"How to create gif animation in photoshop" |
"This is a great course for everyone trying to learn a new skill for them self. Gifs are one of the most common advertising formats used online.gifs are supported by google adwords and more advertising platforms. and if you are in the field of online marketing or have an online business, blog or website at some point you will need to use animated advertising and one of the best formats, loads quickly no plugins required by the browser to load, is gif. You will eventually need custom animated banners for your business, so this is an absolutely a great course to own and a great skill to have. So what is it all about? You've almost certainly come across animated banner advertising banners on websites, blogs, forums and social media platforms like, google+, twitter, tumblr and more. Because they are animated images, they instantly draw the peoples attention and encourage visitors to click on them and they also show more information than regular image formats like jpeg, png or tiff, since they show more than one frame and are not static. What is required for the course? any photoshop version from adobe photoshop cs3, no prior photoshop knowledge is required as we go into the basics of photoshop briefly What you will learn the basics of photoshopthe standards of web advertisingusing frame by frame and keyframe animation in photoshopconverting video to gifimporting and editing video in photoshopcreating gifs in photoshopexporting and optimizing gifs in photoshop Enroll Now! .... P.S once you have created your first gif, be sure to share it with us in the course discussion area."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to basic html and css concepts" |
"A Powerful knowledge at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of html and css, html and css are easy to learn and have excellent documentation online. Jobs in web development are plentiful, and being able to learn html will give you a strong background to more easily pick up other markup languages such as xml, sass, php to list a few. Content and Overview this course is Suitable for absolute beginners in web development, through this course of 32 lectures and nearly 3hrs of content, youll learn the fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind web development, using classes, html tags and css. Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful websites. No coding or design experience necessaryAny computer will do Windows, OSX or LinuxYou dont need to buy any software we will use the best free web development editor in the world Don't forget: if you don't get value from this course, you get 100% of your money back within 30 days. There is absolutely no risk for you.See you in the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Schritt fr Schritt zu einem professionellen LinkedIn Profil" |
"- Hinweis:Da LinkedIn Updates durchgefhrt hat, ist diese Kurs nicht mehr auf dem neusten Stand - Werden Sie zum LinkedIn Experte und steigern Sie die Profil-Ansichten um mind. 30%. Schritt fr Schritt zu Ihrem professionellen LinkedIn Profil.RegistrierungProfilbild und Hintergrundbild auswhlenSlogan verfassenZusammenfassung strukturierenBerufserfahrung, Ausbildung, Kenntnisse etc. erfassenDas eigene Netzwerk vergrssernDie Profil-Einstellungen richtig setzenEin bersichtlicher Crash-Kurs mit Erfolgsgarantie!In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Schritt fr Schritt welche Inhalte auf LinkedIn wichtig sind und wie Sie diese strukturieren knnen. Zudem lernen Sie die wichtigsten Netzwerk-Funktionen kennen. Nach diesem Kurs werden Sie auf LinkedIn gefunden und berzeugen mit einem professionellen Profil. Ein must fr Berufseinstieg und Karriere.bersicht des KursesEgal ob Sie bereits ein Profil auf dem grssten Berufsnetzwerk LinkedIn haben oder nicht, in diesem Kurs lernen Sie die wichtigsten Eckpfeiler eines professionellen Profils kennen. Ich zeige Ihnen, wie die Zusammenfassung strukturiert werden kann, warum es sich lohnt Unternehmen und Personen zu folgen, welche Vorteile besttigte Kenntnisse haben etc.Ist ihr aktuelles LinkedIn Profil eine Baustelle? Oder nicht mal das?Nehmen Sie diesen Kurs als Anlass und Leitfaden Ihr LinkedIn Profil auf Vordermann zu bringen - oder ein neues zu erstellen. Der Kurs richtet sich an Anfnger und Personen, die LinkedIn bereits gut kennen aber deren Profil noch leer, langweilig und eine ewige Baustelle ist. Ein professionelles Profil ist die Basis fr smtliche Aktivitten auf LinkedIn.Besonders geeignet fr Berufseinsteiger. Wusste Sie, dass die meisten Unternehmen Sie fr die Bewerbung googeln? Lassen Sie sich finden - und prsentieren Sie sich von der besten Seite.Der Kurs setzt nur minimale Kenntnisse voraus und fhrt Schritt fr Schritt durch die Funktionen. LinkedIn bzw. die Idee von LinkedIn sollte bekannt sein.In diesem Kurs wird nicht auf die inhaltliche Verwendung von LinkedIn eingegangen. Fragen wie ""wie schreibe ich eine gutes Update"" werden nicht thematisiert. Vielmehr soll ein funktionelles solides Fundament gesetzt werden."
Price: 19.99

