"Statistiek - GZW3024 - Maastricht University" |
"Beste student gezondheidswetenschappen,Ik ben Sjim van SLIM. Dat staat voor Statistiek Leren in Maastricht. In de afgelopen vijf jaar heb ik bijles gegeven aan ongeveer 500 studenten gezondheidswetenschappen. Het ging daarbij om de blokken GZW1023, GZW1026 en GZW3024. Een probleem bij statistiek is dat studenten vaak de samenhang niet meer zien en daardoor nieuwe kennis niet aan bestaande kennis kunnen koppelen. Dat is zonde, want vaak zijn de afzonderlijke stukken theorie goed te begrijpen, zo lang je maar een goede basis hebt. In deze online course heb ik alle stof onderverdeeld in kleine stukken theorie die allemaal op elkaar voortbouwen. Oftewel, we beginnen van vooraf aan en bespreken eerst de basis. Gaandeweg worden steeds meer begrippen bekend verondersteld en gaan we richting het niveau van het tentamen.De structuur van de bijles is als volgt:Je kijkt een filmpje waarin de theorie van een hoofdstuk wordt uitgelegd. Alle stukken theorie worden gellustreerd met een praktisch voorbeeld en vervolgens volgen enkele oefenvragen die ik uitleg.Je leest het hoofdstuk door in het boek (als je dit gekocht hebt). Aan het einde van dit hoofdstuk staan oefenvragen die je zelfstandig kunt maken.Je maakt online de voorbeeld tentamenvragen, die na afloop toegelicht worden.Omdat ik deze bijles al een aantal keren heb gegeven, kan ik goed inschatten welke stof wel en niet relevant is voor het tentamen. Daardoor is de bijles compleet en compact. Omdat statistiek door velen gezien wordt als droog en saai, probeer ik er met leuke voorbeelden en slechte humor voor te zorgen dat je wakker blijft!Veel succes!Sjim van SLIM"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete 2020 LEED Green Associate Training" |
"Welcome to the Complete LEED Green Associate Exam Preparation Course,Fast, simplified, and straight to the point LEED GA exam preparation course. It will cover all LEED Green Associate material, all categories with all of the credits and requirements. It will support greatly if you wish to prepare for the LEED AP as well!Along with every few lectures, there are integrated practice questions which we will do together. Will give you tips and tricks on how to answer the LEED questions correctly.At the end of the course, you will gain access to downloading a full 100 practice test for free!It supports Architects who seek to learn more about sustainable Architecture. It falls under interior design courses as well, suitable for designing wellness interiors and for the well-being of occupants.This Exam preparation course is without a doubt the most comprehensive LEED course available online. Even if you have zero Green building knowledge, this course is write for you and here's why:The course is taught by the Lead instructor at many well reputable Engineering worldwide training centers.The course has been updated to be 2020 ready and you'll be learning the latest LEED v4 materialThe course is short and sweet. Without cutting any corners, no need to watch 20 hours of content to ace the exam. The curriculum was developed over a period of three years, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.We have taught over 1000 students how to pass the LEED Green Associate exam and with a 100% pass rate guarantee or have your money back!You will save yourself over 600$ of LEED content, from study guides to practice tests.Throughout this comprehensive course, we will cover all LEED Processes and categories in accordance with sections as follows:Location & TransportationSustainable SitesWater EfficiencyEnergy & AtmosphereMaterial & ResourcesIndoor Environmental QualityInnovation & Regional PriorityBy the end of this course, you will be granted a full 100 practice tests 2-hour exam to download and test yourself.I am so confident that you will love this course that we are offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! so it's a complete no brainer, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the fastest and easiest way to past the LEED Green Associate Exam!"
Price: 109.99

