"Udemy For Teachers - 100% Unofficial Guide" |
"This is course is designed for teachers or anyone who wants to earn passive income through Udemy. If you want to share your skills but are worried about the process this course will lead you through each step from registering with Udemy to filming, editing, publishing and promoting your course. You do not need to spend money on expensive equipment to share your skills and knowledge on Udemy all you need is a computer with a webcam and a microphone. This course assumes no prior knowledge and will lead you by the hand explaining in detail what you need to do to complete your Udemy course."
Price: 19.99

"Cactus six styles with gouache" |
"In this class I will show you different ways to use gouache, I will cover the basics of gouache, the supplies you need and will detail six different styles. At the end of the class youll be able to use this knowledge in different gouache paintings. The first style can be called realistic, with a lot of fine details. Ill show you real time how I paint and explain how I mix, later, smudge, texture to achieve a realistic look.Next we will move to a more stylized look with smaller cacti, and less details. What is interesting is to paint a lot of different pots and leaves. The third style is very loose, and we will be painting directly with our brush, without any prior drawing. This is an interesting skill to acquire, and it can be very useful. Then we add a loose outline to achieve this cool effect.Moving along to style #4 which is on dark background. The values are changing quite a lot when you paint on dark for example, and you have to adjust to get this dramatic effect. We will enhance it with colored pencils, soft pastel or wax pastels.Style #5 is made with vignettes in a pastel palette (or a different one if you prefer!), placing carefully our colors to achieve a balanced composition. We will add colored pencil on top to add dynamism.Last style will be to use gouache as watercolor. Both are water-based medium and gouache can be diluted (almost) like watercolor.And lastly I will give you some ideas to use all those painted cacti.I hope to see you in class join the fun of gouache painting!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python, Packages, and Deep Learning in 9 Hours" |
"In this course, you will know 1) how to install Anaconda, which is a local platform to write Python programs, and use cloud Python platform, if you don't want to install Anaconda; 2) basic commands and rules in Python, and Python-related packages and libraries, such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Scikit-Learn; and 3) basic ideas and thoughts of Deep Learning, CNN, RNN, and LSTM."
Price: 49.99

"Dropshipping para iniciantes" |
"E se eu te disser que existe um emprego, que voc pode trabalhar de onde voc quiser, com quem voc quiser, e melhor, a hora que voc quiser. E se esse emprego, o permitisse ficar mais tempo com sua famlia, viajar o mundo, e ainda assim, ganhar muito mais dinheiro do que seu emprego tradicional. Isso tudo parece um sonho no mesmo? Eu tambm concordo, pois exatamente a mesma coisa que eu achava antes de montar minha prpria operao de Dropshipping e ver com meus prprios olhos tudo isso se concretizando. Ficou curioso, quer saber o que isso? Ento leia at o final.Seja muito bem vindo ao meu treinamento ""Dropshipping para inciantes"".Pode ter certeza, que se voc est aqui neste exato momento, no por acaso. S pelo fato de voc estar lendo isso agora, eu tenho certeza de duas coisas: voc quer mudar de vida e quer ganhar muito dinheiro atravs da internet. E eu tenho total convico de que voc veio ao lugar certo para alcanar estes objetivos.Para quem ainda no conhece, Dropshipping o nome dado a um e-commerce que opera totalmente sem estoque. Isso mesmo, voc no vai precisar investir milhares de reais em um estoque, no vai ter que alugar um espao para armazenar este estoque, no ter gastos com funcionrios, e o melhor de tudo, poder trabalhar de qualquer lugar do mundo, ao lado das pessoas que voc mais ama. Basicamente, a estrutura do negcio muito simples: voc tem sua loja online, o seu cliente faz um pedido nela, e voc envia o produto diretamente do fornecedor para a casa do seu cliente, assim voc embolsa apenas o lucro.Mas calma ai, para que o negcio de certo, voc precisa dominar as estratgias de venda desse negcio, saber escolher bons produtos, e saber anunciar estes produtos. exatamente para isso que existe o meu treinamento.Ok, Lucas, j entendi que esse tal de ""Dropshipping"" bom mesmo, mas e agora, o que vou aprender neste curso? Basicamente eu vou te guiar do absoluto zero, e vou lhe ensinar tudo o que eu sei, e todas as tcnicas que me fizeram faturar muito dinheiro com esta metodologia de negcio. Eu vou lhe ensinar a configurar sua loja (calma, isso tudo muito simples de se fazer, voc no precisa ser um designer ou programador para fazer isso), vou lhe ensinar a como escolher produtos ideias para sua loja, como enviar os produtos diretamente do fornecedor para o cliente, vou lhe ensinar a fazer a divulgao do seus produtos atravs da maior plataforma de anncios do mundo: o Facebook Ads. Alm de claro, vou te ensinar como se faz o suporte e atendimento aos clientes. Bom, se voc j leu at aqui, eu tenho certeza que voc se interessou e que fez a melhor escolha de sua vida: entrar neste treinamento, e colocar sua operao de Dropshipping no ar.Seja muito bem vindo, um prazer enorme te ter aqui comigo nessa jornada!"
Price: 39.99

