"Merch By Amazon: Ultimate Beginner to Pro Masterclass - 2020" |
"In this course Doug takes you step by step through every aspect of the Merch by Amazon platform. You'll quickly get up to speed creating designs that have a really high probability to sell. And the best part is that you don't need to be an artist or have any special computer skills to be successful. Learn a simple process that doesn't require any paid tools to create passive income.We Cover in Depth:How to ApplyHow to Research NichesFree and Paid design softwareHow to create designsHow to upload and publish your designsHow to use keywords to get your products foundHow to quickly and easily find out what's already selling and what keywords other products are using.Doug has years of experience and has earned thousands of dollars using print on demand. He's an experienced Udemy instructor with a 4.5+ instructor rating. This course comes with a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if you don't find the course content useful."
Price: 19.99

"Blockchain Mastery Workshop Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin" |
"Blockchain Post's 5 day - BMW - Blockchain Mastery Workshop is a flexible & comprehensive program with CERTIFICATE. An introductory starter course can be taken by anyone keen to understand the implications of Blockchain in general and in their particular industry.There will be a LIVE session where you will be creating your own Blockchain Wallet & your Own Cryptocurrency/token!!! Sounds Exciting???- Are you looking for a complete package which deals with all the fundamentals of blockchain, bitcoin, and ethereum technology?- Are you bogged down by all the fragmented information on the internet about blockchain and lost your way in the path?- Do you need a simple step-by-step explanation of all the concepts of blockchain, like DLT, Distributed Network, Consensus Algorithm, Mining, Proof of Work, Smart Contracts, ICOs, etc.,?-Do you wonder how blockchain technology can be used in different use cases?You are in the right place as this course will help you understand blockchain technology from its ground levels to making you an expert. Your foundations in the field of blockchain will be very strong as this course deals with the following:What is a blockchain?Why blockchain?What is Bitcoin? Why did it come into the world?What is a cryptocurrency?What the H is mining?How to use a Wallet? its types?Alt Coins !!!ForkingICOsPermissioned BlockchainsUse-Cases in various industriesFuture of blockchain - Sharding, Sidechains, and Interoperability...The latest - Zero Knowledge Proofs, Ethereum 2.0 and Cardano!...and much morePLUSYou are entitled to BONUSES below:- Complete Guidance Workbook/Handbook- CheatSheet of Blockchain- Use Cases of different Sectors- Career Counselling on how to project yourself as Blockchain Expert in the Market- Connect with Blockchain fund house - Chance to get funded for your Blockchain-based idea (If any)- & MUCH MORE!!!Below are my promises to all my students!1. From beginner to expert: You have already taken the first step towards succeeding in the blockchain space by searching for sources to learn about this fascinating technology. With a little help and structured learning, you can be an expert in no time. This course helps you do exactly that.2. Updated ASAP: Blockchain is a technology that's growing rapidly and hence there are a lot of improvements happening on a weekly basis. I promise you that whenever there is a significant update in the industry that relates to your fundamental understanding of blockchain, I will update the video as soon as possible so that you get the best experience from this course!3. In-course support: My passion for teaching will extend and I would be more than happy to support you in case you have any queries during the course. Support will be provided within a maximum of 48 hours along with LIVE Q&A sessions !Why Blockchain?I believe that blockchain has the potential to change the way businesses operate by creating new revenue models and it has the potential to give the power back into the hands of the consumer. With more and more people being worried about their privacy in the internet era and lack of trust in the ecosystem, I am sure blockchain will be the savior! Blockchain, because of its properties like transparency, immutability, security, etc., has already started revolutionizing many industries and the first one to see a major impact is Financial Services followed by Supply Chain. It is time for all of us, irrespective of whether we are in business or technology to understand the power of this fascinating technology.P.S: This course does not deal with coding or development of smart contracts or DApps. What are the course prerequisites?An open mind and enthusiasm to learn a revolutionary technologyI hope that excites you! I would be glad to see you on the course!Why wait when you get lifetime access and a 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee on Udemy!"
Price: 99.99

"Sistemas elctricos de potencia" |
"Este curso introductorio te servir para comprender como se representan los SEP y como construir dos herramientas fundamentales en el anlisis de sistemas de potencia: La matriz de Admitancia y la matriz de Impedancia. Tambin aprenders a trabajar con el sistema en por unidad, y como convertir elementos de un SEP a este sistema."
Price: 24.99

