"Deployment de Web App con: Django + VPS + Visual Studio Code" |
"En este curso vamos a explicar cmo desplegar una aplicacin web utilizando Django + Gunicorn + Nginx + Supervisor + Server VPS + Visual Studio Code + GitLab, el curso va dirigido a todas las personas que estn intentando hacer deployment de su proyecto de Django en un servidor VPS y aun no cuentan con todas las bases.En este proyecto, explicare a detalle las rutas de los archivos de configuracin y como se encuentra estructurado, para que no importa la forma en que tengas las carpetas de tu proyecto puedas configurar correctamente, como validar que efectivamente est funcionando y las lneas que debemos de incluir en nuestros archivos de settings para que pueda funcionar.As mismo utilizaremos un plugin de visual studio code para poder conectarnos vis SSH, a nuestro servidor VPS y agilizar nuestro proyecto.Usaremos GitLab y aprenderemos configurar nuestro proyecto con git y a conectar por SSH, as como los comandos que utilizaremos para poder tener nuestra informacin actualizada en nuestro repositorio.El Framework que usaremos es Django por lo que si ya estas tomando este curso es porque ya sabes las bases o tienes un proyecto que estas por llevar a produccin y te falta complementar tus conocimientos sobre el deployment, configuraremos el VPS desde cero para instalar todas las dependencias y archivos necesarios.Vista previa"
Price: 1020.00

"Clase Bblica; Doctrina de la Correccin" |
"Desde el origen de la Iglesia en el primer siglo, la biblia nos muestra que habra varios problemas de comportamiento en las congregaciones, hermanos que habiendo ya transitado los primeros aos de la niez de la fe, (Hebreos 5:12) debiendo ser ya maestros, despus de tanto tiempo seguan teniendo necesidad de que se les volviera a mostrar los primeros rudimentos de la doctrina de Cristo, y esto no era motivo de gozo, sino de tristeza y digno de exhortacin.Esto mismo debemos meditar los cristianos de hoy en da, conocer de los peligros de la falta de disciplina en la Iglesia, entrar en el contexto Bblico profundo de la doctrina de la Disciplina para identificar su importancia y poderla aplicar correctamente en las congregaciones de la Iglesia de Cristo."
Price: 19.99

"Adobe XD Masterclass: Learn UI & UX Design from Zero to Hero" |
"Adobe XD is the next big thing in the design industry! Learn how to use it to create better designs, impress your work colleagues or your boss, start a new business, or charge more for your freelancing projects.Note: Adobe XD is totally free but it doesn't work on Windows 7 or 8!This training is perfect for people of all levels. It doesn't matter if you're a long-time Photoshop user, an Illustrator enthusiast or you're just getting started. Adobe XD will make you a better UI & UX designer. Here's what you'll learn:The fundamentals of Adobe XD - how to get up and running with it;How to use Adobe XD's advanced features;Design beautiful UI (user interface) projects: websites, mobile apps, presentations of all sorts;Learn how to apply UX (user experience) principles without getting overwhelmed by loads of theory;Create interactive prototypes that will impress clients;Help your clients make more money by making key design changes to their websites;Who is this training program for?Anybody that wants to learn about the next big thing in the design world;People who are not happy with Photoshop's performance - it's so slow sometimes!Web designers who want to make more money from their projects;People who need to create sleek and professional presentations (forget PowerPoint!);App designers who want to quickly create iOS or Android apps;Developers who want a better handover process from designers;Project managers that need interactive prototypes done fast;If you don't have a lot of time to learn about various design programs, then this is the best course for you! Adobe XD is easy to learn and you'll see how through fun exercises and activities, you'll become proficient in no time at all!""Get great results as fast as possible!"" - that's how I've created this course. We don't waste time with boring theory. We start with the absolute basics and we work our way up, gradually, step by step. This is beginner friendly, but in the later sections advanced users will have a lot to learn too!Important Features Included:Course workbooks (cheat sheets): use them to get up and running fast. They contain answers to most questions, detailed explanations about certain techniques shown in the videos, and much more;Live chat: my students frequently find me on our Discord group chat. This is a free program where you can chat with my fantastic community of students, ask questions, and get help fast. I'm regularly on there!All the sources files are included (.xd files): this means you can easily work along and pick things up at any pointFacebook group: get access to a private group of over 7000 people who regularly share their designs, insights, and comments."
Price: 199.99

"Node-RED and ESP32 Project" |
"With this course, you will learn how to design and build an automated control system using Node-RED and the ESP32.This course will guide you through the construction of an automated control system. The deliverable is a Terrarium controller.Along the way, you will learn a great deal about useful technologies such as the Node Red programming environment and MQTT.This course is perfect for Makers who are familiar with the ESP32 and are interested in learning how to use it alongside Node-RED.Node-RED is a lightweight graphical programming tool. You can use it to join a variety of hardware and software components and create applications such as the automated terrarium controller in this course.Node-RED is used in a range of settings. Makers to create home automation applications and organisations use it to automate their factory floors, among many other possibilities.The ESP32 is a powerful low-cost microcontroller with build-in Wifi that we can program with the familiar Arduino IDE. Its ""call to fame"" is that it makes it easy for anyone that is familiar with the Arduino to leverage their knowledge and create gadgets that need more memory and processing power than what the Arduino Uno can provide, in addition to Wifi and Bluetooth. All this at a lower price point."
Price: 129.99

"MSP Programme Management - Introduction" |
"This course provides you with an overview of a internationally recognised method called MSP Programme Management, a best practice for Programme Management.MSP is the worlds most widely-adopted programme management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) guidance explains the programme management principles, governance themes and transformational flow that should be applied to the management of programmes or transformational change in any environment.There are two levels of qualifications within the MSP certification scheme Foundation and Practitioner.This package covers Introduction level study, further Foundation and Practitioner levels available for upgrade as and when you wish to progress to the next level.The purpose of the foundation qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to interact effectively with those involved in the management of a programme or act as an informed member of a programme office, business change team or project delivery team working within an environment supporting MSP. The foundation qualification is also a pre-requisite for the practitioner qualification.The purpose of the practitioner qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to apply the guidance to their own work and, hence, act as an informed member of a programme management team. That is, someone responsible for managing, leading, supporting or advising on work within an MSP environment. Candidates should be capable of applying the MSP guidance in a relatively uncomplicated programme within an environment that uses MSP.Benets of Method: Improve your delivery confidence as everyone understands their role in delivering what the business expects. Terminology that is common in all projects, programmes & portfolios around the world with a methodology that works effectively with knowledge based practices Close your projects well to ensure lessons are captured and project assets are protected Structured approach with controls to provide a delivery methodology that works repeatedly and will enable you to successfully deliver projects Clearly understand your role, governance and responsibilities including the triggers, inputs and expected outputs Start your projects well to ensure successful and consistent delivery to achieve the expected benefits Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects."
Price: 99.99

