"Scrum Master Training : Case Studies and Confessions" |
"JOIN IN UDEMY'S MOST COMPREHENSIVE AGILE SCRUM CASE STUDIES COURSE!THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO SAVE YOU HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON AGILE SCRUM CASE STUDIES CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT TRAINING AS A Scrum Master, Project Manager, Product Owner or Team MemberThree reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!The unique reasons for taking this course are:Complete, Concise, Confident Overview of Scrum using short stories and case studies - I cover the theory and give you examples of how the theory is used in industry in each case study.Confidence in using scrum - In a very simple way, I teach you the fundamentals of agile scrum and how to use each case study in industry to improve your projects without going into a class room or spending $1000..You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!Includes Narration from Randal Shaffer.What is Scrum?Agile scrum is a simple method for managing and completing even the most complex project, even in difficult situations . Based on my experience, it is the number one most popular way to deliver projects on-time while maintaining a high degree of quality.Who should take is course?Whether you are acrum Master, Project Manager, Product Owner or Team Member or simply someone who wants the answer to the question how do I deal with difficult/challenging situations using scrum"", this is definitely the class is for you.What will I learn?In this class you will learn:Short Stories / Case Studies based on real industry experience and research - The correct methods for improvement and dealing with difficult situations is essential to mastering agile scrum. My experience in industry and research into the topic has been used to give you a solid grounding in the most concise way possible.Expert Knowledge - I give you a complete overview of how I dealt with difficult situations on the job and techniques used in the business work place without having to do a face to face course saving you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.Concise overview of agile scrum - Including the way that the scrum framework is used to deliver projects in industry.The course is video based with no supporting document necessary.How is the course structured?Each section features a case study/short story with overview of a particular problem I encountered in the scrum role during the daily stand-up, sprint planning, release planning, sprint retrospective, kick off meeting, bug backlog meeting and more. There is a lessons learned section at the end of each case study so you know how to use it to improve in your own team or business. Examples are included throughout the course with excellent quality video and audio. All is based real world experience.Inspired by God, the Bible, my mother and father, Ken Schwaber. Jeff Sutherland"
Price: 194.99

"Agile Retrospective: Continuous Improvement+Kaizen wth Scrum" |
"JOIN IN UDEMY'S MOST COMPREHENSIVE SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE COURSE!THIS COURSE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO SAVE YOU HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON SCRUM TRAINING""Scrum Open,Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org.""Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!The unique reasons for taking this course are:1.Complete, Concise, Confident Overview of sprint retrospectives - I cover the theory and give you examples of how the theory is used in industry.2.Confidence in using scrum - In a very simple way, I teach you the fundamentals agile retrospectivesand how to organizesprint retrospectives in industry without going into a class room or spending $1000..3.You get to ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully!What is sprint retrospective?It is a method for boosting your teams efficiency. Based on my experience, it is the perfect way to learn from the past and take that learning to learn new in the upcoming sprints.Who should take is course?Whether you are a novice, an expert or simply someone who wants the answer to the question ""what is sprint retrospective, this is definitely the class is for you.What will I learn?In this class you will learn:Concise overview of sprint retrospective - Including 29 easy tips to hold a sprint retrospective successfullyThe facts based on real industry experience and research - The correct terminology and use of proper methods is essential to mastering it. My experience in industry and research into the topic has been used to give you a solid grounding in the most concise way possible.The course is video based with no supporting document necessary.How is the course structured?Each section features an overview of a particular aspect of holding a sprint retrospective and tips to organize it wonderfully. Examples are included throughout the course with excellent quality video and audio. All is based on real world experience."
Price: 194.99

"Java para Administradores de Sistemas" |
"En este curso pretendemos ensear a los Administradores de Sistemas todo lo que deberan conocer sobre Java para hacer un buen despliegue, monitorizacin y optimizacin de aplicaciones en esta plataforma.Pero tranquilo, no es un curso de programacin (ni tienes que saber programar). No tenemos intencin reconvertir a los administradores de sistemas en programadores!Lo que queremos es que los administradores de sistemas entiendan qu es la Java y cmo funcionan los diferentes componentes que forman parte en las aplicaciones que despliegan da a da.Veremos aspectos como:La plataforma Java.Las tecnologas que intervienen en las aplicaciones Web en Java.Los tipos y caractersticas de los servidores de aplicaciones en Java.El acceso a las fuentes de datos (bases de datos, transacciones, servicios de directorio).La estructura y gestin de la memoria, y el mecanismo del Garbage Collector.Monitorizacin y rendimiento de aplicaciones Java.Logging de aplicaciones."
Price: 39.99

