"MS-700 Managing Microsoft Teams Training & Lab Simulations" |
"$19.99 New course low price. Hurry before the price goes up!We really hope you'll agree, this training is way more then the average course on Udemy! Have access to the following:Training from an instructor of over 20 years who has helped thousands on their certification journeyLecture that explains the concepts in an easy to learn method for someone that is just starting out with this materialInstructor led hands on that can be followed even if you have little to no experienceTOPICS COVERED INCLUDING HANDS ON LECTURE AND PRACTICE TUTORIALS:IntroductionWelcome to the courseUsing Assignments in the courseUnderstanding the Microsoft EnvironmentA Foundation of Active Directory DomainsA Foundation of RAS, DMZ, and VirtualizationA Foundation of the Microsoft Cloud ServicesCreating a free Microsoft 365 Azure AD AccountIntroduction to Microsoft TeamsAdministration in Microsoft 365 for TeamsAdministration with the Azure PortalAdministration with the Microsoft 365 PortalUnderstanding Groups for Teams AdministrationPowerShell FoundationsConnecting PowerShell to the Microsoft Cloud Services for Teams AdministrationManaging a TeamCreating a TeamTeam creation using the Teams Admin CenterCreating Teams with PowerShellCreating a Team from an existing Office 365 GroupUpgrading an existing resource to a TeamManaging Privacy Levels and Org-Wide TeamsManaging Membership in a TeamManaging Users in a TeamUsing PowerShell to add Team membersConfiguring Dynamic MembershipAccess Reviews for Team MembersImplement governance and lifecycle management for Microsoft TeamsUsing an existing Team as a Team TemplateCreating Teams from a Team TemplateUnderstanding Office 365 Group Naming PoliciesSetting up policies for Office 365 Groups creationManaging Group Expiration PoliciesConfiguring Office 365 Groups for Microsoft Teams classificationsArchiving Restoring and Deleting a TeamDeleting a Team using PowerShellConfiguring and Managing Guest AccessConfiguring meeting, messaging, and calling options for guestsConfiguring guest access from Azure AD portalConfiguring guest access for Microsoft 365 groupsConfiguring SharePoint settings for Guest AccessConfiguring guest permissions for a teamConfiguring guest users for Microsoft TeamsRemoving GuestsManaging Azure AD access reviews for guestsManaging Chat and Collaboration ExperiencesConfiguring Messaging PoliciesManaging External AccessManaging Channels for a TeamManaging Private Channel Creation PoliciesManaging Email IntegrationConfiguring External Access for SharePoint and OneDrive for BusinessManaging Cloud File Storage Options for CollaborationManaging Meeting ExperiencesConfiguring Meeting SettingsCreate and Manage Meeting PoliciesConfiguring Settings for Live EventsCreate and Manage Policies for Live EventsConfiguring Conference Bridge SettingsManaging Security and ComplianceUnderstanding Role Based AdministrationAssigning Microsoft Teams Admin rolesCreating and Managing Compliance Features, Including Retention and Sensitivity PoliciesWorking with Security Compliance Alerts and Content SearchUnderstanding the Information Barrier PolicyHow to utilize the Information Barrier PolicySecurity ReportsPlanning and Configuring Network Settings for Microsoft TeamsPlanning for Successful Network Deployment involving TeamsUsing Network Planner to calculate bandwidth capacity for voice, video, meetings and live eventsAssessing Network Readiness using the Network Testing CompanionUnderstanding QoS for TeamsConfiguring QoS Port Settings in Teams Admin CenterManaging Phone NumbersPSTN Connectivity SolutionsPhone NumbersPhone Numbers in the Teams Admin CenterEmergency Addresses and Dynamic Emergency CallingEmergency Addresses in the Teams Admin CenterManage Phone SystemUnderstanding Resource AccountsCreating Resource AccountsCall Queue ConfigurationAuto Attendant ConfigurationUnderstanding Call Park and Calling PoliciesManaging Call Park PoliciesManaging Calling PoliciesManaging Caller ID PoliciesThe Direct Routing Health DashboardDeploying and Managing Microsoft Teams EndpointsDeployment Options for Teams clients including Windows, MacOS, Linux, Web and MobileVDI (Virtual Desktop) Support for TeamsUnderstanding Team RoomsCreating Teams Rooms Resource Account and Managing Teams Devices Additional Components and Concepts for Teams RoomsUpgrading from Skype for Business to Microsoft TeamsChoosing an appropriate upgrade path and co-existence modeNotifying Users of the upgrade through Teams Admin CenterUnderstanding Meeting MigrationsUsing PowerShell to troubleshoot Meeting MigrationsImplementing Policies for Microsoft Teams AppsUnderstanding App Permission PoliciesCreating and Managing App Permission PoliciesUnderstanding App Setup PoliciesCreating and Managing App Setup PoliciesMonitoring and Analyzing Service UsageMicrosoft Teams Usage ReportsMicrosoft 365 Usage ReportsCall Quality Dashboard (CQD) and Power BI TemplatesUnderstanding Call AnalyticsViewing Call Analytics"
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Ingls Bsico en Veloz English Course" |
"Ingls Bsico desde cero para quienes buscan aprender el idioma sin horarios ni rutinas fijas; para completar, complementar, estudiar y ampliar sus conocimientos en sus tiempos libres y en horarios de su preferencia.En Veloz English Course, aprendern conceptos bsicos importantes y necesarios a la hora de dominar el idioma Ingls; adems de dar inicio a un gran estudio de un idioma realmente hermoso al que dedicarle tiempo es un honor."
Price: 29.99