"MSP Programme Management - Foundation and Practitioner" |
"This course prepares you for an internationally recognised qualification in MSP Programme Management, a best practice for Programme Management.MSP is the worlds most widely-adopted programme management method, used by people and organizations from wide-ranging industries and sectors.The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) guidance explains the programme management principles, governance themes and transformational flow that should be applied to the management of programmes or transformational change in any environment.The purpose of the foundation qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to interact effectively with those involved in the management of a programme or act as an informed member of a programme office, business change team or project delivery team working within an environment supporting MSP. The foundation qualification is also a pre-requisite for the practitioner qualification.The purpose of the practitioner qualification is to determine whether a candidate has sufficient knowledge and understanding of the MSP guidance to apply the guidance to their own work and, hence, act as an informed member of a programme management team. That is, someone responsible for managing, leading, supporting or advising on work within an MSP environment. Candidates should be capable of applying the MSP guidance in a relatively uncomplicated programme within an environment that uses MSP.This package is accredited for and covers Foundation level study and qualification.Benets of Method: Improve your delivery confidence as everyone understands their role in delivering what the business expects. Terminology that is common in all projects, programmes & portfolios around the world with a methodology that works effectively with knowledge based practices Close your projects well to ensure lessons are captured and project assets are protected Structured approach with controls to provide a delivery methodology that works repeatedly and will enable you to successfully deliver projects Clearly understand your role, governance and responsibilities including the triggers, inputs and expected outputs Start your projects well to ensure successful and consistent delivery to achieve the expected benefits Enhance your CV and boost future employment prospects.This accredited course aims to provide you with a straight forward route to becoming certified at the foundation level in your own time and at your own pace."
Price: 199.99

"HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate DevOps Masterclass" |
"Become a HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate along with DevOps through this Masterclass. Cloud engineers can use the Terraform Associate exam from HashiCorp to verify their basic infrastructure automation skills.The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Terraform in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands which enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the open source offering.In this course you will learn the following.Understand infrastructure as code (IaC) conceptsUnderstand Terraform's purpose (vs other IaC)Understand Terraform basicsUse the Terraform CLI (outside of core workflow)Interact with Terraform modulesNavigate Terraform workflowImplement and maintain stateRead, generate, and modify configurationUnderstand Terraform Cloud and Enterprise capabilitiesComplete DevOps life cycle along with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Micro-services architectureAgile methodology and much moreSee what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and application of Terraform, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Javed RiazThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it. ""Wonderful learning experience! Stephanie MilesJoin thousands of other students and share valuable experience!This course also comes with:Lifetime access to all future updatesA responsive instructor in the Q&A SectionUdemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadNumerous resources and guidesWhy take this course?As an IT Enterprise Architect, AWS, Microsoft, and Cisco Certified, managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects, my experience with Terraform and AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now in HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate DevOps Masterclass today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Ubiquiti Broadband Routing & Switching Specialist with LABS" |
"***This course is not officially sponsored by Ubiquiti Inc. and not an authorized course by Ubiquiti Inc. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Ubiquiti Inc. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***UBRSS or Ubiquiti Broadband Routing & Switching Specialist is a course track provided by Ubiquiti. It will cover the different topics that you can do on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter and will have a big part of it explaining and the network basic and fundamentals such as OSI model, TCP/IP, CSMA/CD, Collision Domain, Broadcast Domain, IP addressing, Subnetting and much more than that.This course contains a lot of LABS so you require to have at least 2 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X to be able to follow this course.If you want to prepare for the Ubiquit UBRSS exam, you can proceed by registering to my course and I am sure with my course you will be ready for the exam."
Price: 19.99

"How to use 1 harmonica to play 2 tunes in 3 positions/keys" |
"Here you will learn a couple of simple tunes - When the Saints and Oh Suzanna, BUT there's a big difference in the ways you can play these songs. All played on a 10-hole diatonic in the key of CYou will learn how to play:Each song in C - First position middle register (holes 4-6) with single notes and also chords/splitsEach song in C - First position upper register (holes 7-10) with single notes and also chords/splitsEach song in C - First position low register (holes 1-4) with single notes and also chords/splitsEach song in G - Second position middle register (holes 2-6) with single notes and also chords/splitsEach song in G - Second position upper register (holes 6-10) with single notes and also chords/splitsEach song in D - Third position in all registers with single notes and also chords/splitsYou will also learn how to play the same song constantly in the same key (C) BUT playing on three different keyed harmonicas (C, F, Bb) using three different positions. Confused? Yes, so was I until I explored this subject. Let me reveal all inside!"
Price: 74.99

"Overcome Shyness & Social Phobia: Unlock Your Full Potential" |
"Overcome Shyness & Social Phobia: Unlock Your Full PotentialReach your full potential by overcoming Shyness. Unlock many new doors of opportunity with this class. How to overcome Shyness and get the self confidence you need to either do public speaking, talk to others, make new friends or have the capability to interact with new people.This class teaches you how to do this step by step. In easy simple lectures that are recorded on video no boring concepts to learn, powerpoint presentation to follow or voice overs to listen to. I get straight right to the point and get real results fast by watching this course on beating shyness. Second part of the course focuses on getting over shyness with using a camera and what do you need to do in order to get over shyness. This part is also essential to your success. This class been created to help you defeat shyness join today and set yourself free from Shyness today.Your helpful Instructor,Sergey Kasimov************************INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've been an entrepreneur and ecommerce seller since the year 2001. I have helped and coached thousands of students online and in person and got over 200,000+ students in total. I would love to share the secrets of my success with you, it is my personal mission to help get you to be your best. Learn from my experience and expertise so you can take your business to the next level and beyond. ************************OFFICE HOURS & EXTRASWith enrollment you get the following...* Free 15-min GoogleHangout coaching session to help you with any problems you might have with your online business* Super fast answers to questions ask me course related questions anytime with responses within 24 hours or less* Office hours when I hold 30 min-1 hour free sessions answering any of your questions live************************CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETIONFinish 100% of class and get rewarded with a beautiful certificate that would be emailed to you. Use this to enhance your resume, show proof of expertise or extra curricular training. Print it out and frame it on your wall it is something you should be proud of."
Price: 19.99

