"List Building Essentials: How to Drive Massive Traffic" |
"As marketers, we all know the importance of building, harvesting and growing our own list of email subscribers. Let's face it, having your own list is one of the best ways to guarantee your business a stable and recurring source of income. Instead of capturing clients all over again, you can create a cycle and monetize those subscribers over and over again.But, setting up autorresponders and creating highly converting email sequences is not that hard. The real struggle lies in driving the traffic needed to turn those targeted visitors into subscribers (and possible customers). That's why at We Teach Marketing we created an exclusive and FREE course that will help you score new subscribers by maximizing the amount of traffic landing into your squeeze pages and opt-in forms. Learn how to harness the real traffic magnet power of the following sources:Articles & eZine publishingVideos, channels and playlistsSolo Ads & swapsJoint Ventures & AlliancesNiche Forums & guest postingSocial Media & Press ReleasesOnce you get familiar will ALL these sources you'll be able to start sending MASSIVE amounts of traffic to your forms, getting along with it higher conversion rates and a larger email list."
Price: 19.99

"Camtasia: Create Lower Thirds Animations With Ease" |
"Learn to create your own lower thirds animations using Camtasia. Camtasia is a great screen recording and video editing program, but most miss the true power of it. In this course you will learn how to make amazing lower thirds animations with ease. With more than an hour and a half of content, you will be creating professional, dynamic, and compelling lower thirds graphics in minutes. In this course you will learn: The basics of lower thirds animations Using Camtasia properly and quickly Lower Thirds animation basics Advanced lower thirds creation techniques Tips for creating in Camtasia If you are looking for a fun, easy to follow course that will show you the true power of Camtasia, you have come to the right place. Included in this course are all of the project files needed to create lower thirds animations along with step-by-step tutorials aimed to help you uncover the power of Camtasia. Take the next step to enhance your videos and enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"Teaching with Google Classroom" |
"Do you have access to Google Apps for Education?Are you tired of printing, collecting, and grading worksheets?Do you want to create dynamic lessons for your students that engage them in new ways?Then this is the right course for you. This course is packed with simple to follow lessons that will show you how to use Google Classroom like an expert. With Google Classroom, teachers can create dynamic lessons that are student centered, collaborative, and memorable. Like you, I am a teacher that is trying to find ways to engage my students fully. I've been teaching for the past five years in online, blended, and bricks and mortar settings.Google Classroom provides an easy to use learning management system that students of all levels will be able to interact with. I've taken the time to explore the ins and outs of Google Classroom and I've identified the common pitfalls that come with using something new.By the end of this course you will be able to use Google Classroom like an pro and create engaging lessons for your students. With Google Classroom you will be able to teach your students at all times, weather they are in school or not."
Price: 19.99

"Camtasia Mac: Going Beyond Screen Recordings" |
"Learn to do more with Camtasia Mac than just screen recordings. Camtasia is a wonderful screen recording program, but hidden inside is a powerful creation tool. Most people miss out on the opportunities that Camtasia provides and instead opt for complicated, expensive software.In Camtasia Mac:Going Beyond Screen Recordings you will learn how to:Create dynamic textDevelop and publish intro and outro videosMake custom animations inside of CamtasiaAnd much more...If you are looking to do more with Camtasia, this course is for you. Through a series of easy to follow tutorials, you will gain the skills and understanding need to take your Camtasia expertise to the next level.Take the next step to enhance your videos and enroll today!"
Price: 49.99

"WordPress Content Management Services for Beginners" |
"WordPress Content Management is managing existing content for clients. Whether it's posting to their blog, modifying content on their website pages, or adding to their sidebar, this all encompasses WordPress Content Management.Those who take this course can choose to provide content management for WordPress only or take it a step further and add social media content management or even provide content ideas. It's completely up to you in how you choose to provide the service.As a virtual assistant business owner, I have worked with clients virtually for over seven years. With WordPress being one of the most widely used website formats, it's an easy choice for online business owners to use it for their business. While many are using it, they also are finding time to be limited to get everything done for their business.This is where having someone manage their content is important. Not only is it smart, but efficient. Outsourcing WordPress Content Management means business owners utilizing online tools can stick to what they do best. Allowing you to do what you do best.This course is for virtual assistants interested in adding to their current service offerings or a new virtual assistant who is not sure what to offer, however has a strong interest in blogging and WordPress.You will not find a lot of technical jargon in this course. It is written with the virtual assistant business owner in mind. It's also designed to be interactive where you complete exercises after each section within your own WordPress website.It's important to note: Having your own WordPress website is not required. This will be covered at the beginning of the course.Sound good? If that's a YES, Enroll in this course today!Start your journey of providing WordPress Content Management Services!If you find this course has not been helpful, please know there is a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 34.99

"How to Win 97% of Your Options Trades" |
"**Course fully updated for May 2019**How would you like to be able to produce income on demand from the stock market? I am going to show you a closely guarded secret used by Wall Street professionals to make a consistent income in the markets. Even the richest investor in the world, Warren Buffett, uses this same strategy to pull large sums of money from the market on a regular basis. But it gets even better. I will teach you three little-known, secret tricks to bring your win rate to as high as an astonishing 97%. And in the rare instances when you have a losing trade, the losses will be small and manageable. When you are finished with this course, you will have the ability to createincome on demand, anytime you like from anywhere in the world. You won't hear anyone talking about this on CNBC or in the financial press. This is a unique method that I will teach you, along with specialadjustments that will allow you to turn a losing trade into a winning trade with almost no effort. Enroll in the course NOW so you can start making money right away! Every minute you wait is money you could have been putting in your pocket. You also get unlimited email access to ask me any questions along the way, in addition to all future course updates. If you're not completely convinced that this is the best way to make a fortune in the markets, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30 day 100% money-back guarantee. Happy Trading,Jeff TompkinsUdemy Instructor & Chief Investment StrategistThe Trading Profit, LLC"
Price: 124.99

