"Google Call Ads For Realtors" |
"In this course, you are going to get a full walkthrough on properly setting up call ads to bring you the customers you want.Call ads are the most effective and direct method of successful advertising.They need. They search. They click. The phone starts ringing. You book the customer.No need for sales pages. No need for a great website. No need for graphic design.Easy and effective. The best advertising in the world.I will give you all the keywords you will need to use. I will show you how to use them properly.I will show you what campaigns to create. How to create them. What settings to use.And most importantly I will help you create winning ads that beat your competitors day in and day out.If that is what you want. Invest in this course and invest in your success and I will show you the quickest path to great results with Google call ads."
Price: 99.99

"Google Call Ads For Auto Shops" |
"Welcome to google call ads for Auto Shops and this course will do a few things for you.1. Tell you why Google is amazing at growing your business and bringing you customers2. Save you $12,000 - $24,000 in marketing fees. I charge my clients $1000-$2000/month for exactly what I am showing you in this course. You will save that money and be able to put it towards your true goal of growing your business.3. If you follow along you will have working, enabled, high quality call campaigns ready to bring you calls and new customers every day.So invest in this course. Invest in your business. Invest in new customers. And I will show you how to win through Google call ads."
Price: 99.99

"Relationship Coaching : Have the Relationship of your Dreams" |
"Life a better life using the notion of safety. The Imago Therapy system worked so well for John and his wife (they have now been married for more than 40 years), that John became passionate about teaching it to others. He began training in the system with Harville Hendrix and eventually became both a clinical therapist and a presenter in the Getting the Love You Want workshops. As a result, John has since been involved in relationship workshops, as well as providing therapy throughout the United States and Canada for more than 25 years. Although he was the first international Imago therapist trained by Dr. Hendrix, there are now Imago Therapists in over 35 countries."
Price: 184.99

"Advance Trading - Trade Forex Like a Professional (Level 1)" |
"In this course, you will gain the true strategy of the so-called ""Big Player"" out there. This course will not like other Forex Course that you have been enrolled or watch before on other Platforms. These lessons are based on my own knowledge as a Forex Trader and Analyst for almost 10 Years and still used by us until now.This course will expose you to how you can make a sharp entry based on Banker Strategy. Also, we want our students to act and analyze like a ""Big Player"" out there because most of the retail trader, which is us has been manipulated by the so-called ""Big Player"" out there by manipulation of the chart. Most retail traders are not consistent because they likely jump from one technique to another. But in this course, you will be guided by one simple sharp entry technique, which simple steps from bottom to the top.In this Advanced Basic Course Level 1, you will be exposed :1. To 2 secret profitable technique, which can be combined into 1 technique to form a sharp entry setup.2. How you can manage your capital like a professional trader for long term sustainability.3. How to make a proper set up like a professional trader.4. To a true setup and fail setup.Question and Answer?1. Why do I need to divide each course for each level?It is because you need to deeply understand each concept so that when you go for the next level, you will familiar with it and easy for you to adapt.2. Does your course have a subtitle?No, we don't provide the subtitle but we provide a ""Key Point"" for you to understand the concept for each technique, so do not worry. You will more understand how the concept works.3. Can I become a profitable trader?Yes, you can as long as you go through all courses that we've provided. The key to becoming a profitable trader is always doing a backtest, make setup, and record in your own journal. There is no holygrail in forex trading because loosing and winning are possible. All you have to do is minimize your losing percentage so that you can maintain your capital in the long run."
Price: 104.99

"Exam SK0-004 CompTIA Server+ Certification Practice Test NEW" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Server+ SK0-004 certification exam ?The Server+ Certification by CompTIA has been designed to endorse the skills of a candidate for building, maintaining, supporting, and troubleshooting server software as well as hardware.CompTIA Server+ certification is usually considered for network administrators, Server administrators,storage administrators, computer engineers, help desk technicians, hardware technicians and any IT professional who wants a detailed knowledge of server technology, disaster recovery, and troubleshooting.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : Server architectureServer administrationsStorageSecurityNetworkingDisaster recoveryTroubleshooting"
Price: 19.99

