"Dorczenia i wezwania w sprawach podatkowych" |
"Kurs dostarcza wiedzy, na temat tego, jakie skutki ma nasze zachowanie podczas tej na pozr banalnej i powszechnej czynnoci, jak jest odbir korespondencji urzdowej w sprawach podatkowych. Dorczenia i wezwania s to czynnoci, na ktre nie przysuguj samodzielne rodki zaskarenia. Jednake wymagaj uwagi, gdy znaczco wpywaj one na sytuacj prawn ich adresata, w tym osb trzecich, ktrych konkretna procedura bezporednio nie dotyczy. Zakres wadztwa organw podatkowych w odniesieniu do dorcze i wezwa nie jest nieograniczony. Zatem wiedza na temat tego, jakie s kompetencje organw podatkowych w tej mierze, a take jak reagowa na korespondencj od organw podatkowych bdzie przydatna dla kadego."
Price: 69.99

"Guitar Lessons - Fun With Harmonic Interval Runs and Beyond" |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide For You To Play Harmonic Interval Runs on Your Acoustic or Electric GuitarHarmonic Intervals? What Are They? Two notes played at the same timeIn previous Guitar Lessons I have taught various Single Note Runs to be used in-between guitar chords. These were all played on either bass or treble strings. And typically spice up your playing especially if you are a solo artist/singer/songwriter. In this course you will learn to play runs with more than one note at a time, adding beautiful harmonies to your playing. This is also a stand-alone Guitar Lesson. It is not necessary to have taken my other courses to benefit from this course. This is another independent skill to help you master your instrument.At the end of this course you will be playing beautiful runs and harmonies on two or more strings in various positions on the neck of your guitar.Never Played Harmonic Intervals on Your Guitar Before? Don't worry.There was a time when you did not play guitar chords. This is just as easy to learn as learning to play guitar chords.These guitar lessons take you on a journey breaking down everything you need to know. All it takes on your part is to have fun learning and practising the basic guitar patterns. These guitar lessons are presented in small manageable chunks. You will have Multi-angle Videos and pdf files in TAB and Musical Score for each pattern. Through a process of repetition you will build them up into a beautiful Harmonic Interval Run in harmony.Learn To Harmonise using 4 different Harmonic Interval Runs in 3rds or 6ths in various positions on the guitar, using no more than 2 notes at a timeThe Aim of This Course of Guitar Lessons? To enable anyone to Play 4 different complete Harmonic Intervals easily and simply and to easily apply them to your playingBonusThroughout the videos I will share ""nuggets of gold"" - many tips, tricks and techniques which I have gained from over 30 years experience of being a guitarist. These are all designed to help you on your musical journey of mastery of the guitar."
Price: 99.99

3digitalspace_twinmotion |
"TWINMOTION 2020 7 "
Price: 19.99

"Declutter your Space for Better Sleep" |
"Sleep coach and lifestyle mentor Steph Clarkson takes you through key scientific and psychological knowledge that will teach you how to get your living space to work for you! We spent a huge proportion of our lives in our living spaces - is your space supporting your health? Find out how it can and should be in this short, impactful, expert course."
Price: 19.99

"Make ""The Secret"" Work for You. Manifestation Mastery in 1hr" |
"A four step masterclass on Manifestation using the Law of Attraction from life coach and Reiki Master Stephanie Clarkson.We cover BOTH the psychological barriers and enhance that often hold people back from manifesting. This is a course about the 'truth' of law of attractions with common pitfalls covered and myths de-bunked. And all in less than an hour!Here's the four main areas we will explore together:1. How to find release limiting beliefs2 . How to Release limiting beliefs with a simple CBT tool & energetically release negative beliefs with EFT3. How to Set Effective Manifestation Goals using Vision Board and Visioning techniques4. How to Maintain High Frequency Energy in Daily Life to Keep yourself on a path to your desiresWant to manifest your desired properly, with true expert insight? Join me on this course and start manifesting your dreams today!"
Price: 19.99

