healthcaresystem |
"2020/7/26/Dr. Peter Karl MayerGiessen University"
Price: 19.99

"Manage Stress with Mindfulness & Meditation" |
"In this course, the students will learn how to manage stress by using Meditation, mindfulness and energy healing techniques. Techniques that are simple, effective and work!!! The main components and essentials of Meditation and Mindfulness will be discussed and how establishing an effective meditation practice and incorporating mindfulness in the daily routine can help manage stress. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation and the relationship between the two. Mindfulness techniques, guided meditations that help lower the level of stress and provide relaxation and a sense of calm are included.Mindfulness is simple!"
Price: 24.99

"iPhone Photography 101" |
"This course will give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to shoot professional quality photos with only your iPhone. My philosophy is that anyone can learn to take great photographs. All you need are the right tools and knowledge to develop your skills to get amazing shots. This course is designed to be fun, engaging and SUPER EASY to follow. With tons of examples, live tutorials, and walkthroughs you'll be able start shooting right away!"
Price: 44.99

"Rendering Architectural plans using Photoshop" |
"COURSE OUTLINEIn this course, you will learn presenting realistic Architecture plans using Photoshop. This course is suitable for you either you are student, Architect or interior designer. The course suitable for all levels include beginners since I clarified all steps in a simple way. The course will be split into two sections for your better understanding.SECTION I:In the first part of the course, the focus will be on how to prepare and exclude unwanted layers, lines and elements from Autocad plan and then we will learn best printing options to export plans to Photoshop.SECTION II:In this section, we will lean several things:Importing files to Photoshop.Defining Pattern into plans.Applying textures to floors, gardens and walls.Adding Furniture.Adding shadow and special effects to plan.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Computer. Any versions of Autocad and Photoshop.Who this course is for:Architect Students.Interior Design Students .Architects.Graphic designers.*More content being added regularlyFiles Provided to Students in resources :Autocad plan to practice lessons.All necessary texture .Psd file include all necessary furniture for the plan."
Price: 19.99

"Dental Clinic Reception and Administration Training in Tamil" |
"What youll learnIn this course, students would learn the business and administration aspect of Dental Clinic and how to run successfully?Financial basics to successfully run your Dental Clinic.Personality Development for Dental Receptionists and AssistantsBusiness keys for Dental Practice success.Digital Marketing for Dental StudentsCommunication Training for Dental assistantsLeadership skills for the Dental Team . , . . . Patients , . ? ? ? ? competitors ? ? stock ? ? ? ? ? ?Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?Those who are already working in a Dental Clinic and want to scale up their Talents can attend this course.Those Who are in a manager role of a Dental clinic and struggling with Dental Assistants and Team.Who this course is for:DentistsDental AssistantsDental Receptionists"
Price: 12480.00

"How To Build Amazing Relationships" |
"1. Learn the Basic concepts of Self-confidence, Inner-happiness, Amazing Relationships and Awesome life2. Learn how Self-confidence, Inner-happiness, Amazing Relationships and Awesome life are inter-related and inter-connected. 3. Use the simple methods to enhance Self-confidence and Inner-happiness for building Amazing Relationships and to live an Awesome Life.4. Become more self-confident and have more inner-happiness to build amazing relationships and live an Awesome life. "
Price: 5120.00

"Adobe Illustrator CC: Aprende a Disear Como los Mejores." |
"""Potencia, Precisin, Agilidad y Determinacin""Todo esto es Adobe Illustrator, sin lugar a duda el mejor software de diseo vectorial! Y aqu encontrars este completsimo curso ampliamente meditado. Donde aprenders desde las funcionalidades de cada herramienta, hasta el como llegar a meternos en la piel del buen diseador. Descubriendo el mtodo prctico y en definitiva, llegando a dominar el software tal y como este fue ideado.- Y todo esto en 5 horas?Si. Y posiblemente mucho ms de lo que imaginas. Illustrator por un tubo, enseado desde la practicidad y a ritmo bien alegre!Incrementa tus habilidades tcnicas, para que as cuando tengas que ponerte a ""disear"" tu mente solo este pensando en ""crear"".Ya sabes, si buscas Illustrator en su gran amplitud y a la velocidad de la luz... Este es tu curso!"
Price: 19.99

"GSM Fundamentals" |
"This course will help you to learn GSM Fundamentals in a short time. You will get to know about GSM from basics. You can use this course as a revision for your studies. Whether you are a beginner or an at an intermediate level this course will be useful to you."
Price: 54.99

