training as it will be updated every time burp new version is released. Soon I will update videos related to creating your own addon in burp."
Price: 199.99

keichouyoritaisetsu |
Price: 7800.00

"Understanding Online Learning & Teaching Methodologies" |
"Introduction to Online Teaching. Understanding the Importance of Online Teaching. Learning about various online teaching tools. Technology Requirements for online Teaching. Difference between Open Access & Closed / Customized Technology. Open Access & Customized Resources. Elements of Effective Online Classroom. Educators also get to learn the steps involved in planning for teaching online effectively."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Eletrnica T.I - 2 - Segundo Periodo" |
"Conceitos para consertar equipamentos Eletrnicos com foco em T.I Eletrnica Base Slida 2 - Conceitos para consertar, reparar e executar projetos de Eletrnica com foco em T.I Publico em geral, porm quem trabalha com com T.I, encontrar neste Curso a base slida de conhecimento, pois que capacita plenamente, todos os conceitos de funcionamento do hardware, no importa o seu segmento de trabalho, dentro da rea de T.I este curso far uma atualizao em seu conhecimento, gerando mudana em sua vida pessoal e profissional, ele mudar sua viso de mundo, de como tudo funciona, ao seu redor saiba que uma Longa caminhada comea com um nico passo, eis aqui seu primeiro passo neste mundo maravilhoso da Tecnologia Eltrica, e tudo que a cerca, com fundamentos de slida Base, ira saber como tudo funciona em uma viso prtica, e apaixonante, que ira dar uma nova viso de mundo, saber o que move toda tecnologia Eltrica, e at sua vida. Entenda Eletrnica , com um mtodo de ensino que j ultrapassa as 15000000 de visualizaes no YouTube com mais de 100000 seguidores, ira aprender os fundamentos da ELETRNICA."
Price: 579.99

ycedutech |
Price: 199.99

"Python Programming Masterclass for Beginners : Zero to Hero" |
"In this Python course we will be dealing with the introduction, short and sweet history upon programming languages and how Python stands out as more benefiting than any of the previous developed languages.Even if you are a total beginner to coding, in general this course assists you and Guides you through the whole way and also helps you become a master coder. Not only that we will also be seeing the basic Industry standards and requirements that you should know as a Python expert and even more we will start all of this from the very basics so you will have no confusion or stuck up in any topic. Python is one of the leading and trending programming languages that has been separated as a sign of superiority as opposed to other programming languages despite anyone being from a computer science background or not. Python is essential for anyone who wishes to seek some jobs for internships from the IT industry. Because of python dynamic nature it is very easy to understand most concept and also implement the same which can be reflected in your program and output.Therefore even the students who are not from computer or any coding background with no coding experience at all will also benefit from this as having Python as a skill under your resume is never a loss. From strings tuples to even libraries such as Pandas and SK learn we will be understanding Python in depth and in an efficient manner. This also includes 25 of the most commonly asked Python questionnaires as well as programs that are a quintessential and a confirmed question in the most industry standard interviews these are the programs that are expected to be known by anyone who has good grip a on python.We will be also dealing with statements and conditions which are very crucial for decision making in any programming language and in this case python.The fundamental that will be covering here will include from memory management to fast execution of the code as well as the basic operation be required for making simple programs such as additional qualification to Complex programs such as statistics and mathematical regressions.In short the complete package that not only introduces you to the beginning of python basics but also teaches you a few basic course that are expected from every individual who owns a skill in Python as well as we will see a few higher and and yet to be discovered subjects such as machine learning and artificial intelligence as well.What you will learnIntroduction to Python programming language and origin of the same How Python has changed and revolutionized the worldVarious uses of Python Programming and why you should learn this astonishing coding techniqueCoding basics and functions in PythonAdvantage of python coding procedure over other programming languagesTaking advantage of the simplicity encoding of python and also exploring a few inbuilt functionsCreative variety range of applications using Python coding for example games online forms and moreUsing graphical user interfaces and other interface methods which are up to industry standardsWe will also becoming a few basic Python programs that are a must every Python for beginners tutorials alongside that will also be comparing and optimizing our code and procedures off codingThe extension and branching out of python applications not only serves as a tool for development of websites but also into Research Exploring a majority of python inbuilt libraries and their functionality to reduce our time for development of the program Will be understanding our vast majority of supporting platforms such as Python and also Jupyter notebook and much much more feel free to use which have a platform your comfortable with do we recommend Python 3.x and higher up versionsWho this course is forSo basically this course is someone who is absolute beginning to Python and has never coded ever before it can also be for someone who has some knowledge on coding previously though it doesn't differ as we will be covering Python from the basicsFor students who are Aspiring to become developers in Python and other application oriented work using python Python programmingA student who is curious to learn about programming language but doesn't know where to start with which in such case for a beginner in programming languages in general Python is a good pic for startersAnyone who just wants to brush up previously gain knowledge from Python and wants to study Python for Application purposesA programmer who is in requirement of learning Python for both personal purpose and professional purposesPython is only used for front end but also for back and Developers so if anyone is into database or user interface application designing then this would help them satisfy the needsIt is also useful for people who are working with IOT that is internet of things where you require interfacing with the Arduino robot and you have to use Python button on different platform called t h o n n y"
Price: 99.99