"How to Bulletproof Your Stock Trades" |
"Course fully updated for May 2019Learn how I have made consistent moneyin the stock market!What if you could buy any stock you want, and never have to worry about losing money on that stock? What if you could win 100% of your stock trades? Even if the stock price drops to zero, you could immediately turn around and sell your shares at the exact price you bought them at. There is a guaranteed way to do this, but surprisingly very few people know the secret. I'm not talking about using stop-loss orders, because these don't always work. Stocks can ""gap down"" past your stop-loss order, resulting in your order being filled at a much lower price. Other times, the stock price can move so fast, your stop-loss order doesn't get filled and you end up suffering more losses than you had initially planned. In this course, I will show you why you need to stop using stop-loss orders for your stocks, and how to make much more money with much less risk, starting today! Plus, I will teach you how to potentiallyturn a losing trade into a winner with very little effort.Enroll in the course NOW so you can start making money right away! Every minute you wait is money you could have been putting in your pocket.You also get unlimited email access to ask me any questions along the way, in addition to all future course updates. If you're not completely convinced that this is the best way to make a fortune in the markets, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30 day 100% money-back guarantee."
Price: 94.99

"The Blueprint for Successful Stock Trading" |
"Note: Course Fully Updated for May 2019The stock market is one of the greatest wealth creators of all time. It has created countless millionaires over the years. I am going to teach you how you can potentially become one of them. ForgetFutures and other high risk trading vehicles...this is MUCH EASIER!My revolutionary course reveals all of my step-by-step secrets for becoming wealthy trading stocks. I teach you an exact blueprint for making consistent cash in the market with low risk. I also teach how to make adjustments to your trades that will allow you to potentiallyturn them from losers into winners! Once you learn this secret technique, you will be amazed at how rare it is to lose a trade, and finally be able to trade with complete confidence. Plus, I will show you how you can buy as much stock as you want for half the price. This one technique alone is worth its weight in gold!No experience is necessary. I will teach you everything you need to know to start making money tomorrow. I don't hold anything back. You can repeat this month after month after month!You will learn:The strategy basicsHow to find the best stocks to tradeHow to setup your charts to find unbelievably accurate entry pointsHow to protect your trade so there is almost no risk of losingMake a fortune when stock prices fallHow to fix a losing trade and turn it into a winner!How you can buy as much stock as you want for a 50% discount!And much, much more..Plus I will give you access to my course How to Bulletproof Your Stock Trades"" for FREE! Click the button at the top right of your screen to begin taking this course now. Every minute you wait is money you could be putting in your own pocket. You also get unlimited email access to ask me any questions along the way, in addition to all future course updates. If you're not completely convinced that this is the best way to make a fortune in the markets, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30 day 100% money-back guarantee."
Price: 119.99

"Options Trading - How to Win with Weekly Options" |
"*Course fully updated for May 2019*Learn exactly how to receive cash deposits into your brokerage account everyweek trading a very specific options strategy, and how I rarelylosetrades due to my effective adjustment techniques to fix losing trades. I am going to teach you a strategy that is so consistent and reliable; you can potentiallyuse it to make an extrapaycheck each weekfrom the comfort of your home. You can achieve these kind of paydays even with a relativelysmall trading account!I also teach how to make adjustments to your trades that will allow you to turn it from a loser into a winner! Once you learn this secret technique, you will be amazed at how rare it is to lose a trade, and finally be able to trade with complete confidence. No experience is necessary. I will teach you everything you need to know to start making money tomorrow. I dont hold anything back. You can repeat this month after month after month!You dont need to look at charts or do any technical or fundamental analysis whatsoever.You will learn:The strategy basicsThe best way to structure the tradeA simple trick to know your odds of success before you even place the tradeThe most profitable ticker symbols to tradeHow to choose exactly which option contracts to tradeHow to fix a losing trade and turn it from a loser into a winnerHow to use what you learn to create a consistent income from homeAnd much, much more..Plus I will give you special access to one of my other highly rated options courses. The course outlines a very consistent strategy that works great with the strategy you will learn in this course.Click the button at the top right of your screen to begin taking this course now. Every minute you wait is money you could be putting in your own pocket.You will get all future course updates for free, in addition to unlimited email support from me for any questions that may arise. If for any reason you arent convinced this is absolutely the best way to make a fortune trading options, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30-day 100% money back guarantee.Happy Trading,Jeff TompkinsChief Investment StrategistThe Trading Profit, LLC"
Price: 114.99

"How to Consistently Win Trading Stocks in 30 Days or Less" |
"*Course Fully Updated for May 2019*The dont call me The Trading Profit for nothing. I have literally helped thousands of students become better, more profitable traders through my unique strategies taught on Udemy. One of the things I am well known for is trade adjustments. I advocate using special techniques to fix losing trades. In fact, many times it is possible to take a losing trade and turn it around into a winner!Im excited to announce that I have a brand new killer strategy to teach you. I never thought I would reveal this system. Its my bread and butter. It allows me to win a highpercentage of my trades with very little risk and ahigh profit potential. In fact, its one of the safest systems there is in my experience. Plus, I can win in virtually every market environmentIf the trade stays flat I can make money, if it goes down I can make money, and if it goes up I can make money! One of the best things is that you can trade this strategy in only 30 minutes per week! And you dont have to be in front of your computer while the market is open. You can simply enter your trades in the evenings after work, or whenever is convenient for you. Its one ofmy most profitable trading strategies. It can below risk with significantincome potential. Ive never revealed this system to anyone before, until now. And you are lucky enough to be one of the first to get your hands on it.You will learn: - The strategy basics - How to setup your brokerage account - The best way to structure the trade - A simple trick to create high probability trades that almost never fails - The most profitable ticker symbols to trade - Proper money management - How to fix a losing trade and turn it from a loser into a winner - How to use what you learn to make consistent profits from the comfort of your home And much, much more.. Plus there will be some amazing bonuses at the end of the course that you wont want to miss. Click the button at the top right of your screen to begin taking this course now. Every minute you wait is money you could be putting in your own pocket. You will get all future course updates for free, in addition to unlimited email support from me for any questions that may arise. If for any reason you arent convinced this is absolutely the best way to make a fortune trading the markets, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30-day 100% money back guarantee.- Jeff Tompkins"
Price: 144.99

