"Introduo linguagem R de programao" |
"Ol, pessoal!Cada vez mais, a cincia de dados e a programao crescem e se desenvolvem; nesse contexto, a procura por pessoas aptas a resolverem problemas e a manipularem grandes volumes de dados cresce continuamente. Visando atender a essa demanda crescente, o curso de ""Introduo linguagem R de programao"" foi desenvolvido com o intuito de oferecer suporte a todos que desejam comear a programar em R. Ao longo de 5 sees, o aluno ter acesso a mais de seis horas de contedo gravado, materiais suplementares e a listas de exerccios.Com esse curso, espero poder contribuir com todos aqueles que se interessam por programao e pelos benefcios proporcionados pela utilizao correta de tal ferramenta."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda o passo a passo da tcnica de PONTILHISMO!" |
"Sempre gostou de arte mas no sabe por onde comear?Te ensinarei o passo a passo da tcnica de PONTILHISMO. Aps voc absorver o contedo, estar apta(o) a criar suas prprias peas para presentear, decorar seu lar e at comercializar.No necessrio ter experincia prvia com pintura.Coloque mais cores em sua vida!Vem comigo! :)"
Price: 69.99

"Curso Educao Financeira" |
"Quais so seus sonhos? Comprar uma casa, um carro, fazer uma viagem, casar, uma aposentadoria tranquila? Sejam quais forem os seus sonhos, neste curso voc ir dar um importante passo na conquista do seu maior sonho.Este curso um Projeto Poderoso criado pela Escola Invest, com o objetivo de ajudar voc a conquistar sua sade financeira, aprender um pouco sobre como administrar seus ganhos e principalmente em como conquistar seu sonho. Infelizmente, quando crianas, ns no costumamos ter acesso educao financeira nas escolas e o resultado uma sociedade endividada, que no sabe lidar direito com seu dinheiro.A Educao Financeira no consiste somente em aprender a economizar, cortar gastos, poupar e acumular dinheiro. muito mais que isso. buscar uma melhor qualidade de vida tanto hoje quanto no futuro, proporcionando a segurana material necessria para aproveitar os prazeres da vida e ao mesmo tempo obter uma garantia para eventuais imprevistos."
Price: 39.99

"Processamentos de Imagens - Agisoft Metashape" |
"Processamentos de Imagens - Agisoft Metashape.Gerao de dados com uso de imagens com RPAs (Aeronave Remotamente Pilotada) conhecido como Drones.Aprenda a processar imagens do zero e criar seus mapas como um profissional.Gerao de mapas 2D / 3D com altssima resoluo e qualidade.Vrios exerccios para praticar sem necessidade de ter o equipamento para processar os dados.Seja um profissional no mundo dos Drones."
Price: 579.99

"Guide to ES6 Syntax in JavaScript" |
"Declaring variables with let, constScope differences between let, const, varWhy you shouldnt use var keywordUsing template strings to interpolate dataTemplate strings with functionsHow hoisting works in JSArrow functions & scope explainedDifferences between the rest & spread operatorsObjects and ClassesGetters & Setters in ClassesSynchronous vs Asynchronous ProgrammingCallback Functions in JavaScriptExplanation of Callback HellIntroduction to Promises, Promise All / RaceAJAX requests with PromisesUsing the Fetch API, Async & Await SyntaxIterators and GeneratorsGenerators with PromisesMaps, Sets, Proxies explainedJavaScript Modules, AMD vs CommonJSBabel, Transpiling, Staying On Top of ES"
Price: 19.99

working_abroad |
Price: 4800.00

"Introduo Magia Cigana" |
"O curso de Introduo Magia Cigana destinado todos que se sentem atrados em conhecer a histria e magia cigana. Promovido pelo terreiro de umbanda Caboclos da Lei, Asas de Isis e Tsara Luna, a introduo um preparo para que voc possa ter autonomia e direcionar suas prticas magisticas de forma responsvel e simples. O principal objetivo do curso acessibilizar a magia cigana e desromantizar muito do iderio que construiu-se atravs dos tempos sobre esse povo. Com dois mdulos (terico e prtico), o curso conta com vdeo aulas, material de apoio em pdf e certificado de concluso ao final. Alm de contar com as professoras Isabel e Sonia para tirar dvidas e monitorar os estudos na plataforma. Seja bem vindo!"
Price: 129.99

