"Herkes renebilsin Diye- OYUNCULUK" |
"Hayatn iinde hepimiz birer oyuncuyuz. Bazen birok rol birlikte oyunuyoruz. Peki bu ii profesyonel olarak yapmak isteyenler nereden balamal? Bu ii meslek edinmek isteyenler iin ok pratik neriler nelerdir? Oyuncu- Eitmen- Ynetmen; Burcu Saliholu bu video eitimi ile bu sorulara cevap verecek.indeki Oyuncuyu KefetOyunbaz Kime Denir?Farkndalm/ OyunbazlmEnerji KullanmSesimin GcBedenimin GcOynamann HazzRol Kiimizi VizyonlamakRol Kiisi le YzlemeRol Kiinin AksiyonlarRol Kiisi zerindeki Alglar Ynetmekzlerinken Oyunbaz Ynetmek"
Price: 399.99

"Complete WebRTC Course Learn Application Development 2020" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn to communicating, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in WebRTC, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the voice, audio and more of WebRTC from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 3 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to programming. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this WebRTC course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use WebRTC perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of WebRTC, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar WebRTC course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in WebRTC is here in English in 2020.Do not wait more!"
Price: 179.99

"Complete ROBLOX STUDIO and LUA Programming Course (2020)" |
"Imagine that you are in front of a river that you want to cross, in this there is a row of rocks separated from each other, close enough that you can jump one at a time, there are times that by impatience we want to reach the other shore as quickly as possible , so we take a big leap hoping to arrive as soon as possible. But as in everything in this life, if you want to move too fast, you end up falling and backing down, that's why things have to be done step by step, and often choose the slowest path. You will always be free to choose, whether to make a great leap or move rock by rock.With all this, what I want to convey to you is that the way to learn to do your own games with Roblox Studio, you have to start with the first thing, which in this case is the organization and not despair if things don't go quickly, the first rock to cross the river, once you have the necessary knowledge you can make the leap towards a new rock that brings you to the other shore, in the programming, once you have crossed several rocks, these fork in several ways, here you decide which one to take, but at the beginning there are to go through the first rocks you find.This course goes into the knowledge of the programming of Roblox and Lua Programming from 0 or with little knowledge. Knowing how to progress and understand what I explain is fundamental. 3 hours of unique and exclusively video material to achieve a simple and consolidated learning of how to programming. Through the course, we will see different concepts that will help us reach that goal that we had dreamed from the beginning.In this LUA Script and Roblox course, I will cover everything you need to know to start from scratch in this application and finish the course knowing how to use Roblox perfectly. Even if you have knowledge of Roblox, after completing this course you will be able to achieve things that you had not even imagined. And you will definitely surprise your friends and family.If you do not understand any concept, do not hesitate to write me in the questions and answers section, if you would like to know something basic that is not clear or that I do not say, you can send it to me and I will add the class if the proposal seems good to me.I am sure you will find enough new information in this course to be worth it.I am sure that when you finish you will know how to make your own videos and I hope you send them to me to give your opinion and help you! Greetings and see you in the next course. There is no similar Roblox course available anywhere. Everything you need to know in Roblox Studio is here in English.Do not wait more!"
Price: 169.99

"Learn to create a 2D Idle Miner Tycoon Game in Unity 2020" |
"Learn how to create your first Idle Miner Tycoon Game in Unity!Have you ever spent hours in front of your cell phone screen, increasing levels or resources in an Idle Tycoon game? Have you ever wanted to learn how to create one of these games? Idle Tycoon type games are the most downloaded games on Android and iOS, In this course I will explain everything you need to be able to create one of these games, together we will create this game from scratch, implementing new features as we advance.We will start with an empty project, where we will implement all the packages we need to create the game, and we are going to discuss what we need to create one of these amazing games.This course covers all the basics you need to create an Idle game, at the end of the course, you will have the final project ready to be downloaded."
Price: 99.99