"Bond Valuation:Price,YTM,Coupon rate,maturity on Excel sheet" |
"These tutorial makes it easy for students to solve questions on Corporate Bonds. They will help you verify if your answer is correct should you be doing calculations manually.If allowed to use excel spreadsheet, you will save time when solving your questions on Bonds.The videos contain explanations and live demonstration on an excel spreadsheet.You will also learn which excel functions to use under different question requirements"
Price: 29.99

"MSTER en Hacking tico y Penetration Testing con Python 3" |
"BIENVENIDOS AL MSTER EN HACKING TICO Y PENETRATION TESTING CON PYTHON 3!Muchas gracias a todos los alumnos que depositaron su confianza en este curso.Por qu aprender a programar en Python 3?Es uno de los mejores lenguajes pare iniciar en la programacinSu sintaxis es sencilla y muy ordenada, lo que permite tener cdigo muy limpio.La curva de aprendizaje permite a los estudiantes obtener resultados en menor.Es un lenguaje multiplataforma, se utiliza para Desarrollo Web, Desarrollo de Aplicaciones de Escritorio, Creacin de Scripts y Automatizacin de Procesos.Tiene una gran cantidad de mdulos y funcionalidades que te permitirn crear tus propios programas y hacer implementaciones con muchas tecnologas. Cmo aportar en nuestra carrera de Ethical Hackers saber Python 3?Automatizar procesos dentro de las diferentes fases de un Ethical HackingExplotar vulnerabilidadesEncontrar posibles vectores de ataquesExplotar vulnerabilidades en sitios web.Escanear sitios web en bsqueda de informacin.Crear backdoorsCrear scripts para elevacin de privilegiosCrear Malware como Ransomeware, Keyloggers y Troyanos.Qu aprenderemos exactamente?Programacin desde ceroAutomatizacin de herramientas de Hacking con Python 3Desarrollar Scanners WebCreacin de Malwares como Ransomware, KeyloggersFundamentos del Ethical Hacking y Penetration Testing que todo Hacker debe tenerCreacin de herramientos para hacking y pentestingCreacin de herramientas para explotacin de vulnerabilidades WebCreacin de backdoorsConvertir archivos .py a .EXERealizar consultas a sitios webProgramacin en Python 3Ataques de Fuerza BrutaUso de Nmap y su implementacin con PythonAutomatizacin de procesos con Python 3Instalar Python 3 y Sublime Text 3 en Windows & LinuxDesarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio con Python 3Los elementos ms bsicos de PythonUso de Condiciones en Python: If - Elif - ElseUso de Bucles en Python: While & ForUso de Colecciones en Python: Listas & Tuplas & DiccionariosManejo de Archivos en Python: Creacin, Edicin, Lectura y Eliminacin de archivosUtilizar funciones en Python para estructurar optimizar y estructurar mejor el cdigoUna base robusta para programar en cualquier otro lenguaje de programacinQue pasa si el curso no cumple mis expectativas?Este curso abordar todas tus necesidades para que te puedas desempear como Programador de Python orientado al Ethical Hacking, podrs realizar tus preguntas en la seccin de preguntas del curso por si necesitas ayuda o no quedo claro algn concepto explicado. Pero en caso el curso por algn motivo no cumpla tus expectativas, no hay de que preocuparse, ya que Udemy te brinda hasta un mes de garanta, esto significa que podrs pedir la devolucin TOTAL de tu dinero.*AL FINALIZAR OBTENDRS UN CERTIFICADO CON LAS HORAS TOTALES DEL CURSO.*Todas las clases estn disponibles en Full HD 1080p con alta definicin.*Este es un curso completo en el cual te ensear desde los conceptos ms bsicos hasta la creacin de tus propios programas en Python.*No se requieren conocimientos previos."
Price: 149.99

