"Diseo y simulacin de ejes y transmisiones Solid Edge" |
"Aprenders a disear ejes y a calcularlos mediante elementos finitos del programa Solid Edge. Adems aprenders a elaborar los planos de fabricacin para poder crear tus propios ejes y a utilizar las herramientas de diseo del software Solid Edge para disear ejes y otros elementos mecnicos complementarios.Dentro del curso, tendrs soporte personalizado por ingenieros con experiencia para resolver todas tus dudas referentes a clculo de ejes."
Price: 19.99

"Formao de Auditor Interno ISO19011:2018" |
"O curso de formao de auditor interno em ISO 19011:2018 oferece os requisitos da norma de Auditoria de sistemas de gesto, relacionando as normas ISO 9001 Sistema de Gesto de Qualidade e IS0 14001 Sistema de Gesto Ambiental .O curso aborda os seguintes temas:Requisitos da Norma ISO 19011 - Auditoria de sistemas de gesto;Conceito de auditoria e postura do auditor;Requisitos da Norma ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015 abordando as tcnicas de auditoria;Perfil do auditor e trilhas de auditoria;Teste de conhecimento com exerccios prticos.So 36 aulas com vdeos gravados com exerccios e perguntas de fixao, ao final do curso o certificado de Auditor Interno emitido automaticamente pelo sistema."
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript: Coding Challenge Bootcamp - 2020" |
"Welcome to ""JavaScript: Coding Challenges Bootcamp - 2020"" course!In this course I straight dive right into the main topic! No more wasting time! We have coding challenges in the range from pretty simple coding challenges to advanced challenges!COURSE CONTENT: #1 Summing Array Items#2 Word Counter#3 Sum All the Digits in a Numbers#4 Falsy Bouncer#5 Confirm Ending#6 Sum in a Range#7 Sorting Array#8 Lowest sum of two array items#9 Highest sum of two array items#10 Add one to number represented as an array#11 Finding longest word No worries, 30 days money back guarantee. Nothings to lose!See you inside!"
Price: 19.99

"Construo de microsservios completo com spring boot" |
"Voc vem procurando um material definitivo na construo de microsservios? Ento voc encontrou.No curso vamos aprender a construir micro servios de forma completa.Vamos aprender a fazer a comunicao entre esses micros servios, para que eles possam conversarem e trocar informaes entre eles.Vamos aprender a criar um servisse registry, onde os micros servios vo ser registrar.Vamos aprender a criar uma API Gateway, onde todo o trafego dos micros servios passaram por ela.Vamos criar um micro servios de autenticao, que ser responsvel por fazer toda a segurana de acesso de nossa aplicao.Vamos utilizar as seguintes tecnologias/FerramentasSpring bootNetflix Eureka server (Service registry)NetFlix Zuul server (api gateway)RabbitMQ (sevice broker)MySqlDocker composerJava 11"
Price: 39.99

"CFA Level1 Practice Test (Dec 2020-June 2021)." |
"This course is based on all CFA core areas ,students will be able to test their knowledge and understanding of all CFA core areas and upon completing this comprehensive Practice test they will be confident to sit and pass CFA level1 exam .Ethical and Professional Standards.Quantitative Methods.Economics.Financial Reporting and Analysis.Corporate Finance.Equity Investments.Fixed Income.Derivative Investments. Why enroll in this course?Updated according to current CFA Syllabus,30 days no question asked money back guarantee,Instructor support through Q & A and message sectionsMore than 600 MCQs will be added till 5th of September 2020,See you in the course and best of luck for the CFA charter."
Price: 99.99

"Quick Start to Entrepreneurship and Innovation" |
"It is normal for people to think that the successful entrepreneur has a ""gift"" for business. And in fact, this is a big myth that needs to be debunked. Nowadays, entrepreneurship is considered a professional career and, more than that, the entrepreneur is one that leads humanity to walk towards the future. But what drives people to undertake? Is there a recipe for success? Is failure something we can avoid? To answer these and many other questions, HubX presents the Quick Guide to Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Its content covers the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, how the entrepreneur should invest in developing his skills, ways to plan the business, how creativity can help in difficult times, successful digital business models, business model canvas and much more.The ability to innovate requires professionals to step out of their comfort zone, take advantage of the public's interests and create new trends or solutions that are capable of completely changing the lives of customers. In practice, professionals who want to differentiate themselves and attract customers need to adopt a culture of entrepreneurship and business innovation.BECOME AN INNOVATION LEADERInnovation is necessary. Understand the main concepts, principles and trends of Innovation and learn how to apply in practice for your company to survive and grow faster.INNOVATION IN PRACTICEThe training is to the point. No bullshit or unnecessary theories. You will learn, through content and exercises, from the key concepts of innovation to the step-by-step to put them into practice. Here's what you'll learn:ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION COURSESEvery professional who wants to differentiate himself or attract customers must adopt a culture of entrepreneurship and business innovation. Therefore, it is essential to improve your skills, develop your creativity and have a broad strategic business vision that allows you to identify opportunities and develop good ideas.Take advantage of this promotion and invest in this course that will lead you faster to success.I wait for you in the first class."
Price: 19.99