"Digital Painting: From Sketch to Finished Product" |
"Digital Painting from Blank Canvas to Completed Product If you are a student with plans to enter the field of conceptual art and illustration or already work in the business but want to learn an exciting way to build a strong client base and improve workflow, this course is perfect. However, the course is also beneficial for virtually anyone interested in painting something unique and cool on the computer. How to Transform the Ordinary into Something Extraordinary with Digital Painting Master key elements of art and illustration Understand how to stand apart from the competition Benefit from basic and sidebar methodologies Optimize existing or gain new knowledge Content and Overview By applying everything learned in this course, you have incredible opportunities to work within multiple industries, including entertainment, law enforcement, and medical. Digital painting is widely used in the creation of characters seen in blockbuster films, promotional materials for video games, costume and mask design, and detailed illustrations used by medical professionals, and this course paves the way. Other courses tend to skip critical steps or gloss over information, but with this digital painting course, everything you need to get started is provided. This course will take you through the process of creating an amazing digital character illustration step-by-step using Adobe Photoshop. Developing New Ideas You will learn effective methods of developing ideas specific to character illustration. Sketching Hardy Fowler will cover all the basics of sketching, including the right way to get started Blocking in Color You will learn appropriate ways to apply color and define tones. Painting and Polishing As the final step of the course, your project will be given final touches and the painting completed. When finished, you will have created a digital painting of a character face and will possess basic skills for creating pieces to share or even use in an upcoming project. After completing this course using Adobe Photoshop, you will have the ability to create polished illustrations from scratch. Included in the course are rough sketching, inking, basic mark-making and rendering, using quick mask mode to block in, blocking and painting, skin tones, and polish and presentation."
Price: 24.99

"Digital Landscapes : Painting Environments with Photoshop" |
"Digital Landscapes: Painting Environments with PhotoshopIf you are a student with plans to enter the field of conceptual art and illustration or already work in the business but want to learn an exciting way to build a strong client base and improve workflow, this course is perfect. However, the course is also beneficial for virtually anyone interested in painting beautiful scenery on the computer. How to Transform the Ordinary into Something Extraordinary with Digital PaintingMaster key elements of art and illustrationUnderstand how to stand apart from the competitionBenefit from basic and sidebar methodologiesOptimize existing or gain new knowledgeContent and OverviewBy applying everything learned in this course, you have incredible opportunities to work within multiple industries, including film, video game, print and fine art to name a few. Digital landscape painting is widely used in the conceptualization of environments seen in blockbuster films and video games.Other courses tend to skip critical steps or gloss over information, but with this digital painting course, everything you need to get started is provided. This course will take you through the process of creating an amazing digital landscape illustration step-by-step using Adobe Photoshop. Defining Success - You will learn the key features that all successful environment paintings possess.Sketching Hardy Fowler will cover all the basics of sketching, including the right way to get started.Blocking in Color You will learn appropriate ways to use color to define mood, create the illusion of depth and add drama and intrigue to your landscape.Painting and Polishing As the final step of the course, your project will be given final touches and the painting completed.When finished, you will have created a beautiful digital landscape and will possess basic skills for creating pieces on your own to share or even use in an upcoming project. After completing this course using Adobe Photoshop, you will have the ability to create polished illustrations from scratch. Included in the course are sketching, rough color, basics of perspective and painting skies, refined color, photo texturing, detailing and a multitude of tips and tricks to make your landscape shine."
Price: 24.99

"Digital Creations" |
"Digital Creations: Concept Art Objects & Effects with PhotoshopIf you are a student with plans to enter the field of conceptual art and illustration or already work in the business but want to learn an exciting way to build a strong client base and improve workflow, this course is perfect. However, the course is also beneficial for virtually anyone interested in painting cool armor and weapons on the computer. How to Transform the Ordinary into Something Extraordinary with Digital PaintingMaster key elements of art and illustrationUnderstand how to stand apart from the competitionBenefit from basic and sidebar methodologiesOptimize existing or gain new knowledgeContent and OverviewBy applying everything learned in this course, you have incredible opportunities to work within multiple industries, including film, video game, print and fine art to name a few. Digital art is used in the conceptualization of environments seen in blockbuster films and video games.Other courses tend to skip critical steps or gloss over information, but with this digital painting course, everything you need to get started is provided. This course will take you through the process of creating believable and compelling concept art objects step-by-step using Adobe Photoshop. Simple Exercises - we will learn the basics of rendering metal, wood, ""jewels"" and glass containers. All skills that every concept artist must master in order to create professional level weapons & armor concept art.Full Scale Projects - we will apply what was learned in the exercises to three simulated real world assignments. Students can choose to render a suit of armor, a pistol or a sword (or try all three!)Special Effects - we will learn to render realistic magical effects such as smoke, fire and lightning.After completing this course using Adobe Photoshop, you will have the ability to render these commonly sought after assets with confidence and ease."
Price: 19.99

