"Operations management" |
"TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction to operations management2. Principles of operations management3. Levels of operations management4. Different cycles of operations management5. Roles and functions of operations management6. Strategies followed by operations management professionals7. Important factors of operations management8. Skills to become an operations management professionalAfter the completion of this course most of the students will get a in depth knowledge about this field. And if they follow the guidelines from this course they can surely attain a higher level in their career. Certification provided after course completion."
Price: 3200.00

"Azure DevOps para principiantes" |
"Hoy en da entender DevOps significa xito. Las grandes empresas tecnolgicas ms exitosas del siglo XXI tienen en comn algo, que cada da buscan ms y ms gente que sepa utilizar DevOps para crear y lanzar software de forma continua. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que es muy complejo y no se te da bien. Pues creme que ests equivocado, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!As pues, este curso est diseado para que las personas ambiciosas, los desarrolladores principiantes o los operadores TI sean capaces de aprender los principios bsicos de Azure DevOps y as introducirse y entender DevOps. No importa si no tienes experiencia en Microsoft Azure DevOps ni en DevOps en general, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con los principios bsicos asimilados.Mi nombre es Francisco Boira, y despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero y lder de diferentes proyectos de desarrollo, me he dado cuenta de que el mundo del desarrollo y de la tecnologa en general est evolucionando hacia el uso de DevOps. Cada vez es ms necesario llevar este trabajo de forma prctica e intuitiva a travs de un software potente, y Microsoft Azure DevOps cumple con estos requisitos. No es de extraar que sea la plataforma lder en el sector hoy en da, y con diferencia. Y lo mejor de todo es que la demanda va en aumento. Saber realizar proyectos con este software te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales y muchos beneficios econmicos, y si no te lo crees puedes comprobarlo t mismo buscando en Internet.El gran problema siempre ha sido que no es fcil saber manejar desde cero una herramienta as y, en el momento que lo consigues, te das cuenta que has invertido muchsimo tiempo, demasiado. En este curso, aunque ""tan slo"" se trata de una introduccin a la herramienta, yo intento facilitarte y acelerarte este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz de aplicarlo a tus propios proyectos de la forma ms rpida que existe. DevOps es un mundo muy extenso y siempre vas a poder aprender ms, pero el curso te servir para poner la primera piedra en el camino de forma exitosa, fcil, y rpida.El temario a tratar se ha seleccionado de forma concisa, para que puedas aprender lo ms esencial en los inicios en apenas 30 minutos. Adems se ha ordenado de forma progresiva, donde empezars desde cero y terminars con clases de conceptos un poco ms avanzados. Entre otras cosas, sers capaz de crear una organizacin, familiarizarte con la interfaz, alinear Azure DevOps con procesos de trabajo (Agile, Scrum...), hacer uso de Pipelines, trabajar con Repositorios...Al fin y al cabo lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont, para que puedas aprender rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender Azure DevOps nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a OpenFOAM" |
"Este curso es una introduccin a OpenFOAM que est diseada para que los estudiantes, los ingenieros, los investigadores... sean capaces de utilizar el software desde cero para realizar CFD de forma sencilla y prctica. No importa si no tienes experiencia en CFD ni en OpenFOAM, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con dominio de la materia.Despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero Aeroespacial, me he dado cuenta que el CFD es una de las herramientas ms potentes que existen y ms demandadas. Y adems, la demanda va en aumento. Saber realizar este tipo de simulaciones te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales y muchos beneficios econmicos. Y por si fuera poco, realizar estas simulaciones en OpenFOAM te va a ofrecer an ms ventajas, ya que es un software de cdigo abierto que no est sujeto a licencias (gratuito) y que puede ofrecer prestaciones igual de ptimas o mejores que los programas comerciales. Por este motivo, en pocos aos se ha convertido en uno de los lderes del sector y de los programas que ms buscan las empresas en la figura del ingeniero.El gran problema siempre ha sido la complejidad para aprender que conlleva, ya que su entendimiento no es fcil. En este curso yo intento facilitarte todo este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz de realizar y entender tus propios problemas de fluidos en poco tiempo, gracias a la explicacin paso por paso y detallada de un problema completo (en concreto el caso ""cavity"") y realizando diferentes variaciones.En otras palabras, lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont. De esta forma podrs aprender a resolver distintos tipos de problemas rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender OpenFOAM nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte?"
Price: 179.99