"Learn Cisco Network Security- Secure Routing and Switching" |
"Learn the technologies and concepts of network security in this complete course and earn your CISCO certification.Grasp the understanding of security models, appliances, tools and techniques and make yourself known as security specialist.Concepts of SecurityCryptography basicsIPSec Fundamentals and OperationManage CISCO FirewallsImplement security through certificatesLearn about ACS and ISECISCO is the leading Networking equipment provider with a large product portfolio ranging from small Enterprises to large Data Centers. CCNA (Security) certification is one of the fundamental certifications that will help you in realizing the concepts of cyber security and its implementations in real world.This course has been designed for intermediate level IT Engineers. It will take you through the basics of terminologies in cyber security, while implementing them on Cisco Routers switches and firewalls. By taking this course you will learn the advanced features of firewall contexts and high availability You will observe actual packets as they move through the wires and make those dots connect. While configuring the devices you will feel as if you are doing it yourself, its that close and personal. By following this course you will not only be able achieve your CCNA (Security) certification but you will also feel to go deeper into the security domain and learn more about it."
Price: 84.99

"CPA Marketing using Bing Ads" |
"This course has been updated for Microsoft Advertising.You will learn how to use Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads) to get cheap and targeted traffic to your offer.*How to create and manage your own Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing) Pay Per Click Campaigns*If you want to advertise your website/product online but don't know where to start then this Bing Ads course is for you. This introductory course will guide you through all the basics of pay per click ads. You will learn how to create your PPC campaigns, the importance of demographic targeting, choosing the right keywords and the secret to getting clicks for under 10c.If you have no experience with online advertising or are just starting out, learn how to setup your first Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads) campaign the right way. This course will provide you with a shortcut to creating campaigns fast and getting hundreds of clicks. In particular you will learn:Why Bing is the Best Starting Platform for your Pay Per Click CampaignsHow to create your 1st Bing ads campaign using my Simple Step-by-Step processLearn how to avoid the 2 Biggest Mistakes that newbies make when starting on Bing (and avoid blowing your budget in 1 day)The best FREE tool to create your keyword lists for your campaignsThe secret to getting Clicks for Under 10cCreate ads like the pros using my #1 Secret for Ad CreationSo if you are serious about getting started advertising online then enroll in Bing Ads for Beginners. You will learn the basics of pay per click ads, and how to get clicks at a low cost using Bing Ads."
Price: 139.99

"Cisco ICND2 Cert Prep- Infrastructure Services - Routing" |
"I want to welcome you to this Cisco CCNA course! I'm David Bombal, and I have been teaching networking courses for over 15 years. I qualified as a Cisco Certified Interwork Engineer (CCIE) in 2003 and hold with numerous other networking certifications. I'm also a Cisco and HPE certified instructor where I have trained thousands of networking engineers in many of the largest companies in the world including Fortune 100 companies.The course covers the topics in the Cisco ICND2 and CCNA exams.At the end of this course, you will be able to confidently discuss networking topics; and be able to start configuring real networking devices such as routers and switches. In this an introductory course, but contains a lot of information that can be directly applied to the CCNA certification.The ideal student for this course is someone looking to break into the networking field, someone looking to extend their knowledge from PCs and servers to networking, or someone interested in getting knowledge to work in one of the most exciting, most in-demand jobs in IT - networking.There are no requirements necessary to enroll in this course, I only ask that you come open minded and ready to learn."
Price: 114.99

"Learning Cisco Network Security - VPN Step by Step" |
"Are you interested in CCNA certification? If yes then this is the perfect course for you. Here you get all the basic to advance concepts of Networking. And at the end of the course you get enough confidence to clear CCNA 200-125 Exam. Here we clear all the topics step by step. If you do not have any previous knowledge in networking that's completely OK.In this Course Ms. Pinki Chavra Teach you CCNA Course Step by step. She has 12+ Years of experience in Computer Network.The contents are totally refreshed and we add and update new video content each and every week.In this course you get hands on experience on such as; VLANs, VTP, STP, PortFast, EtherChannel, Inter-VLAN etc. We discuss a lot of Key topic of networking like IPv4, IPv6 etc.If you are a freshers or have some experience but want to build your carrier in the field of Networking then this is the perfect course for you !"
Price: 69.99

