"How To Work From Home And Keep Selling" |
"In this course, you will learn to:Develop the 10 proven habits that will make you effective and efficient when working from homePinpoint your ideal client and learn how to find them using Boolean and Advanced LinkedIn SearchesConnect with them through LinkedIn and establish your credibility through effective posts and articlesUnderstand how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and attract the ideal prospectsLearn how to use video to demonstrate, connect, present and sell from the comfort of your home"
Price: 79.99

"Soft-skills: Liderana de Alto Desempenho" |
"No novo mundo do trabalho surgiu um novo conceito: as soft-skills.E voc sabe o que so soft-skills?As ""soft skills"", ou seja, as habilidades no-tcnicas de um profissional, nada mais so do que competncias pessoais, que indicam a forma como aquela pessoa lida com os problemas, como se relaciona e interage com os demais.As soft-skills esperadas para uma determinada pessoa esto relacionadas sua rea de atuao e, principalmente, ao posto que ela deseja ocupar no mercado de trabalho. Assim, um membro de um time, por exemplo, precisa demonstrar habilidades comportamentais de acordo com a posio que quer ocupar nesse time. por isso que muitos recrutadores, alm de avaliarem as competncias tcnicas de um candidato, tambm avaliam o seu comportamento, em busca de um membro que se encaixe dentro de uma determinada equipe.O melhor exemplo de soft-skill a inteligncia emocional, que a capacidade de lidar bem com as prprias emoes e usar essa energia a seu favor, sem impulsividade ou arrependimento posterior.Todo profissional, independentemente da posio que ocupa na carreira, precisa de inteligncia emocional para alcanar os objetivos que definiu para a carreira.Outros exemplos de soft skills so colaborao, empatia, liderana, inteligncia emocional, flexibilidade e gesto de equipes.E ao longo deste curso veremos como desenvolver essas soft-skills muito importantes para a sua evoluo tanto pessoal como profissional."
Price: 39.99

"Cmo ganar dinero invirtiendo en bolsa" |
"El xito en este tipo de inversin depende de tres cosas: psicologa, anlisis de mercado y sistemas de trading. Este curso se divide en tres partes. En primer lugar veremos algunosprincipios de psicologa de la inversinque tenemos que tener muy en cuenta a la hora de manejar nuestras emociones. Veremos tambin como comprender el comportamiento de la multitud para beneficiarnos de sus vaivenes y no dejarnos arrastrar por su agitacin.En segundo lugar profundizaremos en elanlisis de grficos. Aprenderemos a analizartendenciasy a manejarnos con losindicadoresque nos van a ayudar a leer al detalle todo lo que sucede y a ganar dinero con tcnicas profesionales. Nos meteremos tambin en el anlisis de lasfigurasms importantes y en estrategias de inversin japonesas con la lectura develas.Finalmente, en la tercera parte, profundizaremos en tcnicas degestin del capital, donde aprenderemos a limitar las prdidas y a multiplicar los beneficios mediante el uso de stops automticos. En esta parte aprenderemos tambin como hacer un anlisis para abrir una posicin y como sostenerla de forma rentable a lo largo del tiempo. La idea es que al final del curso los alumnos tengan los conocimientos suficientes como para continuar este camino por su cuenta definiendo unsistema propioy que se ajuste a la esencia de cada uno."
Price: 24.99

"La Supervisin en el rea naval" |
"El curso de Supervisin en el rea Naval se relaciona con el concepto de Liderazgo dentro de cualquier mbito de accin y actividad del ser humano, El mismo se ha considerado subdividirlo en varios argumentos, a saber: Demo. Introduccin. Prembulo y Objetivos. La supervisin a travs de los tiempos. Definiciones de Conceptos. Proceso Industrial. El Astillero. La Tecnologa. Conclusiones"
Price: 49.99

