"Beginner's Guide To Meditation! Discover Your Innermost Self" |
"Everybody is feeling the pressure to succeed and do great in their lives, but the work involved in becoming successful can be enough to make anyone exhausted.We put so much energy into trying to create our best lives that, ironically, we can easily lose sight of the most important part of that; ourselves!By taking the time to learn about meditation and allowing it to be a part of our lives, we can begin to channel our thoughts into more productive patterns and give ourselves the recharge that we need when it seems like life has gotten to be a little bit too much.Topics covered:The History of MeditationThe Benefits of MeditationMindfulness Meditation and How It Can Work For YouThe Benefits of Loving Kindness MeditationActive Meditation with Kundalini YogaThe Benefits of Transcendental MeditationThe Practice of Zen MeditationTips and Tricks for the Meditation Beginners"
Price: 199.99

"The Power of Social Media Stories for Marketers In 2020" |
"The organic reach of business accounts on a number of social platforms is decreasing.Stories provide a great ROI in terms of the time and effort they require and the benefits they offer.Stories are also extremely popular with customers and users right now.Four out of five major brands report using stories to promote themselves, and that should tell you something about how big this is going to be going forward.With this video course you will:learn precisely what a story islearn how to create a storylearn how to have huge success using stories to grow your audiencelearn how to increase brand loyaltyhow to promote yourself using stories just like major brands doFrequently Asked QuestionsWho should get the video training?If youre a visual learner, the video version makes it a wonderful training experience. Although the guide you just purchased leaves no stones unturned, if you want to be sure you see results as fast as possible, you need to get the video version. Not only will you see results faster, but youll make sure you stick to your plan and in many cases, youll get even BETTER results by following the video upgrade.How many videos are there?There are 10, high-quality, in-depth videos that cover everything youll find inside the text-based version of the guideIn what format is the training delivered?Youll get 10 high-quality videos in MP4 format that you can download and view anytime you want.How much is this?First off, cost is the wrong word This upgrade is an investment that will pay for itself many times over. If you close this page and try to come back later, I cannot guarantee that price wont be higher or that this will even still be available to you.Is there a guarantee?Of course. You get a FULL 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked."
Price: 199.99

"TikTok Marketing For Beginners! Unleash The Power Of TikTok" |
"The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years.It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business.To be successful with TikTok marketing you need to know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other.TikTok appeals to a younger demographic and you really need to speak their language to be successful.This video guide will explain all you need to know about TikTok to create successful marketing campaigns.Topics covered:What Is TikTok And Why Should You Care?Getting Started With TikTokCreating Content For TikTokTikTok HashtagsMarketing Strategies for TikTokTikTok AdsTikTok Use Cases To Inspire YouTikTok AnalyticsTikTok Best PracticesWhy Do You Need To Upgrade To The Video Version Of The TikTok Marketing Guide?Did you know that most people learn a lot faster when they see something being done on video than by just reading about it?Thats because most people out there are visual learners.How do you normally learn the best?Although the guide you just purchased gives you a step-by-step approach to profit from TikTok, experience tells us that it requires learners to pay very close attention to the details to get the best results possible.If you miss any of the most important details or do things the wrong way, you may miss out on the fullest benefits offered inside the guide.For that very reason, Ive put together a video version to make it much easier to get positive results quicklyThis is the next best thing to having an expert on the subject, right beside you, showing you how its done.Of course, hiring an expert would easily set you back hundreds of dollars. Luckily, youre not going to have to invest anywhere near that today to get the next best thing.Not only will you avoid many of the most common mistakes that people make when trying to profit from TikTok, youll notice immediate positive results in your achievements...If youre a visual learner or prefer to be shown something as opposed to just reading about it you need this special video upgrade to get the best results possible.Frequently Asked QuestionsWho should get the video training?If youre a visual learner, the video version makes it a wonderful training experience. Although the guide you just purchased leaves no stones unturned, if you want to be sure you see results as fast as possible, you need to get the video version.Not only will you see results faster, but youll make sure you stick to your plan and in many cases, youll get even BETTER results by following the video upgrade.How many videos are there?There are 10, high-quality, in-depth videos that cover everything youll find inside the text-based version of the guideIn what format is the training delivered?Youll get 10 high-quality videos in MP4 format that you view anytime you want.How much is this?First off, cost is the wrong word This upgrade is an investment that will pay for itself many times over. If you close this page and try to come back later, I cannot guarantee that price wont be higher or that this will even still be available to you.Is there a guarantee?Of course. You get a FULL 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason, or no reason at all youre not 100% satisfied with whats inside, simply send me an email, and Ill refund every penny of your tiny investmentNo questions asked."
Price: 199.99

