"HTML5 CSS3" |
"HTML/CSS CSS3 Box model Javascript HTML/CSS DOM CSS HTML CSS3 / 1000 2020 Glove HTML5 CSS3"
Price: 2800.00

"Entendendo sobre Segurana do Trabalho" |
"Neste curso vamos aprender como funciona a Segurana do Trabalho em todos os nveis empresariais, sua origem e histria no Brasil e mundo o surgimento e influncia em todos os nveis empresariais, comisses como a CIPA, documentos importantes PPRA, PCMSO e funcionamento de uma Brigada de Incndio, todo processo de CIPA e como dimensionar conforme o tipo de atividade e CNAE, sempre utilizando como base as Normas Regulamentadoras"
Price: 39.99

"Computer Skill : Computer Knowledge for You" |
"At work you sit at a desk and use a desktop computer to plan a budget for a new project, and then you have a video conference with coworkers in another office to go over the details. On your lunch break, you go through a fast-food restaurant, where an employee touches a computer screen on his cash register to input your order. That afternoon you drive to meet with a client, and you use a GPS unit to help you find the address. Then its back home for you, and head off to bed. Now, read that story again and count the number of computers you inter-acted with. Did you find all of them? And thats just one day. Other days you might get money from an ATM, play a game on your phone, book hotel reservations online, or send an email to your boss. Its pretty amazing when you think about how pervasive computers have become in our lives in the last few decades, in every industry. Computers have become a central part of everyday life. Here, see - Computer fundamentals, Operating Systems, Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet, Networking, Future Technologies. In this course, 100 Questions (objective type, 1hour)."
Price: 84.99

"Como utilizar o Google Forms" |
"O Google Formulrios, ou Google Forms, uma poderosa ferramenta. um servio gratuito para criar formulrios online onde voc pode coletar, armazenar e analisar dados, Essas caractersticas lhe permite ser utilizados para as mais variadas aplicaes como por exemplo a aplicao de uma avaliao, uma pesquisa de mercado, uma pesquisa de clima organizacional ou at mesmo um cadastro.Esse curso est dividido em dois mdulos, o primeiro focado na parte bsica como: criar formulrio, criar perguntas e trabalhar com suas diferentes formas de respostas e etc. O segundo mdulo ser mais prtico onde estaremos focando na recriao de exemplos (ficha de cadastro, avaliao e pesquisa de clima organizacional). O material para ser tomado com base est disponvel nas aulas."
Price: 69.99

"Excel Magic 2 - Building Your Own Report Generating ""Bot""" |
"The course is presented in four parts.First, the course relates earlier course of Top 5 Excel Skills to drive the concept home: Building your own Bot is your ticket to full automation in Excel Modeling!Next, the course brings the topic of what is a VBA macro and let students consider when to and when NOT to build a macro.Third, we illustrate 6 required steps to build your own report generating Bot, including:o Define the file path to make file path dynamico Create a message box to communicate with userso Use For Next Loop for iterationFourth, the course illustrates 4 real cases that should NOT require building a VBA macro. These are cases from some VBA courses that are still teaching obsolete Excel skills.Last, the course explores best practices in building VBA macros. They include:o How to activate the macroo Add notes for your codeso Add a message box"
Price: 99.99

"Fortinet DDoS Solution" |
"In this course, you will learn how to form network baseline data, and how to recognize and mitigate individual and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks while preserving service and network performance.Objectives After completing these courses, you will be able toTrain your Forti DDoS to recognize your unique network patterns Choose the right Forti DDoS model Distinguish a DDoS from a rush of Reddit traffic or a successful Thursday marketing campaign Defend against both volumetric and mechanistic DDoS attacks Mitigate SYN floods Handle attacks from dynamic or Tor-masked IPs by Forti Guard IP reputation and aging data Detect connections from proxies Inspect HTTP traffic on non-standard ports Deploy to protect both network appliances and servers Describe how the blocking periods and penalty factors intelligently determine which packets will be dropped after an attack has been detected Implement bypass or a high availability Forti DDoS cluster for maximum service uptime Understand when to use Detection vs. Prevention mode Create ""Do Not Track"" policies Whitelist ""safe"" clients or servers Characterize different types of attacks by using logs and statistics graphs Troubleshoot incorrect thresholds"
Price: 19.99