"Lucid Dreaming & Astral Projection Course - Module III" |
"Hi Guys,If you are here - it is maybe not a coincidence. Are you already a lucid dreamer or an astral projector? Are you successful with the direct approach to lucid dreaming? This approach is also known as W I L D - Wake Induced Lucid Dream. Do you know the techniques of travel and manifestation? Did you know that it is possible to get to know information otherwise inaccessible to you, thanks to the dream state? Would you like to know the source of that information and how it is made available to you? Do you know how to work with vibrations and sleep paralysis? Or maybe you are not familiar at all with the dynamics of the dream state?If you would like all these questions answered and much more, be my guest! Without bragging too much, I have done all the research, so you will not need to do it anymore. I am one of the speakers at the ""O O B E Research Institute of Moscow."" I have successfully trained hundreds of dreamers worldwide. I am not only teaching the art of lucid dreaming, but I am actively researching it. You will have cutting edge information available to you, and as you know, if anything is not as expected, you can always get your money back.So, let's get the job done.First, let's work on the dynamics of the dream state and review your skills related to travelling techniques within the dream state. We will link your capacity to travel with your ability to get information otherwise not accessible to you. It is no secret, that it is possible to travel to a place where the data is. You have probably heard about the akashic records. Maybe you have heard about the collective field of information that is invisible to the naked eye. Have you heard of the 100 monkeys experiment, and the ""spooky"" particle behaviour in the quantum field? Surprisingly, the dream state behaves precisely in this manner...I healed my 5-year-old back pain in the dream state, and some of my students healed long-time illnesses as well. So, please let me introduce this to you. Even if you do not need it today, HEALING technique will be a fantastic tool in your arsenal to be used in the future as needed.Let's dwell for a while on the nature of sleep paralysis and vibrations. We will discuss it and insert it efficiently into the perspective of the dreaming practice. Let's demystify this for you. Suppose you occasionally have sleep paralysis that still scares and worries you. In that case, I will give you the tools to transform it into lucid dreams and astral projections. Sooner or later, you will experience vibrations. I want you to know in a precise manner, WHEN, and HOW, to act when you encounter vibrations. There is a lot of misunderstanding around the subject of vibrations and sleep paralysis in general. We have to put you on the right track in this department.We will discuss the subject of BREATH pattern in the dream state, and how it can affect your experience. Let's streamline your understanding of what ENERGY is. Often, the word energy brings fuzziness to the practice for its lack of precision in the overall practice of lucid dreaming and astral projection. Things are more straightforward than this and do not have to sound so mystical at all. Finally, please let me share with you the exiting effects of working with the INTERNAL DIALOGUE. The awareness of your thought patterns will help you to evolve within the dreamscape. But not only that! I propose you to become more mindful of your internal chatter. The constant labelling of events takes you away from the present moment. In dreams, this practice is magical. And sometimes, this magic will also permeate your daily life!Please go through each part of the course thoroughly. If you realize that you are watching me talking, but think about something else - go back and listen, watch again. I also advise you to start a dream journal if you did not do it yet. Turn it over, and take notes of this course at the end of your dream journal. By taking notes, you will draw a mental representation of all the information presented to you. By doing so, you will ""digest and assimilate"" the knowledge. Remember? I want you to be like a technical sportsman - to each situation, its appropriate action.This is how we are going to work together.Sometimes, I will ask you questions about the course. If you aren't capable of answering them, it means that you have not been learning carefully.Let me tell you just a few more words about the course. Today in 2020, the mystery of the phenomenon of Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection is out of our way. We do not require any unique ability from you anymore. And this course does not contain any unclear instructions, meditation, all day awareness practice and so on. We will not bombard you with unnecessary binaural beats or give you promises in the future that will never become part of your present.Instead, the technical arsenal of a lucid dreamer will be yours to use.Finally, I hope you do not mind my home set up of the class. It is a simple environment. What counts is the information and not the fashion in which it is presented to you.Do not hesitate to contact me. I try my best to answer your questions on an urgent basis. It is part of the package. I am not only selling this course, but I would also like the art of LUCID DREAMING and ASTRAL PROJECTION to be more mainstream. When you make this ""PLUS ONE"" in the overall number of lucid dreamers in our world, I become a happier man. By purchasing this course, you are helping you and me, but you are also assisting this knowledge to be more spread around the world.Dreaming is my passion. If dreaming is your passion too, then, like I said at the beginning, this is NOT A COINCIDENCE.See you soon in the course."
Price: 174.99

"Resurgence At Midlife (RAM)" |
"Midlife is the important and critical phase of every individual. Having more understanding and clarity regarding this phase of life will help you to have more meaning and fruitful existence on this planet.This course will get you started towards more fruitful and meaningful journey of midlife so that you can navigate the tricky terrain of midlife with less surprises and with more confidence and renewed energy.This course helps you to understand different expects of midlife, reflect upon you midlife experience and understand various identities of yourself.You will learn the four important STRATEGIES which will be your critical equipment to travel the tough terrain of midlife. This strategies are simple to understand and easy to implement so that you achieve the outcome you desire.Also workbook is been provided to be used along with the course for richer experience of the course."
Price: 1280.00

"Gua #1 de emprendimiento e innovacin para crear tu negocio" |
"En este curso aprenders los conceptos de emprendimiento, modelo de negocio CANVAS, marketing e innovacin y como aplicarlos en la creacin de tu propio negocio para que sea exitoso. Tambin entenders como construir desde 0 tu propio emprendimiento a partir de necesidades reales y como la innovacin mantendr tu negocio o Start up como referente en tu campo de accin. Todo lo que aprendan lo podrn aplicar en transformar sus proyectos personales, emprendimientos y modelos de negocio que les permitirn ser autnomos y exitosos en sus creaciones. Todo el contenido Audiovisual de el curso esta construido con la metodologa Visual Thinking para el fcil entendimiento, comprensin y aplicacin de lo enseado."
Price: 34.99

"Preparatrio TOEFL - Especfico para Speaking" |
"Se sente quase preparado para o TOEFL, mas a parte do Speaking est te deixando com a nota abaixo do esperado? Alm de contar partes estruturais da gramtica essenciais para o TOEFL, voc poder aprender estratgias de como aumentar sua nota e se sentir mais preparado para o exame! Voc contar com vdeos, textos e exerccios para praticar a habilidade de Speaking."
Price: 54.99

