"Technical SEO - Audit and Fix Your Website for Success" |
"If you are looking to take your SEO knowledge to the next level then this course if for you! I've worked for 7+ years at one of the largest digital agencies in the United States, and have worked with individuals as well as multi-million dollar brands.At the end of this course, youll be able to Perform a technical audit using free toolsFix problems that are robbing you of traffic from Google and other search enginesSet your website up for success now and in the future, even as technology and search algorithms change In this course, Ill be teaching you how to Pinpoint the specific content issues that make it difficult for Google and other search engines to crawl your websiteProvide a quality user experience by linking and redirecting visitors to your most important contentSpeed up your website so you can get a ranking boost!Make your website more mobile-friendlyWe cover a lot of ground, and rest-assured, if there's something I didn't cover, or didn't explain in enough depth, please reach out to me in the discussion forums. There I answer every single question the comes through. Chances are, whatever issue you're having I've seen before, and happy to help in any way that I can!"
Price: 39.99

"SEO Master Course - Get Tons of Free, Organic Search Traffic" |
"Welcome to the SEO Master Course, where youll learn everything you need to know to drive free, organic traffic to your website.My name is Ryan Wiley, and Im so excited to present this course to you. For over 7 years now, Ive worked for one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the United States. Ive done SEO for multi-million dollars brands youve most likely heard of. Sites that were receiving tens of thousands of visitors a day even before I began working with them. Ive also worked on the other end of the spectrum individuals who were only getting a few visits a day. I was able to get them to a point where they were getting calls and emails daily for their products and services.At the end of this course, youll be able toConfidently optimize your website using proven SEO principlesBuild out a content plan based on strategic keyword and competitive researchSet your website up for success, even as technology and search algorithms changeIll be teaching you how toSet up your pages so they have the best opportunity to rank wellCreate content better and faster than you ever thought possiblePerform a technical analysis of your website to ensure it isnt being penalized by search enginesUse SEO tactics that even Google approves ofYou'll learn what works, and equally importantly, what doesnt work. Some SEO courses go into great depth on things like link building, but can I let you in on a little secret?... Google is really REALLY smart! Tricks and tactics that worked a few years ago, even as recent as 2015, no longer do. Trust me, I wish they did! The strategies youll learn should work long into the future, because it aligns perfectly with what search engines want from us website creators.The ideal student is someone that has any interest in learning SEO. I start from the very beginning, so even if you dont even know what SEO stands for, but want to drive traffic to your website I can help you. And if youre a little more experienced, its not long before we get to the good stuff. Even if youve done SEO work for a few years, Im sure I can teach you a few tricks you havent seen or heard of before.If this sounds good, then hit the Take This Course link right now, where youll get lifetime access to constantly updated material. Youll also be able to post in the discussions any questions you have. I love helping people and have a real passion for SEO. I look forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99

"Basic and Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013 for anyone" |
"In this Microsoft Excel 2013 course, I will introduce you to the basic concepts of Microsoft Excel 2013 and together we will slowly work through all that Microsoft Excel 2013 has to offer. Whatever age, background or job, my course is intended on teaching anyone a comprehensive and solid foundation of Microsoft Excel 2013, that also applies to Microsoft Excel 2007 and 2010. Furthermore, this course will cover most aspects that someone is required to know in order to successfully take the MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Excel exam. Each video will contain me talking you through a certain concept in Microsoft Excel 2013, while at the same time showing how to use this concept in the video. I will go step-by-step so that everyone will be able to follow and understand what I am doing. The lectures will contain a clear structure of: Why the contents of the lecture are important to know. What you can do with the contents of the lecture How to do what I am explaining in the lecture Throughout the course there are several videos where, together with me, you will create a basic Excel tool using the knowledge you have thus far obtained. This will serve to show you what you can do with Microsoft Excel 2013, as well as solidify the learnt concepts. Upon completion of the course you will be able to work with Microsoft Excel 2013 in any basic office, school, university or personal setting."
Price: 19.99

"Comic-Style: the Cartoon Training for Photoshop" |
"This Comic-Style says good-bye to reality and the everyday portrait picture we see all the time. Extremely big heads, bright colors, big eyes, slim bodies, and a plastic body look are the key elements of this very unique comic style. This exceptional workshop inspired many German photoshoppers in the last years. Now, for the first time, Gabor Richter presents his Comic-Style in English! Take part in a journey where you learn to transform a normal picture into an extraordinary Comic-Style picture. I will show you, in 50 videos and using many different pictures and techniques, how I create my Comic-Style pictures. The goal of this workshop is that you will be able to create your own Comic-Style picture to excite not only your friends and relatives, but also the world wide community out there on the internet. In this training, I will not leave anything out. I will share all my secrets with you using simple techniques and simple language. In this video workshop, I will not show only one picture from A to Z. I will show many pictures and explain how to apply my techniques in different situations: More than 4.5 hours of video material 50 single vides 9 Chapters 32 RAW files inclusive for you to practice (not for commercial use) Due to my many years of experience with Photoshop and as trainer, Im sure you can learn a lot in this training, and you will have a lot of fun watching it."
Price: 54.99