"600 9202(1~2/)1002200+100+100[]TOEICTOEIC920TOEIC...[]TOEICpartpart1~7part11part5~72"
Price: 2400.00

Motivation |
"Dauerhafte Vernderung hat nicht einfach nur mit Disziplin zu tun. Natrlich: Wenn man das ganze Jahr regelmig ins Fitness-Studio gehen will, braucht man auch Motivation und das ist anstrengend!Aber Motivation ist nicht alles! In diesem Kurs lernst du drei Sulen dauerhafter Vernderung kennen - und wie du sie fr dich nutzen kannst."
Price: 19.99

"Contao 4 fr Redakteure: Inhalte erstellen und verwalten" |
"In diesem Kurs werde ich dir zeigen, wie du mit einer bestehenden Contao-Instanz arbeiten und diese bearbeiten kannst.Wir werden ber die Erstellung und Bearbeitung von Seiten, Inhalten, News, FAQs und Newslettern sprechen. Nachdem du diesen Kurs geschaut hast, wirst du in der Lage sein eigenstndig an der Contao Website arbeiten zu knnen!"
Price: 19.99

"Hopi Ear Candle Accredited Training Course" |
"Fully Accredited Course in Hopi Ear Candle TreatmentIn this courses you will cover the followingHistory How do Hopi Ear Candles Work? Benefits of the TreatmentThe CandlesHealth and SafetyUsing aromatherapy oils on the faceContra-indicationsAnatomy of the EarContra-actions After-careThe RoutineClient QuestionsTest QuestionsYou will then email to receive your certificate for Hopi Ear Candle Treatment"
Price: 49.99

"ST0-085 Symantec Security Information Manager Technical Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following hardware vendor recommended for use with Symantec Security Information Manager (SSIM)?a0 IBMb) NECc) Delld) Hitachie) NoneQ) What OS does not provide hardware for Symantec Security Information Manager (SSIM) image support?a) SUSEb) CentOSc) Red Hatd) SE Linuxe) NoneQ) Symantec Security Information Manager Series Appliance installed operating system by default?a) Solarisb) Windowsc) SUSEd) Red Hate) NoneQ) Which houses data base of incidents and summary data?a) oracleb) MySQLc) MSSQLd) IBM DB2e) None"
Price: 159.99

"Basics of Python and Object Oriented Programming in ~4 hrs" |
"Congratulations on deciding to become a programmer and particularly python programmer. Python programming world is wonderful! It gives you an unimaginable and endless power over problems that can be tackled with computers. You are at the right page if you have the will but do not want to invest a long time for the basics of python programming. If you want a quick and stable start, most likely you are at the correct place. I have assumed that you are a complete beginner.This course does not assume any prior knowledge of Python programming and is meant to cover from basics till the object oriented programming (OOP) concepts. The course length is approximately 4 hours and you can finish the course in 2-3 sittings.(1) Installation of Python(2) Installation of Jupyterlab(3) Core data types of Python (Scalars): Characters/Strings, Integers, Floating point number, Logical/Boolean, Datetime(4) More data types of Python: Lists, Tuples, Dictionary and nested Lists/Tuples(5) Repeat a block of code: For and While loop(6) Conditional branching of logic: If, else if and else(7) Functions: (When to use them and how to use them)(8) Introduction to objects and object oriented programming and a Cool BATMAN project demonstrating the OOP with Python(9) Basic visualization of data(10) Exceptions and error handling (11) File Input/Output operationsI hope you find the course worthy of your 5 hours. This is version 1 of the course. If you have suggestions/feedback please don't hesitate to reach out."
Price: 19.99

