"Microsoft Azure : matriser les fondamentaux par la pratique" |
"Le Cloud est l'une des rvolutions informatiques de ces dernires annesVous souhaitez tre un acteur du Cloud et ne pas louper les opportunits qui s'ouvrent vous ? Plongez dans le Cloud, en particulier celui de Microsoft AzureAvec Azure, vous tes au coeur des concepts et technologies les plus avancesAzure est le Cloud qui progresse le plus rapidementMais comment dbuter ?Avec cette formation, vos comptences s'amliorent chapitre aprs chapitre, les objectifs sont clairement dfinisJe vous accompagne ds la cration de votre compte gratuit AzureLe concepts de base vous sont expliqus progressivement puis vous vous exercez immdiatement en suivant les vidos de dmonstration Cration de machines virtuelles, compte de stockage, base de donnes, architecture rseau, scurit du Cloud, matrise du budget...tous ces thmes et leurs exercices associs vont vous permettre d'acqurir des comptences claires et trs recherches"
Price: 199.99

"Neuroconciliao e Gesto de Conflitos" |
"Lidar com conflitos na gesto, liderana, negociao, vendas ou at mesmo em famlia e nos relacionamentos sociais passou a fazer parte do cardpio dirio da nossa vida, de micro momentos a processos de conciliao e negociao que exigiro resultados, bom desempenho e um pouco de paz para variar.Como mudar esse quadro catico e obter ambientes favorveis em processos de transformao ou desenvolvimento pessoal?Voc sabe como o seu crebro funciona em um micro momento de uma conciliao ou, se preferir, negociao?Que ferramentas e movimentos pessoais podem ajud-lo a obter os melhores resultados, em curto mdio e longo prazo nessas aes?Pensando nisso os autores preparam um curso com bases nas neurocincias e suas prticas e o curso de negociao de Harvard, associando e integrando conceitos, tcnicas e ferramentas apresentadas com fundamentao terica e prtica. As propostas contemplam o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional do aluno, para primeiramente torn-lo o melhor elemento (FERRAMENTA) em uma conciliao e negociao.Com essa viso boa parte do curso est focado em cada aluno, em voc, e como desenvolver as habilidades e competncias necessrias para atuar diante de processos de conciliao e negociao utilizando a melhor ferramenta que existe: a sua mente.Considerando que a primeira negociao com voc mesmo, ferramentas fantsticas so apresentadas para a gesto do eu, gesto da emoo e cdigos do comportamento e inteligncia, para desenvolver e ampliar as suas potencialidades e como em um relacionamento a arte da troca est sempre presente, a arte de negociar pode agregar mito valor as suas aes, sendo assim o curso busca apresentar e desenvolver ferramentas e prticas para que negociaes sejam bem sucedidas possibilitando que todas as partes sejam satisfeitas, considerando as diferentes formas de resultado, seja em nvel pessoal ou profissional.VANTAGENS DO CURSOESSE CURSO PARA VOC!Que precisa ajustar dinmicas de conciliao e negociao s prticas cotidianas como facilitadoras em seus relacionamentos e rea de influncia.TOMAR AS MELHORES DECISES!Melhorar o processo de tomada de deciso trabalhando as emoes e os rudos que elas geram na comunicao (Armadilhas da mente e cdigos de comportamento e inteligncia).PROTAGONIZAR NEGOCIAES EFICAZESExpandir o conceito de negociao com as ferramentas e prticas que possibilitem a compreenso do sistema como um todo, considerando as diferentes formas de resultado.SEJA A MELHOR FERRAMENTAUtilizar as neurocincias para a resoluo de conflitos, com em uma ao conciliadora ou para uma negociao bem sucedida, e ter a viso de que voc deve se tornar a melhor ferramenta nesse processo.Conhecer e dominar conceitos como a anlise rpida de perfil e arqutipos, cdigos de comportamento e inteligncia, armadilhas da mente, dentre outros, ir coloc-lo em um outro nvel para articular tcnicas e ferramentas poderosas como a arte da pergunta, a escuta ativa, o DCD, micro momentos de parada introspectiva, respirao, enfim tudo isso associado a um dos mdulos onde dedicamos exclusivamente ao mtodo de Harvard, apresentado pelos autores, principalmente pela Raquel Lemos e suas experincias com o prprio William Ury no seu curso em Harvard. Ele autor do livro COMO CHEGAR AO SIM COM VOC MESMO: O PRIMEIRO PASSO EM QUALQUER NEGOCIAO, CONFLITO OU CONVERSA DIFCIL.Com o propsito de levar para voc todas essas ferramentas em processos de conciliao, negociao e resoluo de conflitos os autores, Hamilton Silva Fradinho e Raquel Lemos, desenvolveram de forma conjunta, interativa e descontrada esse curso.Agora mos obra para transformar com excelncia os ambientes de conflitos e disputas em solues duradoras que atendam ambas as partes.CURRICULO DA RAQUEL LEMOS - COAUTORAFORMAO ACADMICAMedicina BioEnergtica BEM School em curso. MBA em Gesto Empresarial pela Fundao Getlio Vargas, Ps Graduao em Finanas pelo Insper (Antigo IBMEC), Graduao em Engenharia Eletrnica pela Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial.EXTENSOMedicina Bioenergtica BEM School, Programa de Educao Executiva em Negociao Program on Negotiation Harvard Law SchoolATUAO PROFISSIONALIdealizadora e Executiva da Real Bem Estar, empresa focada em solues holsticas de sade e bem estar para seres humanos e animais de pequeno porte.Profissional atuante de Medicina BioEnergtica. Anteriormente atuou em instituies financeiras como Banco Mundial, Ita BBA e Unibanco com gesto de equipes e negociaes de operaes financeiras estruturadas, bem como em empresas de real estate provendo financiamentos para a construo com way outs estruturados conforme o empreendimento (CRIs, repasses, built to suit e outros)."
Price: 339.99

