"Inteligencja Finansowa 2.0" |
"Czym w jest inteligencja finansowa i jak ona si objawia? Co moesz zrobi, eby j w sobie rozwin? W kursie zastanowisz si nad tym czym w ogle s dla Ciebie pienidze i jaki jest Twj stosunek do nich. Uwaasz, e za mao zarabiasz? A co powstrzymuje Ci przed tym, eby zarabia znacznie wicej?Brak umiejtnoci? Kad umiejtno mona w sobie rozwin. Strach? I jego da si pozby.Tym, co najprawdopodobniej Ci blokuje, a z czego istnienia prawdopodobnie kompletnie nie zdajesz sobie sprawy, s TWOJE PRZEKONANIA na temat pienidzy.W tym kursie poznasz niezbdne narzdzia do zmiany twojego podejcia. Przepracujemy w nich twoje przekonania, poznasz zaawansowan technik pracy z nawykami. Dowiesz si czym jest oszczdzanie pasywne i aktywne. Poznasz sposoby budowania pasywnego dochodu. Niezmiernie mi mio e doczye do kursu i ju dzi zaczniesz budowa swoj wolno finansow. Wane jest to eby wykonywa wiczenia bo bez nich nie mam efektw. "
Price: 24.99

"Level 4 Diploma - Whole Life Asset Management (L4M7)" |
"Study for CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don't be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass Supplier Relationship exam at the very first intake.Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. The questions in this practice test are not identically the same as real CBE questions, but we have made them with the most earnest attitude based on CIPS sample questions and Exam guide. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.If you like this practice test, please support us so that we can make more practice test from Level 4 Diploma to Level 6 Professional Diploma."
Price: 19.99

"Aula 2 - Curso de Ingls para Inicantes" |
"Aqui nesta aula voc vais aprender o mecanismo do Ingls para se fazer frases interrogativas ou frases negativas. O uso dos auxiliares uma regra no Ingls e por isso o entendimento e prtica do uso desses auxiliares muito importante para que voc possa ter um aprendizado consistente e para que voc possa ter bastante segurana ao falar."
Price: 39.99

"Python Object Oriented Programming In and Out for Developers" |
"OOPS Programming for Developers, professionals and Consultants. Open source general-purpose, Multi platform programmingFlexible, easy to learn, understand and interpreted language.Object Oriented, Procedural & Functional programming language.Provide great interactive environment.Python 'philosophy' emphasis readability, clarity and simplicityPython is used in variety of Application developmentData Analytics and Data Science ApplicationsProvides frameworks like :Web development frameworks like Zope, Django and Turbo gearsDesktop applications using GUI toolkits like Tkinter or wxPython, Windows Forms and IronPythonNatural Language Toolkit APIsPywin32 extension for full windows integration and possibly Py2exe to create standalone programs.Scientific research using packages like Scipy and Matplotlib"
Price: 99.99

"Python API's for Applications and Web Development" |
"Python API's Programming for Beginners and Engineers in depth programming. Learn all the concepts to write quality OOPS programs , Use of API's and follow standards and guidelinesOpen source general-purpose,multi platform programmingFlexible, easy to learn, understand and interpreted language.Object Oriented, Procedural & Functional programming language.Provide great interactive environment.Python 'philosophy' emphasis readability, clarity and simplicityAllows to plug in new modules and extend its functionalityOffers large Collection of modules in standard distributionOffers Matlabish capabilities within PythonCan do Fast array operations Source can be compiled or run just-in-timeEasy to interface with C/C++/ObjC/Java/FortranUsed in Data analytics, Data Science and web developmentUsed across various platforms and browsers and platform independent"
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of Photography" |
"This course is for beginners who are hungry and passionate to learn the art and craft of photography and intend to turn it into a profession. No longer do you need to spend your time attending boring lectures in college or searching on YouTube for hours on end hoping to learn the craft of photography. You have everything you need to learn about the basic fundamentals of photography in one place! You will have quizzes to do on most lectures and assignments to do after each lecture as well so that you get the most out of your learning. Remember: it's not enough to just watch the videos, do the quizzes, and do the exercises outlined in this course. You must take initiative to practice with your camera on your own time so that you sharpen up your craft.I will be covering:1. Exposure2. Composition3. Lighting4. Lighting Gear5. Color6. Different genre's of photography7. Photography gear8. Photo Editing softwareAt the end of the course, you will have a photography challenge to do at the end, so don't get too comfortable!"
Price: 99.99