"Top Marketing Tips:Grow Your Instagram And Facebook Fast!" |
"Would you like to know how to gain a fast loyal following?In this course, I will teach and demonstrate everything you need to know about Facebook and Instagram, starting from scratch. Also, I will explain how to rank a video on Youtube fast and how to build genuine relationships with prospects that will turn into your business partners.Upon enrolling, you will get my personal help. I will offer support to every student who requests it. If you have a problem/question, send me a private message and we will set up a time for a personal call.Get started NOW...That means TODAY!This course is the answer to results that work which leads to positive success.Be a action taker!Hannah"
Price: 19.99

"How To Remix a Song in Eight Easy Steps" |
"30 day money back guarantee! The "How To Make a Remix in Eight Steps" Udemy course was created to introduce new producers to the process of remixing and to give intermediate producers a few new tips to bring their remixes up to the next level. Taught by a rising DJ/Producer who's been doing this for 2-3+ years and counting, this course is filled with tips and tricks that he wishes he would've known when embarking on his quest to re-imagine his favorite artists' tracks. This course is structure to be a no-nonsense introduction to the foundations of remixing, which is why it has been designed to take no longer than an hour to complete. Each lecture is either a 2-6 minute narrated slideshow or a short .pdf with bullet points filling you in on everything you need to know. This course is structured to teach you the concepts of remixing, whether you create hip-hop, R&B, or EDM. That being said, as the instructor produces EDM music on a daily basis, if you produce EDM you may benefit from a few EDM-specific insights. So if you want to learn how the remix process works quickly or want to take your remixing skills up another level, then the "How To Make a Remix In Eight Steps" Udemy course is the course for you!"
Price: 94.99

"How To Make an Avicii-Style Track (in FL Studio)" |
"Welcome to the ""How To Make an Avicii-Style Track"" Udemy course! In this video series you'll watchone producer's 2 1/2hour studiosessionto get a sense of how aTim Berg-esque dance track is made from start to finish.In this course you'll discover:Workflow tips and tricksSome ideas on structuring tracksFree/inexpensive plugins to take your productions to the next levelProgressive house layering tips and tricksEvery single step that goes into making this sort of track from start to finishThis course is perfect for the dance music lover who would like to get a deeper appreciation for the genre, or for the beginning producer who's looking for an understanding of all the variables in creating this style ofproduction."
Price: 94.99

"Compose Your First Song: While Learning FL Studio 12!" |
"UPDATED FOR FL STUDIO 20!Join Colin Warn (aka DJVeaux), a full-timeghost producer and music producer, in:Learning the basics of FL Studio 12/20 by creating a track from scratch.Tired of learning what all the knobs do with zero idea of how they work in context of making a track? Learned everything about the program but have zero idea of how to go about the creative process?This is the course designed to show you how to make a track, in under an hour, by forcing you tocomposea track step by step under my instruction.In this course, Iwill teach you all the basic tools within FL Studio by means of a follow-along video tutorial series:From how to make drum patterns, to telling the computer what melodies to play, to throwing effects on certain elements, and the like.This coursealso comes with my 1-Page FL Studio Quickstart Guide: A short .pdf curating the best resources to learn the basics of music theory thatI wish I had starting out.So if this sounds like the course for you, hit that buy button. If you don't end up enjoying this course after 30 days,you canrefund it! So all said and done, you've really got nothing to lose."
Price: 94.99

"Java Programming For Absolute Beginners in Urdu" |
"Introduction:Java Programming For Absolute Beginners in Urdu/Hindi LanguageIf you interested in Programming Fields, I prefer you must be learn Java Programming. Java is a High Level Programming Language, designed by Sun-Micro System in 1991. Starting Java Name is Oak, later on renamed to Java. Java is one the Most Popular OOP Programming Language. Ihave Designed Java Programming For Absolute Beginners in Urdu/Hindi Language.In this Course you can learn Beginners to Advanced. I explained step by step and clearly, after watch complete course, I hope you are able to Make Desktop Application As Well. If you have any programming knowledge thats good. But if you beginners in Programming Fields, and you will learn Java Programming, Thats great decision to enter Programming Fields. I have designed this course for everyone, which are interested in Programming Fields. There are many other OOP Supported Languages such as C#, PHP etc, but Java is a different everyone.INTRODUCTION OF JAVA PROGRAMMING :The most prominent use of computers is to solve problems quickly and accurately. The solution adopted to solve a problem is provided as a sequence of instructions or specifications of activity which enables a user to achieve the desired result. Software Applications: The solution for solving a problem in the field of information technology is achieved by developing software applications. A software application can be defined as a collection of programs that are written in high-level programming languages to solve a particular problem. Programming Languages: The development of software application is done using a programming language. A programming language is used as a medium for communicating the instruction to the computer. The programming language enforces a particular style of programming that is referred to as a programming paradigm. Following are the two types of programming paradigm: Structured Programming ParadigmObject-oriented Programming ParadigmStructured Programming Paradigm: In structured programming paradigm, the application development is decomposed into a hierarchy of subprograms. The subprograms are referred to as procedures, functions, or modules in different structured programming languages. Each subprogram is defined to perform a specific task. Some of structured programming languages are C, Pascal, and COBOL.Main disadvantage of structured programming languages are as follows:Data is shared globally between the subprograms.Efforts are spent on accomplishing the solution rather than focusing on problem domain.This often led to a software crisis, as the maintenance cost of complex applications became high and availability of reliable software was reduced.Object-oriented Programming ParadigmGrowing complexity of software required change in programming style. Some of the features that were aimed are as follows:Development of reliable software at reduced cost.Reduction in the maintenance cost.Development of reusable software components.Completion of software development with the specified time interval.These features resulted in the evolution of object-oriented programming paradigm.Object-oriented Analysis (OOA) phase determines the functionality of the system. Object-oriented Design (OOD) phases determines the process of planning a system in which objects interact with each other to solve a software problem. Object-oriented Programming (OOP) deals with the actual implementation of the application. Unified Modeling Language (UML) helps to create visual models in the system. The actual implementation of these visual models is done using an OOP language.An OOP language is based on certain principles that are as follows:Object Represents an entity which possesses certain features and behaviors.Class Is a template that is used to create objects of that class.Abstraction Is a design technique that focuses only on the essential features of an entity for a specific problem domain.Encapsulation Is a mechanism that combines data and implementation details into a single unit called class.Inheritance Enables the developer to extend and reuse the features of existing classes and create new classes. The new classes are referred to as derived classes.Polymorphism Is the ability of an object to respond to same message in different ways.WHAT AM I GOING TO GET FROM THIS COURSE?The introduction of Java.Download and Configure JDK(Java Development Kit).CommentsData Types and Local VariablesCastingOperatorsEscape SequenceSelection Control Structure (If, If Else, If Else If)Repetition Control Structure (Loops)ArraysMake an Object (User input)Instance VariableConstructorMethodsStatic VariablesInheritanceAccess ModifiersEncapsulationThis and Final KeywordAbstractInterfaceSuper KeyNetBean Download and InstallationPackagesNested ClassesGenericsCollectionsTry CatchFile HandlingThreadingDesigning PatternMySQLConnectivityPROJECT OFJAVA PROGRAMMINGInsert, Update, Delete Search(and Much More) WithDatabase.Project (Online Billing System)WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS?Basic Computer Knowledge.No Any OtherRequirements to Learn Java Programming.No Any Previous Programming Experiences.Ihave designed this Course for Absolute Beginners, You will learn start to Advance inJava.WHAT IS THE TARGET AUDIENCE?This Course Designed For Absolute Beginners, Are You Interested in Programming, Don't wait to Enrollment Now."
Price: 99.99

