"Arduino Long Distance Communication" |
">>> Start Sending Data Over Long Distance using Arduino via Wired and Wireless Connection and extend Arduino Capabilities <<<Welcome to this course.This course will teach you how to Make Long-Distance Communication between Two Arduino Boards using Wired and Wireless Connection, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what are the needed components, why we use them, and how to wire them up, starting with the basics of Arduino Serial Communication and ending with Sending data over a very Long distance.You will know what is the actual working principle of Long-Distance Communication, what are the right communication protocols to be used, and how to interface the required module to make this happen. We know that Arduino has several built-in buses for fast data transfer, for example, The SPI Protocol and I2C Protocol. Various kinds of sensors are often connected using the I2C communication protocol.There is also the popular UART universal asynchronous receiver transmitter protocol, which is often used with a USB interface to exchange data with a laptop or computer. But all of these methods have a serious drawback. They do not work at large distances.Imagine a situation where we need to collect data from sensors on the roof of our houses and depending on the location of the sensors, our hardware, and software setup, we need to transfer a signal from this sensor to our Arduino on the first floor.How can we make it possible? We'll definitely need a powerful Long Distance Transmission method, one that can be used for years, and in this course, we will cover this, we will cover wireless and wired long-distance communication methods between two or three Arduinos or any two microcontrollers, whether they are Arduino microcontroller or any other types of microcontrollers.We will make it as simple as possible.What you will learn in This CourseLearn what is the hardware required to make this happen.Learn what is RS485 and how to implement this communication protocol in long-distance communication.Dake down the schematic for connecting Two Arduinos using RS485 protocol over long-distance.Discuss the receiver and transmitter program for RS485.Talk about the circuit assembly and we will break down the HC-12 module working principle for long-distance wireless communication between two Arduinos.Perform communication of the Arduino to Arduino using the HC-12 module.Explain how communication works with Arduino transceiver.Create a PCB for this projectI'm sure that you will gain a lot of knowledge in this course."
Price: 199.99

"Sales Success: Your First Sales Job" |
"Sales is an exciting, rewarding, and potentially lucrative career path that anyone can take with no qualifications or prior experience, but new recruits are often scared by the idea of cold calls, high-pressure sales meetings, and unachievable targets. Sales professional and prospecting coach Miles Croft explains why he considers a career in sales a 'cheat code to life' and how you can get started today. This simple step-by-step guide gives clear and practical instructions on how to choose your perfect role, land the dream sales job, and then how to thrive in your first year in the job. Detailed guidance on how to make the right decisions are all covered, such as; Choosing the right industry Deciding between an SME or large/enterprise businessWhether you should choose inside or outside/field sales jobs Even the often complicated distinction between basic pay and commission bonuses.This course will help you:Choose your perfect roleDevelop the necessary skills for successSucceed in your job interviewThrive in your first year"
Price: 109.99

"Funnel Masterclass" |
"Do you spend hours crafting the perfect funnel only to have it fall apart after the ads go live?Do you wish you could figure out why your funnel isnt working the way you hoped?Are your Facebook Ads not driving traffic to your landing page?Are you getting traffic but no one is converting?In this extensive course, you will learn how to: Optimize your Facebook Ads to get more clicks and conversions Use a simple writing framework to create high-converting ads and landing pages Create landing pages that captivate your audience and takes them from Oh, this looks interesting to Shut up and take my money! Effectively answer any objections to increase your cart conversion rate Discover the reasons why users dont buy from you and how to get them to come back and complete their purchaseand much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Remote Sensing for Public Health and Epidemiology" |
"Do you want to apply satellite remote sensing in public health?Do you want to acquire new hands-on Remote Sensing skills to analyze and process satellite data?Enroll in my new course Remote Sensing for Public Health.I will provide you with hands-on training with example data, sample scripts, and real-world public health applications. By taking this course, you will take your geospatial data science skills to the next level by gaining proficiency in satellite remote sensing for public health application with Google Earth Engine, a cloud-based Earth observation data visualization analysis by powered by Google.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Dr. Alemayehu Midekisa, PhD. I am a geospatial data scientist, instructor and author. I have over 15 plus years of experience in processing and analyzing real big Earth observation data from various sources including Landsat, MODIS, Sentinel-2, SRTM and other remote sensing products.In this Remote Sensing for Water Resources course, I will help you get up and running on the Google Earth Engine cloud platform to process and analyze geospatial data. By the end of this course, you will be equipped with a set of new GIS and Remote Sensing skills including accessing, downloading processing, analyzing, and visualizing big data using JavaScript programming language with GEE cloud platform. In this course, I will use real satellite data including Landsat, MODIS, SMAP, TRMM, GPM and others to provide you a hands-on practical experience of working with Earth observation data.One of the common problems with learning image processing is the high cost of software. In this course, I entirely use the Google Earth Engine JavaScript open source cloud platform. Additionally, I will walk you through using a step by step video tutorials to process and analyze remote sensing data with GEE. All sample data and script will be provided to you as an added bonus throughout the course.Jump in right now to enroll. To get started click the enroll button."
Price: 99.99

"CPA Marketing Course Essential Guide to Small Home Business" |
"Do you want to make big money with CPA Marketing ?Then I can definitely help you. I will share my secret step by step action plan to make with a little effort Much Money every day. Make a Autopilot system that brings you everyday your Money. And that's what I am going to show you step by step. Reveal Secret Way to Earn Passive Income with CPA Marketing Method With Powerful approach that I personally used since last 5 years to make Passive income a month using CPA Marketing. The steps are so simple that almost anyone with a little brain should be able to do it. So if you need a lot of money, what are you waiting for? Enroll Today and start your Journey to Financial Freedom tomorrow.Remember the biggest reason behind failure is not knowing what to do and I am here to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it the right way."
Price: 139.99

