"Introduction to Accounting Fundamentals in 120 Minutes!" |
"This is an introductory course so this course is targeted towards students who are interested in learning the fundamental principles and procedures in accounting. After completing this course, you will develop an in-depth understanding of accounting for a service and merchandising business using spreadsheet software. You will be able to develop and analyze two financial statements; the Balance Sheet and Income Statement. This course is taught in a way that provides interactive teacher directed lessons with the use of several interesting, simple and relevant examples to help foster thorough understanding. You will also have ample opportunities to practice and apply the principles and procedures through activities, quizzes and assignments if you choose to do so."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python Programming : Step By Step Guide for Beginners" |
"If you want to start programming using python, then this course is most suitable for you because here you get the step by step explanationof each topic with practical in very simple and easy way. Here everything is explained in Hindi language. After doing this course you can apply for jobs related to python as well as you can proceed your learning for Data Science, Machine Learning, AI etc. What is Python?1. Python is a Popular, interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language2. Developed by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991Uses of Python: Web Development GUI Development Scientific and Numeric Software Development System AdministrationWhy Python? Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively. Python Work on all platform(Mac, Windows, Linux, Raspberry etc) Fewer lines of code in comparison to other programming language. Python can be used as a Procedural, Object Oriented and Functional programming language Python is a interpreted programming language so that code can be executed just after written Most of the top companies using Python Programming language like Google, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify Netflix etcFeatures of Python: Easy to Program Easy to Understand Interpreted Language Free and Open Source with full feature GUI Programming Optimized Web development Portable Language Object Oriented Language Rich Library Dynamic Type"
Price: 8320.00

"Practical Chinese Language for Beginner/Intermediate Level" |
"This course provides learners with supplementary materials to develop their spoken Chinese. Through 27 video lessons, this course uses simplified Chinese characters, with corresponding Pinyin and English translations. Key vocabulary is highlighted for easy of reference. Each lesson is followed by a short quiz to recap important points. The course broadens the uses of vocabulary that already known but can be used in multiple situations. Each phrase has a sample sentence to help the student understand and apply it in real life. Lessons provide insights into Chinese culture and its influence on language.There are 27 topics including: How to start a conversation Survival phrases Common multiple-meaning words How to respond correctly How to express your opinions Common conjunctions Words with Chinese characteristics Confused homophones Dating phrases Popular internet Chinese words How to say bad words in soft way The geography & culture of ChinaPlease watch the preview video and free lessons."
Price: 19.99

"14 Day Fitness and Fat Loss Beginner Jump Start Program" |
"This beginner's fitness course is a great jump-start for busy women who have 20 pounds or more to lose. This program will get you on the right track by helping you ditch the belly bloat, drop 5-8 pounds and increase energy. You really can work on your fitness goals without spending hours working out or giving up your favorite meals, EVEN if you've not worked out in ""forever"". Learn the basics of eating for your fat loss goals without the overwhelm or feeling deprived. Experience high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that are scalable for all fitness levels and highly effective in maximizing fat loss. To get the most out of this program you only need to make time for 30 minute workouts 3 days a week! Yes, when it's done right, that is all you need. BUT just in case you are REALLY ready to go all in with a new and consistent workout routine, I've given you 10 HIIT workouts, with tips for what to do on your off days.What is included:1. Introduction video to ensure you get the most out of this program.2. A lesson on how to get started with better nutrition choices without feeling overwhelmed3. 10 HIIT Follow-along Workout Videos that are approx 30 minutes (each workout includes a warm up and cool down) 4, An independent warm-up video in case you want a longer warm-up.5. An independent cool down video in case you want a longer warm-up.What you can expect in results1. Drop the belly bloat and a few pounds2. Gain energy3. Increase energy4. Jump start your momentum and progress toward your long term goals so that you can start to feel GOOD again! "
Price: 24.99