"Udemy For Recurring Income! Quick Guide To Udemy Unofficial" |
"Since its launch in 2010, Udemy has become the go to place for people who want to acquire new skills through online video training.There are now more than 30 million students from all over the world and over 100,000 courses available.A lot of online marketers have tried to generate significant passive income through Udemy and have failed. This is because they made a number of mistakes that this guide will help you to avoid.Everything that you need to be successful with Udemy is in this video course. If you follow the best practices offered then you will maximize your chances of success.Topics covered:Why Udemy?How To Come Up With Profitable Udemy Course IdeasCreating An Outline For Your Udemy CourseGetting Prepared To Record Your Udemy VideosCreating Your Udemy VideosCreate A High Converting Landing PagePricing Your Udemy CourseCreate A Pre-Launch Sales Funnel For Your Udemy CourseLaunching Your Udemy Course And Further PromotionBest Practices For Success With Udemy Courses"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Python Programmer: From Scratch to Applications" |
"Hey there! Welcome to the course on Python 3 named The Complete Python Programmer: From Scratch to Applications.As the name suggests, You'll learn everything in Python from Scratch and upto developing simple projects in Python. Coding is different from Developing. We'll learn both coding and developing. If you do not know anything about Programming, this course is your cup of tea.Course Outcomes:1. Modelling some real world problems in Python and solve them.2. Building projects in Python3. Understanding all the foundations of Python and knowing how to apply them4. Understanding all the Pythonic Data Structures, Objects, Functions and Modules5. Knowing how to use Jupyter iPython Notebook for Data Science Applications6. Foundations for Data Science: The Numpy module7. Understanding Client-Server Architecture and Making HTTP Requests with Python.Highlights:1. Advanced Math in Python2. GUI Projects3. Chatbot (Speech Recognition) in Python4. Coding Problem Sheets to practice5. Beginner-friendly and so on.Nothing more to write. I'll see you there in my lectures."
Price: 1280.00

"Arduino Programming for Absolute Beginners" |
"In this course, You'll learn all the foundations for Arduino UNO and build projects using sensors and actuators. There is no need of any prior knowledge in Programming. We'll have brief insights on Programming in C/C++, particularly for Arduino. We'll also have a deep insight on basic electrical and electronic components such as breadboard, resistors, LED's and Pushbuttons. Also, This course uses an online simulation tool called TinkerCAD and there is no need of any hardware.After completing this course, You'll be able to1. Explain all the core hardware components of Arduino UNO and their working.2. Know how to design circuits using Arduino and other electronic components3. Design electrical circuits using TinkerCAD4. Interface sensors such as Temperature Sensors, Proximity Sensors with Arduino and build some simple projects.5. Learn how to interface Servo motors and LCD with Arduino which is the basis for building robots using Arduino.6. Building some real world projects.Arduino is one of the devices with computational intelligence and it is used as an IOT (Internet of things) device nowadays.Nothing more to write. I'll see you there in my lectures."
Price: 1280.00

