"Defeitos Catalogados - Manuteno de Notebook -Vrias Marcas" |
"Ol! Seja bem vindo ao curso de defeitos catalogados!So diversas marcas e diversos defeitos que catalogamos em nosso ambiente de trabalho! Aproveite!A DICARJ catalogou diversos problemas que chegavam a nossa assistncia tcnica.Neste curso voc conseguir ver quais os modelos que mais apresentam erros recorrentes.Alm dos vdeos, tambm ir ganhar uma apostila com os erros e solues. Aproveite para completar tambm com os erros que iro surgir na sua assistncia tcnica!Venha participar da nossa comunidade NOTEBOOK Brasil!"
Price: 39.99

"Como fazer um BGA sem estao - Manuteno de notebook" |
"Seja bem vindo!A empresa DICARJ desenvolveu este curso com o intuito de lhe ajudar a fazer um BGA (Reflow e Reball) gastando muito pouco!Sem a necessidade de comprar uma estao de BGA carssima!Ensinaremos nossa tcnica que ser muito til para fazer um BGA em:- Notebooks- Placas de computadores- Vdeo games e muito mais!!!Aproveite e ingresse no nosso curso hoje mesmo!"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Criar Interfaces Grficas Python com Tkinter" |
"A biblioteca Tkinter mdulo obrigatrio para desenvolvedores Python. mdulo que j vem instalado com Python e ferramento de fcil utilizao para criao de interfaces grficas e comunicao com usurios.Nesse curso abordaremos passo a passo os componentes e argumentos necessrios para criao de tela conforme necessidade e aps esse conhecimento estar hbil para desenvolver interfaces."
Price: 39.99

"Recarga de Vehculos Elctricos" |
"Si eres un amante de los vehculos elctricos, te interesa todo lo que gira alrededor de la movilidad sostenible o desarrollas tu actividad laboral en este mbito, este curso est especialmente diseado para ti! Estamos seguros de que, gracias a las 9 secciones que conforman el curso, vas a alcanzar una visin muy completa de la movilidad elctrica y, particularmente, de la instalacin de puntos de recarga.Con 6 aos de experiencia, somos una de las empresas pioneras en Espaa en la fabricacin de puntos de recarga para vehculos elctricos. Aos de trabajo y dedicacin que nos sirven para ofrecer una formacin de calidad. Queremos que sepas qu es un vehculo elctrico, cules son sus ventajas y, sobre todo, que conozcas de forma detallada el proceso de instalacin de un punto de recarga: Reglamentacin, Componentes, Legalizacin, Tarifas Elctricas, Tendencias Futuras...El curso cuenta con vdeos explicativos y casos prcticos. Entre otras cosas, conocers:- Las diferencias entre los vehculos elctricos y los de combustin- Las etiquetas DGT para vehculos hbridos y elctricos- El proceso de instalacin de un punto de recarga de principio a fin: esquema, diseo y ejecucin- Las preinstalaciones de puntos de recarga- La reglamentacin que rige las instalaciones (Ley de Propiedad Horizontal, Leyes autonmicas o el Reglamento Electrotcnico de Baja Tensin)- Las mejores tarifas elctricas para cargar un vehculo elctrico- Los tipos de conectores- Las protecciones elctricas- Las tendencias futuras en el sector de la movilidad elctrica y los puntos de recargaVAMOS... Nos vemos en el vdeo de presentacin del curso! Estamos seguros de que te va a encantar."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Methodologies - From Basic to Advance" |
"Ethical Hacker is a core training program for an information security professional, also referred to as a white-hat hacker, who systematically attempts to inspect network infrastructure with the consent of its owner to find security vulnerabilities which a malicious hacker could potentially exploit. The course helps you assess the security posture of an organization by identifying vulnerabilities in the network and system infrastructure to determine if unauthorized access is possible. Ethical Hacker program is the most comprehensive Ethical Hacking program in the world. It is the first of three courses within our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) track."
Price: 1920.00

