"Learn HTML5 and CSS3 From Scratch - Crash Course" |
"Beginners course, this is perfect for anyone starting out and looking find a starting point to develop website.Learn to create a website from scratch in 1 hour!!!This course is designed for anyone who wants to better understand how to create their own websites; within this course we show you how to make a basic website from scratch.So why choose this course?Reason #1: Project-based courseTogether we will build a simple website from scratch. Step-by-step, you will learn the basic fundamentals of HTML5 and CSS3.This small project will teach you to build real-world HTML5 and CSS3 websites.Reason #2: You walk away with a ready-to-launch websiteBy the end of the course, you will have a complete website that looks good on any computer. You will also get all the resources, images and assets for the course as a free download.Reason #3: I make HTML5 and CSS3 easy and funWith the right guidance, I will teach you HTML5 and CSS3 in a fun and productive way. Why waste time with random tutorials and YouTube videos? I promise I wont let your time go to waste.So here is exactly what we cover in this training:Easy-to-follow and hands-on web development with HTML5 and CSS3.How to get and use images, fonts and icons to make your website shine all for free.Connect HTML5 and CSS ids, classes and tags.Box model explained.Floats and fixed width.Let's now find out if this course is for you. It's a perfect fit if...Student #1: You are a complete beginner with no idea on how to create a website.Student #2: You know some HTML and CSS, but struggle to make your own website.Student #3: You are a designer and want to show your talents using HTML5 and CSS3.Basically, if you are master web developer, then DON'T take the course. Everyone else: you should take the course, today.Sounds great? Then just click the Take this course"" button, and lets begin a new adventure."
Price: 19.99

"Essentials of LTE and VoLTE: An Overview Tutorial" |
"This self-paced LTE and VoLTE learning program from Dr. Nishith Tripathi (Samsung Research America) and Prof. Jeff Reed (Virginia Tech) provides a concise technical overview of LTE (Long Term Evolution) and VoLTE (Voice over LTE) through a series of video lectures. These lectures are based on the worlds first 5G multimedia book: 5G Cellular Communications- Journey and Destination.Section 1- Introduction to LTE and Network Architecture. Learn about how the wireless networks evolve from a third-generation (3G) cellular technology to a 4G LTE. Also, find out what entities exist in an LTE network.Lecture 1: LTE Network Architecture.An overall network architecture of LTE is described with the job functions of major network nodes or elements. Both the radio network and the core network are covered.Section 2- Information Transfer in LTE. Ever wondered how a signaling message or user traffic such as an IP packet travels through a wireless network? This section explains the transfer of such information!Lecture 2: LTE Radio Interface Protocol Stack. The air interface between the UE and the LTE Base Station (i.e., eNdoeB or eNB) follows the rules of engagement defined by the radio interface protocol stack. This lecture explains the roles of the protocols such as RRC, PDCP, RLC, MAC, and PHY.Lecture 3: LTE Attach Procedure. Before you and I can exchange traffic such as a video or a photo using our smartphones, the smartphones need to meet certain prerequisites. The Attach procedure is one such prerequisite, where operations such as mutual authentication and default bearer setup occur.Lecture 4: Data Transfer in LTE. This lecture explains how data transfer occurs between the device and the network in the downlink and the uplink.Section 3- Mobility Management in LTE. An LTE UE may be in a Connected Mode or an Idle Mode. This section describes how handover is managed in the Connected Mode and how cell reselection, paging, and Tracking Area Updates are carried in the Idle Mode.Lecture 5: Handover in LTE. This lecture illustrates the process of handover in LTE, where the network controls the UE configuration for measurements and controls the UE mobility.Lecture 6: Idle Mode Activities. A UE without a dedicated radio connection operates in the idle mode. This lecture explains the idle mode operations such as cell reselection, paging, and Tracking Area Updates.Session 4- VoLTE Fundamentals. This section discusses the basics of how a voice service is supported using an LTE network.Lecture 7: Key Concepts of VoLTE. The LTE network supports voice services using the help of an IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) network. This lecture defines VoLTE and provides an overview of fundamental concepts of VoLTE including registration and call setup."
Price: 19.99