"Learn Teaching Tools For Effective On Line Teaching" |
"This Course has been designed to facilitate the following: Development of deeper understanding of the dynamics of e-content creation and the underlying technology and proficiency Use of open source tools for creation of e-content including Animated video creation software for recording . Use of brainstorming tools and mind mapping tools for lesson presentations in teaching Preparation of online assignments and quizzes Grading and evaluation. Development of E-Certificate with online exam to Motivate students"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Vendas de Energia Solar + Plataforma de Vendas" |
"No perca mais oramentos e aumente sua quantidade de vendas, sempre ultrapassando suas metas.Seja um representante treinado, conhea as melhores estratgias para fazer que o cliente confie em voc;Aprenda tambm como conquistar novos clientes por meio de marketing pessoal e tambm digital (seus clientes tambm esto nas redes sociais, ento aprenda a encontra-los l de forma correta).Nesse curso voc tambm vai conhecer os produtos que fazem parte do kit, para poder responder com confiana todas as perguntas que o seu cliente faa para voc sem o vergonhoso gaguejar ou dizer vou ver com o suporte. Muitas vendas so perdidas pelo simples fato do cliente acreditar que o representante seja amador, manchando sua credibilidade.Ento se voc QUER ENTRAR NESSE MERCADO ALTAMENTE RENTVEL DE ENERGIA SOLAR E TER MUITO SUCESSO, decida antes que esta janela de oportunidade se feche, pois no se sabe at quando voc ter outra oportunidade."
Price: 39.99

"Music Theory All You Need To Know Basics Course!" |
"The whole idea of this course is to give you a greater understanding of simple music theory! It is meant to make learning an instrument much easier as well as show you that music theory isn't that complicated after all! I have given a very broad overview in lesson 1 with a definition to follow, to give you a great understanding of what this course will consist of! The reason for lesson 1 is that you can make a referral book for yourself (or at least the first few pages of your study musical book) so that when you do forget what something means ( which is very normal) you have a few pages to go through that will most likely have what you need! It might not have a full definition but it has enough to remind you of what it is about! The rest of the lesson I have broken up lesson 1 into 3 parts to give you a better understanding of everything in depth! Thereafter once lesson 1 has fully been covered a few new things will be introduced to you in the last 3 lessons so that you have a good understanding of those theoretical music adventures! The true goal of all of this is to...give you a better understanding of the basics of music theorymake learning instruments easierhelp you read music easier and learn your note names wellget you to love music theory and see the beauty behind it!"
Price: 29.99

"Complete Core Java for Testers+Interview Programs" |
"One of a kind CoreJava Course that is 100% appropriate for individuals with no technical background or those who hasn't done any programming in the past.This Course will allow the individuals to move to automation testing or in a devops career in no time as it covers ample topics and programs to get started .This course contains seperate section for Java interview programs which will help you to crack coding round in Java Interview##################No Previous Programming Experience Required######################We believe that you have no programming background.If you have any prior experience in any other programming language this course will make you an expert in Java in no time.But relax even if you haven't coded before you are still at the right placeTons of jobs are available in the Java Development ,Automation testing using selenium webdriver,IT Industry has huge number of vacancies in Java programming language.Its a must to know Java in today's time.This course is backed by udemy's 30 day promise.If you don't like the course you will get your money back.Furthermore you will get to keep all the code files Join this course and take your first step in your Java Journey !!Following Topics will be covered during this course----Java Basics,Methods in java ,Classes,objects,Strings and examples related to themJava loops and conditionsCode logics with practise exampleOOPS concepts,Inheritance.polymorphism,AbstractionTypes of Interfaces,Function overloading and overriding,Constructors and their usage,Super and this keywords usage,Arrays and MultiDimensional arrays,Arrays examples, Types of exceptions,Try catch finally Mechanism,Java collections,ArrayList , Set, List, Linked listDate and calendar classes and many more !!"
Price: 69.99