"Apache Kafka pour dbutant" |
"Bienvenue dans la formation en franais de apache Kafka! Saviez-vous que 80% des 100 plus grandes entreprises utilisent apache Kafka ? Ont peut citer : Zalando, airbnb, Linkedin, Netflix, Paypal, Spotify, Twitter ... Si vous souhaitez apprendre Kafka, tape par tape, vous tes dans la bonne formation. Aucune connaissance Kafka n'est pralablement requise, nous allons voir ensemble la thorie pour ensuite la mettre en pratique. A la fin de la formation vous connaitrez :* Les concepts importants : Topics, partitions, producer, consumer, replicas, leader, et pleins d'autres. * Comment installer Kafka et Zookeper.* Configurer Kafka et ses brokers en mode cluster - WIndow/Linux.* Utiliser les scripts kafka pour produire et consommer des messages.* Configurer et utiliser des kafka connect source et sink.* Utiliser l'API producer en Java.J'ai moi-mme utilis Kafka de faon professionnelle pendant plusieurs annes, cela me permet d'tre critique sur les bonnes pratiques avoir et d'enrichir la formation avec mes propres expriences. PS: Le cours utilise Java comme langage de programmation principal, mais n'ayez aucune inquitude, tous les concepts abords dans ce cours sont aussi applicables aux autres langages de programmation : C/C++ , scala , C#, python, ou encore des outils et frameworks Big data comme Nifi, Spark, Druid Vous souhaitez utiliser Kafka avec Nifi ? d'autres de mes formations en Franais sont disponibles : Nifi : Apache Nifi De A Z - le Guide complet"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Economa Circular y Negocios Verdes" |
"En la actualidad estamos tratando de prevenir la constante contaminacin Ambiental en nuestro pas y en el mundo, desarrollando ideas y proyectos que ayuden a ser sostenibles para las generaciones futuras y para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida en el presente. Sin embargo, todas estas buenas intenciones hacia una mejor calidad de vida y un desarrollo sostenible han sido difciles de seguir promovindolas en el tiempo. Todava seguimos fomentando la Economa lineal: Extraer, producir, Consumir para finalmente eliminar o caso contrario estamos creando y promoviendo proyectos de conservacin al medio ambiente con grandes inversiones que la vuelven poco viable y poco atractivo para las industrias y los gobernantes.La Economa Circular que para nosotros es un trmino nuevo, pero que, para pases Europeos ha sido aplicado muchos aos atrs. Que ha logrado tener cambios evolutivos con esta nueva Economa, ha logrado ser sostenible tanto Ambiental, Social, Econmico y lo ms importante la gran influencia de los actores polticos y Gobernantes de cambiar su visin. Generando conciencia, cambiando la percepcin y dando un valor a los residuos y los desechos que generamos como humanidad.En este curso te introduciremos al mundo verdes y te asesoraremos en el camino para que con las claves y las sugerencias que te demos puedas tener un producto tico y amigable con el medio Ambiente. Podrs ingresar a los foros donde estar en Vivo para asesorarte y responder a tus dudas! "
Price: 24.99

Bioeconomia |
"Los elementos centrales de la bioeconoma son los recursos, procesos y principios biolgicos, as como todas las tecnologasconvencionales y modernas asociadas a su conocimiento, desarrollo, emulacin, transformacin o regeneracin.En este curso podrs aprender la definicin de Bioeconomia, modelos de negocios de Bioeconomia y la polticas de esta. Este curso presenta ejemplos de innovaciones basadas en la aplicacin de principios fsicos y bioqumicos identificados en la naturaleza, para producir bienes y servicios sin prdidas de energa.Al finalizar el curso recibirs un Certificado por nuestra Organizacin."
Price: 24.99

"Laboratorio clnico I: Q. clnica, Hematologa y Uroanlisis" |
"Tanto si consideras que la educacin universitaria en el rea clnica fue deficiente o simplemente buscas educacin continua a nivel operativo y gerencial dentro de un laboratorio clnico, ste curso te ayudar a familiarizarte con las reas que lo componen, las tcnicas ms comnmente utilizadas y las variables preanalticas que hay que cuidar para asegurar la utilidad clnica de los resultados. Se muestran imgenes de especmenes 100% reales, tomados dentro de la rutina de trabajo, a diferencia de los libros o de internet en donde se muestran imgenes que no siempre concuerdan con lo que se ve en la rutina diaria.Adicionalmente, es til para estudiar para el examen de egreso de licenciaturas relacionadas al rea de Qumica Clnica"
Price: 64.99