"Impara l'inglese: corso di inglese online per principianti" |
"Migliora il tuo inglese con questo corso!Cerchi un corso online per iniziare a imparare l'inglese? Vuoi iniziare o hai appena iniziato? Allora questa formazione l'ideale per iniziare! Impareremo l'inglese ... in inglese.A chi rivolto questo corso?Questo corso di lingua per principianti. Non hai mai imparato l'inglese? O in un passato molto lontano? O non c' tempo per praticare la lingua? Quindi usa questo corso per iniziare. Non hai bisogno di conoscere una parola di inglese, partiremo da zero.Cosa impareremo?In questo corso di inglese impareremo le basi assolute. Partiamo dalle basi: come presentarti. Quindi segui i paesi, l'umore negativo, le lingue, i trasporti e molto altro ancora. Qua e l c' un po 'di grammatica, ma la cosa pi importante che pratichiamo la lingua. Viene discussa anche la pronuncia.Come impareremo l'inglese?Impariamo in inglese dall'inizio alla fine del corso. Sembra difficile, ma prova i video gratuiti. Sembra molto pi difficile di quanto non sia in realt. In questo modo il tuo inglese migliorer rapidamente e la lezione di inglese diventer tutta pratica. La traduzione nl-eng non sar pi necessaria.Io garantisco:Accedi sempre, per tutta la vitaTutti i miglioramenti e gli aggiornamenti gratuitamenteRimborso assicurato entro 30 giorniPronto per la lezione di inglese? Allora iniziamo!Attendo con ansia i tuoi progressi,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Impara il francese in francese 1: corso di lingua francese" |
"Vuoi imparare il francese?La scuola francese una sfida?Preferisci imparare le lingue online?Sei nel posto giusto! Stai per imparare il francese ... in francese!Per chi questo corso?Il corso per principianti. Quindi nessuna conoscenza precedente necessaria. Imparerai il francese di base. Vedremo tutto da 0: pronuncia francese per imparare a parlare francese e grammatica francese di base per lo studente di lingua iniziale.Cosa stai per imparare?Tutti gli aspetti della lingua francese di base. Le lezioni di francese riguarderanno verbi francesi, come formare frasi francesi, domande, parole francesi per il trasporto, vocabolario francese, bevande e molti altri argomenti. Ti unirai alla ""cultura francese"".Come imparerai la lingua francese?La lingua francese non la lingua pi facile da imparare. Quindi una buona domanda : come imparare il francese? La risposta: completamente in francese. Imparerai tutte le tue nuove parole in lingua francese - s. Sentiti libero di provare le anteprime, scoprirai presto che garantisce un apprendimento rapido in modo da integrarti facilmente in Francia.Il livello francese A1.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vitaTutte le future lezioni extra e gli aggiornamenti sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataSei pronto a imparare il francese online?Buon apprendimento,Alain"
Price: 29.99

"Impara il francese in francese 2: le 100 parole pi comuni" |
"Conosci gi un po 'di francese, circa 100-150 parole?Vuoi continuare ad imparare?Ti sembra interessante l'immersione totale?Grande! Stai per imparare la lingua francese ... completamente in francese!Un corso per principianti, ma non per principianti assolutiQuesto corso di francese non parte da 0, sentiti libero di controllare il mio primo corso ""Francese in francese"" su Udemy. Devi capire circa 100-150 parole, anche se molti argomenti, espressioni e parole verranno ripetuti. I quiz ti assicurano di capire tutto.Cosa sei a pochi minuti dall'apprendimento?Oltre 400 parole, comprese le 100 parole francesi pi usate, e come usarle nelle conversazioni. Il corso ha oltre 5 ore di video per aiutarti ad andare oltre il livello di principiante assoluto, quindi sarai all'inizio del livello A2 dopo aver seguito questo corso. Il passato sar introdotto verso la fine.Come imparerai?Il corso completamente in francese per garantire un'immersione totale e utilizza materiale narrativo e audiovisivo per migliorare le tue capacit di comprensione. Nessuna lezione di grammatica estesa. Ci sono 100 file MP3 scaricabili per supportarti nel tuo viaggio, dove e quando vuoi. Ti aiuter con la tua pronuncia francese. Ogni lezione include un quiz per testare le tue abilit e ottieni un file in cui puoi scrivere la tua traduzione.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vitaTutte le future lezioni extra e gli aggiornamenti sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataPronto per imparare il francese online?Buon apprendimento,Alain"
Price: 49.99

"Impara l'olandese in olandese 3: le 1000 parole pi usate" |
"Conosci gi un po 'di olandese?Vuoi migliorare le tue capacit di comprensione?Puoi usare qualche ripetizione?Vuoi imparare le parole pi importanti?Sei nel posto giusto!In questo corso imparerai a usare le 1000 parole pi comuni. S, 1000!Dalla comodit di casa tua, stai per imparare l'olandese ... in olandese!Un corso per principiantiInizierai da dove avevi interrotto nel corso precedente su questa piattaforma. Ma non preoccuparti: se conosci gi circa 500 parole, puoi iniziare a seguire questa. Le nozioni di base verranno trattate nuovamente all'inizio del corso per assicurarti di poter seguire il resto del corso.Cosa sei a pochi minuti dall'apprendimento?Come usare le 1000 parole pi usate in olandese. Queste parole sono usate pi e pi volte dai nativi olandesi, il che ti aiuter molto a muoverti con i belgi o gli olandesi. Capirai una parte molto pi ampia di ci che le persone dicono dopo aver completato l'intero corso. Imparerai come usare correttamente i tempi passati, il che significa che sarai a met del livello A2 dopo aver seguito il corso.Come imparerai?Il corso comprende oltre 100 lezioni video. Sono tutti completamente in lingua olandese, quindi sarai totalmente immerso. Sono inclusi oltre 100 file audio scaricabili in modo da poter ripetere le nuove parole quando vuoi. Ogni lezione avr un test per assicurarti di poter applicare ci che hai imparato.Viene utilizzato l'accento belga, chiamato fiammingo. L'accento fiammingo compreso anche nei Paesi Bassi.Io garantisco:Accesso completo e gratuito a vitaTutte le future lezioni extra e gli aggiornamenti sono sempre inclusi gratuitamenteGaranzia di rimborso di 30 giorni Udemy incondizionataInsegnante di madrelingua olandesePronto per imparare l'olandese online?Buon apprendimento,Alain"
Price: 59.99

