"Mean and Variance : statistical parameters in probability" |
"This course gives a complete knowledge and insight in statistical parameters....mean ,variance,moments,characteristic function..Fundamental and in depth ideas are talked about in simple manner to build a strong foundation that can assist students with deriving and learning better concept. It focus students to build skills in autonomous way. The course may take a short time to finish ,its very simple and easy .at the end of the course you will learn to solve any problem based on the above topics.However, it gives away a portion of significant learning of subject.This course is apart of probability theory"
Price: 1600.00

"Stock Market Basic,Trading & Investment Course (5 in 1)" |
"Stock Market Trading & Investment Strategy is a complete guide as to how you get started in Stock marketMutual fundFundamental analysis of a companyTechnical analysis- candlestick charts, day trading, entry & exit, Oscillators & Relative strength index(RSI). Trading StrategyThis course is basically for beginners, who dont have an experience in trading/investment & who dont know from where & how to start ?So this is designed in such a way that u can become a successful trader or investor with minimum risk & make good enough of profit. It is also helpful for the aspirants who wants to enchance their career in Financial markets & take you to the next level of career.After completing this course , you will be able to invest with absolute confidence as you will be equipped with financial knowledge.Our goal is to make you to start trading or investment with confidence & give you a kick start on your investment journey to achieve financial goals.How is the course structured?1)The 1st section in the course deal with overview of stock market, demat , settlement trading.2) The 2nd section is about understanding the mutual fund, derivative market, commodity market.3) The next section is about understanding the financial statement of the company.4) the last section is about technical analysis when to buy & when to sell the shares.This course is useful for all the individuals like:. Beginners Employees Professionals who want to gain knowledge in securities markets Students Home-makers Trainers/ Teachers etc."
Price: 10880.00

"How To Film High-End Weddings From Start To Finish" |
"As wedding filmmakers we have one of the most important roles during a client's wedding. We are tasked with capturing some of the most important memories of their lives.This course is for video creators new to filming weddings and wedding photographers that want to add wedding filmmaking to their portfolio.There are so many different elements to what we do from pre-production, to client management, and of course filming. My goal is to teach you not only how to organize your day but also how to be a master observer so that your wedding film is filled with amazing memories for your client.Ive seen so many courses out there that are geared towards mid-level wedding filmmakers to help them land luxury weddings. But what about the video creators that have yet to film an event? Well, this is the course for them/you! I didnt hold anything back, from the gear I use to film an event, to the type of b-roll shots I get, and all of the strategies I use for filming the couple's big day from start to finish."
Price: 84.99

"Extraction of Impacted Third Molar" |
"I hope these videos will help you prepare for your academics and can also give you a nice overview for clinical application and general knowledge.Impaction is not only a very important but also very interesting topic to understand.You will certainly get a lot of questions from this topic in your boards and other competitive exams. In your clinical practice also you will almost daily come across impacted tooth cases on should definitely go through this topic it it will enhance your knowledge about how vast and incredible dentistry is. This is an attempt of mine to make this difficult topic in easier and understandable for you. i will not say that these videos are sufficient for you because you know how vast is dentistry is but yes i tried my best to make it simpler for you when you are going though any book on impaction. "
Price: 19.99

"How Your Resume/CV Can Land You Your Dream Job" |
"Get a significant competitive edge in your next career search.This is a unique opportunity to learn what actually works, direct from one of the world's most informed recruitment professionals.You will be blown away at how effective these tips and strategies are and wonder why they aren't common knowledge!I will guide you through:How to identify where you are in your career and what your strengths are, right now.Learn how to understand clearly, exactly what matters to any employer of interest.Cut the fat. How to identify what needs to be showcased on your resume and what needs to go.The Insiders secret: Learn how to build your winning 'Master Resume /CV'.Learn how to make your Resume connect with key decision-makers.Secret strategies only the brave dare use; Tailoring your resume to each specific opportunity.How to get decision-makers on the phone and put your application in front of them.I can't wait to see you inside and help you land your dream job!Nicola"
Price: 139.99