sgoyoshihara |
"33 740 2 412 33"
Price: 5400.00

"Aprende a crear aplicaciones: BLAZOR + API/REST + SQL SERVER" |
"Blazor es una tecnologa de Microsoft que nos permite realizar aplicaciones web con C# sin necesidad de utilizar JavaScript.En este curso vamos a aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones web con Blazor.En este curso vemos como crear aplicaciones web con C#, veremos como construir y consumir nuestra propia API REST y veremos como crear una estructura de base de datos con SQL Server. Tambin veremos como obtener los datos de nuestra base de datos va procedimientos almacenados.No utilizaremos Entity Framework.El temario del curso es el siguiente:A)Introduccin:1) Temario del curso. 2) Que es Blazor.Instalacion del entorno. B) Analizando nuestro primer proyecto 3) Blazor Server vs Blazor WebAssembly 4) Estructura de un proyecto 5) Componentes razorC) Modelo de clases. Diseo de nuestra aplicacin6) Clases del modelo7) Creando estrucutura de la aplicacin8) Creando estrucutura de la aplicacin (II) D) Creando BBDD y nuestra API/REST9) Conceptos sobre API/REST10) Creando nuestra API/REST11) Creando nuestra BBDD 12) Creando infraestructura para conectar a BBDD13) Listar alumnos via API/REST14) Listar alumnos por id 15) Guardar nuevo alumno 16) Validaciones 17) Modificar alumno 18) Eliminar alumno 19) Buscar alumno20) Definiendo los mtodos pendientes21) Vemosl os mtodos implementadosE) Consumir API desde BLAZOR22) Llamanado API desde Blazor23) Creando vista detalles de un alumno24) Creando vista formulario de alta (1)25) Creando vista formulario de alta (2)26) Creando vista modificacin usuario27) Dando vida al borrar usuario28) Listando cursos de un alumno (1)29) Listando cursos de un alumno (2)30) Vista inscripcin cursos (1)31) Vista inscripcin cursos (2)32) Listar todos los cursos33) Dar de alta cursos34) Modificar cursos y precio (1)35) Modificar cursos y precio (2)36) Borrar cursosF) Gestin de errores37) Aadimos registro de log a nuestra API 38) Aadimos registro de log a Blazor Server39) Controlando excepciones en nuestra aplicacin Blazor Server(1) 40) Controlando excepciones en nuestra aplicacin Blazor Server(2)41) Gestionando errores globales G) Securizando API/REST y cliente Blazor Server42) Mtodo Login API/REST43) Peticiones API/REST con token44) Vistas de inicio sesin y registro. 45) Mecanismos autenticacion 46) Guardar usuario registro47) Validar contra BBDD 48) Logout I) Conclusiones49) Conclusiones"
Price: 34.99