"Vegan and Gluten-free desserts - easy, yummy, fantastic #1" |
"This course is meant for foodies - all levels - who want to increase their skills and self-confidence in VEGAN and GLUTEN-FREE pastry.The course is divided into two levels : beginner and advanced.The first level is dedicated to beginners and doesn't need any specific cooking skills.Through 5 classical English recipes, you will learn how to use the main vegan substitutes in pastry: A sticky toffee pudding with toffee sauce, a chocolate fondant with mango coulis, a bread and butter pudding with apricots and pecans, a revisited Eton Mess and a mango and passionfruit cheesecake.At the end of each lecture, I will propose you hands-on exercises to give the dessert your personal touch. A PDF Guide book with the recipes will be available."
Price: 34.99

"2021 Career Readiness: Designing a Professional Resume" |
"Career development has a new name and it is called CAREER READINESS. Starting with series one, we will discuss what employers are requiring as a standard that must be on your resume. I will discuss the main types of resumes, and the experience level you will need, to be taken serious as a candidate for an internship or employment. After reviewing this course, you will understand some history, research, and specific skill items, that are necessary on several resumes, whether beginner, intermediate, or advanced."
Price: 109.99

"Learn Active Directory" |
"In this course we will be going through Active Directory Home lab Configuration Setup. For installation we have number of videos on youtube So rather than taking more time I ll be explaining most forensic Stuff. How Active directory works and how we can Enumerate through to get most out of it using unprivileged User. How to persist on network once we got admin access.Everything would be in Hindi to better explain you The Active Directory Structure.#LIQUIDRAGE"
Price: 5120.00

"Django Web Development: All You Need To Become A Python Dev" |
"This is the best free course on Django Web Framework which teaches you Django Web Development within 2 hours. In this course you will learn all the necessary fundamentals of Django every developer should have, once you are done with this course you will be extremely confident to work on major projects. This course also discusses about the average salary of a Django developer in the current job market.If you are already a Django developer, then this may not be the right course for you. After completing this course you will be guided to make the real applications where you can build your Django & Python skills, also make your resume strong enough to get your dream job.Enrol into this course now and be a better software developer. See you inside!"
Price: 129.99

"Fundamentos de Design Thinking" |
"Para nosotros, Design Thinking es una metodologa fundamental en los procesos de innovacin. Sin importar lo que necesites crear - productos, servicios, experiencias, procesos - esta metodologa te da la mentalidad, tcnicas y herramientas correctas para hacerlo.En este curso compartimos la teora y la prctica que hemos tenido en ms de 200 proyectos como equipo y hemos dado este curso en +100 empresas"
Price: 39.99

"Class 10 Maths - CHAPTER 1 REAL NUMBERS (NCERT)" |
"In this course of Real Numbers for Class X we will follow the NCERT text book which is followed CBSE as well as many state boards across India. We are trying to give you a Classroom type experience and provoking your mathematical imagination rather than just making some fancy looking video. The students are advised to keep their pen and paper ready to take down notes & Tips and engage themselves in the Curriculum on a daily basis. Students are also advised to attempt exercise questions after learning the concepts from videos and then go through the video solution provided to acquire extra knowledge of it.At the end of this course student will be able to understand the followingsDifferent types of number systems such as Natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers.Euclid's Division lemma.Finding the HCF of two numbers using Euclid's Division Algorithm.Representing any given general form of any given number by using Euclid's Division Lemma.Fundamental theorem of arithmetic and Prime factorisation.HCF and LCM of numbers using Prime factorisation technique.Proof of irrationality of square root of any prime number.Proof of irrationality of addition, multiplication and division of any rational number with any Irrational number.decimal expansions of rational numbers and theorem related to that.By joining The Class 24 our students always have the following benefits.1. Complete course coverage keeping focus on examination.2. Learn from best subject experts.3. Doubts cleared within 24 hrs of raising them.4. Learn at your own schedule and speed.5. Separate dedicated discussion sessions for board examination."
Price: 1280.00

