"Engineering Sketching Drawing and sectioning by Fusion 360" |
"Today, the engineer should know the language of graphics and develop the 3D imagination especially when it comes to design or model mechanical pieces.This cours is a tutoriel of Engineering Sketching and Drawing. The purpose of these lectures is to give you the basics of 3D sketch and drawing using Fusion 360. We are going to : - Sketch 2D geometries using lines, circles and constraints, - Create 3D solid part, - Use many Solid features : extrusion, cutting and revolution, - Drawing and sectioning."
Price: 19.99

"Educando a Tu Perro en Casa - LineUp Dog" |
"Educando a tu perro en casa, es el curso ideal si ests buscando un punto de partida para iniciar con la educacin de tu mascota, ya sea que tengas un perro nuevo, ests pensando en tener uno, o incluso, si ya tienes una mascota, con la que llevas lidiando ciertos problemas que te gustara empezar a resolver.Vamos a aplicar la filosofa LineUp Dog, esto quiere decir que nos enfocaremos en tu aprendizaje, para que puedas:Entender mejor a tu mascotaAprendas a comunicarte de una forma ms asertiva. Aumentar el vnculo, lo que al final es lo que marca la diferencia para tener un perro equilibrado y obediente.Este no es el tpico curso donde te ensean nicamente los comandos bsicos para tu mascota y listo, eso no tendra ningn sentido prctico. No te preocupes, s vas a aprender cmo ensear comandos bsicos a tu perro, pero siendo parte de una estructura ms amplia, de un proceso educativo completo, necesario para una sana convivencia con tu mascota en familia.El curso es terico-prctico, porque con los perros necesitas ser activo, pero entender antes, qu hay detrs de esa prctica.Al final de cada mdulo, encontrars una actividad, diseada con el fin de que apliques en la vida real, lo que has aprendido.De todo corazn, seremos muy sinceros: Si adquieres este curso, pero no tomas accin de lo que veas, tu perro no va a cambiar, pero, si llevas este curso, y aplicas lo aprendido, al menos en su mayora, los cambios que vers en tu mascota, van a ser notados a leguas por ti y todos los que les rodean. Es que no hay forma de que tu mascota no cambie para bien, si sigues todo lo que aqu vas a aprender.Cul es la metodologa que vamos a usar? La que te contamos en nuestro primer video: Somos LineUp Dog! Educamos a tu perro 100% con amor, porque es la mejor frmula para educar a tu mascota, comprendiendo que, el amor es cario, es cuidados, es paciencia... en fin, es dedicacin a la mascota. En LineUp Dog, esperamos que este curso te sea de utilidad y que le encuentres gran valor."
Price: 54.99

"Paint Like Van Gogh" |
"If you are attracted to vibrant colours, tantalizing textures and expressive mark-making, this class is a perfect fit for you. Through the 13 step-by-step instructional videos, you will learn how to paint skies, wheat fields, trees, bushes, grass, mountains, backgrounds and flowers. Using acrylics, brushes and palette knives, you will learn how to successfully paint various subjects in the style of the great Post-Impressionist Dutch Master. Your possibilities as an artist have no boundaries or limits!"
Price: 24.99

"Journey mapping 101" |
"In this class, you will learn how to create a journey map!We will start with what are the different types of maps and why use a journey map.Then we will define the type of map we want to make, who its for, and what we want to get out of it.After that we will learn some basics of research. This will be followed by the mapping process.And then I will give you some tips on how to take your map to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Potencia tu firma de Arquitectura y consigue ms clientes" |
"El nico curso exclusivo para Arquitectos y Diseadores que quieren realmente tener un negocio rentable de Arquitectura. En este curso tendrs TODO lo que necesitas para:Identificar tu nichoPosicionarte en el mercadoEntender qu te diferenciaNo CAER en la trampa del Arquitecto (de seguro ya caste)Cmo tener clientes de manera constanteCmo NO competir por precioSer un referente en tu mercadoy muchas cosas ms..."
Price: 59.99

"Divorce Care: Effective Practices To Feel Better" |
"Do you feel like youre dragging the weight of the world on your shoulders through your divorce? Are you scared, stressed out, overwhelmed and stuck? Have you forgotten who you are and feel powerless? If you answered yes to some of these, this course is for you.This course will guide you to explore feelings around divorce and engage in easy, effective, divorce care, practices to feel better. Some of these practices are: Address and reduce fear and stress Unravel overwhelm Feel stronger in difficult times Release guilt and feel more free Find hope and start moving forwardYou'll have at your fingertips on demand videos and an 80+ page PDF manual to introduce practices and to walk through each module, plus worksheets too. Included in each unit is a separate PDF for each module (from the 80+ page manual) to easily access the information and worksheets you need at the time. Whos This Course ForWomen and men going through divorce, struggling with stress, overwhelm, feeling stuck and troubled by anger, betrayal, fear, loss and more.Divorced women and men still agitated, triggered or upset by feelings and events from divorce and feeling weighed down by the past.Katrina has gone through divorce and knows how it can feel. During divorce she used practices to feel better and she wants to share some with you."
Price: 29.99

