"Interao Humano-Computador e UX Design (Somente Teoria)" |
"Este um curso terico onde voc ir entender fundamentos importantes para o UX Design, entendendo desde a memria humana e percepo e entendimento da informao, at o processo de Design Centrado no Usurio.Neste curso, voc ter uma profunda introduo da Psicologia Cognitiva no Design de Produtos, com nfase em Experincia do Usurio, discorrendo sobre temas como carga da memria humana, erros e interfaces intuitivas, percepo e entendimento da informao, design acessvel, habilidades motoras e UX, aprendizagem e interface do usurio, e processo de Design Centrado no Usurio."
Price: 189.99

"Web API LINE BOT Google Apps ScriptGAS" |
"Google Apps Script (GAS) Web API LINE BOTLINE BOTWeb API"
Price: 94.99

"Kelas Menyambung Kuku Menggunakan Poly Gel" |
"Belajar bagaimana caranya menyambung kuku dengan metode terbaru dari Poly Gel, di mulai dari pengenalan produk, apa saya yang harus disiapkan sebelum memulai belajar caranya menyambung kuku, sampai ke pengaplikasian warna, serta gratis 2 desain kuku yang bisa kalian pelajari di kelas online ini. Setelah kalian mengikuti kelas ini, kalian bisa langsung praktek ke pelanggan ataupun ke tangan sendiri. Hasilnya sangatlah cepat dan memuaskan. Kuku terlihat lebih lentik dan cantik dalam seketika."
Price: 910000.00

"Kelas Menyambung Kuku Menggunakan Gel" |
"Metode ini adalah metode menyambung kuku dengan menggunakan gel. Sangat mudah dipahami terutama bagi nailist pemula. Menyambung kuku sangat dibutuhkan bagi sebagian orang, karena bisa merubah penampilan secara instan, tangan akan terlihat lebih lentik dan indah hanya dengan menggunakan kuku sambungan. Selain itu, di metode pembelajaran ini, kamu bisa mendapatkan 2 desain kuku yang menarik."
Price: 840000.00

"Tekla Structures Essential Training for Intermediate" |
"Get up and running with Tekla Structures Essential Training for Intermediate.At the end of this course you will:Be able to design a professional modelBe able to read and apply Architects and Engineer's plan in Tekla Structures EnvironmentBe able to produce shop drawings and general arrangement drawings from Tekla Structures ModelKnow command tips and tricks in Tekla Structures projects"
Price: 39.99

"Primeiro de tudo quero te dizer que esse NO s mais um desafio de emagrecimento da internet !!Se voc est querendo comear a sua mudana de hbitos, mas no tem ideia por onde comear.Se voc quer muito essa transformao, mas acha que no consegue se motivar e se manter no foco sozinha.Ento ns temos uma coisa para te contar !Nosso crebro leva 21 dias para comear a incorporar um hbito novo, por isso nesse mini-programa de emagrecimento sustentvel apresentado pelas nutris Carla Coltro e Nill Amorim, voc vai ser incentivada a adquirir um habito saudvel por dia.Sero 21 passos muito claros rumo a autonomia alimentar.Ao final do processo voc j ter adquirido naturalmente vrios hbitos saudveis que vo te levar a ter uma melhor qualidade de vida e finalmente emagrecer com sade, sabendo que est sendo orientada por profissionais da rea de nutrio. QUAL O OBJETIVO DESTE DESAFIO ?O objetivo dar o START, o PONTA P inicial rumo ao SEU emagrecimento definitivo e a conquista de uma vida mais saudvel com mais leveza e AUTO ESTIMA...melhorando a sade e a imunidade atravs de informaes e dicas baseadas na cincia da nutrio, afinal Sade coisa sriaVoc ser orientada(o) por DUAS NUTRICIONISTAS ( por isso saudvel em dobro)."
Price: 159.99

"Learn algorithmic trading in one day (Covid19 updated)" |
"The purpose of this class is to teach you how to build, automate, and deploy your algorithmic trading strategy using Python.If you have felt under pressure while trading, feeling lost, with no real idea on how the market works, it's totally normal.Me, I have spent years just trading randomly. After years of study and patience, I finally learned an efficient methodology that I am sharing with you today."
Price: 199.99

"The History of Alcohol" |
"Appreciation of beverage alcohol is hard-wired into our DNA. Over the past several hundreds of years, mankind has become more adept at making beverage alcohol to satisfy our taste for it. For a person interested in perhaps one day launching a craft distillery business, this Course provides valuable insight into the history of various types of beverage alcohols along with their legal definitions that a craft distiller would have to abide by. This is the same learning material that I used to offer in-person prior to the Covid pandemic."
Price: 39.99