"Vegas Edio de vdeos" |
"O mercado de edio de videos tem crescido a passos largos, com a revoluo das redes sociais muito comum empresas e at mesmo pessoas fsicas com uma ideia contratarem um editor para executar um projeto.E para conseguir uma fatia desse mercado crescente uma das coisas mais importantes dominar uma ferramenta de edio, e nesse curso voc ter a oportunidade de aprender a usar uma das ferramentas mais populares, o editor de vdeos profissional Vegas.Para quem o o Curso: Produtores de vdeos iniciantesYoutubers Instrutores de cursos onlineBlogueirosJornalistasPessoas que desejam se torna um editor"
Price: 69.99

"Pemrograman Java Menggunakan GUI" |
"Materi yang disampaikan ialah mengenai Pemrograman Java Menggunakan Graphical User Interface (GUI). Video yang berdurasi sekitar 156 menit ini akan membahas konsep dari Java pada beberapa pertemuan awal, kemudian dilanjutkan mengenai pembelajaran GUI dan juga pengaksesan ke database. Diharapkan setelah mempelajari materi ini, peserta dapat lebih mengerti dan mampu membuat sebuah aplikasi berbasis GUI yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan database."
Price: 560000.00

"Dropshipping od A do Z Hurtownie, zarobki, narzdzia" |
"Zarzdzanie w Dropshippingu nie musi by uciliwe i niestabilne! Wiele kursantw obawia si czy dadz sobie rad od strony technicznej - spokojnie narzdzia i technologie wytumacz od podstaw Poka Ci jak wypromowa swj produkt. Nie jest to proste, ale s pewne sprawdzone schematy ktre dobrze zastosowane przynios efekty. Przekae ca esencje moich dowiadcze z dropshippingiem, oraz na ywo razem z Wami poprowadz sprzeda wybranego produktu.****WASNY SKLEP**** ****SPRAWDZONE KAMPANIE**** ****ZAPLANOWANA SPRZEDA****Zdobd sukces z nami ciko, do celu Cae szkolenie jest kompletnie za darmo, wic odpadaj Ci koszta za szkolenie ktre moesz zainwestowa w biznes natomiast kadego z kursantw bdziemy naciskali na cig aktywno, dropshipping to dynamiczna forma sprzeday i bez tego nie utrzymasz si na rynku. Docz do szkolenia na ktre zapisao si ju ponad 4000, ju teraz na Udemy! Poznasz si tutaj na moim caym dowiadczeniu ktre nabyem w sprzeday w modelu Dropshippingowym. Postaw na rozwj swojego biznesu w nadchodzcych latach na bazie moich poraek i sukcesw - powtarzaj, modyfikuj i wdraaj tylko te schematy ktre zagwarantuj Twj sukces.Podstawowe zaoenia:Wybra produkt i przeprowadzi analiz Uruchomi sklep Stworzy kampani prowadzc do sukcesu Docz teraz a:- Otrzymasz za DARMO porad w pdfie o TESTOWANIU PRODUKTU- Poznasz najwaniejsze narzdzia i elementy do stworzenia sklepu online- Przedstawi sprawdzone schematy kampanii reklamowych produktw z dropa, ktre dziaaj!- Otrzymasz 100% praktycznej wiedzyZobacz social proof "" Merytorycznie , rzeczowo i na temat - bez zbdnych otoczek :) Kurs zdecydowanie godny polecenia, przekazuje wiedz a nie obiecuje gruszk na wierzbie :) Polecam zdecydowanie !"" Konrad B."" Super kurs ?, adnego sztywniactwa tylko opatologicznie przetumaczone z Waszego na Nasze. Bardzo polecam.?"" Daniel A. ""'Polecam. Duo merytorycznej wiedzy. Wszystko podane jak na tacy."" Sara G. '' Kurcze, dobrze jest mie uporzdkowan wiedz, dropshiping to chodliwy temat ostatnio, warto go podj a ju na pewno na tym kursie, polecam! ?."" Gabriel W. ""Jeden z lepszych kursw. Esencja dropshippingu! Duo praktycznych kejsw."" Micha M.""Konkretna praktyczna wiedz ktra mona od razu wprowadzi w ycie :)"" Marcin K. Zalety szkolenia:wiedza poparta wieloma testami z WYSOKIM budetemskupiamy si na wszystkich istotnych elementach, caa wiedza jest uschematyzowanajest to moje najobszerniejsze szkolenie z dropshippinguPoznasz ywe przykady i liczby - Poznaj pomysy moje i moich kursantw ktre wprowadzilimy w ycie i na starcie wiedzielimy e to bdzie sukces! Zarzdzanie treciPokaemy Ci jak wypromowa swj produkt, nie jest to atwe, ale s pewne sprawdzone schematy ktre jeli dobrze zastosujesz przynios efekty. Sklep i integracjaWiele kursantw obawia si czy dadz sobie rad od strony technicznej, spokojnie ju o to zadbalimy przygotowujc specjalne moduy wideo! Kampania reklamowaReklama to inwestycja nie wydatek ale to nie znaczy, e nie moemy jej ustawia jak najlepiej i optymalizowa kampanii aby przynosia jak najwicej zyskw to rwnie omwimy! Analiza i optymalizacjaW trakcie wyzwania oprcz materiaw do przerobienia, bd pokazywa dziaanie narzdzi do dropshippingu, razem z grup bdziemy obserwowali specjalnie przygotowany na t okazj nowy biznes, a jeli wyrazisz zgod bdziemy mogli przedyskutowa rwnie nad Twoim. Zapewniam, e nie bdzie nudy ? Budowanie marki i relacji z klientamiOprcz spraw technicznych i optymalizacji kampanii pokaemy Ci jakie treci dostosowywa do Twoich odbiorcw, zasugerujemy kanay komunikacji z klientem oraz retoryk jak warto bdzie zastosowa w danej brany.Pamitaj, e z odpowiedni wiedz, przykadami i sprawdzonymi technikami drop moe zosta Twoim gwnym dochodem! Automatyzujemy i integrujemy wszystko tak aby cay nas biznes dziaa zasad Pareto.--- Jaki s WADY Dropshippingu? Konkurencja, jest to bardzo popularny model sprzedayCay czas trzeba aktualizowa wiedz, uczy si czego nowego - tak nawet ja to robi :)Inwestycje w niezbdne narzdzia i reklamyWymagajca obsuga klienta Jaki s ZALETY Dropshippingu?Elastyczny czas i miejsce pracyBrak kosztw staychSporo narzdzi na polskim rynkuBrak reklamacji, zwrotw tym zajmuje si hurtowniaNiska pocztkowa inwestycja--- DLACZEGO za darmo?Bo szukam ludzi do wsppracy, samodzielnie sukcesywnie mog skalowa tylko 2-3 sklepy natomiast w kooperacji mog o WIELE wicej zdziaa. Dodatkowo du cz ju publikowaem w artykuach, ksikach, postach ALE tutaj wszystko bdzie w jednym miejscu, wic nie bdziesz musia/a szuka.Autor szkolenia: Mateusz GrabowskiJako wykadowca informatyki i trener marketingu z 10 letnim dowiadczeniem prowadzc codziennie kilkanacie kampanii chtnie podziel si swoim dowiadczeniem. Moje szkolenia na Facebooku obserwuje 250 000 osb. Specjalizuje si w E-commerce, Dropshippingu i social sellingu myl e Ci nie zawiod!""Miaam pomys na biznes w dropshippingu... Wybraam produkty z potencjaem ktrych nie widziaam na polskim rynku. Poczytaam, zaczam dziaa i szo fatalnie - a to reklama kompletnie leaa, sklep si psu. Trafiam na Mateusza, na pocztku bardzo sceptycznie podchodziam do jego rozwiza, po konsultacjach i odpowiednim poprowadzeniu jestem w miejscu gdzie drop jest moim gwnym i staym rdem zarobku. Oczywicie trzeba nad nim cay czas pracowa, ale satysfakcja gwarantowana!""Takie rekomendacje stawiaj mnie na nogi kadego dnia!Chciabym rwnie liczy na tak od Ciebie :)Aktualny spis lekcji:Wybr produktu Testowanie produktu Strategia cenowa Wygld strony z produktem Wygld sklepu Wygld mojego sklepu Wprowadzenie do kampanii Targetowanie reklam Kreacja GraficznaDodatkiDostp do darmowej grupy wsparciawiczeniaSchematy w PDFieKalkulatory"
Price: 69.99

