"Spanish Classes for Intermediate Level" |
"Practice your Spanish in 2 hours. I made different videos, reading, speaking and explaining some important Spanish grammar rules. The idea of this course is bring you something that relax you, something that you could enjoy and the same moment learn Spanish through input, it means everything that you read or listen to, when you read and listen to correctSpanish sentences, they stay in your memory. You can then build similar sentences yourself. The more input you get, the more sentences you can imitate and the better you get at producing your own words, sounds and sentences."
Price: 19.99

"SOLID Principles using JAVA" |
"Overview :This course explains everything on SOLID principles starting from scratch & shows how one can follow these principles in JAVA. The course starts from basic examples, and then moves to more advanced examples. In this journey, the course also shows how developers tend to violate these principles unintentionally -- this knowledge is important because when you know the mistakes of other developers, you will not do it. The course also shows how violating one principle can lead to the violation of another principle. SOLID stands for -Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)Open Closed Principle (OCP)Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)Prerequisite :Core JAVAEclipse Course features :Course assumes no prior knowledge on SOLID principlesCourse covers all the principles in detail starting from zeroCourse also relates these principles to our daily lives to show how these are being followed around usCourse walks through a variety of different code examples Course has lots and lots of discussions and reasoning around these principlesCourse shows the instances where developers unintentionally violate these principlesCourse also talks about how violation of one principle can lead to violation of another principleCourse explains the concepts with appropriate diagrams and figures making it easy and fun to understandWhy should you buy this course ?This course would simply change the way you write code. You will start feeling the difference yourself after completing the course."
Price: 39.99

"Windows Deployment Services (WDS) on Windows Server 2019" |
"Over this course, we'll be covering how to install and configure Windows Deployment Services, otherwise known as WDS. Topics covered on this course are as follows:* An overview of Windows Deployment Services and how it can benefit your organisation* The difference between Active Directory Integrated and Standalone configuration modes* Setting up and installing Windows Deployment Services* A detailed overview of the WDS Console itself* The DISM command and the various subcommands available within DISM.* Setting up your WDS server to accept incoming connections from client machines* How to setup a multicast transmission.Note that there may be some additional steps required for WDS setup, depending on your network environment, such as making sure that there are no speed limitations or other restrictions that can sometimes be an issue with managed switches commonly found on corporate networks."
Price: 19.99

"Aeromodelismo Vuela Avion Radio Control RC Horizon Hobby" |
"Bienvenido al CURSO DEFINITIVO donde aprenders a volar un avin de Radio Control RC Elctrico y de gasolina.INTRODUCE EL CUPN ""AVIONRC"" para lograr un BUEN descuento sobre el precio del curso y tambin para recibir un regalo cuando te inscribas, slo escrbeme un mensaje despus de inscribirte, indicando que el cdigo del cupn que aplicaste fue ""AVIONRC"" y te mandare tu regalo.Aqu encontrars los mejores trucos y tcnicas para aprender a volar un avin de radio control y reparaciones de los accidentes mas comunes.Iras viendo paso a paso que es lo que necesitas para empezar, cuales son los errores ms comunes y como evitarlos, como entender las tcnicas de vuelo SAFE (Asistencia con GPS), entenders los mandos radiotransmisores, los diferentes tipos de batera...y muchas cosas ms que veremos durante el curso.Hablar tambin de los campos de vuelo donde deberas empezar a volar, que esperar en tu primer vuelo de Radio Control, los simuladores mas realistas, tips e ideas para comprar en amazon el avin adecuado y trucos para mantener el presupuesto controlado."
Price: 24.99

"Estados Emocionales Eficientes" |
"Este curso es una herramienta til si lo que quieres es aprende a manejar y gestionar tus estados emocionales. Una persona puede aprender estas tcnicas si las pone en prctica todos los das. La inteligencia emocional es la herramienta que nos proporciona habilidades personales y sociales para poder manejarnos en la vida. Los resultados que tenemos en la vida, son directamente proporcionales a nuestra habilidad para manejar nuestros estados emocionales."
Price: 64.99

"Jewelry Making: Crochet Handmade Bracelet - Easy lvl." |
"Handmade for all!This course is made for absolutely everyone! All you need is a desire to learn and a little thread for your bracelet.You will be able to make your own bracelet during the course even if you are a complete beginner in this.I will guide you through each stage of creation and teach you, step by step, with the most detailed explanations of each one.Learn the basics of making handmade bracelets, how to start.Learn the process of creating a bracelet according to the pattern, learn to understand these patterns and the designations in them, master the technique of tying special knots used in the patterns. Find out one of the options for how you can finish your bracelet and fix it.You can find other types of bracelets in my other coursesJoin the course and get new skills!"
Price: 19.99