"Juego de Tragamonedas Online" |
"Crearemos un Juego de Tragamonedas Online eso significa que estar conectado a una base de datos WebLa arquitectura del proyecto es en 3 capaz1. Lgica2. Datos3. PresentacinSe vern temas de:*Encryptaciones*Conexiones a Servidores Web*Arquitectura en 3 capaz*Creacin de la base de datos en SQLServer desde 0*Creacion del Proyecto desde 0*Conceptos de cada proceso*Login*Registro de usuarios*Mostrar Ranking de jugadores*Personalizar formularios*Crear ejecutables*Crear Bases de datos"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Bsico de Orientao de Carreiras" |
"A atividade de orientao de carreira um servio de grande valor nos tempos atuais, caracterizados pelas intensas e rpidas mudanas no mundo do trabalho. As organizaes de todos os tipos tero de fazer grandes mudanas nas suas estruturas, processos, modelos de negcio, e com isso tero necessidade de alterar tambm seus quadros de pessoal. Paralelamente, funes tradicionais perdero completamente a relevncia e novas funes surgiro. Tudo isso exigir mudanas grandes por de profissionais de todas as reas. As pessoas tero de ""reinventar-se"" para uma adaptao bem sucedida ao novo mundo do trabalho.Nesse contexto, a orientao de carreira - apoio emocional, intelectual e operacional para mudanas - torna-se atividade de alta relevncia. As grandes empresas, principalmente as mais avanadas nas polticas de RH, j oferecem internamente algum tilpo de orientao de carreira - e tendero a expandir essa atividade, com o suporte de consultores internos. Igualmente, no mbito do mercado, a demanda por orientao de carreiras - que j existe - tender a crescer.Assim, profissionais qualificados para a funo de orientao sero demandados tanto no plano interno, quanto no plano do mercado.Por outro lado, no mundo da escola a orientao de carreira, j consagrada nas instituies mais organizadas, ser mais e mais demandada tambm, j que a escola precisa preparar profissionais para condies de trabalho bem diferentes e mais desafiadoras.A orientao de carreira funo que se encaixa bem nas atividades de profissionais de diferentes reas relacionadas com desenvolvimento humano, gesto, pedagogia, servio social, psicologia.Esse um curso inicial sobre o tema, uma preparao para entrada na rea. O professor realizou essa atividade por muitos anos, como consultor de grandes empresas prestadoras de servios de RH, e presta servios na rea, eventualmente, contratado por organizas. Sua experincia e opinio especilizada esto consolidadas no curso."
Price: 54.99

"Fluid Mechanics-Part 1-Fluid Properties, Statics, Kinematics" |
"Hi, Welcome to my course on Fluid Mechanics, This course aims to single-handedly become, the most important resource for your University/College studies. Its equally great for Professional Exam preparations like for PE, in this Fluid Mechanics section.It shall be a complete course from my end. There, will be Part-2 of Fluid Mechanics also. Whatever Content is written down below (Scroll To Bottom, for details), will be surely and systematically added to this and next part ON FLUID MECHANICS.Many more resources and facilities awaits you, once you enroll for this course, like :-Exact copy of video slides will be made available, thus no need to maintain additional bulky notes. You can keep ready a print out of PDF Notes, of any given lecture or all lectures combined (like a big fat note book), and as you watch the video lessons you can alonside mark or highlight the important parts along side what I have already written.As, you might have already seen in preview videos,In this course many example problems will also be solved along side the regular theory and derivations.Ample number of digital drawings and animations have been used to assist in a perfect grab of the fundamentals.Completed TopicsFluid Properties Term Fluid and ViscosityNewtons Law of Viscosity & its ExamplesBulk Modulus & ExampleTypes of Fluids (Newtonian/Non Newtonian etc) - Ideal & Inviscid FluidsSurface Tension BasicDrops & Bubbles & ExamplesCapillarity Rise and Fall & ExamplesFluid Statics Pressure and its VariationManometersForces on Plane SurfacesIntroductory Sample Example Problems on Similarity and Conservation of MomentumFUTURE COURSE PLAN /FUll CONTENTSIn a two part separate courses. These topics shall be covered (theory & also example problems)Properties of FluidsAbout the term Fluid & Continuum ModelViscosity and Newtons Law of ViscosityTypes of FluidsSurface Tension, Drops & BubblesCapillarityBulk Modulus etc.Fluid StaticsPressure EquationPascals lawAbsolute and Gauge PressureManometersHydrostatic Forces on Plane SurfacesBuoyancy, Metacenter & Stability etc.Fluid KinematicsTypes of Fluid FlowsGraphical Description - Stream Lines etc.Material Derivatives for Acceleration etc.Stream & Potential Function etcFluid DynamicsContinuity EquationBernoullis EquationApplications of Momentum PrincipleImpact of Jets on Plane & Curved PlatesOrificeVenturi MeterStagnation Pressure & Pitot-Static TubesOpen Channel FlowFlow Classification - UniformChezys & Mannings EquationMost Economical SectionsHydrualic JumpsSpecific EnergyDifferent types of Weirs & Errors in Flow MeasurementGradually Varied Flows & Flow ProfilesViscous FlowsLaminar flow Between Plates In Pipes etc.Reynolds NumberMajor and Minor Head Losses in PipesBoundary LayerDrag and LiftSimilitudeWeber, Froude, Reynolds Number etc.Buckingham Pi TheoremGeometric, Kinematic & Dynamic SimilitudeTurbo MachinesPumps Analyses (Axial & Radial)Turbines Analyses (Axial & Radial)Efficiencies and Performance AnalysesTurbomachine SimilitudeAll videos will be of same quality, filled with my digital drawings, animations & hours of work in recording, editing - for each small lecture.More Courses in Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and for Mathematics shall also be uploaded like : Strength of Materials, Soil Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Environmental Engineering, RCC Design, Calculus etc. So, keep following. It shall be very useful if you could Rate this course . Happy Learning !"
Price: 54.99