"Oil Painting Education for Everyone" |
"Concetta has instructed over 25,000 students for over 30 years in the USA and now in Australia.The course will be a ""Four Stage Process"" taught step-by-step which will result in a successfully completed oil on canvas painting.The Four Stages will consist of:Stage One:Explanation of fundamental oil painting materials and their useInstruction on composition another painting elementsPreparation of a 6 -Value palette system for color mixing and value creationUnderstanding the process required to create an oil paintingBreakdown & outline of the subjectCorrect color and value selectionBlock in of the outlineCreation of the underpaintingStage Two:Revision of materials particularly brushesAnalysis of underpainting shapes and methods to correct themInitial development of the underpainting working from back to frontInitial development of the underpainting working from dark to light ( or light to dark)""Double Darking certain areas for opaquenessStage Three:Continue to build up the painting from the underpaintingAdditional help with color mixing and color theoryAdding values and depth will bring greater dimensionDiscussion on Poetic brushwork and methods to express designThe painting starts to turn the cornerStage Four:Continue build-up of the paintingCheck edges for correct placement or overlapping errorsAdd local color for POP in focal point areasAdding your signature!"
Price: 129.99

"3 narzdzia do kreatywnej reklamy dla biznesu" |
"Jeli szukasz prostych, darmowych oraz kreatywnych narzdzi to tworzenia treci reklamowych z zakresu: wideo, foto oraz grafika to jeste w dobrym miejscu!Stworzyam ten poradnik z myl o firmach, ktre nie maj zbyt wiele czasu, by wyrni swoj mark w Internecie, ale zaley im na dynamicznym wykreowaniu i szukaj sposobu jak nauczy si tego. W moim poradniku, ktry wykonasz, w niecae 2h nauczysz si i wykonasz razem ze mn swoje logo, ulotki, wideo, zdjcia, a take gify!Czy chcesz w prosty sposb wyrni swoj mark? Teraz to moliwe!Poznaj 3 bezpatne narzdzia do dynamicznego wykreowania swojej marki w Internecie!Dziki tym narzdziom wzbogacisz swoj ofert, a take kompleksowo i samodzielnie przygotujesz wszystkie niezbdne materiay!Poradnik sprawdzi si zarwno dla osoby, ktra miaa do czynienia z programami graficznymi, jak i dla osoby, dla ktrej to czarna magia. Dziki, poradom zdobdziesz wiedz oraz konkretne umiejtnoci, na ktre inny wydali mnstwo pienidzy oraz czasu. Poznasz krok po kroku wszystkie funkcje aplikacji, dziki ktrym montowanie filmw, edycja zdj czy tworzenie ulotek zajmie Ci kilku minut! Dodatkowo wszystkie te materiay, bdziesz tworzy w dowolnym miejscu, np. czekajc na wizyt klientki czy w kolejne do sklepu!Modu grafikaInstrukcja zaoenia bezpatnego konta w serwisieRodzaje projektw moliwych do wykonania w programie: moesz stworzy w nim plakaty, wizytwki, grafiki do Social Media, prezentacje, gify oraz wiele innych!Wsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 1 post w Social MediachWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 2 logo oraz palety kolorwWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 3 cover to na Social MediaWsplne stworzenie grafiki nr 4 wizytwkaPorwnanie wersji PRO, czyli patnej oraz bezpatnejModu edycja zdjNajwaniejsze funkcje aplikacjiPokazanie stylw do szybkiego korzystaniaOmwienie wszystkich 7 narzdzi dostpnych w aplikacji wraz z przykadow obrbk zdjNajwaniejsze tricki oraz elementyZapisywanie oraz eksportowania gotowych zdjModu wideoPoznanie aplikacji oraz jej moliwociPrzykady korzystania ze wszystkich funkcjiDodanie swoich zdj oraz wideo do aplikacji w celu stworzenia jednego wideoRodzaje animacji dodatkowychDodawanie muzyki stockowej oraz swojejNajwaniejsze tricki oraz elementyZapisywanie oraz eksportowania gotowych wideo3 narzdzia do kreatywnej reklamy dla marki to kurs online przygotowany specjalnie:Dla osb, ktre prowadz biznes i chc nauczy si nowych narzdzi kreatywnej reklamy, dziki czemu zaoszczdz na grafiku!Dla osb, ktre myl o prowadzeniu biznesu online i chc pozyska nowe umiejtnoci!Dla blogerw/vlogerw, ktrzy chc odpicowa swoje kanay online!Jeli chcesz w kocu zacz korzysta z Social Media w celu pozyskania Klientw, to jeste w dobrym miejscu!"
Price: 69.99