"Companies act,2013 with practical examples" |
"This is a self paced course which helps to sharpen the knowledge in companies act.The course contains appropriate examples at appropriate places to understand and appreciate the course in a better manner.This course is useful for CA,CMA,CS students and equally helpful for college students,professionals,Law students,UPSC aspirants and others.this course should be studied in full to understand and appreciate the course"
Price: 1280.00

"Learn how to change habits - reprogram your brain, your mind" |
"At the end of the day, do you have the impression that you have done so many things, worked so hard, and failed to achieve different results?The same things in the same way and the anxious day starts, thinking about a thousand problems and burdens to carry - falling into the same traps?Professor Hamilton Silva Fradinho, Master Degree in Multifocal Psychology and Postgraduate Lato Sensu studies in Clinical Neuropsychopedagogy, has been working in the fields of neurosciences for 20 years, in Brazil, hes professor and coordinator of Lato Sensu postgraduate courses, in the USA and Spain he was professor of master's and doctoral courses, in disciplines focusing on neurosciences and codes of behavior and intelligence.He was coordinator and professor in the PDQ Connection Program developed by him at the IBTF institute and applied with excellence in the SESI / FIEP System in Brazil. 51 units were served, over 40 municipalities with more than 15,000 participants and due to the multiplied methodology for more than 50,000 people, with awards and recognitions at fairs and municipal managers.Awarded at FREEMIND, contemplating the best practices, in the events of 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016 where he was a speaker in the four editions (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016). Widely recognized, awarded with evolution to the PSA2 Prevention, Health and Anti-Drug Action program, which is already in its second application with applications and results in several municipalities / units.This and so many other practices led me to build this course Learn to change your habits - reprogram your mind, your brain, which in other languages at Udemy, more than 1,200 students and adding postgraduate courses had more than 5,000 students.With accessible language, exercises and tools on the functioning of the brain, the mind, and mainly giving meaning to that knowledge to put your change strategies into action.Learning how your brain works, transforming concepts, such as neuroplasticity, how your habits shape, how we reframed them, changed our patterns is an important step for anyone who wants to transform their history, live their best version!And these concepts will be very important for you, as well as for your patients, students, staff, team members, people you love, so start changing your habits now and reprogram your brain.Stay with some moments of the course and success for you !!!"
Price: 94.99

