"Crash Course on VMware Virtualization With Whiteboard Videos" |
"Are you looking for a crash course that covers all of the essential points on VMware Virtualization?Then you will LOVE this course!For this course, I am working with a friend and colleague - he is very talented and knows VMware inside out!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Introduction for VirtualizationDownload and InstallationVMware ToolsVirtual BoxAnd more!So if you are ready to learn more about VMware Virtualization...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 64.99

"Virtualization platform including VMWare ESXI, Virtualbox" |
"This course teaches students how to setup a virtual machine for either a lab setup or devops or for experiment, to work with different operating system.The course details the outline of different types of Hypervisor and its use as well as suggestion for the suitable environment for the students. The course goes in details installation and configuration step for Guest or virtual machine creation under Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare workstation, VMWare Fusion.The course also gives the installation and configuration steps for WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) as well as explains peripheral technologies or at-least makes the students aware of some of those like KVM, Parallel etc."
Price: 29.99

"What's New in Studio One 5" |
"Presonus have just release possibly one of the biggest updates in their history with Studio One version 5, and in this course I want to help you fast track your way around the new features and updates and how you can use these tools in your compositions and music productions.So if you want to understand how these new tools work and how you can implement them, then this is the perfect course for you! Learn how to use use the new features and updates in Studio One 5 now, to improve your songs & ProductionsThis course will take you step-by-step through the new features, how to find them, and how to use them. I'll provide you with real examples of these tools in action. And by seeing and understanding how they work, you'll be able to quickly jump through the parameters and get the results you want.With easy-to-follow tutorials and a real-world examples of the features and updates in songs, you'll enjoy learning while taking action. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Changes to the look of the new interface and plugins How to use the Clip Gain Envelopes Create Your Own Extended Mixer Scenes How to use the Listen Bus to isolate elements in the mix or use them as an alternate output source Building up your Own Keyswitch instruments that jump through the different articulations. Building up your Own Drum Map Taking a Look at the Updates to the Ampire Amp modelling software Using the Low Latency Mode Viewing and Using the Score Notation view Using The Show Page for Live Performance of your SongsWHY USE STUDIO ONE 5?Studio One is a fully featured package. And version 5 has taken this to the next level, with great tools to help your with your music productions and compositionsMy favorite feature about Studio One has always been the simplicity of the application even though it can do complex tasks. And Presonus have taken this to the next level with features and updates that help you even more as a musician and producer WHY LEARN FROM US?This course is to make the daunting task of learning new features fun and informative.My goal with the course is to give you tools within Studio One that help you write better songs. And these new features really will do that.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE! Cheers, Gary Hiebner"
Price: 49.99

"Tuka 3D Design Visualizer for Fashion Designers 2020 Hindi" |
"Fashion Design is Limitless & Fashion Designers are Magician, Though they always need their Magic Wand - Tuka 3D Designer Edition.Fashion Design is Trillion dollar industry, It has evolved with human civilization, Fashion that started from leaves and now uses the most expensive and rare metals also, Yet Fashion Design starts from imagination, and to showcase that imagination at various platforms / levels, One need mediums Like Pencil for Sketching, Colours for Illustration, Graphic Design Softwares for Digital Illustrations and with advancement in technology, now we can even visualize design even before we cut the fabric, Stitch it to make a Garment, a Masterpiece of course, but now with the help of 3 Dimensional Design Softwares One can visualize and present designs virtually and that too in various sizes, colors, silhouettes and with Models also, Such a wonderful development it is, Hence named as Fashion Designers' Magic Wand.Why Tuka 3D Designer Edition ?It gives you full control over your Three Dimensional Costume Design Visualization , User Friendly interface, already established value in Garment Industry, Stunning and reliable Visualization tools make it more robust , clean intuitive and crisp designs are synonymous to Tuka 3D Designer Edition, Come and Embark on the Journey to Explore and Visualize your Creative Genius while paving a way for Lucrative earnings with Tuka 3D Designer Edition.Ideate, Create and Visualize in Tuka 3D Designer EditionEvery Good thing needs practice, Amazing thing I am there to help you Practice along the way and learn by doing and if you need my personal feedback share your designs on Instagram with #learnwithrikhilnagpal and I will be connected to you even after the course, Lets jump on the way to visualize awesomeness.By the end of this course, you will learn to visualize your own Designs, Prints on Tee- Shirts, Tops, Bottoms and Much More..I'll be using Tuka 3D Designer Edition from tukaweb, but if you have a Pre Installed offline version you can still embark on the creative journey to Visualize your imagination even before you start working on its creation.What makes me qualified to teach you?I am Rikhil Nagpal and I started learning Fashion Design in 2005, since then, I have worked with various Fashion Brands and Institutions in Various capacities, That is why i will be able to understand your concerns and doubts because I have faced them, Creating Designs and than reworking on them after completion of Prototype / Samples, Wrong print, Motif Size, Color, Placement - a big pain and Experimentations and Explorations to Create Final Designs a tedious and costly task, but now it can be done with the help of Magic Wand i.e Tuka 3D Designer Edition. Come Let's learn together !!!Besides this is going to save a whole lot of time and money yours', or your buyers' or your Clients', I have personally experienced it while working for many international Brands.We're in this together!I'm a passionate Consultant, Educator and Design Evangelist. I'll be there with you on every little step of the way. If you have any queries about this course or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.What is this Tuka 3D Visualizer for Fashion Designers 2020 Hindi Course is all about?In this course you will learn how to visualize your design on virtual garments, while enjoying full control on their optimization in terms of Size, Color, Placement, Front view, Back View, Side View and Final look to proceed with Decision on its production.This course will cover everything you need to know to to start working on your VisualizationInstallation & WorkSpaceVisualization Control ToolsAdding a GarmentVisualization of Colour, Print & PlacementEditing Designs with Graphic Design SoftwaresAdding Models and their AttributesLights, Multiple Garments and Output By the end of this course, your confidence to work on your own will be amplified and you will automatically be on a journey to achieve perfection by continuous learning while enjoying it."
Price: 3520.00