"Certified English with India Dance class & folk Dance theory" |
"Due to an enormous amount of restricted activity, as a result of several unmentionable factors; the contents of the course video lectures are brought to you, in a setting that is perhaps not what I wished to bring out, when viewing it from a professional angle.It is more like a sister's display of her teaching skills for her own colony of students, in the homes of her sisters and brothers and has a homely feel.This is however, nice and in a way, you can relate to everything said or done here, as it comes to you, not only from what a mentor can teach, but what a mother, sister, daughter and friend can teach, in her own simple and natural way, using all of the resources, she has in her hands, making the most of it; giving the maximum by using the minimum.The result has thus, possibly been a more serene and ironically more energetic one, fuelled by purpose and perseverance in completing each course, I begin.Both for the free courses and the paid ones, for which students will receive an Udemy certificate, in addition to the learning material, that is available for no charge in the free courses, that I had brought out previously from another instructor account, by the same name, last year, an effort has been taken to put in as much as is possible, into an online course for such a vast subject, that is Indian dance.Whatever is done here, is of course never sufficient and for an earnest learner wanting more, will only wet their thirst for additional information and lessons.This is of course natural and understandable. Hence, the more number of courses brought in each month. All of this can still only scratch the surface of a very deep well of knowledge. I, therefore ask you to comprehend this undisputable fact, that if a student feels only this much has been possible, for a paid course to bear with me and request all of you all here, to be with me, in supportive encouragement to do more.As you will or may not know, I also do voluntary free classes for the deaf and blind, as well as bringing you these courses, the duality of effort for which is to say the least, far from easy. For personal reasons, I can say no more on this but I hope you will all understand, what is unsaidFor the free courses, done previously, comments that were not in good taste were seen and this is deplorable. Good ones were too seen that cheered up my mind and spirit.As a student, what is your foremost duty is to come here and learn with your instructors, rather than try to judge them.They, who have themselves been students too and by the dint of their hard work, become the teachers of today's world require what is called in India, the Guru shisya, or teacher-student tradition revived where the Guru is placed on the same standing in a student's mind, as their own parents.Their past has thus made this present possible.If a pleasant future is to be welcome with open hearts, acknowledgement of this is necessary.This is not to say that questioning is prohibited, in fact I encourage it. Criticism, on the other hand that is not constructive and just for the sake of saying something negative is a fictitiously painted portrait, of the speaker's own failings.On that note, I wish you well along your path to learning with me. It is possible and my earnest wish to see those of you, who take the course now become the teachers of tomorrow."
Price: 1600.00

"Certified English Language learning Newest Student Lessons" |
"Chanakya India's ancient Guru's teachings as lessons in the modern Due to an enormous amount of restricted activity, as a result of several unmentionable factors; the contents of the course video lectures are brought to you, in a setting that is perhaps not what I wished to bring out, when viewing it from a professional angle.It is more like a sister's display of her teaching skills for her own colony of students, in the homes of her sisters and brothers and has a homely feel."
Price: 1280.00