"C# Siguiente Paso" |
"Una vez que hemos aprendido la base de la programacin, es decir, ya sabemos realizar ciclos, condiciones, mtodos, etc, en C# el siguiente paso es aprender a manejar listas con LinQ, delegados, genricos, mtodos de extensin, etc.El material que se utilizar ser realizado en aplicaciones de consola, focalizando los conceptos en lenguaje C#, sin la ayuda de libreras externas.En primer lugar, se realizar una seccin de repaso de fundamentos:Se repasarn los distintos tipos que existen en C# (string, int, datetime, guid, tuple, valuetuple, entre otros)Se mostrarn las colecciones ms destacadas de C#En este curso aprenders a:Utilizar las distintas sentencias de LinQ, comprender sus parmetros de entrada y como es su funcionamiento, esto se dividir en 2 partes a lo largo del curso. LinQ ser dirigido a objetos y se utilizar la sintaxis con lambda.Utilizar delegados, delegados lambda y delegados annimos (Action, Func y Predicate), Func y Predicate son importantes para comprender el manejo de LinQ.Utilizaremos genricos, otra pieza importante en el funcionamiento de LinQ.Realizaremos nuestras propias extensiones, esto es crear nuevas funcionalidades para tipos de datos ya existentes, por ejemplo al tipo DateTime agregar una funcionalidad calcular edad.Con los conocimientos adquiridos principalmente en delegados y genricos, le daremos otra vista a LinQ utilizando delegados para darle otro enfoque a nuestras soluciones. Se implementar IComparable para darle otra funcionalidad a LinQ en nuestras clases personalizadas.Realizaremos una seccin con algunos tips de C# y tambin otros tips no vistos en videos anteriores, esta seccin podr ampliarse en el futuro.Implementacin de la sobreescritura de operadores.El curso est dirigido a personas con nimo de mejorar sus conocimientos en C#, con un conocimiento Bsico-Intermedio (tambin puede ser Intermedio-Avanzado)."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Excel Course for Beginners 2020" |
"Why this course is for you?You want to learn the basics of Excel for professional or personal reasons but you have little to no knowledge of how Excel works. You have heard that Excel will allow you to automate work and make your life easier but you don't know where to start. You know that a lot of jobs now require Excel skills and you want to build up your skills for these jobs.What you will learn:The basics of ExcelHow to work with the Excel interfaceHow to open and save an Excel fileHow to enter numbers and text into ExcelHow to enter formulas into ExcelHow to have your formulas automatically updateCommon Excel shortcutsCreating graphs and chartsHow to copy, cut, and paste dataDifferent formatting options and toolsHow to create a budgetCell referencingInserting images and shapesWhat you will need:A computer, laptop, or tabletMicrosoft ExcelNo prior Excel knowledge neededHunger and willingness to learn"
Price: 59.99

"10 things you are doing WRONG in Excel" |
"Join Mansi Gupta, from Team OddHR in this 25 minute class revealing some common mistakes that beginners make while working in Excel.Drawing on her vast experience in working with data, both in her full time job and as a Team OddHR member, she will help you recognise these mistakes and show you how to fix them.Whether you're just starting out with Microsoft Excel or have been using the software for some time and just want to get better at it, Team OddHr's 10 practical tips will help you save hours of effort and improve the quality of your work.We, at Team OddHR, love working with data. Data Anlysis is fun, and Excel is our tool of choice. Follow along with us so you can learn to avoid common pain areas, and fall in love with data, spreadsheets and Excel too!"
Price: 19.99

"Research Writing" |
"The course is intended to make learner aware of concepts and methodology for Research writing . The course is framed with essential contents and guidelines. Meaning of Research , Need, Research Writing Concept, Stages, Essential points, Do's and Dont's , Types of Research Writing, Contents and development of Proposal, Interim Reports, Various types of Research Papers & Reports/Thesis. It will help one to learn and apply the knowledge in their own research work undertaken and will add up new dimensions in thinking of Research Writing."
Price: 2560.00

"Six Healing Sounds Qigong with Marisa (YOQI)" |
"It is well known that grief, fear, stress, anger, and worry have a direct effect on our health and well-being. The Six Healing Sounds is an ancient qigong method that uses sound vibration to transform negative emotions into positive virtues. In the YoQi: Six Healing Sounds video, master instructor Marisa Cranfill will guide you through the postures, sounds and visualizations and help you clear your body of toxins and stress to create long-lasting transformation.The Six Healing Sounds Method (Liu Qi Fa) dates to the 4th century CE. There are many applications and interpretations of the sounds. Marisa leads you through the classic postures, sounds and visualizations designed to regulate the Qi flow through the five Yin organs and Triple Warmer. The method of the 6 Healing Sounds is a purging and regulating formula that is practiced in this order:Combine the sound, posture and intention to clear out the negative emotion. Recycle negative energy into mother earth.Spiral the hands over the target organ. Visualize colored light to infuse the organ with healing energy.Smile and activate the virtue of the organ.You will learn The sounds, postures, and visualizations according to the classic 6 Healing Sounds method. Become aware of your internal organs and listen to how they feel. Delete the negative memory link between your mind and organs and remove the root cause of the emotion. How to transform old negative energy into positive virtues. Can be practiced sitting or standing. Choice of long or short workouts, with music or without / 120 total minutes / 2 hours This video contains two routine options: a shorter form (23 min) and a long form (32 min). The long form incorporates eye movements to help release distressing memories and beliefs.Six Healing Sounds, Liu Zi Jue, first appears in the book ""On Caring for the Health of the Mind and Prolonging the Life Span"" written by Tao Hongjing (420 - 589), a taoist renowned for his profound knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ""One has only one way for inhalation but six for exhalation.Marisa Cranfill is the founder of YOQI yoga+qigong. She has been practicing meditation, qigong, yoga and breathing techniques since 1999. Her purpose in life is to live fully awakened in every moment and her aim is to transmit the safe and powerful techniques she has learned from Chinese masters, Buddhist monks, nuns and Thai shamans, for everyone's benefit. Marisas greatest joy is to help people cultivate their life force energy to live long, healthy, and radiant lives. She is popularly known for her extensive YOQI library offering beautiful follow-along routines that are accessible to all ages."
Price: 49.99