"Teach your Child to Read and Write" |
"Help your child develop strong reading and writing skills. Teach Your Child to Read and Write includes over 20 video lessons covering all aspects of early literacy. You will learn:What your child is expected to learn at school.How these skills and concepts will impact your child's future academic success.Simple and fun ways to support your child's learning at home.Help your child become a great reader and writer.Many parents think teaching the alphabet, reading bedtime stories and providing their child with opportunities to read is enough to ensure their child becomes a great reader and writer. There is so much more you need to do! After taking this class, you will know how to help your young child build a foundation for success.Helping your children at home is critical. More than 40 years of research has proven that the most accurate predictor of a child's achievement in school is not income, the quality of the school they attend, social status or even teacher quality. It is how much family's support learning at home, set realistic and high expectations, and become involved at school and in the community.After taking this class you will be able to help your child:Build a strong foundation of literacy skills.Begin to learn the writing process.Develop a love or reading.Your instructor for this class is National Board Certified Teacher and Bluegrass Learning Senior Education Specialist Bobbie Noall. Bobbie has more than 15 years of classroom teaching experience and currently works full-time as a district response to intervention teacher for a public school district, specializing in literacy support for struggling students.The class is presented using parent friendly language, without difficult technical terms. It is designed for busy parents and is also beneficial for anyone who spends time with early elementary school age children. Childcare workers and teachers who may want a refresher on effective literacy instruction would also benefit from the lessons."
Price: 24.99

"Teach Your Child Math" |
"Help your child develop strong mathematics skills and reasoning ablility. Teach Your Child Math includes 21 video lessons, and printable resources including games and tools to use at home. You will learn:What your child is expected to learn in early elementary school (K-2nd) math classes.How these skills and concepts will impact your child's future success with math.Simple and fun activities to share with your children that will help them build strong math skills.Help your child become a strong math student.Many parents struggle to help their children with math. After taking this class, you will know how to help your young child build a foundation for success in mathematics. If you struggle to help your child with the work he is bringing home from school, this course will show you what to do.Helping your children at home is critical to their success. More than 40 years of research has proven that the most accurate predictor of a child's achievement in school is not income, the quality of the school they attend, social status or even teacher quality. It is how much family's support learning at home, set realistic and high expectations, and become involved at school and in the community.After taking this class you will be able to help your child:Build strong math reasoning skillsDeeply understand math procedures and operationsLearn strategies they can use to solve more difficult math problems in later gradesThis Bluegrass Learning course is presented by Senior Education Specialist and school teacher Bobbie Noall. The curriculum was developed by Alice Cantrell. Alice has more than 30 years of classroom teaching experience and currently works as a District-wide Math Consultant for a public school district. In this role, she coaches teachers on how to deliver effective math instruction.The class is presented using parent friendly language, without difficult technical terms. It is designed for busy parents. It is also beneficial for anyone who spends time with early elementary school age children. Childcare workers and teachers who may want a refresher on effective math instruction would also benefit from the lessons."
Price: 24.99

"Adicione Push Notifications aos seus Apps iOS (Portugus)" |
"Voc desenvolvedor iOS e quer fazer sucesso na App Store? Este curso pra voc! O que vou aprender? A desenvolver Apps que recebem Push Notification de forma simples e descomplicada. Voc aprender de forma simples como realizar todas as etapas desde as configuraes do Member Center da Apple (Certificados e Provisioning Profiles) at a parte de cdigo no Xcode. E onde posso aplicar isto? Em seus projetos de desenvolvimento de aplicativos. Apps com Push Notification tem estatstica muito maiores de engajamento dos usurios e geram entre 60 e 70% a mais de receita aos desenvolvedores. Adicionando Push Notifications, seus Apps ficam mais sociais. Usurios sero ativados a usar seu App com mais frequncia e seus aplicativos tero um aumento exponencial na utilizao e na gerao de receita. Push Notifications so complicadas. Voc precisa gerar certificados, criar perfis, configurar seu App e etc. Nossa misso descomplicar este processo! Voc terminar o curso capaz de realizar todas as configuraes necessrias e enviar push notifications sem gastar nada! Como funciona o curso? O curso dividido em duas etapas, uma terica e outra prtica. A terica d informaes preciosas para que voc implemente com sucesso uma estratgia de push notification em seus apps. A prtica pe a mo na massa e descomplica o processo de enviar push notifications. No curso, descomplicamos o processo de gerar certificados e configurar a interface com a APN (Apple Push Notification) API. Em poucos passos, voc conseguir configurar os certificados e comear a enviar push notifications. E, a melhor parte que... Este curso foca no uso de ferramentas mBaaS (Mobile Backend as a Services) TOTALMENTE GRATUITAS. Ou seja, voc no precisar pagar por servidores, hosting e no ter nenhum custo para enviar push notifications aos seus usurios!"
Price: 19.99

"Implemente Compras In App e Ganhe Dinheiro com App Freemium" |
"Este curso aborda todos os passos necessrios para a implementao de Compras In App em um aplicativo para dispositivos iOS. O que vou aprender? Veremos quais os tipos de Compras In App disponveis e quando e como implement-las. Aprenderemos como usar o Store Kit framework da Apple encapsulado pelo Parse para iniciar, validar e finalizar uma Compra In App. Veremos como criar e configurar um novo aplicativo no iTunes Connect com as configuraes para Compras In App. Faremos a parte de cdigo, de desenvolvimento de forma concisa e descomplicada. E, por fim, testaremos seu app em ambiente de desenvolvimento (Sandbox) e enviaremos para validao da App Store! E onde posso aplicar isto? Em seus projetos de desenvolvimento de aplicativos. Apps Freemium, com Compras In App tem estatstica muito maiores de gerao de receita aos desenvolvedores. Na prtica, compras In App so responsveis por mais de 80% do volume de transaes financeiras da App Store. Como funciona o curso? O curso dividido em duas etapas, uma terica e de configuraes iniciais, e outra prtica. A terica d informaes preciosas para que voc implemente com sucesso uma estratgia de Compras In App (In App Purchase) em seus apps. A prtica pe a mo na massa e descomplica o processo de criar e realizar Compras In App. Veremos tambm: Como acessar o iTunes Connect e realizar todas as configuraes necessrias, desde a criao do App, das Compras In App, definio de preos, descries localizadas por idioma e todo o processo de reviso para a App Store."
Price: 19.99