"Leadership Class: How To Become A True Leader" |
"Leaders are extremely vital, they are the ones that inspire, motivate, and promote change. Leaders are similar to the head of a body. They lead with their vision, goals, and strategies. A leader's main responsibility is to guide and direct. They are servants of the people, instead of wanting to be served. Leadership is not easy, one must possess certain qualities in order to effectively and efficiently lead their team or organization. A great leader is a strong leader, one who leads with passion and purpose. True leaders genuinely care about the people that they lead and their main objective is to create future leaders to pass on the mantle. This course will set you on the path to true leadership.Any leader can benefit from this course because they need these specific qualities in order to be a successful leader. When these qualities are learned, we will have better communities and societies at large. In this course:You will learn how to become a true and authentic leader, that inspires transformation, growth, and developmentYou will learn the difference between a fake leader and a true leaderYou will learn how to lead effectively to empower your team and develop a long-lasting relationship that is authenticYou will learn about self-disciplineYou will learn how to achieve results within your organization by being a strategic and impactful leaderYou will learn the importance of influence and how to inspire your team to achieve goalsAfter taking this course you will be able to: Effectively communicate with your team Lead with confidence, courage, and braveryAchieve high results because your leadership style is authentic and genuineEmpower your team or organization through inspiration and motivationInfluence transformational change Lead with inner joy and happiness because you have what it takes to be a true leaderThere are no special requirements for this course.Taking this course:Gives you lifetime access guaranteed24-hour accessMobile accessAccess to resources to help you enhance your leadership skills"
Price: 24.99

"Criando Relatrios Em Jaspersoft Studio" |
"Aqui voc ir aprender a como criar relatrios no Jaspersoft Studio da verso 6.4.0. a diferena dele para as verses mais novas mnimas. O banco de dados que iremos utilizar o PostgreSQL, por tanto necessrio ter conhecimento bsico em sql.Objetivo que o aluno saia com conhecimento suficiente para fazer criar seus prprios relatrios bsicos e intermedirios."
Price: 39.99

"Amazon CPA Marketing Amazon Associates edition" |
"Welcome to Amazon CPA Marketing Amazon Associates edition course.My course consists of insights,strategies and systems about: 1) Finding services and programs in Amazon Bounty Program to promote with paid ads on Telegram 2) Latest CPA marketing techniques 3) Setting up the CPA banners and CPA text links 4) Adding new online income stream to your portfolio 5) Increasing Amazon Bounty Program commissions 6) Figuring out the best blog placements for Amazon bounty offers 7) Driving traffic to Amazon bounty offers with click bots on Telegram 8) Advantages of Amazon CPA marketingYou do not need to spend money on expensive programs and training anymore.They will not get you anywhere anyway.Save up to $1000 a year (and more) just for the price of $19.99 course.Amazon CPA Marketing Amazon Associates edition course has one section and is shorter than myUltimate Guide for the Next Generation of Affiliates.Take notes for the important parts of the video lectures so you can go back to them when needed. You can download PowerPoint Presentation to remind you on lectures while studying.This course goes straight to the details,systems and strategies needed for success.It is made in mind to produce more CPA marketing champions around the world.Are you ready to jump start your Amazon CPA marketing earnings?I hope you are.In my course you can expect quizzes,1 downloadable PDF and video lectures.I want you to take an action today and start learning about making more fixed bounty commissions.Introduction debunks some myths that surround running paid ads and much more.Telegram bots are the most underrated advertising tools for making more CPA conversions.Ad spend should not be a problem anymore because now you can run affordable cryptocurrency ads on Telegram.While going through the introduction you will understand the concept of a whole course.You will also understand that being a CPA marketer is a must nowadays.Students of this course are blessed to leave away their frustrations about CPA marketing.Enroll now and upgrade your knowledge about affiliate marketing and apply same knowledge.Topics that I am covering in my lectures are : Amazon CPA Marketing overview Setting up Amazon CPA banners on a blog Setting up Amazon CPA text links on a blog Creating targeted Amazon CPA group on TelegramAmazon CPA marketing with cryptocurrency ads on Telegramand more!Amazon CPA Marketing Associates edition is made for all of the marketers.Beginner,intermediate and advanced online marketers are covered in this course.You will also learn about leveraging paid traffic driving source.Amazon CPA Marketing Amazon Associates edition is more than consolidated information.Do not have prejudices upfront and give this course a try.You will get a lifetime access to the updates of my course too.I am honored for helping you with this course.This course will transform your online journey.Give the reviews and ratings.Thank you.Stay motivated."
Price: 19.99