"Old Masters Drawing Techniques" |
"Discover the lost techniques of the old masters in this fascinating course, that takes you back to a time where artists had to manufacture their own materials using nature and alchemy. Learn how Leonardo da Vinci and other great artist worked with the medium of silverpoint, quill pen, red chalk, and trois crayons to create some of the greatest drawings in the history of art."
Price: 49.99

"Clairvoyance Level 3" |
"Ready for an elemental journey to clairvoyance, travelling through the elements that are associated with the chakras? Another step up in your clairvoyant experience? Another route to increasing your third eye intuition? Ready to learn how the various classical elements relate to the chakras? And how they relate to two of the major energy flows in your body? To learn about those flows and about how your journey will have you travelling through them? The Freedom Flow? And, in the Bonus section, the Fulfillment Flow? This is upper-level clairvoyance. And while this course is designed for those with some prior clairvoyant experience that is, for those who have taken my Clairvoyance for Beginners (Level 1) and Clairvoyance Level 2 courses it can also stand on its own for those who wish to begin at this intermediate-to-advanced level.How can this be so? Well, because, for one reason, you will have access to a downloadable Journey Through the Elements chart that is designed to provide you with the basics of what is covered in this course. The chart explains how classical thought construes the elements as they were inspired in ancient times, and depicts relationships among chakras, their colors, their elements, their relationship to the phases of matter, along with two versions of classical elements all in accordance with my teachings. The chart also demonstrates helps you to see the journey to freedom and the journey to fulfillment, which are taught in this course. So, how exactly does this fit with upper-level clairvoyance?Well, here is how Clairvoyance, usually considered to be the inner vision that is related primarily to the third eye chakra, is also associated, elementally, with visioning beyond the earthly realm. In practical terms, this is often described as visioning of the stars in the night sky; you will learn more about this in the course, especially as you have the opportunity to experience these visionings.Because every journey needs some prior preparation, you will first envision yourself melding with the earth becoming, and finally being, one with the earth. Earth is the element associated with the root chakra, and grounding is one major function of the root chakra, so this envisioning is a highly valuable grounding technique that can prepare you for the remainder of your journey. This section will help you learn to settle yourself, to center yourself, to ground yourself and this section is designed to help you ""see"" yourself grounding, in preparation for your journey.Once prepared, you will be taught the elements associated with each of the other chakras. Initially, this will involve the first six chakras of the seven-chakra system the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. Initially, we stop at the third eye chakra, because that is the chakra most closely aligned with clairvoyance (though all the chakras do work together). Later in the course, you will have the opportunity to experience the element associated with the crown chakra, which is said to exist within and above that chakra.Now that you have a firm foundation underneath you, you will next journey through the elements deep down within the earth seeing yourself passing through each of the elements associated with the first five chakras, and then resting in the night sky and stars related to the sixth chakra. From earth to night sky, yes! From the earth to the indigo sky of the night, yes! You will reach an indigo cave, which later (in the following section) will become an indigo temple. While you are there, in that all-seeing space, you can just rest and remain open to seeing whatever comes to you. On your return journey, you will re-trace your steps through the elements.This section can actually be combined, if you wish, with the following one - because this video can be considered ""Part One"" of a two-part video series, ""Part Two"" of which occurs in the next video. Whether you choose to experience them singly or together is your choice - perhaps you will experience it singly one time and together the next - and you can just relax and enjoy the journey, whichever you choose and know that