"SEO Training Course 2020-Guide to Increase Website Traffic" |
"Rank #1 on Google by Learning On page & Off Page , Back Links, Keyword Research for Websites in no Time from scratch.This course will teach students every thing about SEO in 40 minutes and make them perform SEO by using the best practices. This course will teach you to optimize website content for the best possible search engine ranking. You'll learn the theory behind Google search and other search engine algorithms; you'll also build practical, real-world skills that you can apply to a career in digital marketing or online content development, including on-page and off-page optimization, optimizing for local and international audiences, conducting search-focused website audits, and aligning SEO with overall business strategies. ""Gain an understanding of search engine algorithms and how they affect organic search results and websites. Building on this knowledge, youll learn the key elements for creating an effective SEO strategy, including how to select keywords and perform keyword research; consumer psychology and search behavior; and how to conduct on-page SEO analysis to identify opportunities to improve a websites search optimization"".SEO is one among the foremost cost effective marketing strategies out there because it can deliver many targeted leads per day to your business for free of charge .Take this SEO Training Course to follow a proven step by step guide to rank #1 in Google. Everything is explained in plain english and every one tools recommended are free! ""I knew almost nothing about SEO but my site visited Google's first page after applying the concepts this course teaches."" - Gustavo ForsterImplement the three Pivotal Steps to urge Higher Rankings & Traffic with SEO Keyword Research: Find Low-Competition, High-Converting Keywords On Page Optimisation: Optimise Your Content Around These Keywords Off Page Optimisation: Build Authority Around Your Keywords & Content with Back Links.If you implement these 3 steps correctly as shown within the course, you'll blow your competitors out of the water. Soon you will be at the highest of the search results and benefitting from the huge traffic, increased authority and boost in sales that comes thereupon .SEO: A Highly Paid & In-Demand Skill at Your FingertipsSEO is one the foremost highly paid online skills due to the rise in traffic and sales it can deliver to a business, and therefore the demand for this skill is merely getting bigger!By investing alittle amount during this course, you'll save hundreds, if not thousands by doing SEO in-house instead of using an upscale SEO company or software.Additionally, you will have a highly paid & In-demand skill at your fingertips if you wanted to start out a home SEO Business and make monthly recurring income.So plow ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button and join 1100+ students already growing their businesses with SEO.Who this course is for:Pre launch business owners who want to find out the way to leverage SEO to urge more salesWebsite owners who want to extend their organic program rankingsSEO freelancers who want to rank their clients or their own business websitesWeb designers who want to properly set-up websites to assist them better rank in program resultsAnyone curious about saving hundreds, if not thousands by doing SEO in-house instead of hiring an upscale SEO company""Short and essential""""Really engaging, like the way you explain all the little things, good for us beginners!""""Struggled with these concepts before this course. Thank you for explaining it so simply""""Great course by a great instructor."""
Price: 19.99

"How to Perform SEO on Websites using Tools Complete Guide" |
"This course will teach you about SEO and its aspects while performing it on the software. This course will focus on On page and Technical SEO Elements like- Title, Description, Heading, Sitemaps, Robots.txt file, Plagiarism, Article rewriting, Domain Authority, Page Authority, etc. ""Gain an understanding of search engine algorithms and how they affect organic search results and websites. Building on this knowledge, youll learn the key elements for creating an effective SEO strategy, including how to select keywords and perform keyword research; consumer psychology and search behavior; and how to conduct on-page SEO analysis to identify opportunities to improve a websites search optimization"".Rank #1 on Google by Learning On page & Off Page , Back Links, Keyword Research for Websites in no Time from scratch.This course will teach students every thing about SEO in 40 minutes and make them perform SEO by using the best practices. This course will teach you to optimize website content for the best possible search engine ranking. You'll learn the theory behind Google search and other search engine algorithms; you'll also build practical, real-world skills that you can apply to a career in digital marketing or online content development, including on-page and off-page optimization, optimizing for local and international audiences, conducting search-focused website audits, and aligning SEO with overall business strategies. SEO is one among the foremost cost effective marketing strategies out there because it can deliver many targeted leads per day to your business for free of charge .Take this SEO Training Course to follow a proven step by step guide to rank #1 in Google. Everything is explained in plain english and every one tools recommended are free! ""I knew almost nothing about SEO but my site visited Google's first page after applying the concepts this course teaches."" - Gustavo ForsterImplement the three Pivotal Steps to urge Higher Rankings & Traffic with SEO Keyword Research: Find Low-Competition, High-Converting Keywords On Page Optimisation: Optimise Your Content Around These Keywords Off Page Optimisation: Build Authority Around Your Keywords & Content with Back Links.If you implement these 3 steps correctly as shown within the course, you'll blow your competitors out of the water. Soon you will be at the highest of the search results and benefitting from the huge traffic, increased authority and boost in sales that comes thereupon .SEO: A Highly Paid & In-Demand Skill at Your FingertipsSEO is one the foremost highly paid online skills due to the rise in traffic and sales it can deliver to a business, and therefore the demand for this skill is merely getting bigger!By investing alittle amount during this course, you'll save hundreds, if not thousands by doing SEO in-house instead of using an upscale SEO company or software.Additionally, you will have a highly paid & In-demand skill at your fingertips if you wanted to start out a home SEO Business and make monthly recurring income.So plow ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button and join 1100+ students already growing their businesses with SEO.Who this course is for:Pre launch business owners who want to find out the way to leverage SEO to urge more salesWebsite owners who want to extend their organic program rankingsSEO freelancers who want to rank their clients or their own business websitesWeb designers who want to properly set-up websites to assist them better rank in program resultsAnyone curious about saving hundreds, if not thousands by doing SEO in-house instead of hiring an upscale SEO company""Really engaging, like the way you explain all the little things, good for us beginners!""""Struggled with these concepts before this course. Thank you for explaining it so simply""""Great course by a great instructor."""
Price: 19.99

