"Learn Finance and its management in just 248 minutes" |
"This course intends to provide deep and clear knowledge of financial terms, finance and its management. This course will provide all the core facets of finance that are needed while taking top level management financial decisions. It is easy to learn and well plated for any individual to have financial knowledge and specific skills that are needed in corporate, personal finance and your own startup initiatives.Join now and be the master!"
Price: 99.99

"Automation with Ansible" |
"Designed for system administrators who are intending to use Ansible for automation, configuration, and management. Students will learn how to install and configure Ansible. Students will also create and run playbooks to configure systems, and learn to manage inventories. Students will manage encryption for Ansible with Ansible Vault. Students will use Ansible in a DevOps environment with Vagrant."
Price: 19.99

"Low Content Cration Elite" |
"Dans un instant, Je vais te montrer une mthode simple qui permet de gnrer des revenus en automatique grce Amazon KDP mme si tu n'as pas d'exprience...Cela semble trop beau, mais c'est pourtant possible.Et ce n'est pas une mthode sortie du chapeau, apprise la semaine prcdente.Ce n'est peut-tre pas fait pour toi. toi de juger en lisant ces quelques lignes.Si tu veux gagner de l'argent sur Internet...Tu t'es srement confront la ralit :Trop de choix, trop compliqu ou trop long mettre en place.Il te manque peut-tre une mthode cl en main pour gagner tes premiers euros.Peut-tre que tu gagnes dj des revenus.Mais chaque mois, tu dois recommencer ta recherche de nouveaux clients.Tu rves d'un systme qui permette de gnrer des revenus sans devoir sans cesse tout remettre en question.Tu sais pourtant que c'est possible.D'autres y arrivent sans difficults.Tu sais mieux que moi ce qui risque d'arriver si tu restes dans cette situation.Malgr tous tes efforts et ta bonne volont, tu risques de te dcourager.Peut-tre mme que tu vas abandonner l'espoir d'amliorer ton quotidien et tout laisser tomber.Que deviendront tes objectifs ?D'amliorer ton train de vie et de passer plus de temps avec tes proches ?De pouvoir te payer des vacances pour changer d'air ?De te crer un revenu supplmentaire qui t'aidera te payer ce dont tu as envie ? C'est vraiment ce que tu veux ? Abandonner tout a ?Bien sr que non.Alors il faut que tu trouves une solution.Sans attendre.Tu as peut-tre essay de faire un business sur Internet... ...mais tu trouves cela long mettre en place et c'est souvent trs technique.Ce n'est pas de ta faute, tout le monde n'est pas technicien informatique.Tu as fait de l'affiliation... ...mais tu t'es aperu que c'est difficile de se faire remarquer pour proposer ses produits quand on n'a pas les bonnes mthodes.Ce n'est pas tonnant, lorsque tout le monde propose la mme chose et que l'on ne sait pas par o commencer. C'est difficile de s'en sortir.On t'a certainement dit aussi d'tre sur les rseaux sociaux pour te faire connatre et crer une communaut......mais tu n'y es jamais arriv.Et c'est normal quand on est noy dans la masse et que les messages atteignent de moins en moins de monde. Et de toute faon te mettre en avant et t'exposer tu n'aimes pas a.Et si ces solutions n'taient pas faites pour toi ?Et si la solution tait simplement de se passer de la recherche des clients et de la cration de groupes ? Tu ne le sais peut-tre pas encore, mais le Low content et le No content sont les contenus les plus populaires.Ils obtiennent les meilleurs classements dans les livres d'Amazon. Notamment dans la partie ""cahier d'activit"".Beaucoup sont des best-sellers, surpassant les romans et les autres livres. Ils sont utiliss tous les jours par des milliers de personnes et sans aucun doute, tu en utilises rgulirement.Certaines personnes vivent entirement de cette activit et gnrent des milliers d'euros de manire automatique.En quoi a consiste ?Le No content signifie sans contenu. On y retrouve les carnets de notes, des blocs de dessins ou encore d'criture. Le Low content signifie faible contenu. C'est un thme infini qui touche tous les domaines comme les cahiers d'exercices, de coloriages, d'entranements, de scores, les planners, etc.C'est rapide mettre en place et cela procure des revenus rguliers automatiquement.Imagine que tu sois capable de te crer ton business en quelques heures seulement.Grce des solutions et des intrieurs gratuits que tu peux utiliser ds maintenant.Et crer tes premiers livres brochs.Imagine que tu publies suffisamment de livres pour pouvoir vivre compltement de cette activit.En suivant une stratgie de publication base sur la performance plutt que sur la quantit.Imagine que tu puisses concrtiser tes projets.Profiter du travail que tu as fourni pour gnrer des revenus rguliers.Imagine que tu sois capable de raliser a, sans outils payants.avec une mthode simple et extrmement efficace, conue pour les dbutants.Qui te guide pas pas.Est-ce que a vaut la peine de continuer te compliquer la vie ?D'apprendre pendant des mois un business pour ne pas avancer vers tes projets.Sincrement.Tu as le moyen de changer les choses. Tu n'es pas plus stupide ni malchanceux qu'un autre.Je suis convaincu que je peux t'apporter une vraie expertise.C'est pour a que j'ai cr KDP cration ELITE : Techniques avances pour gagner de l'argent en automatique sans exprience avec Amazon KDP.L'objectif de cette formation :te permettre de crer un business dans les heures qui suivent sans blog, site ou audience.T'aider a crer des contenus qui se remarqueront et te mettre disposition tous les outils gratuits qui te permettent d'attaquer tous les thmes.D'espionner tes concurrents et trouver leurs mots-cls en utilisant Amazon, sans logiciel.D'arriver en 1re page des recherches pour tes mots-cls en appliquant la bonne mthode. Uniquement, en se servant d'Amazon, sans logiciel et pour preuve, tu verras le rsultat de nos publications.De te concentrer sur la qualit et la pertinence plutt que la publication de masse. Lorsque l'on cherche ton type de carnet, on le trouve, pas besoin d'en faire des caisses.Trouver des niches rentables sur du long terme. Crer des intrieurs de livre mmorables. Te permettre de gnrer tes premiers euros sans comptences pralables.Et tout a, en partant de zro.Sous quelle forme se prsente la formation ?La formation est 100 % compose de vidos.Je parle parfois face camra, mais la plupart de la formation est tourne en capture d'cran o j'explique les tapes faire, pas pas, de la recherche d'ide jusqu' la publication.De manire te rendre autonome et crer ton empire du livre.Je n'utilise aucun logiciel payant dans cette formation afin de permettre tout le monde de dmarrer ce business avec zro euros en poche.Les logiciels payants ne sont pas utiles, mais acclrent la production.Toutefois, je te recommande pour crer des intrieurs originaux ou tes couvertures, de prendre un abonnement sur une banque d'images.Je te montre comment avoir une forte rduction pouvant aller jusqu' 50 % sur ton abonnement (soit environ 45 euros par an, pour des images en illimite).Ce n'est pas obligatoire et ce sera ta seule dpense. qui s'adresse la formation ?La formation s'adresse toi, mme si tu n'y connais rien du tout.J'explique aussi comment utiliser les logiciels dont je me sers (Inscape, photoshop, illustrator, etc.), afin de te donner la possibilit de crer tes propres carnets.Je te montre le rsultat de notre travail qui nous permet de classer le livre sur des mots-cls comptitifs en premire page. qui ne s'adresse pas cette formation ?J'ai conu cette formation pour permettre aux personnes motives de se lancer dans la publication des livres Low content.Mme s'il est possible de gnrer un revenu confortable, le rsultat dpendra surtout de ton passage l'action.Cela demande du travail et de l'investissement en temps.Aussi, si tu choisis de prendre cette formation pour uniquement t'informer et ne pas passer l'action de manire rgulire pour plusieurs mois, ne t'attends pas des rsultats.Dans ce cas, cette formation n'est pas faite pour toi et tu devrais viter d'y dpenser ton argent.La formation n'explique pas comment crire un livre. Le but est justement de crer des livres sans crire.Comment dmarrer la formation ?Clique sur le bouton ""Acheter maintenant"" en haut, aprs paiement tu pourras choisir tes identifiants pour suivre ta formation en ligne.Je t'attends pour dmarrer ton business.Clique pour commencer ta formation tout de suiteMarc."
Price: 64.99