"Core Java Master Course" |
"If you are in love with computers, you must be knowing the language of Computers. Programming Language.JAVA is the most popular programming language because of its wide spread arenas. Java provides you with abundant of opportunities ahead. But to unlock those opportunities you must grab the basics of the language. CORE JAVA MASTER COURSE will make sure you get the proper understanding of topics in Java. All you need is a good learning spirit and you get along with the knowledge. Most of the Instructors teach Java with complications. But this course is short and simple to understand. The course will unlock new doors for you in the sector of programming.Once Again, WELCOME TO CORE JAVA MASTER CLASS."
Price: 4160.00

"Learn Python From Scratch: ZERO to HERO in Python" |
"As we all know python is the most popular programming language. Every IT company hiring employees as a Python Developer. Lots of popular technologies like Machine Learning, Data Science, Web development, etc. are based on Python. So, to become an expert in those fields you should begin with python programming.If you are a total beginner and not having any experience in python programming, not to worry! In this course, I have explained from the beginning to the advance. Topics that we are going to cover are: Environment Setup Data Types in python Dictionaries List and tuples Python Statements Python Functions Args and Kwargs Classes Attributes Methods in Python Inheritance Polymorphism..and more!If you want to learn python thoroughly, then you should enroll in 1Hr+ Learn Python From Scratch: ZERO to HERO in Python course."
Price: 1600.00

"Using Google Slides in the Classroom" |
"In this course I will show you how easy it is to incorporate Google Slides into your classroom. There are incredible opportunities for student engagement and interaction when creating content for them on Google Slides. The education world has recognized the power of this program in classrooms and there are countless creations and premade templates that are only a click away. I will help you unlock this power beginning with a simple Google Slides introduction and ending with some of the most incredible interactive and engaging content that your students will love."
Price: 19.99

"Flutter & Dart - The complete Flutter guide from root level" |
"Join the most comprehensive Flutter course and learn how to build amazing iOS and Android apps!You don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language (Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDK providing the tooling to compile Dart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UI elements (so called widgets) which you can use to compose your user interfaces.Flutter is extremely trending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as ""ready for production"", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, NO prior knowledge of either of the two is required! And you certainly don't need any Android or iOS development experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.You'll learn Flutter not only in theory but we'll build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations and more!With Flutter, you'll be able to write code only once and ship your apps both to the Apple AppStore and Google Play.Use Google's Material Design to build beautiful, yet fully customizable, apps in no time with almost zero effort. You can use the rich widget suite Flutter provides to add common UI elements like buttons, switches, forms, toolbars, lists and more - or you simply build your own widgets - Flutter makes that a breeze, too.This course is for you if ...You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and AndroidYou want to explore the full set of features Flutter offersDon't want to spend hours learning two completely different languagesCourse prerequisites:Basic programming language knowledge will help a lot but is not a hard requirementYou DON'T need to know Flutter or DartYou DON'T need to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC) or Android (Java)"
Price: 3840.00

"Microservices: Patterns and Best Practices" |
"In this course, we will learn how to design better software using microservices patterns, how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, using industry best practices. All patterns are taught in a practical way, for each pattern, we will design a system using microservices and we will solve all the challenges using the pattern. In the second section I will teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes that I have made and seen in a lot of projects and principles which will guide you to stay on the right track while designing microservices"
Price: 19.99

"MIG Welding Part 1" |
"In the course MIG and MAG welding part 1 you can learn about inert gas welding using practical examples.The optimal welding result depends one hundred percent on the gas flow, wire feed and the correct voltage. But what does the perfect weld seam or the perfect weld point mean and how do you get there? Furthermore, the hobbyist can acquire one or the other trick for his own workshop. The craft of MIG and MAG welding is comprehensibly explained on the basis of detailed error analyzes and a detailed explanation of which result arises from which initial situation."
Price: 34.99

"Create a Customer Journey Map with Personas for Beginners" |
"Have you ever been let down by the experience of purchasing a product or using a service? Have you ever wanted to make a difference and actually improve what it's like to interact with businesses? Do you also want to increase your company's customer loyalty? If yes, customer experience is for you! I will walk you through the fundamentals of something called the Customer Experience process so that you can uncover where customers like you struggle. Then I'll show you how to convey this information in a way that everyone can understand and relate to - something that puts customers' lives front and center instead of business silos. This is by using what is called a Customer Journey Map to tell the story of an individual Persona. You'll also be able to convince your business that solving these problems is important because both the Map and Persona will be based on rock-solid research and data."
Price: 79.99