"Introduction to Multifamily Real Estate Investing" |
"You have been working hard and diligently saving money. Congrats my friend, you are among a select few.Saving money is crucial, but trading time for money is limited. Want to start learning how to make your money work for you through multifamily real estate?Have you been interested in investing into apartments but arent exactly sure where to start?Maybe you are interested in buying your apartments but you are fearful of making mistakes doing your first deal by yourself?Want an all-inclusive guide from experienced professionals to introduce you into multifamily real estate investing the right way?If so, this course is definitely for you!After taking this course, you will learn the most important information about multifamily investing and how to get started investing in apartments! Can you make me rich by taking your course?Nope! We never believe in getting rich quick, we would rather get rich for sure. and that takes time.Use the knowledge provided in this introductory course to start taking action today and head in the right direction.By taking the content from this course AND applying it, you will be able to start looking for investment opportunities, network with sponsors/investor, develop relationships with syndicators/brokers, and ultimately make strategic and lucrative investment decisions for you and your family.That will get you on the right path to earning mailbox money while you sleep!I can learn all of this elsewhere, why should I learn from you?Materials in this course come from personal experiences and investment knowledge of experts who have already been there and done it.From owning 1,800+ units to passively investing in a TON of deals, our course instructors have exclusive wisdom to share about the dos and donts of passive investing and what you should look out for as a passive investor.The same goes for all the other material in this course. You can find the descriptions and commentary, but you wont find the detailed examples, action items, and investment advice that we provide to our students.In theory, you could do this on your own by, buying a ton of books, listening to hours and hours of podcasts, scrounging for useful and applicable resources that may or may not be reliable, purchasing an overpriced guru training, OR .you could just take advantage of the experience from our courses instructors to learn their tips, tricks, and action items to help you make the best decisions for YOU and YOUR personal goals.What WONT I get from this course?This is an intro to multifamily real estate investing course, and it will expose you to a wide variety of information that most experienced syndicators will charge thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to receive.While we will go more in-depth than most courses, this is only the intro course, and we will dive deeper into most of the subjects in other advanced courses.Please check out the other courses after finishing the intro course for a more detailed understanding of each of the concepts you will learn in the intro to multifamily real estate investing course.You also will not get a done for you guide, this is meant to teach you the basics, how to get started, and point you in the right direction. No one will do the work for you, so make sure you take action.There is so much valuable content we provide, but you will only receive the incredible benefits of this information if you put it to work. The most important lesson is to understand that done is better than perfect. Take action and learn along the way!"
Price: 99.99

"Python_EQ: Programao cientfica para engenheiros" |
"O curso foi desenvolvido por alunos de engenharia qumica da UnB, por uma iniciativa do AIChe Braslia. O contedo dividido em trs mdulos esquematizados para fornecer a melhor experincia aos alunos. Assim, o primeiro mdulo trata das questes mais elementares com respeito a uma linguagem de programao, o segundo traz conceitos indispensveis a qualquer usurio de Python, enquanto que o terceiro mdulo claramente voltado programao cintfica. Sendo assim, problemas matemticos, de engenharia e de mtodos numricos so trazidos para um melhor entendimento da aplicao da programao na engenharia e, ao mesmo tempo, motivar o aluno a concluir o curso e pesquisar mais sobre essa linguagem incrvel e gratuita."
Price: 29.99

"How to Self-Publish Your Book" |
"This course is a fast-paced, no-nonsense tutorial on how to self-publish your own book, produced by the author of over fourteen self-published paperbacks. From the minutia of formatting your book for print in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, to the process of choosing a self-publishing platform on which to upload your book, this tutorial walks you step-by-step through the entire self-publishing procedure from start to finish. "
Price: 19.99

"Biology for NEET/EAMCET/UPSC or any other competitive exams" |
"This course is very useful for NEET preparing students. UPSC preparing students also can enroll this course. It is very useful for other competitive exams also. In human physiology section I covered all the chapters in NCERT. I included little animations and diagrams to make students understand concepts better. At the end of the course, you will be able to answer many questions of competitive exams. This course is very affordable. Soon I'm going to launch lessons on remaining chapters also. All the best students!"
Price: 24.99

figtokyo2020_001 |
"8FIG......60StayHomeAlsarah & The Nubatones - Soukura (It's Late)93 9495 MAHAMAHAYUMAMAHA 10 06 09 DVD"
Price: 3000.00