"Edicin/Fotografa de Bodas & Sesiones estilo Ruso - Bsico" |
"Hola, soy Juan Pablo Aquila, Licenciado en Comunicacin y fotgrafo especializado en bodas y sesiones. Estoy muy contento de traerte esta serie de dos cursos (bsico y avanzado), que finalmente me decid a dar donde revelo todos mis secretos: En este curso bsico vamos a: - Revelar imgenes de forma global, orientado al estilo de fotografa Rusa, ese que tanto se destaca en sesiones y lo utilizan reconocidas fotgrafas rusas, con los colores e iluminacin tan peculiares que los caracterizan. - Aprender todo lo relacionado a flujo de trabajo de eventos sociales, para que puedas organizar grandes cantidades de imgenes, de una forma muy gil y metdica. - Entender como funciona la luz a travs de un histograma.- Dominar el color en detalle. Armaremos nuestra propia paleta de color y nunca ms vas a tener problemas con esas fotos que tanto te lan los colores. - Aprender a hacer un fotolibro en pocos minutos con Smart Album, para que tengas una excelente presentacion de tus trabajos, y no pierdas demasiado tiempo en ello.- Finalmente, hablaremos de como yo hago las fotos: Que equipos utilizo, por qu, que tengo en cuanta a la hora de captar una imagen, donde y cmo me situo, y muchos tips ms.Sin mucho ms que decir, pero por muchsimo ms por ver. Bienvenid@!Lic. Juan Pablo Aquila"
Price: 99.99

"Coaching & Inteligencia emocional en Amor inteligente" |
"En este curso vamos a interiorizarnos en lo profundo de las relaciones humanas enfocndonos en las relaciones de pareja. Para este camino vamos a recorrer desde el funcionamiento primitivo del cerebro humano, todas sus reas de mayor participacin en la toma de decisiones y sus rganos ms fundamentales. Te voy a explicar aspectos de las neurociencias para que primeramente tengas un panorama amplio de cmo funciona nuestro cerebro a nivel orgnico.Luego vamos a introducirnos en las funciones de la mente, en cmo trabaja nuestra cabeza y cmo esas ideas que tenemos arraigadas influyen en nuestro comportamiento. Una vez entendidos estos conceptos vamos a comenzar a aprender sobre inteligencia emocional para entender cmo nuestras emociones influyen a nuestras ideas, en cmo poner inteligencia a nuestras emociones y luego pasaremos a descubrir el mecanismo oculto detrs del poder de la palabra hablada, la neurocomunicacin o dilogo interno, es decir, lo que te dices a ti mismo y cmo esto influye en nuestra vida en un mdulo de herramientas motivacionales.Y para terminar vamos a aprender todo sobre las relaciones de pareja, lo que impide a las personas ser felices en su vida amorosa, los celos, discusiones, peleas, los espacios, las metas en comn, las formas en las que elegimos a nuestra pareja, los desencuentros, y todo lo concerniente para que te vuelvas experto/a en relaciones interpersonales y puedas orientar cualquier proceso de consultora o coaching al rea especifica a la que llamo: ""amor inteligente""."
Price: 99.99

"Finding your Ikigai" |
"How do you make the most important decisions of your life? Should you do what you love to? Or should you do what you are good at? Or is there another way?If you pick up the best paying job, will you find satisfaction and meaning? If you focus on finding meaning instead, will you earn enough to pay your bills?This course is designed to help you find your way through life and through your career.Nitin is a senior Strategy and Marketing Professional. A decade back he put a pause to his work life to start his life's work. And he's never looked back! Following an ancient Japanese philosophy, he was able to find his Ikigai and build a more fulfilling life and career. He has since helped many others discover theirs and transform their lives.In this class we will:Learn what Ikigai means and what it is made up ofUnderstand why each aspect is important, and how things work in tandemGet a step by step guide to help you find your IkigaiHear how Nitin went about figuring out the life and career he wanted and how you can tooThis will help you craft a path of harmony and balance. Whether you are wondering what subjects you should study, or what career to choose. Whether you're looking for your first job or looking to change careers. Whether you're young at age or young at heart. This class will help you build the life and career that you deserve."
Price: 39.99