"UNIX/LINUX Command For Beginners" |
"This is a beginners course in unix .Anybody who wants to work in IT needs to learn this course .The course gives you brief introduction about various commands in Unix .The only prerequisites for the course is you should have good INTERNET connection.The course is structure in the following way :Introduction to Unix Linux:Basic Unix Commands:ls command in unixcat command in unixmkdir and cd command in unixcp command in unixsort command in unixuniq command in unixsed command in unixUnix was originally developed in 1969 by a group of AT&T employees Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Douglas McIlroy and Joe Ossanna at Bell Labs.Unix is an operating system that is known for multi user and multitasking.Some of the popular variants of Unix operating system available include Solaris, Red Hat, Fedora ,Ubuntu,and Linux. There are several more this is just a brief mention of the varieties available. some of these variants can be installed both on servers and desktops or workstations.Taking this course will give you a basic Unix skill that you can develop further.Keep learning and Keep Growing."
Price: 19.99

"PL-900 - Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals - Prac. tests" |
"Candidates for this exam aspire to improve productivity by understanding the capabilities of the Power Platform, automating basic business processes with Power Automate, performing basic data analysis with Power BI, acting more effectively by creating simple Power Apps experiences, and creating powerful chatbots by using Power Virtual Agents.The exam is focused on a total of 6 modules and they are as follows:Describe the business value of Power PlatformIdentify the core components of Power PlatformDemonstrate the capabilities of Power BIDescribe the capabilities of Power AppsDemonstrate the capabilities of Power AutomateDemonstrate the business value of Power Virtual AgentsThe practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"Qigong Flow for Stress & Anxiety Relief with Marisa (YOQI)" |
"The YoQi: Qigong Flow for Stress and Anxiety Relief movements empower you to transform stress and anxiety back into vitality when you need it most. YoQi master instructor Marisa Cranfill teaches you how to use special sound vibrations and breathing with tension and release exercises to clear pent up emotional stress on both the physical and energetic levels. The routine ends with gentle, flowing movements to smooth the Qi (energy) and reharmonize the nervous system to a state of relaxation and inner peace.Many people function in a stressed state; some people can even thrive in it. But chronic stress and anxiety are different matters. Both anxiety and stress have a biological impact on the nervous system, the Heart, Kidneys, Liver and Spleen that can lead to serious issues like insomnia, nervous disorders, digestive issues and panic attacks. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, anxiety is understood as disturbance of the Heart spirit (Shen). Anxiety is an intense level of stress that is embodied fear. So how do we transform fear into love?You will learn To release stress, pent up tension, fear, and anxiety with a practical qigong routine. To become aware of the state of your stress level, which gives you more power to transform it. To use the Six Healing Sounds with flowing movements to gradually feel relief. To clear the negative beliefs and acquired thoughts so you can tap into the effortless flow of the present moment. How to calm your emotions so you can make balanced rational decisions that serve your highest good. Choice of long or short workouts, with music or without / 140 total minutes / 2 hours 20 minutesThis video contains a shorter form (28 min) you can use when you have less time or energy to practice, and the complete long form (43 min).Marisa Cranfill is the founder of YOQI yoga+qigong. She has been practicing meditation, qigong, yoga and breathing techniques since 1999. Her purpose in life is to live fully awakened in every moment and her aim is to transmit the safe and powerful techniques she has learned from Chinese masters, Buddhist monks, nuns and Thai shamans, for everyone's benefit. Marisas greatest joy is to help people cultivate their life force energy to live long, healthy, and radiant lives. She is popularly known for her extensive YOQI library offering beautiful follow-along routines that are accessible to all ages."
Price: 49.99

"Facial Routine for dry, dehydrated or sensitive skin" |
"On this course you will learn how to perform a full facial on a skin that is dry, dehydrated or sensitive. I will be using a range of techniques and products to improve the skin for the client.The step by step has been filmed with running commentary for each stage talking you through the steps. There's also a downloadable PDF with the protocol on which you can print off to help prompt you when working on a client.There's a section with products I've used and the reasons why I've used them and also a downloadable PDF with recommended ingredients to look out for when dealing with this skin type/condition.Therapists will find this useful if they're looking to improve their skills or wanting to add different facials to their treatment offerings."
Price: 19.99

"Ace the PMP exam" |
"The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification can be an extremely rewarding step in the career of a project manager. This course helps you prepare for the PMP examination. Mind you, this is not a full-fledged (35 contact hours) PMP course. Rather it is a quick refresher and a set of tests to get you ready for the exam. The PMP exam is quite a challenging exam with a number of scenario oriented questions that will test your mettle as a project manager. In the videos, I quickly summarize the lessons and points to remember. In addition, there are 3 full length tests of 200 questions each. All questions are curated by me, to give you a flavor of what to expect in your final examination. I am pretty sure this will be useful for PMP aspirants."
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Reflexologia Podal" |
"Curso con Vdeos explicativos, paso a paso para el aprendizaje sistemtico de cada uno de los puntos de la Reflexologia Podal. As como tambin el aprendizaje de cada uno de los sistemas del cuerpo para reconocerlos en el pie y las secuencias para poder trabajar con ellos. HistoriaFundamentos de La Reflexologia BeneficiosContra-indicacionesSistemas del cuerpo Sistema NerviosoSistema EndocrinoSistema LinfticoSistema RespiratorioSistema CirculatorioSistema UrinarioSistema Oseo Sistema Digestivo Sistema ReproductorTcnicas Secuencias de manipulacin Secuencia de Relajacin Cabina e implementos"
Price: 24.99