"Complete Unity C# & Android game development Bootcamp 2020" |
"In this course, we will learn all the that are required to become a complete indie game developer Note: We will be learning everything from scratch and this is an early access course meaning the course contents are constantly updated over the time So, even if you do not have any knowledge at all then that's completely fine :)Learn the basic concepts, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional Android mobile Games with the Unity game engine.Build a strong foundation in Unity and Android Game Development with this course.Unity installation and setup Overview of the unity softwareC# crash courseVersion controllingand much more stuffWe will learn how to make 2D and 3D games by making them. We will also be making the clone of the gameHill Climb Racing 2D and many more 2D games.These are the things that we will see in the course:(the course will be constantly updated):Installing of unityoverviewc# scripting -completely from scratchMake a 3D gameMonetizing our gameUploading the game to Google play storea 2D gameHill climb racing gameSpace elevator gameTips on how to get downloads to the apps that you have uploaded. Who is this course for?Anyone who wants to learn how to make gamesIndie game developersGame DevelopersGame enthusiastsUnity developersSo what are you waiting for guys? Join now and become the best Unity game developer :) See you all in the course ;)"
Price: 104.99

"(Angular 10 PHP): Crea un Sistema de Control para Doctores" |
"En este curso trabajaremos mucho con angular, creacin de Querys en MySQL, y lo bsico en funcionamiento en PHP otra ventaja es que el curso estar actualizado a la ltima versin en su totalidad y veremos:Creacin de CRUD entre PHP y AngularManejo de ActivateRouteRutas simplesRutas con parmetroQuerys en MySQLCustom PipeManejo de InterfaceManejo de ServiceY ms..."
Price: 19.99

"Preparing budgets (In Arabic)" |
" CFA & CMA & CertIFR & MOS & CFM & financial modeling "
Price: 24.99

project-execution-monitor-control-closing |
"- - - - - - - - - - -"
Price: 19.99

"VMware 2V0-621D Certified Professional Virtualization Exam" |
"212 UNIQUE practice questions for VMware 2V0-621D Certified Professional Virtualization ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : VMware 2V0-621D Certified Professional Virtualization ExamTotal Questions : 212Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 212)"
Price: 169.99

"4H0-002 Hyperion Essbase 5 Certification Practice Exam" |
"129 UNIQUE practice questions for 4H0-002 Hyperion Essbase 5 Certification Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 4H0-002 Hyperion Essbase 5 Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 129Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (96 of 129)"
Price: 164.99

"CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator Exam" |
"137 UNIQUE practice questions for CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CWNA-106 Certified Wireless Network Administrator ExamTotal Questions : 137Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (102 of 137)"
Price: 149.99

"TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practical Exam" |
"98 UNIQUE practice questions for TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practical ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : TB0-113 TIBCO Business Studio 3.2 Certified Practical ExamTotal Questions : 98Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (73 of 98)"
Price: 144.99

"CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Test" |
"In this CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Test course there are over 249 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Test examWhy take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 249 Questionsii.All CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Test Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:i) Want to pass the CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional certification.ii) Want to find your weak areas for the CCSP: Certified Cloud Security Professional Practice Test certification, and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"HTML Practice Test for Certification, Exams & Interviews" |
"This HTML practice test based on multiple-choice questions and answers(MCQs). This test has been designed for HTML Certification, HTML Exam, Exam 98-383, MTA, Interviews, Web Development, Entrance Exams, Private Exams, Competitive and Academic Exams.Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting languages such as JavaScript.HTML Elements: An HTML element is defined by a start tag, some content, and an end tag: <tagname>Content goes here...</tagname>HTML Attributes: HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name=""value""HTML Headings: HTML headings are titles or subtitles that you want to display on a webpage. HTML headings are defined with the <h1> to <h6> tags.HTML Paragraphs: A paragraph always starts on a new line, and is usually a block of text. The HTML <p> element defines a paragraph.HTML Styles: The HTML style attribute is used to add styles to an element, such as color, font, size, and more.HTML Text Formatting: HTML contains several elements for defining text with a special meaning.HTML Quotation and Citation Elements: In this course we will go through the <blockquote>,<q>, <abbr>, <address>, <cite>, and <bdo> HTML elements.HTML Comments: HTML comments are not displayed in the browser, but they can help document your HTML source code.HTML Colors: HTML colors are specified with predefined color names, or with RGB, HEX, HSL, RGBA, or HSLA values.HTML Styles - CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.HTML Links: Links are found in nearly all web pages. Links allow users to click their way from page to page.HTML Images: Images can improve the design and the appearance of a web page.HTML Tables: HTML tables allow web developers to arrange data into rows and columns. The <table> tag defines an HTML table.HTML Lists: An unordered list starts with the <ul> tag. Each list item starts with the <li> tag. The list items will be marked with bullets.HTML Block and Inline Elements: Every HTML element has a default display value, depending on what type of element it is.There are two display values: block and inline.HTML Iframes: An HTML iframe is used to display a web page within a web page. The HTML <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame.HyperText Markup Language (HTML): This test covered all topics are:-HTML Introduction, HTML Basic HTML Elements, HTML AttributesHTML Headings,Paragraphs, Styles,Formatting TagsHTML Quotation and Citation ElementsHTML Comments, Colors, CSSHTML Links, Images TagsHTML Tables, Lists, Block and Inline ElementsHTML Forms, Elements, Input TypesHTML Iframes, The Head ElementHTML Style Guide and Coding ConventionsAbout test:This Practice test divided into Six tests. ExamType: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers(MCQs).There are four options in each question. And one of the four options is true and three is false. You only choose the correct option, that will be your answerHTML Introduction and Basic Practice Test50 questions 25 minutes 60% correct required to passHTML Fonts, Tags and Element Practice Test26 questions 13 minutes 60% correct required to passHTML Table Tag and Element Practice Test24 questions 12 minutes 60% correct required to passHTML Numbered, Bullet and Definition Lists Practice Test26 questions 13 minutes 60% correct required to passHTML IMG Tags, Anchor Tags and Heading Practice Test21 questions 10 minutes 60% correct required to passHTML Form Tags and Element Practice Test36 questions 18 minutes 60% correct required to passWhat Makes This Course Special This Test useful for HTML Certification, Exams, Interviews, Web Development, Entrance Exams, Private Exams, Competitive and Academic Exams. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section30 days moneyback guarantee. Without any queries Lifetime Access to course updatesLifetime supportKey features of practice sections and model test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button. !!!Best of luck!!!Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questions, but you will get Competitive and Academic Exams from these questions for sure."
Price: 24.99

"Body Music - 3 Rhythms & Technique" |
"In this reduced version of my online course for body music you find a selection of 3 rhythms that you can play either to pop-songs or a-capella plus three exercises that will help you train your rhythm skills and body percussion technique. Each rhythm is broken down so you can learn at your own speed - take it step by step if youre a beginner, or rush through it if youre a pro!"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering AP Physics C: Mechanics (2020 - 2021), pt. 1 of 2" |
"Although it can seem daunting, AP Physics C: Mechanics is a great course to teach you skills that will have long-term value in many different fields whether in science or engineering or math or other non-scientific fields. This course is designed to be approachable for any student and will logically walk you through the first half of the content required for the AP exam in May. In addition to the content, this course will carefully cover the other skills required for success on the AP exam. These include:incorporating calculus into physicsderivations when only variables are providedworking with experimental data, especially understanding how to successfully spot relationships in the datafamiliarity with core, fundamental labs that apply the content to real-world scenarios that often show up on the AP examWe will also cover ideas from AP problems from past exams so that you can see first-hand how the exam is scored and how to apply to content correctly in order to maximize your success. Whether you are taking this course in school or independently, this course will prove you valuable insight so that you can master AP Physics.AP is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this website."
Price: 34.99