"Alteryx: Get Designer Core Certified" |
"Learn Alteryx and master the Alteryx Designer Core exam with this step-by-step course that will prepare you to learn the top core tools and pass the exam. Alteryx workflows and resources included! You will be prepared to deliver deeper insights for key business decision-making in hours, not weeks.In this hands-on Alteryx Designer Core exam preparation course, you'll learn how to solve problems related to the exam and become Alteryx Designer Core certified to accelerate your career growth. You will easily and quickly cleanse, prepare, fix, and explore data and the endless opportunities of self-service data analytics.An era where organizations are focused on real-time data to solve problems, a vital business decision relies on four key factors: Identify the problem, analyze the possible solutions, evaluate the possibilities that are likely to bring you closer to your goal, and make the decision. This decision can be streamlined to the hands of stakeholders by utilizing advanced analytics through the powerful data preparation and blending capabilities within Alteryx.Use Alteryx and Analyze Data to answer complex business questionsAccess, cleanse, and blend data from multiple sources using drag-and-drop toolsDiscover, manage, and understand data in your organization to improve analytic productivityKeep data in the database by accelerating the preparation, blending, and analysis of large sets of dataContents and OverviewThis course is meant for all skill levels. You will be on a data analytics journey from exploring the top core tools and will be fully prepared to pass the Alteryx Designer Core exam. Each lecture provides step-by-step guidance to the top core tools on the exam and you'll apply what you're learning immediately.This is your step-by-step actionable guide to solving the problems on the Alteryx Designer Core exam. Every lecture is independent, you can start in whatever section you desire.The course is broken out into multiple lectures. You'll learn when to join and union your data, when to use the transpose and the crosstab tools, how to aggregate data, why the configuration settings within the tools matter, and much more.You'll be fully prepared to get certified and enable yourself to data prep, analyze, examine, and present data for deeper and faster insights."
Price: 79.99

"Python for All Ages and Absolute Beginners!" |
"Reading for parents:Do you spend too much time on the computer, phone or tablet? Don't you wish you could do something more productive together? Why not learn a life long valuable skill that will lead to into a career that pays 2 times the national average?Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:1. Code Python on the WebLearn core topics like What is Google Colab, What If I Get Errors, How Do I Terminate a Session, How Do I Enable Corgi Mode, and etc2. Python VariablesLearn topics like Variables, Data Types, Boolean, F String, Source Code, and etc3. The Number Doctor - Python OperatorsLearn topics like Simple Arithmetic Operators, Modulo Arithmetic Operator, Floor Division, Exponents, and etc.4. The String Doctor - Operate on StringsLearn topics like Adding Strings, Adding String Variables, Operate on Strings and Integers, and etc.5. The List NinjaLearn topics like making a list of Variables, Compare Lists, Don't Make This List Mistakes, Get an Item from the list, and etc6. If StatementsLearn topics like Making an If Statement and Source Code.Join the community. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Agile Leadership and New Generation Leaders" |
"Are you a new leader in the early stages of your leadership career? Or do you want to gain the necessary skills to be ready to get your first leadership role? Then this is the course for you. It will help you develop your leadership skills and confidence as well as strategies to lead and manage a team and improve performance, innovation and creativity in your teams.This course is different from any other course you will find because there is a large section dedicated on the role of leadership in agile organisation as well as the non-agile modern leadership styles. It will also teach you the traditional leadership approach so that you can compare these 3; agile leadership, modern leadership and traditional leadership. This course will also give you very practical information like ways of resolving conflict or how to set targets for your teams.The topics we will cover in this course are;Roots of Agile and What is AgileWhat is leadershipTraditional, Modern and Agile LeadershipHow to leave titles behindMastery, Autonomy and Purpose4 Key Activities of Agile leadersObjective and Key ResultsEstablishing AccountabilityConflict HandlingTop Qualities of an Agile LeaderLeadership skills in the eyes of the millennialsThis course is useful for;Anyone who wants to adapt the new ways of working and start building their careers to become a leader in an agile organisationManagersEntrepreneursScrum MastersAgile CoachesProject ManagersAnd anyone who wants to improve their leadership skillsThere are no prerequisites for this course. It is only expected that you'll understand general business and some basic terminology about agile."
Price: 199.99