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Price: 18000.00

"CNPI Contedo Brasileiro" |
"Segundo Simulado da Srie sobre Contedo Brasileiro. Simulado com 60 questes Comentadas e Selecionadas sobre o Contedo Brasileiro.Durao de 2:30h abrangendo a ementa da prova.Seguindo a ementa do Contedo Brasileiro neste simulado.Os exerccios foram retirados de certificaes anteriores e adaptados, objetivando aumentar o grau de dificuldade das questes, para preparar o candidato que prestar a prova para a certificao CNPI.Simulado com contedo dos tpicos abordados nas provas do Programa de Certificao Nacional (CNPI).Simulado com questes bsicas e avanadas. Ementa CNPI:Para obteno da certificao o profissional deve ser aprovado nos seguintes exames:CB - Contedo Brasileiro - fase comum para o analista fundamentalista, tcnico e pleno.Uma prova de duas horas de durao com 60 questes de mltipla escolha contendo as seguintes matrias: Sistema Financeiro Nacional, Mercado de Capitais, Mercado de Renda Fixa, Mercado de Derivativos, Conceitos Econmicos, Conduta e Relacionamento, Governana Corporativa, Relaes com Investidores e Sustentabilidade."
Price: 99.99

"Build a School Management System from Scratch PHP JS +MYSQL" |
"In this course you will use HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, and JavaScript. Although we will use all of these skills, no prior experience with them is needed. Mini project for final year students, School Management System with basic HTML and CSS Design.And PHP database connectivity with MySQL.You can easily create your own School management project by your own."
Price: 19.99

"WordPress Web Designing in Tamil Absolutely for Beginners" |
"If you want to learn Wordpress without paying for a web host, this course is perfect.I'll show you how you can install Wordpress on your very own computer while you learn. This course is for you if you want to build a website, whether for personal or business reasons. If you want to learn to master Wordpress without getting bogged down with technical jargon, this course is for you. If you want to get step-by-step, over-the-shoulder tuition from an ex-school teacher who has been using and teaching Wordpress since 2004. This course is perfect for you if you are taking over an existing Wordpress website, or want to build one from scratch, but don't know where to start.This course is for anyone that wants to be the WordPress goto guy or gal.All Levels"
Price: 29.99

"SAP Fiori System Administration {C_FIORADM_21} Exam Question" |
"150+ Unique questions!!! No duplicates like other websites.Exam Questions similar to actualC_FIORADM_21 - SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Fiori System AdministrationEnhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications.Understand the test structure and what to expect; then walk through each topic area, quiz yourself with practice questions and answers, and ensure youre ready to take the certification.Online practice exam to be completed in Specified Time Duration.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas:AS ABAP System Administration >12%SAP Fiori System Landscape > 12%SAP Fiori Infrastructure > 12%SAP Fiori Implementation and Operations > 12%SAP Fiori Foundation 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Architecture and Entities 8% - 12%Technology Components for HTTP-based Communication 8% - 12%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Fiori System AdministrationExam Code : C_FIORADM_21Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 65%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePractice ExamTotal Questions to check your knowledge: 150+Type of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/FalsePassing Score : 65%"
Price: 19.99

