"Persuading Like A Professional" |
"Does it feel like you are stuck in your sales career? Do you dread the thought of asking someone to buy? Do you wish it was easy to persuade people? This course will show you how to build a new selling foundation and mindset for sales success!The GOAL of this course is to help you close more effectively by fully embracing your duty as a professional.Start Your Professional Persuasion Journey NowWhen you use these sales success fundamentals, you can go from Order Taker to Quota Breaker!"
Price: 34.99

"Russian Language with Transcription, Complete Course." |
"Hi Im Nailya Red, a professional Russian language teacher (linguist diploma).You can now learn how to speak Russian in just few weeks even if you dont have previous knowledge of the Russian language. This Russian language course makes it that easy. Well start with basics and work our way through step by step.Soon, you can add Russian language to your CV to increase your business opportunities. Youll also be able to speak Russian to make new friends and enjoy new experiences.There are downloadable, additional PDF files and the Text Book with exercises, grammar, texts, dialogues, phrases and dictionaries available.IntroductionLecture 1: IntroductionAlphabetLecture 2: Alphabet Cursive and PrintRussian GrammarLecture 3: Russian Grammar: VowelsLecture 4: Russian Grammar: ConsonantsLecture 5: Russian Grammar: NounsLecture 6: Russian Grammar: Six CasesLecture 7: Russian Grammar: Demonstrative PronounsLecture 8: Russian Grammar: Determinate PronounsLecture 9: Russian Grammar: Indefinite PronounsLecture 10: Russian Grammar: Possessive PronounsLecture 11: Russian Grammar: Nominative Plurals FeminineLecture 12: Russian Grammar: Nominative Plurals MasculineLecture 13: Russian Grammar: Nominative Plurals NeuterLecture 14: Russian Grammar: Interrogative wordsLecture 15: Russian Grammar: NegationLecture 16: Formal and Informal ""You""AcquaintanceLecture 17: Acquaintance DialogueLecture 18: Acquaintance: General InformationAt the AirportLecture 19: At the Airport: DialogueLecture 20: At the Airport: Phrases and DictionaryDirectionsLecture 21: Directions DialogueLecture 22: Directions: Phrases and DictionaryAt the PharmacyLecture 23: At the Pharmacy DialogueLecture 24: At the Pharmacy: Phrases and DictionaryAt the BankLecture 25: At the Bank: DialogueLecture 26: At the Bank: Phrases and DictionaryAt the HotelLecture 27: At the Hotel: DialogueLecture 28: At the Hotel: Phrases, General Information, DictionaryAt the RestaurantLecture 29: At the Restaurant: DialogueLecture 30: At the Restaurant: Phrases and DictionaryAt the StationLecture 31: At the Station: DialogueLecture 32: At the Station: Phrases and DictionaryShoppingLecture 33: Shopping: DialogueLecture 34: Shopping: Phrases and DictionaryBodyLecture 35: Body: DictionaryShape and SizeLecture 36: Shape and SizeClothesLecture 37: Clothes: Phrases and DictionaryColorsLecture 38: Colors: DictionaryCorrespondenceLecture 39: Correspondence: Phrases and DictionaryDays Months SeasonsLecture 40: Days Months Seasons: DictionaryEmergencyLecture 41: Emergency: Useful Phrases and DictionaryFamilyLecture 42: Family: Phrases and DictionaryGreetingsLecture 43: Greetings: Phrases and DictionaryGuestsLecture 44: Guests: Phrases and DictionaryHolidaysLecture 45: Holidays: List of Russian Holidays, Phrases and DictionaryRussian IdiomsLecture 46: Russian IdiomsMiscommunicationLecture 47: MiscommunicationNumbersLecture 48: NumbersPhone CallLecture 49: Phone CallProfessionsLecture 50: ProfessionsRelationshipLecture 51: RelationshipResumeLecture 52: ResumeSignsLecture 53: Signs: DictionaryWeatherLecture 54: Weather: Phrases and DictionaryRussian SlangLecture 55: Russian SlangVerbs and AdjectivesText Book: Exercises, Dialogues, Texts, Dictionary, Grammar (PDF)"
Price: 29.99

"Effortless French For Kids Level 1" |
"What youll learn:- Are you ready to take up the challenge of learning a new language? In this course, I will teach you everything you need to know to have a sound start in French. This course covers all the core lessons that will enable you to develop your vocabulary and make grammatically correct basic conversations in French.- This course is perfect for use independently, as part of an independent home study (homeschooling) programme or as preparation for French immersion- It assumes no prior knowledge of the French language and is geared primarily for English-speaking students of all ages. I start with the absolute basics.- These masterclass lessons are based on the formal course I have developed and taught in person and online for over 15 years. It is time-tested, comes at only a fraction of its original price and is the best value for money!"
Price: 199.99

"Crisis management & leadership -" |
"This course is provided in the Arabic Lebanese language, to make it easier and quicker for the Arab people who are interested in developing their management skills. It goes straight to the point to provide you with the necessary information and knowledge.The course covers the main 5 topics and knowledge that helps you lead professionally during a crisis. - Crisis identification - Crisis phases- Crisis Management team and communication management- Social Media Crisis- Planning for the recovery It also provides a written and summarized PDF copy for the content of each lecture. . : -- - - - - -"
Price: 19.99