"Integrated Management. ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 & ISO 45001." |
"This online course is about implementing and auditing an integrated management system that complies to the requirements of three standards ISO 9001:2015 (quality management), ISO 14001:2015 (environmental management) and ISO 45001:2018 (occupational health and safety management).The course is focused on the common elements of the standards, that can be used as a basis for the integration.We will follow the common High Level Structure (HLS) of all management system standards published by ISO, covering the requirements in clauses:- Context of the organization - the internal and external issues that affect the organization, the needs and expectations of interested parties and the scope of the integrated management system- Leadership - the support of the top management for the integrated management system, the integrated policy and the system for establishing the responsibilities and authorities for different roles- Planning - the identification and assessment of risks and opportunities, the integrated system objectives and the plans of the organization for their achievement- Support - resources for the integrated management system, competence and awareness, internal and external communication and the requirements for the integrated management system documentation- Operation - a look at the common elements of the standards like change management and the control of outsourcing but also the specific requirements of the three standards involved (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001). The plans and preparations of the organization for emergency situations.- Performance evaluation - Monitoring and measurement, analysis and evaluation, the internal audit of the integrated management system and the management review- Improvement - the management of nonconformities and corrective actions and the continual improvement of the integrated management system.There is plenty of information about auditing the different requirements of the standards in an integrated management system. For example - auditing the top management, auditing the context of the organization or auditing the internal audit of the management system.This online course if of use for anyone who manages or implements an integrated system, to those who audit management systems, to anyone who has an interest in ISO standards and how they can be applied in an organization.The theoretical concepts are supported by examples from various sectors for a better understanding.A journey through 3 of the most popular standards in the world, highlighting the commonalities but also discussing the specific requirements of each standard. Quality - Environmental & Occupational health and safety management in a concentrated form and an easy to understand presentation."
Price: 44.99

"3D Modelling with 3ds Max : The Quickest Way" |
"You want to learn how to use 3ds Max to create realistic 3D models, right?3ds Max is the industry-standard application in Architectural Visualisation and I am going to show you how to use it to 3d model.Take the guess work out of 3D modelling and start making 3d models today!Designed for all levels of 3ds Max and V-Ray users, you'll learn how to master 3D modelling and useful techniques used in 3ds Max to create amazing assets. Here's more detail about what you'll learn in this 3ds Max Class...3D Modelling with 3ds Max.Are you having trouble creating realistic 3d models results?In this project based course I am going to walk you step by step through how to create realistic 3d models every time, no more hoping for a good result. You can follow along with your own assets or use the example in the class.By the end of this tutorial series, you will have...Mastered the 3D Modelling WorkflowHave the knowledge to create realistic models every time.Know the secrets the professionals use to stand out from the crowd.It's great to have you here. I LOVE 3D MODELLING ESPECIALLY IN 3DS MAX!The 3D Modelling with 3ds Max course is the highest quality course I've ever put out! And I'm proud to invite you to join us in the course today. It's the course about 3d modelling I needed 10 years ago!TAKE YOUR 3D MODELLING TO THE NEXT LEVELThis course is perfect for anyone that wants to learn the quickest way to make high end models. Whether you're an Interior Designer, Architect, 3D Generalist, 3D Visualisation Artist, 3D Artist, 3Ds Max User or just want to be able to make world class 3D models- this course will help you make better 3D assets.My Promise to You I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message. I want to make this the best course on how to create 3d models with 3ds Max. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I'll make it happen.What's this course all about? Get ready to create models that will improve your confidence, clients and pricing. If you've always wanted to learn how the professionals create remarkable 3d models and land the best contracts, you can learn 3ds Max right now.Practice lessons will get you motivated and moving to your goals. The lessons are meant to teach you how to think like a 3D Visualisation Artist. 3ds Max is a robust tool that is capable of creating almost any 3d graphics out there. Don't be intimidated, you will learn everything you need to know to create realistic models.Knowing 3ds Max is a great skill to have that is in demand and highly marketable. These are the exact steps I use to deliver remarkable work to dream clients. I've landed many jobs with the skills that I teach you in this course.With a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Jake"
Price: 29.99