"Laravel 7 - Spa con Vue" |
"Aprenda a desarrollar la API RESTful desde cero, donde aprender paso a paso como desarrollarla, desde la creacin de una base de datos, la creacin del back-end y mostrarlos en el front-end, usar postman con algunos de los mtodos http para probar su API RESTful, actualmente aprende a trabajar con laravel el cual es un framework php muy importante, impulsara tu carrera al siguiente nivel.*****Aprende sin miedo recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das para probar la calidad del curso*****"
Price: 19.99

"CodeIgniter 4 - De 0 al Limite" |
"Aprenda a desarrollar en CodeIgniter 4 desde cero, donde aprender paso a paso como desarrollar, desde la creacin de una base de datos, la creacin del back-end y mostrarlos en el front-end, usar postman con algunos de los mtodos http para probar su API RESTful, actualmente aprender frameworks php es una habilidad imprescindible para trabajar en un equipo colaborativo.*****Actualizaciones del curso progresivas**********Aprende sin miedo recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das para probar la calidad del curso*****"
Price: 19.99

Vol.3Fusion360CAD |
"Vol.1Vol.2Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00

Vol.4Fusion360 |
"Vol.1~Vol.3Fusion 360Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00

Vol.5Fusion360 |
"Vol.1~Vol.4Fusion 360Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00

Vol.6Fusion360 |
"Vol.1~Vol.5Fusion 360Fusion 360GUI20197GUI"
Price: 4800.00

"Jak poczu si lepiej: Buduj poczucie wasnej wartoci" |
"Jak si poczu lepiej? Sam ze sob? Niepewno, zwtpienie w swoje moliwoci to przeszkody dla ciekawego i sensownego ycia. Ten kurs jest o tym, co wpywa na poczucie wasnej wartoci i tym samym pewno siebie oraz w rezultacie jako ycia. To, jakie mamy pogldy, jak mylimy o sobie czy innych, ksztatowao si ju w dziecistwie. Rodzice, szkoa i inni ludzie zaprogramowali w nas, jak naley myle i postpowa. Czsto nie jest to pozytywne mylenie, bo przeszkadza nam w yciu dorosym. To, jak mylimy o sobie i otoczeniu, wpywa na nasz pewno siebie, na nasze poczucie wasnej wartoci i w kocu te na nasze dziaania. Niestety wiele takich myli i przekona przeszkadza nam w osiganiu satysfakcjonujcego ycia. Zamiast postpowa w zgodzie ze sob ulegamy tym programom. S one nazywane przekonaniami. S one zlepkiem negatywnych myli. Nazywam je pozlepianymi pochaniaczami energii. Niewiadomie pozwalamy, by to program rodzicw, szkoy i innych narzuca nam, jak mamy y. Dopiero, kiedy nauczymy si te pochaniacze energii wiadomie dostrzega, bdziemy te w stanie je pokonywa. Bdziemy mogli budowa pozytywne mylenie i pozytywne przekonania, czyli takie, ktre bd nas wspiera w yciu zgodnym z tym, co dla nas jest wane. Uwolnij si od hamujcych myli i przekona, ktre wszczepili ci inni i zacznij robi swoje! Poznaj swoje mocne strony, wzmacniaj poczucie wasnej wartoci i pewno siebie, by podejmowa trafne decyzje i y w zgodzie ze sob, a nie z tym, co inni w tobie zaprogramowali. Poczuj si lepiej i yj w peni!W tym kursie dowiesz si, jak odkrywa i przeamywa takie blokady, takie hamujce przekonania, jak budowa poczucie wasnej wartoci i pewno siebie (tutaj poczucie wasnej sprawczoci). Kady z nas jest indywidualny i wyjtkowy. Nosimy w sobie rne dowiadczenia. Informacje, ktre zamieciem w kursie zainspiruj Ci do zmiany. Jeli po kursie w dalszym cigu bdziesz odczuwa, e co Ci przeszkadza w dalszych krokach do zmiany, powodem mog by trudne przeycia i bardzo gboko ukryte pochaniacze energii. Przez udzia w tym kursie rozpocze zmian. Dlaczego miaby si teraz zatrzymywa? Jeli czujesz dalsze przeszkody, porozmawiaj z terapeut. Pomoe Ci on dostrzec te najgbiej ukryte pochaniacze energii, ktrych nie dostrzegasz i przej przez zmian. Uwolnij si od tych przeszkd, by mg robi swoje! Odzyskaj pewno siebie, poczucie wasnej wartoci i rb swoje! Tym sposobem poczujesz si lepiej i bdziesz odczuwa satysfakcj ze swego ycia."
Price: 69.99