"Premiere Pro Mastery Course: Learn Premiere Pro by Creating" |
"Learn Premiere Pro through the Creation of Stunning EffectsTired of learning software like you would learn Biology? In this course I strive to break up that old routine. We will be creating effects from the start. Small one off projects that will stretch your skill-set with each lecture. Want to learn how to blur a face? What about color grade with a ramp? Make a 2D picture 3D? All of these are covered. Jump in to begin expanding your skill-set. Follow Along at Each Step - Build your Portfolio from Day 1In any creative field, a portfolio is important. Things you have actually created. With the combination of all of these effects, you will have a portfolio you can be proud of. Do you want the person that has just taken a course, or a person who has created work for a variety of scenarios? Learn everything you need throughout the course. Enroll Today and Learn These EffectsMake a Slideshow at Super SpeedsHow to edit clips to a BeatThe Hitchcock EffectParrallax Effect2D to 3D PicturesThe Heartbeat EffectHeatwavesUnderwater Audio and VisualsCSI Miami LookStar Wars TransitionsAnd so much more! Good For ANY Skill LevelThe best part about this course, is it's good for any level! Want to learn Premiere Pro? This is the course for you. You can get started and build with each effect. Want to master Premiere Pro? This is also the course for you. Learn the areas of Premiere you haven't touched before, and become comfortable with every aspect of the software! Our 100% GuaranteeWe are so confident you'll enjoy this course, that we offer a 100% 30-day money-back guarantee through Udemy. If you're not happy with your purchase, we have no problem giving you your money back.Are you ready to start learning?We are waiting to help you inside the course!Remember, this is an online course, so you can take it at your own pace. Are you busy right now? That's okay. Enroll today, and take the course at your own pace.Thanks so much for your interest in our Premiere Pro Mastery CourseSee you inside!Kurt"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript desde 0. Explicado!" |
"Iniciamos desde realmente 0 si nunca has programado y puedes llegar a comprender en que consiste la programacin con este lenguaje y los conceptos basicos de todo lenguage. Adems las explicaciones estan respaldadas por ejemplos practicos faciles de entender y te permiten recordar y memorizar los pilares teoricos que forman un programador."
Price: 19.99

"Microservicios. Conceptos Bsicos" |
"Este curso te ayuda a conocer y sobre todo entender que es lo que hace que la arquitectura de software basada en microservicios ha ya sido adoptada por muchas grandes empresas como Amazon, BestBuy, Coca Cola, Ebay, Netflix, Spotify y muchos otros. Te ayuda a tomar la mejor decision para migrar un proyecto o iniciar uno nuevo con la correcta arquitectura."
Price: 19.99

"ADVANCED Golden Angelic Ray of Healing Teacher Training DIPL" |
"Accredited ADVANCED Golden Angelic Ray of Healing Teacher Training DiplomaTo be eligible for your external qualification you MUST have completed the 3 previous levels of training with me, the Angelic Healing Practitioner Course, the Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner Course and the Golden Angelic Healing Practitioner Teacher training course. This course is the follow on training for those wishing to step out into the world as spiritual teachers or for personal use. Learn everything you need to know to be able to deliver an Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner Training. This training can be delivered in-person or via a live web feed. The course is more about you and your spiritual self-mastery and includes a wonderful section featuring 22 of the archangels and what they can bring to you personally in your growth. I will show you how to connect with and find the name of your guardian angel which you can use for your students and you will learn about the differences between your spirit guides and your angelic guides. As this is delivered and aimed at those working to achieve spiritual mastery there are extensive exercises for you to do and to reflect on, think of it as a degree level of training where independent study is crucial to understanding the teachings. On completion of your training you will be eligible for a listing in our online teachers directory to help you to promote yourself to new and existing clients. As ususal I am here throughout for you and in the course you will see a lot of me as I talk through the training. blessings on your journey my angel friendsTania xWhat You Will Learn This is the next level of accredited training after the Golden Angelic Healing Teacher Training Course - You Must have completed all 3 levels of training with me to understand and to qualify as an Advanced Angelic Healing TeacherYou will learn everything you need to run an Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner Training Course We will focus on 22 archangels and what they bring to spiritual mastery You will go through an exercise to find the name of your Guardian Angel You will get extensive support materials to run an Advanced Level Angelic Healing Practitioner Training Course You will learn the difference between Spiritual Guides and Angelic GuidesYou will be eligible for a directory listing in the online teachers directory You will work on aspects of spiritual self mastery"
Price: 199.99

"How to Create Successful ELearning Courses" |
"This course covers Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction and Bloom's Taxonomy - two frameworks that instructional designers use to create successful courses. After completing this course, you should be able to create engaging step by step lessons that your learners will enjoy. We'll cover tips, tricks, strategies, and best practices that will help you organize your learning content into an effective lesson."
Price: 19.99

"Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals" |
"New and Improved Fully Detailed Reservoir Engineering Course Provided by VISION for students and graduates.This course provides Science & Engineering students with the main academic principles, and practical aspects to properly extend their comprehension and understanding. This course is a combination of academical and technical work experience provided by VISION organization."
Price: 69.99

"SciFi Weapon Design in Blender" |
"IntroductionThis course will cover a fun and creative way to learn hard surface modeling in Blender by creating a beautiful SciFi weapon from scratch. You will learn how to block out the model, detail it, use hard-surface techniques for clean composition, and apply materials to give it a beautiful final render, all done completely within Blender.Who is it for?Quick answer: EveryoneThis course is ideally for those who at least know the basic tool set within Blender (scaling, extruding, moving, menus, etc). Master or advanced knowledge of Blender is absolutely not required. However, if you are a complete beginner or are brand new to hard surface with no prior experience, I would suggest enrolling in our SciFi Crate Design in Blender course first (which can be found on our Udemy page here as well).What will the course cover?Hard Surface ModelingBoolean and Bevel techniquesHow to clean up shading errorsHow to fix artifacts and mesh distortionsVanilla (no addons) Blender workflowBoolean cleanupTopology FixesSubdivision Surface workflow with booleansMaterialsLightingCompositionRenderingAmongst other topics, these are the primary points of focus. Specifically, you will learn not only how to model, but also how to clean up common issues involving bad shading and mesh artifacts. The ability to model and then clean up these errors is essential, and this course will cover everything you need to know for hard surface modeling.OverviewWe'll start by setting up the correct proportions using a reference photo. Although this is a SciFi model, it still needs to make sense, so we're going to make sure we get the trigger, barrel, grip, and things like that in the correct locations. After that, it will all be smooth sailing into making our own unique design.Next, we will discuss how to properly use booleans and modifiers to create our own visual aesthetic without the need for a lot of geometry. Along the way, we will encounter common modeling problems and shading errors, which we will fix on the spot. We will also move our focus onto how to practically use bevels in our workflow, to avoid shading errors and artifacts in the first place.Lots of people are also intimidated by subdivision surface modifiers with booleans. Don't be. The concept it actually quite easy once you wrap your head around the concept. We'll have several examples of combinations of subsurf, booleans, and bevels all in one object, with absolutely flawless shading.Our personal favorite part of this course is working with materials and rendering the model after it's complete. Composition is something that needs to be considered, as it can be the difference between your model looking out of this world and beautiful or cheaply made. The course will cover how to use proper material settings, HDRI lighting, reflectors, and camera angles to achieve an aesthetically pleasing render. Best of all, no more waiting hours for your render! We'll show you some tricks that we both use personally to render our images in mere minutes.We will also have an EXTRA section covering additional compositing in Photoshop. It is not required but will help your render 'pop' a bit more for your portfolio.You'll also be protected by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee for a stress-free purchase, so if this course isn't for you, you do not have to worry.ConclusionWhether you're a seasoned hard-surface modeler, or a beginner in Blender or modeling in general, this course will present a series of important and practical modeling techniques to get you up to speed in 3D modeling quicker than most YouTube tutorials may be able to do. We believe that courses geared too much towards one skill level results in a disconnect of information and learning, so we've made this easy enough to understand for beginners, but technical enough for advanced users to pick up on. This course will make you confident in 3D modeling and hard surface and you'll leave feeling ready to tackle your own modeling projects..Q&AQ: Does the course use any paid addons?A: No. This course uses the pure vanilla Blender toolset. We will, however, be using some free addons to help expedite our workflow. These addons will be covered at the beginning of the course and are not complicated at all.Q: How many weapons will be created in this course?A: There will be 2 weapons created in total, one by Josh Gambrell and one by Ponte Ryuurui.Q: I'm a complete beginner at Blender with no prior experience. Is this course for me?A: We would suggest enrolling in our SciFi Crate Design course instead. The price is the same and is also on our Udemy page and is geared more towards absolute beginners with no prior experience."
Price: 19.99

