"Algorithmie et code pour dbutants (blocs/JavaScript)" |
"A travers ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir des notions algorithmiques. Ces dernires sont fondamentales en programmation. Pour bien comprendre le raisonnement derrire, on ne va pas se focaliser sur un langage prcis qui pourrait tre un peu compliqu. On d'abord des algorithmes avec de la programmation en blocs puis en JavaScript."
Price: 24.99

"Arkadaslar Merhaba. Ben Mustafa Hoca, Ingilizce egitimindeki yanlis yontemlerden oturu, Ingilizce ogrenememektesiniz. Piyasadaki var olan cogu kitaplar, metodlar, dersler Ingilizce ogrenmekten cok ogrenmemeye yoneliktir cunku o kitaplar ve digerleri daha cok ana dili Ingilizce olan kisiler icindir. Bu yuzden herseyden once neden ogrenemedigimizi bilmemiz gerekiyor, ardindan ogrencinin tek hatasinin tekrar etmemek oldugunu ve bununda %10'a karsilik geldigini, %90'lik kisminin ise ogreten egitmenlerden ve sistemden kaynaklandigini goreceksiniz. Tabi burada maksadim hocalarimizi karalamak degil, ama var olan sistemin ciddi kusurlarinin olmasi ve buna dikkat cekmek. Basit bir ornekle, 50 kisilik bir sinifta 5 kisi ogrenemiyorsa bu normaldir ama 50 kisilik sinifta 45 kisi ogrenemiyorsa, burada hata sistemden ve onu olusturan unsurlardan kaynaklanmaktadir. Bu da degisim gerektirir. Benim derslerimdeki tek handikap video'larimin normal ozel ders gorunumunde olmasidir, yani animasyan vs yoktur, zaten burada bilgi ve bilgi aktarimi onemlidir, bu bir yazilim, animasyon kursu degildir. Derslerimde kesinlikle vakit kaybina yer yoktur, o yuzden alfabe, basit cumle kaliplari(Nerelisin, kac yasindasin gibi), Gunler, Aylar vs ogretmiyorum. Su anda uygulanan sistemin disinda, eksiklerini belirledigim ve cozum olarak kendi olusturdugum bir kitap uzerinden anlatiyorum. En guzel yani sifirdan ileri seviyeye tasimasi ve bununda herkese hitap edecek sekilde olmasidir. Su ana kadar derslerimden memnun olmayan, ogrenemeyen ogrenci olmadi. Bu arada * 30 Gn inde Para ade Garantisi * oldugunu unutmayin!Bu kursumuzda Present Continuous Tense, yani Simdiki Zaman'i ogrenecegiz.Arkadaslar kurslar seri halde gitmektedir, o yuzden ozellikle yeni baslayanlarin konulari karistirmamalari icin Zikkim Ingilizce #1'den baslamalari tavsiye edilir. (NOT: Bu Ingilizce Eitim kursunu indirip oaltan veya paylaan kiiler hakknda yasal ilem balatlacaktr.)"
Price: 49.99

"Dental Extraction : Basic Principles, Forceps & Elevators" |
"This course will help you learn indications and contraindications for tooth extraction procedure. All the information to be collected from the patient before starting the extraction procedure. What precautions are to be taken while doing extractions in medically compromised patients.The basic principles involved in the usage of forceps and elevators while doing tooth extraction as atraumatically as possible."
Price: 1280.00

Lieferantenaudit |
"In diesem Kurs biete ich grundlegende Informationen zum Thema ""Lieferantenaudit"". Im ersten Teil erhalten Sie zunchst Informationen darber, wie das Lieferantenaudit in der Supply Chain einzuordnen ist. Dann gehe ich auf die Planung und Vorbereitung der Lieferantenaudits ein, inklusiv der Auswahl der zu auditierenden Lieferanten, der Vorausplanung, mglicher Audit - Auslser und Audit - Ziele sowie der Vorbereitung von Lieferantenaudits. Im zweiten Teil fhre ich Sie dann durch den Auditablauf und dessen Dokumentation bis hin zum Auditbericht. Auerdem behandle ich den Umgang mit erkannten Schwachstellen und Abweichungen, die daraus entstehenden Manahmenplne und deren Umsetzung."
Price: 99.99

"Me Filtra: Aprenda a Criar Filtros de Cor (LUTS)" |
"Nesse curso o usurio ir aprender a como criar filtros de cor (LUTS/presets) e como manipular os mesmos. Poderemos aplicar os filtros de cor em fotos no celular, PC, e tambm transformaremos nossas criaes em filtros para as redes sociais, dessa forma eles podem literalmente ""ganhar o mundo"" e por consequncia seu perfil pode passar a ser mais acessado."
Price: 39.99

"Attitude is Altitude-excel in personal & professional life." |
"This course is designed with an intention to uplift students who are extremely talented, but are unable to climb the ladder of success due to attitudinal problems, such as having an unhealthy approach, towards their team members or higher authorities or even with their own family members, leading to their own failure or even stopping them from progressing ahead, both at a personal as well as professional level, thereby, increasing their overall level of confidence, enabling them, to lead a happy & successful career.Key benefits:Yo will be able to understand the meaning of attitude, and its importance.You will be able to understand the fundamental reasons behind an attitude. You will be able to understand, what influences attitude.You will be able to understand 'attitude' in depth, through the 'abc' model.You will be able to understand the four types of attitude. You will learn about the ways to tackle negative attitude.You will be able to differentiate between the four types of attitude.You will be able to align your set of values with your actions and avoid dissonance.You will understand the relation between attitude, behaviour and consistency.Key features:Simplicity, Innovation and real life examples are the essence, of this course.Learning from a highly passionate, knowledgable & experienced instructor.Short & Sweet. To the point. Student testimonials about the instructor:Good techniques to sharpen our skills. Interactive class. Good connection with the audience. - N. Bhanuprakash It was good and best presentation on joyfulness. I enjoyed every activity in this programme. - Sagar GNSuch a beautiful program, heart fully I thank you sir, good speaking and you clarified all my doubts, thank you sir.-Sushmitha NPresentation was good, enjoyed the session - Evangeline Sir, you gave us beautiful examples and it was inspiring me sir, and also there was entertainment - Rachel"
Price: 1600.00