"Business Development Strategies and growth hacks for brands" |
"WHY THIS COURSE IS IMPORTANT!Business development has always been the cornerstone of the success of any business. While most founders grapple with how to make it work for them, its impact is rarely felt like it's been reported. Surprisingly, nine out of ten businesses fail every year from not knowing how to survive in the ever-dynamic business world today.The challenges of growth for startups and most businesses can be centered around 3 major areas,1. Knowing how to properly validate a business idea to see if the idea has a product-market fit before spending resources in pursuing the venture2. Building enough early traction (growth signals) to sustain the business through its early stage3. Generating enough lead opportunities while converting them to yield significant revenue for the business leveraging partnership.It has been established that businesses flourish when they solve the puzzle of understanding business development strategies. Ironically, there are very few concise training out there on these as most successful entrepreneurs are either busy or consider sharing this knowledge as a compromise on their trade secret. Hence, this knowledge has resided mostly in the boardroom of some elite group of business professionals.This course was designed to change all of this narrative. From discovering the strategies of validating a business idea to securing growth strategies that will scale your business. It was engineered to get to the core of the pain-point of the early founder to building the necessary confidence required to unleash the spirit of entrepreneurship.So if you are here on this page, right now, because you desire to learn a new skill to accelerate your business? then you are in the right place.Wondering how your product can create a niche for itself in the marketplace? Of course, this training is for you.Thinking of the best solutions to record early wins for your startup? Absolutely, you are covered!So this is an overview of what you will be learningA foundation of the what business development is all aboutDeveloping the winning mindset as a business developer or a founder.The fundamentals and strategies of gaining early tractionUnderstanding email outreach and Bulk Email Systems for cold emailingMeasuring success through analyticsUnderstanding B2B Partnership and the cutting-edge partnership styles making wavesBy the end of the course, you will possess breakthrough insights into how to navigate a business idea to set it on a trajectory of unprecedented growth using our proven MOLI growth hack techniques.This insight has helped me to build two successful businesses and has helped hundreds of founders around the world to accelerate their growth journeys. It earlier took me to join an outstanding accelerator program in Europe to collaborate with big tech companies such as Google and the government of the Netherlands. The tips also helped me to present and associate with high-business professionals at the United Nations world conference of disaster risk reduction in Sendai Japan were I pitched before world leaders.So the course is not about some theoretical assertions but experiential knowledge that cost me so many resources and time; all in one content available for you.The best part about this training is that it is an ongoing development. I promise to continuously challenge the status quo to revitalize our learning with new content to improve the understanding of this subject matter. So by joining this course, you are on a lifetime journey of learning business development strategies.Remember this course has a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, so what will be an excuse for not jumping right away to take advantage of this opportunity.I will be available to answer your questions in a private message in the classroom as you explore and try to apply some of the things I will show you. Trust me, I am rooting earnestly for your success and I cant wait to see you thrive!So lets dive into the course.See you in.Prince Ogbonna.Who this course is developed forThis course is developed for founders, entrepreneurs, business developers, and business managers, sales professionals, and anybody who are tasked with the responsibility of accelerating the growth of their businesses or organizations.A MUST take for anyone who has an idea and about to lunch their business.A great opportunity for an individual who wants to understand the modern-day partnership.An indispensable guide for a startup focused on gaining early wins for investment."
Price: 19.99

"Python na patica (+120 exerccios resolvidos e projetos)" |
"Programao uma disciplina totalmente prtica, de forma que, apenas a leitura de livros e/ou acompanhamento de vdeos no desenvolve todas as habilidades necessrias. Sendo assim, este curso totalmente focado em resoluo de exerccios e projetos, buscando a cada seo revisar e aplicar na prtica conceitos importantes da linguagem de programao Python. Desta forma, essencialmente um curso de resoluo de exerccios, projetos e reviso, englobando desde assuntos bsicos at questes como Programao Orientada a Objetos. Assim oferecemos ao nossos alunos:Mais de 120 exerccios resolvidos e projetos;Novos exerccios e projetos postados mensalmente;Suporte ao aluno;Resumos dos principais tpicos da linguagem;Dicas para iniciantes."
Price: 19.99