"Learn Computer Basics with Windows Operating System" |
"Chapter 1 - Introduction to ComputerThis section covers the introduction to computer machine; components and parts; hardware and software and other peripherals of computer.1.1 - Introduction1.1.1 - Introduction to the Basics of Computer1.1.2 - Birth of Computer1.1.3 - Advantages & Disadvantages of Computer1.1.4 - History of Computers1.1.5 - Basic Applications of Computer1.1.6 - Roll of Computers in Entertainment and Knowledge1.1.7 - E-Governance1.2 - Components of Computer System1.2.1 - Central Processing Unit (CPU)1.2.2 - Input and output devices of computer1.2.3 - Computer Memory1.2.4 - Memory units of Computer1.2.5 Number System1.3 - Computer Peripherals1.3.1 - Connecting keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer to the Central Processing Unit1.3.2 - Use of Mouse and/or pointing device1.3.3 - Working with buttons of Mouse (scroll, left and right buttons)1.3.4 -SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply)1.4 - Hardware and Software1.4.1 - Computer Hardware1.4.2 - Types of computer hardware1.4.3 - Computer Software1.4.4 - Types of computer software1.4.5 - Operating systemsChapter 2 - Introduction to WindowsThis section covers the introduction to operating system of computer machine. Microsoft Windows is the most popular operating system of computer in the world. Linux, Mac, Unix are also the operating systems. An operating system basically the user interface facility using which we communicates to the computer.2.1 - Introduction2.1.1 - Definition of Computer Operating System & Types of computer operating system2.1.2 - Using the pointing device and friendliness with icons on computer screen2.1.3 - Start menu, minimize, maximize, restore and closing of windows2.1.4 - My Computer, - My Documents Demo2.1.5 - Taskbar2.1.6 - Status bar2.1.7 - Function of Recycle Bin2.1.8 - Creating, deleting and Renaming, of files and folders2.2 - Windows Settings2.2.1 - Control panel2.2.2 - Wallpapers and screensavers2.2.3 - Setting of date, time zone, timings and sound environment2.2.4 - How to use Help section of Windows2.2.5 - Display properties2.3 - Advanced Windows2.3.1 - Creating short cuts2.3.2 - Window Accessories2.3.3 - Notepad2.3.4 - Wordpad2.3.5 - Paint2.4 - Multimedia2.4.1 - Playing compact discs, Writing discs2.4.2 - Use of Pen drives2.4.3 - Using Media Player2.4.4 - Voice Recorder"
Price: 1280.00

"Python easy way" |
"Python Easyway course covers each topic with supported working programs. Curriculum includes lectures from basic level to intermidiate level, topics like programing concepts, type, functions, control statements, iterative statements, data structures, built-in functions, threading, object oriented programming, TkInter GUI programming, Database driven programming. Data science part includes dataframe and its functions and one case study, Numpy, Visualization. "
Price: 1600.00

"Penomocnik w sprawach podatkowych" |
"Kurs dostarcza praktycznej wiedzy na temat penomocnictw podatkowych oraz ich regulacji prawnej. Kurs ma posta wykadu poczonego z prezentacj. Udzieliam w nim, m. in. odpowiedzi na nastpujce pytania:1. Czym jest penomocnictwo?2. Kto moe by penomocnikiem w sprawach podatkowych?3. Jaka jest tre penomocnictwa?4. Jaki moe by zakres penomocnictwa?5. Jak udzieli penomocnictwa?6. Jakie s skutki dziaania przez penomocnika?7. W jakich sytuacjach ustawa nakada obowizek dziaania przez penomocnika?"
Price: 69.99

"En tan slo 10 das conseguirs una transformacin consciente de tu ser. Un plan completo de salud y bienestar donde pondrs a prueba todas tus habilidades fsicas, mentales y espirituales adquiriendo nuevos hbitos alimenticios y dominando tus emociones, en especial la ansiedad. ES EL MOMENTO DE EMPEZAR A PREVENIR TODAS LAS ENFERMEDADES!"
Price: 29.99

"Come creare un e-commerce di successo" |
"Il corso E-commerce di successo un corso che mira a insegnare a coloro che vogliano intraprende la via del commercio online come creare un sito perfettamente funzionante e che sia in grado di convertire i visitatori in clienti. All' interno del corso tutti gli argomenti vengono trattati utilizzando un linguaggio il pi semplice possibile e senza tecnicismi in modo che le lezioni siano comprensibili a chiunque.Il commercio online ormai parte fondante della nostra societ e sempre pi aziende e societ anche di livello stanno scegliendo di spostarsi sul web, e tu cosa stai aspettando??"
Price: 19.99

"Drone: Mastering all its Components" |
"We usually find how to assemble a drone without giving us advices such as how to properly break in the battery before starting, what type and size of frame to use and which are suitable with the motors and propellers, how to choose the flight controller, ESCs, power distribution board and when to use the 4 in 1 ESC or the AIO flight controller.In this theoretical course, you will discover the world of drones and their rules to better understand the flights you make by learning all the necessary information and details that concern all of these following components:Frames Brushless MotorsPropellers LiPo BatteriesElectronic Speed ControllersPower Distribution BoardFlight ControllerRC Transmitter & ReceiverCamera & Video Transmitter"
Price: 19.99