"Alfabeto Griego - Greek - Grego" |
"Hola a tod@s! Me llamo Olga, soy de Grecia y trabajo como tutora de Griego Moderno. En este curso os voy a ensear a leer y escribir el alfabeto Griego ( Grego ) (Greek)5 motivos para elegir mi curso para aprender el elfabeto Griego:1. Es el nico curso de Griego Moderno en Udemy que se dirige a Hispanohablantes.2) Vais a aprender con nativos3) En este curso participan Hispanohablantes. 4) La repeticin es la madre de la retencin. El curso se basar en recordar y memorizar.5) Al final de cada unidad habrn ejercicios pequeos para revisar lo que aprendisteis. Entreellos habrn tracing sheets por cada letra de alfabeto que podis imprimir para as practicarla escritura de letras griegas.En que consiste el curso?En el curso hay tres partes:1) En la primera parte vamos a aprender el nombre de las letras del alfabeto.2) En la segunda parte del curso os voy a demostrar cmo escribir las letras. Voy a insistirun poquito ms, pues estas se consideran difciles por mis alumnos.3) Dej la unidad mas interesante para el final del curso. En esta unidad vais a descubrir lofcil que es pronunciar el griego."
Price: 69.99

"Aprenda sobre Google Classroom do zero" |
"Este curso te ensina a diferena entre uma sala de aula Google criada por uma conta pessoal e uma conta institucional. Voc vai aprender a criar atividade com nota, sem nota, convidar colegas de trabalho, alunos e muito mais! A sala de aula do Google pode ser utilizada para o mbito institucional ou at mesmo para uma reunio de estudo! O curso apresentado numa proposta objetiva e sem enrolao. Quer saber mais? Vem fazer o curso comigo!Lembro que o curso voltado para aprender a manusear a ferramenta descrita ok?"
Price: 39.99