"Algorithms Analysis ( )" |
" "
Price: 119.99

viksy_soft_skills |
"- . , , . , - , . . ."
Price: 19.99

"DP-200: Implementing an Azure Data Solution + Practice Tests" |
"This course is designed to help you and your team develop the skills necessary to pass the Microsoft Azure DP-200 certification exam.DP-200 is intended for Azure data engineers. This exam is all about implementation and configuration, so you need to know how to create, manage, use, and configure data services in the Azure portal. Why one should take DP-200 certification? According to the 2019 dice dot com report, there was an 88 percent year over year growth in the job postings for data engineers which was the highest growth rate among all the technological jobs. According to a recent study by pearsonvue, after taking the certification, 65% of people say they feel more confident in their current job. And 35% of people say that their salary has increased.Highlights of courseCourse is completely up-to-date with the latest syllabus released by Microsoft for DP-200 on July-31-2020. Course covers 100% exam syllabusCourse include15+ hrs of content2 practice testQuiz - specially designed to clear concepts of objectives.Further study materialPPT and Demo resourcesCourse includes:Full lifetime access with all future updates30-Day Money-Back GuaranteeCertificate of course completionIntended AudienceAnyone who wants to prepare for DP-200 examAnyone who wants to become an Azure Data EngineerMicrosoft Azure Data EngineersMicrosoft Azure Data ScientistDatabase and BI developersDatabase AdministratorsData Analyst or similar profilesOn-Premises Database related profiles who want to learn how to implement these technologies in Azure Cloud.Anyone who wants to become an Azure Data EngineerPrerequisitesBasic Database conceptsLanguageEnglishPlease make sure you are comfortable in English, captions are not good enough to understand the course.Technologies covered in DP-200 certification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~****** Implementing data storage solutions (40-45%) ****** At a high level, this section covers below three sub-sections and objectivesImplement non-relational data storesNon-relational data stores (Blob Storage)Cosmos DBImplement relational data storesAzure SQL ServerAzure Synapse Analytics ServiceManage data securityData masking Data Encryption****** Developing and managing data processing (25-30%) ******At a high level, this section covers below two sub-sections and objectivesDevelop batch processing solutionsAzure Data FactoryAzure DatabricksDevelop streaming solutionsAzure Streaming Service****** Monitoring and optimizing data solutions (30-35%) ******At a high level, this section covers below three sub-sections and objectivesMonitor data storageMonitoring for Azure Blob StorageMonitoring for Azure Data LakeMonitoring for Azure SQL DatabaseMonitoring for Azure Synapse AnalyticsMonitoring for Azure Cosmos DBAzure Monitoring ServiceMonitor data processingMonitoring for Azure Data FactoryMonitoring for Azure DatabricksMonitoring for Azure Stream AnalyticsOptimize Azure data solutionsOptimize Azure Data LakeOptimize Azure Stream AnalyticsOptimize Azure Synapse AnalyticsOptimize Azure SQL DatabaseSome students FeedbackOne of the most amazing courses i have ever taken on Udemy. Please don't hesitate to take this course. The instructor is really professional and has a great experience about the subject of the course. - Khadija BadaryVery nicely explained most of the concepts. a must have course for beginners - Manoranjan SwainI appreciate this course explaining everything in great detail for a beginner. This will assist me in overcoming challenges at my work - Benjamin CurtisGood course for Beginners. Labs are really helpful to grasp the concept. Thank you - Sapna"
Price: 19.99

"Build your Lab to practice any course - Beginner to Advanced" |
"Welcome to the Build your Lab to practice any course - Beginner to Advanced. This course is designed for beginners who want to learn how to create and build full Lab at home.This course introduce a variety of concepts, practice activities and simulations that help build the learners skills and understanding of virtualization.In this Course you will;Understand the virtualization ConceptLearn How to Build a full integrated Lab and network in your ComputerLearn how to Install and Configure Vmware WorkstationLearn how to Create Virtual MachinesLearn how to install windows 7Learn how to install windows 10Learn how to install windows Server 2012R2Learn how to install windows Server 2016Learn how to install Kali LinuxLearn how to install Active Directory Domain ControllerLearn how to install DHCP ServerLearn how to test and troubleshoot connectivity issuesLearn how to install GNS3Learn how to create Cisco NetworkLearn Basic Configuration of Cisco Switch and RouterLearn how to integrate Cisco Network with Virtual ServersTogether, we will walk you through the entire learning process step by step.With this course you'll get 24/7 support, so if you have any questions you can post them in the Q&A section or send us a message and we'll respond to you."
Price: 54.99