"Realistic Drawing EYE" |
"Draw this eye with Hyper Real Technique. Discover and draw the different layers of the eye. Learn the details, contrast, and simulation of eye drawing. If you can draw this realistic eye for the first time, your fear will be drawn. If you build the basic structure of this eye, you can apply different layers with pencils and drawing tools. The important thing is to know the layers. And tool recognition. Your ability to draw the real draws you to the point of view of others. Because only a professional can Draw this real eye. Draw a real eye on this technical course.In this course I want to draw hyper realistic eye using an outline. You can blend the layer in any way your layers are drawn in a natural and real way by mixing them I draw hatches from dark to bright and from the inside to outside, because you know the middle of the eye receives more light and needs to be brighter. You see, I constantly change my tools sometimes with the Conte pencil, sometimes the hard and brittle pencil and sometimes the soft, black pencil. You see, I'm careful about using the tool. I doubt and sometimes wonder what tool will work best for me, Well I hope you enjoyed this drawing. This eye looks so natural because you used different tools and layers to draw the details and learn the different steps, contrast is very important, as well as the fit, the direction of the eyelashes, the light coming into the eye. Reflected by the contrast of darkness and clear fading of different parts All of these steps make your drawing look more realistic."
Price: 74.99

"TOTAL IMMUNITY - Kundalini Yoga Power Practice" |
"Greetings & Welcome! This course is for anyone wanting to enhance their immune system and overall health. Feel more powerful, more healthy and more tuned in. This course is a way to be Proactive with your health and immunity! In this course you will find ancient yogic techniques as well as holistic lifestyle choices that can strengthen your immunity in a whole way and keep you strong, physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. This course will set you on your way to strong immunity and vibrant health. You will experience less stress, less fear, and more confidence, more inner peace, more energy, and greater sense of health.No past yoga experience, meditation experience or flexibility is required. Just show up with an open mind, a desire to be healthier and ready to practice. This course is intended to make it easy for you to get on a track of healthy lifestyle and to enhance your immunity efficiently and holistically. Over my 10+ years of deep study & immersion in Meditation, Yoga, Metaphysics, Mindset, Personal Growth and Holistic Lifestyle, I find Kundalini Yoga to be one of the most powerful and most effective practices. It works very quickly and effectively. Kundalini Yoga includes Exercise, Meditation, Mantra, Mudra, Deep Relaxation, & Sound Healing. I've paired this practice with holistic lifestyle suggestions, all things that I have practiced to enhance my health and immunity. Its very different than the type of yoga your are probably imagining in your mind. This yoga is beyond words and is an experience! With recent global health concerns, it has stimulated a lot of people to care more about their health, well being and immunity. It is time to be proactive with our health, making healthy practice and habits a part of our daily life, rather than waiting for an alarm or fear to motivate us. There is tremendous freedom, confidence and ease when we take responsibility of our health and began doing things that will naturally support our health and wellbeing. WHAT YOU GET:A Thoughtful PDF Workbook to Prepare You for the Practice Specific Ancient Kundalini Yoga Exercises Intended to Enhance Immunity & Health3 Different Full - Longer Practice Sessions4 Different Shorter - Practice Sessions Ongoing Access to the Course and Practice Session VideosJournal Prompts for Self Reflection and Clarity in the WorkbookHolistic Lifestyle SuggestionsJournal & Note Taking Space in the WorkbookTHIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF: (any of the below resonate)Want to Be Proactive with Your HealthYou want Strong ImmunityYou have no experience or little experience with Yoga, Meditation & Holistic Lifestyle and want to be Healthier You want to convert stress, fear, anxiety into Inner Peace, Confidence and EaseYou want to practice from the convenience of your home/location, on your own schedule You want to Deepen your Practice or Enhance your Lifestyle REQUIREMENT: If you have any Medical Conditions or Injuries, you must consult your health care provider to ensure this practice is in alignment with your health needs at this time. SUGGESTED (NOT REQUIRED) ITEMS: Yoga Matt and or BlanketCushion to Sit on Glass of Water to DrinkYOU ARE THE GREATEST INVESTMENT YOU WILL EVER MAKE! No matter how great your life is, if your health isn't on point it is difficult to truly enjoy the greatness of your life and the beauty life has to offer. Investing into your health and mental & spiritual well being will positively effect your experience of life. Your health and happiness enhances by starting not procrastinating. The time is now more than ever to invest into the greatness of you!ENROLL NOW & MAY THE JOURNEY BEGIN!"
Price: 44.99