"Calculus Integration Insanity with the Math Sorcerer" |
"This is literally the ULTIMATE Course on Integration!!The most important requirement is that you know what a derivative is. If you know that then you can jump into this course as it starts from the very basics of integration.Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Try to do the problems before I do them(if you can!)3) Repeat!Integration is an absolutely beautiful subject. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Cash System" |
"Facebook Cash System is a course carefully set out to give budding entrepreneur a head start on Facebook marketing. In this course, you will learn how to use Facebook to connect with your audience as well as increasing your sales in business and creating multiple stream of income for yourself. So all the lessons in the course are well structured and detailed to give entrepreneur a head start as well as a jump start in their digital marketing game."
Price: 19.99

"7 TEMEL KALTE ARACI (statistiki Kalite Aralar)" |
"Merhabalar,statistiki proses kontrol yntemlerinde kullanlan 7 temel kalite arac srasyla anlatlmtr. Her sektrder, her departmanda problem analizi, zm iin bir mhendisin olmazsa olmazdr. imiden iyi dersler dilerim. Grmek zere...1-PARETO Analizi 2-AKI Diagram3-HSTOGRAM4-ISHIKAWA Analizi5-ETELE Tablosu6-Xbar R Kartlar7-SERPLME DiagramAnlatc deneyimi:2007'den beri otomotiv sektrndeyim. Mhendislik, kalite ve para gelitirme sektrlerinde grev aldm. Otomotiv ana sanayide iki projede altm. Mevcut durumda Japon bir irkette proses ve kalite sorumlusu olarak almaktaym.Anlatc eitimi:Makine mhendisiyim. ngilizce ve talyanca biliyorum.Anlatcnn sahip olduu sertifikalar: YALIN RETM UZMANLII SERTFKASI (T) GRMCLK ETM (KOSGEB) STATKSEL PROSES KONTROL SPC (FAT TOFA) FMEA HATA TRLER ETK ANALZ (FAT TOFA) PROBLEM ZME TEKNKLER (FAT TOFA) PROJE YNETM (H.C.P.P) (RENAULT) UYGULAMALI RSK ANALZ ETM (DNM LMTED) PROSES DENETM (RENAULT) MEKATRONK YAZ OKULU (BOAZ NVERSTES) CNC KULLANIM VE PROGRAMLAMA (MCM CNC MAKNA) SOLDWORKS (MMTEK ETM)Neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ? 1) Eitimler sektrde alan bir otomotiv mhendisi tarafndan hazrlanmtr. 2) Tm konular rnekleriyle/uygulamalaryla ilenmitir. 3) Tm eitim dokmanlar ek olarak ayr ayr hazrlanmtr. (Excel hesap dkmanlar vb.) 4) Eitim Trke olmasna ramen, eitim dokman ngilizce hazrlanmtr. Bu ekilde katlmclarn teknik ngilizcelerini de gelitirmeleri hedeflenmitir."
Price: 49.99

"Practitioner's Guide to Cost Benefit Analysis" |
"Cost benefit analysis (CBA) is becoming a more relevant skill to not only economists but to anyone involved in investment decisions. Many jobs in both private and public sectors require some knowledge of CBA. For the public sector, many projects are focused on meeting social outcomes. A CBA can quantify the benefits and costs linked to how these outcomes are achieved. For the private sector, the impacts of most major projects spread beyond the business and its customers. It is important for businesses to quantity these impacts and determine if they are negative or positive.This course has been divided into four sections. See as follows:- Introducing Cost Benefit Analysis- Preparing a Cost Benefit Analysis- Conducting a Cost Benefit Analysis- Understanding Cost Benefit AnalysisSection 1, introduces the course, the course assessment and CBA. The course assessment involves multiple-choice questions at the end of each section and a CBA question at the end of the course. The introduction of CBA is spread over two units. One unit defines CBA and breaks down the definition into easy to understand segments. The other unit explains why CBA is useful as well as the role that it can play in decision-making.Section 2 explores the work that needs to be done prior to conducting the analysis. This includes:- structuring the CBA so that steps are clearly defined- identifying the problem/s the initiative/project intends to solve or mitigate- identifying the outcome/s the initiative/project intends to achieve- identifying possible options that could eventually become the initiative/project- identifying what the state of the would be like with (project case) and without (base case) the project- Identifying those most likely to be affected by the project- Steps to reduce the number of options prior to conducting a CBASection 3 explains how to conduct a CBA. The content of this section builds off what has been discussed in Section 2. At this point, the practitioner should have established which project/s to analyse. This section introduces important steps such as:- identifying project cost, benefits, and impacts- collecting data- assigning unit values to collected data in order to obtain monetise costs and benefits- projecting and forecasting future costs and benefits- estimating costs and benefits- calculating economic measures and indicators- applying risk to resultsThis section also explains key CBA terminology and concepts that are required to conduct a CBA such as:- evaluation period- discounting- methodology- assumptions- induced demandSection 4 considers additional information that a practitioner needs to know to understand CBA, the outputs it produces and complementary evaluation techniques. This section begins by discussing the limitations, common mistakes, and potential abuse of CBA. It is important to understand what can go wrong with a CBA so that a practitioner can recognise it and prepare for it. This section also explores complementary tools to CBA such as wider economic impacts, general equilibrium modelling, social impact evaluation, and appraisal summary table. CBA is more informative if it is supported by other evaluations techniques. This section also considers CBA in the bigger context by exploring program evaluation and ex-post evaluation/CBA. CBA does not need to be focused on only one project or always be required to be conducted at just one particular moment in time. This section finishes up with examples of CBA and a sample CBA for students to try."
Price: 19.99