"Curso bsico de Filmora 9" |
"Hoy en da saber producir y editar bien un vdeo significa xito. Las grandes empresas ms exitosas del siglo XXI tienen en comn que solo utilizan contenido multimedia de alta calidad para comunicarse, y cada da buscan ms y ms gente que pueda desempear este tipo de trabajos. Pero... ya s que ests pensando. No sabes como funcionan este tipo de cosas y crees que no s te da bien. Pues creme, an ests a tiempo de aprender, y adems ests en el sitio adecuado!En este curso aprenders a utilizar la herramienta Filmora 9, la ltima versin de este potente software. Pero... para qu sirve Filmora? Pues muy fcil. Con esta herramienta podrs editar tus vdeos fcilmente y de forma muy rpida e intuitiva, para que de esta forma puedas obtener trabajos profesionales sin ser un experto en la materia.Mi nombre es Francisco Boira, soy ingeniero y llevo aos utilizando este software e impartiendo docencia acerca de edicin de vdeo. Aunque este mbito no es mi ocupacin principal, en este tiempo me he dado cuenta de que cada da es ms necesario el uso de una herramienta como Filmora 9, ya que sin ser un profesional del tema, puedes llegar a conseguir ofertas laborales y captar la atencin de gente a la que le gustan tus contenidos audiovisuales, como ha sido mi caso. No es de extraar que Filmora es uno de los softwares lderes en el sector.Por este mismo motivo senta la necesidad de crear material instructivo de calidad y en Espaol acerca del tema, y as facilitaros, y sobre todo agilizar y acelerar el proceso de aprendizaje, comprimiendo todo el contenido en apenas 1 hora y media. Aunque ""solo"" se trata de una gua bsica, el curso te servir para poner en prctica las herramientas y las funciones esenciales para sacarle partido a Filmora 9. Lgicamente siempre se puede aprender ms, pero el curso te va a servir para cimentar las bases y ser capaz de crear tu contenido profesional perdiendo el menor tiempo posible.Lo importante del curso es que no slo mirars y escuchars, sino tambin lo hars tu mismo. Si sigues las indicaciones y los consejos, rpidamente sers capaz de realizar tus propios proyectos en Filmora. Y por supuesto, al final del curso sabrs, entre otras cosas, dominar plenamente la interfaz, crear, importar y exportar proyectos, utilizar todas las opciones de corte, edicin, timeline, correccin de color, edicin de audio, aplicar efectos, realizar animaciones, ajustar y entender la resolucin ideal para el tipo de proyecto, entender conceptos de estabilizacin, combinar textos, ttulos y otros elementos, etc.Este curso es perfecto para la gente que ha escuchado hablar de Filmora, pero no sabe cmo utilizarlo y necesita mejorar en la edicin de vdeos y todo lo que rodea este mbito. Lo que quiero decir es que es completamente apto para principiantes y gente que no tiene ni idea del tema, ya que se explicar todo desde cero. As que no tengas miedo, porque como ya te he dicho, ests tiempo de aprender una habilidad que las empresas buscan cada da ms, y si no te lo crees, lo puedes comprobar t mismo buscando en Internet!Por si fuera poco y an no ests convencido, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible. Adems dispones de la garanta de 30 das para reembolsar tu dinero, si no te convence, as que no hay de qu preocuparse.Aprender Filmora 9 nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte? Tengo muchas ganas de ser tu instructor!"
Price: 79.99