"Angular - Aprendiendo el framework del futuro" |
"El curso que hemos preparado para ti, te va a ayudar a dominar el framework Angular y te va permitir abordar proyectos grandes desde su creacin hasta su puesta en produccin. Siempre utilizando las herramientas mnimas ms actuales, necesarias, gratuitas y multiplataforma. Para que el sistema operativo no sea una barrera de entradapara t, el curso est desarrollado sobre una mquina virtualLubuntu, que es un sistema fcilmente reproducible en cualquier otro sistema operativo que posea el alumno.El curso es un resumen prctico de ms de 1.000 horas de tutoriales, cursos online, eventos y libros, la mayor parte de pago y en Ingls. En los vdeos he pretendido ser muy claro y conciso para maximizar el valor de tu tiempo. Todos los vdeos tienen una primera parte de teora y una segunda partede aplicacin real de los conceptos aprendidos, con distintos ejemplos didcticos que vers cmo implementar paso a paso.El curso va destinado a todo tipo de desarrolladores de aplicaciones web, desde profesionales de JavaScript que quieran actualizarse hasta los que siempre han visto JavaScript como un mundo extrao porque estn ms acostumbrados a lenguajes orientados a objetos como Java o C#. Sobre todo estos ltimos descubrirn, que gracias a TypeScript, y a frameworks como Angular, el salto al desarrollo Front-Endes ms fcil que nunca.Recuerda que ir actualizando los materiales, segn vaya evolucionando el lenguaje hasta que salga la versin oficial. Mantente atento a los cambios.Al finalizar el curso estars preparado para desarrollar tu primera aplicacin conAngular."
Price: 39.99

"Learn iMovie Version 10.0.9" |
"Learn the basic ways to edit your video using a very popular editing program, iMovie. Master a strong method to editing videos with quick shortcuts taught in a very easy to understand way. Enhance Your Videos Learn How To Add Transitions Decrease Upload Time A Life Long Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of iMovie puts a high level skill right on your computer for you to learn. This could be used for many reasons which include a Youtube Channel, a Film Editor, a Promo Editor and many more. Remember every video you see has been edited. Anyone can use iMovie as long as they have installed it and have a mac it is a very simple and easy to use program with many advanced features. Content and Overview Suitable for anyone this course features 9 lectures and over 30 minutes of content this will certainly teach you the basic knowledge. The first lecture is about importing your footage and creating the movie. You need this step to start the movie. In the second lecture I will teach you how to Add the footage to your timeline this is also fundamental and is extremely easy to do. In lecture 3 I will teach you how to Enhance your video. This is very important as it will improve your videos overall appearance and audio quality. The 4th lecture teaches you all about adding titles. Lecture 5 teaches adding transitions for a smooth or snazzy feel to your video. In lecture 6 I will show you how to add Music & Sound Effects this can give your video a amazing flow. In lecture 7 I will show you how to export your video whether its to Youtube, Facebook or just to your computer. In lecture 8 I will show you all the necessary keyboard shortcuts to make editing speedy and easy to do. In the final lecture I will show you how to Decrease your upload time. this is very important if you need to make videos on a tight schedule. If you complete this course you will be able to edit a video that looks semi professional and be able to use a range of keyboard shortcuts for speed. Also you will be able to add Music, Sound Effects, Transition and Title's. Extremely handy life skills."
Price: 19.99