"Complete Resume, Career, LinkedIn, Cover Letter & Interview:" |
"Did you know that between 70% to 80% of jobs are never advertised? How long have you been looking for a job? Do you want to break the cycle of unemployment today? Do you want to know how recruitment works during challenging economic times? Have you submitted 50+ job applications without actually knowing that those were wrong applications and thats why you were never called for an interview? Do you want to leverage your skills to attract the right Recruiters? Do you know what Hiring Managers desire in the most qualified candidate and what they already know about you? This course brings you years of Expertise on Job Market Research.Once you complete this course, youll feel comfortable getting answers to your questions. Throughout the course, youll get video lectures explaining concepts clearly. You are one step closer to landing your dream job. This is the only comprehensive course that teaches how to navigate your career during challenging times. Most of my students found work within 1 month or less after enrollment and with great salaries too. This is the right course for you to achieve your career goals. Begin the next phase of your career and enroll today."
Price: 144.99

"Successful Job Hunting" |
"No one ever said that finding the right job is easy. But the good news is you now have help. Throughout this course, you will find lots of advice that has been successful to many individuals who are either seeking their first job or a senior management position. Follow these steps and you will have an advantage over everyone else who is competing for the job you want."
Price: 29.99

"Budget Setup Challenge" |
"Want to alleviate some stress in your finances? This course offers financial education to set up your budget and bills in a manageable method. I teach ways to increase income, reduce expenses, and pay off debt. Get rid of financial stress in your life and learn to work towards your dreams and goals. Finances should be fun not stressful."
Price: 19.99

". Sparkol VideoScribe." |
":, Sparkol VideoScribe : , , , """" . doodle .Doodle- , . , . , you-tube , - ."
Price: 2299.00

"Como elaborar um Plano de Marketing para Produto" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a elaborar de forma objetiva e prtica um plano de marketing voltado para produto. O contedo contempla a anlise criteriosa do Produto, seus nveis, classificao e estratgias; a gesto do preo, incluindo uma sequncia de etapas para fixao do preo final; o planejamento da distribuio, contemplando a conciliao entre abrangncia e proximidade, bem como seus tipos e estratgias; alm da estratgia de comunicao de marketing, seu processo, elementos, estrutura e principais ferramentas (venda pessoal, marketing direto, promoo de vendas, propaganda e relaes pblicas).E ainda, voc encontrar exerccios prticos ao final de cada aula, que permitiro o desenvolvimento do seu planejamento de forma gradual e contnua!"
Price: 54.99

"Como elaborar um Plano de Marketing para Servio" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender a elaborar de forma objetiva e prtica um plano de marketing voltado para servios. O contedo contempla a anlise criteriosa do Servio, seus nveis, classificao e estratgias; a gesto do preo, incluindo uma sequncia de etapas para fixao do preo final; o planejamento da distribuio, contemplando a conciliao entre abrangncia e proximidade, bem como seus tipos e estratgias; alm da estratgia de comunicao de marketing, seu processo, elementos, estrutura e principais ferramentas (venda pessoal, marketing direto, promoo de vendas, propaganda e relaes pblicas). E ainda, voc encontrar exerccios prticos ao final de cada aula, que permitiro o desenvolvimento do seu planejamento de forma gradual e contnua!"
Price: 54.99

"4 claves para tener una relacin sana contigo" |
"En este curso obtendrs las 4 claves bsicas para traer consciencia sobre qu es tener una relacin contigo.Descubrir cmo es tu relacin contigo para conocerte mejor y enamorarte de ti.Aprender la importancia de los valores y desvelar los tuyos. Indagar en tus emociones. Poner atencin a tus pensamientos para identificar tus creencias y conocer el papel que ejerce el observador en la relacin contigo.Potenciar la escucha y el cuidado de ti misma para mimar tu relacin contigo.Incorporar herramientas para integrarlas en tu da a da.CONOCER-TE - ENCONTRAR-TE, FORTALECER-TE y CREAR-TE."
Price: 19.99