"#4 Proverbs - Wisdom of Solomon: From Cedars to Hyssops" |
"An overview of what students will learn in this course on #4 Series: Proverbs: The Wisdom of SolomonIn Series #4 on Proverbs - We will study the background of Solomon's life to understand how he gets wisdom.1 Kings 4:29-32He also spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs were 1,005.He spoke of trees, from the cedar that is in Lebanon to the hyssopthat grows out of the wall. He spoke also of beasts, and of birds,Students will learn the following:They will have a broader perspective of proverbs by understanding the life of SolomonUnderstand the wisdom of Solomon from 1 Kings 4Understand how Solomon acquired his great wisdomSolomon taught people with great knowledgeWhy is knowledge so importantWe will get some secrets of Solomon's life from EcclesaistesStudents will pursue a life knowledgeStudents will also pursue spiritual knowledgeStudents will understand how wisdom work on knowledge.There are 6 Parts in this coursePart 1: Who Wrote Solomon?1. Prov 1-242. Prov 25-293. Prov 304. Prov 31Part 2: The Great Wisdom of Solomon1. Beyond Measure2. Wiser than all the people in the East and Egypt3. Wiser than the 4 great men4. His Fame spread in the surrounding nations5. All the people on the earth came to visit Solomon to hear him.Part 3: He Spoke About Trees1. Cedar2. Cedar of Lebanon3. Hyssop4. From Cedar ..... To Hyssop5. Solomon taught with great knowledgePart 4: Knowledge - H1847 da`ath 91X1. Knowledge in OT2. HIghest Occurrence in Proverbs3. Knowledge in ProverbsPart 5: Spiritual Knowledge1. Must acquire spiritual knowledge2. Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom3. Be a man who fears GodPart 6: ApplicationLife Application is very important for each sectionBe a man of knowledge!In each part, I give a thorough demonstration of a method that I use to study Proverbs.Enjoy and see you inside the course,Rosa"
Price: 44.99

"Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage Certificate Course" |
"Learn how to do manual lymphatic drainage massage (MLD) from best-selling massage course instructor, Mark Perren-Jones.Studies have shown that by doing manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques you can speed up the movement of lymph in the body by up to 20 times faster!Adding manual lymphatic drainage massage to your massage therapy skill set opens up numerous possibilities for client referrals. Manual lymph drainage massage is a gentle but powerful manual technique that stimulates a malfunctioning or fatigued lymphatic system. Keeping the lymphatic system in good condition is imperative for promoting good health, and for restoring good health when the system has been compromised.Adding manual lymph drainage massage to your massage therapy skill set opens up numerous possibilities to help your massage clients and for to get more massage client referrals. Manual lymph drainage massage is a gentle manual technique that stimulates a malfunctioning or fatigued lymphatic system. Keeping the lymphatic system in good condition is imperative for promoting good health, and for restoring good health when the system has been compromised.A big part of the lymphatic system is located very close to the surface of the body, thus manual lymph drainage techniques are applied very effectively with much less pressure than regular massage. This reduces wear and tear on the massage therapists body.After completing this course, you will be able to:Do self manual lymphatic drainage massage to your body to help with your own healthKnow how to do a full body manual lymphatic drainage massage on another personDo a rejuvenating facial treatment for yourself or your massage clientsUse essential oils to enhance lymphatic drainage massageDo scar release techniques to make any scars less restrictive and more pliableTreat people with auto-immune diseases using manual lymphatic drainage massage such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritisGive people a full body manual lymphatic drainage massage to give them an incredible sense of deep relaxationHelp people with sluggish lymphatic systems that make people feel low in energyTreat people post-operatively from orthopedic and cosmetic surgeries to speed up their healing timeTreat acute injuries to help people heal more quicklyEffectively treat chronic inflammatory conditionsGive dietary recommendations to help with fluid retention problemsUnderstand and treat mild lymphedema both for yourself and your massage clientsAnd so much more!What are people saying?""I just wanted to say I am so impressed with the content of this course as a qualified lymphatic drainage therapist, I am always looking for JUST that something that can fill the gaps and really just explain the practical side better.Well, all I can say is WOW!!! Your course is even better than the well known Lymphatic drainage courses that are seen to be the best, teaches you a lot of theory but the practical side is often rushed and makes one feel you haven't quite grasp it all.I am overjoyed with your course and cannot wait to take my practice to the next level!""Who needs MLD?Lymph massage can benefit just about everyone!Many massage therapy clients suffer from either acute or chronic conditions that affect the lymphatic drainage system where normal massage techniques are not suitable or ineffective. These conditions are therefore more appropriately addressed with manual lymph drainage than regular massage. Clients who respond very favorably to manual lymph drainage include those with post-traumatic and postsurgical swelling, also known as edema. Swelling from a soft-tissue injury causes significant discomfort and pain and slows the healing process. Manual lymph drainage addresses this painful swelling and significantly reduces overall healing time. Post-surgical clients who can benefit from manual lymph drainage massage include those recovering from cosmetic surgeries such as face-lifts, breast augmentation, and liposuction and orthopedic surgeries such as joint repair or replacement. Manual lymph drainage massage is incredibly effective in reducing swelling even before appropriate muscle movement and function can be restored.Reduction in swelling is not the only benefit this technique provides. According to a 1989 study, Experimental and clinical studies of the mechanism of effect of manual lymph drainage massage therapy, in the German publication Zeitschrift fur Lymphologie (Journal of Lymphology), manual lymph drainage improves lymph flow; since waste elimination is an essential function of the lymphatic system, it follows that improved lymph flow helps eliminate waste products and inflammatory mediators from injured tissue. This leads to less pain, reduced scar tissue formation and faster healing overall.Manual lymph drainage massage is also very effective in a variety of autoimmune disorders where regular massage can be contraindicated, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma. The most significant benefits of manual lymph drainage massage for these clients are a decrease in hypersensitivity and pain, as indicated in the study Comparison of MLD Therapy and Connective Tissue Massage in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial, National University of Health Sciences, Turkey, 2009; a decrease in tissue congestion and inflammatory mediators; and increased range of motion. In addition, in many of these clients, manual lymph drainage promotes a more restful sleep pattern and less overall fatigue.Manual lymph drainage massage also assists with stimulating the parasympathetic response in the body, so its indicated in situations where the nervous system has been compromised, such as with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. These clients will benefit from general stress reduction, detoxification and enhanced immune function.Over the last decade, manual lymph drainage has come to be recognized for its profound benefits to oncology clients immediately after surgery and later during their ongoing recovery period. MLD reduces edema, helps control pain, relieves constipation caused by pain medications, provides general relaxation, reduces stress and improves sleep. Due to the complexity of treatment and care for oncology patients, massage therapists may need to coordinate with their clients physician.Oncology clients who have undergone lymph node removal as part of their cancer treatment often develop a very specific swelling called lymphedema caused by localized damage to the lymphatic circulatory system. While a manual lymph drainage practitioner is able to address simple, medically uncomplicated lymphedema, more complex clientsespecially those with additional medical issuesshould be referred to a physician or certified lymphedema specialist.Remember, that you have 100% money back guarantee so there is absolutely zero risk.You also have lifetime access to this course.On completion of this course you will also get a beautiful certificate that you can proudly hang on your wall.See you in class!"
Price: 194.99