"Master CSI Perform 3D for Nonlinear Structural Analysis" |
"The course is an introduction of CSI Perform 3D which is a nonlinear structural analysis and performance-based design software. The course is designed to demonstrate briefly the importance of understanding the basics of nonlinear structural procedures for both students and structural engineers. The course is divided into five sections:Introduction to nonlinear structural analysis.Modeling phase.Analysis phase.Reviewing analysis results.Performance assessment tools.Each section contains lessons, resources, quiz, and assignment which all designed carefully to provide you with a comprehensive engaged and enjoyable learning experience.I wish you have a wonderful course experience, and gain a new skill that help you boost your career."
Price: 99.99

master-communication |
", , , 9 :1. , 2. 3. 4. 33 5. 6. . :1 1 1 5"
Price: 1280.00

"MS-900 Microsoft 365 Fundamentals Practice Tests" |
"Let's test if you are really prepared for the exam: MS-900, which covers the fundamentals of the Microsoft MS-900 certification exam. To assess your preparedness and knowledge of the subject with answers to questions based on real-time scenarios, it is highly recommended that you prepare for the Microsoft 365 Fundamentals certification exam.The MS-900 exam is the only exam required to earn Microsoft 365 Fundamentals certification and an optional exam on all other Microsoft 365 Paths. This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate basic knowledge about the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam will also cover knowledge of the options available and the benefits gained from implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings.Features and benefits:You only buy once and have lifetime access.Content updated frequently.All exam objectives are addressed so that the student knows if he / she is prepared for the exam.Performance-based practice tests provide the student with a better learning experience.The timed person prepares the conditions for the ""exam"" with a graphical score at the end.You have a 30-day refund if you don't like our practice tests for any reason.Skill included in the practice test:Describe cloud concepts.Describe core Microsoft 365 services and concepts.Explain security, compliance, privacy, and trust in Microsoft 365.Describe Microsoft 365 pricing and support.IMPORTANT:Unofficial testing practice.We offer educational materials and practical tests to assist and help students prepare for these exams.All certification marks used are the property of the respective owners of the marks. We do not own or claim any ownership in any of the Marks.Good studies!"
Price: 29.99

"NestJS: Aprende a desarrollar APIs en menos de 2 horas" |
"OBJETIVO DEL CURSO: Ensearte a desarrollar APIs con NestJS. Nos enfocaremos en programar los nodos APIs para los mtodos principales del protocolo HTTP, tales como, GET, POST, PUT y DELETE. El enfoque de este curso es ""minimalista"", es decir, el contenido tendr sencillamente la informacin que necesitas para aprender a desarrollar APIs con NestJS.REQUISITO: Tener conocimientos bsicos de Javascript.SOBRE EL CURSO: Este curso seguir creciendo en contenido, ampliando y profundizando en el desarrollo Backend (Bases de datos, Autenticacin, GraphQL, etc.), para finalmente tener un curso completo de bsico a avanzado y as convertirte en un Backend Developer."
Price: 19.99

"Affiliate Marketing Mastery Course in Tamil for Beginners" |
"This course is all about Affiliate Marketing for Beginners in Tamil. Affiliate Marketing is the fastest-growing and profitable business with very low investment. You can do this business if you're 18 or even 118 and Anytime & Anywhere as well. Unlike other businesses, Affiliate Marketing is a business where the chances of loss are very low. So, let's Ready and Start your course now."
Price: 12800.00