"Menjadi Merchandiser yang Efektif sekaligus Efisien 02" |
"Mengapa Anda harus menguasai ilmu Merchandising?Berinvestasilah pada diri Anda sendiri sebelum mampu mengelola bisnis Anda.Merchandising adalah jantung bagi bisnis retail.Merchandising adalah inti dari ilmu retailAnda tetap mampu mencapai target sales Anda dalam situasi apa pun jika Anda menguasai ilmu iniMembahas secara mendalam:Tugas dan tanggung jawab merchandiser yang efektif sekaligus efisien.Pengendalian persediaan barang dagangan agar tidak berlebihan (over stock) dan agar tidak kekurangan (under stock)Menetapkan harga jual untuk memaksimalkan margin namun tetap murah di mata pelangganMembeli barang jangan sampai menjadi barang mati dan cara mengatasi barang mati jika terjadiMengukur kinerja Merchandiser secara mendalamMenyelamatkan sales & cash flow anda dengan cepat"
Price: 420000.00

"Italian for travellers" |
"During a trip in a foreign country the knowledge of the language is a great help: this course wants to help you to become confident while you are travelling in Italy. You'll practise the sentences useful in several practical situations and you'll be able to understand your level of learning with useful quizzes. Listening the voice of a native speaker will help you to memorize the right pronunciation and the possibility to repeat the listening several time will improve your knowledge. There are many different examples of conversation: bar, restaurant, hotel, station, bus, store, petrol station and others, that are necessary for creating an excellent level of comprehension."
Price: 24.99

"Einfhrung Katzenverhalten - Verstehen Sie Ihre Katze" |
"Ziel dieses sechsteiligen Videokurses ist es, Ihnen die Grundlagen des Katzenverhaltens in kompakter Form nher zu bringen.Sie erhalten viele Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Katze besser verstehen lernen und auch Hinweise zur Gesundheitsvorsorge. Dieser Kurs bietet Ihnen den perfekten Einstieg in das Thema ""Katzenverhalten"" und ist fr Neu-Katzenbesitzer und solche, die es noch werden mchten geeignet. Auch wenn Sie schon lnger mit Katzen zusammen leben, werden Sie sicher noch einige gute Tipps bekommen."
Price: 39.99

"Interview Questions and Answer on Python" |
"Python is most popular language with it's attributes. If you want to be confident about cracking the aptitude test in programming , then Enroll our Course and go through the Question and Answer. Practice it.For the students who are afraid of aptitude test in programming. We have designed a set of Interview Cracking course which enhances your knowledge and make you confident.The practice tests will cover the following topics* Variables* Basic Operation* Formatting* Numeric Type* Data type* Problems on precedence* Bit-wise numeric* Loops* Strings* Lists* Tuples * Sets* Classes* Dictionary function* Built-in function"
Price: 1280.00

"Mudanas para um novo ambiente organizacional" |
"A tecnologia est modificando por completo as estruturas das organizaes, assumindo um papel cada vez mais estratgico para os negcios. Os desafios dos gestores esto aumentando, a adaptao do comportamento organizacional ao novo normal ps pandemia, ps distanciamento social, as indefinies no mundo corporativo e a retomada da economia. O curso Mudanas para um novo ambiente organizacional os profissionais para desempenhar funes organizacionais neste novo contexto e ampliar seus conhecimentos buscando atualizao e aperfeioamento profissional e educao continuada.Professora responsvel: Slvia Palmieri TaniguchiCurrculo resumido:Mestre em Administrao de Empresas com nfase em Gesto de Pessoas e Organizaes, Especializanda em Gesto Inteligente: Liderana, Coaching e Inovao. Carreira desenvolvida na rea Educacional. Atua tambm como docente e orientadora de projetos em cursos de graduao e ps-graduao nas modalidades presencial e EaD. Atualmente professora da Universidade Metodista de So Paulo nos cursos de Processos Gerenciais, Gesto de Seguros, Gesto Comercial e Ps-Graduao em Gesto da Qualidade e Ps-graduao em Administrao da Produo e Operaes. membro do Ncleo Docente Estruturante dos Cursos de Processos Gerenciais e Gesto de Seguros. Atuou por mais de 25 anos em treinamento e comercial na rea bancria."
Price: 39.99