"Raw Materials for Craft Distilling" |
"There are many raw materials that can be used to create beverage alcohol. Some of these materials include fruit, cereal grain, sugar cane product, agave cactus product, potato and lactose sugar. This course introduces the participant to these materials, examines their structural makeup and offers advice on using these various materials in a craft distillery."
Price: 39.99

"Craft Distillation Fundamentals" |
"For the entrepreneur interested in one day launching a craft distillery, this course helps the participant to understand the rather complex science behind the fractional distillation of alcohol. Starting with a look at the concepts of vapor pressure and boiling point, the participant will then be introduced to Raoult's Law and the notion of the azeotropic point. The concept of Heads, Hearts and Tails is then explored using a simple, but powerful, visual graphic. Lastly, this course concludes with a look at various brands of stills available to the craft distiller. "
Price: 39.99

"Yin Yoga Practice For A Sound Sleep" |
"Karolina Szaturska - educator, artist and yoga instructor (RYT200 certified by Yoga Alliance) will teach you how to create Yin Yoga practice that is best for...you! :)In this class you will learn:Why Yin Yoga Is Perfect To Unwind And Relax10 Yin Yoga Poses - Step-by-Step TutorialHow To Sequence Poses - Useful Tips and Basic RulesDownloadable Additional Content:Yin Yoga Session With Karolina Szaturska - share good vibes and use whenever you need :)After the Class you will be able to:Create Your Ultimate Yin Yoga Practice That Is Best For You:Choose 3-5 PosesSequence ThemAdapt Your Practice To Your Current NeedsI can't wait to see your projects! :)Best wishes,Karolina"
Price: 19.99

"Corso base sul sistema binario e sulle conversioni di numeri" |
"Ciao!Questo corso teorico e pratico sul sistema binario ha lo scopo di farti imparare:- i concetti essenziali del sistema binario;- la tecnica di conversione di un numero da binario a decimale;- la tecnica di conversione di un numero da decimale a binario;La parte iniziale del corso una panoramica sul sistema binario, anche noto come sistema in base 2.Subito dopo l' introduzione, ci sar la spiegazione teorica delle conversioni da sistema binario a decimale e viceversa.Infine, nella sezione ""Applichiamo i concetti"", ci saranno 20 esercizi che dovrai provare a svolgere:- i primi 10 esercizi sono di conversione di numeri dal sistema binario al sistema decimale;- gli altri 10 esercizi sono di conversione di numeri dal sistema decimale al sistema binario.Sarai invitato a prendere carta e penna e risolverli in autonomia per verificare se hai appreso bene i concetti spiegati prima.Dopo aver provato a fare gli esercizi, potrai consultare le soluzioni di tutti e 20 gli esercizi, vedendo la risoluzione guidata di ognuno di essi.Mettiti comodo e..Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 69.99

"Corso completo sulla schizofrenia (psicologia clinica)" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per la schizofrenia.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione completa e approfondita della schizofrenia mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione della schizofrenia.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 109.99

"Uscire dalle relazioni tossiche con narcisisti manipolatori" |
"Il narcisismo patologico, la dipendenza affettiva e il mal damore sono gli elementi che costituiscono moltissime relazioni tossiche, in cui il narcisista perverso (carnefice) applica una spietata e costante manipolazione narcisistica del partner (vittima).Parleremo di narcisisti perversi e dipendenti affettivi perch questo accoppiamento, o meglio questo 'matching nevrotico' un denominatore comune a tantissime relazioni tossiche.In questo corso affronteremo i seguenti argomenti:Relazioni tossicheTipi di narcisismoTratti tipici del NPNP e empatiaIl vittimismo patologico del NPL aggressivit passiva del NPVampiri affettiviLe fasi tipiche di una relazione con un NPPersone come oggettiLa proiezione del manipolatoreSchemi di ricattura narcisisticaLa famiglia del NPLa sofferenza del NPLe mille maschere del NPComunicazione paradossale del NPIntimit e sessualit con il NPIl rinforzo intermittenteIl ritorno del narcisistaLe vittime del NPLa dipendenza affettiva della vittimaUscire dalla dipendenza affettiva e tornare a splendere"
Price: 129.99