"InvestSmart: Investing in Cryptocurrency for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone of any age with an interest in investing in cryptocurrency assets. No experience required as we walk you through your investment journey, building you a strong cryptocurrency portfolio.5 initial videos will teach you: Introduction - Contents- Why now is the best time to invest in crypto?!- Resources: crypto calculator, crypto spreadsheet portfolio Crypto 101- Introduction to Bitcoin- How Bitcoin works- Bitcoin mining- Why is Bitcoin valuable? - Mainstream crypto adoptionInvest in 12 - How to buy your first crypto in 12 mins- A fail-safe exit-strategy (coming soon)- How to reduce fees with exchanges, transfers and loading debit cards (coming soon)Research- How to research cryptocurrency investments using fundamental analysis- Research check-list- Our portfolio revealed with research analysis (coming soon)Bonus Chapter- Live DEX Trade, Metamask explained, DeFi Explained & Live ICO investment- What is the best crypto debit card for spending your profits? (coming soon)PLUS INCLUDED Daily market updates through our Telegram channel!BackgroundWe have over 3 years of experience here at InvestSmart London and have managed cryptocurrency portfolios for a number of clients, as well as teaching students about the potential of cryptocurrency investing.Our mission is to help as many individuals understand the potential in the cryptocurrency/blockchain markets and generate wealth which lasts."
Price: 34.99

"Talento no suficiente" |
"Nos dias atuais, com as mudanas econmicas, polticas e principalmente tecnolgicas, ter somente talento no o suficiente! Pois isso ns elaboramos esse curso, onde presentaremos seis ferramentas para auxiliar voc potencializar o seu talento. Com essas ferramentas e dicas, voc poder desenvolver suas habilidades e competncias para alcanar todos os seus objetivos, seja na rea pessoal ou profissional."
Price: 39.99

"Dentin course" |
"In this course, we will discuss dentin in details with the help of 3D animation videos in parts that need to be animated to be fully understood, from dentin structural composition to age changes so, you will see dentinogenesis, odontoblast differentiation, collagen fibers deposition and mineralizationAlso dentin types and theories of how dentin sense and feel pain and how all this considered clinicallySo this course will help undergraduate students to understand dentin very well and give the core information to postgraduate students."
Price: 49.99

"Eletrnica Aplicada 1" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de Eletrnica Fundamental 1. Neste curso quero chamar sua ateno para a teoria da eletricidade a qual lhe permitira avanar no estudo da eletrnica. Este curso aborda conceitos fundamentais da eletricidade como corrente, tenso, resistncia, circuitos em srie e paralelo alm das leis de Kirchhoff. Sendo assim, ele voltado a todas as pessoas que desejam ter uma base slida para analisar, projetar e construir ideias de projetos eletrnicos e necessitam de uma fundamentao terica."
Price: 84.99

"Meditation For Beginners: Learn how to Cultivate Inner Peace" |
"Have you.......* wanted to learn to meditate but don't know where to start?* felt overwhelmed from all the information out there and gave up trying?* tried to mediate but found it too difficult? If you answered YES to any of he above questions, then this is the course for you!This course has been thoughtfully designed to introduce meditation to beginners and those struggling with their practice. The SIMPLE act of meditating can bring wonderful benefits. This course will enable you to start cultivating more inner peace and bring consciousness in to your daily life. You will develop an understanding of what meditation is and it's benefits, along with learning when and how to meditate. Advice will be given on how to set your environment and the importance of posture. You will learn how to relax the body by completing a guided relaxation practice. Some people think meditation is just a relaxation technique, but it goes deeper than that. Though relaxation is part of the journey!You will learn some of the different styles of meditating and how to practically implement these. This course will teach you the following simple and effective meditation practice's. * Breathwork Meditation * Candle Meditation * Mantra Meditation * Guided Visualisation Bonus Section: * Letting Go Meditation * Loving Kindness Meditation When you meditate consistently you begin to experience the benefits in every aspect of your life. Some of the benefits include:* Reducing stress, depression and anxiety* Improving relationships and interactions with others* Improving performance, focus and self-control* Improving general well-being *Improving personal growth Who is this course for:* beginners wanting to start a meditation practice* people struggling with their current practice* anyone with a general interest in meditation Course Requirements:* An open mind* A quiet space to practice*A cushion or chair * A candle Take inspired action today and embark on your wonderful meditation journey!"
Price: 89.99