"How To Understand Native ENGLISH Speakers" |
"Do you have trouble understanding English speakers when they talk?Are you frustrated that your English studies aren't helping you truly understand what they are saying?If so, have no fear. Terry's How to Understand Native English Speakers course is here!Having taught hundreds of students across the globe online and in the classroom, I know the problems most students face when trying to understand native English speakers.Here are just a few of the topics we'll cover in this course (you probably won't find this in any textbook):1. Native pronunciation of the word YOU to YA with essential grammar2. How to use the verb TO WANT perfectly and when to use the contraction WANNA3. Gonna4. The case of the disappearing T5. How to use the verb To have to like a native speaker6. How to pronounce the word her like a native speaker7. How to use the word him like a native speaker8. How to pronounce the word them like a native speaker9. To have got to and gotta10. Woulda coulda shoulda11. Pronunciation of past tense verbs with EDNot to mention you'll have access to my help whenever you have any questions! Stop struggling to understand native English speakers and get started now."
Price: 149.99

"Gitarre lernen leicht gemacht - die Anfnger Gitarrenschule" |
"Lerne jetzt Gitarre mit unserem umfangreichen Gitarrenkurs fr Erwachsene.Die emusika Gitarrenschule fr Erwachsene ist Euer vollstndiges Kompendium, um Gitarre lernen zu beginnen oder bestehende Fhigkeiten auszubauen.Schwierigkeitsgrad: fr Anfnger und fr Gitarrenspieler mit leichten Vorkenntnissen (ansteigend: von leicht bis anspruchsvoll)Du lernst alle wichtigen Akkorde, Techniken wie Pull-Off, Barr, Solotechniken, verschiedene Strummings, Zupftechniken und und und... Lerne verschiedene Zupftechniken inkl. weltbekannter Songs zum Mit- und Nachspielen Du lernst Songs wie Beat it, Smoke on the water, Nothing else matters, Whiskey in the jar, House of the rising sun uvm.. Spiele weltberhmte klassische Gitarrenstcke wie die Spanische Romanze, Allegro oder Freude schner Gtterfunken Du erhlst Backing Tracks in mehreren Geschwindigkeiten zu jedem Song zum Mitspielen und Proben wie mit einer Band Unterrichtsmaterialien sind zu jeder Lektion als PDF zum Download und ausdrucken zustzlich verfgbar Du hast jederzeit Zugriff. Es ist keine Kndigung notwendig."
Price: 99.99

"Camp Songs" |
"This course has many different songs that show the words to the songs and the videos also allow people to hear the songs sung by the instructor. This is a fun course that could improve your life through song. This course emphasizes music as a way to teach and to handle groups of children, so they are not wild and disruptive. Some of the songs included are: Make New Friends, The Little Bells of Westminster, Campfire's Burning, Rise Up Oh Flame, Baby Duck and Hey, Ho, Nobody Home."
Price: 29.99

"Units for Problem Solving" |
"In the late 90s NASA lost a $125M Mars orbiter because a Lockheed Martin engineering team used a different set of measurements while NASA used the metric system for a key operation of the spacecraft. This created issues with the navigation information. For example, it came too close to Mars because of this error, and started malfunctioning. Imagine that in this day and age, such issues routinely occur.Ive interviewed 100s of students over dozens of campuses in the last decade for roles like business analyst, business associate, programmers, product managers, etc. and saw that they routinely struggled with units. Thats why I decided to create this course.Units are such a foundational part of everything we do that having a strong grounding in this is critical. For example, youre deciding between a gasoline powered car and an electric car how would you calculate the cost of ownership of each? Youre installing carpet in your bedroom how much carpeting do you need?At the end of this course, youll be able to leverage units to solve new problems that come your way. My goal is to help not just to succeed in interviews or standardized tests, but also in your career and in making decisions like the automotive example I mentioned.The course has four main sections: an intro to the metric and imperial systems of units, areas and volumes, unit chain and a juicy section on problem solving with units where we apply the concepts we have learned to various applications."
Price: 19.99

"DRI Qualifying Exam (CBCP, ABCP) Practice Questions" |
"This course includes practice questions aligned with DRI's qualifying exam, the first step in achieving either the Associate or the Certified Business Continuity Professional designation (ABCP / CBCP). Each question was prepared by professionals who have taken the exam in recent years and are subject mater experts in the discipline of business continuity management."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Projeto de Automao Industrial - AutoCAD/Eplan" |
"O curso traz conhecimento e experiencia de um profissional que atua na rea de projeto em automao industrial. Neste curso voc vai entender desde os primeiros passos para a criao do projeto, desenvolvimento e concluso.Contedos apresentados: - Descritivo do funcionamento do projeto-Lista de componentes (Excel).-Estudo de layout do painel eltrico utilizando AutoCAD.-Download de blocos .dxf,.dwg (AutoCAD)-Download de macro .ema (Eplan).-Estudo de diagrama eltrico unifilar com Eplan.-Projetando solues com inversor de frequncia e CLP com Eplan.-Dimensionamento e tomadas de decises atravs de tabelas."
Price: 99.99