"CorelDRAW for Beginners: Graphic Design in CorelDraw" |
"Start creating professional graphic design in Corel DRAW.If you're looking for a software that is user-friendly and you can easily create logos, business cards or flyers, Corel Draw is the best answer. Corel DRAW is used by professionals across the world for every promotional material, such as posters, roll-up banners, business cards, brochures or logos and more.Create graphics as you imagine them.Practice while you learn. this course is fully practical and takes you from novice to professionalBy the end of this course, you will have created your own Business Card, Flyer and Logo.I'll be teaching this course using CorelDRAW 2017, but if you have a previous version (2020, X8, X6, X5, X4 or X3) you can still learn like a pro."
Price: 19.99

"Launch a Mastermind - Consultants, Speakers, and Influencers" |
"How to Start a Mastermind GroupLearn the Mastermind Secrets to Create a Group With The Desire To Help Each Other SucceedDescription7 Reasons Why You Should Start A MastermindIf you are an author, speaker, or influencer, starting a mastermind has many benefits.Here are 7 reasons why you should start a mastermind group:Connect with your audience in a group setting.Raise your personal profile and visibility.Monetize your influence.Establish strong relationships with experts and influencers as an industry leader.Develop and build your community.Freedom. Run your mastermind from anywhere in the world.Create a business model that you can clone and add additional revenue streams."
Price: 49.99

engineering-economy-excel-arabic |
". . . . . ."
Price: 29.99

"How to Make Big Money Using Wordpress and AdSense - 2020" |
"Hi there , I am Mahdi BRADJI, a digital marketer, online business owner, junior data scientist certified from IBM and a content creator.Are you struggling to build an online business and earn financial freedom ? are you tired of people selling Delusions ?If you answered YES, then this course is exactly what you need!''As a beginner , i found this course so helpful, it provides lot of informations , values and strategies that you will not find it away ( i liked when he said : i do not teach you how to do things it's free on youtube ) honestly i found a lot of experience inside whatever your budget i bought a lot of courses , but this is so unique, simplified without rubbish or fake info. so i recommend for any beginner'' -Moufid Media''thank you for your effort broth this helps me for growth and develops my business and makes the way to work easiest in this domain so god bless you.'' - Mohammed el amine Ayouaz''Great Course! Thank you Mehdi for the amazing information you give it to us almost for free . i really appreciate and i advise all the people for the same.'' - Zakaria Abdelhai(Zakismart) ''I was confused at first, But after enrolling i can only thank my self i took that action.'' - Islam HANNACHI''It was very benificial, well structured and very informative. It's the first time i heared about This kind of Business. Thank you'' - Abdo Note: Actually i have spent a lot of energy, time and money to get my skills in shape that allows me to make enough money. To be honest, a lot of my money was wasted on worthless courses. That's why I tried to make every single second of this course informative, and to adabt it To ALL Levels. So no matter what your Level is, This Course is For you. Because i'm going to share with you some digital marketing foundations that you can use them as they are or build your own ways upon them (like a baseline).Briefly , let's get into course content : AdSense Arbitrage is the easiest online business, doesn't require a lot of money or energy .. But just a small proportion of people knows about it.Traffic Arbitrage is a way of getting a lot of traffic cheaply , quickly and easily , Then Resell it to Google advertisers (Adsense).No complicated steps you just need an Article with Great image , a good headline and your traffic.Over the duration of this course, I will teach you exactly what methods I am using in order to make profit from Adsense:Complete Viral Wordpress website Setup.How to get accepted easily on AdSense.What Template and what Plugins to use in your Wordpress site in order to get a crazy CTR (Click Through Rates).Article searching methods and strategies to find the Winning article.How to use Google AdSense Analytics to Analyze your website.Strategies of a succesfull compaign (Facebook Ads Methods).How to scale and get your business to the NEXT LEVEL.Important Note Before You EnrollMay be you noticed me talking a lot about mindset , i believe this is the most important part of any business and it will make the difference. So please change your mindset before enrolling, i want you to know that 6-Figures is not something hard especially if you are armed with the right strategies that i'm going to give you.Enroll when you are ready mentally to learn , plan and create. Money doesn't matter for now , make this course your motivation to hustle and make the money that you'll invest in this business.I welcome you to join my community of more than 9000 happy students."
Price: 39.99