"Ultimate guide to UK Buy-to-Let investment" |
"It is a comprehensive and advanced property investment course, explaining the tricks and tips of the Buy-to-Let investment strategy and teaching about professional property investors mindsetExplains the different ways to generate profit from Buy-to-Let investmentShows how to search, find, assess and appraise great property opportunities effectivelyTeaches the key investment indicators and gives top investment tips and tricksExplains the professional investors favourite Buy-Refurbish-Refinance strategyDescribes the process of purchasing and managing investmentsShows the way how to manage, scale & grow a property portfolio from the distance and to create truly passive incomeThe course for anyone, who wants to learn about property investment and specifically about the Buy-to-Let strategy, interested in building a property portfolio and generating passive income and wants to accelerate his property investment journeyAt the end of the training, you willunderstand how to maximise the returns from a Buy-to-Let investmentknow how to search, find and appraise great property opportunities effectivelyrecognise the right deals instantlyunderstand how to manage and grow your investment portfolio from the distance"
Price: 199.99

"Train at home. Get in Shape with your Personal Trainer!??" |
"In this course I show you how with a few minutes a day you can have the desired body, feel better about yourself and gain confidence in yourself! Commitment is the key! Let me be your personal trainer at home, in the park with me, on the beach where you feel best, train and in no time you will see the desired results."
Price: 79.99

"Armored Memory 7.0 Gold" |
"YOU USE MEMORY TO WORK, READ, STUDY, REVIEW AND TEST. HOW WOULD YOUR PERFORMANCE BE WITH A 15 TIMES BETTER MEMORY?What would happen if you wanted to read, understand and write an infinite amount of information in memory? This is the routine of millions of students and professionals every day around the world. Memory apps and remedies don't learn or memorize for you. Science has proven that stimulating memory improves concentration and strengthens learning.Lack of focus and distraction can produce financial losses and affect your success at work. By protecting your memory from oblivion, you gain productivity and quality of life.The world is full of opportunities, but only those with knowledge recognize good opportunities. The Armored Memory 7.0 Gold course: ADVANCED MEMORY TRAINING PROGRAM is a complete program with validated techniques that teach the brain to deal with a larger volume of information.They are current techniques with scientific proof. The objective of the course is to facilitate the memorization of the information necessary for academic and professional development, to teach the student to read faster and to have the ability to learn various subjects.All this in the comfort of your home, learning over the internet, through one of the most modern distance learning platforms in the world.Do not expect to miss opportunities in life to take care of memory and reading. Discover the solutions that separate memory, fast reading and fast learning. At the end, course you can turn memory into your best ally for success in studies and professional life."
Price: 59.99

"Functional Breathwork: Better Life, Better Performance" |
"The Functional Breathwork training consist of 8 lessons and a bunch of bonuses. I will take you along a journey to improve the quality of your life drastically by changing unconscious breathing into conscious breathing. This will enable a correct breathing habit which ultimately results in a continuous and passive improvement of your life quality. By implementing many different techniques during the course you will be able to tap into your state of mind. Being able to reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia and even constipation. And it also boosts happiness, the immune system and mental abilities such as focus, memory, motivation and creativity.By Implementing several breathing techniques you are able to do more with less. Maximizing the capacity and efficiency of every single breath means more vitality the whole day every day. Breath hold training brings calm, confidence and clarity. It is used as a meditation practice and it is a powerful tool to tap into your physiology to maximize your athletic performance whether it is strength, stamina or endurance. Using specific breath work during physical activity is training smart and hard. Want to become the best? Then do what others are not doing. You'll be amazed of the results.Last video covers the implementation of breath work in your workouts from start to finish to become an aerobe machine even when injured or over trained. Plus I have a ton of bonus videos for you where I go deeper into 'why breathing works'. It also allows me to talk more about health related topics such as Asthma and Corona."
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to R Programming" |
"Any scientific task without the knowledge of software is difficult to imagine and complete in the current scenario. R is a free software that is capable of handling mathematical and statistical manipulations. It has its own programming language as well as built in functions to perform any specialized task. We intend to learn the basics of R software in this course.All industries involved in mathematical and statistical computations, programming and simulations and having R & D setup will use this R Programming course."
Price: 8640.00

