"Visit Japan - How to Travel with Confidence in Japan" |
"This course is designed for getting you comfortable and confident with train travel in Japan. This is one of my favorite travel destinations and one of the most popular vacation spots in the world - #11 worldwide! I've been traveling to Japan and working with travelers to Japan for years and have now put together some really helpful advice addressing travel questions for visitors! This course will give you a solid understanding of how to use the train and metro system for when you want to visit any of the wonderful cities or towns in Japan. Important topics such as the Japan Rail Pass, local metros, packing tips, Japanese taxis, and how to get to and from the airport will be covered along with details on taboos and what to avoid doing.Details such as how to navigate the train stations and how to not only validate your Japan Rail Pass but also get reserved seats for your trip and not leave your seating up to chance will be covered. If you are looking for more general information on visiting Japan such as seasons, English levels, and electronics then you will want to check out my other course which will have more detailed videos covering general information on planning your trip to Japan. This course is focused on trains and transit that will help make getting around Japan easy and ensure that you don't stress when you are traveling.Avoid typical tourist pitfalls and learn how to be confident while exploring Japan's modern infrastructure. This is an essential collection of information that will help you so take advantage and sign up now!"
Price: 24.99

"AP Biology Chapter 1: Life in one Look" |
"This will be the introduction to the AP biology lessons I planned to publish. The rest of the chapters will be also uploaded after this one and deliver all that is promised in the first chapter and build what we learn here. Please take this part seriously because we are going to have to use a lot of the terms learned to answer future questions. Also please contact me if you had any problems or questions. I have a quiz module which I will upload for this part so check that one too and try to solve the problems and then ask me if you had and questions."
Price: 24.99

"3ds max in telugu ( 3 )" |
"complete 3ds max .Total ga wall plan, ,ceiling 2d 3d elavate ,elevations , LAYERS (, ) editable poly indetail .Editable spline each and every tool .doors,windows, stairs and railing .over all ga any interior and exterior ."
Price: 4800.00

"CCNA 200-301" |
"200-301 is a single exam, consisting of about 120 questions. It covers a wide range of topics, such as routing and switching, security, wireless networking, and even some programming concepts. As with other Cisco certifications, you can take it at any of the Pearson VUE certification centers.The modules comprised in the new CCNA curirculum are:Network Fundamentals routers, switches, cabling, TCP and UDP, IPv4 and IPv6IP Connectivity IP routing, OSPFv2IP Services NTP, DHCP, QoS, SNMPSecurity Fundamentals VPNs, wireless security, port securityNetwork Access VLANs and trunking, EtherChannelAutomation and Programmability REST APIs, Puppet, Chef, JSON, SDN"
Price: 19.99

"A Mind/Body/Spirit Practice to Reduce Stress & Gain Balance" |
"In this course, you will learn a Tai Chi-like set of movements inspired by Kabbalah's Tree of Life to help harmonize your mind, body and spirit, calm and focus your mind, relax your body, and be more in tune with the flow of life. The movements are easy to learn and only take a few minutes to do. I call it Sulam Chi, which means Ladder of Life Force Energy. It is a wonderful practice to start or end the day, or re-center whenever you need to.I co-created Sulam Chi with another student of my Kabbalah teacher in Jerusalem in 1999. Inspired by our desire to experience Kabbalah's Tree of Life through movement, I used my training of many years in Yang-style Tai Chi Chuan to intuit the movements. They correspond to the energy centers (called sefirot) of the Tree of Life. The course will teach you two versions of Sulam Chi. The original version is a prayer in motion; associated with each movement is a prayer/intention to help deepen your experience of the sefirot and your connection to the Divine. The second version focuses exclusively on the movements and the intentions behind them. The course includes a set of foundational exercises that incorporate many core principles of Tai Chi. Doing these exercises will enhance your Sulam Chi practice as well as the quality of your daily life. The final section of the course is a series of mini lectures that introduce you to Tai Chi, Kabbalah and its Tree of Life, and tell the story of how Sulam Chi was created."
Price: 29.99