"Regreso al trabajo en la nueva normalidad" |
"El pasado 29 de mayo del 2020 se public el documento de Lineamientos Tcnicos Especficos para la Reapertura de las Actividades Econmicas.En este curso revisamos todas las consideraciones que deben cumplir las empresas y adems cubrimos todos los puntos incluidos en el curso publicado en el IMSS para el regreso seguro al trabajo."
Price: 1395.00

"Yoga for the Doshas" |
"This series of yoga sequences specifically applies Ayurvedic understanding to our approach to postures and pranayama. No matter your constitution - or Prakriti - these sequences are relevant to all. Why? Because the various doshas - vata, pitta, and kapha - govern different seasons of the year and even times of the day. Hence you can use this knowledge to determine which sequence is most appropriate at any given time!For example - apply the Pitta Pacifying practice in the thick of summer or the Vata Pacifying practice on a wild, windy, and cold Autumn day. Or, perhaps use the Kapha Pacifying practice as your morning wake up call to reduce the Kapha dominance present in nature between 6am - 10am (especially in the early Springtime).Safe for all levels of experience, with options and variations given for more challenging postures, this series is timeless and universal.Yoga and Ayurveda, often referred to as ""Sister Sciences"", really aren't siblings but are more appropriately part of the same philosophy and lifestyle application of seasonal living.When we're in an imbalanced state (""dosha"" is a Sanskrit word meaning ""to spoil""), we will often be drawn towards that which promotes our imbalance (e.g. when we have a dominance of Kapha we may feel less motivated and slow, and therefore will opt for a yoga practice that allows for this... if we even find any motivation at all to get moving!). So do be aware of this tendency and conditioning when selecting with sequence to utilise.You may decide to mix up and change each sequence daily, depending on the weather or your physical and mental state. Or, perhaps if you're managing a deep rooted symptom or disease, you may elect to choose the most beneficial sequence and stick with it for an extended duration to have the greatest benefits over time. Thank you for being here!"
Price: 54.99

"Microsoft Excel - The Easiest Beginners Guide" |
"Microsoft Excel is used by millions of people around the world every day. It is an extremely powerful tool that allows individuals and businesses to easily sort, search, and review large sets of data. while there are endless possibilities for how to use Excel, there is a number of basic formulas and built-in tools that everyone should know.You can learn these basic tips in an hour and once you have mastered them you will be using Excel faster and more efficiently than ever before.In this course we will go over step by step how to perform functions using Microsoft Excel. the course explains Microsoft Excel starting with the absolute basics of creating your first worksheet.This complete guide to learn the essential as well as the advanced features in Microsoft Excel.If you have been looking for a course to teach you how to use Microsoft Excel then this course is for you."
Price: 199.99