"Rozmowa o prac po angielsku: 10 bdw i jak ich unika" |
"poznasz 10 najczstszych bdw, popenianych przez kandydatw w rozmowie o prac po angielskudowiesz si, co powoduje te bdypoznasz strategie unikania ichdostaniesz gotowce odpowiedzi na konkretne pytania rekrutacyjne, dziki ktrym dobrze wypadniesz na rozmowie o prac po angielskupoczujesz si pewniej na swojej rozmowie o prac po angielskuBoisz si, jak Ci pjdzie rozmowa o prac po angielsku? Pomog Ci poczu si pewniej!Jeli:przygotowujesz si do rozmowy o prac po angielskuchcesz pracowa w korporacji midzynarodowej lub firmie zagranicznejnie jeste pewien, czy Twj angielski zaprezentuje Ci jako idealnego kandydataMog Ci pomc! Dziki szkoleniu wideo Rozmowa o prac po angielsku: najczstsze bdy kandydatw, i jaki ich unika zaprezentujesz si z najlepszej strony!To JA pomog Ci wietnie przej przez rozmow rekrutacyjn po angielskuNazywam si Katarzyna Sielicka.Jestem doktorem filologii angielskiej i lektork angielskiego online. Od 20 lat pomagam Polakom skuteczniej porozumiewa si po angielsku.audytor jzykowy pracownikw i kandydatw na pracownikw (j. angielski)trener specjalistw HR z zakresu prowadzenia procesw rekrutacyjnych po angielskudoradca zawodowy osb poszukujcych pracy, ktra wymaga jzyka angielskiegodoktor filologii angielskiejmagister filologii angielskiejmagister studiw amerykaskichCambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (grade A)uprawnienia do wykonywania zawodu nauczycielskiegosetki odbytych szkole metodycznychtysice zadowolonych uczniwDziki mojemu wyksztaceniu i dowiadczeniu doskonale wiem, czego potrzebujesz, aby wietnie wypad w rozmowie o prac po angielsku.Sukcesy moich uczniwDawid T., Warszawa:Przygotowywaam Dawida do rozmowy o prac na stanowisko analityka popytu w midzynarodowejfirmie farmaceutycznej. Prac oczywicie otrzyma!Dzi jest w tej firmie dyrektorem regionalnym wysokiego szczebla, a angielskiego uywa na co dzie w komunikacji z przeoonymi i wsppracownikamiHubert M, Warszawa:Hubert jest programist i pracuje od projektu do projektu. Przed kadym projektem ma rozmow o prac, do ktrej pomagam mu si przygotowa. Odnosi w nich sukcesy i wybiera najlepszego pracodawc dla siebie!Dzi projektuje system bankowy w duskiej firmie informatycznej.Dominik W., Warszawa:Dominik jest modym prawnikiem. Pomagaam mu w przygotowaniach do rozmowy rekrutacyjnej na sta w midzynarodowej firmie technologicznej.Sta zdoby, a obecnie jest w tej firmie pracownikiem etatowym!Cena szkolenia zwrci Ci si po pierwszych siedmiu sekundach pracy Twoich marze, do zdobycia ktrej potrzebujesz wietnie wypa na rozmowie o prac po angielsku!No, moe po omiu sekundach ?"
Price: 69.99

"Letsencrypt de 0 a 100. Apache, Nginx, Tomcat e IIS, HTTP/2" |
"Despliega tus aplicaciones web de forma segura con la tecnologa de encriptacin SSL/TLS y de manera gratuita utilizando Letsencrypt. Para lo cual compraremos dominios pefactura con el TLD .pe y .com para aplicar toda la seguridad en tiempo real.Si eres desarrollador web seguro que vas a necesitar un certificado digital SSL para tu sitio web, en este curso veras todo acerca de SSL/TLS y cmo utilizarlo de forma gratuita con letsencrypt. Aprenders los conceptos desde bsicos hasta avanzados que necesitaras para implementar SSL/TLS. Letsencrypt de 0 a 100.Podrs desplegar de forma segura tus aplicaciones web ya se desarrollado con PHP, JAVA, Ruby, .NET o con cualquier otro lenguaje de programacin con la que hayas desarrollado tu aplicacin web."
Price: 119.99

"Beginner Python Your Python Programming Course 2020" |
"Welcome to Your Beginner Python Course!Python, one of the most popular programming languages in the world and for good reason. It is one of the general-use programming languages that can be used to create applications and websites. However, like with learning any language, studying Python can be a difficult process, but it doesnt have to be.My name is Matthew Dewey. I have been teaching programming for over 4 years and have written books on the subject of programming, from learning the languages themselves to how to make a career from programming.My approach to teaching is purely practical. The best way to teach programming is not through the memorising of code, but the application of that code. I will show you the code you can write out and test for yourself.I help you:Install your software, PyCharmEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataCreate simple programsas well as BONUS tips and code!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course, I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in Python programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!"
Price: 49.99