"Exames prticos de arquiteto de solues certificadas AWS" |
"A certificao da Amazon Web Services (AWS) est se tornando rapidamente o certificado obrigatrio para qualquer profissional de TI que trabalhe com a AWS. Este curso foi desenvolvido para ajud-lo a passar no AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Exame de associado. Mesmo que voc nunca tenha se conectado plataforma AWS antes. ao final de nosso treinamento AWS, voc estar apto a realiz-lo.H muitos cursos por a que afirmam que seus cursos esto totalmente atualizados, mas na verdade no esto! Nossos testes prticos contm os novos tpicos SAA-C02, como AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx para Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway e muitos outros. Se seus outros cursos SAA-C02 no contm esses novos servios, hora de fazer nosso curso de teste prtico SAA-C02!PRINCIPAIS RECURSOS DESTES EXAMES DE PRTICAS POPULARES685 PERGUNTAS PRTICAS: 6 conjuntos de exames prticos disponveis na Udemy para avaliar sua preparao para o exame.SIMULAO DE EXAME: Todos os testes de prtica so cronometrados e pontuados (a pontuao de aprovao de 72%) imitando o ambiente real do exameEXPLICAES DETALHADAS: Cada pergunta inclui uma explicao detalhada que explica porque cada resposta est correta ou incorretaLINKS DE REFERNCIA: Para ajud-lo a compreender os conceitos da AWS, todas as respostas so vinculadas a sees relevantes de nossas Notas de treinamento online (folhas de dicas) com informaes especficas do exame.PREMIUM-QUALITY: Estas questes prticas esto livres de erros de digitao e erros tcnicos, o que torna sua experincia de aprendizagem muito mais agradvelSEMPRE ATUALIZADO: Nosso banco de perguntas constantemente atualizado com base no feedback dos alunos no exame real. Novas perguntas so adicionadas regularmente, aumentando nosso conjunto de perguntasFRUM ATIVO DE PERGUNTAS E RESPOSTAS: neste quadro de discusso, os alunos fazem perguntas e compartilham suas experincias de exames recentes, oferecendo feedback sobre os tpicos abordados.SUPORTE RESPONSVEL: Nossa equipe de especialistas da AWS responde a todas as suas perguntas, preocupaes ou feedback.Cada pergunta tem explicaes detalhadas no final de cada conjunto que o ajudar a obter uma compreenso mais profunda dos servios da AWS. COMPATVEL COM CELULAR - para que voc possa revisar convenientemente em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora com seu smartphone!Mais uma GARANTIA DE REEMBOLSO DE 30 DIAS se voc no estiver satisfeito por qualquer motivo.PERGUNTAS FREQUENTES:Qual a diferena entre o exame SAA-C01 e SAA-C02?A nova certificao AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, conhecida como SAA-C02. Atualizado com novo contedo para se alinhar com os recursos e servios mais recentes da AWS, o novo exame substituir o exame SAA-C01 a partir de maro de 2020. Voc pode encontrar o modelo para o exame SAA-C02 aqui. Muitos alunos da AWS esto se perguntando quais so as diferenas e se alguma mudana em sua preparao necessria.Na maior parte, o projeto permanece o mesmo. O nmero de perguntas provavelmente ser o mesmo de 65 (embora eu tivesse 75 no exame beta), e a nota de aprovao ainda de 720 pontos em 1000. No novo projeto, eles no recomendam nenhum white paper especfico como eles costumava - em vez disso, voc apenas obtm um link para a pgina de white papers da AWS. A principal diferena entre os projetos SAA-C01 e SAA-C02 o esboo do contedo.O exame SAA-C02 cerca de 70% semelhante ao exame anterior. Amazon Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx para Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC e muitos novos tpicos foram adicionados no ltimo exame SAA-C02. mais detalhado do que a verso anterior, com cenrios e opes mais longos. Mas, novamente, a maioria dos tpicos abordados (S3, EBS, EC2, etc) so semelhantes ao anterior.Exame atualizado (2020)Domnio 1: Projetar arquiteturas resilientes (30%)Domnio 2: Projetar arquiteturas de alto desempenho (28%)Domnio 3: Projetar aplicativos e arquiteturas seguras (24%)Domnio 4: Projetar arquiteturas com custo otimizado (18%)Qual a pontuao para aprovao do AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate?O exame pontuado em relao a um padro mnimo estabelecido por profissionais da AWS que so orientados pelas melhores prticas e diretrizes do setor de certificao. Seus resultados para o exame so relatados como uma pontuao de 100-1.000, com uma pontuao mnima de aprovao de 720.Quanto tempo leva para se preparar para o AWS Solutions Architect Associate?A melhor preparao para os exames de certificao a experincia prtica e as questes dos Exames Prticos, tanto quanto possvel. Recomendamos de seis meses a dois anos de experincia prtica usando AWS.Uma pessoa que no seja de TI pode aprender a AWS?Sim, qualquer pessoa pode aprender AWS.A Certificao AWS suficiente para conseguir um emprego?Os alunos costumam me perguntar se obter uma certificao como o AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate suficiente para conseguir um emprego para eles. A resposta curta que uma certificao AWS por si s no vai te dar um emprego. Existem vrios outros atributos que desempenham um papel essencial no incio de sua carreira AWS.A AWS exige codificao?Habilidades de codificao ( bom ter): embora no seja um pr-requisito, bom ter conhecimento de codificao, pois a construo de aplicativos para a nuvem e sua implantao na nuvem AWS requer conhecimento de programao.Certificao AWS em 2020: vale a pena?As certificaes da AWS so o caminho a percorrer se voc deseja realmente consolidar seu status como um especialista no ecossistema e ver um aumento real em seu potencial de ganhos. A certificao da AWS no fica bem apenas no seu currculo, ela pode aumentar significativamente o tipo de salrio ou taxa que voc comanda. De acordo com nossa pesquisa salarial independente, 70% dos profissionais da AWS entrevistados relataram um aumento salarial de at 20% aps serem aprovados em sua certificao. Uma pesquisa de 2018 cobrindo os EUA e Canad revelou uma renda mdia anual de $ 113.932 para profissionais certificados, enquanto aqueles sem certificao ganhavam aproximadamente $ 20.000 a menos a cada ano.Mas antes de se tornar um AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, recomendado que voc passe primeiro no exame de certificao AWS Solutions Architect Associate, e a que entram os testes prticos da AWS. possvel que voc tenha lido toda a documentao disponvel da AWS on-line e ainda assim falhar no exame! Esses testes prticos da AWS simulam o exame de certificao real e garantem que voc realmente entenda o assunto.Este curso simulado do exame prtico AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) oferece os seguintes recursos:TOTALMENTE ATUALIZADO PARA A NOVA verso SAA-C02 - A maioria dos testes prticos j esto obsoletos e anunciados como ""atualizados"", mas na realidade no esto! J integramos os novos tpicos SAA-C02, como AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx para Lustre, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC e muitos mais em nossos conjuntos.Existem muitos AWS Practice Tests no mercado, entretanto, a maioria deles contm erros tcnicos e gramaticais que podem fazer com que voc seja reprovado no exame real. Tambm h exames de prtica de certificao oficiais fornecidos pela AWS, mas eles tm apenas 20 ou 40 perguntas e custam 20 ou 30 dlares - um preo que comparvel a ter essas 390 perguntas prticas de Servios Web exclusivos e cronometrados da Amazon!Quando eu estava revisando para meu exame AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, tive dificuldade em encontrar testes prticos abrangentes para me ajudar a passar no exame. Comprei alguns no mercado, mas fiquei desapontado porque h muitos erros tcnicos e gramaticais nas perguntas. por isso que criei esses testes prticos da AWS para ajudar meus colegas profissionais de TI do setor.Fizemos um esforo considervel para criar e publicar esses testes prticos da AWS, incluindo a laboriosa tarefa de verificar se h erros em cada item. Estamos confiantes de que isso o ajudar significativamente a passar no exame de associado CSA. E no precisamos jogar no lixo ou caluniar outros cursos de teste de prtica da AWS aqui na Udemy apenas para fazer uma venda, porque estamos confiantes de que nossos testes de prtica da AWS so simplesmente os MELHORES.NOTA IMPORTANTEEsses exames prticos de AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate tm uma pontuao de aprovao de 72%, mas eu o encorajo a repetir esses exames vrias vezes at que voc alcance consistentemente uma pontuao de 90% ou mais em cada exame.Lembre-se de que usar este produto sozinho no garante que voc passar no exame da AWS, pois ainda precisa fazer suas prprias leituras e exerccios prticos na AWS. No entanto, esses exames prticos do Amazon Web Services fornecem uma avaliao abrangente em qual rea de conhecimento voc precisa melhorar e at mesmo o ajudam a obter uma pontuao mais alta!"
Price: 19.99