"Osnove Crtanja i Slikanja" |
"Ovaj kurs je namenjen svim kreativcima, bez obzira na njihov nivo vetina. Kroz moje dugogodinje pedagoko iskustvo pokazao se kao vrlo uspean. Posle osvrta na osnovne elemente likovnog izraza, poinjemo sa izradom detalja. Svi su raeni tehnikom uljani pastel u kombinaciji sa olovkom koje moete lako pronai u knjiarama a pruaju razliite tehnike mogunosti. Na poetku kursa sam izabrala temu: ""udesno selo"". Zamiljeno je kao prostor u koji smetate puno detalja. Ovakva tema prua mnogo mogunosti jer u tako zamiljeno selo moemo smestiti i mnogo zamiljenih elemenata. Svaki od tih elemenata crtamo pojedinano i seemo ih makazama. Ono to je jako dobro u ovom sluaju je to to od puno elemenata birate samo one koji vam se sviaju. Tako imate potpunu kontrolu nad celokupnim radom. Svaki korak je viestruko koristan za razvijanje vaeg izraza. Najpre dok smiljate kojim detaljima ete najbolje doarati svoju ideju, razvijate svoju matu. Najee se deava da krenete od jednog detalja i smislite milion drugih koji vau priu znaajno obogate. Zato to smo izabrali raznorodne detalje, oni svi imaju drugaiju teksturu za koju je upravo ova tehnika idealna. Seenje makazama je izuzetno korisna veba za finu motoriku posebno kod levoruke dece. Skupljanje ovih detalja tokom izrade kolaa moe da traje dugo i ui vas strpljenju. Ovo je rad koji se radi u fazama i slojevima i strpljenje vam je presudno.Najlepi deo celog procesa je konana realizacija. Kad krenete da na pozadinu reate i lepite briljivo izabrane detalje otvorie vam se ceo jedan svet koji ste vi kreirali i ispriali. Sreno!"
Price: 24.99

"Java Basics Bootcamp" |
"Hi! Welcome to the Java Basics Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn Java. There are a lot of options for online trainings, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:Everything that is covered is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry. This course does not cut any corners.The course is constantly updated with new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.You get to hear the latest updates about Chelsea FC!When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favour of the ""beginner-friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.This course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of ""watch as I code"" videos. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging. The course includes:LecturesCode-AlongsProjectsExercisesSlidesDownloadsReadingsToo many pictures of my favourite football club Chelsea!If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I got into this industry because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding Java can be!"
Price: 1280.00

"An Introduction to British and American Literature" |
"This is a study of literature from the 16th century to the 20th century covering drama, poetry, short stories, and novels.Who wrote the first English novel? How did Napoleon in France change the way literature was written in England? What is the difference between British literature and American literature? Who is the father of the detective novel (and it isn't Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!)? How do major wars and conflicts affect literature? What is stream-of-consciousness, and how did it change the way literature has been written?These are just a few questions that this introduction to literature attempts to answer. This class attempts to make connections between literary periods, writers, and history. The goal of this class is to put history, biography, and literature together into a suitable whole. It would be impossible to cover every single work and history behind it, but I have attempted to cover the major periods and major writers of the time and to show how the history surrounding them has influenced their life and works."
Price: 19.99

"CPSA - Curso de Pruebas de Software giles" |
"Si deseas ingresar en el mundo de la agilidad del testing, en este entrenamiento podrs aprender desde cero las bases de la agilidad, Scrum, DevOps y las actividades de un tester gil, asi como las prcticas ms comunes dentro de un sprint que aceleran agilidad como Integracin Continua, TDD, BDD, API Testing, Exploratory Testing entre otras ms."
Price: 420.00

"The Complete Scalping S&P500 Course on Real Trading Account" |
"My name is ISSAC Asimov trader for more than 14 years, specialized in Gold, Index and US stocks.My preview course was about trading gold in that course I shared with you a simple strategy to trade Gold and I demonstrated the effectiveness of this strategy through live trading sessions and in one month approximately I doubled a trading account dedicated to this strategy .If you are interested you can check this course too about gold.This course is about scalping, I will share with you a very profitable strategy based on two indicators, Vwap and MA200, and I will explain the strategy point by point to give you a clear insight about how to enter and how to close each trade.Before starting this course I checked the internet about trading strategies, and I found many expert shares old strategies and those strategies are note any more valid because the conditions of market when those strategy was effective are changed.Let me give you an example , a strategy based on intersection between moving averages applied on Forex (GBP/USD) in 2000 was effective , the same strategy is note effective in 2020 because the dynamic of the market changed and 90% of big trading portfolios are managed by robot , the same about markets some time a strategy is effective in Gold but worthless in Forex , the example of that in my last course about Gold , the strategy shared in that course is a profitable strategy in Gold but in index no , its not a profitable strategy specifically for volatile indexes like DAX30 .The strategy I will share with you in this course is a very profitable strategy, need a lot of practice to master it, in this course we will apply this strategy on one chart the SP500 and I will share with you more information why this strategy is suitable to SP500 and how to ovoid fake breakout when using this strategy on real trading sessions."
Price: 199.99