"Linux Completo + Servidores" |
"Para um profissional ou aluno de TI, fundamental o conhecimento no sistema operacional Linux, os principais recursos de redes, recursos de servidores e segurana da informao, so voltados para Linux.Com esse curso, voc ir dominar o Linux, conseguindo ento usar o sistema, trabalhar com ele em rede e configurar uma srie de servidores.Esse curso composto de 37 aulas com um total de 16 horas de durao. Nesse curso 100% prtico, vamos estudar:- Sistema de Arquivos (gerenciamento, montagem e desmontagem, consertando e monitorando e permisses de arquivos.)- Comandos de Manipulao de Terminal- Editor de arquivos- Processos de Sistema- Usurios e Grupos- Instalao e Gerenciamento de Pacotes do Linux- Localizadores de Arquivos (find, locate, grep)- Compactadores de Arquivos (tar, bzip2, gzip)- Introduo a Redes de Computadores- Redes Linux e Protocolos de Rede- Servidor de Arquivos (SAMBA) - Servidor DHCP- Compartilhando a Internet- Servidor WEB (Apache2 + Php)- MariaDB e introduo a Banco de Dados- WordPress Instalando e Administrando- Proxy Squid- Acesso Remoto- DNS Bind Recursivo e Autoritativo- Firewall - Iptables- Controlador de Domnio (SAMBA) Este curso tambm conta com material de apoio, uma apostila com 433 pginas de comandos e exemplos de configurao."
Price: 39.99

"Stakeholder Management & Engagement" |
"People can just as easily grease a project's wheels as stop it in its tracksStakeholder Analysis is about identifying all persons, groups and institutions who may have an interest in a project and taking steps to manage their interests and expectations so that the project runs as smoothly as possibleStakeholder Analysis is the technique used to identify the key people who have to be won overThe benefits of using a stakeholder-based approach are that:You can use the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape your projects at an early stage their support matters and their inputs can helpSupport from powerful stakeholders helps your project to be successfulBy communicating with stakeholders early and frequently, you can ensure that they fully understand what you are doing and understand the benefits of your project this means they can support you actively when necessaryYou can anticipate what people's reaction to your project may be, and build into your plan the actions that will win people's supportIn five downloadable videos I will walk you through the steps of identifying and understanding your stakeholders, identifying win-win outcomes and developing a stakeholder communication plan. (A template in Excel is included.) We wrap up by exploring the topic of Stakeholder Engagement, an area rarely covered but essential to understand if we are to use our resources both efficiently and effectively.This is extracted from a longer course on Results-Based Management (details at our web site) and no assignments are required. A certificate will be issued once all units are marked complete."
Price: 199.99

"An Introduction to Design Thinking" |
"Design Thinking is an iterative process that seeks to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and define problems in a manner that identifies alternative strategies and solutions that may not be readily apparent. Design Thinking is also a mindset--a way of see the world around you--that uses a human-centric approach to solving problems.In this class ""An Introduction to Design Thinking"", you will learn:The 5-step approach to problem solving originally developed at Stanford's Hasso Plattner Institute of DesignStrategies for using the five steps (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test)The three major design constraints--Desirability, Feasibility and Viability--and how they interactTactics for integrating data visualization into the design thinking processKano's Model of Customer SatisfactionThe pitfalls of unconscious biasesHow prototyping throughout the design process lowers your costs and risksAnd much more!""An Introduction to Design Thinking"" is your starting point for adding a new dimension to your problem solving skills. Beyond what's just technologically possible, beyond what's just good for your business, Design Thinking gives you the tools you need to see through your customers eyes and develop solutions that will truly meet their needs."
Price: 29.99

physics-102-course |
". ."
Price: 59.99

statistics-and-probabilities-course |
". Binomial , Continuous Uniform ,Normal , Poisson . ."
Price: 59.99