WordPress |
"SEOWordPressWordPress8891WordPress2WordPress3WordPress456WordPress7SEOLON BLOG8SEOGenesis FrameworkWordPressWordPressWordPressGoogleWordPressGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Search Console7WordPressSEOLON BLOGLON BLOGSEOGenesis FrameworkGenesis FrameworkSEOWordPress"
Price: 24000.00

"Easy Physics Problems I - Kinematics and Dynamics" |
"Knowing physics principles and applying them to solve problems are two very different skills. In this class, I have selected the most common Kinematics and Dynamics problems that college students encounter in their Introductory Physics courses, and have shown you their solutions. You are expected to be familiar with the basic physics principles from Kinematics and Dynamics. I will give you a brief summary of the theory but have not included any derivations of the formulae. The rest of the class consists of solved problems, practice quizzes, and a test."
Price: 34.99

"Como gestionar una sesin de psicoterapia" |
"Jaume Guinot y Carmen Gmez os ofrecemos dos visiones de como llevar a termino una sesin de psicoterapia o de psicologia y os aportamos nuestra experiencia de aos en este trabajo.No se trata de ensear la terapia, sino de como aplicar esa terapia que has aprendido y que ahora quieres poner en practica y convertir en tu trabajo."
Price: 49.99

"How to make your first game in HaxeFlixel" |
"Haxe is a great programming language. Flixel is a great game engine. Put them together and you get something pretty magical, HaxeFlixel. After using this engine for almost two years now I've seen the same questions crop up again and again from beginners.The official HaxeFlixel beginners tutorial is great but personally, I like to learn from videos and because there weren't many at the time of creating this I thought I'd create my own to teach beginners.By the end of this course, you should feel comfortable making a 2D platformer that will work on the web, and natively on your platform of choice."
Price: 19.99

"Graphics & Design Tutorial" |
"In this graphics and design tutorial I will convey you knowledge about how to create outstanding print products. If you want to become a graphic designer, a painter, a print expert, a web designer or you are simply interested in graphics and design, this course is for you.In this graphics and design tutorial you will learn:which print products existabout the readability of textswhat are your target audiencehow to determine the needs of your target audiencethree rules for designwhy it is important to create groups of elements and repetitionsknowledge about the page format and layout (for e.g. design grids, columns...)the secrets of a good layoutknowledge about shapes (effects of squares, circles, triangles, rectangles)Knowledge about colors Why does color affect us?Colors and Color TheoryColor Systems (RGB, CMYK)Color HarmonyBonus lesson: Knowledge about images (effects of images)Subscribe now."
Price: 19.99

"Seis Sigma Cinturn Verde (Green Belt)." |
"Est interesado en certificarse como un profesional comprometido con la Mejora Continua y la Calidad?, Desea contar con los conocimientos y herramientas necesarias para gestionar Proyectos de Mejora Continua? Convirtase en un lder y agente de cambio dentro de su organizacin, reforzando y ampliando sus conocimientos sobre una de las principales metodologas de mejora: Seis Sigma.Seis Sigma es una metodologa de mejora continua, diseada para generar de forma consistente productos y servicios de una excelente calidad. El objetivo de la metodologa es mejorar los resultados que genera un proceso encontrando y eliminando las causas principales de errores, defectos y variacin.Dentro de la metodologa Seis Sigma, los Cinturones Verde (Green Belt) son asignados para liderar proyectos de mejora relativamente complejos, donde es imprescindible el uso de herramientas de gestin de Calidad y Procesos.Este curso de entrenamiento para Cinturones Verde (Green Belt) est diseo para mostrarle, mediante un lenguaje sencillo y ejemplos prcticos, los diferentes conceptos y herramientas que conlleva cada una de las etapas del Ciclo de Mejora DMAIC, con el objetivo que pueda aplicarlas en el anlisis y solucin de problemas relacionados a la gestin de Calidad.As mismo, si usted est interesado en certificarse como Seis Sigma Cinturn Verde este curso le proveer de forma clara los conocimientos que formarn parte de la evaluacin."
Price: 134.99