"The Complete and Special Bitcoin Trading Course In The World" |
"Bitcoin Trading: Trade Bitcoins & Cryptocurrency course 2020 PAID VERSION In this Bitcoin Trading Course, you gone to learn what it's Bitcoin, and the History of Bitcoin, when it start and why people they using Bitcoin WHO is Satoshi Nakamoto.And you gone to understand all the basics about Bitcoin Wallet and what its the types of Bitcoins wallets you can use, plus How to get Bitcoin and and how to change Bitcoin to usd and what its Bitcoin Mining And you gone to learn why all the Cryptocurrency and Altcoin they follow Bitcoin and what its the Market Cap of Bitcoin plus the Daily Trading Volume in Bitcoin. - If you are looking to Start Bitcoin Trading , I will show how to open Binance Account to start Bitcoin Trading and i will teach you How to Buy Bitcoin using your Debit Card , Visa Card or Bank Transfer and you gone to Learn How to Deposit Bitcoin and Withdraw it from your Bitcoin Trading Account.- And you gone to Learn a Highly Profitable Trading Strategy to start Bitcoin Trading, And you gone to learn how to Study the charts and Use Candlestick Trading,- And understand the bitcoin trading strategy I will teach you how it work to be a Better Trader and start be profitable from bitcoin trading , And for practice i will teach how How to Open a Demo Account in Tradingview and start practice to get familiar with the Bitcoin Trading Strategies i teach you- And you gone to Learn highly Money Management Strategy to be always Profitable and never ever Loss, And you to Learn when to Buy Bitcoin and when to Sell the Bitcoins you have- And i will teach how to change Bitcoin to USD and get paid to your PayPal account and profit even from change Bitcoin to usd so you always will be profitable. Whether you are a Beginner, a regular investor or an Experienced market player, I know many people who even after working in the Industry for their whole life could not determine the correct ways to invest. This course is for all of those who want to Get the Essence of investing & trading in Cryptocurrency and Altcoin Market. - so in this Udemy course you gone to Learn how to trading bitcoins for beginners, regular investor or an Experienced it suitable for all levels. In this course In Udemy you gone to learn very very highly information from a Pro Trader not just someone who just want to make money from Selling courses here in Udemy . And you gone to learn all the Bitcoin Trading Tips you need to start today Investing in Cryptocurrency and Altcoin Market ,And i will show you all the bitcoin trading sites you need to know to start your Investment in Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin Trading today!- Thank you very much for reading so much of the description for this course! The fact that you have spent some of your very valuable time here already reading this course leads me to believe that you will enjoy being a student in the course a lot! Find the ""take this course"" or ""start free preview"" button up on the page to give the course a try today!Moreover You get lifetime access to this course which already has 4K video tutorials sharing everything you need to be a Bitcoin Trading and Start Making Money in the Best way!If you are still not sure, here are three questions you can use to make the final decision!Do you want to learn how to invest in Cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin, BTC the Most Safest way via Technical Analysis?Do you want to use the valuable skills to work for clients who want to invest their money?Do you want to learn the Essence of Trading which people even after spending years don't know?- If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would guess based on my experience after working for 20+ years in the Investment and Finance Industry that you might enjoy this course. If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. I can guess the odds of you enjoying this course are very high! Thank you very much for reading all of this!I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet .cheer Thomas Boleto"
Price: 199.99

"SlackRocket.Chat -" |
"SlackSlackSlack 10,000 SlackSlackRocket.ChatVPSRocket.ChatRocket.ChatUnix/LinuxSlack"
Price: 24000.00

"Construction Cost Estimation: Office renovation projects" |
"This is a case study that will take you through the various steps required to create a preliminary cost estimate for a tenant improvement or office renovation project. From the project scope statement obtained from the client, a high level estimate will be developed. Then, from a proposed layout, a review will be done and a preliminary estimate developed. In order to develop the preliminary estimate, quantity take-off will be performed, cost estimate template will be created. Using the cost template, pricing will be included for each activity, adjustment will be applied and the overall estimate will be reviewed.In order to finalize the estimates, assumptions will be listed, ratio created and the report will be ready to be sent to the client for approval.Note: Cost estimate template in XLS will be made available."
Price: 149.99

"13 "
Price: 49.99

Gamification |
"Gamification is the use of design elements, thinking and game mechanics in non-play areas to involve people in products, services and processes, and solve problems. It is one of the trends that more expectation is generating around the world in recent times, shaping a new industry and science of engagement.In the Gamification course, learners will learn about what is gamification through reflection on doing (Experiential learning), successful examples of gamification, get an introduction to the psychology of gamification and introduce some of game elements."
Price: 54.99