"Personal Branding Mastery: Du selbst bist die strkste Marke" |
"Wenn man heute erfolgreich sein will, reicht es nicht mehr aus, nur ein namenloser Teil einer groen Unternehmensmarke zu sein. Aus diesem Grund entscheiden sich immer mehr Unternehmer und Selbstndige selbst zur Marke zu werden.Erfolgreiche Personal Brands machen hheren Umsatz, werden fter weiterempfohlen und werden im Vergleich mit anderen Wettbewerbern bevorzugt.Warum? Was ist das Erfolgsrezept hinter einer erfolgreichen Marke?In meinen mehr als 8 Jahren Betriebserfahrung war ich nicht nur in der Lage die Branding-Hacks von einigen renommierten Unternehmen zu lernen, sondern diese auch in meinem eigenen Business anzuwenden und dadurch in nur wenigen Monaten groe Erfolge zu verzeichnen. Dieses Wissen will ich nun an dich gebndelt weitergeben, sodass du innerhalb krzester Zeit, selbst messbare Ergebnisse erzielen wirst.Wenn du lernen willstwie du durch die richtige Positionierung automatisch die richtigen Kunden anziehsteine glaubwrdige und packende Story fr dein Brand zu kreiereneine neue, der Gegenwart angepasste, Verkaufsstrategie anzuwenden, die dir authentisch zu mehr Abschlssen und einem greren Kundenstamm verhilft.und vieles mehr... dann ist dieser Kurs genau der richtige fr dich.Genug geredet! Es ist Zeit deine persnliche Marke aufzubauen!"
Price: 34.99

"ASL Fingerspelling Challenges American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, we focus on developing students fingerspelling skills in American Sign Language (ASL). First, well review the ASL alphabet and the four (4) fingerspelling rules. Students will learn to fingerspell common letter combinations and short words. Then, well sign complete sentences which use a lot of fingerspelled vocabulary words. As we progress, the fingerspelled words and sentences will increase in difficulty. There will be many opportunities to test your fingerspelling, signing, and recognition skills throughout the course.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn to fingerspell letter combinations, full names, and lengthy vocabulary wordsStudents will review the ABCs in American Sign LanguageStudents will learn the four (4) fingerspelling rules in ASLStudents will learn how to sign and understand complete sentences which include lots of fingerspelled vocabularyStudents will race a timer as they review their fingerspelling and signing skillsStudents will learn to sign a variety of useful vocabulary words for creating complete sentencesStudents will be tested on their ability to fingerspell, sign, and understand vocabulary words and complete sentencesAFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will understand and be able to apply the four (4) fingerspelling rulesStudents will be able to correctly sign sentences using signs and fingerspelled vocabulary wordsStudents will have improved fingerspelling skills, a larger vocabulary, and more confidenceStudents will be more proficient as they continue their journey of ASL improvementQUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on developing students fingerspelling skills in American Sign Language (ASL). Students will improve as they learn to sign complete sentences while fingerspelling vocabulary of increasing difficulty.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs and skills are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple sections of review and testing where you have the opportunity to demonstrate your ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Spreadsheet Modeling" |
"Welcome to Spreadsheet Modeling - the world where analytics meets our favorite tool, Microsoft Excel. Whether you are an industry professional or student - this course is for you if want to make a mark in your field.Business learning : Demonstration of effective decision like pricing, marketing spends, product launches using analyticsTechnically, you learn 4 predictive techniques : Time-series forecasting, Event impact analytics, Regression, Business simulations"
Price: 199.99

"XSLT For Dummies: Learn the Basics" |
"Is this your first time learning about XSLT? You want to get knowledge on the topic but you do not know where to get started? Then this is the course for you! With XSLT For Dummies: Learn The Basics you are going to get just the basics of XSLT. It does not matter if you do not have any knowledge on the topic, this course has all what you are looking for since it is made for people without experience. Time to study!"
Price: 19.99