"Formao Cientista de Dados II: Tpicos Avanados" |
"Este curso para voc que j aprendeu os fundamentos de Cincia de Dados, e quer dar um passo adiante, conhecendo tcnicas e ferramentas avanadas, porm importantes na sua carreira em cincia de dados. Neste curso voc vai aprender:Inteligncia Artificial Explicvel (XAI)Engenharia de AtributosAvaliao de ModelosTcnicas Avanadas de ClustersIntroduo a lgebra LinearClculo para Cincia de Dados: Derivadas e GradientesExtreme Machine LearningsTcnicas para Imbalanced DatasetsAutoMLClassificao MultiLabelO curso ainda inclui exemplos em Python e R, com cdigos fonte, slides e dados de exemplo para baixar."
Price: 54.99

"The Power Packed Magic of Contemplative Prayer" |
"In this course you will find a well rounded introduction to the forgotten art of contemplative prayer. Practices and/or exercises that will help you develop this mode of prayer in your everyday life will be revealed. You will grow to new levels of spirituality and prayer success that you never knew were attainable. When you begin to apply this practice you will unveil the, once hidden, rich world of knowing and receiving"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Hzl Byme Teknikleri" |
"Baz insanlar Instagram zerinden ksa zaman ierisinde hzl bir byme elde ederken, bizler neden bunu elde edemiyoruz? Yoksa bir eyleri yanl m yapyoruz veya hi mi yapmyoruz? Belki de Instagram'n hi bilmediimiz zellikleri vardr? Var mdr? Varsa bunlar neler?Bu tarz sorular bu eitimde zebileceksiniz. Eitimi satn aldktan sonra ilerleyen zamanlarda yeni teknikler kefedersem yine sizlerle paylaacam. 1 kere satn aldnzda mrnz boyunca yepyeni teknikleri ilk renenler yine satn alanlar olacaktr.Teekkrler."
Price: 99.99

"Business Writing Training Write Like a Professional" |
"Would You Like to Learn How to Write Like a Professional?Then, You've Come To The Right Place!Business Writing Training Write Like a Professional is an Online Video Course For Anyone Wanting To Learn How To Change The Way People Feel, Think & Act with Your Written Words.Inside This Course, You'll learn how to Write Like a Professional.This Course Also Includes Premium Support. (We'll answer all your questions within 24 hours).After This Course, You'll Be Able ToWrite Like a Professional.Connect to Your Reader to Meet Your Goals.Use Proper Language.Separate Information to Increase Readability.What You Will Master Inside This CoursePlan Your Writing to Meet Your ObjectiveUnderstand Your ReaderUse The Right Voice to Connect to Your ReaderThe 5 Steps to Business Writing MasteryUnderstand Your MessageHow to Use Proper LanguageHow to Use Headings to Improve Your TextHow to Use Paragraphs to Increase the ReadabilityHow to Improve Your SentencesHow to Review Your Text & to Improve itThis Course Includes Templates & Tools That Will Help to Optimize Your Business Writing!The Majority of The Tools in This Course Are FREE And The Paid Tools Are Only The Very BEST.See You Inside The Business Writing Training Write Like a Professional Course.Love Robin & Jesper"
Price: 99.99