"Sales Skills Training - From Zero to Sales Pro" |
"KnowledgeOur sales training program curates valuable information from the TOP sales trainers in the industry; Grant Gardone, Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Jordan Belfort, just to name a few. This knowledge is presented to you in an easy-to-follow format so you can start implementing what you learn, quicker. Course structure1) Sales BasicsPreparation is key to selling anything to anyone. In the first part, you will learn the mindset of a successful sales professional.2) Understanding the buyerAfter mastering the mindset for success, you will learn the next most important aspect of selling; understanding the buyer's needs. This section will teach you how to create a solid relationship with your prospects and clients.3) Sales ProcessThis stage will help you become a better salesperson by teaching you vital information about the buyer's journey, sales processes, tips and mistakes to avoid, aided by real-life examples.ExperienceThis course gives you access to 10 years of sales experience and know-how from hundreds of Dubai-based sales specialists, all in an easily digestible content format.40 video lessonsGetting access to our video course means you get to learn at your own pace, at your own time.Certificate of achievementUpon successfully passing the final test, you will receive a digital certificate of achievement"
Price: 199.99

"Sales Management - no theory just practice !" |
"In my previous experience as a Commercial Director, I always struggled finding the right people to coach, and spent a lot of time coaching them to get better at sales.That motivated me to help other companies build stronger sales teams, without ever having to worry about their targets and performance."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Redao Dissertativa-Argumentativa" |
"Cansado de no saber como comear sua redao ou ter muito para falar e no conseguir organizar? Deixa disso, aprenda introduo, desenvolvimento e concluso de uma vez por todas! Vem comigo que eu vou te passar tudo que sei para voc entender, ver que faz sentido e poder se organizar para ter sua redao mais elaborada, organizada e com notas melhores para os principais vestibulares!"
Price: 54.99

"Html bsico - introduccin" |
"HTML es un lenguaje de marcacin que sirve para definir el contenido de las pginas web. Se compone en base a etiquetas, tambin llamadas marcas o tags, con las cuales conseguimos expresar las partes de un documento, cabecera, cuerpo, encabezados, prrafos, etc. En definitiva, el contenido de una pgina web.HTML es el primer lenguaje que debe aprender cualquier persona interesada en construir un sitio web. A partir del HTML podemos pasar a muchos otros lenguajes interesantes que sirven para hacer cosas diversas y ms avanzadas. Es decir, sea cual sea la tecnologa, herramienta o gestor de contenido que nos hayamos propuesto aprender, o que tengamos que usar en nuestro da a da, HTML siempre ser el lenguaje en el que toda web se construye y, por tanto, es de obligado conocimiento para todos.Aprender HTML es sencillo. En pocos das o semanas sers capaz de entender y usar las etiquetas ms comunes y componer documentos HTML (pginas web) correctas. Aqu encontrars muchas ayudas para poder dar esos primeros pasos y luego profundizar en cualquier rea que necesites"
Price: 270.00

"CompTIA FC0-TS1 Strata IT for Sales Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following motherboards use 5-pin DIN keyboard plugs? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Select all that apply.a) ATAb) XTc) ON THEd) ATXQ) Which of the following interfaces is the current standard for digital LCD monitors?a) DVEb) VGAc) DVId) SVGAe) NoneQ) Which of the following types of screens take up less space on the desk? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose twoa) LCDb) CRTc) LINKd) MercuryQ) What are the different types of PCMCIA cards? Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Select all that apply.a) type IIb) type IVc) type IIId) type I"
Price: 144.99

"IBM C2040-926 Managing Maintaining IBM Lotus Domino Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What role reads mail.box for new or modified messages that require treatment?a) SMTPb) Amgrc) Asminpd) routere) NoneQ) Russ Domino Administrator, trying to trace the changes made to the access control list for the database. Numerous changes were made to the record can not be found in the access control list smile. What is the maximum amount of change in the magazine?a) $10 b) $20 c) $30 d) $40 e) NoneQ) Which of the following ports to use for binding the document server and the rest require entries in the notes.ini file?a) INMb) HTTPc) SMTPd) LDAPe) NoneQ) Which of the following workstations protects users from active content from unknown or suspicious sources?a) ACLb) ECLc) passwordd) certificatee) None"
Price: 149.99