"Build a Penpals web application with Django 3" |
"The goal for the course is to build a complete Penpals like web application with Django.We'll create the functionality to allow users to befriend each other, send and receive messages and filter users based on the. languages they know and/or are learning.We'll create the user interface with Bootstrap 4 and include some jQuery for confirmation modals and auto scroll.You'll find the code for each section in the last lecture."
Price: 89.99

"Latest SAP Process Orchestration 7.50 (C_PO_7513) Dump" |
"Description :The ""SAP Certified Technology Associate SAP Process Orchestration 7.50"" certification exam validates that the candidate knows the necessary tools, processes and basics for creating orchestration processes using Java technology. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentored role. This certification exam is recommended as an entry level qualification.Topics :Business Processes Modeling and BPMN 2.0 (Business Process Management Notation)> 12%Configuration of iFlows in Eclipse (SAP NWDS)8% - 12%SAP Processes Integration Architecture8% - 12%Operations and Process Monitoring in SAP Process Orchestration8% - 12%Mappings8% - 12%Basic Concepts System Landscape Directory (SLD) and Enterprise Service Repository (ESR)8% - 12%Integration Objects in the Integration Directory< 8%The Role of the Advanced Adapter Engine Extended (AEX)< 8%SAP Business Rules Management (BRM)< 8%Roles and Authorizations of a BPM Process< 8%BPM Development Steps< 8%Basic Concepts for BPM Integration Flow (iFlow)< 8%Final Note:Take this course to clear C_PO_7513 - SAP Certified Technology Associate SAP Process Orchestration 7.50 Certification, A day back one on student cleared the certification with 98%. Its a matter of 10 Bugs but Its worth more than what you pay for your certification fee.ALL THE BEST :-)"
Price: 74.99

"Wordpress - Aprenda a Criar Sites com um Design Profissional" |
"Voc gostaria de apreender criar site e nunca mais fica refm de ferramentas complexas que no te ajuda em nada.O que eu quero te mostra aqui! E como voc pode criar seu site mais profissional utilizando o nosso Mtodo Editor de site acelerados.O que voc no sabe e que para cria um site mais rpido e profissional voc precisa de um mtodo que te ensina as ferramentas certas.Bem, eu sou o Andr Adams posso afirmar isso com toda a certeza porque j trabalho com criao de sites a mais de 5 anos e j prestei servios para grandes empresas como a Sete Txi Areo. com enorme orgulho que eu te apresento o meu curso SITE MASTER, um treinamento completo de criao de site profissional.E ele o nico que utiliza o Mtodo Editor de site acelerados.Esse curso foi desenvolvido para que voc consiga cria seu site profissional e mais fcil.Assim que voc acessar o curso, voc j encontra o mdulo rpido, nele voc aprende quais so mtodos certos para fazer as primeiras configuraes do seu site.No terceiro mdulo voc vai domina a ferramenta certa para cria seu site mais rpido.E no Quarto mdulo voc aprende de uma vez por todas tudo que voc precisa para criar seu site profissional.Clique no boto ao lado, garanta a sua vaga e nos vemos no primeiro mdulo onde voc vai aprende as ferramentas certas para fazer as primeiras configuraes do seu site.Grande Abrao e te vejo na aula 1!"
Price: 39.99

the-first-pieces-of-the-young-violinist |
"1-2 , 5 15-20 . , , - , , . . , . . . . , . . . . ."
Price: 24.99