"8. Snf LGS ngilizce Kursu" |
"Bu kurs LGS'ye ynelik 1. dnem konularn kapsayan ngilizce kursudur.Kursumuz 5 niteyi kapsamaktadr.Her nitede; nitenin kelimelerinin videosu, konu anlatm videosu ve km sorularn zm videosu olmak zere toplam 3 farkl video ve kelimelerin bulunduu 1 pdf dosyas bulunmaktadr.Ders videolarnda resimlerden, e anlaml kelimelerden faydalanlm olup mutfakta nitesi mutfakta ilenmitir.nitelerdeki hangi kelimenin sorularda nasl kt belirtilmitir.Soru zm videolarnda test zme tekniklerine yer verilmitir.Umarm faydal bir kurs olur. imdiden baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a bailar Tango" |
"En ste curso te vas a encontrar con los primeros pasos de Tango, con los primeros ejercicios de tcnica de ambos roles y con las primeras posibilidades de la musicalidad. Tambien te cuento un poco sobre las Milongas, sus cdigos y sobre las Grandes Orquestas para que puedas diferenciar sus estilos. Soy Bailarina y Maestra de Tango hace mas de 25 aos. Mi mtodo es simple y bien Milonguero porque me encanta que todas y todos disfruten del Tango. El curso consta de 7 Videos que podran ver las veces que consideren necesarias y repetir los ejercicios aplicando la tcnica que les enseo en cada uno de ellos."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga para mams en tiempos de confinamiento" |
"Creamos un curso que te iniciar en el mundo del Yoga de una manera amigable. Encontrars relajacin y bienestar con secuencias especialmente pensadas para obtener el mayor provecho en un tiempo limitado. Notars los beneficios desde la primera clase. Podrs repetir las veces que quieras las clases para establecer tu rutina e ir perfeccionando tus posturas. Pronto encontrars el siguiente curso con el siguiente nivel de esta fascinante prctica."
Price: 345.00

"The Complete Google Ads and Marketing Course for 2020" |
"This course explains how to use Google Analytics to better understand who your digital customers are, how they found your website, and how they engage with your site once they get there.You've mastered the fundamentals of using Google Ads for marketing campaigns. Want to ensure that you're leveraging all that this popular pay-per-click (PPC) advertising analytics tool has to offer.Topics explained in detail are :1. Pay-Per-Click Advertising2. Before Getting Started3. Getting Started with AdWords4. Researching Your Keywords5. Creating Your First Campaign6. Creating Your First Advertisement7. Monitoring Your Advertisements8. Advanced Advertising Tracking9. Key Optimization Strategies10. Going Beyond the BasicsFeel Free To Enroll Now"
Price: 99.99

"How To Get Started In The ATM Business- Complete Blueprint" |
"How to start an ATM Business from scratch. Below is a basic outline of the basic steps we plan to cover in this course.-How to open a business bank account.-How to purchase, install, connect, and run your ATM Business.-The exact processing company I use-How to find profitable locations-How to file paperwork with the State, so you're in compliance with the government.-How to create marketing flyers and business cards.-Finally, you'll learn how you can scale this business in order to make you thousands of dollars per month!"
Price: 109.99

"Learn Beginner Tang Soo Do - Level 2" |
"Learn the techniques required to advance from advanced white belt to yellow belt in Tang Soo Do, a traditional Korean martial art often referred to as Korean Karate. Basic stances, punches, blocks, kicks, forms, and self-defense will be taught. No experience necessary. Course is taught by Master Steven Elmore, 5th Dan Master Instructor, with over 30 years experience in Tang Soo Do."
Price: 59.99

"Crer sa micro-entreprise ou auto-entreprise pas pas" |
"Dans cette formation, je vous prsente les formalits accomplir pour crer votre microentreprise ou autoentreprise. Toutefois, cette formation va bien au del puisque je vous guide pour comprendre le statut en le comparant avec d'autres et en vous indiquant dans quel cas ce statut est ou non adapt votre situation. Je vous explique aussi les conditions remplir pour pouvoir devenir microentrepreneur que ce soit comme artisan, commerant ou profession librale. Je vous indique aussi les formalits obligatoires ou facultatives accomplir en complment de votre cration.Enfin, je vous guide dans vos premiers pas de microentrepreneur en vous expliquant les principes de la comptabilit en microentreprise et le fonctionnement des cotisations sociales et des autres impts et taxes."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"5GYouTubeGoogleYouTube1YouTubeSNS11Adobe Premiere ProFinal Cut ProPremiere Pro2PhotoshopIllustratorAdobeAdobePremiere ProAfter EffectsAdobePremiere Pro"
Price: 13200.00

"Introduction to Vector Algebra" |
"In this course, you'll learn what vectors are and how to manipulate them. After vectors are fully defined, we'll consider basic operations like addition and subtraction, and then move into the multiplication of vectors by the dot product and cross product. By the time you've completed the course, you'll have a solid grounding in vector algebra, and you'll be ready to move on to the many applications throughout STEM disciplines.The focus of the course is on physical vectors in 2- and 3-dimensional space. We won't look a the more general mathematical vectors that might have any number of dimensions (up to infinity!). This gives you a good foundation to work from if you want to continue into more advanced topics on vectors (including both higher dimensions and vector calculus). It also gives you the tools you need to apply vectors to the study of the physical sciences."
Price: 24.99