whichever you choose is ""right"" for you at this point in time.In the following section, you will hear that everything is intuitable as you immerse yourself in the element associated with the third eye chakra. You will travel quickly to the indigo temple. Once there, you will be invited to bathe in the temple and to breathe in indigo air.Following this, you will journey through the elements, up the Freedom Flow, through liminal space to the ocean of consciousness. As you do this, you will become aware of the interrelationships in your journey among the intuitive third eye chakra (and other chakras). As you rise through the Freedom Flow in this video, you will find the elements become less dense - thinner - as you pass through them. You will find the threshold-like liminal space that occurs in our lives during times of transition, and you will ultimately find yourself in the ""ocean of pure consciousness"" (a phrase that is widely credited as having originated with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi). You will find a place that is light, thin and full of potential, possibility and promise a place of transformation a place where dreams can be born.And, once youve dreamed your dreams in the ocean of consciousness, the bonus section teaches you how to flow in fulfillment of your dreams. An out-of-context example involving chocolate cake is offered in this bonus section to help you see the flow that you can achieve.So, as you can see, this course lays out a step-by-step path for your journey to further develop and strengthen your clairvoyant abilities. It is all about teaching you how to keep moving forward as you develop your abilities to access the wonders of the human energy field.Ready for a sneak peek of only some of what you will be taught in this course, all designed to further enhance your third eye chakra clairvoyant abilities and to help you progress as you work towards developing these abilities? Here you go... An appreciation of the interrelationships among clairvoyance, your third eye chakra, other chakras, liminal space, the ocean of pure consciousness and two of the major energy flows (Freedom Flow and Fulfillment Flow) in the human body Earth Breathing as a Grounding Technique Guided Meditation Videos, including those on Being the Earth, Breathing through the Elements, Journeying down into the earth and through the Elements to the Indigo Cave, Journeying through earth and elements to the Indigo Temple and a bonus advanced Dare to Be Your Dreams guided meditation An immersing bath in the color (indigo) and elements (night sky and stars) associated with your third eye chakra (also known as your ajna) A downloadable Journey Through the Elements chart, for you to follow along if you wish An understanding of liminal space, its normality and usefulness as you navigate through it An awareness of the ocean of pure consciousness, along with its origins and potential A bonus advanced explanation of a Dare to Be Your Dreams meditation that you can use any time you wish (as noted above). You will be taught, finally, that you are your own inner guidance and wisdom, and that you can travel your energy flows to find your potential and to fulfill your dreams.So, get ready to learn these element-based intermediate and advanced skills and techniques! One definition of clairvoyance is to see clearly. Click the link to enroll now and find out what you can do TODAY to begin to enhance the development and strengthening of your clairvoyance, your ability to see clearly."
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Uzmanla -Temel Seviyede Satran Eitimi" |
"10 yldr Profesyonel Satran ile urayorum.Trkiye Satran Federasyonu (TSF) lisansl Oyuncu,Antrenr ve l Hakemiyim.Bu gzel yolda sizlerle beraber ilerleyeceim iin ok mutluyum.Elimden geldiince zel ders kvamnda eitim hazrladm. 'Satran bir yaam,yaam bir satrantr' sznden yola karak kendime vizyon ve misyon belirledim.Bu eitimde;Planl hareket etmenin nemini ve gerekliliini,Kendine gven duygusu,Kazanmann ve mcadele etmenin deerini,z eletiri yapabilme yetenei,Sistemli,disiplinli ve alkan olmann nemini,Bakalarna kar saygl olmay,Sosyal ilikiler kurmay,Stresle ba edebilmeyi,z gvenli olmay,Aratrmac olmay ve bilginin nemini reneceiz....KONU BALIKLARI:1)Satranca Giri2)Satranc Tanyalm3)Satran Talar4)Talarn Deeri ve Dizilii5)Korunmasz ta ve ta alverii6)Saldr ve Ta Alma7)Kural d hamle ve ah ekme nedir?8)Saldran ta alma,kama,perdeleme9)Mat 10)Savunma Nedir?11)Rok nedir?12)Beraberlik ve Pat12)Notaston ve Turnuva KurallarKeyifli satran yolculuumuza balayalm."
Price: 49.99