"Top 15 Most Useful Excel Formulas" |
"The 15 formulas discussed in this class get you going with using and manipulating data in Excel. In the introduction video, I have attached the file we are using throughout this course. Download it, fill-out the formula sections under ' assignments ', and check them with the answers. If you get stuck, check out the video where I go through this section or review the answers. Good Luck!"
Price: 24.99

"SAT: The Ultimate SAT Course" |
"Welcome to this course: SAT: The Ultimate SAT Course. The SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. It is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test created and administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. College admissions officers will review standardized test scores alongside your high school GPA, the classes you took in high school, letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors, extracurricular activities, admissions interviews, and personal essays. How important SAT scores are in the college application process varies from school to school. Overall, the higher you score on the SAT, the more options for attending and paying for college will be available to you."
Price: 199.99

"Learning Brazilian Portuguese - Bora L Brodi" |
"Hello How are you? My name is Maycon, I am Brazilian and I am a online Portuguese teacher. I have prepared this course for you who need to travel to Brazil but have never studied Portuguese or have only studied a little but you do not have the necessary knowledge to speak and understand Portuguese.Most students who come to me to learn Portuguese, need to be able to have normal conversations in Portuguese in a short period of time. Because of this, we will see in this content the main subjects to talk Portuguese to Brazilians.CONTEDO DO CURSO - COURSE CONTENTSESSO 01Aula 01 Fontica e pronunciao Lesson 01 - Phonetics and pronunciation;Aula 02 Pronomes pessoais e verbos - Lesson 02 - Personal pronouns and verbs- Verbo Ser X Verbo estar; To be X To be- frases importantes - important phrases;- perguntas em portugus - questions in Portuguese;- frases negativas em portugus - - negative phrases in Portuguese;Aulas 03 e 04 Substantivos e adjetivos - Lessons 03 and 04 - Nouns and adjectives;- plural e singular - plural and singular;- masculino e feminino - male and female;Aula 05 pronomes possessivos e demonstrativos - Lesson 05 - possessive and demonstrative pronouns- frases e exemplos - phrases and examples;Aula 06 Nmeros - Lesson 06 - Numbers- nmeros - numbers;- quantidades quantities;- frases com nmeros - sentences with numbers;- singular e plural - singular and plural;- vocabulrios - vocabularies;- quantidades e medidas - quantities and measures;- horas, dias, semanas, meses, anos e estaes do ano - hours, days, weeks, months, years and seasons;SESSO 02 VERBOS - SESSION 02 - VERBSAula 01 Lgica dos verbos - Lesson 01 - Logic of verbs;- O modo mais fcil de aprender verbos em portugus - The easiest way to learn Portuguese verbs.Aula 02 tempo presente - Lesson 02 - present tense;- conjugaes do presente - conjugations of the present;- rvore dos verbos - tree of verbs;- exemplos e frases - examples and phrases;Aula 03 tempo passado - Lesson 03 - past tense;- conjugaes do passado - conjugations from the past;- rvore dos verbos - tree of verbs;- exemplos e frases - examples and phrases;Aula 04 tempo futuro - Lesson 04 - future tense;- conjugaes do futuro - conjugations of the future;- rvore dos verbos - tree of verbs;- exemplos e frases - examples and phrases;SESSO 03Aula 01 preposies - Lesson 01 - prepositions;Aula 02 conectivos - Lesson 02 connectives/ linking words;- conectivos mais usados - most used connectors;- frases de exemplo - example sentences;- vdeos de exemplo em conversao - example videos in conversation;Aula 03 perguntas em portugus - Lesson 03 - questions in Portuguese- Por que s vezes voc no entende o que os brasileiros falam?- Why don't you understand what Brazilians say?- voc vai descobrir nesta aula, como entender melhor;- you will find out in this Lesson, how to understand better;SESSO 04 CULTURA DE FALAR PORTUGUS NO BRASIL - SESSION 04 - PORTUGUESE SPEAKING CULTURE IN BRAZILAula 01 expresses comuns - Lesson 01 - common expressions;Aula 02 usando expresses - Lesson 02 - using expressions;Aula 03 pronunciao de palavras estrangeiras - Lesson 03 - pronunciation of foreign words;Dilogo em restaurante - Dialogue in a restaurant.SESSO 05 CONVERSAS EM PORTUGUS - SESSION 05 - CONVERSATIONS IN PORTUGUESE- Vdeos com dilogos - Videos with dialogues;- Escute e pratique - Listen and practice;SESSO CONTEDO EXTRA - EXTRA CONTENT SESSION- Slides sobre vocabulrios com muitos temas diferentes - Slides on vocabularies with many different themes"
Price: 54.99