"O poder da escolha" |
"Temos pontos de encruzilhada em alguns momentos da vida: arriscar seguir um novo e desconhecido caminho ou caminhar dentro da nossa zona de conforto?Escolher s vezes parece ser questo de vida ou morte. Mas a maioria das nossas escolhas so apenas questes postas para nos conhecermos um pouco mais. Escolher por onde seguir no to assertivo quanto marcar a resposta considerada correta numa prova de mltipla escolha. E se voc sabe disso j percebeu que entrar em contato com a sua essncia mais produtivo do que buscar conselhos de quem no te conhece - e s voc pode se conhecer assim to bem.Se eu te disser que este curso vai te tornar uma pessoa super assertiva eu estaria mentindo. S VOC consegue ir em direo s melhores decises da sua vida, comeando pela escolha em fazer esse curso. Este curso pode te auxiliar a encontrar respostas e escolher por qual caminho percorrer, mas ele no pode e no vai fazer o trabalho em seu nome. Ningum vai. Caso queira compartilhar de uma jornada de construo de fundaes prprias para experimentar escolhas ativas mais assertivas que passivas seja muito bem-vindo (a)! Este curso pra voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a livrar-se das dvidas de forma definitiva" |
"Este curso para as pessoas que querem eliminar as dvidas e ser mais feliz. Neste curso tem um passo a passo de como melhorar, organizar sua vida financeira. Como gastar menos no carto de crdito, parar de pagar tantos juros para o sistema financeiro, tentar viver em equilbrio e feito de uma forma didtica que todos possam compreender. A primeira pergunta que o curso faz se voc sabe administrar bem suas finanas, se quando recebe o salrio ele sobra no banco. Este curso ensina a voc no cair nos mesmos erros da maioria que vive num padro acima dos seus ganhos. E se voc gasta mais do que ganha este curso ideal para voc."
Price: 19.99

"Create Stunning Design For Free Using Canva" |
"Do you want to create stunning designs for free without any prior knowledge of designing?YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACELET ME TELL YOU WHY.Content is the KING and you know that. Content can come in many forms. You can provide information via text, images, video, or a combination. But what is the best way to present content on your website?Because about 65% of people are visual learners, a quick answer would be to go visual and use lots of images. Its certainly a logical thing to do, knowing from our experience that images and infographics convey information well.Our brains process visual information up to 60,000 times better. Thats the reason people remember up to 80% of what they see, compared to only about 20% of what they read. So when it comes to memorability, visuals are key to your content creation.More people view posts that have visualsYou can almost double the number of views that your webpage gets if you include visuals. Plus, visuals can help you attract the right kind of audience to your site by up to 67%.Additionally, statistics have shown that 40% of online users will give more positive responses to visual content than text-based content.Videos are one type of visual content that gets a lot of favorable feedback. In the United States, over 85% of people watch videos online.Visuals more often GO VIRAL than textViral images and videos go viral partly because people tend to share more visuals than text. The average person only reads about 20% of the text on a webpage or post. If the text is not compelling or interesting enough, the person simply leaves the page.If your goal is to go viral, its best to have visuals accompanying a short text. If you are creating content for your social media sites, then visuals will be your best bet. Getting a post to go viral can boost your brand awareness. Not only that, but you can increase your conversion rate as well.Visuals help increase online customer engagement and salesFor many businesses, its not enough just to get traffic to their websites. The key is to get targeted audiences to visit the sites. Once you have your target audiences attention, visual elements can increase your online engagement by up to 37%.Businesses who rely on customer loyalty will surely benefit from this increased engagement. It builds customer relationships, which will affect revenue and brand awareness down the line.As a plus, product videos also help generate revenue. Studies have shown that website visitors spend more time on websites that have video elements. More importantly, online shoppers are 85% more likely to act on a product offer after watching an explainer video.IF YOU WANT TO AVAIL ALL THESE BENEFITS WITHOUT ANY PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF DESIGNING, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ENROLL NOW AND ENJOY."
Price: 12800.00

"Singer's Holistic Voice Warm Up Course" |
"WARM UPS & WISDOM FOR SINGERS TO PREPARE VOICE & MIND BEFORE A SHOW! Are you tired of looking for warm up tutorials on youtube and STILL not knowing how to prepare your voice for amazing singing? With this step by step holistic warm up course, I got you covered! In less than an hour, I will guide you through learning how to warm up your voice SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY. No more wondering if you do it right only to go on stage and realise you didn't give your voice exactly what it needed to perform. Mastering your voice starts with knowing what your voice NEEDS and through this course I am giving you all the tools and steps to achieve exactly that. Let's do this together!"
Price: 29.99