"Aprenda a criar jogos de plataforma 2D em Java" |
"Nosso curso conta com aulas vrias aulas voltadas completamente no desenvolvimento de jogos em java utilizando da ferramenta Eclipse IDE para produzir, mostrando parte a parte como faz para montar seu prprio jogo diretamente de seu computador. Vamos criar totalmente do zero o seu prprio jogo de plataforma que ao final do curso voc ser capaz de j dar o pontap inicial para j estar criando seus primeiros games 2D."
Price: 39.99

"Acupuntura china y terapias alternativas" |
"Curso profesional bsico y avanzado sobre acupuntura china y terapias alternativas desarrollado para personal medico y no medico. Dictado de una forma dinmica y de fcil comprensin para l observador.Abarca desde las bases, indicaciones, contraindicaciones, tipos de aguja, energa, y enfermedades a tratar. El estudiante solo necesita intereses por este arte milenario y gran capacidad por querer mejorar, curar o prevenir enfermedades crnicas ya sea en sus pacientes, familiares, conocidos o en s mismo."
Price: 39.99

"Animation made easy with Apple Keynote" |
"Do you always see those motion graphic videos on instagram, or youtube and you ask your self How do they do it? ?Most people use advanced applications like Adobe After Effects, which can be challenging to learn and consumes a lot of your time.This is when I realized that keynote is the secret! Animations that take agencies days to finish, I do in a couple of hours, free of charge and, believe me, with 10 times less the effort.Whether you have design experience or you dont, youll be able to create amazing animation right from your Mac in no time!This is a project-based course.The techniques that were going to learn will help you create whatever you put your mind into. Be it an instagram video. Logo animation, or even a lower third super for your channel.DRAWYoull learn how to get images, edit them, create from scratchANIMATEYoull learn the three types of animation builds (build in, action, build out) in addition to transitions.Im using the latest Keynote version to make sure you learn most all of the latest, and cool animation presets that come with Keynote.AUDIOYoull learn how to add voice over, and music to the final animation."
Price: 19.99

"Accelerate Freight Broker Training By Shayla Moore" |
"Freight Brokers are the liaison between the Shippers and the Carriers. Their job is to negotiate and orchestrate the load until it reaches its designation. Being a freight broker is a very important part in the transportation industry. In this course you will learn what the roles are how to become a freight broker and what brokering freight looks like. Get the information you need to become a freight broker in an accelerated pace. If time is of the essence and you need to learn as much information as possible without all of the fluff, join us today! "
Price: 199.99

anti_crisis_barista |
"- N1 . ""- "" 25 , - 5 SCAE - . - , 50 . 3 . USD/. ! - :- 1. "" ""- 2. "" ""- 3. "" """
Price: 19.99

"Owning The Block" |
"The course is comprised of four consecutive videos, hosted by Jason Moore, creator of Moore Wellbeing, the tools, techniques and exercises in the course help you recognise and understand how we block ourselves from achieving our full potential. Learn how to break negative patterns and create new, mindful ways to achieve your new life goals."
Price: 19.99

"T-Shirt Druck: Der T-Shirt Druck Online Kurs" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst verschiedene Wege kennen um Online mit T-Shirts zu Geld verdienen.Wir werden uns viele verschiedenen Plattformen ansehen, die Dir helfen dein T-Shirt Design zu verkaufen.Wir besprechen unter anderem:Was ein gutes Design istWie du Designer findestviele Plattformen zum Upload und vieles mehrSupport bzw. die Beantwortung deiner Fragen ist natrlich bei allem mit inbegriffen!"
Price: 199.99

"4 Easy Geometry Drawing Techniques" |
"Geometrical drawings can seem complicated. They are actually very simple.Once you gain insight in how a drawing is set-up, you discover quickly that it is actually easy and systematic. Once you 'see' through the technique, your intuition and creativity can play within the field of the paper. My intention is to show how easy it is to set up a base grid, so you can explore your own creativity with geometry.In these 4 drawings we start from a simple, square, base structure. From there we build our drawing, line by line."
Price: 19.99