"Data Analysts Toolbox: Excel, Python, Power BI" |
"In business, being able to understand, harness, and use data is no longer a skill reserved for a handful of well-paid analysts. It's becoming an essential part of many roles.If that sounds daunting, don't worry. There is a growing set of tools designed to make data analysis accessible to everyone, in this huge-value, four-course Data Analysts Toolbox bundle we look in detail at three of those tools: Excel, Python, and Power BI. In isolation Excel, Python, and Power BI are useful and powerful. Learn all three and you are well on your way to gaining a much deeper understanding of how to perform complex data analysis.This Data Analysts Toolbox bundle is aimed at intermediate Excel users who are new to Python and Power BI. All courses include practice exercises so you can put into practice exactly what you learn.Here's what each course covers:Introduction to PythonThe basic data types in Python - Strings, Integers, Floats, and BooleanAll about Pythons built-in functionsHow Variables and Functions work in PythonHow to debug errors in PythonAll about Python KeywordsHow to use IF-Else Statements in PythonAll about storing complex data, including Lists and DictionariesAll about Python Modules and how to install themHow to install Python locallyHow to write your first script in PythonTo complete your first Python projectAdvanced PivotTablesHow to do a PivotTable (a quick refresher)How to combine data from multiple worksheets for a PivotTableGrouping, ungrouping and dealing with errorsHow to format a PivotTable, including adjusting stylesHow to use the Value Field SettingsAdvanced Sorting and Filtering in PivotTablesHow to use Slicers, Timelines on multiple tablesHow to create a Calculated FieldAll about GETPIVOTDATAHow to create a Pivot Chart and add sparklines and slicersHow to use 3D Maps from a PivotTableHow to update your data in a PivotTable and Pivot ChartAll about Conditional Formatting in a PivotTableHow to create amazing looking dashboardsPower Pivot, Power Query and DAXHow to get started with Power QueryHow to connect Excel to multiple workbooksHow to get data from the web and other sourcesHow to merge and append queries using Power QueryHow the Power Pivot window worksHow to set up and manage relationships in a data modelHow to create a PivotTable to display your data from the Power Pivot data modelHow to add calculated columns using DAXHow to use functions such as CALCULATE, DIVIDE, DATESYTD in DAXAll about creating Pivot Charts and PivotTables and using your data modelHow to use slicers to adjust the data you displayPower BIWhat is Power BI and why you should be using it.To import CSV and Excel files into Power BI Desktop.How to use Merge Queries to fetch data from other queries.How to create relationships between the different tables of the data model.All about DAX including using the COUTROWS, CALCULATE, and SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR functions.All about using the card visual to create summary information.How to use other visuals such as clustered column charts, maps, and trend graphs.How to use Slicers to filter your reports.How to use themes to format your reports quickly and consistently.How to edit the interactions between your visualizations and filter at visualization, page, and report level.***Exercise and demo files and project files included***This mega-value bundle includes:21+ hours of video tutorials200+ individual video lecturesExercise files to practice what you learnedCertificate of completionDid you know?Simon Sez IT teaches all sorts of software, including:- Microsoft Excel- Microsoft PowerPoint- Microsoft Word- Microsoft Project- Microsoft Outlook- QuickBooks- Photoshop Elements- Web Development Languages- And so much more!"
Price: 199.99

"CCNP SECURITY - SVPN 300-730 PART 3/3" |
"This is the Last part of the 3 Parts for new CCNP SECURITY Concentration Exam SPVN-300-730 covers topics in 3 Parts as given belowPart 1 - CryptoGraphy Concepts , VPN FOundations, IPSEC, Site to Site IPsec VPNPart 2 - covers DMVPN Concepts & IPSec over DMVPN , Part 3 - IKEv2 Focusses on Remote Access VPN on ASA and Routers.FlexVPN ====================================================================================Available February 24, 2020: Updates to the CCNP certification and training programOn February 24, 2020, Cisco will release new certification exams. New training will roll out over the next several months.If you have started working toward the current CCNP Security certification, keep going. In the new program, youll receive credit for work youve already completed.======================================================================================Implementing Secure Solutions with Virtual Private Networks (SVPN 300-730)This exam tests your knowledge of implementing secure remote communications with Virtual Private Network (VPN) solutions, including:Secure communicationsArchitecturesTroubleshootingTo earn CCNP Security, you pass two exams: a core exam and a concentration exam of your choice. The core exam, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies v1.0 (SCOR 300-701), focuses on your knowledge of security infrastructure including network security, cloud security, content security, endpoint protection and detection, secure network access, visibility, and enforcement. You can prepare for this exam by taking the training course, Implementing and Operating Cisco Security Core Technologies (SCOR).Concentration exams focus on emerging and industry-specific topics such as Cisco Firepower, identity services, email security, web security, VPNs, and automation. You can prepare for concentration exams by taking corresponding Cisco training courses."
Price: 19.99