"Crie Widgets para Apps iOS" |
"Lanados em 2014, os App Extensions vieram para ficar. Entretanto, esto implementado em apenas 8% dos apps disponveis na App Store. Largue na frente e oferea mais aos seus usurios! Implemente um App Extension do tipo Widget no seu app e ganhe espao no mercado de apps! Apps com widgets tem tendncia a reter mais os usurios e gerar entre 35% e 45% a mais de receita aos desenvolvedores! Neste curso, voc aprender a criar um widget, integra-lo com seu app, usar app groups e muito mais! No perca a oportunidade de estar entre os primeiros apps da App Store a fornecer widgets!"
Price: 19.99

"Achieve Your Dreams" |
"Create a beautiful life using metaphysical principles made famous by Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, "The Secret" and others.. The "Achieve Your Dreams" course is based upon a set of soothing, gentle videos narrated by beautifully-spoken English Metaphysics expert Michelle Sollicito. The course includes practical exercises, meditations, positive thinking/affirmations, visualizations, imagery and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. Learn who you are at the deepest level by getting in contact with all your "selves" - including your inner child and inner critic. Learn from mistakes and traumas in your past and heal them. Become your own life coach. Identify your goals and how you will achieve them using visualization, imagery, meditation and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) techniques. Make a plan for achieving goals and learn techniques to ensure you meet them. When taking the course, you are advised to set aside a whole morning and do the whole course in one session, in order to reap the maximum benefit from it. After some of the videos you will carry out some practical exercises, and you may wish to repeat some of the meditations. It is anticipated that once you have completed the course once, you may want to come back and repeat sections of the course from time to time during your life."
Price: 19.99

"How To Become A Great Ebusiness Consultant" |
"Michelle Sollicito is a successful EBusiness Consultant and published technical author.When you pay for the course you get a number of free downloadable ebooks on topics such as angular and bootstrap, many sample documents free as well as Michelle's book on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery free as well as her book about her Facebook group that grew to 50,000 members in just 24 hours FREE.This course consists of a series of videos describing a different aspect of life as an EBusiness Consultant alongside samples of work, links to useful resources, free copies of books etc. all aimed at helping you to be a successful EBusiness Consultant. From how to find work as a consultant, through to how to work with clients to ensure the requirements of the work are correct, through to carrying out consultancy work (e.g. business continuity planning, disaster recovery, technical architecture work or RFPs) or implementation work (e.g. analysis and design through to implementation and testing of websites, smartphone apps or desktop apps/software packages). The course will explain how to get work using technical websites and LinkedIn as well as repeat work from previous clients and work through other consultancies. It will explain how to write RFPs, White Papers and technical documentation. It will cover how to write and publish training courses and articles about technical issues. How to carry out (pre-)sales and marketing tasks in the IT world, including in-depth Facebook coverage. How to carry out analysis and design of technical systems and how to implement them with optimal quality and reuse built-in. How to ensure that systems meet requirements and interact with other systems correctly. How to ensure that the IT Department is providing good service to the business, that IT Strategy is aligned with Business Strategy, and that risks are mitigated where possible, including how to carry out Audits of IT systems and software, how to ensure a Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan is in place and is effective and how to ensure the Technical Architecture and the Roadmap going forward will provide sustainable IT and software support to the business."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Ruby on Rails: Stripe Payment Processing" |
"Whatever the brilliant idea, product, or service, an e-commerce website simply won't function without streamlined,intuitive payment processing. In this course we'll be providing an essential breakdown of activatingStripe using Rails to allow you to start receiving income without allthe stress of merchant accounts and banks. Stripe is quickly becoming an industry standard for payment processing, and isan effective tool you cannot afford tobe without.In this course, you will learn the most straightforward way to accept one-off payments or recurring billing with your Rails web applications. You will also learn how to: Implement Bootstrap with HTML templates, add Stripe to your site, email receipts with Sendgrid, build a web application with Ruby on Rails, and deploy your application with Heroku."
Price: 69.99

"Learn HTML, CSS, and Ruby on Rails: Build Your First Blog" |
"As coding and web-development becomes increasinglyessential to our day-to-day lives, ranging from significantprofessional practices down topersonal blog spaces and websites, the idea of personally building and designing a website becomes more and moredesirable. Unfortunately, finding a mix of the right tools and drive can be challenging, and leaves a lot of potential coders overwhelmed in the face of programs without concrete results.In this course we'll be facilitating these veryessential concrete results.By introducing and breaking down HTMLand CSS in a practical, functional manner, you'll see the direct results of better understanding the basic building blocks of almost any website. This course is perfect for beginners, as it aims to remove overly technical details in favour of result oriented understanding.We'll be developing afully functional and presentable blog. In doing so we'll highlight the common elements of HTMLto structure a page, and CSSto stylize it.You will also learn how to: Implement Bootstrap with HTML templates,build a web application with Ruby on Rails, and deploy your application with Heroku.Hopefully the tangible output provided will give you the momentum you need to continue to pursue valuable coding skills!"
Price: 19.99