"Monitorizao hemodinmica." |
"Curso destinado a estudantes e profissionais de enfermagem que desejem e/ou necessitem aprofundar seus conhecimentos sobre monitorizao hemodinmica invasiva e no invasiva, conhecendo diferentes mtodos, tecnologias disponveis e manipulao dos dispositivos utilizados. Esse curso composto por quatro vdeo aulas, nas quais utiliza-se uma linguagem acessvel e, tambm por um teste de conhecimento que propiciar ao aluno fazer uma auto-avaliao sobre os temas abordados."
Price: 39.99

"R Programming for Data Science for Absolute Beginners [2020]" |
"**** Lifetime access to course materials . 100% money back guarantee ****If you are a absolute beginners in R , then this is the place .Learn R program right from the basic to intermediate and advance level.Learn how to do data visualizations on all kind of data sets.Create and access various R datatypes and objects like vectors,factors and dataframes.Create your own functions , loops and conditions.Work on various plots : scatter , box plots , histograms, bar charts and derive the business insights.Case Study Include:Identify which customers are eligible for credit card issuanceRoot Cause Analysis of Uber Demand Supply Gap"
Price: 199.99

"Investieren in Aktien an der Brse von A-Z Meisterkurs 2020" |
"Die Ultimative Brsen-Masterclass fr Anfnger! Mit Aktien an der Brse Geld Investieren Meisterkurs 2020: Investieren fr Anfnger - Alles ber: Brse, Aktien, ETFs, Depots, Fundamentaldaten, Analysen, Finanzbegriffe (Deutsch)Lerne erfolgreich investieren an der Brse. Dieser Kurs lehrt alles ber Brse, Aktien, ETFs und Unternehmensbewertung. Du lernst, wie du schnell und einfach ein Wertpapier-Depot an der Brse aufbaust und in dieses investierst. Wir zeigen dir alle relevanten Kennzahlen der Unternehmensbewertung. Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Brse/ Aktien und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld verdienen und erfolgreich anlegen kannst. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien und Bewertungskennzahlen im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Plattformen, Tools und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Wir zeigen dir auch anderweitige Anlagemglichkeiten, sowie das richtige Mindset, das Investoren haben sollten. Auerdem gibt es eine Schritt- fr- Schritt Anleitung fr die Depoterffnung und den Kauf von ersten Aktien.Es gibt auch einen kleinen Exkurs in Richtung des passives Investieren mit ETF'S!BONUS: Es gibt eine eigene, kostenlose Sektion passend zur aktuellen Krisenlage!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Brsen- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 199.99

"YOUTUBE Masterclass course : A Complete Guide to Youtuber" |
"In this youtube masterclass course in hindi language you will get to learn the topics which you should know if you want to run a successful youtube channel.some topics are Creating a channel,Channel Icon,Channel Art,About Section,Begin making and uploading videos,Create playlists,Analyze your data,Stay engaged with your audience,going live, and much more.and most important how you can start earnings from your videos on youtube i.e how to put ads on your videos and getting paid for it.You'll Also Get WHEN YOU ENROLL IN THE YOUTUBE MASTERCLASS COURSE IN HINDI - Lifetime Access to course updates Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download 30-Day 100% money-back guarantee - no questions asked!GET READY TO TAKE ACTIONThroughout the entire course, you'll be taking action!You'll learn the proper techniques and strategies. Then you'll see how these strategies are used in the real world. Finally, you'll take action yourself, and see real results!"
Price: 1280.00