"Deep Learning: Concept and Design Simple Network [Hindi]" |
"This course provides a basic understanding of deep learning. Anyone can opt for this course. No prior understanding of deep learning is required.UNDER DEVELOPMENTNow the question is why this course?This course will not only teach you the basics of deep learning but will also cover the algorithm for building a simple neural network and code it in Python. It also elaborates on the various stages involved in the neural network."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Practice sets" |
"This Practice exam course is for all candidates looking to pass the OCI Infrastructure Foundations 2020 certified associate exam.The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Certification provides candidates with foundation knowledge of core cloud computing concepts and an understanding of those services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The certification is intended for candidates with technical and nontechnical backgrounds who want to validate their understanding of Oracle Cloud infrastructure.The exam covers the below topics for this certification exam:- Understanding Cloud Concepts- Understanding OCI Architecture- Understanding OCI core infrastructure services- Understanding OCI Native services- Understanding OCI security services and compliance- Understand Pricing and billing model of OCI- Understand OCI Operation and support model.Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 Associate (1Z0-1085-20) exam details :Exam Title: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations 2020 AssociateExam Number: 1Z0-1085-20 ExamFormat: Multiple ChoiceDuration: 105 minutesNumber of Questions: 60Passing score: 68%The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource.Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Good Luck and I am sure you will crack the exam !!!Disclaimer: The question available in this course is a sincere effort to present maximum questions for students to prepare for their certification. These sets are prepared by gathering questions from various internet sources. There are chances you might find these questions in various other courses, books and other internet links or blogs. Also, the questions are answered as per best of my knowledge and might be slight probability you find them incorrect. Please reach out to me for any incorrect answer with your explanation and I will update the answer accordingly. This course gives you maximum chance to clear your certification exam but cannot 100% guarantee the pass as it depends on your core knowledge of the subject as well."
Price: 24.99

btchcvfx |
". . . , . , . , . , , . - , , . , , , , , , , ."
Price: 99.99

"Python Complete Course For Python Beginners" |
"Learn Python From Beginner To Advanced Level Ive created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which youll easily understand and absorb. The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we walk you from start to finish becoming a professional Python developer. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Python basics and programming fundamentals, and then going into advanced topics and different career fields in Python so you can get real-life practice and be ready for the real world.The topics covered in this course are:* Beginner to Expert Python contents:Array implementationFile methodsKeywords and IdentifiersPython TuplesPython BasicsPython FundamentalsData StructuresObject-Oriented Programming with PythonFunctional Programming with PythonLambdasDecoratorsGeneratorsTesting in PythonDebuggingError HandlingRegular ExpressionsComprehensionsModulesSee you inside the course!"
Price: 109.99

"Passive Income - Amazon Affiliate Marketing Websites / Blogs" |
"I co-founded and run a digital first creative agency that makes 7 digit (USD) revenues every year. Ive been making passive income with a few affiliate blogs since 2015. Sharing all the knowledge via this courseBackstory:Graduated in 2006First job 26 months (2006 2008). Realized I could not work for someone else2008 Launched my first startup (18 months) Failed. Learnt everything about SEO, Affiliate Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies during this period2010- Co-founded a digital agency. Still run it.2015 Agency money is great but its a lot of work. This is the year I started venturing into affiliate marketing with an objective of making passive income while I sleep. Started working on a few blogs2018 And 2019 Launched three subscription-based products and services that make close to $70,000+ ever yearPresent Run a few affiliate blogs that make some decent money every month without me having to do much.ContentsEbookIntroductionChapter-1: Basics of Affiliate MarketingChapter-2: Niche selectionChapter-3 The game of keywordsChapter-4: Keyword competition and difficulty analysisChapter-5: Build a brand, not just a websiteChapter-6: Content is king, lets rule the internet with itChapter-7: SEO for your Amazon Niche WebsiteFinal ThoughtsVideo (1hr 40mins+ of video content)How to set up a website (Bonus - Get 50% off on all web hosting plans with this course )How to build your keyword list with free toolsHow to build purchase intent keyword list with Google Keyword PlannerCompetition and Keyword Difficulty analysis using free toolsContent structure and Samples of live affiliate sitesWhich wordpress plugins do I use"
Price: 19.99