"Gracias, Medio Ambiente! - Audiovisual Educativo" |
"Nombre del proyecto: Gracias, medio ambiente! Dirigido a: Educadores de nivel primaria (seis a once aos) - Cualquier persona que trate con infantes de manera formativa Padres / Madres de familia - Nias y nios. Formato: Gracias, medio ambiente es un proyecto basado en un dilogo entre una madrey su hijo, apoyado con imgenes y msica. El formato es en video: es un audiovisual, a manera de un breve documental multimedia, con duracin aproximada de 30 minutos, para ser proyectado en todo lugar en que sea buen motivo para que lo presencien nias y nios. El documental consta de cuatro partes: + Reino Animal + Reino Plantas/Aire/Contaminacin + Agua/Ecosistema/Oxgeno/Ozono/Contaminacin + Biodiversidad/Cambio Climtico. + Como un plus, al final del curso seofrece la lectura dela Carta de la Tierra - Adaptacin infantil. (Video, PowerPoint, Word y PDF) Objetivo: Este proyecto va dirigido a la infancia en su etapa primaria. Pretende, en primera instancia, despertar la sensibilidad de los infantes y estimular su inteligencia emocional. El hilo conductor es el medio ambiente, pero el tema principal es abrir la ventana de la admiracin por la naturaleza. La admiracin conlleva respeto y a lo que se respeta se le cuida. Ante la vital preocupacin mundial sobre el abuso que hemos infringido a nuestro planeta contamos con intentos inmediatos y esperanza y uno de ellos capital es la educacin. Pero la educacin es incompleta mientras no se le d un sentido ms all del informativo. En este vital tema es indispensable imprimir una sensibilizacin de orden tico. Esto es: estimular lo ms profundo del ser humano en su reconocimiento como un ser espiritual ntimamente ligado a su ser natural. Y eso debemos transmitrselo a los nios; es una obligacin de madurez y de ello obtendremos la mejor de sus respuestas ya que poseen una sabidura innata que slo necesita ser despertada con base en estmulos. ste es el principal propsito de este proyecto. Los objetivos: que nias y nios se inicien en admirar, agradecer, respetar y cuidar de su naturaleza, del medio que les rodea, y en ltima instancia primordial de su espiritualidad cuando alcancen una inteligencia emocional madura. El otro, que interioricen que ante tal adversidad persista siempre la esperanza... El proyecto busca informar, sensibilizar y formar valores. En lo informativo incluye temas, sin importar el orden, sobre: + Ecosistemas terrestres y acuticos. Su depredacin. + Calidad del agua, aire y suelo. + Reino animal. Extincin. + Reino de las plantas. Oxgeno. Fotosntesis. + Contaminacin. Degradacin. + Ecologa. Su equilibrio. + Atmsfera y biosfera. + Biodiversidad. + Desastres naturales como consecuencia. + Servicios ambientales + Cambio climtico + Ozono. Capa de ozono. + Poblacin + Pobreza + Salud + Derechos y obligaciones humanos ambientales + Productos industriales. Consumo. + Petrleo. Energa. + Gases de efecto invernadero. Bixido de Carbono (CO2). + Calentamiento global. Efectos. En sensibilizacin y valores, trata sobre: + Respeto por la naturaleza y por uno mismo + Proteccin por la naturaleza + Derechos y obligaciones. Responsabilidad co-responsabilidad. + Compromiso personal y comprometer a los adultos + Identificacin con la naturaleza + Inteligencia emocional + Estimular la imaginacin hacia un bien comn y natural + Comprensin de problemas comunes + Humildad + Interaccin + Co-dependencia Interdependencia + Admiracin por la belleza + Sentido tico + Preocupacin + Agradecimiento + Culpabilidad saludable + Esperanza + Accin, gracias a su inteligencia y sensibilidad. + Sabidura innata ................................................................"
Price: 34.99