"List Building Profit Kit Guide For Absolute Beginners" |
"Theres a long way and a short way to do anything.With the long way, you spend valuable time trying to figure things out for yourself.This is time you could be using much more profitably and effectively.Wouldnt the short way be better?Well, now you have one!These 8 shortcut videos have been specifically recorded to provide you with a range of techniques, tips, and tools necessary in order to achieve the results you truly want.It Couldn't Be Easier!These videos will give you the necessary edge to get a competitive advantage in the marketplace.And the cost for this is nothing compared to what you will gain!That is a minor investment for an enormous potential return. Youre getting the benefit of considerable time and effort spent, as well as easy to digest layout and presentation to ensure you understand and retain the information quickly.And remember, you dont just get to watch them once!Theyre yours, you get to play them however many times you like, whenever you like.This is a truly special offer that you cant afford to miss out.Make the investment in yourself and your future success today!Topics covered:Top 5 ways to revive non-responsive listsThe number one secret ingredient to successful email listHow to save money using solo adsThe 5 solo ads secrets that can kill your list marketing businessThe 4 key reasons why you need to sell your own productsHow to hire the right VA to market your email listThe top 5 ways to fail with video sales pagesThe 5 signs your list is ready to be sold for a profit"
Price: 199.99

"How To Create Engaging Presentation Using Prezi For Beginner" |
"Dear Business Owner,Do you feel intimidated by the thought of creating your own professional presentation? Have you run out of ideas on how to make creative presentations? Are you looking for ways to make your presentation more interactive?The answer to your prayers is here! Create professional-looking, creative, fun, and interactive presentations using Prezi.But what exactly is Prezi?How does it work?Is it easy to use?What is the step-by-step process of building a presentation on it from scratch?How can you make your presentation stand out?If youre looking for an easy-to-follow course on how to build your own professional and creative presentation, youve come to the right place.In this video course, you will get the most up-to-date lessons on general functions as well as in-depth Prezi customization options. Find out the tips and tricks the pros use to make their presentations come to life!We have broken down the lessons into several easy steps, so even if youre completely new to Prezi, you will be able to confidently create your own Prezi presentation by the end of this video course.Here's a breakdown of this 9 part video series in more detail.Video #1 - IntroductionBefore we dig deeper into the Prezi tutorial, you will be given a quick overview of each of the video topics. This will help you to understand exactly what is in store for you and how you can better prepare to build your own professional, creative, and interactive Prezi presentation.Video #2 - Prezi Made EasyThere are a lot of tutorials out there on how to create a great Prezi presentation, but unfortunately many are outdated and some are overly technical. In this video, you will be given up-to-date information on the features and a holistic view of Prezi. As you will learn later on, Prezi is all about first looking at the bigger picture before going into each detail.Video #3 - How to Start Your Prezi PresentationSpeaking of the bigger picture, this video will teach you techniques for planning your Prezi outline, layout, design, and much more.Video #4 - The Prezi Site Overview (browser version)Now that you have your design, layout, and outline ready, lets visit the Prezi site. Its important to learn how to navigate the site before you really get to work. In this video, you will be given a tour of the Prezi site so that you know where to find the different built-in tools and options.Video #5 - Start A New Prezi DemoIn order to give you a better understanding of how to go about creating your own Prezi presentation, this video will provide you with a step-by-step demo of building a presentation from scratch.Video #6 - Editing and CustomizationNow weve come to the part that can quickly become too technical for some peoplebut dont worry. This video will give you easy-to-follow instructions on how to edit and customize your Prezi presentation to give it a sleeker, more professional look.Video #7 - Shortcut KeysTheres no need to go into different navigation panes. Nothing makes life easier and faster than making use of handy keyboard shortcut keys. In this video, you will learn keyboard shortcuts for the most commonly used steps of the editing process.Video #8 - Adding Voiceovers and Background SoundRecording your own voice or adding background sound can turn your Prezi into a stunning hybrid video presentation. In this video, you will learn how to incorporate your own voice or background sounds into your Prezi presentation.Video #9 - Collaborating Via PreziIf you have partners, associates, or anyone else that you would like to share your presentation with, you can easily do so through Prezi. Collaborating is going to be a breeze with this video tutorial.Are you ready to start creating impressive Prezi presentations for your business?Grab this video series today and be on your way to becoming a pro in designing professional interactive presentations!This training course was designed to help you build your own professional-looking, creative, and interactive Prezi presentation from scratch, and is broken down into 9 easy-to-follow lessons."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Camtasia 9 Masterclass From Beginner To Pro Creator" |
"ATTENTION INTERNET MARKETERS: Ready to Market with All the Power of the New Camtasia?""Take Your Video Marketing to the Next Level with This Powerful Over the Shoulder Training""In this 42 Module 3+ Hour Course, Youll Find Out How To Use Every Aspect of Camtasia 9 To Make Your Video SizzleYouve come to this page because you're a new Camtasia user, or you have the old version and you're wondering whether you should upgrade. Youre probably tired of buying.New software only have it collect digital dust on your hard drive...A New Application Only to Paralyze You When You actually want to do something with itA program that everybody says is ""awesome"" but you're only able to do really basic thingAnd you start to wonder how it can be YOU to create the kind of eye-catching videos that get results...Camtasia Nine Makes Video Creation Dead SimpleWhether you want to record a simple video, presentation style with a program like Google Sheets or PowerpointOr you just want to show your customers and prospects some things you're seeing on your screen...Or maybe, you want to take a talking head video with NO screen sharing...just you and your audienceYoure probably wondering, if Camtasia makes any of these easy...or easier to do than what you're doingThe answer is yes and no. YES, Camtasia has lots of features inside of the program that make it dead simple to do supercool things to make you look like a pro.But all of these cool things are buried inside of the menus and the toolbars, without a prior knowledge of what to look for you could easily go out and buy lots of other video tools...when all along you had it with your copy of Camtasia.What if someone were to take you inside of Camtasia...Really deep inside to show you exactly how to start using it to do the Stuff that guru level video creators do.And what if you could pick and choose what you wanted to learn and when you wanted to learn it.And you could do it whenever you wanted.Camtasia Nine Still Has All of the Old Powerful Features It Always HadCamtasia Nine may look familiar to veterans of using the program, but can take much of what you use to do to make it ten times easier.Think of what it would be like to have a working knowledge of the insides and controls of this powerful program....Create Video with Camtasia NineCreate Professional Videos For Your Business On Any OccasionHere's exactly what you'll get inside the course:Purchase And InstallationBasic Screen Recording Controls and Capture MenuTools and Menu OptionsRecorded InputsTracking Your ProgressTimeline ElementsUsing MarkersQuizzes and SurveysLibrary ElementsTransitionsAnimationsCursor EffectsAudio EffectsQuizzing and Surveys ExpandedProject SettingsConnecting Your Mobile DeviceBatch ProductionCustom Production SettingsScreen CaptureRecording PowerPointAnnotationsBehaviorsInteractive Hotspots..... And Much Much More (Too much to mention it all"
Price: 199.99