"Webinars: learn to prepare and deliver a successful webinar" |
"LAST REVISION: AUGUST 2020JOIN OVER 3400 STUDENTS OF MY ONLINE COURSES!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learn how to make and hold successful webinars.For years, webinars have been a new form of highly effective communication since they allow you to reach large audiences with low costs by reducing distances and optimizing people's productivity. If their success was growing thanks to the sad experience of the coronavirus health emergency, today they are the main form of communication and promotion for many realities.If almost everyone has jumped on the cart, only a few, however, know the tricks of the trade to create webinars that bring concrete results. If you have attended others' webinars, you know that only a few are truly engaging and maintain the expectations of the public. The peculiarities of this form of communication require some specific precautions both in the preparation phase and during the actual delivery.What are the most common mistakes many make? How to avoid them? If you have never held a webinar before in the ,course you will find a method and instructions to start now. If you already have experience, the course contains tricks and a series of simple tips and actionable points that can be applied immediately from the next occasion.Within the course you will find:The key guidelines for effective webinarsHow to properly prepare a webinarHow to conduct a webinar correctlyWhat to do before and after the webinarWhat technical aspects are important for the success of a webinarResources and references for your successAfter this course you will know everything you need to promote your ideas, your solutions or to train with webinars.What do you need?An open minded and the desire to learn something newYou will getFull access for life30 chapters and more than 1.5 hours of videoAvailability on all devicesAll future updates included30 day money back guarantee - my personal promise for your success!This course is the right one for you if ...You want to get better results when you do webinars or you want to start conducting webinarsYou want to overcome the difficulties and pitfalls of a form of communication different from the traditional onesThis course is not the right one for you if ...You are looking for a repetitive and mechanical method of conducting webinarsYou want to learn marketing automation or sales funnels related to webinarsWebinars are one of the best ways to reach your audience today.Don't waste the opportunity, sign up now! You will already have the benefits on your next occasion.Cover picture designed by Freepik"
Price: 129.99

"WordPress FREE Hosting on Google Cloud" |
"With this course, you will learn to deploy your WordPress site on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) for completely free. You will also learn how to create free professional emails and more. After completing this course, you'll learn how to:1. Host WordPress Website on Google Cloud for FREE2. Create Professional Emails for FREE3. Claim $300 USD on GCP to Use Resources for FREE4. Purchase a Cheap Domain Name with FREE Privacy Protection Forever5. Install FREE SSL Certificate (https)6. Set Up SSL Automatic Renewal7. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS8. Change WordPress Default Template9. Import WordPress Demo Content10. And Many More Top 10 Reasons Why WordPress1. WordPress is Free2. Easy to Customize with Themes and Plugins3. SEO Friendly4. Easy To Manage5. Support Various Media Types6. Have Full Control of the Websites7. Worlds Most Popular Content Management System (CMS) used by over 60% of CMS Websites on the Internet (according to w3techs, 2020)8. Have 60.8% Market Share in CMS market and Powering 34% of All Websites (according to Kinsta, 2020)9. 500+ Websites Are built Each Day Using WordPress (Kinsta)10. Build Any Types of Websites You Can Think of (Blog or Personal, Business, eCommerce, Job Board, Forum, Portfolio, Multilingual, Knowledgebase or Wiki, Podcasting, Niche Affiliate, Photography, School or College, Family Blog and more)This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee (risk-free).If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I've got into this industry because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how beneficial free hosting can be!"
Price: 19.99

"Logic Pro X - Praxis" |
"Willkommen zum Logic Pro X Praxis Tutorial.In mehr als 9 Stunden erklre ich den Aufbau des Progamms inkl. aller Arbeitsbereiche und des umfangreichen mitgelieferten Contents. Alles wird anhand praktischer Beispiele gezeigt, wobei auch auf Workflow-Optimierung, Struktur beim Arbeiten, Organisation von Projekten, oder Backup-Erstellung eingegangen wird. Weitere Themen sind Routing, Mischpultaufbau, Samplerate & Bitrate, Drumquantisierung, Misch- und Produktionstechniken sowie Latenz beim Monitoring. Zustzlich gibt es detaillierte Erklrungen des Synthesizers Alchemy, wie Synthese-Engines, Modulationsmatrix, Performance Pad etc. sowie der iPad App Logic RemoteAlles ist einfach verstndlich erklrt und kann dank der bereitgestellten Demo-Projekte auch direkt am eigenen Mac nachvollzogen werden.Viel Spass beim Zuschauen und Mitmachen,Florian Gypser"
Price: 49.99