"Psoriasis Expert Secrets" |
"In this course, people suffering from psoriasis will discover proven techniques to improve and even completely reverse their condition. The secrets taught in this course have been used successfully by a wellness practitioner for over 50 years and succeed where conventional treatments have failed. Even people who have been suffering with psoriasis for decades will find renewed hope and be able to reverse their condition with the simple strategies revealed in this course."
Price: 29.99

"Cronometragem Industrial" |
"O curso fornecer aos participantes os conhecimentos tcnicos e habilidades necessrias para executar uma cronometragem industrial, analise processos e de trabalho e que determinem, com exatido, o tempo de execuo das operaes, separando os processos por tipos e que, desse modo, o setor de engenharia possa aplicar as melhorias de produo e de custos do produto.Benefcios:Mudana dos mtodos de trabalho; Nivelamento dos processos e estoques produtivos; Reduo do custo operacional; Preciso na formao de preo da empresa; Reavaliao dos postos de trabalho em relao a ergonomia e NRs; Reduo dos custos com Mo de Obra e do produto em si."
Price: 99.99

"5. Weiweine" |
"Kernthemen dieses Kurses:Herstellung von WeiweinVerschiedene Weiwein-StileWas zeichnet Weiwein aus?Zu Unrecht die Zweite GeigeIm Zuge des Trends zu immer leichteren, spritzigeren Weinen mit weniger Alkoholgehalt hat die Popularitt von Weiwein zugenommen. Vor allem im Sommer erfreut er sich groer Beliebtheit in unserem Kulturkreis, weil wir Weiwein als vor allem gekhlt, leicht und surebetont kennen. Jedoch gert er bei vielen Konsumenten etwas ins Hintertreffen, wenn es mal was ""besonderes"" sein soll. Er gilt ganz pauschal gesagt, als nicht ganz so hochwertig und gilt nicht als so anspruchsvoll wie der Rotwein. Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass solche Pauschalisierungen nur falsch sein knnen, wird diese Meinung aber Weiwein kaum gerecht.Viele groe Weine sind weiJeder hat die Namen der groen Roten, wie bspw. Bordeaux, Rhone oder Burgund, parat. Und da fngt es schon an schwierig zu werden. In allen drei vermeintlich rot dominierten Anbaugebiete in Frankreich werden ebenfalls Weiweine von berragender Qualitt gekeltert. Ein paar Beispiele gefllig?weier Chteauneuf-du-Pape (Marsanne, Roussane, Viognier)weier Burgunder aus dem sdlichen Teil (Chardonnay)Sancerre und Pouilly-Fum (Sauvignon Blanc)weitere Beispiele bespreche ich in den VideosGroe Bandbreite an StilenDie stilistische Bandbreite von Weiwein steht dem der Roten im nichts nach. Es gibt natrlich die ganz leichten, primrfruchtigen Vertreter, aber eben auch eine ganze reihe vollmundiger, Holzfass ausgebaute Wuchtbrummen."
Price: 29.99