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi dell' umore" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi dell' umore.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita dei disturbi dell' umore mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi dell' umore.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Come aumentare l' autostima" |
"Ciao! In questo corso imparerai gli aspetti psicologici e le tecniche per volerti bene, perch se vuoi essere in grado di amare qualcuno in modo autentico devi partire da te stesso! Amor proprio non significa egoismo, significa apprezzare il buono che c' in noi e accettarci e di conseguenza essere in grado di vedere il buono negli altri.Aumentare lautostima e la fiducia in s stessi non ci rende automaticamente dei supereroi, ma rappresenta il primo passo per affrontare al meglio le sfide di tutti i giorni e i nostri obiettivi pi ambiziosi.Una scarsa autostima pu rappresentare un enorme ostacolo nel percorso verso i nostri sogni ed obiettivi. Quando smettiamo di credere in noi stessi, nelle nostre potenzialit e nelle nostre capacit, il mondo esterno e chi ci circonda inizia a prendere decisioni che spetterebbero soltanto a noi.La buona notizia che il nostro livello di autostima non scritto nei nostri geni. Non puoi scegliere di che colore sono i tuoi occhi o i tuoi capelli, ma puoi sempre imparare a rispettarti maggiormente, a riconoscere i tuoi limiti e ad apprezzare i tuoi pregi. Proprio cos, si pu imparare ad accrescere l autostima.Mettiti comodo e... ci vediamo dall' altra parte ?"
Price: 69.99

"Come capire le relazioni: la teoria dell' attaccamento" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere meglio i meccanismi psico-affettivi che regolano il nostro modo di relazionarci con le persone a cui siamo legati. Sarai in grado di rispondere a domande come:Perch il passato influenza le nostre relazioni? In che modo avviene tutto ci?Perch alcune persone tendono a essere pi bisognose, mentre altre pi fuggiasche?Perch a volte risulta cos difficile uscire dalle relazioni tossiche? Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore psicologico, offre una descrizione completa della teoria dell' attaccamento e dei comportamenti correlati allo stile di attaccamento delle persone.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione della teoria dell' attaccamento.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 69.99

"L' arte della persuasione (corso completo)" |
"""Se vuoi vincere, devi convincere"" La persuasione unarma molto potente e, sotto diversi aspetti, si presenta quotidianamente nelle nostre vite esercitando una grande influenza. Essa si manifesta quando effettuiamo delle scelte che variano dallo shampoo da usare a cosa poter mangiare. Come mai si scelgono proprio quelle marche e non altre?In questo corso capirai i meccanismi psicologici alla base della persuasione e sarai pi consapevole delle modalit con cui nella vita quotidiana siamo bombardati da messaggi persuasivi di ogni tipo.La speranza di questo percorso di apprendimento quella di utilizzare le conoscenze in merito alla persuasione per rendere la societ un posto migliore ed evitare di subire manipolazioni da parte di altre persone."
Price: 69.99

"Corso completo sui disturbi della personalit" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e il trattamento adeguato per i disturbi della personalit.Chi soffre di un disturbo della personalit, ha anche pi probabilit di soffrire di disturbi d' ansia, disturbi dell' umore, disturbi da uso di sostanze e quant' altro: risulta quindi essenziale comprendere meglio i meccanismi alla base dei disturbi della personalit.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita dei disturbi della personalit mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi della personalit.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Corso completo sulla progettazione di algoritmi e flow-chart" |
"Ciao!Benvenuto in questo corso completo sulla progettazione e rappresentazione di algoritmi e flow-chart, da inquadrarsi nel settore informatico e adatto a chiunque desideri conoscere meglio la materia. Questo corso sia teorico che pratico:- nella parte teorica vedremo tutto ci che riguarda gli algoritmi e la loro rappresentazione mediante pseudo-codifica e diagrammi di flusso;- nella parte pratica applicheremo i concetti appresi mediante 10 esercizi di progettazione di algoritmi e rappresentazione dei relativi flow-charts.La realizzazione di algoritmi e flow-charts la fase di progettazione nel ciclo di vita del software, e viene prima della codifica (programmazione).E' quindi evidente l' importanza di conoscere, ancor prima di avvicinarsi al mondo della programmazione, il funzionamento degli algoritmi per capirne il ragionamento logico ed il procedimento risolutivo. Scrivere un software capendo anche la logica che c' dietro essenziale per ottimizzare ci che si sta realizzando. Lo scopo di questo corso proprio quello di farti capire i meccanismi alla base della progettazione e rappresentazione degli algoritmi, per essere padrone dei concetti, in modo tale da poter successivamente approcciarti allo sviluppo di un software in modo pi efficace e consapevole.Conoscere i concetti spiegati in questo percorso di apprendimento sicuramente un requisito fondamentale di ogni figura professionale operante nel settore dello sviluppo software.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Il fascino del male: corso di psicologia dei vizi capitali" |
"""Si governano pi facilmente gli uomini facendo leva sui loro vizi che sulle loro virt.""(Napoleone)I vizi sono comportamenti dannosi che provocano sofferenza a s stessi e alle persone che ci sono pi vicine. Alcuni vizi sono particolarmente gravi perch sono tossici per l'anima: si tratta appunto dei vizi capitali.Questo percorso far luce sugli aspetti psicologici e offrir molte riflessioni sui vizi pi capitali pi gravi che affliggono l' uomo, ossia:- Superbia;- Invidia;- Ira;- Avarizia;- Gola;- Lussuria;- Accidia.Dedicato a tutti coloro che, come me, si sono sempre chiesti il perch dell' esistenza del male."
Price: 109.99