"Great Tips For YouTube Monetization, Engagement & Management" |
"YouTube is the 2nd largest search network, falling short only of its parent company, Google. Therefore, being the 2nd largest search network, this also means YouTube is accessed an extensive amount of times per day.Once youve enrolled into YouTube Channel Income HD Training Videos and mastered the strategies given, youll see that it's valuable to consider investing some of your hard earned dollars into creating or revamping a profitable YouTube channel so that you can gain more customer visibility and engagement and establish yourself as an industry authority.Get the maximum out of these 16 video tutorials that are:A comprehensive resource to grow your existing business blog into a profitable source and an overall brand growth.Easy to comprehend with a step by step guideOne time Investment and consistent returnsVital in driving users to your most valuable content"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Guide For Instant Cash Methods For Online Marketers" |
"If you are amongst the large population of office going professionals who are fed up of the nine to five life, and are finding ways to get out of this monotonous life, cheer up. We are going to discuss a way of earning money from home where you don't have a boss and the working hours can be as flexible as you wish it to be without any deadlines.Well, the name is affiliate marketing and we are not making these stories just like that. Anyone long in this business can testify all these facts. And what is more, it is not just some alternative mode of earning money. You can earn enough to surpass your income from your current ordinary jobs.The whole concept of affiliate marketing is very simple. A merchants needs to advertise his products and the affiliate does this for him through his website. For diverting traffic to merchants site, the affiliate gets paid.It may seem too easy to be true but believe me it requires a lot of effort and perseverance if you want to be successful in this field. You need to have ample know how about the product that you are advertising and you must also be aware of the business techniques to be successful in this field.This package is like having an expert sitting down with you in your home or office and showing you exactly how its done.This would easily cost you hundreds of dollars per hour, if you could even find someone willing to do this for you.But listen, even with a slightly better result could end up making you thousands of dollars over the course of the next few monthsBut, dont worry. You wont pay thousands of dollars for your upgrade today.In fact, you wont even pay $97 for this advanced video series that will take you by the hand and make bring you insane results."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Marketing! How To Use YouTube To Grow Your Customers" |
"How To Use YouTube To Grow Your Customer Base, Trust And Presence In Your Market good info for online marketing too!Traffic is the life-blood to any online business owners and bloggers. That's these internet entrepreneurs are invested their time, money and efforts just to have those traffic that converts.The thing is that, people nowadays give more time watching videos and that video hub on the internet is YouTube - considered to be the 2nd largest search engine on the internet.Because of this, marketers are maximizing the power of YouTube Marketing for the benefit of their business.What Really Are The Things Every Business Must Do?The fact is that there ARE really certain things every business must to do be successful marketing their business.Some of the business that do these thing are ON YouTube, some are not...In fact, some of these things have nothing to do with the internet, yet will determine your absolute success online...Youre probably wondering, if youre still readinghow can that be? Doesnt success depend on how we do stuff online?The answer is yes and no. There are ten things that businesses that successfully market their business online and offline do routinely and while they know them, theyve rarely taken the time to write them down and teach others.Whether you have been struggling with how to get new customers or how to get more prospects or even how you can be a go-to person in your market, you can use these then principles in your business to do all of them.Unlike taking weeks of your time and thousands of dollars to learn a new trick or tactics, these then part of your marketing strategy will help you to market your business regardless of what the new trend. They work whether or not youre doing mobile marketing, affiliate marketing or blogging.This means that youll know EXACTLY what to do next in your business when it comes to marketing.And you can do it over and over againStrategic Marketing Puts You in Control of Your BusinessWhether you are deciding on how youre going to do SEO to get more traffic or how youre going to use coupons and discounts, these core principles will give you the tools you need to know exactly what to do and WHY youre doing it.Think of what it would be like to look at a new business trend and instantly know where it fits into your business, how to take advantage of itor if its even worth your time. Once you understand the fundamentals of marketing strategy, you can apply them to any and everything you do in business."
Price: 199.99