"CCNA 200-301 Video Boot Camp with Chris Bryant (Volume 1)" |
"The videos covering the topics in Cisco's Volume 2 CCNA Study Guide will be added throughout September at no additional charge!Pass the CCNA 200-301 Cisco certification exam while learning real-world networking skills in this exclusive course from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933!I've been helping CCNA candidates just like you earn their CCNA certification for well over a decade. Over 100,000 students joined the last CCNA course I launched on Udemy! Now I've created my most lab-packed course ever to help you get ready for success in the exam room and the real world -- and you can take this world-class CCNA boot camp on your schedule. No prior experience with Cisco routers and switches is necessary for you to enjoy this course.There's so much information covered on the CCNA 200-301 exam (the latest version) that Cisco issued a two-volume Study Guide for the test, and that's just what I've done with my Video Boot Camp. This is the first volume, with Volume 2 coming out in mid-September.There's over 18 hours of lab-packed video content here, all fully downloadable and fully guaranteed for 30 days. Your access to the videos is permanent, as is your ability to download them. Every topic in Cisco's Volume 1 Study Guide is covered here, including...An Introduction To NetworkingAn Introduction To Switching The Spanning-Tree Protocol and Etherchannels (over 2.5 hours of labs!)Virtual LANs (VLANs) and the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)Binary and Subnetting Mastery (You'll subnet with ease after these!)An Introduction To RoutingStatic RoutingRIP & EIGRP Bonus Section OSPF (Over 4 hours of labs on this make-or-break topic!)Introduction To Wireless RoutingIP Version 6 Layer 3 Switching -- live labs including router-on-a-stick, SVIs, and Layer 3 Etherchannels!Immediate access to all of these downloadable videos isn't all you get.If you have a question about anything you see in the course, just ask me via Udemy's messaging system. I check in on the forum daily - sometimes twice a day - and I'll be glad to answer your course-related question. To recap, you get all of this with your enrollment....Full and permanent access to over 18 hours of world-class, lab-packed Video Boot Camp content.The ability to download any video in the course at any time.A 30-day money-back guarantee.The option to ask me questions about anything you see in the course.It doesn't get any better than this for CCNA exam success prep.Enroll right now, and I'll see you inside!Chris BryantCCIE #12933"
Price: 19.99

"Trading Psychology Made Easy: How to Stop Overtrading" |
"How to Stop Overtrading Your Trading Account AwayOvertrading is when a trader takes any trade outside of their trading plan. Taking unplanned trades is the biggest reason behind a trader blowing their account or trading their account away over a period of time. It causes the trader to lose faith in their trading ability and can cause a feeling of hopelessness and ongoing depression.Trading is a deceptively simple endeavour, it all looks so straightforward, simply wait for a trade, and when you see a trade, take the trade as planned. However over 90% of traders do not stick to their trading plan, the live trading conditions put a certain type of pressure on the trader which results in them losing control and taking random trades even as they know they shouldnt they simply cant help themselves.As you listen to this course do not discount what seems to be the often simple explanations and solutions, the course has been created using hypnotic language patterns and other mind changing techniques which are operating below the surface of awareness in order to create paradigm shifts so you naturally start changing your trading behaviours without stress or strain.Scroll up to buy and stop your overtrading TODAY!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Chakra Healing Course - ACCREDITED CERTIFICATE" |
"A complete masterclass guide from a beginner to advance. Learn how to diagnose and heal Chakras using energy, meditation, crystals, color therapy, music therapy, aromatherapy, reflexology, and mudras. This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding for Chakra and Kundalini. So we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you. This course will cover Chakra Healing as a whole and enable you to practice the methods and techniques. The certification will be provided by India's leading CPD provider."
Price: 199.99

"Certificate in Meditation for Kundalini & Chakra Healing" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Chakra, Kundalini, and Meditation. So, we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you.The accredited certificate will be provided by India's leading CPD provider - Virtued Academy International.This course will enable you to practice Meditation for balancing Chakras or chakra healing and awaken Kundalini. You can integrate it in other therapies and technique including but not limited to Qigong / Qi Gong, acupressure / acupuncture, reflexology, crystal therapy, crystal healing, crystal energy, sound healing, angel healing, reiki, crystal reiki, pranic healing, color therapy/ colour therapy, crystal grids, clairvoyance, opening third eye, aura reading, psychic readings, psychic mediumship, shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, spiritual personality development or personal development, spiritual soft skills, tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist, and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), essential oils and aromatherapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc."
Price: 199.99

"Certificate in Reflexology for Kundalini & Chakra Healing" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Chakra, Kundalini, and Reflexology. So, we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you.The accredited certificate will be provided by India's leading CPD provider - Virtued Academy International.This course will enable you to practice reflexology for balancing Chakras or chakra healing and awaken Kundalini. You can integrate it in other therapies and technique including but not limited to Qigong / Qi Gong, acupressure / acupuncture, crystal therapy, crystal healing, crystal energy, sound healing, angel healing, reiki, crystal reiki, pranic healing, color therapy/ colour therapy, crystal grids, clairvoyance, opening third eye, aura reading, psychic readings, psychic mediumship, shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, spiritual personality development or personal development, spiritual soft skills, tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist, and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), essential oils and aromatherapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc."
Price: 199.99

"Certificate in Crystal Healing for Kundalini & Chakra" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Chakra, Kundalini, Crystal Therapy, Crystal Healing, and Crystal Energy. So, we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you.The accredited certificate will be provided by India's leading CPD provider - Virtued Academy International.This course will enable you to practice crystal therapy for balancing Chakras or chakra healing and awaken Kundalini. You can integrate it in other therapies and technique including but not limited to Qigong / Qi Gong, reflexology, acupressure / acupuncture, sound healing, angel healing, reiki, crystal reiki, pranic healing, color therapy/ colour therapy, crystal grids, clairvoyance, opening third eye, aura reading, psychic readings, psychic mediumship, shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, spiritual personality development or personal development, spiritual soft skills, tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist, and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), essential oils and aromatherapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc."
Price: 199.99