"IT Networking Fundamental Complete Guide For Beginners 2020" |
"Hey! Welcome to the IT Networking fundamental for absolute beginners course 2020 (Computer Networking) In this course, you will learn about computer network that keeps the world as you know today connected and running. We will cover the fundamentals of networking basics.I have designed this course for anyone who wants to learn about networking and gain basic knowledge of computer networking. The concepts taught in this course are very good to understand the basics of networking.This course is a general introduction for students in IT Networking Fundamentals including core areas that function within a given computer network. The course provides an introduction to the hardware, software, terminology, components, design, and connections of a network, as well as the network topologies and protocols for WANs and LANs. This course will teach you about how the things are working nearby you.KEY COURSE TOPICSHow Computer Networks WorkNetwork architectureNetwork TypesNetworking cablesTCP/IP modelNetwork TopologiesNetworking Devices & CablingThe TCP/IP ModelsIP AddressingIP ProtocolsSwitches & RoutersPhysical layerDatalink layerNetwork layerTransport layerApplication layerDNSFTPTelnetSMTPand a lot more...Who this course is for:Anybody who wants to Learn Computer NetworkingAny college going students wants to learn networking fundamentalsAspiring IT ProfessionalsThis Course Is NOT for Experts in the field of Networking Anybody who wants to learn a new skill"
Price: 34.99

"Comment Faire un bol de DAN-DAN-MEN nouilles Vgtalien ?!" |
"Bonjour tous !Je vousdrais vous prsenter Faire le Ramen sappelle DAN-DAN-MEN avec ma recette originale.si qqun qui prfre avec la viande ou poisson pourquoi pas ! vous pouvez remplacer a la place de Soy-Meat ( viande de soja )Jespre que vous allez bien profiter un moment la Japonaise !Arigato Tomoko Mon atelier"
Price: 3600.00

"Adobe After Effects CC Fundamentals - Motion Graphic Expert" |
"Adobe After Effects CC 2020 Fundamentals - Motion Graphic Expert is a comprehensive course, it is perfectly designed for graphic designers, fresh starters and the intermediate after effects users.You will start by learning the core fundamentals of after effects interface and the tools so that you can start working on real life creative projects with confidence. As you progress through the course, eventually we will dive into the advance features of the application in an simplified step by step procedure to create beautiful animations, which you can proudly share.This course consist of creative projects and you will learn.How to approach and plan for animation in project.How to import and organize your project assets.How to create and work with composition panel.How to work with animation timeline. Learn the typography animation.How to add key frames and fine tuning the animation.How to add smooth transition in your project.How to offset animations key frames.How to work with graph editor to fine tune the key frames.How to apply effects and change its parameters to get desired result.How to create null objects to control the layers and animation.How to work with basic expression to create amazing animation.Getting to know the 3D interface and navigating around.How to create 3D layers and camera animation.How to work seamlessly between different precomps and compositions.How to create and work with shape layers and its properties.Work with library of effects and presets.Rendering the project using media encoder."
Price: 3200.00