germanintokyo-2 |
" Maxie 14161YouTubeTwitter"
Price: 3600.00

"Mastering Presto: Hands-On Learning" |
"Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes. Presto was designed and written from the ground up for interactive analytics and approaches the speed of commercial data warehouses while scaling to the size of organisations like Facebook.In the first part of the course I will talk about Presto's theory including Presto's architecture and components - coordinator, worker, connector, query execution model, etc. Additionally, I will explain to you how Kafka, Cassandra, Hive, PostgreSQL and Redshift work before I mention the specifics to their connectors. In the second part of the course, you are going to have many practical lectures where I will help you to build a development environment including Docker images for Hive and Presto, Helm chart for the whole Presto infrastructure and then deploy the chart to a local Kubernetes cluster.Later, you will learn how to run a real world example by joining parquet files in S3 with PostgreSQL data in a single SQL query. When you learn how to run and use Presto's features locally, I will show you how to setup your AWS account and how to deploy your Presto cluster to a managed Kubernetes (EKS) cluster in Amazon where you will be able to analyse terabytes or even petabytes of data at scale.Finally, I am going to talk about all available managed and non-managed Presto services on the market, describing pros and cons for each of them."
Price: 149.99

"Interaes Medicamentosas" |
"Todo mundo tem medo de interaes medicamentosas, seja profissional da sade, estudante da sade ou at mesmo algum seja leigo na rea. Alm disso, a dificuldade na identificao e manejo das interaes medicamentosas gigantesca, aumentando os riscos decorrentes desse tipo de interao qumica entre as substncias. Quando estudamos Farmacologia, so muitos os conceitos e definies que precisamos lembrar. Sem falar nos mecanismos de ao, indicaes, posologia, vias de administrao, reaes adversas, etc... Tantas informaes, que muitas vezes se torna difcil focar no estudo das possveis interaes medicamentosas, que tambm so inmeras. Por isso, a maior parte dos profissionais da sade acaba aprendendo ""para que serve"" cada medicamento, mas no consegue usar esses mesmos conhecimentos para identificar as interaes, que podem ser benficas (isso mesmo) ou malficas (como ocorre na maioria dos casos). E a que mora o perigo, tanto para o profissional, quanto para o paciente. As alteraes farmacocinticas e farmacodinmicas provocadas por duas ou mais substncias administradas concomitantemente precisam ser profundamente conhecidas para que as devidas intervenes sejam feitas. Isso impacta diretamente no sucesso da farmacoterapia. O que eu quero te mostrar nesse curso que uma boa base no estudo da farmacologia imprescindvel para compreender as interaes medicamentosas e que esses conhecimentos so necessrios diariamente na vida de um profissional da sade. Dessa forma, voc ficar mais confortvel para prescrever (se voc for mdico, dentista ou farmacutico), orientar ou identificar essas interaes, que esto entre os mais frequentes problemas relacionados a terapia medicamentosa. Vamos conhecer as principais interaes medicamentosas entre:- Frmaco - Frmaco- Frmaco - Fitoterpico- Frmaco - Nutriente (Alimento)Tambm vamos aprender estratgias de manejo e preveno dessas interaes, quando necessrio.Como professora universitria, j ensinei farmacologia para mais de mil alunos e pude identificar que a principal falha no estudo dessa cincia no entender os conceitos bsicos, como por exemplo as etapas farmacocinticas e farmacodinmicas, bem como a qumica dos medicamentos. Por isso, meu propsito aqui te mostrar de forma simples, clara e objetiva cada um desses tpicos, enfatizando as principais interaes de interesse clnico, de modo que ficar muito mais fcil identificar e reverter as possveis interaes malficas, bem como possibilitar as interaes benficas (associaes de frmacos, por exemplo). Se voc deseja de fato fugir das clssicas e maantes aulas de farmacologia, repletas de informaes para voc ficar apenas DECORANDO, chegou sua oportunidade!Esse ser um grande diferencial na sua vida profissional. Te vejo na primeira aula!"
Price: 579.99

"A00-211 SAS Base Programming Certified Practice Exam" |
"132 UNIQUE practice questions for A00-211 SAS Base Programming Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : A00-211 SAS Base Programming Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 132Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (99 of 132)"
Price: 149.99

"Revit 103 Instalaciones mecnicas" |
"En el presente curso te enseamos cmo modelar las instalaciones mecnicas en Revit, desde cero, en el mismo vers el sistema mecnico, eel sistema de aire de retorno y de suministro de aire, asi tambin el sistema de Aire acondicionado y cajas de Volumen de Aire Variable. Adems aprenders a realizar la creacin de espacios, el clculo de los ductos de aire, el modelado de ductos ya sean conductos cuadrados, circulares o circulares flexibles, el clculo energtico de las zonas y espacios desde un modelo arquitectnico. Cuentas con videos tutoriales y archivos de trabajo para cada leccin."
Price: 39.99