"Estatstica para Provas & Concursos" |
"Curso de Estatstica para Concursos = Aulas em vdeos + PDFs + Planto de Dvidas + 400 Exerccios ResolvidosChegou a hora de voc aprender est to temida matria.Este curso vitalicio, ou seja voc pode assistir quantas vezes for necessrio.Alm das Aulas em vdeos, disponibilizaremos em PDF todo o contedo com frmulas, questes resolvidas e exerccios para voc praticar.Atualmente o curso possui mais de 400 exerccios resolvidos (Cespe, Esaf, FGV, Vunesp, FCC e outras).Confira as vantagens que este curso oferece:Tire suas dvidas diretamente com o professor.Teoria e ExercciosMacetes para resolver questes com mais agilidade.Assista os vdeos nas velocidades 1,25x, 1,50x, 1,75x ou 2,00x100% focado em provas e concursosAcesso vitalcioAcesso em todos os dispositivos (Mobile e Desktop)App Udemy (Android e iOS)Material de Apoio em PDFSimuladosGarantia de 30 dias.Mesmo que voc no possua nenhuma familiaridade com nmeros, com este curso voc aprender passo a passo a resolver questes envolvendo clculos, grficos e frmulas."
Price: 204.99

"Vendas de Servios de Alto Valor" |
"Uma pequena e mdia empresa de servios tem poucas formas de ter grande sucesso, e uma dessas formas vendendo servios com grandes valores. Esse mtodo muito empregado por empresas iniciantes de sucesso, e at hoje rende bons resultados para empresas de servios que atuam em nichos de mercado voltados para venda entre empresas (B2B). Neste curso, o instrutor compartilha sua experincia acumulada com a venda de dezenas de grandes servios especializados, o que pode ser adaptado para qualquer negcio voltado a um nicho de mercado, como por exemplo, empresas especializadas em trocar leo de ambulncias, ou especializadas em ar-condicionado de mercados ou bancos, ou outras reas tcnicas restritas, como nichos da engenharia, advocacia, biologia, geologia, geofsica, agronomia, entre tantas outras reas."
Price: 154.99

"US College Admissions" |
"If you would like a clear and detailed overview of how to get accepted to US universities, you have come to the right place! In this course, find out:- What US admissions officers are looking for.- How to develop a personal brand for the application and stand out.- How to select universities to apply to effectively.- What standardized exams to take for US admissions.- How to obtain great reference letters.- How to write excellent application essays in the US admissions style.- How to ace the US admissions interview.Please note that this course is meant for students over 18 years old."
Price: 19.99

"Recording and Mixing Vocals" |
"- -- - - -- -- -: -Pro tools, Cuebase, Logic, Adobe Audition, Studio One ,Ableton, Samplitude "
Price: 49.99

"Quadratic Equations: solving, factorising and drawing" |
"This course will help understand all concepts of quadratic equations: you will learn:How to expand double brackets, collect like terms and simplify further.How factorise simple quadratic expressionsHow to factorise harder quadratic expressionsHow to use difference of two squares to factorise quadraticsHow to solve quadratic equations by factorisation, by completing the square and by using quadratic formula.How to visualise quadratic functions by plotting their graphsHow solve quadratic equations graphically How to find the turning points from the graph and from completing the squareHow to solve quadratic simultaneous equations where one of the equations is linear and the other is quadratics."
Price: 19.99

"Volatility Trading Via Quantitative Modeling in Excel" |
"Do you think professional methods of investing are beyond your reach because it involves state of the art infrastructure, rocket science, and huge amount of money?Have you tried replicating someone else's trading style and method only to end up with drastically different or inconsistent results?Do you find it difficult to implement investment strategies that you learned because (a) you have no confidence about it, (b) you still don't know how to execute it, and/or (c) you have no time?THIS COURSE WILL CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION ABOUT THE APPROACH TO INVESTING.We will teach you in-depth a sensible way to trade volatility known as Volatility Risk Premium, from concept to implementation, whose principles are used among hedge fund professionals. This strategy is capable of generating good returns during calm markets and potentially act as a hedge during crisis periods. After the course, you will be able to Do-It-Yourself.Volatility Risk Premium is a powerful quantitative strategy that is grounded in well-established principles and common sense. There are no chart reading, no thick annual reports, no constant monitoring of market news, and no forecasting.All investment decisions are driven by the model we will build in this course. The completed model requires less than 5 minutes of your time to update. With a good understanding of the strategy through hands-on learning, this will keep your discipline in check and prevent you from falling prey to emotions during times of market stress. The end result is consistency.We will build the model up in Excel using in-built Excel functions. No programming experience is required. Neither do we need expensive tools or data subscriptions. We will use only free resources.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Why buying and holding stocks is more risky than it looks. What is the concept and rationale behind volatility risk premium. What are the suitable instruments for retail investors to trade volatility. How to use critical Excel functions e.g. data lookup, logic operators, math and statistical functions etc. What is the intuition and math behind key financial concepts, e.g. returns, volatility, etc, and how to implement them on Excel. Where and how to get price data. How to calculate volatility risk premium. How to incorporate transaction costs and position sizing into the model. How to calculate key performance metrics and create a performance analytics worksheet for tracking model performance. How to create a dashboard to extract and display key information for making investment decisions.WHAT YOU WILL GET Over 5 hours of lectures developed with more than 15 years of experience in the asset management, hedge fund and banking industry. Practice sheets on financial mathematics and excel functions with solutions. Guided step-by-step model building process complete with templates. Fully completed volatility risk premium model file that you can use or improve on. Free Excel-based resources (from the web) to download price data from yahoo finance in bulk. Unlimited lifetime access. Full 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. Online Q&A where you can pose your questions to us.An investment into the right education is one of the best investment one can make. The earlier you start, the better you will be in the future. So take action now and ENROLL IN THIS COURSE!"
Price: 209.99