"Dployer et scuriser un rseau VPN sous Windows Server 2019" |
"Collaborateurs nomades, dlocaliss, problmes de transports, bien-tre des quipes, pandmie ou crise sanitaire, telles sont les difficults de nos jours qui rendent le tltravail comme solution incontournable pour les moyennes et grandes organisations.De nombreux outils et technologies existent pour mettre en place cette solution de tltravail, mais la plus simple et scurise est le VPN qui permettra aux salaris et collaborateurs de rester informs des activits de l'entreprise, et de continuer participer en temps rel aux projets en cours depuis leur domicile.Et pour atteindre cet objectif, je te propose, toi, administrateurs systme, que tu sois expriment ou novice, un plan dactions tape par tape, pour taider installer et configurer les services d'accs distance sous Windows Server 2019.Je mappelle Landry AHOUANSOU et je serai ton hte durant cette formation pratique intitule ""Dployer et scuriser un rseau VPN sous Windows Server 2019"".Elle est compose 20 vidos simples assimiler rparties en 5 grands modules.Dans le premier module, dentre, je te prsenterais tout mon environnement de travail, les diffrentes machines virtuelles serveurs que j'ai cr, les routeurs, leurs caractristiques, comment elles sont interconnectes et sur quelle plateforme elles sont toutes excutes. Le but de cette vido est de dcrire mon infrastructure systme et topologie rseau afin que tu dmarres sur les mmes bases de travail que moi.Dans le deuxime module, je vais texpliquer de faon claire et limpide, cest quoi la technologie NAT ou traduction d'adresses rseau, et nous verrons comment la planifier et limplanter sous Windows Server 2019. Tu dcouvriras galement dans ce module tous les concepts qui rendent la technologie VPN incontournable de nos jours et les protocoles de scurits utiliser afin de scuriser les ressources prives de ton entrepriseDans le troisime module, en tant qu'administrateur systme, je vais te montrer comment crer tape par tape une connexion VPN, configurer un relais DHCP, dfinir les options de scurit fondamentales, planifier, dployer et surtout connecter deux sites distants via une liaison VPN site site. Bref la fin de ce module, tu sauras comment mettre en place sous Windows Server 2019, les deux types de VPN savoir VPN bas sur les clients distants et VPN site site.Le VPN ntant pas le seul service d'accs distance que tu peux dployer sous Windows Server 2019, je te montrerais comme installer et configurer, dans le quatrime module de ce cours, les autres solutions comme Direct Access et la nouvelle technologie Always On. Seront galement rvles dans la dernire vido de ce module, toutes mes astuces que jutilise au quotidien pour dpanner mes liaisons VPN dentreprise.Et pour terminer, dans le cinquime et dernier module, je te montrerais pas pas comment dployer un serveur RADIUS, configurer les clients RADIUS et appliquer les bonnes stratgies de scurit afin de se protger contre les cyberattaques et lusurpation de lidentit de tes clients et collaborateurs distants. Le serveur de stratgie rseau NPS tant le socle de tout service RADIUS, tu apprendras aussi dans ce module comment le dpanner et surtout comment le sauvegarder et le restaurer pour tout scnario de reprise aprs sinistre.A la fin de cette formation, tu disposeras d'normes comptences pour planifier, configurer, administrer et scuriser tout rseau VPN et dautres services d'accs distance sous Windows Serveur 2019.Donc sans plus tarder, dmarrons l'aventure ensemble en commenant par le premier module...."
Price: 29.99

"How to Close Deals, Sales Closing Techniques" |
"In this course you will learn the top 4 closing techniques to use in your sales process.Knowing how to close deals is key. When you first start in sales one of the hardest things to do is ask for the deal. Closing out a sale, or rather, knowing how to close a deal is difficult. With these 4 closing techniques you will have the tools you need to move from a qualifying conversation to a closed deal!Closing is a key part of the sales process. You can destroy a closeable deal by executing poor closing techniques. Not all deals are the same. Not all ckoses should be the same. In this course you will learn different closing techniques and when to use them."
Price: 24.99