"Azure DevOps Build Pipelines: Run Windows UI Automation & CI" |
"Automated UI Testing is a common strategy for smoke testing and regression testing of legacy Windows applications. Especially in combination with Azure DevOps powered CI/CD(Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment). Such applications are still widely used by many enterprises and businesses across the globe. The mobile revolution hasn't been able to dethrone the PC and Microsoft is still reigning strong in the ""Office"" department. Problem is that sometimes you have the source code of Windows applications critical to your business' survival and other times you don't have it. In such cases the only option is to perform the functional testing of the said application through the UI. But, it is an ordinary task and you might need a tonne of workforce. In such cases UI test automation comes in handy. Note: The course also covers YAML Pipelines on Azure DevOps too. There are several options available for UI test automation, Microsoft itself offered Coded UI in the past but it is now deprecated. Right now Microsoft is supporting Windows Application Driver or WinAppDriver a.k.a WAD for UI automation of Windows applications. You must be wondering where is Azure? Well Azure DevOps will fit into this picture later on, relax. WinAppDriver is based on Appium which is an open-source API that conforms to the WebDriver standard. Microsoft WinAppDriver is not open source but it still has got a repository on GitHub for documentation.Azure DevOps is the cloud based offspring of TFS(Team Foundation Server). It continues the legacy of once on-premise Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) solution by Microsoft. When tests are being developed they're written by software test engineers who in many cases need Visual Studio licenses for a lot of things. These people are also highly paid and after developing tests it's not wise to keep them running test automation scripts on their machines through Visual Studio. In such cases a low cost solution is needed where non-code savvy people can also run UI automation tests through a common tool like Azure DevOps.Azure DevOps lets you create a complete infrastructure to support such scenarios. How? That's what this course is all about. I'll show you how to setup Virtual Machines to run unattended WinAppDriver and C# based UI test automation through Azure DevOps. I'll also show you how to setup things on Azure DevOps by creating organizations and projects. The course also shows you how to generate an Azure PAT(Personal Access Token) for security purposes and how to configure it to minimize its side effects. Azure lets us store code in more than one types of source code repositories. The classic one is TFVC which is covered in this course first. Secondly we have Azure Repos Git. The set of tasks which is going to run the test automation is called a Pipeline. The UI for TFVC and Git based pipelines is different and both are explained in this course. Git repositories generate a YAML based build pipeline. Build pipelines communicate with an Azure DevOps build agent which is installed on a machine and configured to work with a specific Azure DevOps organization through a PAT. There's an article about how to run WinAppDriver through Azure DevOps Pipelines, but it is not clear and it doesn't cover all the parts. In this course I'm going step by step from start to finish. Everything from installing tools on a test VM and creating an Azure account up to installing tools on developer machines, creating Azure DevOps repositories and Azure DevOps Pipelines is covered. Special attention is paid to the topics of interest for software testers, such as viewing test run reports. Various options of Azure DevOps Test Run reports are explained to you. Supplementary topics like running a PowerShell task to start/stop Windows Application Driver in the build pipeline is also shown. Please note that Azure DevOps is a highly in demand skill right now. Microsoft is heavily investing in Azure and achieving major successes in this department. If you want to prepare for the future, just learn everything about Azure that you can, it includes Azure DevOps and CI /CD. Of course there are other important Azure features like Azure Boards which are not covered in this course. I can cover more details in future based on student demand. It is possible for a user to create bugs and link work items like stories/tasks to the Azure DevOps builds and failures.It is high time that you get started in this direction and start learning more with practical courses like this one. Learn more about CI and CD, learn more about Microsoft Azure DevOps, source control repos etc."
Price: 24.99

"Oracle SOA Development (Oracle Suite SOA 12c) Training" |
"Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing composite applications. Oracle SOA Suite enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into composite applications and business processes. Composites enable you to easily assemble multiple technology components into one SOA composite application. Oracle SOA Suite plugs into heterogeneous IT infrastructures and enables enterprises to incrementally adopt SOA.XMLXSDWSDLInstallation Intro to Console SOA AdapterMeta Data StoreXREFDatabasePrase XMLAQ AdapterJSM Adapter Fault Handling EDNCompensationBusiness RuneHuman WorkflowOverview-BAM12c"
Price: 89.99

"Git Crash Course: Getting Started with Git and GitHub" |
"Learning how to use Git is truly a necessity if you want to become a successful software developer. We made this course so that you can focus on what matters and gain the basic practical experience and knowledge to use Git and GitHub effectively. We understand the importance of hands on experience when it comes to learning Git, and this course was created with that in mind.From the first video, we get your hands dirty in the command line whilst dropping the necessary information you need to know at the appropriate times. Utilizing this teaching style avoids overloading you while on your journey to mastering Git, ensuring that you get practical experience of the newly acquired skills immediately before learning something new.We first start this course off by setting up some necessary Git configuration before immediately learning about a useful command to help you alongside your journey of mastering Git. We then dive immediately into creating a git repository and become familiar with the following:Git CommandsInitializing a repository via initStaging (i.e. adding) files via addDiscarding changes via restoreProject state via statusFile differences via diffCommitting changes via commitRemoving files via rmViewing commit history via logCreating and checking out branches via branch and checkoutMerging changes via mergeStashing changes via stashCloning remote repositories via cloneHelpful Git KnowledgeThe life cycle of untracked and tracked filesCreating and resolving merge conflictsIgnoring files with .gitignoreWhat exactly origin meansCreating a successful branching workflowGitHubCreating and editing a profileSSH vs HTTPSCreating an SSH Key for authenticationCreating and merging pull requestsCommand LineCreating files via echoMaking (i.e. creating) directories via mkdirChanging directories via cdWhat tilde (i.e. ~) meansBy taking this course, you will not only acquire the necessary skills to practically use Git and GitHub, but you will come out more familiar with the command line and know your way around it."
Price: 19.99

"SAP MM Certificate como consultor SAP Ariba" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo. Lo que es ms importante es que ests considerando dar el salto y estar certificado en SAP Ariba.Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"Extensiones de pestaas MINK" |
"En este curso aprenders no slo a colocarlas si no tambien a identificar los tipos de ojos que existen y el tipo de diseo que mas le favorece a cada uno de ellos como Diseo abanico, semi-abanico, ojo de gato y mueca (Tringulo) Llevaremos a cabo prcticas en hilo y en maniqui.Revisaremos tres tcnicas 1.- Tcnica Japonesa con la cual colocamos las extensiones de una a una 2.- Tcnica de Volumn Ruso con la cual colocamos varias extensiones sobre cada una de las pestaas naturales 3.- Tcnica Hbrida la cual es una combinacin de las dos tcnica anterioresRealiza tu inscripcin ya y comienza a aprender con todos nuestros cursos!"
Price: 199.99

"Communication Skills" |
"From childhood till the time we enter into the corporate world whether as students, employees, or entrepreneurs, communication plays an important role in making things happen. It plays such a big part in our lives today that it is hard to imagine our life without it or any form of activity that doesnt involve communication. Of course, in our busy world, we sometimes forget just how important communication is to our success, relationships, and, ultimately, happiness in life. Hence, this module is designed in a manner to enable participants in becoming more aware and prepared to deal effectively with the many types of communication challenges they face every day, as well as, enable students to develop communication skills as their core strength and enable them to master the art of persuasion and influence in style!"
Price: 49.99