"Cisco CCNP ENCOR (350-401) - Architecture, Virtualization" |
"350-401 ENCOR: Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. Youll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN.This exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architectureVirtualizationInfrastructureNetwork assuranceSecurityAutomation300-410 ENARSI: Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) gives you the knowledge you need to install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot an enterprise network.This exam tests your knowledge of implementation and troubleshooting for advanced routing technologies and services, including:Layer 3VPN servicesInfrastructure securityInfrastructure servicesInfrastructure automation"
Price: 89.99

"Cisco CCNA (200-301) Cert Prep- IP Connectivity and Services" |
"Networks are all around us and you are using one right now to access this course.Imagine for a moment, how different your life would be without access to Facebook, Snapchat, Google, YouTube, Whatsapp or any of the other websites on the Internet? How would you live with no Internet?The Internet is extremely important in modern life today and all websites and Internet communication relies on networking. This reliance is only predicted to continue with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the next few years.Without routers, switches, network cabling and protocols like BGP there would be no Internet!This course will teach you how networks actually work and how you are able to connect to websites like Facebook, Google, and YouTube. Companies throughout the world (from the smallest to the largest) rely on networks designed, installed and maintained by networking engineers. Join this in demand industry!Start your journey today learning about networking.Content in this course can be used towards your CCNA. Topics such as IP addressing, subnetting and many others can be applied directly to passing your CCNA certification.Access our online simulations so you can practice on simulated Cisco routers and switches. You will get to type commands such as enable, configure terminal, router ospf and many others and learn how to configure devices.I want to welcome you to this Cisco CCNA 200-301 course! I'm David Bombal, and I have been teaching networking courses for over 15 years. I qualified as a Cisco Certified Interwork Engineer (CCIE) in 2003 and hold with numerous other networking certifications. I'm also a Cisco and HPE certified instructor where I have trained thousands of networking engineers in many of the largest companies in the world including Fortune 100 companies.I have designed this course for anyone wanting to learn more about networking and gain foundational knowledge, to help them embark on their networking career. The concepts taught in this course can be applied directly to multiple industry certifications including the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).In this course, you will learn about topics such as IP addressing, IP subnetting, Routing, Switches, VLANs, Spanning Tree, Network Address Translation, Wireless and a whole lot more.You will also learn more about the latest networking trends including Network Automation and Software Defined Networking."
Price: 99.99

onyourmark1 |
Price: 12000.00

"Passives Einkommen: Der online Passives Einkommen Kurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst verschiedene Wege kennen um Passiv und Online Geld zu verdienen.Wir werden uns auerdem auf verschiedenen Plattformen meine Einnahmen ansehen.Wir besprechen Einnahmequelle wie unter anderem:BcherOnline Kursebersetzungen und vieles mehrIm Bonusvideo findest du auerdem eine Mglichkeit sofort und ohne Risiko 200 zu verdienen.Support bzw. die Beantwortung deiner Fragen ist natrlich bei allem mit inbegriffen!"
Price: 199.99

"Sales Methodologies: Best Practices for Enterprise Selling" |
"Confused about old and new enterprise sales methodologies? Which is best for your environment? What are the pitfalls in mixing and matching or even developing your own customer sales methodology? This course is about clarifying and differentiating various popular sales methodologies (Strategic Selling, SPIN, Sandler, Solution Selling, MEDDIC, and Challenger) and their applied context within the ideal sales process of today's enterprise sales organizations. Students will learn and appreciate these various program legacies, but also learn how today's best sales organizations are applying custom sales methods and processes for their own unique enterprise sales environments."
Price: 199.99

"Curso Rpido de Automao de Testes Mobile com Appium + Java" |
"Curso Rpido de Automao de Testes Mobile com Appium + JavaNesse curso rpido de automao de testes mobile, com Appium e Java, voc vai aprender como iniciar um projeto do zero! Isso mesmo, voc vai ver como iniciar um projeto de Automao de Testes Mobile para Android e iOS, completamente do zero, de forma rpida, fcil e simples. E o melhor: COM O MESMO CDIGO!Ento, se voc quer dar os primeiros passos na Automao de Testes Mobile, esse o curso ideal.Para mais cursos e informaes e cursos, acesso nosso site."
Price: 39.99