"Ready, Set, Record: Creating Video Content for the Classroom" |
"Are you an educator looking to create additional resources for your students? Do you want to create original video content, but you're just not sure where to start? Perhaps you want to create supplement materials to augment a live class? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions then this course is for you. I've produced original content for several years under the Alanis Business Academy brand. From experience I can tell you just how time-consuming and frustrating creating original video content can be. Save yourself time, money, and frustration by learning the process that I use to produce original videos and begin your journey as a content creator. What is the course about? Ready, Set, Record: Creating Video Content for the Classroom is a step-by-step comprehensive guide to tackling the process of creating original video content. Producing original video content can be an overwhelming and time-consuming process, but it doesn't have to be. This course will give you the skills to produce your own professional videos without the headache of learning by trial-and-error. What kind of materials are included? This course includes 8 easy-to-follow lessons spanning over 120 minutes of instruction as well as a 59-page e-book that provides simple step-by-step instructions to performing many of the common functions using Screenflow. To test your knowledge you'll also have the opportunity to attempt six different quizzes covering a variety of content presented in this course. How long will the course take to complete? Although this course can be consumed in one sitting, it's recommended that you following along with the video creation process by crafting your own video. Doing so will help you get the full value out of the course. Although this will slow the speed at which you progress through the course, you'll be much more competent by the end. Following this recommendation will allow you to complete this course and produce your first video in 7 - 10 days. Why take this course? You should enroll in this course if you wan to improve the instruction of your physical, online, or hybrid course using original video content. Save yourself time and money by following my exact process for producing short and engaging videos."
Price: 24.99

"Ingls Bsico: Todo lo esencial para hispanohablantes" |
"Quieres empezar a entender y hablar ingls ya?El ingls es ms importante que nunca.Y en muchos casos el sistema educativo no te prepara para hablarlo bien. Pero lo que no te han dicho es que el ingls puede ser sencillo la gramtica, de hecho, es bastante ms fcil que enespaol.Aprende lo esencial del ingls con mi mtodo claro y sencillo.Este curso explica lo esencial de la gramtica y el vocabulario y adems, la pronunciacin.Cmo formar frases en varias situaciones con el presente simple, el pasado simple, y el presente continuoLos verbos ms comunes en ingls (tanto regulares como irregulares) y cmo conjugarlos.Vocabulario: adjetivos, expresiones del tiempo, La pronunciacin de todo lo que ves por escrito. Un buen tratamiento de la pronunciacin es algo que es imposible conseguir en un libro, as que este curso es el medio perfecto para ensearlo.Y mucho ms!Si quieres aprender ingls con un mtodo sencillo y comprensible, ests en el sitio correcto--he desarrollado este mtodo a lo largo de mis 10 aos de experiencia en el aula, y ha funcionado con gente de todo tipo--de altos ejecutivos a estudiantes universitarios.El curso incluye:Ms de 5 horas de video con explicaciones de todo lo esencial.Listas del vocabulario ms importante para imprimir.Una copia del libro ""Ingls Bsico""--un autntico top ventas--que contiene ejercicios para practicar lo que has aprendido, adems de textos para practicar la lectura.Dos ebooks ms gratis: ""El Pequeo Libro de los Verb Patterns"" y ""Vocabulario y Expresiones Esenciales"" para que sigas adelante con el aprendizaje.Al final del curso, sabrs manejarte con lo ms esencial del ingls, y sabrs los pasos que tomar para seguir aprendiendo ms. Adems, tendrs algo que la mayora de las personas no tienen--una buena idea de la autntica pronunciacin americana."
Price: 59.99