"Revit certified professional 2020" |
Price: 19.99

"Pivot to Your Dream Career or Business" |
"Whats next? This is a question were all going to have to ask and answer more frequently when it comes to our careers. Given the rapid pace of innovation, outsourcing, globalisation, and automation, our roles are changing much more frequently now than they ever were in the past. I know what its like to have next to no time, BIG DREAMS, feeling stuck in the ""perfect job on paper"" and a deep burning desire to do something that lights your soul on fire and changes lives.I help high-performers and coaches pivot into their dream career or business to boost fulfilment & energy while juggling your 9-5. So that when you are ready to go all-in on a new direction, youre not launching blindly. Youre no longer taking a great leap, but rather a smart risk without sacrificing your corporate salary or sanity.In this course you will explore the Four-Stage Pivot method to help you map your next move, based on a foundation of whats already working for you.In this course you will learn how to take an inventory of your values, interests, skills, and lifestyle aspirations or goals in order to develop your career management skills.You'll also learn strategies for identifying your strengths and dealing with weaknesses.Then you'll learn how to pull it all together and develop a career plan based on your attributes and what you want to achieve. This course also provides tips on how to deal with any weaknesses that are holding you back.Along the way there are some downloadable tasks and resources to help you strategise and brainstorm the right next career move for you specifically.The course is packed with guidance and advice to help you change your career successfully and without taking unnecessary risk or setting yourself up for failure. After this course, if youve put in the self-discovery work and completed all the downloadable Career Bible Workbook exercises you will find that you now have your own Career Bible that guides you in progressing in your career or even successfully changing careers.The great thing about having your own Career Bible is that it can be a guiding light for you that you can always revert back to and rely on as its personal to you. You applied yourself and your own knowledge and experience and that is the best guide for you in whatever your next move may be.You deserve to take this time out to get to know yourself better and carve out the career that is unique and right for you, using all your best uncovered abilities and skills and playing to your own strengths."
Price: 34.99

"Ambiente de desenvolvimento no Windows 10 com WSL 2 e Docker" |
"Neste curso estaremos explicando os principais passos para configurao do Windows 10 (verso 2004) como ambiente para desenvolvimento de aplicaes, usando o Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL) verso 2 e o Docker Desktop (verso 2.3 ou posterior).Uma grande vantagem em utilizar o WSL2 ter um Linux como um subsistema no Windows 10, com kernel completo e sem precisar fazer dual-boot na sua mquina.Essa soluo tambm facilita a instalao de dois, trs, ou mais Linux, o quanto voc precisar a na sua mquina (e a mquina suportar, lgico rs) sem precisar usar softwares para mquinas virtuais, como por exemplo o VirtualBox.Depois de instalado e configurado o WSL, entraremos enfatizando o Docker, aprendendo desde os primeiros passos at a criao de servios com o Docker Compose.Entenderemos o funcionamento bsico do servio SSH, para ento criarmos as chaves para acesso SSH e configurao do Github."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Python: For absolute beginners - Urdu/Hindi" |
"Welcome to the Introduction to Python course. My name is Saima Aziz and I will be the instructor for this course. I have more than 25 years of teaching experience.Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. Python is a high level programming language. It allows you to focus on core functionality of the application by taking care of common programming tasks.By taking this course, you have entered into an exciting world of self-paced, online learning! If online education is new to you, don't worry!I have carefully designed the content of the course to be comprehensive and fully compatible with industrial requirements and easy to understand.Each section will generally have some video content, reading material, problem sets, and a set of assessment questions to test your knowledge.We will use Jupiter Notebook where samples can be run, and where practice tasks and code quizzes can be completed.I encourage you to take the course from beginning to end to get the full learning experience. Some sections may be very easy for you and others will be challenging, but each section should offer something of value. There's nothing like that feeling of accomplishment when you complete something from beginning to end, so hang in there, and enjoy the course!If you get stuck, don't give up! There is enough material in the sections to help you solve the problems and your hard work will pay off."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Alugar sua Casa Para Temporada" |
"H anos eu alugo minha casa na temporada para fazer uma renda extra, todo ano fao de 10 mil a 15mil reais, acredito que esse dinheiro j faria uma diferena para. Por isso criei esse curso com a inteno de ajudar pessoas a ganharem dinheiro com sua casa, no se voc sabe, mas todo ano voc mais gasta dinheiro do que tem retorno da sua casaVou te ensinar o passo a passo de como eu fao para ganhar dinheiro COM MINHA CASADesde de pequeno via meus pais alugarem a casa deles, tomei a deciso de fazer o mesmo, porm decidi ir alm e ensinar as pessoas como que elas tambm podem alugar suas casas e ganhar dinheiro tambm Decidir entregar tudo que sei de marketing digital e como eu fao, basta voc seguir tudo que ensino nesse curso"
Price: 69.99