"Gimp: Make a Digital Painting & Illustration Like a Pro Fast" |
"This quick and easy course will help you make original, custom digital paintings and illustrations using the free program GIMP (or any similar program) in just a matter of minutes that look professional and can be used online, in videos and animations, or for print purposes such as on a poster, letterhead, even a T-shirt or other products. This course was made for both adults and younger people (ages 10 and up), especially beginners, technophobes, people who don't think they can draw, and those who want to rediscover their creativity and artistic sides that we all have.Stop paying others to make designs for you and develop skills that can help you start making money creating professional-looking images for others. You can also use these simple techniques to make unique images and illustrations as free gifts for friends and family. You also don't need to know how to draw. There are actually a HUGE number of graphic designers who CAN NOT draw... but they make up for it by using techniques like the ones in this course and naturally, learning more about layout design, composition, color, typography, and other fundamentals of visual literacy. This course can be taken on a computer, a tablet, or even a phone using the FREE program GIMP or similar image editing apps and programs. You do not need a stylus pen or any special gadgets, expensive software, or equipment to follow along.I'm an Associate Professor of Digital Media who recently taught for universities, international schools, and NGOs in Myanmar from 2016-2019. I co-founded and directed the Film and Digital Media Program at The American University of Rome (2006-2016). I'm now living in Lilongwe, Malawi and am a Digital Media and Animation Specialist for The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA Malawi).Since 2000 I've been teaching students all over the world using my tried and true custom approach (turning complex information into something simple, memorable, easy-to-understand in as short amount of time as possible) to ensure that you get the most important, relevant, and useful information that can be applied immediately.New bonus lectures and resources will continue to be added and timely advice will be provided in the discussion forum. I love to help and always respond to inquiries and discussions ASAP.Please Note: All students who enroll in this course also will receive periodic free and discounted access to my other top-rated current and upcoming courses. *This course automatically comes with either a FREE Photoshop or Illustrator illustration course. You can choose which one you want and I'll send you the link to help you continue your learning. (Details are in the Extra section inside the course).You have a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee with no questions asked so you have nothing to lose. I make myself available so you will have access to me if you have questions or need specific feedback along the way. Empower yourself now by enrolling in this digital painting course and join our growing learning community!Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the upper right corner and let's get started building your digital painting, software, and design skills today."
Price: 39.99

"The Product Management for AI & Data Science Course 2020" |
"Do you want to learn how to become a product manager?Are you interested in product management for AI & Data Science?If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place!This course gives you a fairly unique opportunity. You will have the chance to learn from somebody who has been in the industry and who has actually seen AI & data science implemented at the highest level.Your instructor, Danielle Th, is a Senior Product Manager for Machine Learning with a Masters in Science of Management, and years of experience as a Product Manager, and Product Marketing Manager in the tech industry for companies like Google and Deloitte Digital.From security applications to recommendations engines, companies are increasingly turning to big data and artificial intelligence to improve their operations and product offerings. In the past 4 years alone, organizational adoption of AI has grown 270%. And companies are scrambling to find the talent that can manage the product implementation of big data and AI systems. In this context, a product manager serves as the bridge between business needs and technically oriented data science and AI personnel.Organizations are looking for people like you to rise to the challenge of leading their business into this new and exciting change.The course is structured in a beginner-friendly way. Even if you are new to data science and AI or if you dont have prior product management experience, we will bring you up to speed in the first few chapters. Well start off with an introduction to product management for AI and data. You will learn what is the role of a product manager and what is the difference between a product and a project manager.We will continue by introducing some key technological concepts for AI and data. You will learn how to distinguish between data analysis and data science, what is the difference between an algorithm and an AI, what counts as machine learning, and what counts as deep learning, and which are the different types of machine learning (supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning). These first two sections of the course will provide you with the fundamentals of the field in no time and you will have a great overview of AI and data science today.Then, in section 3, well start talking about Business strategy for AI and Data. We will discuss when a company needs to use AI, as well as how to perform a SWOT analysis, and how to build and test a hypothesis. In this part of the course, youll receive your first assignment to create a business proposal.Section 4 focuses on User experience for AI & Data. We will talk about getting the core problem, user research methods, how to develop user personas, and how to approach AI prototyping. In section 5, we will talk about data management. You will learn how to source data for your projects and how this data needs to be managed. You will also acquire an idea about the type of data that you need when working with different types of machine learning.In sections 6,7,8, and 9 we will examine the full lifecycle of an AI or data science project in a company. From product development to model construction, evaluating its performance, and deploying it, you will be able to acquire a holistic idea of the way this process works in practice.Sections 10, 11, and 12 are very important ones too. You will learn how to manage data science and AI teams, and how to improve communication between team members. Finally we will make some necessary remarks regarding ethics, privacy, and bias.This course is an amazing journey and it aims to prepare you for a very interesting career path!Why should you consider a career as a Product Manager?Salary. A Product Manager job usually leads to a very well-paid career (average salary reported on Glassdoor: $108,992)Promotions. Product Managers work closely with division heads and high - level executives, which makes them the leading candidates for senior roles within a corporationSecure Future. There is a high demand for Product Managers on the job marketGrowth. This isnt a boring job. Every day, you will face different challenges that will test your existing skillsJust go ahead and subscribe to this course! If you don't acquire these skills now, you will miss an opportunity to distinguish yourself from the others. Don't risk your future success! Let's start learning together now!"
Price: 199.99