"Dominando o Windows Server 2019 - Instalao e configurao" |
"Este curso sobre gerenciamento e Windows ensinar como implantar e gerenciar a sofisticada infraestrutura de domnio do Windows Active Directory (ADDS).Este curso foi desenvolvido para ensinar os detalhes do Windows Server e do Active Directory e configurar os servios necessrios para sua rede Windows, mesmo que voc tenha pouca ou nenhuma experincia com ele.Domine o Windows Server, o Active Directory, vrias ferramentas administrativas do Windows, servios e muito mais. Familiarize-se com as tcnicas de administrao do Windows e leve sua carreira de administrao de TI para o prximo nvel.Embora existam muitos cursos relacionados a redes e TI voltados para prticas genricas dos conceitos do Active Directory - difcil encontrar um curso abrangente como este, que ensina os servios de domnio do Windows Server e do Active Directory desde o incio usando algumas das servios mais teis no ecossistema do Windows Server.Este curso foi desenvolvido para todos os nveis de profissionais de rede e de TI que desejam aprimorar suas habilidades, implementar um ambiente de trabalho sofisticado e colaborativo em suas organizaes e continuam sendo muito procurados por engenheiros de rede e de TI.Apenas algumas das coisas que voc aprender:Entenda o que o Windows Server e os Servios do Active DirectoryComo instalar, configurar e operacionalizar o Windows Server e o Active DirectoryFerramentas, servios e funes do Windows ServerComo gerenciar seus objetos ADDSComo integrar servios DNS ao ADMelhore suas habilidades de TI, torne-se mais comercializvel e ganhe mais dinheiroIndependentemente do seu nvel de experincia; se voc trabalha em uma pequena startup ou uma grande corporao - este curso aprofundado foi projetado para fornecer tudo o que voc precisa para levar suas habilidades de TI para o prximo nvel.O Windows Server um sistema operacional corporativo experimentado que alimenta grande parte das empresas e empresas de pequeno e mdio porte. O Active Directory um dos principais recursos que permite um ambiente de rede colaborativo, seguro e acessvel para todos os departamentos da organizao.Ao longo dos anos, a Microsoft investiu muito esforo e investimento para tornar o Windows Server um sistema muito robusto e escalvel, que pode ser escalado para a escala global em ambientes de vrios usurios e equipes.Ao aprimorar essas habilidades, voc ser perseguido por recrutadores e empresas que desejam contratar profissionais com experincia no Windows Server e no Active Directory. Este curso mostra como.Contedo e Viso GeralEste curso tem como objetivo ensinar os engenheiros de redes, TI, software e DevOps para melhorar suas habilidades, experincia e tcnicas para ganhar mais dinheiro.Voc comear com o bsico e abordar como instalar e configurar o Windows Server e o AD. Voc se familiarizar com o ecossistema do Windows Server. Voc se familiarizar com vrios servios e ferramentas de gerenciamento muito teis no ecossistema do Windows Server. Voc ento mergulhar nos diferentes exerccios prticos para implementar um ambiente de rede do mundo real para um domnio do Windows.Voc usar essas ferramentas e estruturas para dominar como projetar adequadamente um ambiente de domnio completo do Windows, que:Protege sua infraestruturaPermite logon nico para usurios do domnio de redePermite controle de permisso granular sobre todos os recursos da redePermite alta disponibilidade e tolerncia a falhas dos principais servios de redeAo final deste curso, sua confiana como engenheiro de redes e TI aumentar. Voc ter um conhecimento completo do Windows Server e do Active Directory e poder us-los em todo o seu potencial para criar ambientes de domnio do Windows pequenos a grandes, simples a complexos e fazer parte dessa revoluo de TI e levar sua carreira para o prximo nvel."
Price: 54.99

"Ghostwriting von A-Z: Starte dein Ghostwriting Unternehmen" |
"Wrdest du gerne dein eigenes Ghostwriting Unternehmen starten oder suchst du nach einem effizienten Weg um als Texter Geld im Internet verdienen zu knnen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir wie du dein Ghostwriting Gewerbe anmeldest, es skalierst, den richtigen Steuerberater findest, Rechnungen schreibst und vieles mehr. Du musst kein Ghostwriter sein und brauchst kein Startkapital um diese Art von Gewerbe starten zu knnen. Man kann dieses Geschftsmodell so aufziehen, dass du Freelancer oder Mitarbeiter anstellst, die fr dich das Ghostwriting bernehmen. Es ist daher mglich ein vollkommen automatisiertes Gewerbe zu starten. Was genau wirst du jedoch im Detail in diesem Kurs lernen? Gewerbe anmelden & das Geschftsmodell: In diesem Teil des Kurses wirst du lernen wie man den Freiberufler Status erhlt, du lernst wie du Schritt fr Schritt ein Einzelunternehmen und eine UG anmeldest und erhltst einen berblick ber andere gngige Gewerbeformen wie die OHG, GbR und viele weitere. Mitarbeiter anstellen & Organisation: Wie findet man Mitarbeiter und wie stellt man sie fest oder auf Freelancing Basis an? Was sind Lohnabrechnungen, wie funktioniert der Arbeitgeberanteil und welche Versicherungen braucht mein Angestellter? In diesem Kapitel lernst du wie man Mitarbeiter anstellt und sich organisiert. Auftrge & Rechnungen schreiben: Wir lernen nun Rechnungen zu schreiben. Du erhltst von mir ein Rechnungsmuster, das du ausfllen und fr deine Zwecke verwenden kannst. Du lernst zudem wie Ghostwriting Auftrge ablaufen, auf was man achten muss und wie man einen Kunden glcklich macht. Selbst als Ghostwriter arbeiten: Wie kann man alleine als Ghostwriter Geld verdienen und welche potentiellen Einnahmequellen gibt es? In diesem Abschnitt vom Kurs zeige ich dir wie du Bcher fr Kunden schreiben kannst und wie du auch alleine als Ghostwriter Geld verdienen kannst. Ghostwriting auf Fiverr: Fiverr ist eine der grten Freelancing Plattformen der Welt. In diesem Kapitel zeige ich dir wie du auf Fiverr durchstarten und Geld verdienen kannst. Wir lernen zudem andere Plattformen wie PeoplePerHour oder Upwork kennen. bersetzungen anbieten: bersetzungen knnen eine weitere interessante Dienstleistung fr dich sein. Du lernst nun wie du mit Machine Learning Tools und Freelancern Geld mit bersetzungen in deinem Ghostwriting Unternehmen verdienen kannst. Kundenbeziehungen & Marketing: Damit du mit deinem Ghostwriting Unternehmen Geld verdienen kannst, brauchst du Kunden. Und ohne Marketing keine Kunden. Genau aus diesem Grund zeige ich dir in diesem Kapitel die effektivsten Wege Kunden online und offline zu akquirieren. Nachdem die Schler diesen Kurs abgeschlossen haben, werden sie folgende Dinge knnen: Starte dein eigenes Ghostwriting Unternehmen und automatisiere esSei fhig unterschiedlichste Gewerbeformen wie das Einzelunternehmen oder eine UG anzumeldenSchreibe Rechnungen und manage Ghostwriting AuftrgeStelle Mitarbeiter an, berechne den Arbeitgeberanteil und kennen dich mit den Formalien ausBiete bersetzungen und andere Dienstleistungen anVerdiene Geld ber Fiverr und andere Freelancing PlattformenAkquiriere Kunden im Internet und offlineWorauf wartest du also noch? Schreibe dich noch heute in diesen Kurs ein und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video. Ich freue mich auf dich. Beste Gre,Leon Chaudhari Akademie - dein Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Haushaltsbuch in Excel" |
"Mchtest Du endlich Deine persnlichen Finanzen in den Griff bekommen? Mchtest Du vollstndige Transparenz ber Dein Geld bekommen? Mchtest Du Dein finanzielles Verhalten besser verstehen und Dich mit der Zeit immer mehr optimieren? Dann bentigst Du ein Haushaltsbuch!In diesem Kurs bringe ich Dir bei, wie Du Dir von Grund auf ein ganz persnliches Haushaltsbuch in Excel aufbauen und damit arbeiten kannst. Am Ende des Kurses wirst Du nicht nur ein vollstndig funktionales Haushaltsbuch haben, sondern auch wissen, wie Du Tag fr Tag damit arbeit, Dein finanzielles Verhalten analysierst und welche Grundsystematik Dir die Arbeit mit Deinem Haushaltsbuch erleichtert.Hi, ich bin Christoph und zeige Dir in diesem Online Kurs das Haushaltsbuch, mit dem ich selbst seit ber 11 Jahren sehr erfolgreich arbeite. Mit Hilfe dieses Haushaltsbuches habe ich vollstndige Transparenz ber mein Geld. Ich konnte mir so im Laufe der letzten Jahre einen schnen Geldbetrag ansparen und habe meine Finanzen voll im Griff. Und das schreibe ich zu 100% der Arbeit mit meinem Haushaltsbuch zu.Ganz konkret lernst Du in diesem Kurs:Warum ein Haushaltsbuch so essentiell fr Deinen Erfolg in Sachen Geld istWie Du Dein eigenes Haushaltsbuch in Excel Schritt fr Schritt erstellstWie Du Deine langfristigen finanziellen Verpflichtungen managen kannstWie die tgliche Arbeit mit dem Haushaltsbuch funktioniertWie Du Dein finanzielles Verhalten analysierstWie Du Dein Verhalten mit der Zeit immer mehr optimierstDieser Kurs richtet sich an jeden, der ein Interesse an der Arbeit mit seinen Finanzen hat. Wenn Du das Gefhl hast, Du knntest mit Deinem Geld besser umgehen, dann bist Du hier richtig. Ich geben Dir nicht nur das ""Handwerkszeug"" in Form eines Haushaltsbuchs an die Hand, sondern zeige Dir auch, wie Du konkret damit Tag fr Tag arbeitest.Interessiert?Dann schreib Dich direkt in diesen Kurs ein und wir legen sofort los! Ich freue mich auf Dich im Kurs! Bis gleich! Klicke jetzt auf den ""Jetzt kaufen"" Button!"
Price: 174.99