"Easy-2-Dance-Hip-HopThe Ultimate Hip Hop Dance Course" |
"Do you want to learn hip hop dance? Do you want to learn hip hop dance so badly? Do you wish you could dance like recording artists such as Chris Brown, Jason Derulo or Usher? Or was step up one of your favourite movies and you always thought to yourself, I wish I could dance like that. If this describes you, then you have come to the right place. Easy2DanceHipHop is a hip hop dance course designed to teach beginners cool hip hop dance moves. By getting you to go through a step by step system that is easy to follow, therefore, helping you to learn the moves within a short period of time. Also Easy2DanceHipHop will teach you how to be a unique, unpredictable and just overall entertaining hip hop dancer. Now imagine being able to really dance to your favourite song when it comes on in the club or at a party. Imagine the look on your friends and familys faces when you start busting out these cool hip hop dance moves and then have them come up to you afterwards saying, how did you do that, that was amazing, I didnt know you could dance, where did you learn how to dance like that. Well you dont have to imagine any more because this unique hip hop dance course will give you all that and more. Whether you want to learn hip hop dance moves just for fun or whether you want to learn just a few moves to show off to your friends or at a party, then this course will be perfect for you but if you want to develop your hip hop dancing to an advanced level or to the point where you may want to enter competitions in the future then this hip hop dance course will be a great starting point for you. In this hip hop dance course you will be learning: A number of hip hop dance moves which will be split into 4 parts: steps, spins, glides and get downs. You will learn all these moves in a step by step way therefore making it easier to learn. An insight into the mental side of hip hop dancing as I teach you the importance of adding personality and creativity into your dancing because hip hop dance is not just all about learning moves and just doing it but hip hop dance is also about bring your own style, individuality and creativity to the dance which will make your hip hop dancing more entertaining, unique, exciting and unpredictable. How to combine the moves together and the right ways to combine moves together. So that when you dance it is like one smooth motion and not stop start, stop start. Some practising tips to help you learn the moves quicker and to help you develop confidence (especially for beginners) when you dance in public. In this course I am going to teach you how to be an individual hip hop dancer, so NO CHOREOGRAPHY and what I mean by this is that I will teach you how to dance hip hop on your own because I dont want your dancing to be just choreographed routines but instead I want you to have creativity and originality when you dance hip hop which will make your dancing more entertaining and exciting to watch as well as allowing you to be able to freestyle. You can go through this course at your own pace, so the only person you need to keep up with is yourself. So if all this sounds exciting to you and you are interested in giving Easy2DanceHipHop a try then all you have to do is enrol in this course, so you can get started on learning hip hop dance."
Price: 44.99

"Learn How To WaveEasy-2-Wave (Street Dance Course)" |
"Easy2Wave is a streetdance course for beginners, which focuses specifically on teaching the basics and fundamentals of how to wave and the waving concept. Each move will be taught in a step by step way making it easier to learn. This is a great course for anyone who is interested in learning other styles within streetdance such as waving and it will increase your street dance repertoire. The aim of this course is not just to teach you the basics and fundamentals of how to wave but also this course will teach you how to be creative with your waving. In this course you will be learning: Step by Step how to wave including how to arm wave, body wave and combining both arm wave and body wave together How to be creative with your waving using a number of variations of the arm wave, body wave, and combination of both wave types Creative ways on how to make youre waving more entertaining and unpredictable. An insight on how to freestyle wave. You can go through this course at your own pace; so if you are interested in learning the art of waving, then enrol in this course where you will learn step by step how to wave and how to be creative with your waving."
Price: 24.99

"Excel Pivot Tables: The Power of PivotTables... Made Easy" |
"Present more meaningful insight into your Excel data with PivotTables.This Course Come With:Downloadable Excel WorkbooksFree eBookCreate PivotTables Fast So You Can Easily Analyze, Drill-Down, and Quickly Calculate Your Excel Spreadsheet DataYou use Excel for a reason, and I'm sure it's not to spend hours analyzing data.You could sit for hours, pouring over hundreds, or thousands of rows.Filtering, sorting, and calculating like there's no tomorrow.And when you need to alter the data, you can do it all again.Or you could take a different approach.You can spend seconds, and create PivotTables.Some people spend so much time creating formulas, copying and pasting numbers and records, when they can use PivotTables.Those that do use PivotTables can make better business decisions, analyze faster, and have more control over their data, and confidence in their skills.In this course you'll learn: How to create PivotTablesHow to filter, and create custom sorting listsHow to format values, and create calculated fieldsHow to create Slicers and Timelines for ultra fast filteringHow to change the layout and styleHow to create PivotChartsand moreLearn to create PivotTables in hours, not days. Then use that knowledge to create user-friendly, interactive reports in minutes, not hours!Whether you are a small business owner looking to better understand sales trends, an assistant creating weekly reports, or you're looking for a way to better track household expenses, if you are using Excel, you need PivotTables!Most exercises can also be applied to Excel 2007, Excel 2010, and Excel 2016 as well.GAIN MICROSOFT EXCEL PIVOTTABLE SKILLS.Enroll Now & I'll See You In Class!"
Price: 124.99

"Microsoft Access SQL: SQL for Non-Programmers" |
"SQL Is One Of The Most Sought-After Skills By Employers.If there was an easy, step-by-step method for learning a little bit of SQL EVERY SINGLE DAY without the confusion, techoverwhelm , or ""What the heck do I do next?"" syndrome, would you finally feel confident enough to make learning SQL your priority?You Can Quickly Learning How To Query Your Microsoft Access Databases with SQLIf you are already familiar with Microsoft Access databases, and would like to: Have more employable skills Learn an in-demand programming language Get the answers that you want, when you want them from your database Break free of the Query Design window, or Query WizardsThen this course will enable you to discover how you can use SQL to query your Access databases. There is enormous value in knowing the basics and being efficient in SQL.You can start using SQL today.Here's your first example,SELECT [SQL Course]FROM UdemyWHERE Instructor = 'IsBel.' The Tools You Need to Tell the Query Design Window ""Good-bye"","
Price: 199.99