"Fundamentals of Steering System ( Vehicle Dynamics )" |
"This course will help you in understanding the in Basic fundamentals of an automobile Steering System . This course covers various aspects of steering system, steering geometry, steering ratio,wheel orientations and all the topics mentioned herein the curriculum. The Course has been designed in such a way that it is easily understood by upcoming engineering graduates."
Price: 199.99

"AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (beta)" |
"Hello, everyone!Prepare yourself to Face the Exam by practicing on examwalk into the Testing Center with confidence after preparing our packageThe Question Numbers can be changed frequently as soon as another version becomes available.PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS WITH VERIFIED ANSWERSThis Test is Designed by our IT Specialist to students to pass AZ-303 exam easilyPractice and trial make your official test error-free and easy also build confidence or give an idea about what type of questions can be made by the examiner and how we attempt well This Practice is to help you to achieve your IT CertificationMoney-Back Guarantee in 30 days""You belong with champions. There's no stopping you. I wish you the very best in your coming exam"" AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (beta)This exam covers all the topicsImplement and monitor an Azure infrastructure (50-55%)Implement management and security solutions (25-30%)Implement solutions for apps (10-15%)Implement and manage data platforms (10-15%)"
Price: 29.99

"Calculus 3 with the Math Sorcerer" |
"This Calculus 3 Course has hundreds of videos:) Note: If you know some Calculus 1 you could probably jump in and complete a significant portion of this course without Calculus 2.Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Try to do the problems before I do them(if you can!)3) Repeat!Calculus 3 is an absolutely beautiful subject. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce Lightning Administrator Certification Part 2" |
"Welcome to Part 2 of the Salesforce Admin Certification Series.The Salesforce lightning Admin certification course is for students who are interested in acquiring the Salesforce Admin certificate and to Learn salesforce lightning platform. This course is designed to help you pass the Salesforce Certified Administrator Exam and make you an awesome admin as the course will give you plenty of opportunities to do hands-on in your own free Salesforce account. The course will take you through various customization's possible in Salesforce lightning. The course also covers how to implement some of the commonly used business scenarios in Salesforce lightning so that students can have a hands-on experience of some real business use cases.No programming knowledge is needed for the course.The course is made very concisely keeping in mind that all the relevant information is covered. The salesforce admin course will help new admins as well the existing admins who are transitioning from classic to lightning to navigate and change the user interface of Salesforce as well as configure the platform as per the business needs. Each and every topic is covered in very engaging and interesting manner. This course is not a power-point presentation but its a complete hands -on course so you can learn by doing.The Salesforce Administrator course follows the official Salesforce Administrator exam outline and goes above and beyond to teach you various techniques and best practices that will serve you in the long haul in Salesforce eco-system. This course has over 5.5 hours of video content. At the end of course you will have knowledge and hands on experience on lightning platform which is needed to take up the Salesforce certifications. I am updating and will keep adding new content in this course regularly. So join me in becoming a trailblazer and an Awesome Admin and get your Salesforce Administrator Certification by completing the Salesforce course today!Happy Learning!!"
Price: 6400.00

"Reverse Engineering 5: Reversing Visual Basic" |
"If you are interested in reverse engineering and want to learn how to decompile and debug Visual Basic 6 programs, then this course is for you. In this course, I will introduce you to the exciting world of reversing and in particular, reverse engineering Visual Basic 6 programs.In this course, you will learn how to use x64dbg Visual Basic Decompiler and P-Code debugger tools to reverse engineer Visual Basic programs. You will learn all about debugging and dumping memory and also how to reverse jumps and modify instructions. What you will learn: Removing nag screensDecompiling programsPatching programsCreating keygensDebugging P-CodeVB6 P-CodeVB6 Native CodeReversing Serial Keysand more...In this course, we will practice reversing on special programs called crackme's that I have written for you. Go ahead and enroll now and I will see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"V-Ray for SketchUp, her 3B sanats ve tasarmcsnn i akna sorunsuz bir ekilde entegre edilebilecek eksiksiz bir klandrma ve glgelendirme zmdr. Sektrde hakim konuma gelen V-Ray render alma yazlm, hz, gvenilirlik, kullanm kolayl ve render kalitesi konularnda endstri standartlarn belirlemitir. Video ieriinde V-Ray For SketchUp ile alakal birok noktaya deineceiz."
Price: 409.99