"Cyclic Keto Diet A Simplified Ketogenic Diet" |
"Are you suffering to stick with the ketogenic diet and finding it very hard to face the challenges of a typical keto diet?Feels like a terrible thing to experience ever...Let me help you in getting rid of that terrible experience and how to start enjoying the ketogenic diet like never before.Trust me, you will start loving the keto diet and continue to get rid of that stubborn fat.Most people fail on the keto diet because it requires a lot of sacrifices on their favourite food.Thats when the cyclic keto diet (I call it the simplified keto diet) come into play.Many people fail on ketogenic diet because they don't like what they are eating. Keto diet indeed requires a lot of food sacrifices. This is leading people to quit keto so early and preventing them from getting the full benefits of ketosis.In this course, you'll learn how to get all the benefits of ketosis (and also a secret benefit) without giving up all your favourite food. You'll also learn:What is ketosis and all of the keto basics and its benefits?What to eat on a cyclic keto and how much.How to avoid mistakes while on a keto diet."
Price: 99.99

"A crash course in Evolutionary Biology" |
"This course is aimed at providing a broad introduction to evolutionary biology. It will cover both the history behind the theory, the key principles underpinning the theory itself as well as more modern advancements made in evolutionary genetics that bring the theory to the present day. This course requires some preliminary grasp of biology, though everything is explained from first principles and a glossary for each section is provided to help. "
Price: 19.99

B'yourSelf |
"O Curso Ingls ByourSelf o curso de Ingls diferente onde voc pode aprender ingls desde os primeiros passos de forma Simples , realista, e acima de tudo prtica, onde a SUA motivao ser o combustvel para que voc Alcance seu objetivo, fazendo voc mesmo, no seu ritmo e entendendo a lngua de forma eficiente. O Curso ser realizado em ciclos com aulas de no mximo 20 minutos cada uma, que te dar base para pratica-la dentro do seu dia a dia em casa ou aonde quiser, onde cada dia ser uma aula diferente com assuntos rpidos e sempre conectado com suas aulas anteriores. Aulas no formato Quick Class, onde voc poder estudar no intervalo de suas atividades, o que j te dar a possibilidade de pratica-la durante o resto do seu dia, tendo no seu dia a dia o ingls e na sua vida prtica, possibilitando que seu crebro se adapte, sem cans-lo e possibilitando assim que voc aprenda de forma Rpida e surpreendentemente Fcil."
Price: 144.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner 2020 5 Practice Exams" |
"FIVE aws quality practice exams for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01. That is all you need to feel confident and pass the exam on the first try. This set of exams is set provide an entire exams worth of questions, along with the time chase and the adrenaline you need to be exam ready. This enables you to confirm your mastery of the topics and provides you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.The tests in this set have been carefully put together so the difficulty level is similar to the AWS exam questions. Tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test, youll receive a list of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly along with a detailed explanation of correct answers and incorrect answers to help you prepare for the actual exam.As per the exam weightage, each exam has been divided on the basis of Cloud Concepts, Security and Compliance, Technology and Billing, and Price and has the exam questions divided in a similar manner.AWS Practice exams are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam changes and the feedback received from our students. The number of available practice test is expected to grow with time on this course."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Basic Nepali Language Before Visiting Nepal" |
"During this course, you will learn how to communicate in Nepali. In this course, you won't learn to write and read Nepali. Actually, the Nepali language is written in Devanagari script. For your understanding and to practise Nepali pronunciation, all Nepali word and sentences in this course are written in the Roman/Latin script.Do you know? The Nepali language is the official language of Nepal. It is spoken in Nepal as well as in the Indian states of Sikkim and West Bengal. There are more then16 million Native speakers & about 9 million L2 speakers of Nepali language, all around the world."
Price: 19.99