"Knitting machine: from student to professional" |
"So you are the owner of the single-needle-bed knitting machine, but how to work on it, why it has such a number of accessories and how to use them properly - you have not yet found out. After studying this course, you will use this knowledge many times and return the invested funds repeatedly. Dry instruction does not help. Information online is spread, to find and to accumulate everything need more than one month. That's why we created this video course about work on the single-needle-bed knitting machine at an example of the most popular model Silver Reed SK280. The course format - more than two hours of video tutorials. There shown all the key moments to work with the single-needle-bed knitting machine. No one of the tutorials subjects is stated in the instructions for knitting machines. This is not an e-book, and not a pass reading of manual in the camera. It is a real video guide for working on a knitting machine. This course gives only practical exercises, the work of machine is considered in details: from the machine installation to patterns calculation, helping in work little. Recording this course I share my knowledge and many years experience of knitting on different machines, therefore you will be able short terms to achieve results in working with the single-needle-bed knitting machine. Subjects considered in video course: Lesson 1 1 Device and accessories 2 Machine installation 3 Main carriage 4 Yarns tucking in Lesson 2 Single-needle-bed loops picking up 5 Picking up loops by instruction 6 Picking up of edge by twisting 7 Picking up of loops with a auxiliary yarn 8 Work with an auxiliary yarn 9 Picking up loops by manually elongated loops 10 Consideration of the knitted samples Lesson 3 Patterns on the base of stocking-stitch structure 11 Gofren imitation 12 Knitting of strips 13 Stripping with color switcher 14 Manual weaving 15 Plating Lesson 4 Single-needle-bed knitting with the punch card 16 Preparation to work with punch card 17 Press-off knitting with the punch card 18 Slip-pattern knitting with the punch card 19 Stockinet pattern 20 Motive 21 Jacquard 22 Colored press-offs 23 Slip-pattern 24 Punch lace 25 Press-off at exposure 26 Samples Lesson 5 Calculations 27 Loops calculation from sample. Bonus 28 Carriage removal 29 Needles replacement"
Price: 49.99

"Redirect Your Visitors by Country Easily -Wordpress Tutorial" |
" Dear website owner, If you are like most of us, you created your website in English, and are earning money through the promotion of offers/affiliates links directed at American customers, or at least in the country at which you direct your content. If you plan on making your website and business a big thing, here's a news flash for you: You must target worldwide visitors. If you don't, you are leaving thousands of dollars on the table -period. In this course, we will teach you : - How to redirect visitors to subpages according to their country of residence. - How to block certain countries from accessing your content. - How to easily create subpages for specific countries, with appropriate offers that could mean earning more commissions. - How to make your visitors feel at home and improve user-friendliness. With this information, you will be in a position where you can easily get your content translated in different languages, without worrying about them mixing up. With this information, you could also double your income, or more: If 40% of your visitors are American, and you are only earning from them, you are leaving the big piece of the cake untouched. This course comes with a 30-days no questions asked full money-back guarantee, so you take absolutely no risk We will also personally answer any question in the member's area. Enroll now, and get your website to a spot it deserves to be in. Completion of this course requires you to own ""GeoIP Country Redirect"", which is a plugin currently priced at 13$. To Your Success, Antoine Lelivre & Howard Lynch, your devoted instructors"
Price: 39.99

"Learn How to Extract Data From Websites with PHP" |
"Did you need any data from a website? Did you try to fetch and extract data from a website with PHP? Did you write any aggregator and scheduled a cron job before? What about extraction data from HTML, Did you try before? Do you want to collect data from websites and build yours? Fetching data from a website has endless possibilities: exchange rates, country names, product titles, product images, customer comments, song names, links, emails etc... Did you know that you can do it with PHP? In this course you will learn how to fetch data from websites and how to play with it like play dough. You will learn extracting data within HTML which you has been already fetched. It is okey that your target websites has an API, but if they don't have, you can turn that websites into convenient data provider that you can consume whenever you want with PHP. Collect your data put them into Word, Excel or Convert it to PDF or write another HTML on your own way. And also, you can create your brand new web site contains data which you fetched and extracted with PHP. To make being clear everything in your mind, we will create an PHP project towards to end of training. We will be using cron jobs to make everything will be working in auto pilot."
Price: 59.99

"Learn Java Step by Step and become an Expert" |
"In this course, You will learn how to develop and execute Java Programs in a step by step approach with clear & precise examples and you can easily master the Java programming language.Any Programming Language can be easily learned if the concepts are taught with proper examples. This course is created with that view and I hope, with this approach, you will succeed.This Java course is meant for newbies who have want to learn and understand the Java programming language. This course is also designed in such a way that even experienced developers can learn new stuffs and also will be a good course for refresh their knowledge.In this course, you will1) Learn to set up the development environment to develop and execute Java Programs.2) Understand the concepts of object oriented programming.3) Understand Java Packages and Access Specifiers.4) Learn the various Object Oriented Programming Concepts step by step with clear & precise examples."
Price: 19.99

"Web Development: HTML, CSS, & JavaScript for Coding Sites" |
"This course is dedicated to teach you HTML, CSS & JAVASCRIPT. They work together combined to give a dynamic website page. I will teach you from scratch to pro, until you know it all by heart, and you will practice with me while watching the videos, this is how you will remember it all eventually. I will repeat over and over, until there are no questions left, and i will dedicate a class to help you find a job and become a freelancer. Once you start working and making websites, you will see that there is a lot of revenue in the web development field, and you will come back for an advanced course & a php course."
Price: 99.99

"Web Development practical examples" |
"Welcome back dear Udemy members,This is my second course, and it is to help you learn by example.I am a certified Udemy instructor now, with three Udemy badges, and over 800 sutdents, which I am proud of achieving.The examples I explained in this course are trending in the market in this period of time, and the prices I estimated for each, are actual prices that I estimated and even sold some of the codes at those rates.You can learn and use the codes to develop for your self, or to sell to your customers.The course includes those projects:HTML / JAVASCRIPTControl a form submit button, based on a checkbox statusVerify email address using REGEX and JAVASCRIPTDisplay a clock on your web pagePHP / MYSQLRetrieve form POST request on server sideverify post requestsusing PHP loops to make HTML elementsusing PHP to send emails, using HTML form inputPHP / MYSQL login system, with high security featureI love to answer to your questions, and if you have an idea that you need to learn how to develop, why not post it in the course discussions, and I can share with everyone.Kind regards,Asem Hamid"
Price: 99.99