"Electrical Load estimation l" |
": Egyptian Code Saudi CodeIEEE StandardNEC CodeBSRIASiemens Guide 105 (17300 ) - ( ) (17200 ) - ( ) (15900 ) - ( ) (13300 ) - ( ) (11250 ) - ( ) (12530 ) - ( ) (9035 ) - ( ) (6060 ) - ( ( ) (2075 ) - ( )"
Price: 19.99

"Curso certificado de Escritura creativa" |
"Como humanidad somos la consecuencia de aquellas historias que han pasado de generacin en generacin. Constructores de mitologas culturales que se transforman en personales. Paradigmas sobre los cuales construimos autoridad con el fin de justificar nuestro actuar.Debido al actual escenario de incertidumbre, caos y derrumbe de aquella delicada seguridad sobre la cual construimos por siglos nuestra normalidad, es preciso comenzar a desentenderse de los antiguos mitos que dictaban nuestros sistemas de creencias y por consecuencia nuestras experiencias.Como seres humanos, como individuos, somos contadores de historias por naturaleza, potencial que es preciso desarrollar y considerar como la llave que abrir la puerta de mundos diferentes, realidades ascendentes, imaginacin que cuando es combinada con intencin desarrolla creatividad y por consecuencia, realidad.La escritura creativa transita sobre los pilares de ese nuevo paradigma en el cual el individuo es creativo y creador, y que sobre nuestra narrativa personal somos capaces de construir historias capaces de transformar las tradiciones y convenciones heredadas, con la finalidad de crear modelos de experiencias ms apegados a esa esencia sobre la cual se genera trascendencia, aprendemos a vivir y dejamos solamente existir.En coherencia con lo recin expresado, este curso se mover por mdulos que tocaran el desarrollo de la creatividad sobre la base del pensamiento divergente. La escritura emocional como ejemplo de la importancia que encierra para todo escritor el desarrollo de la intuicin y la espontaneidad. El storytelling y sus propuestas para la construccin de nuestra identidad esencial. Por ltimo, elementos de forma como los estilos narrativos y los tres actos con la finalidad de estructurar nuestras ideas en secuencias que dividan la accin, y por supuesto atrapen al lector."
Price: 19.99

"0 1Vlog" |
"74%1303~580VLOGVlogvlogvlogvlogvlog ??APPVlogVlogAPP"
Price: 49.99

"Leading Virtual Teams -A Complete Guide" |
"Leading a Virtual TeamWorld is moving towards becoming more and more virtual. Organizations are deploying a virtual workplace model since it has many significant benefits. The team members in a virtual team can be from various dispersed locations but connected through communication technologies. Virtual teams come with their own unique set of challenges. Establishing trust, ensuring collaboration, instilling ownership and accountability as well as making the geographically-dispersed team members feel a part of a single team are just some of them. If these challenges dont get addressed in a timely manner, the virtual team may not be able to produce effective outcomes.While organizations are adapting to this new way of working, the key question is - are the leaders and managers ready to lead virtual teams? Ensuring that the team members work together effectively and collaborate while working virtually, has become a critical management skill. This course is intended to exactly do that prepare current and future leaders to manage virtual teams effectively.This course focuses on all key elements of setting up and managing a virtual team. In this course, we will cover: Types of virtual teams and what makes any team a virtual team Key elements of difference of a virtual team against a physically co-located team Pros and cons of a virtual team which should be considered for taking any decision The concept of distance in a virtual team scenario and how to manage the effects of it Step-by-step approach across the 5 key stages of life-cycle of any virtual team from initial preparation and setting it to disbanding the team Identifying the right people, sizing the team right as well as defining the roles of the team members correctly Establishing the right culture fostering trust and encouraging open dialog as well as clarifying roles and responsibilities Establishing the right contact and communication touch-points Using technology to enable performance, productivity and collaboration How to instill the most important factor of teamwork - Trust - within the team members in a virtual setting Key challenges that any leader of a virtual team faces and how to address them Ideas around establishing seamless flow of communication within the team Tested ways to improve productivity of team members Best practices which have delivered successful results Mindset shifts required for making the virtual team model successful Key processes that need to be established Techniques for harnessing the creative energy of the team How to manage various kinds of diversity within the team Strategies and tactics for managers to make things work in a much shorter span of timeWe have added a bonus module on tips for team members who are working virtually. The course also offers many practical tools and templates which you can download and start using immediately.This course does not cover the reviews or features of the technology platforms and products which are available in the market. This is by design, since the technology changes very quickly. Also, the inherent technology and system architecture for your organization may be very different from what may be recommended in any course and that may lead to practical difficulty. However this course does cover the key processes and factors that need to be worked upon, which can be enabled by any technology that you may be using/ planning to use.Our team of experts has carefully curated the course content utilizing cutting-edge research as well as drawing out insights from our decades of experience of working in a virtual team setting. We are sure that you will draw lot of value out of this course.See you in the course! Regards,Team Wizdom"
Price: 49.99