"Latest CISCO CCNA (200-125) Questions: Real Exam Questions" |
"The Cisco tests have changed a few times in light of the transforming IT patterns. In 2013, Cisco reported an update to its confirmation program that ""adjusts accreditation and preparing educational plans to advancing industry work jobs. There are currently a few distinct kinds of Cisco-Certified Network Associate, with ""CCNA Routing and Switching"" being nearest to the first CCNA center; different sorts of CCNA center around security, cloud, coordinated effort, security activities, structure, server farm advancements, mechanical plants, specialist co-ops, and remote. The substance of the tests is proprietary.Cisco and its learning accomplices offer a wide range of preparing techniques, including books distributed by Cisco Press, and on the web and homeroom courses accessible under the title ""Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices"". The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching composite test (200-125) is an hour and a half, 6070 inquiry evaluation that is related with the CCNA Routing and Switching affirmation. This test tests an applicant's information and abilities identified with organize essentials, LAN exchanging innovations, IPv4 and IPv6 steering advances, WAN advances, framework administrations, foundation security, and framework the board. The 200-125 CCNA is the composite test related with the Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching confirmation. This test tests an up-and-comer's information and aptitudes required to introduce, work, and investigate a little to medium size endeavor branch arrange. The subjects incorporate interfacing with a WAN; executing system security; arrange types; organize media; steering and exchanging essentials; the TCP/IP and OSI models; IP tending to; WAN advances; working and designing IOS gadgets; broadening exchanged systems with VLANs; deciding IP courses; overseeing IP traffic with get to records; and setting up highlight point associations. To accomplish CCNA Routing and Switching accreditation, one must gain a breezing through score on Cisco test #200-125, or joined passing scores on both the ""Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 1"" ICND1 #100-105 and ""Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices 2"" ICND2 #200-105 tests. Finishing the ICND1 test gives the up-and-comer the Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) confirmation. Toward the culmination of the test, competitors get a score report alongside a score breakout by test segment and the breezing through score for the given test."
Price: 19.99

"TOGAF Practice Exam Questions 1 and Part 2 2020 UPDATED" |
"This course contains 2 TOGAF 9.2 Level-1 practice tests and 16 reward Level-2 Test Questions. These tests will assist you with reviewing all TOGAF 9.2 guidelines and set you up to breeze through the genuine test on your first attempt.. Is it accurate to say that you are prepared to pass the TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 Certification test? Discover by testing yourself with this seminar on Udemy. Every one of the full practice tests in this set give a whole test of inquiries, empowering you to affirm your dominance of the subjects and giving you the certainty you'll have to take your TOGAF 9.2 Level 1 Certification test. The tests in this set are planned, so you'll realize when you're taking additional time than the official test permits, and toward the finish of the test you'll get an individual breakdown of the inquiries you addressed effectively and mistakenly to improve your insight and make you more arranged to breeze through the genuine test."
Price: 19.99

"Tarot Sacerdotal Teraputico" |
"Curso completo de Tarot com abordagem Sacerdotal e Teraputica.Com esse curso o aluno aprender o ""pulo do gato"" da interpretao das cartas, pois receber ensinamentos sobre ""como"" e ""porque"" o Tarot funciona. um curso que capacita a pessoa a usar qualquer tipo de baralho de Tarot, no se prendendo a algum em especial, pois ensinar a essncia do Tarot, as verdades intrnsecas desse orculo em sua origem e mais antiga e esotrica tradio.Os instrutores, prof. Juarez e Letcia de Castro, so experientes tarlogos de sucesso, com muitos anos de prtica e ensino.Curso com uma didtica especial, criado por dois professores de alto nvel.SUGERIMOS NO COMPRAR SEU BARALHO ANTES DE FAZER O CURSO.Material de estudo oferecido com o curso."
Price: 354.99

"Deploy Your Web App to the Apple App Store with Capacitor" |
"I don't want to waste your time!This whirlwind course is all about one thing and one thing only. Getting your web application onto the Apple App Store, where it will then be available to the tens of millions of iOS users all over the world. How are you going to do that? With Capacitor from Ionic.Capacitor is a newer technology that will allow you to wrap an existing web application into an Xcode project and then deploy it to the Apple App Store. This course will cover the basics you need to take one of your own web apps (or you can use one of mine if you prefer). When you're done, you'll be able to replicate the process with every web app you want to put in the hands of iOS owners everywhere."
Price: 19.99

"Linux Fundamentals" |
"Install Linux and Learn how to use Linux. Linux is an widely used Operating system on Information Technology careers and knowing how to use it will greatly improve the chances of landing a position in IT careers. Being in use in Cloud, client server or traditional IT platforms, this Linux O/S is used and needed in a lot of IT positions from Analyst, programmer to administrator. Learn it here on how to install on windows using a virtual box, use all basic commands from the CLI -- command line interface. CLI is used in writing scripts, automating scripts and development/test of programmers in different languages."
Price: 19.99