"Unreal Engine 4 : The Complete Guide (2020)" |
"In this course we will take a look at the most powerful engine in the market that has enabled the creation of many titles in the video game industry, including the monster we no longer present, Fortnite.My goal with this guide is to let you see, first of all, the main lines of what the Unreal Engine 4 can allow you to do.Secondly, I will let you guide future updates to this course with your feedback and choices about the categories you want to learn more about.This approach allows me to ensure the longevity of the course by adding more and more content, but also the certainty that the new parts will be approached with real interest since you will have chosen them.In this course, we'll see a lot of things together such as:Installation and what you need to know about the different versions of the engine. The basics including the interface, camera movements, object manipulation and Unreal's own folder logic that you need to know if you don't want to corrupt your projects.Available Modes including Vertex Painting which allows you to paint a texture directly on a model.The different types of lights, their uses and what you need to know to avoid performance loss.3Materials and although complex, we will manage to create, step by step, an advanced material without any prior knowledge.Objects in the video game and avoid the traps when creating or selecting your models.The Blueprint, Unreal's own programming which beyond allowing the development of gameplay functionalities, allows you to create actors to be placed directly in the levels like the classic automatic opening door.Characters, their animations, as well as classic features such as jumping, walking, running and we will allow him to see in the dark with a flashlight. We will take advantage of this section to configure two standard Artificial Intelligence, programmed to follow our player or make patrols at random points.The HUD or Heads-Up Display will allow us to watch from the corner of the screen, the hunger of our character or his endurance level with two progress bars.We will also set up a pause menu with the possibility to change the graphic settings or the screen resolution. And we will end up with another classic, the startup menu for our project.Particles in a native way with Cascade and in a more advanced way with the Niagara plugin.The Landscapes starting with the tools offered by the engine. Then we will create together a material with an automatic vegetative pose and a logical hierarchy so that the grass will always be on top, the rock below and the soil in between.We will end this course by creating a small natural scene in which we will come and place our trees in a procedural way.And we will give it a real cachet by adding a volumetric fog, activating dynamic indirect light and adjusting our Post Process to obtain a rich rendering and shadows faithful to the ambient light.For more fidelity of our light, I will show you how to create your own Cube Map or HDR with Nvidia's plugin, AnselUpdates already planned are listed below. Please note that this list is non-exhaustive and does not represent the order of release of future updates:DecalsSounds and sound effectsProject Package (creation of a .exe of the project)Generating a source version of the Unreal Engine (Visual Studio required)Destruction Plugin ""Chaos""An architectural scene Discovering the major new features of each new version of the engine.Synchronizing the project with GithubThis course was created in version 4.25.3 and it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to use the SAME version! If you choose to use a different version, be aware that you may encounter possible unprocessed errors in this course."
Price: 49.99

"Handlettering - jak robi atrakcyjne zdjcia swoim napisom" |
"Jest to praktyczny kurs skierowany do osb, ktre pasjonuj si atrakcyjnymi literkami i chc robi pikne zdjcia swoim napisom. Nie musisz by zawodowym fotografem i korzysta z drogiego, profesjonalnego sprztu, eby Twoje zdjcia wyglday po prostu lepiej. I w tym kursie Ci udowodni.Nauczysz si jakich akcesoriw, te i przestrzeni najlepiej uywa. Poznasz zasady tworzenia kompozycji. Dowiesz si jakich bdw nie popenia i poznasz dpowiedzi na najczciej pojawiajce si pytania w tym temacie. A na koniec dowiesz si jak edytowa zdjcia, aby efekt by jeszcze lepszy.Kurs zawiera filmy wideo oraz wiczenia dziki ktrym uczestnicy mog samodzielnie zmierzy si z przygotowanymi praktycznymi wyzwaniami."
Price: 84.99

"Portrait Fundamentals: Create Amazing Digital Portrait In Ps" |
"Lear how to draw realistic portraits in Photoshop In 6 Simples Steps:In this online course you will learn a simple method to draw realistic portraits, we will learn the basics: -How to draw the head gesture -How to draw The proportions of the face-How to simplified the anatomy of the face-How to draw realistic portrait-How to draw the shading-How to draw texture to the skin of your portrait-How to correct the values -How to integrate your portrait whith the background"
Price: 49.99