"Gesto de Servios 5.0" |
"O setor de servios vem crescendo no Brasil e j representa mais de 70% do no PIB. A evoluo da tecnologia e principalmente a 5. Revoluo Industrial vem transformando esse setor, gerando novas solues que fornecem diversas inovaes atendendo as novas demandas dos clientes e consumidores. O objetivo desse curso apresentar aos alunos as melhores prticas em gesto de servios considerando os impactos gerados pelas transformaes tecnolgicas digitais nos padres de prestao de servios, e nas expectativas dos clientes e consumidores, e ampliar as habilidades e conhecimentos dos profissionais da rea, para desempenhar funes organizacionais neste novo contexto, buscando atualizao e aperfeioamento profissional e educao continuadaProfessora responsvel: Slvia Palmieri TaniguchiCurrculo resumido:Mestre em Administrao de Empresas com nfase em Gesto de Pessoas e Organizaes, Especializanda em Gesto Inteligente: Liderana, Coaching e Inovao. Carreira desenvolvida na rea Educacional. Atua tambm como docente e orientadora de projetos em cursos de graduao e ps-graduao nas modalidades presencial e EaD. Atualmente professora da Universidade Metodista de So Paulo nos cursos de Processos Gerenciais, Gesto de Seguros, Gesto Comercial e Ps-Graduao em Gesto da Qualidade e Ps-graduao em Administrao da Produo e Operaes. membro do Ncleo Docente Estruturante dos Cursos de Processos Gerenciais e Gesto de Seguros. Atuou por mais de 25 anos em treinamento e comercial na rea bancria."
Price: 39.99

"Crie posts profissionais sem ser design, s com power point" |
"Porque ter um bom design no seu instagram to importante? O motivo simples, o instagram a vitrine do seu negcio criar posts atrativas vai aumentar o seu engajamento, seu alcance, e consequentemente as suas vendas.O nosso crebro processa 60 mil vezes mais rpido uma imagem do que um simples texto, isso significa que uma pessoa se interessa muito mais por uma postagem quando ela tem um design bem estruturado, criativo e chamativo, um story com animaes por exemplo uma tima forma de atrair o seu pblico e exatamente esse poder que esse curso vai levar pra dentro do seu instagram. Sabe o que melhor de tudo isso? voc no precisa ser design, no precisa saber usar o Photoshop ou Corew Draw, a nica ferramenta que vamos usar o Power point, mesmo que voc seja iniciante e no tenha conhecimento voc vai aprender a criar stories animados postagem para o feed como carrossel e mosaicos do zero. Para te ajudar nos momentos de criao, voc ter acesso a recursos como stories animados prontos para edio, voc ser capaz de criar stories em menos de 10 minutos, e vrios outros recursos como imagens premium, backgrounds diversos e muito mais, no perca mais tempo, crie seus primeiros posts profissionais hoje mesmo!"
Price: 69.99

"SKETCHING and SHADING easily" |
"Drawing and sketching can seem like magic if you don't know how to do it. It's not magic, it's a skill. that means it can be taught and I will be your instructor. Just like anything and everything you have learned you had to know the very basics. You can't do math without knowing how to count and you can't drive without knowing what the key looks like.You need no experience in drawing. Absolutely zero ! There is no special software just a regular pencil and some paper.If you have always wanted to learn to draw this is the course for you. If you are a graphic artist that knows learning to draw will save you time and money, take this course. If you want to make comics or cartoons then this will be the course that will be your starting point.This is the beginner class. Often books tell you to start by making Sketch but what if you are having trouble with that? If you are , I got you covered."
Price: 19.99

"How to cook 100% VEGAN RAMEN : My DAN-DAN-MEN" |
"This menu is DAN-DAN-MEN Japanese making way. With my originally recipe specially for VEGAN people.I would like to teach you How to cook < Vegan Dan-Dan-Men > also some of information for Japanese Home Cooking.If someone Vegan persons welcome! but if someone not Vegan too ! ( You can try it also instead of Soy-meat, you canchange different ingredients )I hope you will enjoy my class ;)Arigato"
Price: 3600.00

"Mutual Fund From Scratch in Hindi" |
"Hey, are you looking for an investment in a mutual fund, but don't know how to start, you are at the right place. In this course you will be learning from financial markets to mutual funds, which range from zero to hero. What are you waiting for, jump into the course and click Buy Now! You will get practical experience of mutual funds. Also, if you do not like the product, which is not going to happen at all, then you have a 30-days money back guarantee, so there is no risk. see you soon !!!"
Price: 1280.00