"Learn About Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining" |
"Learn simple techniques to start your Bitcoin Mining Career.Master a strong method to Bitcoin Mine with quick and easy steps taught in a very easy to understand way.Things You Need To KnowChoosing The Right PoolSpending On The Sites You Know and LoveA Specialist Skill at Your FingertipsLearning the fundamentals of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining puts a high level skill right on your computer for you to learn. In simple terms Bitcoin Mining is when you leave your own personal computer or a Bitcoin Miner Mining. The faster your computer the better results. Anyone can Bitcoin Mine as long as they have a computer running either Mac, Windows or Linux.Content and OverviewSuitable for anyone this course features 7 lectures (+ a Introduction and Conclusion) and over 30 minutes of content this will certainly teach you the basic knowledge. The first lecture is about what Bitcoins are and the basic knowledge of Bitcoin Mining. In the second lecture I will teach you about the things you need to know and what not to do. In lecture 3 I will teach you how to create a Bitcoin Wallet this is where you will store your Bitcoins. The 4th lecture teaches you all about setting up and starting to Bitcoin Mine. Lecture 5 teaches how you can exchange the Bitcoin in to your currency then import in to your Bank Account. In lecture 6 I will show you how to spend bitcoin with Amazon, you will also be able to get Amazon discounts. In lecture 7 I will talk about the possibilities of making a living with Bitcoin Mining and if it is possible. After this there is also a quiz which will test your knowledge of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining.If you complete this course you will be able to start earning Bitcoin by Bitcoin Mining, also know the history of Bitcoin and turn the Bitcoin earned in to real cash. Extremely handy skills."
Price: 19.99

"Canva - Making Design Simple" |
"Learn simple techniques to start your Design Career.Master a strong method to Design with quick and easy steps taught in a very easy to understand wayPick from 1 Million templatesUpload your own photosDesign your social network backgroundsA specialist skill at your fingertipsLearn the fundamentals of online designing, this puts a high level skill right on your screen for you to learn. Anyone can design on Canva as long as you have a computer that can access the internet. Content and Overview This Canva course is for people starting out and want to create good design simply and easily this corse features 13 lectures (+ a introduction and conclusion) and over 30 minutes of content this will certainly teach you the basic knowledge. The first lecture is about how to create an account, this is such a simple task that everyone has to learn to do. In the second lecture I will teach you how to get your way around the site, so you know what each button does. In the third lecture I will talk to you about picking the correct template, this is important because this is how your deign will be viewed to the public. In the fourth lecture I will show you the design interface this will show you the basic tools to edit your design. In the fifth lecture I will teach you how to add a background colour or image. In lecture six you will learn how to add text, this is where you will be able to get your message across to your audience. In lecture seven you will learn how to upload your own photos, this would be handy if you want to create collages. In lecture eight you will learn how to edit your photos, if you have a dull photo you can make it bright or you could completely recolour the photo. In lecture nine you will see all of Canvas ""Freebies"" these are text, images, templates or lines that you can use to give your design the extra kick. In lecture ten you will learn how to export or save your design to your computer. In lecture eleven you will find out how to edit a Instagram photo. In lecture twelve you will learn how to create a photo collage. And in the last lecture you will learn how to design a YouTube banner.If you complete this course you will be able to design lots of things using Canva."
Price: 19.99

"Yosemite - Advanced Tips and Tricks" |
"Learn advanced techniques to use your Mac to increase workflow and productivity.Master a strong method to using your Mac to help you with everyday queries taught in a very easy to understand way.Help the environment with Energy Saver.Keep your Mac safeA different perspective on your MacLearning the fundamentals of OSX Yosemite puts an advanced level skill right on your computer for you to learn. This could be used for people that have a mac of are thinking about getting one and what to know lots of tips and tricks. Anyone can use OSX Yosemite as long as they have the current version on their mac. 90% of the course in captured in beautiful 2K 60 FPSContent and OverviewSuitable for anyone this course features 11 lectures and over 30 minutes of content this will certainly teach you the advanced knowledge. The first lecture is about Spotlight Search this can be used for anything from finding when films are showing to searching for files on your Mac. In the second lecture I will teach you about the different types of finder views, this is what your files look like when you see them. In lecture 3 I will teach you how to take 3 different types of screenshots. The 4th lecture teaches you all about Hot Corners, this controls what happens when you put your cursor in a corner of the screen. Lecture 5 teaches a simple thing on windows that is harder on mac removing applications. In lecture 6 I will show you how to transfer files between IOS and OSX devices in a feature call AirDrop. In lecture 7 I will show you how to remove Adware, you will know if you have this because you home page might have changed or you will be getting lots of pop ups. In lecture 8 I will show you how to personalise your dock. In lecture 9 I will show you how to Batch file rename, this is great for when you have 1000 photos and you want each photo to have a specific name, I show you this with only a few clicks. In lecture 10 I will teach you how to record you IOS screen wether its you iPhone or iPad or iPod. In lecture 11 I will teach you how to use energy saver, this is great if you want your computer to wake, sleep, boot or restart at certain time. Energy saver is also great for setting your screen and mac to sleep. In the final lecture I show you how to put your computer in to dark mode, this is supposed to boost concentration.If you complete this course you will be able to use your mac to help you with every day needs along with some extra bonus'. Extremely handy."
Price: 19.99