"Basics of investing in Mutual Funds" |
" Everyone wants to invest, however very few people end up doing so. Why is this? It's because many find investing a puzzle and a difficult task when it is indeed quite the opposite. This course demystifies investing in the mutual fund industry (with a specific focus on the Indian mutual fund industry) I take you right from the basics of investing and take you through the baby steps of understanding what a mutual fund is, a SIP is and so on and then go on to cover advanced topics like STP, SWP, Liquid funds etc. This course contains about 1.5 hours of video along with several useful links and pdfs to help you get started with investing. This course is for the absolute beginner who wants to invest as well as the intermediate investor who knows about investing but wants to improve his knowledge around how to invest. The course is structured in a way that you'll be able to quickly start investing and making informed decision about investing as soon as you finish your course, i.e. within 1.5 hours. It's a very short investment in terms of time and money (with a 100% money back guarantee) and the returns are worth 1000s of $$. Come on in and you won't be disappointed!Sample of reviews from students:Karthik Shekarappa - ""I would say for a starter this is a very good course which gives a overall view on what's happening in this business world.""Manish Rawat - ""It's a great experience love this course it was very helpful in planning my future investments.""Hamilton Rozario - ""I have studied this course again. I wish I knew some of this when I was in my 20s. Highly recommend to get a better understanding of what one needs to do with their hard worked money""Sudhir - ""After many months of researching on MFs I'd almost given up. However I happened to stumble upon a link to this course on a popular internet forum. And this course blew my mind. Everything I have read about MFs is crystal clear now. Highly recommend it for anyone starting their journey on investments. Thanks Ram for this.""Shyam - ""Good Introduction to Mutual Fund Investing - A must watch. Looking forward for a ValueInvesting - Basics of Share investing from the tutor."" "
Price: 24.99

"Chess for Beginners" |
"The course is created with the intent of enabling an absolute beginner to learn the game in a very structured manner and be able to reach a level of tournament participation at the completion of the course. Ideal for beginners aged 5 years onwards and expects parental participation.At the end of the course, students would be familiar with:1. Introduction to chess board and arranging the pieces2. Introduction to pieces, their value and movements3. Check, checkmate and stalemate 4. Special moves - Castling, Pawn promotion ( Queening and underpromotion), En Passant5. Introduction to basic tactical themes like pin, fork, skewer, double attack, back rank mate, discovered attack, Destroying the defender, Mate in one 6. Basic opening tips. Standard tricks and traps !!7. Basic ending techniques. Checkmate with queen and Rook8. Basic introduction to FIDE tournament rules9. Expert tips on self study and self improvementBenefits:1. Learn the basics of the game in structured manner. 2. Focus of developing a method of thinking in the beginner. Give the right beginning to your young genius.3. Learn at the comfort of your home. Only requirement is a broadband connection.4. Pace yourself at your own comfort level.5. Learn at a comfortable time of your choosing.6. Ideal for students not able to attend a live class due to time/ logistics concerns or unable to find a professional coach."
Price: 19.99

"Unix and Shell Programming for Beginners" |
"Learn the basics of UnixLearn the basics of Shell programmingOnly requirement is a computer with broadband (Nice to have own Linux OS)Willingness to learn outside the courseInterest in programmingThis course will take you through the basics of Unix and the basics of Shell programming in 8 simple chapters. Each chapter is further divided into small lessons that work around simple concepts.If you already know programming, this course will be a breeze. If you don't know programming, worry not, the course is structured in a way that even the beginner can pick up things.This course will set you up for more advanced learning not just in Unix and Shell programming, but other languages like C, C++, Java that have their roots in UnixSample of reviews from students:Danny Schell - ""Excellent introduction to Unix command line and scripting""Terri Doney - ""I work for a big tech company. I use unix every day but I wanted more in depth knowledge and this course has taught me a lot.""Chinmayi Karmalkar - ""It is very helpful for a beginner. Simple to understand with clear concept teaching. covers all concepts that we can later read in depth.""Ian Christie - ""Very happy with the course - gives me a nice foundation to work with!""Ravi - ""voice & explanation was very clear.""Manager-Projects Chandrachur Mukherjee - ""Overall a good course. Few points:...""Rahul Parashar - ""...nebver the less a very informative vcourse !""Do remember that this course is backed by 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee from Udemy. So you can be assured that if the course fails to meet your expectations in any way, you can get a refund without questions!"
Price: 34.99