"This course will teach you how to begin your journey as an individual to the world of DIGITAL SCULPTING,learning DIGITAL SCULPTING can be money consuming but with this course you will not need to pay a high budget of price but still have a good understanding to what you need on the journey, see you guys in the class room"
Price: 99.99

"Learn flutter with build simple profile person with Firebase" |
"in this course will learn how to build the flutter app from zero, learn to design the page and programming using the dart language also learn to save and retrieve data from the database and sign in, sign up the user using the anonymously and register with email and password, learn in easy way step by step need simple knowledge about the flutter and the dart"
Price: 114.99

"Draw eyes, hands, legs, face in Indian Traditional Painting" |
"Disclaimer : The audio in this course is in another language but that you have added closed captions in English.In order to learn Indian Traditional Painting one has to first understand the basics of the various elements that compose the whole painting. Since miniature painting is the art of detailing, intricacy and focus each and every element that is drawn on the paper has to look perfectly created and painting. Therefore in order to master these elements we have divided the classes in small parts so that the students can learn each of these individual elements first, master them and then move on to the other levels. While line is the backbone of miniature painting.Eyes, hands, legs :- Being an intricate art of line and detailing no part of the painting can be left out. While hands and legs are those smaller parts, it's very important to draw them correctly and in the proper flow of line. Even though the anatomy resembles realism there is a different technique involved to make them as traditional hands. Learn that through these very easily designed classes.Eyes :- Eyes form the beauty of the face and play a very important role in the painting. Each school has a different eye kind. Learn them through this class.Face/Side face :- Just like hand, legs and eyes face also forms an integral part of the miniature painting. While it looks similar to realistic painting the techniques to create a miniature face are unique.This course will give insights into how to draw a face in the Indian Traditional Painting. It will also throw light on the subtle differences between the faces, noses, turbans, hair from the different schools and male-female."
Price: 5440.00

"Certified Indian Dance and Spiritual English learning course" |
"Due to an enormous amount of restricted activity, as a result of several unmentionable factors; the contents of the course video lectures are brought to you, in a setting that is perhaps not what I wished to bring out, when viewing it from a professional angle.It is more like a sister's display of her teaching skills for her own colony of students, in the homes of her sisters and brothers and has a homely feel.This is however, nice and in a way, you can relate to everything said or done here, as it comes to you, not only from what a mentor can teach, but what a mother, sister, daughter and friend can teach, in her own simple and natural way, using all of the resources, she has in her hands, making the most of it; giving the maximum by using the minimum.The result has thus, possibly been a more serene and ironically more energetic one, fuelled by purpose and perseverance in completing each course, I begin.Both for the free courses and the paid ones, for which students will receive an Udemy certificate, in addition to the learning material, that is available for no charge in the free courses, that I had brought out previously from another instructor account, by the same name, last year, an effort has been taken to put in as much as is possible, into an online course for such a vast subject, that is Indian dance.Whatever is done here, is of course never sufficient and for an earnest learner wanting more, will only wet their thirst for additional information and lessons.This is of course natural and understandable. Hence, the more number of courses brought in each month. All of this can still only scratch the surface of a very deep well of knowledge. I, therefore ask you to comprehend this undisputable fact, that if a student feels only this much has been possible, for a paid course to bear with me and request all of you all here, to be with me, in supportive encouragement to do more.As you will or may not know, I also do voluntary free classes for the deaf and blind, as well as bringing you these courses, the duality of effort for which is to say the least, far from easy. For personal reasons, I can say no more on this but I hope you will all understand, what is unsaidFor the free courses, done previously, comments that were not in good taste were seen and this is deplorable. Good ones were too seen that cheered up my mind and spirit.As a student, what is your foremost duty is to come here and learn with your instructors, rather than try to judge them.They, who have themselves been students too and by the dint of their hard work, become the teachers of today's world require what is called in India, the Guru shisya, or teacher-student tradition revived where the Guru is placed on the same standing in a student's mind, as their own parents.Their past has thus made this present possible.If a pleasant future is to be welcome with open hearts, acknowledgement of this is necessary.This is not to say that questioning is prohibited, in fact I encourage it. Criticism, on the other hand that is not constructive and just for the sake of saying something negative is a fictitiously painted portrait, of the speaker's own failings.On that note, I wish you well along your path to learning with me. It is possible and my earnest wish to see those of you, who take the course now become the teachers of tomorrow."
Price: 1600.00