"6. Rotweine" |
"Wein = Rotwein?Fr die meisten Menschen ist Rotwein vermutlich die erste Assoziation, wenn sie das Wrtchen ""Wein"" hren. Nicht umsonst haben sich eigenen Namen fr besondere Rottne eingebrgert wie bspw. ""Weinrot"" oder ""Bordeauxrot"". Letzteres veranschaulicht die Bedeutung des Weinanbaugebiets im Sdwesten Frankreichs sehr deutlich. Kommen aus dieser Region immerhin mit die bekanntesten, teuersten und auch wichtigsten Weine - und eben im ganz besonderen Mae auch Rotweine. Deshalb werden wir uns diesen speziellen Tropfen natrlich auch in einem Video detailliert zuwenden.Nicht nur die Farbe unterscheidet Rotwein von Weiwein. Auch geschmacklich sind die unterscheide teils sehr gro, was auf zum berwiegenden Teil auf die Herstellungsmethode fr Rotweine und letzten Endes auf die Tannine im Wein zurckzufhren ist. Die sensorischen Eigenheiten dieser beiden Weinfarben, fhrt zu einer gewissen ""Spaltung"" der Weinwelt in Rotweintrinker und Weiweintrinker. Wir besprechen deshalb die Maischegrung als wesentliches Merkmal bei der Rotweinproduktion, um die Ursache fr den speziellen Geschmack von Rotweinen zu ergrnden.Im Anschluss stelle ich Euch eine reihe von bedeutenden Rotweinen aus der Alten Welt (Europa) vor, die Vorbild und Aushngeschild fr ihre Anbaugebiete oder gar fr das ganze Land sind. Frankreich mit seinen vielen prgenden Weinstilen nimmt hier selbstverstndlich eine herausragende Rolle ein.3 sehr unterschiedliche RotweineIn den 3 Verkostungsvideos mchte ich Euch die stilistische Bandbreite bei den Rotweinen prsentieren. Den Anfang macht Deutschlands wichtigste blaue Rebsorte Dornfelder; in unserem Beispiel halbtrocken, also mit etwas Restzucker, ausgebaut. Weiter geht's mit dem vielleicht bekanntesten italienischen Rotwein: Chianti Classico aus der Sangiovese-Rebsorte, der fr surebetonte, erdige Rotweine verantwortlich ist. Last but not least kommt natrlich auch ein hochwertiger, roter Bordeaux ins Glas: Wir verkosten gemeinsam einen Cru Bourgeois aus dem Haut-Medoc, welcher hauptschlich aus den beiden wichtigsten blauen Rebsorten Cabernet Sauvignon und Merlot hergestellt wird."
Price: 29.99

"8. Orange Wines, Amphorenweine und Naturweine" |
"Kernthemen dieses Kurses:Ursprung des WeinbausWeine aus AmphorenNaturweineDie Wiege des kultivierten Weinbaus liegen in einem Land und einer Region, die wir in Mitteleuropa selten auf dem Schirm haben. Georgien und der Kaukasus kamen zu wenig positiver Bekanntheit, als es zu einem Bruderkrieg zwischen der russischen und georgischen Armee um die Teilrepublik Sdossetien kam. Nicht weit davon entfernt liegt im Osten Kachetien, das heute die grte Weinbauregion in Georgien ist. In dieser Ecke Asiens hat quasi der Weinbau (in Europa) seine Wurzeln.Vor ca. 7.000 Jahren wurde dort begonnen, Weinreben zu kultivieren und daraus letztlich Wein zu machen. Die damalige Technik hat bis heute bestand: Die Vergrung in groen, in der Erde vergrabenen Amphoren die dort Qvevri genannt werden. In den letzten Jahren, als die sogenannten Amphorenweine oder Orange Wines stark an Popularitt gewonnen haben, nutzen die georgischen Weinproduzenten diesen Trend geschickt fr die weltweite Vermarktung ihrer besonderen Weine. Insbesondere in Asien erfreuen sich die farb- und geschmacksintensiven Weine groer Beliebtheit.Wir werden in diesem Kurs einen ganz klassischen Qvevri-Wein und einen Amphorenwein aus Europa probieren."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Certifications Practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this Adobe Certifications Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real Adobe Certifications Test- Detailed explanation of answersHashiCorp Terraform Associate Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 300+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"HashiCorp Terraform Associate practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this HashiCorp Terraform Associate Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real HashiCorp Terraform Associate TestHashiCorp Terraform Associate Test Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 100+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 50 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Admin practice exams" |
"Included in this LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Certification Questions LFCS Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 241+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 10 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"LPI LINUx essential practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this LPI LINUX essential Test course:- 4 practice tests- Practice like the real LPI LINUX essential TestLPI LINUX essential Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions :440+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 110 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge practice exams" |
"Included in this CCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real CCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge TestCCSK Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 340+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 120 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CFE Certified Fraud Examiner practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this CFE Certified Fraud Examiner Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real CFE Certified Fraud Examiner TestCFE Certified Fraud Examiner Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 170+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CAMS Certified AntiMoney Laundering Specialist practice exam" |
"Included in this CAMS Certified AntiMoney Laundering Specialist Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real CAMS Certified AntiMoney Laundering Specialist TestCAMS Certified AntiMoney Laundering Specialist Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 170+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 100 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CSWP Solidworks Mechanical Design practice exams" |
"Included in this CSWP Solidworks Mechanical Design Test course:- 4 practice tests- Practice like the real CSWP Solidworks Mechanical Design TestCSWP Solidworks Mechanical Design Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 404+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 102 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Building the Ultimate Email Marketing System" |
"Welcome to the complete email marketing course, the only course you need to learn email marketing and become a professional email marker. With over 6 years of experience, my email marketing course is one of the best courses on the internet.I spend most of my time researching how to make learning email marketing fun and make hard concepts easy to understand. I apply everything I discover in my courses. In my courses, you'll find lots of lots of explanations and animations to make sure everything is easy to understand."
Price: 169.99