"Pasa del miedo y la duda a la autenticidad y auto-confianza." |
"Cansada de no pensar en ti y darle todo a todos? Es hora de ser la protagonista de la historia de t vida. De tomar el timn del barco de tus sueos y paz interior. Ser el regalo que verdaderamente eres sin esfuerzo, sin sacrificio y en total facilidad, gozo y gloria de una forma relajante y transformadora.Descubre con la gua del secreteo, las 7 leyes universales, arte terapia y meditaciones, como empoderarte para encontrar el sentido de t vida y expresarlo al mundo. Lgralo a travs de pensamientos de conciencia y meditaciones (visualizaciones guiadas ) que en un espacio de intimidad y serenidad lograran sacar la mejor versin de ti misma.Yo misma viv ste mtodo y junto con arte terapia te ofrezco esta tcnica de visualizaciones guiadas que cambiaron mi vida para siempre. Aprend el secreto real de que como es adentro es afuera, y usando la ley del espejo encuentras las oportunidades, el cambio de vida y respuestas que necesitaba para darle sentido a mi vida; Ser mejor madre, profesionista y pareja, ahora todo era ms claro, a travs de la pausa, la aceptacin, y conectar CON MI ESPIRITU. Aqu te comparto mi secreto.Relajndote, vibrando en paz, armona y serenidad recorreremos un camino hacia tu esencia, autoestima, perdn por las personas que te han hecho dao hasta llegar a la luz del amor y la espiritualidad. 16 sesiones libros meditaciones videos para despertar la conciencia y sanar tu alma.1 sesin online conmigo de aclaradores mentales para cambiar el significado y carga energtica de tus creencias y vivencias dolorosas."
Price: 29.99

"linear algebra and matrices" |
"In this course you will learn about matrices, the topics include Introduction to matricesDefinitionTypes of matrices Square matrixRectangular matrixDiagonal matrixRow and column matrixTranspose of a matrixSpecial Types of matricesNull matrixDiagonal matrixScalar matrixUnit matrix/ Identity matrixOperations on matrices Addition Scalar multiplicationMultiplicationDeterminants order two and three matrix inverse of a matrixAdjoint method Guass-Jordan methodsolving system of linear equationsmatrix inversion methodCramer's ruleGuassian and Guass Jordan elimination"
Price: 79.99

"Guide To Oil Pastels + Pear Drawing Tutorial" |
"Welcome to the Guide To Oil Pastels!The aim of this class is to help you discover and fell in love with oil pastels. Take your time to fully appreciate and enjoy this refreshing unique medium you are about to discover.This class is a great opportunity both for pros and beginners to learn more about oil pastels. Oil pastels are a great medium to transfer your feelings and emotions from oil pastel stick to the paper. They are clean, easy to work with, colorful, and long-lasting. This class is a refreshing discovery of the unique medium."
Price: 29.99

"Painting fruit illustration with watercolors in less than 1" |
"Hello welcome this course I am parshwika, i have taught more than 5000 students across all over internet with my art classes and art courses, in this course you will learn how to paint watermelon and strawberry with watercolor, step by step easy to go along process in just 1 hour making it so easy to paint and anyone can paint it.Dont forget to download free watercolor basics ebook which contains everything you need to get started with painting , basics important foundation tips and tricks.While in other courses you need to sketch the project yourself, in this beginner-friendly class There is nothing to risk, here all you need to do is enjoy the painting process!So its time to take action!Grab your brushes and start painting now!See you in the course!"
Price: 34.99

"How to get started with Instagram in 2020 in just 30 min" |
"HI GUYS, IN THIS COURSE you will learn on how to get started with Instagram and how to grow your page organically in 2020 without paying for any ads, all organic as I was able to grow my page from few 100 followers to 20000k+ followers in just 6 months all organic and that helped in getting started with my own business and getting customers and clients from Instagram , so in this course, I will going to share my tips and tricks on how to get started with Instagram from scratch and build a highly engaged following all organically fast and don't forget to grab the free guide as it contains more tips and tricks"
Price: 34.99