"Planing,Analysis and Design of G+1 RCC Building" |
"Planing of the Building , Analysis of Building and Design of Structural elements i.e. Isolated footing, Column and Beam. with providing all required material and Notes which are Help full for further practicing. one of the Packaging course . every things is explained In KANNADA language. and you guys are getting proper knowledge about how to Design a Building in piratical life . My friend i think you may not get this all package in one course so i have suggest you to enroll this course and get profit from this course. i feel you can understand better from this course. one of the Packaging course . every things is explained In KANNADA language. and you guys are getting proper knowledge about how to Design a Building in piratical life . My friend i think you may not get this all package in one course so i have suggest you to enroll this course and get profit from this course. i feel you can understand better from this course. My friend i think you may not get this all package in one course so i have suggest you to enroll this course and get profit from this course. i feel you can understand better from this course. one of the Packaging course . every things is explained In KANNADA language. and you guys are getting proper knowledge about how to Design a Building in piratical life . My friend i think you may not get this all package in one course so i have suggest you to enroll this course and get profit from this course. i feel you can understand better from this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Cyber Security for the End User - Intermediate" |
"With the increase use in technology comes efficiency but also a greater risk of crime. Proper cyber security awareness can help minimize or prevent you from being a victim of a cyber criminal. This course is designed for everyday computer users and takes a deeper look at types of cybersecurity attacks and best practices to prevent them.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.5 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area.Email info@intellezy.com with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Foundations of Change The Organisation for Benefits" |
"This is a short course that provides you with the *foundations* for later courses on 'How-To deliver benefits realisation and or successfully run projects and programs by making wise choices to mix and extend agile-iterative and incremental and or design-first approaches'Here I cover ""It is All about 'Change the Organisation for benefits' - the broader context that positions project management""I'm sharing 40 years experience with you using some simplified descriptions of the journey steps through'Idea Moment' to the commitment of a Qualification decision,To Sanction decisions (Per sprint, release, stage or phase),To Acceptance (per Project Output Delivery),To Benefit Start,To Project Closure and Recognition of Benefits in steady flow"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to FabFilter plugins" |
"This MUSICAL NOTES 'demystify the manual' course is designed for brand new users to Fabfilter plugins, and beginners to audio effects in general. Throughout this 'demystify the manual' course, new users will be able to see how Fabfilter plugins such as Pro-MB, Pro-DS, Pro-C, Pro-R, Saturn 2, Pro-L2 and Pro-G amongst others work."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Multithreading in C++" |
"An introduction to multithreading, and to the powerful multithreading features added to C++ in 2011, 2014 and 2017.Take your C++ to the next level!Among other things, you'll learn the following in this course:How to create threads using the thread class or asyncHow to work with promises, futures and tasksHow to use mutexes and locks to coordinate multiple threadsHow to use conditions to signal between threadsHow to create blocking queues and thread poolsIn this course I'll break complex multithreading concepts down into simple steps, demonstrating practically, in front of your eyes, how you can make use of multiple threads to accomplish tasks that would be difficult or horribly slow without multithreading."
Price: 24.99

"Introduccin a la Concurrencia en C# - Async y Paralelismo" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar programacin asncrona y paralelismo en C#.Veremos tanto patrones como antipatrones de la concurrencia. Es decir, veremos qu cosas debemos hacer, pero tambin veremos qu cosas no debemos hacer.Con la programacin asncrona podemos:Ejecutar un conjunto de tareas I/O al mismo tiempoEvitar que se congele el UI de nuestras aplicacionesEscalar verticalmente nuestras aplicaciones de ASP.NET y ASP.NET CoreCancelar tareas para que el usuario no tenga que esperar su conclusinImplementar una lgica de reintentos genricaCrear streams asncronosCon la programacin en paralelo podemos:Acelerar la ejecucin de ciertos algoritmosAplicar transformaciones a un conjunto de imgenes en paraleloUtilizar mtodos de sincronizacin para evitar condiciones de carreraDefinir el mximo grado de paralelismoConfigurar instancias de una clase por hilosUtilizar LINQ en paraleloTodo esto lo aprenderemos en este curso!"
Price: 39.99