"Verkaufen lernen einfach und erfolgreich - die Basic-Tools" |
"Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu Verkaufen lernen einfach und erfolgreich - die Basic-ToolsDer Kurs, der Dir die Fhigkeit geben kann, alles zu verkaufen.Schn, dass Du da bist und vielen Dank, dass Du Dich fr diesen Kurs interessierst. Was erwartet Dich?Du bist neu im Vertrieb eingestiegen oder mchtest Deine Performance auf das nchste Level heben? Dann wird Dir dieser Kurs helfen.Dank ber 20 Jahren Vertriebserfahrung im Premium-Segment in einem DAX-Konzern und zahlreichen Auszeichnungen, durfte ich schon in hunderten von Seminaren und Trainingsmanahmen eine groe Zahl von Vertrieblern begleiten und nach vorne bringen. Mit all dieser Erfahrung habe ich die Gruppe der Vertriebsathleten gegrndet. Hier bekommst Du ein Best-Of aus all diesen Trainingsmanahmen, der alle wichtigen Ebenen des Vertriebs abdeckt. Doch es geht nicht um mich oder oder um den Kurs, sondern es geht um Dich. Was hast Du davon, wenn Du diesen Kurs absolvierst?Dich erwartet ein Kurs, der direkt aus der Praxis kommt und dazu sehr kompakt gehalten ist. In diesem Kurs geht es um die Basic-Werkzeuge des Verkaufens. Hier bekommst Du kein Bla-Bla - sondern es wird sich auf das Wesentliche konzentriert, dass Du nach vorne kommst. Kursablauf:Wir starten mit einem Basic-Werkzeug, was die Basis eines guten Gesprchs bildet. Wenn Du ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung verkaufen mchtest, solltest Du erst einmal wissen, was Dein Kunde haben mchte. Viel wichtiger als das ist allerdings das ""warum""? Was treibt ihn an? Was kickt ihn? Was motiviert ihn? Das erfhrst Du mit einer perfekten Bedarfsanalyse. Wie das geht erfhrst Du im ersten Kapitel.Wer, wie, was, wieso, weshalb, warum... heit es in der Sesamstrae. Wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm... Doch welche Fragen stellst Du wann am besten, dass Du die Infos bekommst, die Dich und Dein Business nach vorne bringen? Das erfhrst Du in dem Kapitel ber die Fragetechniken.Als nchstes gehen wir das Thema Nutzen ein. Du willst nicht nur stumpf etwas verkaufen. Wre es nicht klasse, wenn Du Deinen Kunden einen Nutzen gibst? Was hat Dein Kunde davon, wenn er bei Dir kauft. Wenn Du das beantwortest, bringt Dich das weit nach vorne. Wie prsentierst Du Dein Produkt oder Dein Business am besten und wie gehst Du professionell mit Einwnden um? Auch das ist ein Thema, was Du in Deinem Kurs bekommst.Preisverhandlung, Rabattschlachten, Nachlsse... Kennst Du das? Ein wichtiges Werkzeug im Verkauf ist die perfekte Preisnennung und Preisverhandlung. Wenn wir das alles abgehandelt haben, biegst Du auf die Zielgerade ein und bereitest den Weg fr den Abschluss. Auch hierfr bekommst Du kraftvolle Werkzeuge, dass Du diesen Weg erfolgreich gemeinsam mit Deinen Kunden gehst.Es gibt einige Preview Videos - schau sie dir gerne an. Du hast auerdem eine 30-Tage Geld-zurck Garantie, sollte dir der Kurs wider Erwarten nicht gefallen.Bitte beachte , dass dies ein Basic-Kurs ist. Er ist fr Einsteiger aber auch fr Vertriebler geeignet, die ihre Skills erweitern mchten. Es bleibt nur eine Frage: Bist Du auch dabei?Eine Info der guten Ordnung halber. Du hast mit Menschen zu tun. Behandele Deine Mitmenschen immer voller Respekt und respektiere deren Perspektive. Dies gilt vor allem fr alle Bereiche der Kontaktaufnahme. Beachte bitte stets alle rechtlich relevanten Themen. Gerade das Datenschutzthema und die Bedingungen von Tools oder Apps, die Du nutzt sind zu beachten. Alle Themen, die hier besprochen werden sind vorbehaltlich nderungen und Fehlern in der Ausfhrung und / Darstellung. Gerade rechtliche Themen knnen sich ndern - daher checke immer, ob Du juristisch auf der sicheren Seite bist. Hierfr kann der Verfasser keine Verantwortung bernehmen."
Price: 24.99