"Test d'associ d'architecte de solutions certifi AWS" |
"La certification Amazon Web Services (AWS) est en train de devenir le certificat indispensable pour tout professionnel de l'informatique travaillant avec AWS. Ce cours est conu pour vous aider russir l'examen AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate. Mme si vous ne vous tes jamais connect la plate-forme AWS auparavant. la fin de notre formation AWS, vous pourrez la suivre.Il y a beaucoup de cours qui prtendent que leurs cours sont entirement mis jour, mais ils ne le sont en fait pas! Nos tests pratiques contiennent les nouveaux sujets SAA-C02 tels que AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Luster, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway et bien d'autres. Si vos autres cours SAA-C02 ne contiennent pas ces nouveaux services, il est temps de suivre notre cours de test pratique SAA-C02!PRINCIPALES CARACTRISTIQUES DE CES EXAMENS DE PRATIQUE POPULAIRES600 QUESTIONS PRATIQUES: 6 sries d'examens pratiques disponibles sur Udemy pour valuer votre prparation l'examen.SIMULATION D'EXAMEN: Tous les tests pratiques sont chronomtrs et nots (la note de passage est de 72%) imitant l'environnement rel de l'examenEXPLICATIONS DTAILLES: Chaque question comprend une explication dtaille qui explique pourquoi chaque rponse est correcte ou incorrecteLIENS DE RFRENCE: pour vous aider comprendre les concepts AWS, toutes les rponses renvoient aux sections pertinentes de nos notes de formation en ligne (Cheat Sheets) avec des informations spcifiques l'examen.PREMIUM-QUALITY: ces questions pratiques sont exemptes de fautes de frappe et d'erreurs techniques, ce qui rend votre exprience d'apprentissage beaucoup plus agrableTOUJOURS JOUR: Notre banque de questions est constamment mise jour en fonction des commentaires des tudiants sur l'examen rel. De nouvelles questions sont rgulirement ajoutes, largissant notre bassin de questionsFORUM ACTIF DE Q&R: Dans ce forum de discussion, les tudiants posent des questions et partagent leur exprience d'examen rcente en offrant des commentaires sur les sujets traits.SOUTIEN RACTIF: notre quipe d'experts AWS rpond toutes vos questions, proccupations ou commentaires.Chaque question comporte des explications dtailles la fin de chaque ensemble qui vous aideront mieux comprendre les services AWS.MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - pour que vous puissiez facilement consulter partout, tout moment avec votre smartphone!Plus une GARANTIE DE REMBOURSEMENT DE 30 JOURS si vous n'tes pas satisfait pour quelque raison que ce soit.QUESTIONS FRQUEMMENT POSES:Quelle est la diffrence entre l'examen SAA-C01 et SAA-C02?La nouvelle certification AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, connue sous le nom de SAA-C02. Mis jour avec un nouveau contenu pour s'aligner sur les dernires fonctionnalits et services AWS, le nouvel examen remplacera l'examen SAA-C01 partir de mars 2020. Vous pouvez trouver le plan de l'examen SAA-C02 ici. De nombreux tudiants AWS se demandent quelles sont les diffrences et si des changements dans leur prparation sont ncessaires.Pour la plupart, le plan est inchang. Le nombre de questions sera probablement le mme 65 (bien que j'en ai eu 75 l'examen bta), et la note de passage est toujours de 720 points sur 1000. Dans le nouveau plan, ils ne recommandent pas de livres blancs spcifiques comme ils utilis pour - la place, vous obtenez simplement un lien vers la page des livres blancs AWS. La principale diffrence entre les plans SAA-C01 et SAA-C02 est le contour du contenu.L'examen SAA-C02 est similaire environ 70% l'examen prcdent. Amazon Aurora Serverless, AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Luster, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC et de nombreux nouveaux sujets ont t ajouts au dernier examen SAA-C02. Il est plus dtaill que la version prcdente avec des scnarios et des options plus longs. Mais encore une fois, la majorit des sujets abords (S3, EBS, EC2, etc.) sont similaires au prcdent.Examen mis jour (2020)Domaine 1: Conception darchitectures rsilientes (30%)Domaine 2: Conception darchitectures hautes performances (28%)Domaine 3: Conception d'applications et d'architectures scurises (24%)Domaine 4: Architectures cot de conception optimis (18%)Quelle est la note de passage pour AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate?L'examen est not par rapport une norme minimale tablie par des professionnels AWS qui sont guids par les meilleures pratiques et directives du secteur de la certification. Vos rsultats l'examen sont rapports sous la forme d'une note de 100 1000, avec une note de passage minimale de 720.Combien de temps faut-il pour se prparer AWS Solutions Architect Associate?La meilleure prparation aux examens de certification est l'exprience pratique et les questions d'examen pratique autant que possible. Nous vous recommandons de six mois deux ans d'exprience pratique avec AWS.Un non-informaticien peut-il apprendre AWS?Oui, tout le monde peut apprendre AWS.La certification AWS est-elle suffisante pour obtenir un emploi?Les tudiants me demandent souvent si l'obtention d'une certification telle que AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate est suffisante pour leur trouver un emploi. La rponse courte est qu'une certification AWS elle seule ne vous permettra pas d'obtenir un emploi. Il existe plusieurs autres attributs qui jouent un rle essentiel dans le dmarrage de votre carrire AWS.AWS ncessite-t-il un codage?Comptences en codage (bonnes avoir): bien que ce ne soit pas une condition pralable, il est bon d'avoir des connaissances en codage car la cration d'applications pour le cloud et leur dploiement dans le cloud AWS ncessitent des connaissances en programmation.Certification AWS en 2020: en vaut-il la peine?Les certifications AWS sont la voie suivre si vous souhaitez vraiment consolider votre statut d'expert dans l'cosystme et voir une relle augmentation de votre potentiel de revenus. La certification AWS ne fait pas que paratre bien sur votre CV, elle peut considrablement augmenter le type de salaire ou le taux que vous commandez. Selon notre enqute indpendante sur les salaires, 70% des professionnels AWS interrogs ont signal une augmentation de salaire allant jusqu' 20% aprs avoir obtenu leur certification. Une enqute de 2018 couvrant les tats-Unis et le Canada a rvl un revenu annuel moyen de 113932 $ pour les professionnels certifis, tandis que ceux sans certification gagnaient environ 20000 $ de moins chaque anne.Mais avant de devenir un professionnel AWS Certified Solutions Architect, il est recommand de passer d'abord l'examen de certification AWS Solutions Architect Associate, et c'est l que les tests pratiques AWS entrent en jeu. Il est possible que vous ayez lu toute la documentation AWS disponible en ligne mais chouent toujours l'examen! Ces tests pratiques AWS simulent l'examen de certification rel et garantissent que vous comprenez bien le sujet.Ce cours d'examen pratique AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) offre les fonctionnalits suivantes:1. ENTIEREMENT MISE A JOUR DE LA NOUVELLE version SAA-C02 - La plupart des tests de pratique sont dj obsoltes et annoncs comme ""mis jour"", mais en ralit, ils ne le sont pas! Nous avons dj intgr les nouveaux sujets SAA-C02 tels que AWS Global Accelerator, Amazon FSx for Luster, Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA), Direct Connect Gateway, HPC et bien d'autres dans nos ensembles.Il existe de nombreux tests pratiques AWS sur le march, cependant, la plupart d'entre eux contiennent des erreurs techniques et grammaticales qui peuvent vous faire chouer l'examen proprement dit. Il existe galement des examens de pratique de certification officiels fournis par AWS, mais ceux-ci ne comportent que 20 ou 40 questions et cotent 20 ou 30 USD - un prix comparable ces 390 questions pratiques uniques et chronomtres Amazon Web Services!Lors de la rvision de mon examen AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate, j'ai eu du mal trouver des tests pratiques complets pour m'aider russir mon examen. J'en ai achet certains sur le march mais j'ai t du car il y a beaucoup d'erreurs techniques et grammaticales dans les questions. C'est pourquoi j'ai cr ces tests pratiques AWS pour aider mes collgues professionnels de l'informatique du secteur.Nous avons dploy des efforts considrables pour crer et publier ces tests pratiques AWS, y compris la tche laborieuse de vrifier chaque lment pour dtecter toute erreur. Nous sommes convaincus que cela vous aidera considrablement russir votre examen CSA-Associate. Et nous n'avons pas besoin de rejeter ou de calomnier d'autres cours de test AWS ici sur Udemy juste pour faire une vente, car nous sommes convaincus que nos tests pratiques AWS sont tout simplement les MEILLEURS.NOTE IMPORTANTECes examens pratiques AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate ont un score de russite de 72%, mais je vous encourage vivement rpter ces examens encore et encore jusqu' ce que vous atteigniez systmatiquement un score de 90% ou plus chaque examen.N'oubliez pas que l'utilisation de ce produit seul ne garantit pas que vous russirez l'examen AWS, car vous devez toujours effectuer vos propres lectures et exercices pratiques dans AWS. Nanmoins, ces examens pratiques Amazon Web Services fournissent une valuation complte sur le domaine de connaissances sur lequel vous devez tre amlior et vous aident mme obtenir un score plus lev!"
Price: 19.99