"API RESTFul con Lumen +7- Creando una API para ventas" |
"Aprende a implementar APIs robustas con el micro-framework de Laravel.Este curso se centrar en ensearte los conceptos necesarios que conlleva el desarrollo de una API a travs del micro-framework Lumen 7+ hasta su puesta en produccin haciendo uso de HEROKU implementando las buenas prcticas de desarrollo de software que exige el mercado hoy en da.Todo el curso se enfoca en la realizacin de nuestro proyecto, el cual es una API para gestionar las rdenes de compra de una empresa."
Price: 39.99

"ASP.NET Core 3 Enfoque SPA con VueJS" |
"Durante el desarrollo del curso el estudiante adquirir habilidades para implementar aplicaciones SPA usando VueJs como framework y ASP.NET Core como proyecto RESTFul.Asimismo, aprendern temas como autenticacin basada en TOKEN, REFRESH TOKEN, permisos y roles, ASP.NET Identity Core, buenas prcticas de REST, VueJs + Vue Router, buenas prcticas de desarrollo de software, entre muchas cosas ms que nos exigir el proyecto a realizar.Nota: este curso requiere conocimientos previos en ASP.NET Core, RESTFul, JavaScript y VueJs. De todas formas se hace un pequeo repaso de estos conceptos."
Price: 39.99

"Microservicios con .NET Core 3 hasta su publicacin en Azure" |
"Los proyectos monolticos ante el constante cambio de la industria estn dando un paso al costado para seder a la implementacin de una arquitectura orientada a microservicios que permite escalar tanto como vertical u horizontalmente de manera ms eficiente generando mayor colaboracin e integracin en los equipos de desarrollo de software.En este curso vamos aprender a implementar una arquitectura de microservicios usando ASP.NET Core 3, CQRS, ejecucin de pruebas unitarias, patrones de diseo, puesta a produccin de nuestro proyecto con Azure y mucho ms."
Price: 39.99

"Angular 9: desarrollando una APP de control de gastos" |
"Angular es uno de los frameworks ms populares que demanda el mercado laboral hoy en da por ser sumamente robusto y tener todo lo necesario para realizar increbles aplicaciones webs. Asimismo, este es impulsado por el grande de Google y su comunidad opensource.Por eso, en este curso aprenders los conceptos que conlleva el uso de Angular en su versin 9.Adems, pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido para realizar un proyecto que nos permita gestionar los gastos que vamos realizando da a da a travs de la comunicacin de una API realizada en NodeJs."
Price: 39.99

"Mathematical Concepts of Engineering - EMAT-1" |
"Are you an Engineering student finding it difficult to understanding Mathematical concepts, problems, etc. Then this course is for you.This course is designed to give a brief introduction to the mathematical concepts needed for engineering stream students.It is designed for the course EMAT-1 (first semester). Topics including Eigen values and Eigen vectors of a real matrixProperties of Eigen valuesCayley Hamilton theoremReduction of a symmetric matrix to diagonal formOrthogonal matricesReduction of quadratic form to canonical form by orthogonal transformationsEuler's TheoremTotal differentiationTaylors expansion - IntroductionMaxima and Minima of functions of two variablesJacobiansLinear equations of second order with constant and variable coefficientsHomogeneous equation of Euler's typeThese topics provide the fundamental basis of applying the concepts of engineering into motion.The concepts are presented in a progressive detail-oriented scheme, explaining the basics and ending with the applications of the concepts. With mastering these basics concepts under the guidance of a teacher, the student can easily manipulate and grasp the engineering concepts in no time."
Price: 99.99