"ePLAN - For First Time Users" |
"ePLAN - For First Time Users is a class intended for a users that don't have any or just a little experience/knowledge in program interface as well as defining schematic elements. Course program is Following users from creation of projects, project templates, basic projects, working with graphical editor in ePLAN, working with navigators, inserting symbols, defining project settings, user settings, inserting devices, exploring parts management, defining cables, creation of simple project and a lot more. This course belongs to a series of courses intended for different kind of users ( First Time, Intermediate, Professional )."
Price: 39.99

"Unsupervised Machine Learning From First Principles" |
"There are some interesting statistics regarding how much data is being generated every day, including:There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day at our current paceOver the last two years alone 90 percent of the data in the world was generatedOn average, Google now processes more than 40,000 searches EVERY second (3.5 billion searches per day)Every minute of the day, Snapchat users share 527,760 photos, more than 120 professionals join LinkedIn, users watch 4,146,600 YouTube videos, 456,000 tweets are sent on Twitter, Instagram users post 46,740 photos and there are 510,000 comments posted and 293,000 statuses updated on FacebookThis data explosion has fueled the need for data scientists and inviduals who can analyse it. The problem is most of that data is unstructured. There is no format to it and so a different set on techniques from the common Supervised Learning are required to analyse it. Those techniques are taught in this course from a First Principles perspective. It is not about the code but the understanding of the concepts of Unsupervised Learning in order to apply them in the real world. What I have actually come to realise is the connection between supervised and unsupervised learning. When doing your Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), you will probably make use of the techniques discussed in this course, for example Clustering.The content discussed in this course will be from different sources including:My ""Supervised Machine Learning Course From First Principles"" course here on Udemy,Introduction to Statistical Learning textbookAttribution for the core content is given to the textbook ""Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python: How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions from Unlabeled Data"" which I would urge you to buy on AmazonElements of Statistical Learning textbookDifferent articles and journal papers."
Price: 300.00

"Curso Oramento de Obras Sobrado Mdio Padro" |
"Neste Curso o aluno aprender a elaborar um oramento de obras de um sobrado de mdio padro, passando por todas etapas de uma obra residencial. No curso ser utilizado a base de dados SINAPI como referncia de preos para auxiliar no oramento, o aluno tambm aprender sobre composies de custos onde explicarei detalhadamente o que vocs precisam saber sobre esse assunto. Faremos a anlise da planilha em que dou dicas de como refinar o seu oramento para ser mais competitivo no mercado e tambm mostrarei em uma aula especfica como escolher as composies que mais impactam em preo dentro da planilha. Com isso, o oramentista reduz o tempo de trabalho em busca das cotaes de preos. Teremos uma aula sobre encargos sociais e complementares, que so dois termos bem comuns em um oramento de obras. O aluno tambm ir aprender a calcular o famoso BDI e o preo de venda da obra.Ao final do curso o aluno ter plenas condies de elaborar qualquer tipo de oramento de obras na sua vida profissional."
Price: 489.99

"Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS)" |
"Oracle Visual Builder helps your business to turn your ideas into the interactive web, mobile, and progressive web interfaces. This course will help you with the below:What is Visual Builder Cloud Service and how to leverage it to create interactive user interfacesWill help you to understand different components and how to use them.Call different REST APIs to communicate with external applications.Develop and deploy an application that can be accessed from anywhere at any time.Create a unified application that consumes services from multiple sources."
Price: 1600.00

"UMTS Air Interface" |
"This course provides a detailed description of WCDMA FDD technology and its use in UMTS networks. We will dedicatedly learn the basics of UMTS air interface in detail. In doing so, we are covering the channel structure of UMTS in uplink and downlink both, also understand the functionality of every channel. Next we will also discuss cell synchronization process, paging process and RACH procedure with respect to channels."
Price: 1600.00