"Robot Character Rigging: Ultimate Blender 2.8 3D Modeling" |
"In this course, we'll learn to navigate Blender 2.8. We will also topics like X-ray, Basic Tools, Mirroring, Mesh Options, UV Editing Basics, and etc. We will also tackle the topics regarding Robot Character Rigging. Blender is amazing, free 3D modeling software like Maya!Absolutely no experience necessary. You'll start with a complete introduction to Blender 2.8 that is perfect for absolute beginners and can also be used a review.Then you'll jump into the core topics you need to learn in Blender by building practical examples and hands-on projects. You'll learn everything you need to become a 3D modeler. This includes:1. IntroductionLearn core topics with immediate examples. Master the navigation controls and modes you need to become a Blender expert. Build your first projects including UV editing and texturing.2. Robot Character RiggingLearn topics like Basic Blocking, Basic Block Names, Robo Head, Robo Torso, Robo Arms, Robo Lower Body, Robo Model Fixes, Robo Rig, Rig Symmetry, and Rig To Mesh and Export.Head and Face Modeling for Beginners in Blender HDIf you get one 3D modeling course this year, get this one. Don't miss out while prices have dropped.Join the community. Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Build an Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from Scratch" |
"Thank you for tuning into our latest course. This time, weve teamed up with Developer, and pro affiliate marketer, Hemlata Singh, to show you how to build a complete Amazon Affiliate E-Commerce Store from scratch. By taking this course not only will you be able to build a complete e-commerce site, but youll also learn how to populate it with thousands of top rated Amazon products. Youll earn a generous commission on each sale, through the Amazon Associate Affiliate program. If youre new to the world of affiliate marketing, then youre definitely in the right place. The reason this course focuses on the Amazon Affiliate program, is quite simple - its arguably the best one out there. Amazon offers the largest selection of products and some of the best commission rates for affiliates. Its also open to just about anyone in the world, regardless of your physical location. Another great feature of this business model, is that its infinitely scalable. You can start by selling just a few products a week, and easily scale to selling thousands. Once your store is set up, it requires nearly no maintenance. If youre interested in building passive income streams, this is about as close as youll get.The course starts with an introduction into the benefits of joining the Amazon Affiliate network. From there, youll learn to build a fully customized online store, using WordPress, WooCommerce, Elementor and the WooZone Plugin. Each of these powerful utilities offer you the ability to build a fully customized e-commerce store with thousands of products, without ever writing a single line of code. Your online store will also be fully secure with SSL encryption. Well show you how to install popular themes and edit them on the fly, including free custom logos, professional branding, and favicons. The store developed in this course, will be second to none in terms of functionality. Youll have a fully integrated search feature, categorized product menu, and just about every other feature you find on even the most advanced e-commerce sites. The course also includes a bonus section with a comprehensive overview on generating sales using proven digital marketing techniques.Lets go through a quick overview of exactly what you will learn in this course:Section 1: Includes an introduction to the Course with an Overview on the benefits of the Amazon Affiliate Program.Section 2: Covers a number of important tips on registering a domain name and setting up your hosting account. We use services that make the development process as quick and simple as possible. Section 3Students learn to install and configure WordPress on the hosting service of their choice. We also go through a comprehensive overview of the WordPress interface, and detailed analysis of the advantages of using WordPress. Students learn to secure their WordPress installation with a Free SSL certificate, before installing all the required themes and plugins.Section 4:Covers the entire process of building out the online affiliate store. We start with setting up an Amazon affiliate account and importing products using the WooZone plugin. From there we build a fully customized shop, with menus, headers, branding, and sidebars. We also customize the product pages for increased conversion and user-friendly navigation. The shop will also consist of a Blog, About Page, and Contact Us form to process support requests. Section 5: We offer several great strategies on driving traffic to your Amazon Affiliate store and generating sales.As you can see, we havent skipped a single beat in the production of this curriculum. If youre excited about building e-commerce platforms, affiliate marketing and generating a passive income source, enroll today and get started!"
Price: 34.99

"eCommerce Marketing Certification" |
"eCommerce Marketing is the definitive practice of driving a ton of traffic to a website or portal to bring forth sales and customers. Today, you're able to use so many commercial channels and platforms such as: Email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, SEO, affiliate, SMS, chatbot and influencers to achieve this.eCommerce has become mainstream in our daily lives as it offers a lot of benefits. Retailing is undergoing a great shift with the rising dominance of e-commerce in India. The eCommerce field is expected to break the net accounting for triple-digit growth in all locations around the globe in a few years from now. It is also predicted that Retail eCommerce sales may reach $10 trillion by 2022. In the coming years, it is also expected that growth of eCommerce will skyrocket like never before with all the current technologies that are on the rise. Businesses will increasingly look to put their eCommerce operations on autopilot too in 2020-2021. In this process, affiliate marketers are tremendously playing a crucial role to rapidly scale a company and sales through manual efforts or with leveraging automation tools to achieve the feat.The big question is ""Are you looking to step up your game in eCommerce and Affiliate Marketing, this year?"".If yes, look no further than this course as it teaches you some of the most powerful and useful eCommerce or affiliate marketing tools that you can use to propel your marketing to greater heights of success. Being an affiliate marketer, you can become an independent promoter of any chosen product, service or even a range of products. It's a lucrative industry, after all. Can video curation come to the rescue?Video curation refers to the art of searching, collecting and sharing the best videos on a subject. A video curator spends hours searching for the best of the many videos out there and sharing them with his audience. Since most people have little time or money for making original videos every day, video curation ensures that anything can still be shared. Video curation never let you have a ""content drought"", after all and keeps your fans engaged and want more. Using a powerful video curation tool taught in the course, you can curate videos of eCommerce products and add affiliate links in your site on the particular video page - as and when you curate. This simple yet effective technique can extremely help to speed up your affiliate marketing efforts.How is this course different from the rest?This mind-blowing course titled ""eCommerce Marketing Certification"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" and ""Sowmya"" will showcase some of the most interesting or engaging tools in eCommerce Marketing.We will look at tools or portals that can help you curate videos, write articles and link to them relevant products from popular retailers for whom you are an affiliate for. What's more? We will also look at tools that can transform your Instagram into an online store and a walkthrough of a futuristic 3D shopping mall, for the first time. There is no time to waste. The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now and let's start learning this incredible course and change your career in eCommerce and affiliate marketing forever. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let's begin."
Price: 1280.00

"Advanced Highest Profitable Ever Strategies For Gold Trading" |
"Hello My Dear Fellow traders i hope all of you guys must be fine and enjoying great health along with yours trading also.The Name of this course "" Advanced Highest Profitable Ever Strategies For Gold Trading ""Today i am back with a BrandNew strategy and its very powerful and highest ever profitable strategy using the Exponential Moving Averages.Yes, my dear fellow traders i am always looking forward towards a strategy that is implemented On Live Martket.By Live Market i mean to say Buy or sell from here with proper stop loss and take profit and thats it, Simple , very simple."
Price: 184.99