"Productivity Hacks To Improve Focus And Concentration" |
"Productivity Hacks To Improve Focus And ConcentrationA Complete Training To Effectively Increase Your Concentration and Focus By Boosting Your Personal Productivity.Doing twice the work in half the time is just the LAST step of achieving long-term success for your personal and professional goals. Before boosting your productivity, you need to increase your focus and concentration by eliminating all those useless activities that have nothing to do with your goals: time wasters and distractions.First you need to eliminate distractions, prioritize tasks and improve concentration, then you can focus on developing self-discipline and boosting productivity.This course will teach you how to focus on what really matters to achieve your goals by increasing productivity, prioritizing high-value tasks and getting rid of time wasters.Check the time you spend every day focusing your attention on social media or watching videos of someone else's life: is that time useful for achieving your personal or professional goals?This focus + productivity formula will solve the root cause of wasting time: reset your priorities and get results faster!What will you be able to do upon completion of this course?How To Identify And Focus On The High-Value Actions That Improve Your Performance And ResultsReset Your Priorities, Redirect Focus And Get the Right Things DoneStop Procrastinating and Complete your To-Do List Every Day By Mastering Self-DisciplineCreate A Daily Success Routine Based on Your Personal and Professional GoalsDevelop The Productivity Mindset for Long Term SuccessGet Rid Of Time-Wasting Habits and Improve Your Concentration At HomeKill Distractions, Achieve Deep Focus and Become 10x More Productive At WorkEffective Ways To Meet Your Deadlines Every TimeBoost Productivity to Achieve More in Less TimeImprove Your Work Environment and Optimize ProductivityPowerful Concentration Techniques To Learn Faster and Improve MemoryWhat you'll find in the course:Getting Started: Improve Focus by Eliminating What Prevents You From Reaching Your GoalsCreate high performance habits that will make you successful, get rid of time wasters that hold you back from meeting your deadlines and improve concentration to get twice the work done in half the time. Kill distractions and stay focused on what really matters to achieve both your personal and professional goals.Productivity Killers: How To Identify Time Wasters And Get Rid Of Them - How to identify your personal productivity killers and how to eliminate them to improve concentrationThe 8 Wastes In Everyday Life: Opportunities For Improvement - Every time you identify waste, identify an opportunity and plan for changeParkinsons Law: How Focus And Time Management Can Improve Your Life - Manage your time more effectively and improve concentration and shartp your attention at home and workMental Focus: 6 Effective Ways To Set and Meet Deadlines Every Time - How focus and concentration are essential to meet deadlines within specified periods of time5 Ways to Kill Distractions To Improve Concentration - Focus on the essentials, avoid distractions and stop procrastinatingThe Next Level: Multiply Your Productivity And Achieve More in Less TimeGolden rules to achieve deep focus, improve your concentration, do the right things at the right time, boost your productivity and train your brain to learn faster. High productivity techniques to improve your work performance and maximize results.Achieve Deep Focus And Improve Your Work Performance - How to Effectively Improve Your Concentration and Work BetterThe Art Of Doing One Thing At A Time - You Can Achieve Anything If You Focus On ONE Thing.What Time Of Day Are You Most Productive? - The Best Time Of The Day To Study Or To Work: Day or Night? You can find your most productive work times and patterns just by paying closer attention to your daily habits.Create a More Productive Work Environment: Say Goodbye To The Boring Office - Boost your workplace productivity: how much work is accomplished in a particular work environment, over a particular period of time?Top 3 Laws Of Productivity To Improve Efficiency - The Laws Of Productivity You Should Apply To Work Smarter, Not HarderConquer Your Concentration: 4 Strategies For Training Your Brain To Learn Faster - How To Improve Your Concentration By Training Your Brain With These Learning StrategiesBONUS MATERIALFrom theory to practice: downloadable resources to use as a reference and exercises designed to put into practice what you have learned in order to maximize your chances of success by developing goal-oriented productive habits.ENROLL NOW! Stop wasting time and start investing it!"
Price: 99.99

"Become a Redis Certified Developer: Practice Exams" |
"TWO complete original and high-quality practice tests of 80 questions each must help you become a Redis Certified Developer, passing the Redis University proctored certification exam:Just like the real exam, each practice test has 80 questions, for 90 minutes, with a 72% (500/700) passing score.Same domains as in the actual exam: General, Keys, Data Structures, Data Modeling, Debugging, Performance, Clustering.All questions closely emulate most from the actual exam, without duplicating them.Unlike the real exam, you'll know right away what questions you missed, and what the correct answers are.Detailed explanations with external references for any possible choice, in each practice test question.Just like the actual exam, all questions have four choices, and most are single-select.How should I use these tests?Try first practice test. And do not worry about the time or if you fail. You are expected to fail, this is how you learn...Stop the exam anytime, if you're not patient enough to go over all 80 questions.Once done, you get your total score, plus per domain. These are the same domains used in the actual exam.Click Review Questions and scroll down to both the right and wrong choices for each individual question (remember these!).Read the detailed Explanation for each question. This is something else you don't have at the actual exam...Repeat with the second practice test. Don't skip it, as both these tests together cover most types of actual exam questions.Repeat these tests again and again, until you score at least 90% on each. And then go for the real deal. Good luck!""Redis Certified Developer: Exam Practice Tests"" is also available as a Kindle ebook, on Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"IoT Start - C/C++ - Constantes +" |
"O Curso tem como objetivo principal consolidar os conhecimentos de programao utilizando placa Arduino, utilizando constantes, para os desafios da IoT (Internet of Things). O Curso tenta suprir a necessidade inicial de bem programar, pois muitos desafios de software viro pela frente. Este curso tambm contempla um mdulo extra, com conceitos, experimento e programas de Comunicao Serial, entre a placa Arduino e o computador, utilizando a linguagem Python. Este s o comeo, pois muitos desafios viro com os aplicativos de IoT nas diversas reas de atuao, como Medicina, Engenharias, Agricultura, Segurana, Meio Ambiente, e outras tantas."
Price: 39.99