"Ecommerce con Angular y Paypal (MEAN), tienda online" |
"Este proyecto es el de un ecommerce con las funcionalidades completas como la de una real, lee las siguientes caracteristicas:Pasarela de pago con Paypal y Tarjetas de crdito.Emisin de reembolsos directos en el panel administrador.Seguimientos de paquetes por numero de seguimiento, usando API 17TRACK vf.Inicio de sesin con Facebook y Google.Restablecimiento de contrasea por correo electrnico.Emisin de facturas electrncias en cada venta, Imprimir y Descargar.Filtro y orden dinmico avanzado de productos por nombre, precios, categora, subcategora, marca y orden por fecha, precio, ABC y XYZ.Mensajera: Chat real time entre cliente (usuario) y admin.Panel dashboard: Graficos estadisticos, ultimas ventas, barra de datos generales del sistema.Mdulo de cupones de descuento por categoria y subcategorias.Sistema de comentarios con retroalimentacion likes y dislikes.Puntuacion de 5 puntos por producto.Mdulo para el control de ingresos de productos.Mdulo para configuraciones generales del ecommerce.Mdulo para la gestion de usuarios.Carrito de compras real time.Gestor y control de ventas en el panel administrador.Mdulo de marcas, medios postales, categoras y subcategoras.Gestor de productos, colores, selector personalizado, galera y papelera.Cuenta de clientes: direcciones, ordenes y perfl.Plantilla Full Resposive Design.Versin Mvil (Android):Se est desarrollando un version para smartphones con base Android hecho con IONIC, Usando el mismo backend de este proyecto para una app hecho para los clientes."
Price: 199.99

"Creare il proprio sito web con WordPress per principianti" |
"Questo corso mirato a tutti i principianti che hanno interesse a creare il proprio sito web per rappresentare al meglio la propria attivit online, nonostante non abbiano conoscenze di programmazione. Attraverso l'utilizzo degli strumenti gratuiti messi a disposizione da Google e quelli offerti da piattaforme come WordPress, vi sar possibile con vari passaggi, mettere online la vostra attivit."
Price: 39.99

"Snapchat Marketing From Beginner To Advanced 2020" |
"Who Should Get This Guide To Marketing On SnapchatThis guide will help anyone looking to get traffic flowing quickly with YouTube adsIts perfect forAffiliate marketersCPA marketersProduct ownersNon-profitsEcommerce entrepreneursBloggers and those looking to build an online followingConsultants and coachesANYONE looking to get traffic online.Inside This Step-By-Step Guide To Big Results With Snapchat, Youll DiscoverHow to get started with Snapchat even if youve never used Snapchat in your life.How to leverage the power of Snapchat to build a massive following, almost overnightWhy now is the time to use Snapchat to build your brand online.How to unlock the advanced features within Snapchat and get an unfair advantage with your competition...The little-known method for building Snapchat fans through the use of stories master this, and youll be able to generate as much FREE traffic as you could ever wantAlthough Snapchat is great for FREE traffic, youll discover EXACTLY how to master Snapchats paid traffic program to get massive engagement and traffic.The top secret method for leveraging the power of niche influencers on Snapchat to skyrocket your following and get more traffic and sales sometimes overnightThe easy way to get followers, traffic, and sales using the power of contests and promotionsHow to spy on your competitors and legally hijack their most effective Snapchat campaigns to get big results for you and your brand.The right way to track your results and success with Snapchat and how to measure your success.When you integrate Snapchat with other social media networks you can quickly get bigger and better results Youll discover exactly how to set everything up insidePlus, a whole lot more!The guide to marketing on Snapchat is the most complete, step-by-step guide to generating a massive following, getting traffic, and sales with Snapchat.But dont just take my word for it"
Price: 124.99

"Draw an eagle with the android Paintology app" |
"You can make this digital drawing of an eagle on your phone or tablet. The course shows you step by step on how to use the brush tools of the Paintology app to create these kind of drawings and more. You will learn and develop drawing techniques and skills that will help you to create your own drawings using this app.Digital drawing is easy with the free Paintology app from the Google play store will show you how.Thanks to it's intuitive interface, you will rapidly increase your drawing skills and techniques and apply to your own drawings."
Price: 24.99