"Data Analysis in Python with Pandas" |
"Ever wonder how you can best analyze data in python? Wondering how you can advance your career beyond doing basic analysis in excel? Want to take the skills you already have from the R language and learn how to do the same thing in python and pandas? THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! By taking the course, you will master the fundamental data analysis methods in python and pandas! Youll also get access to all the code for future reference, new updated videos, and future additions for FREE! You'll Learn the most popular Python Data Analysis Technologies! By the end of this course: - Understand the data analysis ecosystem in Python. - Learn how to use the pandas data analysis library to analyze data sets - Create how to create basic plots of data using MatPlotLib - Analyze real datasets to better understand techniques for data analysis At the end of this course you will have learned a lot of the tips and tricks that cut down my learning curve as a business analyst and as a Masters Student at UC Berkeley doing data analysis. I designed this course for those that have an intermediate programming ability and are ready to take their data analysis skills to the next level. Youll understand cutting edge techniques used by data analysts, data scientists, and other data researches in Silicon Valley. Complete with working files and code samples, over 5 hours with 40+ lectures youll learn all that you need to know to turn around and apply data analysis strategies to the data that you work with. Youll be able to work along side the instructor as we work through different data sets and data analysis approaches using cutting edge data science tools!"
Price: 19.99

"Local SEO Marketing For Professional Results" |
"Do you need help with your Local SEO? Having worked in multiple marketing agencies over the years, and having helped literally over 1500 individual businesses with their local search efforts, we've learned not only exactly what a business needs to be found, but exactly how much they are taken advantage of by consultants and marketing agencies. This course shows a brief overview of how agencies work, so that you can understand that they aren't offering you anything unique, and then we go directly into how you can do Local SEO yourself! That's right! You can get better-than-agency results, without an agency or marketing consultant! You will learn: How to get listed and found on Google Maps! How to show up on the top of Google Search! How to optimize your website inside and out! How to claim & verify local Google Business pages, as well as 50 other top citation sources! Which services to use to automate and simplify Local SEO What to do to get more, positive reviews! With this course, you will never rely on agencies or consultants for Local SEO again!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Macros de Excel y VBA para personas ocupadas" |
"En este curso sobre macros de Excel y VBA, vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas para crear macros en Excel, no importa si nunca antes has programado. El curso comienza ensendote a crear macros sin necesidad de programar, para luego ir a macros ms complejas utilizando el lenguaje de programacin VBAEste curso tambin incluye una copia gratis del libro con el mismo titulo ""Macros de Excel y VBA Para personas ocupadas: Aprende en poco tiempo a crear macros que hagan el trabajo duro por ti. (Spanish Edition)"" que puedes encontrar publicado en Amazon.Este curso ha sido organizado de forma en que cualquier persona, sin importar su nivel, pueda aprender todo lo necesario para crear macros. Desde el 2012 escribo artculos en m blog de Excel y ahora cuento con ms de 2,000 visitantes diarios de los cuales muchos me consultan sobre macros, es por esto que decid crear un curso que sea realmente efectivo y fcil de aprender... Y este curso es el resultado."
Price: 19.99

"Virus Removal: Easy for Any Skill Level" |
"Completely up to date and relevant virus removal and prevention!Easiest to follow virus removal course on Udemy!Have you ever wondered how the pros and geeks" remove malware a computer? Have you ever hoped you could do it yourself and avoid paying hundreds to a computer tech? Well look no further!Easy to Follow Process:This course will teach beginners and techies alike how to remove viruses like the pros do. This course requires only basic computer knowledge and operations, such and point and click.Great for Any Skill Level:Not only is this course great for the everyday home PC user, but IT professionals can use this course as a supplementary program to the systems they currently use, and get some external insight on all kinds of malware removal.What You'll Learn: This course will teach you how to remove all kinds of malware from a Windows system, including adware, spyware, viruses and more. This course applies to all modern versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8/8.1. The course is taught mostly through screen-recordings and real-time demonstrations with very little time-lapse. Supporting documents are included that go into special detail on certain subjects. All the software necessary for this course are included (at no additional charge) in the download section, including malware removal software and a rescue disc for emergency recoveries. How Long to Clean My PC? The course will take 1-2 hours to complete, and some additional time to implement in a real-world application. You should take this course if you've ever been interested in servicing your own PC and learning more about IT. You should take this course if you prefer not to pay someone else to fix your PC for you."
Price: 19.99

"How to Master Your Emotions with anyone, in any situation" |
"Over 2,400 people enrolled in my courses from around the worldLearn from a Global Executive Coach and TrainerOverall, 25+ FIVE STAR reviews from very happy students from all our coursesCourse Last Updated - June2016---Would you like to be able to walk into any situation, with anyone, and feel exactly how you wanted to feel?What would it be like, if you could choose your emotions at any given moment? To feel confident, excited and energised rather than sad, anxious or angry?---Public speaking is rated as one of the most common fears in the world, more common even than the fear of death. Well imagine if you could stand up and do a speech in front of a thousand people feeling rock solid calm and confidentbecause you could choose to? Emotions are the most powerful force in human psychology, they drive everything we do, they influence every decision, affect every performance, determine what we will do and not do, say and not say, how we will do and say those things, how we live our lives, how we excel or how we hold ourselves back. Your emotions are at the heart of everything.In fact the very quality of your life is determined by the quality of the emotional states you experience. Happiness isn't about what you have; it's about how you feel. And yet, less than 10% of the world actually bothers to learn how to master their emotions. What if I told you there is no secret to it, you don't need to be a psychologist to run your own emotional state, in fact you're already running it you probably just don't know how. Nobody taught you, until now...---When you take this course, you will learn how your emotions work, how to run them and three simple very powerful techniques that you can use on yourself and even help others to permanently change the way you feel around different people, situations and events. No skills required - notice results immediately.---As a Partner at The Coaching Room - one of the leading personal development organisations in the world, I've personally used the three techniques in this course on my clients from CEOs to mums and dads and have received breakthrough feedback. If you're ready to experience emotional freedom then I encourage you to enrol right now. Click the ""Take This Course"" button in the top right hand corner.It will take 30 seconds to enrol, and then you can start learning how to master your emotions immediately."
Price: 39.99