"Excel: Core Data Analysis, and Workbook Customization" |
"You use Excel. You want to use it faster.Faster Excel with Less Stress, That is What You Will Get By Enrolling In This Course.By the end of this course, you will learn over 70 ways to: NAVIGATE FASTER and BETTER ORGANIZE your WorkbooksLearn TIME SAVING Analysis Tools, and FORMULASHave DATA VALIDATION Help You Restrict What Users Can Enter Into Your WorkbooksCONDITIONAL FORMATTING Your Data for Faster Analysis.Create TABLES, and CHARTS Quickly. Learn About SPARKLINES, and How to Create a SECONDARY AXIS.See How Easy it is to CREATE PIVOTTABLESPRINTING Done Right.Learn to Create Simple MACROS... MUCH, MUCH MOREENROLL Right Now, and Join the Over3,700 Others Who Decided toBecome a Better Excel User."
Price: 124.99

"Access: Customizing Tables, Forms, Reports & Action Queries" |
"Expand your Access database technical skills.Customizing Existing TablesAdd More Functionality to Your Access FormsEnhancing the Look & Feel of Your ReportsCreate Parameter, Action, Cross Tab, and Self Join Queriesas well as Duplicate, and Non Matching QueriesSave Time with Macros in Access DatabasesCustomizing the User InterfaceCreate Switchboards for Easy NavigationLearn About Access Database Maintenanceand Get Additional Access Database ResourcesThis course can be completed in hours, but the information can last a lifetime.So if you are beyond the beginner stage in Access, and want a convenient way to learn more Access skill, I invite you to enroll.This is not an advanced Access course, though advanced users are welcome, and might benefit from lectures within the course.Take a look at the course curriculum to help decide if this informative, easy-to-follow course is for you.You can only GAIN MICROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE SKILLS.So Click The TakeThis Course Button On The Right & I'll See You In Class!"
Price: 124.99

"Microsoft Access: Beyond the Basics of Access Bundle" |
"Microsoft Access Three Course Bundle:Access:Customizing Tables, Forms, Reports & Action QueriesMicrosoft Access Macros: Automate Your Access DatabaseMicrosoft Access SQL: SQL for Non-ProgrammersSo, what's in this course for you?:: Access Customizing Skills & Strategies :: Learning Microsoft Access tips will absolutely make your workday easier.From importing and exporting data with Microsoft Excel, to restricting data that is entered into your tables.Create cascading combo boxes that display information based off of data in another combo box.You'll also find pro tips on using reports, and queries, documenting your database, and simplifying navigation.:: Creating Macros for Saving Time :: Learn to create Macros for more control over the database, get work done faster, and feel efficient.You don't need to know any VBA code, you just need a willingness to want to save time with macros, to upgrade your skills, and to invest a few hours of time in the process.:: Learning How SQL Can Interact with Your Database ::This week you can start learning SQL, step by step, and improve your skills.Learn to use SQL in your Access databases from the beginning. Select data, as well as filter, and sort. Learn to create table, and about joins. No prior SQL experience required.This bundled course can be completed in hours, but the information can last a lifetime.So if you are beyond the basic beginner stage in Access, and want a convenient way to learn, I invite you to enroll.This is not an advanced Access course, though advanced users are welcome, and might benefit from lectures within the course.Take a look at the course curriculum to help decide if this informative, easy-to-follow course is for you.You only have MICROSOFT ACCESS DATABASE SKILLS to gain.So Click The TakeThis Course Button On The Rightand become a better Microsoft Access User."
Price: 199.99

"Access VBA: The Beginner's Blueprint to Programming Access" |
"In This Course You Get:Free Downloadable Databases - makes it easy to follow along & practice after class.""Test Your Skills"" - exercises to get you engaged & reinforce what you have learned.Code - in the Resources section of the lectures where applicable.Access VBA Glossary - talk the talkChoose Access VBA when...Simple tables, forms, or reports just won't do. ..When Macros aren't quite enough. ..And when creating your own applications from scratch is overkill. Are you experienced with Access, but not with VBA programming? This course introduces VBA programming concepts with easy to follow examples, and lessons.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------First, you will learn the difference between Macros and VBA, and create a simple Macro.Then you will get familiar with the Visual Basic Editor, your home for programming Access, and basic concepts of Visual Basic for Applications.During this course you will learn VBA concepts that you can apply to your job, and add functionality to your Access databases:Get comfortable with the Visual Basic Editor (VBE)Learn the essentials of writing VBA codeLearn about the powerful DoCmd objectCreate branching decision structuresCreate user interactions forms, like message boxes, and input boxesDAO recordsetsDebug your code, and handle errors-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------What to know before you enroll:You will have unlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will have instant, and free access to any updates I add to the course.Don't forget, you are covered by a 30 day money back guarantee.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Get started programming VBA for your Access databases today."
Price: 199.99