"Objetivo Ingls: lo que no te ensearon en la escuela" |
"Qu tal tu ingls?Y ms importante Ests haciendo progreso?Muchas personas se sienten estancados en un nivel bsico o intermedio. Y no saben cmo mejorar. Quiz tienen miedo al hablar, quiz no saben pronunciar las cosas bien.Tu nivel ser mejor dentro de 6 meses?Aprender un idioma no es lo ms fcil del mundo. Si lo fuera, todo el mundo podra hablar 3, 4, 5 idiomaso ms.En realidad, muchas personas luchan para dominar un segundo idiomaa pesar de poder hablar perfectamente"" su lengua materna. Y una gran parte del problema es la educacin que recibenUna educacin que a veces da ms miedo que confianza, y que ensea todo al revs. Que ensea gramtica durante aos pero no te da las habilidades que necesitas para conversar.O (lo que es peor) te dice que no tienes talento"" para los idiomas.Realmente existe un talento innato para los idiomas?Mis 10 aos de experiencia en el aula me dicen que no.He ayudado a miles de personas a mejorar su ingles. Y lo que he descubierto es queHay gente que sabe qu hacer para mejorar. Que tiene los hbitos adecuados, las actitudes correctas, y las unas buenas estrategias. Gente motivada, con ganas.Y luego hay gente que cree que no puede, y as no da lo mejor de s para conseguir sus objetivos.S tienes dificultades con el ingls, este curso es para ti. Pero atencin! No es como otros cursos.No es otro curso de gramtica (de hecho, no ensea nada de gramtica)Por qu?Porque quera que te enfocaras a algo ms importante que la gramtica crnica: las actitudes, hbitos y habilidades que diferencian los mejores estudiantes del ingls de los que no progresan.No ensea gramtica, pero s ensea:Cmo motivarte para seguir estudiando hasta conseguir tus objetivos.Los hbitos necesarios para llegar a tus propsitos con el idioma.Las 12 claves de la pronunciacin que no te ensearon en la escuelaporque pronunciar bien es la diferencia entre entenderte con los dems y no.Las respuestas a algunas de las preguntas ms frecuentes sobre el aprendizaje.Los mejores recursos en internet para hacer listening.Recomendaciones de qu leer para mejorar tu nivel a diario.Una explicacin completa de como formar y conseguir tus objetivos con el inglso cualquier otra cosa que te plantees.11 cosas que puedes hacer para superar el miedo al hablarlas estrategias que utilizan los mejores estudiantes para conseguir la fluidez.Lo que tus profesores nunca te ensearon sobre el aprendizaje del ingls (no saberlo puede ser un obstculo, incluso aos despus).Consejos para superar las dificultades ms grandes para mejorar tu fluidez.Cmo organizar tu tiempo para sacar ms provecho a tu da y tus estudios.Dnde encontrar a alguien con quien practicar tu ingls (en la vida real o en internet)Recursos recomendados para aprender gramtica y vocabulario que necesitasConsiste en ms de 7 horas de video, para ensear bien la pronunciacin (y porque mucha gente aprende mejor escuchando que leyendo.Con todo, el curso Objetivo Ingls te puede ahorrar mucho dinero a lo largoy aos de frustracin que pueden resultar de no tener claro lo que tienes que hacer para mejorar tu nivel.Por cierto, en el curso va incluido el libro 6 Claves para Aprender Ingls (en formato PDF), que ha revolucionado la forma de pensar de miles de personas en todo el mundo.(De hecho, creo que soy el nico profesor de ingls que tambin es autor-top ventasel libro ha sido el #1 en Amazon Kindle tanto en Espaa como en Mxico.)Y el curso es la continuacin lgica del contenido del libro, con todo lo nuevo que he aprendido desde que se public, y un nfasis en la pronunciacincosa que no se puede hacer en un libro, pero en video, s.Escucha lo que dicen otros estudiantesAqu tienes lo que estn diciendo algunos estudiantes sobre mis cursos.Sobre el curso de Ingls Bsico:Recomiendo este curso al 100% Adems, Daniel es un profesor estupendo y te contesta rpidamente a todas las dudas que te surgen. Si crees que aprender ingles es aburrido y costoso haz este curso y cambiaras de opinin."" Irantzu, Pamplona, EspaaSobre el curso de los Phrasal Verbs:""Si el ingls es tu asignatura pendiente, sin duda, este es tu curso. Personalmente el mtodo de Daniel Welsch me parece muy adecuado para aprender los phrasal verbs ms importantes. He complementado este curso con otros libros que tiene el autor como base terica de mi aprendizaje del ingls."" Pere, Barcelona, EspaaExcelente curso, muy completo y prctico, me gusta la forma tan simple como Daniel explica los Phrasal Verbs, y que los repite en diferentes lecciones, tambin que explique la forma mas comn de decirlos, o como se dicen en ingles americano y en ingles britnico. De verdad lo recomiendo! Se merece 10 puntos!!"" Kyana, Caracas, Venezuela.El curso Objetivo Ingls es nuevo y estoy seguro que tendr el mismo xitoo msque los otros.Y por supuesto, tiene la garanta de Udemy de 30 dassi el curso no es para ti, devulvelo. No quiero que te apuntes para algo que no te guste.Si tienes cualquier pregunta sobre el curso, contctame aqu. Estoy encantado de ayudarte.Buen aprendizaje,Daniel.P.D. He pasado todo el verano trabajando para hacer el mejor curso posibley como siempre mis amigos blogueros creen que soy loco por venderlo a este precio. As que aprovecha antes de que me convenzan de subirlo :-)"
Price: 59.99

"Condicionales en Ingls: la Gua Definitiva" |
"Aprende a usar todos los tipos de condicionales en ingls, adems de las estructuras hipotticas con wish. Las frases condicionales son una parte importante de la gramtica del ingls, muy tiles para aquellas personas que quieren subir de nivel hasta un intermedio o avanzado. Escrito y narrado por el autor de varios libros super ventas en USA, Espaa y Amrica Latina, este curso explica en un espaol claro y sencillo, todos los tipos de condicionales que existen en ingls, con muchos ejemplos de cada uno. Zero Conditional, primer condicional, segundo condicional, tercer condicional y mixtos, adems de muchas variaciones se incluyen en la primeras secciones. Despus tienes estructuras con wish para hablar de presente y pasado, adems de otras palabras como hope y would like. Incluye el ebook La Gua Definitiva de los Condicionales, que normalmente cuesta unos 10 euros en Amazon, GRATIS! Y en el libro hay ms ejemplos, ms ejercicios y ms explicaciones.Un porcentaje del precio de este curso va a apoyar obras solidarias en pases en desarrollo."
Price: 29.99

"Ingls de Negocios: Vocabulario y Expresiones Esenciales" |
"Este curso explica lo ms importante para dominar el ingls de negocios: cmo escribir correos que impresionan al lector, cmo prepararte una entrevista, cmo hablar por telfono y en reuniones y ms.Aprende las expresiones esenciales para trabajar en ingls.El ingls es ms importante que nunca para encontrar un trabajo, y los que hablen ingls ganan un 20 o 30% ms.En este curso explicolas expresiones y frases hechas que necesitas para desenvolverte en el trabajo.Llevo ms de 10 aos enseando ingls en las empresas y organizaciones ms importantes de Espaa, y as s exactamente lo que necesitas para tener una buena base para el trabajo. He trabajado con gente de todos niveles dentro de estas empresas, de administrativas a altos ejecutivos, y he ayudado a todos a tener ms confianza en su ingls.Y t tambin puedes!Luego descubrirs cmo encontrar un vocabulario ms especfico para tu trabajo en concreto. Y el curso tambin incluye mi ebook Ingls para el xito: Cmo prepararse para una entrevista y conseguir el trabajo.Disfruta y buen aprendizaje!"
Price: 44.99