"Essential Business English Skills Part 1" |
"This is a Business English course. It is designed for non-native speakers that have an intermediate to upper-intermediate level of English and want to improve their Business English Skills.This is Part 1of a 3 part series, brought to you by Beyond English.The course isFULLof useful information:20 Videos(around4hours) - all videos include animated scenes, useful vocabulary with pronunciation practice, dialogues and key phrases.40 Pagesof reading, grammar and vocabularyexercises.Over170useful Business-relatedwords.Over 100useful Business-relatedphrases.The course teaches Business topics which include: Introductions & Running Meetings, Business Etiquette, Contacting People, Taking Messages, Having Guests & Visitors, Offers & Requests, Attending Meetings & Conferences, Company History & Projects.1000's of students have taken this course in China and we're now bringing this to an international platform- this is well worth the money. So come and join us and improve your Business English today!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Business English Skills Part 2" |
"This is a Business English course. It is designed for non-native speakers that have an intermediate to upper-intermediate level of English and want to improve their Business English Skills. This is Part 2 of a 3 part series, brought to you by Beyond English.The course isFULLof useful information:20 Videos(around4hours) - all videos include animated scenes, useful vocabulary with pronunciation practice, dialogues and key phrases.40 Pagesof reading, grammar and vocabularyexercises.Over170useful Business-relatedwords.Over100useful Business-relatedphrases.The course teaches Business topics which include: 'Having Guests & Visitors', 'Product Knowledge', Import & Export', 'Sales', 'Logistics', 'Giving Opinions', 'Making Suggestions', 'Making Appointments', 'Rescheduling', 'To-do Lists', 'Business Trips', 'Making Decisions', 'Describing Trends', 'Talking about Graphs & Data' and much more.1000's of students have taken this course in China and we're now bringing this to an international platform- this is well worth the money. So come and join us and improve your Business English today!"
Price: 19.99

"Prendre la parole en public : structurez votre message" |
"Voici la seule formation en ligne qui vous explique de A Z comment structurer votre discours pour tre efficace dans la transmission de vos messages. Ma mthode unique, cest un moyen simple et ultra performant dacqurir les outils indispensables pour tre efficace, impactant et convaincant quand vous prenez la parole devant un public. Si lorsque vous tes devant un auditoire vous avez le sentiment de Ne pas tre suffisamment clair Ne pas tre vraiment concis Perdre le fil, vous embrouiller En trois mots, de ne pas avoir trouv comment tre suffisamment prt pour tre compris, voici ce que je vous promets : l'issue de ce cours, vous aurez les techniques et les outils pour structurer votre message, tre efficace et impactant et dire exactement ce que vous avez envie de dire. Jai form plus de 1000 personnes la prise de parole en public et je les ai tous vus progresser ds la premire demi-journe. Soyez en certains : les rsultats sont immdiats ! Vous apprendrez par exemple avec moi la technique du "jetez-rassemblez-supprimez" pour structurer votre message, la bonne manire de raconter une anecdote, les 6 techniques d'accroche pour commencer votre intervention, et bien d'autres choses... J'ai structur ce cours autour de trois grandes thmatiques : Comment organiser vos ides pour que votre public reparte avec vos trois grands messages Les techniques pour mettre en valeur et donner du relief vos messages grce des outils simples et trs facilement applicables Comment dbuter pour donner votre public l'envie d'couter la suite grce aux techniques d'accroche Une heure de cours en vido, des exercices pratiques au cours desquels vous allez plonger directement dans votre thmatique, des documents synthtiques et des rappels rguliers : vous quitterez ce cours avec infiniment plus de confiance en vos capacits convaincre."
Price: 39.99