"Advanced Science Fiction & Fantasy" |
"Advanced Science Fiction & FantasyWriting the 21st century mythA journey into the mythic storytelling of scifi & fantasy with writer and storyteller Damien Walter on a hunt for the 21st century myth.For as long as there have been humans, there have been stories. Stories to help us understand our mysterious universe and give meaning to our lives. Stories to give us comfort in darkness and inspire us to reach for the light.Science fiction & fantasy are the most popular stories of the 21st century. On the cinema screen, in our Netflix streams and in video games, billions of us watch, read and play the amazing stories of scifi and fantasy.Damien Walter, writer on sci-fi and geek culture for The Guardian, BBC, WIRED and graduate of the Clarion writers workshop, leads a journey into scifi and fantasy storytelling.Five Star ReviewsI loved the course. Damien has simplified the complexity of stories for me. Kim Davis, The Rhetoric of StoryThis was excellent. Rather than teaching the mechanics of writing, this is about how to tell a compelling story. Mark Lemke, The Rhetoric of StoryThis course was absolutely amazing. I started this course as my job was slowing down for the covid-19 pandemic and ultimately finished it at home after being laid off. Cory Ellis, The Rhetoric of StoryI found this course informative, exciting and inspiring. As a 75 year old, new to writing this has motivated a new journey of which i am looking forward to with enthusiasm. Brian Cummings, The Rhetoric of StoryWonderful style of teaching and great use of ""practicing what you preach"". Each lecture itself feels like listening to a story. Maral Asdjian, The Rhetoric of StoryDamien clarified for me exactly what I was missing - the essence of the story. Grzegorz Kope, The Rhetoric of StoryWith relevant examples, Damien has literally broken down complex ideas into easy, digestible content. Shivani Deshmukh, The Rhetoric of StoryDamien is a very engaging teacher and he makes the complexity of this subject accessible and thrilling. I have no background in literary studies. And English isn't my native language. Even so, I followed all the lessons without significant hassle.simply full of insightful tips and advices - there's not a dull or pointless moment in the whole class. Juuso Sallinen, The Rhetoric of StoryScience fiction is our modern mythologyAs science transformed how we saw the universe, life and human existence, our old myths died. We began a search for new myths to give meaning to the modern world, myths we call science fiction.From Mary Shelleys Frankenstein to Stanley Kubricks 2001 and a thousand stories beyond, great storytellers have crafted new myths for the age of science.But as we grow into the 21st century, even the modern myths of science fiction are getting old. The need for the myths for our fast changing world is greater than ever.Who will write the 21st century myth?When Damien Walter asked Twitter what was the greatest myth of the 21st century, he got a surprising answer, from the storyteller Neil Gaiman himself.Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Avengers - all the smash hit sci-fi & fantasy franchises of today are myths of the last century, their values are those of the past 20th, not the future 21st century.When a truly 21st century myth is written, we will know it.Who will write the 21st century myth? Will it be Neil Gaiman? Will it be any of the great new writers of today?Or will it, perhaps, be you?###Damien Walter wrote the long running Weird Things column for The Guardian, and has interviewed legendary SF authors including Harlan Elison and Neil Stephenson. He studied with World Fantasy award winner Graham Joyce, and is a graduate of the Clarion writers workshop lead by Neil Gaiman and Kelly Link. His writing courses have over twenty-five thousand students online.As featured in:The Guardian, BBC, Wired, The Independent, Buzzfeed, AeonThe advanced course for fans and creators of science fiction and fantasyJoin a growing community of passionate fans and creators on a journey to write new myths for the 21st century.Talks - open talks looking at classic works of science fiction & fantasy and the myths they gave to the world.Workshops - deep dive discussions and writing craft sessions to open up the mythic imagination.Interviews - with leading creators and industry professionals.Feedback - the chance to get your stories read and to develop further with critical feedback.Certification - create your 21st century myth and receive course certification.Join the course in Advanced Science Fiction & Fantasy today on Udemy"
Price: 199.99

management-accounting-budget-evaluation |
"1. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)2. (1)(2)(3)(4) (5)(6)3. (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)"
Price: 10800.00