"Business Resilience: Thriving Through Crisis" |
"Did you know that many businesses do not survive following a major crisis? This happens for two main reasons - lack of a short term business survival strategy and failure to adapt to the new environment. The business environment is never the same following a major crisis such as the global pandemic 2020 and financial crisis 2009. However, many businesses do not evaluate their business strategies and operations in line with these changes. As a result they lose competitive advantage and their product range do not align with the new world.This short course has been designed to help businesses recover from major crises like global pandemic 2020 and thrive in the new business environment. Survival in the short term and growth in the longer term must be the motto for all businesses. To focus just on one objective is wrong and dangerous. The knowledge that you will gain from this course will help you protect your business when faced with major crises and help you come out much stronger in the new world through improved business strategies."
Price: 49.99

"Take a Leap" |
"This is a self-help course for your growth in life and that 'extra' something you always wished for! From this course, you will learn tools and techniques to keep you energized and on the path for success. You will be equipped to know your psychological state and how to manage stress."
Price: 1280.00

"Automatizando Testes Nativos para Android com o Barista" |
"Voc vai aprender automatizar aplicativos Android com Barista. Um framework muito fcil e prtico que vai facilitar a sua vida em MIL vezes.Tudo que voc precisa saber para automatizar Testes em Android NATIVO voc vai aprender nesse curso. Testes desenvolvidos em JAVA com Barista. Automatize seus testes para Aplicativos em JAVA ou KOTLIN, utilizando apenas o Framework Barista."
Price: 39.99

"Statistics for Beginner" |
"Specially Designed Course for DS, ML & AI Statistics is the foundational course for the topics in Data Science,Machine learning & Artificial Intelligence.And it is design specially for students interested in Analytics.All the concept & logic is explained lucidly which is back by example & practice question.This course will cover following topics- a) Introduction to Statistics - Branches of Statistics & Measurementsb) Descriptive Statistics- Central Tendency, Dispersion and Graphsc) Inferential Statistics - Normal Distribution, Standard Normal Distribution , Sampling Distribution and Central Limit Theorem (CLT)d) Hypothesis Testing- Hypothesis Formulation, Critical Value Method , P-Value Method, Alpha Level &T-distributionAfter completing the course, you will able to do following things-a) Data Analysis of datasets by using Excel to find any patterns or trends.b) Using of CLT concept to calculate unknown population mean.b) Hypothesis testing of claims or assumptions which is use heavily in data driven companies.c) Concept of P-value and Alpha Value which is very important in analytics."
Price: 199.99

"Temperagem de chocolate fcil e limpa!" |
"Esse curso destinado para INICIANTES em nvel BSICO de confeitaria e visa auxiliar quem quer fazer seus prprios ovos de pscoa esse ano ou ganhar um graninha extra nesse perodo delicioso! Essa uma AULA DEMONSTRATIVA, a qual voc pode replicar em casa ao final da exposio. Sero abordados os seguintes temas: Diferena entre COBERTURA e CHOCOLATE NOBRE! Tipos de chocolates nobres e suas diferenas de manipulao Importncia da temperagem do chocolate DEMONSTRAO: Dicas de equipamentos baratinhos para temperagem DEMONSTRAO: Mtodo para temperagem limpa e fcil com adio de manteiga de cacau"
Price: 19.99

"Beyninize Hkmedin -Hayatta Her Alanda Baarl Olmann Yolu" |
"Birok insan hayatnda deiiklik yapmak, u an bulunduu noktadan daha iyilerine ulamak ister. Fakat birou bunu baaramaz. Albert Einstein der ki; ""delilik ayn eyi tekrar tekrar yapp farkl sonular beklemektir."" Gnmzde, kendini gelitirmek isteyen insanlarn da genelde ""neden baaramyorum ?"" sorusunu srekli kendilerine sormalarnn nedeni de tam olarak budur; nk srekli ayn baarsz yollar deniyorlar. Baarl olmak istiyorlar, disiplinli olmak istiyorlar, hayatlarn istedikleri ekilde ynlendirmek istiyorlar, ilikilerde mutlu ve tatminkar olmak istiyorlar... Fakat baarl olamyorlar nk her seferinde sonucu koca bir baarszlk olacak olan yolllar tercih ediyorlar.Bu yzden, bu kursumda ben, Samet Bar Okan, sizlere artk her yerde grmekten skldnz, olduka klasik gelen szler yahut en fazla bir gn boyunca sizi motive edecek ve sonrasnda yok olacak motivasyon konumalar yaparak vaktinizi almak yerine yllarca aratrdm, kendimde de uyguladm ve olumlu sonular aldm olduka yararl teknikleri paylaacam.Artk sz yok, eylem var!Evet, artk eyleme geme vaktiniz geldi. Bu kursu bitirdiinizde; *hayatnzda baarl olmak, *beyninize hkmetmek, *ilikilerde daha mutlu ve tatminkar, istediini elde eden, *kendi bilinaltn istedii ekilde programlayabilen bireyler haline geleceksiniz. Size artk duymaktan skldnz klasik szler sylemeyeceim, size sizi ancak birka saatliine motive eden cmleler kurmayacam. Ben size eyleme gemeniz iin ihtiyacnz olan bilgiyi vereceim ve artk gerisini sizin yaratc zekanza brakacam.O halde, 'Beyninize Hkmedin' adl kursumuza hepiniz ho geldiniz!"
Price: 99.99