"How To Write A Professional Sales Letter In Just 60 Minutes" |
"You may already have the fundamental information and skills relevant to conversation. But the technology is rapidly evolving and the people who are using this advance technology also adopting.Now, if you won't adopt to the fast growth of the technology, you might be left behind. The good news is that, there is always a room for those people who really are serious in to this business to grow and learn more.Inside this video series, you are about to learn the ADVANCE information on you can convert those website visitors as far as turning them into returning to loyal customers."
Price: 199.99

"Internet Marketing Mastery! The Complete Marketing Guide!" |
"The majority of people quit trying to make money on the internet for 4 big reasons:1. Confusion; they do not know what works and what does not.2. Limited Info; even if they know what works, they dont know how to do it right3. Wrong Focus; they keep focusing on one thing, and ignore the rest4. Old School Methods; the hacks they are trying to do are ancient!We all know that internet marketing is changing every day!So, you need toAdapt To The Latest Technologies And Learn How To Use Them Right!Just think for a moment, if you had been doing it right, you would already be making money, but you are not!It means there is something wrong; maybe everything you are doing needs redirection!On an average, a rookie Internet entrepreneur spends $3890 before they quit trying to make money online.Most of them never know what they were doing wrong!Practical Case StudyOkay, lets compare for a momentIn a town, there is an ironworker; across the road, there is a jeweler. They both work 10 hours a day!One makes iron items all day and the other polishes gold and diamonds.Who do you think makes the most money from the hours they spent working?Obviously the answer is: The Jeweler.It Does Not Matter How Hard You Work;Its How Smart You Work!It is time you turn the tables around in your favor!Now you can learn how to work smart and see tremendous results that will catapult your online income to the next level!The Only Way To Succeed Is To Learn The Rules Of The Game And Play Better Than Everyone Else!Internet Marketing Mastery will give you all the aces of the game in your hand so that no matter how you play - You Always Win!It is a set of video tutorials that takes you from the noob level and makes you the ultimate owner of the game.Each segment will take you towards a better understanding of how Internet Marketing works and how to smartly implement your strategies.We Have Taken All The Guess Work Out Of Internet Marketing And Turned It Into Science.See What You Will Learn In These Video Training:Why Internet Marketing has importance for your business and what can it do to increase your sales5 Internet marketing issues you'll face when you are implementing your strategies, no matter how good you plan them out4 steps to better guest blogging to make sure you get the best out of each blog post and convert your readers into clientsHow to use keyword phrases for big traffic that is looking for your product or service and keep them engaged with the content on your website5 Simple Info Product Methods that take little resources and time to create and give you huge profits in terms of sales5 Effective Social Marketing Campaigns to get your product up and running and turning into something that people just want to haveLearn the top 5 Ways To Use Pinterest Effectively so that your business marketing campaigns not only grab attention but gets pinned to must haves list of every reader.A Fresher Look At SEO Link Building to leave the old school ways of building your network and making each your link count, generate traffic and conversions.5 Facebook Tactics To Enhance Your Site Visibility in your peers and competition, get 5-star reviews and rapidly grow fan following7 List Building Tactics To Boost Sales that turn into resells and upsells to generate maximum profits from each lead11 SEO Terms Every Marketer Should Know so that you can plan and implement latest SEO tactics like a proMarketing Research 101 guide to investigating your niche, evaluate your competition, determine the potential and deploy your business to fill the gapsAnd tons of more valuable information that will turn your any internet business into a profit generating machine!The Latest, The Trending And The Most EffectiveWays To Succeed With Your Online Business.Learn everything about Internet marketing that matters and avoid what doesnt!Dominate your competition by using the most valuable keywordsUse social media and search algorithms to work for youTurn your website into a sales-generating factorySell, resell and up-sell any product you want like a guruLearn everything about SEO, Internet Marketing and making money online that the experts use, but dont tellUnderstand the game and be the game changer!Many people that try to figure things out on their own end up wasting a lot of time and NEVER make the kind of money they set out to makeThats because they spin their wheels, follow bad advice, and just dont get the right roadmap to success.This blueprint will prevent that from happening When you invest in this training today, you geta full-proof plan to online success.When you consider all the unheard secrets youll be learning inside this blueprintit would be very easy to put a price tag of $297, or moreBut, when you grab this today, you wont pay $250, or more.In fact, you wont even have to invest the normal, everyday price of just $199.99.Get it now at almost FREE LOWEST Price Today!"
Price: 199.99