"Airbnb do-it-yourself Fresh Eyes Inspection" |
"The Fresh Eyes Inspection course enables you, an Airbnb owner or host, to self-inspect your own guest accommodation through new eyes. You will see things that are right in front of you, which you hadn't noticed, because it's all too familiar.The result is an improved guest experience, an edge over the competiton and the chance of more bookings. Reap all these rewards and more through six video modules, filmed during a real-life Airbnb inspection. Plus supporting documents and bonus interviews with experts - like an interior decorator explaining how to get some Wow Factor - all for the price of more or less one night at your Airbnb (priced appropriately for different region and currencies)."
Price: 79.99

"Ultimate Indian Home cooking for family made exciting" |
"Join Vegan and Indian cooking expert Vinita Contractor for this entertaining Ultimate Indian Home cooking for family SeriesWith 22 different recipes and videos, secret techniques, art of making oil free food, earthen pot cooking this course will arm you with the skills and knowledge you need to master the art of making real foodLearn How to Eat Healthy by Changing the Way You Cook - Gain Food Wisdom from Indian KitchenWhat You Will Learn:Earthen pot cooking for tasty and toxin free food for familyWhole plant based Indian meals for weight loss and improved skinImprove gut-health with gluten-free variants of Indian recipesCook oil-free with our special techniquesFamily meals for every courseSimple, fun-to-make & wide range of recipes from juices to smoothies to to salads curries to dessertsFundamentals of nutritionWant to eat healthily but fail to do so with Indian cooking? We bring to you this eye-opener course which will change yours and your familys eating habits for a healthier future, by changing the way you cook and look at food!This e-learning course takes you on a trip uncovering the processes to create salads, juices, oil-free dishes and yummy desserts, created by an expert holistic nutritionist. You will learn alternative recipes that will help you in transitioning to healthy food habits by going sugar-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free. You also get to learn the hacks, tips, and tricks to manage social situations like a pro.Drop the ideas that you have about Indian cooking being loaded with oil, sugar, and dairy! We will teach you the art of turning any recipe into a healthy recipe. You will learn how what and why behind eating. Reboot your food-style the way nature has planned for us, because that is the pathway to a wholesome, healthy life.Cook natural, eat in sync with nature and stay healthy naturally!Course InstructorVinita Contractor is a Holistic Nutritionist & Lifestyle Coach, and the founder of Down 2 Hearth, a health transformation company devoted to fostering holistic wellness through food and beyond.She is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist from American Fitness Professionals & Associates, US. and has completed the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from eCornell and T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, New York, US. as well as other courses in Wellness Culinary, Nature Cure and Ayurveda Diet."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02)" |
"The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Course Title: AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C02) Practice Exam100% Pass GuaranteedPlease share your feedback and experience. Thank you"
Price: 34.99

"learn how to trade forex market" |
"this is the best researched and compile course i n forex foundation that any beginner will take and understand from the basics of terms to sending orders in the market .it has also include the forex trading strategies and the plans to kick start the learners journey of forex trading"
Price: 24.99

"Interview Skills to Ace Your Online Interview Successfully" |
"This course is specifically designed to guide, prepare and empower you, not just to Ace your interview with the right answers but also to impress your interviewer and ultimately get you, your dream job.The course is divided into 14 chapters.Introduction : Online Interviews & Business Meetings are the New Normal The types of online interviews Equipment required for an online interview Tips to look and sound great onlineDress Code for an online interview Incase this is your first job interview Common Interview Questions and how to structure suitable answersBehavioral questions and the Star Method Salary Negotiations Ten things : NEVER to say, at an Interview Ten questions : to ask your interviewer Mock interviews Improve your language and communicating skills Strategies to build your confidence quickly.By the end of this course , you will be prepped, ready and confident to face any online interview or business meeting."
Price: 19.99