"Advanced Online Business Methods: Fast Track Training" |
"Advanced Online Business Methods: Fast Track Training.The Fool-Proof Way To Creating An Online BusinessInside we reveal the our exact strategy to come up with almost an unlimited amount of methods and product ideas quickly and easily. We also reveal why this is without a doubt the best strategy to dominate your niche market.Developed By Experienced Entrepreneurs Who Walk The TalkThe content is taught from experience and the methods and principles explained are proven to work in our businesses.It's a very practical course that even a complete beginner can follow and get results with it. No fluff theory - only actionable steps to succeed.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how the product formula works and why its the way to success.Why this is the best way to structure your business and adapted for the little guys.How to churn products after products and never run out of product ideas - ever.You will understand why its so vital you use a certain service to accelerate your success.Discover what I personally did to grow my business to the next level.Useful case study examples of products I did and how I did them.Learn the insider secrets to get more done faster without hassle.And so many more...Course Description And Overview:Most people do not know how to get started with Creating An Online Business today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you through everything, you will be up and running in no time using what you learn with confidence.Advanced Online Business Methods: Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Advanced Online Business Methods: Fast Track Training01-Overview Advanced Online Business Methods02-Create An Autoresponder Account03-Set Up An Email List And Form04-Creating An Email Bribe05-Hiding The Domain Name For The Squeeze Page06-Sharing Your Autoresponder Links With Those That Are Interested07-What Happens When Someone Opts In08-What Kind Of Marketing Emails Can You Send09-Marketing Before The Sale10-Marketing To Your Subscriber List11-Keeping Your Customer Messages Organized12-Email Marketing After A Sale13-Finding Follow Up Offers14-Increasing Your Sales With Bonuses15-Creating Follow Up Offers16-Easy Product Creation Methods17-JVs An Effective Traffic Method To Build Your List18-Using A Website To Build Your List19-Outsourcing On Fiverr And Other Sites20-Get A Domain Name21-Purchase Hosting22-Connect Your Domain Name And Hosting23-Placing Files On Your Domain And Hosting24-Easy Website Alternative25-Collect Names And Email Addressses On Your Website---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"CPA Marketing Strategies: Fast Track Training" |
"CPA Marketing Strategies: Fast Track Training.The Fool-Proof Way To Creating An Online BusinessInside we reveal the our exact strategy to come up with almost an unlimited amount of methods and product ideas quickly and easily. We also reveal why this is without a doubt the best strategy to dominate your niche market.Developed By Experienced Internet Marketers.The content is taught from experience and the methods and principles explained are proven to work in our businesses.It's a very practical course that even a complete beginner can follow and get results with it. No fluff theory - only actionable steps to succeed.Heres What Youll Discover Inside This Video Training:Learn how CPA Marketing works and why its the way to success.Why this is the best way to structure your business and adapted for the little guys.How to get the best out of the Rev Response networkYou will understand why its so vital you use a certain service to accelerate your success.Traffic strategies what I personally did to grow my business to the next level.Useful examples of CPA products I did and how I did them.Learn the insider secrets to get more done faster without hassle.And so many more...Course Description And Overview:Most people do not know how to get started with CPA Marketing today. With this Fast Track Training course designed to take you through everything, you will be up and running in no time using what you learn with confidence.CPA Marketing Strategies: Fast Track Training is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:CPA Marketing Strategies: Fast Track Training01-Overview Marketing Strategies02-What Is CPA Marketing03-The Network Rev Response04-Inside Of Rev Response05-Applying To The Rev Response Network06-The Internet Marketing Niche Monetizing Existing Traffic07-Traffic Strategy One - Go Where B2B Trafic Is08-Traffic Strategy Two - Attracting B2B Traffic09-The Long Term In Getting Traffic To Giveaway CPA Niches10-Conclusion Giveaway CPA-----------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Haitian Creole The Complete Method for Beginner Level 1" |
"This beginner Haitian creole online course is designed to help students master the basics of the foreign language fast. Students will learn common vocabulary words, verbs, and grammar to help them introduce themselves and hold a basic conversation in Haitian creole. Students will also learn numbers from 1 to 60, ask and respond to simple questions about work, school, leisure, or travel."
Price: 59.99

"2D Animation: Ultimate Guide to Adobe Animate" |
"1. About this courseAdobe Animate is one of the widely used software for creating 2d animations, flash games, and social media animations. With this course, you will be able to create your own animations for youtube, social media, and even full length animated shorts. animate has a very simple user interface and very easy to use and learn tools. We will start from the basics and gradually create a character and a character front walk cycle animation. In the class, I will be using Adobe animate 2020, but you can use an older version to create the same animations and get the same results.2. What Topic/Skills you will learn in this courseIn this class we will learn about:-1.workspace2.selection tools3.Drawing tools4.Remaining tools overview5.Object drawing6.Graphic Symbol7.Movie clip8.Button9.Timeline10.shape tween11.Classic Tween12.Motion Tween13.Frame By Frame14.Character design (3 parts)15.Coloring the shapes16.Converting shapes to symbols17.Creating mouth shapes18.Character Rigging19.Character animation basics20.Character walk cycle (3 parts)3. Who should take this course?This class is aimed towards complete beginners who want to learn 2D animation in adobe animate or designers who want to expand their career into animation. Still, any intermediate or advanced users will be able to learn something new from the class, there are no requirements to the class anyone with an open mind and ready to learn can join the class.I created this course to teach everything there is to know about 2D animation in Animate, but you guys need to constantly practice to become an expert in animating with adobe animate. don't hesitate to reach out with any doubts or questions, I will clarify all your doubts as soon as possible. So a warm welcome to the class and happy animating.I can't wait to get started!, and I will see you in class."
Price: 6400.00