1000-hvg |
Price: 24000.00

"Learn basic HTML from scratch Part 1" |
"In this course, I have described some of the details of the HTML which one should look into and also one can learn to understand the basic of HTML and how web pages work, what are the building blocks of the HTML web page. By seeing the webpage one can tell you what is this part of the HTML. Due to which it looks like it and much more."
Price: 1280.00

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Practice Exam" |
"A set of practice tests derived from the official Terraform documentation and also from my own experience after clearing the Terraform Associate Certification. Complete these tests which will enhance your knowledge and confidence in Terraform and finally prepare you for the certification. Each answer will have a supporting link from the official documentation and if not, it will have a reason for the answer. These questions are created out of the documentation provided on the official website and from my experience of clearing the certification in the first attempt."
Price: 1280.00

"Project Management Fundamentals - The Complete Guide" |
"The complete project management fundamentals will teach you how to start out in a Project Management role and quickly navigate all the confusing terms, such as; required documentation, sign-offs, escalation points, roles etc. You will also get the templates for the key required documentation during the project life-cycle. The course will have you ready to hit the ground running! The document templates and process maps will be of huge benefit when you start out as a Project Manager! The course is your track to obtaining Project Management skills like you always knew you should have!This course will take you from having little knowledge in Project Management to creating detailed planning documents, such as; project charter, business case, project plans, risk logs and status updates in no-time. So what else is in it for you? You will feel confident in taking on a role as a PM, whether you are transitioning from a technical role or currently in a management trackYou will gain instant access to all the 10 sections and 32 lectures of this courseYou will get 14 templates that you can easily apply in your projects The following templates are included; the Project Status Reports, the Project Charter, The Business Case and the Project Initiation Document You will receive course notes for each section that can serve as a manual when you start outThe course is supported with 1.5 hours of theory and examples + case studies to make you learn as effectively as possibleDescriptionThe course is hugely interactive with examples, checklists & actionable lectures built into every section. Learn step by step how to initiate, deliver and close down a project. Over the 10 sections you will learn about the following topics: 1. Introduction to Project Management 2. Project Roles & Responsibilities3. The Project Idea - ""Pre-Project Phase""4. Starting a Project - ""Project Initiation Phase""5. Working On a Project - ""Project Delivery Phase"" 6. Wrapping Up a Project - ""Close-Down Phase"" 7. The Project Documents and their unique contents8. Case Study#19. Case Study #210.Case Study#3By the end of this course, you will be confidently taking on the role as a project manager and enjoying the upside of the new responsibilities at your workplace. Get ready to step up your game! Pay once, benefit a lifetime!Dont lose any time, start your learning journey today and quickly get up to speed and excelling in your career!Here is what you will get with this course:1. High-quality video lectures2. Complete beginner to advanced PM skills3. Project templates & course notes 4. Real-world cases & examples5. A certificate of completion: add this to the course section of your CV or LinkedIn profileWho this course is for:Project Management absolute beginnersPeople with some Project Management experienceAnyone who wants to Become a Project ManagerDevelopers, Programmers, Business Analysts, Coordinators, Change Managers, Analysts and anyone who would like to switch or grow into an exciting career in Project Management.Why should I take this course?- In order to apply best practice to your project- Get a toolbox of Project Templates for Project Reporting - Complete all the required documentation - To get your project authorized and finally successfully closed"
Price: 104.99