"Guia de Escrita Criativa Trema" |
"Muitos escritores iniciantes chegam a conquistar um pblico para as suas histrias porque a temtica dos seus textos do interesse desse pblico, mas muito difcil passar desse apelo temtico para uma aceitao mais geral da obra nos crculos literrios.Ns queremos te ajudar a dar esse prximo passo.Esse no um curso sobre como escrever, esse um curso sobre como escrever bem.Nesse curso vou apresentar, com base na minha experincia como editor, por que alguns textos no funcionam, no passam para as prximas fases de concursos literrios ou no so aceitos como literatura sria.Ns vamos passar pelos erros mais bsicos e bvios que encontramos em textos de autores iniciantes e chegar at anlises de estilo, ritmo, dilogo e personagens.Ns vamos ter dar as ferramentas para dar o prximo passo, para levar seus contos a outro nvel."
Price: 114.99

"Your Ideal Online Income" |
"The Most Comprehensive Program to Start Working OnlineIf you are looking for an online income stream, you'll first have to choose what kind of digital person you want to be:1) The Remote WorkerBasically, an employee working for a company. Fixed salary, calls, benefits, bosses, timetable, you know the drill.With one main difference: they can actually work from anywhere.(or where-ever they darn well please!)wCo-working offices are usually full of remote workers, as they require a minimum setup to do their job properly (nice chair, good internet, tasty coffee and people to chit-chat).Having a remote job allows you to live anywhere on the planet within a suitable time zone.And even better: no more hours in the traffic while commuting.But if you don't really like the job regime (online or offline), then you have an alternative:2) The FreelancerThe cool thing about being a freelancer is that you have time flexibility: you decide decide when to work... or not.Like an Uber driver.(but from a laptop and without drunk passengers)Freelancers, in general, get paid by their clients per hour or per project concluded. How much?Well, it depends if they are highly-skilled or not at all.A mix of knowledge, authority and demand is what determines how much a freelancer is going to earn.But humans are never 100% satisfied, right?Some people want more free time. Others, better income.This is the moment you say: ""Eduardo, can I have both?"".Yes. You can try. But first, you might have to become:3) The Business OwnerOr shall we call them digital entrepreneurs?The same way you open a brick and mortar store in a mall, you could have created an e-commerce business to sell the same products online.But wait: let's not stop there.E-commerce is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to digital businesses.In reality, there are thousands of business owners making a living online in ways and methods you would think impossible (or at least improbable).(but don't worry, we are going to help you discover these methods, so keep reading)The main difference between having your own business and working as a freelancer is that it might take some time to have real profits.How long? It depends on the business model you choose and your ability to make it work.Unless... You decide to buy an online business that is already profitable, which will turn you into:4) The Digital InvestorThis, to put it simply, is investing in online companies that do not require the owner's physical presence to run.If building brands from scratch is not your thing but you do have capital to invest...... why not buy a digital company that already has all processes in place and is even generating revenue?It could be a blog, a software or a...Hold on!We'll get to the BEST options for each type soon."
Price: 34.99