"Arduino ile Adm Adm Robotik Kodlama Eitimi" |
"Arduino ile Adm Adm Robotik Kodlama Eitimi boyunca bir mikrokontrolc ile yaplabilecek robotik uygulamalar her admda bir nceki admn zerine yeni bir bilgi eklenerek anlatlmtr. Her blmde, projede kullanlan sensrn ve/veya elemann ne olduu ve alma mekanizmas anlatlarak sonrasnda srasyla devre emas ile kodlar anlatlmtr. Her bir balantnn ya da kod satrnn ne anlam ifade ettii detayl bir ekilde video ieriklerinde mevcuttur.Bu kurs boyunca sfrdan Arduino ile robotik kodlama temelli uygulamalar yapacaz.Kursun Yaps:Kurs boyunca izilen devre emalar ve yazlan kodlar Tinkercad platformu zerinden yaplacaktr. Online olarak Tinkercad ortamnda simlasyonlar yaplacaktr.Bu sayede hi bir elektronik malzeme tedarik etmeden Arduino ile robotik uygulamalar yaplabilecektir.Eer dilerseniz bir Arduino seti satn alarak da ayn devre emalarn ve kodlar kullanarak uygulamalar Arduino IDE ortamnda gerekletirebilirsiniz.Kurs ierii:Temel ElektrikArduinoya GiriLED YakmaButon ile LED YakmaSeri Haberlemeye GiriPotansiyometre ile LED YakmaRGB LED YakmaLDR ile LED YakmaLCD Ekran KullanmTMP36 Scaklk Sensr KullanmHC-SR04 Ultrasonik Sensr KullanmPIR Sensr Kullanm7 Segment Display KullanmTitreim Motoru KullanmDC Motor Kullanmfor DngsDiziler (Arrays)Trafik Lambas UygulamasRenk Ayarl RGB LED UygulamasKaraimek UygulamasTermometre UygulamasDijital Metre UygulamasSoru-Cevap Ortam:Her videonun altnda yer alan soru cevap ortam olduka nemlidir. Kursu satn alan tm rencilerin soru-cevap ortamn aktif bir ekilde kullanmalarn iddetle tavsiye ederim. Sorulan sorulara cevap verilecektir.Kurs Gncellemeleri:Yeni konulara yer vermek iin ve rencilerden gelen istekler dorultusunda bu kurs gncellenerek video ierik sresi artrlacaktr."
Price: 409.99

"Financial Freedom" |
"Hello and welcome everyone!In this online course, we will be talking about Personal finance concepts and will be explaining some tools and tips on how to manage your financed in the most efficient and effective way. Ultimately, this will lead you into a life of financial independence.We will talk only about the tools, which you can find anywhere, rather on how to build the right mindset of proactive and in-control person, which when combined with the right tools and practices that we also provide in the course will ensure that you will achieve the financial goals that you aspire.At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own budget, track and grow you income, manage your expenses, and achieve the financial freedom."
Price: 19.99

"The Basics of Reproduction: A Refresher Course" |
"The course gives you the foundation of important terms, definitions and concepts related to reproduction in organisms. The topics broadly covered are: life span, meaning and significance of the process of reproduction, differences between asexual and sexual reproduction, modes of asexual reproduction, vegetative propagation in plants, tissue culture, sexuality in organisms, types of fertilization, events in reproduction (pre-fertilization, fertilization and post-fertilization events in plants and animals), and so on. The course is beautifully designed using pictures and animations which will help in better understanding and you will enjoy this course. The instructor's presence throughout the lecture videos as talking head will enhance your motivation to learn. You will also get cheat sheets, quizzes, and assignments for practice. I hope the course clears some of the crucial concepts for you. Good luck and happy learning!"
Price: 1280.00

"Astrologia Evolutiva Nivel 1 Modulo 2" |
"En este mdulo podrs aprender el significado de los planetas personales tales como Mercurio, Venus, Marte como tambin los dos planetas sociales Jpiter y Saturno. Se analizaran su relacion con lo mitologico y como incide su influencia en nuestra carta, que rige cada uno y en que area nos afecta dependiendo del signo zoodiacal y su domicilio astrologico. por otro lado se aprendera a interpretar en estos planetas los aspectos que pueden tener con otros planetas de la carta"
Price: 24.99

"Introduction la Gestion Professionnelle des Achats" |
"Ce cours vise principalement vous donner une connaissance approfondie des bases de la composante achats de la gestion de la chane d'approvisionnement. Il est spcialement conu pour les tudiants et les professionnels qui tudient en tant que dbutants ou dj dans le domaine de la gestion des achats. Cette leon reprsente le premier chapitre d'un sujet de huit chapitres sur la matrise de la gestion de la chane d'approvisionnement en langue franaise totalement. De plus, cette leon encadre des personnes qui vivent dans des pays francophones, comme le Canada, la France, d'autres pays africains et les les de l'ocan Indien dont la langue maternelle est galement en franais."
Price: 24.99

"Mastercam - 3 Axis CNC Programming Guide" |
"In this course, you will learn programming Real life parts in Mastercam. All below Topics are covered:- How to import Machine Defination , Raw Stock and Material Settings- How to use Levels and Create Dynamic Planes on part- How to use Zigzag Facing Operation- How to use and master the Dynamic Roughing & Finishing Toolpath- How to program machine to Finish FLOORS of part using Pocket Toolpath- How to program machine to Finish WALLS of part using Contour Toolpath- How to use Dynamic Peel Mill Toolpath in Special Feature of part- How to machine part using Tip Compensation, Spot Drilling and Peck Drilling- How to Simulate Part Maching in Real life using Backplot and Verify Functions"
Price: 19.99

"Channel Sales World: Business Planning in a Cloud World" |
"You need to understand HOW to build a business plan that is aligned to the most important business metrics that your partners measure. In the past, we used to Play God and dictate the annual target without much analysis or understanding of how our partnership impacts the profitability and strategic direction of the partner. In this class, we will teach you HOW to build a partner business plan which partners will invest in and accelerate the growth of your cloud products so you can easily achieve 125% of your sales target."
Price: 19.99

"Formao em Cargos e Salrios" |
"Com um contedo especialmente desenvolvido para capacitar os participantes a implantar um programa de Cargos e Salrios em qualquer tipo de empresa, o Curso online de Cargos e Salrios da Nbil Escola de Negcios ir ajud-lo a impulsionar sua carreira.Aprenda por meio de estudos de caso, material atualizado e acessvel mesmo para as pessoas que ainda no conhecem este subsistema. No perca tempo e se inscreva j.Neste curso voc aprender: - Descrever cargos - Avaliar e classificar cargos - Elaborar e analisar uma pesquisa salarial - Elaborar estrutura de cargos - Elaborar tabela salarial e muito mais!"
Price: 219.99

"ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence (PI): Micro-Certification" |
"94% OFF the original price (for limited time)!Apply the discount / coupon code: PI-PROExam Purpose Prepare for the ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence micro-certification exam with the most comprehensive set of practice questions with detailed explained answers, all built in Paris release!The Predictive Intelligence Micro-Certification exam certifies that you have the skills and essential knowledge to contribute to the configuration, implementation, maintenance, and administration of the Predictive Intelligence application.Exam Preparation Exam questions are based on official ServiceNow training materials, the ServiceNow documentation site, and the ServiceNow developer site. It should not be considered as the official study or exam materials and should be only used to practice for the actual micro-certification exam.Exam Scope Predictive Intelligence architecture (10%)Predictive Intelligence Frameworks (50%)The Predictive Intelligence implementation process (30%)Training the ServiceNow instance (10%)Exam Structure The exam consists of (15) questions. For each question on the examination, there are multiple possible responses. You should review the response options and select the most correct answer to the question.Multiple Choice (single answer)For each multiple-choice question on the exam, there are four possible responses. You should review the response options and select the one response most accurately answers the question. Multiple Select (select all that apply)For each multiple-select question on the exam, there are at least four possible responses. The question will state how many responses should be selected. You should review the response options and select ALL responses that accurately answer the question. Multiple-select questions have two or more correct responses."
Price: 199.99

"PMP / CAPM Certification Exam Practice Test" |
"Pass your PMP Exam. Easily! Use this PMP Certification Practice Test to prepare for your PMP Exam. It may gives you an ""insider's view"" of the actual Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam.This includes questions from 5 Process Groups & 10 Knowledge Areas respectively with detail explanations for answers.This contains :The Most commonly asked Questions on the PMP ExamAnswer Explanations in detailConcept Definition Based QuestionsSituation Based QuestionsNumerical and mathematical questionsBased on PMBOK 6 Syllabus"
Price: 1280.00

"Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Foundation Course" |
"Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Foundation Course: Latest Updated 2020 to 2021 Content! More than 80,000 satisfied students worldwide have been taught by Japhet in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency, both online and offline, and many of them have written thousands of 5 star reviews:""I have to say, I loved the fact that after each and every lesson, I can fully understand the concepts which were presented and I could even teach it to others with practice! However, what I do love most about the course was the fact that each lesson's opening segment is designed to lower a new student's entry fear, especially when it comes to new concepts like Blockchain and Cryptocurrency!"" This course did not just fulfill whatever it promised, it totally over-delivered! , Japhet gave so many real-life examples of blockchain technology that really fulfilled the objective of the lesson! If you are a beginner in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, you need to be buying this course now.Once Again, Thank You for the great course Japhet""- Harry Mason""Superb course. Japhet is an excellent blockchain and cryptocurrency trainer who has so much passion in the topic. He knows so much in the field and after the course, you really feel confident about explaining the fundamentals of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. For anyone who wants to know more Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. You NEED to get this course.""- Russell Mller""I have taken so many courses regarding cryptocurrency and blockchain and I always tell people that Japhet is the best trainer out there on this topic, this course is laid out in such a easy to absorb format with easy to follow visual guide.""- Michael Ranasinghe ""Fantastic Course Japhet.Being a blockchain veteran in the industry, I can safely say that you have made all the technical aspects of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and their underlying technologies very layman, and very easy to understand and memorize. Thank you for this.- Dunstan Teo ""The course is logically and neatly organized for a layman on the street to understand the power of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency""Especially, whenever there are new terms being introduced, Japhet mentions it accurately and just enough to provide the right level of explanation at every level of the course. This is undoubtedly, the best online platform to master the new technologies, and the way which Japhet chose to instruct is simply amazing and powerful! This is THE best course not just on the planet but possibly in the universe!""- Liu Bohai""Definitely the best introduction to Blockchain technology and Cryptocurrency. Japhet understands the career needs of every working individual and what they need to know about Cryptocurrency.""- Melvin TanAnd so many, many more...It is imperative and essential to quickly obtain the professional knowledge you need to advance your blockchain and cryptocurrency career and earn your certificate of achievement in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency from a hugely recognized blockchain and cryptocurrency veteran by joining the course now! I have listened to the vast amount of valuable feedback which I have obtained from so many years of teaching and the hundreds of thousands of students globally who have participated in my offline and online courses. Thus I have decided to add the latest (2020 edition) content, this content includes but is not limited to:- Smart Contracts- Cryptocurrencies- DAOs- DACsAnd even video lectures on the newest blockchain technology such as Fido Protocol and Hashgraph. I have also included latest content on the happenings of 2020 such as the Ethereum Protocol's switch from Proof of Work to Hybrid Proof of Work and Proof of Stake I've also included lessons and a downloadable guide on how to best manage any possible future Hard forks in the most profitable and safe manner.In addition, I have included inside the curriculum 2 downloadable E-books for all enrolled students on how to spot great blockchain and crypto investments in a profitable and safe manner. However if you are looking for a more comprehensive course, please enroll in my other udemy course - ""Blockchain 0 to 100""- If you are looking for easy-to-understand lessons on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, and you do not want to waste hours and hours in front of the computer screen looking for accurate information, then this course is for you.- If you want to get achieve strong mastery on the topics of blockchain and cryptocurrency and even more complex topics such as Smart Contracts and Digital Tokens, then this course is for you. - If your desire is to understand all the vocabulary and terminologies involved in cryptocurrency and blockchain, and be able to finally take part in personal or business discussions regarding this topic, then this course is for you.This series of blockchain and cryptocurrency lessons will allow every layman, industry beginner and amateur to fully understand what is blockchain and cryptocurrency, and it even includes more advanced topics on smart contracts and digital tokens, which will set every learner on his or her way to full blockchain and cryptocurrency mastery.You'll learn the key aspects around Blockchain and cryptocurrency, including:Blockchain Technology - What is it?Cryptocurrency - What is it?Smart contracts - What is it?Cryptocurrency - What is it?Digital Tokens - What is it?What exactly is the relationship between Blockchain and Cryptocurrency?Falsehoods and lies regarding Blockchain and Cryptocurrency and the correct understanding.Blockchain Technology - What will be the future of this technology?Cryptocurrency - How do I start?...and much much more!You get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee!BONUS for ALL ENROLLED STUDENTS:I have included 1 downloadable E-book and a PDF glossary of all the MOST important terms in Blockchain and CryptocurrencyGlossary with over 200 important terms regarding blockchain and cryptocurrency so that you can bring it anywhere with you when you go for work or you need to revise on the go, for an important meeting. An E book which will teach you how to wisely pick, discern, select blockchain investments and avoid getting scammed.This course will help you quickly master the most important ideas and topics in blockchain and cryptocurrencyI look forward to seeing you inside!Wishing you all the very best in your learning journey,Japhet This course is most suitable for:The suitable student for this course would be a person who wishes to, very quickly understand, apply, expand their base of knowledge on what is blockchain and cryptocurrency and how they work as well as how these concepts are directly applicable to business. Working adults and Entrepreneurs who want and need to learn how blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are changing how business is being done and how it will continue to shape the way business is done. This course does not possess any coding elements, and therefore, it is not a course suitable for developers and coders."
Price: 29.99