"Financial analysis (in Arabic)" |
" CMA & CFA & CertIFR & MOS & CFM & financial modeling financial modeling"
Price: 49.99

"SSIS Real-time Scenarios Implementation" |
"Welcome to this course SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) real-time scenarios implementation.SCENARIOS WITH IMPLEMENTATION & DEMONSTRATIONIn this course you will learn about the important concepts, features of SSIS; their use cases and how to tackle & handle the real-time or real-world business requirements and how we can implement these real-time scenarios in SSIS.This course is for SSIS or ETL or SQL or Data Analyst or Data Engineers at any level (Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced) who uses or going to use the Microsoft SSIS (Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services) to work upon Data Integration/Migration or Data Warehousing projects and ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) projects.You will learn concepts, tricks, tips about the useful and important tasks/transformations and the methods of using them intelligently and how to handle and implement real-time SSIS scenarios.This course is designed after a great demand from the developers through various sources such as LinkedIn, blogs etc..This course is the unique in terms of content to cover real-time scenarios in SSIS and the only course available and published first time to the great audience and learners, if that kind of course is available in the market then it would cost 3 or 4 times of the cost of this course. Behind the scene this course is taught to 50+ developers via in-person training by the instructor.In this course we will cover around 40 scenarios and their implementations silently to the point in short videos without boring you.This is not intended for any related Microsoft Exams, it is about learning and implementing in actual projects on job to retain your position in your current organization and survive as a SSIS/ETL Developer.This course is divided into various modules and covers 35+ real-time scenarios, tips & tricks. The scenarios in this course are based on the following high level topics/features/concepts,Modules [For details of scenarios in each topic see the course content] Module 1: Using Derived Column transformation Module 2: Executing SQL Stored Procedures Module 3: Implementing SSIS flexibility using Expressions Module 4: Using Import Column & Export Column transformations intelligently Module 5: Extending SSIS functionalities using Scripts (C# or VB.Net) Module 6: Using SSIS FOREACH & FOR LOOP Containers Module 7: Loading delimited flat files (csv, tsv, psv) & SSIS Raw file into SQL database tables Module 8: Loading data, Incremental Load & SCD-2 Module 9: Implementing Package restart ability using Check points + Using Execute Process TaskAfter finishing this course you will experience something energetic vibes and feel confident that you can implement any real-time scenario in SSIS,"
Price: 6080.00

"A-Level Maths: Pure (Year 1 / AS)" |
"A-Level Maths: Pure (Year 1 / AS) is a course for anyone studying A-Level Maths:This course covers all the pure content in A-Level AS maths, usually covered in the first year of study (Year 12). The course is suitable for all major exam boards, including Edexcel, OCR, AQA and MEI. It is also a great introduction to pure maths for anyone interested in getting started.The main sections of the course are:- Equations and Inequalities we will look at a wide range of different functions, including quadratic, linear and cubic functions.- Graphs we will learn how to sketch and work with graphs, including higher order polynomials, as well as graph transformations.- Straight Line Graphs we take this topic, familiar from GCSE, and push it to the next level, introducing new ways of using straight line graphs.- Circles we learn how to represent circles in the coordinate plane, find tangents to circles and solve intersections with lines.- Polynomial Division we learn new and powerful algebraic techniques that allow us to divide, factorise and solve higher order polynomials.- Proof we learn a range of different techniques for proving mathematical claims.- Binomial expansion here we learn a new algebraic technique for expanding brackets raise to large powers.- Trigonometry in the two trigonometry chapters we look at how to use trigonometry to solve triangle problems, but also solve trigonometric equations, sketch tri graphs, and prove trigonometric identities.- Vectors we extend GCSE vector ideas to much more complex problems, including vector proofs.- Differentiation in this huge chapter we introduce one of the most powerful and exciting ideas in mathematics. We look at gradients of curves, tangents, stationary points and optimisation problems.- Integration here we look at the other side of calculus, and learn how to use integration to find areas under curves.- Exponentials and Logarithms we learn about the exponential function, logarithms, the natural log, as well as how to use these ideas to model a range of real-world scenarios.What you get in this course:Videos: Watch as I explain each topic, introducing all the key ideas, and then go through a range of different examples, covering all the important ideas in each. In these videos I also point out the most common misconceptions and errors so that you can avoid them.Quizzes: Each sub-section is followed by a short quiz for you to test your understanding of the content just covered. Most of the questions in the quizzes are taken from real A-Level past papers. Feel free to ask for help if you get stuck on these!Worksheets: At the end of each chapter I have made a collection of different questions taken from real A-Level past papers for you to put it all together and try for yourself. At the bottom of each worksheet is a full mark-scheme so you can see how you have done.This course comes with: A 30 day money-back guarantee. A printable Udemy certificate of completion. Support in the Q&A section - ask me if you get stuck!I really hope you enjoy this course!Woody"
Price: 44.99