"Aprende Simulink en tan slo 2 HORAS!" |
"En este curso te ayudar a conocer todo el entorno grfico y las aplicaciones de Simulink (herramienta de Matlab). Durante el curso podrs seguir las sesiones en vdeo, paso a paso y probarlo tu mismo en tu propio ordenador para que no te quedes en ningn momento del proceso atascado.Como podrs comprobar, la informacin que se explica se ha escogido al detalle para que el curso sea lo ms conciso y preciso posible, para que obtengas tus resultados rpidamente.Desde las primeras clases prcticas ya sers capaz de crear tus propios sistemas y modelos, y progresivamente, en las siguientes clases se irn introduciendo conceptos y elementos para poder realizar simulaciones ms complejas y avanzadas.Por si fuera poco, en la documentacin que acompaa a las ltimas sesiones se incluyen ayudas con todas las indicaciones y soluciones de los ejercicios propuestos en el vdeo de cada clase, para que puedas consultarlas y resolver tus dudas a la hora de practicar.Este video curso sirve tanto para aquellos que nunca han utilizado Simulink como para personas con experiencia en el software y que quieren mejorar sus conocimientos. Ya no tienes excusa para dominar a la perfeccin la herramienta. Inscrbete y empieza a aprender ahora mismo!"
Price: 179.99

"Atlassian Confluence Masterclass 2020" |
"Confluence is a powerful enterprise collaboration tool that brings people, knowledge, and ideas together in a shared workspace, so you can do your best work. Through this course ""Atlassian Confluence Masterclass 2020"", you will learn how to use the latest version of Confluence to transform the way your team works.This course is structured to guide you through all the key aspects of managing and using Confluence.Whether youre new to Confluence, training your teammates, or ready to take your Confluence skills to the next level, this guide covers everything from the basics to in-depth best practices.The course will start with setting up your own Confluence account and you will be introduced to all the key features of Confluence in subsequent lectures. With each lecture, you will learn important concepts such as creating engaging content, sharing information, and engaging users to collaborate in real time with each other.By the end of the course, you will be able to create your pages, blogs and share the same with your team members to engage & collaborate.Please find below the course structure for your quick reference:1. Brief overview of Confluence2. Setting up your own Confluence account3. Applications of Confluence4. Navigate through the Confluence interface, spaces, user profile & settings5. Introduction to all key features of Confluence: Spaces, Pages, Blogs & Comments6. Create Content: Spaces, Pages, Blog Posts7. Master Spaces: Create different types of Spaces: Team, Personal & Project Spaces; Delete & Archive Spaces8. Master Pages & Blog Posts9. Invite users to collaborate10. Confluence Editor: Usage & features11. Add links, files, macros and mentions12. Space & Page Blueprints13. Content Permissions, Labels & Restrictions14. Watch Content15. Keyboard Shortcuts16. Confluence Administration & User SettingsCourse enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much knowledge to gain.Just ask the students whove already taken this course: ""A great step by step guide through Atlassian-Confluence. Menu items are explored and explained. Alternative routes to doing the same actions are also explained. Examples are worked through at a very good pace and the videos are not overwhelming. There is no homework, which means that you can actually focus on soaking in the material. Feel free to stop, edit your own confluence and explore, without the pressure of an assignment behind it. I thought everything in the video was helpful and even learned a couple new tricks on how to structure my spaces. There are a variety of use-case scenarios that give you an idea of how to use this tool in different ways (which happens to be my favorite part). Useful demonstrations on layouts, permissions, status changes, drop down menus and more. Confluence is a Canvass that can be used as a great communication platform. You have many tools at your disposal and this course covers that arsenal. Great work and Thank You.""-David Fai ""This is a great course on Confluence's latest version. Really useful with clear & crisp explanations! Highly recommended. Thanks to the tutor.""- Reena Shah ""I needed a refresher on Confluence capabilities before starting a project. This course presents all the relevant features nicely. It is good for any type of end user.""-Iasan Montac ""The course is well planned and was impressed with instructor's knowledge of the subject & the detailed explanations. I am so glad that I choose this course.""- Umesh Bansal ""To the point. I like it when the instructor is focused on teaching the topic and not wasting time here and there.""-Rick"
Price: 199.99