"Personality Based Management" |
"Personality based management applies personality traits into a managerial set-up to leverage on the differences that certain personality traits come with. As such the course first defines the necessary personality characteristics and actions derived from personality differences. Secondly, those are being applied in various business spheres to investigate management types, negotiating, pitching, change management or the process to create an idea. In all these business related topics the characteristics of the individual personality traits will be shown. "
Price: 164.99

NR-12 |
"A Norma Regulamentadora 12 informa sobre as referncias tcnicas, princpios fundamentais e medidas de proteo para garantir a sade e a integridade fsica dos trabalhadores, e estabelece requisitos mnimos para a preveno de acidentes e doenas do trabalho nas fases de projeto e de utilizao de mquinas e equipamentos de todos os tipos, e ainda sua fabricao, importao, comercializao, exposio e cesso a qualquer ttulo, em todas as atividades econmicas."
Price: 69.99

"Spoken English" |
"""The limits of my language are the limits of my world."" -Ludwig WittgensteinDo you wish you could speak English with more creativity, clarity, articulation and confidence? Would you like to dramatically enhance your English speaking with some proven, easy-to-follow method?Then you are in the right place!I have used the best methods for quickly improving your English ability. Whether you are a non-native speaker who wants to sharpen their spoken toolkit, or a non-native speaker who wants to learn how to navigate the English language maze, this course will provide you with information and techniques for instant improvement and lifelong learning.Maybe you want to improve your presentation skills. Perhaps you want to tell more interesting and engaging stories. Or maybe you simply want to become more articulate in your day-to-day use of English.Whatever your needs, your goal is to improve your English, and this Spoken English Course will guide you to do just that."
Price: 19.99

"Pack Oro 3 x 1 - Marketing, Plan de Negocio y Pginas Web" |
"Marketing para emprender: es un taller con estrategias de marketing para tu proyecto. +Aumenta tus Ventas, a travs de la definicin de estrategias de creacin de valor y solucin de problemas para tus clientes.+Consigue Nuevos Clientes, creando un sistema de atraccin que haga que tus clientes vengan a ti.+Aprende Estrategias de comunicacin persuasiva a travs del copywriting.+Aprende los Disparadores Mentales que hacen que las personas compren productos y servicios.+Elimina las Objeciones de Compra de tus Clientes. +Convierte tus Clientes en Fans Incondicionales. +Aprende a Potenciar tu Embudo de Ventas.+Posicionarte como la Autoridad de tu nicho. +Define una estrategia de garanta que de confianza a tus clientes.Mi Plan de Negocio: es una gua rpida para que puedas evaluar si tu idea tiene potencial para convertirse en un negocio.+Reduce los riesgos de fracasar aprendiendo a hacer un plan de negocio. +Tienes una idea y quieres saber si seria un buen negocio? con este taller prctico te ayudo a responder esa pregunta. +Aprende como convertir una idea en un negocio. +Conoce los elementos para emprender con xito.+Aprende a identificar Aliados y socios de emprendimiento. +Construye un plan de negocio para buscar socios de inversin. Mi primera pgina web con Blog, es un taller prctico donde vamos construyendo juntos paso a paso, en vdeos cortos la pgina web y el blog, configurando los elementos que la componen:1. Suscriptores.2. Galera de Imgenes.3. Inclusin de Vdeos. 4. Configuracin de Redes Sociales. 5. Configuracin de Seccin de Comentarios. 6. Configuracin de Seccin Acerca del Autor.7. Configuracin de Blog.8. Creacin de publicaciones en el Blog.Adicionalmente te incluyo como material adicional las mejores lecturas que he conseguido que formarn un aprendizaje integral, estos elementos son:1. Tcnicas para la escritura persuasiva. Copywriting. 2. Campaa de Mail3. Interpretacin de cdigos de colores.4. Escuela del copywriting. 5. Marketing de contenidos. 6. Principios SEO.7. Tcnica de ventas para principiantes."
Price: 59.99