"Credit Rating by Rating Agencies (Part 1)" |
"Welcome to your course Credit Rating by Rating Agencies (Part 1)Credit Rating is a quantified assessment of credit worthiness of borrower and it is assessed by Independent agencies called as Credit Rating Agencies. It is a detailed and systematic process involving various quantitative and qualitative analysis of rated entities. This rating will be carried out by Team comprising Credit Analysts and it will be put up to Rating Committee for approval.Credit Rating helps rated entity to raise funds from the market / lenders and it also helps the investors / lenders to take a decision whether to invest / lend to that rated entity or not.By taking up this course, you will get to learnWhat is Credit Rating?Important Factors related to Credit RatingObjectives of Credit RatingTypes of Credit RatingUses of Credit RatingCredit Rating ProcessFactors affecting Credit RatingStrengths & Weakness of Credit RatingImportance of Credit RatingRisks associated with Credit RatingCredit Rating Agencies in India and AbroadDifferent types of RatingsInternal & External Credit RatingCredit Information CompanyDifference between Credit Rating Agency & Credit Information CompanyWhat is Credit Risk?Probability of Default (PD)Exposure at Default (EAD)Loss Given Default & Recovery RateExpected & Unexpected LossRegulatory & Economic CapitalThis course is structured in self paced learning style. Use you headsets for effective listening and keep taking notes while listening to the lectures. See you inside the course!"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Fitness & Health Masterclass - 21 Courses in 1" |
"If You Only Buy ONE Course This Year It GOT To Be This One!With over 22 hours of video content, downloadable resources and bonuses - this is one of the most comprehensive fitness & health masterclass available!You'll also get access to:Lifetime Access to course updatesFast & Friendly Support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadTo make sure you find the information you are looking for the easiest, we have divided our Masterclass to 21 main sections:1. Get Your Energy, Youth & Vitality Back!In this section, you are going to:Discover Exactly What Reverse Aging IS & HOW It Works!Learn The SCIENCE & SECRETS Behind Reverse AgingDiscover the MANY Powerful BENEFITS Of Reverse AgingLearn How Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Add MANY Healthy Years To Your Life!Discover Powerful Anti-Aging Supplements That Can Add YEARS To Your Life!Discover SECRET Anti-Aging Routines That Turn Back The Clock Every DayLearn The Hidden SECRETS Of Younger Looking Skin2. Biohacking SecretsIn this section, you are going to:Discover How Sleep Has A Huge Impact On Your Mind, Body, Health & LongevityLearn How Activity Impacts WAY More Than Your Muscles & Best PracticesDiscover The Importance Of PROTECTING Yourself From Blue Light & The Amazing BENEFITS Of Red LightLearn The Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness & Meditation Astonishing!Discover What A Secret Therapy Known As CryoTherapy Can Do For You!Discover The Impact Of & Benefits Of What You Put In Your Mouth & LungsLearn The POWERFUL Benefits Of Probiotics You Will Be AMAZED!3. ZEN LifestyleIn this section, you are going to:Discover What Zen Is & How It Can Transform Virtually Every Area Of Your LifeHow Zen Can Boost Your Appreciation Of LifeHow Zen Can Help You Simplify Your Life & Free YouHow To Be Mindful In The Present MomentDeeper Relaxation And Better SleepGain Greater Health And VitalityLearn Zen Concepts & Secret KnowledgeGain Greater Awareness, Insights & Focus4. Healthy HeartIn this section, you are going to:Discover What A Heart Attack ACTUALLY Is & What Is Going OnLearn How To Spot a Heart AttackLearn What The Complications Of A Heart Attack Are & About Follow-up CareLearn What To Do When A Heart Attack OccursDiscover The Primary Risk Factors For Heart DiseaseDiscover How Acceptance Can Be A Powerful Key To Freedom From AnxietyLearn How To Strengthen Your Heart To Prevent Future EpisodesLearn About Specific Heart Remedies That Can Make A BIG Difference5. The Secrets To Burning FatIn this section, you are going to:Discover which is most important: diet or exercise?Learn the difference between good and bad fatsDiscover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy livingLearn how substitution is a great way to lose weight even without eating less!Discover how your mindset impacts your weight and how it can help you become healthier & happierFind out how Celebrities stay beautiful, thin & healthyLearn the hidden secrets of how to curb hungerLearn some delicious fat burning & detoxing recipes you will love to get you startedDiscover the exercises that burn fat & help you beat problem areasLearn the many