"Learning Procreate from Scratch" |
"Learning Procreate from Scratch RundownProcreate is a painting app designed for iPad. It gives you the feeling of real-world drawing combined with the power of digital art. Procreate has everything you need to draw sketches, paint paintings, design illustrations, and make amazing animations. Procreate is a complete art studio that you can take anywhere you go. Learning Procreate from Scratch is a course that will show you how to use this wonderful app.What you will learn:IntroductionInterfaceGesturesGalleryBrushesColorsLayersDrawing GuidesTextAnimationSelectionsTransformsAdjustmentsActions"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Print-on-Demand for Artists with Adobe Design to Print" |
"Hey there! Have you been trying to make ends meet with your art? Are you a maker, tired of dealing with the hassle of selling directly to public? Do you want to get out of the rat-race and create art you are passionate about? Are you worried about how to make a sustainable living? Id like to suggest you consider adding POD sales as an alternate income source. My new course, Print-on-Demand for Artists - The Complete Setup & Workflow to Prepare Art and Publish Your First Product will help you do just that! Coined as passive income, this can be a wonderful way of earning a regular income from work you have already done, or would rather be doing. Naturally, to make it a success of it, you will have to put plenty of effort in, especially at the beginning! It may seem like a daunting task, and the income wont happen over night, but I have a way to make it easier than ever! We will be using the new Adobe Extension, Design to Print.The Adobe Design to Print Extension is a new tool that enables designers to create artwork for printing on a multitude of actual products available for free download on Adobe Exchange. A new palette enables the artist to select a blank product from a catalog (e.g., an article of clothing), and to preview how it will look when their design is printed on it. Familiar Photoshop tools, like placing images, brush strokes, and effects can be used to easily create a beautiful design while simultaneously viewing a visualization of its appearance when printed on the finished product. When ready, the design can be easily published! - AdobeThis Design to Print Extension makes it much more convenient to keep up with listing your POD products because it is done right from within Photoshop. It's great to be able to earn regular money while you sleep, when youre on a holiday, or you are working on passion projects. The effort is all at the beginning, and the income arrives with just a little ongoing effort. This class is great for both established artists and those just starting out. In this course, Print-on-Demand for Artists, Im sharing everything Ive learned about using the extension. Design to Print is fully compatible with Zazzle, and everything can be done from within Photoshop. So, there is no need to switch back and forth between Photoshop and your browser. Once you post your product, it is fully available on the online marketplace. Additional print-on-demand services will offer compatibility with Design to Print in the future, so this is a great time to jump on board! You will be surprised how easy it is!In this class I will show you how you, as an artist, can add a new revenue stream from Print on Demand. I will share my personal experience, discuss the advantages and disadvantages and go into detail about preparing your art. We will be taking raw, watercolor painted motifs, eliminating the background, adjusting exposure levels and isolating and re-arranging the elements into a usable shower curtain (extra-large) layout. The beauty of creating the largest layout file is that it can be adapted infinitely for all the other shapes, proportions and sizes of POD products.As designers, we must channel our creative energies towards making a living. Ultimately, we want viewers (consumers) to be unconsciously persuaded into buying a product we create featuring our art. Many of us also create art for the simple satisfaction of bringing beauty into the world. And there is nothing quite as exciting as seeing our artwork in print, especially if it is on a physical object made purely for the enjoyment of the viewer. That is my motivation for bringing you this new course, Print-on-Demand for Artists The Complete Setup & Workflow to Prepare Art and Publish Your First Product.As far as prerequisite skills, I would recommend some knowledge of Photoshop with the goal of wanting to learn additional techniques. In class, well talk about both design and technical aspects of creating compatible image files. I will demonstrate them at a reasonable pace so that it will be easy to follow along. This course is for all levels; I recommend being acquainted with Photoshop somewhat, and, also knowing the basic principles of creating images, but most steps are explained very thoroughly. I suggest pausing and repeating sections and possibly even slowing the speed in your browser when trying to work through any difficult parts. Adobe Photoshop is required for this class.The key concepts I will include: review of the complete Adobe Design to Print Extension methods to edit and deal with specific issues like cropping and other file considerations creating a full layout with a DTP downloaded template isolating motifs after touching up and eliminating backgrounds organizational considerations like spreadsheets and master files good examples, reference and inspiration for reinforcing the goalThis course is packed with choice cuts of information for you no matter where you are in your career. Lets have you creating beautiful products this week, with this class. You can be benefitting from this practical knowledge in your design practice! Having products with your beautiful artwork is absolutely do-able with this small investment of time. Lets dig in!IntroIn this lesson, I will explain the goals for the class and I will share examples of my work. We will discuss the main techniques we will be using in this class.Lesson 1: Prep and Touchup of the Original Scanned ArtIn this lesson, we will go through the initial steps of preparing the watercolor art. We will eliminate the white background and adjust levels. We are preparing to separate items into individual layers. I will show you how to change the orientation of the document to make erasing and rubber stamping easier.Lesson 2: Separating Elements for the CompositionFor this lesson, we will go through the process of separating each element and roughly moving these elements into approximate positions. I show you levels adjustments on a much lighter motif and explain settings on the magic wand selection tool. We drag our separated elements onto the template document.Lesson 3: First Steps in Laying Out the CompositionMoving the elements around, we will finesse the layout. I will explain the use of the warp and puppet warp tools and will show you how to manipulate the elements further. I demonstrate ways to change duplicate motifs so copy is not apparent. I also explain design analysis of current shower curtain trends on the market to help you come up with ideasLesson 4: Fine Tuning the Motif Position and CompositionWe continue using the same techniques to perfect our layout and many considerations are explained. We will get close to the finished layout at this point. During the lesson, we use the warp and the puppet warp, as well as hue and saturation, to help add variety to copied motifs. I explain how to work with the layers. I also give you pointers on making more processing power available for the document in Photoshop.Lesson 5: Final Layout and PublishingHeres the part you have been waiting for: publishing! I will show you how the Design-to-Print extension works. Then we will be re-directed to the Zazzle Site where I will walk you through the listing.Lesson 6: A Final Look and Course Wrap-UpFor this lesson, I will introduce you to Adobe Exchange. We will discuss next steps and wrap-up. Thanks so much for being here! Hope to see you in many other classes!Concepts covered:Concepts covered include but are not limited to watercolor art, Photoshop image touch-up, Photoshop filters, keyboard shortcut reinforcement, erasing, Kyles natural edge eraser, rubber stamping, document orientation, the Design-to-Print extension, creating layouts, shower curtain layout on Zazzle, levels control in Photoshop, magic wand selection tool, puppet warp, warp tool, moving, resizing, transform, the Zazzle marketplace, print-on-demand for artists, RedBubble, Society6 and much more!You will get1 hour of direction from an instructor who has been in the graphic design business and education game for over 40 yearsawareness of multiple approaches to resolve each design challengehandouts explaining key conceptsa list of helpful online sites to further your educationIMPORTANT INFO FOR UP AND COMING DESIGNERS: Building a body of work with a consistent, signature style is the best way to become recognized. Things may not happen quickly but keep moving forward with your skills. You must be willing to build your portfolio and be a versatile and willing participant in your journey. Remember that overnight success is a myth. Even the great graphic design artists out there had to start somewhere. Research as many as you can and heed their advice. Their stories can be really inspirational. Start with teachers such as Shannon McNabb. Shelley Seguinot, Bonnie Christine, Sandra Bowers, Elizabeth Silver, Mel Armstrong and Elizabeth Olwen, and others, too numerous to mention. Try ALL the techniques until your find one that is just right for you. Most artists take several years to build a successful business. Take the steps necessary to get there. Take as many courses as you can! Carve out a small portion of each week dedicated solely to educating yourself. Publish in as many venues as possible. Start building your passive income streams, like Creative Market, Zazzle, Red Bubble, Society 6, Art of Where, Design Cuts, Spoonflower etc. Open online-stores and keep fresh art on to your products on a regular basis. Test. Test. TEST! Experiment until you find what works for you and your individual style of art. You must be patient and keep your nose to the grindstone. Make progress and keep your mind and heart open! Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Fundamental Analysis Course (English)" |
"Join this course to learn "" Fundamental Analysis"". In this course, we have covered the whole process of picking quality shares in a step by step manner, likeHow to analyse the financial statements of the companyWhich are the most important aspects of the financial statementsHow to find whether the management of company is good or fraudHow to check whether the stock is undervalued or overvalued& many moreMr. Warren Buffet says:""You have to understand the nuances of accounting. It's the language of business and it's an imperfect language, but unless you are willing to put in the effort to learn accounting - how to read and interpret financial statements - you really shouldn't select stocks yourself.""And here in this course, we have already covered ""How to read & interpret financial statements"". This is an amazing course. We have enjoyed a lot making it and we hope you will also enjoy it a lot. Go subscribe it and enjoy."
Price: 1600.00