"Busting Anxiety In Motherhood" |
"If you're a mother and suffer from postnatal or motherhood related anxiety, then this is the course for you. 'Busting Anxiety In Motherhood' will give you transformational tools, exercises, insights, teachings and natural relief from anxiety, how to remove it from your life and instead, focus on what really matters, which is enjoying that wonderful baby or children of yours. This course is divided into 10-weeks worth of content and is designed to completely change your perception of how anxiety affects you. Throughout this 10 week 'Busting Anxiety In Motherhood' course you'll learn how to:Shift your relationship to the worries and fears in your mindCreate new healthy and happy thought processes and habitsFocus instead on the present moment, on enjoying your baby/childrenUnderstand what anxiety actually is and why it happens, why the symptoms occur and how you can stop themLearn how anxiety is not the enemy (believe me on this!)Develop greater clarity and confidence in yourself as a result of overcoming anxietySimply learn to enjoy motherhood and look forward to the future as a resultBusting Anxiety In Motherhood: A Complete lifestyle overhaul to bust through anxiety and create a happier, calmer and more present outlook. This course is designed to be an in-depth and transformational process, taking you from fearful and anxious to calm, confident and happy. Learn how to not react to the worries and fears in your mind, and to instead create new positive neural pathways in the brain (happy thoughts!) You will soon be feeling relief from anxiety and enjoying this special time with your baby which is exactly what every incredible mama deserves. Managing our negative thoughts, fears and anxieties is something we all need to learn, yet we never really talk about it. So start learning how to do this by taking this course. This course is specifically designed to be taken step by step, over the space of 10 weeks to eliminate anxiety, leaving you feeling happier, content and at peace in your motherhood journey. Busting Anxiety In Motherhood comes with a Full 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, so go ahead and take this course risk-free. If you're less than fully satisfied, you can get a full refund within the 30 day window."
Price: 199.99

"Shu Ha Ri Do Kung Fu Mixed Martial Arts Phase 1 PT. 1" |
"Learn the power and benefit of the four stances of this powerful system. Stance is the basis for the explosive movements that you will learn as you progress through the system.Learn the usefulness of the unique block patterns used to deflect and redirect attacks. Economy of motion and flow are vital elements this incredible system.Learn to move like lightning with uncommon drills and principles of speed. The word explosive has been used to describe the movements of this system at the intermediate and advanced levels. Each part of this system connects seamlessly with the other commit to learning and getting your reps and watch your growth happen."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo Auriculoterapia" |
"Voc deseja aprender Auriculoterapia de uma forma rpida e eficaz?Se voc procura por novos tipos de tratamentos para dores articulares, musculares, problemas psicolgicos como depresso e ansiedade de forma NATURAL a Auriculoterapia uma opo para voc! E o melhor, no tem nenhum requisito! Seja voc terapeuta ou no, a auriculoterapia pode te ajudar a tratar a si mesmo e seus familiares, alm de poder ter seus prprios interagentes. No vai perder essa oportunidade n? A Auriculoterapia uma das tcnicas com maiores custo benefcio para o terapeuta, pois o material muito barato e o tratamento MUITO EFICAZ! ATENO: Neste curso voc NO ir aprender protocolos de tratamento como ""como tratar gastrite"" ou "" como tratar depresso"". O curso ser focado na CAUSA da doena e no nos sintomas. Voc aprender a investigar os sintomas do seu interagente visando tratar sua causa. Isso torna o tratamento mais humanizado e mais completo. Voc deve aprender a tratar o Depressivo, no a depresso.O certificado DIGITAL e adquirido pela udemy. Alm deste, h o certificado emitido por mim, gratificando-o(a) pelo seu sucesso! O meu certificado enviado por Whats App (11985376026) mediante a uma foto ou print do certificado Udemy. Bons estudos!"
Price: 114.99

"Csir Life Sciences Practice Mocks for Csir-Net 2020 June/Dec" |
"This mock series is for students aspiring to crack CSIR Net Life sciences in 2020. This test is aimed to increase the paper attempt speed, also for every mock, explanations are provided for all questions. Perk- More and more Mocks would be added as the exam gets close ( max 50 mocks ) at the same price. All the best to all the aspiring candidates."
Price: 10560.00