"Curso de Algoritmo e Scratch" |
"Sejam muito bem-vindos ao Curso bsico de Algoritmo e Scratch.Se voc iniciante, tem dificuldade para programar, ou simplesmente precisa de uma ajuda para entender o assunto, ento voc acaba de resolver seu problema!Se voc seguir as aulas, fizer os exerccios, os desafios propostos ao longo do curso, o Quiz presente em cada mdulo e tirar suas dvidas quando for necessrio, ao trmino do curso voc estar apto a dar seus primeiros passos no mundo da programao.No podemos esquecer dos laboratrios onde usamos a ferramenta Scratch. Voc ser capaz de compreender facilmente a estrutura base por trs da programao usando a programao em blocos no Scratch.Para a explicao da lgica, utilizaremos o Portugus Estruturado com o auxlio da ferramenta VisualG.Estou a sua espera! Vamos comear juntos esta jornada."
Price: 39.99

"3D Modeling using Fusion 360 (Arabic)" |
"In this Course you are going to learn about 3D designing ( 3D Modeling )starting from Concepts of 3D designing, 2D designing, moving to work in botharea respectively. finally, it ends with the assembly of more than one design.This course will help you to design whatever you want, and it the an introductory to the 4th Industrial Revolution.It is very helpful course that will enhance your creativity and ability to see world differently.Be Calm and start your design now!"
Price: 29.99

"How to make Online Teaching Interactive" |
"In today's age of digitization, Online Teaching in the need of the hour. Also, the biggest challenge which a teacher faces is to make online teaching interactive and engaging for the students so that learning happens effectively. This course will help you to learn about some tools which may be used by Teachers to make Online Teaching interactive and engaging for the students."
Price: 1280.00

"Awaken the Bard Within" |
"Learn how to become a modern Bard within on this 3 stage training programme. Based upon the bardic symbol of inspiration, the Awen, the curriculum is structured around the '3 Rays' . Each 'Ray' or teaching module (Foundation; Intermediate; Advanced) can be taken individually, and at ones own speed. Each lesson comprises a stimulating blend of video, activities, and downloadable resources.A brief summary of the contents:IntroductorySo, what is a Bard? Discover the ancient and modern Bardic tradition.Learn to raise the Awen for inspiration and eloquence.Start a bardic journal. Starting out - personal reflection.The magical elements.Putting it together.If after completing the introductory taster you wish to continue your development as a Bard, then consider taking The 3 Rays - the Foundation, Intermediate, and Advanced modules of The Way of the Bard, as summarised below (not complete - but to give you a flavour):The 3 Rays of The Way of the BardThe 1st Ray: FoundationFinding inspirationLearn to write, memorise, and perform poetry.Learn to tell stories without a text.Learn to sing ballads.Dedicate yourself to the path of the Bard - adopt a self-chosen bardic name.Study the Wheel of the Year and use it to inspire creativity, and develop a year-long repertoire.The 2nd Ray: IntermediateCreate professional performances to entertain and enchant audiences.Learn to create and run a bardic circle.Study the Celtic Ogham - tree alphabetLearn deep lore like the Three Cauldrons; Imbas Forosnai.Create your own silver branch or bardic staff.The three strains - Joy, Sorrow, Sleep.Learning an instrument; musical collaboration. The 3rd Ray: AdvancedOn being a 21st Century bard - creative, ethical and practical challenges.What is your creative vision?Uses of satire.Set up your own bardic chair. Work on your own special project - a spoken word show, publication, or community event - with support and feedback.Going professional.Why this course?Learn directly from an acknowledged expert in the field. Be taught be a modern day Bard.Join the Silver Branch Bardic Network and join a thriving community of bards around the world.Practice your skills in a friendly, supportive bardic circle, and get special access to events like the annual Bardfest.Graduate as a bard from the Silver Branch Bardic College."
Price: 19.99