"Dominando Partituras no Violo" |
"Aprenda a tocar Violo atravs da leitura e interpretao de partituras musicais, o mtodo mais tradicional e completo de ensino musical. Voltado para iniciantes, o curso composto de 4 mdulos com 68 lies e 5 horas de gravao. Atravs da leitura de partitura, voc ter vrios benefcios, dentre eles:Acesso a linguagem musical tradicionalAutonomia de causa, entendendo todo o processo terico e pratico da musicaParticipar de vestibular ou festival de msica, onde sempre solicitado a execuo de partitura musical seja pela voz ou algum instrumento musicalEscrever suas prprias composiesEscrever seus prprios arranjos musicais"
Price: 54.99

"How to Paint a Crashing Wave" |
"This seascape course teaches you how to paint a crashing wave in soft pastels. This course will guide you through every process of drawing and painting a wave, whether you are a beginner or experienced artist in pastels. Each lesson provides clarity on the materials needed for the course, and how to select your color palette to draw the shapes for the lesson. Soft pastels can be diluted with water or rubbing alcohol to create a rich base of translucent colors when using an underpainting technique. This course will teach you how to select your colors for the underpainting and apply the wash. Then, you will learn how to paint seawater, seafoam, and water reflections."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-303 Azure Architect Technologies Practice Tests" |
"Still having doubts? We have prepared the practice to help you prepare for the AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies exam. These practice tests will help you to gain a solid understanding of what will be covered in the final exam.There is no time limit. You can take the tests as often as you like.You have a chance to test your knowledge to see if you are really prepared.Who should take the AZ-303 exam?Candidates for this exam must have experience in the subject in the design and implementation of solutions running on Microsoft Azure, including aspects such as computing, networking, storage and security. The responsibilities of an Azure Solution Architect include advising stakeholders and translating business requirements into secure, scalable and reliable cloud solutions.Skill included in the practical test:Implement and monitor an Azure infrastructure.Implement management and security solutions.Implement solutions for applications.Implement and manage data platforms.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks."
Price: 29.99

"How To Start An Online Business Earn Money Online" |
"In this course you will learn all the knowledge and tools I have used to start a successful online home-based business. My name is Mile Ivicic I am a founder of LGV Limousines and Logic Global Vision, which are online home based businesses I have built in early 2017. The system in this course I have used to build LGV Limousines and Logic Global Vision can be applied to over 100 different online businesses. Both companies I own and operate work on sub-contractor based service. We intake the work order and affiliate the work to a qualified Company and turn a great profit. The profit I generate ranges between 33%-95% on each individual sale. I am certain that most of you will have questions. Upon purchasing this course you will have my direct student contact information and I am here to answer any questions you may have, along the way. I built this course in mind that you've never done this before. The best approach for this training is to think of it as training for a job. The Company you will work for will give you all the tools and knowledge in order to complete your daily tasks at work successfully. This course is exactly that, however, unlike a job, you are in control of your own income, work schedule, and the speed you grow.This is not for everyone. If you are looking to cut corners, expect some unrealistic results overnight, or perhaps have this idea that in 24 hours, you will make a million dollars, I would recommend playing the lottery, and return to this course when you are ready to start your work from home business.""Don't expect to start as an Employee on Monday, and be a CEO by Tuesday.""Your success equals my success. I don't succeed when you purchase this course. I succeed the day you make your first sale running your own home-based business, and reach out to me to say, Thank You.Founder - Mile Ivicic"
Price: 199.99