"Stock Trading - The Complete Foundation Course (Latest Ed)" |
"Stock Trading - The Complete Foundation Course (2020 to 2021 edition) The traders and analysts who work at Reubiks Capital has to take this stock trading foundation course before they are given a single dollar to manage. Included inside this course are the tips, strategies and playbook required to achieve lasting success in the retail stocks= trading world The coach and mentor for this course is Mr Japhet Lim, a successful funds manager based in Singapore and the co-founder of Reubiks Academy/Reubiks Capital (A prestigious academy and a fund management firm which currently employs a team of 50 traders with a fund size of 20 Million USD in total to do stock trading) He has also trained and coached at least 2000 currently successful fund managers in the art of stock trading. Besides Mr Japhet Lim, the other co-founder of Reubiks Academy is Mr Melvin Tan, who currently serves as Senior Advisor to New Silkroutes Group Limited. He also serves as Senior Advisor to BraveStandard Pte Ltd, a Singapore based, fully licensed fund management company. Prior to his current role, Melvin was Regional Vice President, Partnerships & Programs for Regional Retail Equities in Maybank Kim Eng Group and before that Vice President, Segment Management for Retail Equities in CIMB Group. Melvin is also Founder & Chairman of the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Youth Chapter and a Member of INSPIRIT Community of Young Leaders under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). He was also Vice Chairman of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) Singapore from 2012 - 2015. Mr Melvin Tan co-developed the curriculum for this stock trading course and students can stand to benefit from his wealth of experience in the fund management industry as well. Stock Trading and Stock Analysis when to use it, when NOT to use it, and how it really works.Stock Trading is not what you perceive.Heres the deal:1. You cannot rely on ""rumours"" or ""insider tips"" for stock trading and stock analysis.You will fail most of the time. Think about why an ""insider"" tip will get to you in the first place.2. You cannot follow the herd in Stock Trading.The herd will kill you. Please do your own stock trading and invest/trade like it's you making the decision. 3. There is no holy grail in the stock trading process, it's a lot of tweaking, finding your style and discipline involved. There is no one size fits all approach for stock trading. Hence, if you are looking to craft your own customized second source of income through stock trading or investing, then yes, you are at the right course. This course and it's materials is for beginners and intermediate-level stock traders and it will help to correct some of the stock trading mistakes which you may have made during stock trading. In addition, you will receive assistance on how to improve your current trading results which will certainly help in fast-tracking you to become a successful full time stock trader! We wish you all the very best in your stock trading journey! "
Price: 29.99