"3D ANIMATION - 0 to PRO: Create Credible & Unique Animations" |
"Hi!Would you like to learn 3D animation, and even end up animating your favorite characters in the best animation studios?Then this course is perfect for you, you don't need to know absolutely anything about animation, not even knowing how to draw, just a computer and your desire to learn.We will start with the basic principles of animation, and you will learn step by step everything you need to know to make credible and entertaining animationsThe classes are clear, specific, and very didactic, full of examples from both real life and professional animations;You will also have demonstrations and exercises specially designed to assimilate new concepts and thus facilitate and accelerate your learning process, teaching you the importance of paying close attention to small details.The course covers everything from how to animate a bouncing ball, through the mechanics of the character, teaching you to animate a cycle of walking step by step, to creating pantomime animations, and creating unique, original, entertaining and special characters and animations.The ""basics"" of animation: Timing and spacing, how to start and finish movements, inertia and settlement, overlap, visual arcs, squash and stretch and anticipation + step-by-step demonstrations of how to animate a bouncing ball, a pendulum and a simple character with a tail.The staging: Intro to staging, the point of attention, the cameras and the camera cuts, the camera framing, and the camera anglesHow to create good poses: The origin of force, perspective and orientation, the silhouette, avoiding symmetry, the line of action, the golden poses, balance, weight and strength, and moving hold.How to animate the different parts of the body: hips, torso, feet, knees, shoulders, head and neck, hands, elbows and arms, and the difference between IK vs FKStep-by-step demonstration of how to create credible walk cyclesThe 5 stages of animation: Reference, blocking, blocking +, splines and polishingHow to create a character with its own personality: The 7 questions, the personality curve, primary and secondary action, the peculiarities, and how to animate a character that thinks for himselfTips to take your animation to the next level: Exaggeration, analyze timing, repetition, cheating, and how to create more appeal.Blender technical guide to animate like a pro: Opening Blender for the first time, how to configure blender to animate more easily and quickly, the viewports, the timeline, the graph editor, the outliner, the property editor, the breakdowner, how to light your scene, how to use the X-Pose picker, how to create constrains, how to insert audio, and how to prepare your scene to start animating+ Access to a private group to receive feedback and see the animations of your colleaguesAt the end of the course:You will have the ability to animate characters in a credible way so that they have their own personalities, both in action scenes and in pantomime, thus creating unique animations that engage the audience(Although the course exercise demonstrations are done in Blender, if you have knowledge of MAYA or another animation program you can easily follow it, since the course does not focus on teaching Blender, but the ART of animation)One of the things (among many others :D ) that makes this course magnificent, is that you will learn from professional animations and unique films, therefore learning, from the best in the industry!.(Videos / shorts / animations / movies used in the course to explain animation concepts):Caminandes 1: Llama dramaCaminandes 2: Gran DillamaCaminandes 3: LLamigos Big Buck BunnyHalf GlassSintelCharade-1963InThePark (Charles Chaplin)The-Vagabond (Charles Chaplin)Popeye Brideand GloomPopeye for PresidentPopeye AliBabaPrivate Eye PopeyeWoody woodpecker pantry panicBUGS BUNNY - ALL THIS AND RABBIT STEWAbraham lincoln+ My own animations & references"
Price: 99.99

"Estatstica Fcil: Mdulo 1" |
"O curso Estatstica Fcil: Mdulo 1 um curso de iniciao em estatstica, tendo como pblico alvo pessoas que no tenha nenhum ou pouco conhecimento em estatstica;O curso abordar os seguintes temas:Circularidade do mtodo cientfico;Conceitos gerais de estatstica;Planejamento experimental;Processo de amostragem;Medidas de tendncia central.O curso realizado por meio de vdeos-aulas.Acompanha o curso um E-book com os assuntos abordados e muitos exerccios para fixao dos contedos.Aps finalizar o curso, voc ter um certificado."
Price: 39.99

"15 Most Common Suffix and their Usage in Tamil" |
"This 15 Most Common Suffixes course focuses on learning the suffixes and their usage in Tamil. This course will guide you slowly how to use each and every suffix in the sentence properly. And, this course slowly teaches you all 15 particles by building small sentences. In this course, you are going to learn these common particles: la, kku, kitta, aadhe, aadhiinggal, a, aala, ooda, kuuda, munna, piragu, larundhu, kittarundhu, naa, and lanaa. By the end of the course, you will be able to start speaking Tamil confidently using those suffix in a proper way."
Price: 19.99

"TOPIK grammar through 100 Patterns #11~20" |
"Designing a systematic learning method to study TOPIK and Conversation at onceThis course will help you learn basic grammar for TOPIK learning.This course is also useful for people who travel to Korea!This course also helps you learn the basic grammar for Korean conversation.We selected 100 grammatical patterns that Koreans actually use a lot.We provide grammatical Patterns which you can learn easily."
Price: 29.99

"Clairvoyance and Psychic Development" |
"In this course, we will look at practical methods on how to develop, train, and control your psychic abilities. My aim was to make a course that would help and lead the students on their journey with extra sensory perception, without unnecessary bias and complexities. We will look at the essential skills that are needed for psychic readings, remote viewing, mediumship, and developing one's psychic intuition and how to put those new abilities to practice. Suitable for complete beginners to the intermediate level.Astrid aka The Psychic WitchAstrid aka The Psychic Witch is an acclaimed Tarot reader, radio show host, and magician.Combining ancient knowledge with modern, edge psychology and coaching, she's creating easy to follow courses, offering deep knowledge that's explained without unnecessary complexity and occult bias.She has experience teaching physical classes in London, as well as many years of sharing her knowledge online. She worked as a spiritual advisor for renowned clients, such as Tower of London, Penguin Publishing House, Park Plaza Hotel Westminster, Sternberg Clarke Entertainment, and many others and her courses are continuously ""Bestselling"" on Udemy.This course includes:Unlimited access to over 3,5 hours of video lectures5 Test video lessons, where you can test your abilitiesUdemy Certificate of completion"
Price: 49.99