"The Complete Wireshark Course: Go from Beginner to Advanced!" |
"Wireshark is much easier to learn when you take this course and try everything you see for yourself! Wireshark is a free open-source packet analyzer that is the number one tool for network analysis, troubleshooting, software and communications protocol development, and related education in networking. Knowing Wireshark gives you the ability to successfully apply for network administrator jobs and easily earn money as a freelancer online because Wireshark is an in demand skill! Use this course to speed up your learning with Wireshark with hands on tutorials showing you exactly what you can do in Wireshark founded on explanations of basic network terminology, installing Wireshark, and a review of the basic functions. The course begins with the basics and continues to dive deeper allowing you to follow along and try everything you see for yourself! You should act on your feelings of love, hope, and faith to take this course now if you want to learn a valuable skill to use in your own company or to make money as a freelancer or employee working in a network administration job!"
Price: 194.99

"The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced!" |
"Gain the ability to do ethical hacking and penetration testing by taking this course! Get answers from an experienced IT expert to every single question you have related to the learning you do in this course including installing Kali Linux, using VirtualBox, basics of Linux, Tor, Proxychains, VPN, Macchanger, Nmap, cracking wifi, aircrack, DoS attacks, SLL strip, known vulnerabilities, SQL injections, cracking Linux passwords, and more topics that are added every month!If you are like me, you are reading more now because you want to know for sure whether this course is worth taking before you invest your money and time in it. More than10,000 people have already completed the process of deciding to take this course and I hope sharing a few of their experiences can prove useful for you here. Here are what three recent students had to say in the reviews in their own words.Awesome Course by Penny Garcia.I am 11 videos in and LOVING this course right now. The instructor is very thorough. I would certainly recommend this course to others as I am just starting out in pen testing and hacking and feel that this is what I have been looking for. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort into such an amazing course.Best course ever.. by Mahmoud Selman.Thank you guys for such a great course. It's the best one ever on Udemy and worth every penny. You have covered everything inside it. Students be aware! What you are going to learn here in this course is going to blow your mind!! and you got to use what you learn wisely otherwise if you misuse this info you can get from 5 to 10 years in jail. Keep it White hat.Very helpful instructor by Deepak Muralidharan.Ermin Kreponic has been very helpful in solving many hiccups pertaining to this course. Especially considering the time difference between us. Much appreciated his help.What you can see from reading these three reviews is that students love the technical support Ermin provides through answering questions about all of the subjects presented in the course. The lectures themselves are helpful and will inspire you to try actually doing what you see Ermin do. Then when you try to learn and have problems, you experience the greatest value of the course which is access to the instructor for help. You can ask anything related to the course and Ermin will give you a thoughtful answer which will consistently help you solve the problems you are having in learning ethical hacking and penetration testing. Thank you very much for reading so much of the description for this course! The fact that you have spent some of your very valuable time here already reading this course leads me to believe that you will enjoy being a student in the course a lot! Find the ""take this course"" or ""start free preview"" button up on the page to give the course a try today!If you want to learn more about what the course contains, here is a short list of questions to help you decide if you should take it followed by a deep list of the course lectures below. What you see is just the beginning of what the course includes because Ermin is making new lectures every month for you! You will get to see screen capture live tutorials showing you everything you need to do to get started with ethical hacking and penetration testing including information about all of the topics below!How to install VirtualBox.What to do to create the virtual environment.Installing VirtualBox in a Windows 8.1 environment.Basic Linux terminal.Staying anonymous with tor.Virtual Private Networks (VPN).You get lifetime access to this course which already has 20+ hours of HD video tutorials sharing everything you need to be a penetration testing expert and ethical hacker! If you are still not sure, here are three questions you can use to make the final decision!Do you want to learn how to penetrate networks, exploit systems, break into computers, and compromise routers?Do you want to use the valuable skills to work for companies that want you to use these skills to test their network security and show them to enhance it?How would you feel if you could apply these skills to what you already know to greatly advance your career as a network specialist, network administrator, or freelancer online?If you answered yes to any of these questions, I would guess based on my experience teaching 50,000+ students on Udemy that you might enjoy this course. If for any reason I am wrong, you have 30 days to ask Udemy for a refund. With 98% of students enjoying this course enough to not ask for a refund and 50+ students posting good reviews, I can guess the odds of you enjoying this course are very high!Thank you very much for reading all of this! Ermin and I hope to see you as a student in the course when we next meet!"
Price: 199.99

"Ermin Kreponic's Course for CentOS and Red Hat Linux - RHCSA" |
"**Ermin Kreponic has no affiliation with Red Hat, Inc. The Red Hat and CentOS trademarks are used for identification purposes only and are not intended to indicate affiliation with or approval by Red Hat, Inc. **You can use this course immediately to inspire your learning with Red Hat Linux and your preparation for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator Exam (RHCSA)! Ask any question you have about CentOS, Red Hat Linux, or the RHCSA and get an answer quickly! Watch the promo video to see what kind of learning experience you can expect in the course! Whether you have no experience with Red Hat Linux or any other type of Linux operating system, you can count on this course to get you started with the basics and show you what to do all the way into the advanced material. You get to see immediately why Linux is worth learning and using. Next, a basic familiarization with the graphic user interface leaves you feeling like you know your way around. Then, into the file system navigation and command lines. Finally, you experience the packet manager and are ready to dive deeper into the material!If you are a veteran already at Red Hat Linux and want to continue your Red Hat Linux certification training, you will get the essentials for the exam delivered through three chapters explaining the key functions and highlighting what you need to know for the test. The key with passing any exam is simply effort. This course gives you another excellent resource to use along with your existing study materials to make sure you pass the RHCSA exam!Thank you for reading this! Ermin and I look forward to serving you as a student in our course! Click take this course now to get lifetime access!"
Price: 194.99