"Psychologie du Trader Gagnant, Rgulier & Performant" |
"80% des rsultats en trading sont influencs par les motions. En effet, nous exprimons tous des motions, c'est vident. Mais celles ci s'en trouvent dcuple lorsqu'il s'agit d'investir en bourse. Tu as certainement remarqu que lorsque tu ouvres une position sur les marchs financiers, le stress commence monteren toi. Car dans ta tte tu n'as qu'un seul objectif. Cet objectif c'est de gagner d'argent. Alors chacun ragit diffremment dans ce cas de figure. Mais parfois cela peut tre rellement dvastateur pour ton capital, tel point de perdre tous tes moyens.C'est pour te prmunir des ravages que cela risque te causer, que j'ai cr cette formation qui se concentre donc sur le premier facteur de russite du trader : la psychologie !Car tu vas apprendre grer tous les aspects non rationnels comme les traders rentables pour booster et stabiliser tes revenus boursiers.Dans cette formation, je vais te partager des techniques simples de traders redoutables que tu pourras mettre en place ds aujourd'hui.Concrtement a ce passe en 3 tapes .Dans la premire Etapes nous allons aborder les 7 rgles d'or simples et efficaces pour progresser rapidement sans devoir patienter des mois voire des annes avant de gagner vos premires centaines d'euros en bourse.En effet, si tu dbute et que tu manques encore de rgularit et que comme beaucoup de traders amateurs tu alterne entre un bon trades et les mauvais. Tu comprendras ce qui te bloque dans cette situation o tu n'volue pas vraiment.Tu verras que l'origine de l'argent qui te sert ou qui te servira investir en bourse a un impact directemet sur tes rsultats et donc faut absolument bien rgler le problme de la provenance de cet argent pour tre serein dans ta tte.Tu apprendras l'lment qui te ferras prendre rapidement confiance au point de dpassez ta peur de l'chec et osez trader tranquillement comme un vrai pro, mmesi tu es un parfait dbutant.Je te donnerai l'astuce secrete pour te permettre de progresser rapidement et de russir en bourse. car tu seras capabled'identifier trs facilement tes forces, tes faiblesses et le style de trading qui te convient le mieux et le travail que tu dois raliser spcifiquementpour gagner durablement en bourse.Tu verras en fait qu'il est de nos jours trs simple de s'essayer en bourse sans dpenser un seul centime d'euro. Je Il serait donc dommage de perdre vos conomies en quelques jours cause de votre inexprience si tu n'applique pas ces rgles d'or.Si tu es totalement dbutant, au fur et mesurede l' apprentissage tu vas raliser combien ces 7 rgles d'or sontimportants et puis si tu es dj un trader amateur, peut-tre un peu perdu ou pas encore rentable, je t'invitevraiment revoir et structurer ta mthode d'investissement en bourse en abordant les bonnes pratiques dictes par ces rgles.La deuxime partie de cette formation, porte sur la notion de temps et de risques en bourse. Dans cette partie tu apprendras trois techniques inconnues des traders amateurs, qui vont de permettre d'investir en bourse quand on n'a pas le temps peut tre comme toi, si tu as un emploi en ce moment, tout en limitant considrablement le risque.En effet, je te montrerai une astuce pour diviser par deux ou par trois le temps ncessaire pour investir en bourse.Notamment tu verras des solutions qui existent pour t'avertir lorsqu'une opportunit se prsente surles marchs financiers, mais galement lorsque tu dois fermer ta position pour sortir au meilleur moment sans tre devant ton cran d'ordinateur.Je vais galement te partager une astuce comme promis, pour rduire encore plus ton temps et tu vas enfin comprendre l'lment cl pour investir sans trop passer du temps en contrlant totalement les marchs boursiers. A la fin de cette partie je te livre une technique simple que tu peux utiliser ds aujourd'hui mme pour limiter considrablement le risque en bourse. Tu comprendras alors pourquoi finalement la bourse n'est pas si risqu que a quand on comprends bien les ficelles.Donc avec cette partie, tu pourras mieux d'organiser efficacement pour faire de la bourse sereinement et mme si tu as un travail temps plein, tu pourras quand mme gagner de l'argent en bourse en complment de revenus.Dans la troisime partie, nous allons aborder le thme de la gestion des motions o je te montrerai des techniques rapides mettre en place pour mieux te connaitre, booster tes performances et comment avoir un capital en constante volution sans faire appel un 6e sens.Tu vas notamment apprendre Travailler sur toi-mme, ce qui aura pour consquence immdiate d'augmenter rsultats et stabiliser tes revenus.Tu pourras alors facilement contrler lexcs de confiance, la peur, la colre, le stress et limpatience.Je te montrerai ce que les traders aguerrits utilisent au quotidien pour grer leurs sessions de trading compltement froidement et sans tat d'ame quoi qu'il arriveDonc nous verrons que faire avant dinvestir, les signaux dalerte suivre pendant une session de trading et que faire aprs.C'est donc une formation fondamentale qu'il faut absolument suivre et surtout mettre en place juste aprs pour vritablement cartonner en bourse.Enfin, pour tre vraiment sur que tu vas russir j'ai mis une dernire vido bonus sur les 5 principales erreurs qui peuvent t'empcher de progresser rapidementet comment faire pour ne pas tomber dans le panneau.Je t'invite donc t'inscrire maintenant pour commencer immdiatement travailler sur ton mental de gagnant pour enfin trader comme un vritable pro, mme si tu es un parfait dbutant. A trs vite de l'autre ct."
Price: 29.99