"Be The Man - Life Skills, For Life. (Level 1)" |
"Don't be discouraged by the name, this course Is for everyone...This course is one of the most unique courses that you will ever encounter. Not only does it teach you actual physical skills that will benefit you in your normal day to day living but it will also give you the underlying attributes that come with doing something well. 1. Confidence 2. Self Esteem 3. Self Worth4. Self Respect5 Respect for othersOf course there are so many other attributes that get developed as a result of doing the units in this course one by one. People have reported so many life changing experiences that have come about as a result of finishing this course in its entirety. Even finding the perfect life partner, but that's not the main aim of this course.Our aim here at Be The Man is a very simple one.We are committed to the education, knowledge and understanding of life skills in the general population and especially in males.We want to create an awareness of oneself in the men of todays society by instilling into them a sense of self-esteem, self-worth, confidence and above all responsibility through the achievement of simple tasks. We are also committed to personal development of today's society as a whole in the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual realms. Men, women and children alike can all benefit from this course. This course encompasses all of the elements spoken about above and delivers these functions of humanity in the physical form of life skills. So please enjoy this amazing program.Paul J. Zaidnan"
Price: 69.99

"Best Parenting & Babysitting Certificate" |
"This is the best babysitting video tutorial course. This course will teach you the art of babysitting and parenting a child.Being a single mother or single father is a tough job. Some ladies are stay at home mom or single parent family. Single parent face a lot of challenges while child care and adolescent development. Working parents specially need infant child care or daycare. They cant see every child action so they hire best babysitting service. Some parents get the services of best babysitter. They pay good babysitting prices to hire a certified babysitter.There is an advice for new parents that they must learn all about children daycare. Some people get the services such as au pair babysitting, baby babysitter, baby day care center, and babysitting online services. There are famous daycare centers such as bambini daycare, bambino daycare, bambinos childcare, and beanstalk daycare, etc.There are several programs for single mothers that provide help for single moms.In home babysitter provide in home babysitting services. They are also known as date night babysitter. And the main focus of this job is working for families to provide best daycare. They are especially helpful for broken family or for those mothers who are breastfeeding baby.Selfish parents or selfish grandparents cant prove to employ effective parenting at home even if small family. Proud parents provide quality child care while raising children. Parenting with love and logic is a good for counseling of small baby children."
Price: 19.99

"OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II - Exam 1Z0-809 - Practice Tests" |
"These are practice exams for the Java SE 8 Programmer II exam 1Z0-809. they comprises brand-new questions, which are similar to the questions that can be expected on the real exam. Working through these exams will give you a good indication of how well you are prepared for the real exam, and whether any topics need further study.Java programmer certifications are designed to tell would-be employers whether you really know your stuff, and cracking the OCP Java SE 8 Programmer II Certification is not an easy task. if you want to pass the exam the first time with a score that you can be proud of. You need to take this course, that will help you to understand the certification process so that youre ready for the challenging questions youll face in 1Z0-809 the exam. This course provide detailed explanations, including why options are correct or incorrect. Mark your incorrect answers and identify the sections that you need to reread.Exam Pattern: Exam Title:Java SE 8 Programmer II Exam number: 1Z0-809 Exam Price:$245 Type of questions: Multiple choice / Multiple Select Duration: 150 minutes Number of Questions: 85 Passing score: 65% Validated Against: The exam has been written for the Java SE 8 release."
Price: 19.99

"TOP Remarketing Google, Facebook, Instagram y Ms!" |
"A veces es frustrante!Creas tus campaas para tus jefes o tu negocio, con tanta pasin y entrega. Esperando que todo salga bien. Y de repente...No es lo que esperabas!O lo bueno, parece suerte.Yo la verdad lo viv..Y me gast ms de 100 horas de formacin. Mucha gratuita en Youtube, blogs americanos y ms. Otra pagada, me atrevo a cuantificar ms de 4.000, 00 Euros.Y la luz se hizo... Cre una tcnica que la verdad es ms lgica que otra cosa. Lo interesante es el mix de medios, estrategias, funnels y entender el comportamiento humano. Todo esto aplicado al remarketing.La verdad que desde ese da las campaas han ido mejor, son ms medibles y tanto jefes, jefas y clientes ven aumento en su facturacin y beneficio por producto o servicio vendido.Por qu Otto?Tengo ms de 1.000 horas como docente de marketing y negocios digitales. Con una aprobacin potente de mis alumnas y alumnos, lo puedes valorar en facebook, linkedin y google my business.Y aunque no lo creas comienzo la digitalizacin de mi formacin, por eso hoy esto encantado de poder ayudarte.Recuerda que este curso tiene plazo de devolucin SIN PREGUNTAS. Otto y Udemy desean que evoluciones en tu negocio o como especialista del marketing digital.Te veo pronto!Otto ;)"
Price: 144.99

"Marketing Digital Dental Misterios Develados" |
"Como dentista, directora o director de clnica dental o marketer, te preguntars como aumentar las primeras visitas y mejorar el cierre de tratamientos.Este curso es apto para todo tipo de clnicas dentales. Desde la dentista que trabaje su profesin como autnoma a travs del alquiler o clnica propia o una cadena de clnicas dentales.Los fundamentos son exactamente los mismos, aunque la escalabilidad sea muy diferente.En este curso aprenders paso a paso mi proceso para hacerlo, no es difcil, pero si debes comprometerte a tener una disciplina de ""adamantium"" y planificar tus acciones con un sentido estratgico.No pierdas esta oportunidad!"
Price: 199.99

"Salsa Fundaments vol. 3 - More skills for the dance floor" |
"Salsa Fundaments vol. 3 - Bring more skills and more joy on the dance floorIn this salsa course you gonna learn more salsa skills to bring more joy and flavour on the dance floor.Send us your feedback and share your NEW SKILLS by sending us your video through our Community on Facebook:MySalsaHome - Dance to connect."
Price: 34.99

"Ventas Inteligentes con Programacin Neurolingstica" |
"En la actualidad la Programacin Neurolingstica est siendo reconocida en el mundo de los negocios como una muy buena herramienta para incorporarla al mbito en cuestin; encontrndose de gran utilidad con resultados extraordinarios y efectivos.. Ventas Inteligentes con PNL es un curso diseado para todo tipo de personas que se est desempeando como vendedor principalmente aunque no descarta a personas que estn interesadas en el tema. A travs del curso tu obtendrs la comprensin de los principios y la metodologa bsica de la PNL y cmo puede emplearse para trasformar creencias que te frenan, asimismo ser alguien ms emptico con los clientes, aprenders las herramientas de comunicacin ms importante con el fin de obtener resultados increbles."
Price: 24.99