"Upper-Hand: Resume/CV, LinkedIn, Interview Tips To Job Offer" |
"The complete course with winning strategies to give you the upper hand in a competitive job market. This course's proven winning strategies have helped thousands of candidates over the years to successfully land their dream jobs national and global Fortune 100 companies. In the course, you will learn how to build your resume, target your job search, improve your networking skills, effectively ace the interviews- both virtual and in-person, and negotiate the job offer. Whether youre looking for a first job, re-entering the market, or planning a career change, this complete course will provide you with a roadmap to success by utilizing the latest job-search strategies for the digital age. By the end of the course, you will be equipped and confident to conquer your job search."
Price: 24.99

"The Complete Guide to Bug Bounty Hunting" |
"Welcome to The Complete Guide to Bug Bounty Hunting. In this course, you will learn the essential tools and techniques required to hunt and exploit vulnerabilities in applications. The goal of this course is to equip ethical hackers with the knowledge required to be able to find and responsibly disclose vulnerabilities to companies, and gain rewards through existing bug bounty programs.Here is a detailed breakdown of the course:Fundamentals of OWASP Top 10 VulnerabilitiesThis section will breakdown the most common vulnerabilities currently present in web applications. It will introduce the concepts of these vulnerabilities and demonstrate what to look for in order to detect them. The OWASP top 10 is essential for bug bounty hunters to know because it will allow you to better understand what you are looking for in a penetration test.Kali Linux and Web Application HackingThis section will teach you the most common tools used in Kali Linux by hackers, including Nmap, SQLmap, Commix, Wfuzz, Metasploit, and many others. You will learn how to gather information about targets and launch attacks to expose vulnerabilities in them. Web applications are some of the most common targets for bug bounties currently, so knowing how to create meaningful attacks against them is essential. Foundations of Hacking and Penetration Testing Android AppsMost companies now have apps that are included in bug bounty programs. Learning how to scan and exploit these apps can often by a lucrative way to gain bounties. Given the new focus on application development, apps typically make a great target for bug bounties!Enroll today, and learn some of the most important skills for ethical hackers, penetration testers, and bug bounty hunters!"
Price: 199.99

"Building Foundations on Microeconomics to Expand Your Career" |
"Let's master the following Microeconomics topics together: Basic Pricing Strategies: Cost-Plus, Competitive based, Value based;Market Structure: Oligopoly, Monopoly, Perfect competition, Monopolistic Competition;Economic Systems: Traditional, Market, Planned, Hybrid;Supply & Demand: Law of Supply and Demand, Market Equilibrium;Microeconomics History in Personalities.In order to achieve goals in modern post-pandemic world we should be brave, curious and have a good grasp on microeconomics questions. You can achieve more in your life if you will explain economic situations in a confident way. Obviously you should start from the basics in order to build your strong knowledge in microeconomics topics.This course will help you on your way."
Price: 199.99

"Spanish: The Most Useful Words +100" |
"Why study sentences? Memorizing the meaning of individual words... is pretty much pointless. If you want actual fluency, you need to see a word in as many example sentences as possible. That makes the language start to flow in your head. That shows you how to use the word. How it is combined with the other words. And many other things. We think that effort always converts into fluency. This is not true. If you memorize the meaning of individual words you won't get fluent and you will spend a ton of effort. But studying sentences is the real deal. Is the method of learning that actually converts effort to fluency. Get some basic grammar, some basic vocabulary, then just dive into sentences and more sentences until you're fluent."
Price: 19.99