"Investing A to Z: Value Investing (Latest Edition)" |
"Investing A to Z: Value Investing (Latest Edition) - is the compulsory investment course which all fund managers must take before they are employed under Reubiks Capital, the fund management arm of Reubiks Academy. They must fully comprehend the contents of this course before they are allowed to even manage a single dollar of clients' money. All fund managers must also take the other 2 stocks investing courses offered by Japhet as well. Over 80,000 students globally have come over the guidance of Japhet for the last 5 years for the subject of investing and stocks investment. This includes students from Singapore, China, UK, USA and even India! Investing in the stock market and performing Value Investing is not as hard as it sounds. It is a skill which can be mastered by anyone , even by people with zero background in the matter. The difference between winners and losers in the investing realm, eventually boils down to 1 simple issue; whether they have received sufficient and appropriate education in the art of investing. Students must first ask themselves - do they want to be traders or do they want to be investors? After deciding on this, they will then embark on the appropriate path but the best thing to do is always to find out about both before jumping in. Students often ask themselves; ""How do I invest like Warren Buffett or Carl Icahn?"" or questions like ""How do I pick 1 stock which is a winner and for steady, good dividends and price appreciation?""These questions will be answered in this course and this value investing course will give you EVERYTHING you need to excel in the art of value investing and the know-hows of making good investment decisions. Investing in Stocks is not an easy skill but in this course you will get everything you need to start your stock investing journey as confidently as possible and you will under the theoretical principles behind successful value investing. After learning the theories, this course will put whatever theory you have learnt into practice and the secret behind how our traders and portfolio are able to make independent decisions on stock investing. You will have access to all the resources, aids, and tools which our traders use in their stock investing journey.The coach and mentor for this course is Mr Japhet Lim, a successful funds manager based in Singapore and the co-founder of Reubiks Academy/Reubiks Capital (A prestigious academy and a fund management firm which currently employs a team of 50 traders with a fund size of 20 Million USD in total) He has also trained and coached at least 2000 currently successful fund managers in the art of stock investing.Besides Mr Japhet Lim, the other co-founder of Reubiks Academy is Mr Melvin Tan, who currently serves as Senior Advisor to New Silkroutes Group Limited. He also serves as Senior Advisor to BraveStandard Pte Ltd, a Singapore based, fully licensed fund management company. Prior to his current role, Melvin was one of the youngest Regional Vice President, Partnerships & Programs for Regional Retail Equities in Maybank Kim Eng Group and before that Vice President, Segment Management for Retail Equities in CIMB Group. Melvin is also Founder & Chairman of the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Youth Chapter and a Member of INSPIRIT Community of Young Leaders under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). He was also Vice Chairman of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) Singapore from 2012 - 2015. Mr Melvin Tan co-developed the curriculum for this stock investing course and students can stand to benefit from his wealth of experience in the fund management industry as well. During your time in this course, Mr Japhet will cover advanced and actual techniques used by his traders to do stock investing.This will aid you in your path to breaking through as a stock investor and becoming a profitable investor in the shortest time possible. Students will learn and fully engage themselves with a revolutionary new angle of performing stock analysis and stock investment.Rest assured that this new angle is not just theoretical, but it is the actual angle used by Japhet and the traders employed under his wing. Besides learning the angle which Japhet and his team of traders use to analyze stocks and perform their stock trading duties, this course will cover at least 3 actual strategies on how to analyze stocks which the Reubiks Capital team currently uses in their playbook.To further aid you in your quest to becoming a full-time, profitable stock trader, Japhet will also share some of his personal best trades with students who enrolled in this course, through his stocks investing brokerage account, as he wants to make sure that all students know that excellent trades are not difficult to execute and spot. This is a one-time offer which Mr Japhet is making exclusively to students on Udemy. Stock Investing is by no means, an easy journey, however, if executed professionally and strategically, can be a life-changing experience for many people. The satisfaction of watching your stock portfolio grow in terms of fund size and seeing your trades change you and your family's living standards, one trade at a time, is an extremely blissful feeling. Whether or not, you want to become a full-time trader or just looking to generate a side income, trust us when we say that, this course is definitely for you. Stock Investing when to use it, when NOT to use it, and how it really works.Stock Investing is not what you perceive.Heres the deal:1. You cannot rely on ""rumours"" or ""insider tips"" for stock investing and stock analysis.You will fail most of the time. Think about why an ""insider"" tip will get to you in the first place.2. You cannot follow the herd in Stock Investing.The herd will kill you. Please do your own stock trading and invest/trade like it's you making the decision. 3. There is no holy grail in the stock investing process, it's a lot of tweaking, finding your style and discipline involved. There is no one size fits all approach for stock investing.Hence, if you are looking to craft your own customized second source of income through stock trading or investing, then yes, you are at the right course. For those of you who are not aware, this is the Value Investing Course offered by Japhet Lim, on top of 2 other Stock Trading Courses."
Price: 29.99

"Stock Trading - Advanced Trading Techniques (Latest Ed)" |
"Stock Trading - Advanced Trading Techniques is the compulsory advanced stock trading course which all fund managers must take before they are employed under Reubiks Capital, the fund management arm of Reubiks Academy. They must fully comprehend the contents of this course before they are allowed to even manage a single dollar. Stock Trading is not an easy skill but in this course you will get everything you need to start your stock trading journey as confidently as possible and you will under the theoretical principles behind successful stock trading. After learning the theories, this course will put whatever theory you have learnt into practice and the secret behind how our traders and portfolio are able to make independent decisions on stock trading, will be revealed.You will have access to all the resources, aids, and tools which our traders use in their stock trading journey.The coach and mentor for this course is Mr Japhet Lim, a successful funds manager based in Singapore and the co-founder of Reubiks Academy/Reubiks Capital (A prestigious academy and a fund management firm which currently employs a team of 50 traders with a fund size of 20 Million USD in total) He has also trained and coached at least 2000 currently successful fund managers in the art of stock trading. Besides Mr Japhet Lim, the other co-founder of Reubiks Academy is Mr Melvin Tan, who currently serves as Senior Advisor to New Silkroutes Group Limited. He also serves as Senior Advisor to BraveStandard Pte Ltd, a Singapore based, fully licensed fund management company. Prior to his current role, Melvin was one of the youngest Regional Vice President, Partnerships & Programs for Regional Retail Equities in Maybank Kim Eng Group and before that Vice President, Segment Management for Retail Equities in CIMB Group. Melvin is also Founder & Chairman of the Securities Investors Association Singapore (SIAS) Youth Chapter and a Member of INSPIRIT Community of Young Leaders under the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY). He was also Vice Chairman of the Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) Singapore from 2012 - 2015. Mr Melvin Tan co-developed the curriculum for this stock trading course and students can stand to benefit from his wealth of experience in the fund management industry as well.During your time in this course, Mr Japhet will cover advanced and actual techniques used by his traders to do stock trading. This will aid you in your path to breaking through as a trader and becoming a profitable trader in the shortest time possible. Students will learn and fully engage themselves with a revolutionary new angle of performing stock analysis and stock trading. Rest assured that this new angle is not just theoretical, but it is the actual angle used by Japhet and the traders employed under his wing. Besides learning the angle which Japhet and his team of traders use to analyze stocks and perform their stock trading duties, this course will cover at least 3 actual strategies on how to analyze stocks which the Reubiks Capital team currently uses in their playbook.To further aid you in your quest to becoming a full-time, profitable stock trader, Japhet will also share some of his personal best trades with students who enrolled in this course, through his stocks trading brokerage account, as he wants to make sure that all students know that excellent trades are not difficult to execute and spot. This is a one-time offer which Mr Japhet is making exclusively to students on Udemy.Stock Trading is by no means, an easy journey, however, if executed professionally and strategically, can be a life-changing experience for many people. The satisfaction of watching your stock portfolio grow in terms of fund size and seeing your trades change you and your family's living standards, one trade at a time, is an extremely blissful feeling. Whether or not, you want to become a full-time trader or just looking to generate a side income, trust us when we say that, this course is definitely for you.For those of you who are not aware, this is the 2nd part to a 2 part course, the first course is a foundation course."
Price: 29.99