benefits and dangers of supplementsYou will learn simple ways to detox your body as you lose fatLearn about the Yo-Yo Effect and how to beat it6. Take Your LIFE & CAREER To The Next LevelIn this section, you are going to:How To BIG Goals That Will Transform Your LIFE!How To Make REAL Decisions Stick To Them And GET Results!Discover The Life Skills That Have The BIGGEST Impact On Your SUCCESS & How You FEELLearn That There is NO Such Thing As Failure Everything Can Be Used To Move You Forward When You Know These Hidden SECRETS!Discover How To Get More & More Intelligent & Creative Over Time .. With VERY Little EffortDiscover That Nothing Is Impossible If You Use The Skills We Share With You In This CourseLearn The Secrets Of How To Program Your Mind To Think Better Than Ever Before!7. Eating HealthyIn this section, you are going to:Discover the many mental & physical benefits of healthy eatingDiscover how the food pyramid works and how it can benefit your health when used the right wayUnderstand cholesterol it is more complicated than you thinkDiscover how to eat to boost energy & vitalityLearn how to ramp up your immune systemFind out how healthy eating can reduce stressUncover how a healthy diet can improve mental health conditionsDiscover how healthy eating can reduce or illuminate many ailmentsGain tools & techniques to maintain your new healthy habits8. Binge-Free DietIn this section, you are going to:Discover The Terrifying Fact Food Companies DONT Want You To Know!Learn The Science Behind Overeating What Causes It?Discover WHY Your Eating Gets Out Of Control & How You Can Beat This!Learn Signs Of Compulsive Overeating & What To DoUncover The 10 Types Of OvereatingFind Out About The Dangers Of Overeating & SolutionsGet Information On How To Overcome An Eating DisorderLearn Specific Strategies To Prevent Overeating & Lose Weight!9. Vegan DietIn this section, you are going to:Improve your fitness and overall well beingHave better digestion and skin complexionSave more money on takeouts and junk foodsFeel more energized by shedding off excess weightLearn ways to begin your vegan journey for better health and performanceGet the list of famous athletes who opt for the vegan lifestyle despite initial criticismGet simple workout plans for vegans to achieve the lean physique they wantDebunking the myths and misconceptions you might have about vegans10. Ketogenic DietIn this section, you are going to:Learn How To Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine All Day Without Going Into Starvation ModeHow To Eliminate Sugar Spikes For Diabetic People Once And For AllHow To Get Higher Mental FocusHow To Increase Energy Level Without Relying On Sugar RushHow To Get A Clearer, Healthier And More Glowing Skin In Matter of WeeksHow To Prevent Your Body To Go Into The State Of Hunger11. JuicingIn this section, you are going to:Learn The Science Of JuicingHow To Have More Vegetables Than Humanly Possible And Why Its Good For YouHow To Flush Out The Gunk In Your System Thats Causing All Kinds Of Illnesses And ProblemsJuicing for Energy and BeautyWHY Store Bought Juices Will Cause Breakouts And Weight GainThe Difference Between Juicing And BlendingHow To Smooth Out Wrinkles And Turn Back TimeHow To Turn Pulp Into Healthy SnacksDetoxing Your Organs For Longer Life12. Intermittent FastingIn this section, you are going to:What Intermittent Fasting Is & How It Can Help You Beat Your Weight Problem Even When Other Systems FailedLearn About The MANY Amazing Benefits Of Intermittent FastingDiscover The RIGHT Way To Do Intermittent Fasting For The BEST ResultsLearn How Intermittent Fasting Can BOOST Your Energy!Be Shown The Specific Protocols For Intermittent FastingGet Special Tips On How To Maximize Your ResultsLearn The Secret Of How Intermittent Fasting Can BEAT Your Weight Loss Plateaus!Bonus Q & A Section On Intermittent FastingLook & Feel Amazing!13. Understanding YogaIn this section, you are going to:What Is Yoga & How Can It Help YouLearn About Science Of Yoga & Health BenefitsDiscover How Yoga Affects Emotions & The Mind-Body ConnectionLearn HOW Yoga Creates Strength, Flexibility, Endurance & Weight LossLearn More About Yoga Poses & How Yoga Boosts ImmunityDiscover The RIGHT Way To Get Started With YogaLearn The Secrets Of Yoga & Meditation How You Can Feel Better Than Ever Before!14. Stretching For BeginnersIn this section, you are going to:Learn The Right Way To StretchUnique Techniques To Help You StretchMULTIPLE Systems Of StretchingHow To Safely Go At Your Own Pace & LevelHow To Get The BEST ResultsBONUS - Learn About Special Stretching Tools15. Functional Fitness TrainingIn this section, you are going to:Discover What Is Functional Fitness""Learn How To Stay Fit Without Killing YourselfDiscover Simple Daily Ways To Stay Fit