"Kompletter Ukulele Anfnger Kurs" |
"Hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Ukulele-Anfngerkurs!Dieser Kurs ist perfekt fr den Ukulele-Anfnger, der mit dem Spielen von tollen Liedern beginnen und Spa haben will!Zuerst fhre ich Dich Schritt fr Schritt durch grundlegende Informationen, dir Dir nachher helfen werden. Danach zeige ich Dir, welches Stimmgert am besten ist und wie Du die Ukulele in das harmonische Tuning bringst. Ich bringe Dir auch bei, wie Du Dir die Saiten ganz einfach mit einer Hilfe merken kannst :-)Danach ist es an der Zeit, die ersten Akkorde unter die Finger zu bekommen! Ich beginne mit einigen wirklich einfachen Akkorden, so dass Du innerhalb weniger Minuten Musik machen kannst und Spa haben wirst!!!Danach fhre ich Dich durch einige coole und sehr ntzliche Schlagmuster, so dass Du im Handumdrehen bereit bist, Songs zu spielen!JETZT BIST DU BEREIT fr Deinen ersten Songs!!!Ich fhre Dich Schritt fr Schritt durch Deine ersten 2 Lieder. Alle Lieder haben im Video eingeblendete Akkord-Charts und Akkordbilder, so dass Du NULL Schwierigkeiten haben wirst, ihnen zu folgen :-)Nachdem wir das Lied gemeinsam gelernt haben, spiele ich ein Play-Along. Auf diese Weise fllt es Dir wirklich leicht, dem Lied zu folgen und ein gutes Gefhl fr das Lied zu bekommen!Dies ist ein unterhaltsamer und interaktiver Kurs und ich bin sicher, Du wirst es lieben!!!Alle Song-Lektionen werden mit herunterladbaren PDF-Dateien geliefert, so dass es fr Dich einfach ist, auch abseits des Computers zu ben, wenn Du mit Deiner Ukulele unterwegs sind.Ich entwickel diesen Kurs stetig und reagiere schnell auf private Nachrichten. Wenn Dir etwas in diesem Kurs fehlen sollte, schreibe mir gerne eine private Nachricht und ich werde die Lektion zeitnah aufnehmen und hinzufgen.Der Kurs kommt auch mit einer 30-tgigen Geld-zurck-Garantie, so dass Du kein Risiko eingehst!Ich hoffe wirklich, Dich im Kurs zu sehen und kann es kaum erwarten, Deine positive Rezension zu lesen ;-)Wir sehen uns in den Videos!!!Was Ich Dir in diesem Kurs biete:- 7 Schlagmuster- 6 Akkorde- 2 Songs- Akkordwechsel- Material zum Download- Effektives ben"
Price: 179.99

"Mini MBA in Digital Business 1 Building a Profitable Startup" |
"This course transposes elements of an traditional MBA course to digital businesses. It aims at helping people who desire to start digital businesses some day to gain an insight into key ideas and concepts that can help them to grow viable digital businesses. This course is adapted to today's digital environment and ideal for people who seek to build digital businesses with little capital."
Price: 39.99

"MB-200: Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core Exams" |
"MB-200: Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core ExamsMicrosoft exams help you differentiate yourself and validate your knowledge and skills.This Exam candidates are primarily responsible for configuring the system to meet client needs, performing design tasks related to implementing new features and functionality, and implementing and testing system changes.Candidates plan the functional design for solutions, implement an application lifecycle management (ALM) process, migrate data and objects from legacy and external systems, integrate Power Platform with other systems, and manage the Power Platform environment.MB-200 exam check your ability to:Perform discovery, planning, and analysisManage user experience designManage entities and dataImplement securityImplement integrationPerform solutions deployment and testingI have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking Microsoft MB-200 exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Microsoft in any way."
Price: 24.99