"Fit Vcut ve Kariyer Rehberi - Visualization Method" |
"Bu kurs motivasyonu yksek fakat hi eitimi olmayan ve/veya snrl eitime sahip sizler iin ""Visualization Learning "" metodu ile en sade dille dizayn edildi. Sk sk ders ii video ve grsellerle zihinde canlandrmanz arttrmak iin zenginletirildi. Tamamen bilimsel ve kaynaka gstererek fakat teknik bilgilere boulmadan gndelik dille salkl yaamn belki de salkl kariyerin kapsn ardna kadar ayoruz. Bu eitim ile sizlere vcudunuzu tanma, egzersiz ve beslenme programlama, salkl yaam iin amz teknolojilerini kullanma ve zel ders sat tekniklerini aktarmay amalyoruz. Ksaca size ""balk tutmasn"" reteceiz ve ardndan siz, evde nasl egzersiz yaplr? En hzl ve salkl ya yakm nasl olur? Vcut arl ile egzersiz nasl olur? Protein tozu zararl mdr ? gibi saysz soruyu kendi kendinize cevaplayabiliyor olacaksnz."
Price: 159.99

farsi-1-complete-course-of-reading-and-writing-in-farsi |
" -- - : - : - - : : - . - - - : . -: . . - - ( ) : https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/229231187-How-to-Send-or-Redeem-a-Udemy-Gift-"
Price: 194.99

"Overcome negative beliefs using proven tools & techniques" |
"About the course:We often prevent ourselves from obtaining the life and work we desire because of the way we view ourselves - our low self image, not feeling good enough, the mental thought patterns we cant seem to break. All of these things prevent us from moving forwards in our life. In these series of lectures, I'll be taking you through how to reach your full potential and make the steps to start creating a happy, joyous life with meaning and value.Testimonials:""Brilliant programme. Mamta is such a fantastic leadership coach, with a real focus on understanding how you can become the best version of yourself""""I absolutely loved the programme and I would highly recommend working with Mamta! She is such a source of inspiration. The modules were very well structured and I like how we built on our learnings each week. The sense of community was also encouraging. It was really helpful to hear other people's hopes and fears and how they overcame them.""""Mamta is a fantastic facilitator, guide and practitioner. Her experience within the corporate and media world and her humility to show her own personal struggles creates an 8 week journey where you yourself feel relaxed and in safe hands. You will undoubtedly grow as a result of this programme.""""I have just completed the Power Within You series and it was brilliant. Mamta has curated an 8 week programme that covers a number of different topics that support personal exploration to help create a better understanding (of ourselves and others) , build successful relationships, find purpose and take meaningful action . Mamta's warmth, knowledge and supportive guidance throughout made the whole experience really enjoyable. I highly recommend!""""Mamta delivered the course content with incredible clarity, depth and in such an engaging way. Covering a wide range of topics, always encouraging and positive. I feel energised, informed and would absolutely recommend participation to anyone, even if you think you don't need it!""""The Power Within You taught me to be a better me. I learnt to understand cognitive behaviour and how to use my weakness as strengths. Ive always been very good at understanding HOW I feel but never WHY. This programme taught me the why. It has also helped me reconnect with old friends and family. I am forever grateful for my new knowledge and hope to use it helping someone else one day.""""Mamta has great energy and presence, I met her at a networking event and was really impressed by her advice on the panel and decided to approach her. She's energetic, charismatic and incredibly down to earth (with a good dose of humour!). I can't thank her enough for sharing her ""Power Within You"" programme, it came at a time when I really needed the extra support and I'll be chipping away at the tasks and exercises she's shared!"""
Price: 89.99

"Google Call Ads For Carpet Cleaners" |
"In this course, you are going to get a full walkthrough on properly setting up call ads to bring you the customers you want.Call ads are the most effective and direct method of successful advertising.They need. They search. They click. The phone starts ringing. You book the customer.No need for sales pages. No need for a great website. No need for graphic design.Easy and effective. The best advertising in the world.I will give you all the keywords you will need to use. I will show you how to use them properly.I will show you what campaigns to create. How to create them. What settings to use.And most importantly I will help you create winning ads that beat your competitors day in and day out.If that is what you want. Invest in this course and invest in your success and I will show you the quickest path to great results with Google call ads."
Price: 99.99