That Take Minimal Effort To DoLearn How To Stay Fit Without Expensive Gym Memberships Or EquipmentDiscover How Much BETTER You can Feel & Look Without Straining YourselfFind Out How Simple Habits Make a HUGE Difference Over Time!Learn How To Gently Build Strength, Stamina and MobilityLearn About The Common Mistakes People Make With Functional FitnessDiscover How Functional Fitness Can Boost Increase Your Flexibility, Balance & Range Of MotionLearn How Functional Fitness Can Improve Your Immune System & LifespanYou Will Learn Simple Ways To Stay Fit & Keep The Weight OffLearn How To Feel Better Than You Have In Years And Slow The Aging Process16. Kettlebell Fitness TrainingIn this section, you are going to:Discover amazing & unique benefits of kettlebell workoutsLearn how to get the right kettlebell for you & your goalsDiscover how kettlebells can help you burn fat Fast!Understand the common kettlebell mistakes and how to avoid them & prevent injuriesFind out how kettlebells tone, strengthen and build muscles in unique waysDiscover how kettlebells can improve your form & results when liftingFind out how kettlebell fitness training can dramatically build your core strengthBe shown 6 ways to use your kettlebells that can transform your bodyLearn specific kettlebell tips & tricks to dramatically boost your resultsBe shown a step-by-step beginners workout program you can start with today!You will learn why proper form is crucial to getting maximum resultsGain done-for-you beginner, intermediate & advanced workout programs17. Muscle & Strength BuildingIn this section, you are going to:Discover How To Create a Powerful Muscle Building MindsetLearn How To Select The Muscle Building Supplements that Really WorkLearn How Create Your Muscle Building Diet For Maximum GainsDiscover How To Build a Powerful Chest & BicepsFind Out How To Get Amazing Shoulders & Rock-Hard AbsLearn To STOP Your Own Negative Thoughts & Self-SabotageFind Out How Celebrities Build Muscle And Get Sexy & Strong!Discover Muscle Building Secrets For Vegans & Vegetarians18. Increase Your Muscle MassIn this section, you are going to:Discover How To Develop The Mindset Of A ChampionHow To Workout For Increasing Muscle MassDiscover The Power Building LifestyleFind The Best Fitness AppsDiscover The Best Supplements For Boosting Muscle FastFind Out Why Cardio Is Great For Muscle Building & StrengthLearn How To Track Your Progress ProperlyLearn The Proper Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass19. Mindfulness MeditationIn this section, you are going to:Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce PAIN By 50 To 90%Discover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Mood & Alleviate Anxiety & DepressionLearn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Boost Your Focus DramaticallyLearn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Improve Sexual PerformanceDiscover How Mindfulness Meditation Can Reduce Stress & Improve Your Quality Of Life & Your CareerFind Out How Mindfulness Meditation Boost Immunity & Over-All HealthLearn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Make You Stronger & More ResilientDiscover How Mindfulness Meditation Boosts Creativity & ProductivityLearn How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Sleep Better & Reduce Muscle Tension DramaticallyFind Out How Mindfulness Meditation Can Help You Deal With Past Pain & Nagging Issues20. 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"The EIQ-2 Emotional Intelligence Learning System is designed to be Feed-Forward, Visual, Experiential and Designed for Continuous Improvement. It focuses on learner involvement and application.EIQ-2 Learning and Positive Psychology are based on Self-Awareness; Self-Management; Empathy/Social Awareness and Relationship Management.Organizational Smart deploys dynamic emotional intelligence in organizations and communities. It facilitates adding value and vision on higher levels to create, sustain and amplify impact. By cultivating leadership, teamwork, culture, climate and vision, the organization/ community is able to continuously improve, re-engineer and reinvent itself to expand and enhance. Drive, energy, initiative, involvement, engagement and optimism highlight processes, performance and productivity.In this course, you will discover:How Do You Structure Your OrganizationCulture by DesignAccentuate the Positive & Minimize the NegativeIntentionally Healthy, High Quality and with High ExpectationsLinking Emotional Intelligence and ExcellenceRelationships & Experiences: Growing Human CapitalFully Engaged Vs Passively PerformingFully Deploying Emotional IntelligenceSmart OrganizationsImpacting Communities at the Highest LevelsAnd much more...Enrol today!"
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