"Aprender a Hablar Holands Bsico 1" |
"De repente has escuchado que el idioma holands o neerlands es difcil? Realmente el holands es diferente, no difcil. Esto lo hace ms interesante, porque puede darte una perspectiva muy diferente para hablar e incluso para expresarte en tu propio idioma. Adems, el lograr expresarte en otro idioma diferente a tu idioma materno te producir una gran sensacin.El programa que presento en este Curso Bsico 1 de holands en espaol te ayudar a comprender y hablar en holands desde la primera seccin, es decir, mantener conversaciones simples, relacionarte en holands en el barrio o vecindario, en el medio de transporte, realizando compras, en la biblioteca, de una manera sencilla, rpida y eficaz.VentajasEl curso Aprender a hablar holands - Bsico 1 est diseado teniendo en cuenta el lenguaje del da a da, desde el inicio aprenders a comprender y expresarte en holands en los contextos en que nos desenvolvemos todos generalmente, donde estamos contantemente exponindonos a experiencias reales, contextos reales con el vocabulario preciso para empezar a hablar y poder interactuar con confianza.He sido estudiante de espaol y otros idiomas, adems he conocido muchos casos de estudiantes que estn aprendiendo un nuevo idioma y s cules son los obstculos que se presentan en el camino para lograr la meta de hablar un nuevo idioma, debido a esto es que en el programa tambin te presentar ayudas y consejos para mejorar tus resultados de una manera sencilla, practica y rpida.Tambin te presentar algunas de las diferencias ms notables entre holands y espaol para ayudarte, en este sentido tendrs ms herramientas para avanzar rpidamente en tu aprendizaje.Qu aprenders en este curso? - Saludos, presentarte a ti mismo, hablar de tu familia y de tus hobbies.- Dar a conocer de dnde eres y cules son tus gustos, qu nacionalidad tienes y qu idiomas hablas.- Realizar preguntas elementales.- Introduccin a algunos temas gramaticales como los pronombres, la conjugacin de verbos, la estructura bsica de frases simples, la negacin, etc.- Cmo hacer y responder preguntas y vocabulario referente a los siguientes contextos:En casaCon amistades y familiaresEn el vecindario, barrioEn el supermercadoRealizando compras y pagando cuentas"
Price: 34.99

"HTML5 and CSS3 for Beginners with Flexbox and CSS Grid" |
"This Course is for all students that wishes to know how to build real life websites. Course will fully guide you from Basics of HTML5 and CSS3 to an Expert level of those. Course also includes Flexbox and CSS Grid Basics and real life examples with those. Which are all technologies that are required to make a Real Website.Today's industry moved a lot and coding is not the same as before. Today, people like to see their website's looking goon on a small screen devices like Phones and Tablets but in same time to look good on Desktop or Laptop devices. That is why trough this course, we will use something called Responsive Look, or Responsive Way of Coding so our websites, could look good, no matter on which device we open it.Course is also taking care of best practices, so we will use latest updates that came with HTML5 and CSS3 and with that, we will use Semantic Tags, Keyframes and Transforms for our Animations, but most importantly you will be able to learn latest update for CSS3 and that is called CSS Grid.Fow Who this Course Is?The setup of this course is made this way so even students that don't have any experience in coding will go along with it. Whole course is Step-by-Step guide on all features that this technologies have to offer and as we will go by baby steps, even Beginner Student won't have problems following this course. Can Advanced Student Take this Course?Absolutely! Next to Step-by-Step guide on all features, course is offering also real life projects and example. Next to those, there are Flexbox and CSS Grid which could be confusing for some of developers, but as we will combine those with real projects, you won't have problem following those.What Will You Learn? What is Web DevelopmentBasics of HTML and CSSHTML Typography and MediaCSS StylingsSections and Semantic Tags for SectionsCSS AnimationsLists, Tables FormsCSS Responsive with Media QueryFlexboxCSS GridBuilding FormBuilding Real Life Landing Page WebsiteBuilding Photo GalleryBuilding Layout for an AppIs There Any Reason Why You Should Take This Course?Yes, there are many of those. The way how course is made, it will be easy for a newcomer or even an expert person to follow. Every coding lecture comes with Resources for that Lecture, so that means that you will get my code attached to every lecture, so you can compare it and remember it better. Course is offering two technologies that are rare to find still, there are not many courses that offers Flexbox and CSS Grid in one course. There are also PDF Files for HTML Tags and CSS properties that we will take a look and even for those that we didn't. Don't worry, all of that data will have separate explanation for itself, so it won't be hard for you to learn it.How To Recap Knowledge That You Learn from This Course?At the end of almost every section, there will be quick Quiz with few questions based on content that you learned trough that section. As you will get Resources and PDF files, you can always read trough those, but also you will have full lifetime access to this course, so you can always comeback and remind yourself about some feature."
Price: 99.99