"Salute, bellezza e benessere con le propriet delle erbe" |
"Questo corso ti guider alla scoperta delle propriet e delle virt di ben 32 specie di erbe o piante, tra le pi comuni che ci sono sia da raccogliere e sia da acquistare nei negozi o nelle erboristerie.Scoprirai segreti e vari metodi di utilizzo per i pi svariati impieghi.Infatti le erbe possono essere usate come farmaci e medicamenti, ma non solo, sono nutrienti, energizzanti, incidono sul nostro umore, allontanano stress e tensioni.Inoltre le possiamo usare per la cura del corpo, per l'igiene quotidiana, per la cosmesi, per inestetismi della pelle.Insomma, Madre Natura ci mette a disposizione tutto quello di cui abbiamo bisogno per migliorare il nostro benessere.Inizia a preparare il tuo primo rimedio a base di erbe fin da subito.E' pi facile di quanto credi!C' un movimento crescente di persone che vogliono ritornare alla natura, vogliono riscoprirne i valori e i benefici. Puoi farne parte anche tu. Otterrai una salute migliore sapendo quali piante usare e come usarle. Sarai pi autosufficiente senza bisogno di molti farmaci o prodotti industriali. Avrai un ruolo centrale nel tuo benessere e nelle persone che ami. Non troverai mai una medicina erboristica di qualit migliore di quella che fai tu stesso.Alla fine del corso acquisirai dimestichezza nell'utilizzo dei vari rimedi. Non solo capirai quali piante usare, ma anche perch sono efficaci. Potrai anche fare riferimento al materiale del corso ogni volta che lo desideri. Le erbe sono prontamente disponibili per tutti, che tu le coltivi, le raccogli o le acquisti. Le erbe possono essere utili per malattie specifiche, prevenzione, energia e vitalit. Le erbe possono supportare altre forme di medicina e metodi di guarigione. I farmaci a base di erbe sono facili ed economici da preparare e facili da usare. Le erbe sono molto efficaci e sicure.Le piante sono state utilizzate con successo come medicina nel corso della storia. Attualmente, l'Organizzazione mondiale della sanit afferma che oltre l'80% delle persone sulla terra utilizza le erbe come forma primaria di medicina.Scopri questa importante modalit di guarigione e impara come incorporare le erbe nella tua vita per una salute ottimale.Ecco cosa otterrai dal corso: Comprensione pratica di cos' l'erboristeria e di come funziona. Sapere come fare tinture, tisane, oli, pomate, mieli, sciroppi, impacchi e cataplasmi. Dettagli di 32 delle erbe medicinali pi comunemente usate.Troverai nell'ultima lezione il link per scaricare il mio personale certificato.In pi, hai accesso a vita al corso e al materiale. Puoi utilizzare il corso come riferimento continuo."
Price: 119.99

sergofitness |
". 3 , -. 3 . , , 3 , . . , . ."
Price: 79.99

"Color Therapy: Learning to Use Color to Change An Emotion" |
"Colors have powerful emotions attached it it. And they communicate a lot of things to us. If you actually observe, the kind of color that you choose to visualise will have a deep psychological effect on you. And you can use this knowledge to benefit your emotional state of well being.I will show you how you can harness the power of a color by getting into the psychology of what a color subconsciously speaks to you! I can say, as a holistic therapist, color therapy is one of the many therapeutic forms that really helps in lifting ones overall mood, and curing many of our downside emotional imbalance.This course is made specifically in mind for those who want to actually play with colors and feel the effects that it can have on the overall mood and well being of a person and their surrounding. Colors speak a lot without saying a word themselves. And colors are powerful.Color plays a very vital role in our daily lives. It is this reason why you have never seen a bedroom painted in red, nor ever seen a person wear a yellow suit for a job interview!In this class, Im going to show you the psychological effects that each color has on us, and the emotions it actually creates within us. Ill be covering what colors go well with children from all age groups right from the infant stage to their teenage years.We will also be doing a little bit of home dcor in here. Here, we shall also be getting the ideal color palette for each room in your home and the reasoning behind why only such specific colors are chosen. A complete home dcor palette for every room in your home. Right from the kitchen to the bedrooms.Together we are going to do a few exercises, to help you find your skin undertone. Once Ive helped you find your skin undertone, Ill help you with your wardrobe. A complete makeover.What You Will Get From This ClassI'll help you discover your natural skin undertoneYour color seasonYour ideal color palette for eachseasonThe best color choices for each room in your houseIdeal gender specific color clothes to wear from infant to adultsWhy Color Psychology?Let's evovle: From just seeing a color to feeing a color. How you feel about yourself, speaks a lot about yourself to others. If the color blue is to calm oneself, imagine what the other colors are capable of.There are no side effects to this therapeutic form, and it costs nothing to feel great!It's fun: Colors were always something fun for us from our childhood. It still hasn't lost it's appeal."
Price: 24.99