"Dividendenstrategie - Geld verdienen mit Dividenden Aktien" |
"Geld verdienen an der Brse?Trotz der aktuellen Niedrigzinsphase gibt es lukrative Mglichkeiten sich ein passives Einkommen durch Dividenden aufzubauen. Vor dem Hintergrund sind Dividendenaktien fr Investoren und Anleger besonders attraktiv.Lerne in diesem Videokurs, alles ber Aktien und Dividenden. In diesem Kurs wirst Du lernen, auf welche Punkte Du achten solltest bei der Auswahl von Dividendenaktien. Wir erklren die wichtigsten Kennzahlen bei Dividendenaktien wie die Dividendenrendite, Steigerungsrate, Kontinuitt oder Ausschttungsquote. Ferner erklren wir wichtige Finanzkennzahlen wie den Free Cashflow oder Gewinngren wie EBIT oder EBITDA. Durch diesen Kurs lernst Du das Rstzeug eines erfolgreichen Aktionrs, um langfristig erfolgreich an der Brse zu investieren.Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Brse/ Aktien und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld passives Einkommen mit Dividendenaktien zu verdienen. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien und Bewertungskennzahlen im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Plattformen, Tools und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Dividenden- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 189.99

"00-211 SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 Practice Exam" |
"163 UNIQUE practice questions for 00-211 SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 00-211 SAS Base Programming for SAS (r) 9 Practice ExamTotal Questions : 163Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (122 of 163)"
Price: 159.99

"C2040-926 IBM Managing Maintaining Lotus Environments Exam" |
"146 UNIQUE practice questions for C2040-926 IBM Managing Maintaining Lotus Environments ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C2040-926 IBM Managing Maintaining Lotus Environments ExamTotal Questions : 146Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (109 of 146)"
Price: 149.99

"English Writing Basics: Learn to Write Sentences in English" |
"English Writing Basics is an English course designed by me, just like an American Native English speaker. You will learn commonly used English Writing patterns so that you can sound more native-like when you speak and write in English. English patterns are groups of words (phrases) that native English speakers use again and again. If you learn one pattern, you can make hundreds of sentences. Learning these patterns will also improve your overall grammar and sentence structure.This course includes:Vocabulary based lectures for the target English patternsWriting and Vocabulary practice for every single patternWriting Quizzes for every single patternWriting Sentence Tests to help you check your mastery of the lessons.and Video downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each section focuses on a vocabulary based topic so that you can master the sentence patterns and structures and create your own sentences using the vocabulary you have learned.If you want to write English correctly, if you want to sound more native-like when you speak, or if you simply want to take your English to the next level, this course can help you achieve your goal of improving your English writing skills.What youll learnLearn to write your first sentences in EnglishLearn English VocabularyLearn Synonyms for Common English WordsLearn Basic English Grammar and Sentence PatternsAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Be able to read EnglishWho this course is for:Beginner ESL or English Language student that wants to learn to write in English.English Student that wants to learn new vocabulary and sentence patterns."
Price: 19.99

"Essay Writing for Undergraduates CC- Academic Writing" |
"If you are about to start University,If you are returning to higher education after a break,If you have struggled to fulfil your academic potential in your first year of undergraduate study, then you have found the right course.By addressing where to find research materials, exploring how best to structure your essay and considering how you can present great content, you immediately establish yourself as a keen and informed undergraduate essay writer.This course aims to ensure that as an undergraduate essay writer, you adopt best practice. I will introduce you to a range of quality scholarly online resources that become the foundation of your essay writing. I will also present options to assist you with essay construction.This course explains the best ways to research and plan an undergraduate essay.It illustrates how to use lectures to inform your thinking and writing.It shares best practice for note-taking.It identifies vital online research portals for science, arts and humanities.It explains how an Introduction immediately alerts markers to the standard of research.It explains how key verbs in an essay question lend themselves to a particular essay writing structure.It provides different options for structuring an essay.It identifies the elements that create a clear and crisp conclusion.It addresses how to combine research and structure.It provides a template for building a bibliography and constructing appendices.The goal is to provide you with a logical way to create a clear and concise undergraduate essay."
Price: 99.99

"CPCM Certification Practice Test 2020" |
"In this CPCM Certification Practice Test course there are over 168 exam style questions in total. Take the exams as many times are you wish and when you are getting around 95% every time you know you are ready for the real thing.I am highly dedicated to provide you with the best and most preparing practice questions to pass your CPCM Certification Practice Test exam.Why take our Course?i.Unique & Updated 168 Questionsii.All CPCM Certification Practice Test Questions Suggested by Top Subject Matter Expertsiii.Verified answersiv.30 days money back guarantee, no questions asked.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!Requirements:i) Want to pass the CPCM Certification Exam.ii) Want to find your weak areas for the CPCM Certification Exam and improve on them."
Price: 19.99