"How to get more job interviews in 2020." |
"Become a top 1% applicant.This online course will make your applications stand out, by implementing strategies gleaned from top recruiters & career experts.Get more interviews.Don't just endlessly respond to job adverts, use our proven strategies to open more doors, get more calls and ultimately more job interviews.Land your dream job.Our step by step approach has been used by 1000's of people around the world to land their dream job, even in the most competitive job markets.Here's what you'll learn...How the global jobs market has changed since COVID-19How to set yourself up for successHow to remove barriers to get the job you wantWhere to locate the right job vacanciesHow the recruitment process worksHow to deconstruct job advertsHow to make your job applications stand outHow to create a winning CV/Resume How to build your reputation onlineHow to create your own job opportunitiesHow to get headhuntedHow to cold email hiring companiesThe bottom line...I've been working in and around career development for over 10 years. Check out my other courses and you'll see I've already helped 1000's of people. This is my reaction to a global jobs market that has gone crazy in a post COVID-19 world.If you're looking for a short, to the point, no nonsense online course that actually gets you working on the right tasks in days, not weeks, then this is for you.Just watch the videos, complete the tasks and you'll start getting more job interviews."
Price: 19.99

"How to interview with confidence and get more job offers" |
"Does this sound like you...You've worked hard to get a rare job interview?You're anxious about the other interviewees being better than you?You don't look forward to job interviews?You want some help boosting your confidence to stand out from the other applicants? You don't have a lot of time to prepare?Well this course is for you...It's short, to the point and condenses 10 years of career development experience into exactly what you need to knowIt'll walk you through the job interview process, so you know what to expect, what the interviewer is looking for and how to use that to your advantageYou'll know exactly how to respond to any interview question that comes your wayBy the end of this course...You'll actually look forward to job interviewsYou'll shine above all the other applicantsYou'll learn how to negotiate an increase in starting salary, that could otherwise take you years to achieve"
Price: 19.99

"Mathematics in Design and Technology" |
"This course focuses on the mathematics needed in design and technology. An ideal programme of professional development for teachers of design and technology produced by a mathematics specialist in collaboration with a range of D&T experts. The course is also ideal for students studying Design and Technology GCSE, and similar, with many model solutions of mathematics applied in a D&T context and would be suitable for learning via remote learning. Further resources, including worksheets and mini quizzes, can be found on the TES website, search for 'TES goodridge18 shop'.Following the completion of the course, teachers will have developed their subject knowledge of mathematics and enhanced their ability to successfully teach the content whilst current D&T students will improve their understanding on mathematics in design and technology. As well as learning mathematics, teachers can also learn from a range of different design and technology teachers who share their expertise and experiences of embedding mathematics into the curriculum, assessment and homework as well as their reflections on the content taught within this course. This really is a one-stop course for mathematics in design and technology."
Price: 89.99

"Percentages made Easy in 100 minutes!" |
"In this course, I will be sharing with you the techniques to calculate Percentages in a few seconds using the Vedic Maths System. Anyone can do this if they have a basic sense of numbers. I would highly recommend this course for all students, corporate managers, professionals, Math enthusiasts etc to spend just about 100 minutes mastering this course.I guarantee them a better and simpler understanding of the concept of Percentages."
Price: 19.99

"IP Addressing and Subnetting - Hands-on Learning Approach" |
"Knowing IP addressing and subnetting is critical for IT professional to succeed in the real work and passing most IT certifications. This course will help you learning the ""in's and out's"" of an IP address, it's format, ways to assign them, subnetting, and how to subnet in you head. You will also get an introduction to world of IPV6. This course is taught using real world examples and a digital whiteboard with live computer to test the networking. This class will not use slides to teach, it is a very interactive class with actual examples and ways to implement them. You will actually see how to implement IP addresses and subnets. Andrew Ramdayal has been teaching IT courses for over 20 years and is the holder of over 60 certifications and is a bestselling author of ITSM and Project Management Study Guides. He will teach his methods to learn IP address in an easy practical sense. Thousands of students around the world was able to learn this complex topic and has succeed on their certification and in real life. Use this course to help you pass the following certifications:CompTIAA+, Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002)Network+, N10-007Security+, SY0-501 and SY0-601All Other CompTIA that requires the knowledge of IP Addressing.Microsoft and CiscoCCNA, 200-301CCNA, 200-201 CBROPSCCNPCCIEMCSEMCSAOther VendorsEC-Council CEHISC2 CISSPISACA CISA and CISMMost other certifications that requires the knowledge of IP Addressing."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Spark - Learn to Create Amazing Social Media Graphics" |
"Our Adobe Spark social Media course will help take your Social Media and Graphic Design game to new heights. We will introduce you to this powerful and easy to use software. This software is like Canva but a deeper font and stock library with video slide show functionality. By the end of the course you will be able to create your own professional graphic designs faster than ever.In this course you will learn how to create popular social media posts like Youtube thumbnails, Amazon Kindle Book Covers, Online Course Covers and even custom posts that you can reuse over and over.Learn to Create Professional looking Social Media Posts (Amazon Kindle, Instagram, Youtube Thumbail, and customer dimension posts)Master how to manage text, fonts, designs, for your posts.Learn to Create Branded templates with your logo, fonts, and color codes,Get an introduction to Video editing with the Video Slideshow makerIf you're already using the Adobe Creative Cloud chances are Adobe Spark is free to use."
Price: 49.99