"PowerPoint efficace : soyez visuel pour tre impactant" |
"a se passe un vendredi matin, au retour de la pause-caf. Vous croisez votre chef. Et votre chef vous dit : Oublie pas la runion lundi aprs-midi. Tu me fais un PowerPoint ? .Ae On vous demande un PowerPoint : vous vous jetez sur PowerPoint sans vous poser de question. Vous passez un week-end pourri et vous produisez de la diapo. Aprs tout, tout le monde fait comme a !Ou bien vous tes chef d'entreprise, consultant, commercial ou formateur et le diaporama est un outil que vous utilisez quotidiennement pour convaincre votre public.Dans tous les cas, vous vous retrouvez avez 84 diapos avec des listes puces, des tableaux un peu chargs, votre logo sur toutes les pages et quelques illustrations. Vous tes plutt fatigu et vous n'avez jamais le temps de rpter. Du coup vous livrez une prestation qui ne vous satisfait qu' moiti : vous dites tout (bon d'accord, en gnral vous acclrez sur la fin) mais vous sentez que nombreux sont celles et ceux qui dcrochent, qui pensent autre chose et vous n'tes pas certain que ceux qui restent attentifs captent bien votre message.Vous vivez galement ce malaise quand ce sont d'autres qui prsentent devant vous ! Ils font le mme style de diapos et du coup vous les lisez en oubliant peu peu l'orateur. Votre esprit vagabonde et vous vous ennuyez. En gnral vous repartez de la runion avec le sentiment frustrant d'avoir perdu du temps.Le plus tonnant, c'est que tout le monde constate la mme chose mais personne ne se demande s'il est possible de faire autrement. C'est le statu quo : tout le monde s'ennuie en runion ou en sminaire.Pourtant vous cherchez vous amliorer : vous essayez de mettre une animation de temps en temps pour donner du mouvement tout a, vous placez une image, un clipart pour illustrer un titre mais rien n'y fait, votre PowerPoint n'a pas une allure professionnelle.Vous fouillez un peu sur le net et vous trouvez des rgles que vous appliquez : 7 lignes par diapo, 7 mots par ligne Malheureusement, cela ne change rien : votre diaporama reste la fois un prompteur, un document et un dversoir donnes.Dans mon ancien mtier d'ingnieur en informatique, j'ai fait des dizaines et des dizaines de PowerPoints de ce style-l parce que tout le monde faisait comme a. Comme vous, j'ai senti qu'il y avait un problme. Et comme vous je ne savais pas comment faire pour que les choses changent, alors je continuais tre ennuyeux et m'ennuyer.Et puis il y a cinq ans, je me suis lanc dans la formation la communication orale. J'ai eu alors le temps de me pencher sur la manire de faire un PowerPoint efficace et impactant qui soit un vritable soutien au discours. La lecture des spcialistes du sujet, mon intrt scientifique pour le fonctionnement du cerveau face un PowerPoint, et l'observation de centaines d'orateurs et de participants mes formations m'ont permis d'affiner ma mthode. Elle est aujourd'hui parfaitement rde et a fait ses preuves face plusieurs centaines de stagiaires. C'est la seule qui aborde de manire complte tous les aspects de la cration d'un PowerPoint impactant. Elle vous fera faire un bond en crdibilit, vous permettra de ne plus perdre du temps aligner des diapos ultra-charges les unes derrire les autres et vous assurera de convaincre votre auditoire.Je vous livre tout a en vido, avec des exemples concrets et des techniques facilement applicables.Vous y verrez par exemple :les mauvaises et les bonnes raisons de faire un PowerPointcomment contrer la tentation du remplissage de diapositivescomment les neurosciences ont prouv la supriorit de l'image pour se souvenir de concepts et les consquences sur vos PowerPointscomment mettre en valeur des informations de manire sobre et modernecomment prsenter des donnes de manire efficace et impactantecomment utiliser intelligemment les animationsla seule rgle retenir vraiment quand on cre un PowerPoint !"
Price: 39.99

"Prendre la parole en public : jouez votre rle avec talent" |
"Le scnario se rpte de la mme manire chaque fois : vous devez prendre la parole en public et cela vous stresse. Vous ne savez pas vraiment comment vous prparer et vous sentez une grosse boule l'estomac au moment de vous retrouver face au public. Les premires secondes sont difficiles : vous cherchez un peu vos mots, vous ne savez pas quoi faire de vos mains et votre voix tremble un peu.Vous avez tendance vacuer un peu vos ides en allant peut-tre trop vite et vous vous retrouvez la fin de votre prise de parole plutt frustr(e). On vous dit c'tait bien mais a ne vous satisfait pas.Vous tes loin d'tre seul(e) ! Tout le monde a eu le trac avant de parler, tout le monde a trouv a compliqu de mettre la fois son corps, son visage, sa voix et ses mots au service de son message, tout le monde a dj ressenti de la gne l'ide d'tre jug par le publicEn ralit, il faut bien comprendre que a n'a jamais t facile pour personne.Mais certaines et certains ont eu le temprament pour prendre les choses en main : ce sont celles et ceux qui ont compris que sans un travail spcifique sur leur posture, sur leur voix et sur les bons mots utiliser, ils resteraient au point mort quand d'autres remporteront l'adhsion de leur public.Peut-tre est-ce votre cas, peut-tre avez-vous cherch la bonne mthode, les bons conseils pour progresser. Mais peut-tre vous tes vous heurt ce qu'on vous a rabch depuis toujours : il y a des gens qui sont bons l'oral et d'autres qui ne le sont pas. C'est comme a.C'est faux !Parce qu'on ne nat pas orateur : on le devient. C'est ce que j'ai compris il y a des annes, l'poque o j'tais ingnieur en informatique et o je me suis pench sur la question. Mes lectures, les formations que j'ai suivies et la pratique du thtre et de l'improvisation thtrale m'ont port pour progresser plus que je ne l'esprais.Grce cette exprience et aux 1000 stagiaires que j'ai forms au cours de ces dix annes, j'ai cr cette mthode qui s'appuie sur du pratique : je vous donne des vrais trucs que vous ne trouvez pas ailleurs pour progresser. Cette formation en ligne est la seule qui aborde de manire complte tous les aspects de la transmission efficace d'un message. Elle vous fera faire un bond en crdibilit et vous assurera de convaincre votre auditoire.Je vous livre tout a en vido, avec des exemples concrets, des exercices efficaces et des techniques facilement applicables.Vous y verrez par exemple :les 3 choses mettre en place avant mme de parlerce qu'il faut faire de vos mains quand vous vous exprimezcomment il faut respirer pour avoir une voix qui fait autoritla diffrence essentielle entre le rythme et la rapiditcomment liminer vos tics de langagecomment appliquer la mthode du je vais dire je dis j'ai dit les mots viter tout prix pour tre crdiblecomment il faut commencer pour accrocher votre auditoire"
Price: 39.99