"BASH Programming Course: Master the Linux Command Line!" |
"Welcome! Here you can learn you how to master Linux command line ( BASH ). What do I mean by this? Ever seen a system admin in a movie or some devious hacker using a terminal? Do you want the same knowledge? Well you are in the right place!This course is designed to take you from beginner to advanced in the Linux command line using bash (Bourne-again shell), a Unix shell and command language. You get 10+ hours of HD videos full of useful tutorials founded on motivation and excitement for learning bash programming! You can count on an answer to every question you ask in the course from a linux command line expert which gives you peace of mind that you can get help with every challenge you have as you learn!I wish you the very best of luck with your studies and I hope that we shall have some fun together in this course!Fully subtitled in both English and Spanish!"
Price: 194.99

"Build an Advanced Keylogger using C++ for Ethical Hacking!" |
"If you want to learn to code at an advanced level in C++ or build your own fully functional advanced keylogger from scratch for learning ethical hacking, I think you might love this course! In thiscourse you will see exactly how to create an advanced keylogger starting from nothing by literally following the steps I take as I make it!Thiskeylogger is capable of recording all the keyboard andmouse input! It can even record independent of the language settings because it logs thephysical keys on the keyboard first. Next, by using an arbitrarykeymap with human friendly names, it translates the machine keys tosomething that we can understand. It also possesses mail sendingcapabilities so you can just schedule the logfile to be sent viamail, lets say every 12 hours. In addition to this, it will also keepthe logfile encrypted. Therefore, we will create another programwhich will be able to decrypt the logfile on your end.For learning C++, this is an ideal course because it is completely hands on learning that provides a functional end product! Some future features that will be added to the keylogger course as I develop them will include but are not limited to taking screenshots, capturing clipboard content (copy-paste), recording website URLs, and so on! Take this course now to get immediate access to the videos and to get answers to every single question you ask in the course!As an information technology professional myself, I realize what the final product of this course is capable of. I trust in creating this that you will use it for good and for learning. If you choose to use this keylogger for any illegal or immoralpurposes, you risk losing a lot. This is only for educationalpurposes. The keylogger that you are going to see will be able tocause some serious damage, so please use it in a legal andresponsible way. Thank you very much for reading this and I hope to see you in the course soon! Ifyou have any suggestions in regard to the functionalities of thekeylogger, feel free to send me a message or post your requests here."
Price: 199.99

"Learn and Understand C++" |
"* Subtitles available in both English & Spanish *If you want to learn C++to advance your skills, gain the ability to program games, and create your own software, you might love this course!You can go from beginner to advanced with C++using this course because it has9+ hours of video that might motivate you to keep learning and programming in C++!If you have no previous knowledge or experience inC++, you will like that the course begins withC++ basics. If you have learned about C++ already in another course and want to improve what you already know, the course has hours ofdifferent topics in C++ withone topic per section. Each section is linked to the previous one in terms of utilizing what was already learned. Each topic is supplied with lots of examples which help students in their process of learning. Also, some new features introduced in C++11 standard are explained. This is what makes it interesting for both beginner and advanced students. Even if you already have a lot ofexperience in programming in C++, this course can help you learn some new information you had missed before. Upon the completion of this course, you should be able to write programs that have real-life applications.What I think is the best about this course is that you can search questions others have had, post your own questions, and get answers to challenges you are currently facing in learning and using C++. You get paid C++expert technicalsupport in this course here to answer every single question you ask!If you still are not sure about taking the course, maybe these stories of what the students before you experienced will be more useful than whatever I can say about this course. Maybe you can see if you identify with where they were when they took the course and what they got out of it. These are all copied from the course reviews below.So far I'm enjoying it, explanation of subjects are easy to understand.Very clear instruction, easy to understand.Straight forward. No fluff like some other courses where they take you on tangents about stuff you will probably never encounter.If youany suggestions you have on topics that have not been covered, youcan send them via private message. I will do my best to cover them as soon as possible.Thank you for reading this. I hope to see you in the course soon and I hope you will enjoy your time learning as much as I have!"
Price: 194.99

"The Complete Ethical Hacking Course for 2016/2017!" |
"If you want to get started as an ethical hacker, learn how network security professionals protect their systems, or take your IT career to the next level you are going to LOVE this course! This course is a sequel to The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! which over 50,000 students have taken, and was at one point the most popular ethical hacking course in the world! Join us now and receive over 80lectures & 15hours of HD video, and1 on 1 assistance from experienced network security professionals! We will cover the following topics in this course:Introduction to ethical hackingLinux installation, terminal basics, and Wireshark SetupStaying anonymous online, proxy servers, and accessing the dark side of the internet using TORAircrack-ng, HashCat, and wifi hackingDefending your own networks from attacksCloning websitesArduino USB keylogger thatworks out of the box for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10Windows power shell scriptingThis course will receive monthlyupdates based on students requests, and our goal is to make this the #1 network security course online!DISCLAIMER The attacks demonstrated in this course can cause serious damage and are only shown for educational purposes. The intent of this course is to give you the tools to defend your own networks, share skills that arevaluable to companies all over the world, and help you to better understand the challenges that information security professionals face on a daily basis.English & Spanish subtitles available.Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we hope to see you in the course!"
Price: 194.99