"Crash Course HTML5 Template and Bootstrap 4 Bootcamp" |
"Why should you use Bootstrap 4?Let's be honest, creating a template is really hard, especially if you need to create a template that works with all the different screen sizes. From desktop browsers to tablets and mobile devices. It can be horrific, but using bootstrap makes life easier.It has Fewer Cross-browser bugsIts a consistent framework that supports major of all browsers and CSS compatibility fixesLightweight and customizableResponsive structures and stylesSeveral JavaScript plugins using the jQueryGood documentation and community supportLoads of free and professional templatesAnd my most favourite, it has a great grid systemThrough this course, I will show you how to use Bootstrap 4 and youll be able to customize it.____________________________________________________________________________Why is the Grid System so Important?The Bootstrap Grid System is used for layout, specifically Responsive Layouts. Understanding how it works is vital to understanding Bootstrap. The Grid is made up of groupings of Rows & Columns inside 1 or more Containers.In the next class, Ill give a quick overview of how the grid system works_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SASS or SCSS introductionIn this section, Im going to explain what SASS is and what will be covered in this section__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is SASS or SCSS?SCSS is basically just an awesome, more dynamic CSSSass stands for Syntactically Awesome StylesheetSass is an extension to CSSSass is a CSS pre-processor, it basically means that it takes the scss file and converts it to a normal css file.Sass is completely compatible with all versions of CSSSass reduces repetition of CSS and therefore saves timeSass is free to download and useWhy Use Sass?Stylesheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. This is where a CSS pre-processor can help.Sass lets you use features that do not exist in CSS, like variables, nested rules, mixins, imports, inheritance, built-in functions, and other stuffWhy Use this with Bootstrap?If you want to change the colour scheme in Bootstrap, for instance changing the primary and secondary colors, SASS will be the way to do this easily.Before starting any project online, you first need to do a template for it in HTML and CSS.This part can be really painful, especially if you guys have to make it responsive on every device.Bootstrap 4 makes life easier and more powerful than ever before!In this course, I will teach you guys how to use bootstrap and how you can use it to your advantage.I will show you how to make a basic website in HTML, and how the theming works in Bootstrap.I will also load more and more content in this course as time goes by.My Name is Gerrit VermeulenIve been in online development since 2009 and I have been using bootstrap 4 since 2016Hope you guys enjoy this course."
Price: 199.99

"The Art of Value Investing - Complete course" |
"This course consolidates 20+ years of experience & learnings as a value investor. You will learn the financial fundamentals of the stock market, money & inflation in order to find great companies at cheap prices. As Warren Buffett said, you do not need a PhD to become a good investor. It requires the mindset of a business owner not a speculator.You will be able to determine the real value of a company vs the current share price but also be able to judge if the company has solid fundamentals. UNIQUE CONTENT : In the last part of this course and as part of my own on-going research as a value investor for more than 20 years, I will share with you unique attributes on how to evaluate the moat of companies that only a few investors use and also how to capture customer and employee sentiment about a company.The purpose of this training is to make you a seasoned investor and develop the right investment mindset while giving you the keys to read company financial statements. I will teach you how to perform fundamental financial statements analysis, how to read 10K, 10Q reports. After this course you will be equipped with a set of tools covering solvency, profitability, liquidity & valuation of a company.Learn the art of value investing and get an edge.Investing in stocks and acting as a business-owner can be a life-changing experience.Learn from my 20 years experience as an investor running my own investment fund and rapidly move ahead faster with the knowledge I will share with you. Many thanks and I appreciate your interest in my course!-Candi Carrera"
Price: 194.99