"Emisora de radio" |
"Con este curso aprenders a tener una emisora de radio online, instalada en una pgina web programada en wordpress, tambin aprenders a conectar tu emisora con las de otros compaeros aficionados a la radio online y as tener una parrilla de programacin de radio completa y atractiva que captar muchos oyentes. En las ltimas dcadas, hemos observado un desarrollo muy rpido de las tecnologas modernas. Rodeados de telfonos inteligentes y computadoras porttiles, y justo antes de la introduccin de otros dispositivos basados en Internet a gran escala, todava usamos dispositivos que son tiles en la vida cotidiana, que funcionan generando y recibiendo ondas de radio. Cmo funcionan y pueden ser tiles hoy?Radio - una historia viva de la tecnologaLos intentos avanzados de transmitir seales de sonido sin cables entraron en vigor a finales del siglo XIX. Los inicios fueron modestos, porque se usaron letras y palabras sueltas en cdigo Morse a distancia, pero iniciaron una revolucin tecnolgica, uno de cuyos efectos an existe es el funcionamiento de las estaciones de radio, tanto aquellas cuya seal se escucha en las ondas de radio como solo se recibe. gracias al acceso a internet.La seal de radio se utiliza no solo en transmisiones de radio y televisin, sino tambin donde sea necesario transmitir de forma inalmbrica una seal o informacin. Aunque no seamos amantes de los walkie-talkies, usuarios de cb-radio o presentadores de radio musical, usamos ondas de radio sin ni siquiera darnos cuenta.Cmo funciona la transmisin de informacin por radio?Para transmitir un haz de datos que constituye una seal por medio de ondas de radio de una frecuencia especfica, es necesario fabricar dos dispositivos: un transmisor y un receptor. Esta regla se aplica tanto a la radio como a la televisin, la radiolocalizacin, el interruptor para controlar los dispositivos de radio y radiocomunicacin. Sin embargo, tambin podemos utilizar las ondas de radio de una forma ligeramente diferente, para lo que tambin ser necesario un transmisor y un receptor. Con la ayuda del primero, es posible controlar el funcionamiento del segundo. Aqu se abre un campo para varias aplicaciones del esquema anterior, de las cuales enumeraremos aquellas que son tiles a diario en un edificio residencial.Transmisor de radio como mando a distancia por radioLos pequeos transmisores de radio, que en apariencia no difieren mucho de los equipos elctricos en forma de tomas de corriente o interruptores de luz, pueden desempear un papel importante, facilitando el funcionamiento de varios dispositivos. Solo necesitan una batera para funcionar, que es una pequea cantidad de energa, que, sin embargo, es suficiente para que el radiotransmisor controle el funcionamiento de un dispositivo ubicado hasta km de distancia, claro, si la onda de radio no encuentra grandes obstculos en su camino.Radios de podcastGracias a este curso tendrs la posibilidad de tener una emisora de radio en internet y podrs llegar a usuarios de todo el mundo, gracias a la ayuda de internet."
Price: 19.99

"Creational Design Patterns in Modern C++" |
"Design Patterns are a way to solve common object oriented design problems. But understanding and learning design patterns is hard and takes time. Looking at a pattern is like looking at a solution without a problem, unless you've encountered the problem in the past.This course aims to help you understand & implement Creational Design Patterns. Each pattern is explained with multiple examples and through modern C++. This helps you understand how the pattern can be implemented efficiently using language features. The examples do not involve cars, pizzas, ducks, coffee, etc. These topics are rarely used while building real-world software. Instead I provide real-world examples written in Modern C++. These examples will compile & execute on any platform that supports a C++ compiler.This is how the course teaches creational patterns.The intent, structure of the pattern is explained through UML class diagram.Basic implementation details of the pattern are explained.The pattern is implemented in a simple example.You get familiar with the overall implementation of the pattern.Another example is introduced that has design issues the pattern aims to resolve.We examine the issues and refactor the code by applying the design pattern step by step.Alternative scenarios & examples are explained along with differences between them. You also learn how to decide between different alternatives.I discuss the pattern in context of C++ and how to tweak it for performance, reusability & maximum flexibility.Finally, you'll learn when to use the pattern and its pros & cons.This is an intensive discussion that spans multiple lectures. At the end of each section, you'll understand the pattern in depth and can apply it in your code or easily clear any design interview."
Price: 199.99

"Beginner C# Made Easy for First-Time Programmers, Code Today" |
"Welcome to Your Beginner C# Course!C#, one of the most popular programming languages in the world and for good reason. It is generally used to create useful software, video games and apps. However, like with learning any language, studying C# can be a difficult process, but it doesnt have to be.My name is Matthew Dewey. I have been teaching programming for over 4 years and have written books on the subject of programming, from learning the languages themselves to how to make a career from programming.My approach to teaching is purely practical. The best way to teach programming is not through the memorising of code, but the application of that code. I will show you the code you can write out and test for yourself.I help you:Install your software, Visual StudioEstablish fundamental codeCreate and use variablesRetrieve user inputProcess simple dataCreate simple programsas well as BONUS tips and code!Go no further if you're looking for the course that will guide you into the world of programming! With my course, I can guarantee that the knowledge you learn will help you get a head-start in C# programming. I hope you enjoy the course and it helps you on your way into the world of programming!"
Price: 49.99

"Master en Power BI DAX" |
"Este curso le ensear el lenguaje DAX para inteligencia de negocios empresarial, Modelado de datos, anlisis y visualizaciones.Aprender a potenciar sus habilidades en Power BI, Crear Dashboard, reportes y Visualizaciones grficas en Power BI.Power BI es mucho mejor cuando usted domina DAX. Usted aprender a escribir DAX, sino aprende DAX nunca podr ser bueno en Power BI o Power Pivot, ya que no lograr sacar su mximo provecho.Power BI es muy fcil de aprender, pero es muy diferente a Excel. Por lo tanto necesitas tener un aprendizaje estructurado si quieres ser un buen profesional utilizando esta herramienta.Si deseas aprovechar toda la potencia y flexibilidad de Power BI, debes aprender si o si el lenguaje DAX; por lo tanto, esta inmersin profunda es lo que necesitas para lograrlo."
Price: 19.99