"MuleSoft (Mule4) for Beginners/Developers" |
"This course teaches you the following topics. It has 35 topics and This course teaches you MuleSoft in latest Mule4.x version in also latest Mulesoft Anypoint Studio - 7.x versionAll these lectures grouped into 5 sections for easy understanding. 0.MuleSoft IntroductionAnyPoint Studio:1.How to run Mule application2.How to debug Mule application3.Create GET,POST methods in the same mule application4.Invoke REST WS from the Mule app5.Create schedulers to trigger the event6.How to add a module (SOAP) - calculator web service - 7.How to add Flow, Subflow, Private Flow and Flow Reference - 8.Publish and Subscribe - VMConnector9.File Processing/Pooling- Trigger an Mule app when the file is created or modified10.For Each Scope11.Choice router12.Scatter-Gather13.Batch Processing14.Deploy Application to AnyPoint Platform(cloud hub) from Any point studio15.Mule Error handling16.How to Connect Database (MSSQL)17.How to Prepare for MuleSoft Certified Developer Level 1 Mule 4 CertificationAnyPoint Platform:18.MuleSoft Anypoint Platform-Exchange 19.MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform-Flow Designer20.MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform-API Designer21.MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform-API Manager 22.MuleSoft (Mule4.2)-Expose Mule application as a SOAP based WebserviceSOAP RouterAPI Kit for SOAPWSDLTech Lightning 23. MuleSoft 4.2-ObjectStore-How to Store and Retrieve keys/valuesTech Lightning24. Download & Install Mule Runtime into On-Premise, Install Agent, Add servers, Manage the On-Premise Instance from Anypoint Platform (RuntimeManager), Deploy the app into On-Premise instance from Runtime Manager.Execute the application from http client (Postman).25.Create Group or Clustering for on-premise mule runtime through Runtime Manager26. Design Template for MuleSoft Integration -System Integration Architecture Document27.API Led Connectivity Layers Application Networks Experience, Process, System API28. Logs,Audit logs,Insights,Custom Business Event, AnyPoint Monitoring,Alerts,Visualizer29.Salesforce connector (query) BasicsFundamentalConfig from propertiesTechLightning30.Demo-Anypoint Studio How to Create Mule Domain ProjectMule 4Tech Lightning31.Demo-Secure Configuration Properties Secure Configuration Tool Tech Lightning32.Demo-Invoke Java method (static, non-static) from Mule ApplicationTech Lightning33.Enterprise Integration PatternTech Lightning35. What is MuleSoft AnyPoint CLI AnyPoint Command line interface"
Price: 19.99

"Time Management -The easy way. Step by step." |
"Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter not harder so that you get more done in less time, even when time is tight and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress. All this and more."
Price: 29.99

"Django 3.1 User Authentication Framework" |
"Welcome to Django 3.1 User Authentication Framework course!This course is unusual because it is structured in a different format. In it contains the step by step guide on how to create functionality for users to sign up, log in, log out, edit their password, and reset their password.This course will cover the following topics:Using the Django authentication frameworkCreating user registration viewsExtending the user model with a profile model"
Price: 19.99

"Manuteno de Celular Fcil" |
"ESTE CURSO TEM COMO FINALIDADE ENSINAR O CONCEITO BSICO DA MANUTENO DE CELULARES E TABLETS. EXCELENTE PARA QUEM BUSCA UMA NOVA PROFISSO OU AUMENTAR SUA RENDA.MONTE SUA PRPRIA ASSISTNCIA, GANHE-DINHEIRO FAZENDO REPAROS E CONSERTOS.O objetivo do Curso de Celulares capacitar profissionais para manuteno e conserto de celular em geral, de maneira rpida e objetiva. O aluno aprender em sala de aula totalmente equipada com bancadas individuais e todos os equipamentos necessrios para servios relacionados a manuteno de celulares de todas as marcas e modelos"
Price: 84.99

"Vendre par e-mail avec Mailchimp" |
"Pour envoyer des emails personnaliss, en masse, de faon automatique, il vous faut un outil performant. l'instar de Facebook pour les rseaux sociaux, Mailchimp est un des leaders mondiaux des auto-rpondeurs. Il est puissant et propose de multiples possibilits.Au programmeCration et configuration du compteCration et gestion des audiencesCration d'un emailA/B testingLes emails automatiquesCration dune squence mailsComprendre les statistiques"
Price: 94.99