"UMTS RRM State" |
"This course provides a learning path to understand the Radio Resource Management (RRM) functions in UMTS. Our main focus will be to understand the procedures of cell Search which involves comprehending what actually happens when a User Equipment (UE) is switched on. We will also see in depth the cell selection and Reselection procedure with reference to the change in RRC states, Location update process & the paging concept."
Price: 1280.00

"OneNote 2020 Masterclass fr Starter! Das digitale Notizbuch" |
"Du mchtest einen organisierten, papierlosen Arbeitsplatz?Dann haben wir den richtigen Udemy Videokurs fr dich! Hier lernst du wie man erfolgreich und ohne groen Aufwand sein Bro komplett papierlos mit Microsoft Office OneNote einrichtet.Lerne in diesem Videokurs, wie man erfolgreich ein digitales Notizbuch anlegt, Checklisten erstellt, Notizen anheftet und auch Bilder, Videos, Dokumente und andere Medien in das Notizbuch einbaut. Wir zeigen dir auch wie man ein Kanban- Board erstellt und wie man andere Menschen an deinem Notizbuch mitarbeiten lassen kann, um OneNote auch fr das unternehmerische Team- Management zu nutzen.Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum ""Erfolgreich arbeiten mit OneNote"" und wie du in weniger Zeit und ohne Papiechaos deinen Arbeitstag effektiver nutzen kannst. Zudem wirst du deinen Arbeitsplatz nie wieder vollgerumt sehen und einen glcklicheren, stressfreieren Alltag durchleben knnen.Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Tools und weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus dem Microsoft Office Programm herauszuholen!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Verstndnis ber Microsoft Office OneNote, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Und keine Sorge, die RCKGABEGARANTIE garantiert dafr, dass du den Kurs zurckgeben kannst, falls wir dir tatschlich nicht helfen knnen.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 149.99

"Cisco Viptela SD-WAN Design" |
"The Cisco SD-WAN Viptela Design course provides an overview of the Cisco Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) solution and SD-WAN components as Bonus. You will learn how to design the Cisco Viptela SDWAN for your infrastructure. The Cisco SD-WAN solution is a cloud-delivered overlay WAN architecture that facilitates digital and cloud transformation for enterprises. Cisco SD-WAN significantly reduces WAN costs and time to deploy new services. With Cisco SD-WAN, you can build a robust security architecture thats crucial for hybrid networks and provides a strong policy framework.ObjectivesAfter taking this course, you should be able to:Describe the Cisco SD-WAN overlay network.Able to Design SD-WAN Architecture for ControllersAble to design SD-WAN Architecture for Data CentersAble to design SD-WAN Architecture for Remote SitesAble to Design the SD-WAN Policy Architecture.Course OutlineBelow are the topics which will be covered during this course. Cisco SD-WAN Network ArchitectureSD-WAN Controllers Design PrincipalsSD-WAN Branch Design PrincipalsSD-WAN Datacenters Design PrincipalsOverlay & Underlay Routing PrincipalsSD-WAN Policy Design Principals"
Price: 99.99

"Spring-boot Development untuk pemula" |
"Di dalam course ini kita akan mulai mempelajari bagaimana membangun REST-API dengan Java Spring-boot Framework. Mungkin teman-teman sudah tahu, bahwa Java Spring-boot merupakan production ready software application. Hal ini membuat Springboot developer menjadi salah satu top developer position yang di cari di dalam lingkungan enterprise. Di dalam tutorial ini kita akan mengupas tuntas bagaimana membangun REST-API, mengkoneksikan REST-API dengan database kita, Membuat Form dengan REACT.JS dan mengkoneksikan form kita ke REST-API. Saya juga akan menjelaskan dasar-dasar spring boot framework."
Price: 199.99

"MS-101 - Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security -Practice Tests" |
"MS-101 is a part of the Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator Expert certification. To gain Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrator Expert certification, a candidate is required to pass two exams: MS-100 and MS-101. This course is exam prep for MS-101 only.Candidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, migrating, deploying, and managing Microsoft 365 services. They perform Microsoft 365 tenant management tasks for an enterprise, including its identities, security, compliance, and supporting technologies.Candidates have a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads and should have been an administrator for at least one Microsoft 365 workload (Exchange, SharePoint, Skype for Business, or Windows as a Service). Candidates also have a working knowledge of networking, server administration, and IT fundamentals such as DNS, Active Directory, and PowerShell.The exam is focused on a total of 3 modules and they are as follows:Implement modern device services (30-35%)Implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management (30-35%)Manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance (35-40%)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers, and will get you maximum score in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

advanced-excel-course |
" if If and , If or Vlookup Hlookup Sumif, Sumifs ,Count if ,Countifs "
Price: 19.99