"Corso essenziale sul sistema binario e la logica booleana" |
"Ciao!Questo un doppio corso teorico e pratico sul sistema binario e sulla logica booleana. Di seguito ecco cosa imparerai nei 2 corsi:(CORSO 1: SISTEMA BINARIO)- i concetti essenziali del sistema binario;- la tecnica di conversione di un numero da binario a decimale;- la tecnica di conversione di un numero da decimale a binario;La parte iniziale del corso una panoramica sul sistema binario, anche noto come sistema in base 2.Subito dopo l' introduzione, ci sar la spiegazione teorica delle conversioni da sistema binario a decimale e viceversa.Infine, nella sezione ""Applichiamo i concetti"", ci saranno 20 esercizi che dovrai provare a svolgere:- i primi 10 esercizi sono di conversione di numeri dal sistema binario al sistema decimale;- gli altri 10 esercizi sono di conversione di numeri dal sistema decimale al sistema binario.Sarai invitato a prendere carta e penna e risolverli in autonomia per verificare se hai appreso bene i concetti spiegati prima.Dopo aver provato a fare gli esercizi, potrai consultare le soluzioni di tutti e 20 gli esercizi, vedendo la risoluzione guidata di ognuno di essi.(CORSO 2: LA LOGICA BOOLEANA)In questo corso essenziale apprenderemo i concetti fondamentali della logica booleana, uno dei pilastri su cui poggia l' informatica.In questo corso utilizzeremo il sistema di riferimento logico per capire che cos' la logica booleana, introducendo prima la logica degli insiemi con cui presenta varie analogie, e studieremo tutti gli elementi che la compongono.Ci soffermeremo in particolare sulle funzioni AND, OR e NOT approfondendone le caratteristiche e le tabelle di verit, arricchendo il tutto con esempi pratici. Vedremo inoltre le reti logiche, le loro caratteristiche e come vengono rappresentate.Infine vedremo quali sono i 3 principi della logica booleana, ossia i 3 pilastri su cui poggiano le 7 propriet fondamentali che verranno approfondite.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Introduction to Predictive Analytics on SAP Analytics Cloud" |
"The course focuses on Predictive Data Analytics that provides you with the specialist knowledge and most sought-after skills needed to become an effective Data analyst, you'll also learn how to transform data sets into useful insights which will help you make better data-driven decisions.Using the Predictive analytics tools and models, any organization can now use past and current data to reliably forecast trends and customer behaviors into the future.Using SAP Cloud analytic tools, you will learn how to effectively manipulate, analyse and interpret data to improve business performance.Predictive Analytics is being used by supply chains management firms, marketing for promotional planning, and to increase revenue and sales by targeting customers who are likely to make a purchase. It is also being employed for the purposes of customer retention and product management for portfolio optimization.It is capable of exposing more insights on when and why the demand may occur and providing what if analysis and insights that may be used to influence customer demands and needs, Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of statistical techniques involving data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning, that analyze current and historical data to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown eventsAt the end of the course you'll be able to build the following using SACClassification modelsRegression modelsTime series modelsInterpret the metrics for ClassificationInterpret the metrics for RegressionInterpret the metrics for Time SeriesApply the trained Classification,Regression and Time Series models to the unseen dataset to make the predictions**Disclaimer1.SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and many other countries. I am NOT associated with SAP.2.SAP software and SAP Analytics cloud (SAC) are proprietary SAP software."
Price: 1280.00