"Curso de Matemtica s com questes da Banca IBAM" |
"Aprenda matemtica na prtica, um curso totalmente didtico onde resolvo passo a passo 61 questes da banca IBAM.39 Questes Nvel Fundamental22 Questes Nvel MdioSo um total de 08 horas de aulas.Tudo bem dinmico, fcil linguagem e entendimento.Com esse curso voc entender o mtodo usado pela banca Ibam e no ser mais pego de surpresa.Vem comigo detonar essa banca. "
Price: 39.99

"How To Hijack Your Mind" |
"Are these issues holding you back?Suffer with Low Moods or Mood Swings?Little Interest in Life or a dull outlook?Insomnia or poor sleeping habits?Have Difficulty Concentrating? Learn the amazing disciplines that changed my life! Brought to you in a factual, practical and easy to learn style for you to incorporate easily and quickly into your daily life.Change from being negative to positive in secondsBanish worrying and anxiety from your lifeCreate a successful, positive future with controlAchieve clarity of focus and a calm mind"
Price: 49.99

"The ULTIMATE Real Estate Deal Analyzing Course" |
"The MIH Deal Analyzing Course teaches the Real Estate Deal Underwriting processes step by step through a series of online presentations, quizzes, underwriting template & library of supported documents.We are going to talk about definitions of key terms like Economic Occupancy, GPI, exit cap, NOI, IO, Op-Ex, Cap-Ex and many more. At the end of the MIH Deal Analyzing Course you will not only understand the lingo but sounds like a pro when talking Multifamily Real Estate Investing!You will be able to look at any Marketing Package and pull the key information from it. Ask all the right follow up questions, pull rental and sales comps, get a feel for the micro-market your subject property is in, learn what debt servicing is and how it affects the deal, be able to breakdown a rent roll and T-12 like a defence attorney does to a prosecutor.We will plug those numbers into an underwriting template, look at our refi and role and sale scenarios, and above all else you will walk away with the knowledge and confidence to make an informed investment decision."
Price: 199.99

"Une formation oriente vers la pratique, grce aux simulationsAdapte tous niveaux, accessible toute personne habitue l'lectrotechniqueSuivi individualis et Accs direct l'instructeur pour poser des questionsPas besoin de matriel technique autre qu'un ordinateur15 modules et 360min d'explications vido pour une progression par tape et par la pratiqueCertification dlivre avec validation des comptences acquises50% de REDUCTION sur la formation, avec ce coupon promotionnel jusque fin Septembre >> SIEMENS-LADDER <<"
Price: 99.99

"PRINCE2 Project Management - Foundation" |
"This course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in PRINCE2 Project Management, a best practice for Project Management.PRINCE2 is the worlds most widely-adopted project management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.It is a flexible method that guides you through the essentials for managing successful projects, regardless of type or scale. Built upon seven principles, themes and processes, PRINCE2 can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.The Foundation level aims to confirm that you know and understand the PRINCE2 method well enough to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a project management team working within an environment supporting PRINCE2.Course covers the PRINCE2 Project Management - Foundation exam questions, with detailed explanation of answers. Exam questions are designed to simulate the real exam.60 questions with multiple choice answers. This is a one hour closed-book examination where you need to score 55% or more to pass.. **Recommended :PRINCE2 Project Management - Foundation Course**"
Price: 99.99