"TOP NOTCH 1 Unit 6-10 My English Lab" |
"TOP NOTCH 1 kitabnn 6.-10. nitelerinin My English Lab altrmalarnn aklamal anlatmlarn ierir. 1.-5. nitelere ve TOP NOTCH 2 kitabyla ilgili videolara kurslar blmnden ulaabilirsiniz.devlerinizi kurs ile e zamanl olarak tamamlayabilir veya yaptktan sonra kontrol etmek iin kullanabilirsiniz. Altrmalar tamamlarken yazm kurallarna nem gstermeniz ve videoda yazld gibi yazmaya almanz nerilir.UNIT 6 STAYING IN SHAPEPreviewVocabulary Physical activitiesLesson 1 Plan an activity with someoneGrammar Can and have toPronunciation Can / cantLesson 2 Talk about habitual activities and plansGrammar The present continuous and the simple present tense: Review Vocabulary Places for sports and exercise, Frequency adverbsLesson 3 Discuss fitness and eating habitsPronunciation Third-person singular -s: ReviewLesson 4 Describe your routinesVocabulary Daily routinesUNIT 7 ON VACATIONPreviewVocabulary TravelLesson 1 Greet someone arriving from a trip Grammar The past tense of be: Review Vocabulary Adjectives to describe trips, IntensifiersLesson 2 Ask about someones vacationGrammar The simple past tense: Review Regular and irregular verb formsPronunciation The simple past tense ending: Regular verbsLesson 3 Discuss vacation preferencesVocabulary Adjectives for vacationsLesson 4 Describe vacation experiencesVocabulary Bad and good travel experiencesUNIT 8 SHOPPING FOR CLOTHESPreviewVocabulary Clothes and clothing departmentsLesson 1 Shop and pay for clothesGrammar Uses of object pronouns Vocabulary Types of clothing and shoesLesson 2 Ask for a different size or color Grammar Comparative adjectives Vocabulary Clothing that comes in pairsLesson 3 Navigate a mall or department storeVocabulary Interior store locations and directions Pronunciation Contrastive stress for clarificationLesson 4 Discuss clothing dos and dont'sVocabulary Formality and appropriateness in clothingUNIT 9 TAKING TRANSPORTATIONPreviewVocabulary TransportationLesson 1 Discuss schedules and buy ticketsGrammar Modals should and couldVocabulary Kinds of tickets and trips, Ways to express disappointmentLesson 2 Book travel servicesGrammar Be going to + base form to express the future: Review Vocabulary Travel servicesLesson 3 Understand airport announcements Vocabulary Airline passenger information Pronunciation Intonation for offering alternativesLesson 4 Describe transportation problemsVocabulary Transportation problemsUNIT 10 SPENDING MONEYPreviewVocabulary Financial termsLesson 1 Ask for a recommendationGrammar Superlative adjectivesLesson 2 Bargain for a lower priceGrammar Too and enoughVocabulary How to bargainPronunciation Rising intonation for clarificationLesson 3 Discuss showing appreciation for serviceVocabulary How to express appreciation for service TippingLesson 4 Describe where to get the best dealsVocabulary How to describe good and bad deals"
Price: 29.99

"Catia V5 - Basic Training Course" |
"Modelamento de peas, utilizando os principais comandos; criao de planos e sketch, comando pad, pocket, shell, fillet, chanfer, draft angle, offset, linear e circular pattern, constraits, surface commands, Fill, mult-section surface, spline, Hole, profile, assembly, drafting, add ballons, Roughness symbols, sheet backgound, Balloon generation, ferramenta de detalhamento de peas e montagem, lista de materiais, dimensionamento e vista explodida."
Price: 489.99

"Bienvenido, futuro filsofo!Este curso est enfocado a introducirte, completamente desde cero, al campo de la filosofa y a la filosofa antigua. Veremos nociones bsicas de filosofa, para despus pasar a los filsofos griegos. Primero veremos a los filsofos presocrticos, poniendo nfasis en Herclito y Parmnides, los cuales son la base de la historia de la filosofa. Despus pasaremos al gran Scrates, a su discpulo Platn y a sus distintos mtodos para hacer filosofa. Para finalizar con la filosofa griega, veremos al gran Aristteles y su metafsica.Despus entraremos al campo de la tica, en donde las escuelas Cnica, Epicurea y Estoica sern tema de nuestro estudio. La ataraxia como meta final de la tica de estas escuelas ser detallada al final de este periodo helenstico.Para finalizar, te recomendar bibliografa para ampliar y continuar con tus estudios filosficos, te dar algunos consejos entre otras advertencias variadas en una ltima clase ms informal que las dems.Vamos a filosofar!"
Price: 795.00