"How to Make Stylized Flat Color 3D Graphics With Blender" |
"In this course you'll learn how to make simple, stylized, flat color 3d art designed for games and animation. You'll learn to use Blender 2.8 for creating 3d art, find nice color palettes online, and use Krita to make simple mockups. This is course is designed for beginners to those software and to 3d art in general."
Price: 19.99

learn-desktop-apps-in-python-tkinter |
"- - - - -"
Price: 19.99

"HTML5 -" |
"5 ( ) ( )"
Price: 19.99

"Moldes de silicn bsicos" |
"En ste Curso sers capaz de realizar desde cero moldes de Silicn sencillos, de una pieza, y para figuras 3D, que son de 2 piezas.No hay necesidad de utilizar maquinaria para ste tipo de moldes, los puedes elaborar en la comodidad de tu hogar y con tus propias manos, slo necesitas el material para comenzar.Con los conocimientos que adquirirs en ste curso podrs elaborar moldes para: Jabones, velas, resinas, macetas, o cualquier objeto decorativo."
Price: 270.00

"Desprendendo-se da ansiedade" |
" Eu ainda no sei o que mais impressionante: a quantidade de histrias que a mente cria ou como ns, seres humanos, tendemos a acreditar e se envolver com elas, como se fossem verdades absolutas. Posso aqui dar ttulos a algumas delas e voc tambm. A histria eu perdendo o emprego, sendo humilhada pelo meu chefe, morte de entes queridos, tenho uma doena, no dar tempo, pessoas rindo de mim, meu parceiro me traindo, etc Enfim, existem infinitas histrias e s voc sabe quais passam por sua cabea. Algumas so verdadeiras e outras no. Mas, isso no importa. Qual o preo que se paga por ficar apegado a essas histrias 24 horas por dia ? Como fica seu foco? Como fica sua produtividade? Seu sono? Sua alimentao? Sua ateno? A qualidade das suas relaes? Quanta dor voc gera a voc mesmo e a outras pessoas ? E seus sonhos? Dentre outros problemas a ansiedade chega a nveis terrveis. E parece ser uma batalha injusta. Por mais que se tente sair dela, mais ela nos envolve. E como sair disso tudo? Criei esse curso com o objetivo de ensinar pessoas a sair da batalha infinita. Se voc quer aprender maneiras de se relacionar com a ansiedade de modo que ela no atrapalhe sua vida, ou seja, de forma que consiga a seguir com suas metas, objetivos e sonhos, ento este curso para voc. Voc aprender sob a luz da psicologia comportamental contextual (abordagens baseada em evidncias cientfica que tem se mostrado eficientes no tratamento de diversas psicopatologias no mundo inteiro!): Como nossas tentativas de combater a ansiedade gera mais ansiedade. Como sair da guerra e disponibilizar mais energia para fazer o que importante. Como neutralizar pensamentos difceis de modo que eles exeram menos impacto sobre os seus comportamentos. Aprender a viver no momento presente e observar as situaes de um outro ponto que se possibilita melhores atitudes. Reconectar com seus valores reais e se comprometer com aes que te faam a vivncia-los . Voc contar com dicas prticas, exerccios, ferramentas, tcnicas e poder me enviar suas dvidas sempre que as tiver. Bom, talvez em sua cabea esteja esteja passando mais uma historinha. Possveis ttulos: comigo nada funciona, eu sou assim mesmo, isso uma bobagem, psicologia para gente doida, eu no tenho tempo Que tal, apesar dessas histrias, voc embarcar nessa jornada comigo e depois de aprender o que eu proponho, tirar suas concluses de uma experincia real e no dos contos da sua cabea? Os ganhos certamente sero valiosos e qualquer coisa voc ter 30 dias para ter seu dinheiro investido de volta. Contudo, tente, apesar do era uma vez"
Price: 54.99

"SIG para Projetos Logsticos com ARCGIS" |
"A forte competitividade, a rapidez dos recursos tecnolgicos e a exigncia no atendimento aos clientes so fatores relevantes na escolha da melhor soluo para operaes de transportes de qualquer natureza. O objetivo principal somente um: Realizar o servio no tempo previsto, no local definido e na condio especificada. No entanto, o planejamento das operaes de transporte de resduos slidos vai muito alm da anlise nica de rede, contempla todos os parmetros geogrficos envolvidos com a rea em questo.Dessa forma, a aplicao da anlise de sistemas geogrficos para transporte (tambm chamado de GIS-T) surge com alta relevncia, pois contempla a modelagem de dados geogrficos juntamente com a modelagem de rede viria. No curso Banco de Dados para Projetos Logsticos, o estudo realizado relaciona informaes geogrficas do municpio com a roteirizao referente a cada escala de servio de recolha de resduos slidos.Obs: Esse curso faz parte do curso Completo Gesto de Resduos Slidos com ARCGIS, caso queira se aprofundar, indico esse curso para continuao do seu aprendizado."
Price: 84.99

autocad-2021-en-arabe |
". 2021 . . / 1982 ."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Bsico de Roupas Pet em Croch." |
"Ola, Seja bem vinda(o) O curso bsico de roupas pet em croch foi feito para voc fazer as roupas para seu animalzinho preferido.Curso com aulas bem explicativas que com certeza voc ir conseguir fazer. Deixei uma aula grtis para voc desfrutar fazer e se divertir. Vamos crochetar com Keyla Oliveira"
Price: 39.99