"Glow Carb Mindset: Lose Weight the Easy Way" |
"Have you ever had a diet work out for you? Glow Carb Mindset is an easy-to-follow program that teaches you long term, sustainable, healthy habits to help you get out of vicious diet cycling.I will debunk myths that may be getting in the way of having you lose weight or having more energy in general. And how to reset for your new mindset. I show you can actually put yourself on a path through intentional actions. Well take a look at whats currently happening and how you can improve to reach your goals. Well dive deep into how your body uses fiber to HELP you. I break down the foods you should include to achieve your goals and even apps to help you. Youll be ready to move into your future you. Ill give you tips and tricks in how you should integrate this more holistically, as well as product recommendations for you so you can execute on your results EVEN FASTER.It's a 4-Part Series that allows you to download meal plans and guides instantly and access hours worth of content at your own pace to see amazing results. Here are some testimonials:""I feel thats why I could never succeed in any sort of diet because I always felt restricted. But the Glow Carb Mindset gives you the ability to get creative and do the things that you want to do, and its easier than you think, its just pairing the right things together.- Taryn M.""I started incorporating more FIBER into my diet about 10 weeks out from my wedding. I had lost some weight in the year leading up, but needed that extra push. I started The Glow Carb Mindset and saw results pretty quickly!""- Anna M.""Im down 30 lbs., I have more confidence, and I look at food in an entirely different way.""- Alyssa P.Collectively I've helped over 100 women achieve their goals of being healthy, living their life, and stop being dominated by food! This time, you control the weight loss, it doesn't control you.Join right now and get started!"
Price: 49.99

"Programacin en Linux Con Gambas3 Bsico y Avanzado" |
"Aprenders los conceptos bsicos del desarrollo de software y como desarrollar aplicaciones visuales de escritorio con el lenguaje Gambas3. Se explicaran el entorno de desarrollo integrado de Gambas3, la nomenclatura de punto, las estructuras condicionales, If Then Else End If y la estructura Select Case.A nivel avanzado aprenders a crear aplicaciones con acceso a base de datos, programacin orientada a objetos, conexiones TCP, uso de protocolo FTP, protocolo HTTP y aplicaciones Web con Gambas Web Form, generacin e impresin de cdigos de barra y mucho mas.Aprender a instalar el lenguaje de programacin Gambas3 en sistema operativo GNU/ Linux en la rama basadas en Debian. Tambin se mostrara el sitio web de Gambas donde encontrara las instrucciones para instalar en otros sistemas operativos inclusive Microsoft Windows."
Price: 19.99

"General Science - Diversity and Biology of Plants" |
"In this course you have to learn about varieties of plants which is very much helpful for human beings, birds and animals. In which particular plant shows its own beauty and their scientific importance also. Every plant have their own criteria. so I hope at the end of the course you all know about different varieties of plants."
Price: 1280.00

"Guia bsico para investir em aes no longo prazo" |
"Pretende comear a investir em aes ou j comeou porm os contedos disponveis no so organizados? Este curso apresenta desde a mentalidade a ser empregada para investir para o longo prazo, at como analisar os indicadores. Para ensinar importante que tenhamos ""pele em risco"", ou seja, o mtodo de fato usado por quem ensina. Neste sentido, voc ter acesso a minha carteira de aes que apresentou em 2 anos cerca de 70% de valorizao acumulada, mesmo passando pela queda de mar-jun/2020.Essas so questes bsicas que devem ser respondidas para quem quer iniciar em aes para o longo prazo:- Precisa ser economista para investir em aes? NO!- Precisa ficar o dia inteiro na frente do computador vendo cotaes? DEFINITIVAMENTE NO!- Vou ganhar dinheiro do dia para a noite? NO!- Posso focar no meu trabalho enquanto aplico este mtodo? SIM!- Esta carteira de aes podem me render a independncia financeira no longo prazo? COM CERTEZA!Quanto mais voc conseguir aportar todos os meses, mais rpido chegar nos seus objetivos."
Price: 369.99

"Personality Development Building an Iconic Personality" |
"Personality is a Key part of us as it showcases us in front of others and its the first thing on which people will judge us and also develop relations with us.I have been working on SELF DEVELOPMENT for Couple of years and PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT is a key portion and so everything in the course is tried and verified. Having a PERSONALITY like famous person is a dream for all of us and they have few KEY TRAITS which I have told you in this course.This course includes 16 Communication Skill Tips and also give 12 TRAITS you should have in yourself.This is a full personality makeover course and I have also suggested method to implement everything I have taught in this as without applying it will become useless. This course is reviewed by PROFESSORS and few people of SELF DEVELOPMENT field and they all loved it.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll FAST."
Price: 1920.00