"How to Start a Freelance Web Developer Business from Scratch" |
"Freelancing does NOT mean work for free!This is an online course for coders, creatives & coaches who are ready to start their business as a work-from-home freelancer this year.Are you ready to win back your Freedom with Freelancing?This course provides you with the Exact Steps to Make It As a Freelance Web Developer and Launch a Business on the Side in 5-weeks (or less).You already know that a freelancing business can give you the life you want. The freedom you need. Whether that means leaving your 9-5 job, providing a better life for your family, or giving you the opportunity to go on adventures whenever you want.But, youre probably stuck at the very beginning. Where do you start? What do you do? You might be spinning your wheels in frustration, feeling like youre getting nowhere.Heres the thing. While every freelancer does things a little bit differently, there are certain steps each one has taken to find success. Certain things that they do that help launch a successful freelance business, one that lets them quit their job, feed their family, and live a better life.What is Freelancing Freedom: Essentials Edition?A lot of courses youll come across will promise to tell you every last thing the teacher knows. Im not going to do that.Instead, youre going to get the bare essentials you need to develop a freelancing business in as little time as possible. That way you can start earning money without going into information overload.Freelancing Freedom: Essentials Edition gives you:The step by step guide to building a freelance business, from deciding what skills you need to earn your first client.Video, text, and audio versions of each module so you can learn in whatever way is best for YOU.Absolutely no fluff. Everything in the course is actionable content that you can put to immediate use.The course occurs over five modules period. At the end of each lesson, youll receive action items for you to perform over the next few days. By the time you start your next lesson, youll have made visible progress towards launching your freelancing lifestyle.Youre going to get the bare essentials you need to develop a freelancing business in as little time as possible. That way you can start earning money without going into information overload.Who is this course for?I built Freelancing Freedom: Essentials Edition for those individuals who either have not started their freelancing journey or who are struggling to earn any significant income.This course is great for:Individuals who want to start up a low-risk side business as a freelancer, but have no idea where to start on their journey.Freelancers who just cant seem to break that $1,000 a month barrier, no matter how much time they put in.People who have been overwhelmed by all of the contradicting information online, and just want the essentials that can get them started so they can book that coveted first paying client.This course is for you if you are ready to start freelancing, but you just dont know what steps to take, in what order. You would love to earn some extra income on the side to make life a little bit easier for you and your family. Maybe you desire to replace your full-time income so you could make a safe exit from your day job. Perhaps you even want to replace your spouses income, so they could leave their job, and help you with your business, pursue their own passions, or even with the kids at home. You want to free yourself from monotony, a drudge-filled 9-5 with long commutes.You want freedom.Who it is NOT for!In fact, its not for most people. Because while freelancing is enormously rewarding, it can also be extremely difficult. So, before you go any further, I advise you to ensure if you fit the following criteria.This course is not for you if you are:Already earning a full-time income freelancing (Congratulations! Reach out and tell me your story. Id love to hear from you).Expecting to go from broke to a six-figure income in less than a month (thats just not realistic no matter how fancy the car, or how big the library of books in the background of the video).Not ready to commit time or energy learning these essentials (Freelancing takes work, there are easier ways to make money).But, if youre committed to taking action and are willing to learn, then this course may be exactly what you need.Join now and start working towards YOUR freedom today!"
Price: 199.99

"Entity Framework Core 3: ORM de Microsoft" |
"Entity Framework Core es un ORM poderoso que hace uso de la programacin orientada a objetos para manipular el acceso a una base de datos.Existe un rechazo por cierto grupo de programadores el hacer uso de los ORM, pero durante este curso vamos a terminar amando Entity Framework Core y usarlo en cualquier proyecto sin miedo alguno.Asimismo, aprender buenas prcticas, a conectarse a una base de datos SQL Server, MySQL, SQL Lite, realizar consultas por lotes, implementar borrado lgico, code-first, database-first, entre muchos temas ms."
Price: 34.99

"Financial Analysis - Must Skill for Every Banking Executive" |
"Do you want to develop your Financial Analysis skill to grow in your Bank's organisational hierarchy?Then this is the course for you - Financial Analysis - Must Skill for Every Banking Executive!In this course, you will learn some amazing logics behind Minimum Current Ratio of 1.33 Restrictions in utilisation of Short-Term Funds for Long Term Purpose Maximum Debt Equity Ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 How Inventory & Debtor Levels will influence Liquidity & Profitability DSCR Computation & why most banks insist on 1.75 Times Relationship between Sales and Fixed Assets & Total Assets Why Profit is not equal to CashYou will go through an amazing and deep learning journey. Now and then, i will ask you questions during the course of the lecture - when ever you come across a question from my side, pause the screen, take a moment to think and then write down your answer in your note pad / paper. It may happen your answers may not be right in first instance. With some explanations and additional information, i will ask you the same question once again - but to your surprise you will give correct answer and thats the progress you are going to achieve with this course. This learning process will long last in your memory for years together. Why you should take this course?This course will help you to know about the ratios and Cash Flow Analysis better. You will see the rationale behind all those numbers. Lectures will be simple, useful & understandable.You will find the lectures to be more interactive and you will be given useful tips on Financial Analysis.It will give you several bulb on moments in your learning experience and will help you to do your work more efficiently.It will improve your confidence to face financial statements and aim for good heights.Value for money.Life long Access.See you inside the course!"
Price: 149.99