summer-came-uke-solo |
Price: 4200.00

"Oracle Cloud Operations Associate 1Z0-1067" |
"DescriptionThe Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 2019 Cloud Operations Associate exam (1Z0-1067) is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation knowledge in managing and operating infrastructure using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. This certification validates understanding of OCI services to control and operate infrastructure, such as but not limited to: monitoring, automation, cost control, data retention, and security control. This certification is available to all professionals. Three Practice Tests with overall 60 questions. (Relevant Questions and Answers to help you practice and clear the exam) Note: These questions will not only help you to clear the exam confidently but also help you to understand the core concept of OCI and add-on to your working knowledge.Exam Details:Certification Name: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2019 Cloud Operations AssociateExam Number: 1Z0-1067 Target Audience: Professionals responsible for managing Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services Exam Duration: 105 minutes Passing Score: 70%Exam Topics:Automating Cloud TasksPerformance Tuning and TroubleshootingManaging CostSecurity and ComplianceMonitoring and AlertingData Retention and ArchivalDesigning for cloud-scale agilityPoint not to Ignore:Our questions are not braindumps mainly, they have been curated and are up to date with questions patterns being asked in the exam. People who are experts and have done the exam: they work to get them ready for students to be ready before any attempt.Oracle Cloud Operation exam 1Z0-1067 may sound easy and straight but it is not and will have complex questions just like you will in the practice test ;-) . This exam is to evaluate the working skills of DevOps professional/SysOps/Cloud Engineer candidates. Our recommendation is to go through pre-requisites as well.Things To Note (Tips):When you are booking your OCI exam as an online proctored exam, keep the following things in mind else you might lose time to start your exam and you may not be able to clear your exam.We are compelled to write this since You have only 15 minutes after your exam scheduled time to complete the verification formality and if you have low bandwidth or any problem, then you have enough time to fix it.(We recommend this to every student appearing for any OCI Online exam since some who had attempted but stuck not due to knowledge but because the online proctoring process to clear the exam.)Please make sure to run the pre system check at least 1 hour before your exam or 1 day before. Better to do pre system check a day before to save time.The moment you click on Begin Exam button or Run system check, you will download a VU (from PearsonVue) software which is used for the exam. This file is 60 to 80 MB so early you download better it is. (It's one-time activity)Open the software and it will copy the code from your browser to it (if not manually copy and paste), click next.Provide your mobile number and click next. (Athr: CloudOps)SMS will be received, click on the link and take your selfie, upload the ID proof (Make sure to keep it handy).Take 4 more photos of your location/room as it asks (Front of your Desk, Behind your desk, Left and Right)Once done, click on the refresh button in VU software opened ion your workstation/laptop.It will ask you to close any other applications opened including your browser, do it.If it is pre-system checkit will ask one sample question and then you can end the sample exam, Once sample test is done, don't wait; open your browser and then re-click your begin exam button and repeat the steps from 4 to 9Else it will take you directly to your actual exam and you are ready to roll. (Athr: CloudOps)Make sure no one in the room, no sound from you or anyone else while exam in process. Don't read out loud ;-)Many students get confused within steps 10 & 11. Doing the same activity twice leaves you to be puzzled.However one should remember that system pre-check is separate(if already done, then it won't ask you but if ask for it, DO IT) and your actual exam is separate and they both start with the same process of verification and both must be done.If your system pre-check is failing due to Internet Bandwidth even though you think it should not; try to switch to another internet device.Now you might have understood the step 1 why it is important.Wish you all the best!Thanks,CloudOps Team"
Price: 1280.00

"Os Segredos da Magia do Atendimento" |
"Propsito do Curso: transformar empresas e pessoas em EXCELNCIA na parte de seus atendimentos para FIDELIZAR seus clientes.O curso est dividido em 10 captulos em que apresentado uma srie de segredos trabalhados pela empresa Disney para se tornar to encantadora.Ao mesmo tempo em que voc aprende a parte terica, voc tambm aprende a colocar estes conceitos na prtica para seus colaboradores, seu negcio ou na sua carreira.Conhea um pouco de alguns dos vrios temas abordados na teoria e na prtica:Aprenda como a Disney trabalha ""A Magia do Atendimento"" com seus coloboradores e como voc pode aplicar estes conceitos de forma simples e prtica em sua carreira ou em seus negcios.Sobre Treinamentos: relevncia desse tema para Disney e como voc pode aplicar no seu cotidiano de trabalho;Disneylogia: linguagem da Disney e como podemos utilizar exemplos parecidos para tratamento com nossos clientes;Cultura da Empresa Disney: lies sobre valores, viso de liderana, padres de atendimento e qualidade e diretrizes de atendimento seguidos pela Disney. Tambm trata a importncia da contratao para empresas;O Poder do Storytelling: a busca pelo nvel de detalhes altssimo e pelo encantamentodo cliente. Como arrepi-lo?Processo de Melhoria Contnua: nada est to bom que no possa ser melhorado;Pilares do Sucesso: quais os seus Pilares do Sucesso? Quais os Pilares do Sucesso da Disney e como fazer para que o cliente no perceba;Guestologia: como a experincia do cliente e passos para que ele tenha melhores momentos;Psicologia Positiva: estudo a favor do otimismo e do trabalho em funo de oportunidades, no de problemas;O Poder da Sinergia: a busca da maximizao do Lucro em todos os setores atravs da relao entre seus produtos/servios;Curiosidades sobre a empresa Disney.No perca essa GRANDE OPORTUNIDADE de ter seu negcio reconhecido como ""Atendimento Mgico.""Entenda a diferena que faz na FIDELIZAO do seu cliente!*ESCLARECIMENTO:- Este treinamento no de nenhuma forma endossado, autorizado ou afiliado a The Walt Disney Company, suas subsidirias ou afiliadas;- No se trata de um produto Disney;- Qualquer meno a nomes e lugares associados no tem inteno de infringir suas marcas registradas e usada no contexto educacional;- O palestrante no representa, de nenhuma forma, a The Walt Disney Company, suas subsidirias ou afiliadas."
Price: 99.99