"Accounting In A Nutshell - Learn Accounting In 30 Minutes" |
"Do you want to learn the basics of accounting incredibly quickly? Like in 30 minutes.Do you want to learn complex accounting concepts without getting bored?Do you want an interactive and fun course?This course is for you!Accounting is indeed one of the most important skill in today's world whether you are a student, employee or an entrepreneur you have to good with number & money and that's exactly what you're going to learn in this accounting course.In this course, You will learn the fundamental concepts of accounting with the help animations so that during the course you won't get bored. So what are you waiting for? Enroll Now."
Price: 1280.00

"Grade 9 Math / Math 9 / Mathematics 9(Math/Mathematics Nine)" |
"I have made an introduction video in each chapter. I have made videos on different questions in each chapter with a few similar questions and answers. I have explained each topic thoroughly in my video lecture, given examples, and provided similar exercises to be done. This video tutorials are very effective in remembering because it is audio-visual. Each video is about 9 minutes long or less. You can access each video on your cell, computer or tv online. This course is a one-time purchase and provides life-time access to all of the course contents. You can watch the video and read the text written on the slides at the same time or you can stop the video and read the text and try to understand whichever is easier for you.This course contains Basic Skills, Relations, Polynomials, Equations, Linear Relationships, Geometric Relationships, Measurement Relationships in Two and Three Dimensions, Optimization."
Price: 19.99

"Pack Plata 2 x 1 - Marketing y Plan de Negocio" |
"Marketing para emprender: es un taller con estrategias de marketing para tu proyecto. +Aumenta tus Ventas, a travs de la definicin de estrategias de creacin de valor y solucin de problemas para tus clientes.+Consigue Nuevos Clientes, creando un sistema de atraccin que haga que tus clientes vengan a ti.+Aprende Estrategias de comunicacin persuasiva a travs del copywriting.+Aprende los Disparadores Mentales que hacen que las personas compren productos y servicios.+Elimina las Objeciones de Compra de tus Clientes. +Convierte tus Clientes en Fans Incondicionales. +Aprende a Potenciar tu Embudo de Ventas.+Posicionate como la Autoridad de tu nicho. +Define una estrategia de garanta que de confianza a tus clientes.Mi Plan de Negocio: es una gua rpida para que puedas evaluar si tu idea tiene potencial para convertirse en un negocio.+Reduce los riesgos de fracasar aprendiendo a hacer un plan de negocio. +Tienes una idea y quieres saber si seria un buen negocio? con este taller prctico te ayudo a responder esa pregunta. +Aprende como convertir una idea en un negocio. +Conoce los elementos para emprender con xito.+Aprende a identificar Aliados y socios de emprendimiento. +Construye un plan de negocio para buscar socios de inversin."
Price: 34.99

"Bu blm tamamlayan renciler; Ortaretim 9. Snf; Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford ve Bohr atom modellerini aklar, Elektron, proton ve ntronun yklerini, ktlelerini ve atomda bulunduklar yerleri karlatrr, Elementlerin periyodik sistemdeki yerleim esaslarn aklar, Periyodik zelliklerin deime eilimlerini aklar. Elementleri periyodik sistemdeki yerlerine gre snflandrr. Ortaretim 11. Snf; Atomu kuantum modeliyle aklar, Ntr atomlarn elektron dizilimleriyle periyodik sistemdeki yerleri arasnda iliki kurar, Periyodik zelliklerdeki deiim eilimlerini sebepleriyle aklar, Periyodik zelliklerdeki deiim eilimlerini sebepleriyle aklar, Elementlerin periyodik sistemdeki konumu ile zellikleri arasndaki ilikileri aklar, Elementlerin periyodik sistemdeki konumu ile zellikleri arasndaki ilikileri aklar, Ykseltgenme basamaklar ile elektron dizilimleri arasndaki ilikiyi aklar, ve niversite Lisans ve nlisans 1. snf kimya konularn ve sorular zer. Bu blm TYT, AYT, KPSS ve niversitelerin mhendislik fakltelerinin en nemli konularndan bir tanesidir. Bu nedenle muhakkak renilmesi ve gerekli sorularn zlmesi gerekmektedir. Bu blm bitiren renciler ilgili soru bankalarndan bolca sorular zerek konular pekitirmelidir"
Price: 79.99