"Industrial Biotechnology" |
"Lets jump into the exciting Industry of Biotechnology. This course provides beginners with the relevant knowledge regarding 3 of the largest sectors of the Biotech Industry:Genetic EngineeringIndustrial Scale Culture of MicroorganismsEnzymatic BiotechnologyLearners will require very basic prior knowledge about biological molecules, enzymes, DNA, cellular structures, and biochemistry to make full use of this course. So, what are you waiting for? Broaden your horizons by expanding your knowledge with Industrial Biotechnology!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Planner 2020 - The Ultimate Course" |
"Whether you want to manage your own tasks or become the go to person for any Microsoft Planner question, you've come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of Microsoft Planner functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Microsoft Planner is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.__________By the end of the course you'll be able to: Easily navigate the Microsoft Planner interface Create plans in Microsoft Planner Manage tasks in Microsoft Planner Work with Chart and Schedule views Manage plan members access Use Microsoft Planner mobile app Microsoft Planner and Outlook"
Price: 99.99

"Fullstack JavaScript : Learn JavaScript,React ,Node,Mongo DB" |
"JavaScript has been around for over 20 years. It is the dominant programming language in web development.In the beginning, JavaScript was a language for the web client (browser). Then came the ability to use JavaScript on the webserver (with Node.js).Today the hottest buzzword is ""Full Stack JavaScript"".The idea of ""Full Stack JavaScript"" is that all software in a web application, both client-side and server-side, should be written using JavaScript only.In This Course You Will LearnJavascript BasicsDom ManipulationJqueryAjaxModern Javascript ES6Javascript AnimationsTop Javascript LibrariesReact IntroductionHow To Create a new React ApplicationComponents and Different types of ComponentsComponents Structure and Life CycleHow to handle events in ReactApplying styles to React JS ComponentsReact HooksForms and Form SubmissionsRouting in ReactControlling one component from another Component with the help of Context-APIWhat is MERN StackAdvantages Of Mern StackNode JsImplementing Routes in Node JSRendering HTML Files in Node JsExpress JSExpress RoutingNPM Node Package ManagerMongo DBMongoDB Commands Like Create, Read, Update, DeleteConnecting Node JS With Mongo DB"
Price: 104.99

"Cmo crear un mundo de MINECRAFT con MODS (2020)" |
"Seguro que alguna vez te has preguntado como grandes Youtubers tienen esos mundos con tantos mods. Pero no encontrabas contenido en Internet de calidad que te aportara los conocimientos necesarios para poder crear el tuyo propio. Pues bien, en este curso te voy a explicar personalmente y paso a paso cmo crear tu propio mundo con mods desde cero. En poco ms de 30 minutos (lo que dura el curso) tendrs tu mundo listo para entrar a jugar sin problemas."
Price: 19.99

"Virtualizacin con VirtualBox de cero a experto" |
"En este curso vas a aprender a virtualizar con software libre, VirtualBox es un software muy completo a la hora de virtualizar sistemas operativos y servidoresExplicare brevemente los tipo de virtualizacin que existen, y profundizaremos en todo lo que es VirtualBox, desde los tipos de maquinas que podemos crear con diferentes sistemas operativos, el funcionamiento de su interfaz y la creacin de un servidor virtual con phpvirtualboxEspero que os guste el curso y aprendis todo lo posible."
Price: 99.99

"Internal Combustion Engine Practice Questions" |
"Internal Combustion Engines are one of the most productive and efficient inventions we have came up with in the mankind's history. They are not only used in cars, trucks, or planes, they are also used to spin rotors, fans and countless other machines that make our lives easier and better.This practice course will help you understand how Internal Combustion Engines Work, and all the principles around them. So if you are interested in prooving how much you know and want to learn something new about engines, then click the button ENROLL NOW and start learning and practicing today."
Price: 19.99