"Online Course Creation Mastery - For Teachers" |
"Delivering the lecture and educational material via the Internet and using various apps/software/technology and techniques.This course also helps you to create online courses and provides a structured, organized, and effective medium for delivery of classes. This course will help you to provides time flexibility, learning in your comfort zone, enhanced interaction, and cost-effectiveness also."
Price: 1280.00

alwayspython |
"sting/int loops function"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado" |
"O Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado foi instituto e criado pela lei 10.792/03, com o objetivo de frear a atuao das Organizaes Criminosas pelo Brasil.Com a entrada em vigor da lei 13.964/19 (Pacote Anticrime), o Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado sofreu diversas alteraes, em especial nas suas caractersticas e aplicao.O curso analisa o Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado, abordando seu conceito histrico, natureza jurdica, caractersticas, competncia, procedimento, local de cumprimento e constitucionalidade.Este curso visa demonstrar aos alunos o que o Regime Disciplinar Diferenciado e atualizar os profissionais do Direito a respeito das inovaes trazidas com o Pacote Anticrime a respeito do tema de forma simples e objetiva."
Price: 39.99

"Ayurvedic Fasting & Detoxing" |
"In this 2.5 hour Course (broken up into 5-10minute videos) you'll learn how to fast and detoxify in a safe, delicious, sustainable way, according to Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India and has a long history of applying fasting, detoxing or cleansing to maintain good health.Done appropriately, fasting and detoxification can help you maintain your ideal weight, increase energy, improve your complexion, and improve your health and wellbeing.At the Course you will learn:The Ayurvedic model of nutrition Why regular fasting is considered so importantHow to fast the Ayurvedic way, to support digestion, the immune system and the mindHow to incorporate fasting into daily lifeHow to carry out seasonal fasting and whyHow the Ayurvedic approach differs from other techniques The side effects of improper fasting or cleansingAnd about Panchakarma, Ayurveda's unique approach to deep cleansing and rejuvenationThe Course includes several bonus handouts:a 3-5 Day Ayurvedic Fast with RecipesGuidelines for Cleansing in Daily Lifean Ayurvedic version of the 5:2 Fast Diet (we call ours the 4:2:1 Ayurvedic Diet!), for those interested in Intermittent Fasting.This course is suitable for complete newcomers to Ayurveda but also those more familiar with Ayurvedic principles.Buy now to learn everything you need to know about fasting and detoxing from an Ayurvedic perspective in the comfort of your own home!"
Price: 34.99

"Ayurveda for Menopause" |
"Menopause has the potential to be a very special time - a time of transition from one phase of life to another. In many cultures it is a time that is cherished and celebrated, but too often this is not the case. Many women have a great deal of apprehension around Menopause and often suffer from debilitating symptoms that can go on for years.From an Ayurvedic point of view, much can be done to manage the underlying causes of these symptoms, and to prepare for this time of life, ensuring the transition is as smooth, even as enjoyable as possible....In this 2 hour course you'll learn:a clear Ayurvedic explanation of the Menopausal transition, from Peri to Post Menopausewhy women have hot flushes, insomnia, dryness, overwhelm and sensitivity.... and what can be done to helpdietary changes to support digestion and prevent excessive weight gainsimple practices to help calm and stabilise the mind and nervous system functionherbal preparations and treatments that can helpwhat can help women develop greater stability, vitality and self-compassion through this natural transition.This course is suitable for complete newcomers to Ayurveda, but also for those more familiar with its principles.It is suitable for women starting to experience peri-menopausal symptoms, those right in the middle of menopause and also for women in their late 30s and 40s who would like to better understand and prepare for the transition ahead!TESTIMONIALS""A big thank you to Kester, I really enjoyed it. It was very helpful, he did a truly wonderful job."" - Sheona""Thanks for a course. It was so worthwhile for me as Im 51 and can feel the nudge of Peri Menopausal signals."" - Sara""Fantastic course... many thanks."" - Rosemary""I loved the course. I really appreciate a man who can make me feel excited for menopause!"" - Ange"
Price: 34.99