"Aplicar los principios bsicos del comportamiento de los fluidos Newtonianos, previa descripcin de los mismos, para resolver problemas especficos.Anlisis de los conceptos bsicos que permiten diferenciar a los fluidos de los slidos. Establecimiento de las relaciones diferenciales para una partcula fluida. Aplicacin de los principios de conservacin de masa y de cantidad de movimiento en la dinmica de fluidos."
Price: 270.00

"Hands-on Design Infographic Resume,Ebook Cover & Google Form" |
"Are you a professional looking for a job or have you been recently laid off from your job?Are you planning to build an Email list or conduct market research or perhaps planning to organize an event?Are you an author thinking about self-publishing an ebook on Amazon Kindle?If the answer to any of the questions is ""YES"" then this course is for you.No Graphic design skills needed. No coding skills needed. No prior knowledge of Graphic design needed.No more hiring designers or paying a hefty fee to Freelancers. Design your own ebook cover or Professional resume for FREE without any Graphic design skills.This is a 3 in 1 Hands-on guided project. No unnecessary theoretical lectures. We believe time is very important and therefore we have created a Hands-on course focused on practicality for you to create the designs yourself within 1 hour. No more paying extra money on every single topic. Enroll now and learn 3 skills at the price of 1. Add all these skills on your resume.Within the next 1 hour, you will have :Created a Professional looking ResumeCreated an Eye-Catching Ebook cover Created and Customized google forms for your business needWe will be completing the following tasks:Task 1: Learn about what makes a resume stand outTask 2: Learn about the Canva Platform and Why canva?Task 3: Create an Infographic resume with a photo yourself within 15 mins for absolutely FREETask 4: Learn about what makes an Ebook cover stands outTask 5: Create and Customize an Ebook cover from a Pre built-in templateTask 6: Create an ebook cover from scratch Task 7: Learn about Google forms and Why Google forms?Task 8: Create a Google form Task 9: Customize a Google form with your own personalized themes and picturesSo, Grab a coffee, click on the ENROLL NOW button and start learning right now.Happy Learning!"
Price: 19.99

"BI-03 Making data-driven decisions using python" |
"The course focus on applying statistical method on data using python in order to solve regular business problem in different areas such as Marketing, finance and production.Each lecture in the course is a solution for particular business case containing three major skills to learn:(1) Business: case or common problem(2) Statistics: topic in statistics or math relevant to the business case. (3) Technology: use of python language to apply statistical or mathematical method in order to provide solution for the business case"
Price: 199.99

"Aprendiendo fsica experimentando I (dinamo)" |
"Aprender fsica a partir de un experimento como lo es el dinamo es la forma mas practica a la hora de aprender sobre un tema, en este curso se muestra desde el rea terica que conforma al dinamo hasta las leyes en que este esta basado como lo es la ley de induccin electromagntica o ley de faraday - lenz en este curso se busca ensear sobre este proyecto que anima a muchos a comenzar en la ingeniera."
Price: 19.99

"Pierdele el miedo a las presentaciones (bsico)" |
"Ratifica lo que tu ya sabes Este curso busca brindar informacin bsica pero necesaria a la hora de realizar presentaciones y a su vez apoya a aquellas personas que busca formas de como lidiar con las presentaciones el estrs y as superarse a si mismos.Se trataran de temas desde que es una presentacin Hasta ejercicios para lidiar con la presentacin y hacerla mas exitosa."
Price: 19.99

"SEO Basics - Google Mosaics!" |
"Are you sick of being invisible to Google? Are you done with wasting your time and money on useless strategies? Do you want to enlarge your business, gain financial freedom, and invest money into becoming the next Batman? Alright, the last one is probably too much, but you get my point. If I got your wishes and goals right, then I am the perfect option for you! This 30-minute course is for those who want to learn the BASICS of SEO, those who wish just to understand it and work it in the right way. If you hear me stutter here, know this, I am not nervous, I stutter. I am a long life stutterer. You can see it in my bio. And I didn't let my stutter stop me from becoming a life coach and owning multiple businesses! Click on and be successful!"
Price: 24.99

"Mengoperasikan Toko yang Efektif sekaligus Efisien 01" |
"Operation adalah salah satu motor utama bisnis retail modern, sebuah materi inti dari bisnis perdagangan retail.Membahas secara mendalam:-Apa itu mengoperasikan toko secara efektif sekaligus efisien: di sini peritel akan memahami apa itu konsep efektif dan apa bedanya dengan efisien.-Tugas dan tanggung jawab Operasi Toko yang efektif sekaligus efisien. Ada banyak pebisnis retail yang tidak merasa pentingnya posisi seorang store manager. Hal ini dikarenakan karena mereka tidak paham apa tugas dan tanggung jawab utama dari seorang store manager akibatnya tidak sedikit store manager berubah menjadi hanya seorang store keeper atau dengan kata lain sebagai penjaga toko saja. Dengan memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab maka dari sini bisa dirinci lagi apa daftar tugas dari masing-masing tugas dan tanggung jawab utama tadi. Ke depannya dengan pemahaman ini maka diharapakan pebisnis retail akan menyusun SOP di kemudian hari.-Memahami 4 Faktor Penentu Penjualan dan cara-cara mengendalikannya.-Setelah mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab utama seorang Store Manager, berikutnya yang paling penting adalah bagaimana cara menjalankan operasi toko yang efisien tanpa kehilangan efektifitasnya.-Juga akan dipelajari cara-cara bagaimana operasi toko berperan dalam mengamankan margin perusahaan.-Dan akan ditutup dengan cara memenangkan kompetisi karena pertempuran yang sesungguhnya ada pada ujung tombak perusahaan retail yaitu di masing-masing toko."
Price: 490000.00