"ISO 14001: 2015 - evre Ynetim Sistemi Standart Eitimi" |
"ISO 14001 : 2015 evre ynetim sistemi, kurulularmzda global lekte ve etkili bir evre anlaynn olduunu ifade eden bir standarttr. Bu standarttn ierisinde istenen artlar yerine getiren ve bunlar srekli olarak iyiletiren iletmeler bu standartt uyguladklarn eitli denetimler ile kantlayarak bu standarttn belgesine sahip olurlar. Bylece saladmz rn ve/veya hizmeti olutururken evresel konularda ve doal kaynaklarn kullanm konusunda bir tandarta uygun alan iletmeler arasnda yerinizi alm olursunuz.Kurulu byklnden, rettii rn veya hizmet trnden bamsz, kamu/zel fark etmeksizin bu standart oteller, kamu kurulular endstri kurulular gibi ok geni bir yelpazede uygulanmaktadr. ok yaygn olarak uygulanan global lekteki bu evre ynetim sistemi standartna hakim olmak sizlere olduka deer katan bir ayrcalk olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Alt Sigma - Beyaz Kuak Bilgilendirme Eitimi" |
" Alt Sigma almalarn balatmak isteyen st, orta dzey yneticiler, i gelitirme yneticileri, mhendisleri, alt sigma konusunda bilgi edinmek isteyen ve bu alanda almay dnen, beyaz kuak seviyesinde bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen kiilerin katlm iin uygundur. Alt Sigma, srelerimizdeki operasyonlarmzda mkemmelliin salanmas amacyla iletmelerde srelerin tanmlanmas, llmesi, analiz edilmesi, iyiletirilmesi ve kontrol iin kolay ve etkili istatistik aralarnn kullanld bir ynetim stratejidir.Alt sigma ile srelerin istenen kalitede olup olmad ve kalitenin saysal deeri ortaya konabilir. Bu yaklam, sre performansn gelitirerek bir milyonda 3,4 birim hata oranna ulamay amalar. Alt sigma yaklam, aadaki konuya odaklanr. Mteri memnuniyetini artrma Maliyetleri drme Kaliteyi arttrmaAlt sigma yaklam, tm sektr ve blmlerin srelerinde, alan says veya ciro farketmeksizin kullanlabilir. Yukardaki konulara gre alt sigma, aadaki farkl durum zerinde alma yapmak isteyen firmalarn tercih edecei bir ynetim sistemidir."
Price: 49.99

"Secure Coding Bootcamp" |
"This course will give you an overview of secure coding process. PHP is used in the examples however the course is valid for wide range of programming languages. You will learn secure coding best practices and will master your skills. At the end of the course you will receive a certificate for completion."
Price: 19.99

"Learn staad pro connect edition from the scratch" |
"We shall learn how to use staad pro connect edition to model, analyse and design any type of structure. E.g residential buildings, commercial buildings, dome, cooling tower, water tank, swimming pool, steel structures and concrete structures, all on staad pro connect edition. we shall also learn how to use RCDC for structural detailing and drafting, to make life easier for us"
Price: 34.99

": , Google , , Facebook" |
"! . -, 5 . ? . . , , , . , 2-3 ? . - . , , , , , . , , ""---"" ""---"", . , 30 , 3 ., - , , ! , , ._______________ : - ; - ; - -; - -."
Price: 1799.00

"9 Grundlagen fr eine bessere Teamfhrung" |
"Wir machen es jeden Tag, aber ein Team zu leiten und zu fhren kann schon eine gewaltige Herausforderung sein. Mchten Sie Ihre Fhrungsqualitten und Ihre Strken verbessern? Mchten Sie noch kompetenter werden, motivierend und sogar inspirierend auf Ihr Team wirken?Herzlichen Glckwnsch! Fhrungsqualitten knnen erlernt werden. Unabhngig davon, ob Sie kleine oder groe Teams fhren, gibt es einfache, aber tiefgreifende Techniken, um Ihre Teammitglieder auf Ihre Seite zu bringen, Ihre Botschaft zu vermitteln und die Arbeit zu erledigen. Dieser Kurs hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihre Fhigkeiten in Bezug auf Ihre Mitarbeiterbeziehungen, Kommunikation, Zuhren und Delegation auszubauen und zu verbessern. Dieser Kurs ist fr Anfnger aber auch fr Personen, die bereits Erfahrung in der Fhrung von Teams haben, aber noch besser und effektiver und werden mchten.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, warum es wichtig ist, Ihre Mitarbeiter zu loben und Ihre Kollegen in der ffentlichkeit zu schtzen. Fhrung beginnt mit Selbstfhrung und ist eine grundlegende Fhigkeit in jeder Phase Ihrer Karriere und Ihres Lebens. Die Fhrungsprinzipien, die Sie in diesem Kurs lernen werden, haben mir auch auf meinem Weg geholfen, ein viel effektiverer und effizienterer Teamleiter und Manager zu werden.Ich bin Marcel Riemer, Kchenchef und Autor mit mehr als 27 Jahren Erfahrung in der internationalen Hotellerie. Ich habe fr unzhlige Menschen gekocht, darunter Prsidenten, Spitzensportler und Knstler aus aller Welt. Ich leitete multinationale Teams mit ber 125 Mitarbeitern in 11 verschiedenen Lndern auf 4 Kontinenten. Deshalb betrachte ich mich als ""Global Leader"". Ich habe diesen Kurs entwickelt. Werden Sie eine exzellente Fhrungskraft!Kursinhalt:- Mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen- Zuhren- Fhren durch Kommunikation- Delegation & Empowerment- Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen- Lob und Wertschtzung- Emotionale Intelligenz- Training, Coaching & Mentoring- InspirationIch freue mich auf Ihre Teilnahme!Marcel"
Price: 29.99