"Cisco CCNP CCIE Enterprise ENCOR 350-401 Practice Exams" |
"That's right! It is here - the Udemy ENCOR practice exam pack for your CCNP Enterprise ENCORE exam. Remember, this exam also serves as the new CCIE Enterprise written qualification exam.The exam that these practice tests cover is the Cisco 350-401 ENCOR exam - or the Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) exam.The ENCOR exam and course gives you the knowledge and skills needed to configure, troubleshoot, and manage enterprise wired and wireless networks. Youll also learn to implement security principles within an enterprise network and how to overlay network design by using solutions such as SD-Access and SD-WAN.The ENCOR exam tests your knowledge and skills related to implementing core enterprise network technologies, including:Dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) architectureVirtualizationInfrastructureNetwork assuranceSecurityAutomation"
Price: 19.99

"LGPD: Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais" |
"Conforme a LGPD, o Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais uma atividade fundamental para garantir que o CONTROLADOR no viola s liberdades civis e aos direitos fundamentais de titulares de dados pessoais.Existem diversas situaes descritas na LGPD onde a Autoridade Nacional de Proteo de Dados (ANPD) poder solicitar ao controlador a elaborao de um relatrio de impacto proteo de dados pessoais, dessa forma, esse um conhecimento essencial a todo profissional de Proteo de Dados Pessoais.Atravs deste treinamento, participantes tero uma viso prtica, baseada em multiplos estudos de caso, de como se construir e aplicar um Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais completamente alinhado aos requisitos da atual lei brasileira.Aps esse treinamento alunos estaro aptos a:Descrever todos os principais conceitos relacionados ao Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados PessoaisConstruir, revisar e aplicar Relatrios de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais alinhados a LGPD e padres internacionalmente aceitosExplicar - em termos do negcio - a importncia e os benefcios de se realizar um Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais mesmo quando esse no exigido por leiAdaptar e aplicar efetivamente o modelo gratuito de Relatrio de Impacto Proteo de Dados Pessoais fornecido como material complementar deste curso."
Price: 384.99