"Supercharged Breakfasts for all occasions" |
"This course will teach you all the basics you need to start your day on a positive food note. Some of the breakfast recipes teach you how to prepare bulk foods that save you time and money. Nourishing wholesome foods will become a staple to your daily diet plan. Some are fancy, some are great for pre-cooking and if you are into organics and wholefoods, you will find many new favourites in these step-by-step videos that also offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 104.99

"Curries from around the world" |
"In this course, you learn about spices and spice preparations, blending and making different style curry pastes and curries suitable for freezing. Even transform your fridge and freezer left overs into great everyday curries, invest into your health, nourish your body and find many new favourites in these step-by-step cooking videos that also offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 74.99

"Wholesome Salads for Everyday of the Year" |
"This course will teach you all the basics you need to create delicious healthy salads that will become a staple to your diet plan. Some are fancy and some are great for pre-cooking. If you are into organics and wholefoods, you will find many new favourites in these step-by-step videos that offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 89.99

"Pasta Classics and Pasta Sauces" |
"Cook pasta dishes and sauces as good as your favourite Italian pasta restaurant and learn many new cooking techniques. Learn how to pre-cook and store bulk sauces that save you time and money. Learn to apply sauces onto pasta without splitting as well as plating and experience many new favourites in these step- by- step cooking videos that also offer you many useful cooking tips."
Price: 104.99

"My French Adventure : French Language Course for Children" |
"My French Adventure is an online French course designed for children between 5 and 10 years old. It is the ideal course to introduce children to the basics of French. How does a baby acquire language? Through playing and singing. My French adventure takes this approach in order to teach kids French. There are 50 lessons that consist of introducing the subject matter and then practising it in The French Adventure. The 50 lessons amount to a total time of 4 hours. There is also a workbook full of fun activities to use alongside the lessons. These activities include:colouring pages, cutting out, and reading. After this course children will know: how to greet in French; how to introduce themselves; how to count to 30; how to name different colours; and a lot more!Your child will be introduced to different vocabulary themes such as:certain food and drinks;family members;some animal names;Adjectives such as beautiful, pretty, big, small, hot, cold... and important verbs. He/she will meet different characters that will help them remember important vocabulary. All of this happens while singing, using your imagination and having fun. If you want to introduce your child to the basics of French conversation, then this course is perfect for you. Let the adventure begin!"
Price: 350.00