"Stock Market Essentials with Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger" |
"In this course I want you to learn the key concepts of stock market investing.This course is designed so that it provides the best value for your time that is why we are skipping stuff like ratios. In my opinion, there are much more important concepts that you need to learn before you buy your first stocks. What will you learn?Can you make money in stocks?Is the stock market risky?Peter Lynch's most important ruleThe concept of buying a piece of businessThe concept of value investingHow to compute an intrinsic value (DCF analysis)The good thing is that you don't need any prior knowledge for this course. The course is great for beginners as well as for people with some experience in the stock market."
Price: 19.99

"An Introduction to Socio and Psycholinguistics" |
"This is a course for anyone who wishes to delve deeper into how language is structured and how it works so that all of us can make more sense of it. It looks at the social and psychological settings for different communicative events and how we can analyse them. While of particular interest to language teachers and for those who are considering taking on a more advanced programme in Applied Linguistics, this introductory course is also of interest to anyone who wishes to know more about language in use."
Price: 19.99

"TESOL: An Introduction" |
"This is a course for people who are considering a career in TESOL - the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages. It can only be considered an introduction since this is a big subject available at levels from beginner through to Ph.D. However, it is possible if you have a first degree, that employment (particularly online teaching) can be available to you after completing this course. I do recommend, nonetheless, that if you complete it, you look to further your qualifications with an internationally accredited qualification. This course provides you with all the basics for that."
Price: 19.99

"TESOL: More Advanced Concepts" |
"If you have completed a basic course in TESOL and are considering furthering your studies to Diploma or Master's level, this course provides you with some of the main topics you will encounter. It deals with Language Description, Discourse Analysis, Morphology & Syntax and concludes with an in-depth examination of the methodology behind Testing & Evaluation."
Price: 29.99

"How to Make and Sell Online Meditation Courses, Part 1" |
"Hello and Welcome to How to Make and Sell Online Meditation Courses, Part 1. Over the last several years, there has been an explosion in the popularity of online courses. Collectively, we are also in the midst of an unprecedented evolution in human consciousness. If you have been interested in creating and selling online meditation courses, the time has never been more ripe. People are hungry for you to share your gift.This course is the first part of a two-part series, where I'll systematically walk you through a step-by-step process. You'll be amazed at how easy and inexpensive creating your own online meditation courses can be.In this course you will learn:The Preliminaries to consider, including CHOOSING A PLATFORM, the need for QUALITY, and using a TASK CHECKLIST.About very simple and inexpensive EQUIPMENT.How to set up your HOME RECORDING STUDIO.The necessary PREPARATION to think about before you start writing your course.About writing captivating LECTURE and MEDITATION SCRIPTS.You'll also receive a 31-page Ebook of COURSE TRANSCRIPTS, filled with numerous examples and references.Although experience in leading meditations will be helpful, there are no prerequisites for this course. However, you will need a Macintosh or Apple Computer with the apps Photo Booth and iMovie, which come installed on most Mac Computers.When you complete this course, you will come away with the first step of knowledge necessary to begin creating full-length meditation courses. It's fun, gratifying, and anyone with a computer can do it. You'll also be delightfully surprised when students start buying your courses.So please join me on this invigorating journey of creating your online meditation courses. Thanks for your interest. Now let's go to class.What students are sayingAnother wonderful course from Joseph! You can learn a lot and evolve with his courses. RominaTop Course, an Absolute Best! Positive and Inspiring. Very clear and precise information, easy to follow, and to retain. Hands-on teaching at its best! Bravo Joseph! Carmen SauciucThis is a lovely course to do. There's something magical about these meditations. Thank you. Gerardine LemercierI wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardThis course was delivered in a simple to follow fashion. I especially enjoyed the meditations and feel as though I really connected with and was able to truly feel a presence and full-body energy vibrations from each of them. This is a huge plus for me! So many courses and meditations out there that you end up not really connecting with and you leave feeling empty or dissatisfied with. This was not the case with this course. If you are in the early stages of a spiritual journey that you give this a try. You need to be connected with yourself and in the right frame of mind and this course walks you through each stage clearly and with easy to follow exercises. So worth it! Kevin DickensDrumheller asks me to go deep right off. He is gentle in his delivery, providing a safe space for me to resolve stuff I thought I had taken care of. I am looking forward to the rest of the course. Susy GoinsExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft 365 - MS-900 practice test" |
"This exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge on the considerations and benefits of adopting cloud services in general and the Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud model. This exam also covers knowledge of available options and benefits gained by implementing Microsoft 365 cloud service offerings. This exam can be taken as a precursor to cloud computing and technologies exams, such as Office 365, Microsoft Intune, Azure Information Protection (AIP), and Windows 10."
Price: 19.99