"Learn Chinese Pinyin" |
"In this course, students would learn Chinese Pinyin systematically. It includes the 23 initials, four basic Chinese tones, the neutral tone, 24 finals and the 16 whole syllables. There would be super similar English pronunciation to help you to learn the Chinese alphabets and you would also learn simple Chinese words with pinyin. This course is for Chinese beginners. If you never learned Chinese before or haven't learned Chinese Pinyin yet, this course is for you!"
Price: 19.99

"La Meditacin segn el Bhagavad Gita. Primerizos & Avanzados" |
"Curso TEORICO - PRACTICO dirigido tanto a principiantes como a meditadores avanzados.En este curso aprenders las tcnicas milenarias provenientes de la India, para AQUIETAR EL CUERPO fsico, mental y el emocional. En la QUIETUD DEL SILENCIO podrs hacer contacto con la ESENCIA DIVINA que mora dentro de ti, en donde experimentaras esa paz y ese gozo exquisito que, de una u otra manera, todos estamos buscando.Para lograr ese cometido, te ensearemos a trabajar con los 4 CHAKRAS Superiores: Corazn, garganta, entrecejo y coronilla.Te ensearemos a trabajar con los sonidos mntricos: IAM, HAM, OM y AUM, con la finalidad ARMONIZAR y ALINEAR tus Chakras, y con ello acelerar tu DESPERTAR ESPIRITUAL.Te ensearemos a trabajar con el sagrado nombre SO HAM o YO SOY.Aprenders que el secreto de la Meditacin radica en aquietar la mente. La mente se aquieta a travs de la respiracin; por esta razn trabajaremos con el PRANAYAMA, que es una tcnica de la respiracin con la cual eliminamos el stress, la depresin, el miedo, la preocupacin, y una vez quietos y relajados podemos entrar en MEDITACION."
Price: 49.99

"IGCSE OL Chemistry" |
"Teaching OL Chemistry by a PowerPoint presentation with my voice over narrating. The presentation contains many diagrams and images to make the lessons more interesting, and less boring.Providing students with my Chemistry OL ebook (worth 14$) totally for free! In an attempt to make OL chemistry a walk in the park!"
Price: 19.99

"Upgrade your business with more professional video using OBS" |
"In this course, I go through how to download, install and use Open Broadcaster Software or OBS to a basic level! Ditch the mobile videos and upgrade to recording software and learn how to set this up! We cover in this course:What equipment you needWhat software I use - OBSWhere to download the software. How to install it.How to set up folders on your computer and save the recorded videos there.How to open the software and setup Scenes and what they are.How to add sources like webcams, microphones and also screen recording sources.How to record and go live.How to set up a green screen and what you need to do that. You also get to join our Facebook Community."
Price: 29.99

"PTCB: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board practice exams" |
"Included in this PTCB: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board practice exams Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real PTCB: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board practice exams TestPTCB: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board practice exams Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 320+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 120 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"CMA Certified Management Accountant practice exams" |
"Included in this CMA Certified Management Accountant practice exams Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real CMA Certified Management Accountant practice exams TestCMA Certified Management Accountant practice exams Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 400+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 200 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"PMHNP practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this PMHNP Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Certificate Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real PMHNP Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Certificate TestPMHNP Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Certificate Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 400+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 200 questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Deep Learning (from basics)" |
"Following topics are covered as part of the courseExplore building blocks of neural networksData representation, Tensor, Back propagationKerasDataset, Applying Keras to cases studies, over fitting / under fittingArtificial Neural Networks (ANN)Activation functionsLoss functionsGradient DescentOptimizerImage ProcessingConvnets (CNN), hands-on with CNNText and SequencesText data, Language ProcessingRecurrent Neural Network (RNN)LSTMBidirectional RNN Gradients and Back Propagation - Mathematics"
Price: 5120.00