"AWS Certified Security Specialty" |
"Welcome to the AWS Certified Security Specialty : Practice TestsThis exam is valid for the AWS Certified Security Specialty certification The course contains 4 practice tests, with 260 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes and passing score adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.Simulator 1 (65 questions) Simulator 2 (65 questions)Simulator 3 (65 questions)Simulator 4 (65 questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Quantitative Aptitude for CAT & Competitive Exams in INDIA" |
"Best Features of Our Course:1. Our Course is designed through White Board Animated Videos, So you can avoid seeing the face of Trainer, which improves your attention.2.Your trainer is an expert with 15 years of Experience in teaching for Competitive Exams.3. You will gets the best Techniques as per Exam Standards in 2020.4. Here you see how to apply the learned techniques in Real time World5. Here we don't teach, but we train how to solve problems in your exam.6. We the testprep24 team is available 24*7 to clarify your doubts.7. Guaranteed Score improvements you can see on a regular basis."
Price: 19.99

"Fit mit den Kurzhanteln - Das perfekte Ganzkrpertraining" |
"Fit werden war noch nie so einfach! Trainiere Deinen ganze Krper wann und wo Du willst, nur mit Hilfe von zwei HantelnDas Training mit mobilen Gewichten hat eine jahrhundertelange Tradition und gilt bis heute als die effektivste Trainingsmethode.Gesund sein und einen attraktiven Krper haben ist kein Hexenwerk. Mit den richtigen bungen, der richtigen Technik und der passenden Ernhrung kannst Du diese Ziele schnell erreichen - Es ist ganz einfach, wenn Du weit wie es geht!Du bentigst keine Mitgliedschaft in teuren Fitnessstudios und keine schweren Gerte, Du musst auch keine radikale Dit machen und auf alles verzichten.Trainiere von Beginn an effektiv und zielfhrend. Verschwende keine Zeit durch falsches Training und zahl kein unntiges Lehrgeld. Vermeide die typischen Anfngerfehler. Lerne in diesem Kurs welche bungen effektiv sind und wie man sie korrekt ausfhrt. Absolviere perfekt abgestimmte Workouts. Erfahre welche Lebensmittel Dir helfen Deine Ziele zu erreichen. Dieser Kurs ist perfekt fr Dich geeignet wenn Du Deine Gesundheit erhalten und Dein Immunsystem strken willst. Wenn Du Deine Fitness steigern und einen durchtrainierten Krper haben willst, wird dieser Kurs Dich 100% begeistern. Du wirst schnell abnehmen ohne Jojo-Effekt, reine Muskelmasse aufbauen, einen trainierten und definierten Krper erlangen, Deine Fitness steigern, Deine Haut straffen, Deine Gesundheit erhalten sowie frdern, Dein Wohlbefinden und Dein Selbstbewusstsein steigern. Dieser abwechslungsreiche und vielseitige Kurs setzt keinerlei Vorkenntnisse voraus. Der Kurs ist fr Anfnger und Fortgeschrittene, fr Frauen und Mnner, fr Alt und Jung gleichermaen geeignet - Trainiere Deinen gesamten Krper wann und wo Du willst und das nur mit zwei Kurzhanteln. Der tolle und umfangreiche Kurs bietet Dir:ber 7,5 Stunden Videomaterial 60 verschiedene bungen, damit Du jeden Muskel im Krper trainieren kannst. 11 komplette Workouts. Die Trainingseinheiten sind nach Muskelgruppen gegliedert, so kannst Du Bauch, Beine und Po, Rcken und Bizeps, Brust und Trizeps, sowie Schultern und Nacken in professionellen 2er-Splits zusammen trainieren. Ab jetzt trainierst Du effektiv und professionell! 7 theoretische Lektionen mit unbezahlbaren Ernhrungs- und Techniktipps. Erfahre wie Du dich gesund ernhrst, wie Du ganz nebenbei Kalorien verlierst und effizient Muskeln aufbaust. Lasse Dir aufzeigen, wie Du richtig regenerierst, welche Nahrungsergnzungen empfehlenswert sind und profitiere von meinem Wissen als langjhriger Sportler und Trainer. Nach diesem Kurs wirst Du effektiv, eigenstndig und vielseitig trainieren knnen und Deinen Traumkrper schnell erreichen. Dein Organismus wird gestrkt und Deine Gesundheit wird gefrdert. Du wirst nie wieder falsch oder ineffektiv trainieren - Und das an jedem beliebigen Ort zu jeder beliebigen Zeit! Als erfahrener Personal Trainer und Fitnesssportler habe ich all meine Erfahrung und Wissen in diesen Kurs gesteckt. Ich habe einen umfangreichen und effektiven Kurs fr Dich erstellt, der Dir garantiert helfen wird, Deine Ziele zu erreichen. Ich habe fr Dich 11 perfekt abgestimmte Workouts zusammengestellt, die Deinen ganzen Krper trainieren und Deine Fitness schnell steigern werden. Erhalte in 7,5 Stunden mein geballtes Wissen aus ber zwei Jahrzehnten sportlicher Erfahrung. Der Kurs wurde von mir vielseitig, abwechslungsreich und effektiv gestaltet - Mit diesem Kurs verlierst Du niemals den Spa am Training!Mache jetzt den ersten Schritt zu einem neuen Lebensgefhl und schreibe Dich ein - Ich freue mich auf unser gemeinsames Training und Deine Resonanz! Viel Spa und viel Erfolg beim Training!"
Price: 29.99