"YOLOv4 Object Detection Nano-Course" |
"I started out wanting to learn AI Object Detection in Computer Vision...... I used to check a lot of GitHub repos, they were very vague and required for me to be competent in software development/programming and understand all of the jargon Now even though I have a masters degree in electronic engineering (M.Eng). It was still challenging for me to figure out. I had a lot of questions like......What to do to get my code working?Do I have the right hardwareWindows or Linux If linux, do I use Ubuntu, Red Hat, CentOS, ROSIf Ubuntu, what version 16.04, 18.04, What kernel do I need?If I am training, what format does my dataset need to be in?Do I use Python or C++If python What dependencies do I need?Which frameworks do I use? PyTorch, TensorFlow 1.0 or 2.0What commands do I type to infer or train a convolutional neural networkHow big my dataset needs to be?How do I run on GPU, and does my GPU support the framework?I was unsure of what to do. Sometimes I would look at the instructions and because the instructions were so vague, I would skip to the next repo and the next, until I found one that resonates with me or one that had a clear set of instructions that I could understand and follow, or had a video tutorial on it. And video tutorials on this particular topic are very scarce.The other problem was, I would follow the instructions, but I would run in trivial issues, like not having the correct dependencies or I did not have the correct hardware or OS etc. When things dont work. This would beat me down and make me loose confidence of whether or not this repository would work. Now I had 2 options, I could either spend tons of hours searching the web to debug the issue or move on to the next repo which also may or may not work.Then, I thought, if me with a masters degree in electronic engineering had all these issues with getting started in AI, surely other people would be having this same issue as me. People such as:non-programmers/non computer science ,Hobbyists, Students, researcher, employees.People starting out in AI....The YOLOv4 Object Detection Nano-CourseWhen YOLOv4 was released in April 2020, my team and I worked effortlessly to create a course in which will help you implement YOLOv4 with ease. We created this Nano course in which you will learn the basics and get started with YOLOv4. This is all about getting object detection working with YOLOv4 in your windows 10 PC. You will learn how to install all the dependencies, including Python, CUDA and OpenCV. Once youve managed to compile it successfully, we go on to execute YOLOv4 on images and videos. Then to ensure that you understand whats going on, we delve deeper into the darknet python script and show you how to also run YOLOv4 on a webcam. Within this nano-course, we shall also create our first weapon against COVID-19 which is our social distancing monitoring app. Which essentially monitors the physical distance between people to ensure that theyre keeping safe distancing from each other. It also displays the number of people at risk at any given timeThe YOLOv4 Nano Course provides you with a gentle introduction to the world of computer vision with YOLOv4, first by learning how to install darknet, building libraries for YOLOv4 all the way to implementing YOLOv4 on images and videos in real-time.From here you will even solve current and relevant real-world problems by building your own social-distancing monitoring app.RequirementsPlease ensure that you have the following:Basic understanding of Computer VisionPython Programming SkillsMid to high range PC/ LaptopWindows 10CUDA-enabled GPU - Important*Forward ThinkingImagine, if a week from now, once you have completed this course, that you are able to implement and implement your own Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN's) with YOLOv4 object detection pre-trained model. Imagine all the applications you could do with these skills!You could be take your new found expertise and be:Solving real world problems,Freelancing AI projects,Getting that job/opportunity in AI,Tackling your research guns blazing!Saving time, money, &Wishing you had done this course sooner.The world is your oyster... Ask yourself...What cool things would you do once you have skills in AI?So what are you waiting for? Enroll for FREE!"
Price: 199.99

"SAP MM Certificate como consultor MM S/4HANA Cloud" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo. Lo que es ms importante es que ests considerando dar el salto y estar certificado en SAP MM S/4HANA Cloud.Sube a la nube de SAP!Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"The Art Fundamentals Drawing & Sketching Course" |
"Are you brand new to drawing?Do you want to learn how to draw better?Perfect! We're here to help you!Jumpstart your drawing & sketching with some art fundamentals. This is the best course to learn how to draw - because you'll learn the fundamental building blocks that will automatically make your drawings better.What will you learn?Basic lines and shapesDrawing tool recommendationsHow to draw 3D shapes5 Visual Elements of ArtCompositional Elements of an ImagePerspective and dimensionand so much more!Enroll now, and get instant access to:Premium video lessonsDownloadable workbook to follow along withExclusive access to a student support communityInstructor feedback whenever you're stuckWho should take this course?This course is designed to teach beginners who are looking to become professionals, advanced students who want to brush up on their basics, and hobbyists alike. More about the course:The material in this course will apply to both drawing and painting, because to be a good painter you must be good at drawing first! They both go hand in hand, even if you prefer doing your artwork digitally. The skills you will learn here are timeless and will never go out of date, so you can rest assured that you are receiving some crucial information that will boost your art abilities considerably! The most important topics that we will discuss are about the 5 Visual Elements of Art. I will provide long and in-depth descriptions of the 5 Elements: Line/Shape, Form, Texture, Color, and Pattern using printable worksheets that you can follow along with! After this, there are drawing demos where I do simple but impressive drawings start to finish which highlight the 5 Elements. You will learn to draw a 3D house, Egyptian pyramid, wormhole and more!I'll see you in the course!Your Lead Instructor, Kevin Gardin"
Price: 99.99