"HYPER REALISTIC PENCIL Drawing Portrait : EYE, Mouth, Lip." |
"Draw this course with Hyper Real Technique. Discover and draw the different layers of the portrait EYE, Mouth, Lip. Learn the details, contrast, and simulation of face drawing. If you can draw this realistic portrait for the first time, your fear will be drawn. If you build the basic structure of this portrait , you can apply different layers with pencils and drawing tools. The important thing is to know the layers. And tool recognition. Your ability to draw the real draws you to the point of view of others. Because only a professional can Draw this real portrait ."
Price: 34.99

"Forex: Trade the third of Elliott wave by Fibonacci levels" |
"According to most prominent and successful traders the increasing of the profit and decreasing of the losses are the most important parts of trading. The third of Elliott Wave is the best suitable goal for this ratio. It is usually the strongest wave among 3 impulse waves, moves very fast, and has an acute angle. During the course, we will learn theory, samples, how to make the records, how to open the trade in the third wave and how to track it."
Price: 99.99

"OCI Architect Associate 1Z0-1072 (Practice Exam)" |
"OCI Architect Associate 1Z0-1072 (Practice Exam) 100% Verified practice exam dumps & 100% Pass guaranteed.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Architect Associate Exam Simulation is designed for all candidates, including IT Professionals responsible for designing and developing infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services, cloud architects, and consultants. who want to validate their knowledge and skills to pass 1Z0-1072 exam.100% Pass Guaranteed. Please leave your feedback once you successfully complete this practice exam."
Price: 29.99

"Risk Management (PMI-RMP) Real Practice Exams" |
"This course contains two real PMI Risk Management Professional PMI-RMP exams which were created based on RISK PRACTICE STANDARD and PMBOK5.The practice exam includes the right answer, the clarification for correct answer, the question reference in the PMBOK and RISK PRACTICE STANDARD.The practice exam included different examples of each type of the commonly found questions on the PMI-RMP Exam ; including the regular question,Monte Carlo questions, table question.This course of ""PMI-RMP"" Real practice exam is best way for the PMI-RMP candidate to improve his knowledge and to see the areas of weakness and strength."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Concerns in Video Game Development" |
"This course will talk about various practices that are done in video game development, and talk about the morality of each. The goal is not to convince you to take my side, but rather to make you aware of these issues and therefore a more informed consumer of video games."
Price: 49.99

"Curso desde cero Autodesk Maya 2020 Vol.1" |
"En este curso les ensear a utilizar el software ms utilizado en la industria para animacin conocido como ""Autodesk Maya""; estaremos utilizando la versin ms actual (2020). Ustedes aprendern a utilizarlo desde cero, no necesitan conocimiento previo. Este ser el primer volumen del curso (de 2 en total) donde les ensear a obtener Maya 2020, luego estaremos viendo sobre cmo utilizar la interfaz y navegar dentro de l, crear primeros tipos de objetos, herramientas de modelado, prcticas de modelos 3D, subdivisiones, crear pequeas escenas complejas, trabajar con materiales, texturas, saber cmo utilizar el software de renderizacin ""Arnold"" que ya viene integrado (muy poderoso), etc. Bsicamente mi objetivo en este primero curso es que sepan utilizar Maya 2020 desde cero conocimiento y ver cosas ms avanzadas poco a poco y con mucha profundidad. En el volumen 2 empezaremos con cosas ms avanzadas como animacin, modelados de personajes 3D, referencias, mapas UV, rigging de personajes, animacin de personajes, dinmicas, simulaciones, efectos especiales, etc. Sigo actualmente trabajando en el vol.2 del curso pero lo terminar para subirlo lo ms pronto posible (les pondr un anuncio cuando lo suba). Por lo pronto estoy seguro que con este primer curso quedarn muy satisfechos y aprendern muchsimo."
Price: 645.00