"Google Classroom - Teaching and Learning with Google" |
"Education and Instruction changes shape with the technology-integrated new era. As educators, all we need is to create dynamic and online classroom environments to engage our students in new ways. Do you want to join us? Then this is the right course for you. This course will show you how to use Google Classroom like a pro in a simple and explained way.Google Classroom provides dynamic, student-centered, collaborative online lessons. Remember the COVID-19 process and almost all of the educational institutions make online sessions for their education all over the world. Maybe that was an obligatory situation, the problem is still ongoing but this is the reality of new century and we need to integrate our classes into technology-supported environments. Google Classroom is a very easy to use learning management system and provides interaction between teacher-student and student-students.By the end of this course, you will be able to create a class, manage your class, manage your students, assign studies, homeworks, and interact with your students whenever and wherever you are. Do not forget that there is no need for a physical environment or a specific time period for online courses. You will create your lessons and reach your students -and also they will reach to you- independent from time and place."
Price: 19.99

"Eneagrama: descubra sua personalidade" |
"Curso para pessoas que ainda no descobriram o seu tipo de personalidade no Eneagrama e que desejam ter uma transformao real em sua vida. Ao compreender sua personalidade e descobrir como utilizar seus pontos fortes e aprimorar seus pontos fracos, voc poder utilizar da sua conscincia pessoal e ser capaz de transformar sua vida por meio do autoconhecimento. O Eneagrama traz conscincia para os padres de comportamento e oferece alternativas para sua evoluo."
Price: 129.99

"Creative Video Editing on Final Cut Pro" |
"Welcome to creative editing on Final Cut Pro! I'm super excited you are looking into the possibility of improving your creative editing skills. In this course, we will dive beyond basic video editing; you will learn creative tricks on Final Cut Pro, that will enable you capture the attention of your viewers!This is super advantageous especially in video marketing. Keeping your viewers engaged with your creative videos can increase customer conversion rate by over 80%!In this course, you'll learn color grading (such as what is done in Money Heist), green screen editing and much more!See you in the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Internet of Things" |
"Internet of Things as a buzzword has caught the attention of all of us. This course will help you gain adequate knowledge on the Internet of Things. You will be able to understand the potential of the Internet of Things for our society, in terms of impact on the lives of billions of people and on the world economy.You will also understand the underlying technology that powers the Internet of Things, as well as the challenges that comes with such technologies. We will explore many real-life examples of IoT devices that are commercially available, and you will have a glimpse of the future of the Internet of Things."
Price: 29.99