"Glowy Face in 7 Days" |
"This is the program of face yoga and meditations rituals.There are 7 videos, each of them is about 15 to 20 minutes long. Face yoga exercises deal with the whole face in each video, so that none of the areas is left out.The videos are meant to be some kind of rituals for every day. Im trying to encourage you to take time for yourself. You wont believe what 20 minutes of this rituals can do.It turns out that face yoga and meditation are such a powerful tools. Yes, body exercises rock, too, but face yoga and meditation affect brain directly.If you do face yoga, you work with your 57 head muscles. You also work with the glands in your head. And they are responsible for so many processes in your body. They affect the organs and hormones and provide a proper environment so that they can work properly.With face yoga this is the shortest way."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a tocar violo sem complicaes" |
"Este um curso para quem possui experincia entre um a dois anos de estudo, e busca independncia e quer se tornar capaz de tirar suas msicas favoritas de ouvido. Nele sero abordados assuntos imprescindveis ao aprendizado do violo: intervalos, escalas, acordes, campo harmnico, funes harmnicas e ritmos de mo direita."
Price: 19.99

"Cuda Basics" |
"This course is aimed at programmers with a basic knowledge of C or C++, who are looking for a series of tutorials that cover the fundamentals of the Cuda C programming language. This is done through a combination of lectures and example programs that will provide you with the knowledge to be able to design your own algorithms and leverage the full performance benefits of GPGPU programming."
Price: 19.99

"Money Making Commodities Trading Course" |
"This is an Advance Course for Commodities Trading. Course covers detailed Intraday trading strategies for MCX commodities. Course includes indepth Fundamental and Technical analysis of Commodities with examples shown on trading chart for each commodity. The know hows of Commodities trading shown in this course is valuable and will help students to avoid common mistakes done in Commodities Trading.Note that Agricultural commodities are not included in this course the only reason is that Course instructor feels Technical Analysis dont work properly on these commodities.Don't MISS to watch the FREE WELCOME session of the Course for detailed insights on this Course."
Price: 5120.00

"Exerccios de Pilates e Fscia para" |
"Ol, tudo bem?Meus vdeos tem como objetivo ensinar alguns exerccios simples e rpidos para voc fazer antes de comear o dia ou durante, quando sentir necessidade de dar uma pausa no seu trabalho e movimentar um pouco as articulaes , assim restaurando e se conectando novamente com o seu corpo para a sua atividade de vida diria sem dores e com mais disposio."
Price: 84.99

"Curso de Automaquiagem Rpido e Pratico" |
"Neste curso trago para vocs vrias tcnicas e dicas que faro da maquiagem do dia a dia um momento de descontrao, aonde ser possvel com poucos minutos ficar linda e maravilhosa.Se o ato de se maquiar foi algo sempre chato e complicado, vem comigo que quero te mostrar que existe sim, maneiras de ter uma maquiagem leve e elegante para qualquer tipo de evento ou compromisso.Ao contrrio do que voc pode pensar, possivel sim, montar uma ncessaire boa e gastando pouco e isso que busco mostrar neste curso."
Price: 84.99

"Coding Basics With C" |
"The Programming and Software Development industry has created a Big-Bang in its own.Due to which it has created a huge demand for programmers. And to learn the basics of programming you should know C language. There are many benefits for learning C language are:Attractive salary and Multiple Career Opportunities.Develop Problem-Solving Skills.Empowering and Life-Changing Experience.Technologies are powering the world.Develop Interpersonal Skills.Coding is creativity.Therefore we have created a nice and easily understandable course in which we have explained all the concepts of C language as simply as possible.We look forward to embark on this amazing journey with you.Welcome to Programming With C. All the lectures are bite-sized videos in which we have the best of our instructors teaching the C language."
Price: 24.99

"Color Pencil Drawing of ANIMALS" |
"Would you like to learn how to draw animals? Then paint with crayons? Dogs, cats, birds and horses and lions.You must first draw and divide the animal body into its original shapes. Using circles, ovals, and curved lines. You know that animals' bodies have tissues. How to draw animal body tissue. Birds have wings and feathers and pets have hair.The subject of animal design is one of those topics that, despite being very attractive and an undeniable need of visual artists, especially illustrators, cartoonists and animators, has so far received unbelievably little attention to our education! Most of the designers who are working professionally today have gained this knowledge with effort and a lot of time and energy. I am happy to have organized an animal design workshop to train students as well as those designers who feel weak in this area. In this workshop, a process is on the agenda during which you will first learn to see correctly and then you will move towards drawing correctly. You will go through this process by studying the treasure trove of information about animals, including photos and videos, as well as examining the position and function of their various organs. You will also learn how to draw animals with the correct scale and display the movement, gesture, rhythm, and various covering tissues of the body, including feathers, fluff, scales, and so on."
Price: 49.99