"El Capitan - A Complete Guide" |
"Learn how to use El Capitan to it's full potential.Master a strong method to use your mac to help you with every day queries. Use spotlight search with native language. Improve you note taking with the updates to notes. A different perspective on your MacLearning the fundamentals of OSX El Capitan puts an advanced level skill right on your computer for you to learn. This could be used for people that have a mac and are thinking about upgrading to El Capitan or people who have already and want to learn more. Anyone can participate in this course, it will help if you have some background knowledge with using a mac.90% of the course in captured in beautiful 2K 60 FPSContent and OverviewSuitable for anyone this course features 22 lectures and over 30 minutes of content this will certainly teach you the advanced knowledge. My course is split in to several sections:Spotlight Search - Lecture 1 is all about the ability to know type in commands in native language. Native Language is meant by where you talk like to a real person. It's a great feature which makes searching for files a lot easier. In lecture 2 you will learn how to search for emails from a specific person or about a specific topic. In lecture 3 you will learn about how to find the weather for your current location. In lecture 4 I will teach you how to move and resize the spotlight search window, this is great if you have several screens. At the end of this section there is a quiz which will test your basic knowledge on Spotlight Search.Safari - In lecture 5 you will learn about pinning tabs this means you can exit safari and the pinned tabs will reappear, this is great if you want to always have your emails open. In Lecture 6 you will learn how to mute audio from just one tab or several at a time, this is brilliant for when you open several webpages and an ad starts playing sound.Notes - In lecture 7 I will teach you about how you can now get back the notes that you have deleted. In lecture 8 I will teach you all about the ability to put your notes in to folders this makes it much easier to find a specific notes. In lecture 9 I will teach you how to edit your notes, before notes where just plain text now you can change the font and even the colour. In lecture 10 I will teach about how to add a checklist, this is basically a simpler way of adding bullet points but give you the ability to check something of with one tap. In lecture 11 you will learn how to insert photos in to your notes, this is great for anyone who wants to make their notes stand out more. In lecture 12 I will show how you can glance at attachments, this basically shows all the attachments either in a folder or note. This is then followed by a quiz which will test your knowledge.Miscellaneous - In lecture 13 you will learn how to use split screen view, this is a feature that has been available in windows for a while know but it's amazing to see mac have finally started using it. In lecture 14 you will learn a little trick to never loose your cursor again. In lecture 15 I will show you how to use Disk Utility, this enables you to control the space you have on your mac. In lecture 16 I will teach you how to know share things to the notes app and the reminders app. In lecture 17 I will teach you how to hide or show the menu bar. In lecture 18 I show you the updated colours windows, this is great for anyone creative because it give lots of colour options. In Lecture 19 I show you the new font spread across all of Apple's devices. In lecture 20 I show you a simple way to change each window size with two clicks. In lecture 21 I show you the new quick look transitions and how to use quick look to its full ability.Should You Upgrade - In the final lecture I talk about the pros and cons of upgrading, and wether I think you should or not.If you complete this course you will be able to use your mac to help you with every day needs along with some extra bonus'. Extremely handy."
Price: 19.99