"Visual Studio Code for C# .NET Developers (2020)" |
"Are you looking to instantly switch from other IDE to Visual Studio Code (VS Code)? Do you feel overwhelmed with the extensive documentation of the Visual Studio Code? Are you eagerly seeking an approach focused on C# .NET programmers to learn Visual Studio Code? Do you genuinely want to know the various hidden gems present in VS Code?If you had replied Yes for any of the questions prior, then this course is precisely for you.This specific course will provide significant knowledge on using Visual Studio Code for your next C# .NET Project. You will be certain to completely switch to VS Code. You will be confident to instantly start using the Visual Studio Code as your primary IDE.If you are unfamiliar with Visual Studio Code, you might be hesitant to switch to Visual Studio Code. You may have limited knowledge of the Visual Studio Code. You may feel nervous to go all-in with the VS Code.You are looking for significant knowledge on Visual Studio Code. You genuinely want to know whether to switch to VS Code after traditionally using other IDEs so far. This practical course will help you in answering all these and achieving proficiency using the VS Code for programming.At The End Of This CourseYou will undoubtedly possess a sound knowledge of using Visual Studio Code for C# .NET Programming.You will properly know various essential features and keyboard shortcuts of VS Code.Who This Course Is For?Beginner C# programmers, who are starting out with programming. This course will provide you with a strong foundation on using Visual Studio Code for C# programming.Experienced C# programmers, who are looking for switching to Visual Studio Code from another application.More Reasons To Take This CourseVisual Studio Code is currently the no.1 IDE among the programmers community.Get ahead of the curve and be prepared to move to Visual Studio Code at any time.Each lesson in this course is bite-sized, easy to learn, and finish.BonusesDownloadable resources and guides.Quizzes and Assignments that make you productive while taking the course.A friendly instructor who honestly cares about your success.Why Am I Doing This?A career in the C# .NET development has been the backbone of my success. The job as a C# programmer has helped me immensely in paying off my educational loan, pay towards my marriage expenses, purchase a new house, and invest in the future.Moreover, I felt great satisfaction when teaching others, be it to my friends during college or to my colleagues in the software companies. This was mostly 1-to-1 or to a group of 5-10 people.I was looking for a way to reach more people to teach them computer programming. I found Online Courses as the best option to teach more people at their own time and pace.See you in the course video!PraveenWhat Do You Get When You Enroll In C# LINQ Fundamentals?Lifetime access to the course and all future updates to the course contentPersonalized support and answers to your questionsUdemy certificate of completion30-Day 100% money-back guaranteeAbout Your InstructorPraveenkumar Bouna, shortly Praveen, is a C# software engineer with over 15 years of C# .NET development experience. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering. He has worked in Security & Surveillance as well as Access Control systems in top MNCs in the software industry. He is known for his simpler teaching approach towards explaining various complex topics his colleagues come across in everyday programming life."
Price: 99.99

"Design Thinking Masterclass - A Complete Guide for You" |
"Design thinking is a path-breaking concept which helps organizations and professionals develop a deep understanding of their end customers or users and in turn design innovative products and services. Hence Design Thinking is known as a user-centered approach with an iterative process that can be used to tackle complex problems. Whether it is designing an innovative product or making your service best-in-class, Design Thinking principles can bring that cutting edge. Organizations and business professionals also use Design Thinking for creative problem solving. Organizations are investing time and efforts to come up with solutions which can address latent customer needs and not just focus on the aesthetic of the product. This is where Design Thinking has a very large role to play.This course will help you gain a complete and practical understanding of the Design Thinking process. The course provides a step-by-step guide on each of the key phases of the process. You will get to learn specific techniques and get access to tools which will help you in implementing Design Thinking principles effectively. You will also get to learn how other successful organizations have implemented the Design Thinking process, through detailed case studies. The course will also equip you with practical tips on implementing Design Thinking for your organization and making it work for you.Design Thinking can be applied to any functional area. Design thinking can help you discover new avenues and implement the best and innovative solutions. The Design Thinking approach has huge potential and can transform the way you create new products or services as well as refine the existing ones. So if you are wanting to develop a great and practical understanding of the Design Thinking process and implement it in your organization, this is the ideal course for you. Create products, services and experiences that your customer will love. Enroll in this course today!. Understand the fundamentals of Design Thinking process. Explore the key developments in the area of Design Thinking. Learn the key nuances of the Design Thinking approach. Understand how to implement the 5-stage process for solving your problems or fulfilling the needs of your customers. Learn best practices of implementing Design Thinking principles in your organization. Explore some examples of Design Thinking in action, through real case studiesWho this course is for:This course is for business professionals, entrepreneurs, designers and executives who want to develop an understanding of Design Thinking and implement it to achieve breakthrough results. So whether you are new to Design Thinking or want to improve your understanding of the concept or want to look for practical solutions to implement, this masterclass is meant for you."
Price: 49.99