"Microsoft 98-366 Practice Exam" |
"Welcome to our Microsoft 98-366 Certification Exam Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam. This practice test has 240 High Quality Questions to prepare for your Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam. What Special About This (Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam)1.High Quality Question to crack your Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Microsoft 98- 366 Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft OneDrive 2020 - For Beginners" |
"Whether you want to safely store your data or want to become Microsoft One Drive power user, you've come to the right place.This course will give you a deep understanding of Microsoft One Drive functionality by using hands-on, contextual examples designed to showcase why Microsoft One Drive is awesome and how they can be applied in a number of ways.This course is for individual users and not SharePoint administrators.__________By the end of the course you'll be able to: Easily navigate the One Drive interface Import folders and files to One Drive Manage folders and files in One Drive Sync your computer data Create Personal Vault Use One Drive to collaborate and share files Filtering, changing viewing options and more__________We'll dive into a broad range of One Drive topics, including: Microsoft One Drive pricing plans All options of managing One Drive - web, computer, mobile All options that you have for managing your files All options to make sure that your files are safe Collaboration tips and tricks"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Node Js + Express JS + Mongo DB Bootcamp 2020" |
"Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment (Framework) that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command-line tools and for server-side scriptingrunning scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a ""JavaScript everywhere"" paradigm,[6] unifying web-application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server- and client-side scripts.In This Tutorial, you will learnWhat is Backend Web DevelopmentWhat is Rest APIWhat is DatabaseNode JS + Express JSMongo DB Connecting Mongo DB + Node JSConnecting Backend Rest API to The Front-End Framework (React)"
Price: 104.99

"The Ultimate Body Transformation Guide" |
"Get in control of your health and fitnessGet in the best shape of your life, and stay that way for goodBest way of eating for your goals and preferencesImportant strategies for sleep and stress managementExercise program for best resultsEating strategy even when things get toughStrategies to lose fat, build strength, and live a healthier life.This course is not about the latest diet or exercise fad that is guaranteed to get you fit fast. This course is designed by me for people who thought they didn't have enough time or energy to get fit, people dealing with illness or disability or someone who is managing relationships, children and busy careers and others who like to go to parties and clubs and still want to look great on the beach and others who were morbidly obese and dangerously thin. You name the obstacle, condition, or circumstance and I can tell you that this course is going to help you overcome it and discover the drive and thrive despite all the excuses not to do so. I call it the ultimate body transformation course! So, are you ready to begin?"
Price: 199.99

"UK University and Medical School Admissions" |
"If you would like a clear and detailed overview of how to get accepted to UK universities and medical schools, you have come to the right place! In this course, find out:- What admissions officers are looking for.- How to develop a personal brand for the application and stand out.- How to manage application timelines.- How to select universities to apply to effectively.- What standardized exams to take.- How to obtain great reference letters.- How to write excellent personal statements.- How to ace the admissions interview.- How to approach the multiple mini interview.Please note that this course is meant for students over 18 years old."
Price: 19.99

"Comunicar-se (da fala organizao do material)" |
"O curso Comunicar-se (da fala organizao do material) visa demonstrar, atravs de seus tpicos e exerccios prticos, formas assertivas de comunicao, bem como estratgias que sero teis ao cotidiano de qualquer profissional que tem na fala o eixo central de seu trabalho. Nesse sentido ele focado no desenvolvimento pessoal, consequentemente, de carreira, visto que ao conclui-lo voc ir sentir-se mais confiante nos desafios da fala em suas rotinas de trabalho. Dentre o tpicos a serem abordados no curso esto:- Conceito de Comunicao;- Esclarecimentos sobre o aparelho fonador;- Estratgia de melhora na respirao;- A relao entre respirao e a dico das palavras;- A voz, enquanto potencial instrumento do processo de fala;- Estratgias de relaxamento para potencializar seu ato comunicativo;- Abordagens que visam o cuidado com a postura (roupas, gestos, entre outros);- Escolha dos materiais a serem utilizados nas apresentaes;- Breve explanao sobre a organizao de slides;- Exerccios prticos."
Price: 19.99