"Accredited Certificate in Counselling Children & Adolescents" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of counselling in children & adolescents. So we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.This course will enable you to use the methods and techniques of counseling in children and adolescents.The accredited certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Spirit in Yoga" |
"Your character is not your self. Character is made from thoughts, words, feelings and action. But it is also made from the nature elements of Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Spirit. As you understand the power of these elements, you can use them to change your character and by changing your character you change the world.Discover:How you can improve your characterWhat impact the Fire aspect has on your characterHow to use the element Water to affect your characterHow Earth grounds youWhy the Wind can blow in different directionsAnd much more!For a deep dive into the philosophy of Yoga, enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Cambridge IGCSE Chinese as Second Language (0523) 2019 Edeo" |
"Course FeaturesModerate LevelCarefully SelectedBilingual InterpretationExtended VocabularyExam Skill Focused Cambridge IGCSE is the worlds most popular international qualification for 14 to 16 year old. It is recognized by leading universities and employers worldwide, and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested and trusted by schools worldwide.This syllabus is designed for learners who are learning Mandarin Chinese as a foreign language. The aim is to develop an ability to use the language effectively for purposes of practical communication. The course is based on the linked language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, and these are built on as learners progress through their studies. Cambridge IGCSE Chinese aims to offer insights into the culture and civilization of countries where Mandarin Chinese is spoken, encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of foreign languages.There are three papers: First Language (0509) (equivalent to HSK 6, IB A (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCE Advance Level (9CN0))Second Language (0523) (equivalent to HSK 5, IB B (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCE Advance Subsidiary AS Level (8CN0))Foreign Language (0547) (equivalent to HSK 4, IB B (SL)(SL), Edexcel GCSE (1CN0), Edexcel IGCSE (4CN0), AQA IGCSE )Please refer to our Quiz Cambridge IGCSE Chinese as Second Language (0523) 2019 for practiceand Amazon book ""Cambridge IGCSE Chinese as Second Language (0523) 2019- Extensive Explanations for Achieving an A* in the IGCSE Chinese - Examination Skills, Tips and Guide Comparing with Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK) which is organized by Chinese government for foreigners.The levels of the new HSK correspond to the levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF), GCSE, IGCSE, AS, A Level (A1, A2), IB, SAT, AP as follows: GCSE Chinese / IGCSE Chinese = HSK (Level 4) 1200 Vocabulary A1 A2 Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500IB Chinese (SL) HSK (Level 5) 2500AP Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500SAT Chinese HSK (Level 5) 2500A Level Chinese HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000 IB Chinese (HL) HSK (Level 6) Over 5,000"
Price: 59.99

"Introduction and Comparing of HSK with IB, IGCSE Chinese etc" |
"The Introduction and Comparing of HSK with IB, AP, SAT, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE, GCSE, AQA GCSE Chinese, 2020 HSK ISBN: 9798675573684There are many international Chinese examinations offered by different examination boards, such as IB, AP, SAT, CIE IGCSE, Edexcel IGCSE, GCSE, AQA GCSE. In this comprehensive book, we will give the summary and Comparing of HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test, the test conducted by Chinese government to oversea students outside China). This is quick reference for students and parents when they decide which exam for them to choose. This is based on our more 25 years Chinese teaching as second language and our more than 300 video courses and publications as an Online contents provider."
Price: 29.99