"Promote Your Personal Brand or Business with Quality Videos" |
"WHAT DO YOU GET IN THIS COURSE? No fluff, short and to the point video training700+ Students and 5 Star Ratings 30 day no question money back guarantee Easy to follow and implement in your own videos Live on camera training, walking the walk, not just talking the talk ;) Become confident on screen and in marketing in general Instructor support right in the course More videos/check-lists/quizzes to be added based on actual customer feedback But what is this all about?.... Well... you can check out the video at the top of this page to get an overview, or if you prefer to read then carry on down the page... FACT: Celebrity Sells Now we all know that celebrity status sells. If you could become a 'celebrity' in your field You'd sell more. FACT: Up to 19% of American adverts are endorsed by celebrities. And this is NOT a new concept Bob Hope signed his name on American Express in the 1950's Bill Crosby jiggled for Jell-O for three decades Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods have revolutionized the popularity of sports clothing to the masses And an endorsement from Totes for's Rihanna's Grammy award winning song 'Umbrella' turned their sales upside down Just have a think over how many products you've bought that have been sold on the power of celebrity endorsement FACT: Video Sells Why? Because it appeals to everyone. Video attacks not just one of the senses - but TWO (Meaning, that it appeals to people who take in information in both a visual and auditory way) Giving you far greater appeal A far greater chance of being understood And, most importantly, a far greater chance of conversions. FACT: Celebrity PLUS Video = A Money Printing Cash Machine! Just Imagine If you could combine the pure undisputed selling power of 'celebrity' With the mass sensory appeal of quality video You'd sell more. Full stop. And I'm going to show you step-by-step exactly how. INTRODUCING The Celebrity Effect - Developing & Demonstrating Trust, Appeal and Influence I'll teach you how to become the go to person in your market, including: Be Exactly Who You Want To Be On Screen No matter who you are or what you think about yourself (you marketers can be well too humble about yourselves!), I will show you how to be EXACTLY who do you want to be on screen. Learn how to create and portray your perfect on screen persona and present with confidence, authority and like-ability. Turn All Your Viewers Into Action Takers Engagement is the key to turning watchers into action takers and I will show you how to get people to care about you personally AND your products - If you can build eye-gluing engagement from your audience, you WILL sell more more. It really is that simple. Once Upon a Time Suck your viewers in and take them on a journey with some superior storytelling and they will be putty in your hands. After 20 years of writing song lyrics which do just that - I will show you how to develop maximum engagement and impact and most importantly maximum sales, with your words. Getting to know you Familiarity sells. Why do all these celebrities have instant appeal, trust and influence? Because they are consistent with how they appear on screen. You want every single one of your prospects to be able to instantly recognise you on screen - every time. Being consistent with what you put out there will surge your trust levels and help all of your viewers feel like they know you better. In fact, they'll almost feel like you their friend! Hello Friend! If you can learn how to talk to the lens, address a vast audience and still make every single one of your viewers feel like you are only talking to themyou are almost guaranteeing yourself sales. Addressing every single one of your viewers like they are your best friend will make them feel special and much more willing to buy from you. If you can learn to consistently come across like you genuinely care, you'll dramatically surge your trust, appeal influence. Plus much more all delivered to you in person, by me, over a series of no fluff videos sharing what I have learned in over 20 years as a performer and marketer. Within the hour you will have taken on board the knowledge that has taken me years of trial and error to find out, ready to go out there and be the next big thing, the next 'celebrity' in your market. So if you have always wanted to know how to develop yourself into someone that others look up to, follow, and ultimately trust, then this is the course for you! And the fact that more authority = charging higher prices can't hurt either ;) I look forward to seeing you enrol in the course and I'll be on hand to answer any questions you've got so don't think you'll be left alone after you start. To your success, Alex Copeland"
Price: 19.99

"Be an Online Instructor: Fast Track to Home Business Success" |
"This is a powerful introductory course on how to be an online instructor. When you complete this course you'll be ready to start a home business to sell your courses to an online audience of millions of students. If youre new to online teaching then I strongly encourage you to take this course now. Im confident that youll save many hours of your valuable time by learning what I know. I'll teach you to work quickly and efficiently, which is a handsome return on the time you spend taking this course. And as folks often say, time is money. Its a special kind of course that utilizes much of the skill set associated with traditional classroom instruction, but also another skill set that you need to know about now. More importantly you need to spring into action and acquire that skill set, not just hear about it. This is a hands on, modular course that will teach you those skills, not just tell you about them. I created this course in just three days, or more precisely 72 hours of actual work. If youre ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work on your own course then enroll now! I dont know when youre reading this but I can tell you that this course will initially be free. It may not stay that way, so if youre one of the lucky ones who gets it for free then congratulations!"
Price: 19.99

"Percussive Fingerstyle Guitar" |
"Learn Percussive Fingerstyle right from the start in a comprehensive guitar course that teaches you the basic techniques step by step. All lessons are based around a percussive guitar song that you will be able to play at the end. The main learning objective of this course is to teach you how to play the guitar as two instruments at once by adding backbeats to regular chord progressions and picking schemes. Furthermore, you will learn some advanced strumming patterns and rhythms. Besides the HD video tutorials you get many exercises consisting of PDF, Guitar Pro 5+6 and audio files in three different speed levels to help you learn even better. Challenging quizzes increase your understanding and provide you with instant feedback. This course provides you with material for 4 to 6 weeks on average whereas the amount of time can vary depending on your level of playing."
Price: 69.99