"Corrosion Modeling & Protection with COMSOL Multiphysics" |
"This Course describes the Corrosion Module, an optional add-on package for COMSOL Multiphysics intended for the modeling and simulation of corrosion and corrosion protection processes.This course consists of Varies types of simulation of Corrosion like,Galvanic Corrosion Cathodic Protection Crevice Corrosion General Electro-chemistry The module has a number of physics interfaces, which describe the transport and reaction of charged and neutral ions in aqueous electrolytes, surface reactions (electrochemical and chemical) and the formation of adsorbed species or coatings on metal surfaces. It also describes transport of current in electrolytes and metals, transport of current in thin metal structures (treated as shells), fluid flow, and heat transfer."
Price: 3520.00

"MB6-894:Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamics 365" |
"Welcome to our MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamics 365 exam Certified Associate Project Management Test 2020 Course. These MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam tests will help you pass the Certified Associate in Project Management Exam in the very first attempt.What you get in this MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam Course40 High Quality practice questions for your MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 ExamAll MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam Questions & Answers are verified by ExpertAll domains covered30 Days money back guaranteeWhat will students learn in your course?40 High Quality MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam practice questionsOur MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam Practice test will help you score at least 80% on the main exam. Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Want to Pass MB6-894 Development,Extensions & Deployment for Dynamic 365 exam Certified Associate in Project Management Certification ExamGo ahead,Practice hard.Test your Knowledge."
Price: 29.99

"Apprenez CI/CD avec Azure DevOps Git et Scrum/Kanban" |
"A la fin de ce cours, vous serez capable d'utiliser Git, mthodologie agile et azure DevOps.Je vous accompagne pas pas pour apprendre ces technologies.Dployer des applications sur des machines virtuelles Linux/Windows dans Azure laide dAzure DevOps Git Agile.Configuration dun pipeline CI/CD pour les dploiements. Je vous ferai une dmonstration sous forme d'un projet concret."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a publicar ebooks de sucesso na Amazon" |
"Este curso ensinar um sistema passo-a-passo para pegar o que voc j sabe, usar as habilidades que voc possui, escrever um ebook e public-lo na Amazon.Se voc est pronto para escrever o seu primeiro ebook e ganhar uma renda em tempo integral ou parcial com ele, ento o prximo minuto ser um ponto crtico para voc. Eu vou mostrar como voc pode ter o seu livro publicado ao lado de grandes autores, como milhares de pessoas esto fazendo agora pelo mundo.Primeiro de tudo, coloque a voz da dvida para descansar. Digo isso porque sei que voc pode fazer isso. s seguir uma receita comprovada, de 5 fases, que ser ensinada ao longo do curso:Fase #1: Planejar Fase #2: Aspectos do ebookFase #3: Escrever e editar o seu livro.Fase #4: PublicarFase #5: MarketingSe voc leva a escrita a srio, ento, esse o primeiro passo ideal. Essa a minha promessa para voc: este o melhor investimento que voc vai fazer para desvendar os mistrios da auto publicao. Voc aprender a publicar o seu livro em menos de 90 dias.Voc est pronto para comear a sua empolgante e emocionante viagem para se tornar um autor publicado?"
Price: 144.99