"Planejamento Estratgico" |
"Voc aprender o passo a passo minucioso para a criao de um planejamento estratgico que trar prosperidade na sua vida como gestor, empresrio ou empreendedor.Atravs de uma metodologia inovadora e nica, voc vai aprender facilmente todos os conceitos e como usar as ferramentas mais eficazes para gerar um incrvel Planejamento Estratgico, acelerar o seu crescimento empresarial e decolar os seus lucros.******************************************************************************""No importa onde voc est, o que importa onde voc quer ir.""******************************************************************************Voc ser treinado e estimulado a colocar todo o contedo em ao, e poder se basear no seu prprio negcio, construindo estratgias lucrativas passo a passo, criando o seu prprio planejamento, desde a avaliao da sua situao atual at os primeiros resultados de alavancagem do seu negcio!*******************************************************************************""Uma verdadeira rota para voc construir e acelerar a empresa dos seus sonhos!""*******************************************************************************O Curso Planejamento Estratgico traz todas as ferramentas explicadas por exemplos prticos, cuidadosamente estudadas para serem relevantes e facilmente aplicadas. Todo material ser acompanhado de exerccios prticos e como complementos, voc receber vrios materiais adaptveis, como planilhas, diagramas, tabelas - tudo pronto para voc por as mos na massa imediatamente, um contedo de valor inestimvel!Com este mtodo, voc vai entender claramente conceitos utilizados e consagrados por empresas no mundo todo, numa linguagem adaptada para a sua realidade, e que levar os seus lucros, os seus resultados para outro patamar.Voc poder discutir diretamente comigo, dvidas, detalhes, ideias, e qualquer assunto pertinente ao seu curso ou construo do planejamento estratgico do seu negcio.*******************************************************************************Existem muitas razes para voc aplicar esse mtodo: a facilidade de aprendizado, o diagnstico dos seus pontos fortes e pontos fracos, a possibilidade de estabelecer objetivos e aes estratgicas focadas para o aumento do seu resultado final, que a lucratividade, e claro, a possibilidade de transformar sua paixo empreendedora em um negcio estvel, rentvel e altamente lucrativo!Atravs deste curso voc ser capaz de: Aprender ferramentas de planejamento estratgico e aplicar com facilidade; Compartilhar o conhecimento adquirido com sua equipe, de forma a liderar uma grande mudana em seu negcio; Ser seu prprio consultor organizacional e melhorar suas habilidades de gesto; Gerar mais qualidade de vida para voc, sua famlia e tambm para sua equipe; Alcanar a to sonhada independncia financeira e viver uma vida prspera! Empreender o seu sonho com lucratividade, podendo viver do seu propsito!Se voc est pronto para alcanar o desempenho mximo na gesto estratgica, este o caminho certo a percorrer!*****************************************************************************O que eu irei aprender?Durante mais de 4 horas de videoaulas, com o auxlio de materiais complementares alm de poder tratar do seu planejamento diretamente com a instrutora e criadora do Mtodo Planejamento Estratgico Lucrativo, MBA em Finanas e experincia em gesto estratgica de empresas, voc vai conhecer o passo a passo: Entender a metodologia do Planejamento Estratgico de forma fcil e objetiva; Realizar diagnstico completo da situao atual da sua empresa para comear a tomar aes desde j. Definir a Viso, Misso e Valores do seu negcio e entender como isso afeta a sua lucratividade na prtica; Estabelecer uma direo clara para sua empresa. Aprender e criar a sua anlise SWOT Pontos Fortes, Oportunidades, Pontos Fracos e ameaas e como voc pode minimizar seus pontos fracos e potencializar seus pontos fortes a ponto de alavancar sua lucratividade. Fazer uma anlise completa de cenrios; Definir seus objetivos, sua lucratividade desejada e elaborar seu plano estratgico em 5 etapas; Aprender a criar metas claras e consistentes, e como tomar decises assertivas sobre o rumo do seu negcio. Voc vai saber como executar e monitorar seu plano estratgico de curto, mdio e longo prazos com exemplos prticos de empresas que j passaram por esse processo e tiveram grande sucesso no aumento da lucratividade final. Voc vai receber planilhas de excel j montadas e de operacionalidade simples, para ajudar voc a elaborar, executar e monitorar o seu plano. Participar diretamente comigo suas estratgias, sou formada em MBA em finanas e Master em Business Coach, e poder tirar dvidas, explorar ideias, de forma personalizada e individual; Voc vai se tornar um empreendedor lucrativo e de alta performance! Voc vai viver uma vida prspera e feliz, ao ter uma empresa organizada, planejada com uma equipe engajada e produtiva.**************************************************************************CONTEDO DO CURSO0. Introduo 0.1. Bem vindos 0.2. Para quem esse curso foi criado? 0.3. Quem a sua mentora? 0.4. Porque o P.E.M. um mtodo diferenciado? 0.5. Como funciona o curso? 0.6. Apresentao do Contedo.1. Introduo ao Planejamento estratgico 1.1. Dificuldades e desafios 1.2. Conceitos2. A importncia da estratgia 2.1. Vantagem competitiva 2.2. Roda da Competitividade 2.3. A importncia da estratgia3. O processo completo4. 1a. etapa - Acesso realidade atual 4.1. Acesso realidade atual 4.2. Misso, viso e valores 4.3. Anlise SWOT 4.4. Como definir estratgias com o SWOT 4.5. Diagnstico Empresarial5. 2a. etapa - A construo da estratgia 5.1 - A aspirao vencedora 5.2 - Definio dos campos que ir jogar 5.3 - Como ganhar nos campos escolhidos 5.4 - As habilidades necessrias para vencer 5.5 - Sistemas de Gesto 5.6 - O mtodo CANVAS 5.7 - A sequncia mgica do CANVAS 5.8 - CANVAS, passo a passo6. 3a. etapa - A execuo do planejamento estratgico 6.1. Como ter sucesso no planejamento estratgico 6.2. O plano de ao 6.3. A metodologia 5W2H 6.4. Desenvolvendo o 5W2H 6.5. As vantagens do 5W2H 6.6. O Balanced Scorecard - BSC - Metas e Indicadores 6.7. Desdobrando as metas de curto e longo prazos7 - Principais erros 7.1. Como fazer o planejamento estratgico 7.2. Quem deve participar do planejamento 7.3. O segredo do sucesso do planejamento8. O fluxograma do planejamento estratgico 8.1. As perguntas certas 8.2. As respostas certas9. Bnus"
Price: 279.99

"3 FOREX Trade Management techniques for profitable trading" |
"It's not just about placing trades but you need to manage the trades effectively for better returns.Here are 3 types of FOREX Trading Management techniques to help minimize losses and maximize profits on trades.The first simply has to do with setting the Stop Loss & Take Profit, then using the manual or automatic Partial Close technique and finally setting the manual and automatic Trailing Stop technique."
Price: 84.99