"Making Your Business Professional" |
"Point your business in the right direction by making it professional and grooming yourself into someone that people want to do business with. Because, at the end of the day, that's the key people have their choice of providers and business partners, so competition is always there. Making it is about more than simply having the best idea, or even executing on that idea it's about being THE person that people want to work with.Becoming A Premier, Desired Business ProviderYou know what they sayimage is everything. It isn't so much that you need to fake it 'till you make it,"" though that can at times be true it's more about establishing a reputation and building your public image and presence. This new book, Making Your Business Professional, Making YOU Someone That People WANT to do Business With,"" will walk you through doing just that, putting you on the path to better business success.What it isUnlike other business titles that take you through how to run the day-to-day logistics and finances, this book will take you through the actual qualifiers that will help you understand your business' current position, provide tools that you can leverage in real-world practice to strategize and map your business' direction, and give you the insights; background; and next steps to building a unique, recognizable brand."
Price: 19.99

"ISO9001 Quality Management System" |
"Question:Do you want to learn the basics and why your business should be using Quality Management TODAY?Do you know why your quality will reflect your professionalism in the eyes of the client?It's a misconception that 'quality costs money' as a poor quality product or service will ultimately cost you more.Whether you're starting out in business or have been trading for a number of years, 'Quality Is Everything'. Unless a prospective client already knows you or you already have an established reputation, trying to gain new clients can be a difficult task, especially in today's climate of competition.To give yourself the best chance to win that new client, you must show that you're not only equally as good as your competition but BETTER, much better in fact!In this course we will be looking at the history of quality management over the past two hundred years and how it has evolved to become an International Standard, the ISO9001. We will be defining 'Quality' and 'Quality Management' to better understand how we can achieve these requirements for our clients.We will be looking at the ISO9001 and specifically Clause 4 that deals with what needs to be included in a QMS (Quality Management System) and working through a 'Quality Manual' template that I provide so at the end of the course you will be well on your way to having your own Quality Management System.Finally we will be looking how to implement your QMS and continual improvement so that you get the most out of Quality Management and ultimately achieve your business goals.If your company or professional body requires you to complete Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE), then this course will constitute half a days 'training'.++++++++++++++++++++++++BonusQuality Manual Template for you to work through and for part of your QMSCourse Notes on each section for you to read and reference off line++++++++++++++++++++++++"
Price: 24.99

"Fiction Writing - Write, Polish and Publish Your First Novel" |
"There are four things that we are going to talk about in this course. The first is how to get started. We'll start from the very beginning and talk about where to get ideas, how to get your story going, and the best tools you should use that will make writing and formatting your book a breeze.Then we'll talk about how to get your story finished. Writing a novel is a huge challenge, and I'll provide some tips and tricks that will make sure you get that first draft completed.After we've gotten through our first draft, well go over how to polish your book to perfection, and how and where to find editors. I'll even provide a sample template you can use that should save you a lot of time in finding the right editor for you.Finally, we'll cover how to get your book and to all of the four major online bookstores. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo. As well as how to distribute your book even further."
Price: 39.99

"Writing Productivity: Release Fears to Write Great Fiction" |
"If you're struggling to write your first novel, or have a few under your belt and want to crank them out faster, this course is for you! Learn how to boost your word counts and get rid of all those fears you have of writing that's bubbling under the surface of your mind. Learn from someone with years of experience, whose fought and overcome these common internal battles that most fiction authors face."
Price: 39.99

"The Definitive Book Marketing Course" |
"In this course, we'll cover everything you need to know to market your books effectively. Whether you're just publishing your first novel or you're a seasoned pro, the tips and strategies in this course will work for you. We'll provide tips and strategies around three fundamental marketing principles:Get traffic - After all, you can't gain readers without traffic, and fortunately there's no shortage of people looking for good books to read!Convert - Once we get traffic, we need to make sure they buy our books or sign up for our mailing list.Nurture - Once they've become a fan, we need to build a relationship so they'll buy from us again in the future.The course will help if you've struggled to get readers, or if you can't get them to leave reviews of your books, You'll learn how to explode your author platform so you can climb up those bestseller charts for years to come. And the best news?... These strategies don't take up a lot of your time, and you can start seeing results within weeks instead of years. This definitive marketing course will free you up so you'll have more time to do what really matters most... write more books!"
Price: 39.99

"Become a Content Marketing Rockstar!" |
"Creating and producing content is the best way to drive organic traffic online. If you want to attract more visitors and customers, you'll need to be great at delivering outstanding content. The problem is, making great content is extremely difficult and time-consuming.Until now!In this course, you'll learn how to:Conduct keyword research to find what people are actually searching for, and use it to plan out a content blueprint. Learn and evolve from your current audience with surveys and analytics data.Look like a professional by creating quality images, audio and videoProduce content quickly and efficiently This course contains over 30 lectures and 3 hours of content. It's designed for anyone who wants to generate traffic to your website, blog or businessBy the end, you'll have valuable skills that will help you generate an endless number of content ideas. How to dissect and figure out what your audience does and doesn't want. And then how to take all of that research and build standout content in less time than you ever thought possible.I'll also be there to help answer any questions that you have. Anything you need to become a content marketing rockstar, I'll be there to assist you any way that I can!Sign up now to receive lifetime access to this course, and learn how to generate thousands of new visitors you can market and sell to for years to come!"
Price: 39.99