"Program Management: How to Achieve Your Strategic Goals!" |
"Do you find yourself or your team ""busy"", but not necessarily achieving your goals? Having goals is great, but if you don't know how to make them become real, what good are they? This course is focused on professionals looking to learn more about why project management is so important to goal achievement, how projects and programs relate, and how to take steps toward project, program, and portfolio planning to ensure you are on track to meet your goals!If you want to understand the bigger picture, and not just focus on the project management technical skills alone (also important!), then this course is exactly what you need! Tired of hearing about how ""Agile project management"" is the way to solve everything? This course isn't a lesson on the day-to-day tactics, but instead is a course that shows you what none of the other courses do - WHY project management (whether it's agile project management, Kanban, Agile SCRUM, PRINCE2 or others) is so important, and how projects align to programs, and programs align to portfolios! Here's what just a few of my 10,500+ students are saying:""Excellent course with information concerning critical project management concepts and deployment."" - Chad""Most PM courses I've taken focus only on how to take the PMP exam. This one actually shows you HOW to be a PM who can be both strategic and tactical, and not just ""pass a test"" then not understand what you're doing and why when you get on the job! This course is unique, and I'm really glad I took it!."" - Austin""This course is an excellent way to learn about the basics of project management, especially if you have never been a Project Manager, or if you have noticed a lot of recruitment ad descriptions requesting project management as a skill and you are unsure of whether you have any experience in that yet were never specifically advised that was what you were doing. After the course you will be able to see how Project Management is applicable across various industries and what the differences are between Project Management, Program Management and Portfolio Management, as well as how Project Management is the starting point to get to the other two in your career."" - Alison""It was very clear presentation and whether one implements project elements or controls them I found the course brought it all together nicely. Really enjoyed the course thks."" - RitaSummary: You'll understand how to do project planning to perform a bottom-up assessment to assess how well you are (or are not) on your way to achieving your strategic vision. You'll see how and where the specifics gaps are, so that you can fix them! After Taking This Course, You Will Understand:- The difference between Project, Program and Portfolio management- The difference betwen project management and operations management- How to create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), and why you need one- The basis of every project, and how it fits into the bigger organizational picture- Tools and tips for estimating schedule, cost, and resources needed to be successful- Essential templates to use when planning your projectThis course is for you if you are looking to understand the basics of project management, or if you became a project manager with limited training. This course is for you if you are exploring the project management profession, or looking to simply brush up on your current skills. This is also a perfect course for you if you're in a complimentary career field, as it will help you understand how your role relates to that of a project manager. The purchase of this course includes a 30-day money back guarantee and lifetime access. You can replay the videos and access all course content and references at anytime. ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 99.99

"Pinterest Marketing: Using Pinterest for Business Growth" |
"Did you know people spend MORE money on Pinterest than any other social media platform? Yes - even more than Facebook!Wondering how to get started? What to pin? When to pin? How to get people to ""follow"" you so your business gets noticed?You need more traffic and sales not another way to waste time on social media, right?You want someone to break it all down for you - to simplify and take you step-by-step, and ultimately.... to help you get more customers online, organically!Then I have you covered! This course will walk you step-by-step through how to use Pinterest organically for your business - no more guessing! I'll even take you outside of Pinterest, showing you some amazing tools to help you optimize your organic Pinterest results.Please note: This course will NOT cover Pinterest paid advertising; This course is focused on optimizing for organic reach. Here is what just some of my 10,500+ students have to say: "" Instructor has nailed it here. She's engaging, fun to listen to, and very educational. She covers everything you can think of to get your site set up and running smoothly. LOVE the 10-day challenge at the end to get you to commit to act."" - Mitch""This course is paced well so you can digest real life examples of what to implement and execute everyday... I really appreciated the detail to keywords and hashtags. That was worth the price of admission!"" - Jerry H. ""Very detailed course. The different functions of secret boards, how to find keywords and where to put them - this course covers it all!"" - Anneke"" This course contains a lot of great advice on how to use Pinterest to grow your business. This instructor gives actionable information with step-by-step instructions!"" - JasonAfter Taking This Course, You Will: Have your own professional-looking Pinterest for business site up and runningGain access to my exclusive templates to help you stay accountable in actually implementing what you've learnedKnow how to use Pinterest to figure out exactly what your customers wantLearn how to optimize your Pinterest account to help your business get found in the big search engines like Google, Bing and YahooDiscover a simple system for creative collaboration with peers, current customers and new (potential) customersUnderstand how to make the power of Pinterest work for YOUR businessKnow the top Absolute Must-Have"" boards that EVERY business owner needs on their Pinterest accountDiscover not only HOW to use Pinterest, but what tools you can get instant access to so that you can continue to build and grow your business right away!The purchase of this course includes a 30-day money back guarantee and lifetime access. You can replay the videos and access all course content and references at anytime. ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 199.99