business-mental-1_confidence |
Price: 10800.00

"El camino hacia el xito: crea tu empresa en diez etapas" |
"Al finalizar el curso, los alumnos estarn capacitados para analizar cada uno de los factores que determinan la viabilidad de un proyecto de nueva empresa.Conocern todos los puntos clave que deben liderar: anlisis de negocio, plan de marketing, canales de venta, operaciones, aspectos logsticos y aspectos financieros.Te acompaamos desde el principio hasta el xito."
Price: 24.99

"Vegan Cake in 12 lessons" |
"12 detail step-by-step lessons from Ivan Vegan School with helpful titles, chef' tips, voiceover narration and beautiful music!Also you will learn several helpful techniques:coconut creampraline & praline pasteapple-carrot spongeskalamansi buttercreamsea buckthorn custardapple compotesyrup for soakingThis course is made especially for newcomers both in vegan and in pastry. Everything is vegan and everything we do from scratch (look for the list of ingredients, lesson #2)"
Price: 114.99

"retimde Zaman Etd, Verimlilik Analizi ve gc Hesab" |
"Gnmzde iletmelerin ideal alan says ve maksimum verimlilik ile en ksa srede ilgili rnleri tamamlamas, ait olduklar pazarda gl bir konum elde etmelerini ve imalat srelerini daha iyi ynetmelerini salyor. Kursumuzda bu bilgi dorultusunda;Zaman Etd MetotlarKronometraj metodu ile zaman etd Verimlilik analizi, kayp zaman takibi alan (gc) saysnn belirlenmesi konularn reneceiz."
Price: 49.99

"Speak2Win - Advance Communication Skills Course" |
"From the team that runs, some of the world's unique Behavioral Courses, we present to you a next-generation course on communication & influenceWarning. This advanced course focuses on communication in the context of speaking to the unconscious, propelling action, creating impact and so on. It is not a standard, average, off-the-shelf communication course that talks about body language and eye contact.Our course is designed based on Neuro Linguistic Programmings Milton Erickson Model, Meta Model, Meta Programs and encompasses powerful brain principles that makes the course holistic and significant to 21st century professionals. We have used tried and tested methods in verbal and non-verbal communication operators / techniques that works almost always, when used in its true spirits.By attending this course you will discover some of the key secrets of great leaders & influencers; the inseparable correlation between communication, unconscious mind & action. Think of a Logistics team in any company, it has processes and outcomes that almost every time produce standard outcomes. Competent bodies even associate grading parameters like six sigma for the quality outputs. Similarly advanced communication skills can produce standard outcomes in the areas of influencing the teams, propelling actions and building trust throughout the organisation. By attending this course, you will...Discover advanced communication tools that are specifically designed to empower leaders/managers communicate in today's uncertain, volatile, not so simple and ever evolving space around us.Effortlessly improve your ability to communicate with Clarity, Build Trust & Propel ActionInfluence anyone at will. Personally and professionally command more attention and collaborators in anything to do and lead.Sign up and join the influence space and cult!"
Price: 1600.00

"iOS 14 Matched Geometry Effect Layouts in SwiftUI 2" |
"SwiftUI 2 and iOS 14 brings a lots of new things to your tool belt as iOS developer. In this video series we will learn to create hero animation by using newest api/modifier called matched geometry effect which gives your app a new interaction which makes page transition more interesting and sets the right context for your app user."
Price: 19.99