"UPF Power Aware Design & Verification" |
"Exhaustive course spanning across 6+ hours of on-demand video lectures.Comprises of 4 major sub-sections:Need of UPF and UPF Basics (~1 hour 1 min)+ VLSI Design Phases+ RTL Simulation Vs Power Aware UPF Simulation+ UPF BasicsUPF Power Aware Design (~2 hours 51 mins)+ Power Domains+ Supply Nets/Ports Power Supply Network+ Supply Sets Power Supply Network+ Power Switches+ Power State Table+ Level Shifters+ Isolation Cells+ Input Vs Output Isolation Cells+ Retention Cells+ Flat UPF Vs Hierarchical UPF+ UPF Evolution 1.0 Vs 2.0 Vs 2.1 Vs 3.0UPF Power Aware Verification (~2 hours 4 mins)+ Popular Power Saving Techniques+ Static Verification+ Dynamic Verification 1 Controlling Power Supplies+ Dynamic Verification 2 Simstate Modelling+ Dynamic Verification 3 Power Coverage+ Dynamic Verification 4 Low Power AssertionsMiscellaneous Concepts (~11* mins)+ Instrumentation Vs Instantiation+ Hard Macros and Liberty Files* New lectures might be added based upon popular user feedback and request."
Price: 1600.00

"Run Your Business With PayPal: Payment Buttons and Invoices" |
"This course is a tutorial for freelancers and small business owners who want to learn how to increase their profits by easily creating payment buttons for their website or email, offering clients payment plans for expensive products and services, and sending professional invoices that will keep clients returning. PayPal is a great, affordable and safe way to run your online business."
Price: 19.99

"Implementacin de Servidores Moodle" |
"Aprende a instalar, configurar y administrar Moodle, la plataforma open source ms popular para la gestin de contenidos en ambientes educativos.A diferencia de otros cursos, aqu aprenders a realizar la implementacin de Moodle en servidores basados en el sistema operativo Centos Linux.Solamente requieres conocimientos bsicos de Redes y de Linux."
Price: 34.99

"How to grow Business with Artificial intelligence" |
"AI, Machines, Bots, Algorithms, Robots.........Enough, Enough to hear about these words that scares.So, what actually the stuff is all about which is creating shivering on nerves?Firstly , we shall see the common queries generating in the mind machine of humans are as follows:What about these jargons going to do in near future for us?What these technical have stored for us in near coming years?What can be done to harness the potential of these subjects in our daily lives?So, this is early dawn of these artificial intelligence and machines that will make huge differences in the ways we operate now.A quick question.Are you willing to know more about these artificial intelligence and machines roles in our business and careers?Then, this short video series will be a complete fit to glance over for knowing more about the actual effect of artificial intelligence and machines.It is also equipped with techniques to make artificial intelligence work for us and how to survive in this machine age.If you are interested in knowing more about these artificial intelligence and machines, what to do in these era of machines, then this video series must not be missed out.All the best."
Price: 19.99

"Believe in yourself WOMAN !" |
"One of the largest barriers to personal growth and feeling good about yourself is being self-critical or beating yourself up. You might be so used to having negative thoughts about yourself, you don't even hear them anymore. Learn how to stop this and start believing in yourselfResearch suggests that self care and love is the first step towards believing in yourself. People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight.Come learn ways you can grow in self esteem and learn how to believe in yourself."
Price: 99.99

"Task Scheduling with Cloudsim Simulation Toolkit" |
"This is a 5 days Self-paced on-demand workshop of Cloudsim Simulation Toolkit is starting from the day you register. The workshop is specifically containing the Cloudsim Tutorial on Task scheduling related hands-on workflow knowledge. A completion certificate will be provided as well. Its a hand-on Cloudsim tutorial and will help you to practice along with the workshop.Note: If you have already subscribed to ""Learn basics of Cloudsim"" then this course should not be considered.Why Take this workshop?To publish research papers reputed indexed journals (SCOPUS, SCI, etc), you are required to benchmark your results, cloudsim is a well-established tool and is recognize high value by the community.This will accelerate your learning with the Cloudsim simulation toolkit and help you save the time of at least two months of research time on understanding the tool itself.As a beginner, this workshop will help you get the basic working idea on the tool and help to migrate to other extensions of Cloudsim with minimal efforts. Also, though this is a 5-day workshop, access to the content will be available for Lifetime."
Price: 1280.00