"Reset your Mindset" |
"You feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you are exhausted.Youre fumbling through your day unfocused and anxious and you just want to feel vibrant.Youre going through the motions but you want to feel more, see more, do more.You want to live a life of brilliance.I know exactly where you are right now, because Ive been right where you are.I have been through so many emotions throughout my life all stemming from mindset issues, overweight, depressed, even suicidal at the lowest points of my life, suffering from an eating disorder, challenged by moving countries and not having any family or friends around me, missing my home, my old life and being a new mum at home with her babies and feeling more and more despondent with each and every passing day. I lost me, I lost Jane, I become just mum, no one with any purpose, having no drive, no direction.I have been where you are right now and I have learnt how to pick myself up and move through it and get back to being the person that I am today, the person that knows there is more to life and that low energy is not serving me - the person with a positive, empowered mindset.I want that for you too, I want you to feel amazing and know that you deserve everything that you want.You are unique and beautiful, and you deserve to feel your best.How would your life change if you could conquer your mindset?Who would this affect positively in your life?Really stop and think about those questions for a moment. When you imagine these things, how do you feel?In our Mindset Reset Program, we will cover topics including:- Conquering Your Thoughts- Avoiding Negativity- Nature Therapy- Letting Go of Control- Ways To Stay Positive- Dropping Resentment- Focus, Focus, FocusAre you ready to set yourself free? It all starts with mindset reprogramming"
Price: 34.99

"L'arithmtique dans l'ensemble des entiers naturels N" |
"Dans ce cours vous allez apprendre l'arithmtique dans l'ensemble N en six chapitres, cette formation est trs utile pour ceux qui veulent tudier lalgbre de boole et les thorie des ensembles:- dans le premier chapitre vous allez dcouvrir comment les nombres pairs et les nombres impairs-dans le deuxime chapitre nous allons voir comment trouver les multiples et les diviseurs d'un entier naturel-le troisime chapitre est consacr aux nombres premiers, dans lequel vous allez voir comment effectuer un liste des nombres premiers qui sont infrieur un nombre donn.-le quatrime chapitre sera consacr la dcomposition d'un nombre en produit des facteurs premiers-dans le cinquime chapitre je vais vous citer quelques critres de divisibilits afin de savoir si un nombre est divisible sur un autre nombre ou non-et enfin je vais vous donner plusieurs mthodes et techniques pour trouver le PGCD et PPCM de deux entiers naturelsinscrivez-vous et rejoignez moi dans ce cours d'introduction"
Price: 19.99

"Belt It Out Beginner's Guide to a Powerful, Healthy Voice" |
"Always wanted to have a rich and vibrant voice?Imagine singing with power, captivating the audience with your loud and controlled sound... No wonder belting is in high demand in contemporary styles! Since it conveys passion and strength, many TV talent shows and singing contests reinforce this kind of singing. When blended with other vocal technique components, belting is inspiring, empowering and energizing.In this course, youll learn how to safely enhance your belted, high-pitched sounds, by: Improving your breath management, Using your mixed voice, Working on your nasal resonance.Not familiar with these terms? Dont worry theyre all covered in our lessons. Theres no better feeling than being free to express your inner music with others: learning how to belt can help you discover your unique, natural and commanding sound.Want to unleash your singing potential? Enroll today!"
Price: 39.99

"ECCouncil EC0-349 HACKING Forensic Investigator Exam" |
"304 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC0-349 HACKING Forensic Investigator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC0-349 HACKING Forensic Investigator ExamTotal Questions : 304Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (228 of 304)"
Price: 179.99