"#2 Proverbs - The Name of the Book" |
"Book fo ProverbsThe book of Proverbs is filled with wise sayings that we can use everday.For those of us who want to gain wisdom in everyday life, this is the book to go to as it deals with practical principles of how to have wisdom in relating to people. The word ""Proverbs"" have two meanings in the Bible.1. Parable2. To Rule and To GovernIn this course, learn how to use picture languages to understand proverbs.Learn also why ""ruling"" and ""governing"" are so important to walk on this path of wisdom.An overview of what students will learn in this course on Every Day Proverbs:They will be able to have a greater understanding of why the Book is given the title ""Proverbs""They will be able to see the importance of why we need to check the Hebrew word in which the Old Testament was written inThey will be able to interpret the Bible now with one's opinion but use Bible verses to enlighten each other regarding the meaningThey will be able to read statistics graphs regarding how a word is used in the bibleThey will come to know the 2 Definitions to the word ""Proverbs""There are 12 Parts in this coursePart 1: Proverbs 1:1 - How it is written in HebrewPart 2: The First Definition of Proverbs - ParablesPart 3: Proverbs H4912 40X in OTPart 4: Proverbs H4912 6X in the Book of ProverbsPart 5: Parable Picture LanguagePart 6: Parabolic words: Using ""like"" for comparisonsPart 7: The Second Definition of Proverbs - To Rule, To GovernPart 8: ""Proverbs"" (Mashal) H4910 To RulePart 9: Ruling in the UniversePart 10: Proverbs H4910 To Rule - People to peoplePart 11: Proverbs (Mashal) H4910 Rule - 11XPart 12: Life ApplicationCome and join us,RosaIf you have not taken #1 Proverbs - Every Day Proverbs, it is good to take that course as your foundation to the rest of the series."
Price: 44.99

"How To Quickly Edit Your Photos and Renderings in Photoshop" |
"Students will go through:How to edit the composition of an imageHow to quickly edit photos using 3 example projectsUnderstanding the essential post production toolsLearning how render channels from a rendering can be used to enhance an imageEnhancing their images using simple tricksEditing images with Photoshops most essential functionalityHow to add a silhouette to an image or rendering"
Price: 29.99

"Linux Privilege Escalation Examples From Zero to Hero - OSCP" |
"In this course, I will teach how to do Privilege Escalate from a Linux OS. We will go over around 30 privilege escalation we can perform from a Linux OS. This training will help you achieve your OSCP, how to prevent Privilege Escalation, and how to perform them, too. Privilege escalation happens when a malicious user exploits a bug, design flaw, or configuration error in an application or operating system to gain elevated access to resources that should normally be unavailable to that user. The attacker can then use the newly gained privileges to steal confidential data, run administrative commands or deploy malware."
Price: 59.99

"Arduino Power Consumption" |
"Get in-depth knowledge on Arduino Power requirements and Power Consumption with advance Tips and Tricks to Power ArduinoAs most of you know, Arduino UNO, Mini, and most of the Arduino boards are not powered efficiently in situations when you have to run them on batteries.In such situations, every milliamp of current counts, Arduino only draws a minimum of 15 milliamps of current, which doesn't sound like much, but in certain situations, it quickly adds up.Arduino is a development board built with several different circuits, including a USB converter, regulators, indicators, short circuit protection, a damage control circuit, and a lot of other circuits. All of these internal components use more power than the minimum necessary.In this course, we will look at different ways we can use to reduce the power consumption of an Arduino by changing some hardware or using special codes, you will learn how to increase your project's efficiency by reducing the amount of power consumption through these tips and tricks that we are going to provide in this course.We will look at ways to reduce power consumption within the Arduino by changing hardware or modifying code.However, there are also ways to reduce the power consumption of an Arduino by adding some simple external circuitry.In this course, we will design some external circuits, some simple and intermediate, and even complex circuits to control the power flow of our Arduino to help externally regulate the power flow.The circuits that we will present in this course are to be used and work best when you want to multiply your battery life in any Microcontroller project, not just Arduino.I'm sure that after this course, you will know a lot about Arduino and about its internal structure and how you can reduce power consumption.So what you will learn in this course: Low power Arduino libraries Deep sleep mode.Slowing down Arduino clock speed.Replace or neglect power-consuming components in your Arduino boardLower the voltage supply on your Arduino.Make your Arduino board that consumes away much less power than the one that you will buy.Reduce Arduino power consumption using external timers.More Tips and Tricks to reduce power consumption and you can choose from them.Reduce power using an external timer circuit and how this timer can reduce power consumption.Solar-powered battery charger circuit for your Arduino board Sensor-based power-friendly external circuit.I'm sure that you will enjoy this course content. It has a lot of useful information.In the end, you will gain information not only about reducing Arduino power consumption but also about the Arduino board structure.You will learn as you practice with real-world examples in this course"
Price: 199.99