"Core Tools - APQP - FMEA - MSA - CEP e PPAP - ltima Reviso" |
"Conhea as 5 principais ferramentas do setor automotivo:- APQP - 2 Edio - Planejamento Avanado da Qualidade do Produto e Plano de Controle;- FMEA - AIAG-VDA - 1 Edio - Anlise de Modo e Efeito de Falha;- MSA - 4 Edio - Anlise do Sistema de Medio;- CEP - 2 Edio - Controle Estatstico do Processo e- PPAP - 4 Edio - Processo de Aprovao de Pea de Produo."
Price: 249.99

"Gesto Logstica de Resduos Slidos com ARCGIS" |
"A forte competitividade, a rapidez dos recursos tecnolgicos e a exigncia no atendimento aos clientes so fatores relevantes na escolha da melhor soluo para operaes de transportes de qualquer natureza. O objetivo principal somente um: Realizar o servio no tempo previsto, no local definido e na condio especificada. No entanto, o planejamento das operaes de transporte de resduos slidos vai muito alm da anlise nica de rede, contempla todos os parmetros geogrficos envolvidos com a rea em questo.Dessa forma, a aplicao da anlise de sistemas geogrficos para transporte (tambm chamado de GIS-T) surge com alta relevncia, pois contempla a modelagem de dados geogrficos juntamente com a modelagem de rede viria. No curso Gesto Logstica de Resduos Slidos, o estudo realizado relaciona informaes geogrficas do municpio com a roteirizao referente a cada escala de servio de recolha de resduos slidos."
Price: 189.99

"Gesto de Banco de Dados para Projetos Logsticos com ARCGIS" |
"A forte competitividade, a rapidez dos recursos tecnolgicos e a exigncia no atendimento aos clientes so fatores relevantes na escolha da melhor soluo para operaes de transportes de qualquer natureza. O objetivo principal somente um: Realizar o servio no tempo previsto, no local definido e na condio especificada. No entanto, o planejamento das operaes de transporte de resduos slidos vai muito alm da anlise nica de rede, contempla todos os parmetros geogrficos envolvidos com a rea em questo.Dessa forma, a aplicao da anlise de sistemas geogrficos para transporte (tambm chamado de GIS-T) surge com alta relevncia, pois contempla a modelagem de dados geogrficos juntamente com a modelagem de rede viria. No curso Banco de Dados para Projetos Logsticos, o estudo realizado relaciona informaes geogrficas do municpio com a roteirizao referente a cada escala de servio de recolha de resduos slidos.Obs: Esse curso faz parte do curso Completo Gesto de Resduos Slidos com ARCGIS, caso queira se aprofundar, indico esse curso para continuao do seu aprendizado."
Price: 84.99

"Forex MasterClass de Cero a Avanzado- Ejemplos en Vivo" |
"Te compartiremos las mismas estrategias y conocimiento que utilizamos para generar ganancias consistentemente. Esta informacin nos han llevado aos de prctica y prueba para que su camino hacia el xito sea un viaje ms ameno y rpido. Tambin las 7 confirmaciones que buscamos para minimizar el riesgo y obtener las mejores entradas.Porque el mejor tiempo para hacer trading es ahora!Nuestro programa te ensear paso a paso como hacerlo efectivamente. Transforma tu futuro elevando tus conocimientos.Al completar el MasterClass recibe: 90 Das de acceso a nuestras sesiones en VIVO y a nuestra comunidad de apoyo donde analizamos el mercado y podrs hacer preguntas. En Bullavish Academy es nuestra prioridad asegurarnos que tus bases como trader queden bien establecidas."
Price: 199.99

"Wiskunde: Eksamen gereed 1" |
"In hierdie aanbieding word die Nov 2019 vraestel 1 volledig behandel.Dit dien as hulpmiddel vir die student wat terugvoer wil he oor uitgewerkte vrae en ook vir die vrae waaroor die student onseker is. Basiese tegnieke en metodes word aangewend tot probleemoplossing.Die student moet bewus wees dat daar nie noodwendig net een manier is om n vraag te benader nie. Hierdie kursus bied een oplossingsroete aan. Solank die student wiskundig korrek omgaan mag hy/sy ook van ander metodes gebruik maak."
Price: 300.00

businessppt |
". . , , . . , . , -. ?1. .2. .3. -. :- -- 50%- , :- - - - - 5 , 5 :- power point. , , , .- . , . . ! Telegram: niko_blog"
Price: 1799.00