"Jazz Improvisation 102" |
"In this course you'll continue to learn the basics of the jazz language begun in Improv 101. The focus here is on learning to phrase from the upbeats, phrasing essential to the jazz language. This course will provide both a clear introduction to these phrases and effective practice methods for acquisition of this core vocabulary."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel Interview Questions" |
"Hello There !!Want to test your Excel Knowledge ? Are you afraid of Excel Tests ? Do you want to boost you Excel Knowledge Confidence ? Well you are at the right place ! This course is all about Excel Tests.Evaluate your knowledge by taking these Excel Multiple Objective Questions , where you will be given sets of practice questions where in you have to answer and evaluate your Knowledge. These test contain questions ranging from Beginner level to Expert Level. This will give you a perfect mix of all the types of Excel Objective Questions.Once your Weak areas are identified work on them and improve on it.These Excel tests will give you a firm confidence to attend all excel questions asked in Job Interviews and Job Placement activities.Extra care has been taken to design these quizzes !! Its a 100 % Confidence Booster !!Bonus part is once enrolled you will get a chance to answer all the excel quizzes uploaded in the future in this course.Regular Excel quizzes will be uploaded in the future so that students can make the best use of it in the Academics , Interviews , Workplace & Knowledge Development.Enroll in this course and boost your confidence !!Happy Learning !!LOGISTICS & Supply Chain World."
Price: 1280.00

"Shapespark ""Real-time rendering in a browser""" |
"shapespark ! : : : TV Furniture Wallpaper : Telepoint : : : : : : .. Light baking"
Price: 19.99

"Fluxo de Caixa para Compradores Estratgicos" |
"Neste curso o voc apresentar estratgias que gerem valor para o fluxo de caixa da sua empresa, contextualizando o ambientes de compras. Voc aprender a calcular e apresentar os resultados das suas estratgias, traduzindo aes em $$$. Tpicos neste curso:Custo de capitalJuros compostosLead time Gesto de Estoque Prazo de pagamento Gerao de Caixa (Free Cash Flow)Saving Custo de Capital Saving Value CreationAplique conceitos para otimizar Fluxo de Caixa para uma empresa."
Price: 39.99

"Excel Essencial para Compras & Logistica" |
"Este Curso aprensenta apicaes e frmulas essenciais para um ambiente profissional. Dominar este pacote o tornar avanado em excel em menos de 2 horas.De SOMASE () a INDICE (CORRESP ())De GRFICO a TABELA DINMICA Explicao de como utilizar e exemplos prticos, simulando e aplicando o conhecimento. onde voc pode fazer junto com o instrutor.Precisa de algo rpido e objetivo para excel no seu dia a dia de trabalho. Este o curso."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads) para Afiliados" |
"O Google, Facebook e Instagram Ads esto concorridos? Certamente o curso de Microsoft Ads ir contribuir para voc ampliar suas vendas, explorar novas oportunidades e conhecer novas Estratgias de Marketing.A ferramenta de Publicidade da Microsoft possui CPC (custo por clique) bem menor que a ferramenta do Google e te da muito mais liberdade para trabalhar como afiliado (seja amador ou profissional).O objetivo do curso te fazer pensar fora da caixa, afinal, no existe s Google e Facebook Ads, concorda? Aprenda a operar nessa ferramenta e permita-se potencializar suas vendas.Ensino a voc o passo-a-passo de como usar o Microsoft Ads, quais as melhores plataformas para se afiliar e mais algumas estratgias que s possvel usar nessa ferramenta de publicidade.Caro afiliado, est procurando plataformas para investir? Seja bem vindo ao curso de Microsoft Advertising e aps a concluso, receber seu certificado para melhorar sua imagem tanto pessoal quanto profissional."
Price: 189.99