"Learn How to Build a News Website Using React JS" |
"React is one of the best Javascript libraries. It can be used to create small, medium and large web app projects. A lot of startups and companies have started using it to create different types of web apps. Thus, The demand for React developers is increasing every day and adding React to your portfolio will get you jobs much easier.In this course you will learn how to build a News Feed Web App using React JS. This course is oriented towards beginners and intermediate web developers. It will take you step-by-step from the beginning by creating a React app and then adding each block in order to build a complete awesome project. Note: This course assumes that you have the basics of Javascript (How to create functions and call them. How to create objects, variables, classes, if statements, etc).What you'll learn in this course will make you able to start creating your own React projects and improve your abilities as a web developer and will put you on the right path to specialize in one of the most popular React libraries. Finally, after the end of this course, you can start applying for React jobs confidently.Some of the topics covered in this course:How to create a React JS projectThe structure of React JS web appHow to run your projectCreating componentsNavigating to different pagesMaking HTTP requestsUsing APIs in React web appInstalling BootstrapAnd much moreNote: In this course you'll also get downloadable source code. You will also be provided with an exercise or quiz at the end of each lecture to test your understanding."
Price: 199.99

"Azure Architect Technologies: AZ-303" |
"Implement VMs for Windows and LinuxYou will learn about Azure virtual machines including planning, creating, availability and extensions.LessonsSelect Virtual Machine SizeConfigure High AvailabilityImplement Azure Dedicated HostsDeploy and Configure Scale SetsConfigure Azure Disk EncryptionAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Plan for virtual machine implementations.Create virtual machines.Configure virtual machine availability, including scale sets.Understand High Availability options for VMs in AzureAutomate Deployment and Configuration of ResourcesYou will learn about the tools an Azure Administrator uses to manage their infrastructure. LessonsAzure Resource Manager TemplatesSave a Template for a VMEvaluate Location of New ResourcesConfigure a Virtual Hard Disk TemplateDeploy from a TemplateCreate and Execute an Automation RunbookAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Leverage Azure Resource Manager to organize resources.Use ARM Templates to deploy resources.Create and Execute an Automation RunbookDeploy an Azure VM from a VHDUnderstand Azure encryption technologiesImplement Virtual NetworkingYou will learn about basic virtual networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting, IP addressing, network security groups, Azure Firewall, and Azure DNS.LessonsVirtual Network PeeringImplement VNet PeeringAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Connect services with Virtual Network PeeringConfigure VNet PeeringModify or delete VNet Peering Implement Load Balancing and Network SecurityYou will learn about network traffic strategies including network routing and service endpoints, Azure Load Balancer, Azure Application Gateway, and Traffic Manager.LessonsImplement Azure Load BalancerImplement an Application GatewayUnderstand Web Application FirewallImplement Azure FirewallImplementing Azure Traffic ManagerImplement Network Security Groups and Application Security GroupImplement Azure BastionAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Select a Load Balancer solutionConfigure Application GatewayImplement Azure FirewallUnderstand Traffic Manager routing methodsConfigure Network Security Groups (NSGs)Implement Storage AccountsYou will learn about basic storage features including storage accounts, blob storage, Azure files and File Sync, storage security, and storage tools.LessonsStorage AccountsBlob StorageStorage SecurityManaging StorageAccessing Blobs Configure Azure Storage Firewalls and Virtual NetworksAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Understand Storage Account services and typesConfigure Blob storage, accounts, containers, and access tiersImplement Shared Access SignaturesUnderstand Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networksImplement Azure Active DirectoryYou will learn how to secure identities with Azure Active Directory, and implement users and groups.LessonsOverview of Azure Active DirectoryUsers and GroupsDomains and Custom DomainsAzure AD Identity ProtectionImplement Conditional AccessConfigure Fraud Alerts for MFAConfigure Trusted IPsConfigure Guest Users in Azure ADAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Add Guest Users to Azure ADConfigure Location Condition ConfigurationConfigure Azure MFA settingsImplement Conditional Access Azure MFA Implement and Manage Azure GovernanceYou will learn about managing your subscriptions and accounts, implementing Azure policies, and using Role-Based Access Control.LessonsCreate Management Groups, Subscriptions, and Resource GroupsOverview of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) RolesAzure AD Access ReviewsImplement and Configure an Azure PolicyAzure BlueprintsAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Understand Resource GroupsUnderstand how RBAC worksCreate an Azure AD access reviewCreate and manage policies to enforce complianceCreate a BlueprintImplement and Manage Hybrid IdentitiesYou will learn how to install and configure Azure AD Connect and implement Azure AD Connect Health.LessonsInstall and Configure Azure AD ConnectConfigure Password Sync and Password WritebackConfigure Azure AD Connect HealthAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Implement Azure AD seamless Single Sign-OnPerform an Azure AD Connect installationImplement Azure AD Connect HealthManage Workloads in AzureYou will learn how to perform Azure Backup and Azure Site Recovery.LessonsImplement Azure BackupAzure to Azure Site RecoveryImplement Azure Update ManagementAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Understand Azure VM backup architectureManage updates and patches for Azure VMsImplement Cloud Infrastructure MonitoringYou will learn about Azure Monitor, Azure Workbooks, Azure Alerts, Network Watcher, Azure Service Health, Azure Application Insights.LessonsAzure Infrastructure Security MonitoringAzure MonitorAzure WorkbooksAzure AlertsLog AnalyticsNetwork WatcherAzure Service HealthMonitor Azure CostsAzure Application InsightsUnified Monitoring in AzureManage Security for ApplicationsYou will learn about Azure Key Vault and implementing authentication using Azure Managed Identities.LessonsAzure Key VaultAzure Managed IdentityAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Explain Key Vault uses such as secrets, key, and Certificate managementUse Managed Identities with Azure resourcesImplement an Application InfrastructureYou will learn how to create an App Service web App for Containers, create and configure an App Service Plan, and create and manage Deployment Slots.LessonsCreate and Configure Azure App ServiceCreate an App Service Web App for ContainersCreate and Configure an App Service PlanConfigure Networking for an App ServiceCreate and Manage Deployment SlotsImplement Logic AppsImplement Azure FunctionsAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Configure an Azure App ServiceCreate an App Service PlanCreate a Workflow using Azure Logic AppsCreate a Function App Implement Container-Based ApplicationsYou will learn how to run Azure Container instances and how to deploy Kubernetes with AKS.LessonsAzure Container InstancesConfigure Azure Kubernetes ServiceAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Run Azure Container instancesDeploy Kubernetes with AKSImplement NoSQL DatabasesYou will learn about Azure CosmsoDB.LessonsConfigure CosmosDB APIsAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Understand options for Azure Cosmos DBUnderstand high availability using CosmosDBImplement Azure SQL DatabasesYou will create an Azure SQL Database single database, create an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance, and review high-availability and Azure SQL database.LessonsConfigure Azure SQL Database SettingsImplement Azure SQL Database Managed InstancesHigh-Availability and Azure SQL DatabaseAfter completing this module, students will be able to:Create an Azure SQL Database single databaseCreate an Azure SQL Database Managed InstanceRecommend high-availability architectural models used in Azure SQL Database"
Price: 24.99