dwlpvzkd |
Price: 3000.00

2020-fbi |
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Price: 94.99

"Azure AI Fundamentals AI 900 Exam: 2 Practice Test" |
"If you want to test your exam readiness for Microsoft AZURE AI 900 and feel confident to pass the exam in the first attempt, then you landed on the right page. This brand new AI 900 certification reflects the difficulty of the actual Microsoft AZURE exam questions with well guided explanation and reference links.Why Microsoft azure AI?Well, AI is no science fiction nowadays. You don't necessarily need any fancy PHD or a programming expert to build AI apps. With the advent of cloud technologies, implementation and deployment of bulky AI programs are easy and fast.Azure provides various Machine Learning products and analytic services like Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Cognitive Services, Machine Learning designer etc which even offers a no-coding-required environment for building Machine Learning experiments having add-on benefits of the cloud. All you need is to drag and drop your data sets, algorithms and link them together to implement web services needed for Machine Learning development.If you are a beginner or a Data Scientist and want to foray into Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence domain, then you should consider certifying with Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals AI 900 exam first.Topics covered in these practice examCommon AI workloadsCommon machine learning types and core conceptsTasks in creating a machine learning solution""no-code"" predictive models with Azure Machine LearningCommon types of the computer vision solutionAzure tools and services for computer vision tasksCommon NLP Workload ScenariosAzure tools and services for NLP workloadsCommon use cases for conversational AIAzure services for conversational AIGuiding principles for responsible AI"
Price: 19.99

"Interpersonal Skills for Health Care Workers (Accredited)" |
"The health care industry is run by people for the people. Human interaction is continuous and at every stage. Yet, the training of non-technical skills (soft-skills or life skills) in medical school is sometimes overlooked.The 3 Beginner Strategies to Improve Non-Technical Skills course is an initial step to address this gap. The course will provide health care workers with non-technical skills (NTS) exposure and awareness. In this course, you will receive tips and tools that can be applied immediately in your working routine. Thanks to the models, cheat-sheets, checklists, and mnemonics provided, you will improve your daily interactions with people. Additionally, through this course, you will improve your work performance and satisfaction levels.Start your development journey here and create a better version of yourself.The course Accredited by the Internation Association of Therapists (IAOTH).About the Instructor - Adriano SchembriAdriano has a fascination for human development and has a Master of Science (MSc) Degree in Aviation Training and Human Factors. He is also a crew resource management trainer (CRMT) and an associate member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP). He has been mentoring and coaching non-technical skills for the past 10 years.Adriano loves trekking, open water swimming, and fitness activities."
Price: 49.99

"First step to project manager- Basics of project management" |
"Dont know what is project management? Dont worry; we have a course that best fits for you. Get an insight of project management from this course & become smarter.Intended for persons interested to gain basic knowledge about project management & develop relevant skills.Immediate practical implementation of knowledge to any project. Get closer to become a Project Manager.The course is self designed considering 21 years of project experience, market need & PMP (PMI PMBOK)Add value to your CV. Added advantage while facing interview to showcase your skill & increase chances of getting the job.Easy to understand language."
Price: 1920.00