"Color Grading Crash Course in DaVinci Resolve 16" |
"The Ultimate color grading crash course in DaVinci Resolve 16 for Beginners.Hi lovely creative people,in this class you will learn the perfect techniques for an amazing color grading to your footage.Let's start with the famous question what is color correction and what is color grading?Color correction is all the adjustments that you apply to the entire image, while color grading is the creative look that you give to the footage.With that being said color correction is absolutely mandatory and necessary, it is the foundation of color grading process if you skip it you are done, and it comes before the creative look because it represents 70% of the coloring process while color grading is that 30%. So start with the basic adjustments then add the creative look.If you are a colorist and you just starting if all you know is color correction you can rest a sure that you will be doing perfect. Because here is the thing when colorists work on Hollywood movies all the colors that you see there are all done in the filming process with the lights setup so by color correcting that film the Hollywood colorists just accentuate those lights plus building a creative look that helps the storys message.Reality shows, TV shows, Cooking shows,Sport games, News,Interviews, Weddings all this is color correction there is no color grading in there guys.Color grading is mostly used on music videos, Hollywood movies and commercials so unless you are working with the biggest color grading studio in the world all you need is color correction and some LutsIn this color grading crash course for beginners you will learn how to color correct like a pro apply creative looks manually and work with Luts."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Assertiveness: How to be more Assertive in Life" |
"Assertiveness is a key life skill and has a key role to play not just in terms of how others perceive you but more importantly how you perceive yourself. How you behave in a situation determines how others respond to you and treat you. That response has a bearing on your own self-esteem. Your self-esteem determines how confident you are the next time while interacting with others and how you behave in that particular situation. This is a cause and effect relationship. How you behave in a situation is the key. If you behave assertively, others around you will treat you right and you will feel more confident, leading to you getting what you want.If you are assertive, you are able to disagree with people when the need arises, you are able to say no without worrying about the relationship and you are able to ask for what you need/want. There is a fine difference between being assertive vis--vis being aggressive or passive. Assertive people do not feel stress or anxiety in standing up for themselves and dealing with difficult situations.Imagine yourself as this confident person who does not feel stressed or anxious while stating what you feel or asking for what you want. It is possible! You can do it too. You can learn to be assertive and with consistent practice, you will see life-changing results.If you want to develop your assertiveness skill, this is the course for you!This course is designed to give you a complete 360 degree view around the assertiveness skill and is packed with relevant and practical tools and techniques which you can start implementing right now. In this course, we explore the key concepts of assertiveness, look at the reasons and limiting beliefs around why people find it difficult to be assertive and do a deep-dive on a step-by-step approach on how to improve your assertive quotient. Built on sound fundamentals of human psychology, this course is the most exhaustive toolkit to improve this life-skill. In this course, you will get to learn:. Exploring the subconscious fears and beliefs which stop you from speaking up, sharing your feelings and asking for what you want. Right mindset which helps improving assertiveness. Reasons why people behave differently either passively or aggressively. Time-tested techniques which you can start implementing from today. Examples and role-plays to help you see how assertiveness plays out in day-to-day interactions. Assessment to gauge your own level of assertiveness. How to use the right language and words, structuring your sentences right for being assertive. Maintaining the right body language in interactions. Step-by-step approach for being assertive in any situation. Guidance on where to be assertive and where to let go. Step-by-step approach on how to say No without damaging the relationship. How to put forth your disagreement to anyone else in the right way. Practice modules to test your understanding. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques to help you become more assertive. Day-to-day practices which can help you make assertive behavior a habitThis course also includes tools and templates which would help you gauge your current levels of assertiveness as well as help you stay on track in terms of developing the skill.Our team of experts has carefully curated the course content which is practical and easy to understand. You will be able start applying the tips and techniques immediately. So go ahead. See you in the course."
Price: 49.99

Price: 49.99

"Selenium webdriver with Java and Cucumber BDD framework" |
"Description:Cucumber is one of the most powerful frameworks available in the market for Test Automation which requires minimum/No programming knowkedge. This course will guide you to create Robust test automation framework using concepts of Behaviour driven development(BDD) and will focus on the pinpoint concepts rather than beating around the bush After the end of the course, you will be able to create a Robust cucumber framework and will be able able to take your career to the next level in your organisation.Course content includesIntroduction to Selenium and JAVAInstallation of JAVA on Windows operating system. Creating Maven Project and simple projectCross-browser configuration and ExecutionElement locator strategies(ID,Name, LinkText, partial link text, Tagname, classname, XPath, cssSeclector)Different wait statementsWhat is cucumber? Cucumber BDD approachGherkin syntaxesRules in defining Cucumber feature fileCucumber Automation terminologiesData-driven testing with CucumberDataTable feature and its importanceRegular expression for developing reusable componentsParameterizing tests with Example keywordCucumber Hooks and Tagging featuresSmart usage of combining hooks and tags togetherJunit Test Runner importance with cucumberCucumber options Attributes optionsGenerating reports for cucumber testsIntegrating cucumber tests with MavenScheduling tests from Jenkins for Continous Integration"
Price: 1280.00