"Migrer de Shopify vers WooCommerce en toute simplicit" |
"Arrtez de perdre de l'argent en abonnement Shopify, commissions sur les ventes ou en applications onreuses.Savez-vous qu'il existe un outil gratuit comparable Shopify, permettant plus de possibilits de personnalisation ?Nous parlons bien entendu de Wordpress coupl au plugin WooCommerce ! Ce systme de gestion de contenu (CMS) est trs puissant, scuris, et surtout il est open source, donc gratuit ! De plus, WooCommerce ne prend aucune commission sur les ventes, et la plupart des plugins disponibles dans la gigantesque bibliothque Wordpress sont gratuits !"
Price: 24.99

"Vue.js practice set" |
"Vue.js The Progressive JavaScript Framework WHY VUE.JS? GET STARTED. GITHUB. Special Sponsor Instant Webhooks, Scripts and APIs. Approachable. Already know HTML, CSS and JavaScript? Read the guide and start building things in no time! Versatile. An incrementally adoptable ecosystem that scales between a library and a full-featured framework. Performant. 20KB min+gzip Runtime Blazing Fast"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Taoist Internal Healing Sounds" |
"Learn the Powerful Internal Sounds That Can Change Your LifeJoin Universal Healing Tao Instructor An Julie as she guides you through the Six Healing Sounds Meditation. This is a Simple But Powerful 2,000 Year Old Practice That Uses Special Internal Sounds to Stimulate Internal Healing of Your Vital Organs: Lungs, Kidneys, Liver, Heart, and Spleen.Chinese Medicine States That Emotions Are Held in These Organs. When You Activate the Sounds, Emotions Are Released, Leading to Instant Healing, Relief, Calm, and Changes in Your Life.After the course, you will feel much connected with your internal organs, feel more love, calmness, joys and happiness inside. This is the first step to practice Back to Nature/ Body Wisdom, Transform Stress into Vitality."
Price: 19.99

"Plan Your Dream Solo Trip" |
"Whether you have travelled solo before or are new to solo travel, planning your trip can be overwhelming. That's where this course comes in. The Plan Your Dream Solo Trip course has 12 modules to turn you into a solo travel goddess (not that youre not one already).From deciding where to go to what to do, you'll be given the exact 12 steps that you need to book your solo trip. And because its interactive you can use it again and again to plan all of your travels. There will also be support from our community every step of the way to answer any questions you have about planning your dream solo trip."
Price: 19.99

"Avaliar na Educao Superior" |
"Este um dos cursos produzidos pela Fabricante de Ideias, para instrumentalizar e empoderar docentes, compartilhando estratgias e observaes educacionais, pautadas em quase dez anos de experincia com formao docente, avaliao e processos de avaliaes em larga escala no ensino superior.Neste curso voc encontrar meios para uma adequada avaliao educacional no ensino superior, descobrir as tendncias em avaliao somativa e formativa e os impactos da avaliao em larga escala na atuao docente.Se voc quer se comprometer em proporcionar uma boa formao aos seus estudantes de graduao, este curso para voc!"
Price: 59.99

"Learning Cisco CCNA 2 - Routing and Switching Essentials" |
"At the end of this CCNA course, be sure you will have enough practical techniques and experience to manage Cisco routers and switches and you will have the required technical skills to work as a network engineer and pass any technical interview for this position.The following make this course distinguished :The course content focuses on the practical part where we will be using modern physical (real) Cisco routers and switches which you will find at your work environment.You will be able to build a network infrastructure for a company having one or many branches.You will know how to maintain and troubleshoot Cisco routers and switches like backup and restore configuration, fix operating system problems and password recovery solutions.You will learn how to secure your network infrastructure from internal or external attacks using various security techniques for your Cisco routers and switchers.You will learn how to prepare for the CCNA exam, how you can get an exam sample and how to schedule the CCNA exam."
Price: 89.99