"How To Pay A Whole Lot Less For College" |
"How To Pay A Whole Lot Less For College goes a giant step further than the usual "paying for college" course: you learn how to pay a whole lot less. Getting more than you expect is the proven bonus feature of this course. Take this course so you can afford college without taking loans or going broke. The course is structured to allow you to jump around the different topics without the necessity of following a logical sequence. It's like overturning rocks at random and finding something of real value under each one. Topics are not dependent on each other like links in a chain. Like a valuable life-lesson, each can easily stand alone. Because each person's learning patterns are different, you can restrict yourself to the audio or to available pdf versions of the videos. Along with a mixture of undistracting humor in the videos, you can take a quiz after each section to spice up and validate what you have learned."
Price: 194.99

"Creating Courses: Udemy Course Manager Database - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.As a new or current instructor at Udemy, creating a course can be very challenging. The course will provide the instructor the necessary instruction to use the ISD Instructional Model to organize and manage the courseware development. If you need a special tool to assist you to design your course, then this course manager database is an important part of your courseware development process. This course has 1.5 hours of lectures and 12 lectures.I have created a course that includes a relational database (Course Manager) that will accelerate your courseware design. The course will includes the relational database ""Course Manager"" that is used the manage the course design and development.In addition to being more productive developing your course, I am using the ISD Instructional Systems Design model for the database development. The ISD model has a proven history where the course development model is used to manage the many elements of the development process, and to improve the productivity of the course development.The ISD model has been updated for online course development with many new features.This course will improve the quality of your instruction by providing a framework that includes; course analysis, a course outline screen, course objectives screen, course design screen, media used, and testing and evaluation screens. Each one of these steps in the development process are enhanced through the usage of the Course Manager database. The course manager may be used for each individual course being developed. This process creates a knowledge base for future course design. With each course you develop, you will add to your skill as a courseware developer.The database will also include a lesson guide that can be used for scripting your course and narrating from that screen into a video presentations. Some bonus features are; a website library for collecting course related website information, and a sales and promotion screen to track both promotions and coupons to include summaries for sales.To add to the development process you can use this course authors 40 years of course design to ask questions and improve your overall knowledge for course development."
Price: 19.99

"Course Design in Udemy Course Manager Database Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc.As a new or current instructor at Udemy, creating a course can be very challenging. The course will provide the with instructor the necessary instruction to use the ISD Instructional Model to organize and manage the courseware development. If you need a special tool to assist you to design your course, then this course is an important part of your courseware development process. This course has 1.5 hours of lectures and 12 lectures. I have created a course that includes a relational database (Course Manager) that will accelerate your courseware design. The course also includes a relational database ""Course Manager"" that is used the manage the course design and development.In addition to being more productive developing your course, I am using the ISD Instructional Systems Design model for the database development.The ISD model has been updated for online course development with many new features.This course will improve the quality of your instruction by providing a framework that includes; course analysis, a course outline screen, course objectives screen, course design screen, media used, and testing and evaluation screens.The database will also include a lesson guide that can be used for scripting your course and narrating from that screen into a video presentations. Some bonus features are; a website library for collecting course related website information, and a sales and promotion screen to track both promotions and coupons to include summaries for sales."
Price: 19.99

"Symantec CCSVM / Rapid7 Nexpose for beginners" |
"Learn the most popular Vulnerability Scanner: Rapid7 Nexpose / Symantec Control Compliance Vulnerability Manager If you are thinking about IT Security seriously - you have to get to know about vulnerability scanners. Rapid7 Nexpose and Symantec CCSVM both are the leading scanners to conduct Vulnerability Assessment. First complete training explained from scratch. You will see on step-by-step presentations what to do. I will explain how it works and how to use Rapid7 Nexpose / Symantec CCSVM. Take you IT Security knowledge on the next level. In this Course, you will learn about Symantec Control Compliance Suite Vulnerability Manger / Rapid7 Nexpose"
Price: 49.99

"Start your own phone unlocking business - Unofficial" |
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. With billions of smartphones and cell phones being used across the world it has become really important for those who for example run local repair shops to try online unlocking service for customers from different countries. Users who purchase new devices are often locked to particular carrier and are limited to using one network only. With our help you can provide distant phone unlock service to users with phones from Samsung, Nokia, iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Alcatel, Motorola, LG and other brands. There is a big demand for this service, especially as the cell phone industry continues to develop and grow fast. This is easy and you will be able to purchase unlocks at wholesale prices. This is very affordable and will bring you nice benefit. The more unlock codes you order the more money you earn."
Price: 99.99

"Introduction la communication non verbale" |
"Le but de ce cours et de vous familiariser avec la communication non verbale. Vous n'y trouverez pas une dictionnaire de geste apprendre par cur mais bien une mthode raliste et prouv qui vous permettra de pouvoir dcoder vos interlocuteur facilement. ==> Comprendre de manire pratique et simple la communication non verbale Table des matires 1.0 La communication 2.0 Le cerveau 2.1 Le systme reptilien 2.2 Le systme limbique 2.3 Plus loin dans le systme limbique 2.4 Plus loin dans le systme limbique BIS 2.5 La distance et le toucher 2.6 Mirroring et emphase 2.7 Le systme Nocortex Ce cours est destiner tous ceux qui souhaite apprendre comprendre l'autre, surtout ce qu'il ne dit pas ! Toutes personnes interagissant avec les autres peut y trouver un bnfice, surtout quand on sait que cette communication non verbale un impact bien plus important que tout le reste. ==> A la fin de se cours vous serez capable de comprendre les fondamentaux de la communication non verbale. Fini les incomprhensions dans vos interactions avec les autres !"
Price: 19.99