"Understanding Online Fiction: What Makes a Hit Novel" |
"The internet is transforming how people read. Serial online fiction is a new and rapidly growing publishing medium where popular novels can attract thousands, even millions of fans. But what are these runaway hit books like? What features and types of stories define online literature? This course has the answers you need.In this course, industry experts from our editorial team have analyzed twenty-one top online novels for the storylines and characters that audiences love. We will present these case studies alongside general introductions to the genres of the medium to help you understand what serial online fiction is and what draws millions of readers to digital reading platforms every day.If you are An aspiring writer who wants to understand the sort of books that succeed in this market; An editor or translator seeking insight into the cutting-edge world of online fiction; An avid reader who wants to better understand digital literature;. . . Then this course is for you!This course covers: A general introduction to serial online literature; The major subdivisions and genres on novel platforms, including Fantasy, Romance, and the Male-Lead/Female-Lead distinction; Widespread story tropes used by successful online novel authors in the genres of Eastern Fantasy and Contemporary Romance; Real-life case studies on twenty of the bestselling serial novels, as well as a case study of a Paranormal Romance title for extra insight into the Romance field; Analysis of how these authors use story tropes and their unique ideas to capture readers imaginations.Who are we?eGlobal Creative Publishing Inc. is an e-publishing company based in Orchard Park, NY. Our parent company, Jianlai Global, is an international translator and publisher of serialized web novels. Our translation team works to translate serial web fiction from and into multiple languages. We operate a growing original English-language publishing program which partners with online platforms to bring authors works to international audiences. Our mission is to promote global literature and to create opportunities for authors to explore new online fiction media."
Price: 19.99

"Human Anatomy : Arterial supply of Head and Neck" |
"In this course Arterial supply of head and neck is covered in detail. Each artery is described along with animated illustrations explaining its branches and course. Slides are crafted to make learning easy and fun to remember. Clinical significance of each artery, an important aspect for surgeons and clinicians, is also covered. All anatomic Illustrations are explained with the help of pointer for effective learning. Lecture wise quizzes are included for facilitating self assessment.Revising the course will help develop strong hold over the arterial anatomy of head and neck, building confidence and enhance performance in assessments."
Price: 1280.00

"Guitar Lessons - Walking Bass Blues For All Guitar Players 2" |
"The Ultimate Beginners Guide For You To Play Walking Bass Blues on Your Acoustic Guitar or Electric GuitarLearn to Play Walking Bass Blues and 12 Bars Blues in the Most Popular Blues Key EVER The Key of ECompanion Course to my FREE Udemy Course ""Walking Bass Blues for All Guitar Players Part I - FREE"" in the Key of AIn These Two Courses You Will Play Walking Bass Blues and 12 Bar Blues in The Two Most Popular Blues Keys Ever, A and ENever Played 12 Bar Blues Patterns on Your Guitar Before? Don't worry.These guitar lessons take you on a journey breaking down everything you need to know. Each section builds on the previous one. This culminates in you playing 12 Bar Walking Bass Blues on your guitar. All it takes on your part is to have fun learning and practising the basic guitar patterns. These guitar lessons are presented in small manageable chunks. You will have Multi-angle Videos and pdf files in TAB for each pattern. Through a process of repetition you will build them up into a 12 Bar Blues Progression. This will culminate in you playing four of the most widely used 12 Bar Blues Bass Progressions on your guitar.The Aim of This Course of Guitar Lessons? To enable anyone to Play 12 Bar Walking Bass Blues on guitar (acoustic or electric) BonusThroughout the videos I will share many tips, tricks and techniques which I have gained from over 30 years experience of being a guitarist. These are all designed to help you on your musical journey of mastery of the guitar."
Price: 99.99

"Time Management" |
"By then end of this time management training course, you will be able to:Identify your own particular time wasters and adopt strategies for reducing them.Recognize the variety of causes of procrastination and apply relevant techniques to overcome these.Clarify and prioritize your objectives and goals, by creating more planning time.Adopt appropriate strategies for dealing with interruptions and anything else which steals your time.Use practical techniques for organizing work.Reduce time spent in meetings yet contribute more effectively.Define assertiveness and related types of behaviorChoose assertive responses to different time management situations"
Price: 39.99