"Learn How to Earn & Automate Sales On Fiverr in 2020" |
"Learn how to identify your most valuable skills and use them to build your own side-business with a loyal and well-paying customer base.And YES! It is possible to build a side-business which brings in additional income while still working at your regular job. This course is for everyone who is willing to put in the effort to get real & tangible results and create an additional income stream which could allow you to afford that breath-taking travel destination or fulfilling other dreams.What is This Course About?This is not a shortcut or some secret formula for getting fast results. I cannot even promise you a supercar in the first month or earning $639,994 in the next 34 days. What I can guarantee is that if you put consistent effort and listen to tips I give out in the course, you will for sure develop new skills, get clients and be levels closer to where you want to be. If you are not ready to hustle and grind, this course is NOT for you!What is Fiverr?Fiverr is a global freelancing marketplace that connects buyers with sellers. You can sell practically ANY service virtually and attract repeated high-paying customers.Who is this course for?The course is designed for ANYBODY who wants to start side-hustle, learn new skills, or make the first steps towards making money online.What is the goal of the course?To teach realistic blueprint of starting your business on Fiverr and growing it into a sustainable income source whether as a side-hustle or full-time entrepreneur.Here's What You'll Get With This Course:Full Tutorials & Strategies:Complete step-by-step guides, over 30+ instructional videos together with complimentary slides & materials with examples.You'll be able to replicate exact strategies and processes EASILY. 2. LIVE Recordings with Feedback:follow along as you open an account and publish highly-converting gigs. All tips & tricks revealed alongside with algorithm cracks.Live Record of me publishing a brand new account full of converting gigs and services that you can DUPLICATE. 3. Actual Services I Sold:access past deliveries that were ordered by my clients for hundreds of dollars. You'll be able to start selling ASAP by modifying (or even copying) my materials.More than 10 different services including ACTUAL deliveries. Social Media Audits, Shopify Audits, Copywriting Gigs, Media Strategy, Checklists, and many more!Rated ""Excellent"" on TrustPilotSee what others had to say about the course by visiting TrustPilot website. These reviews are authentic, from real people who enrolled and took the course.LIST OF MODULES IN THIS COURSEINTRODUCTIONIn this introductory module, Ill explain how the course works, present the structure of modules, and what you should do to get the most out of every session.Research has proven that these introductory videos are the best way to ensure your success and make sure you and I are on the same page from the moment we begin.STRATEGY BLUEPRINTThis part of the course is dedicated to learning the basics of the Fiverr marketplace and understanding the main rules and options.Learn: Navigating the platform and understanding the logic behind gig-structure and seller positioning.Goal: To clarify how Fiverr platform works and why seller levels are so important to grow exponentially.PRODUCT RESEARCH & MARKET VALIDATIONAfter being familiar with Fiverr platform, we proceed to learn the principles behind finding the right gigs to sell and validating demand for the services.Learn: analyzing the niche and understanding if there is enough demand to rank in the top fastly.Goal: be able to find unsaturated niches with high demand and create gigs to dominate them.LIVE GIG SET-UPThis module demonstrates a step-by-step live session of publishing a ready-to-sell gig.Learn: How to come up with the right selling angles, keywords, how to design highly-converting thumbnail, set up pricing modules, and other required details!Goal: know the principles behind successful gigs and typical mistakes to be avoided.GROW SALES & INCREASE CONVERSION RATESWhen the first gigs are already up for a sell, it's important to dive into specific ways to boost conversion rates and increase total sales.Learn: actionable steps to massively improve your chances of being a successful seller on Fiverr.Goal: avoiding beginner mistakes that prevent you from growing.OUTSOURCE & AUTOMATE REVENUEThis is where all the fun starts! We will NOT be discussing how to build a passive income while laying on a beach in Mexico and drinking margaritas without doing anything. This step, like all others before, requires a specific set of skills and knowledge (and most importantly EFFORT!) to succeed.Learn: how to massively increase turnover to hire contractors on behalf of you, what systems to use, how to choose the right people, which channels to utilize, etc.Goal: be able to outsource your orders to improve turnaround times, quality, profitability, and most importantly free up YOUR time.BIGGEST MISTAKES & MY EXPERIENCEIn this module, we go through the biggest mistakes I made as a beginner seller on Fiverr and how you can avoid them from the start. Learn from others' mistakes - it's cheaper!TRANSFORM INTO AGENCYOnce you have reached successful seller status on Fiverr with outsourced freelancers, it's a great time to expand your clientele beyond the platform and offer services for companies outside.At this point, you have a team, skills, reviews, case studies, portfolios, and experience. A perfect combination of a scalable agency with even higher-tier clients and budgets.COPY MY ACTUAL DELIVERIES & SELL YOURSFinish up with probably the most valuable part of the course: ACTUAL deliveries of the services that my clients paid me hundreds of dollars for. All pdf. and doc. files are included so you can improve (or copy) them to sell as your own services.Social Media Audits, Shopify Audits, Copywriting Gigs, Media Strategy, Checklists, and many more!FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWill this course work for me if I have no skills to offer yet?We all have at least one thing we are good at, even if you may not believe in the beginning. Nevertheless, this course teaches the exact method of how to do product research and determine what services are demanded. Accordingly, we guide on where such skills can be learned quickly and with high-quality.I have tried selling on Fiverr before without any success. How will this time be different?The main determinant of being successful on Fiverr is having the right offer at the right time in front of the right people. This course will give you another perspective on positioning, main mistakes, and how to avoid them!How fast can I actually start to sell?The course is designed to do instant action. You can watch the videos and do tasks along with the instructor.Moreover, live demonstrations and ACTUAL examples of deliveries are included in the course, thus, making the first steps are much easier."
Price: 39.99