"LA BIBLE EN TRADING: guide complet analyse graphique trading" |
"Apprenez et matrisez toutes les figures chartistes en trading pour devenir un expert analyste technique et un trader rentable!Vous allez comprendre et matriser chaque figure chartiste au bout de 10 minutes(par figure). Je vous l'assure!!! ;-)Si vous avez toujours voulu apprendre gagner de l'argent en trading grce l'analyse graphique, ce cours s'adresse vous. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir des connaissances en conomie ou en marchs financiers pour dbuter, nous verrons ensemble pas pas tous les lments ncessaires pour bien analyser les diffrents actifs financiers et reprer les meilleurs figures chartistes pour tre rentable en trading Forex-Indices-Matires premires. Ce cours est conu de telle manire vous faire connaitre et vraiment comprendre en profondeur le fonctionnement de toutes les figures chartistes en Trading afin de vous permettre de ne jamais vous faire surprendre et de toujours savoir quoi faire au bon moment pour pouvoir tirer votre pingle du Jeu.--- En rsum ---Ce cours s'adresse : Tous les traders quelque soit le niveau en tradingVous allez apprendre : A Bien analyser les graphiques grce l'analyse chartiste, entrer en position au bon moment, bien placer vos objectifs de gains afin d'avoir de trs bons ratio Gains/pertes.Objectif final pour vous: A la fin de cours, vous serez en mesure de gagner de l'argent et profiter fond de vos revenus obtenus avec le tradingCe cours couvrira les diffrentes figures chartistes suivantes :Le Double BottomLe Triple BottomLe V BottomLe rounding BottomLe Double TopLe Triple TopETEETEITriangle ascendantTriangle descendantTriangle symtriqueBiseau ascendantBiseau descendantTriangle d'largissement ascendantTriangle d'largissement descendantTriangle d'largissement symtriqueTasse et anseDiamantsDrapeauFanionRounding TopV TopNe vous inquitez surtout pas. Nous verrons dans chaque section la psychologie ; comment trader, un cas pratique et pour finir un exercice pour chaque figure chartiste. En plus de tout ceci, vous recevez ds mises jour et des images d'analyses montrant les figures retrouves par nos analystes toutes les semaines tout au long de votre formation et vie.L'analyse technique(chartisme) et le trading ne sont pas du tout compliqus. Si vous vous concentrez et que vous avez une bonne mthode de travail, cela vous sera trs facile et vous allez vraiment gagner de l'argent!Alors qu'attendez-vous?Je vous invite commencer cette formation ds aujourd'hui!!NB: Lorsque vous rejoignez cette formation, vous serez ajout notre page Facebook ou vous allez recevoir tous les jours des analyses et des plans de trading. ;)"
Price: 199.99

"La Voz como ""Instrumento de Trabajo""" |
"OBJETIVOS:Las personas que requieren usar su voz hablada o cantada por periodos prolongados de tiempo estn ms expuestos a padecer desordenes vocales en comparacin al resto de la poblacin.Estudios recientes han demostrado que un tercio de la poblacin requiere de uso profesional de su voz, ya que en cualquier mbito de oficina y laboral, es nuestra principal herramienta de comunicacin y expresin.Segn la Organizacin Internacional de Trabajo (OIT), los docentes se encuentran dentro de la primera categora profesional en riesgos de contraer disfonas por el uso de voz proyectado, es decir, la que se utiliza para ejercer una influencia sobre las personas, llamndolas, intentando persuadir, tratando de ganar audiencia.La disfona no se plantea como un problema que afecta a un tanto por ciento muy elevado de personas que requieren usar su voz para desempear su trabajo, sino que se considera como algo normal, inherente a la profesin que desarrollan. Sin embargo, tal y como se observa en alguna de las investigaciones realizadas en este campo, es un problema real que repercute en el nmero de bajas, en el ausentismo e incluso en las situaciones de baja crnica y, lo que es peor, en el desempeo ocupacional.Es imprescindible, despus de las investigaciones y los estudios analizados, adoptar medidas preventivas que reduzcan este problema, que frenen este estado de deterioro, y la mejor manera es capacitarse para prevenir las mencionadas situaciones, enfermedades y lesiones que pueden incapacitarnos de forma permanente.El objetivo de este curso es presentar una visin general de los problemas de la voz en aquellas personas cuya profesin les exige un especial uso de la voz, como locutores, docentes en general. A menudo, estos profesionales ignoran el mecanismo y funciones del sistema fonador y lo hacen trabajar sin las preocupaciones y cautelas que les evitara ms de un problema.DESTINATARIOS:Este taller se encuentra dirigido a docentes, locutores, profesores de canto, estudiantes, y toda persona que utilice su Voz como herramienta de trabajo, que posean o no conocimientos. Como as tambin a Directores y delegados que se desempeen en todo tipo de organizaciones, que tengan la responsabilidad de manejar personal en situacin de riesgo a su cargo.PROGRAMA DEL CURSO:MDULO 1 LA VOZ. DEFINICIN. CMO SE PRODUCE.1. La Voz. Definicin.2. Cmo se produce la Voz.3. rganos del Aparato Fonador. Cualidades.MDULO 2 LEGISLACIN VIGENTE EN ARGENTINA SOBRE ENFERMEDADES DE LA VOZ.1. Resolucin 389/2013 SRT.2. Afona y Disfona. 3. Criterios de exposicin laboral, segn Res 389/2013 SRT.MDULO 3 DISFONA. DEFINICIN. A QUIENES AFECTA, DIAGNSTICO Y TRATAMIENTO.1. Qu es la Disfona?2. A quines afecta la Disfona?3. Cules son las causas que producen la Disfona?4. Cmo se clasifica la Disfona?5. Cules son los sntomas de la Disfona?6. Cmo se diagnostica la Disfona?7. Cmo debe tratarse la Disfona?MDULO 4 FACTORES DE RIESGO PRESENTES EN LOS PUESTOS DE TRABAJO, QUE PUEDEN AFECTAR LA VOZ.1. A que se denomina Factor de Riesgo.2. Tipos de Factores de Riesgo.MDULO 5 - PREVENCIN Y CONTROL DE DESRDENES DE LA VOZ.1. Higiene vocal: pautas y recomendaciones para la preservacin de la voz."
Price: 19.99