"Mengoperasikan Toko yang Efektif sekaligus Efisien 02" |
"Operation adalah salah satu motor utama bisnis retail modern, sebuah materi inti dari bisnis perdagangan retail.Membahas secara mendalam:-Apa itu mengoperasikan toko secara efektif sekaligus efisien: di sini peritel akan memahami apa itu konsep efektif dan apa bedanya dengan efisien.-Tugas dan tanggung jawab Operasi Toko yang efektif sekaligus efisien. Ada banyak pebisnis retail yang tidak merasa pentingnya posisi seorang store manager. Hal ini dikarenakan karena mereka tidak paham apa tugas dan tanggung jawab utama dari seorang store manager akibatnya tidak sedikit store manager berubah menjadi hanya seorang store keeper atau dengan kata lain sebagai penjaga toko saja. Dengan memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab maka dari sini bisa dirinci lagi apa daftar tugas dari masing-masing tugas dan tanggung jawab utama tadi. Ke depannya dengan pemahaman ini maka diharapakan pebisnis retail akan menyusun SOP di kemudian hari.-Memahami 4 Faktor Penentu Penjualan dan cara-cara mengendalikannya.-Setelah mengetahui tugas dan tanggung jawab utama seorang Store Manager, berikutnya yang paling penting adalah bagaimana cara menjalankan operasi toko yang efisien tanpa kehilangan efektifitasnya.-Juga akan dipelajari cara-cara bagaimana operasi toko berperan dalam mengamankan margin perusahaan.-Dan akan ditutup dengan cara memenangkan kompetisi karena pertempuran yang sesungguhnya ada pada ujung tombak perusahaan retail yaitu di masing-masing toko."
Price: 490000.00

"Public Speaking" |
"-------------------------------------------------------------The course of Public Speaking is presented in a series of 5 lectures, total duration being 1 hour. It deals with the following:1. The purpose to become a good public speaker2. 4 Pillars of success3. Understanding from common sense4. Voice and related technical information5. 7 aspects of public speaking which will help to develop a Brand by learning all the nuances in minute details6. Students will learn how to create the content and how to deliver7. Students will gather the various techniques of becoming an effective speaker and communicator8. There are around 20 valuable tips which will help students to overcome all odds, adverse situations and come out as a winner9. The course includes a session on Group Discussion which will come handy during job interviews and also during Virtual Meetings/Video Conferences"
Price: 19.99

"Linux Web Server/Web Application Load Balancing using Nginx" |
"In this course you will learn basic about Load Balancing, load balancing types and algorithms.You will install and configure Nginx load balance, configure Nginx to forward request from client to your back-end application/web server. I will go through a very basic installation of Web server, but you have to have knowledge of configuring Web server. The I will go through some directives of Nginx configuration. And after that you will configure HTTP Load balancing, HTTPS Load Balancing, TCP/IP Load Balancing using different algorithms. Finally you will configure Nginx, so that we can check health of our server."
Price: 59.99

"Create High Performing Teams Using Agile & Hackathons" |
"""I liked the session as it focused on how I can improve my organisation's team work environment by creating a creative space that allows for team collaborations"" - Lihle""A practical guide on how to implement Agile practices in a hackathon of a large enterprise and achieve successful business outcomes."" - Vinesh""Peter is a really an innovative leader with great ideas and a canny ability to execute on them. His personal experience in standing up the CodeFest Hackathons in a corporate organisation and then working with others to make it a de-facto way of work in the organization, challenging the status-quo and driving innovative new ways of thinking and working, has contributed greatly to the success of the FRG Group. Now Peter shares that knowledge with us all and allows us to take the learnings from many years of tweaking this initiative, and bring it to your own organization. I would highly recommend this course to anybody stuck in their corporate way of work, looking for ways to break out of that pattern to start experimenting with hackathons and new agile ways of working."" - JaenThis course will teach you how to drive Agile adoption through improved team collaboration and individual motivation. These practices emerged at the FNB codefest, the largest banking hackathon in South Africa and which was featured as a case study in the Harvard Business Review. I teach you exactly what we learned about Agile from the FNB Codefest and how you can benefit from this experience to achieve Agile in your own organisation. Hackathons are innovation contests that accelerate solutions but you will need to adapt them to your organsational culture. Learn how to do this and other important concepts in this course:Speed up your Agile journey by running a hackathon and learn from the FNB Codefest as an example of a successful hackathonThe FNB Codefest became a large corporate hackathon with over 350 attendees and 40 teams competing in a 48 hour coding marathonTeam naturally collaborated better because the environment supported it much better than at the officePeople at hackathons don't worry about titles, departments or processes, they do whatever it took to get the job doneHackathons work just as well in a virtual format, like the 67 global events that happened during 2020 to develop solutions for COVIDWell known solutions have come from hackathons; the Facebook Like button or Google's maps search featureGoogle has a dedicated ""moonshot factory"" which is what a hackathon aim to achieveIndividual motivation increases at hackathons because people feel they have autonomy and masteryThese are intrinsic motivators that Daniel Pink describes in his book on the new methods of motivationThe Agile Manifesto requires that a team environment must be trusting, supportive and allow motivated people to get on with their jobsA hackathon has many of these characteristics, and although it is a once off event, it offers a chance for learning and adaptationThe FNB Codefest was successful because we integrated the event into our innovative culture and the coding marathon was part of a 6 day sprintA collaborative environment also meant that organisational siloes were broken down and people from departments sat next to eachotherAgile requires a focus on collaboration, not on negotiation and the hackathon environment fosters this focus on collaborationBusiness and IT leaders observed these Agile practices in interviews and the case study was also presented at an international conferencePeople at hackathons tend to feel they have more autonomy; they have chosen to be there and are free to work however they want to and as quickly as they need to in order to get the job done as part of the competitionAt FNB Codefest, masterclasses were included so that people were motivated by the intrinsic sense of having mastery of the technologySpaceX and NASA use the same principles to ensure they don't limit the bright people in their organisationThe lessons in this course will help you transform your approach to adopting Agile by teaching you to run a hackathon that encourages Agile practices to emerge in how teams collaborate and individuals achieve new levels of motivation. This course will be a catalyst for your Agile journey and ensure that you drive it forward by learning from what has worked and adapting it to your situation and organisational requirements."
Price: 199.99

"Pure Quantum Health -Celebrating the channels of your life" |
"With over 100 videos to choose from please enjoy an exercise program that's safe to target all muscle groups in every plane of movement. They are easily accessible and most anyone can do them with very little equipment. Offering a variety of exercises everywhere from strength and resistance training, aerobic activity to increase your heart rate, balance and proprioception and flexibility. "
Price: 19.99