"Artificial Intelligence In Digital Marketing For Beginners" |
"If you follow the step-by-step guide, you will be heading straight to that goal...But, what if you could do it even fasterAnd what if you could insure that you get the absolute BEST results possible and stay focusedIn short, making sure that this is a real success.Being smart in business means knowing whats just around the corner. It means thinking ahead and preparing for inevitable changes that will impact the way business is conducted.This is what allows a business to be resilient and to thrive in a changing environment.This video course will help you to prepare, and explain a number of concepts:AI vs Machine LearningHow to conduct SEO now that Google is an AI first companyChatbotsProgrammatic advertisingBig dataRankBrainDigital assistantsData scienceSQLLatent Semantic IndexingThe future of internet marketingIn this course, you will gain a crystal ball with which to gaze into the future of internet marketing, and to ensure that you are ready for all those changes when they come."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide To Breaking Bad Habits! (Mp3 Attached)" |
"Dear Friend,Are you happy with your life right now?Your habits define you as a person and they are responsible for all the things that you have and do not have in your life right now.It is not going to be an easy journey as breaking habits you have had for a long time is going to be tough.But you must examine your habits and make the necessary changes if you want to truly succeed.Getting rid of your bad habits will totally liberate you.It is a great feeling to change something that has been holding you back for a long time.Forming new empowering habits will also be a great experience for you and will make you feel confident about the future.But how do you do that?With My AdviceYou will learn how habits work and how they are formed.You will learn the 3 Rs neurological loop and the time that it takes to make changes to habits.You will be able to break those bad habits which are not supporting the life that you want and form new habits that will empower you to make a positive change.You will learn how you can change your life for the better with the power of habits.You will learn how you can reinforce new habits.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done...Proven Ways To Build Good Habits And Break Bad OnesNo stones are left unturned when you get your hands on this now.You will become a complete expert on this, and youll get everything you need inside to do the sameHeres Just A Quick Preview Of What YoullDiscover Inside...Why You Need To Break Bad HabitsIdentifying Your Bad (And Good) HabitsHow Habits Actually WorkHabit Formation And Breaking Bad HabitsForming New Habits Using The 3 RsChange Your Life For The Better With The Power Of HabitsPlanning Your Successful Habit TransitionNew Habit ReinforcementEmpowering Habits You Should Live ByBest PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...This is the easiest way to actually break bad habits and build good ones!Who Needs This Step-By-Step Guide?IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE BELOW, YOU NEED THISYou want to know how habits work and how they are formed.You want to know the 3 Rs neurological loop and the time that it takes to make changes to habits.You want to form new habits that will empower you to make a positive change.You want to reinforce new habits.You want to break those bad habits which are not supporting the life that you want.Does This Sound Like Exactly What You Need? But maybe your question is:How Much?If you were going to hire an expert on this, to show you how its done, you could easily find yourself investing hundreds of dollars for this sort of coaching.In fact, many people invest hundreds and thousands of dollars to get into coaching programs or attend workshops...But, you wont have to invest anywhere near that today.How long until I see results?You can begin seeing results extremely quickly Within days and sometimes even within hours of getting started. The more you make this a part of your daily life, the better the results youll get.Whats this all about?This is a guide that will show you how to break bad habits and build good ones!Is there a guarantee?You bet. You get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentTry This Guide On MY DIME Theres No Risk!There are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to profit with Breaking Bad Habits, so its understandable if youre a little skeptical.I can keep telling you just how great my guide is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what its all about to know if its for youThats why Im going to give you a FULL 30 days to decide if this is for youIf for any reason, or no reason at all, youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked!"
Price: 199.99

"Work From Home Productivity & Internet Marketing For Newbies" |
"Working from home can be the best thing that could happen to you.Youll be more productive, youll earn more, and youll have more spare time to work on your self-development, your hobbies, and the things that really matter to you.Its all about getting into the right mindset, learning to be productive when there is nobody to pile the pressure on, and doing what you can to stay on task.This video course will show you how to work from home and get more done all while staying sane.Topics covered:5 Tips for Avoiding ProcrastinationHow to Create a Highly Productive Work Environment in Your Home OfficeHow to Create a Strict Routine When Working From HomeHow to Deal With Loneliness and Social Isolation When You Work From HomeHow to Deal With Small Tasks and Prevent OverwhelmHow to Enter and Stay in a Flow State When Working From HomeThe Perfect Morning Routine for a Productive Working DayThe Top Tools and Apps for Getting More Work Done From HomeThese 5 Hacks With Make Working From Home Much More EnjoyableWhy You Should Tackle the Biggest Challenge FirstAs an internet marketer, youll be able to earn money from the comfort of your home, with no limit as to how far you can scale and grow your business.Its highly rewarding, and its a skill that you can use to land jobs, or market to other companies, too.Theres just one problem: its all rather complicated. If youre not familiar with the world of internet marketing, then you might even be wondering how its even possible to earn money online without anything physical!Its all a bit daunting and its certainly not clear how or where to start.With this video course you will learn the Basics of SEO, Site Design, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media, and more.Topics covered:3 Powerful Platforms for Selling Your Products5 Amazingly Powerful Tools for Internet Marketers5 Essential Skills You Should Develop As an Internet Marketer5 Secrets of Successful Affiliate Marketers5 Ways You Can Make Money OnlineHow to Become a Thought LeaderHow to Get Started With Email MarketingHow to Get Traffic to Your Website From Social Media PlatformsTop 5 Mistakes That New Internet MarketersTop 5 Myths Surrounding Internet MarketingWell, these videos will give you that unfair advantage and help you finally breakthrough so you can get results starting as soon as you finish watching the videos!"
Price: 199.99