"MuleSoft 4 Fundamentals - Beginner to Expert Level" |
"This course is for developers and architects who want to get hands-on experience using Anypoint Platform to build APIs and integrations. In the first part, students use Anypoint Platform to discover, consume, design, build, deploy, manage, and govern APIs. In the second and third parts, students focus on using Mule 4 and Anypoint Studio to build applications for use as API implementations and integrations. This course has a 50% theory and 50% practical.At the end of this course, students should be able to:Build an application network using API-led connectivity and Anypoint Platform.Use Anypoint Platform to discover, consume, design, build, deploy, manage, and govern APIs.Connect to databases, files, web services, SaaS applications, JMS queues, and more.Add application logic, handle errors, and transform data using DataWeave.Structure applications to facilitate development and deployment.Handle batch data processing.ObjectStore-How to Store and Retrieve keys/valuesInstall Agent, Add servers, Manage the On-Premise Instance from Anypoint Platform (RuntimeManager), Deploy the app into On-Premise instance from Runtime Manager. Execute the application from HTTP client (Postman).Create Group or Clustering for on-premise mule runtime through RuntimeManger"
Price: 19.99

"Salesforce App Builder practice(Only Course with 5 Tests)" |
"In order to pass App Builder certification, you'll find that knowledge and experience of the Salesforce platform aren't enough. You also need to get to grips with the exam itself. You need to try plenty of practice questions that cover all of the study guide objectives. It also helps if the practice questions are in similar format to the actual exam; e.g. scenario based, multiple correct answers and the practice exam is timed.This is the only platform builder Practice Exam course on Udemy that has timed test taking ability and provides interactive, section level feedback. Don't be fooled by non-certified instructors who are simply copying exam dumps they have found online and passing them off as their work.About the Salesforce App builder Exam :Content: 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questionsTime allotted to complete the exam: 105 minutesPassing score: 63%Registration fee: USD 200, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawRetake fee: USD 100, plus applicable taxes as required per local lawDelivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment.References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.Prerequisite: None; course attendance highly recommendedWho this course is for:Salesforce AdminsSalesforce DevelopersStudents preparing for Platform App builder examSalesforce Dev 401 Certification holdersMost of the course has maximum 3 practice tests. This is the only course covered 5 practice tests for salesforce app builder.You can retake the tests in this course, and also interact with me, if you need further clarification. In addition to getting interactive feedback with each question, you'll receive explanations on why certain answers are correct, while others are incorrect. I also provide links for additional study and reference, so you can see for yourself the official word from Salesforce on a given topic.I update this course to stay current with the latest release of Salesforce, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 19.99

"Grficos Interactivos con Microsoft Excel" |
"Curso: GRAFICOS INTELIGENTES CON EXCEL AVANZADO100% a Distancia, puede comenzar cuando asi lo decida y avanzar a su ritmo, el acceso al curso es de por vida, este curso Incluye:Libros en formato digitalEjerciciosGuas y ManualesSoporte del FacilitadorCertificado de AsistenciaObjetivo General:Este curso le permitir dominar las tcnicas para disear tablas y grficos interactivos usando las mejores prestaciones de excelObjetivos Especficos:Crear tablas y realizar anlisis de la informacinConocer todas las prestaciones de las Tablas y Grficos DinmicosCrear Grficos interactivos con controles de visualbasic y funciones avanzadasMostrar datos Georefernciados con PowerMapSacar el mejor provecho de PowerViewUsar las mejores funciones de excelDirigido a:Todo personal que trabaje con computadores personales y deseen dominar el manejo de tablas, tablas dinmicas y grficos dinmicos en Excel Contenido: Tablas de Excel, Convertir un rango de celdas en una Tabla,Modificar el formato de una Tabla de datos,Filas de totalesFunciones de Fecha, Texto, Estadsticas y LgicasFunciones de Bsqueda y Referencia CONSULTAV Tablas dinmicasCrear Y Modificar Tablas DinmicasAgregar Campos a la Tabla DinmicaActualizar una Tabla DinmicaCambiar la Funcin ResumenAgregar Nuevos Campos a una Tabla DinmicaMover Campos a una Tabla DinmicaMostrar y Ocultar ElementosEliminar Campos en una tabla dinmicaCrear una Tabla Dinmica con Campos de PginaAplicar Formato a una Tabla DinmicaFunciones de ResumenCampos calculados y elementos calculadosMostrar datos como % de Fila , % de Columna y % de TotalGrficos dinmicosCrear un grfico con los datos de una Tabla DinmicaUsar los formatos preestablecidos de ExcelGrficos con segmentacin de datosGrficos con barra de desplazamientoGrficos con ImgenesGrficos con Cuadros CombinadosGrficos con Cuadros Combinados y botones de opcinGrficos con Cuadros Combinados para varias tablasGrficos con funcion IndirectoGrficos con Listbox, Indice y ComboboxGrficos Tipo TermometroGrficos Tipo Termometro con botones de opcinGrficos Tipo Termometro con Formato CondicionalGrficos Tipo Termometro con Grafico CircularGrfico Tacometro con tipo de Grfico de AnilloGrficos con Casillas de VerificacinGrficos con la funcin DesrefGrficos Imgenes, Macros y Funcin Sumar.Si.ConjuntoGrficos con MacrosMetodologaNos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin en diferentes ejercicios prcticos, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso.Beneficios de este curso:Permite un dominio del entorno de Microsoft Excel para manejo y control de datos, usando los principios de bases de datos relacionales, complementos de Excel y tablas dinmicas.Potenciar el uso de Microsoft Excel como un potente manejador de datos analizador de resultados."
Price: 19.99