"Menjadi Merchandiser yang Efektif sekaligus Efisien 01" |
"Mengapa Anda harus menguasai ilmu Merchandising?Berinvestasilah pada diri Anda sendiri sebelum mampu mengelola bisnis Anda.Merchandising adalah jantung bagi bisnis retail.Merchandising adalah inti dari ilmu retailAnda tetap mampu mencapai target sales Anda dalam situasi apa pun jika Anda menguasai ilmu iniMembahas secara mendalam:Tugas dan tanggung jawab merchandiser yang efektif sekaligus efisien.Pengendalian persediaan barang dagangan agar tidak berlebihan (over stock) dan agar tidak kekurangan (under stock)Menetapkan harga jual untuk memaksimalkan margin namun tetap murah di mata pelangganMembeli barang jangan sampai menjadi barang mati dan cara mengatasi barang mati jika terjadiMengukur kinerja Merchandiser secara mendalamMenyelamatkan sales & cash flow anda dengan cepat"
Price: 490000.00

"Trouvez un emploi en 1h de formation et 7 exercices guids" |
"------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------Savez vous que : 9 recruteurs sur 10 posent les mmes questions en entretien 80% de la communication est du langage non-verbal 9 candidats sur 10 ne savent pas prsenter leurs comptences (et ne se prparent pas correctement) 60% des offres d'emploi ne sont pas publies au-del de 25 refus d'entretien, vous devez modifier votre mthode !------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------Vous tes :un tudiant la recherche d'un premier job ou d'une alternance ?un salari en reconversion professionnelle et votre dernier entretien d'embauche tait il y a 20 ans ?un demandeur d'emploi et vous ne comprenez pas pourquoi vous restez bloqu dans cette situation ?Peu importe votre situation, je suis prt parier que si vous tes arriv sur cette page, c'est parce que : vous n'tes pas compltement serein l'ide de passer des entretiens vous n'tes pas sr 100% d'avoir bien rdiger CV, lettre de motivation, etc ... vous n'avez pas de mthode claire et structure pour votre recherche d'emploi vous avez dj cherch des informations sur internet, mais vous vous tes rapidement perdu dans tout le contenu que vous avez trouv ...Eh bien rassurez-vous ! Vous aurez toutes les rponses vos questions dans cette formation.Cette formation vous prsentera les 5 tapes de la recherche demploi :PrparationCiblageContactEntretienFinalisationGrce cette formation, vous apprendrez : une mthode de recherche d'emploi comment cibler les entreprises, constituer votre fichier de prospection et organiser votre recherche comment contacter les recruteurs comment passer des entretiensA lissu de cette formation, vous serez capable de : rdiger un CV, une lettre de motivation et un email de motivation parler de vous, de vos connaissances, de vos comptences, de votre parcours et de vos valeurs vous prsenter de manire structure en 5 minutes grce votre pitch de prsentation passer pour un PRO en entretien d'embauche rpondre au minimum 90% des questions qui vous seront poses par les recruteursEt si vous n'tes pas convaincu, je vous propose de visionner le dbut de ce cours : l'introduction et la vido prsentant l'tape 1. Vous repartirez au moins avec les grandes lignes de la mthode et un plan d'action !"
Price: 24.99