"Unshakeable Confidence" |
"Nowadays, there are so many people not living up to their full potential due to the fear of failure, or what others will think of them.In fact, that is one of the most common regrets most people have when they are near their deathbed.One thing that you have to understand is that fear will take away the sunshine in your life and leave you with so much darkness and sadness within.In this step-by-step video course you will learn how to build unshakeable confidence.Topics covered:Three Pillars Of Unshakeable ConfidenceImportance Of Having Confidence In LifeThe Secret Language Of Rock-solid Confident PeopleSteps To Building An Unshakeable ConfidenceSticking Up For YourselfHow To Bounce Back From Failure: Strategies Successful People UseActionable Tips To Exercise And Consolidate Your ConfidenceReconnect With Friends To Build Your Self-Confidence"
Price: 19.99

"Realistic Female Character Sculpting for Artists" |
"Note : You need Maya & Zbrush to follow the course. I have used Maya to create the Xgen Hair and for the character base mesh as well. Everything else is Zbrush :)Do you Struggle to to make realistic characters ?Do you find it difficult to model hard surface weapons such as Guns, Pistols in ZBrush and you are still using traditional 3d software ?Do you want to Make realistic Hair for your character's using Maya Xgen ?This course will solve all of those problems you might have.Important : I will be using Maya for the character base mesh and Xgen Hair. We are gonna do the majority of work in Zbrush.Instructor :Hi, Welcome to my course Realistic Female Character Sculpting for Artists. My name is Nalin, I am a 3d character artist and teacher. I have been teaching since 2009. I have also worked in some production company. I have created some very successful character modeling courses before. There are six thousands or more students have been enrolled to two of my best selling courses.Goal At the end of this course, you will be able to sculpt realistic female body and Face with good anatomy, hard surface weapons such as rifles, guns, pistols, knives all inside Zbrush and good looking realistic hair using Maya xgen.Key Topics I will cover :Making Female anatomy Easy to UnderstandHow to make Realistic Face and BodyModeling Hard Surface Weapons all inside ZbrushCreating Hair with Maya Xgen ( this is a new workflow I have develop )Who Should Enroll :I have designed this course for Intermediate students and character artist who wants to improve their character sculpting with good anatomy, who wants model guns, rifles and pistols inside Zbrush and who wants make better hair with Xgen with a step by step guide. If you are a beginner you can still enroll but you need to have basics knowledge of Maya and Zbrush.This course is 70 hours long fully real time recorded, no fast forward at all and fully narrated by me and not even a single step is skipped or done off the screen. I always say the keyboard shortcut I am using in the course so you can follow me and I have not edited out my mistakes so that you can learn from those.I Hope to see you in my course. So enroll now and become a character artist you always wanted to be."
Price: 199.99