"ASL 32 Essential Phrases American Sign Language" |
"IN THIS COURSE, youre going to learn thirty-two (32) useful and essential phrases in ASL. The phrases are divided into four (4) groups and well learn each phrase individually. The phrases will be dissected further as we go step by step to study concepts and explore the unique signs. Throughout the course, well do lots of review to guarantee your ability to sign the phrases correctly and understand when they are signed to you.*** This course is designed to INCLUDE complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. Previous ASL skills are welcome but NOT required.IN THIS COURSE:Students will learn to sign and understand thirty-two (32) essential phrases in ASL.Students will learn the signs in each phrase individually to ensure correct hand shape and hand position.Students will learn how to use facial expressions for communicating YES/NO and WH questions in ASL.Students will see all of the English phrases translated into ASL using ASL grammar rules.Students will race a timer to help improve their proficiency as they sign the complete phrases.Students will be tested on their ability to sign and recognize ALL material taught in the course.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE:Students will have learned to sign and understand thirty-two (32) essential ASL phrases.Students will have a larger vocabulary and thorough understanding of facial expressions.Students will have a strong understanding of how to communicate YES/NO and WH questions.Students will feel more confident as they continue improving their ASL skills.QUESTIONS:What is the main focus of this course?This course focuses on learning the necessary skills to sign thirty-two (32) useful and essential ASL phrases. Students will learn useful concepts, sign complete phrases, and communicate questions in ASL with correct facial expressions.Do I need to have prior knowledge or experience with ASL before taking this class?No. This course is designed for complete beginners without any prior knowledge of ASL. All necessary signs are taught step by step in the course.Will this course test me on what is taught?Yes. This course contains multiple review and testing sections where students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ASL signing and recognition skills.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:Hello! My name is Michael. When I was three years old, my younger brother became sick with spinal meningitis. In the process, my brother became deaf with an almost complete hearing loss. This difficult situation provided a unique opportunity for my family and I to become fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Unlike some deaf children, my brother was not sent away to a deaf or hard of hearing school. He grew up with us, his hearing family, and we were active in the deaf community.As a police officer and federal investigator, I often used ASL to communicate with and interpret for witnesses, victims, and perpetrators. I decided to create ASL courses because its a useful and practical skill to have. Like learning any language, it opens your mind and creates the ability to communicate with a whole new group of people."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) Part 2 of 2" |
"This is the updated version of the course (Updated Aug 2020)The Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) is a vendor-neutral certification offered by Mile2 for the students willing to learn the importance of vulnerability assessments by gaining industry knowledge and skills in vulnerability assessments. In doing so, the CPEH students are able to understand how malware and destructive viruses function. In addition to this, the CPEH course helps students learn how to implement counter response and take preventive measures in case of an attack on the network.This preparatory course for the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker (CPEH) certification covers the complete curriculum required to clear the certification exam. The topics covered in this course are security fundamentals, access controls, protocols, cryptography, vulnerability assessments, vulnerability tools of the trade, output analysis and reports, reconnaissance, enumeration and scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, covering tracks, malware, buffer overflows, and password cracking. Exam Information The CPEH course provides in-depth labs that focus on both open source and commercial based tools with industry best practices. These hands-on labs emulate real-world hacking scenarios and equip the candidate to assess your companys security posture, help implement controls to better secure your companys network infrastructure and how to combat against hackers and/or viruses, etc. Upon completion, the Certified Professional Ethical Hacker candidate will be able to competently take the CPEH exam."
Price: 19.99

Python3 |
"Python3APIAPIscikit-learnKerasPyTorch scikit-learnKerasPyTorch NumPyCSVmatplotlibAPImatplotlib"
Price: 18000.00

"Advanced Web Developer Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course is a complete bundle of 6 in 1 courses, which adds up-to become the Advanced Web Developer Course. To get started with the course all you need is a PC / Laptop and a decent internet connectivity.So here's whats covered.Complete In-Depth beginners guide to HTML5 & CSS3. In this section you will learn to build a complete website from scratch.JavaScript Training will help you integrate interactivity to your website.ES6 or ECMA Script 6 will help you learn the latest standards of JavaScriptBootstrap 5 is the latest CSS framework from Twitter. With this you will learn to create 3 live projects. (Project Files Included)You will learn the most popular programming language Python to get started to build Python based web apps.At the end you will learn to create web applications with Django 3"
Price: 11200.00

"Understand & Predict Your Centrifugal Compressor Performance" |
"Centrifugal compressors of various designs and applications are encountered nowadays throughout refining, petrochemical and process industries as well as in power generation and environmental engineering.These dynamic machines are highly sensitive to the gas operating conditions at their inlet. Operating parameters such as pressure, temperature, compressibility, molecular weight and specific heat ratio of the gas as well as the compressor's rotational speed strongly affect the performance of these machines.This training course will show you how to use the performance curves and a set of equations to calculate the effects of changes in these operating parameters. This will give you the necessary tools and place you in a better position to understand, evaluate and predict your compressor performance and behavior for a successful operation of your plant and piping system.The training course is designed around a series of practical examples which we work through to a solution to reinforce your understanding of this complex topic.Also included in this training course an amazing Excel Workbook : Centrifugal Compressor Performance Excel WorkbookThis workbook provides qualitative and quick comparisons and application notes for centrifugal compressors. It describes calculations and procedures to predict performance characteristics, especially head, discharge pressure and power.This amazing Excel workbook presents formulas and data for :General centrifugal compressor calculationsAssessing the effect of one inlet condition change on compressor performanceAssessing the effect of multiple inlet condition changes on compressor performanceAssessing the effect of system resistance on compressor performanceAdjusting centrifugal compressor rated performance curve to actual inlet conditionsUseful Fan-Law relationshipsValuable charts and diagrams for centrifugal compressorsConversion tablesNOTE : This Excel workbook includes Visual Basic for Application function subroutines. Macros must be enabled for them to work-------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTION TO DOWNLOAD THE CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT EXCEL WORKBOOK :1. Upon enrolling in, expand the last section ""DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES""2. Under the lecture ""Download me"", click on the folder ""Resources"" => A list of downloadable files will appear3. Click on ""Centrifugal Compressor Performance Assessment Excel Workbook""4. A download window will pop-up. Select the location where you want to save the Excel file5. Once downloaded and saved on your computer, you can start using this amazing fileDISCLAIMERThis Excel Workbook is provided by WR Training ""as is"" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the Copyright owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, or profits, or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this Excel Workbook, even if advised of the possibility of such damage."
Price: 99.99

"Analytic Investigations (Investigative Timeline Analysis)" |
"This course is designed to teach analysts, investigators and others what Investigative Timelines are and how to use them. In this course you will also learn:how the Investigative Timeline answers four key questions in an investigationhow the Investigative Timeline can aid in an investigation or inquiryhow the Investigative Timeline can be constructed manually, as well as using automation"
Price: 39.99