"Behavioral Interview for tech companies like Amazon & Google" |
"This course is designed for aspirants preparing for behavioral interview for top technology companies like Apple, Amazon & Google.This course includes step by step guide, process and methodologies for passing behavioral interview for top technology companies like Amazon.The course includes: - 8 video lectures - Tips, techniques and frameworks for how to pass behavioral interview - Detailed answers of most frequently answered behavioral questions like Tell me about yourself?, How do you handle conflict? Have you handled failure? BONUS ($69 value):This course includes 27 page e-book on ""Mindsets and techniques on how to pass Behavioral Interview for top tech. companies like Amazon & Google"" worth $69 value"
Price: 24.99

"Unlock Anyone's Personality through Face" |
"The secret power of five elements in nature has been hidden for long and is applicable to everything in life, your emotions, your lifespan, your relationships & even in your professional life. Knowing the power of 5 elements through face reading will help you to:Get in greater sync with your hidden potential and personality.Create a stronger influence and manage relationships more effectively.Transform a negative emotion into an understanding of why it happens.Understand why people behave a certain way 'Always'.Answers the question ""Who are You"" & Your True nature.Help you understand the strengths and challenges of your personality.The course has been designed by internationally featured Face Reading Expert and Physiognomist Nitesh Gurnani as seen on Entrepreneurs, IdeaMensch, Bizztor and Start-Up Success Stories."
Price: 199.99

"Il pianoforte moderno" |
"Questo corso rivolto in particolar modo coloro che vogliono approcciarsi al mondo della musica popolare moderna e al pianoforte pop ma che non hanno nessuna nozione musicale. Tanti saranno gli argomenti trattati in modo semplice e scorrevole. Impareremo a conoscere le sigle degli accordi e a suonare le prime canzoni."
Price: 79.99

"SAP FIORI - Configuring Fiori Environment and Security" |
"In this course you will learn the following:1. Configure and Setup SAP FIORI environment2. Configure and Implement Transaction Apps, Analytical Apps and Factsheet Apps3. Configure and Integrate SAP FIORI and SAP GRC 12.04. Troubleshoot SAP FIORI access related issuesThis course also covers creating FIORI front end system roles and back end system roles to grant access / authorizations to fiori apps to users."
Price: 179.99

"Sentiment Analysis with NLP using Python and Flask" |
"Sentiment Analysis is widely used in the area of Machine Learning under Natural Language Processing.In this course, you will know how to use sentiment analysis on reviews with the help of a NLP library called TextBlob.You will learn and develop a Flask based WebApp that takes reviews from the user and perform sentiment analysis on the same."
Price: 2240.00

"Android Developer 101 Bahasa Indonesia" |
"Pada kursus ini kamu akan belajar membuat Aplikasi Kalkulator sederha, pemutar video YouTube, hingga Aplikasi informasi Film terbaru yang sedang tayang di bioskop. Belajar mulai dari dasar-dasar pemrograman Java, menggunakan Android Studio versi terbaru 2020, AndroidX, hingga View Binding (Android Jetpack). Kamu juga akan belajar membuat layout professional dengan Constraint Layout, Fragment, dan menampilkan data dari API dengan library Retrofit."
Price: 280000.00

"MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"These Microsoft Office 365 foundation exam( MS-900) practice papers will test your knowledge on the top-level view of the Microsoft 365 environment. The explanations would also help you to learn the core concepts of the Microsoft 365 environment. Overall this course will be helpful if you want to learn the core concepts behind this cloud technology(Microsoft 365) or if you want to appear for the MS-900 exam and ace it with ease."
Price: 24.99

"Professional Scrum Product Owner PSPO II preparation" |
"What you will get? Simulations with topics covered in the PSPO II exam certification Quick response on every question you might have Money back guarantee in 30 days Mobile friendly practice testsIf you plan to take the Scrum . org Professional Scrum Product Owner II certification (PSPO II), then this course will help you a lot to achieve your goal! It contains tests that simulate the actual PSPO II exam. You get an excelent idea about the topics you will find in the real certification, as well as already study as questions are commented! Please feel free to contact me for any questions that you might have during your preparation, being related to PSPO II or even to Agile or Scrum in general.Good luck with your preparation!Exam detailsPassing score: 85%Time limit: 60 minutesNumber of Questions: 40Format: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer and True/FalseDifficulty: IntermediateLanguage: English only___________________________________________________________Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I and II)I, etc is the protected brand of scrum(.)org. This course and practice exams is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with scrum(.)org"
Price: 19.99