"Memory Secrets. Instantly Improve Everyday Memory 300%" |
"This is the non-technical, everyday memory problem parts of the Memory Shock courses taught at community colleges and the N.Y.P.D. Police Academy. It is based on material in Barry Reitman's book, "Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of a Powerful Memory." Each lecture is a brief, easy-to-follow, practical illustration of the trick to overcoming problems that make you THINK you have a poor memory. You do not have a poor memory you've just never been taught how to use it. The lessons are fun to watch and apply, and students of every age and level will see instant improvement. The practice suggestions are usually done with things you want to remember anyway. They are simple, easy and fun to do. Reviews of the book and live presentations: " uses simple tricks to remember almost everything with instantaneous success. Barry Reitman's 'Secrets, Tips, and Tricks of a Powerful Memory' ... is the answer to the prayers of millions of adults who experience the frustration of trying to remember things that are important to them." Dr. Lynn Tepper, Gerontologist, Clinical Professor, Columbia University, NYC Not only were the strategies and tips you shared well received, but many in attendance would have liked to have several more hours with you to continue reviewing your system. I commend you on your course content as well as on your instructional style; both were an absolute hit with our audience." Captain Daniel E. Sosnowik, Commanding Officer, Leadership Training Section, NYPD"...Barry Reitman's Memory Shock presentation was both effective and valuable to professors, teachers, and graduate students." Elaine Geller, Dir. of Field Experience & Outreach, Rockland Campus, Long Island Univ."
Price: 44.99

"Learn Watercolor Painting: Simple Roses" |
"Many aspire to be an artist, but lack the knowledge of where to begin or what to do once they've begun. Now, with this simple and easy-to-follow course, anyone can produce lovely works of watercolor art for their home, for their friends, their family, or even to sell. In this course, you will learn everything from drawing your subjects, to painting them, and even down to selecting the proper mattes and frames for your finished works. Also with this course, not only will you be able to make a piece of art - you will complete your course with four distinct pieces of watercolor art! If you have ever wondered if you could produce art, or ever desired to try, this course is absolutely for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Watercolor Painting: Sunflower, Daylily, Rose, Orchids" |
"Many aspire to be an artist, but lack the knowledge of where to begin or what to do once they've begun. Now, with this simple and easy-to-follow course, anyone can produce lovely works of watercolor art for their home, for their friends, their family, or even to sell. In this course, you will learn everything from drawing your subjects, to painting them, and even down to selecting the proper mattes and frames for your finished works. Also with this course, not only will you be able to make a piece of art - you will complete your course with four distinct pieces of watercolor art! If you have ever wondered if you could produce art, or ever desired to try, this course is absolutely for you!"
Price: 19.99

"Watercolor Painting for Children with Cynthia Parsons" |
"Ever wonder what it takes to get started in the world of watercolor painting? This course includes everything a young or beginning artist needs to know about starting to explore the wonderful world of painting with watercolors.Taught by award-winning artist Cynthia Massey Parsons, this course is an entire art class in a single course. Beginning with the foundational basics, Cynthia steps you through everything from understanding the color wheel, to how to identify and use different shaped brushes (as well as how to clean and store them), to what sort of materials you should select, given the type of painting you want to do! Much more than merely showing you how to paint, this course helps you understand why you should use one technique over another, when and where you should use said technique, and helps you to understand how these techniques work!Truly an entire art class in one course, this course covers: color families, color intensity, color purity, color complements, watercolor materials, containers, supplies, and different watercolor brushes (such as round, flat, and chisel), transparent paint, opaque gauche, watercolor papers and paper textures, pencils, erasers, specific watercolor application techniques, washes, glazes, sponge painting, and much more!So, if you are just beginning to paint, or have painted for years without any classical or traditional training, this course is for you. We'll teach you not only HOW but also WHEN and WHY you do the things you do when painting with watercolors."
Price: 19.99