"Freelancing & Upwork: First Paid Gig to Full-Time Freelancer" |
"It's one thing to have an amazing set of skills, but getting people to pay you for those skills is another challenge altogether!Many people dream of living the freelancer life:Working from homeRunning your own scheduleBeing your own bossHaving more time with familyMaximizing revenue and minimizing effortThese things are all possible, but it takes a certain set of different skills to get there -- that is, you must learn how to be a successful freelancer. In this course we will teach you how to become a successful freelancer. You'll start with small projects and work your way up to become a full-time freelancer.My name is Mark Wahlbeck and I have closed more than $2,000,000 in freelancing deals over the past years in iOS development, Android development, web development, and game development. I come from a world of technical freelancing.I've brought on Nathan Sevedge to help me teach this course. He is a master Upwork freelancer and brings in over $15,000 each month on Upwork.Together, we are going to teach you how you can have a thriving freelancing business and have regular deals closing each month. We'll also cover some of the technical aspects related to freelancing for developers.Here is what you'll get:The tools that will close more dealsDefining your nicheCreating pitches that convertHow to land your first Upwork gig with no experienceHow to beat the competition with videoCreating a portfolio that generates leadsTemplates for managing leadsTemplates for proposalsTemplates for web developmentTemplates for mobile developmentTemplates for game developmentHow to have a pipeline of leadsHow to predict revenueHow to close your first $3000 dealHow to identify bad projectsHow to turn this into a full time careerBUT MARK, THIS SOUNDS OVERLY SALES FOCUSED...It is! If you don't sell, you can't become a freelancer. We believe that a sales-first approach is what is going to get you more leads and projects. The good news is, we will train you how to automate and systemize all of this so you can predict your monthly revenue and keep money in the bank.BUT MARK, I'M NOT GOOD WITH TALKING TO PEOPLE...There is no getting around human interaction if you want to be a freelancer. But the good news is, we will train you how to overcome objections and how to work with clients to make it a blissful experience. In fact, your KEY to success is having more human interaction than all of the other competitors on Upwork.HOW DO I KNOW IF I SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE?If you have a practical skill, whether that be programming, copywriting, Internet marketing, or graphic design, and if you want to take on your very first freelance project using that skill, then this course is for you.Then, for those of you more hungry for success, we'll teach you how to turn this into a full-time freelancing business.If you want to become a freelancer this month, then enroll now and we'll see you in class.- Mark & Nathan"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete SQL Bootcamp for Beginners: Hands-On Oracle SQL" |
"Hi, Homo Sapiens,Do you know why Sapiens got success on our planet, their ability to store data. Generations by generation we preserve information through variety of medium. Now time to store data digitally inside Databases.Do you know that one IT skill which everyone want to learn, weather you are software developer, analyst, business people, data scientist. You have to interact with data in today's world. According to db-engines dot com/en/ranking top database are Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL which use SQL to interact with databases.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, To play with data Me and My friend Vijay Created Comprehensive course on SQL - One of the Most Demanding Skill. Structured Query Language which is being used in every field that you can think like Sales, Marketing, development, database, administration, Business Analysis, Data Science, and list goes on and on... With this mega course you will have a Solid Foundation of SQL, and SQL databases and you will learn SQL in fun and engaging way--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is SQL?SQL stands for Structured Query Language which lets you access and manipulate databases.SQL can retrieve data, insert records in a database, update records, delete records, create new databases, create new tables in a database, create views in a database and many more...--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What you will learn in this course ?This course has 8+ Hours of HD Quality video, plenty of Exercise Problem and following content.Course Outline : 1 : Introduction In this section will get idea about different kinds of database management system and what we are going learn.2: Installation & Setup No specific installation is required. We will get started with online Oracle Apex environment to write your first query in a matter of just 10 minutes.3: Getting started with basic SQL QueryIn this section we will learn about all basic SQL syntax to retrieve data based on the different columns or filtering data based on the different condition and different operators like or in where not less than greater than is equal and many more.4: Built-in SQL Functionsin this section we will learn about some of the built-in function available to do to mathematical operation on our data like string manipulation, Datetime and number related functions Plus data conversion function5: Grouping FunctionsIn this section we learn about different grouping function like min Max sum average and how to do grouping on your data.6: Multi table queries and joinIntersection we will focus on more than one table to query your data based on different different condition.7: Creating TablesIn this section we will see how to create a your own custom new table an insert record inside table.8: Modifying TablesIn this section we will see see how to delete update and multiple insert to your tables.9: Bonus Section : Redis DatabaseIn this bonus section is dedicated to completely different in memory database. Redis database. We will see how to install redis on your Linux machine and I will see how to to perform all operations like get put delete different Data Structure like hash set list and how to persist your in-memory data to secondary storage.In short, This a complete course to start your journey in the field of SQL !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So, This is the one of the most comprehensive course on SQL,And I am not expecting you to know basic knowledge, I will start from scratch. YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to The Complete SQL Bootcamp for Beginners: Hands-On SQLPlenty of Exercises ProblemUdemy Certificate of Completion available for downloadFriendly support in the Q&A sectionSo What Are You Waiting For ? Enroll today! and Empower Your Career !I can't wait for you to get started on mastering SQL.Start organizing your data & I will see you inside a class.RegardsAnkit & Vijay"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Course on 3D Physics Experiments Using Simulators" |
"Use Coupon Code: SEPT35 for 35% Discount..!!Hello Friends,Physics is the bedrock of the modern world and is the most basic form of science. But many will run as far away from it as possible. We can understand why that happens.Physics is undoubtedly complex and not always easy. It always seems like these incredibly smart people from history are asking you to visualize impossible things like an electromagnetic wave or many small particles whizzing around inside a wire. Visualizing has been a problem for students learning physics.Well this course is exactly meant to help with that. The course covers basic physics concepts that students are learning in schools right now. Each topic is explained with in depth theory explanations with fun and insightful animations and visuals and also explains daily life examples and experiments using simulations so that you understand the concept in an intuitive way.But dont think of this as just explaining things to you, because thats only half of what we plan on doing. We plan on generating a deep interest in you about understanding the world around you and how it works, from the smallest parts of atoms to the gigantic scale of the universe. Everything! It all works on physics and with this course you will truly start appreciating the deeply satisfying logic behind all of physics.So, if you are a student trying to understand everything being taught to you or a teacher wanting to provide your students with the best explanations possible, this course will accommodate all those needs and more. So that not only do you understand intuitively all the concepts but also appreciate the inherent beauty of it all.Dont let the general perception of Physics ruin the curiosity inside you."
Price: 19.99

"Understand Gold & it's Direction" |
"- The reasons for Gold to maintain it's vibrancy- It's outlook into it's next decade and why?SynopsisIn recent years Gold has been steadily appreciating since late 2015, while other markets have either remained uncertain or had plunged below par.What are the key reasons for Gold to remain so vibrant? Why will it likely to maintain this trend despite a zero dividend payout? Apart from investing in Gold, what are the other available options to participate in Gold?How can we position ourselves for our long term investment goals and / or short-term trading opportunities?Features:Practical illustration with case studiesA recorded webinar with access to it's Q&AContent:Apart from being a precious metal, what else can Gold do?Understand the relationship between US dollar and GoldThe trigger that causes Gold to maintain its vibrancy until todayIs The trigger still there?How about the future, the next 10 years or more?To hedge and trade into todays uncertaintyQ&A archive"
Price: 39.99

"Horse Riding 101 - Equine Encounters Of the Educational Kind" |
"This course is a follow up to Equine Encounters of the First Kind, in which the viewer is introduced to what is required to take care of a horse either on ones own property or boarded somewhere else with regard to the basic things a horse needs with respect to body, mind and spirit. In this second course, emphasis is put on how to educate a young, unbroken horse into one that works with the rider in ways that work for both parties. And as the education of horse and rider is a continuous process, each teaching the other, this video goes into more detail as to how to ride most effectively, enjoyably and safely.The objective of this course is to present the basics about horsemanship, horse training and equine behavior to horse owners who are beginning and intermediate riders, as well as well experienced horse people who wish to expand their perspectives to new ways to ride and train their valued equine companions.The student will learn about:-The mind of the untrained horse, particularly the young ones and how to establish a connection with such.-The best choices of tack to buy and use.-Various ways to have the horse do what you want and need him/her to do while on top.-Some of the major differences between English and Western riding, and how they can be combined to suit the horse and rider.-How to maximize pleasure during the training and riding process, and minimize injury, disappointment and frustration. For the rider and the horse."
Price: 24.99