"How To Become A Successful Social Media Influencer In 2020" |
"Would You Like To Know The Fastest Way To Start Your INFLUENCER CAREER?If your answer is yes, then you don't want to miss this course!Influencer marketing is a new digital marketing strategy that consists of achieving a series of collaborative links between brands and companies and those people with high visibility and prominence on the Internet, known as 'influencers.'These social network kings and Queens are real diamonds in the rough for brands, companies, organizations and even entrepreneurs with emerging businesses.With this video course you will learn all secrets about influencer marketing.Here is what you'll learn:Leverage TikTok, Instagram & Youtube for profits!How to set up your profile the RIGHT way!How to build your strategy for maximum profits!How to make brands beg YOU for promotions!How to build a loyal audience that will follow you for life!The dirty-little-secrets other Influencers are ignorant about!Rest assured that Hyper Influencer Marketing guide will show you the way to a successful Influencer career, step by step. You will be able to leverage the traffic of the three most used social media platforms, for profits!But what if you can become the guru of those platforms much quicker and without missing any important detail that would be crucial for your success?YES, you can!As a special offer for our customers, we are excited to let you know that we have put together a video training series of Hyper Influencer Marketing!Sure, you will have access to every aspect of the knowledge which is required in order to become the next successful social media Influencer!The video upgrade however, will help you reach your goals much faster!WHY YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS ON THE VIDEO UPGRADE OF HYPER INFLUENCER MARKETING!? Most people are visual learners, meaning that they learn much easier and faster by watching a video, instead of reading a guide.? We have made sure to emphasize the most important steps of the process so you don't miss anything. ? You can watch the videos quickly and you can intake a lot more information in a very short time span.? The human brain likes to visualize things, and videos are the visualizations ready for you.? Learning complex things is much faster and easier with videos as compared to the books..Topics covered:Introduction to influencer marketingChoose your nicheInstagram - the fundamentalsInstagram let the game beginInstagram the next stepsYoutube setting up the systemYoutube scaling upTikTok first step to successTikTok developing your strategyTikTok analysis and goals30 Days Money Back GuaranteeWe are 100% confident that the video upgrade of ""Hyper Influencer Marketing"" will take your Influencer career to the next step, much easier and much faster. If for any reason you are not happy with it, please send us an email and a full refund will be processed within 1-2 business days. No questions asked!"
Price: 199.99

"Instagram Ads Success! How To Run Successful Instagram Ads" |
"Many online marketers know about the power of Instagram and that it can be used to reach their target audience.But they dont go about this in the right way and then end up claiming that advertising on Instagram doesnt work.It does work - you just need to know what you are doing.In this video course you will learn step by step how to create successful Instagram AdsCourse will show you how to identify your target audience correctly and explain how you can choose the right type of Instagram Ad to connect with them in the best way.Topics covered:Why Instagram Ads?What are Instagram Ads?Setting Goals and the Best Instagram Ad Format for your BusinessIdentifying your Target AudienceContent and BudgetCreating Instagram Ad CampaignsMeasuring the Performance of your Instagram AccountGreat Tools for Your Instagram AdsBest Practices for Successful Instagram AdsIf you follow the step-by-step guide, you will be heading straight to that goal...But, what if you could do it even fasterAnd what if you could insure that you get the absolute BEST results possible and stay focusedIn short, making sure that this is a real success."
Price: 199.99

"Modern Vlogging Guide! How To Start Successful Vlog In 2020" |
"Vlogging is becoming increasingly more popular and there has never been a better time to start a vlog.People really enjoy watching high quality vlogs and some vloggers have subscribers in the millions. But you dont need millions of subscribers to make money from vlogging.There are many vloggers that have a lot less subscribers that make a full time income and more from their vlogging activities.Doing something that you love and recording it to share with the world and making money at the same time. This is more than a dream it can be your reality if you follow the advice provided in this guide.Topics covered:What is Vlogging?Ideas for Profitable VlogsStarting a Successful VlogCreating Great VideosOptimizing your YouTube VideosPromoting your VlogFree Tools for Growing your YouTube ChannelWays to Monetize your VlogVlogging Best Practices"
Price: 199.99

"Social Messaging Apps For Marketers! Sell More With Apps" |
"With this video course you will learn how to use social media and social messaging apps together as a powerful marketing strategy.The point of social messaging apps is not to try and get a large quantity of new customers. Rather, it is about building the quality of your existing leads. And its about conversions.With this course you will learn how to include social messaging platforms in your marketing strategy and generate more leads from social messaging platforms.Topics covered:The Power of Social Messaging AppsFacebook Messenger and WhatsApp The Big OnesSMS and Other Messaging PlatformsWhat is Conversational Commerce?Messaging Apps for SalesChatbotsBuilding an AppCollecting and Managing Contact DetailsBest Practices for Building Relationships and Making SalesInternal Uses, Providing Services, and More!Frequently Asked QuestionsWho should get the video training?If youre a visual learner, the video version makes it a wonderful training experience. Although the guide you just purchased leaves no stones unturned, if you want to be sure you see results as fast as possible, you need to get the video version.Not only will you see results faster, but youll make sure you stick to your plan and in many cases, youll get even BETTER results by following the video upgrade.How many videos are there?There are 10, high-quality, in-depth videos that cover everything youll find inside the text-based version of the guideIn what format is the training delivered?Youll get 10 high-quality videos in MP4 format that you view anytime you want.How much is this?First off, cost is the wrong word This upgrade is an investment that will pay for itself many times over. If you close this page and try to come back later, I cannot guarantee that price wont be higher.Is there a guarantee?Of course. You get a FULL 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked."
Price: 199.99