"Create a Portfolio Website on Blogger - NO CODING EXPERIENCE" |
"After completing this step by step video lessons - you will be able to create a beautiful professional portfolio website on Blogger, which will help you to showcase your professional skills, achievements, and your professionalism in an attractive way.Whether, you are still in study, or you're in any profession, maybe in freelancing - having a portfolio website will help you stand out from the crowd of competition in this digital arena, and you will get priority from your leaders or hiring managers!If you are a complete beginner, and you have no previous experience of creating a website, still you will be able to create your portfolio website by following the video lessons of this course."
Price: 49.99

"Start Freelancing with an Easy Job on Fiverr as a Beginner!" |
"Hi and welcome!, if you are looking forward to START FREELANCING with an Easy, Low Competitive Job on Fiverr as a Beginner - this course is for you.Even if you have no major skills - still you will be ready to provide the service to your clients after watching and practicing the lessons demonstrated in the videos.The job I have discussed and shown the example is tagged as Instagram Influencer Research on the freelance marketplace - where we have to find a list of good fit influential Instagram profiles for a specific subject.Throughout the step by step video lessons, I have demonstrated full details about the work by showing you full conversation, descriptions of projects - which I successfully completed on Fiverr.If you try the some of the works which I went through the lesson - you will have the clear idea and CONFIDENCE to move forward, try on getting clients and become a successful Freelance Instagram Influencer Research service provider on Fiverr.If you are excited - I am looking forward to see you on the course!--Azharul Rafy"
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Machine Learning Speciality Test" |
"The AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty Certification is for individuals who can develop and perform data science roles. It helps individuals ability to design, deploy, maintain and implement machine learning solution for businesses.1 - Select and justify the appropriate ML approach for a given business problem2 - Identify appropriate AWS services to implement ML solutions3 - Design and implement scalable, cost-optimized, reliable, and secure ML solutionsLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified Machine Learning using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Security Specialist Test" |
"The AWS Certified Security Specialty is for individuals who can do security roles with a minimum of two years of real-word experience securing AWS workloads.1 - An understanding of specialized data classifications and AWS data protection mechanisms2 - An understanding of data encryption methods and AWS mechanisms to implement them3 - An understanding of secure Internet protocols and AWS mechanisms to implement them4 - A working knowledge of AWS security services and features of services to provide a secure production environment5 - Competency gained from two or more years of production deployment experience using AWS security services and features6 - Ability to make tradeoff decisions with regard to cost, security, and deployment complexity given a set of application requirements7 - An understanding of security operations and riskLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified Security Specialty using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Test" |
"The AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate is for individuals who can solve architecture role and have one or more years of Real World Experience in Designing, Cost Efficiency, Fault Tolerance and Scalable Distributed Systems on AWS.1 - Effectively demonstrate knowledge of how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies2 - Define a solution using architectural design principles based on customer requirements3 - Provide implementation guidance based on best practices to the organization throughout the life cycle of the projectLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified Solution Architect using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Test" |
"The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate help individuals to learn system operation roles with at least one year of experience in Real World including Deployment, Management and Operations of AWS.1 - Deploy, manage, and operate scalable, highly available, and fault-tolerant systems on AWS2 - Implement and control the flow of data to and from AWS3 - Select the appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements4 - Identify appropriate use of AWS operational best practices5 - Migrate on-premises workloads to AWS6 - Estimate AWS usage costs and identify operational cost control mechanismsLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified SysOps Administration using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate" |
"The AWS Certified Developer Associate is for individuals who can develop roles and have one or more years of Real World Experience deploying and maintaining AWS based applications.1 - Demonstrate an understanding of core AWS services, uses, and basic AWS architecture best practices2 - Demonstrate proficiency in developing, deploying, and debugging cloud-based applications using AWSLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified Developer Associate using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Big Data Test" |
"The AWS Certified Big Data Specialty is for individuals who can do critical Big Data analysis with at least minimum experience of 2 years on AWS technology.1 - Implement core AWS Big Data services according to basic architecture best practices2 - Design and maintain Big Data3 - Leverage tools to automate data analysisLearn and Prepare for AWS Certified Big Data using Single Answer , Multiple Answer Type Questions."
Price: 19.99