"How to supercharge your Spiritual Growth" |
"In this practical and inspirational course, I will teach you the simple tools that will allow you to leave the anxiety and rush of your everyday life behind. If you have tried religion but found it empty this course is for you. In my darkest hour I realized that I had never been taught the tools I needed to thrive in the middle of adversity. I was raised in the church, but when I was a teenager my mom passed away from cancer and I discovered that the the tools I had been taught to connect with God were insufficient for the depths my heart desired. I wanted to feel His presence and hear His voice. Not just once in a while, but all the time. This seemed to be the norm for a few Bible characters like Enoch, Moses, Elijah and Daniel. I wondered if there was something different about them, or if anyone could learn to do what they did? I made it my mission to find out. I read every book I could on Spiritual growth, I attended conferences, I got my undergraduate degree in theology while enrolling in every spiritual growth course I could find. I then went on to Seminary and continued my quest. When I encountered someone who seemed to have a deeper experience then I did I paid thousands of dollars to have them personally mentor me. I spent tens of thousands of dollars and decades of my life on this quest, and it was worth it because of the relationship I enjoy with God today. I have found so much joy and peace that I can't keep this to myself. I want to save you decades of work and expense and help you supercharge your Spiritual life today. In this course you will discover how to: Embrace simplicity and get out of the rat race.Deepen your prayer life.Bring your Bible study to life.Harness the power of your imagination to connect with God.Meditate the way the Bible prescribes.Fast for spiritual breakthrough.Orient your schedule to Gods rhythms and find rest for your soul.Pray with power and passion. These keys to spiritual growth are a fresh take on the spiritual disciplines that can unleash your personal growth in Christ. This course invites you to take the plunge and dive into the deep places of God where there is peace and joy. You cant always control your circumstances, but you can connect your heart to Gods in such a deep way that nothing fazes you. If you are waiting for your circumstances to improve so you can be happy and peaceful, it will never happen. Peace and joy are an inside job, and you can have them today. Dont wait. Enroll today and begin your journey deeper into the heart of God!"
Price: 29.99

"Por la salud mental de nios, nias y adolescentes" |
"Este curso esta diseado para toda aquella persona que est interesada en trabajar como terapeuta infantil, en escuelas o como padre de familia con nios y adolescentes. Se vern temas enfocados en la psicologa, educacin en casa, comunicacin familiar, desarrollo evolutivo, juegos o actividades de acuerdo a la edad, entre otros temas de importancia para una mejor relacin por parte de esta poblacin en sus relaciones familiares e interpersonales (maestros, amigos, conocidos y sociedad)."
Price: 49.99

"Step by step guidance to be an Amazon Seller" |
"Everyone will teach you about social media and how to grow there! In this course we will talk about grow but not via Facebook or Instagram but via growing as a amazon seller. In this course, we will go in depth about amazon and how you can grow business on amazon. This course can help you get a job as well as there are many business out there turning their business from offline to online. Grab this chance now as there are very few courses out there like this."
Price: 59.99

"The Complete Flutter and Dart Guide" |
"The Complete Flutter and Dart Guide is a complete course about full-stack application development for Android and iOS using Google's new and popular framework . In this course, you will learn all about Flutter ,Dart programming from scratch and build interactive apps using these,No prior knowledge of either of the two is required! And you certainly don't need any Android or iOS development experience since the whole idea behind Flutter is to only learn one language.Through out my work time I have noticed though people can develop good applications but there is always a lack of knowledge for building good user interface so keeping that in mid this course is specially designed for creating strong User Interface .You will learn everything for being a good flutter developer,you will learn about Api calls Http requests Creating drawers in screen Deploying app on real devices Animations creating mobile icons Responsive design State management Asynchronous functionsDart programmingand much more .............and most importantly after completing this course you can work as a freelancer or take a job and earn real money !!!Flutter is extremely trending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as ""ready for production"", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!"
Price: 134.99

"Developing Software Applications Step by Step - Step1" |
"This is the first season of the sequel courses that I am providing for you. In this series of tutorial videos I am going to share some of my professional experiences with you. We will go through the process of recording and circulating of business correspondence in a company that I implemented in a software app named ECartable in the past. Then I accompany you in developing some of its features using the cutting-edge software technologies. You will take your skills to the next level during these courses and learn many techniques including:Current course (step1)Using EF Core as the main ORM in our software projectsFuture courses (step2 onwards)Applying multi-layered (N-tier) software architectureApplying some design-patterns like Repository, Unit of work and DIAdvanced and generic filtering, sorting, grouping and including with EFImplementing a custom grid for displaying data with grouping, filtering and sorting capabilitiesCustom serialization of objects using the new .Net Core Json framework for v3.0+Using techniques to show documents with different formats on web applicationsAuthentication and authorization using IdentityServer4MS-Office programming also known as MS-Office automation"
Price: 24.99