"Crea Tu Negocio En Etsy Sin Inventario o Experiencia Previa" |
"Aprende Paso a Paso los Secretos Para Vender en Etsy (Handmade) y Crear un Negocio Rentable De Dropshipping Usando Print On Demand.Quieres un trabajo sencillo desde casa que sea fcil de configurar?Alguna vez quisiste comenzar un trabajo desde casa y no sabes por dnde empezar?Quieres ganar dinero extra adems de tu trabajo actual?Quieres tener la libertad y tener ms tiempo con tus amigos y familiares?Tienes cero o poco dinero para invertir? Sin experiencia tcnica o comercialQuizs no tiene nada que vender o alguna idea de productos?Supongo que solo tiene una cantidad limitada de tiempo para trabajar en su nuevo negocio cada semana y probablemente te preocupa NO saber por dnde empezarBIEN, ESTE CURSO TE AYUDAR CON TODO LO ANTERIOR"
Price: 49.99

"Tekstilde Srdrlebilir Hammaddeler" |
"Eitimin AmacSrdrlebilir Tekstil Hammadde Eitimi; irketlerin srdrlebilirlik hedefleri dorultusunda oluturduklar koleksiyonlar, tasarm, hammadde seimi ve mteri sunumlarnda gerekli bilgi ve deneyimi oluturmak iin hazrlanmtr. Bu eitim esnasnda, hammadde seimi ve belirlenmesine ilikin gncel kavram ve uygulama yntemlerine ynelik bilgi verilmesi, katlmclarn Srdrlebilir Tekstil Hammadde konusuna ilikin tm sorularnn cevaplandrlmas hedeflenmektedir.Eitim erii Srdrlebilirlik Nedir? Srdrlebilirlik Kavram. Tekstil Endstrisinin Negatif etkileri. Srdrlebilirlik Nasl balar? Pamuk Nasl retilir? Organik pamuk, Fairtrade, Better Cotton Polyester Nasl retilir? Riskler ve etkiler. Geri dntrlm Polyester. Viskon Nasl retilir? Riskler ve etkiler. Lyocell- Tencel Lifler. Keten, Bambu, Soya, Isrgan, Ananas Yn, Riskler ve etkiler. Ku ty, Riskler ve etkiler. Deri, Riskler ve etkiler. Alternatif sellozik Elyaf Soru ve Cevaplar."
Price: 99.99

"Understanding Copyright for Photographers" |
"Should you register your copyrights? What is a copyright anyway? Should you really be worried about people stealing your images on the Internet? How has the legal landscape for photographers changed with the emergence of Internet photo sharing? How do you protect your images while still getting your work out there?This information-packed seminar answers these questions and more, helping you build best practices for copyright registration and management into your existing image processing workflows. Part legal tutorial, part software tutorial, this seminar will help you understand essential copyright concepts that apply to you and your business, and teach you how to maximize your rights without sacrificing exposure.This course is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as, legal advice. The law, particularly copyright law, is notoriously fact specific, and no resource, including this one, can substitute for expert guidance from qualified legal counsel. To obtain guidance relevant to your particular circumstances you should speak with a qualified, competent lawyer properly licensed in your jurisdiction. The views and opinions expressed in this course are those of the author alone and are not purported to be those of any employer, client, or affiliated entity, past or present."
Price: 24.99

"Your Signature Brand Story: Craft a Message that Sells" |
"A step-by-step brand story course for business owners who are passionate and committed to create and grow profitable, purpose-driven companies. You'll learn the proven techniques of my Signature Story Method to help you stand out and sell more, whether you're an online store, service provider or traditional brick and mortar."
Price: 79.99