"Quantitative Aptitude for SSC/IBPS/CSAT/placement" |
"The Quantitative Aptitude part 1 course will help students to prepare for their government, MNC and IQ based exams. This course will help my students to get an expertise in algebra, ratio and proportions, surds and indices, linear and quadratic equations and mensuration 2D.Remember students, Quantitative aptitude is a very important section to get success in life. You will questions related to QA in every sector. Even after completing your college, you will be facing recruitment papers based on QA, where you will perform great after going through my course."
Price: 1600.00

"Do Zero Parada de Uma Mo" |
"Neste curso eu desenvolvi uma metodologia de fcil compreenso das tcnicas mais complexas do 'HandBalance (Parada de Mo)'. O passo--passo at se alcanar a Maestria. O Curso dividido por mdulos, o que traz organizao ao seu Treinamento para que voc possa identificar o seu Nvel para fazer os exerccios especficos PARA VOC. Todas as medidas preventivas de leses tambm esto inclusas no Curso. Este Curso no tem idade limite, o mximo que ir acontecer que o progresso ser um pouco mais lento por conta da regenerao muscular ps-treinos. Mas no existem limitaes pois o prprio Curso foi desenvolvido de maneira GRADUAL e PROGRESSIVA. E voc ir apenas passar para um nvel mais avanado quando estiver realmente pronto para isso!"
Price: 249.99

"Ableton Live 10 Basics" |
"Egal ob Neuling oder erfahrener Produzent mit dem Ziel, eine neue DAW zu erlernen: In diesem Kurs werden Sie verstndlich und zeiteffizient in die Grundlagen von Ableton Live eingefhrt. Angefangen von der grundlegenden Handhabung und Orientierung innerhalb der DAW, bishin zu charakteristischen Funktionen, wie dem Warping, werden Sie von Matthias Jake Dile Weigold Schritt fr Schritt an smtliche nennenswerten Features und Eigenheiten des Programmes herangefhrt."
Price: 19.99

"VMware vSphere Full Training 6.5 /6.7 VCP: Beginner to Adv." |
"DescriptionInformation: The course prepares you both for VCA-2020 & VCP 2020 certification during the training you will be open to post your queries on comments Section, our representative will answer within 24 hours.This is specially designed training for all those who want to learn VMware in better unique way. We all know that now days there are lots of free material available on internet to learn anything but that all are in scattered way, not organized properly, very confusing from where to start. Thats why we designed this training course so that you guys will able to learn quickly in less in theory and more in practical way.Beginners welcome: no need to know anything about VMware!The VMware Certified Professional & Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just VMware, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured; I've passed it myself with a score of 400+ marks out of 500. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the VMware Certified Professional & Associate certification with flying colors.This is going to be a long journey, but passing the VMware Certified Professional & Associate exam will be worth it!This VMWARE Certified Associate & Professional course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you'll judge!)We will spend over three hours discussing solution architecture on VMWARE in depth.It covers in-depth all the new topics on the VMWARE Certified ProfessionalIt's packed with practical knowledge on how to use VMWARE inside and out as a solutions architectIt teaches you how to prepare for the VMWARE exam AND how to prepare for the real worldIt's a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random servicesIt's fast-paced and to the pointConcretely, here's what we'll learn after this trainingThe VMWARE Fundamentals: Overview of Infrastructure / Datacenter, vSphere components, Install and Configure of ESXi, VM management, vCenter ideaThe VMWARE CLI: CLI setup, usage on ESXi, best practices, , advanced usage of vCenterCreate, configure and manage virtual StorageCreating and Configuring Virtual NetworksCreate, configure & manage of Virtual MachinesSnapshot of Virtual machineInstall and Manage of vCentervMotion & storage vMotionvSphere HA, FTEVC ModevSphere DRS and DPMvSphere Update ManagerBasic overview of Site Recovery ManagerInstructorMy name is Sunil Pal, and I'll be your instructor in this course. I am a VMware Certified Advance Professional (VCAP-Design), VMware certified Professional (VCP-DCV), VMware Certified Network Professional (VCP-NV) with more than 15 year of Industrial experience, worked in most of TOP MNCs companies, also working as Corporate trainer, specialized in VMware VCF and VMware NSX-T"
Price: 10240.00