"Discover How To Setup Facebook Ads that Get Results" |
"Its a fact that - Facebook Ads can be very profitable for your business.But its also a way to lose a lot of money if you dont do it right.What I mean is...Theres a lot of courses out there on ads but they assume you know how to target the right person. They simply go over the technical aspects which anyone can learn.The reality is if you dont know everything about your target audience, then you will lose money.Think about it for just a second.Waving a sign that says Lose weight to a male who wants to gain body mass doesnt make any sense does it?Of course not... and the truth is most people do this.So how do you find data that says this is what your audience wants and how you should approach them?How to make sure your ads appeal to the right person?How do you use the right text, the right image, the right everything?...and then how do you use that data to setup Facebook ads correctly?Here's a list of this 10-part video series in more detail:Video #1: Introduction to Facebook AdsHave you ever wondered why your Facebook ads dont convert? The reason why is that most people jump with two feet and start creating ads. In this video, we will discuss the course itself and what you need to get started.Video #2: Paid Traffic MindsetBefore you create your Facebook ads, lets discuss why you need a mindset shift and what that looks like. This is the sole reason why some people succeed and paid traffic, while others fail. Jumping into Facebook ads without knowing this is a sure way to fail.Video #3: Who Are You Targeting?Doing this one wrong will give you horrible results. In other words, knowing who you are targeting and how to target them is very important. This is the first step to your road to doing Facebook Ads the right way.Video #4: Facebook InsightsAfter you get a better grasp of WHO you are targeting, its time to back that up with actual data. Fortunately you can use a free, but powerful tool to get this data. This is very important especially before running any type of Facebook ad.Video #5: Creating an Avatar ProfileNow that you have gathered the right data from Videos 3, 4, and 5 its time to create your customers avatar profile. This is simply a document that tells you what your ideal customer should look like and everything about them that you would need to find out.Video #6: Important Ad RulesYou should never setup ads until youve understood what Facebook does not like and what they want. Creating ads that violate policy is a sure way to get your account banned. So going over the rules is crucial.Video #7: The PixelBefore you run ads, you need to make sure you have your pixel created and installed. Well go over this, so you get the proper tracking setup.Video #8: Ad CampaignsNow its time to setup your Facebook Ad campaign. The campaign is what holds your ad sets and your ads and understanding your objective is crucial. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad campaign in step by step manner.Video #9: Ad SetsNow its time to setup your Facebook Ad Set. The ad set is the child of an Ad campaign and it is what holds your ads. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad set step by step.Video #10: AdsNow its time to setup your Facebook Ads. You will need to have your creative ad in hand to do this. The ad is the child of an Ad set. In this video you will get to see us setup an ad in step by step manner."
Price: 1280.00

"Ten Step for Delegating Work" |
"This course will help team leaders and managers to have the knowledge, skill and confidence to delegate work in the knowledge that it will free up time for them to do more important work, and also develop the people that they choose to delegate to.We work through ten logical steps that help you to identify jobs that can be delegated, people who are ready to be delegated to, and the the process that needs to be followed to make delegation worthwhile and sustainable."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Laptop repairing component level" |
"This laptop repairing course is intended for the technically inclined person, beginner or experienced. It will be helpful if you have an understanding of physics and electronics, not a must. The course is designed as learning by doing and concentrate on the symptoms and problem areas of the modern laptop. I do not use confusing terms or jargon. This course is suitable for those who are interested in repairing their own laptops or wish to make it a career. The course will help you understand how a laptop fails and how to troubleshoot it and repair it. We will go through many sections which will show you what tools are required for the job, and how to disassemble and reassemble a laptop, identify motherboard components and how to solder and de-solder a component. On the completion of this course you will be equipped with the skills required for laptop repairing. I have taken a lot of time and effort to see that this course is comprehensive and understandable to students. "
Price: 24.99

"How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel for Your Business" |
"Excellent, by reading this Course description you are one step away to Become Successful on YouTube. YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world and the second most visited site after Google and this is the reason why we must use this incredible traffic source to create and build our channel properly so he can generate a massive income for us.Isn't it frustrating that you are thinking about how some YouTube channels are very popular and successful and some arent? Dont you hate when you dont know where and how to start building your YouTube Business?Hi everyone, my name is Dejan. I am a Master of Computer Science and Information technology, digital entrepreneur, and trainer of trainers with more than 50 international certificates in different areas of information technology. Based on my previous experience, I have created this User-friendly Course so I can help individuals and teams to get better results with YouTube.This course saves money, and it is short and clear enough. Let's see what you will learn in this course:How to create a YouTube Channel from ScratchHow to choose your trending niche?How to Verify the Youtube channelHow to find and download popular and free YouTube videosWhat Software and Sources we need to get started with YoutubeWhat Hardware we need to get started with YoutubeVideo Editing BasicsVideo Editing ProcessHow to upload the videos to YouTube properly YouTube SEO for BeginnersPromoting your YouTube Channel and Videos for freeTips, Tricks, and Strategies you must use to grow your YouTube Business fastHow Important Are Dislikes On YouTube?YouTube Copyright strike basicsCourse assignment - let's put some work in action together!Your Next steps on YouTube journeyI promise you that I will not waste your time. We will be very productive and efficient. So let's start building your YouTube presence and business right now. Welcome to YouTube Masterclass: How to Start a Successful YouTube Channel for Your Business quickly"
Price: 19.99