"Agile Methoden, Scrum, Design Thinking & Kanban" |
"Agiles Projektmanagement ist dem traditionellen berlegen. Beim traditionellen oder klassischen Projektmanagement ist der Umfang des Projektes fest definiert, variabel hingeben sind oft Aufwand und Zeit. Aufwand und Zeit werden durch einen Projektplan (""Waterfall"") gesteuert. Beim agilen Projektmanagement sind hingegen Aufwand und Zeit fest definiert. Der Projektumfang hingegen ist variabel. Agiles Projektmanagement hinterfragt Rollen, Prozesse und Projektplne aus der klassischen Vorgehensweise. Die Stakeholder werden whrend des gesamten Projektes einbezogen und der Kunde steht im Mittelpunkt.MENSCHEN UND INTERAKTIONEN SIND WICHTIGER ALS PROZESSE UND WERKZEUGEZUSAMMENARBEIT MIT DEM KUNDEN IST WICHTIGER ALS DIE VERTRAGSVERHANDLUNGFUNKTIONIERENDE SOFTWARE ODER EIN PROJEKTERGEBNIS IST WICHTIGER ALS EINE UMFASSENDE DOKUMENTATIONREAGIEREN AUF VERNDERUNG IST WICHTIGER ALS DAS FESTHALTEN AN EINEM PLANIn diesem Kurs erlernen Sie das agile Projektmanagement. Was ist agiles Projektmanagement? Wie funktioniert es? Sie lernen das Agile Manifest und die Agilen Prinzipien kennen.Agiles Projektmanagement ist gekennzeichnet durch die folgenden Elemente:Zeit und Aufwand sind fest, der Umfang hingegen ist variabel,es gibt einen iterativen Prozess: Durchlauf aller Phasen in einer Iteration,der Prozess wird fortlaufend verbessert,der Einfluss der Stakeholder ist konstant im Projekt,die Anforderungen werden kontinuierlich erfasst und berprft,die Ergebnisse werden im Projektverlauf regelmig geliefert und bewertet,das Team managt sich selbst und bernimmt zusammen die Verantwortung,die Kommunikation erfolgt in kurzen, tglichen Meetings mit wenig Dokumentation.Sie lernen die prominenten Vertreter agiler Prozesse kennen, wie Scrum, Design Thinking und Kanban.ScrumSie lernen die Rollen kennen: Scrum Master, Product Owner und Entwicklungsteam.Sie erfahren, was das Product Backlog ist und wie es eingesetzt wird.Sie verstehen die Fachbegriffe wie Release, Sprint, Release Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Daily Scrum, Sprint Reviews und Sprint Retrospektive.Design Thinking Sie lernen den iterativen Prozess kennen.Sie verstehen die sechs Stufen (Verstehen, Beobachten, Point-of-View, Ideenfindung, Prototyping, Verfeinerung).Sie erfahren die klar definierten Werte der Brainstorming-Phase.KanbanSie lernen das Kanban Board kennen .Sie erfahren, wie Anforderung notiert werden und dann von Zustand zu Zustand auf dem Board entlang wandern.Sie erkennen den Wert von Obergrenzen.Dieser kompakte Kurs ist ideal, wenn Sie agiles Projektmanagement, Scrum, Design Thinking und Kanban schnell erlernen mchten. Die agilen Methoden sind nmlich ideal, wenn...Sie nur ein vages Bild der Projektanforderungen zeichnen knnen,Sie stndig Vernderungen ausgesetzt sind, auf die reagiert werden muss,Sie ein komplexes Ziel verfolgen,Sie schnell Ergebnisse liefern mssen.Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des agilen Projektmanagements und entwickeln Sie einen agilen Mind Set!Herzlich Willkommen zu meinem Kurs!"
Price: 79.99

"Diseo mecnico Solid Edge Proyectista fabricacin mecnica" |
"Aprenders a disear todo tipo de componentes mecnicos en Solid Edge. El curso comienza con las herramientas de slidos que son las ms utilizadas en el mundo del diseo 3D y aprenders a utilizar una a una detalladamente para hacer tus proyectos. Despus entrars de lleno en el diseo de bocetos donde aprenders todo lo necesario para hacer bocetos de calidad enfocado a la fabricacin mecnica. Por ltimo conocers el entorno de chapa donde aprenders de primera mano las ventajas de utilizar este mdulo en tus proyectos con chapa en lugar de trabajar con el de slidos.Apntate ahora y empieza a crear tus proyectos."
Price: 19.99