filmora9Mac&Win |
"Filmora9FilmoraWondershareWindowsMacFilmoraiMoviePremiere ProAdobe After EffectFinal Cut ProPremiere ProAdobeYoutubeFilmora94000VFX3DLUTBGMFilmstocksFilmoraPremiere ProFinal Cut ProPremiere ProFilmoraMacFilmora 9.5OS"
Price: 24000.00

"Energa Elica 2020 (Definitivo)" |
"Aprend todo lo que siempre quisiste saber del recurso del viento para la generacin de energa elctrica, y a poder dimensionar un sistema acorde en base a la cantidad de viento de tu zona. Con el mismo aprenders los pormenores de sta apasionante forma de generacin elctrica, para poder aplicar los conocimientos de forma inmediata."
Price: 19.99

"Clculo de Evaporadores" |
"Ol, tudo bom?Meu nome Renato e sou professor na Ufscar de Fenmenos de Transporte e Reatores Qumicos. Tambm sou professor na Unimep de Reatores Qumicos e Operaes Unitrias.Nem sempre um assunto querido no meio, os evaporadores so peas fundamentais em boa parte da indstria de transformao, por isso seu conhecimento, ainda que bsico, algo essencial e mais, chega a ser um diferencial profissional.Esse curso tem por objetivo clarear um pouco a viso de estudantes e profissionais da rea sobre os equacionamentos envolvendo evaporadores, mais especificamente na questo do CLCULO desses equipamentos (usando como bibliografia Araujo, E.C.C.; Evaporadores, Edufscar, 2002). Abordaremos um pouco do balano de energia em caldeiras, trocadores de calor e condensadores devido a possibilidade da mescla desses equipamentos com evaporadores em diversos cursos.So 19 exerccios resolvidos e comentados incluindo evaporadores de simples efeito, duplo efeito, com e sem elevao de ponto de ebulio (EPE) , feitos passo-a-passo (incluindo encontrar aquelas informaes de tabelas termodinmicas ou mesmo fazer a leitura de grficos como o diagrama de Dhring para o NaOH). Alm disso, tambm temos 12 questes de concursos relativas a evaporadores, questes essas tambm resolvidas e comentadas.So 31 questes. Quase 3 horas e meia de, predominantemente, resoluo de exerccios.Tire a poeira da calculadora e vamos nessa!"
Price: 54.99

"Les secrets pour bien russir ses montages !" |
"Vous voulez apprendre le montage vido mais vous ne savez pas par o commencer ? Vous ne savez pas quel logiciel choisir et surtout comment faire ?Alors cette formation est faite pour vous.Peu importe le logiciel que vous utilisez, cette formation vous aidera mieux comprendre comment fonctionne le montage vido et comment bien le prparer. Il y aura diffrents modules qui permettront de voir tous les aspects du montage et de la vido (et de laudio).Grce cette formation, vous allez russir faire des montages de qualit en vitant les erreurs qui peuvent gcher votre vido. Cela permettra votre audience de rester plus longtemps sur vos vidos. Cela vous permettra aussi de faire vos propres montages et donc dconomiser de largent ! (et mme den gagner).En tant que monteur vido professionnel depuis des annes, jai mis une grande partie de mes connaissances dans cette formation pour vous aider vous amliorer dans le montage, peu importe le logiciel (premire pro, after effects, sony vegas pro, camtasia, final cut pro, etc.). Toutes ces astuces que j'ai moi-mme appliques m'ont permis d'tre le meilleur monteur vido sur la plateforme 5euros .com.Nhsitez pas regarder le plan de la formation et me poser une question si vous en avez."
Price: 24.99