"Curso completo de Spring Web MVC y Spring WebFlux Reactive" |
"Curso completo para aprender a desarrollar APIs usando Spring Web MVC y WebFlux Reactive. Construiremos un proyecto desde cero para ofrecer un servicio para el acortamiento y redireccionamiento de enlaces. Aprenderemos las bases de la arquitectura de Spring Framework y todo lo necesario para ofrecer REST APIs y terminaremos usando JMeter para comparar el rendimiento de ambas tecnologas bajo pruebas de estrs"
Price: 34.99

"Emergency Skills Made Easy" |
"The time between calling 911 and paramedics arriving is VITAL for increasing patient outcomes. Unfortunately, being prepared and capable to handle an emergency is the exception and not the rule. With this course you will learn simple and effective skills that will make you an asset rather than insignificant or at worse a liability when it matters most."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to the Zentangle Method" |
"Explore this meditative drawing method with Michelle Aalbers, CZT. This class is designed for beginners and for kids of all ages. It fulfills the prerequisite for the other Zentangle Workshops with Jai Dee.The Zentangle Method, developed by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create amazing drawings by assembling simple elements into complex structures of great beauty. Come be inspired learning with a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) who is excited to help you create beautiful drawings you never thought possible.Gather your art supplies:Paper Ideally blank watercolor paper but really anything will work as long as you have pens, pencils, crayons or something that will show up on the paper you are using.Graphite or colored pencils if youd like to do shading make sure you have pencils and a cotton swab handy.For this class we will use one 3.5"" official Zentangle white tile, a Pigma Micron 01 black pen, a Generals graphite pencil, and a tortillion."
Price: 24.99

DX |
Price: 15000.00

"Cisco Firepower - Learn Network Security Basics - Firewalls" |
"This course is designed for beginners who are looking forward to gain basic understanding of Cisco Firepower Next Generation Firewalls. With interesting whiteboard animations, the course covers the core concepts of firewalling with focus on Cisco Next Generation Firewalls. Includes a Cisco Firepower Management Center overview and live demo for hands-on knowledge!"
Price: 69.99

"Complete data protection system A-Z in 16 steps (GDPR, CIPM)" |
"I will cover the necessary steps where you prepare, identify, assess, implement and apply data protection principles at your firm. You will receive an editable resource to gather in one place as much information as possible.It does not matter whether you work for a business, charity or a state institution. It does not matter, whether you are self-employed, work for a medium business, or for international capital group - we will cover all the known issues.Completing all the steps will bring your compliance level higher than 99% of businesses. I am not giving a legal advice or doing your job, but I am sharing my practical experience to make your compliance as easy as possible.4 deliverables of this courseGDPR standard, the highest data protection standardA-Z: implementation and maintenance phases in 16 stepsPractical examples of how to implement GDPR requirementsChecklists & templates to make your job easy as possible4 foundations of this courseYou get compliant, not just listen about complianceThis course is for every organizationYou will not experiment, but avoid mistakesDo not get just tools or knowledge, but follow steps16 steps to make sure all data protection measures are in place and function wellIdentify data processing purposesIdentify data processing detailsIdentify assetsIdentify process & asset ownersAssess controllers processesAssess processors processesAssess information securityAssess general obligationsModel controllers processesModel processors processesManage security risksComply with general dutiesPrepare general policiesPrepare SOPsAdopt, publish & trainExecute, maintain & reviewMy course has clear structure, so you will easily see and find the points we are covering. Each time you need to take steps on your data protection system, you will get a checklist to make sure you cover anything you need. With that said, lets get right into the job!"
Price: 19.99

kjzbcino |
Price: 24000.00

3-ozjmjb |
"( ), , ! ( ) . . . ! ( ), , ! ( ) . . . !"
Price: 19.99