"FortiManager: De principiante a experto" |
"La administracin centralizada es una herramienta que no puede faltar en cualquier empresa moderna, tener mltiples dispositivos y tener la necesidad de administrarlos en forma independiente es poco eficiente y hasta inseguro. Gracias a las funcionalidades que nos brinda FortiManager, podemos tener centralizada toda la gestin y la administracin de nuestros equipos Fortinet, permitiendo de esta forma no solo ser mas eficientes y cumplir con las mas altas normas de calidad, tambin nos brinda herramientas a la hora de administrar nuestros equipos entre varios empleados, evitando conflictos de configuracin, podemos definir workflows de aprobacin, nos permite ver todos los cambios que fueron realizados mediante revisiones y revertirlos en caso falla, y mucho mas!"
Price: 119.99

e-cymnlv |
"Cohort StudyGEE ~~"
Price: 2400.00

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" 15 "
Price: 104.99

"WPF in C# for Beginners,Windows Presentation Foundation XAML" |
"Hi There!With my 20 years programming skills i'm with you to share my knowledge with you.SoIf you try you will learn using WPF in C# to create C# Apps!If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create WPF App in C# in simplest way!I started from beginning and show you how to :Start creating WPF projects in C#Learn the structure of XAMLUsing WPF Window and it's Common propertiesChange the font,border & title in XAMLUsing Grid , Button, Label, TextBox & ComboBoxMDI and SDI projectsAdvance WPF App design: Tab order,group controls,aligning,layers and ...Project 1: Design App settings formUsing C# code in WPF projectC# code to: Enable/Disable, Show/Hide,Change text ,Change color and ...Using C# to: close window or App and return keywordC# code to: Get App folder, Special folders, Run external app and ...Using Image control in XAML and C# codeUsing open file dialog & save file dialogUsing text file in C# and WPFProject 2: Simple customer info saver in text fileUsing Menu control for create pro WPF Appsand...Don't hesitate to start learning WPF in C#!Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.Say Hi WPF in C# world and let's go !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Mit Permakultur zum Selbstversorger" |
"Werde in wenigen Tagen zum absoluten Perma-Profi! In diesem Kurs findest du alle Informationen, die fr eine Selbstversorgung durch eine eigene Permakultur ntig sind. Du lernst vom Aufziehen der Samen ber das Anlegen von Beeten bis hin zur fachgerechten Komposter-Auswahl alles was du fr einen gelungenen Start in den Anbau schadstofffreier Lebensmittel brauchst. In 62 Videos mit einem Zeitumfang von ber 7 Stunden erklre ich dir anschaulich, worauf es bei einer Permakultur ankommt. Du musst keine Vorerfahrungen haben. Ob du Angestellter, Unternehmer, Lehrer, Arzt oder Knstler bist - mit diesem Videokurs verfgst du ber alles, was du fr den Start einer eigenen Permakultur brauchst. ThemenauszugWie man eine Sonnenfalle gestaltetAlles ber Beet-KulturenBeerenstrucher - von der Brombeere bis hin zu sibirischen BlaubeereWie du deine Ernte haltbar machen kannstRotkohl und seine VorteileAchtung, KreuzbltlerUnerwnschte Wurzelbildung unterbinden Wasser - energetisieren und damit Ernteertrge erhhenBodenbeschaffenheit - welcher Boden passt zu welcher PflanzeGewchshuser - wie du sie beheizbar machstObstbume und die besten PflanzpartnerDas Geheimnis der Aronja-BeereDer Bokashi-EimerGrnkohl - so pflanzt du ihn richtigEin Kartoffelturm - ertragreicher durch vertikales GrtnernSamenbombenLichtkeimer und andere Keimlings-ArtenTabak richtig pflanzen...und vieles andere mehr!Immer mehr Menschen, die es bevorzugen, sich gesund zu ernhren, greifen zunehmend auf selbst angebaute Nahrungsmittel zurck. Der Vorteil liegt auf der Hand: Hast du die Kontrolle ber deinen Boden, dann hast du auch die Kontrolle ber dein Essen, welches ihm entwchst. Ein Groteil der Zivilisatoinskrankheiten entstehen durch Ernhrung. Selbst gesundheitsbewusste Menschen haben letztendlich nur Kontrolle ber die Zertifikate, denen sie vertrauen. Aber reicht das?Wer gesund leben mchte und vor allem sicher durch Versorgungsengpsse kommen mchte, der sollte nicht lange zgern und diesen umfangreichen Kurs buchen. Hole dir jetzt diesen Videokurs und werde Teil einer Gemeinschaft, die Gesundheit, Natur und Freude an der Gestaltung einer Permakultur haben.Herzlichst,Michael Sens"
Price: 189.99