"Success Habits - How to Become Successful in 30 Days" |
"Discover The Steps On How You Can Redefine Success, Break Free From Bad Habits, And Achieve Your Full PotentialYou'll Learn The Secrets To Finally Take Control Of Your Life And Achieve The Success You DeserveHave you ever wondered why some people are successful and some aren't?What is it that successful people do that you aren't doing?What are the habits that they possess that you aren't aware of?What are the character traits that successful people have that you could adopt?Do you want to finally eliminate your bad habits and form new and good habits instead?If you ever wondered and said 'yes' to any of the above, then read on...Two-Thirds of Americans Are UnhappyAccording to a Harris Poll, two-thirds of Americans are unhappy with their life.Most people have not achieved their goals, and are not on track the way that they would like.Thats why the self-help industry is bringing in more than $10 billion a year.People pay exorbitant amounts of money for personal coaching, self-help books, seminars, audio presentations and DVDs to help them achieve their goals, and most of the time, they fail at whatever they are trying to achieve, which puts them right back in the market for self-help.What's The Solution?Everyone wants to be more successful in their life, but actually knowing how to take the steps needed to achieve that success can be mystifying.Even when you understand what is required, it can be extremely challenging to take action unless you know where you are going.Most people stumble blindly along, not understanding why they continue to fail at their efforts.The good news is, I've written a guide to help you turn bad habits into good habits so that you'll experience success in all areas of your life.It's easy to understand so you can read through and take action right away.Let me introduce you to my brand new course on creating successful habits and achieving success!This course is exactly what you need if you have struggled to create new habits and if you follow the principles here you will have success, no matter what your specific goals actually are.See you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Amazon KDP Low and No Content Book Publishing" |
"You may have purchased journals, planners, notebooks, coloring books, logbooks, and many more of these types of paperback books on Amazon.You also may be interested in how you can create these types of books easily and become a self-publisher on the Amazon KDP platform.In this course I show you exactly how to get up and running creating these books, how to do niche research, keyword research, creating book covers, creating book interiors, and much more.I will show you free and paid methods so you can be sure to get up and running with this low and no content self-publishing business within a day or two.I currently publish these books on Amazon KDP so my methods are tried and true and not just based on theory.Join the course today and you can be up in running in no time!See you in the class!"
Price: 94.99

"(web hacking)" |
", ! , SQL Injection, Path traversal Command Injection. : SQL. , Burp Suite ZAP Proxy. SQLMap ."
Price: 19.99

"Premiere Pro Masterclass: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners" |
"Premiere Pro is the industry standard software used all around the world for video editing. If you are serious about creating professional looking videos, then this course is for you. Ozgur, who is an Adobe Certified Instructor and Video Specialist, will take you from knowing nothing or just a little up to a level where you can confidently edit any kind of video. Even if you are an experienced editor, you will still learn lots of new tips and tricks that you wish you knew before!During this training, you will learn how to edit a real-life project for a charity based in the UK. All the files (4K footage, audio files, references, drone clips, logos, and more) used on the course will be available to download so you can follow each lesson along. You will learn everything you need to know about sequences, various editing tools, titles, video effects, transitions, speed changes, masks, and animation. You will also learn key techniques when it comes to fixing some common audio problems and colour correction. Finally you will learn how to export your videos to be used on different platforms including social media, mobile devices, TV, and more. If you are ready to learn how to edit videos like a pro, then let's get started."
Price: 129.99

"Java Programming for Complete Stranger in Tamil" |
"This course is for complete beginners , you don't need any prior knowledge. We are going to cover the following concepts.Obtain Core Java skillsEssential Java basicsWhat Java is and how it worksProgramming fundamentals with JavaJDK - Java Development Kit JRE - Java Runtime EnvironmentJVM - Java Virtual Machine First Java ProgramVariable and Data TypesOperators in JavaControl Statements Looping All concepts of Object-Oriented ProgrammingObjectClassConstructorEncapsulationAbstractionInheritancePolymorphismInterface in JavaInterface in Java8Interface in Java9Super and this keywordBoxing UnboxingJava RecursionCall by ValueStringsWrapper Classes"
Price: 12800.00

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional para Implementadores" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional para ImplementadoresSi deseas poder gestionar todos los mdulos de Odoo como todo un experto este curso es perfecto para ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y s un experto en OdooNuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no se ah tocado lo agregamos por ti."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de Inventario" |
"Bienvenidos al Curso de Odoo 12 13 14 Funcional Modulo de InventarioSi deseas poder gestionar el Modulo de Inventario de Odoo este curso es perfecto para ti.Nuestros cursos son actualizados constantemente, si tienes duda con algn tema que no s ah tocado lo agregamos por ti.Aprovecha esta oportunidad y aprende a utilizar el Modulo de Inventario"
Price: 19.99

"Impresso 3D na Pratica com Simplify 3D" |
"Curso de Impresso 3D Pratico para Iniciantes e Profissionais de todas as reas de atuao, no curso abordamos o Software de Fatiamento Simplify 3D e suas diversas configuraes para peas impressas em 3D de acordo com sua Impressora, iremos desenvolver na pratica projetos funcionais e impresses de alta qualidade com materiais diferentes atravs de configuraes de fatiamento, se voc quer aperfeioar suas impresses ou aprender sobre impresso 3D no perca tempo e se inscreva agora!!!"
Price: 39.99