"Explosion Simulation Abaqus Tutorial" |
"Welcome to the Explosion Simulation Abaqus Tutorial, the only course you need to learn how to simulate various explosion condition on different applications. This course is specially designed for mechanical, civil engineering students or engineers who want to expand their finite element knowledge. This course will teach you the theory behind input parameters as well as modelling and analysing the results.What you will get in this course:**This Course is the divided into the 4 sections and in order to get the most advantage of it, we highly recommend you to follow the course in order as the basic terms have been only explained in the initial sections.Section 1: Air-blast This section aims to teach you how to use the CONWEP model for air-blast loading on solid and structural elements, without the need to model the fluid medium. Four real-life examples plus four theory videos have been used for this section to teach you how to model explosion on the concrete structure using concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) and Johnson-Holmquist model. Moreover, you can familiarize yourself with Hasin and Johnson-cook damage model in the explosion on the car door and the composite beam examples. **Please do not miss the section 1 as all material theories have been explained only here.Section 2: Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) explosion methodThis section aims to teach you how to use the Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). This numerical method is part of the larger family of meshless (or mesh-free) methods where we are using only a collection of points to represent a given body rather than the usual method. Here, you will make yourself familiarize with SPH explosion method on the concrete beam and water-tank. Moreover, two examples of bird-strike on the fuselage and jet engine can help you to understand the other usage of this useful method. Finally, the bullet examples will teach you how to model gunpowder explosion in the bullet shell. Section 3: Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method This section aims to teach you how to combines two mesh approaches-Lagrangian and Eulerian-in the same analysis. The purpose of this technique is to avoid mesh problems when performing simulations that involve high/extreme deformations. This section contains four examples which the first three examples help you to simulate various explosion condition on different structures (Such as concrete beam, under-ground pipeline and only soil) and the fourth examples help you find the other usage of this method by simulating the bird strike on the aeroplane wing. Section 4: Underwater explosion (UNDEX)This section aims to teach you how to simulate the underwater explosion. Here, waves produced by an explosion or sound source propagate from the source, impinging on and passing over the structure, producing a temporally and spatially varying load on the structural surface. This section helps you to understand UNDEX charge method and also how to use ductile and shear damage model in Abaqus by simulating under water explosion on submarine and ship structure. I hope you all enjoy these tutorials. Please send me a message if you think anything can improve the quality of this course as I am updating the course regularly.Many thanksArmin **This course is only intended for Serious Students. A lot of efforts have been done to provide a practical understanding of the Software, theory and analysis which is not available anywhere on the internet. ** Abaqus version 6.14.1 is used for this course, therefore in order to open files in the recourses section, you should have this version or any later version. However, you can still use the older version to do this tutorial.** These course examples are not intended to apply to any particular situation. Students are cautioned to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy and results of their analyses. The author shall not be responsible for the consequences of any errors or mistake that may appear in this course.** All rights reserved, Any unauthorised broadcasting, public performance, copying or re-recording will constitute an infringement of copyright."
Price: 199.99

"Crash Course: the Essentials to Successful Blockchain dApps" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers the essential points on creating Blockchain dApps?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with my friend and colleague Ash - he is very talented and knows dApps!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:What is DApps?DApps Concepts ArchDApps TrufflesuiteStart Building DAppCompile ContractContract MigrationGanacheDeploy DAppAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily create Blockchain dApps...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Crash Course on Salesforce Admin: With Whiteboard Animations" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers all of the essential points of Salesforce Admin?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows Network Monitoring inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:SFDC Data ModelSFDC RelationshipSFDC Business Process AutomationSalesforce Security ModelSalesforce Data ManagementSalesforce Sales ProcessSalesforce Service ProcessSalesforce ReportingAnd more!So if you are ready to learn how to easily use Salesforce Admin to manage your business...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 69.99

"Crash Course on GPIO Microcontrollers" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers all of the essential points on GPIO Microcontrollers?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows GPIO inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:STM Microcontrollers CategoriesBitwise OperationsHow to set clear and toggle a specific bitA Journey in a DatasheetGPIO DriverGPIO Registers Part 1GPIO Registers Part 2And more!So if you are ready to learn more about GPIO Microcontrollers...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 64.99

"Crash Course on SSIS Covering the Essential Topics" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers all of the essential points on SSIS?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows Network Monitoring inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:My First SSIS ProjectSetting up SSIS DatabaseSetup and InstallationSSIS Summary VideoSSIS Integrated Dev EnvironmentSSIS Package ConfigurationSSIS Package Source to DestinationSSIS Package using TransformationAnd more!So if you are ready to learn more about SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99