"Gestin Proyectos con Microsoft Project" |
"Microsoft Project para Planificacin y Control de ProyectosObjetivo del Curso:Proporcionar al participante un conocimiento global de la herramienta y el desarrollo estructurado de un Proyecto con todos los elementos que lo componen as como su la evaluacin y seguimiento del mismo.Objetivos Especficos: Conocer las caractersticas avanzadas del uso de la herramienta Microsoft Project. Aprender a elaborar un proyecto completo con la herramienta, siguiendo los pasos metodolgicos indicados por el estndar. Aprender a monitorear el desarrollo de un proyecto real con la ayuda de las caractersticas de la herramienta.Dirigido a:Todas aquellas personas consustanciadas con la gestin de proyectos en su labor cotidiana, sin conocimientos de la herramienta, con conocimientos o no acerca del estndar, que deseen aprender el uso de las caractersticas avanzadas de la herramienta, los conceptos correspondientes del estndar a los cuales aquellas se aplican y la relacin pormenorizada entre ambos que se desarrolla en el curso.Contenido Programtico:Empezar a trabajar con Project.Introduccin, Acceder al programaEntorno de trabajoVisualizar cambios, Vistas y tablas.Mostrar y/u ocultar columnasProgramar a partir de una fecha de comienzo o fin el proyecto.TareasIngresar tareasDuracin estimada y duracin real.Duracin transcurrida, Hitos, Tareas repetitivas, Modificar datos de tareasEliminar una tarea.Insertar una nueva tarea entre las ya insertadas, Tareas de resumen y subtareas, Tarea de resumen del proyectoVincular tareasTiempo de posposicin y tiempo de adelanto, Dividir tareas, Tareas crticasRuta crtica, Tipos de tareasCambiar el tipo de tarea.Tareas condicionadas por el esfuerzo.Delimitaciones de tarea, Tipos de delimitacin, Prioridad, RecursosTipos de recursosHoja de recursos, Ingresar recursos.Tipo de reserva, Disponibilidad de recursosCalendario de recursos.AsignacinAsignar recursos a una tareaEl campo unidades del cuadro de dilogo Asignar recurso. El cuadro de dilogo Asignar recursoCostosTipos de costo, Ingresar costosAcumulacin de costos, Diferentes tasas de costo, Horas extras.Sobreasignacin y redistribucinSobreasignacin y redistribucin de recursos, Como resolver las sobreasignaciones. Vista Gantt de redistribucinSeguimientoLnea de base y plan provisionalBorrar una lnea de base y/o plan provisional. Agregar datos a una lnea de base y/o plan previsto, Comparar el plan previsto con el plan realGantt de seguimiento, Gantt de varias lneas de base, Tareas con margen de demora.Actualizacin del progreso de las tareasActualizar el proyecto segn la programacin. Ver en forma grfica el progreso de las tareas, Otros mtodos para actualizar el progreso de las tareas.Filtrar, agrupar y ordenarInformesInformes visuales, Informes bsicos.Copiar imagenConfigurar Project MetodologaNos enfocamos en que el participante maneje las principales prestaciones de esta herramienta mediante una metodologa de aprender haciendo, desde el primer momento nos enfocaremos en el uso de las prestaciones de este software enfocados en la aplicacin en diferentes ejercicios prcticos, de tal forma que, se estimule al participante a visualizar su aplicacin en sus puestos de trabajo una vez culminado el curso.Beneficios de este curso: Permite un dominio del entorno de Microsoft Project como herramienta para el control de proyectos"
Price: 19.99

"Practical filing of GST Annual Return for Composition Dealer" |
"This Course is 100% Practical GST Annual Return Filing course. Course is prepared by a Experienced Chartered Accountant. While designing the course we have taken into account all the aspects which needs to be understood by students if they want to practically file the Annual Returns for Composition Taxpayers for the year 18-19 and 19-20 onwards."
Price: 19.99

"Tarot nos Aspectos da Vida" |
"O curso Tarot Express foi estruturado de forma que o aluno consiga aprender Tar de forma rpida e fcil, sabendo interpretar o que cada arcano significa em cada rea da vida:Portanto, ser abordado o significado geral de cada arcano aplicado nas principais reas da vida: AmorTrabalhoSadeFinanceiraEstudosCaractersticasNegatividadeVoc tambm aprender 7 tipos de leitura para compor as suas consultas"
Price: 579.99

"Practical Morphometrics Analysis (2D Model)" |
"Morphometrics has experienced a major revolution through the invention of coordinate-based methods, the discovery of the statistical theory of shape, and the computational realization of deformation grids. The ubiquitous application of fast personal computers and modern analytical tools have ushered in a new era of data analysis, permitting the exploration and visualization of large high-dimensional data sets along with exact statistical tests based on resampling procedures. This new morphometric approach has been termed geometric morphometrics as it preserves the geometry of the landmark configurations throughout the analysis and thus permits to represent statistical results as actual shapes or forms. Therefore, these lectures aim at teaching practically, the concept of statistical shape analysis from 2D images. To encourage learning by exploration; images, annotations and data reports from the hand study are made available for download."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Morphometrics Analysis (3D Model)" |
"Morphometrics has experienced a major revolution through the invention of coordinate-based methods, the discovery of the statistical theory of shape, and the computational realization of deformation grids. The ubiquitous application of fast personal computers and modern analytical tools have ushered in a new era of data analysis, permitting the exploration and visualization of large high-dimensional data sets along with exact statistical tests based on resampling procedures. This new morphometric approach has been termed geometric morphometrics as it preserves the geometry of the landmark configurations throughout the analysis and thus permits to represent statistical results as actual shapes or forms. Therefore, these lectures aim at teaching practically, the concept of statistical shape analysis from 3D images. To encourage learning by exploration; images, annotations and data reports from the hand study are made available for download."
Price: 19.99

"Google Display Ads Complete Practice Test 2020" |
"In this Practice Test course You can find All the questions that lead you to get Certified as an Google display ads.I have passed these exams every time I've attended Ad words Certification exams and by this I want to share all my experiences in those exams with you.I assure you can pass the exams in your first attempt.Are you ready to pass the Google display Advertising Certification Practice Test ?"
Price: 19.99

"Math Rocket: Master PRE-ALGEBRA Quickly and Easily" |
"Why should you take this course?1- Curriculum designed by Dr. Harara, a nationally-renowned mathematics grandmaster and author2- Clear, detailed instruction delivered in an organized format to help you follow along, take notes, and understand the main points of each lesson3- Innovative ""Your Turn"" problems with every lesson where you get to pause the video, attempt the problem yourself, then see the step-by-step solution to help you solidify your understanding of each lesson4- The equivalent of hiring your 24/7 personal tutor, at a fraction of the cost of actually hiring a tutor5- Availability of on-demand videos per student request"
Price: 79.99