"Teach your first adult art workshop" |
"When I first started teaching art workshops, I did not know where to start. After several years, I developed a formula for creating great workshops. What you will learn is my formula and tricks to creating a great workshop. This is the course I wish I had had when I first started.You will:-Learn all about how to plan and organize your own art workshop. -Get examples of reliable techniques for great results for your students. -You will discover the theory and best practices for real life classroom management. -Develop methods for teaching that have been proven to lead to a satisfactory results.The course will take one or more days to complete. The step by step lessons provide a structure for getting the workshop organized. A basic lesson plan format is provided. Anyone interested in teaching an art workshop can take this class."
Price: 49.99

"Watercolour for beginners #1" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this course in two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercolours all by yourself."
Price: 29.99

"Watercolour for beginners #2" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this coursein two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in everylesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercoloursall by yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Watercolour for beginners #3" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this course in two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercolours all by yourself."
Price: 29.99

"Watercolour for beginners 4" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this course in two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercolours all by yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Watercolour for beginners #5" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this course in two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercolours all by yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Watercolour for beginners #6" |
"Watercolour is a fun and easy. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. This course will teach you all about the materials you will need and guide you to create two easy projects. You can complete this course in two hours if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. Two techniques are taught per lesson. You will learn how to create a wash, how dry brush, how to use your brush to create different effects, how to choose your paint, how to choose watercolour paper, how to use salt to make it look like it is snowing and more. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. You can enjoy these lessons too. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in watercolours all by yourself."
Price: 24.99

"Acrylics for beginners # 1" |
"Acrylics is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-acrylics and will teach you all about how to start an acrylic painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in acrylics all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too."
Price: 24.99

"Acrylics for beginners # 2" |
"Acrylics is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-acrylics and will teach you all about how to start an acrylic painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to paint in acrylics all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too."
Price: 24.99

"Collage for beginners #1" |
"Collage is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-collage and will teach you all about how to start a collage painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to create collages all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too."
Price: 24.99

"Collage for beginners #4 A Summer Landscape" |
"In this course we will create a summer landscape using collage. Collage is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-collage and will teach you all about how to start a collage painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to create collages all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too."
Price: 24.99

"Collage for beginners -An abstract flower" |
"Collage is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-collage and will teach you all about how to start a collage painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to create collages all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too.This lesson is a semi-abstract flower that is a joy to create. You have the freedom to choose your own papers and follow along with me."
Price: 34.99

"Collage for beginners -A guitarist" |
"Collage is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-collage and will teach you all about how to start a collage painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to create collages all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too.The guitarist project is perfect for someone who wants to learn more about mixing different media. You learn to combine collaged papers, acrylic and watercolour. This easy project is fun for everyone."
Price: 24.99

"Collage for beginners -Fruit" |
"Collage is a fun and easy. This course is for the new-to-collage and will teach you all about how to start a collage painting. Once you learn the basic steps, painting will be a joy. You can complete this course in an hour if you follow the step-by-step process. There are hints and pointers in every lesson. By the end of the series, you should be able to create collages all by yourself. These are the successful lessons that have been used for beginner students before. I have chosen my students' favorite lessons show you. Come and enjoy these lessons too.This project with fruit will teach you to use various kinds of papers in one project. Easy as it is, this project may take over an hour to create. Be prepared to break up the projects into several steps."
Price: 24.99

"Chalk Pastels for Beginners 1" |
"Beginner at art? This course will teach you basic information where you can create with ease. Chalk pastels are easy and fun. Let's create two seaside scenes using only chalk pastels.-Taking this course will teach you the basics of working with pastels. - In less than an hour you can complete two projects that you will love in a step-by-step style.-This course is designed for the beginner to achieve success. -You will learn at least two techniques per project.-You will learn how to choose the materials for the projects.-This course is done in a step-by-step process.-You will learn to love the ease with which you can create an art project."
Price: 19.99

"Date night cooking for beginners" |
"Impress your date with your cooking skills! This course includes easy recipes that you can cook with little effort.You will be guided in a step-by-step manner to making a meal in a few hourswhether you are a beginning cook or an experienced one. I give you an ingredients list then lead you through each recipe. You will make a three-course meal plus dessert. Take this course if you want to save time and still have great tasting food. All you will need is a few appliances like a crock-pot, a blender, a pot and pans. I even have a few hints on setting the table to impress your date.Have fun cooking a meal for that special someone!"
Price: 19.99