"Kore Alfabesi kursuma hepiniz ho geldiniz! Bu kursla beraber Kore alfabesinin tarihinden balayarak detayl bir ekilde Kore harflerini reneceiz.Bu kursta neden Korece renmeliyiz?Korece, Trke gibi, Ural-Altay Dilleri Teorisine gre, Ural- Altay Dil Ailesinin Altay Koluna mensup olan, sondan eklemeli bir dildir. Her iki dil de nl uyumu, sondan eklemelilik, cmlede zne-nesne-yklem sralamas ve dil bilgisel olarak cinsiyetsiz olmas gibi gl benzerlikler gstermektedir. Bu yzden Korece, Trkler iin renilmesi kolay ve dnyada hzla yaylan Gney Kore kltrn anlamaya yardmc olan bir aratr. ngilizce gibi dier Bat dillerini renememekten sklanlar kolaylkla Korece renmeye baladklar an dier dilleri renmeleri de hzlanacaktr.Trkiye'de Korece eitim veren kurs says ok az. Eer stanbul, zmir, Ankara gibi byk ehirlerde yaamyorsanz Korece kursu bulmanz da ok zor. Kald ki, byk ehirlerdeki Korece kurslarna ok talep olduundan snflar ok kalabalk ve dersler de verimsiz oluyor. te yandan kursa gittiinizde gidi dn zamanlar, mola sreleri hesaba katldnda bouna zaman ve para kaybetmi oluyorsunuz. Bunlarn dnda piyasada doru dzgn Korece kaynak bulunmuyor. Olanlar da ok yetersiz. Tm bu sebeplerden dolay Trkiye'de Korece renmeniz ok zorlamakta. nternette Koreli hocalarn Korece kurslarna denk gelmisinizdir. Bu kurslar Korece dinleme pratii yapmanz asndan yararl olacaktr ama Koreli hocalar Korece'yi genellikle ngilizce ile kyaslayarak ileme eiliminde olduklarndan kafanz kartrma ihtimalleri ok yksektir. nk ngilizce, Korece ile Trke arasnda bir engel oluturacaktr. Korece'yi Trke olarak anlatan bir Koreli hoca bulmu olsanz bile, o hoca Trke'ye yzde yz hakim olamad iin Korece retmekte yine yetersiz kalacaktr. Ancak bu kursla birlikte hem gzel bir Korece kaynak edineceksiniz, hem istediiniz yer ve istediiniz zamanda rahatlkla ders alp soru sorma imkannz olacak, hem de Korece'yi Trke ile kyaslamalar yaparak anlattmdan dolay Korece'yi ok daha abuk renme frsatn yakalayacaksnz. Korece'yi renmeye baladnz an dier dilleri renme cesaretine de kavuacaksnz.Nasl ilenir?Kurs boyunca her blmde, Kore harflerini benzetmeler yaparak renmeye alacaz. lenilen her blmden sonra altrmalarla konular pekitirilecek.Nasl allmal?Kursa balamadan nce kaynaklar ksmnda yer alan pdf eklindeki kitabn mutlaka ktsn alnz.Korece'yi biraz biliyor olsanz dahi niteleri almaya en batan balaynz ve birini tam olarak renmeden dier niteye gemeyiniz. Kitaptaki her nitede farkl bir harf grubu yer almakta.Her blmde geen harfleri defterinize not edip stlerini kapatarak ezberlemeye aln. sterseniz baka bir kda en az 5 en fazla 1000 kez olacak ekilde tekrar tekrar yazabilirsiniz. Ayrca harfleri alrken yksek sesle sylemeniz harflerin aklnza yerlemesine ve dilinizin almasna yardmc olacaktr.rendiklerinizi pekitirmek iin verilen altrmalar nce kendiniz tam olarak yapmaya alnz. Sonra videoyu tekrar ap yaptklarnz kontrol ediniz. Videodaki altrma ksmn atlamaynz. Bu ksmda da zaman zaman Korece kurallar hakknda bilgi verildii iin altrma ksmn da dikkatle izleyip gerekli yerleri not ediniz. Her dersten sonra kaynaklar ksmn inceleyip Kaynaklarda yer alan sayfalar da mutlaka ziyaret edip gerekli yerleri not ediniz. Her 4 nitede 1 altnz 4 niteyi en batan tekrar ediniz.Kazanmlar Nelerdir?Kurstan sonra Kore Alfabesini biliyorum diyebileceksiniz. Udemy'deki leri Seviye Korece Kurslarma geebilmek iin temel oluturmu olacaksnz.Kurs boyunca bana her trl soru, gr ve nerilerinizi iletebilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"RSA Netwitness Logs & Network Administration" |
"This course focuses the essential administrative tasks for RSA NetWitness Logs & Network, such as user management, configuration and monitoring. This training course provides an overview of essential administrative tasks that are performed for RSA NetWitness Logs & Network. Students gain insight into Configuring Devices, Monitoring and User Management within RSA NetWitness Logs & Network. Course ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:Discover and configure core RSA NetWitness Logs & Network hostsConfigure the Reporting Engine and Events Stream Analysis (ESA)Configure Incident Management (IM) and the ArchiverDescribe the Health and Wellness moduleReview the REST APIMonitor RSA NetWitness Logs & Network hosts and servicesCreate and manage usersDescribe data privacy"
Price: 29.99