"Minitab Training" |
"Minitab is a general-purpose statistical software package designed for easy interactive use. It was originally developed at the Pennsylvania State University by researchers Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., and Brian L. Joiner in 1972. Minitab is well suited for instructional applications, but is also powerful enough to be used as a primary tool for analyzing research data. Minitab is commonly used in Six Sigma, particularly in the Measure and Analyse phases of DMAIC. Minitab provides a quick, effective solution for the level of analysis required in most Six Sigma projects. Minitab is used for; a) Data and File Management spreadsheet for better data analysis, b) Regression Analysis, c) Power and Sample Size, d) Tables and Graphs, e) Multivariate Analysis includes factor analysis, f) cluster analysis, g) correspondence analysis, h) Non para-metrics various tests including sign test, i) runs test, j) Friedman test, k) Time Series and Forecasting tools that help show trends in data as well as predicting future values, l) Time series plots, m) exponential smoothing, n) trend analysis, o) Statistical Process Control, p) Measurement System Analysis, q) Analysis of Variance to determine the difference between data points."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel en un 2X3" |
Price: 19.99

powtoon |
"- - - - - -"
Price: 34.99

"Recherche d'Emploi: Russir son Entretien d'Embauche (2020)" |
"En tant que professeur, jury d'examens et auteur d'ouvrages dans le domaine de la formation, j'ai dcid de vous prsenter ce cours passant en revue tous les aspects d'un entretien d'embauche parfaitement russi.Les entretiens d'embauches ont de nombreuses caractristiques communes. Dans la majorit des cas, il suffit d'acqurir les techniques et les cls ncessaires pour convaincre que vous tes la personne idale recruter pour le poste vis: c'est ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours. Quelque soit votre parcours professionnel.Nous allons passer chaque tape ensemble et approfondir les bases d'une trs bonne prsentation : d'abord, nous nous pencherons sur l'laboration de votre CV. Ensuite, nous rflchirons comment prsenter son projet professionnel, pourquoi faut-il faire des recherches sur l'entreprise, anticiper les questions, apprendre faire un pitch efficace et crire une lettre de motivation.Nous parlerons de l'entretien lui-mme et de votre prsence physique, de votre voix, de votre capacit bien vous comporter avec les gestes qui conviennent et de la qualit de votre expression orale. Enfin, nous apprendrons galement ngocier notre salaire - partie majeure, souvent nglige par les candidats.Ce cours complet s'adresse tous ceux qui dsirent prsenter le meilleur d'eux-mmes. Nous aborderons toutes les questions qui peuvent vous poser problme. Les leons sont suivies de ressources externes o vous pourrez trouver des exemples concrets.A l'issue du cours, vous serez mme de dcrocher l'emploi auquel vous postulerez."
Price: 199.99

"CAD-Schulung mit AutoCAD 2021 Deutsch" |
"AutoCAD 2021 bietet eine Reihe von Verbesserungen. Einige Funktionen modernisieren und optimieren hufig verwendete Funktionen ber viele Fachbereiche. Das Zeichnungsformat fr diese Version entspricht weiterhin der Version AutoCAD 2018. Wenn Sie noch nicht mit AutoCAD oder AutoCAD LT vertraut sind, gibt dieses Videos eine Einfhrung in die grundlegenden Befehle zum Erstellen von 2D-Zeichnungen. Hier knnen Sie auch Ihre Erinnerung auffrischen, wenn Sie gerade die erste Schulung abgeschlossen haben oder wenn Sie AutoCAD nur gelegentlich verwenden.Grundlagenberprfen Sie die grundlegenden Steuerelemente von AutoCAD und AutoCAD LT.AnsichtSchwenken und zoomen Sie zu verschiedenen Ansichten in einer Zeichnung. Zeigen Sie Zeichnungen an entfernten Standorten an, und bearbeiten Sie diese.GeometrieErstellen Sie grundlegende geometrische Objekte, wie Linien, Kreise und schraffierte Bereiche.GenauigkeitStellt die fr Ihre Modelle erforderliche Genauigkeit sicher.LayerOrdnen Sie Ihre Zeichnung durch Zuordnen von Objekten zu Layern.EigenschaftenSie knnen Eigenschaften wie Farbe und Linientyp einzelnen Objekten oder als den Layern zugewiesene Vorgabeeigenschaften zuweisen.ndernFhren Sie Vorgnge wie Lschen, Verschieben und Stutzen der Objekte in der Zeichnung durch.SymboleFgen Sie Symbole und Details aus kommerziellen Online-Quellen oder Ihren eigenen Konstruktionen in Ihre Zeichnungen ein.LayoutZeigt eine oder mehrere skalierte Ansichten Ihres Designs auf einem Zeichnungsplan in Standardgre, einem sogenannten Layout, an.BeschriftenErstellen von Anmerkungen, Bezeichnungen, Sprechblasen und Beschriftungen. Speichern und Wiederherstellen von Stileinstellungen nach Name.BemaungErstellen Sie verschiedene Typen von Bemaungen, und speichern Sie die Bemaungseinstellungen unter einem Namen ab.DruckenGeben Sie ein Zeichnungslayout an einen Drucker, Plotter oder eine Datei aus. Speichern und Wiederherstellen der Druckereinstellungen fr jedes Layout."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe After Effects para principiantes" |
"En este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender las herramientas ms importantes de animacin que After Effects presenta. De manera sencilla, clara y prctica, podrs aprender a hacer animaciones para redes sociales, aplicar efectos a videos, hacer composiciones animadas, aprender a hacer chroma key, expresiones, capas 3d y muchas cosas ms."
Price: 19.99