"Excel VBA: The VBA Beginner's Blueprint to Programming Excel" |
"Become an Excel Programmer andYou Can Finally Put Your Work On Autopilot!Even with all of Excel's great features, and built-in tools, you might find yourself doing repetitive tasks, that take longer than they should.Or the day will come when you say, ""Oh, I wish there were a better way to do this!""The good news is that Excel, and other Microsoft Office applications, comes with Visual Basic for Applications(VBA), a programming language that will extend the functionality of your Office applications.In This Course You Get:Free Downloadable Workbooks - makes it easy to follow along & practice after class.Test Your Skills - exercises to get you engaged & reinforce what you have learned.Code Snippets - with common code bites.VBA Glossary - talk the talkThis is a VBA beginner's course that will get you on the road to being in that elite group of VBA programmers.Learning to program can seem daunting at first, but I'm going to make it as easy as possible.With that said, VBA is a huge topic, and yes, there are a lot of lectures in this course.But don't stress out.What I do go over will get you from, ""I don't even like looking at VBA"", to, ""I can do this!""NOTE: There are multiple ways to get the same result in VBA.So the way I write a procedure or two might be slightly different than your co-workers code, or yours, and that's O.K. If you're ready to cut your workload, automate your tasks, and learn a desirable skill while your at it, click the Take This Course button on the top right, and I will help start programming your Excel workbooks with VBA."
Price: 199.99

"Down To Business: Business Management From the First Step" |
"Business management offers versatile opportunities to individuals from diverse backgrounds and skills. Talented business managers are always in demand in the evolving global business environment. Business management mainly involves generating profit by creating and selling valued products and services at a reasonable cost to the customers. This also creates enough employment opportunities.Global Finance School brings you this amazing module that helps you in deconstructing the building blocks of a business and how they can be effectively managed. Managing a business involves a persistent effort to build superior products and services at low cost, expand to new markets, fight competition, and retain existing employees and customers while generating profit and complying with rules and regulations.As you realise already business management is a very challenging field which requires multiple skills and a deep appreciation of the business management framework. This course will help you grasp the fundamental principles of business management which is essential for any aspiring or existing business management professional. Whether you are a young professional, experienced businessman or a start-up executive, a better understanding of business management principles is always prized as it helps you make informed decisions and contribute positively to the organisations. Learn and understand what it takes to manage a successful business! After taking this course you will be in a better position to appreciate various factors and their implications that come into play when running a business in a global environment like Functional aspects of systems in an organisation (Departments)Planning and coordination within an organisationRole of economics in the real worldSurvival and growth in a competitive environmentDifferent types of organisations, priorities, and purposeLocal and international business environments Starting up and seizing opportunitiesBusiness planning and communicationFactors of sustainability and the business environmentSign up now for this amazing course and build your understanding of managing a successful business."
Price: 24.99

"From Manager To Leader: Simplified Leadership For Success" |
"You have reached a point in your career where you feel that a transition is inevitable, a transition that will move you from being a manager to the realms of leadership. If you feel that you are ready then this course is for you. Discover how to acquire larger drawing canvas"" - see the bigger picture and lead your teams towards success. This course will enhance your ability to shun doubts and dogma and allow you work on core areas that not only qualify you as a leader but also help you manage organizations and people, and drive profitability better.Whether you are a professional, businessman, student, or an entrepreneur - managing just a few people or a large team, you can utilise the insights of this course to gain and practice the mindset that produces effective leadership and result orientation.By end of this course you will be able to Take your management skills to the next level!Understand how you impact common perception and outcomes in an organization Learn what successful leaders do and don't Empower yourself and establish yourself as a leader Exploit current research and accepted wisdom to enhance your leadership style Use practical insights to be an effective communicator Manage time better and be more productive As a bonus, the course includes optional exercises that let you reaffirm and ingrain the learning better through practise or by receiving or getting feedback from your peers by uploading the assignments to the discussion board. Sign up for this course and bridge the gap to your leadership development today!"
Price: 24.99

"Ideas To Results: How To Be A Project Manager" |
"Businesses today are facing more complex issues than ever before. Business professionals are expected to collaborate and execute in time-bound projects across the organisation. Competent project managers are in demand, for they are relied upon, for balancing the elements of cost, time, scope, people, and other resources to achieve business goals.Simply put -business outcomes are effect"" of well managed projects, and therefore it would not be an overstatement to say that project management strategies drive organisational success.But, to become an effective project manager, you need to have thorough understanding of resource dynamics, dependencies, tools and techniques, and an ability to manage unforeseen events to keep the project on track. As you would know, this is no way an easy task and that is the very reason, competent project managers bring in immense value to the organisations. Organisations not only requires a great degree of collaboration between people across locations but also an effective project management rigour that would go a long way making products, services and operations result oriented, flexible and, above all, sustainable.This course is beneficial for anyone transitioning into project management role, starting a career, or even already working as a project manager. You would always want to learn and relearn intricacies of effective project management and build on the knowledge at any stage of your career. If this describes you in any way, this is the right course for you. It will enhance your proficiency in project management by enabling you to lead projects efficiently and utilise best known tools and techniques available to manage time, scope, and resources.Sign up for this in-depth course to gain vital insights into successful project management including:Scoping of projects understanding needs, setting goals of the project and defining objectives.Project break down structures requirements, work, work packages, sequencing, scheduling and dependencies.Project budgeting, risk planning, slack and critical path analysis.Reporting, forecasting, escalation management and handling scope creeps.Handing over the deliverables, documentation and closure.Agile project management iterative and adaptive continuous design and flexible scope and how it compares with traditional project management. Furthermore, in every video lecture in this course we will:Introduce the concept and relate it with context and learning needsDevelop on the subject matter and use examples in current business context to further explain the core principlesConcentrate on what you need to know in these complex business environmentsProvide references and exercises to develop scenario based learningUse practical frameworks, what has been learned and proven and what you may exercise to enhance your abilities.Help you learn application of tools and techniques in the context of business challenges and realities on the ground.Test you to recall and reinstate learning along with specially designed exercises. Upon completion of this course, you will grow not just in terms of fundamentals but also in terms of deploying tools, techniques and managing people for successful project management."
Price: 24.99