"IT Support / Manual & Automation Testing / Agile in 2 Hours!" |
"Do you know that you can achieve a lucrative IT career without even needing to be techie? This accredited course will give you the knowledge of the following:Development Lifecycle - These are processes for IT teams to follow to help deliver projects. Its crucial to have knowledge around this as questions around the development lifecycle is common in IT job interviews.IT Support - You dont need to be technical to make a start in IT Support. You can build up your skills once you start the job and progress to many areas in IT such as Testing, Development and Dev Ops.Testing - How great is it to have a job where you find bugs in the application and report it? Yes you get paid for reporting that something is broken and you dont even have to fix it. On top of that it pays handsomely. The demand for testers is huge in the IT market.What you will get from taking this course:Knowledge of how the IT industry worksBy taking this course you will be prepared for a career in IT and know all about the agile way of working, the IT software development lifecycle and other terminologies.Be ahead of other candidates when applying for jobsState in your CV that you have taken our accredited course. This is a huge plus in the eyes of IT employers as you have proven your willingness to learn. The fact we're accredited holds huge weight compared to non-accredited courses.Be job ready in the IT marketAfter taking this course, you will have all the relevant information to be job ready in IT support or Testing. We also briefly mention other roles in this course to give you more options to consider.An introduction into METIS - who we are, why we started and what we do:Who we are: Metis was formed to help bridge the knowledge gap between graduation and employment. Our courses help students/young professionals get ahead of the game and become a more attractive proposition to employers.Why we started: Created by an IT industry professional, Mayur Patel found that when he graduated from University, he didn't know what to do and how to break into his desired job market. Many graduates face the same issue to this day.What we do: We offer accredited courses and exams to anyone looking to get into IT. In the future we will offer advanced courses that are more specific to IT roles.Important Notes: - At the time during recording the course was named 'Be Ready For An IT Career'. It is now known as the 'Foundation Level IT Professional Certification'.- At the end of this course, you will receive the Udemy certificate of this course (based on the Udemy course name). To achieve the 'Foundation Level IT Professional Certification' certificate, you will need to pass a separate exam (see bonus lecture)."
Price: 24.99

"History of Little Women" |
"In this lecture, you will learn about the history of Little Women. Louisa May Alcotts life long loves for Germany and her upbringing in the transcendentalist movement and the way that is reflected in Little Women. The transcendentalist movement was largely built upon the principles of philosopher Immanuel Kants views about the transnational family. Louisas mother Abigail Alcott, was one of the first American social workers. Alcotts were abolitionists and they also supported German immigration to the US, especially because the transcendentalist were part of a movement to start the first American universities, and the education model came from Germany. These social themes are rarely handled in the adaptations (which, lets be fair, have the tendency to repeat the same scenes)."
Price: 19.99

"Take control of your neck pain and posture" |
"In this course, I will teach you how to control your neck pain, your neck stiffness, and your posture with exercises and stretches. You will learn relevant anatomy in your neck, upper back, and shoulders. And, you will also learn how this anatomy can become affected by poor posture. I will teach you how poor posture can lead to a problem we call ""upper crossed syndrome""; how certain muscles become lengthened and weak, and other muscles become short and fatigued. You will also learn stretches you can do at home and at your desk to relieve the effects of poor working posture."
Price: 94.99
